#Poland job salary
wiafm · 2 years
Light driver, Truck driver, Tailor, Production worker & few others are required for Poland- All Free work visa.
Note:-These work permits are free, so don’t ever pay anything to anyone. All nationalities can apply. Job descriptions and all necessary details such as company contact number Email Id, website etc you can find in this video:- https://youtu.be/HaRtg-rf9X4
WIAFM- Real time global jobs, Subscribe to access free ocean of opportunities: -
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k-s-morgan · 10 months
I heard news about a snowstorm in Ukraine that caused several deaths, and I was so worried for you. Are you okay, Morgan? Is your family safe? Are things calming down there? I keep checking for news that announces the end of this war, and it's disheartening to see that it never arrives. I can't imagine what it must be like to live through this. Is there anything we can do for you? Do you need somewhere to take refuge outside the country? Is the money you receive from your job sufficient for you and your family to live comfortably? I always check the updates you post, and it's admirable that these horrible events haven't changed the golden heart you have, you are a wonderful person and you don't deserve any of what is happening, I hate that I can't do anything to stop it this war, but whatever I can do for you I will.
please be safe, please keep fighting.
Another ask: Hey, I hope you're just busy but please give us some sign that you're okay, please. I'm worried
Another ask: Katrin, you are okay??
Another ask: You okay??
Another ask: How are you going?? Is everything already? Please asnwer 😭
Hi! Thank you all, you wonderful anons (and my lovely first anon, I'll respond to your questions further down in this reply). I'm so touched that you've been thinking about me! There was indeed a serious snowstorm that caused some deaths, but I'm fine: honestly, I'm such a hopeless stay-at-home introvert that I usually leave only for short trips to the shop and to feed pigeons & stray cats. So I meet most storms safely tucked in my bed))
It's all right now, though everything is still covered in snow. If there is snow where you are, too, and you see miserable pigeons or other birds around, please feed them if possible! They rely on us entirely during winters. Some grain would be ideal.
I was hoping to make a monthly post, but my tight work schedule + migraines ruined these plans, so I decided to give up on it. Russians haven't attacked my city again yet after that the most massive attack by drones. I'm pretty sure it is coming, though, especially on holidays. They tried to tun our last New Year into hell on purpose by sending missiles during the day, killing people, and then sending drones at night. I worry that this year might be even worse, but I've been teaching myself to live in the present and enjoy peace while I still have it, so I manage to keep my fears at bay.
First anon, thank you so much for your kindness! I have places where I could go and stay beyond Ukraine, but for the next year at the least, I intend to keep holding on because I can't leave without my family (and the bigger half of my family is not allowed to leave legally yet). If Russian attacks get completely unbearable, I might go to Poland to my relatives for a month or two just to unwind and to repair my sanity a bit.
As for the money, I'm doing more or less okay, and people who keep supporting me on Patreon help me to stay afloat. I have some debts, but they are under control - I owe the bank $300, which is 1/3 of my monthly salary, so I'm capable of paying it back little by little. The situation is not ideal, but nothing to worry about.
Like many Ukrainians at the moment, I feel burned out regarding the war. There are many amazing, kind people in this world, and our soldiers are absolute heroes who deserve all respect in the world, but those with power to make decisions like money way too much. It's an unfortunate fact that has been making people all over the world suffer generations after generations. Many US, European, and Chinese companies continue to help Russia manufacture its missiles and other things they use to kill us. The help Ukraine gets is enough to let us survive but not enough to let us win. Those who can make money on it eagerly grab the chance, including some members of our own government. I'd like to be optimistic, but I really don't see a scenario that would end with justice. It's very difficult to accept the fact that terrorists and murderers won't be punished - on the contrary, many of them will continue to live in luxury, unable to imagine what an explosion even sounds like, until the day they die. But like I said before, it is what it is. The world is full of bitter examples like this.
Thank you for being with me and supporting me, reading my stories and sending your asks. I hope to end this month with posting two chapters for my two stories. My second job comes to an end December 15, and hopefully, I'll get a chance to really dive into writing after this!
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nycnomad · 2 years
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There was a moment while we were in Poland in November where J and I really thought we might move there. I just want to record this, because in retrospect, it’d wild how serious we were! There’s just so much to love there:
- J is from Warsaw, so most of his family lives there, and I could get my EU citizenship for fun if we lived there for two years. 
