sykilik101 · 2 years
My shipping list:- ( based on all your interactions my honeybuns👨‍❤️‍👨💏👩‍❤️‍👨 )
@themattress x @ultraericthered
@illustrious-rocket x @pepsi-al
@shitirishaterssay x @azelmaandeponine
@wiseabsol x @warlordess
@dchan87 x @chibigamer1992
@dbzebra x @mokkemusic
@wisetreedude x @gouthepro
@fairywinds x @meowstix
@planethunter x @wallflower-koharu
@zchaotic x @pkmncoordinators
@hollylu-ships-it x @lovingtheshow
@sykilik101 x @echidnapower
@mockguffin x @cosmicheartz
@lightningenergy x @zdbztumble
Ash x Serena!!!!!!!
The badge was shiny and new; it glistened in the light of the campfire, shadows dancing along the gloss as Ash turned it in his fingers. Pride and ego bubbled away inside, his body swaying to and fro as he examined it from every angle possible. He was one step closer into entering the League, and surrounded by a sleeping group of friends, he could indulge in his bravado in solitude.
Mostly sleeping group of friends.
"You should head to bed soon, Ash."
Misty's voice blended with the crackles and pops of the fire. She lay on her side on her sleeping bag, eyes shifting between him and his badge. Ash touched the back of his neck, chuckling softly to himself.
"I will soon. I'm just too excited to sleep."
Her lips pulled up into a smirk, rising from her sleeping bag and taking a seat next to him on the log. "You're always like this after winning a badge."
"Yeah, but this one was extra hard to earn, so I'm extra pumped!"
Misty giggled, likely due to his enthused words not matching the hushed voice that didn't dare wake the others. She relaxed her smile , nudging his shoulder with her own. "You worked really hard; you should be proud."
He huffed, resting a fist on his side. "Well, this is nothing for someone who's gonna be the world's greatest Pokémon Master someday."
He half-expected Misty to rebuke his claim and try knocking him down a peg. Regardless of how she'd balk at his success to appease his ego, he was too elated to care.
His heart instead skipped a beat when her hand landed on his as she leaned against him, touching her lips to his cheek.
"I know you'll become a Pokémon Master someday, Ash."
Oh, right. This was their relationship now.
His cheeks flared, wrapping his fingers around hers. "You're not gonna tell me my head's getting too big, or that I shouldn't get over confident?"
"Do you want me to?"
He pouted. "Not really."
She giggled once more, adding another battery to his already overcharged heart. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to remind you tomorrow as much as you want." He rolled his eyes, though his lips contorted into a bashful grin. "But tonight, I'll let you enjoy it."
He leaned his head against hers, finding a bliss in the way she softly sighed. He brought their interlaced hands up, pressing a kiss against her knuckles. "Thanks for always being there for me, Misty."
Without missing a beat she returned the gesture. "What would you do without me?"
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sykilik101 · 2 years
All of you genwunners are invited to the amourshipping wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳
Best man- @dchan87
Groomsmen- @themattress , @ultraericthered , @illustrious-rocket , @pepsi-al , @starlineninja, @zchaotic, @zdbztumble , @sykilik101 , @pokeshipperryan , @pkmncoordinators , @fcomk513 , @beewinter55, @thessultimategoku, @dbzebra , @texansman20 , @johnnyd2 , @echidnapower , @n-i-n-t
Maid of honor- @hollylu-ships-it
Bridesmaid- @warlordess , @miyatoriaka , @neica-chan-92 , @shitirishaterssay , @azelmaandeponine , @lovingtheshow , @wiseabsol , @mokkemusic , @nebli , @cbcanime , @cosmicheartz , @gouthepro , @anotherworldash , @bruedance , @chibigamer1992 , @mockguffin , @fairywinds , @planethunter , @kamiflorsart , @kamiflor
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!
(I wish this could be better, but when it's currently 2 in the morning, I'm just kinda rolling with whatever my brain pumps out and hoping it's cute enough.)
Ash hadn't made it two steps out of the ice cream shop, a cone in each hand, before he saw a boy trying to flirt with Misty.
He could probably count on his free fingers how long it took for her to turn him down.
