#Plastic Card Printing Companies
bi-writes · 2 months
Simon short circuiting when his mail order bride does something kind for him :)) uses her new credit card to buy him his favorite tea and cat treats for bonding with his new baby <3
mail-order bride
simon lets out a deep breath as he slips his boots off. he pulls his tact vest over his head, dropping it beside his shoes before rolling out his neck. he's exhausted. he's been awake for 36 hours at least, and not even a few hours ago, he had been camped out on a rooftop with nothing but his sniper rifle for company.
you pad into the living room, dressed in cute cherry-printed pajamas. little shorts with a matching short-sleeve top, and you smile shyly when you see him standing by the door. your eyes wander a little; you've never seen him with his gear on, and he's surprised you're not more startled by the skull mask he's wearing.
his head darts to the side when he sees the cat hopping along the shelves on the wall. the cat launches itself off the closest shelf, landing on the back of his shoulders and nuzzling along the back of his head before dropping onto the floor to weave between his legs.
"welcome home," you say softly, coming closer, and simon just nods. you reach up when you get closer, slipping your hands under his hoodie to find the hem of his mask. you pull it up gently over his head, smiling a little wider when you reveal his face underneath. he has eye-black smudged around his eyes, but otherwise, your husband looks his normal self, aside from the dark circles under his eyes.
you understand immediately that simon isn't in a good mood. he's irritated, tired, sour-faced and agitated. you smooth your hands down his chest before kneeling on the carpet. simon blinks, confused, but then he watches as you start to unbuckle the holsters around his thighs. you get him undressed enough that he's just wearing his jeans and his hoodie, and he takes your hand gently to help you stand back up. you hook your pinkie around his, guiding him to take a seat on the couch before you disappear into the kitchen.
simon leans his head back against the couch, shutting his eyes gently. to come home to a warm place, one filled with another person, it's frighteningly comforting. he has always come home to the dark. to the heater off and all the rooms empty. to silence and his own terrifying thoughts.
he opens his eyes and sits up a little, blinking the sleep away as you come closer. he hums when he sees you holding a mug, walking slow as you try and keep it steady. you hand him the mug, watching as he takes a slow sip of it.
he shuts his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. it's perfect. he's never told you how he prefers his tea, but it's got just a splash of milk and nothing more. the thoughtfulness warms him more than the drink does, and he curls his toes a little as he tries not to think about it too hard.
"oh!" you smile. "i-i...i filled your car up, and i-i got you something when i went to get a water."
you scurry towards your purse by the door, rummaging through it before you pull out a little crinkled paper bag. you sit next to him on the couch and hand it to him after he sets his tea down on the coffee table.
he reaches into the bag and wraps his hand around a little plastic trinket, pulling it out. he blinks, hooking a gloved finger through the little keychain he's holding. he holds it up, face neutral, but after a few moments, a low chuckle leaves him.
it's a little skeleton, and the bones of it wiggle and dance when he shakes it.
"i...i thought of you when i saw it," you laugh a little, and he watches as the cat hops up onto your lap, moving over your legs to sniff at the little skeleton simon is holding up. after a few moments, the cat reaches up with a paw and smacks the skeleton, watching it shake and wiggle before smacking it again.
"yeah?" simon murmurs, meeting your eyes. "you miss me?"
"y-yes...yeah. w-we missed you."
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zooophagous · 2 years
So why do you hate the advertising industry?
Hokay so.
Let me preface this with some personal history. It's not relevant to the sins of the advertising industry perse but it illustrates how I started to grow to hate it.
I wanted to be a veterinarian growing up, but to be a vet you basically have to be good enough to get into medical school. I do not have the math chops or discipline to make it in medical school. I went into art instead, and in a desperate attempt to find some commercial viability that didn't involve moving to California, I went into graphic design.
I've been a graphic designer for about seven or eight years now and I've worn a lot of hats. One of them was working in a print shop. Now, the print shop had a lot of corporate customers who had various ad campaigns. One of them was Gate City Bank, which had a bigass stack of postcards ordered every couple months to mail to their customers.
Now, paper comes from Dakota Paper, and they make their paper the usual way. Somewhere far, far from our treeless plain there is a forest of tall trees. These trees are cut down and put on big fossil fuel burning trucks and hauled to a paper mill that turns them into pulp while spewing the most fowl odors imaginable over the neighboring town and loads the pulp up with bleach to give it a nice white color.
Then the paper is put on yet another big truck and hauled off to the local paper depot, then put on another big truck and delivered to my print shop, where I turned the paper into postcards telling people to go even deeper into debt to buy a boat because it's almost summer. The inks used are a type of nasty heat sensitive plastic that is melted to the surface of the paper with heat. Then the postcards are put on yet ANOTHER truck and sent to the bank, which puts them on ANOTHER truck and finally into the hands of their customers, who open their mail and take one look at the post card and immediately discard it.
Heaps and heaps and literal hundreds of pounds of literal garbage created at the whim of the marketing team several times a year. And thats just one bank in one city.
I came to realize very quickly that graphic design was the delicate art of turning trees into junk mail.
And wouldn't you know it there are a TON of companies that basically only do junk mail. Many of them operate under the guise of a "charity," sending you pictures of suffering children or animals and begging for handouts and when they get those handouts the executives take a nice fat cut, give some small token amount to whatever cause they pay lip service to, and then put the rest of the cash right back into making more mailers. "Direct mail marketing" they call it.
Oh but maybe it's not so bad, you can advertise online after all. Now that there's decent ad blocker out there and better anti-virus ads usually don't destroy your computer anymore just by existing.
Except now when I search for the exact business I want on Google it's buried under three or four different "promoted search items" tricking me into clicking on them only to shoot themselves in the foot because I searched for the specific result I wanted for a reason and couldn't use those other websites even if I felt like it.
And now we have advertising on YouTube and on every streaming service, forcing more and more eyes onto the ad for the brand new Buick Envision that parks itself because you're too stupid to do it on your own.
Oh thats ok maybe I'll get Spotify premium and go ad free and listen to some podcasts- SIKE we have the hosts of your show doing the song and dance now. Are you depressed and paranoid from listening to my true crime podcast about murdered and mutilated teenagers? That's ok, my sponsor Better Help can keep you sane enough to stay alive and spend more money.
It's gotten so terrible that now you have content farms, huge hubs of shell companies that crank out video after video to get more and more precious clicks. Which if the videos were innocuous maybe that wouldn't be so awful except now you have cooking hacks that can actually burn your house down and craft hacks that can electrocute you being flung into your eyes at the speed of mach fuck so some slimy internet clickbait jockey doesn't need to get a real job.
It of course goes without saying that animals are also relentlessly exploited by clickbait companies that will put them in compromising situations on purpose to create a fake fishing hack video or even just straight up killing them for sport by feeding small animals to a pufferfish that rips them apart for the camera.
And all of this, ALL of this doesn't even touch how adveritising is the death of art in general. Queer topics, any kind of interesting art, any kind of sex or substance use topics are scrubbed clean and hidden at the behest of advertisers.
Sex education, a nude statue, topics such as racism or sexism or bigotry in general have tags purged or hidden from search, even life saving information about SDTs or drug use, because if someone saw that and complained then Verizon might sell fewer tablets and we can't fucking have that.
Conservative talking heads often bitch and moan that they're being censored on social media. The stupid part is, they're right! They are being censored! But it's not by a woke mob, it's by ATT and Coca Cola not wanting their adspace sharing screen time with their stupid fucking opinions.
However, they won't ever figure that out, because the talking heads they get their marching orders from like Tucker and Jones ALSO rely on the sweet milk flowing from the sponsorship teat and they aren't about to turn on their meal ticket so they have to come up with even stupider shit to say for the train to continue rolling.
I managed to rant this far without even getting into the ads I see for the beauty industry. The other day a botox ad described wrinkles as "moderate to severe crows feet" as if wrinkles are a symptom of a fucking serious disease! Like having a flaw in your skin is a medical problem that you need thousands of dollars of literal botulism toxin to fix! I was incandescent with anger.
