#Plant Engineer Vash
teeth-and-tea · 1 year
Vash!Plant Engineer HdCns Because My Day Job Is ACTUAL Tech Installations
Sup I'm just the local GNC gay tech installer and when someone was like "Vash as a plant engineer!!!" I loved it because this is something I can ACTUALLY contribute to. Engineers and installers/mechanics are different careers and do different things but the image I see is closer to my job than people think lmao
He started wearing black because he kept forgetting sharpies and pens in his pockets when tossing his clothes in the washer. They all started out in white T-shirts and alas, they never stay that way
He knows EXACTLY how long his index finger is and the length of the middle part of his finger (trying to get to a tape measure when it's on the otherside of the site and you forgot it? Improv time but you still want to be mostly accurate) (my middle bit of the index finger is 1 1/4 inches long)
Box and wire cutters are part of the FIT you don't UNDERSTAND
No he doesn't need to collect those extra screws and bolts but WHAT IF ANOTHER SITE NEEDS THEM??? Doesn't matter that he already has a gallon container of those exact screws YOU NEVER KNOW. (His pockets are ALWAYS full of nuts and bolts and screws, even though if he squats sometimes they stab his leg)
Has one (1) pair of good work boots and always forgets to wear them because converse and high tops are so COMFY
You look through his suitcase and there will be more pairs of socks than literally any other combo of clothing (going commando is less of a hassle and less disgusting than wearing the same pair of sweaty icky gross crusty socks 2 days in a row)
"My safety glasses is just squinting" - An OSHA regulator's ghost comes back just to smack him
Will eat food with the nastiest dirtiest hands alive and forget about it
Speaking of: his hands are ROUGH. Dry as a goddamn BONE. He has a singular travel sized hand lotion bottle in his pack out and he always forgets about it. Can always open a jar of pickles tho.
No one believes this IS the guy they called because "youre so young" "you just don't look like a-" "is this your first time" etc etc etc and he carries around a special laminated card on a string just to prove who he is
His packout is composed of whole SETS of tools in their appropriate cases but never actually organized in there, so they rattle around like the Devil's Baby Toy. Also holds 2 spare sets of the most tangled, atrocious headphones you've ever seen in your LIFE
His most precious tool is a 12-in-one screwdriver that he can just exchange out the heads for to get what he needs immediately. No you cannot use his. Yes it has paint on it to signify its his. Yes he loses it all the time, but no it also never leaves his pockets. It has legs of its own and he KNOWS its trying to run away he just KNOWS.
Always smells like oil and burning metal and sawdust (maybe?)
The little click a wire makes when connected is SO satisfying
WILL curse the ghosts of people who over-engineered A Thing so bad it'll break if you so much as sneeze at it
Talks to himself or his Big Sisters to figure out a problem
Gets really excited about matching tool sets and WILL talk about them for a WHILE with other tool heads (becomes a beloved Hononary Grandson and Nephew to SO MANY old guys)
His back is SHIT but his thighs are AMAZING
Anyways, hope this helps!
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leona-florianova · 2 years
The concept of what Knives and Vash are is so funny to me...
Imagine if a nuclear powerplant somehow decided that it really wants to communicate with humans, so one day it just inexplicably creates some babies... And then these babies grow up to be a homicidal maniac whos also a doomsday cult leader..... and the other grows up to be an insanely kind pacifist gunslinger who acts like a fool. 
just Imagine if chernobyl did that instead of exploding. 
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wolfwillowisp · 1 year
Listen I’ve had no shortage of weird sad fandom related dreams but I think I just had the most upsetting one possible. It was about the 1998 Trigun anime, Vash as a kid on the colony ship being groomed and molested by an adult male crew member. Awful. Awful. I hate that.
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orcelito · 1 year
ok i watched episode 16 of trigun 98 and i have a Few Thoughts, but the biggest ones are:
Is This Some Sort Of Twisted Christian Science?
no joke i had to pause the video for the twisted christian science thing bc i was laughing so fucking hard i was nearly choking. thanks, rai-dei
& of course the Moon Beam which was expected. what WASNT expected was the fact that Legato caused it instead of Knives. but knowing what happened in chapter 32 of trimax, it's not entirely out of the realm of the manga's canon either. but i Am sad about how we didnt get to see the #Looks both Vash and Knives served in the fifth moon incident in the manga. man.
