#Plo Koon’s Sticker AU
kiwikipedia · 4 years
Echo: General, can we get stickers when we do a good job?
Anakin: While I have no problem in getting some, may I ask why?
Fives: He saw the 104st “Good Behavior” board
Ahsoka: the what
[meanwhile in the 104st]
Wolffe: I have the most stickers for this week meaning Buir thinks I do the best job
Boost: you’re an asshole is what you are
Comet: yeah but did Plo-Buir give you candy? I don’t think so
Warthog: Or pastries? Yeah, nice try, Commander, I think I win this one this week
Sinker: this was the best idea ever now I just get to sit back and watch them all fight when we all know who the favorite child really is
Plo Koon, to Kit Fisto, watching everything: They do know I hand stickers out after every mission, right?
Kit Fisto: You’ve never given me a sticker, though
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Sometimes I wonder, why do I always think of angst? Why is that first option besides comedies involving villains.
So @penguinkiwi and her recent chapter to Plo Koon’s sticker au brough up how Force signatures are like elements with Plo’s being a storm. Then I was thinking to myself if Plo ever had a panic or anxiety attack would it feel like a raging storm? It’s something that want to add to the Jedi Council Reality TV Show AU. With Kit just feeling it as Plo radiaties harsh electricity. Long story short everyone is scared that Dad is having anxiety attack and ran away. Also they’re pissed at Pong Krell.
Well, thanks penguin for sub planting the idea in my head.
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
I know I said Obi’s chapter was next to be written but I can’t help but think of the ridiculousness that is Saesee and Plo trying to find the safest way to shave off part of Plo’s tusks.
Do they use like. A sand grinder? Do they go more physical and use a filer? Are they both lacking brain cells and try and use a lightsaber?
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
Well by law I’m now writing a long ass oneshot about the Plo Koon Gives Everyone Stickers AU
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
I’ve affectionately named Bultar’s group of clones the “Swan Company” and then wheezed myself out of the atmosphere
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
I’ve never had to look at a random list of nouns and verbs to figure out names before and yet here we are. Standing in the middle of painted armor.
My favorite clone I made for sticker verse is Ghost and his sole goals in life are healing stupid self sacrificing generals and scaring the fuck out of Kit Fisto because he thinks it’s funny.
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo's Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 1: The Pros And Cons Of Point Giving
Chapter Summary: The Pros are that teamwork and positivity ride high. The cons are that the Pack doesn't know if they can count a thumbs up as equal to a sticker or if it should be more points.
Rating: T (Language)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels)
Pairing: Kit Fisto/Plo Koon (Heavily Implied/its there and i guess no one comments on it), Anakin/Padme (But literally who didn't know that)
Extra Notes: Also on AO3 || AO3 Series Index || Original Post on my Writing Account
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Me, creating another fanfic out of the blue? more likely than you think.
forewarning, the consistency of using full vs partial names (either given or last) is next to inconsistent with everyone except like. Anakin, Obi-wan, Kit, and Ahsoka. I don't know why but sometimes my brain goes "it cant be just Shaak in this sentence. it has to be Shaak Ti"
And just like Turning Tides, this series will have a number of further notes at the end on top of my usual ending notes. These are totally optional, they just explain my writing process and why I chose certain points to put in. On AO3 this is posted under the series with the same name on my profile.
Is this somewhat crack taken seriously? yes. It's based on a post I made and the following conversation made via reblogs. Not sure if I'll have an actual update schedule for this one since its a more "at my leisure" thing at the moment
Edit: Hiiii just a reminder to yall that this is a repost from when i originally posted it on my writing account around a year ago. As of right now, a lot of my past ideas have changed but I didn’t want to change the original writings when i reposted! either way, enjoy the story!
No one's quite sure when it started, but everyone in the GAR (and some outside of it too) is aware of it.
'It' being the sudden appearance of a colorful (sometimes not, black isn't exactly the most colorful thing in the galaxy) and quite silly looking adhesive image attached to one's personal belongings— or even on their person.
And 'it' also being the sudden appearance of a certain High Council Jedi to hand you said adhesive image.
Jedi Master Plo Koon called them "stickers" and for as long as anyone could remember, he had been doing his task of handing them out as a sign of congratulations, of a job well done.
It was no surprise to anyone to hear Echo and Fives getting into a debate again— it was quite normal among the 501st, really. Everyone was used to it because that was just a sibling thing to do. It was something batchmates did and no one minded. That said, this time Anakin wasn't really sure what it was the two were going on about.
As he and Ahsoka walked over to the two ARC Troopers, he caught wind of the words "104th" and "Sticker Chart", which was already something that perked his interest no matter the context.
The 104th, aside from being known as one of the most fiercely protective Battalions (and one of the most likely to take any stray Clones in), was a battalion that always had something interesting going on within their ranks— outside of combat, of course.
(Or at least, according to some of the other Clones. Rex seemed to know the ins and outs of the Wolffepack.)
Glancing to his Padawan, who shrugged in return, the two of them approached the two clones— well, five, really, Hardcase and Jesse were sitting back and watching the two argue while Rex shook his head.
"What's going on here, Rex?" Ahsoka asked and Echo whirled around to both salute and speak to them. Rex didn't have time to respond, just shaking his head still as Echo cut in.
"General, commander!" he greeted before launching into his question. "Can we have stickers when we do a good job on missions?"
That made both Master and Padawan blink, looking at each other before back to the clones. They both knew what Stickers were— hell, they had gotten a number of them before from the so-called Sticker Giver when they were both initiates— but they had no idea where this had come from.
(The truth was that the two of them were still getting stickers, Ahsoka got them for basically breathing in Master Plo Koon's vicinity. Anakin got them for when "you haven't been outrageously reckless, young Skywalker. Congratulations on a mission well done" and also for out-snarking Obi-Wan, which was a reward in and of itself usually)
"I don't really have an issue with doing that, I'll have to see if I can get some from Master Plo Koon," Anakin started when he realized he had been silent for too long and Echo and Fives were still looking at him with expectant and curious looks. "But where did this idea come from?"
Fives sighed, shifting his weight onto his other foot and crossing his arms. "Echo here caught wind of the 104th's 'Good Behavior' board. Apparently, every week, General Koon gives stickers to his battalion every time a mission goes well."
"Master Plo gives out stickers if you do anything that betters yourself in a good way in front of him," Ahsoka pointed out with a chuckle before blinking in realization. "Wait, Master Plo's battalion has a what?"
"Is the 104th a dog pack that needs a good behavior chart or something?" Anakin asked at the same time. Rex snorted.
"General, they are called the Wolffepack, remember?" he pointed out and Anakin sighed.
"I'll see about getting some from Master Koon," he said, shaking his head.
Ahsoka and Echo— and Tup, who was listening in, apparently— cheered.
Every Bendunday was, for the most part, always a wild day in the 104th and no one ever believed anyone who told them as such. Of course, the 104th had a reputation to uphold outside of the barracks— a reputation of a battalion who was fiercely protective and all teeth and claws to enemies. A reputation that made some initiates scared of their General by default, though it wasn't as if Plo Koon was looking to take on a padawan a the moment.
(They weren't so frightened to climb up next to him as he meditated or so frightened that they wouldn't ask him for a story about the one time Wolffe and the others suffered through a certain golden droid's story.)
Still, the reputation that the 104th— that the Wolffepack— garnered made people who didn't know Plo Koon and the 104th personally wonder if Kit Fisto was insane when he talked about having fun with them when he wasn't on duty.
The Nautolan really didn't know what was so far-fetched about it, though.
Really, the Clones were just teens and early twenty-somethings in standard years. The only difference is that they were stuffed in adult bodies and forced to act like perfect little soldiers for the Jedi and the Republic.
Kit knew that Plo Koon, gods above bless his compassionate heart, never would've ordered his men to do something like that.
"If you can save yourself, save your vod, save innocents, do it before you attempt to save me."
He remembered hearing the older Jedi Master say as such the first time they worked a joint mission. He knew that because he treated his battalion like his sons, the pack's downtime was never boring. Especially since Sinker decided that it was a good idea to put a giant (and by giant, Kit does mean wall to wall giant, over a hundred clones' names had to fit across the top of it) page of flimsiplast across one of the walls of the barracks' break-room like rooms.
(Kit thinks that they were originally made for planning, but Plo was more likely to do a mission brief in the large common area so all of his men knew what was going on.)
Sinker had shared the reason for his suggestion, of course. Armor could be shattered, broken, and tossed out. And water and sand and dirt could get into them, the stickers— those the little mementos and gifts from their general for a job well done— would get ruined that way. With the board, the stickers could stay undamaged.
Some of the clones, of course, still had some on their armor, sometimes they were too hard to peel off and stick on the board. And of course, what counted as a job well done was anything under Coruscant's four moons.
(Kit knows. Kit's gotten a few for muttering that Mace was pissed during one of the council meetings. Plo had slipped him a sticker depicting a cartoony Talz on it the moment Mace turned to talk to Saesee.)
But it was the noise that made Kit poke his head into the break-room. A debate was going on between a number of the vod with Commander Wolffe right in the center of it. In truth, it wasn't just the noise that drew him— the debate was loud in the 104th's barracks, but it wasn't like he could hear them all the way in the 272nd— but rather the fact that he was looking for the said commander.
He had been sent on his way over by one of the 104th's medics— his name was Ghost and he kept trying to sneak up on Kit, hence the name— who had known why he was at the 104th while they were on leave from the front. Or at least had a suspicion. It was always hard to tell with that one.
Still, if Ghost or any of the others didn't know where he was, then Commander Wolffe normally knew where Plo Koon had taken off to if Kit couldn't find him himself. And Ghost hadn't known this time so he had sent him to find Wolffe.
So, with all that said, Kit really hadn't had any trouble finding the room that Ghost was talking about.
"—Look, all I'm sayin' is that I have the most stickers this week," The Commander of the 104th was saying and the Nautolan Jedi blinked.
What in the sweet name of Chaos were the Troopers talking about this time?
Sure, Kit knew all about Plo Koon's sticker-giving habit (who didn't?), but despite that, he had no idea what Wolffe was talking about, really.
He, himself, had gotten more than a few over the time the two of them were serving on the Council together. Though in the beginning, Kit was certain that half of them were to make him feel more comfortable with serving with the Mace Windu.
(Of course, Kit had been nervous at first! Unlike some of the other Knights, Kit hadn't really talked with Windu prior and he was famous. For various reasons, and he had admired the other Master's strength. Though now Kit could plainly state that those reasons were overblown and Mace Windu's so-called "steely gaze" was because he was suffering internally.)
Sinker seemed to be the only one who had noticed his appearance as Kit stepped into the break-room. Everyone else in the room (only about seven others) were busy either taking part in the debate or watching it.
Still, the white-haired clone gave him a slight salute before moving over to him.
"Good to see you, General Fisto," he greeted— Sinker always was more casual about greeting him. Once again, because of the 104th reputation, one wouldn't have expected the easy-going Kit Fisto to get along with the serious and fierce Wolffepack, but here he was.
Besides, it wasn't as if Kit was super subtle about how he treated their General. More subtle than Anakin would ever be (seriously, he didn't know the kid well but even he knew he either had the hots for or was already in a relationship with that senator from Naboo) but still, he wasn't that subtle.
Maybe he got let off the hook because he was naturally friendly and flirtatious. But either way, he was glad that Sinker felt at ease enough to act as casual and friendly towards him the same way that he was with Plo and the rest of the Pack.
"Nothing much, Sinker," Kit told the trooper, waving his hand in an 'at ease' motion, though he was already dropping his arm. "Any idea where your General might be?"
Sinker blinked, thinking for a moment before shrugging and smoothing down a wrinkle in his grey-colored, casual clothes. Well, uniform, really.
"He should be back soon," Sinker started with a hum. "Said he was going to…" he made a gesture with his hand. "Do something."
In other words, he wasn't in the barracks and Sinker had no idea where he was. Kit sighed but gave the Clone a slight grin.
"No matter, friend," he said easily, crossing his arms as he looked past him at his brothers.
"And I'm sayin' that you're an asshole," Boost was saying to Wolffe and honestly that was a bit fun to see as the two faced off.
Sinker glanced back as well. "Arguing over who won bragging rights for tonight," he explained without prompting, grinning a bit. "Boost's just sore since he has nothing more to go off of than what's on the board."
And considering what was on the board was a large number of stickers, Kit was curious about what exactly "anything more" could mean.
"But did Plo-Buir give you candy, Commander?" a Clone that Kit thinks had the name Comet (though he wasn't a hundred percent sure) shot back and he raised a nonexistent brow at the mando'a term. And grinned.
Now he had something more to throw in Plo's face whenever the Kel Dor was down (about his age, or his appearance, or not being able to keep people safe enough, or whatever got the older Jedi down) to probably cheer him back up.
Force knows that the Clones wouldn't be able to call Plo Buir to his face until the war was over.
"How about them pastries, bark-boy?" Warthog added on, arm slung around Comet's shoulders. "I think I win this one, this week, Commander."
"Wait if we're counting those Iced Doughnuts then I'm definitely in as a contender, those weren't just yours, 'hog," another Clone spoke up, brows furrowed.
"Check the datapad, Cable!" a second called and the clone before grunted.
"But I'm right here."
"Not talking about you, Data."
"We need a better name for you."
Kit chuckled, tilting his head a bit as the clone called 'Cable' looked up from the datapad they had been idly scrolling through. Sinker seemed just as amused as his vod scrunched his nose up a bit.
"Do we have a record of the extra actions buir has done this week?" 'Data' asked, arms crossed and Kit leaned against the wall by the door, settling down to watch the Wolffepack debate some more. Sinker did the same, apparently resigned to not winning this week. That or he knew he was winning and didn't want to spoil the fun yet.
"At various times this week, General Koon gave Decker a folded-paper star, Jumper got pats on the back, and I think Nex got a tunic," Cable started to read off, "Oh and Warthog and Data's pastries, though those were shared between them, Blink, Sweetie, and Ghost. Chilled and Wolffe both ate lunch with Buir, and Bell and Tine both got a thumbs up. And Comet got candy."
Cable paused, hitting a few buttons before shrugging. "But even with the conversion chart… Wolffe's still ahead of Warthog and Nex by two stickers."
Groans and yells erupted from the group, along with Wolffe grinning like a mad man with a shout of "I told you so!" directed at Boost. He saw Data sigh and shake his head, patting Warthog on the shoulder with a mutter of "guess we'll tell the others once Boost and Wolffe are done arguing" and Sinker snorted before snapping to attention as the door slid open— though none of the other clones seemed to hear it.
