#Pokèmon Unreality
glitter-ribbons · 1 year
i bid you good luck with the piplup!!
— @challengedbywiley
...so about that-
Uh, everyone, say hello to Noctis the Chimchar?
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He, uh, he started crying and, um, well, anyway, say hello to him, he's very eager.
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moxx-n-angel · 6 months
[@uncle-dusknoir asked:]
Skoralings have all been called for, sorry. i'll let you know if she ever lays another clutch but considering i'm trying to get her spayed she shouldn't be lmao. ty for asking though
Ah, ok! Thanks anyways <3
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psychicmindsalike · 1 year
: ) paldea
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saintirulan · 2 months
things from these days i loved #7 🧡:
soooo today i really really wanted to check out a photography exhibition at tokyo station despite desperately needing sleep (but it was the last day!)
i thought i would go alone but then both a. (the girl who told me i look like a wes anderson main protagonist 🥹) & j. (absolute bestie along with f.) texted me asking for my plans, and despite the warnings of me being super slow at galleries & the like, they decided to join in <33
the exhibition was at tokyo station gallery and it was centered around the work of yasui nakaji; it was also an excuse to finally go to central tokyo, i hadn't been there yet! and it was very different from what i expected. it felt a bit like being in the matrix, everything was spotless and so clean, the skyscrapers so high, everything looked fancy & expensive & quite unreal lol I really want to go back at night!
the exhibition was absoluutely lovely and im starting to reallyyyy get into photography history and film photography <3 and im so lucky to be in japan for it <333 no pictures were allowed so that saved a. & j. from seeing my worse side (tho i was still the slowest lol)
we were done at around noon and looked for cheap places to eat around the station (big mistake, it's quite a fancy businessy area). we ended up somewhere underground, underneath some office buildings and the place was quite fancy; but we got the fixed lunch menu and it was fine for the price! and the quality was great <3
then we visited the imperial palace gardens, which are kinda next to the station. the contrast is quite something and very much unusual but they were lovely and we want to go back for a picnic eventually <3
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then 💖💖💖💖💖 i had the time of my life because i took the both of them shopping and it was SO.MUCH.FUN. <333333 they were both so into it, i bought a lovely dress and some t-shirts, a tamagotchi❗️❗️❗️ the cutest pair of sunglasses and pokèmons to hang from my pants (these are quickly becoming my favourite way to accessorise and a staple in my wardrobe); I can't explain how much fun I had and both a. & j. want to go back soonish (also for the okinawa trip preparations - a. has joined!!!) and my heart is soooo happy.
also japanese fashion is unmatched. nothing to add. 💖💖💖
I also got my first film camera!!!!!!!!!!! it was a disposable one and I used it all in one day and now I can't wait to go develop the film <3 I really want to buy a camera before the okinawa trip <333
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we shopped until dinner time basically and then we met up with f. for dinner at shinjuku so i could introduce him to a. and ask if she could join the okinawa gang <3 eating out when you're more than 2 people in tokyo is SO HARD because everywhere is super small and busy at all times and we were 5 people 🥲 we ended up at a katsudon place that made me kinda sick but that won't stop me from eating katsudon <3 we then also walked to a taiyaki stand and i had my first one ever and it was SO YUMMY AND DELICIOUS 🥹
as for monday, i kind of had a chill self care day <333 i went to lessons, got accepted in ALL the courses i wanted, got rid of the ones on friday afternoon so I can take weekend trips with the others if I want to AND deep cleaned my entire space, did 3 rounds of laundry and now ill do a longish skincare routine and catch up on some school work (maybe ill meet j. at his dorm for that)
tomorrow im going to the cinema to see the newest detective conan movie in 4D!!!!!!!! my japanese buddy invited me and im taking f. along. my buddy's the sweetest person ever i was so blessed to be paired with her <3333
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Hello, fellow nerds! Names' Cookie!!! 😎😎😎
I'm a pokèmon trainer (duh, didn't you see the username? X>) who always is traveling to region to region! I'm not gonna tell you where an' why tho🤨🤨🤨
Anyway! Any grunts or team leaders of baddies AREN'T ALLOWED!!!!>:(((
【Disclaimers, rules, and over stuff under cut👇】
1. Both the mod and muse are minors. Please don't ask inappropriate questions.
2. Don't harass the mod. I have school and other things, so I can't be online always.
3. This blog follows the pokèmon tumblr trend. so trigger warning for unreality.
4. Please make it obvious when Out Of Character, I can't tell what's roleplay and what's not.
5. Feel free to ask the muse about Hisui :)
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cringe-trainer · 10 months
This post is about rotumblr and pokèblogging! So there is some unreality, so be careful when looking at my blog :3 //ooc
My name is Luci, I shiny hunt for funzies and have five pet cat pokèmon!