Advertising is a polluting, censoring, anti educational and anti art industry at it's very core. It destroys human connections, suppresses human thought and makes us hate our own bodies. It ads no value, actively detracts from value, and serves no real purpose and I believe it should be almost if not entirely banned.
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smoshyourheadin · 4 months
spencer’s funeral and his partner is the special guest and roasts spencer so hard and than revels that they are getting a cat together but everyone thinks it’d a baby announcement lmaoooo or however you wanna end it
Special News
pairing: spencer agnew x f! reader
a/n: anon i love this idea so much!! guys please don’t come at me for these terrible jokes i’m just a girl really 😜 also i’m posting sm rn go me
requests are open <33
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“lebron james inspired us with his baller moves. steph curry inspired us with his words. spencer agnew inspired us by being a piece of shit, so we would never follow in his footsteps.”
you’re stood at the podium of the funeral, spencer in the coffin next to you holding a bouquet of plastic flowers as he tries not to laugh.
“spencer is a gamer, and we all know that. but if he spent as much time with me as he does on world of warcraft, i’d be the happiest girl on earth, but hey, at least he has a high gear score to keep him company whilst i cook.”
you see everyone laugh as you switch the paper, angela cackling over what you thought was a pretty shit joke.
as the laughter dies down, you continue on. “spencer and me only ever disagree over stupid things, and i think to myself, he must know he’s short when he has to look up to see eye-to-eye with someone who's shorter than him, because i’m always right. i’m sure courtney feels the same about shayne.”
at this, courtney yells “FACTS!” from behind one of the cameras, and you shoot her a wink.
shayne then stares you down, and all you say is “shayne don’t worry, i’m a short king ally!” which he just smirks at.
“i have some pretty bad jokes here, so let’s quickfire some.“ you mutter to everyone.
“if sleeping on my arm were an olympic sport, he’d have more gold than michael phelps.” this earns a giggle from spencer, as you have a folder on your phone of him asleep in the most awkward ways possible, always lying on your arm somehow.
“he’s so obsessed with video games, even his posture looks like it's from a character model that hasn't loaded properly yet.“ this makes everyone cackle, spencer opening one eye to glare at you, and you just laugh him off.
“your gamer boy posture is so bad, chiropractors have your picture on their vision boards on what to improve on.”
“do you guys think that,” you exhale through your nose at what patrick has written on your prompt card. “spencer’s idea of sitting normally the same as a pretzel’s idea of being straight?” which is so bad it’s good, making you crouch down to laugh.
you stand back up after a moment, your stomach twisting over what you’re about to do. it’s going to be so worth it, but gosh you feel bad.
“spencer, my lovely boyfriend, is a mt dew kickstart addict, certified gamer girl, and a soon to be father” and at this last statement, everyone gasps, and spencer’s eyes shoot open and he sits up. he looks at you intently, and you see him experience about a hundred emotions at once
you smile at everyone, turning to a camera, pulling out a printed off certificate of adoption, a picture of a tiny ginger cat taped to it.
“we got a cat!” you say, almost proud of how shocked everyone is
as you turn to look at spencer, you hear shayne’s laugh, and you look at spencer with sympathetic eyes, mouthing ‘i love you’ to him over all the laughter. he just smiles, knowing that this cat is going to be so loved by you both. especially you. because you love him so much.
as you sit back down, spencer sits up. having come back from the dead, he has some things to say. he goes through everyone at his funeral; alex, shayne, damien, tommy, selina, and then, you.
“and finally, my beautiful girlfriend, y/n. my bundle of sunshine, blinding and hard to look at directly.” you scoff at this, and he looks at you with a look that says this is a joke please don’t kill me when we’re home.
“i mean, come on, you cry at surf's up? i guess even animated penguins have higher emotional intelligence than you.” he manages to say through a fit if giggles. spencer always teases you for this, even though he cries at the NGE film. loser.
after wrap, courtney comes over to congratulate you on your cat, and just catch up generally.
“so, cat parents hey? proud of you girl” she says with a grin.
“yeah, i kinda feel bad scaring everyone into thinking spencer gets game in bed.” you reply, earning a laugh from her.
“don’t be mean to me! i’m a player you know?” spencer says coming up behind you.
“okay, sure you are mr ‘i cry at anime’.” you snap back.
he throws his hands up in defeat, and you kiss his cheek, going off to see amanda.
“she’s so cool.” courtney says
“yeah,” spencer replies. “she’s not that bad.”
she elbows him in the ribs, and he clutches his side
“i mean, she’s the best!” he says through strained teeth, courtney doing a proud nod before catching you up.
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buck-tick-stash · 10 months
December 8th, 20:00.
I’m not terribly good at calculating the number in large crowds, but I’d say there were between 400 and 500 people in line for the time slot, many who were already waiting when I arrived thirty minutes early.
The staff were gentle but urged us to be efficient, and we had little time to absorb all that was around us with more waiting to enter behind.
Upon entering the venue, the staff handed us one each of a pile of pink carnations. Along the walls were bouquets sent by various companies and musicians, which continued through all the lean hallways from start to finish.
As we turned the corner, framed poster-sized photographs of our Acchan greeted us along the left wall. All were recent, taken in the last year or two, poses of him on stage in costume. The last of these struck me the most. The underside of his legs was fully exposed. And as if to provide the starkest contrast with the burlesque view, his face had the sweetest expression. An angel in black sheen and lace, standing before an audience of flowers and the moving mourning procession, with tears already falling.
In the main hall, the banners we had all signed over the past seven weeks were hung high up along the three walls around the audience, as if presenting them heavenward. The band’s speakers were hung up and in that moment were playing “Kodou,” Sakurai’s voice gently speaking like a lullaby, Gomennasai arigatou.
As we were escorted to our individual standing spots, we beheld the stage.
Nine of his recent costumes stood before us on black mannequins. The stage was absolutely lush with flowers: shades of red, pink, white and yellow that covered every inch of the stage floor and ascended upward all the way to the ceiling, from which hung three massive prints of Sakurai. The flower that he held in the image stage right was the same as many that now surrounded him.
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Between the flowers and the pictures was a background of white gossamer, striped with sequins for the appearance of silver rain against white clouds.
Once the first several rows of us were lined up neatly, the staff called for the first row to step forward.
We were given only ten seconds or so before the staff called people to exit to the next hallway. The audience all advanced one floor spot, and the next row was called up.
As more of the stage became visible to me, I noticed one of Yagami’s drumheads, signed by the whole band, standing upright near the center stage for the audience to see.
Sakurai’s finger cymbals hanging on their red string.
A candelabra swollen with melted white wax and black ash.
Our row was called up. I lay my carnation slightly to the side so as not to contribute to the near toppling pile already formed. I found myself praying before the black lace of the Tour the Best costume, the second and last time I would ever come this close to those clothes. I kept my prayer short, a thank you as spoken in another one of his lyrics, bowed and reopened my eyes. I wanted to take in as much as possible before being sent away.
As our row was thanked to leave, we crossed the row of masks laid out neatly by the cymbals. I wanted to linger to look at them more, but the staff were motioning us to move quickly.
Another hall of bouquets to the right and framed photo posters to the left, this time many of which were from photo shoots.
A third hallway.
At the exit, the staff took the final tickets from us and handed us a card in a plastic wrap, the commemorative photo. It would be sometime later that evening when I would be in a comfortable place to open it.
I made a point to approach one of the staff and thank them for their work during such a difficult time. I then sat on one of the benches in the nearby open space to cry freely for a while before I was able to head out.
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The work it must have taken to accommodate so many mourners is deeply appreciated, and I’m very, very grateful to the band and staff for pulling this off, especially in taking in so many additional mourners as the demand grew.
And to Sakurai Atsushi,
I’ve said it so many time and will continue to,
arigatou iwanakucha
thank you, thank you, eternally and sincerely, thank you
for so much music, love, and more
thank you.
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wildflowerteas · 6 months
The Second Perspective ♠
A masterthread/post of all the easter-eggs, fun facts, and references to literature, BSD canon, film noir, and history included in my Soukoku fic, The Second Perspective.