interesting implications all around. im wondering where the Fuck knives is, bc we saw in the manga that he was regenerating, but now it's like. where tf is he, actually? we've only gotten snapshots of him so far. the briefest of thoughts. episode 16 and we're only just now getting direct confirmation that Vash is VERY not human (plus a confirmation that July was set 23 years ago in the anime, which is an added weirdness for new watchers who dont know about him being functionally immortal)
preview of the next episode shows that it's Backstory Episode. im done watching for today but im looking forward to seeing what the anime sets for that
#speculation nation#fanny watches trigun#trigun spoilers/#still laughing at the twisted christian science. it's like. honestly? he's not that far off#considering the plants are like. angelic in nature. and also genetically engineered beings.#which that sure sounds like some twisted christian science to me!#love that this is the first time we actually see wolfwood kill someone too#all the times we've seen him before this in the anime he's spared ppl bc Vash was there#but he just shot rai-dei no problem. kablammo#a lil sad it's not accompanied by the vashwood argument & iconic gun to head moment. but ya win some ya lose some i guess#overall im watching this without expectations of it following what im familiar with in the manga#for the original manga it was taking the events and shuffling them around Anyways#and now that we're beyond the original manga. all bets are off. i have no idea where things are going from here on.#im genuinely pretty surprised by the fact that they changed the location of the fifth moon incident#like why move it to Augusta instead of Jeneora? Augusta is Not Close to Jeneora either#a good 1000km if im remembering right. quite a ways to travel.#it's interesting to see the view of Augusta. bc i dont think it's shown in the manga. hmm#this makes me wonder where the fuck Lina & Sheryl are living. bc it's not May city and it's not Augusta. but it's close to Jeneora#Jeneora is the way point between May and Augusta. that's stated in the manga.#but if it's not Augusta and it's not May. where is it? some random tiny town that happens to be by Jeneora?#idk. many questions. the anime is only making my idea of geography in this damned manga even more convoluted#i do really need to put together that official resource for myself for notes on locations. ive been idly collecting things for this purpose#bits here and there. any mentions of locations. and there are so many. but so few definite facts for where any of this is#oh trigun why must you be so convoluted... why couldnt we get a fucking MAP... and no im not counting tristamp's map#theyve changed shit anyways. i want to know where shit is in the MANGA ok#many thoughts. i am so frustrated by geography. Trying My Best Here lsjdflskdjfdkjfs
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tlaquetzqui · 2 years
Can you believe people are actually debating what the Traveler and the Witness stand for, while a Trigun anime is on the air?
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feliciadraws · 10 months
I kinda feel like if Faith were an actual canon character in Trigun then she would do numbers on girl blogger Tumblr
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alena-draws · 1 year
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Beware of major Trigun spoilers!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Read from right to left 
Wolfwood, the comic relief character...
I don’t know if it’s totally clear, but on page 5 you can see Vash’s plant lines in his face! With the plant blood now circling in his veins he has become half plant, thus becoming more like the old Vash..and also I can still give him that beautiful plant pattern. At this point in the story, Vash has obviously already remembered Wolfwood’s death scene. Wolfwood on the other hand, hasn’t still remembered anything...BUT I intended for him to do that, just a bit later. Maybe also in a different way, while Vash remembers during sleep, Wolfwood would suddenly get dizzy or faint, more being washed over with too many stimuli and emotions, hitting him more like a train. Sorry, guy.
2nd part of my vashwood reincarnation AU “Cutting the Strings of Fate”. Look under the cut for the whole story idea:
Many decades after the events of Trigun Maximum, Vash is reborn on the same planet. Even though still needed to sustain themselves, humans are less dependant of plants now, and the great project to cultivate the planet has been very successfull, with the first forests and occassional green that will grow out of the dry soil. Vash is a young but skillful plant engineer, who will also from time to time help out in different towns to have a look at their local plants. One day he starts having dreams about his past life, with them getting clearer and clearer and revealing more of his past. He meets Zazie, who is still the old Beast who knew Vash the Stampede. Because of that, Zazie notices that the very individual electric impulse of Vash, that every being gives off and can be detected by the worms, is indeed very close to the same signal of Vash the Stampede. Thus confirming that  Vash is indeed some kind of reincarnation.
Vash's brother Nai works as a bioengineer, looking after the preservation of important vegetation in another city, where their mother Rem lives, too. Vash meets Wolfwood, who starts to help out in the plant facility as a odd-job man, and they grow closer together. One day though, an accident happens, convincing Vash and Zazie that Vash's history is trying to repeat itself. They fear that just like in the past, Nai who is obviously another reincarnation could run berserk, and that Rem and Wolfwood are, just as well, in danger to become fate's victim once again.
With the help of Zazie that can feel how, after each past event repeating itself in some way, Vash's and the others' electric signals grow closer to their past selves', they try to defy fate and bring about a happy end for everyone. (Yay!)
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bridgekc · 5 months
OMGGGGG one piece is my constant obsession and Trigun is my recent obsession so them mashed together is making my neurons dance
Who would Wolfwood be? Would it be Zoro? Or Sanji?? Or Robin???
I'm gonna make a guess that Nami n Usopp are the insurance people but idk--
JULY LORE???!!!???
Sorry if that's too many questions! I really love ur au!
don’t worry, there are never too many questions 😌🙌
but i’m gonna use this ask to clarify - this au isn’t 1:1 with trigun, just in the same verse. so while ASL are clearly paralleling vash and knives, they aren’t the same characters. for example, unlike knives, sabo doesn’t hate ALL of humanity, he’s just a little extra willing to murder them. so basically same setting, different cast.
for the other crew members, i’ve got three roles figured out so far:
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plant engineer/researcher robin, saloon owner (to-be) sanji, and alcoholic bounty hunter zoro
i haven’t fully decided who’s gonna be doing what for the other characters, but i honestly love the idea of nami and usopp being the insurance girls, that just feels right 😭
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versaphile · 1 year
Considering tristamp Vash’s feelings about his plantness compared to trimax Vash. I don’t think trimax Vash had any real engagement with his powers prior to Knives forcing them out of him in July. And then once that happened, trimax Vash is just incredibly upset by any manifestation of his powers until the whole escape from the Ark where he finally gains control over them and uses them defensively with intent. Which makes sense. Aside from the initial traumas of Tesla and The Big Fall, it seems like Vash just kinda hung out for however many decades. First with Knives, then with humans, and like, he actually allowed himself to become part of the fabric of communities (Ship 3, July). Aside from being functionally immortal and able to commune somewhat with dependent plants, he was basically just a human. His interaction with plants is limited, and what we do see is generally centered on helping humans.