- We’d love for his parents to move back there from NYC since all of their friends are still in Poland. They’re also getting up there in years, and the healthcare would be free. If we lived there, they’d be more likely to take the plunge and move back.
- His sister lives there and is a doctor and has three dogs that we just adore and is very into the culture and is my exact age!
- It looks like a friggin’ fairytale all of the time, and yet it’s also really modern. Like, they have a good public transportation system and a budding tech industry and then also literal castles and forts in the center of the city.
- The food culture is so up my alley. They have all of the traditional Polish food that I love like dumplings and also dumplings and did I mention dumplings, but then they have all of the surrounding European food, too. And we even had very fancy sushi there this time! 
- It’s just NEAT being in Europe. Look at all of those weird mayonnaises above! And I could work on my Polish.
- It. is. stupidly. cheap. I know that living in NYC makes everything else cheap, but I just remember being at a trendy Italian place for lunch, and we had each eaten three courses, cocktails, and espressos, and the bill came out to $45 US after we left a crazy tip because the owner let us play with his French bulldog. $45 US is two cocktails in Brooklyn. If we could both keep our remote jobs and our NYC salaries, life in Warsaw would be very, very comfortable.  
We genuinely started looking at the sort of apartments that are available and found two we really loved right off the bat (1, 2). Huge balconies and neighborhoods we would love and a third of the price of our NYC place! 
But when we got home, we started thinking about how it would be a MAJOR change. I wouldn’t be able to have conversations with people in their native language, and we might have to work really weird hours if we kept our NYC jobs, and we’d be leaving all of our friends and my family way, way behind.
So that led us to our next plan! To be continued . . . 
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slavicafire · 2 years
I don't know if you've got an update on the layoff situation, but here's a hopeful story for you:
My partner was layed off without warning (USA, ofc), and within 4 days had a job offer for something way better with a $15k salary increase.
I hope the layoffs don't affect you, but if they do, I hope they lead you to a prefered position at a better company making significantly more money.
thank you!
layoffs in Poland take a very long time - we've been given an estimate of 14-20 days to learn exactly who will be let go and at what terms exactly. fingers crossed it won't affect me - or if it will, fingers crossed for good severance :-)
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fuckyeahilike · 11 months
I love you, Iceland
October 24, 2023
HUSAVIK, Iceland (AP) — Schools, shops, banks and Iceland’s famous swimming pools shut on Tuesday as women in the volcanic island nation — including the prime minister — went on strike to push for an end to unequal pay and gender-based violence.
Icelanders awoke to all-male news teams announcing shutdowns across the country, with public transport delayed, hospitals understaffed and hotel rooms uncleaned. Trade unions, the strike’s main organizers, called on women and nonbinary people to refuse paid and unpaid work, including chores. About 90% of the country’s workers belong to a union.
Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdóttir said she would stay home as part of the strike — “kvennaverkfall” in Icelandic — and expected other women in her Cabinet would do the same.
Iceland, a rugged island of around 380,000 people just below the Arctic Circle, has been ranked as the world’s most gender-equal country 14 years in a row by the World Economic Forum, which measures pay, education, health care and other factors.
No country has achieved full equality, and there remains a gender pay gap in Iceland.
Tuesday’s walkout, running from midnight to midnight, was billed as the biggest since Iceland’s first such event on Oct. 24, 1975, when 90% of women refused to work, clean or look after children, to voice anger at discrimination in the workplace.
In 1976, Iceland passed a law guaranteeing equal rights irrespective of gender. Since then there have been several partial-day strikes, most recently in 2018, with women walking off the job in the early afternoon, symbolizing the time of day when women, on average, stop earning compared to men.
Iceland’s chools and the health system, which have female-dominated workforces, said they would be heavily affected. National broadcaster RUV said it was reducing television and radio broadcasts for the day, and reported that only one bank branch in the country was open.
Gatherings on Tuesday were held across Iceland, the largest in Reykjavik, where much of the capital’s center was closed to traffic and tens of thousands gathered on the grassy Arnarhóll hill for a rally.
Speakers listed grim facts about economic inequality and sexual violence in Iceland, ending by asking, “You call that equality?” The crowd thundered back: “No!”
