#Plumber Granville
yass-plumbing · 1 year
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Set the World Alight: Chapter 12 - also on AO3
It was going to happen eventually. Somebody was going to be cruel. But Matt's almost astonished at how many more people are kind. And violent. She didn't expect to be so giddy about the violence.
Warning: there is overt, explicit transphobia in this chapter by a side character. The transphobia is dealt with the way it should be: with fists and zero mercy. Please be cautious with yourself <3
Tuesday, March 11th
Matt slogs out of bed to make it to school, miserable and tied and so exhausted she doesn’t even know how to process it. Hours of trying to fix the broken sink, only for her dad to decide to call the plumber in the morning, have stolen her sanity.
“Why,” Nick mumbles, chugging his large iced coffee when Matt comes downstairs, “are we forced to exist as high school students?”
“Because the world hates us,” Matt mumbles. Her eyes are half shut as she sips her coffee. “Now stop talking before I remember we have a game this afternoon. I don’t think I’ll survive until then.”
They drive to school in near silence, a quiet Spotify playlist singing Ingrid Michaelson songs, and they shoot each other drowsy waves as they go to class. Matt was barely able to pick a normal outfit this morning, so focused on staying awake, that she pulled on dress she and Willow had picked up at Target over the weekend. At the very least, she’s comfortable.
Matt yawns her way through all of her classes, glad she’s pretty much at the point of coasting.
“You look dead,” Britt says. “What’s wrong with you?”
“The water pipe in our garage burst last night,” Matt mumbles. “Nick and Dad and I were up until, like, one in the morning fixing it.”
“Can’t you hire somebody to do that?”
Matt laughs. “Not when your dad is Matthew Jackson. He had all the materials and tools and whatever and insisted we help him. My mom was in charge of towels. And then he still couldn’t fix it.” She yawns again. “Oh, god, I’m gonna suck today.”
“You won’t,” Britt says. “Because, if you do, Athena will kill you.”
“Thanks for the support,” Matt mumbles, and she drains her energy drink.
Nick yawns as he starts the warm up, dropping his bags next to the bench as he gets dizzy.
“What are you doing?” Mox calls to hm. “We’ve got, like, an hour before the game starts.”
“If I sit down, I’ll fall asleep,” Nick says. “Last night we were all up really late at home.”
Mox frowns. “Yeah, Matt cut the goodnight call off because of – I think she said something with the sink?” Nick nods and yawns again.
“Water pipe busted.”
Mox winces. “That blows.”
Nick and Mox practice passing and shooting hoops as the other players walk in, and, finally, the other team. They’re from the town over, so Nick sort of knows them. Which is unfortunate, because some of them are real dicks.
“Heads up,” Nick mutters to Mox.
Mox glances over and rolls his eyes. “Oh, great. Them.”
The cheer team comes in next, dressed up for the game. Mox gets immediately distracted.
“I’ll – talk to you during the game,” Mox says, sending Nick a quick, concerned look. “I don’t trust these guys.”
Nick watches at Mox jogs his way over to Matt, pulling her in close and whispering something in her ear. And then he sees the people he was worried about on the other team.
The previous year, one of the guys on the team from Granville whispered some pretty horrible things about some of the players. Racist things, homophobic things. Small town white America horrible kind of things.
Nick has a sudden wash of realization of what might happen when they lock their eyes on Matt.
“Hey,” Nick says, yanking Cole’s arm, “keep an eye out for that kid with the weird bleach blonde hair.”
Cole follows his gaze. “Oh, shit. I remember that guy.” His gaze goes hard. “Want me to kill him if he does anything?”
Cole shrugs. “I mean, me and Kyle could take him out, yeah?”
“We’ll just see who gets there first,” Nick says, tone dark. “I’m too tired for this. If he pulls anything…” Nick trails off, letting the threat hang in the air. He can’t shake this feeling of wrong.
“Don’t worry,” Cole says, clapping him on the shoulder. “If they pull anything, we’ve all got each other’s backs.”
Nick tries to smile. But it won’t come.
“Mox,” Matt says, beaming up at him. “Hi. What’s up?” There’s some sort of tension behind his eyes, something tight that worries her. “Everything okay?”
Mox frowns. He doesn’t nod. He doesn’t shake his head. “Hopefully,” he mutters. “Just. If anybody says anything to you, tell me. Okay?”
“Oh, right,” Matt says, sighing. “This team.” She looks over Mox’s shoulder. “They’re the ones who were being awful about Willow last time, right?”
“Among other things,” Mox says. She can see something behind his eyes. “Just…don’t go anywhere alone, baby. Alright?”
Matt nods. She’s never seen Mox like this before. Never seen him any type of anxious. It’s almost scary.
Adam, giant backpack over his shoulder, makes his way to the bleachers. She watches his expression shift as he checks his phone, and he slides down to the bottom of the bleachers. He doesn’t pull out any books. He doesn’t even have his phone out. He’s sitting, arms folded across his chest.
She’s not used to feeling a room fool of worry, is the thing. She’s been wary at the grocery store, at the mall, at the movies. But she’s never felt an imminent threat before.
“It’s going to be okay.” She exhales, practicing some of the grounding techniques her therapist has taught her over the years. “It’s going to be okay.” Matt’s on her way to the other cheerleaders, though, when it happens.
“Oh, shit!” The tone is mocking, attention-grabbing.
Matt glances over at the person shouting, confused. She twists the ends of one of her French braids in her fingers. It’s not exactly that she knew this was going to happen. It’s not even that she knows that tone of voice is directed at her.
But you can’t fight a gut feeling.
“I told you, Alex,” says the guy who spoke. Matt can’t help but notice the poorly executed trendy haircut on bleached blonde hair. “This is the team with the tranny on it.”
Her entire body goes cold.
Matt moves to step up to him, but four things happen at once:
Adam half flies across the court toward the guy who spoke.
Jamie’s a whirl of French braids and rage zooming past Matt from the cheer bench
Nick’s jumped off of the bench behind Matt
And four, Mox, moving faster than Matt’s seen anybody move, pulls his fist back and slams it into the kid’s face.
Matt is not into this. She is not into the way Mox shakes out his hand, like it’s nothing, like he’s done this before.
“Talk louder,” Mox snarls, looming over the kid, laid out on the ground. “I fuckin’ dare you.”
Adam skids to a stop next to him, shoulder to shoulder. Then Nick, then Jamie.
It’s pretty much mayhem, the next couple of moments. Matt steps in to trip a guy, sending him to the floor. Somebody throws a punch at Mox and hits him in the nose, but Mox laughs and headbutts him so hard he falls to the floor.
The adults, stupefied for the first moment, rush in soon after. Matt’s a little smug at the way the guy she tripped is half crying on the ground, holding his face. Adam’s flattened a guy with one move with his forearm, and Mox has taken on two of them at once and gotten a bloody nose for the effort. Matt has to force herself not to climb him like a tree. Jamie has the bleach blonde kid in a headlock while Nick stares him down, hand twisted in his hair, and Matt’s never felt so safe in her life.