But Tristamp Vash is such a different kettle of fish. First there’s the stronger contrast between him and Knives, with Knives being far more plant-like than Vash and that being a source of conflict between them. And then right after TBF he learns he does have plant abilities. He can help/heal dependent plants, which is enormously powerful and earns him a place in the human community. And then the more dramatic discovery of his drain arm, which of course he promptly loses. So like, that’s a LOT to process for him. He had this part of himself he had no idea about and it was super dangerous but it’s already gone, so— ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And he clearly spends the next 140-odd years going around helping his sisters as his main thing. Like, he also enjoys being with humans very much. He cares for both groups. But he isn’t just hanging out like any human. He has a real purpose in taking care of all the plants all over NML. And there’s no way 140+ years of regular interactions with plants and this power doesn’t change his perspective compared to Trimax Vash.
And not only that, but Tristamp Vash apparently had no idea about this Core thing which could be considered either connected to his other powers or as a third power. So that’s thrown at him, but even though it’s tangled up in uhhhh the whole JuLai fiasco, once all that is unlocked, he bounces right back up, embracing his full strength, the wing, uses his powers to make plant bullets (and making a prosthetic angel arm), the whole deal that Trimax Vash took until the very end of the manga to achieve. And I think a big part of his ability to do that is the 140+ years of embracing his plantness, not ignoring it or denying it. Tristamp Vash is just so much more connected to that part of himself, despite his complicated feelings due to Tesla and Knives, and the general threat humans represent to his autonomy and freedom.
Tristamp Vash does hide his true nature from people (wisely so given his off-the-charts value as a plant that can heal plants), but the bounty is a new thing at the start of Stampede, he hasn’t been forced out of human society like Trimax Vash. Being the planet’s itinerant plant engineer has probably made him everyone’s favorite cryptid. Clearly there’s still chaos in his life, as far back as Rollo he has his Stampede/Typhoon reputation. But it’s a gentler one than post-July Trimax Vash starts his story with. The destruction of Juneora Rock is what starts to darken Tristamp Vash’s rep, cemented by JuLai.
And JuLai is very different from July in so many ways. July was an almost completely involuntary action on Trimax Vash’s part, Knives made everything happen and the only part that didn’t go to his plan was Vash pointing the angel arm at him, and while Vash puts the blame on himself he’s not a reliable narrator for it. JuLai, meanwhile, while it still had a lot of Knives violating the heck out of Vash, Vash was able to fight back and come very close to salvaging the entire situation up until the very end. And Knives put himself in the way of the destruction this time, while Vash begged him to stop and save himself.
Vash will of course 100% blame himself for JuLai because that’s what he does, it’s how he copes. And his failure to safely get rid of that energy cube probably feels like more of a direct responsibility, direct guilt, than Trimax Vash maybe kinda pulling the trigger on the angel arm that Knives had really already fired. More relevant is the fact that while Vash’s powers were what caused the explosion, they’re several steps removed from it. It wasn’t Vash’s body that turned into a gun against his will and swallowed JuLai, with all the body horror that provides. Vash reclaimed his self and agency from Knives, put the energy into the cube to stabilize it, tried to get it out, tried to save JuLai and Knives, and it was a direct struggle between the twins that kept Vash from getting all the energy safely into space. Vash is obviously devastated as Ericks, there’s no way he wouldn’t be devastated at having even a fraction of the responsibility for so much destruction and death. But I don’t see why he would feel the way Trimax Vash feels about being a plant and his powers. It’s just a totally different dynamic.
For Trimax Vash, his identity as a plant represents trauma and loss of agency. For Tristamp Vash, his feelings are complicated but overall his identity as a plant enables him. It gives him purpose, belonging, strength. Trimax Vash is more emotionally aligned with humans because he feels more like a human. Tristamp Vash loves humans but I think he does accept himself as a plant to a significant degree. Tristamp Vash’s greater conflict is being stuck between humanity and plants in terms of the survival of both species. He wants to save both but the best he can do is keep everyone alive until he can’t anymore. That’s devastating to him in a totally different way. I think Tristamp overall is far more focused on survival for entire groups instead of the survival of individuals via pacifism vs killing. Tristamp Vash has a bigger worldview than Trimax Vash, who ignores the bigger picture to overly focus on individuals as a source of hope. Trimax Vash wants to save everyone but Tristamp Vash wants to save EVERYONE. Trimax Vash’s pacifism is driven by his Tesla trauma and subsequent suicide attempt/Rem’s efforts to help him. Tristamp Vash’s savior complex is driven by his Big Fall trauma.
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magadauthan · 6 months
Trimax Vashmeryl shipping doesn't work as well for me but if it did happen, it would be like that feral cat who hangs out in your backyard. The cat obv is fond of you and you feed him because he needs to be fed and sometimes you can get close enough to give him a good brushing or schnooker him into going to the vet. And now and then the cat sits on your lap (outside) and purrs and maybe he comes inside when it's cold and sleeps on your bed, but that cat will never be happy living indoors, so don't even try.