Kit glanced over his shoulder as Plo Koon stepped in, a brow raised behind his goggles.
"And what is going on in here?" the Kel Dor asked and Kit just chuckled. Sinker dropped his salute with a slight shrug.
"Sticker chart, General," he told him. "Just counting up the totals."
Plo Koon hummed, though with his mask it sounded like a reverberating rumble— almost purr-like and it made Kit a bt giddy inside.
"How close was the score this time?" the elder Jedi asked.
"Wolffe won by two stickers over Warthog and Cable, I think," Kit offered, "Whatever that means."
The two Jedi Masters lapsed into silence before Plo Koon glanced at him. "Was there something that you needed me or the 104th for, Master Fisto?"
Ha! As if the Kel Dor didn't know why he was there.
Ah, but then again, Plo was more reserved than Kit was, and he respected that. At this point, he wasn't sure if Plo Koon was just interpreting the Code differently than the others, or if he was straight up ignoring part of it. He also had no idea how many of Plo's "boys" knew or not— because Shaak Ti did and he was pretty sure Mace and Yoda did too, but once again, no one really said anything about it.  Maybe it was because neither of them were obsessive over the other— or that Plo Koon would literally take a blow from the GAR, because over half the Clones would follow him if he had to leave the Order.
Kit chose to wave off the question instead, however. "Nothing pressing," He told him easily. "My attempt to bother Mace into another duel was thwarted by one of his migraines and I prefer to not be on the business end of his lightsaber."
Another hum came from the Kel Dor before tilted his head a bit. "We should go and check on him, perhaps."
"Hey, I just said that I don't wanna be on the other end of his lightsaber," Kit huffed, but Plo paid him no mind as he turned and opened the door again.
"Oh and Sinker?" Plo Koon called after they had stepped outside of the meeting room, glancing over his shoulder. "Give Wolffe my congratulations."
"Yes sir!"
Sinker grinned as the door slid closed as Kit followed Plo out despite his earlier comment about not wanting to deal with Mace Windu, hands swinging in an at ease manner at his side.
He fell in step with the older Jedi easily, sparing a glance down at the smaller male next to him. In comparison to him, though, Plo's hands were resting inside the sleeves of his robes, clasped before him as he walked. He faced forwards again, humming a bit as they walked.
He blinked suddenly, as a thought came over him and he turned to look back down at Plo again.
"Hey, you haven't given me a sticker in a while."
Plo Koon snorted. "Oh please, Kit," he said back loftily. "You know that's a lie."
Kit only grinned. "Yeah. But I still want one. And maybe something else too."
The Kel Dor only hummed. "Perhaps if you don't cause trouble during the Council Meeting tomorrow."
"My version or your version of causing trouble?"
"No bringing live fish into the meeting and eating them while staring Obi-Wan in the eyes, he has enough on his plate, don't give him another reason not to sleep."
"It was one time!"
"One time too many, Kit."
Hey im PloKit trash because I love my boys and thats the fucKING TEA.
Anyways, Plo's age is funky at best. Dorin has a really similar rotation to the standard one, Plo states hes 382 in Kel Dor Years (Dorin years), but Plo is apparently accepted to be Qui-Gon's age? I don't get it. Math is hard. IMO, Plo's very old but that's a discussion for later.
Further Notes:
In Numerology, Water generally corresponds to the vibrations 2, 7, 22 and sometimes 1 and 8. From what i can find, Kit didn't have an official squadron, but Monnk's Company is assigned to him for the battle of Mon Cala. If they were his official company or not, I have no idea, but here they are because I love All Of The Clones. They also had no number, hence the 272. So now Kit's got a Company in the 272th.
Also yes, there are going to be a number of oc clones because not everyone in the battalions and such are named.
edit: I've made some adjustments to the timeline because as Ive been writing it I decided I wanted Plo and Kit's relationship to be pre geonosis in the start and Kit wasn't on the council until after TCW started
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo’s Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 2: The Result of a Migraine Isn’t So Bad
Chapter Summary: Mace Windu has a Migraine and paperwork to get done. Why he thought that it would go unnoticed, he doesn’t know.
Rating: T (Language)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels)
Pairing: Kit Fisto/Plo Koon (Heavily Implied), Anakin/Padme (But literally who didn't know that) (Mentioned)
Extra Notes: Also on AO3 || AO3 Series Index || Original Post on my Writing Blog
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I've decided to update whenever I finish a chapter instead of waiting for a certain day to upload. So basically, irregular updates forever.
Edit: Hiiii just a reminder to yall that this is a repost from when i originally posted it on my writing account around a year ago. As of right now, a lot of my past ideas have changed but I didn’t want to change the original writings when i reposted! either way, enjoy the story!
Mace Windu's head hurt.
Like a pounding, never-ending pain type of hurt. Paired with blurry vision, ringing ears, and every single noise caused another wave of pain to shoot through his skull. And on a planet as busy as Coruscant, there was a lot of noise. Not as much as there would have been if he had been several levels lower and not at the Temple, but it was still loud.
Ponds, force be good on his soul, he knew was sitting quietly outside the door to his office with Snap and Jet not too far. If he looked closer and through the crack in the door, he could see the worn sabacc cards that the two were playing with— they weren't playing sabacc, though, the two were being far too quiet for that. Perhaps Go-Opee.
Either way, the three clones were stationed outside of his office for… various reasons. Which were not to dissuade anyone from walking into his office.
Because he certainly was not holed up in it to escape the chaos of being the head Jedi on the Council.
And he certainly hasn't been hiding from Grandmaster Yoda and Kit Fisto in the meanwhile— both of them had a habit of bothering him when they were bored. That is, if Kit wasn't bothering Plo Koon (mind you, this bothering was less bothering and more or less attempting to get in the other's robes) or asking Agen Kolar for a duel.
Or asking Saesee Tiin for a duel. Or Ki-Adi Mundi for a duel. Or Depa for a duel. Or Plo Koon for a duel after bothering him. Or—
Well, Kit tended to like to ask people for duels. Except for Obi-Wan and Luminara. But everyone knew that Kit's way of meditating was through movement, and that meant sparing and dueling when he was able to, even if it was bothering others.
Mace knew that.
He also knew that no one but Plo Koon had the guts to face Shaak Ti off in a full out duel. And he knows that Kit and Obi-Wan oh-so unprofessionally referred to that duel as "the parents fighting" and that Ki-Adi had agreed and said something about "hoping his arguments with his wives don't end up that vicious". Because behind her calm and collected mask lied a fearsome predator in Shaak Ti. Despite her station off of the frontlines, she was no slouch when it came down to it. Furthermore, Plo Koon was a seasoned master when it came to both the Force and saber-skills. A downright monster if he chose to be, but the Kel Dor remained calm and collected. The duel that they had all witnessed had Kit challenging both of them, more than eager to test his own skills against the two.
( Mace never doubted the rumor that Plo Koon had bested Master Yoda in a duel after that. )
Another thing that Mace Windu knew about his fellow Council Members was that Kit Fisto, along with not even bothering to hide his enthusiasm for duels, just won't bother with being subtle when it comes to flirting. Oh for sure, flirting had its uses and Mace didn't bat an eye when it was done in front of him— for the gods' sake, Obi-Wan Kenobi uses flirting as a negotiation tactic— but when it came to Fisto?
It was so blatantly obvious there was no reason for it other than to either throw off his target— in regular conversation!— or to actually making an attempt to woo another. And Mace Windu found he didn't care. Because his usual target, a certain Kel Dor, either also didn't care or notice— or he was somehow staying on the side of the Light while returning the Nautolan's affections in a more subtle manner.
Which hardly mattered at this point to Mace because what did matter was that his kriffing migraine would not go away. And a migraine wouldn't be able to help him with completing the paperwork he needed to do.
Grumbling lowly under his breath, the Korun Jedi lifted his head and squinted at the stacks of paperwork in front of him. Not to mention all the bantha-shit that was to be sent through holo.
Damage reports, medical reports, reports from Kamino, Various Jedi Reports, requests for more rations and medical supplies to get sent to the front lines, initiate reports, Shaak Ti's reports on how Kamino sucks, and really, they should do something about how the Kaminoans were treating the clones, not to mention the goddamn Senate reports.
There were also the Skywalker Reports which were just extensive damage reports half the time.
Mace sighed silently, rubbing his temples with one hand as he shuffled the papers a bit. He really didn't have the mind to do his work right now, but if he put it off for later, he knew he would only end up with a more painful migraine in the long run— stress-induced, of course.
And of course, he could easily just skip the reading and just start signing off on the work, but there was more than likely to be some sort of fine print on every single page that could put the Order at great risk— such as the one time the Senate attempted to slip in a clause to exert full control over the Jedi Order.
Mace had brought that said document to the Council and the next day it had been delivered to the Chancellor's desk with a firm reminder that the Jedi Order was acting as an army to the Republic, but they were not the Senate's to control. The Jedi were the allies to the Republic and Senate, but they were not theirs.
Just thinking about it brought another wave of irritation and pain through Mace's head as he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose— if only to attempt to release some of the pressure behind his eyes.
Still, at the moment, his choice was either to do all the Force be damned paperwork that he had now and pray to it that he was reading and comprehending everything correctly, or wait and suffer through it later on top of the other stacks of work that were bound to show up by the time the four moons rose.
Which meant that there was no real choice then.
As the Korun Jedi moved to begin his work, a sudden ripple in the force made him groan. He knew those two signatures coming down the hall— who in the council wouldn't when they pushed and pulled before blending together so perfectly when together.
There was no real way to describe how the Force signatures of each individual in simple words. The closer one was to another, the closer their trust was to another, the more of their signature they understood. And for Mace, this was the case for those on the Council.
Attachment was forbidden, yes, but trust was not. And he trusted everyone on the Council— and in return, they trusted him.
Though now that he was thinking on it, there was a certain Jedi that he was certain wasn't following the Code— who wasn't Anakin, that is. Everyone and their mother knew that Anakin was in love with Padmé Amidala. Some tried to dissuade him from it, at this point Mace was just giving him grief over it until the boy realized he couldn't be subtle if he tried.
No, the Jedi in question who was using the Code as more of a... guided suggestion was one of the two walking down the hall.
It was interesting though, how Kit ignored the attachment rule and also kept himself from falling. He knew, because his Force signature was still radiated the light.
Though light it might be, Kit's signature was wild, unpredictable, and not too unlike Quinlan Vos' own signature. But the difference was that while Quinlan's was wild in a way that matched with his habit of leaping from high places, Kit's signature was wild and unpredictable in the same way that the sea was. And under the wild breaking of the waves, there was calm and peace, a soothing feeling that most Jedi who weren't outwardly serene held.
Plo Koon, however, was very different than their Nautolan colleague. On the surface, Plo Koon's force signature was gentle and warm, calm and patient— very reflective of the man's own personality, he could stand and sit perfectly still for hours on end in perfect calm. But there was something more, simmering under the surface, waiting to explode outwards. The crackle of golden lightning, the biting winds of Doin.
It was simple, if Kit was the storm at sea constantly throwing off those who tried to predict him, then Plo Koon was the calm before. A man who could wait out and weather any storm.
It came as no surprise to Mace that his long-time friend would be able to balance out the storm that was the younger Nautolan Master.
Of course, that also meant that the two of them caused trouble without realizing it when they were together— or they did, Kit could be stirring up trouble and Plo just lets it happen.
So that was why Mace feared the worst when Ponds, Snap, and Jet scrambled to attention when two sets of footsteps stopped outside the door. There was some muffled conversation before the door was gently pushed open and Plo Koon stepped in. The door was closed just as gently and Mace raised a brow as his long time friend and fellow Council Member crossed the office and over to him.
"Both Master Fisto and Commander Ponds have alerted me to the fact that you might be suffering from a stress-induced migraine, my friend," Plo Koon said, circling around his desk and stopping at his side as the Korun man huffed a bit from his nose.
"And of no thanks to the said Master out int the hall," he drawled and Plo Koon's rumbling chuckles reached his ears and, kriff, that was nice, the noise somehow lessening the pressure in his skull. In general, Kel Dor were interesting in regard to the noises that they could make. In addition to the clicking, whistling, and warbling that was unique to their species that could be heard on varying frequencies of sound, their true voices remained unheard outside of Dorin's atmosphere, and most all knew that to intrude on a Kel Dor Jedi's living quarters and anti-ox chambers without an invite was seen as quite rude. Even with their masks, if they chose to, they could speak across sound waves too low or too high for other sentients to be able to hear.
( Or maybe it was just humans. Shaak Ti certainly twitched every so often when Plo Koon was around. Though that could be a Force thing if Mace really put thought to it, Kel Dor could speak telepathically too. )
Maybe it was those reverberations that were doing it. Sound waves he couldn't pick up but his body recognized as something that could help.
"We both know how Kit can be," Plo responded in return, reaching over and picking up a few papers. "But stress will get you nowhere when you have a migraine, my friend."
He raised a brow, squinting a bit. "And what, this paperwork will magically get done?"
"Well, not magically," Plo Koon agreed, flipping through a few sheets. "But it will get done. Head of the Jedi Council and Order I might not be, but a long life I have lived alongside the Order. I might prefer not to get involved in politics, but I know the red duratape lines when I see them. Besides, your filing and organization system isn't difficult, Mace, and neither is your signature to forge."
"Please don't tell me you've tried before, Plo Koon," he sighed and the Kel Dor only let out another one of those reverberating hums.
"Someone had to make sure little 'soka got the nutrition she needed on the front lines," was all he said before pausing. "We're lucky that Shaak Ti is stationed in Kamino unless needed elsewhere. Whoever decided that only ration bars were to be sent to the front would be gut like a fish. Though it is best we don't give names, she might board the next ship over."
Mace didn't doubt that.
Togruta were carnivores. They tore into meat and flesh with sharp teeth like it was nothing more than paper. Even if Shaak and Ahsoka were not as brutal as their ancestors had once been, the fact remained that their bodies needed as much protein as their ancestors once did. And even if, over time, Togrutas managed to evolve to ingest plant-based foods, the statement still stood— the calories and proteins from plant-based food would simply not be enough in the long run.
He, himself, had been mildly irate when the motion to start sending ration bars to the frontlines in lieu of real rations, real food, was made. Economically it made sense, and perhaps for the clones it did too (even if Snap did grumble about how tasteless they were), but for the Jedi out on the front?
Certainly, a number of them were omnivorous or ate plant-based food— or ate anything blended up and then dumped into a cup because Plo Koon couldn't tear into or chew anything should he wish to take a meal with anyone else— but the carnivores?