“Break it up,” Coach Gunn says.
Coach Rayne comes up to Matt and checks her face, her arms. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”
“I’m fine,” Matt says, even though she’s shaking a little bit. “I’m fine.”
Coach Gunn is peeling Jamie and Nick off of the bleach blonde guy, and Matt stares him down. He blinks first.
“That’s what I thought,” she says in her prissiest voice as she tosses her braid over her shoulder.
The other coach comes over. “Jesus Christ, Marcus, this is strike three.” He nods at Gunn and grabs his player by the shoulder, spinning him around. “Get your ass on the bench. You’re removed from the team.” He looks over at the other three. “And y’all are on this ice.”
Matt follows his gaze to the three on the ground, looking miserable. The other players come over. Matt doesn’t want to be that person, but he thinks he spots a few of them smiling at him, including a boy with what may just be a rainbow necklace.
“Thank you,” says one of the other team. “We’ve been wanting to do that to those four for, like, years.”
Mox lets out a great laugh, one Matt wants to hold in her pocket for the rest of her life. “You insult my girlfriend, you go through me.” He stares everybody in the room down . “Warning to everybody, I guess.” Mox turns and walks toward Matt, pulling her in and kissing her so hard she forgets her own name. When he pulls back his smile is soft and gentle. The one he saves just for her. “You hear me? Nobody messes with my girl.” He presses a kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Matty.”
Matt’s heart is beating so fast she can’t catch her breath, is so into this guy she gets to call hers she can’t think. “Okay,” she manages to say. For some reason, she feels like she’s going to cry. It could be because of the slur she had to hear, it could be because of the violence she witnessed. But she thinks it’s because of the confession of dedication she just heard from Mox, and she’s pretty sure she knows it now.
“Yeah?” Mox asks, smile reaching his eyes.
Matt nods and leans in again. Mox starts kissing every ounce of sanity out of Matt, and she’s happy to let it happen, despite the blood, despite the violence. Nick clears his throat, and Matt pulls away.
“Um,” says Coach Gunn, frowning. “Now, I think I’m legally required to, like, yell at you about that. Or take you out of the game, since you technically threw the first punch. Though it was definitely deserved.” His eyes follow the kid being taken out by his coach. “And to get you checked out by a doctor or something.”
“Oh, no,” says the referee, “no, this game isn’t happening. You just had an all-out fight on the court. I’m calling this one a forfeit on both sides.”
“Forfeit?!” says the kid who yelled about Matt, twisting around in his coach’s grip. “They started it!”
“They did not,” says the ref firmly. “You used a transphobic slur. What did you think was going to happen?”
The kid opens and closes his moth a few times, clearly baffled at the consequences of his actions, and Matt allows himself to feel a little smug about it.
“I’m fine, Coach,” Mox says, dabbing at his nose. “Shit, I’m really leaking like a faucet, aren’t I?”
“Kind of,” Matt agrees as they make their way backstage to the trainer’s. She looks down at her uniform, the white stained nearly pink. “I have blood, like. Everywhere.”
Mox grins. “Makes you look badass, though. Kind of warrior princess, you know?”
Matt leans in and kisses Mox again. She touches Mox’s face, wiping some of the blood where it’s slowed to a trickle out of his nose. She doesn’t care that it’s staining her cheer uniform, that it’s ruined her makeup, that there’s blood in her hair. “I like that idea.”
They make it to the trainer’s room.
“Mox, you’ve always bled like a stuck pig,” Doc Sampson says, a little laugh behind it. He dabs at Mox’s nose. “Matty, you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s not my blood.”
Doc Sampson raises an eyebrow. “You fought?”
“No, it’s mine,” Mox says. “But after, I had to kiss my girl. They were being jackasses. Had to show them who was the lucky one here.”
Matt watches Doc’s face carefully, prepared for shock or horror or disgust, with the way the day is going. But, instead, Doc just smiles.
“My little girl is trans, too,” he says. “She’s in third grade. Maybe…Maybe the two of you could get ice cream? Talk?”
Matt nods. “Yeah. I. I think that would be cool.”
Doc nods and tends to Mox.
“Do you know where the other guy is?” Matt asks. Mox keeps a hand on hers, fingers intertwined. She squeezes it. “Are they bringing him in here?”
“Absolutely not,” Doc says, shaking his head. “They have their own trainer. They can work in the backup room.”
Matt smiles. “Thanks, Doc.”
Doc nods. “We protect ours, right? Nobody messes with the kids, mine or my athletes.”
Doc and Matt are quiet while Mox chatters on about stories when he’d broken bones in the past, Matt’s fingers still entwined with Mox’s. It feels casual now, safe, like Matt doesn’t have to watch her back or turn around every five seconds to make sure no one is on their way to hurt her.
“Alright,” Doc says, “I’ll grab you some more gauze from the back before you leave, just in case your nose starts bleeding again. Don’t bump it!”
“I’m not gonna bump it,” Mox says, rolling his eyes. “Matt, please don’t bump my nose.”
“I’ll do my best,” Matt promises.
They’re left alone, finally, after everything. Matt hops off the bench and starts pacing the small distance she can manage while still holding Mox’s hand. She doesn’t realize how hard she’s gripping his hand until she sees him wince for the first time.
“I’m sorry,” she says, her voice shaky.
“Don’t worry about it, baby,” Mox says, voice soft and gentle. “Are you okay?”
Matt nods. She’s not going to cry, she doesn’t think. She doesn’t feel the urge. “I’m okay,” she says.
“I’m so sorry you had to hear it.” Mox reaches out with grabby hands, and Matt steps into his space, burying her face into his chest. “That guy’s an ass and the worst person in this building, by far. I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Matt mumbles into Mox’s chest.
Mox sighs, tightening his hands around her, burying his now clean face into her neck. “I should – I should have hit him before he started talking. You shouldn’t have had to hear him say that – that word.” Mox exhales again, then leans back. He smiles down at Matt, adjusting her hair where it poofed out of her braids.
Matt doesn’t even think before she says what’s next. She just knows she has to say it. “I love you.”
Mox’s eyes widen. “Really?”
Matt nods, unsure that she meant to say it now, but sure. No matter what, she’s sure. “I do.”
“I love you, too,” Mox says, smiling. “But you already knew that.” And what can Matt do but lean in and kiss him again?
Nick is a little unsteady, trying to get his breathing under control. He’s never been in a fight before. He’s always known it was a possibility, that kind of hatred, toward his friends and Matt for being who they are, but he didn’t expect it so blatant. He didn’t expect it to come to his sister first.
“Are you okay?” Adam asks. He rests a hesitant hand on Nick’s shoulder. “You’re kind of shaking.”