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The Timeline ->
1958 to 1978
The gap of twenty years was super intentional. By the late 50s, McCarthy was censured by the senate, the Second Red Scare and anti-Soviet rhetoric were slowly losing public support and popularity. My choice to include the Rats in the House of the Dead was mediated by that fact. The late 50s is also when the LAPD and law enforcement across the country started making psychological evaluations ( of suspect quality ) mandatory, starting in Northern California, actually. Kinsey's publications in 1948 and 1953 were explosive--especially to the stifling, extremely heteronormative, nuclear-family morals of post-war 50s America. In 1970s, the term 'Serial Killer' officially enters the public's vocabulary. Despite not being an ongoing investigation, the re-opening of the Angel's Ripper case aligns with what is called the 'golden age' of serial killers. The 'second look' and the desire to re-sensationalize the case is due to Detective Dazai's belongings turning up, but also timely, as it would feed into the public's paranoia and fascination. I took some liberties with Los Angeles's mayoral election schedule ( which, if I'd been meticulous and historically accurate with, would have had TSP take place in the early days of 1977 or late in 1976 ). Los Angeles in the 70s was also suffering from serious smog--almost 200 bad air days a year. Akutagawa's lung condition ( which hasn't been touched on just yet with the exception of a throwaway lines at Tycheron and with Yosano ) is largely due to this bad air quality.
July 17th, 1958
The date of the Red Camellia murder was also chosen with intention. July, the peak of summer, rife with Americana, fireworks, and full California beaches, is everything the winter season of Camellia isn't.
Organizations -> The Double Black
A bit obvious, really, but the club's logo of the two black Ace playing cards is an obvious nod to Soukoku being equally matched partners, even if in this au their dynamic is wildly different ( If anything, Chuuya has the upper hand in this one--even if he doesn't quite know it yet ). The Double Black is also described as more Golden Age of Hollywood-like, since Kouyou runs it and she's quite the traditionalist, I figured she'd cringe ( or pass out ) at the sight of plastic plants in the vases and blue carpeting.
The Golden Coast Guild
The TSP equivalent of Hearst corporation, run by William Randolph Hearst, a media company that covered everything from celebrity gossip to politics with over a dozen papers and magazines. Hearst became obscenely rich, and in real life, used his wealth to support Marion Davies, an actress ( and his mistress ), whose life he nearly ruined. F. Scott Fitzgerald ( the actual author ) loathed Hearst's willingness to print yellow journalism ( basically, bullshit ) and Jay Gatsby's mansion is loosely inspired by Hearst's home in New York, I believe. I thought it would be funny to combine the two. I also have a soft spot for Fitz in canon, even if he does speak with the sound of a cash register in every word and there's an American flag behind him wherever he goes.
Tycheron and the House of the Dead
First, Tycheron, Sigma's casino business, gets it's name from the Greek goddess of luck--Tyche--named Fortuna by the Romans. I couldn't call it the 'Sky Casino' because well, there's no sky. But a goddess is pretty up there. California gambling law is extremely complicated, but casino boats, docked 3 nautical miles outside of state borders ( usually from a point in Santa Monica, where the bay/bight made those laws a bit easier to work around ) were a neat exception--at least, until they started getting repurposed for WWII. So, Sigma still evades the law by being 'out of bounds' with The Angelica gambling boat. The casino business as a way for the DoA to stick their noses into the L.A. political landscape is also a loose reference to Bugsy Siegel, and the Italian-American Mafia's attempts to expand westward with the establishment of casinos and the nurturing of Las Vegas. Siegel's mansion, where he was murdered for his thefts from the Mafia, also inspired the Mori estate.
Characters ->
The Red Camellia
The real life Nakahara Chuuya was quite the romantic. His poetry is described as 'Bohemian,' so I thought having him be a bit of a drifter-like character, almost mysterious and unnatainable to his fans and SSKK in the present, would be a bit similair to how much of what we know of Chuuya doesn't come from the main story in canon, either. Combining that with Dazai's obsessive desire to lock him in ( haha ) with a comitted relationship and his serious levels of devotion, makes for a pretty interesting dynamic, I think. Though, Dazai's no Catherine Tramell, and Chuuya is certainly not Curran--BI's dynamic has been flipped almost completely with TSP, but the crazy is the same. And though I describe him as a drifter, that's not to say this au's Chuuya isn't fiercely loyal, it's just his loyalties haven't had the chance to be tested just yet. I made the choice to have Chuuya called the Red Camellia in life because it's a direct subversion of other flower-tagged murders like: the White Rose murders, the Lilac Murder of William Desmond Taylor, the Black Dhalia ( inspired by the film, Blue Dhalia ), the White Gardenia murder, etc. etc. All of those monikers are posthumous, and created for the sole purpose of selling the story of a dead individual. Also, rather than having a journalist bestow it to him, Dazai is the one who comes up with it. Do what you will with that info . . . Additionally, Camellia japonica is native to East Asia, not the U.S. It can survive here, but it will struggle. The choice to set the story in L.A., in a period of harsh post-war crackdowns on Japanese/East-Asian immgiration into California also influenced this title. It was also a choice made based on the appearance of 椿Tsubaki in Soukoku official art. Their Japanese meaning of passionate love and a noble death, also holds true here.
KEY LAPD Characters with interesting qualities
Sasaki Nobuko, Homicide Detective - reference to canon Sasaki's background in criminology and experience as a lecturer at a Tokyo university. Captain -> Commander Fukuzawa Yukichi - Holds a position of authority similar to his role as the ADA's president in canon, but he's unenthusiastic about his career in the LAPD.
Note the lack of private eyes in the story so far!
Interesting PM Character references keeping this light for obvious, spoiler-y reasons
Elise - Elise is intentionally a grown woman in this au. And a nurse! A reference to both her presentation in BEAST and the Great War in the main BSD storyline, and a reminder of the timeline ( she'd have been 8-10 years old in the past TL! ). Her feisty nature is also retained. I was inspired by Lauren Bacall's Vivian in The Big Sleep, especially her meeting scene with Marlowe, when writing her meeting with Atsushi at the Mori Estate.
***SPOILERS procede with caution***
The Angel's Ripper
A reference to Los Angeles, but also Dazai's title as the Demon prodigy of Yokohama. Ripper, rather than Killer being used because of the surgical nature of the deaths ( Jack the Ripper was thought to be either a doctor or a policeman ).
Films ->
some of my major inspirations for this fic are:
Chinatown ( 1974 )
The Maltese Falcon ( 1941 )
Vertigo ( 1958 )
Last Night in Soho ( 2021 )
The Batman ( 2022 )
The Third Man ( 1949 )
The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991 )
The Big Sleep ( 1946 ) and lastly, on a much lighter note:
The Nice Guys ( 2016 ) I couldn't get Gosling's outfits out of my head after watching it. I took one look and thought: I need to get a BSD character in this obnoxiously-70s blue suit yellow shirt combo ASAP.
Phew. What a mess. This has largely been for me to keep track of my own thoughts and the tangled web I've been weaving with this fic, and it will likely get several updates over the course of me writing the second half of Part II and ( the much shorter ) Part III to TSP. But if you read it, and enjoyed it, I'm extra glad <3 I've been having a blast talking about my love for these films and this AU after keeping it bottled up for so long. I'm like shaken, corked champagne haha.
Signing off with the aesthetic of The Second Perspective's ending:
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ty <3
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-02-26
Critical vegetable issue (ran out of spicy chilies and my farmers market still hasn't reopened)
Listening: A Lunch Between Order and Chaos, an avant-garde strings album by a bunch of people. Here's "Unison"
Do you like songs that sound like they go on forever? Do you like songs that make you think of the formal descriptions of impressionist art? Do you like someone who is very good at the violin playing some shit that you would never think to play on the violin? Well I have an album for you.
Watching: Some more Gundam, also, I have to link the Friends at the Table stream vods for Keith and Jack playing Crusader Kings 3.
Obsessed. I think I might understand Crusader Kings now.