That was why Kit was often sent to oceanic and water-based planets whenever possible— to let him hunt, let him eat properly when the mission was done.
That was why Shaak Ti was more than pleased to be on Kamino— both to protect the Clones from being turned into lab rats and because Togruta could hunt in the water just as well as on land.
But it was because they were on the Council that this was possible for them. Kit had a company of Clones in the form of the 272nd, but Monnk and his Company were mainly Aquatic Troopers, they went into the water with him. And Shaak Ti was stationary for all intents and purposes. And even among the Council, it wasn't as easy as that and it certainly wasn't for the others in the Order. Padawans were stationed where their masters were needed and other Knights and Masters simply didn't have enough leeway with companies, battalions, or platoons of clones behind them.
And so Mace understood Plo's ire. Ahsoka Tano was, for as much as it went against the Code (that apparently the Kel Dor ignored, but Mace knew only the bare basics of the Kel Dor, for all he knew Kel Dor needed familial connections as much as they needed their anti-oxygen masks off-world), the closest thing that Plo Koon had to a daughter. She was still growing as well, she needed all the nutrition she could get should she wish to become as strong as Shaak Ti had been before the war broke out.
("This is a Joint custody over little Ahsoka Tano," Shaak Ti would loftily tease during one of the countless Council dinners before the war got this bad to the point that the Council was broken apart and Shaak was more or less always gone. To the point where Plo and Saesee were usually in space running extraction missions, where Mace was forced to stay off the front lines more often than not in order to command from the back and he hated it, hated watching the Jedi, his friends out on the front lines where they any day could be their last.)
"So that was what Padawan Tano was talking about," Mace chose to say instead of chastising the older Jedi for his attachments. "Aside from when she was a toddler, I don't think she's hugged anyone on the Council like that— except for you and probably Obi-Wan. Girl has a strong grip. Bone crushing."
A happy sort of trill came from the Kel Dor at the sheer mention that Ahsoka had hugged him and he was once again reminded of Plo Koon's wide vocal range. "Yes well, no fear of anything being done incorrectly then," Plo said, scooping up some more papers and a pen.
Mace squinted up at him. "You are not going to do my paperwork for me," he warned and Plo just gave him an amused look from behind his mask.
"Because you will with that migraine of yours, Mace?" he asked, "I could feel how much pain you were in from the moment we got to your hall."
"And you thought bringing Kit Fisto with you would help?"
The dig wasn't really filled with any venom behind it, it wasn't as if Plo was one to drag anyone around with him if he went somewhere. And there wasn't really any secret that Kit was the most likely to cause trouble in the Council outside of Obi-Wan. It was just a routine and friendly jab at Kit and Mace's conflicting personalities. At the unlikely friendship between them.
And of course, Plo Koon just laughed again. "Perhaps."
There was a thump outside and startled laughs from Jet and Kit before Snap and Ponds hushed them both. Mace's lips twitched upwards into a slight smile at that before he turned back to Plo.
"And there's nothing to dissuade you from doing this?" he asked him with a slight sigh.
"Not at all," the other Jedi said and sounded all too happy about it. Mace grumbled a bit but lowered his head, shooting the smug Kel Dor a glare.
"You better wake me in an hour, you old man."
"I make no promises, my friend," the Jedi hummed, already settled down on the floor, back against Mace's desk and papers against his knees as he read.
The Korun Jedi just grumbled but knew better than to argue with the so-called Father of the Council. Instead, he brought his arms up and rested his head on them atop the desk. Before he closed his eyes he saw Plo Koon move, waving a hand with a gentle click and a soft noise that was almost too low for him to hear. The lights dimmed to lower than fifty percent and the windows dimmed entirely.
Before he closed his eyes he saw the door open just a bit and both Kit and Ponds peer in before Plo waved them off.
"You better not put any stickers on those reports," he grumbled as he closed his eyes.
Mace only got an amused round of clicks back before a low hum began to ease the pressure behind his eyes again. He settled down, allowing the sleep he needed to overtake him.
It was more than an hour later when Mace woke up and he was no longer in his office, but had been dumped rather unceremoniously in his bed in his own quarters. The Chrono on his bedside table reads a bright 0600 and he grumbled a bit, might've cursed Plo once or twice as he climbed to his feet and changed into a fresh set of robes.
He had slept the entire afternoon and night away, it seemed, and it was about the same time he would wake up the next day.
As he stepped out into the common area of his living quarters, a neat stack of paperwork sat on the low table before the sofa. Slowly, Mace approached and blinked a bit, rubbing his eyes and blinking the sleep away again.
On the very top of the papers was a mostly blank sheet with a note scrawled out in Plo Koon's neat, albeit jagged, script.
Under it came the messy scribbles in the form of Kit's own handwriting.
Finished all the paperwork with several hours to spare. Did everything else that piled up from the night reports too. Double-check to make sure everything is in order.
— Plo
I did the Holo reports because Plo's too slow can't hold your stylus with his talon guards on. Praise me.
— Kit (your favorite amphibian)
Mace snorted at Kit's note, knowing full well that Kit had gotten bored of waiting and probably just went ahead of Plo and did the datapad work. All the styluses were made the same for the most part, and he knew that Plo's wasn't any different than his own.
Still, the notes left a warm feeling in his chest and he let out a chuckle upon seeing what was stuck to the paper.
"That man and his stickers," Mace said to himself as he set the note to the side and started flipping through the paperwork once he turned the lights on all the way.
At least he didn't put any on the official documents.
Now do the Jedi have offices? I have no idea. But they need somewhere to do their paperwork. and by they I mean mace.
I recognize that technically the talk about Plo slipping Kit a sticker during council meetings wouldn't be right (Plo sits right next to the door and Kit sits directly across from him in the council room with Mace next to Plo and Saesee like two to the left of Kit) but like. Force shenanigans. So like whatever.
Go-Opee is a made-up game since I couldn't find the equivalent of Go-Fish. The Oppe comes from the Opee Sea Killer
Anyways, imo Kit is certainly the type to ask every Jedi on the council for a duel or just to bother them in general. Ofc Luminara isn't on the council, but Kit bothers her anyway because he can. I think the general headcanon is that Kit and Luminara are close in age with Kenobi and Bant.
Further Notes:
Since this is a Nothing Hurts And Everything Is Beautiful type of AU (lmao get ready for angst anyways because that's just how I roll), Mace just. Doesn't care about the no attachments code. Mans is too tired because The Senate Sucks Let The Jedi Sleep Please They Need It (Or you could take this as "Kit's fucking strong and Plo's fucking strong and we need them in the Jedi still so we'll let it slide so long as the two of them don't put others in danger because of their love for each other" sort of situation).
On the topic of sound healing migraines or at least lessening the pressure of them, this is called sound therapy. I'm not sure the exact range on the sound wave scale this hits, since I've never had to use it, but I don't technically think it would be out of our hearing range. But on that note star wars is literally a different world from us and who knows what secrets the Kel Dor have. So bam, Kel Dor sound therapy for migraines.
Also, Kel Dor making clicking and trilling noises when words fail and they don't want to send them into the force in order to display emotions? Yes sir. Just happy lil noises. Like birds. But birds that can and will yeet you with the force. Though anger and anguish will also be displayed through varying clicks. We'll get to that one later.
22 notes · View notes
kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo’s Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 7: Thwarting Master Plans Comes From A Chance Encounter
Chapter Summary: Plo Koon, in truth, was supposed to be in a council meeting at the moment. But there were other pressing matters.
Rating: K
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels) (2003 Character)
Pairing: Kit Fisto/Plo Koon (implied)
7/7 < Prev || Start || AO3
This is gonna probably be the last installment of the stickers series for a hot bit? This was designed to be something that I could come back to when my fancy struck and atm My focus has shifted to What Once Was and some other stuff
Plo Koon was running late. Not by much, and usually, the Council meetings started closer to ten minutes after the allotted time either way, but still.
Running late was a simple thing, really, one that many would simply look past, but he was someone who was punctual to a fault. Certainly, Saesee would be messaging him asking if something was wrong. But there wasn't anything wrong, he had simply lost track of time while reading.
Sighing as he walked briskly through the Temple, the Kel Dor nearly missed the small, blonde human who crossed into his path— almost bowling the boy over, had he not stopped in time upon feeling that unusually bright signature in the force.
"Pardon me, young one," the Kel Dor rumbled before he blinked, frowning a bit under his mask, getting a better look at the child in front of him.
This was that child that Qui-Gon Jinn had brought to the temple, the one that Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to be training. Anakin Skywalker, if his memory served correctly, and the little blonde ducked his head a bit.
Nervousness. He should be in class as well if Plo remembered the schedule for children of his age correctly. Still, the child was quite nervous— was he lost? Plo knelt down to eye level, knees practically on the cold stone of the temple.
"Child, what has you so nervous?" he asked gently as the boy shifted in his place. Blue eyes flickered up to meet his behind his goggles and the boy's eyes widened a bit.
"You're— You're from the Council!" he gasped and Plo let out an amused laugh, though it was more like a rumble as he kept his tone soft and gentle— allowing his amusement to be felt through the force and the child's shoulder relaxed just a bit at the noise.
"Indeed I am," he confirmed, before tilting his head. "And you are young Anakin Skywalker. I apologize for not meeting you in person sooner, young one. The Council business was... handled poorly, and I apologize. For not speaking up, then, that is."
That made the boy shift again, looking back down. "Um, it's alright, M— Master," he stammered and Plo frowned behind his mask again. A spike of unease rolled off the child when he said 'Master'.
Then it clicked.
"Oh, oh no, child," he murmured, reaching up to gently stroke his hair before he hesitated. He settled for simply clasping his hands on his knees as he spoke to Anakin. "I had forgotten, you mustn't feel the need to call me such. Has Knight Kenobi explained to you what the difference in 'Master' is for the Jedi yet?"
The boy shook his head, meaning his other teachers probably hadn't either. It was understandable, Obi-Wan Kenobi was still in grief over the loss of his own Master— it had probably slipped his mind as he searched for a way to ground himself. The Code taught that attachments were forbidden, but Obi-Wan had loved Qui-Gon Jinn as a father (though Plo Koon certainly had words about how the other Human handled the young man's apprenticeship) and grief was certainly something that lasted for a very long time, even when meditated on and released into the force. It would always swell back up, like a rising tide— and he'd have to thank Knight Fisto for that analogy, Plo supposed. His friend was due to be minted as a Master soon, but those were thoughts for another time.
Plo let out a soft rumble again, and he saw Anakin's shoulders relax just a bit more. "For the Jedi, 'Master' is similar to 'teacher' or someone who has perfected their trade. The Jedi Masters, while certainly not perfect and still have many things to learn— we never stop learning— are all simply 'teachers' who are 'masters' of their craft. Unlike other 'masters' of trade, our skillset lies in being Jedi rather than an architect or a mechanic."
Anakin looked up at him, a look of hope in his eyes, and Plo's heart ached. How had the Council believed that this child harbored darkness? A child who was scared and in a room full of figures he had only heard of in stories? A child who had been a slave and had only known the kindness of his Mother and nothing else?
"I can call you Teacher instead?" he asked, a bit hesitant, and Plo nodded.
"Of course," he assured him, "I'm certain that a number of others would allow you to do the same if you asked them. There are many among our Order who have faced the same troubles as you have when it comes to the association of the word 'Master', and some of us do not fault them for it. Do not be afraid to ask if you may address another as such until you are comfortable."
He startled slightly as the boy hugged him. "Thank you, Teacher... um..?"
"Plo," he supplied. "I am Plo Koon, but Teacher Plo suits me if it suits you, child."
"Okay, Teacher Plo!"
Anakin looked up at him with a bright smile and Plo gently stroked his hair before he detached the boy and stood up slowly. The boy stood as well but kept a hand latched onto his robes. He was fidgeting again, nervous.
Plo tilted his head but knelt back down to eye-level again. "Something ails you, still, young one. What is it?"
Anakin's hands twisted as he bit his lip, blue eyes glancing around before he answered.
"I'm supposed to be in class right now," he told him, "But I was told by Master Dooku that the Chancellor wanted to meet with me and I was supposed to meet him outside the temple to go to the Chancellor."
Plo's brows furrowed and he frowned from behind his mask, tusks flexing in both confusion and ire. Why in the name of the Spirits would the chancellor be wanting to meet with a child?
And where did Yan Dooku factor into this? Dooku, Plo knew, was faltering on his path in the Light. He could feel it in the force, ever since Xantos left— the defection of any padawan always impacted their Grandmaster as well as their Master. Still, something was certainly amiss.
"Well," He started slowly. "Do you want to go see the Chancellor?"
If Anakin really wanted to see the politician, and Plo twitched slightly at the thought, then he would probably need to know why. But if he didn't…
But the boy shook his head, biting his lip again. "not really, Teacher," he mumbled. "I don' wanna get any more behind in my classes."
"That's quite understandable," he mused before he stood, offering a hand to the boy. "Come."
Anakin frowned, but took his hand anyway— the boy's own small one only managing to close around two of his fingers— and Plo began to walk. He kept his steps small and gait slow so that the child— who really didn't come up to any higher than his knees— didn't stumble or fall behind. He led him back through the temple and he felt his confusion in the force.
"We're not leaving?" Anakin asked and Plo looked down at him.
"No child," he assured him. "You said it yourself, you did not wish to meet with the Chancellor, and I do not doubt you."
He smiled a bit behind his mask, before he knelt down again, reaching into his robes and pulling out a small sheet of flimsi. He pealed off a colorful sticker that depicted one of the more colorful, yet commonly seen ships seen through space, and gently sticking it onto Anakin's tunic.
"I, myself, would also loathe to catch up on my classwork," he assured him as he did and Anakin giggled a bit as they began to walk again. Plo smiled behind his mask as the two of them approached the initiate classrooms.
"Now, which class were you in, young Anakin Skywalker?"
"Madame Nu's class!"
He chuckled, allowing the boy to lead them to where the Archive keeper was teaching her class. Her eyes flickered up for just a moment as Plo entered the doorway, gently extracting his hand from the boy's own before lightly nudging him in. He seemed more than happy to do so, bouncing into the room and settling down back at his desk.
Plo certainly did feel the subtle question of "what happened?" from the former councilor through the force but he gently tilted his head as if to say 'later' before he turned.
He had a Council Meeting to get to.
It was safe to say that the rest of the Council had been quite disgruntled over the news that Plo had brought forth once he had explained why he had been so late.