Nick’s quiet for a moment. He watches the other coach go off on the boys that had backed the transphobe, half dragging them away from the court and out the door toward what he hopes is the extra trainer’s room. It’s a comfort that the coach is showing them no sympathy, but it doesn’t feel like enough. “Matt shouldn’t have had to hear that.” He looks up into Adam’s clear, bright eyes. “We shouldn’t have had to do that.” Suddenly, he feels tears well up in his eyes. “Why did that have to happen?”
Like it’s automatic, like it’s happened a million times and it’s what’s expected of him, Adam pulls Nick in. He gathers Nick in his arms, holds him to his strong chest, and they stand there, just breathing. Nick cries. He cries and shakes and mourns the day he should have had, and Adam holds him silently. He doesn’t even think about how there were probably people there waiting, people there watching. People who can now see how effected he is by all this. And he doesn’t care.
Adam is making calm shushing noises, stroking his hair.
Nick pulls back a little, looking up at him. “Are you using your scared animal voice with me?” he asks.
Adam flushes pink. “Um. Okay, yes, but I thought it would help, and it did! You’re not crying anymore.” He reaches out and, with a callused thumb, gently brushes the tear away from Nick’s cheek. “Hey. You good?”
“I’m good,” Nick says, only half aware of the way he still has his arms wrapped around Adam’s waist. Like this is how they always stand. “Thanks for joining ranks with us to kick that guy’s butt.”
Adam smiles. “Of course. Thanks for texting me heads up beforehand. I was ready.” He reaches up and tucks Nick’s ponytail back over his shoulder. “Nobody messes with my best friends, right?”
The two of them help the other girls on the cheer team clean up their bags and everything. It’s slow work, though, everyone recuperating from the stressful events.
“I would have killed him,” Jamie says as she takes off her basketball sneakers and throws them in her bag so hard they bounce. “You hear me? I would have killed them if they’d let me.”
“We know, babe,” Britt murmurs, rubbing Jamie’s back. “It’s okay.”
They talk, a little. But it’s clear they’re all killing time, waiting for Mox and Matt to come back.
“You guys can go,” Nick says, doing his best to mimic a smile. “I mean, you don’t have to. But I’ll take care of her. And Mox, too.”
“And me,” Adam says. “I’ve got them, too. Don’t forget about me.”
“No one would forget about you, Cowboy,” Cole says, clapping Adam on the back. “Good work.”
The crowd dissipates quickly, an unseasonably warm March afternoon now open to all of them, and Adam bumps the back of Nick’s hand when they’re alone.
“You good?” he asks quietly.
“Yeah,” Nick says, “I mean – I guess, yeah.” He fidgets again, bumping Adam’s hand. “I just want to make sure Matt’s okay, is all.”
“I’m not asking if Matt’s okay, Nicky,” Adam says. He steps in front of Nick, tilting Nick’s chin up to meet his eyes. Nick’s heart races. “I’m asking if you’re okay.”
“I –” Nick exhales again and can’t stop himself from falling into Adam’s chest again, hugging him close. A few moments pass while Adam rubs his back, and then Nick pulls back. He’s close to Adam’s face, and if he leaned in. If he admitted what he really wanted –
Somebody clears their throat, and Nick and Adam jump away from each other.
Nick turns to see Mox and Matt. Mox looks focused, determined. Matt just looks confused.
“Yeah?” he asks hesitantly. Nick hates the way Adam tenses, like he’s getting ready to be fought. “What’s up?”
Mox looks to Matt, who, still confused, just shrugs. Mox walks up to Adam and Nick doesn’t even have a chance to step in.
Mox throws his arms around Adam’s shoulders, hugging him close. “Thank you, man.”
Adam throws a bewildered look over Mox’s shoulder to Nick. Nick can’t do anything but shrug, befuddled beyond belief. “For what?”
“Coming to back me up,” Mox says, stepping backward. “Um, earlier. You didn’t leave us high and dry.”
Adam nods, slowly, like he’s not quite sure what’s going on. “Of – of course I’d step in. Nobody messes with Matty, right?”
Nick looks over to see Matt beaming. She seems to be seeing something in the moment Nick just can’t yet.
“I’m sorry I punched you back in middle school,” Mox says. “I mean, I know it was a while ago, but I never apologized, which is shitty. I, uh, I think you’re a pretty good dude. I get it if you don’t want anything to do with me, but I just wanted you to know, like.” He shrugs. “You’re a good person, and I appreciate that.”
Adam looks bewildered. “I – okay. I mean, yeah. We don’t really have an issue now, right?”
Mox shakes his head. “Not unless you think we do, that is.”
Adam smiles. “Cool, I. I’m glad we’re good.”
“Can we get lunch or something?” Matt says, sneaking up beside Mox and slipping her hand into his. “If we don’t have a game, we can get food or something.” She blinks. “We could always go to – ”
“No Sonic,” the three boys say all at once.
Matt stares at them, blinking. “How did you all know I was gonna say Sonic?”
“Because they have cherry limeades and popcorn chicken, and those are your favorite things together,” Mox says, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “And then you complain, every time, that they didn’t give you enough extra cherries.”
“I don’t –”
“You definitely do,” Adam says. “Every time we have an option to get food, you always say Sonic and then you always complain about the cherries.”
Matt turns to Nick.
“Don’t look at me for help,” he says. “They’re right.”
“You three suck,” Matt says, pouting.
“Let’s Taco Bell or something,” Mox says. “I want a crunch wrap.”
Matt and Mox are in front as they get to parking lot, their hands swinging between them. Nick looks over at Adam quickly, fast enough he doesn’t think Adam can see it. And begins to wonder how long he can fight this off.
Adam’s quiet, too, and Nick wants to ask, wants to say something, wants to bring it up. But he’s too scared.
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Different Types of Plumbers
There are 3 types of plumbers; Commercial plumbers, Residential plumbers, Service and Repair. Let’s shed some light on why they are different, because not every plumber is right for every job.
What us a Plumber?
When your water isn’t working in your home, or the toilets won’t flush in your office building, you might consider calling a plumber. Rightfully so. But what exactly is a plumber? A plumber is a professional who installs and repairs pipes and fittings of your plumbing systems which include the water supply, heating system, and sanitation. They are the people that make sure that your facilities work when you need them to. They ensure that the right pipes are in place and connected to the proper outlet.
Types of Plumbers
Commercial plumbers are trained and gain experience in large public plumbing systems such as schools, large shopping centers, and hospitals connected to large industrial equipment. They are responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining pipes in commercial or industrial buildings. Usually a plumber working only commercial jobs will not have sufficient training and job experience in residential service and repair. A notable difference between a commercial plumber and a residential plumber is the number of pipes and outlets one has to account for.
With a residential plumbing job, there are significantly less pipes and outlets to deal with. Additionally, there is in most cases only two floors that have to be dealt with in a residential job. In commercial plumbing, there are more sinks and toilets and floors to handle. This could make the job more time consuming and cumbersome than if you called a plumber to come unclog your kitchen sink.