Leaning against the shop, he lapped at his ice cream as he watched the boy try to persuade Misty into a date. His smile was practiced and refined, his movements were cool and collected, and he even had the guts to rest his fingertips on Misty’s shoulder. Ash wasn’t much of a flirt, but he’d seen enough guys hitting on Misty over the years to know that if it was any other girl, he might have succeeded.
Unfortunately for him, Misty was far from any other girl.
The boy was in the middle of some impassioned sentence when Misty suddenly bundled his perfectly ironed collar into her fist. That smirk of his had melted away in favor of a regretful scowl, his eyes quivering as he held his hands up. Ash could see him mumble something that looked like an apology, but before he could finish-
“I said no, so go away!”
The same strength she’d used many times on Ash was on full display as she shoved the boy backwards. He nearly stumbled to the floor, managing to regain his balance before bolting in the opposite direction. Misty watched him flee with her palms on her hips, and Ash grinned as he waltzed over to her.
“Nice one, Misty.”
His voice piqued her attention as she turned to face him, grinning with a cheekiness that belied her previous vehemence.
“It’s about time!”
This most recent instance of some guy trying to ask Misty out was seemingly forgotten as she practically ripped the ice cream from Ash’s hand, taking an immediate lick. She closed her eyes tight, grinning as her body swayed side to side. “This ice cream is so good! I knew it was worth taking a detour to come here!”
Ash smirked, having another taste of his own before gesturing to where her failed suitor had been. “I was right, wasn’t I?”
Misty rolled her eyes. “You were only gonna be gone for a few minutes, so I didn’t think anyone would try.”
Ash glanced to the side, using his cone to hide his face. “It’s ‘cause you’re so pretty.”
Her glare didn’t quite match her blush, but it was a cute combination that Ash hadn’t gotten tired of yet. “It’s not like I can make them stop.”
Ash cocked his head to the side, a sudden inquisitiveness etching into his face. Misty mirrored him, unsure of what the boy was thinking. Before she could say anything his eyes lit up, and he set his ice cream down to the side. His now free hand reached up to her hair, and with a quick yank he pulled her hair band out, letting her tresses cascade down to her shoulders.
“Ash, what are you-”
His focus was not on her words, but instead on twisting and rolling the band in half. Seemingly satisfied, he took her left hand and, with a bit of effort, worked the band over her ring finger. It held snugly, and Misty admired it in awe as Ash reached for his ice cream once more, his cheeks seared from ear to ear.
“Hopefully now the other guys will leave you alone.”
Her face now matched his, her mouth hung open as Ash strolled past her. “Ash, this is-”
“Come on, let’s get back to the Pokémon Center already!”
His walk turned into a jog, and he laughed as he heard Misty trying to catch up, yelling for him to wait up. He didn’t dare turn back; dense as he may be, he knew exactly what he’d done, and he wanted a few minutes to clear his head, to come up with the words to express to Misty what he intended behind his actions.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
A list of delusional genwunners out here:-
All of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You genwunners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations for wasting 25 years of your life shipping abuseshipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
I'm going to laugh at all your miserable and cold faces when Ash and Serena marry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So suck it up losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(My favorite part of this Ask is that he tagged me, despite it being sent to me, which implies that this is a copy/paste job and not something that was written specifically for me. Let me tell you all, that just up and broke my damn heart. I dunno if I'll ever recover from this. My fellow Genwunnershippers, lend me your aid so that I might eventually return from this stronger than before. FANFIC TIME!)
It was as if Ash suddenly lost control of his body. There was only impulse, driven by a desire and curiosity that had welled up within him out of the blue.
He pressed his finger against the tip of Misty's nose.
"...what are you doing?"
Misty remained unmoving from her sleeping bag, eyes still closed, but her voiced was snippy, mixed with a touch of frustration at having missed the train to dreamland.
"I just suddenly felt like smushing your nose."
Smushing? Misty giggled, seemingly in spite of herself. Her eyes fluttered open, turning to her side to face him. He kept his fingertip glued to her, though his heart skipped a beat when her own finger smushed against his nose.
"Like this, right?"
"Fun, right?"
Her eyes crinkled in the dark, though the moon offered enough light to make out their viridian gleam. Misty wiggled her way out of her sleeping bag, inching her face closer to his until their hands gave way, and the tip of her nose pressed against his.
"I kinda like this better."