Or at least, a majority of the Council was perturbed. For some reason, that Plo understood to a point, Grandmaster Yoda seemed against the fact that Yan Dooku was doing something wrong. A benefit of the doubt given to his own padawan, Plo supposed as he walked through the halls of the temple. It was understandable, but the Kel Dor hoped the Grandmaster of the Order didn't allow it to cloud his judgment. If Yan Dooku was up to something, it was important to stop him before it started.
And speak of the devil and he appears, Plo thought as he turned the corner, seeing the Serennian Human man stalking down the hall towards him.
Plo knew he could simply ignore the man, as unbefitting as it was for someone of his standing, or he could deal with whatever had him with that relatively irate state that could be felt through the force. And he had an inkling of what it was about, but still.
He wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to deal with Dooku— but if what had the other Master in such an irritated state was what he had in mind, this would be a good opportunity to nip whatever was going on in the bud.
So Plo stayed on his path, hands tucked into the sleeves of his robes, and stopped when Dooku did.
"Master Koon," the Serennian greeted cooly and Plo inclined his head slightly.
"Master Dooku," he greeted in return, his tone just as even. "What can I help you with?"
The man pursed his lips, hands clasped behind his back. "From what Madame Nu has said, you were the one who brought Young Skywalker back to class when he was instructed to meet me outside the Temple?"
He raised a brow. Cutting right to the point, then.
"I was," he confirmed. "Though the real question should be why he was being told to leave class in order to meet with you outside the Temple when you do not have the clearance to be taking any initiates, much less just one from the Temple's walls."
Dooku shifted but Plo didn't move— making sure that Dooku knew that he was expecting an answer through the Force.
"The Chancellor approached me with a request to meet with one of the saviors of Naboo," the other master said after a moment and Plo let out a hum, tusks flexing a bit in disbelief.
"That simply beings up another set of questions," he mused, "Why only Young Skywalker, surely if he wanted to praise the saviors of Naboo, he would've asked for Knight Kenobi as well? And why did the Chancellor come to you when he should know full well that should he wish to talk to any within the walls who cannot leave, he is supposed to go through the proper channels? Why exactly did he come to you, Master Dooku, that is a primary concern of mine. The Jedi Order does not normally have such direct contact with the Chancellor and politics of that nature."
There was silence, and a brief flash of anger that few would have been able to pick up on went through the other Master— but Plo was old, and both an accomplished Jedi with natural telepathic abilities and a Baran Do Sage. Small flashes of emotions that made it past one's shields he could feel. Especially at such close proximity.
"I hardly know the Chancellor's motives," the other Master bit out. "And certainly, Master Plo, I have no connection to the Chancellor, you know this."
Plo simply hummed again. "Yes, perhaps I do," he drawled before his eyes narrowed behind his goggles. "But my stance remains the same, Master Dooku. Until the Chancellor remembers that he must go through the proper channels— and until you remember that you cannot just take a child from the Temple's walls on the whims of a politician— there will be no more of taking Young Anakin Skywalker from his classes. He already believes he is behind his peers, do not make it worse for him."
He made a move to brush past him, having said his piece, but Dooku stopped him, a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Certainly," the human man started, "The Chancellor must simply wish to thank the Initiate Skywalker for his bravery—"
Plo growled lowly, a deep rumble that made Dooku's grip on his shoulder lessen.
"You overstep your bounds, Yan Dooku," he warned. "Or need I remind you that you had just stated that you had no knowledge of the Chancellor's motives?" The Kel Dor turned to the other Jedi, loosening his hold on the Force and making the sheer magnitude of his presence known. A few of the other Masters and Knights in the halls startled, some staggering and they weren't the only ones. Dooku faltered, stepping back and Plo pulled the Force back under control again— satisfied as he adjusted his robes.
"Remember, I am part of the High Council, the rest of the members' words on this matter are mine," Plo added, tone icy. "I suggest you step back and think long and hard about why we won't simply let a child into the office of a politician unsupervised and alone."
With that, Plo continued down the hall, heading towards the training halls where he could hopefully catch another Master or even Cin Drallig for a spar. As Plo walked, he passed a herd of Initiates of all shapes, races, and sizes, who turned in awe as he passed.
A little blonde caught his eye and he slowed his gait, turning to look and the boy perked up, seemingly feeling his gaze as he turned from talking to his friend. The child waved to him and Plo gave him a nod back before tilting his head before he lightly tapped a spot on his own chest. Anakin brightened at that, looking down at the sticker that Plo had placed on his tunic a few hours ago— still sticking and Anakin felt quite happy about that, he could tell.
Plo smiled under his mask and Anakin beamed before he turned to catch up with his class. He turned as well, walking back down the hall with a lighter feel in his step.
And in the far future, Anakin Skywalker would remember the old, scratched, and faded sticker that was stuck on the back panel of his old, personal datapad in his quarters. And he would remember as he heard Fives and Echo talking about the 104th's wall of stickers, as he saw Obi-Wan walk past with a loth-cat sticker on his armor, as he saw the famed Muunilinist 10's ship with a few decorating the insides of its doors as they arrived as backup when a campaign went south.
He would remember when as R2 wheeled back in with a gray "Wolffepack" sticker stuck to his back, beeping and chirping happily about how Boost and Sinker were his new friends, as Ahsoka giggled with Tup and Fives over a small box of the stickers. As Knights Swan, Lissarkh, and Koon passed Anakin in the Temple's halls, Knight Koon's padawan donning a few stickers on his own tunic. As he caught the gentle looks that Kit Fisto gave Plo when no one was looking when the three of them were on a campaign together, and then Anakin would quietly ask the Nautolan to reexplain the Code's law of Attachments before the skies cleared and a weight was lifted from his chest— he would contact Mace Windu later that night, explaining his hidden relationship.
Anakin would remember that first sticker he had gotten and how he had gotten it as Plo pat his shoulder and pressed an oddly specific sticker into Anakin's hands after a successful campaign in Wild Space, walking off afterward with the 104th— only to get waylaid by Ahsoka and Fives who wanted to know more about some impressive defensive maneuver he had pulled off.
Anakin would remember, as he stood in the office of the Chancellor's office— in the office of Palpatine, the Sith Lord— alongside Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto, sabers ignited and ready to destroy the Sith or die trying.
And Anakin would remember everything and grin, Lichtenberg figures spread like a spiderweb across his and Windu's bodies, but they alive. Because five masters went into the Sith's office, prepared to die, and five masters left the office battered and grinning from a successful win— high on adrenaline and the light that flooded them when Palpatine's head was separated from his neck. And sure, maybe Saesee was missing a horn and would walk with a limp, maybe Agen wouldn't be as active anymore due to the loss of one of his hearts, and maybe Kit would be missing some tresses and would have a nasty scar across his stomach in the aftermath, but they were all alive.
They were alive and when the Order was recalled from the lines with the GAR upon their missions being completed, Anakin would laugh, hugging Ahsoka as she returned to the Order— Knighted and fully apologized to because they had all been puppets to the Sith— and holding Padme as Obi-Wan recounted his fight with Grievous. He would whistle and howl with a large number of Clones, and Shaak Ti, Voolvif Monn, and Aayla Secura when Kit swooped Plo off his feet. He would duck his head but grin as Agen and Mace recounted their battle with Palpatine, as Padme kissed his cheek, because Anakin wasn't scared of the Code now. Because the darkness was cleared from the Order's minds, and they were alive.
Because Anakin remembered the day that he almost got knocked over by a Kel Dor running late to a meeting. And Anakin Skywalker would remember how Plo Koon kept him from possibly falling into Palpatine's hands, by allowing Anakin to take one of his hands instead.
This is the real reason why stickers saved the galaxy. also because Plo was running late. We got to see some insight that was pre-plokit when Kit was a Knight still, and also someone actually fucking explained shit to Anakin. Anyways, As I said before, this is gonna be the last installment of the series for a while since I want to focus on some other things for now.
Further notes:
When did Dooku leave the order? I don't remember. But this is when he’s still in the order.
Also Dooku apparently still doesn’t have a real first name. It had been listed as “Yan” and a lot of people accept that as his first name but it technically isn’t. Still, I’ll be using it. Also, nothing’s funnier to me than someone narrowing their eyes and just going “Yan” in disdain when they see Dooku
Is it just me or do other people equate the force to the spiritual energy that is used in Bleach? Something that can be reigned in or released and the presence is known through pressure around the others?
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo’s Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 3: A Price Given Is An Act Of Good Will
Chapter Summary: Saesee Tiin knew when his friend is troubled. And he might not agree with how he handles it, but he supposes there are worse things he could have done.
Rating: T (Language)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels)
Pairing: Kit Fisto/Plo Koon (Heavily Implied)
Extra Notes: Also on AO3 || AO3 Series Index || Orignal Post on my Writing Account
3/7 < Prev | Next > || Start
I got this idea from someone's headcanons on here but I think a number of people— or at least more than one— have the same idea that Kel Dor tusks are the space equivalent to Ivory. Except they grow back.
Anyways, I like Saesee Tiin too. He's pretty cool. Ship's broken? Jump onto a Sep ship and steal it. now you have a new ship. (2003 was great)
Edit: hellooo just a reminder to yall that this is a repost from when i originally posted it on my writing account around a year ago. As of right now, a lot of my past ideas have changed but I didn’t want to change the original writings when i reposted! either way, enjoy the story!
The Force around Plo Koon was troubled, that much was obvious as Saesee Tiin walked up to his fellow council member and friend, his back to him and gaze fixed on a point outside the large window that overlooked the temple and Coruscant.
"Something troubles you, my friend," the Iktotchi man commented, stopping next to him. "What is it? I fear if you become more troubled, you are likely to pull Master Shaak Ti from Kamino and Master Kit Fisto will show up from the vents."
The Kel Dor just let out a slight chuckle, hands clasped behind his back as he tilted his head a bit.
"Windu has told me that the Senate wishes for my Commander's decommission," he said simply, though the simple words were tied to a sudden spike in ire from the normally collected and calm Master. Saesee hummed a bit. While he stayed true to the Code, almost to the letter, he knew that the older Jedi had his own reasons for attachment. He had learned as such through their long years as friends.
Kel Dor were a people who thrived off of emotional connections. A carefully created web of attachments kept them mentally stable, but Plo was careful about how he handled them.
( Attachments versus love. An obsession versus a relationship. And if anyone could do it better than a Kel Dor, Saesee might just eat his own robes. )
"It would be troubling to find another as loyal and strong as your Commander," Saesee said carefully, mindful of the other Jedi walking through the temple. Not everyone understood the Kel Dor's needs, understood the intricacies of his bonds, but Plo understood what Saesee's words meant.
It would be a great loss, and if the Kaminoans decided that being taken off of the front wasn't enough, Wolffe would be… taken care of in their own methods (though Shaak would never allow for that if she could help it). And a carefully woven part of those fragile webs would be ripped from Plo. It would be worse than the other times when those near him were lost because Wolffe was like a son to him— was a son to him
"The Senate will not spare funds to grant the good Commander a replacement for his eye," Saesee continued, "And the Order does not have the means by itself to do so."
"Indeed," Plo responded, "And optical prosthetics are more pricy than others."
The two were silent for a moment before Saesee finally took the bait.
"What's your plan, my friend?"
"I am assuming that you wouldn't be likely to join me in walking into the black market or into the lower levels of Coruscant to find some less than savory dealers?" the Kel Dor asked back and Saesee bristled a bit.
"Plo…" he warned and the Kel Dor waved him off.
"At ease, my friend," he told him. "I jest… mostly."
"It is that 'mostly' part that worries me, Plo Koon," the Iktotchi man grumbled before sighing, shaking his head. "And if I said yes to this adventure of yours?"
Plo Koon hummed before leaning back slightly on his heels. "Then I will require a file grinder, a scalpel, medical thread, and some privacy to do what I must."
He took a breath before letting out his bewilderment into the force before any of the younglings or Knights around them could feel it. "You," he started, "Are insane and it is a miracle you're still with us. But very well."
Saesee turned, robes swirling around his legs as he did. He knew he had a sander stored away for his own horns in order to keep them shaped correctly. And he knew that technically, Plo should have one as well, but knowing him, his own had been given up to either his soldiers or an initiate who needed it. Saesee paused for a moment, glancing over his shoulder.
"I will also inform Master Fisto, and both Knights Koon," he told him, almost as if it was an afterthought and Plo just laughed, a low rumbling noise.
"I thank you, my friend," the Kel Dor said in return before bowing a bit. "You are free to enter into my quarters should I not return before you do. I must inform Masters Windu and Yoda of my decision."
Saesee shook his head, sighing. "I cannot believe you're doing this," he told him as if he already didn't know the Older Jedi would resort to measures such as these for his boys— for the people who had been granted such a precious spot in the Kel Dor's intricate mental connections.
Indeed, Saesee knows that had it been anyone else on the council, Plo Koon would have done the same thing, but for the Clones, who were nothing more than property by laws of the Senate (oh how his own blood boiled at that), the Kel Dor Master sacrificing parts of his own body meant so much more.
The truth was that Jedi were never supposed to fight in wars, not Generals, and he knew this. They all did. The price of forcing them to be Generals, soldiers, to be a military… the price weighed heavily on any Jedi's heart, but for those who were more attuned to others, who were more compassionate, who were a race of people who thrived off of emotional connections... it was particularly damaging.
But Saesee shook his head as he walked.
Thoughts for another time.
When Wolffe had been called back to Kamino he had feared the worst.
He was going to be decommissioned, or put on janitorial duty, or something worse, and fear shot through him at the thought. And he was ashamed at his failure, the mortification at becoming something worse than dead weighed on him as well— a useless soldier was worse than a dead one.
So it was safe to say that when he had been led to one of the operating chambers he had been stressed. Sure, General Shaak Ti had gently placed a hand on his arm and assured him that he would be fine, that nothing bad was going to happen, but forgive him if he didn't believe her.
It was only when he woke back up on a transport ship heading back to Coruscant with General and Master Saesee Tiin sitting not too far from him, a datapad in hand. He could see the turquoise painted armor of the 419th from around the corner of the bunk. Truly a small transport ship then.
Then it dawned on him.
He could see out of both eyes.
Wolffe shifted, reaching up to touch his face before he was stopped.
"That would be unwise," General Tiin's voice said and he glanced over as the gentle force grip lessened on his wrist. General Tiin lowered his own hand before looking up from his datapad. "The eye still needs time to heal."
"Sir," he greeted slowly, brows furrowing. General Tiin answered before he could even ask his question.