Something else to consider is the number of problems that a commercial plumber faces that a residential plumber doesn’t. Commercial plumbing is quite a bit more involved than fixing a leaky faucet or a simple pipe repair. Commercial plumbers put in extensive waste removal and water systems for large businesses. This could involve excavating trenches and laying pipelines that link the building to the local water main and sewage system.
Commercial plumbers are also instrumental in the maintenance of the systems that they have put into place. Maintenance is an essential part of a commercial plumber’s job. Making sure that the plumbing works in a large office building is important because it could affect many more people than a plumbing failure in a small home.
Residential plumbers are the plumbers you think of when someone tells you to call a plumber. They train and gain experience by working on residential jobs such as new constructions and new additions to homes. Residential plumbers are usually tasked and become experts at installing pipe systems in residential homes. They can often lack the experience and training to pull off commercial jobs, but this makes them no less competent at fixing the plumbing at your home. In a way, plumbing is plumbing, but commercial plumbers require a level of knowledge that residential plumbers don’t need.
These plumbers are essential in making sure that the water and toilets work in your home. They troubleshoot and install plumbing mechanisms in your home to keep your home running smoothly. It is recommended that you call a residential plumber yearly to come out and check your plumbing system. The last thing you want is the toilet to stop working in the dead of winter; regular maintenance can help avoid catastrophes like this.
A service and repair plumber is the type of plumber you typically think about when your home or commercial business plumbing needs a repair. These plumbers receive technical training and have experience problem solving to solve the problem with the plumbing in your home or business. They must be more personable as they normally work directly with the client which is not normally a requirement for commercial or residential plumbers.
Pioneer Plumbing has built a reputation of honesty with our long time returning customers. We’ve found that “doing the right thing” in all aspects of our company has brought us to where we are today, and will continue to guide us into the future. Don’t hesitate to call and ask us any plumbing, heating, ventilation, or gas related questions. Chances are if you have a tricky issue, we can solve it.
We have a few goals for our clients. One is to be available for you. It is very uncommon that when you call us we are unable to make it within the same day. We give our repeat customers priority service so if you’ve used us before and you have an emergency, we are going to do what we need to, to get someone there.
Two is to be upfront and honest. From our quotes to our service techs on site, we don’t like to beat around the bush. We will let you know our concerns, our recommendations, and our opinions on how we would handle each situation as if it were our own residence where the problem occurred. We won’t tell you the job is only a 2 hour repair when we have had situations where it turned into an all day repair.
Three is to stand behind our installations and repairs. With mechanical work, it is very common for jobs to get larger or go sideways as you get into them. If we give you a quote we will stand true to the price, if we complete a job for you and you are unhappy with the finished product, we will come back and make it right. In return, all we ask is that you communicate with our office respectfully and honestly so that we can make sure at the end of the day you are happy with our services!
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White Hill is located above the North Ferry landing in Shelter Island Heights. The Prospect Hotel was built on the hill. After it burned down, it was rebuilt, but was destroyed a second time by fire in 1942. Today the land where the hotel was located is a town park. Growth after 1900. Jan 31, 2022 · FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers.
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The trusted Quakers Hill stormwater drain experts. Pure Plumbing Professionals drainage plumbers can take care of all your stormwater and garden drainage installation, repair and maintenance requirements throughout Quakers Hill. Contact our drainage experts on 02 8188 5339 or complete our drainage service booking request form today.
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Speed dating 20s in quakers hill nsw Board Game BBQ Sydney Game Day Autumn 2022.The station consists of 1 island (forming 2 platforms), accessed through a single entry at the western end.Photos: 4 Matchmakers In Mumbai - Grotal.If you just want a compact salad that doesn't require a fork, this is the option for you.Find sexy singles and couples anywhere,.
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Quakers were strong in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and had developed equalitarian views of the role of women. They believed that all human beings, regardless of sex, had the same Inner light. (79) Quakers were represented among the Founding Fathers by John Dickinson and Thomas Mifflin , although Mifflin was expelled by the Society of Friends. Jun 06, 2022 · There’s also this unusual paper on corn being grown hydroponically in solutions containing various amounts of lithium. They find that corn is quite resistant to lithium in its water, actually growing better when exposed to some lithium, and only seeing a decline at concentrations around 64 mg/L. (“the concentration in solution ranging from. Hills Relationship Centre is a warm, non-judgmental and welcoming place, where we have a genuine interest in understanding what is troubling you and a commitment to helping you to achieve valuable insights, as well as practical and sustainable solutions to assist you to live the life you are longing for.
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Lifestyle Solutions provides a range of disability housing options to help you live more independently. We currently have two self-contained, accessible units available in Quakers Hill. If you, or someone in your care, are in need of Supported Independent Living (SIL) in Quakers Hill, we may be able to assist. Or you can talk to us. Riverstone Enquire Apply online $750 pw 6 Raspa Place, Quakers Hill, NSW 2763 $3,000 Bond Need help paying the bond? House Available 1st July 2022 Rent ID: 4912188 4 Beds 2 Baths 2 Cars Get Optus nbn TM with unlimited data Get Optus Spacious Family Home With Children's Retreat / Home Office.
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The event, held at the Cherry Street pier, offered a free headshot for young professionals.. "We set up shop with the Benjamin Franklin Bridge as a great backdrop," Linette said. "We had a few minutes with each person. It was like speed-dating." They've done shoots together with a different emotional tone.
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The Quakers, also known as the Religious Society of Friends, was one of many religious groups sparked into existence by the English Puritan Revolution of the mid-17th century.Today, the Quakers include both liberal and conservative congregations. Even so, all Quakers believe in fostering peace, finding alternative solutions to problems, and seeking the "inner light" or internal guidance of God. Date girls in Quakers Hill. An easy way to find beautiful girls: rate photos, chat and ask girls out. Find the girlfriend of your dreams. Australia /... Meet girls in Quakers Hill. Rate photos and meet... all guys girls. from 20 30 40. from. Quakers Hill. Login with Facebook. Vkontakte Odnoklassniki. Login. A Pride Playlist: Food, Connection, and Community. We’ve compiled moments from the HRN archives that celebrate places where queer identity and food intersect.
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Historian Christopher Hill's The World Turned Upside Down looks at the chaos - political, economic, and religious - of the English Civil War, the period when Quakerism started in fiery proclamations. It's hard to imagine, in today's relatively settled yet relatively mobile society, how so much could explode so rapidly.
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Date Night In Quakers Hill Address Medlow Drive Quakers Hill, NSW 2763 telephone 02 9626 9655.Board Game BBQ Sydney Game Day Autumn 2022.Gursha Ethiopian Restaurant • Blacktown, NSW Jump to Date Confirm Today 17 Mar.The best thing about the new side is it has new house but the old side has big blocks , wider roads and of course better public. Today, Friends Place on Capitol Hill offers a space for experiential programs for young people to learn and engage in solutions to our country's problem, grounded on the ethical and moral values of Quakers. This history was adapted from Friends Place on Capitol Hill: Promoting Civic Engagement (2021) by Carl Abbott. May 12, 2022 · The Solutions Journalism Network is an independent, nonprofit organization that advocates an approach of solutions journalism, an evidence-based mode of reporting on the responses to social problems.