Whereas '98 Vash is that orange cat who walks in like he owns the place and curls right up on the couch and is like "OK I AM LIVING HERE NOW" and probably eats the plants and throws up on the rug and unrolls the toilet paper. And you ain't even mad because he's cute and he snuggles with you but then there's this other cat that follows him around and pees on the cushions so that's a drawback.
Tristamp Vash is that sopping wet kitten you found in the car engine on a cold morning. Could be loving, could be spicy, not enough data.
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meguwumibear · 4 months
fics for gaza
hello everyone!! let's see how this goes. i will be participating in the @ficsforgaza initiative in an effort to raise money towards vetted fundraisers. please follow the blog and reach out with additional questions there.
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sponsor a wip
if you would like to sponsor any of my following wips, you will make a donation to any of the vetted fundraisers and send proof of donation in the form of a screenshot to myself. please block out all personal info when sending proof and indicate which of the following wips you'd like your donation to count towards. $1 will get you 100 words.
better a beta
beta!dabi x omega!reader (NSFW, dubious consent) endeavor has a hot new intern at his hero agency and dabi can't wait to ruin her
no rest for the wicked 1,500/10,000
post war dabi x reader (NSFW) the plf successfully defeats hero society. shame they're having such a hard time rebuilding the world in their image. lucky for them you worked for the hpsc and are great with pr
hawks x reader (NSFW, dubious consent)
i'm having a hard time summarizing this but basically the reader was left behind by the plf after the gigantomachia incident and hawks finds her holed up in a hotel room. they've both had sexual experiences with dabi and in his absence, well...
megumi x reader (no curse au, currently sfw) 1,000/?
meet ugly in which megumi loses control of his dogs and in an earnest attempt to stop them from escaping you get knocked flat on your ass
megumi x reader (no curse au, NSFW) 500/8,000
your shitty roommate cheats on her nice boyfriend and you suffer the consequences. years later you reconnect with her ex and wonder what life would have been like if you'd been the one to date him instead.
nai x reader (currently sfw)
once, as a child, you stick your nose where it doesn't belong. you learn what a plant is and what your survival costs. now you're a plant engineer who's caught the eye of someone or something dangerous.
i was born knowing you 500/?
astarion x reader (currently sfw, plot heavy, complex mc) a mysterious, irremovable ring finds itself on your finger. as long as you wear it you are cursed to be forgotten. decades into your sentence, you stumble across a pale elf able to remember.
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i will also open 3-5 request slots. same pricing as above ($1 per 100 words) however I am going to cap requests at 1,000 words. i reserve the right to decline requests i do not feel comfortable taking on.
what i'll write for:
jjk: open to most characters, especially megumi, yuuji, sukuna, and nanami. if you request a character i do not feel i can do justice i will inform you so
bnha: again open to most characters, especially dabi, tomura, hawks, shouto, and shinsou. and again if you request a character i do not feel i can do justice i will inform you so
trigun: wolfwood, vash, nai, legato
bg3: astarion
you can ask about other fandoms but these are currently my mains.
i am comfortable writing dark content and nsfw. if you would like to request something from me i ask you do so off anon with your age in your bio.
i will not write pregnancy or kid fics but am open to basically anything else. if you are curious about other content i will or won't write for feel free to ask.
i will do my best to send updates regarding the wc of your request. please keep in mind i work during the week and do not always have the time to write consistently.
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Alternation of Trigun Plant Generations
So, not a bird post, but they have feathers so it counts, right? Right?? *sweats*
I was recently introduced to Trigun, and am absolutely fascinated by the reproduction cycle of Plants. Its time to, once again, put my degree to good use. Here goes nothing:
So at first glance it seems pretty damn fantastical. The main character(and main villian) are the, presumably asexual, reproductive products of a creature with significant physiological differences from them. This is strange for asexual reproduction, as such a thing usually results in a sort of “clone” of the parent. Or does it?
Enter, the life cycle of a fern.
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The diagram is a little confusing, but the main point is that the diploid fern(top) asexually reproduces to create the haploid fern(bottom), which looks very little like its parent. The haploid fern can then sexually reproduce to create a another diploid fern, and the cycle goes round and round. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, I’m about to explain it in excrutiating detail. I even made a diagram!
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So similar to the fern life cycle. In Trigun, the Dependent Plant can asexually reproduce to create an Independent Plant.
First, up at the top of the diagram, the Independent Plant reaches a state of sporing.
This happens very rarely, as there are only two instances of it occurring on SEEDS ships, and no instances on Gunsmoke/Nomansland. It does seem to, however, become more common on earth, as more Independent Plants arrive at the very end of the manga. I would theorize that this has to do with an incredibly extended lifespan leading to a very late onset of sexual maturity, but that is a theory for another day.
Second, moving down and to the right on the diagram, the Dependent creates spores. These take the form of humanoid infants.
Now, this part of the diagram assumes that the known Independent Plants (ie Vash/Knives and Tesla) are actually male and female(and aren’t functionally sexless like Dependents), which is how they could theoretically reproduce sexually. This is where things diverge from general fern life cycles, as the two sexes are in separate entities not combined into one plant. Therefore, when the Dependent Plant spores, it would create either X(female) or Y(male) Plants originating from one half or the other of its own XY genes. This does align with fern reproduction somewhat, as Haploid plants are created from only one half of a copy of the Diploid plant’s genes. In ferns, both sides of the genes have both male and female characteristics, but for Plants it seems to be split, creating Independents with separate sexes.