Reading: Bah, bad week. Rifling through my short sci-fi story collections but nothing that caught my eye. I need to get something new from my kobo wishlist.
Playing: No dark souls, amazingly! I fell into an Inscryption hole playing Kaycee's mod. It took a while to get back into it but I finally got a full clear. I got an ouroboros and the necessary cards to do an infinite boost on the ouroboros damage, where you sacrifice it over and over. Learning a lot of things about how to play Inscryption that I never picked up in the main game, I deeply undervalued black goats and beehives before.
Making: Spent a LOT of time on the NAS case. Had to babysit the printer over a couple days to get the print through, mostly without incident except for the one time it popped off the plate and crashed the printhead a few hours into a print. Sorted out bed heating and insulation and now it's fine.
That is coming along, doing a lot of reading on painting and also a brief detour into composite skinning because I considered that. Not doing that but there's a local company that makes a heat-resistant PLA that I might use to try and do composite skinning projects.
Designs for the NAS are basically done. I might do a different top cap but for now reusing the same cap on the top and bottom is probably fine. This is false-colour for clarity, it's all black PETG (although the caps might be PLA. I'll see.)
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Now it's a matter of printing final parts, sanding, painting, and making sure I have all the fasteners I need for said things.
Tools and Equipment: I have a set of culinary long tweezers that I keep around ostensibly for microscopy shit and I am constantly using them for everything. Grabbing stuff that falls under couches, detaching plastic from printbeds, extending my reach by a few centimeters, yanking on jammed needles in quilting. Really quite useful.
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archoneddzs15 · 2 months
Sega Saturn - Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna Remix
Title: Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna Remix / 銀河お嬢様伝説ユナREMIX
Developer: Red Company / Will Co. Ltd.
Publisher: Hudson Soft
Release date: 27 December 1996
Catalogue No.: T-14307G
Genre: Interactive Adventure
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Take Yuna out on her adventures in this interactive story released by Hudson. This first print came in with a whole stack of goodies. Everything was encased in a beautiful large plastic folder which inside had a card file holder and 1997 calendar. Unfortunately, I haven't yet played this game even though I've had it for many years now. One day I will play it, I swear (^o^)
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Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna Remix comes with this beautiful calendar. Not only does Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Remix come with a calendar but also this beautiful A4-sized binder with a plastic slipcase. Check out the picture(s) on the back. Nice place to put your Saturn. (photos sources from a discontinued website)
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oisinshields · 3 months
The Art and Science of Packaging boxes for beauty products: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to beauty products, packaging plays a crucial role. Not only does it protect the product, but it also serves as a powerful marketing tool. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of packaging in the beauty industry, explore various types of packaging, and highlight current trends and challenges. By the end, you'll understand why packaging is more than just a container for your beauty products.
The Importance of Packaging in the Beauty Industry
First impressions are everything, especially in the beauty industry. Packaging boxes for beauty products is often the first thing a customer notices, significantly influencing their purchasing decision. The packaging of a beauty product is like a book cover; it needs to catch the eye and make an excellent first impression. Attractive packaging can attract customers, while poor packaging can turn them away before trying the product. Packaging is a critical element of a brand's identity. It communicates the brand's values, style, and quality. Consistent, well-designed packaging helps build brand recognition and loyalty. Beyond aesthetics, packaging must protect the product from damage and contamination. Proper packaging ensures the product remains fresh and compelling until it reaches the consumer.
Types of Beauty Product Packaging
Beauty product packaging can be categorized into 3 fundamental types: number one, secondary, and tertiary packaging. Primary packaging boxes for beauty products is the on the spot field that holds the product. For instance, the bottle protecting your preferred basis or the tube of your cross-to mascara. Secondary packaging consists of additional layers that defend and promote the primary package. This is probably the field holding a fragrance bottle or the card sleeve around lipstick. Tertiary packaging is used for bulk dealing with and shipping. It guarantees the secure delivery of merchandise from the manufacturer to the retailer.
Materials Used in Beauty Product Packaging
Various materials are used in beauty product packaging, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Glass is a popular choice for luxury products. It's durable, non-reactive, and has a premium look. However, it's also heavier and more fragile than other materials. Plastic is versatile and widely used in beauty product packaging. It's lightweight, durable, and can be molded into various shapes. The downside is its environmental impact. Metal packaging, often used for lip balms and compact powders, offers durability and a sleek appearance. It's also recyclable, making it a more eco-friendly option. Paper and cardboard are commonly used for secondary packaging. They are lightweight, recyclable, and can be printed with high-quality designs.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
With increasing environmental concerns, sustainable packaging is increasingly important. Materials such as bamboo biodegradable plastic and recycled paper are gaining popularity in beauty packaging. Waste can be significantly reduced by encouraging consumers to recycle or recycle packaging. Many companies are now designing packaging with this in mind. Biodegradable packaging degrades naturally, reducing environmental impact. This is a good choice for environmentally conscious products.
Design Elements in Beauty Product Packaging
Effective packaging design goes beyond just choosing materials. It involves several elements that together create a compelling product. Colors can evoke emotions and convey messages. For example, green often represents natural and eco-friendly products, while gold and black can signify luxury. The choice of fonts and the way textual content is arranged can effect the readability and attraction of the packaging. It ought to align with the logo's character and target market. Images and photos can beautify the attraction of packaging. High-quality visuals can communicate the product's benefits and attract potential customers.
Innovative Trends in Beauty Packaging
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, and so is packaging. Here are some innovative trends making waves. Technology is being integrated into packaging to enhance user experience, such as QR codes that provide product information or augmented reality experiences. Simplicity is vital in modern packaging. Minimalist designs that focus on essential details and clean aesthetics are trending. Personalized packaging, such as monogrammed containers or custom labels, can make products feel unique and special to the consumer.
Regulations and Standards in Beauty Packaging
Beauty brands must adhere to regulations and standards to ensure safety and compliance. Labels must include ingredients, usage instructions, and other relevant information. This ensures transparency and helps consumers make informed choices. Packaging must protect the product from contamination and ensure it is safe. This includes tamper-evident seals and child-resistant packaging. Compliance with environmental regulations is essential, especially for brands focusing on sustainability. This includes proper disposal instructions and using eco-friendly materials.
The Role of Packaging in Marketing and Sales
Packaging is not just about protection; it plays a vital role in marketing and sales. Attractive packaging can stand out on crowded shelves and catch the eye of potential customers. A memorable unboxing experience can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchases. Thoughtful packaging boxes for beauty products design can create a sense of excitement and anticipation. Packaging that looks good on camera can be a powerful tool in influencer marketing. Eye-catching designs are more likely to be shared on social media.
Cost Considerations in Beauty Packaging
Balancing quality and cost is a significant consideration for beauty brands. Brands need to allocate a packaging budget that considers production and material costs. Finding cost-effective solutions without compromising quality is critical. This might involve bulk purchasing or using more affordable materials. While price is essential, it's crucial not to compromise on quality. Poor packaging can damage the product and the brand's reputation.
Challenges in Beauty Product Packaging
Despite its importance, packaging boxes for beauty products comes with several challenges. Finding sustainable packaging solutions that are also cost-effective and practical can be complex. Ensuring that products remain fresh and compelling over time is a critical concern. Packaging must prevent contamination and degradation. Counterfeiting is a significant issue in the beauty industry. Packaging must include security features to protect the brand and consumer.
Case Studies of Successful Beauty Packaging
Examining successful packaging can provide valuable insights. A high-end skincare brand uses glass bottles and minimalist designs to convey luxury and elegance. An eco-conscious brand uses recycled cardboard and soy-based inks to highlight its commitment to sustainability. A famous mass-market brand uses bright colors and fun designs to appeal to a younger audience, making their products stand out on shelves.
The Future of Beauty Packaging
The future of beauty packaging looks promising, with several exciting developments on the horizon. Technological advances will continue to drive innovation in packaging, from intelligent packaging to new sustainable materials. Demand for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging will grow as consumers become more environmentally conscious. Experts predict a shift towards more personalized and interactive packaging, enhancing the consumer experience.