“We have not yet reached our goals of full gender equality and we are still tackling the gender-based wage gap, which is unacceptable in 2023,” Jakobsdóttir told news website mbl.is. “We are still tackling gender-based violence, which has been a priority for my government to tackle.”
Jakobsdóttir’s Cabinet is evenly split between male and female ministers, and nearly half of lawmakers in Iceland’s parliament, the Althingi, are women.
But while women in Iceland have pushed or broken the glass ceiling to top jobs — from bishop to leaders of the national wrestling association — the lowest-paying jobs, such as cleaning and child care, are still predominantly done by women.
The work, essential to Iceland’s tourism-dominated economy, also depends heavily on immigrants, who on the whole work longer hours and take home the lowest salaries. Around 22% of the female workforce is foreign-born, according to Statistics Iceland.
“Foreign women are more vulnerable,” said Alice Clarke, an artist and designer from Canada who has lived in Iceland for 30 years. “Hopefully what is being done today will help to change that.”
Iceland’s 1975 strike inspired similar protests in other countries including Poland, where women boycotted jobs and classes in 2016 to protest a proposed abortion ban. In Spain, women staged a 24-hour strike in 2018 on March 8, International Women’s Day, under the theme “If we stop, the world stops.”
Spain’s acting equality minister, Irene Montero, said Tuesday that the 2018 strike was inspired by Iceland’s 1975 walkout and expressed full support for the latest protest.
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kurumeki · 1 year
It seems I will be getting additional 40 PLN per month for my hybrid working mode. That 40 PLN is supposed to cover the costs of electricity and Internet used. Sure...
...three years into pandemic, after being told by company that we don't get any additional allowance because "you should be able to afford electricity and Internet with your salary, if not then look for another job" (and this is a literal quote).
This allowance is now made only because labour law just changed in Poland and company is now required to give us money for that, but with 40 PLN I just want to laugh. With inflation and everything going more and more expensive, with those 40 PLN I will buy just cotton pads, as we say here.
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
I think the strict regulations on alcohol are results of the huge problems with drunkenness that used to exist in Sweden. It’s not that many generations ago that Sweden was still a poor country. Alcohol kept the poor people poor. Workers used to get payed in brännvin (strong alcohol), as part of their salary. Sometimes men would use up most of their small salary for drinks, leaving nothing to support their families. I think it’s also to do with the strong culture and tradition in the Nordic countries and Russia, Poland etc to drink strong alcohol (brännvinsbältet). When I lived in France for example, vodka or other strong drinks weren’t such a big deal among young people, most just drank wine. And they explained they had tasted wine at home sometimes from the age of 12. Maybe not optimal but I think it gave them a less dramatic and sensational relationship to alcohol.
A system that started I think at the same time as Systembolaget came about, and was in use for the first half of the last century, was the motbok system. It meant everyone had to get a personal book, with a personal ration of alcohol that they were allowed to buy, and how often. Typically, men were allowed much bigger rations than women, and married women not allowed a motbok at all. Instead their husband got a bigger ration if he had a bigger household. Also people who made more money got bigger rations, so it was very controlled. My grandfather was a young bricklayer apprentice in the 1940’s, and as part of his job he got to go to the liquor store and buy the rations for the older men at his work, bringing their motbok with him to get them stamped.
Payed in alcohol! Wow that would have been a disaster in Ireland
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shivam95 · 3 months
Exploring The Differences Between MBA vs MIM
The choice between a Master in Management (MIM) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an important one for those pursuing postgraduate business education. While both degrees aim to enhance your business management skills, they cater to different stages of professional development. Understanding the key differences between MBA vs MIM is crucial in determining the right program for your career goals.
1. Work Experience Required
A MIM typically requires 0-1 years of full-time work experience, while an MBA looks for 3-8 years of work experience. This means the average age of a MIM student is much younger (22-24 years) compared to an MBA applicant (25-31 years).
2. Eligibility Criteria
The application process for both MBA vs MIM programs involves submitting documents like GMAT/GRE scores, IELTS/TOEFL, SOP, LORs, and essays. However, if your test scores are not up to the mark, exceptional extracurricular activities may compensate for a MIM, while exceptional work experience may suffice for an MBA.
3. Program Duration
MIM programs typically last 12-18 months, while most MBA programs are 2 years in duration (some are 12-18 months as well).
