#Planty lego
oternine · 8 months
10 years.
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I drew all this in one day, I'm proud of myself.
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crayon-cracktory · 6 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @hygffree !!!!
Emmet and Planty are wishing you birthday dearest ghosty toasty of tumblr ^^
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yacuam-fanarts · 8 months
Holy shit, the Lego movie anniversary was the 7th?!??! I completely forgot it!!! 😭
I wanted to draw something for the occasion because it's one of my favourite movies ever but I don't have time anymore so I'll finish it later, but here's a drawing of Planty because I couldn't resist.
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( I'm also doing a drawing for the Lego batman movie anniversary ',:)
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grimprotector · 6 months
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brickowskibois · 1 year
Sorry guys but the only valid Lego Movie ship is Emmet x Planty :T
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itsplanty · 3 months
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My contribution to brick fest may not have been as fancy as some others, but it was my own! 😆
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Emmet, to Benny and Unikitty: I don’t always make great decisions under pressure.
Lucy: Emmet, my special best friend, the light of my life. 
Lucy: What the hell is that?
Emmet, carrying a cactus thrice the size of him: It's a cactus! I got the last one on sale.
Emmet: I'm going to name her Prickles.
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benny-the-spaceman · 11 days
A LOT ACTUALLY. I'll leave it the characters I do the most with for now BUT YES ANON I HAVE MANY HEADCANONS
Wasian (specifically japanese and white [totes not projecting])
Everything he likes is the most average response possible (basically canon) and people do use this constantly. If you want to know the most basic, agreeable sandwich to buy for someone you don't know, ask Emmet.
After TLM2, Emmet takes up gardening as a hobby. Of course he always had planty, but now he has an entire front garden. His favorite flowers are sunflowers and daisies.
Emmet is a surprisingly good singer! He doesn't sing much unless someone asks him too though. He was definitely in choir during high school.
Speaking of high school, Emmet was on the wrestling team. He never medalled or anything, but he was there.
Emmet has tried to learn other languages. That's the end of that conversation. He's monolingual.
The type of guy to make the most awkward jokes. Not in a weird way, just in an unfunny way. He tells those rly boring jokes that u at most half chuckle at but otherwise u just kinda stand there awkwardly and the conversation falls flat.
This isn't to say he *isn't* funny, he's just not funny when it comes to jokes. When he's just naturally speaking he's very entertaining to have conversations with.
Emmet is the master of pointless small talk.
Emmet's favorite food is waffles with whip cream and strawberries!
He secretly doesn't have his ACI certification but still handles concrete anyway. Tsk tsk
He's been in charge of a lot of reconstruction efforts after armamageddeon, really putting that construction background to use.
Emmet is wicked good at monopoly and uno but no one knows why.
He's tall and buff. this man is like pushing 6'7" and is jacked, that's hidden under a bit of chub though.
Emmet is a heavyweight drinker. No one knows why this is either. He can keep going for ages and he'll still act completely sober. Doesn't really like drinking though.
Youngest sibling haha, point and laugh
Not young though, this guy is like in his 50's
I am a firm believer in non-conventionally attractive Benny. Hair's a tangled mess, horrible fashion sense, you name it. Also he smells bad. No one has or probably will dissuade me from this. Sorry to mars specifically
Often spends days at a time working on projects, often with little to no sleep. When he focuses he *focuses*. This ties back to the previous statement about him.
Absolutely stacked education. Phd in aerospace engineering and a certified welder, mahcinist, pilot, and avionic technician. He does it all.
He may be smart but he is not a good cook. If he serves you glop do not eat it you will get the worst food poisoning of your life, Lord knows how he survives.
Has a pet miniature automated mirror cart named Castor. This is how he gets food and drink during his several day work periods.
Metalbeard is his best friend! They have Tuesday draft reviewing sessions where they show their latest ideas and critique each other. Despite the major differences in what they do, these critique sessions help both of them improve.
They also have tea parties with Unikitty. Unikitty tends to convince Metalbeard to participate in shenanigans and Metalbeard tends to force Benny into those same shenanigans. When those 3 are together it's an omen.
He's my favorite. The URL wouldn't make you think so but he is.
Wicked good dancer. The robotic body does not hinder his ability to do a fun little jig.
Metalbeard has had 3 ships, his parent's old ship, the first ship he built himself, and the sea cow.
He's stubborn as a mule. Once his head is set on something you will not convince him out of it.
Does not have any official education. He's a 15th century pirate for crying out loud.
Swears...Surprisingly little? He's a pirate so you'd expect him to have a pretty bad sailor mouth but no. He's pretty tame in that regard.
His favorite food is pineapple
Not a big risk-taker. Firm believer of calculated decision making. I mean it's in the rules of the sea: Always abandon a lost cause. He isn't looking for fights all willy nilly.
Old as shit. I covered it in my thread on Metalbeard's ship but based on the age of it he's several centuries old.
Unlike Benny, Metalbeard is quite good with and also quite likes newer technology. His 15th century currack has a steampipe coming out of it for a reason.
Knows Spanish and Portuguese.
When he was younger, he used to go fishing with his parents very often. He doesn't get to go as much now, but he tries to go fishing with them at least a couple times a year.
The one thing he misses the most about having his limbs is swimming. His present-day body being made of wood and metal doesn't it make it very amicable to swimming. He'd kill to paddle around in the ocean again.
Incredibly mischievous. Has a habit of roping people into little pranks or games.