"It's not as fun if you don't use your-"
Her breath had felt hot against his lips in the small second before their mouths made contact. They sighed into the kiss, with Ash resting his palm in her hair. The orange tresses tickled his fingers, though his attention was diverted to the way Misty gently nibbled his lower lip. His face went flush as she backed away, only to return to touching their nose tips.
"Are you sure it's not as fun?"
A half-lidded stare that didn't match her voice's glee pierced into his own, and he wasn't sure if it was her exhaustion or her little victory. In either case, he was more interested in continuing this game, and he softly dragged his fingertip along her shoulder and down her arm.
"You'll have to convince me."
Misty, as she would later regret the next day, missed the next few trains heading to dreamland.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
You sick man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pokeshipping fics don't even make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I suggest you shut down your stupid @pokeshipping blog and join the amourshipping community. It will save you all from a never healing heartbreak💔💔💔💔!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amourshipping and Orangeshipping are canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also Misty is never gonna come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So suck it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Also I invite all of you genwunners to the Amourshipping and Orangeshipping wedding 🥳🥳🎊🥳🎉🎊🎉🥳🎊🥳🎉🥳🎊🥳🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🥳🎊🥳🎉🥳🎊🎉🥳
I'm going to laugh at all your faces 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Ash, does my hair look nice like this?"
"...how about this?"
"Ash, are you even paying attention?"
"It looks great, Mist."
The hair brush flew into the back of Ash's head, his yelp joining the brush's clatter against the floor. He turned his pained, tearful gaze to Misty, his fingers hovering over the damaged spot. "What was that for?!"
"Ash, focus! I'm trying to make sure my hair looks good, and you're not helping!"
He grumbled, turning in his seat and running his eyes up and down Misty. She'd ditched the shorts in favor of cropped jeans, and a long-sleeved yellow top replaced the former midriff-exposing one. He could make out a red tanktop underneath it, and a tiny Togepi necklace completed the look. A sprinkle of pink decorated his cheeks as he checked her out, though it mellowed as he watched her angle her hair in all sorts of various directions.
"This was so much easier to deal with when it was shorter..." Misty reached for her blue hairband, working her hair into a low ponytail. She rested her hands on her hips. "How about this?"
Ash sighed, running his hand through his own hair. "It looks fine."
She rolled her eyes. "But does it look 'going on a date' fine, or just 'normal' fine?"
"Even your normal fine looks pretty, okay?" Ash picked at a piece of lint on his shirt, flicking it into the air.
He'd earned a small blush from her, though it hardly matched her glare and crossed arms. "It's our first date, so I don't wanna just be 'normal', okay?"
Ash grinned to himself, rising from his seat and taking the two steps over to meet her. He touched his fingers to the tips of her hair, admiring their orange hue. "Mist, when have you ever been normal?"
He was used to provoking her, so he didn't even flinch when her finger started tapping against her arm. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
He touched his lips to her forehead, enjoying the warmth of her skin and the gentle scent of daffodil from her shampoo. "Even when you look 'normal', I think you're really pretty, so no matter how you look, I think you'll be fine."
A small grin managed to break through her ire, her hands finding their way onto his arms, running up and down them. "So if I make my hair wild and all over the place, you'll think that's fine?"
"It'll be weird, but yeah."
She swatted his arm, rolling her eyes once more. "You're happy with anything, I get it."
This time his kiss landed on her lips, and he could feel her melt into him the tiniest bit. He rested his palms on her cheeks, grazing his thumbs along the flushed skin and savoring the way she grinned against his mouth. Her fingers wrapped around his shoulders, pressing into him and sending a shiver down his spine. He gave her one final kiss before he eased back, though not before adding an extra peck on her nose.
"Not just anything, Mist. You."
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sykilik101 · 2 years
🥃🥃🥃. You are going to need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Hey, Ash?"
Ash glanced up at Misty, who was looking down at him from atop what was usually his bed. "Yeah?"
"Are you sure your mom is okay with, y'know...us?"
He rolled his eyes. "Of course she is. My mom thinks you're great."
"No, I mean..." Misty rolled onto her stomach, letting one of her arms hang over the edge. "If we travel together again, and if Brock doesn't join us this time, we'll be alone."