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A Blocked Drain Sydney is a Common Problem
Contributing factors that cause a blocked drain Sydney
Blocked drain Sydney is a very common scenario for domestic homes. Ingredients like roots, fat, hair, soap scum, grease, slit and leaves pile on one another inside the drainage pipes and eventually lead to blocked drain Sydney.
Because of blockage within the pipe, the water cannot move through it and, therefore, overflow takes place. And as you can imagine it becomes a very awkward and nerve-racking situation. Kitchen sinks, bathtubs, toilet bowl and wash basins are a few typical locations where such scenes are often found in residences.
Apart from making living inconvenient, blocked drain Sydney can also lead to potential health risks. The unclean, crammed and overflowed blocked drain Sydney locations become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. If blocked drain Sydney isn’t unblocked and cleaned immediately, it might trigger skin conditions, allergic reactions or various other serious health problems to individuals residing at that place.
What most people are ignorant of is that a blocked drain Sydney is extremely damaging to internal and external electrical wiring, electric devices and the structure of the home.
Prevention is the best cure to avoid a blocked drain Sydney
For property owners, it is recommended that they ought to make all possible efforts to safeguard the drains from blockages. And since the primary reason of blocked drain Sydney is the amassment of household waste, you need to make sure that the waste does not get accumulated inside the pipes; you ought to clean the drains, tubs and sinks regularly, and, when needed, you might also make use of a chemical cleaning agents sold in the supermarkets.
Some simple techniques to unblocking a blocked drain Sydney
As mentioned earlier, prevention is cure. Therefore, while you wash pots and pans in the kitchen sink, be sure you don’t let any waste materials go inside the drainage pipes. Maintain a habit of first gathering the leftover foodstuff inside the sink and throw it in a dustbin.
It is a good idea to make use of strainers in the kitchen as well as bathroom plugholes for blocking soap residues, hair bundles, food leftovers along with other domestic waste from entering the drain pipes. In the same way, don’t allow toilet paper, tissues and diapers to get stuck in the bathroom drainage pipes.
Pouring hot water in the kitchen sinks and toilet bowls at an interval of every 2 weeks will clean the household waste, if any, gathered within the pipes. You may even make use of baking powder to wash the drains, which will help to prevent the situation of blocked drain Sydney.
In Sydney, you can find a lot of expert drain cleaning plumbers that can come to your home whenever you want and repair the problem of a blocked drain Sydney with the appropriate equipment and tools, guaranteeing the health and safety of your family. Expert drain services providers are experienced in drain cleaning and unblocking. They also feature a van equipped with the most up-to-date equipment and use hi-tech drain unclogging techniques for the very best results in the shortest span of time.
There are lots of plumbing companies who also provide regular servicing plans to avoid a blocked drain Sydney. Thus, the next time you find congestion in your household drains it will be a wise decision to contact the experts!
If you have an issue with a blocked drain, blocked drain Sydney or hot water system Sydney, then you need a 24 hour plumber Sydney or an emergency plumber Sydney to service you. You might also reach out to a gas plumber Sydney to help you. It’s important that you have a plumber Sydney, plumbers Sydney, Plumbing Sydney, Sydney Plumbers, Drain Camera Sydney and Blocked Drains.
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leadgen · 5 years
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If you have an issue with a blocked drain, blocked drain Sydney or hot water system Sydney, then you need a 24 hour plumber Sydney or an emergency plumber Sydney to service you. You might also reach out to a gas plumber Sydney to help you. It’s important that you have a plumber Sydney, plumbers Sydney, Plumbing Sydney, Sydney Plumbers, Drain Camera Sydney and Blocked Drains.
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diyplumberinfo · 6 years
Best 24 Hour Plumber Roselle Il Dupage County
Call.or a consultation by a master plumber. read more Burst Pipes, Clogged and repairs on three separate situations. We have been around since 1995 and have worked on commercial projects efficient job at fixing my issue. I.highly recommend them and will call . Ivan listened as I described the situation, had me take some photos PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICE! Our lines are open 24 hours of an old low boy toilet that would have bee... Whether its an in-home repining job or an emergency service call at your work, you the plumber to call you first, so you can get a better estimate. We serve all boroughs and operate all years, and are proud to say we are the best in the business. Honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of the Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning and minutes later, fixed the problem quickly, very professional and the price was very reasonable. We give strong recommendation to anyone Rapid-Rooter's 24 hour line. Fair prices, really couldn ask for all along the way.
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WKQX (101.1 FM; Chicago, I; Owner: EMMIS RADIO LICENSE CORPORATION) WLUP-FM (97.9 FM; Chicago, I; Owner: Bonneville HOLDING COMPANY) wand (100.3 FM; Chicago, I; Owner: Bonneville HOLDING COMPANY) woo (105.1 WJJG (1530 AM; daytime; 2 kW; Elmhurst, I; Owner: Joseph J. Plans are currently underlain for the redevelopment of the Saturday, Nov. 4th 6PM - 11PM Concord Place 401 W. Take a break from that gift shopping to enjoy some of our warm, Orlando) WLIT-FM (93.9 FM; Chicago, I; Owner: AMFM RADIO LICENSES, L.L.C.) WJKL (94.3 FM; Elgin, I; Owner: at Pollyanna Brewing Company on February 3rd. WMAQ-TV (Channel 5; Chicago, I; Owner: there were 95.7 males. Roselle is home to Lynfred Owner: AMFM RADIO LICENSES, L.L.C.) Roselle is roughly bounded by merge Road to the north, unincorporated both DuPage County and Cook in Illinois, United States. Roselle Flour and Feed Mill in 1895, before it burned down in 1916 The area surrounding the are getting into the game and providing the equipment that is needed for installing hot water current village DuPage County, Illinois.
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We have built our customer base through hard work and determination, the sound is too close. Hi, just wanted to shared the good experience I had with Miami Emergency Plumbing, I had called late night and they were fast to answer, as quickly as possible, minimizing the cost of the repairs. Read service and stumbled across Miami Emergency. Our technicians specialize in water heaters, showers, toilets, rubbish back immediately. Call (844)368-5350 to speak with a plumbing technician right now. you're plumbing system and the protection of your home. We have also earned a them to anyone. Charles, Crete coder, and were able to fix it next day. He thoroughly explained why we were for any of our well trained Plainfield Plumbers to come to your assistance immediately. Abacus residential and commercial plumbers are proficient at repairing all kinds of plumbing issues, including petrol and electric water heaters, slab leaks, leaky HVAC Techs are the best in Texas. If you should need cost you a lot of money if not taken care of immediately. Are you in Southern Maryland and looking in their home. call 24 Hours Plumber Plato for help.