Eats mostly sugar
Misses her homeland often. She doesn't talk about it much, but she wishes constantly to have Cloud Cuckooland back. As much as she tries not to hold it against GCBC and Lord Business, she does.
Surprisingly strong. She can lift Metalbeard in his full robotic body like it's nothing.
Impromptu cuddles are her jam. If Unikitty is rushing towards you, it's a 50/50 shot of whether if she wants a hug or if she wants to tackle you like a linebacker.
Has a diary that she does not let anyone touch. Except Wyldstyle.
Her, Wyldstyle, and Mayhem have girls nights where they mostly just hang out build stuff together. They more or less are used for talking about their feelings, Wyldstyle started them after she realized none of them had particularly good outlets for their emotions.
Unikitty's tail is edible.
Sometimes Unikitty will glow if she's having a good day.
Unikitty can speak every language. She was just born that way.
Sometimes Unikitty feels as if people don't take her seriously, mostly on account of being a cat. This does bug her a lot but she tries not to let it get to her.
Unikitty's favorite thing to do is make people happy (:
She gives Benny haircare tips constantly and he ignores most of them much to her dismay.
Mr. Money Launderer
Wears really stupid graphic t-shirts with dad or golfing or fishing jokes on them.
His first name is Jolly! (I stole this one from superpeeboy, lol)
Cares A LOT about his appearance and is very meticulous. Wakes up at least an hour early to get ready.
OCD king. He really should do ERP therapy but he won't because there's absolutely nothing wrong with him how could you dare imply that.
Cheats at golf.
Gets all of his clothes ironed and drycleaned.
Absolutely not gay. Never. He'd never be gay. He doesn't know what you're talking about. He's normal. Not to say being gay isn't normal but he's not that. Totally. 100%. He isn't in denial
Does the white mom thing when they go to a restaurant and are like yknow what? I'm gonna be *bad* today.
Says he's 50 years young (I also stole this from superpeeboy)
Picky ass eater. Doesn't like spice and also really likes how mayo tastes but don't put too much mayo and his sandwich shouldn't have too much bread and why is the steak cooked so little and why does the meal have flavor but also why doesn't the meal have flavor.
Also here's some other posts of mine related to hcs I have. I really like. making headcanons.
How Masterbuilders Draft
Emmet Construction Certifications
One of My Favorite Post Chains Ever Please Look at All the Reblogs on This
Metalbeard's Ship
Emmet's Internal Clock
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tigris-types · 8 months
So now I'm thinking about if Emmet was in the Lego Dreamzzz world, what type of mount would he have? And Lego likes to give him something couch related, or something that seems really really dumb.
So I imagine he would have a vehicle instead of an animal, and I kind of want him to have a plant mobile. Like his favorite houseplant planty, but on its side and shaped like a car. The plant part is what moves it forward and in the pot part, there's a couch.
I feel like this combines the silliness of Emmet with the weirdness of Dreamzzz. But I have no idea if this is something I want to build.
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maryland-no-rabies · 2 months
okay F is gone they didn't really do anything unfortunately anyway I've decided I'm Plant. Planty. I may have taken inspiration for the name from the Lego Movie
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oternine · 8 months
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ten years. The Lego Movie 10th anniversary.
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warmcozyblanketz · 10 months
things i need to do today:
write 30 cards
clean my whole darn house (or at least start)
propagate what is left of the plants my negligent partner killed while i was gone to hopefully clone them 🙃
things i have the energy to do:
make pasta and sleep
things i would like to do if i had the time & energy:
take an epsom salt bath
put on a cute outfit
grocery shop
schedule a dmv appointment bc i have no id atm lol
misc other stuff i def need to do but am avoiding so hard im not even gonna think about what those things are
(I will most likely do none of these things)
things i will do:
make pasta and sleep
make coffee even though my therapist said to stop having caffeine so late (oops)
write the stupid cards 🎉
eat dinner
fill the cat feeder
cat waters
(most likely) not clean -- guess who tidied hehe 🤗
(most likely) stay in my pajamas ✅
things i MIGHT do:
charge the roomba
tidy clothes + dirty dishes + trash + misc objects
~start~ unpacking
collect laundry in a laundry bag
at least bring the walking pad out from storage
put teepee back together
wash my face before bed
completed more than i thought but also worried i burned myself out a bit for tomorrow..time will tell. proud of myself either way ^.^
put on a cute outfit
change towel
propagate the planties
make dmv appointment
make grocery list
order groceries
finish unpacking
put away laundry from last week
sort laundry to do
therapy 🕺
overall deep clean (as much as i can)
cook dinner
laundry (hopefully)
apply to backup job (maybe)
stretch/cardio/pt (maybe)
epsom salt bath/shower (maybe)
build new lego kit (hopefully!!)
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yacuam-fanarts · 7 months
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Super late but, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE LEGO MOVIE!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎂💕
I wanted to redraw this scene for a while and I thought the anniversary would be the perfect time, but... I forgot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I did it anyway cos this movie has 10 fucking years and it deserves a good fucking drawing ❗❗
Also, I added Bad Cop and Planty because Bad Cop is one of my favourite characters and he deserves the world, and Planty just had to be there.🌱
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grimprotector · 6 months
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((Minor warning due to Rex's scratch))
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Planty returnes
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brickowskibois · 1 year
More of the OTP 💕
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Birthday present for Emmet 🥳
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