"Misty, if Brock doesn't join us, we'll probably starve before we reach the first town. Not even my stomach can live off of your cooki-"
The pillow slammed into his face before he had a chance to react. "If you don't like my cooking, you don't have to eat it."
Ash chuckled into the pillow before pulling it off, tossing it back onto the bed. "What's so bad about us being alone?"
"Ash, I know you're dense, but when a guy and a girl are alone, and they're traveling together...I guess I don't want your mom getting any weird ideas about what we're doing."
"It's not like we'd be doing anything that other people who date don't already do."
Misty's hand went through her pillow-groomed hair, giving it a gentle toss. "I know, I just...want her to be okay with me, and us."
Ash stared at her, blinking once, before he rose to his feet, leaning over the bed. Before Misty could say anything he touched his lips to hers. They were warm, as was her soft exhale against his cheek. His fingers found hers, interlacing them together. He held the kiss until he was sure Misty was smiling into it, easing back slowly.
"My mom just wants me to be safe and happy. I know that with you by my side, I'll be both."
Misty's cheeks were glowing even in the dimly lit room, the corners of her eyes crinkling as her lower lip hid behind her teeth. She sat up to hug him, nuzzling her chin into his neck. Ash wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. He knew that tender moments like this were waiting for them in the future, but he wanted to savor each one as it came, both for himself and for Misty.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
Man!!! Since you love giving fics!!!!!!!! I'll too share with you a beautiful little fic specially for you!!!!!!!!!!!
A beautiful orangeshipping fic here especially for you and the other genwunners out here🥰
Happy reading!!!!!!
(GUYS, LOOK! :O I'm at least 99% certain this message was sent to just me, and isn't copy-pasted. I'm special now. ;_; I'd like to thank my readers, my editor, and all the other Pokegenwunner4kidsshippers out there for always believing in me and keeping me motivated when times were tough! Y'all are the best! <3 [Side note, I actually checked the writer's profile of the posted fanfic; their writing is incredible, if you can either find a ship that suits your tastes or you care more for the writing than the ship. Would 100% recommend you read their work.] FANFIC TIME!)
The room was dark, the bed was toasty, and Misty wasn't there.
Ash hadn't made it past the blurred vision part of waking up before disquietude intruded his senses, his hand reflexively patting the spot where he was sure she'd fallen asleep next to him. He'd wrapped his arms around her and used her breathing as his lullaby, fixated on the way her hand warmed his chest until he, too, succumbed to the sandman.
His eyes were quick to adapt to the darkness, but he scrambled to flick the bedside lamp on, resisting the urge to wince as he struggled to regain his sight. Throwing the blanket off himself he reached for a discarded shirt-
With a soft creak the bedroom door eased open, and the red-headed love of his life walked through.
His heartrate began to relax, though he took Misty's strained eyes as his cue to cut the light.
"Did I wake you, Ash?"
The lamp hadn't been on long enough to undo his night blindness, and the concerned corners of her eyes brought an ease to his smile. "No, I woke up on my own." His gaze flickered down before jumping back up to hers. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just another middle of the night bathroom break." She seated herself next to him. "You don't need to worry."
He grinned, planting a kiss on her cheek before sliding back onto the bed, rubbing her usual sleeping spot. "Who said I was worried?"
With a roll of her eyes she rested her back against him, pulling the blanket over the both of them. "You're sweet, Ash."
His cheeks went warm, and his hand slid down her arm, over her hand, before eventually resting on her stomach. "I just wanna make sure you're taken care of."
"You've been doing a good job." Her voice was sweet and clipped, as if she was stating an obvious charm of his that he was too oblivious to notice. Craning her neck back she pecked his lips. "And I know you'll keep taking care of me, and us."
Her hand landed on his, and a goofy sense of pride and humility mingled in his stomach. With a sigh he nestled deeper into his pillow, settling back towards his slumber. Her breathing would soften again soon, and that would be his signal that he could follow her back to dreamland.
"Good night, Ash."
"Good night, Misty."
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sykilik101 · 2 years
This beautiful little song for you👇 when Ash and Serena end up and your wet dreams that pokeshipping is alive is shattered!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Oooh, I haven't gotten a song prompt in ages. This should be fun. Lemme see, uh...)
"Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokémon. Happiness is stored in its shell, which it shares with kind-hearted people. A newborn Togepi will imprint the first thing it sees, thinking it is its mother."