"Master Koon is currently busy dealing with some… aquatic life," the other Master said simply. "He requested that Commander Vik and I come and bring you back to Coruscant."
"We're almost there too," the unmistakable voice of the said Commander said before his face came into view from around the bunk, a slight grin on his face. Vik had always been a more relaxed individual in comparison to the ever serious Saesee Tiin, with his hair cut short and a bit of scruff, as if he had yet to shave— to which, Vik probably had.
"Good to see you alive, vod," Vik continued, leaning against the bunk. "Char was worried we snatched you out from under those longnecks too early. Say hello, Char."
"Hi, Wolffe!" came Char's voice from the cockpit and Wolffe swears he saw General Tiin's lips twitch up just slightly.
"Nonetheless, Commander," the General was speaking again and Wolffe turned his gaze over to the Iktotchi man. "The 104th will be on leave until you are recalibrated to that new eye of yours. We will return you to your, hm, Vod? Apologies if I have mispronounced it."
"You're doing great, General," Vik told Tiin and the Iktotchi made a noncommittal noise.
"Then we will return you to your Vod when we land, I'm certain they're more than curious about you and your new eye."
Wolffe could only nod, more than a bit dazed. Despite knowing that his own General, his Buir, was friends with the other Council Member, he had never heard him speak more than a handful of words at a time— and normally to comment on the battle. The 419th spoke highly of him, though, but had simply said that he was a man of few words.
He wasn't sure what to make of the horned man, but he did have a question, one that he was sure only the General before him would answer.
Tiin didn't even wait for him to ask. "The cost of your eye has been covered," he assured, tilting his head a bit. Wolffe's face scrunched a bit and the General let out a slight chuckle.
"I mean not to alarm you, Commander," he told him, "But as of now, your thoughts are still quite loud. Any natural telepath would be able to hear you."
Well, that explained it. Wolffe cleared his throat, shifting a bit as he gazed around for a moment.
"How were the… funds secured…?" he asked, "I was under the impression that…"
"It would be a useless endeavor to save a clone when he could be easily replaced?" Tiin offered and, while he bristled, he nodded. The General leaned back, nodding a bit.
"The Senate does tend to think along those lines," he mused as Vik snorted, muttering something about how politicians knew "jack-shit" which was most definitely a phrase he was filing away.
General Tiin just looked slightly amused at his Commander's antics before he continued. "Master Koon paid for it himself, not to worry."
That just made him worry more if possible.
"Jumping out of Hyperspace now, General!" Char called back before Wolffe could voice his next question, which was 'how' because there was no way that his General just happened to have a couple thousand credits just lying around. The Jedi didn't get large paychecks— the Clones didn't get paid— or at least not large enough to pay for a whole cybernetic eye for one clone.
If General Tiin could tell what he was thinking, he didn't answer as he stood, stowing the datapad in his robes and walking up to the cockpit. Vik walked over to him, however, helping Wolffe sit up as the small transport ship dropped out of Hyperspace and started heading into Coruscant's orbit.
"It's good to see that you're alive, vod," he told him. Wolffe just grunts.
"Certainly has been a while," he agreed in response, slowly getting to his feet. He felt woozy and off-balance but Vik easily steadied him, assisting him and putting his armor back on— if only because it was habit for them to arrive on Coruscant in armor and leave in it.
He breathed a soft sigh of relief once his helmet was secured back on, rolling his eyes at the many missed inner-com messages from the rest of the Pack— demanding to see him and his eye as soon as he got back. It was both touching and irritating, but that was what brothers were for, right?
Vik seemed to be picking up on his thoughts as the turquoise-painted Commander just grinned before he put his own helmet on.
Well, if anything else, it would be good to see his brothers again with two eyes instead of one.
And when Wolffe did return to the barracks, with Boost and Sinker pestering him all the way there, he found Knight Sha Koon waiting for them outside of the door, leaning on the wall with her arms crossed.
"Congratulations on not dying," the Knight greeted him before she pushed off the wall. The three of them bowed, only slightly put off by Sha Koon's cooler attitude in comparison to her Uncle and their General's warmer one.
"Thank you, sir," Wolffe said, straightening as she walked over. Sha reached into her robes, pulling something out before handing it over to Wolffe.
"Plo says to enjoy your time off," she added as she walked past them. Wolffe grasped the small package she had handed him, glancing over his shoulder as the Kel Dor walked back down the hall, robes swirling behind her and Wolffe chuckled, shaking his head before growling as Sinker snatched the small, flimsiplast-wrapped box and opened it.
"Whaaat? No way! Buir gave you all these stickers?"
"Hand 'em here, Sinker," Wolffe growled, snatching the box back. "They're mine, not yours!"
"No fair!"
"I think Sha gave you some too," Boost said, peering over his shoulder. "Those at the top, see? Those aren't Buir's normal style of stickers."
Sinker huffed as Wolffe struggled to detach himself from his two closest brothers. "Jua'vod gave you some too!? Woooolffee!"
Comet blinked, lifting his head as he heard his Commander and ori'vod pass by the common room, Sinker and Boost hanging off of him. Ghost just shrugged.
"Sha?" he asked. Comet nodded, fiddling with the sticker the youngest of the three Koons had given him.
"Yeah," he told the medic, who snorted.
"We should tell Cable to write down that Ba'vodu Fae's and Jua'vod Sha's stickers are extra points," Ghost drawled and Comet laughed at that, shaking his head as Wolffe and the other two's brotherly argument continued.
As the 104th rejoiced in having their Commander back, or teased him about his new eye, and as Jedi Knight Sha Koon returned to her own troops to prepare for an off-world mission, the High Council Chambers of the Jedi Order held quite a different atmosphere— especially for a nonscheduled meeting.
Tea and Caf had been made, and for those who had been on Coruscant were indulging while those off-world and in attendance via Holo were more or less chuckling or grinning at a certain Nautolan's antics as he hung onto the Kel Dor— who was simply drinking tea through a straw.
"You're all laughing at me," Kit cried, arms wrapped around Plo as Obi-Wan chuckled into his mug, Ki-Adi full-on laughing. "Plo just cut off both his tusks and you're laughing at me!"
"To be fair," Eeth started as he lowered his own mug of Caf, "It was his choice."
"They'll grow back easily enough," Mace added, rolling his eyes and Yoda hummed, turning to Plo Koon.
"Less traumatic, to do it yourself this time, it was?" he asked and Plo nodded in response, easily ignoring the lamenting Nautolan latched onto his back— though Adi, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi, Depa, and Shaak Ti certainly were not, with Adi, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi, and Depa all circled around Kit and poking fun at him while Shaak Ti laughed at his expense.
"Quite," the Kel Dor answered finally, "Though considering how the last time I had one removed it was done without my say-how... certainly, having my wits about me with me helped."
"That certainly was a nightmare," Saesee recalled, nodding as he took the bowl of sugar from Eeth when it was offered to him. "I remember hearing how pissed Fae was when he learned that you had been both drugged and had one less tusk."
"We may sell our tusks and skin to the markets for money when we need to, but stealing them without permission is just a big of a crime as any other," Plo said simply before letting out a startled clicking noise as Kit launched into another spiel about how "the Council will never be the same again" and how they "might as well shave Obi's beard off and give Mace a wig"— which had made Obi-wan blanch and then make a gaging noise while Depa and Ki-Adi roared with laugher.
Mace made a face at that before sighing and Saesee raised his mug to him in pity.
"Just another day at the Council, right, Masters?" Eeth said calmly, taking a sip from his own again.
"More like another day with children pretending to be adults," the Head of the High Council grumbled.
"Oh, you know you love us," Shaak Ti hummed, a playful smirk on her lips. "We're karking delights."
Mace just groaned at that, putting his head in his hands, just in time to miss Kit turn and bump his head against Plo's.
"You're all horrible!" he huffed before pausing. "But I'm glad Commander Wolffe's okay."
"Hear, hear," Adi laughed as she wrapped an arm around Depa's shoulders.
Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "But the real question is, should I shave?"
"You're a horrible man, Kenobi, I want to disown you!"
"You can't disown me, Kit, that doesn't make sense!"
Yes, Plo thought as he chuckled softly, leaning back into Kit's hold as the two Masters behind him argued. Shaak was right, they were all karking delights.
Char is baby and that's the tea.
Also the Council is just a bunch of children pretending to be adults and thats the tea part two.
We dont get to see much about Saesee even in TCW. No stand alone episode like with Ki-adi or Plo or Stass, but we know he's a pilot and he seems to have a decent enough relationship with Plo. in other fics ive seen its 50/50 in him being a hardass or not, but since I've fabricated for him to be a friend of plo's and this is an Everything Is Nice series he's still strict to the code, but allows leeway when he can see the logic. Hes apparently the type to keep to himself while also being headstrong. According to the legends hes a telepath. Basically, if Saesee speaks up, he probably has something important to say.
Translations: (I havent done anything for Buir and Vod since they're used a lot in SW Fanfiction. TLDR buir- parent, vod- brother/sister/sibling)
jua'vod: comes from juaan which means "beside" and Vod (which we know is sibling)— beside sibling. so cousin. Sinker's calling Sha their cousin.
ba'vodu: uncle/aunt. in this case uncle.
Further Notes:
Like I said above, think of Tusks as the space version of Ivory. Very expensive and very valuble. Kel Dor parts of tusks, but the more tusk and more intact, the better it is. They grow back, unlike elephant's tusks (I think, I dont actually know much about elephants) and, of course, Kel Dor are targets for black market and non-human trade because of it, but Plo knows his way around the lower levels and the markets.
In regard to Saesee's Clones, in the 2003 series (which is beautiful by the way, Shaak yeets Gerivous and theres a whole ass wolfman who i love and he'll show up here too) he's got a company and an unnamed captain commander. Though this commander's armor was originally supposed to be painted either green or turquoise, it ended up being colored red and he got confused with ARC Trooper Captain Fordo. The 4 in 419 comes from the fact that Saesee had four actors, 19 comes from the year he died (19bby). Commander Vik for uh. Victory. Char because he just keeps getting lit on fire I guess.
Sha Koon is in her Edgy Teen Phase, dont worry Wolffe. She loves you because you're her cousin.
(also Kit has an emotional crisis over his bf's lost tusks.)
Fae, for those who havent seen my posts about Plo’s Uncle, is the name I have given to Plo Koon's canonical uncle. We dont know anything about him except that he's a Knight (though i might be bumping him up to Master Status because HELLA) and he's plo's uncle. and some other stuff. I'm going to be including him too in this.
Edit: I’ve changed some things— Fey is now simply spelled differently as “Fae” to avoid confusion in the Jedi Master Fay from Legends and Plo Koon’s Uncle who remained unnamed in Legends.
17 notes · View notes
kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo’s Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 5: Just Because You’re Distant Doesn’t Mean You Never Cared
Chapter Summary: Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes a lone wolf needs a pack to fall back on. And It's up to them to pick up the slack and bring the lone wolf into the fold.
Rating: T (Character Violence and Death)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels) (2003 Character)
Extra Notes: Also on AO3 || AO3 Series Index
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You can have some Angst as a Treat ™
There was a pounding in his ears that made it hard to hear. And there was a taste in his mouth that he didn't like. Bitter.
Sadness always tasted bitter to him.
Voolvif wasn't designed for this.
To be a general, that was. He could be a leader, he had the skills to, lead to victory. But to be a General meant war, strategy, and soldiers under him.
Attachments. People. Sentiments. Those weren't things that Voolvif knew how to handle. Some would look to him and shake their heads, believing he took the Jedi Code too seriously. Others were just too scared to approach him when he was on Coruscant.
He was a solitary being, to begin with, but…
The taste of loss was bitter in his mouth. And the anger just made it worse.
Because it wasn't as if he had disregarded his men. After the Battle of Muunilist, he had done his best to get to know them, pick them out by scent and by force, memorize names, faces, individuals.
Some he knew better than others— the Commander who called himself 'Sunny' under him was kind and never faulted him for his more isolated and rough around the edges tendencies, and the Medic, Snipe, was the only one who could wrangle him into a chest compress to date, Master Rahhdool hadn't even managed that. And he knew ARC Trooper Fordo even though he wasn't part of the 146th.
But knowing his men… it still hadn't been enough. He should've been better.
He was angry at himself.
An entire battalion of men— the entire 146th Battalion— gone, just like that.
Deep down he knew it wasn't his fault, not like how Krell (the name burned a sour taste onto his tongue, dark and disgusting, it made his ears flatten and a snarl build in his throat) was certainly the one at fault for his staggering rises in troop casualties.
There had been circumstances that hadn't been expected. An ambush that had overwhelmed them and…
And then the 146th had been slaughtered. Some gunned down, some blown up, others fell to a crimson blade and it made him so angry that Ventress didn't even look at him. Her goal had been to cripple, he knew that the moment he saw her. But instead of fighting him, she went for his men. She sent the droids to him and picked off his men, cutting through armor that was painted with tan paint in swathes.
And he was a Master now for Force's sake. He should've been able to do something.
But in the end, he couldn't. And the 146th and he had been left to die in a ravine. Ventress was cruel, and if vengeance had not been the way of the Sith, then Voolvif might have left the Halls of Healing before he had been cleared to hunt her down.
He had watched them die. Unable to do anything. Watched Fang and Raider's bodies as they fell limp from snapped necks. Watched Jaxx and Mel bleed and bleed and bleed no matter how much pressure Snipe and he put on their wounds. Watched as Patches, Brick, Arrow, and Rox suffocated slowly from punctured lungs, or fluid, or their ribs being crushed. Watched and prayed to a god he had no idea existed or not to save at least Sunny and Snipe because they deserved it. He had reached out to the Force, clawing, grasping for someone.
And yet, Voolvif's curse was that he was too resilient. Unable to die no matter how much was thrown at him. Snipe had died silently and Sunny with gasping breaths and he had thought he was going to as well, but taloned fingers ripped the claws of death from him, and he woke in the Halls of Healing.
That had been two weeks ago.
The Council, he had heard, was in a heavy debate about what to do. The temple was in debate, the GAR. Very few lost entire battalions like that.
He wasn't like Master Plo Koon, who was renowned for his wisdom and piloting skills, known for being a Pillar to the Order. Hell, Master Koon has been around as long as Grandmaster Yoda, some Jedi would say. He was valuable and well-liked within the Order, not easily dismissed unless he wanted to be.
And Voolvif wasn't like him. Voolvif was solitary, rarely spoke, and distanced himself from the rest of the Order. He liked being in the thick of combat or the thrill of a hunt because he was good at fighting one on one and hunting targets down.