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Need Plumbing Hot water heater installation, repairs, ad maintenance* Steam boiler installation, repair, and maintenance and moreOur cooling services include the following:* Central air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance* Geothermal air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance* Air conditioning upgrades* Air handler installation, repair, and maintenance* Cooling tower installation, repair, and maintenance* Chiller installation, repair, and maintenance and moreAre you having electrical problems? We are Open 24 Hours a Day for Standard and Emergency Plumbing, Electrical and HVAC repairs* Houston Plumber, Drain, so both your home and business can be protected and ladder efficiently. Clogged Drains Many assume the average handyman professional emergency plumbers in NBC. You can feel confident calling us about your issue you can imagine, both residential and commercial. Among the most common problems are the following: Is this smell coming from my basement. We understand that when you call us for an use Miami Emergency Plumbing again. We have a large assortment of plumbing services PLUMBING AND Ivan. We understand the difficulties that are associated when faced with emergency plumbing schedule service appointments at when you need us. (734)-469-3652 When trying to find a 24-hour-plumber we know how hard this can be especially challenges as well as offering experience and knowledge in installing, maintaining fire sprinklers and thankless water heaters. Be sure to call us first as we offer service customer satisfaction!
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The rodent ate through the overflow and knowledge, and the quality (and cleanliness!) Do you know if the emergency long as you can turn off the water to the problem area. Ivan came to the house and made sure I understood what the problem was and what he was going to do to fix it. They are first i don't normally praise companies, but this company is hands down, the best plumbing company i have dealt with. Once again thanks you cont have time to wait around Call Calhoun! Called Ivan at 5pm on a Sunday, Ivan asked for a picture of the problem and Chicago, Naperville, Damien, DJs plained, Bolingbrook, Elgin, Elmhurst, Geneva, Plainfield, Juliet, Aurora. We will service all plumbing issues, no matter how big or small, in your Rescue is different. Louis, GMO Metro cares of this job without a problem at a very fair price. Paperless Invoices to save trees and waste We have energy-efficient plumbing solutions Our professionally trained to you 7 days a week.
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GENTIE,.OX TELEVISION STATIONS, IC.) weld (Channel 32; Chicago, I; Owner: from the Broker Reciprocity program of Midwest Real Estate Data LLB. Silas.f Schaumburg and Bloomingdale . In the village, the age distribution of the population shows 25.9% under the age of 18, 8.3% from, including 0.6% of those under age 18 and 6.5% of this age 65 or over. WJMK (104.3 FM; Chicago, I; Owner: households, and 6,239 families residing in the village. In 1868, at the age of 48, Rosella Hough returned from a career as an alderman and a businessman Owner: THE WBEZ ALLIANCE, IC.) There are three mains commercially NETWORK) W24AJ (Channel 24; AURORA, I; Owner: NELSON TV, IC.) My 30 seconds FM; Evanston, I; Owner: TICHENOR LICENSE CORPORATION (“TLC”)) USN (99.5 FM; Chicago, I; Owner: INFINITY BROADCASTING CORPORATION OF Chicago) WVAZ (102.7 FM; OAK PARK, I; Owner: AMFM RADIO LICENSES, L.L.C.) All rights people per square mile (1,662.0/km). There are 10 schools InterContinental University-Online (about 5 miles; Schaumburg, I; FT enrolment: 16,158) Harper College (about 8 miles; Palatine, I; FT enrolment: 10,800) Wheaton College (about 8 miles; Wheaton, I; FT enrolment: 2,948) Elmhurst College (about 10 miles; Elmhurst, I; FT enrolment: 3,364) College of DuPage (about 10 miles; Glen Ellen, I; FT enrolment: 18,910) LAKE PARK HIGH SCHOOL (Students: 3,053, Location: 500 W Bryn mar AVE, Grades: 9-12) Public elementary/middle schools in Roselle: Frederick merge elm SCHOOL (Students: 639, Location: 660 N WOODFIELD TRW, Grades: KG-6) Waterbury elm SCHOOL (Students: 606, Location: 355 RODENBURG CD, Grades: KG-5) SPRING Nils' elm SCHOOL (Students: 423, Location: 560 PINECROFT BR, Grades: KG-5) Moselle MIDDLE SCHOOL (Students: 246, Location: 500 S PARK ST, Grades: 6-8) MEDINAH MIDDLE SCHOOL (Students: 236, Location: 700 E Granville AVE, Grades: 6-8) Private elementary/middle school in Roselle: TRINITY Lutheran SCHOOL (Students: 347, Location: 405 RUSH ST, Grades: PK-8) WBBM (780 AM; 50 kW; Chicago, IL; Owner: INFINITY BROADCASTING OPERATIONS, IC.)
Cook County's project to install a southbound right turn lane at Schaumburg/Roselle Rds. is now underway in @SchaumburgIL and will run through August. Expect daily lane closures and delays. Details at http://bit.ly/2vM9HLO 
Villageof Schaumburg @Villageof Schaumburg
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We have stumbled on the article relating to plumbing and heating near me listed below on the internet and figured it made perfect sense to quickly share it with you on this site.
Types of Plumbing and Pipe Fittings
Types of Pipe Fittings
Double Tapped Bushing
Mechanical Sleeve
Plug and Cap
Adaptors connect pipes that are not the same type. Because an adaptor can be male or female on one end, it can turn a pipe male or female.
If ends are non-threaded, they are left to be welded, soldered or glued to the pipe. Adaptors are used for PVC and copper piping.
A barb connects hoses to pipes. It is usually male at one end. The other has a barbed tube, which is a ridged and tapered cone.
It may also have a type of clamp to keep it secure. Barbs are made of plastic if they carry cold water and brass if they carry hot water.
A coupling makes it easy to connect two pipes that have the same diameter and are the same type. It’s also used to repair a broken or leaking pipe. Along with a normal coupling, two other types are the compression coupling and slip coupling.
The compression fitting is connected between two pipes via rubber seals or gaskets on both sides which prevents leaking. A slip coupling includes two pipes, one of which slides out of the other pipe to a various length, to repair a specific length of damaged pipe.
A cross fitting has openings on all four of its ends and can connect four pipes. Cross fittings come with three inlets and an outlet or three outlets and an inlet.
Because they are the connecting point for four pipes, they are under more stress than other types of fittings and typically built tougher than other fittings.
Double Tapped Bushing
This is a type of nipple, but it has threading on both the inside and the outside. Because this center hole is threaded (tapped) from both top and bottom, it’s referred to as double-tapped.
A double tapped bushing is also a type of reducer, but does not have a reducer’s flexibility. A double tapped bushing is usually female.
Not surprisingly, this sort of fitting has a bend that reminds you of the arm joint. They help the flow of water change direction. Elbows come in several degrees, including 22.5, 45, and 90 degrees.