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Those aren't photos of them, but that's what kind of pokèmon they are :3
My favourite pokèmon is lurantis, I have one named Rose, and she's great.
I live in galar also, near the Crown Tundra.
That's all really, uh yeah 👍
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
Everyone, say hello to Argentum the Starly and my near murderer.
He's horribly smug, and I think he plans to take over the world, either way...
'Tis he.
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
Okay, so, it's a bit of ramble here-
Is it normal for people to make plans to travel with others before... everything?
Like, I know Kaname, (the girl who chose Piplup after Noctis started crying and I caved), said that she and her brother/friend/whatever, Ryuuma, had been planning this whole thing for years in advance-
And I feel kinda... under qualified, in a sense?
It's hard to describe, they set out a few days ago and- and I'm just starting out? I've got a solid draft for my future budget plans, (thanks to a Mister Bright), but-
I don't have anything beyond that?
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
so, how is Noctis doing?
Pretty dang well!
He's a bit more energetic them I'm used to, but keeping up with him isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be...?
Also, he's adorable, he deserves to be nuzzled and praised.
Look at 'im!
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
you'd better update us after you (hopefully) get a piplup
You'll all be the first to know if I do, promise.
...and if I don't, well, such is life, I guess.
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
Hello there!
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...right, so my name is Subaru, last name isn't important, will never be important, so no need to ask for it, yes, this is my actual name, no, I was not named after a car, yes, I was named after the Pleiades cluster, anyway, moving forward!
Pronouns are She/They. I am a minor, don't ask beyond that for specification.
As of right now, I'm pretty new to the Sinnoh Region, just trying my hand at this whole journey thing, you know? I hope I'm not much of a bother or anything...
The blog name was randomly generated, I guess, but hey, I like glitter, and ribbons, so why the heck not?
I guess, I can share stories about my pokemon and stuff about my journey through Sinnoh...
I hope we get along?
Anyway, uh, some facts?
All Pokèmon are adorable, screw what anyone else has to say, it's all in the eye of the beholder.
Er, my favorite food is cake, I enjoy comedies and romances, often mashed together, and historical fiction. Maybe. Kinda.
I will fight you over snowcone flavors, don't test the limits of my pettiness, you will be both disappointed in me, yourself, and ultimately rue the day you crossed me.
I like astrology, I suppose, the stars are comforting, and if you know your stuff, they can lead you to civilization at night.
I try to be as safe in my practices of meat consumption as possible, I'm not a vegan, but I will track down humane slaughtering practices if it kills me.
Share recipes, tell me inane things, or about your experiences with your friends and Pokèmon teammates. I'm all ears.
I'm still figuring this whole gender thing out, testing the waters you could say, I'll probably get a handle on it before I'm dead at any rate...
And... uh, that's all there is to it!
My only Pokèmon as of speaking is Noctis the Chimchar!
I think, maybe, hopefully.
I'll probably add to this point at some point in the future, so, uh, keep a look out for that, and I hope you all have a splendid day, yeah?
Thanks for stopping by while you had the time.
Oh, and before I forget!
Here are the basic rules of this blog.
1. Nothing too personal, please, I'd rather not die trying to answer a question about my most traumatic moment with a Spinark or something.
2. As a minor, I'd like you respect my boundaries and such, please, I know it's a bit stupid to ask, but you never know who would use that as a go ahead...
3. Please don't badger me about my own interpersonal relationships outside of this blog. If anyone starts 'shipping' me with anyone, I will riot.
4. I don't wish to partake in discourse between other blogs, I can offer advice, maybe, but I refuse to get involved in an internet fistfight I had no part in starting.
5. Treat me like a human being, pretty please, if you cross my boundaries, I'll be more then willing to inform you, but don't do it twice.
DNI: Aqua/Magma Supporters, People actively against any LGBTQA+ movement, Plasma Supporters, Whatever the hell is left of Galatic, and most importantly, anyone who, just, genuinely, wants to start shit just for the sake of it.
...and that's about it, until my next post I guess.
See ya!
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OOC: Names Magi, I'm twenty, first time doing this sort of thing, so give me a good minute to figure it all out.
I'll likely get a tag list figured out at some point, hopefully. Maybe.
Wish me luck!
And be respectful, please. Subaru the character is fifteen.
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
Route 202's been treating us well so far, hardly easy, but me and Noctis arzhjsmenkzo
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
So, I'm finally setting out of Sandgem at last, things went a bit south, funds dropped past what I tbought was needed, so I've been doing odd-jobs the last few days to get them back up- and well, anyway-
So, me and Noctis are getting ready to go out and traverse through Route 202!
[The little man has claimed my arms as his personal throne, he's heavy.]
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
awww, they look like a sweetie!
He's been pretty well behaved, if a tad mischievous.
He's smart enough to realize we're in this for the long haul, at any rate.
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