gandoilfo · 1 year
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castellsipalaus · 2 years
Pałac Branickich w Białymstoku
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El Palau Branicki (en polonès, Pałac Branickich w Białymstoku) fou fet reformar pel hetman Jan Klemens Branicki a la ciutat de Bialystok al segle XVII, durant l’època de la Rzeczpospolita, una confederació que va reunir Polònia, Lituània i Ucraïna del segle XVI al XVIII.
El comte Branicki va ser, en virtut del seu títol de hetman (probablement derivat de l’alemany Hauptmann), el segon comandant militar de la confederació polaco-lituana o República de les Dues Nacions i tenia serioses aspiracions a cenyir la corona polonesa.
El palau fou inicialment una construcció de fusta i fou reformada al segle XVI per fortificar-la. Més tard, cap a finals dels segle XVII, ja en mans de la família Branicki, començà la transformació en una mansió en estil barroc.
Cap al 1728 va començar una nova reforma, la definitiva, que va ampliar les edificacions i els jardins van fins a assolir unes dimensions que van fer que el complex es considerés el Versalles polonès.
La grandiositat del complex no va permetre que el seu propietari aconseguís un dels seus màxims anhels. El seu intent de convertirse en rei de Polònia, entre 1763 i 1764 va acabar en fracàs, doncs l’elegit per succeir August III va ser Stanislaw Poniatowski (Stanislaw II August), germà de la seva tercera esposa, Izabella Poniatowska.
Branicki va morir el 1771 i no va veure com el nou rei no va poder evitar que l’Imperi Rus, en continua expansió, acabés absorbint Polònia després de tres particions (1772, 1793 i 1795), una guerra civil i una guerra entre totes dues nacions (1792).
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xaviportales · 2 years
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Acabe de rebre el llibre que ha escrit sobre el pogrom 💀de #jedwabne a #Polònia 🇵🇱 de @davidserranobla ☕️🙏🏼 @editorial_base (at Castelló, País Valencià) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co4XNv7oZ1o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Que grans son
this is too funny. boníssim! 😂
so polònia is a satire show on catalan tv, and they did a whole segment on the alexia/laporta/collboni grabbing the shirt away from alexia controversy during the celebration at the ajuntament de barcelona.
the host keeps asking "alexia" how the final of the champions was and to make some statements. and "alexia" starts saying things like "it was very good, we made a lot of effort this year" before the shirt gets snatched away multiple times. and the last guy in the video is supposed to be laporta! 😂
source: @polonia3cat on twitter
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jartita-me-teneis · 1 month
@Famelica_legion Polònia @poloniatv3 retrata como nadie al Emérito…
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Was Ocho apellidos catalanes as bad as Ocho apellidos vascos? If you dared to watch that hate crime, I mean. I'm guessing that yeah, I bet they didn't cast any Catalans other than using them as joke
It was worse, in my opinion.
I mean, using minorities as a joke was the whole point of those movies, both are movies based solely on stereotypes. And I think it's obvious that they're movies made by Spanish people for Spanish people to make fun of minorities, but these groups being made fun of were never the target audience. The director is Spanish and the two script writers are Basque, it's easy to tell that there weren't Catalans in the production team, otherwise we would've made fun of different things. Because believe me, if there's one thing we constantly do is make fun of ourselves. We have a very self-critical sense of humour and many very popular radio and TV shows in Catalonia use this humour, but it's a humour "from inside" that makes fun of different things that when Spanish people do it based on stereotypes. (I'm thinking La Competència, La segona hora, La sotana, Polònia, the Polònia musicals, etc etc etc).
Obviously I'm not Basque so I'm nobody to talk about that, but I don't think I would have felt offended with most of the 1st movie. I think the general idea you get after watching it is "Basque people are backwards, clanistic, brute, closed, look and act according to all the stereotypes... but deep down they're kind of funny and friendly in their peculiar way".
But Ocho apellidos catalanes does not feel like that at all. First of all, remember that the Basque one starts with the Spanish main character falling in love with the Basque woman who was on holidays there and so he goes to the Basque Country to get her. She's not painted in the most sympathetic way (he, the Spanish man, is the main character and the point of view character, and the fun and sociable one), but at least she's worthy of being in love with.
The Catalans movie starts because the Basque woman was "stolen" from the sympathetic Spanish man by a Catalan, so the Spanish man goes to Catalonia to get back the girl. And the Catalan man who she moved in is the enemy, as are all the other Catalans in the movie if I remember right. The idea you get after watching that movie is even less kind to Catalans than the first one was to Basques, it's just "Catalans are stingy, liars, unreliable assholes who are obsessed with politics and hating Spain".