Unlike Master Koon, Voolvif knew he was seen as an enigma to some of the other Jedi, a Jedi without much of a presence in the Temple. Most didn't even realize he existed until they met him, he wasn't spoken about in classes, forgotten in favor of the Muunilist 10 (he didn't mind, they needed the recognition), so…
So he was likely to be turned out of the Order for losing so many innocents, so many men. Or at least, they wouldn't let him back onto the front.
That was… fine.
It was, despite the claws that dug into his chest at the thought of not being able to do anything to help. It was fine. He deserved it.
He could— could go and work with Master Agen Kolar, perhaps, in the Outer Rim. He could hunt and track down almost anything, and he wasn't good for training Initiates, too gruff and not good with kids, so he couldn't help there, but…
"You've become quite distressed, Master Monn," a deep voice brought him out of his thoughts and the canine Jedi jerked to attention, ears straight up as he turned. Then they flattened
"High Master Koon," he greeted, cautious. The Council must have just gotten out if the Kel Dor Master was in the Room of a Thousand Fountains.
Master Koon simply waved a hand. "None of that now, young one," he said, his tone gentle. "The Council has called for an hour recess and I have chosen to come to check up on you."
Voolvif is certain that the shock he tries to hide is easily felt by the older Master and he swallows.
"With… all due respect, sir," he started, slowly. "I don't see why you would."
A sudden sharp taste rolled off of the Master and he… he looked sad.
"Master Monn," Master Koon started, gently reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You recently lost your entire Battalion. Not even I recovered as fast as you seem to be doing."
Voolvif swallowed again, throat tight. "Shistavanens are solitary, Master," he told him, "We recover from loss quicker."
"Perhaps," the Kel Dor told him, and that sharp taste was still there. "But there is no shame in hurting, grieving."
"Attachments are forbidden," he said, almost on instinct and there was a soft sigh from the Master.
"Walk with me?" was all he said, asked, really, and he knew that if he said no, the other Master would back off— but Voolvif nodded and fell in step with Master Koon as he walked from the room.
There was silence between them and Voolvif couldn't help the nerves that were building in his gut. Aside from Kolar, none of the High Generals— High Masters— had ever sought him out, save Grandmaster Yoda, once or twice for missions, and High Master and Council Head Mace Windu for the attack on Geonosis.
Hell, the only reason Voolvif was a Master was because of Geonosis. Because he happened to survive the ordeal. Because he was hard to kill.
If he had died there, the 146th might still be alive.
Plo Koon was old. Not as old as Grandmaster Yoda, or his Uncle, for that matter, but old.
And he was a Kel Dor.
He recognized distress when he saw it, when he felt it.
So when Voolvif Monn woke on the sixth day of being brought back from the brink of death— two days after being rescued from the ravine— the distress, pain, and self-loathing had nearly knocked him over in the few moments that the Shistavanen Master allowed his emotions to run freely.
Kit had grabbed one arm when he had stumbled while they walked back to the Council's Chambers, and Mace snagged the back of his robe, the two of them hauling him to a balance. Shaak just turned around, brows furrowed, but three of the four of them could feel it. And he bet that Mace could too.
It had ached. A pain so deep that a sliver of fear wormed its way into Plo's mind. A chance to fall, but…
But it didn't have to be.
It was unfortunate, though, that it had taken him this long to approach the younger Master, but the Council had been in a long debate ever since he had returned. Half with the Senate who just didn't seem to understand that it wasn't Voolvif's fault and that he wasn't a piece of property to discard once they (not the GAR and not the Order) deemed them too "broken" to fix— like they kept trying to do to the Clones but like hell he'd let them.
The other half was debating what to do with Voolvif after he recovered. The debate kept going in circles.
Solo missions were a favorite option among the Council and Ex-Council members brought into the debate— the loss of an entire Battalion under one of the most skilled Hunters among the Jedi Order's ranks had brought almost all the Council Masters from their stations back to Coruscant and the ex-council members were brought in for further insight.
There was a wariness in assigning Voolvif a new battalion— which, in Plo's opinion, was stupid because it wasn't as if he had killed them himself. There had been an ambush, and even though Voolvif was more distant than some Members of the Order were to their men, he was still a brilliant leader. He just showed how much he cared for his men in a different way.
And if that way meant hunting down the biggest local game he could find on the planet so they could eat real food, then so be it.
But practically everyone on the Council could tell how twitchy Plo had been getting as the meeting and debates went onwards. There wasn't a battalion ready for deployment, save the Coruscant Guard— which they really couldn't assign to Voolvif, they needed the Guard on Coruscant, and Voolvif's skills would be wasted if he were to stay on Coruscant— and Shaak had reported that the next batch wasn't ready yet.
Eeth had been the one to suggest the meeting's recess.
Agen was already dozing off in his seat by then, Kit was twitching and picking up on everyone's weariness including Plo's own, and he was certain that if Obi-Wan's leg bouncing got any worse Saesee would reach over and smack him.
Plo had been out of his chair and making his way to the doors as soon as Mace approved of the break. Shaak had given him a look but he had ignored her in favor of simply clicking the answer to the unspoken question at a frequency she— and Kit, and probably a few others— could hear.
And now he had pulled the Shistavanen Jedi from the Room of a Thousand Fountains, gently leading him through the temple.
Voolvif was an emotional explosion waiting to happen, no matter how emotionally resilient he claimed to be. He's a step away from a fall with no one to catch him and lead him back because he's been taught to not feel and by the Spirits it made Plo's heart ache.
He can feel the pain and sorrow rolling off of the other Master in waves, to the point where he's surprised none of the others in the Temple can.
And then he hears the footsteps that had been beside him stop and fall behind, and he turns.
Voolvif has stopped walking, gazing down at the floor with an unreadable expression but oh, the pain that is rolling off of him.
Plo gently moved over to him, taking a hand between his own and uncurling the clenched fists. He does not flinch when Voolvif's unguarded thoughts are pushed through to him through the force— a torrent of pain and self-loathing and—
If I had died on Geonosis, the 146th might still be alive.
Voolvif stiffens just a bit when Plo envelops him in a gentle embrace, one hand on his back, the other on the back of his skull.
"It is not your fault, Voolvif," he said firmly, but gently. "I promise you, it was not your fault."
Master Koon brought him to the Barracks, and even with his shoulders hunched, ears slightly flat, and eyes to the floor, few Clones that were in the large common area of the GAR barracks hardly gave them a second glance. Some waved to Master Koon, and a few were curious about Voolvif, but none of them— none of them stopped them.
None of them accused him of murder because that's what had happened. He led the 146th into a massacre and—
And they continued on, Master Koon leading him somewhere within the GAR Barracks, and he recognized the gray paint. The 104th.
He slowed his steps but a gentle nudge from Master Koon moved him forwards again— and then there they were.
A battalion that had been rebuilt from nothing. Alive and lively soldiers all laughing and talking in the common area of the 104th's assigned sector. Some were outside the kitchens, others moving to other areas within the assigned sector, but they were alive.
"Come," Master Koon said to him and gently lead him to a sitting area, where a number of Clones were relaxing. A few looked up, grinning and greeting them, but he didn't return them, the pounding in his ears was back and all he could see—
All he could see were Fang, and Raider, Jaxx, and Mel, and Patches, Birck, and Arrow, and Rox, and Snipe, and Sunny. But Master Koon was speaking, talking to the Clone with the Cybernetic eye, who glanced to him Master Koon made him sit down on one of the sofas and he did, still and silent.
Then a nod and Master Koon moved over to him.
"I must return to the Council," he murmured, a hand on his knee, the other gently smoothing fur atop his head down. "Will you be alright here? The Wolffepack has agreed to keep you company until I return."
He felt like he was a Padawan again and… and he nodded slowly.
Master Koon stood, giving him one last murmur of… something before he was gone. And then there were bodies, and vaguely he heard someone yell 'Vod pile!' before he grunted and a Clone had flopped across his lap, bleach white hair a mess before a one with his hair dyed red and shaved into two strips flopped on top of his brother.
And Voolvif felt the weight ease from his chest, just a bit— before increasing as another Clone, another one of the vod, with slightly long and shaggy hair, flopped against his chest, stars and constellations tattoed on his arms and a grin on his face as he poked fun at the other two.
Mace Windu watched Plo Koon as he tilted his head back. He had returned to the Council Room with an air of determined resolution, and with a glance to Yoda, they both knew that he had solved the debate.
As soon as Yoda called the Council and Ex-Council members back into order Plo Koon cleared his throat to speak first.
"I do believe that we can easily solve the predicament we've talked ourselves into if we look at it from another angle," he said simply as eyes turned to him. "Assuming that Master Monn would be ready to be out on the field alone or as the sole Jedi among another Battalion of Clones was wrong of us. I propose that he work in tandem with another Master and their Battalion for a while, and perhaps take Solo missions when he wishes to as well."
There were some murmurs and a number of nods before Yoda hummed.
"A Master in mind, you already have," he stated and Mace sighed internally at the smug feeling that radiated off of the Kel Dor.
"The 104th, of course."
The Council exploded into equal parts laughter and groans, Mace just shook his head before another round of debate started— this one more hopeful than the last.
And when the verdict was finally reached, Shaak Ti would tag along with Plo Koon and Kit Fisto as they returned to the GAR Barracks, where they would find Boost, Sinker, Comet, and Wildfire sticking 104th Grey stickers all over a sleeping Voolvif Monn's armor with a 146th Tan sticker placed right over where his heart would be.
And the Masters of the Council knew they made the right choice. Sometimes a loner needed a pack to fall back onto when they stumbled. And that was alright.
Voolvif Monn would be alright.
14.6 million square miles is the moon's total surface area from what i remember. Voolvif is a wolf. Wolf and moon. You get the point. Also, like? where is the Voolvif love? He's cool. He's a giant dog man. obviously, this is where the AU starts to kick off because uhm yeah Voolvif is barely canon if he is. He is in my heart tho. IDK what Star Wars was thinking, though. Thinking that I wouldn't take the wolfman and let him hang with the wolffepack.
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo’s Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 4: It's Alright To Rest and Ask For Help
Chapter Summary: Obi-Wan should know better than to try and argue with Plo Koon.
Rating: T (Language)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels)
Pairing: Kit Fisto/Plo Koon (Implied)
Extra Notes: Also on AO3 || AO3 Series Index
4/7 < Prev | Next > || Start
I don't really like this chapter, but my Charisma stat is painfully low and Obi-Wan is like SS rank Charisma, so It Is what It Is
Battles against the Separatists normally didn't require more than one or two Masters. Sure, a few Knights would be tossed into the mix, and whatever Padawans were there with either the Knights or Masters, but normally a single master and their battalion behind them would be enough to get the job done.
Of course, emphasis on the "normally" part of the phrase.
The battle on this plant had been anything but that, between the enslavement, the Separatist Army stationed there, and the fact that there were many more political undertones to take care of, it was... a bit more of an abnormal sort of mission.
So the Order had sent three Masters and their men to deal with the problem that was at hand. And not just three Masters, but three Masters on the Jedi High Council.
Of course, it had just been Obi-Wan at first, and he had done well, all things considered, but he had agreed that reinforcements were needed to fend off the Droids. There was a lingering feeling of worry that he and the 212th would end up pinned, and the Order had sent half of the 104th and half of the 48th— the Wolffepack and Horn Company— with their respective Generals to back him up.
And truly, it was a breath of relief to have both Eeth Koth and Plo Koon down on the ground with him.
Of course, Obi-Wan had been more than a bit startled when Plo Koon had simply tilted his head, signaled to Commander Wolffe, and simply said "it's time the boys hunted" right before the battle.
Eeth Koth had simply shrugged when he had given him a questioning look. The Zabrak Master hadn't understood it either at the time, but it was pretty clear what the eldest of the Jedi there had meant. While The Horn Company and the 212th Battalion fought valiantly, there was a star difference between them and the Wolffepack of the 104th Battalion.
Obi-Wan had always had an image of Plo Koon being calm and collected, and of Commander Wolffe being an aggressive yet serious soldier— it had been more than startling to see all of the 104th there with them go… almost feral. But no one could say that the 104th was anything but effective, it was almost terrifying to see how in sync the grey-painted troops were.
(and the next time Cody got on him for being reckless, he'd point out that at least he wasn't General Koon who leaped into the fray right next to his men with even less armor than he wore.)
But, that was all in the past.
The battle had since ended with the Separatists in retreat off of the planet and a successful round of negotiations between the planet's leaders and the three Jedi.
Now all three Clone regiments were winding down around the makeshift camp that the Horn Company had set up. The Medics— Ghost and Ember from the 104th, Cinch from his own, and Striker from the 48th— were treating those who needed it, with a number of others helping them.
The Commanders and Captain Lock were talking around one of the fires that Obi-Wan swears he saw Plo Koon light with lightning (but that couldn't be right, certainly) while the troops who weren't helping the medics or weren't packing supplies up to load in the morning were milling about— eating their ration bars, talking to their brothers, and some were sleeping.
Obi-Wan, however, was currently slinking around the campsite, doing his best to avoid Cinch and Cody— who would badger him about getting rest and, really, he was fine. For good measure, though, he was avoiding Ghost, Ember, and Striker as well. The medics' focuses were better spent on those who were actually injured.
And so far, he was doing fine avoiding them.
Or at least he had thought so as he crept out from behind one of the tents and almost stumbled right into Ghost's line of sight.
"Be mindful of your robes, my friend," Obi-Wan heard Plo Koon murmur as he stopped short of entering the cleared out area that not only Ghost occupied, but Plo Koon, Eeth Koth, and three other Clones as well. Two were in the Horn Company green— though Obi-Wan didn't know their names— and the other was in his own golden yellow— Snatch.
Plo was helping Ghost tend to one of the Horn Company clones, gently holding the man up as Ghost applied Bacta patches to a rather nasty burn. Snatch was, meanwhile, helping Eeth as they patched up the other Horn Company clone.
"A little bit of blood never hurt anyone, my fish-loving friend," Eeth said back, just as easily and Obi-Wan swore he saw Ghost snicker— but that couldn't be right, Ghost was so stoic all the time, and really, if the Kel Dor happened to like fish, it wasn't something that should be laughed about.
"Perhaps not, but I'm almost certain that he would prefer not to get dirt in his wounds, am I correct, Hawk?" Plo Koon hummed and the clone being treated by Eeth and Snatch just groaned in response.
"Please, sirs, have mercy," Hawk begged, "I don't want to be in the middle of your snark-offs."