Dexter's robotic voice chimed out the same entry Ash had heard dozens of times at this point. With a press of a button his Pokédex repeated itself, and Ash mouthed the words in time. At this point Ash could be a certified expert on the baby Pokémon. He'd certainly spent enough time around one.
With Misty.
He sighed, closing Dexter shut and glancing over at his new traveling group tucked away in their sleeping bags. Having Brock back was a welcomed familiarity, but he still hadn't gotten used to May and Max yet. They were both kind, and he got along with them well enough, but it didn't feel the same. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about their chemistry didn't match what he had before.
With Misty.
Flipping Dexter back open, he tapped through until he reached the Notable Trainers section. It came with Dexter's update for the Hoenn region; he could now look up various gym leaders and famous trainers in the League's database, to research them in preparation for challenging them. Ash bypassed the Hoenn segment and retracted back to Kanto, stopping at the Cerulean City entry.
"Misty. The leader of the Cerulean Gym. She specializes in water Pokémon and has an all-out offensive approach to battling."
The entry came with a picture, and he smiled softly at the huge grin she'd plastered on her face. The rest of the gym leaders had opted for some semblance of professionalism, but his favorite Tomboyish Mermaid clearly wouldn't have any of that. She was too much of a "world famous beauty" to settle for a plain photo.
With another tap Dexter replayed her entry, and again, and again. It almost felt insulting after a certain point; how dare Dexter try to condense everything she was in two sentences. Images of deep-sea capsized ships, pink kimonos, various expressions of anger, and a charred bicycle swam through his mind, and each still was as precious to him as the last.
"Misty. The leader of the Cerulean Gym. She specializes in water Pokémon and has an all-out offen-"
He snapped Dexter shut, turning to his side with a sigh. They both had their own unique goals, and it was inevitable that those goals would split them up. He wouldn't say he'd taken her presence for granted, but in retrospect, he wish he'd been a bit more honest with her about how he saw her friendship.
He had faith he'd see her again, however. He'd told her that they were meant to meet, and he didn't believe it would only be once and that was it. They'd carry on independently for now, but eventually their paths would cross again. Years from now, he hoped, more than anything else, he could say that he achieved his dream, and he'd say he didn't do it alone.
He'd say he did it with her.
With Misty.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
That's what.
4kidsshipping exists only in all your authors delusional fics!!!!!!!!!!
It does not hold a candle to amourshipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So stop wishing that your wet dreams and your delusional fantasies will come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You genwunner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I'm currently too tired from a long workday to throw together a mini fic, I'll direct you all to this:
A fic in which Ash borrows some of Serena's behaviors and throws it back at Misty. Shoutouts to Serena for giving Ash some ideas to use on Misty. Serena is my favorite Genwunnershipper.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
@themattress , @ultraericthered , @illustrious-rocket , @pepsi-al , @starline-ninja , @zchaotic , @shitirishaterssay , @azelmaandeponine , @dchan87 , @cosmicheartz , @gouthepro , @fairywinds , @wallflower-koharu , @mockguffin , @dbzebra , @mokkemusic , @pokeshipping , @pokeshipping-archive , @pokeshipping-love , @pokeshippingweek , @pokeshipping-is-pokemazing , @warlordess , @hollylu-ships-it , @anotherworldash , @chibigamer1992 , @ashandpikachu , @wiseabsol , @scrawlers , @planethunter , @yamujiburo , @yoshi12370 , @zdbztumble , @lightningenergy , @echidnapower , @n-i-n-t , @lovingtheshow , @fuckyeahpokeshipping , @pokeshipper08 , @pokeshipper-fan , @pokeshipper24-blog , @pokeshipperftw , @fcomk513 , @johnnyd2 , @otnesse , @miyatoriaka , @neica-chan-92 , @bruedance , @trainer-frisk , @driftloon
All of you!!!!!!!!!!!! Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You pokegenwunner4kidsshippers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone, I'm no longer a Pokeshipper. I'm now a Pokegenwunner4kidsshipper. I'll kindly ask that you refer to me as such from now on.
(Damn, it's too bad this trolling is happening NOW instead of a while back. "Pokegenwunner4kidsshipping" could've been a GREAT April Fools bit.)