Third in the diagram, moving to the bottom. The spores grow into recognizable Independent Plants, with far more humanoid forms than Dependents. These guys would then, at sexual maturity be able to sexually reproduce to create a Dependant Plant zygote(fancy word for baby), which would then grown into a fully formed Dependent Plant. And thus, the cycle continues.
Obviously, we do not directly see this in Trigun, as for the majority of the story, there are only two(presumably male) Independent plants. This cycles has clearly not been documented in the era of the SEEDS ships, so the initial method of plant reproduction was likely simple cloning with some genetic engineering involved. But it is more than possible that natural Plant reproduction was determined on earth, which would be why we see more independents showing up with the earth ships at the end of the manga.
Additional Notes:
Returning to something I mentioned earlier on, dependent plant sporing was not occurring on Gunsmoke/Nomansland. I would guess that this is due to the levels of stress placed on the Dependents by the human populations relying on them. Had the humans been able to reduce the strain on their Plants, they may have been able to produce Independents, therefore allowing for the creation of more dependents, further reducing the strain on existing dependents. But that is just my pet theory.
I have additional theories on the mechanisms behind Dependent Plants resource production, and what an ideal environment of multiple plants living freely might look like, but that is for another post.
Thank you for reading! I honestly don't know if I will do any more non-bird metas, but if you liked this, you can always look at #bfw(my general works tag). As always, my ask box is open to suggestions for bird stuff for me to check out!
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makima-s-most-smile · 6 months
I saw this post today and thought about it (I also didn't want to rant on a post that is a year old... so... separate post)
The soul talk is from Conrad in Stampede, if I remember it right, and it is mostly basis for him to justify his eugenist views and his inhumane experimentations.
All plants are sentient and sapient. While they are individuals, they are also existing in a state of psychic linked hivemind, not quite dissimilar to Zazie the Beast (though they are one person with many bodies, while plants are many people with many bodies connected through another dimension).
Plants feel joy, hurt, fear. And humans who work with them seem to be aware of it, as seen in flashbacks in the manga. A plant engineer is shown at a last run and seen praying as the plant is killed. They know and they feel guilt.
Though, does the regular human know it? Or does the general public see them as generic producers? Kinda like people today forget that the bacon they get in the supermarket is from a once living being, a pig, that lived, breathed and oinked. And that disconnect invites greed, dehumanisation of the plants and the overusage of them. That disconnect invites waste, greed and cruelty towards plants.
A big difficulty in the coexistence between humans is -besides the dependency of humanity on plants as producers - that plants and humans cannot directly communicate. A plant cannot just say: No! She cannot decide to not produce. And that puts her in a position that is easily exploited.
Her wellbeing is in the hands of her caretakers. And the actions of those are dependent on their power (Are they independent or can someone pressure them for more food, more materials, more anything?), their education (were they taught by other plant engineers? If not, how do they avoid critical malfunctions killing more plants which worsens the pressure to produce on other plants) and environmental factors (98 put it pretty good. By destroying July without killing anyone, the people needed shelter elsewhere. The refugees put pressure on the system in place, which let to more plants dying and more humans dying as a result. No Man's Land/Gunsmoke is a system barely held in balance, if at all. Even a tiny shift in higher birthrates, a bad sandstorm, a malfunction, can topple everything.)
That's were independent plants like Knives, Vash, Tesla, Chronica and Domina come in. They are born from their sisters, who need their bulbs to live, as beings that can walk the surface and talk like the humans. Additionally to that, they need a caretaker like every baby does. That way, Independent plants are in the role of a bridge between the two species.
Independents are not only able to communicate with humans, they are also able to do the same with their sisters. Sadly… Knives and Vash SUCK at communicating. Finding the remains (are they just remains? That remains to be seen… (In Stampede)) of Tesla, traumatised the boys and their following path, while diverging radically from each other, is not one of peaceful, intertwined living.
Knives is scared as fuck that he will be murdered the same way as Tesla was. While he cares about his brother, this is mostly about himself. Knives does not listen. He does not listen to Vash and he really does not listen to his sisters. Knives does as Knives does and everyone else is in for the ride.
And by stranding humanity onto a planet without any ressources like he did, Knives also made it extremely difficult for humanity to be good. They are as desperate and as vicious as Knives is (thank you @duncanor for pointing that out). Knives put humanity into a situation that makes it easy for him to point at them and say: 'Look, they are all rabid beasts, killing and maiming each other. They need to die faster.'
Vash is grieving and feels guilty. He does listen, he smiles and then keeps on going the same way he was on before. Vash is put in a situation of having to listen to his sisters being overworked and dying, but he also sees humans desperatedly fighting for ressources and trying to live. So he does nothing to change the status quo, only barely patching one grievance to rush to the next one, while trying to find his brother. Because Vash needs everyone to live. His sisters AND humanity for which Rem died. And changing the system could destroy everything. So he focuses on patching things up and stopping his brother.
Tesla is dead, Domina and Chronica are still on Earth. I am sure the latter two would be entirely overwhelmed, too, in Vash' situation. How do you fix that massive ball of mismanagement, when humanity is barely scratching by? Yes, the Independent Plants exist, they are in a unique place to overcome the crack of communication between the species.