Tips for Choosing the Right Packaging for Your Beauty Brand
Selecting the proper packaging is crucial for any beauty brand. Know who your customers are and what they value. This will guide your packaging decisions. Your packaging should reflect your brand's values and identity. Consistency is critical to building brand recognition. Before finalizing your packaging, test it with your target audience and gather feedback. This can help you make necessary adjustments and ensure it resonates with consumers.
Packaging is crucial for beauty merchandise, affecting the whole thing from branding to customer purchasing selections. By expertise the specific styles of packaging, materials and products and being knowledgeable approximately developments and policies, brands can create profitable packaging and attractive Remember that quality packaging protects your merchandise, complements your emblem and draws customers.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Esprit’s Graphic Work 1984-1986 
Julie Silber
Photography by Roberto Carra and Oliviero Toscani, Book design by Tamotsu Yagi
Esprit, San Francisco 1987, unpaged, approx 250p , 25×37 cm, ISBN  9780961443726
euro 280,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Incredibly rare and iconic, award-winning book published by Esprit De Corp in 1987, designed by Japanese designer and ESPRIT art director Tamotsu Yagi and Roberto Carra (Fiorucci), with photographer Oliviero Toscani (Benetton, Fiorucci, Colors). Housed in it's original printed plastic sleeve, this first and only die-cut cover edition showcases all aspects of the design work of the pioneering Californian fashion company, ESPRIT, from the years 1984-1986. Through it's wonderful, quintessentially Californian 1980's post-modern design, this book profiles ESPRIT's product packaging, clothing and home-ware design, pop accessories, catalogue campaigns, advertisements, various identity and event collateral (party announcements , posters, flyers, business cards), apparel print graphics, and retail interior design by Ettore Sottsass and Sottsass Associates one-of-a-kind, visually dazzling book and a wonderful, rare piece of commercial design history that led ESPRIT and Tamotsu Yagi to win the AIGA design leadership award in 1986. In 1968, American environmentalist, adventure film-maker, conservationist and founder of The North Face outdoor clothing company, Douglas Tompkins, his wife Susie, and her friend Jane Tise began selling girl's dresses out of the back of a VW bus. In 1971, they incorporated the booming business under the name "Plain Jane" which later became ESPRIT, one of the hottest and most successful clothing companies of the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's.From the early days running out of the Tompkins' apartment in San Francisco, Douglas Tompkins titled himself "image director", overseeing all aspects of the company's image, from store design to catalog layout, while his wife served as design director. In 1984 the role of art director was taken up by Japanese designer Tamotsu Yagi. All facets of design were of primary importance to ESPRIT. From the iconic logo design by John Casado (who aslo designed the first Apple Macintosh Computer logo and album covers for the Doobie Brothers) to the ESPRIT store and office interiors by Ettore Sottsass (of Memphis Design Group and Sottsass Associates) to the fashion campaign photography of Oliviero Toscani (also well-known for his controversial campaigns for Benetton, work with Fiorucci, and co-founder of Colors magazine), ESPRIT was a total design vision of the 1980's .
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wumblr · 1 year
credit card factories?
so the thing about credit cards is you have your EMV chip, right, which performs an encrypted handshake at the dead-end point of sale, where you can only insert a card, and there's no way to clean it. these fall off a card once a week which is a hilarious combination of bad improvements to a technology which don't in total prevent anyone from stealing your credit card information. all of the preventative measures are performed by reissuing the card when it's stolen. some of this is beside the point, but cards also have a magnetic strip which duplicates the exact same information, and sometimes it's even still physically embossed into the plastic of the card, so there are cards that have three methods of payment, if you remember those carbon paper credit card slider things
the thing that makes fraud difficult in this situation is that they are programmed to be linked to a bank account, where the money is actually handled. in theory, it would be difficult to fraudulently link a card to someone else's bank account, or to a nonexistent bank account, etc. HOWEVER
none of this is true of gift cards, which essentially amount to printing money. like in theory there is absolutely supposed to be money changing hands for every gift card made, but it's trivial to imagine a card that gets embossed without having been paid for, like a debt that is associated with no account. in truth, it's associated with a gift card account, so in theory, the gift card company should notice if someone who hasn't paid for a gift card is withdrawing funds... but i would imagine these accounts handle thousands of transactions per day, and if any discrepancies get resolved they must be settled between large corporations or simply written off, right?
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melonthesprigatito · 1 year
Melon Ranks Sprigatito Plushies (But Only The Ones I Own Sorry)
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Face Leaf Pattern Thing: Embroidered Edges
Eyes: Fully Embroidered
Neck Leafs: Two Strips of Fabric
Cheek Fluff: Strips of Fabric
:D or :3 Face: :D
Ears: Flat and floppy
Huggability Rating: 2/10 (This thing is stuffed like a rock, man.)
Overall rating: 3/10
Overview: Probably the worst plush you could get. The colour is too... radioactive, the tail is sewn on upside down in a way???? (that little tuft is supposed to be pointing upwards), the legs are weird., it's head is very flat. This plush is very obviously based on the official art and was made long before we ever saw Sprigatito in 3D (I got mine in May 2022) so it's flat out missing things that aren't visible in the official art like the paw pads and the leaf on the back of Sprigatito's neck. But this one is the OG Melon and my profile pic and I took it on vacation with me so I can't fault it too hard. :)
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Face Leaf Pattern Thing: Embroidered Edges
Eyes: Fully Embroidered
Neck Leafs: Strip of fabric on top of stuffed thing
Cheek Fluff: Strips of Fabric
:D or :3 Face: :3
Ears: Flat but stuffed with plastic card
Huggability Rating: 3/10 (Stuffed like a brick and the ears are firm and pokey. I'm sad :c )
Overall rating: 5/10
Overview: The dime a dozen Sprigatito plush found in pretty much every single toy store and supermarket that sells toys. No need to order online which is a plus. Got a nice subtle snoot to boop. Because the front neck leaf is stuffed, it sticks out. They don't let you see the back of it in the toy store website reference images, which I thought was weird until I bought it. The back is where it all falls apart. The back neck leaf isn't a single piece, it's too halves sewn together for some reason???? Which causes the seam allowance to make it crinkle up. The tail is the worst I've ever seen on a Sprigatito, at least the bootleg made AN ATTEMPT to look like the official art. The tail is a very narrow carrot shape with a tiny, barely noticeable single fabric triangle for the tuft. Yikes. Though it is made by a third party plush company so I guess the quality not being perfect is to be expected. Jazzwares does other Pokémon that look a whole lot better.
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Face Leaf Pattern Thing: Printed on
Eyes: Fully Embroidered
Neck Leafs: Strip of fabric on top of very loosely stuffed thing
Cheek Fluff: Strips of Fabric
:D or :3 Face: :3
Ears: Firmly stuffed with embroidered inside detail
Huggability Rating: No/10 (Good luck hugging something that can fits snugly into the palm of your hand. Maybe hold it like an ice cream)
Overall rating: 7/10
Overview: So smol. 🥺 Perfect for slipping it into your pocket and carrying it everywhere. You're better off not using it as an actual keyring though. Just keep it as a cheaper, minature version of the standard Pokémon Center Sprigatito. The plastic loop is awful, it opens too easily so your Sprig could get lost in the wilderness without you knowing if it actually was put on your backpack. I just cut the keyring off and by that I mean I spent 20 minutes persistently sawing through plastic with fabric scissors so I could attach a normal metal key ring to the loop. Also the back neck leaf is LITERALLY handing on by a thread. It's held on by a single stitch. I get its a small plush, but come on, really????
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Face Leaf Pattern Thing: Printed on
Eyes: Fully Embroidered
Neck Leafs: Strip of fabric on top of very loosely stuffed thing
Cheek Fluff: Not felt! Sewn piece
:D or :3 Face: :3
Ears: Firmly stuffed
Huggability Rating: 7/10 (SQUISHYYYYYYYYY)
Overview: Gonna come right out of the gate and say I really hate this trend of the Pokémon Center just printing on details (i.e the face leaf) instead of embroidery or different coloured fabric stitched on. It reminds me of that £2 Judy Hopps plush my mom bought for me years ago that had the clothes printed on instead of fabric pieces. And that plush was a bargain bin thing that was SUPPOSED to be lower quality. Not a fan of spending £10-15 plus £5 shipping on a plushie with printed details. I just think it looks cheap and I wish they put a little more effort into some of their plushies. It looks like it could be washed away if you put it in a washing machine.