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sykilik101 · 2 years
My sweet little honeybun😘. Pokeshipping is dead ☠️☠️☠️ and amourshipping is canon ♥️♥️♥️♥️.
And there absolutely nothing you can do about it ☺️
That's the first time that I can recall that someone's ever called me honeybun. 🥺 I haven't felt my heart flutter like this since the first time I watched Ash and Pikachu return to their bodies after hanging out with Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar in "The Tower of Terror," and then Brock and Misty look relieved that they're alive, but then Misty wipes at her eyes, implying tears, and then Misty just smiles at Ash with one of the most gorgeous smiles I've ever seen from her, and she's even blushing the tiniest bit and I'm sorry to cut this short but I really wanna rewatch that scene.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!! Loser!!!!!!!!!
I'm already fanfic'd out after that last one, so I'll recommend you all this absolutely FANTASTIC fanfic by the endlessly talented @warlordess , where Ash asks Serena about love advice so that he can eventually figure out what he's feeling for Misty:
(Chapter 3, in case the link doesn't immediately take you there, although all 4 of the fics are great.)
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sykilik101 · 2 years
Man!!!!!!!!! Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!! Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brain won't let me come up with a decent fanfic right now, so I'll repurpose the first snippet I posted here, which I'm still INCREDIBLY proud of:
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sykilik101 · 2 years
I'm completely agree with you dude! Tower of terror is one of my favourites!
The episode 'Gotta catch ya later' ... with Misty thanking Ash for letting her travel with him, her giving advices to him such as to do his daily rituals and also to keep on giving his very best, the dubbed Misty's goodbye song added more pain, Ash telling her that they were destined to meet, the gloomy sunset where Misty asks him one last time if he would be okay without her and giving Ash her handkerchief 😭😭😭😭😭 with Ash crying and running away. Ever since the kiss, it has become really painful to watch OS..😭😭
I personally believe that Ash does love back Misty, but he is too dense to realise it yet...(sighs sadly).
Like for heaven's sake!!!!! She is the only girl to have made him jealous on 4 occasions!!!!! And it was from both the sides!!! He literally fought Dawn and became overpossesive of her lure..
Anyways, pokeshipping/genwunnershipping/4kidsshipping/pokegenwunner4kidsshipping(🤣🤣) will always be alive as long as we fans love💖💖 and ship it😊.
Btw by chance if the writers give Misty a return for an episode and if we get some moments between her and Ash, I have already set it a new name👇
'phoenixshipping' meaning a rise from the ashes🔥🔥 as people call it 'dead'.
Lol how do you like that name?. (I know it sounds petty😅)..
Anyways have a great day🌞 and May God bless all of us♥️
I'm convinced that if the Pokémon anime had ended with Johto (or at the least, that Ash stopped being the main protagonist), he and Misty would've ended up together in Gotta Catch Ya Later. This is my headcanon and it will not die.
Sadly, there's already a Phoenixshipping, which is Ho-oh and Moltres. (No, I don't make the rules, I just live with them and occasionally bend them to my will.)
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sykilik101 · 2 years
Sheesh... Just logged onto Tumblr after a month to see the lovely pokeshipping content here. But instead I nearly had a heartattack after seeing so many negative asks to many pokeshipping blogs...especially after seeing those tagged 50 blogs in your ask... My inbox has also been spammed with a couple of his "pokeshipping is dead" messages too...
And God, I heard that they impersonated a few people here... I really feel terrible for them☹️. Hope you and the other pokeshippers are doing fine..
And btw I really loved how you are keeping it cool, by answering him in the form of pokeshipping fics:-)
It's better that way. Fighting toxics with toxic isn't going to do good to us.
My advice to all the pokeshippers is to ignore and block him or they can use your methods till he gives up.
Pokeshipping/genwunnershipping/pokegenwunner4kidsshipping/pokecrybabyshipping(name inspired from the long tag ask he sent to you 😁) for life!!♥️♥️
I'll always suggest that other people block/ignore him. My method is partially petty, but also comes from lots of experience with handling this sort of thing, so the things he says don't bother me. If others are able to respond to him how I do without letting his negativity get to them, that's fine, but blocking/ignoring is 100% the default option I'd tell others to choose.
(Pokecrybabyshipping is new to me, I'll have to remember that one. LOL)
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