But how? No one gave Vash or Knives any instruction in how to do their part in this. We got from one line that the independents went through a similar uprising on earth, too. But we do not know how they overcame it to coexist.
So, NO ONE is in a position to truly fix this situation, since there are not many ressources beyond the plants and there are so many more humans just existing than the planet and plants could provide for. There… there is no answer.
THIS is no trolley problem… If you save the plants, humanity dies, but plants need humanity, too. This is a last ditch effort of two species to not die out. It is their extinction. Many dinosaurs survived the meteor and then died off in the next years, decades due to starvation, thirst or just not finding a mate.
And then there is the last important part. What do the plants want? Knives does only what Knives wants, he has no idea what his sisters want. Humans also have no idea. And Vash… doesn't dare to disturb the status quo, because he wants to keep everyone alive.
From what we can gather in Trimax and interviews, plants like humans and they like producing things. And it is one of the few positive parts of Trimax' ending, plants and humans communicate. The plants share all the good and bad memories of humans with humanity and receive help from humanity. Plants see their future with humanity interlinked. They want humanity to survive, too, together.
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galactiquest · 1 year
Feral for affection uncanny vash or knives.
🌻have a good day
Hi there Sunflower Anon! I'm going to call you that, especially if you come back again with another sunflower. Thanks for the ask!!
I've seen the uncanny Vash and Knives stuff blow up in popularity. I Was there. Though sometimes I feel it's disingenuous to call them uncanny--that's our human interpretation of their forms. Maybe something more along the lines of primal? Well, syntax aside, I think it's a super fun idea to lean more into the alien ideals of Plants. I have plenty of my own headcanons for how the two look and operate, but, let's not focus on that right now. Let's just get affectionate!
Vash and Knives x Reader: Affections (Uncanny ver.)
Content Warnings: General uncanny or possibly unnerving content ahead. Features like multiple eyes/limbs/etc. are discussed, and there may be an implicit body horror to it. No violence, though! Just cuteness aside from all that!
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I think Vash is pretty hesitant at first to show you any sort of uncanny parts of himself. I mean, we already know how he feels about his scars--he really doesn't want to scare you off, especially once you two have become close.
But if you can slowly and gently coax him out of his shell, if you can convince him that yes, you'll love every part of him, no matter how ugly he may think those parts are, he'll eventually relent.
And at first, it's just a few features that pop out. It might be reflective, glowy eyes in the nighttime, or fingers that have grown out just a little too long for the average man, or even a few spiny scutes along his back.
Once he's comfortable, though? He lets it all hang out. Not like that--he just allows his true form to come through. And there's lots of limbs and even some sharp edges to deal with... But if you're patient, you'll find he's maybe even more affectionate like this!
Cuddles end up the best because now instead of two (sometimes one, if he has the prosthetic off) arms around you, it's six (more like five!) and you are ever-so-tightly squeezed against his body. He also has a very comfortable temperature, so you never have to worry about being too hot or too cold. It's just right!
Purring. Yes, I know it's cliché, I know that it's mentioned in every imagine, but come on. It's so cute. I don't think it's like animal purring, though, maybe more like an engine. Or perhaps more akin to a larger cat purring. Less cutesy, more... well, rumbly. Sometimes it makes his whole body vibrate.
With his extra appendages, he loves to tickle you. Prepare to be bombarded with tickles. He's able to dance across your skin so fast that you can barely catch him in time to try and swat him away.
Kisses! He tries to be so careful with kisses since his jaw can unhinge and all that. And lots of teeth get in the way. But if you don't mind that... Or perhaps, if you're into that... Well, you can definitely start experimenting. But he's still as gentle as possible.
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Now this is someone who's not afraid to show you their true self. Knives is going to quickly reveal his primal form to you. If you can't learn to get comfortable with it, he's obviously not for you. (It begs the question as to why he keeps a more humanoid form too--maybe it's just easier to get around in human-sized spaces with?)
No matter your initial reaction, I think he's going to make some kind of comment. You get scared? Typical human. You like it? Disgusting. You act as utterly neutral as possible? Don't lie to yourself. There's seriously no winning with him.
But with whatever charm (or perhaps sheer persistence) you give, the two of you are a pair now. And if there's one word to describe how he acts with you? It's protective.
If you two are ever out and about, he's got a sharp, bright wing curled over and around you, shielding from peering eyes. On the outside, it's all points and blades (and knives?) but on the inside, only for you to see, there's some softer, more downy feathers. Just so you won't rust up the blades, whatever you say, Knives.
His conscious self isn't keen to showing affection, but his subconscious body sure is. Expect a few tingly vines trying to wrap around and hold your hand, or a tail-like appendage that rests on your waist/shoulders, or a wing tickling your cheek. He swears he isn't doing it intentionally.
Unlike his brother, he's not a super affectionate guy, as stated above, so don't expect much in the way of kisses. Unless the two of you are alone, and he's in a better-than-usual mood. Then his cravings might get the better of him, and he might just tackle on top of you to bite a chunk out of you--I mean, get a few sloppy kisses in.
Overall? In front of others, relatively distant. Behind closed doors? You're becoming his. Tight tendrils keep you close at night, teeth nibble at the nape of your neck, the sharp edges of leaves or feathers tease your skin but never come too close. He's too precise to actually ever hurt you.