Other than that, BABYYYY!!!!!!!! KITTY!!!!!!!! A BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚IT'S SO FUCKING CUTE LOOK AT THAT FACE OH MY FUCKING GOD. Doesn't have paw pads though. :c BUT IT'S A TOO PURE FOR THIS SINFUL EARTH I WANNA GENTLY HOLD IT FOREVER 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Face Leaf Pattern Thing: Embroidered Edges
Eyes: Fabric with embroidered edges.
Cheek Fluff: STUFFED
:D or :3 Face: :D
Ears: Stuffed but not too blocky. Very close to ingame model
Overall rating; 9/10
Overview: Some may hate Build a Bear Pokémon for their chubby proportions but I think this is fucking PERFECTION. No more strips of fabric, every single part is stuffed, the nose is some sort of plastic thing with a fuzzy texture, maybe the muzzle it's on is sticking out a little too much but for once the head ISN'T crammed full of too much stuffing! I think it's close to life size too? Probably. I haven't compared it with Sprigatito's official height yet. AND ITS GOT PAJAMAS. AND A CAPE. THAT FITS ONTO MY EEVEE AND GLACEON BUILD A BEARS TOO. Truly it must be Arceus' gift to the world. If you're willing to give your wallet a sucker punch to the stomach,
If you want to
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nancypullen · 1 year
What Was I Thinking?
I ended my last post by saying that I'd be back the next day. What was I thinking? I knew the grandgirl and her staff would be arriving for the weekend and I never touch the blog when they're here. So here I am, two days late. Oops. As always, Little Miss brought magic with her. Here she is (I'm not allowed to show her face) under what she calls the "Trading Tree". It's a big Crape Myrtle surrounded by flowers and shrubs, and it's where she keeps her fairy village.
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She tidies up the village and always leaves a present for the fairies. Sometimes it's a flower, sometimes it's a shiny penny, whatever strikes her fancy. In the morning she can't wait to see what the fairies left for her in trade. Amazingly enough, it's always something she likes...little owls, glittery things. She also loves having a cutting garden and filled a vase for our table and made a bouquet to take to her teacher.
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So it was all mermaids, fairies, and one very benevolent princess ruling over it all. Kindergarten starts in two weeks and I fear that we'll see less and less of the magic as the school year progresses. It happens. <sniffle>
Back to reality, and Sunday started quietly. This is what I see when I come downstairs in the morning. Leaf shadows through the windows of the front door, dancing on the wall of the entryway. I love it.
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A soft start to the day and it seems seems determined to finish that way as well. I went on a housework strike today, I just didn't want to look at a mop or broom or sponge or toilet or dish. I'm hardly cooking. Yesterday's dinner was grilled chicken and we have leftovers, so I'm tossing it on top of salad. Easy peasey.
Earlier today I took an inventory of what clay I had on hand and after lunch we made a run into Easton for a quick pick up of additional colors. I need to spend the next month cranking out cards and earrings. I hope there are enough true crime podcasts to keep me company while I do it. I also need to get the vanity in the Halloween bathroom painted. I want to do it before the flooring goes in on Friday. That way if I dribble anything it's not cause for panic. I always use drop cloths, plastic, tape, and all of that - but it'll still be less to worry about if I just get it done tomorrow. That's the plan. In exciting (to me) news, I found two more prints that would lend themselves very nicely to being spooked up.
This one is at the auction and is sitting at $2. I'd turn it all to autumn, make the cottage witchy, turn the fence gray, and probably put a witch on that bench - maybe she's reading, or maybe she's carving a pumpkin.
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I don't care for the frame, but I could always paint it.
I REALLY like this one, but it's on Facebook Marketplace for $10. I don't want to spend $10. I'd have a ball with this one. Imagine that turned into a bustling witch village! Curling glittery smoke coming out of each chimney, autumn colors everywhere, witches strolling about town, maybe even signs on each building - a wand store, apothecary, magic brooms, that sort of thing. Plus, the frame is better.
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I may talk myself right into spending ten bucks. Darn it. It really would be fun. I finished the first print, or at least I think it's finished. I added a mouse, tried to tidy up some wonky spots, but didn't do much else. I can always add to it if a brilliant idea strikes. I roughed up that mauve mat and then painted it and added a bit of sparkle. I think I'll paint a little bit of glue on that mat and add cobwebs.
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It's not great but the trial run of anything usually isn't. I can improve it. It's already cat approved.
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That's my day so far being lazy and being crafty. The timer just dinged to let me know my earrings need to come out of the oven, so I'm off to sand them down and then give them a little gloss. Perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon, don't you think? I hope you're doing something that relaxes you. Get lost in a book, try a new recipe, go for a walk, whatever brings your blood pressure down. Who knows what the week ahead holds, might as well stockpile some zen right now. Better than entering the week all stressed out. Sending all kinds of love and good vibes out, hope they find you. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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thenightling · 1 year
Notes for newbie Halloween collectors: JOL = Jack-o-lantern.   You'll see JOL used a lot on Halloween collector sites.  It just means Jack-o-lantern but tends to be used most often for very old ceramic or wooden ones.     Hyde and Eek = This is actually a division of the Target Company.  Hyde and Eek make Halloween decorations and collectables specifically sold by Target in September and early October.  They change from year to year so if you want to replace a crow figurine you bought wearing spectacles and a scarf in 2008, you're not likely to find him again except used and over-priced on Ebay.     Hyde and Eek actually make some great vintage-style Halloween products, and vintage-style "shelf sitters." Warning: A lot of the plastic products from Hyde and Eek still use lead paint.  Their electric (plug-in) Jack-o-lanterns are high quality except in regard to paint.  They still use lead paint, or they did as recently as five years ago.  The tags often have warnings that they are not toys for this reason.  They don't chip very often.  Just don't let little kids handle them too much and especially don't suck on them. Shelf Sitter = A plushy or "Fabric" figurine or doll of a human character or animal intended to be seated on a shelf.   It's pretty much a toy and only "not a toy" in name only.  Toys get taxed differently than decorations even when collectible. Michaels = They actually sell reproductions of late nineteenth century / early twentieth century Halloween figurines but they are a bit over-priced and you need to go there upwards of five months ahead of time. Spirit Halloween = Spirit Halloween is probably the most mainstream way of obtaining Halloween collectables. They mostly favor modern instead of vintage but they're the place to go IF you can afford buying your own life-sized monster animatronics.  Their online store is open year 'round.  Their physical stores open as early as the first week of August and they close in the first week of November, seasonally. Spirit Halloween has some annual items, like Hyde and Eek, which are available one year but not the next.   Many are themed throw blankets, animatronics,  mugs, and Little bopper (dolls). Home Depot = The place to go if you want your own twelve-foot-tall skeleton that became strangely popular a few years ago. :-P Hallowe'en = The usual way the holiday was written in postcards and products from the laten nineteenth century until the 1940s when the ' was phased out to save money on ink.   It's still used today in reproductions.  Both Hallowe'en and Halloween are considered acceptable spellings for the holiday according to dictionary (dot) com. New England Hallowe'en cards = Most late nineteenth century to 1940s Hallowe'en postcards were printed in New England and reproductions are pretty easy to find.  Originals sometimes sell for a lot of money, depending on condition. German figurines and lanterns = Most figurines, lanterns, and "cut-outs" were originally manufactured in Germany.  Some have very accurate reproductions but a lot of original molds were lost or hand sculped so sometimes proportions aren't quite accurate. It's likely they don't use originals to make new molds because they don't want to risk damaging preserved pieces just to sell reproductions. Image of some Hyde and Eek Shelf-sitters.  Not mine.