4. Program Origin
MIM originated in Europe, where a significant portion of students pursue a master's degree after completing their undergraduate studies. In contrast, the MBA originated in the US in the early 1900s and has since gained global recognition.
5. Program Recognition
While the MBA is a widely accepted degree worldwide, the recognition of the MIM is still growing, particularly outside of Europe. But, MIM programs are fast gaining popularity and acceptance in countries like the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, and India.
6. Program Focus
MBA programs offer a more comprehensive education, with a wide range of electives covering diverse business domains like entrepreneurship, technology, finance, and marketing. MIM programs, tend to be more specialized, focusing on a particular area of management that aligns with the student's career goals.
7. Career Goals
MBA students often aim to boost their salary, switch to a different field, or get senior-level positions. MIM students, however, are more focused on international exposure, working for companies that allow them to travel, and managing projects or people.
8. Preferred Job Destinations
A significant number of MBA students (66%) target the US for their degree, with Canada also being a popular choice (11%). In contrast, MIM students have a more global outlook, with a greater interest in working outside their country of citizenship.
9. Employer Preferences
Both MBA vs MIM graduates are hired by leading companies, but in different roles. MBA graduates are typically hired for more senior positions, while MIM graduates are often recruited for more junior roles, such as associate consultant positions.
10. Complementary Pathways
Obtaining both a MBA vs MIM during one's career is not uncommon. A MIM can provide a strong foundation to launch a business career, while an MBA can later accelerate the transition into senior leadership roles or enable a career pivot.
Top Universities for MBA vs MIM Globally
MIM Top Universities
1. HEC Paris (France)
Master in Management (MiM)
Ranked #1 globally by the Financial Times
2. University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
MA in Strategy and International Management
Ranked #2 globally by the Financial Times
3. ESSEC Business School (France)
Master in Management (MiM)
Ranked #3 globally by the Financial Times
4. London Business School (UK)
Masters in Management (MiM)
Ranked #4 globally by the Financial Times
5. ESCP Business School (France, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland)
Master in Management (MiM)
Ranked #5 globally by the Financial Times
MBA Top Universities
1. Stanford Graduate School of Business (USA)
Full-Time MBA
Ranked #1 globally by US News & World Report
2. Harvard Business School (USA)
Full-Time MBA
Ranked #2 globally by US News & World Report
3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) (USA)
Full-Time MBA
Ranked #3 globally by US News & World Report
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) (USA)
Full-Time MBA
Ranked #4 globally by US News & World Report
5. University of Chicago (Booth) (USA)
Full-Time MBA
Ranked #5 globally by US News & World Report
MBA vs MIM: Syllabus
The key differences between the syllabus of a MBA vs MIM are:
MIM Syllabus
Focuses on building a strong foundation in management principles and theories
Covers core subjects like business ethics, corporate strategy, economics, marketing, organizational behavior, finance, and project management
Curriculum has a more theoretical orientation with an emphasis on team projects, leadership development, and case studies
Electives allow for specialization in areas like entrepreneurship, tourism, hospitality, manufacturing, etc.
MBA Syllabus
Curriculum is more advanced and focuses on developing higher-level understanding of complex topics within management domains
Covers core subjects like operations management, marketing management, entrepreneurial finance, strategic management, accounting, finance, HR, IT, etc.
Teaching is more practical-oriented with case studies and projects
Wide range of electives allow for comprehensive education across domains like entrepreneurship, technology, finance, marketing, etc.
The choice between a MBA vs MIM depends on your current stage of professional development and your long-term career aspirations. If you are a recent graduate or have less than two years of work experience, a MIM may be the better fit. If you have around three or more years of experience and are looking to advance into senior leadership roles or change your career path, an MBA is likely the more suitable option. Ultimately, must to carefully research the programs, speak to alumni, and assess your own goals to determine the degree that aligns best with your career trajectory.