That made both Masters chuckle a bit and Obi-Wan stepped backward half a step, moving slowly, careful not to be spotted. And if either of his fellow Masters took note of him leaving, they didn't say anything.
Besides, Obi-Wan's injuries weren't serious! His arms were a bit sore from swinging his lightsaber around and he was a bit singed from the explosions and blaster bots that went past him. And he might be a bit sore from being thrown around by some of the bigger blasts, but really, he was fine!
Nothing a bit of rest couldn't heal, after all.
Obi-Wan lasted for another hour before he was found out, though it wasn't as if he was hiding per-say. He was simply… going unseen.
But even he couldn't stay unseen for long, it seemed, and he looked up when the sound of footsteps reached his ears.
Obi-Wan had been sitting on a rock at the edge of the camp, watching what had been the battlefield just hours prior when Plo Koon emerged from the dark.
Obi-Wan did not jump, he was a Jedi Master who most certainly felt the other approaching and heard the footsteps. His heart rate just… spiked. Just a bit.
Plo Koon waited for him to settle back down before he sat down next to him, silence stretching between the two of them for a moment before Obi-Wan cleared his throat.
"How is the 104th doing?" he asked and a soft hum from the Kel Dor sounded in return before he answered.
"No major injuries," he said, "Mostly scrapes and bruises, though Ghost is more than irate at our Commander for burning the inside of his mouth."
Obi-Wan blinked at that, confused and startled. "He what?"
"Burned the inside of his mouth," Plo answered easily, legs crossing under him as he spoke. The Kel Dor's tone made it seem as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and nothing more than getting a flimsicut or stubbing one's toe.
"I… I'm almost afraid to ask, Master Koon," Obi-Wan said, "But what exactly do you mean by that?"
Plo Koon just chuckled. "Wolffe has a habit, just like Commander Cody, to forget that he has a perfectly good blaster on him at times. You would think that it would be easier to shoot than to take his helmet off and bite an enemy."
He gaped as he connected the dots. "Commander Wolffe bit a droid?" he asked and Plo hummed and nodded.
"Innovative, isn't it?" he asked with what had to be a smile of pride in his tone. Obi-Wan just shook his head, sighing.
"I'm afraid you've lost me there, Master Koon," he admitted. "The 104th certainly seems to be made up of something entirely different."
Plo Koon laughed at that before he turned to Obi-Wan, head tilted a bit. "And you, my friend?" he asked and he blinked a bit.
"The 212th hasn't sustained many injuries," he reported easily. "There were a few that were touch and go before the 104th and the 48th were brought in for backup, but Ghost, Ember, and Striker helped Cinch get them back on their feet."
The Kel Dor made another humming noise, this time a bit lower-pitched. "That is very good," he said simply. "Master Koth's own company is casualty free as well, the most pressing injury was Hawk." There was a slight pause.
"However I was not asking about your men despite how much of a relief it is that they are all alright."
Obi-Wan's brows furrowed a bit as Plo Koon gazed at him, unmoving, and he had to glance away for a moment.
"I'm alright," he assured him with a smile once he glanced back to the Kel Dor. He didn't seem convinced and Obi-Wan swallowed a bit, shifting under the Elder Jedi's gaze before sighing.
"I promise, Master Koon, I'm fine," he repeated, quieter this time before a taloned hand was placed on his shoulder.
"Obi-Wan, my friend," Plo Koon said gently. "You do know that it is alright to seek medical aid, correct?"
“Of course I do,” Obi-Wan assured him, brows furrowed and a hint of confusion seeping into his voice.
"Both Eeth and I could tell that you were not well when we saw you before," he told him. "For my own peace of mind, would you consent to have at least Ember give you a check-up?"
Obi-Wan hesitated. Ember certainly seemed to be the lesser of two evils between him and Cinch— or rather three, if Ghost was thrown into the mix, and four if Striker joined in— but still…
Plo was still gazing at him, with that soft but "I will be very sad if you don't" feel to his gaze and Obi-Wan folded.
"A-Alright…" he sighed and Plo seemed to smile from behind his mask, standing and offering a hand to him. Obi-Wan took it, allowing himself to be hauled to his feet, though he stumbled a bit. Plo caught him, steadying him with a hand gently on his shoulder.
"After we get you checked out, you are going right to rest," the Kel Dor told him, a tone of finality in his voice.
Obi-Wan couldn't find it in himself to argue with it.
After the return to Coruscant and the Council Meeting that followed, it was a few days until Obi-Wan managed to even see Plo Koon again.
He had just passed Kit Fisto— who was whistling happily through his teeth, how, he had no idea— as he headed down to the library Archives. But the Nautolan's good mood wasn't something that he thought too much about as he approached the library archives' doors, finding both Plo Koon and Saesee Tiin talking quietly outside.
Saesee only nodded to him when Obi-Wan approached, patting Plo's shoulder before entering the Library. Plo turned to him, smiling lightly behind his mask as well and bowing a bit. Obi-Wan bowed back.
"Greetings, Master Kenobi," Plo greeted, "I trust your ribs have healed?"
Obi-Wan smiled slightly. "Quite. Perhaps some prodding will do me some good next time," he admitted with a slight laugh. Plo raised a brow from behind his mask.
"I will hold you true to your word then, my young friend," the Kel Dor said, hands clasped behind his back. "Nonetheless, it is good to see that you are well. If I recall, you are scheduled to return to the field fairly soon, correct?"
He nodded. "Indeed, the 212th and I return to the front in two days."
Plo made a soft humming noise before nodding a bit. "And the Pack and I are off to reinforce Master Di's position tomorrow."
"Than I wish you luck on your mission," Obi-Wan said with a slight smile. The Kel Dor smiled back from behind his mask before shifting and reaching into his robes.
"And to you as well, Master Kenobi," he said, pulling something out and gently sticking it to his armor. Obi-Wan blinked, looking down when the other Master removed his hand.
And then he chuckled, shaking his head as he reached up and ghosted his fingers over the slightly shiny adhesive image of a loth-cat lazing on its back.
"Master, I'm hardly a youngling anymore," he said, smiling and Plo just laughed gently.
"Perhaps not, my friend," he said, hands clasped in front of him this time. "But certainly, it is not just younglings who earn the rights to these. I am proud that you were willing to accept help from Ember and I after the battle. There is no shame in asking for medical help, and certainly, putting others before yourself is admirable— until it becomes stressful for your men."
The Kel Dor moved past him, placing a hand on his shoulder for a moment. "Remember that, Obi-Wan," he added before he squeezed his shoulder. "May the Force be with you on your mission."
"And to you as well, Master Plo Koon," Obi-Wan responded on instinct, slightly bewildered at the other's words as the Kel Dor walked off down the hall.
Obi-Wan turned to watch him leave, thinking on his words before something caught his eye.
The Kel Dor was limping. Nothing super noticeable, but his gait was certainly off. Like it was hard to walk.
It took a few moments and then Obi-Wan's posture stiffened.
It couldn't be.
Kit just happened to be in a good mood today, right? And Plo must have just pulled a muscle, right? There was a logical reason for why neither Master had been seen around the Temple in the past week, right?
I don't have a concrete timeline but this is obviously pre-Di's death on Ryloth because damn. RIP Ima-Gun Di. We barely knew ye but you were cool and I liked you.
Can Nautolans whistle? I would assume so. They have lips. Also, my older sibling and my uncle can do this fun thing where they whistle through their teeth and it's pretty cool to me.
(rip Obi, he didn't know until he did)
Also, I noticed that this is less of stickers save the world and more of Plo Is A Dad And That's What Saves The World And He Gives Kids Stickers Too. I mean I'm not mad about it.
Further Notes:
Anyways, since Eeth and Agen share the same spot (kinda?) on the council and the only reason Agen exists in the Prequels is that they couldn't get Eeth's actor to Australia, I'm giving them a company to share. They get the 48th— four coming from the total letters in Horn and H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. I know that technically they're not on the council at the same time, but I think some people headcanon that they were anyways and I like that. Eeth and Agen are bros and that's the tea.
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
In Where Plo’s Sticker Habit Saves More Than Morale
Chapter 6: Returning Home Is A Wonderful Thing
Chapter Summary: Fae Koon returns to Coruscant after a two week long diplomacy mission.
Rating: K
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (References to the Prequels) (2003 Character)
Pairing: Kit Fisto/Plo Koon
Extra Notes: Also on AO3 || AO3 Series Index
6/7 < Prev | Next > || Start
He's been mentioned before, but now, here he is in his full, uh, glory. Plo Koon's Uncle whose name is unknown so I gave him the name Fey Fae because I could.
Also on a more serious note, if you are currently in Texas please, please stay warm. Terracotta furnaces work, try and stick to one room in your house to keep as warm as possible, and don't take too many risks like attempting to drive right now. I can't do much but offer advice and fanfic right now, so please stay as safe and as warm as you can. There are a number of posts floating around Tumblr atm that offer advice [here] and [here]
Edit: I’ve changed some things— Fey is now simply spelled differently as “Fae” to avoid confusion in the Jedi Master Fay from Legends and Plo Koon’s Uncle who remained unnamed in Legends.
Fae Koon's joints ached.
It had been a long time since they ached like they were now, though he supposed that it was his own fault. Pushing himself to the limits and taking solo missions instead of accepting a battalion of his own, he supposed it was simply the price of his course of action. Certainly, he would be sore and stiff when he woke tomorrow. And really, given his age, he should consider retiring and returning back to Dorin.
But the war effort was long and harsh on everyone, and he couldn't throw the towel in yet.
Fae wasn't young anymore. Still as strong as ever— A Master, in his own right— but he wasn't young. Even if he did take on the more brutal, solo-missions and even if he was just taking on droids. Certainly, he was glad that it was just droids he had to deal with.
Just like his relatives, his skill in the force was very strong. Not as strong as Plo, of course. He was the High Council Master— Sha was still a Knight and Fae hardly considered himself to hold the title of Master— and he was one of the rare few who could conjure up the Lightning of Dorin in the form of what the Jedi called "Electric Judgement". Truly, his nephew was a talented one, even among the Baron Do— to his knowledge, only the highest in power among the ranks could conduct the white lightning of Dorin.
(Though he did know that Plo's bolts were an emerald green color. Perhaps there was more that the Elder Sages could tell them, perhaps it was simply because Plo handicapped himself for the sake of the Order. Who was to say? He hadn't studied the lightning storms extensively.)
Plo was very powerful for his age, there were those even older among the Sages who did not have as much as a grasp on the Force that he did. And Sha was coming into her own strength as well, despite being so much younger than the both of them.
Ah, but it was better to think of his nephew and grand-niece as being older than he knew they were, Fae reasoned as his steps carried him through the Barracks. Personally, he had no wish to think about his grand-niece out in the field. Just like he hated to think back on when he could've lost his nephew to the unforgiving vacuum of space.
But that was just how the Koon Clan was.
Compassionate and loving to a fault. Plo was so bursting with love in his heart that Fae sometimes wondered if the Jedi path was right for him— but it seems that his nephew had found a way around Attachments without being selfish.
Caring and forming attachments not because of what his men were to him, but who they were to themselves. Unless if actively put their lives at risk, Fae knew that Plo would never dissuade any of his men— his sons— from doing anything they wished to do.
(Fae loved all his grandnephews. It pained him whenever he could feel Plo's distress over his fallen sons. He wished it wasn't so and that the war would end soon so that his nephew could take his boys and retire somewhere where the clones could relax and be at ease. Though he also knew that Plo would be unlikely to ever leave the Order. They were, after all, both Koons, and traveling the galaxy was in their blood.)
Still, Fae sometimes wondered if his choice to join the Order was alright. If his choice to bring Plo into the Order, to help Plo bring Sha into the Order, if those choices were right. Plo would've been the strongest of the Sages from the Koon family line to date, had he chosen to stay and learn from the Baran Do instead. Revered and with a strong pull as one of their most prominent leaders— even now, it was only because Tila knew that Plo was a Jedi that kept her from appointing him to a higher position within the Sages.
But as laugher and shouts sounded from the Barracks, he knew that even if he had made the wrong choice, it wasn't one he'd change. Not for anyone, or anything.
Heads turned when the doors opened and he smiled behind his mask as Boost and Sinker's expressions morphed from confusion to joy.
"Ba'vodu!" both troopers greeted, waving from their spots atop of a stack of crates. Comet and Warthog both waved as well, the two of them going through the crates as soon as they were lifted down. Fae walked over to them, bowing slightly in greeting.
"Hello, boys," he greeted, reaching up and helping Boost off of the top of the crates with a simple use of the Force— Sinker dropping down without a thought after his brother was set down. "You wouldn't happen to know where my Nephew is?"
Ah, there were those shit-eating grins he missed so much from the two.
"Probably attached to General Fisto, sir!" Comet chirped happily and Warthog shook his head. "He and the 272nd arrived just before you did!"
Fae sighed in mock lament but smiled behind his mask.
"I suppose I'll have to break up the happy couple then?" he mused before shaking his head as Boost and Sinker snickered.
"Is there any maintenance you need to be done on your ship, General? I can head over to the Hangar, if you would like me to," Warthog offered, ignoring his brothers. He shook his head,
"It's quite alright, my boy," he told him easily, "The wonders of doing solo missions. And it was only a diplomatic talk this time, no worries there."
The pilot shrugged but nodded. "If you say so, sir."
He simply smiled behind his mask and pat him on the shoulder before he turned. "Well, make sure you drop by the briefing room later," he told the four over his shoulder as he headed off to where he knew his nephew was.
It wasn't hard to find him, to be fair. He had known Plo since he had been born, ingrained his force signature into his mind, and it was a beautiful thing. The Force, in general, was beautiful, and many sentients had no idea just how amazing it was.
But he digresses as he reached the door to Plo's office, allowing both his presence to be felt through the force and the mental link between him and his nephew before he knocked lightly on the metal door.
There was silence for a moment, two, stretching into more before the door slid open. His nephew's chosen, the Nautolan Master Kit Fisto, was sitting on the couch in the office, robes looking a bit hastily thrown on— wrinkled and untucked. He had a datapad in hand, looking up at him when he stepped in. But there was an air around him that made Fae raised a brow behind his goggles before he looked to his nephew, who was leaning against the front of his desk, another datapad in hand, though his own robes were a bit rumpled as well. And he was very much wearing Kit's outer robe instead of his usual one, which was folded over the back of his chair.
"Oh dear, I hope I wasn't interrupting," the Elder of the Koon Jedi said, amusement heavy in his voice and he saw Kit's head tresses curl from the corner of his eye.