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ivyprints123456 · 4 days
Durable PVC ID Cards: IVYPrints' Promise of Quality and Longevity
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In today’s fast-paced world, businesses and institutions require solutions that are not only efficient but also durable. One such solution that plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operations and secure environments is the ID card. Whether it’s for schools, offices, or large events, having a robust and reliable identification system is crucial. And at the forefront of this essential service in India is IVYPrints – a leading ID card printing company based in Jaipur. IVYPrints stands out for its high-quality PVC ID cards, known for their durability, longevity, and superior design.
Trusted by top corporations and businesses across India, IVYPrints has set the benchmark for ID card printing services, offering fast delivery, customer satisfaction, and a wide range of customizable templates. Let’s dive into what makes IVYPrints' PVC ID cards a premium choice and why businesses rely on their promise of quality and longevity.
1. The Importance of Durable ID Cards in Today’s Environment
In many sectors, from corporate offices to educational institutions, ID cards are a daily necessity. These cards not only serve the purpose of identification but also act as tools for access control, security management, and in some cases, even attendance tracking. Given the frequency of their use, it is essential that ID cards are built to last.
Cheaply made ID cards can fade, break, or wear out quickly, causing frustration for employees, students, and management alike. This is where durable PVC ID cards come in, offering a long-lasting solution that withstands the rigors of everyday use. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a strong, flexible plastic material that can resist damage from frequent handling, ensuring that your ID cards remain functional and looking good for years to come.
At IVYPrints, the commitment to producing high-quality PVC ID cards guarantees that businesses and institutions receive a product that is not only visually appealing but also built to last.
2. Why Choose PVC ID Cards?
PVC ID cards are widely recognized for their durability and flexibility. Unlike paper or laminated cards, PVC cards are resistant to water, dirt, and physical wear and tear. This makes them an ideal choice for environments where ID cards are frequently handled, such as schools, offices, and events.
Here’s why PVC ID cards stand out:
Durability: PVC cards can handle rough conditions without getting easily damaged. Whether it’s being stored in a wallet, worn around the neck on a lanyard, or scanned multiple times a day, PVC cards are built to endure.
Customization: IVYPrints offers over 250 unique design templates, allowing businesses and institutions to customize their ID cards with logos, brand colors, and other essential details. PVC cards also support advanced features such as barcodes, RFID chips, and magnetic strips for added functionality.
Professional Finish: The high-quality printing used in PVC cards gives them a professional and sleek appearance. IVYPrints utilizes advanced printing technology to ensure that the colors are vibrant and the text is crisp, resulting in a card that reflects your brand’s professionalism.
Environmental Resistance: PVC cards are resistant to environmental factors such as moisture and temperature changes, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
3. IVYPrints: Setting the Standard for PVC ID Card Quality
IVYPrints has built a reputation as one of India’s leading ID card printing companies by consistently delivering products that meet the highest standards of quality and longevity. Here’s how IVYPrints ensures that their PVC ID cards stand out in the market:
Advanced Printing Technology: IVYPrints uses state-of-the-art printing technology to produce high-resolution, durable ID cards. Each card is printed with precision, ensuring that every detail, from text to design, is rendered perfectly.
Customized Solutions: No two businesses are alike, and neither should their ID cards be. IVYPrints offers fully customizable ID card solutions, allowing businesses to design cards that reflect their unique identity. From company logos to employee photos, IVYPrints ensures that every aspect of the card is tailored to your specifications.
Fast and Reliable Service: Time is a valuable resource for any business. With IVYPrints, you don’t have to worry about delays. They offer dispatch within 24 hours, ensuring that your ID cards are ready when you need them. This commitment to fast delivery is one of the reasons why IVYPrints has over 100,000 happy customers.
Trusted by Top Corporations: IVYPrints has earned the trust of top corporations and institutions across India. Their ability to consistently deliver high-quality products on time has made them the go-to partner for businesses looking for reliable ID card solutions.
4. Versatility for Multiple Sectors
IVYPrints’ PVC ID cards cater to a wide range of industries, each with unique needs. Here are a few examples of how their PVC ID cards are used across different sectors:
Corporate Offices: For businesses, PVC ID cards play an important role in access control and employee identification. IVYPrints’ cards can be customized with RFID chips or magnetic strips to integrate with access control systems, making them not just an ID but a security tool.
Schools and Universities: In educational institutions, ID cards are essential for both identification and security. IVYPrints provides durable cards that withstand daily use by students, teachers, and staff, ensuring a seamless experience for everyone.
Events and Conferences: For event management companies, IVYPrints offers ID cards that can be used as passes or badges for attendees. These cards can be customized to include event logos, sponsor branding, and even QR codes for easy scanning.
Healthcare: In hospitals and healthcare institutions, ID cards are critical for managing access and ensuring security. IVYPrints’ PVC cards are designed to endure the demands of the healthcare environment, offering a reliable solution for patient identification and staff access control.
5. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
IVYPrints is committed to not only delivering durable products but also doing so in an environmentally responsible way. PVC cards, while incredibly durable, can be recycled, and IVYPrints ensures that their production processes are as sustainable as possible. They continuously strive to reduce waste and optimize their production methods to minimize environmental impact.
6. Customer Satisfaction: 100K+ Happy Customers
IVYPrints’ dedication to quality and service is reflected in their customer satisfaction. With over 100,000 happy customers and a large portfolio of top corporations trusting their services, IVYPrints has established itself as a leader in the ID card printing industry. Their ability to deliver durable, high-quality products that meet the needs of diverse sectors has cemented their reputation as a trusted partner for businesses across India.
When it comes to ID cards, durability and quality are non-negotiable. IVYPrints has set the gold standard with its premium PVC ID cards, offering businesses and institutions a solution that is both long-lasting and visually appealing. From their commitment to fast delivery and customer satisfaction to their wide range of customizable templates, IVYPrints ensures that your ID cards are designed to meet your exact needs.
Choose IVYPrints for your PVC ID card requirements and experience the perfect blend of quality, durability, and exceptional service. Elevate your brand, enhance security, and ensure longevity with IVYPrints’ superior PVC ID cards.
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winnerslable · 7 days
Why Hot Stamping Foil is the Best Choice: 5 Noted Advantages from Winnerslabel
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Hot foil stamping is nothing but an innovative process of using heat & pressure to apply metallic foil or holograms in materials like carton boards & holograms. It can also be applied in laminated boards, plastics and corrugated sheets. Hot stamping foil is applied across numerous industries but it is used widely in food & beverage industry.
It is also applicable in cosmetics along with electronic industry and business cards. It not only looks good but the anti-counterfeiting characteristics especially in pharmaceutical and smart phone industry are noteworthy. This particular innovation has lot of advantages and we will discuss some of them here. Read it on & learn more.
Contact Information - +91 9830087119 / 9831070140 / 9831016222
1. Optimal Visibility-
Hot foil printing is something that caters optimal results. The level of visibility is very transparent. As per research and data gatherings consumer psychology has shown that if the overall packaging has aesthetics and appealing views it is likely that the consumers will pay maximum attention. They will get lured towards the product & will have the tenacity to purchase it with immediate effect.
2. Perceived Value-
With the passing of every solitary day food and beverage industry are already using hot stamping foil. It has become synonymous with optimal quality. In the consumer market perception is quite essential than that of action and this is indeed a humongous advantage.
3. Choice Of Colour-
One has the option of choosing multiple colours. Be it metallic gold or silver or it can be metallic red and essentially sort of colour that you are choosing. The colour scheme your company brand is interested in, hot foil and suit and can complement the overall style.
4. It is completely customized-
Numerous clients opine that hot foils cannot be customized. To be honest this not really true as each die is customized and made according to the design. This is something unique that befits the design structure.
5. It is Sustainable-
Sustainability is one the bigger priorities for brand owners & in itself a it is a means of differentiation. Quite a few assume that packaging with hot stamping foil is not all recyclable and thereby it is not sustainable. This is not really true as a recent study done by FSEA concluded that hot foils will never give rise to problems that might render decorated paper products that are not at all suitable for recycling.