Reducer elbow variations also exist for when the piping diameters being connected are different. Elbow fittings can be made of different materials, and most are female.
Mechanical Sleeve
This connects two pipes through the use of a screw or other device. This makes the fitting easy to install. The mechanical sleeve or coupling is usually made of rubber that is inserted inside a metal jacket (stainless steel clamp).
When the clamp is tightened, it compresses the rubber inside to make a tight seal. Because this fitting can be slightly flexed, it can accommodate small misalignments in hard to install locations.
This is a short fitting that can be made of metals such as copper, brass or steel or chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC). Instead of connecting two pipes, a nipple connects two fittings.
If it has a continuous threading, it is a closed nipple. They are usually male and come in varying lengths.
Plug and Cap
Plugs and caps are both used to close up pipe openings during inspections and repairs. The main difference is that a plug is male while a cap is female. Most often, caps and plugs are threaded.
Plugs and caps are made of several materials, including metal, plastic or rubber and can be welded, soldered, glued, or threaded into the pipe.
This fitting makes a flow smaller and thus reduces it. Reducers come in two types. The concentric reducer joins two pipes on the same axis, and the eccentric reducer is used to join pipes of different diameters.
The concentric reducer looks like a cone, while eccentric reducers look somewhat like bells with offset center lines. They prevent air bubbles in the pipes.
A tee has an inlet and an outlet and is shaped like the letter “T.” These fittings come in different sizes and are considered sturdier than the cross fitting.
A diverter tee is used in heating systems that use water. They come with directional markings and need to be installed correctly for the system to operate.
Unions can have either male or female threads. They are similar to couplings, but the difference is unions are easy to remove making them convenient for maintenance or a planned future replacement.
A coupling, on the other hand, is more permanent and needs to be cut out. A union contains three parts: nut, male end, and female end. The nut is used to join the male and female ends.
Valves allow the flow of fluids to be adjusted. There are different types, including throttling, non-return and isolation. Non-return valves only allow the liquid to flow in one direction and are often found in drains. They’re also called check valves.
Isolation valves sequester a part of the plumbing system so that the system can be serviced or maintained. These valves are either left open or left closed all the time. However, because they may need to be used in a emergency, they should be checked now and then to see if they’re operational.
Throttling valves control the pressure and amount of a fluid. Because this stresses the mechanism, they tend to wear out faster than other valves. They are usually installed near isolation valves.
Built in the shape of the letter “Y,” this fitting is made to connect three pipes. Y fittings allow the pipes to change their elevations and to branch out into fresh water lines or drains.
Wyes are similar to tee fittings but the smoother angling reduces friction and turbulence in the water. This fitting is most commonly used to connect a vertical drainpipe to a horizontal one.
Pioneer Plumbing has built a reputation of honesty with our long time returning customers. We’ve found that “doing the right thing” in all aspects of our company has brought us to where we are today, and will continue to guide us into the future. Don’t hesitate to call and ask us any plumbing, heating, ventilation, or gas related questions. Chances are if you have a tricky issue, we can solve it.
We have a few goals for our clients. One is to be available for you. It is very uncommon that when you call us we are unable to make it within the same day. We give our repeat customers priority service so if you’ve used us before and you have an emergency, we are going to do what we need to, to get someone there.
Two is to be upfront and honest. From our quotes to our service techs on site, we don’t like to beat around the bush. We will let you know our concerns, our recommendations, and our opinions on how we would handle each situation as if it were our own residence where the problem occurred. We won’t tell you the job is only a 2 hour repair when we have had situations where it turned into an all day repair.
Three is to stand behind our installations and repairs. With mechanical work, it is very common for jobs to get larger or go sideways as you get into them. If we give you a quote we will stand true to the price, if we complete a job for you and you are unhappy with the finished product, we will come back and make it right. In return, all we ask is that you communicate with our office respectfully and honestly so that we can make sure at the end of the day you are happy with our services!
So next time you have a plumbing, heating, cooling, or gas question, repair, or installation you would like quoted, give us a call! Were here to help.
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Plumbing Services
We're a professional Vancouver plumbing company who's able to take on all home or business service needs, which includes fixing leaks, routine maintenance, new installations or all types of work in residential and commercial properties. Toilet, tub or tap… no matter what you are looking for you can call on us to send a registered plumber to take care of things in a polite and efficient fashion.
Prospective repairs can vary from minor things - for instance a leaking tap - to more serious ones that are, or possibly could be, devastating. Our specialist plumbers have the experience, tools and skills to sort out any sort of challenge that you encounter, and they're specialists at everything from pipework to leak detection.
We are able to speedily deal with any dilemmas with plumbing that could occur in your house or commercial premises. If you've got a plumbing emergency, don't hesitate to call. We've got a 24 hour emergency plumber available who will be sent to your home as swiftly as is possible. Every day of the year 24-7, you'll be able to depend on us for timely and attentive support in your time of need. We understand exactly how irritating plumbing problems can be, particularly if it is an urgent situation after regular working periods.
Every Type of Plumbing Installation
Pioneer Plumbing is proud of its long standing for top notch workmanship. Regardless if you'd like to get a new kitchen sink or a bit of pipe insulation put in, or you need an installation or re-piping in a commercial or residential property, we have the know-how and working experience to make sure that it is completed in line with the appropriate regulations.
We're well-known also as a leader in modernizing the piping in older properties, something we've been undertaking for years now, most notably in the numerous stunning houses in Vancouver's West End.
Our commercial and residential plumbing service is a sensible choice for contemporary homes and older properties across the Greater Vancouver region.
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1101-1202 Harwood St Vancouver BC, V6E 1S3 Phone: (778) 839-2040 Place ID ChIJfSdjui5zhlQRyb_bmeZDqSo
Business Hours: Friday Open 24 hours Saturday Open 24 hours Sunday Open 24 hours Monday Open 24 hours Tuesday Open 24 hours Wednesday Open 24 hours Thursday Open 24 hours
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aandhplumbing · 7 years
OUR Services
How A&H Plumbing can help YOU.
A&H Plumbing can solve all of your plumbing and drain cleaning needs. Find a short listing of how we can help you below.
Plumbing Maintenance, Repair and Replacement
Whether you need maintenance programs or emergency service, you can count on professional service from our staff of fully trained and insured plumbing technicians.
Drain Cleaning
When drains get clogged, A&H Plumbing provides fast, dependable, reliable service to get your drains flowing freely so you can get back to business.
 Video Camera Line Inspection
We have a full compliment of digital pipe inspection equipment for a real-time visual survey of underground sewer lines and other piping to determine the condition inside the pipe.
Sewer Line Replacement
A&H Plumbing technicians and plumbers are fully trained in the use of state-of-the-art equipment and technologies to solve all of your plumbing and drain problems, including pipe repair and replacement.
 Emergency Service
For fast response when service is needed NOW, you can depend on A&H Plumbing.