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sudheervanguri · 3 months
ICON Plc as a Study Start Up Associate (Clinical Site Activation) ICON Plc, a leading Clinical Research Organization, is seeking talented Study Start Up Associates (Clinical Site Activation) to join our dynamic team in Sofia, Vilnius, Warsaw, Belgrade, and Tbilisi. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in life sciences and 1-2 years of clinical research experience, this is a fantastic opportunity to advance your career in a supportive and innovative environment. About ICON Plc At ICON Plc, we are driven by our mission to improve patients' lives and deliver excellence in clinical research. Our 'Own It' culture is built on four key values: Accountability & Delivery, Collaboration, Partnership, and Integrity. We pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where our employees can thrive. Job Details Position Study Start Up Associate (Clinical Site Activation) Locations Sofia, Bulgaria Vilnius, Lithuania Warsaw, Poland Belgrade, Serbia Tbilisi, Georgia Job Type - HYBRID: OFFICE/REMOTE Experience Minimum of 1-2 years of clinical research experience Qualifications Bachelor’s Degree in life sciences or a related field Key Responsibilities As a Study Start Up Associate at ICON Plc, you will: Oversee day-to-day execution and site progress for all aspects of site activation for assigned projects and sites. Assist and engage with site staff to ensure progress throughout site activation, meeting sponsor timelines and expectations. Support internal tool setup, maintenance, and timely updates, ensuring site adoption of ICON tools. Contribute to effective site activation processes and timelines. Participate in internal study reviews with study teams, contributing to risk identification and action planning. Qualifications Bachelor’s Degree in life sciences or a related field. Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in a clinical research environment. Project management skills and understanding of regulatory and submission processes in different countries. Monitoring experience. Excellent English written and verbal communication skills. Ability to work to tight deadlines. [caption id="attachment_80542" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] ICON Plc Hiring Study Start Up Associate (Clinical Site Activation)[/caption] Benefits of Working at ICON Plc Our success depends on the quality of our people. That’s why we offer: Competitive Salary Packages: Regularly benchmarked against our competitors. Annual Bonuses: Reflecting the delivery of performance goals. Health-Related Benefits: For employees and their families. Retirement Plans: Including life assurance for long-term security. Inclusive Environment: Encouraging a sense of purpose and lasting change. How to Apply Interested candidates can apply online at ICON Plc Careers. ICON Plc is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer. If you need reasonable accommodation for any part of the application process due to a medical condition or disability, please let us know.
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wiafm · 2 years
Production worker, Handyman, Warehouseman, Metal worker & few others are required for Poland- All Free work visa.
Note:-These work permits are free, so don’t ever pay anything to anyone. All nationalities can apply. Job descriptions and all necessary details such as company contact number Email Id, website etc you can find in this video:- https://youtu.be/vGApXFmZ7Hw
WIAFM- Real time global jobs, Subscribe to access free ocean of opportunities: -
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eujobsng · 4 months
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At eujobsng we help Africans and Asian access employment opportunities across EU/Schengen cities between 5days and 6months.
If you are interested and serious about accessing job opportunities, see below for some details and contact for general inquiries on;
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Kindly note that these are subject to change based on availability.
— Package: ° Employer Invitation ° Employment Contract ° Accommodation ° Work Permit ° Employee Confirmation
Transportation, medical insurance, feeding, residence permit, flight, etc may be included, depending on the job offer.
— Requirements: ° Passport ID ° WBG Photo ° CV / Resume ° Credentials ° 2 Referees  ° 50% Deposit
— Countries: 🇦🇹 Austria 🇦🇱 Albania 🇧🇪 Belgium 🇧🇬 Bulgaria  🇭🇷 Croatia 🇨🇾 Cyprus  🇨🇿 Czech Republic 🇩🇰 Denmark 🇪🇪 Estonia 🇫🇮 Finland 🇫🇷 France 🇩🇪 Germany 🇬🇷 Greece 🇭🇺 Hungary 🇮🇸 Iceland 🇮🇪 Ireland 🇮🇹 Italy 🇱🇻 Latvia 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein 🇱🇹 Lithuania 🇱🇺 Luxembourg 🇲🇹 Malta 🇳🇱 Netherlands 🇳🇴 Norway 🇳🇱 Netherland 🇵🇱 Poland 🇵🇹 Portugal 🇷🇴 Romania  🇸🇰 Slovakia 🇸🇮 Slovenia 🇪🇸 Spain 🇸🇪 Sweden 🇨🇭 Switzerland 🇷🇸 Serbia  🇹🇷 Türkiye  🇬🇧 United Kingdom 🇪🇺 EU/Schengen
— Eligibility: ° Nationalities: Africans & Asians ° Gender: Men & Women or Couples. ° Age: 18yrs - 60yrs. ° English Proficiency: Intermediate. ° Minimal Education: High School or Diploma. ° Candidates without work experience must be able to learn fast. ° Salary Range: €600 – €4300+ monthly (plus extra hours pay) depending on the job offer.