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End Notes: I think their "true" forms are something akin to an insectoid/angelic/plant-like mix, where it's sort of indescribable, archaic, tangled and messy. Maybe I ought to draw them and show you all...~
Also, there REALLY need to be more 1998 Knives gifs, or I'm about to pony up and just make a buttload of my own.
Okay, last note. Sorry this took me a while! I just moved back into college and my first week was busy! (^人^)
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Saw more people talking about Tonis and what his deal could be in S2 based on what’s already established about him during the first few episodes he was introduced in and that concept art of an older version of him Kenji Muto posted on his twitter a while back which, one, I’m so freaking happy about, this and the other concepts artworks he posted aren’t talked about nearly enough, and two, I have more thoughts to add on to it so let’s get into them.
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With how useful the Wams are, besides the fact that they have strength in numbers and size and can either fly across the sky or travel underneath the sand, their abilities are especially useful in information gathering and sabotage, as they are able to mimic other lifeforms from birds (I like to think that the vulture-like bugs that hung around Vash in episode 1 weren’t a thing to begin with since the only other birds we’ve seen so far are Tomas which were confirmed to be biologically engineered by humans) to humans (seeing as Zazie looks so convincingly like a human kid that they were able to fool Meryl and the only thing that physically set them apart from humans when they assumed a human form was a buzzing noise that humans aren’t even able to pick up in the first place) and relay images (as seen with how Zazie summoned a swarm or bacteria-sized Wams that formed the image of the planet Earth and its wildlife during their talk with Meryl in July), they are able to telepathically connect and communicate to each other, and are able to administer poison as implied by the stingers that some of them have been shown to have that I think is what Wolfwood spat out after he plucked a Wam out of midair and ate it raw and the fact that they’ve been confirmed to be what’s in those cigarettes Wolfwood and Roberto have been smoking in place of tobacco meaning that it contains either nicotine or a toxic, addictive drug with both stimulant and depressant effects like it
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(Kenji Muto actually talked about in this post depicting this piece of concept art of Zazie that their scarf is actually another kind of Wam whose stinger is very poisonous, making it good for both a means of attack and defense),
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Knives and the EoM would surely find an alternative way to keep the Wams under their thumb now that Zazie’s (and the Wams as a whole) alliance with Knives is seemingly implied to have dissolved following what had gone down in July, what with them clearly panicking about the roots, vines, and flowers from Vash’s gate that were gradually covering the entire city and even just about the rest of the planet, so much so that Wolfwood commented on it,
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and them saying how they didn’t understand the fact that humanity made Vash out to be the villain behind Lost July,
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and one way that they could do that is include the Wams as another species besides Plants they experiment on in for their eugenics research.
(Sidenote, I also like to think that Zazie made it clear to the EoM they were no longer on their side and would no longer do any favors for them when they were asked to locate Vash, which of course the EoM would do, seeing as it wouldn’t be all that difficult for them to do, what with them even having gone so far as to refer to themselves as the planet itself, only for them to refuse to do so, maybe in part as a sort of thanks to Vash for saving the planet and almost everyone on it back in July by letting him rest and relax and recover as much as he could for as long as he could with Lina after everything he’s gone though and in part as a sort of precaution seeing as since he’s seems to have lost his memories and is in no condition to leave Lina’s hometown and live on his own, much less get himself into trouble, then that means he’s out of the way for the time being.
Also, that just makes me think that they may have a part in Vash being found and brought out of hiding since with the incoming arrival of Chronica and Project Pieces of Earth fleets and possibly rumors of Knives being brought back from the grave might force them to reveal Vash’s location since he was the one who put a stop to the shit another Independent Plant pulled two years ago so he might be the only one who can put a stop to whatever either of these two plan to pull this time around two years later.)
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Conrad has tried or will try to do something like that since Wams are the natives species of No Man’s Land, at least the only ones we know of so far, so they’re more than capable of withstanding the harsh environment of the planet without the help of Plants. Actually, I kind of wouldn’t be surprised if Zazie was kind of interested in that kind of thing, since they’ve shown a genuine interest in seeing why and how they can coexist alongside Plants or humans, and agreed to allocate a couple of Wams to him for this reason.
Now onto Tonis, now that I think about it more I could see him getting roped into the EoM, seeing as Jeneora Rock has not only lost its’ Plants but also was cut to pieces by Knives, leaving him and his mother and the rest of the townspeople not only heavily injured from the collapse of his hometown, with him being down to one arm, but also homeless with little to none of the basic necessities they need to survive left, and then there’s also how, assuming his mother hadn’t suffered from a miscarraige during or after what went down in Jeneora Rock, his mother would not only have to take care of and provide for him and herself, but also his soon to be born younger sibling. That’s a lot to deal with to say the very least.
Baby supplies are expensive and babies themselves are a lot to deal with as is, but buying baby supplies and raising a baby when they both lost their home, lost people, were suffering from PTSD, and were suffering from major injuries ON NO MAN’S LAND my god, that’s just-that’s SO MUCH. And it sounds like the perfect set up for him to fall right into the hands of the EoM, I mean, didn’t Wolfwood in Trimax go with the EoM thinking that he’d be building churches for them in exchange for being able to provide for himself and the orphanage, so Tonis could be led to follow the same thought process.