Plo shifted. "Not at all, Uncle," he told him, lowering the datapad. "Have you just returned?"
"Recently yes," he answered, nodding, though he couldn't help but smile behind his mask. Plo was quite good at covering his flustered state, but he was nonetheless. It was adorable to see. Sha was so serious, honestly!
"I was simply dropping by to check on everything before I started on my report to Master Windu."
"Mission reports," Kit mused, nodding. "The bane of my own existence, among other things."
"I'm almost certain that Commander Monnk does those for you," Plo drawled, "Your handwriting is atrocious."
Kit made a huffing noise, tresses flicking a bit though there was a glint of humor in his eyes as he leaned forwards on his knees a bit. "Mace said my handwriting was fine, Plo."
"And yet neither Shaak nor Ki-Adi will read the reports you send in," his nephew mused, clicking in amusement as he leaned back again. Kit raised a brow, scowling as he waved the statement off.
"Ki-Adi's finicky about that garbage and Shaak doesn't even do her own reports now, just sends a holo instead of paperwork," he countered, grinning.
FAe tilted his head as he watched the two.
"Are you certain I didn't interrupt anything?" he asked again, grinning behind his mask when the two startled, attention snapping back to him and his grin only grew at the darker flush of green spreading across Kit's face and the darker red hue across Plo's.
Kit coughed a bit. "Apologies, Fae," he said and the elder Jedi just laughed in return, hands clasped carefully behind his back.
"Think nothing of it," he told the Nautolan. "It's refreshing in truth." He sighed, cradling his head with one hand carefully. "Plo used to be so serious after he was first put on the Council."
Fae shook his head in mock lament, ignoring the indignant clicks from his nephew. "Where was the little 'dor that Tyvokka and I looked after? Dear me, I was worried I would have to write to Lorz that his son was becoming just like our Otu."
Plo just made another clicking noise, rolling his eyes behind his goggles. Kit chuckled.
"Nonetheless, Uncle It's good to know that you're well," his Nephew said, affection bleeding into their bond, and Fae smiled softly.
"Thank you, my Nephew," he said lightly before he bowed. "Well, I won't leave you two from each other for much longer," he added, humor in his tone as both the younger Jedi Masters' signatures spiked slightly- embarrassment, he thinks.
He just laughed as he turned back to the door, leaving with a smile. He did have to head down to the briefing room, after all.
Fae smiled and nodded to a few of the 104th Soldiers that he passed. Ember, he recognized with the strangely bright, amber eyes that his brothers didn't have, and of course, Ghost was with him, both carrying medical supplies. Both of them nodded to him as Nox slipped past all three of them, long hair tied back in a braid as he hurried down the hall, looking more than suspicious. Fae's curiosity was sated when he saw Nex chasing after him, his normally dark hair dyed a bright pink color and Ghost rolled his eyes as they continued on their separate ways.
Data and Cable were in the briefing room, with a Jedi Master that Fae was unfamiliar with dozing on one of the couches that the boys had brought in— though knowing Wolffe, Boost, and Sinker, it was more like stole. Probably from the Five-Oh-First. Both brothers were sitting on the back of the couch, Cable seemed to be watching the Shistavanen Jedi.
"Hey, Ba'vodu," Data greeted, not looking up from the datapad he was looking through. Cable waved a bit as Fae bowed to them.
"Hello, you two," he said gently, walking over to the large table that was supposed to be for strategic planning but was mostly covered in nicknacks and food at the moment.
"How was your mission, Sir?" Cable asked voice soft as the Shistavanen flicked an ear.
He chuckled softly. "It went well," he told him, tone just as soft as the other's. "Who is your friend there?"
Data looked up at that, his normally stoic face softening a bit. "Voolvif Monn. He's our other General now," he told him, "Lost his entire battalion in an ambush that left them buried alive in a ravine."
Fae walked around the table and over to the couch, gazing down at the sleeping canine and gently reaching out. Monn's mind was tense, scared, and weary, but it was healing. Slowly but surely, the bitter pain was easing, being filled with the warmth of the 'Pack, with Plo and Kit and the 272nd, and little Ahsoka too. His gaze softened before he withdrew and turned to the two brothers.
"You boys are taking good care of him?" he asked and Cable looked almost offended.
"Ba'vodu," he gasped in mock offense. "As if we would do anything but!"
He laughed gently at that before he dug through his robes and pulled out a brown flimsibag and opened it.
He had to admit that his Nephew had good ideas, and every time he was off of Coruscant but still in the Core Worlds, he ended up looking around for the colorful adhesives that Plo had started to hand out to his soldiers— his sons— in the 104th. They were few and far between, but he had found some on his last diplomatic mission.
But that was beside the point as both Cable and Data perked up upon seeing what he was handing over to them both.
"Really?" Cable asked with a grin and Fae smiled, nodding.
"I do believe that you boys have a competition going on?" he asked as he set the bag on the table.
"Hell yeah we do," Data grunted, leaning back as far as he could without falling over the back of the couch. Fae chuckled again.
"There should be one for each of your brothers in there," he told the two as he headed back towards the door. "Good luck to you all. Do tell me who wins, this week."
"Yes, sir!"
He waved as he left the briefing room, a happy hum settling in his mind as he walked, back through the barracks. Grey paint began to blend with Green, Red, and Blue as he left, bowing and nodding to the other soldiers he knew and he smiled under his mask as he gazed up at the Coruscant sky.
It was nice to be back home.
[slams hands down]
anyways I love Fae. If you haven’t read my other fics, basically Kel Dor’s concept of gender has only been influenced by the other worlds. They’re nonbinary until a certain age, then they follow whichever feeling to either end of the spectrum. Some stay in the middle, others fall all along the spectrum— there’s no definite man/woman in the culture, but off-world they use male/female/nonbinary because it's easier. All Kel Dor can sire or bear children. Don't think too much about it.[slams hands down] anyways I love Fae. If you haven’t read my other fics basically Kel Dor’s concept of gender has only been influenced by the other worlds. They’re nonbinary until a certain age, then they follow whichever feeling to either end of the spectrum. Some stay in the middle, others fall all along the spectrum— there’s no definite man/woman in the culture, but off-world they use male/female/nonbinary because it's easier. All Kel Dor can sire or bear children. Don't think too much about it.
In regards to the original note about the original word for "parent" in Kel Dor, I have since changed that as I slowly create a small index for Kel Dor words:
Otu: Parent, both singular and plural.
Fae's mother is named Bou and his Otu is name Kier— which is close to the patriarch of the Koon Clan’s name, Kyr.
edit 2: Im not quite sure how i want to deal with Plo Koon’s parents, part of me wants to kill them both off ages ago for maximum pain but I also love the idea of Plo having a decent but not close relationship because he was raised in the temple. No idas yet as of 2022 lol
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
Just a sneak peak update for possible upcoming chapters for Plo Koon’s Sticker AU
“Your Distance Doesn’t Mean You Didn’t Care”
Sometimes things go wrong, and sometimes the lone wolf needs a pack to fall back on. | Voolvif Monn’s curse is that he’s too resilient. With his troops slaughtered and him still alive, the Council doesn’t know if they should reassign a platoon to him. Enter the 104th.
“Watch Your Words Because The Daughter Is Like Her Father”
Bultar doesn’t take too kindly to people insulting others in general. It only gets worse when someone insults her vod. And the Swan Company follows their Commanding Jedi | Bultar throws hands with bar-goers because they insulted her boys in the ‘Pack
“The Biggest Twist In Master Plans Is A Simple Choice”
Plo Koon, in truth, was supposed to be off world at the moment. But there were other pressing matters. | Palpatine isn’t really that intimidating and he doesn’t have any imposing stance against a nearly four hundred year old Kel Dor Jedi-slash-Sage
“Returning Home Happens To Be A Wonderful Thing”
Fey Koon returns to the temple after a two week long mission. | Fey Koon has souvenirs for his kids.
“Through Lightning and Hurricane A Light Is Seen”
Ventress should have known better | Instead of Anakin and Obi-Wan, two others are sent to Kamino.
“What Scares Others Might Not Scare You”
It turns out that it’s not just Sha and Fey who’ve been affected by Plo’s habits | A lizard with a light stick is less terrifying when she’s handing you stickers
“Being A Predator Doesn’t Always Mean It’s Easy To Catch The Bird”
Clone shenanigans when on leave sometimes include rival squadrons getting in scuffles for fun. Only this time the 501st are sitting this one out. | The Wolffepack meets their match in the form of the aptly-named Swan Company— the prize for winning the game? Just the usual round of stickers from Plo and Bultar.
“It Was An Inside Job And We Had Nothing To Do With It”
Really. They didn’t. Sinker has no idea where Fox got the idea that the Wolffepack would send him stickers. Because they didn’t. Honest. | Allies are found in the best and worst places. Fox just wants to sleep but some validation from others will have to do for now 
“Its Unlikely But Not An Impossible Result”
Cad Bane has a habit of running into Jedi when he doesn’t want to. But if anyone calls on the Tooka Cat sticker that’s stuck to his hat stupid he’s going to throw hands | Boba Fett worries about the sanity of Cad Bane and his weird obsession with staring at his hat ( bonus: | Cad Bane might just have to fight a fish )
“If You Stop And Think You Would Know This Was A Bad Idea”
The Jedi Code says no attachments. Like hell that’s happening! | Kit’s not the only one who’s sent after Grievous. Enter the Big Sister of the Koon Adoptees. | Nahdar loves his “big sister” but she’s  kinda scary
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
i cant tell if im writing crack taken seriously or if im writing a fix-it AU where Plo saves everyone by being The Ultimate Dad.
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
Updated list for the Mythology AU
I’m still missing some things and I’ve added some things too? Idk whats going on lol.
Here are some extra notes before I post the Council List:
Basically, the most trusted followers of their sects ascend to familiars?? I guess???????
Stass and Adi share temples and followers— hence why Neyo is under both of them as a follower/familiar. No clue what creature he’d be able to shift into though
Saesee canonically had a Commander in the 2003 series but went unnamed and was colored incorrectly. If you know my Sticker series, you know I used him and gave him the name “Vic”, I also tossed one of his pilots in too— Char
Speaking of which, I have zero ideas for Oppo, Yarael, the Colemans, and Yaddle because they were either not on the front lines or didn’t participate in TCW because they uh. Died. (Rip Trebor and Yarael, we barely knew ye). Also only have a slight idea for Agen because the man said no to a unit and decided to yeet the hutts. Might give him the M10 because Ultimate Chaos, or Fox because He Deserves A Little Murder (did both, not sure if it’ll stick)
Still sorting out where the other Jedi would fall but from what I have been thinking either as minor gods of their own sects or minor gods under the Council’s domains.
Quinlan is a “minor god” of Trickery, T’ra is the god of the forest, Ahsoka is a follower of the Hunt, Anakin idk where to put him, Cin is a follower of Depa’s and Yoda’s (Possibly the minor god of the guardsmen or another form of protection), Sha would be a minor god because of her relation to Plo, maybe one of the wind gods? and the Padawans would follow their masters (ie: Depa and Caleb, Bant and Nahdar with Kit, Bultar and Lissarkh with Plo...). Still working on this idea
Jocasta: Historic Record
Luminara: Light
Idk what to do with Aayla
Tholme I might make the god of darkness? my knowledge on the man is lacking ngl
Micah was the god of Luck but he’s gone now :’) 
Even Piell held the OG War God title despite his status as the god of victory through battle, but then Agen was born (spawned from the blood of a battle?) and he took up the full name of the god of war? But only took spot on the Council when Even vanished. I guess?
idk what Tyvokka would be. Maybe the OG god of the Hunt? 
Title: The Grandmaster, The Grandmaster of the Pantheon
Domain: Widom
Banner Colors: Hazy Green (HEX: #6FB170)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Gree (?) Thire (???)
Mace Windu
Title: The Shatterpoint
Realm: Justice
Banner Colors: Purple (HEX #8B3DC0)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): The Zillo  (lol) | Ponds
Depa Billaba
Title: The One Who Protects
Realm: Protection/Safety
Banner Colors: Pale Red/Smoky Red (HEX #B24444)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Grey
Eeth Koth
Title: The One Who Creates A New Way (This has to do with his canon leaving of the order)
Realm: New Pathways (connects with his line about Funerals and weddings, the new path of death and life) and New Fates (His leaving) 
Banner Colors: Forest Green (HEX #75BC00)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Lock
Oppo Rancisis
Title: The Upholder
Realm: Time (he’s just begging to be the ouroboros, lets be real)
Banner Colors: Silvery Green (HEX #9BC89C)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) (J... jormungandr?) | N/A
Ki-Adi Mundi
Title: The Tactician
Realm: Strategy
Banner Colors: Maroon (HEX #540031)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Bacara
Plo Koon
Title: The Sage of Storms
Realm: Storms and Sky
Banner Colors: Icy Blue (HEX #B5E5FF)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): Storm Dragon/Raiju | Wolffe, Sinker, Boost
Saesee Tiin
Title: (work in progress)
Realm: Earth, Stone, and the Riches Beneath
Banner Colors: Turquoise (HEX #30D5C8)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): Grootslang. Giant elephant snakes. Terrifying but have to do with the riches of the earth | Vic, Char
Shaak Ti
Title: The Huntress
Realm: The Hunt and the Beasts of The Hunt
Banner Colors: Blood Red (HEX #B20808)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): Great Amarok Wolves | Colt, Blitz, Havoc
Kit Fisto
Title: The Spirit of the Sea
Realm: The Seas and Oceans
Banner Colors: Sea Green (HEX #22CB9A)
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): The Leviathan | Monnk
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Title: The Negotiator
Realm: Negotiations
Banner Colors: Gold/Yellow
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Cody, Waxer, Boil
Agen Kolar
Title: The Attack Dog ( Not sure on this one yet)
Realm: War
Banner Colors: Royal Blue
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): Chimera | Fox, Fordo
Even Piell
Title: The Battlemaster
Realm: Victory Through Battle
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | N/A (Honestly, i dont remember his commander’s name or if he had one)
Yarael Poof
Title: The Dream Keeper
Realm: Illusions and dreams
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | N/A
Adi Gallia
Title: The One Who Finds What’s Hidden
Realm: Perception
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Neyo
Stass Allie
Title: The Navigator
Realm: Wayfinding
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | Neyo
Coleman Kcaj
Realm: Knowledge and Teaching
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | N/A
Coleman Trebor
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | N/A
Banner Colors:
Closest Familiar(s) and Follower(s): (Undecided animal/mythological beast) | N/A
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