— PV Edge: •⁠ ⁠IT'S FASTER: you can get your job offer from as early as 5 days.  •⁠ ⁠EASIER: the work package requirements are very easy to get.  •⁠ ⁠SIMPLER: No work experience is needed if you can learn new skills.  •⁠ ⁠NO IELTS: only basic English communication is required for jobs.  •⁠ ⁠It's CHEAPER: PV work packages are from as low as €900.  •⁠ ⁠OPTIONS: There are over 150+ vacancies across EU / Schengen cities.  •⁠ ⁠SUPPORT: PV Package updates are sent weekly on Mon or Fri.  •⁠ ⁠FLEXIBLE: Get Job only or work visa only, or both options. 
For general inquiries, please feel free to ask us questions, and get clarity, before proceeding. Service Terms & Conditions Applies.
Thank you for sharing this post.
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rosemerry-garden · 4 months
The Power of Collaborating with a Leading Staffing Agency in Poland
In the dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape of Poland's job market, finding the right career opportunities tailored to your skills and ambitions can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. This is where the expertise and resources of a reputable staffing agency can be transformative, offering tailored solutions to help you navigate the complexities of the employment landscape and unlock the doors to professional success.
The Polish Advantage: A Thriving Hub of Opportunities
Poland's strategic location in Central Europe, coupled with its robust economy and diverse array of industries, has made it an increasingly attractive destination for professionals seeking to advance their careers. From the burgeoning technology sector to the dynamic finance industry and beyond, Poland offers a wealth of opportunities across various fields. However, with opportunity comes competition, and distinguishing yourself in the job market requires strategic navigation and targeted support.
The Role of a Staffing Agency: Your Trusted Partner in Success
A staffing agency serves as your ally in the quest for career advancement, offering a range of invaluable services designed to streamline your job search and optimize your prospects for success. Here's how collaborating with a leading staffing agency in Poland can elevate your career trajectory:
Tailored Job Matching: A reputable staffing agency takes the time to understand your unique skills, experiences, and career aspirations. By conducting comprehensive assessments, they can match you with opportunities that align with your goals, ensuring a mutually beneficial fit for both you and the employer.
Access to Exclusive Opportunities: Some of the most coveted job openings are never advertised publicly. Staffing agencies maintain extensive networks of employers and have access to exclusive job listings, giving you access to opportunities that may not be available through traditional channels.
Expert Guidance and Support: From resume optimization and interview preparation to salary negotiation and onboarding assistance, a staffing agency provides comprehensive support at every stage of the job search process. Their expertise and insights can help you navigate potential challenges with confidence and professionalism.
Industry Insights and Trends: Keeping abreast of industry trends and market dynamics is essential for staying ahead in your career. A reputable staffing agency provides valuable insights into emerging opportunities, in-demand skills, and salary benchmarks, empowering you to make informed decisions about your career path.
Choosing the Right Partner for Your Career Journey
When selecting a staffing agency to collaborate with, it's crucial to consider several factors to ensure a successful partnership:
Reputation and Track Record: Look for agencies with a proven track record of success and a reputation for excellence in the industry. Industry Specialization: Choose an agency that specializes in your field or industry of interest to benefit from their in-depth expertise and network. Communication and Transparency: Effective communication and transparency are essential for a productive partnership. Ensure that the agency keeps you informed and engaged throughout the process. Personalized Service: Seek out agencies that prioritize personalized service and tailor their approach to meet your individual needs and preferences.
Partnering with a leading staffing agency in Poland can be a game-changer in your career journey, offering unparalleled support, expertise, and access to opportunities that can propel you towards your professional goals. Whether you're seeking temporary assignments, permanent positions, or executive roles, a trusted staffing agency is your strategic partner in navigating the competitive job market and unlocking your full potential in Poland's dynamic business landscape.