Besides that he just looks so much older in the concept art compared to his first appearance in S1 that I saw some people wondering just how long the timeskip would be, but there doesn’t need to be a long timeskip for him to look that old, he just needs to be subjected to the same or at least similar experiments Rollo, Livio, and Nico had been subjected to and he’ll end up looking like that in around six months and then with the EoM having access to lost tech they could hook him up with a prosthetic arm similar to Vash’s which could be why they share a similar silhouette.
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Also, Zazie’s 98 counterpart was a normal human kid who happened to have a device that allowed him to hijack worms to do whatever he ordered them to do, and their Trimax counterpart was a human who happened to have their body hijacked by worms and did whatever they wanted them to do, so maybe Tristamp could pull something similar with Tonis.
And and, there are a couple of spots on the GHG so to speak with EG the Mine and Monev the Gale out of the picture, now they could have just done that to allow for more room to focus on the remaining GHG that haven’t appeared yet like Midvalley, Hoppered, Dominique, Leonof, and to an extent Livio, Legato, and Elendira, but they could also have done that to come up with new members to fill those empty slots, they did it in 98 with Caine, then again they didn’t bring in Livio and Elendira but still.
Not to mention, someone on twitter here pointed out how Tonis is repeatedly shown time and time again with something that has to do with catching Wams in his hands, like the cage filled with Wams he shows off to Vash and then to Gosef in Rosa’s bar, and the net he’s seen holding whenever he’s on his own like when he encounters Meryl and Roberto in the cliffside, which while it could just be something to show how much he’s into Wams, and maybe to foreshadow how Wams make for a really good alternative resource in place of Plants as addressed in episode 4, it could also be foreshadowing a potential confrontation between him and Zazie.
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I still like my previous theory about Tonis where he got his prosthetic arm from Father Nebraska as thanks for pulling Gosef out of the rubble and sparing the both of them some medical supplies as seen in a quick shot of them being one of the injured near the end of episode 3 since it looks like Vash’s prosthetic arm if it was made out of scrap metal instead of lost tech by a No Man’s Land resident than a first generation SEEDS crew member, Father Nebraska was even seated right across from Vash in the table which I’m sure would be able to afford him a good view of his arm, not to mention, he could have also seen him showing off his cage full of Wams to Gosef in the background, and Gosef’s arm was mentioned to be designed to catch Wams so he’d put two and two together and figured it’d be fitting especially since Tonis wasn’t as squirmy with Wams like Gosef was and Zazie possibly taking him under his wing for whatever reason but I’ll admit I’m quickly growing attached to this new theory and when it comes down to it I’m just really excited to see what going to go down in S2 when its finally released. @tristampparty
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novasintheroom · 8 months
005. Simplicity
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 0.5k
♡ Warnings - none
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3!
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The tumble of machines is quiet. Surprising, for a large city like April. But, you suppose that was a perk of a hole-in-the-wall laundromat – no one is coming here to party.
Swirls of water and color dance along the wall. Dryers shake against each other. An oldie station plays overhead, a song crooning out tunes from a long-dead artist. You stand by a dryer, waiting anxiously for it to signal that it’s done.
BEEEEEP. It slows to a stop, and you open the lid. With a sigh of relief, you tug out Vash’s red coat. The blood stains are gone. There are no new tears, just the ones you’ll have to sew up when you get back to the inn. You hold it up to your nose and breathe in the fresh cotton scent from the soap you’ve bought. It doesn’t smell like him anymore. You’d need to fix that.
After checking on your washer for yours and his spare clothing, you trek back to the front. Vash sits on a chair in front of the windows, idly leafing through one of the old magazines the laundromat stocks. Without preamble, you toss the coat over his head.
Vash sputters a yelp, then gently draws off his coat. “Oh,” he says, and takes a big sniff. “That smells good!”
“Right?” You sit next to him and fiddle with the sleeve. “Now all we need to wash is you.”
Vash guffaws and gives you a look. “Are you saying I smell?” When you make a face, he gasps. “That’s so mean!”
“Stinky,” you say, then lay your head on his shoulder. He forgives easily and lays his head on yours. “It’s got another fifteen minutes before I can switch it to the dryer,” you tell him.
He hums. “Do you want to go get something to eat? Are you hungry?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I asked you.”
“Yeah, but you only ever ask when you’re getting hungry.”
Vash laughs, caught. “Yeah, I’m getting a little hungry. But we can wait ‘til the loads done.”
You shift to push your head a bit more onto his shoulder. “What kind of food do they have in April? I smelled some ramen, I think.”
“They have all kinds. We should try all of them while we’re here. Especially the chocolate-and-raspberry donuts.”
You laugh. It’s a treat to be in a big city. Not often do Plants cry out in them – they have plenty of Plant engineers ready to aid their power supplies – but one called to Vash, and he needs to answer. The laundry facilities and real, cooked street food are a plus for the journey. You pat his thigh. “We’ll get some good treats, don’t you worry.”
It’s nice to sit and rest. No running, no bounty hunters (yet), just the hum of drying machines and the splash of cleaning water. A woman sits in the far corner, turning her own magazine while her little boy presses his nose to one of the washer windows. A trolly rolls by outside. The simplicity of it all is not lost on you. Not today.
Vash must feel it too. He presses a kiss to your head and mutters, “Love you.”
You smile and whisper back, “Love you too.”
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