In conclusion it can be said there are quite a few advantages of hot stamping foil. They are quite versatile as we have discussed the colour choices are maximum. If you are in need of more information you can stay connected as we will come up with more information in the days to come.
Hot stamping foil is a popular and versatile decorative method used across industries for product labeling and packaging. Winnerslabel, a trusted name in the printing industry, highlights the numerous advantages of choosing hot stamping foil for your packaging and labeling needs. If you're looking to elevate your brand's image and stand out from the competition, here's why hot stamping foil is the best choice.
1. Premium Aesthetic Appeal
One of the primary reasons businesses opt for hot stamping foil is its ability to add a luxurious and high-end look to products. This decorative process involves applying metallic, holographic, or colored foils onto surfaces, giving labels and packaging a polished, eye-catching finish. Whether it's for cosmetic packaging, wine labels, or luxury boxes, hot stamping foil exudes quality and refinement, making your products look more attractive and exclusive.
2. Versatility Across Materials
Hot stamping foil can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces, including paper, plastic, leather, and even fabric. This versatility makes it ideal for industries ranging from fashion to consumer goods, allowing businesses to maintain consistent branding across different product lines. With Winnerslabel's extensive selection of foils, you can easily customize the appearance of your packaging, regardless of the material.
3. Durability and Resistance
Compared to other printing techniques, hot stamping foil is highly durable. It provides long-lasting results that are resistant to fading, scratching, and wear. This makes it the perfect solution for products that undergo extensive handling or need to maintain their pristine look over time. Winnerslabel ensures that their hot stamping foil offers excellent adhesion and durability, ensuring that your product's design remains intact throughout its shelf life.
4. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Options
With a growing focus on sustainability, businesses are turning to eco-friendly hot stamping foils as a greener alternative. Winnerslabel offers a range of environmentally responsible foils that don’t compromise on quality or appearance. These foils are often free from harmful chemicals and can be used on recyclable or biodegradable packaging, aligning your brand with the latest environmental trends while still delivering a premium finish.
5. Customizable Designs
Hot stamping foil allows for intricate and complex designs that would be difficult to achieve through other printing methods. The process enables precise detailing, making it possible to incorporate fine text, patterns, or logos into your labels and packaging. Winnerslabel specializes in offering customizable options, ensuring that your product stands out with a unique and memorable design. Whether you're aiming for a sleek, minimalist look or a more elaborate, decorative style, hot stamping foil gives you the flexibility to bring your creative vision to life.
Hot stamping foil is the best choice for businesses looking to enhance their product packaging and labels. Its combination of aesthetic appeal, versatility, durability, and eco-friendly options makes it a go-to solution for brands across various industries. Winnerslabel offers top-quality hot stamping foil solutions that can be customized to meet your branding needs, helping your products make a lasting impression.
Contact Us
Winners Labels
CB - 70, SALT LAKE CITY, KOLKATA - 700 064
+91 9830087119 / 9831070140 / [email protected]
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hoawebsitehostin · 14 days
Why Custom Plastic Gift Cards Are the Best Business Incentive
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Businesses are usually searching out new and innovative methods to draw in, interact with, and preserve consumers in the cutthroat enterprise international of today. Custom plastic playing cards have emerged as a broadly popular and fairly successful device in recent years. Offering plastic present playing cards as praise will have a widespread effect on your bottom line, no matter whether you manage an eating place, retail store, or other patron-centered corporation. This is why personalized plastic present cards are the ideal reward for groups and how they may improve purchaser loyalty, fortify your emblem, and raise sales.
1. Versatile and Adaptable to Any Business
Their adaptability is one of the main factors that makes personalized plastic gift cards stand out as a superb corporate reward. You can create a plastic gift card that is customized to your particular business requirements, regardless of your industry. A skillfully created bespoke plastic gift card can be made to represent your corporate identity and appeal to your target audience, regardless of whether you work in retail, hospitality, or entertainment.
This flexibility goes beyond marketing. Gift cards may be made for a variety of occasions, including holidays, birthdays, and special activities. Customizing a gift card to fit your specific enterprise desires or marketing strategy guarantees that you uphold emblem consistency even as imparting price to your clients.
See this expert guide for advice on deciding between traditional and online print services for creating plastic cards.
2. Encourage Repeat Business and Customer Loyalty
A cycle of repeat business and client involvement is started with gift cards. A consumer is more likely to visit your store again to use a personalized plastic gift card that they received from you. It's a great technique to boost overall sales because many clients tend to spend more than the card's value.
Furthermore, gift cards are frequently given to friends and family, which promotes your company to new clients. If these new consumers have a good experience, they are also more inclined to use the card again in the future.
3. Boost Brand Visibility
The brand exposure that personalized plastic gift cards provide is one of their most underappreciated advantages. Customers who distribute or keep your branded gift card in their wallets are effectively giving your company free advertising. Customers are more likely to show out your plastic gift cards to others if they are eye-catching and well-made.
Make sure the elegant design of your bespoke gift cards embodies the ideals of your business and includes your logo and brand colors. A QR code pointing to your website or promotional materials is also an option. This keeps your brand front and center in the thoughts of your clients, enticing them to utilize your services again or refer you to others.
For more insights on ordering plastic cards that match your brand, see this hassle-free ordering guide.
4. Easy to Track and Manage
The simplicity of tracking and managing plastic gift cards is another important benefit. Plastic gift playing cards, as opposed to conventional paper certificates or vouchers, have state-of-the-art capabilities like barcodes or magnetic strips that permit groups to maintain an eye fixed on redemption charges, transaction histories, and card balances.
Businesses can better apprehend customer buying styles and modify future promotions and incentives by way of analyzing statistics obtained from digital monitoring. Furthermore, since these cards are simple to disable or replace if necessary, it lowers the chance of fraud or loss.
If you're looking to enhance the security of your gift cards, this protection guide outlines key features you can integrate to keep your business and customers safe.
5. Cost-Effective Marketing Tool
Not simplest are personalized plastic present cards a super praise; however, they're also a cheap advertising approach. They offer an excessive perceived value for the recipient and are moderately reasonably priced to make, mainly when asked in quantity. Businesses can improve income and enhance customer family members while not having to make a massive in-advance expenditure through offering a customized plastic present card as a prize, promoting, or having a loyalty program.
Additionally, providing gift playing cards as an element of purchaser referral schemes or seasonal promotions would possibly make your employer stand out from the competition about income. Businesses can acquire additional details at Best Gift Cards Wholesale if they're trying to maximize their budget and investigate wholesale choices.
6. Promote Flexibility and Convenience for Customers
Personalized plastic present playing cards are convenient for each client and group. Gift playing cards are a greater bendy alternative than reductions or coupons, which can have spending necessities or expiration dates because the recipients can use them each time they select. Additionally, they give customers the ability to pick out the products or offerings they prefer, which raises consumer happiness.
Additionally, present playing cards are easy to buy in-person or online, which makes them even more handy for clients searching out remaining-minute provides. Custom plastic present playing cards are an acceptable incentive for organizations to offer when you consider that they are flexible and easy to apply.
7. Promote Sustainable Business Practices
Custom plastic gift cards can support the sustainability initiatives that many organizations are pursuing. Eco-friendly plastic gift cards created from recycled or biodegradable materials are now available from several companies. By including sustainable plastic gift cards, you not only enhance the perception of your business but also attract individuals who care about the environment.
The benefits of custom cards extend beyond just their aesthetic appeal. Custom cards offer a unique way to provide valuable rewards while showcasing your organization's commitment to reducing waste and its environmental impact. This approach aligns with sustainable practices and strengthens your brand's reputation for eco-consciousness.
Including personalized plastic gift cards in your business plan can have a lot of advantages, like increasing brand awareness and consumer loyalty. Because of their adaptability, simplicity in administration, and affordability, they are a great option for companies trying to meaningfully reward their clients. Personalized plastic gift cards are a great way to increase sales, interact with clients, and foster long-term success for any size company. If you're a business looking to expand or enhance your gift card options, give 800.835.7919 a call to learn more about how to purchase personalized plastic gift cards that are made to fit your needs.
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