I think there were a few scenes in Ocho apellidos vascos that were fun and friendly and could be applied to any group, I'm thinking for example when the main character (the Spanish guy) is in an abertzale demonstration and gets carried away with the speaker, things like that are fine. It wouldn't have bothered me at all to see a situation like that but with Catalans instead of Basques, it could have been funny to make a parody of the rhymes and songs we come up with and elaborate percussion (my mother still can't clap the els carrers seran sempre nostres correctly 😂 but, continuing with the stereotypes, if that character knows flamenco maybe he could have come up with far worse ones). But the things they chose to do in that movie were just... 🤦 Not even funny, I think the only thing that was supposed to be funny to the Spanish audience was "haha Catalan accent funny", "haha Catalan people all from villages", "haha Catalan people are ridiculous for believing in independence", and "haha Catalan people are such liars that they'll even lie about the most important things to their own grandmother". It felt like a movie made solely with the purpose of confirming Spanish people that they're right about every single stereotype against Catalans and reassuring them that we're worse (rural villagers in a derogatory way, assholes, unkind, liars, unreliable, hateful) and that they do well by wanting to teach us a lesson and keep us under control (because otherwise we'd be sooooo horrible to the poor Spanish people and we wouldn't even know how to rule ourselves and would hurt our own population! Of course we would ban chorizo and jamón and that what could be worse than that!). And in the end there's a happy ending because the Catalans are defeated because the Spanish man gets back the woman.
This movie was clearly a propaganda tool of the time (it came out in 2015, when the Catalan independence movement was rising exponentially). I don't think there's no way to make a movie like this making fun of cultural differences, that's actually something I make fun of myself quite a lot irl with my foreign friends and there's a lot of material for a funny movie. But this doesn't seem to have much knowledge about Catalan culture in the first place, it's simply based on the stereotypes that Spanish people have of us.
Ah, and since you asked about the actors. Yes, it included 2 Catalan people among the main characters. One was the known anti-independence actress Rosa Maria Sardà (who has been outspoken in favour of Spanish nationalism) and the main enemy was played by Berto Romero, who is a Catalan comedian who has been working and living in Madrid for many years. But as far as I remember there wasn't any of the Catalan actors who work here and who we would have recognised and could have been a good cameo, and we have many humour actors (think everyone in Polònia for example, or the many actors in Barcelona's theatre scene). But I won't blame them for that, if I were an actress I would have refused to work on a project with this script.
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carabanchelnet · 4 months
AYUSO INTERIORISTA Isabel Díaz Ayuso ara també és interiorista 😂🏠🪴 Video publicado por Polònia @polonia3Cat
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error404vnotfound · 5 months
i cant recognize actors' faces for shit except for when they are the actor that played Artur Mas in Polònia 10 years ago apparently
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welele · 1 year
Enviado por Vietfox:
No suelo postear nada de Polònia, pero esto es demasiado bueno.
Al final se unirán los mil partidos de izquierda en uno solo y se llamará no sé, ¿izquierda unida?
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guillemsans · 1 year
Polònia - 13/04/2023
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ximo220550 · 1 year
Sigo con ETA - Polònia
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laus-deo · 1 month
Oriol Jara: «Los demonios expulsados por la Iglesia están volviendo a Europa de forma masiva»
Oriol Jara tiene 44 años, nació en Barcelona, es converso y lleva 20 años trabajando en radio y televisión. Guionista y escritor, ha sido subdirector de ‘Buenafuente’, ha escrito sketches en los programas satíricos de TV3 ‘Polònia’ y ‘Crackòvia’ y ha dirigido ‘El Roast de España’ para Comedy Central. En 2022 publicó 10 razones para creer en Dios (Ed. Albada), y hoy atiende a ReligiónEnLibertad…
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timriva-blog · 4 months
El Parlament polonès reconeix oficialment la llengua silesiana i el president ho veta
Duda remet a “l’opinió dominant” dels “experts” segons la qual es tracta d’un dialecte del polonès Llibres en silesià El president de Polònia, Andrzej Duda, ha vetat una llei aprovada pel Parlament del seu país en què es reconeixia oficialment el silesià com a llengua. Aquest reconeixement hauria ampliat la protecció de l’idioma i els drets lingüístics dels parlants. Duda afirma que “l’opinió…
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Televisión “Polonia”
¿Qué te hace reír? Programa de televisión de humor de la Televisión de Cataluña, de gran popularidad en Cataluña y en las redes sociales y en Internet en el resto de España e incluso fuera del país, el programa parodia la actualidad social y política de Cataluña y a veces del resto de España. Polònia: Un referente del humor político en Cataluña Sátira mordaz y humor irreverente: Polònia es un…
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anonim0-irreal · 8 months
"Facha" la versió de "Zorra" de Nebulossa d'Ayuso - Polònia
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"Facha" la versió de "Zorra" de Nebulossa d'Ayuso - Polònia
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