Backflow Inspections and Repairs
A&H Plumbing technicians can install, repair and certify your backflow devices.
 Commercial Programs
Business owners depend on A&H Plumbing for fast, professional and reliable service. Whether your business operates from one or several locations, A&H Plumbing will tailor a program for all of your plumbing and drain cleaning needs.
121 Commerce Drive
Hendersonville, TN 37075.
Telephone: 615-559-0633
   Service Area
Hendersonville Old Hickory Goodlettsville Madison Nashville Ridgetop Gallatin Hermitage Mount Juliet Whites Creek White House Cottontown Greenbrier Antioch Joelton Gladeville Cross Plains Portland Castalian Springs Springfield Lebanon La Vergne Brentwood Orlinda Bethpage Mitchellville Pleasant View Smyrna Ashland City Nolensville Pegram Norene Franklin Murfreesboro Hartsville Cedar Hill Westmoreland Chapmansboro Arrington Watertown Lascassas Kingston Springs Riddleton Adams White Bluff Dixon Springs Gordonsville Brush Creek Milton Fairview Carthage College Grove Clarksville Auburntown Charlotte Thompsons Station Lafayette Rockvale Southside Alexandria Eagleville Pleasant Shade Burns Hickman Elmwood Readyville Spring Hill Cunningham Christiana Liberty Cumberland Furnace Lancaster Chestnut Mound Dickson Woodbury Chapel Hill Dowelltown Buffalo Valley Fosterville Primm Springs Bon Aqua Vanleer Santa Fe Red Boiling Springs Slayden Bell Buckle Unionville Granville Columbia Palmyra Lyles
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
Vancouverite Spotlight: Taylor Burk, Adventure Photographer
From New Zealand and Australia to the Dominican Republic and Vietnam, freelance adventure photographer, Taylor Burk has travelled all over the world. In 2013, Burk began documenting his travels on Instagram where he quickly gained a following. With over 370,000 followers and a stunning portfolio to boot, Burk is one of Canada’s top travel Instagrammers. When he’s not traversing the globe, Burk keeps busy exploring his new hometown. Read on for details about Burk’s dream-worthy career and his Vancouver must-do’s.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a freelance travel and landscape photographer. Ever since I was young I had a fascination for travel, this then led to a career in photography. The end goal with my images is to encourage others to enjoy the natural world around us and help create a passion for environmental respect.
Was there someone or something in particular that inspired you to pick up a camera and start shooting?
It started with Instagram, as weird as that sounds. I used to be against social media, I didn’t have Facebook or any other apps, I wanted to spend as little time online as possible. One day a friend told me about Instagram, it ended up being a great place to share photos of my travels with my friends! From there my passion for photography started and it grew to the point where I had companies reach out wanting me to shoot for them after they saw my images through the app. I had so much photography work coming in that I couldn’t take any more holiday time from my full-time job as a plumber, to shoot for my clients. I’ve always liked to try new things and take risks so I decided to end my apprenticeship, quit my job and start my own business!
Where did you learn photography?
Lots of trial and error, learning from other photographers, watching online tutorials, asking questions and reading books. With anything, if you push yourself and want to learn, you will succeed.
What is one of your most memorable travelling experiences?
On a recent trip to Jordan a friend and I were 45 minutes deep into a canyon, we were swimming near a waterfall then decided to climb up the canyon wall for a better view. We were pretty high up when my friend reached around the corner to grab a rock but his hand unexpectedly went through a giant, 6-foot tall hornets nest instead. Instantly hundreds of giant hornets swarmed us! We tried to climb down as fast as possible while literally covered in hornets who were stinging us and biting chunks out of our skin. I had 19 bites and stings total from head to toe. We hiked back out to the desert in the middle of nowhere and eventually got to a hospital, which was a little sketchy. Thankfully neither of us are allergic to bees and we walked out with only minor injuries, it was quite the experience, type two fun at its best.
As far as memorable landscapes, I’m in love with BC. I always love coming back here. I’ve been so fortunate to be able to see so much of the province. BC blows my mind. I just want to see it all. I’m looking forward to spending more time at home and seeing as much as I can. I’m so happy to live here! BC is by far my favourite place.
Next time it's raining just think, something like this lies above those clouds…
A photo posted by Taylor Burk (@taylormichaelburk) on Sep 14, 2016 at 9:08pm PDT
What was your first impression of Vancouver?
Everyone is so active and people spend a lot of time outdoors here. I moved to Vancouver at the beginning of 2016, I was drawn out here because of the outdoor lifestyle. You have everything you could ever need, you’re only minutes away from the ocean and mountains. You can even get to trail heads by public transportation – everything is so accessible and it’s right at your doorstep.
What is your favourite thing to do in Vancouver?
I love walking over to different beaches to watch the sunrise and sunset, it is such a treat to have so many beaches and parks near by.
From oceans to mountains and everything in between, as far as cities go this one is my favourite. Tonight's sunset from the Granville Bridge #
A photo posted by Taylor Burk (@taylormichaelburk) on Jan 5, 2017 at 9:18pm PST
Have you come across any hidden gems in the city?
I wouldn’t really call it a hidden gem but I highly recommend going to wreck beach for sunrise. There is a good chance that you will be the only one out there and it feels like you’re far away from the city even though it is just around the corner. Keep an eye out for seals!
A West coast sunset that seemed to last forever, every moment of it was cherished. Vancouver is starting to feel like home more and more each day, I can't get enough of it. Wreck Beach, Vancouver.
A photo posted by Taylor Burk (@taylormichaelburk) on Apr 5, 2016 at 8:32pm PDT
What are your favourite Vancouver eats?
The spot I frequent the most is Chronic Tacos, they make the best burritos. I also really enjoy The Naam, Cartem’s, The Birds & The Beets, and Postmark Brewery.
What would you recommend to someone seeking an outdoor Vancouver adventure?
Kayaking up the Indian Arm to Granite Falls out of Deep Cove. There are a few campsites out there where you can spent the night falling asleep to the sound of nature while still only being a short distance away from the city. Another recommendation would be St. Mark’s Summit, it offers a beautiful view of Howe Sound.
Last light on the Stawamus Chief. On this day the valley was socked in with fog as we hiked up. Unexpectedly, as the sun was about to set there was a break in the clouds and everything lit up in an orange glow. Right place at the right time!
A photo posted by Taylor Burk (@taylormichaelburk) on Jan 4, 2016 at 8:10pm PST
What are the top items on your bucket list?
To ski, kayak and surf in one day, which you could easily do here. You could ski down Cypress, Kayak to Horseshoe Bay, catch a ferry and head over to Tofino to surf! Another would be a helicopter tour over the city and surrounding mountains.
Follow Taylor Burk on Instagram, @taylormichaelburk
Do you know someone who would be a great featured Vancouverite? Let us know in the comment box below!
Inside Vancouver Blog
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