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needsarkarijob · 5 months
Google Recruitment 2024 | Google Jobs 2024 Google Recruitment 2024 – Google jobs opportunities For Job Vacancies in Various Fields In India, USA, Japan, Israel, Australia, Sweden, Poland, South Korea, Spain, France, Germany, Singapore, And Other Countries (Worldwide). Having an Attractive Salary Package As Per Eligibility Criteria For a Suitable Position. The Education Qualification and Experience Can Be Considered For The Job Post. Google Career Opportunity For Worldwide People As Like Job Opportunity As Per requirement and Eligibility of Post. Google Jobs Portal- the process Of Application is online Way By Submitting C/V To an Official Website By following the Link The Details Of the Requirement Of Eligibility are provided at the official Link Kindly Read Carefully. Latest Google Jobs 2024 Google Recruitment 2024 | Google Job & Vacancies 2024 Details Google job Careers Vacancy & Job Details & Application process are given below. The vacancies Openings In Google Jobs Careers & Job Vacancy-Google Jobs Careers & Job published An advertisement for the Various Vacancies. Applications are invited to Eligible & interested candidates. If you are Looking for an Engineer, Analyst, Technician, Specialist, Lead, Architect, Executive, Specialist, Director Job, or such kind of job Career then you can apply through the given link. The job location for this job will be India, USA, Japan, Israel, Australia, Sweden, Poland, South Korea, Spain, France, Germany, Singapore, And Other Countries (Worldwide). The other details are given on the Official website. The link to the website is given below.  Google About : Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Five companies in the American information technology industry, along with Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook) and Microsoft. Google was founded on September 4, 1998, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. Together they own about 14% of its publicly-listed shares and control 56% of the stockholder voting power through super-voting stock. The company went public via an initial public offering (IPO) in 2004. In 2015, Google was reorganized as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.. Google is Alphabet’s largest subsidiary and is a holding company for Alphabet’s Internet properties and interests. Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google on October 24, 2015, replacing Larry Page, who became the CEO of Alphabet. On December 3, 2019, Pichai also became the CEO of Alphabet. In 2021, the Alphabet Workers Union was founded, mainly composed of Google employees. The company’s rapid growth since incorporation has included products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond Google’s core search engine, (Google Search). It offers services designed for work and productivity (Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides), email (Gmail), scheduling and time management (Google Calendar), cloud storage (Google Drive), instant messaging and video chat (Google Duo, Google Chat, and Google Meet), language translation (Google Translate), mapping and navigation (Google Maps, Waze, Google Earth, and Street View), podcast hosting (Google Podcasts), video sharing (YouTube), blog publishing (Blogger), note-taking (Google Keep and Jamboard), and photo organizing and editing (Google Photos). The company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system, the Google Chrome web browser, and Chrome OS (a lightweight, proprietary operating system based on the free and open-source Chromium OS operating system). Google has moved increasingly into hardware; from 2010 to 2015, it partnered with major electronics manufacturers in the production of its Google Nexus devices, and it released multiple hardware products in 2016, including the Google Pixel line of smartphones, Google Home smart speaker, Google Wifi mesh wireless router. Google has also experimented with becoming an Internet carrier (Google Fiber and Google Fi) Google Job Details | Google Off Campus Recruitment 2024 Name of Department Google Vacancies 2024 | Google Latest Jobs Name of Posts | India | USA | Japan | Israel | Australia | Sweden | Poland | South Korea | Spain | France | Germany | Singapore | And Other Countries (Worldwide) |  -Latest Job /Career Vacancies- Partner Support Manager Financial Analyst Program Manager Technical Lead Strategy and Operations Manager Product Management Director Software Engineer III Senior Director Digital Upskilling Apprentice Technical Program Manager Engineering Team Lead Energy Regulatory Strategic Negotiator Student Researcher Startup Success Manager Production Network Engineer Corporate Customer Activation Lead Customer Incentive Analyst Global Product Lead Manager Senior Software Engineer And More…. No. of Posts 2,426 Open Jobs  Job Location India, USA, Japan, Israel, Australia, Sweden, Poland, South Korea, Spain, France, Germany, Singapore, And Other Countries (Worldwide) Application Mode online – Visit Career Page Application Link CLICK HERE Closing Date Not Specified further Details Available On Career Page Google Recruitment Eligibility Criteria | Google Careers   Educational/ Qualification –  Read the Advertisement for further details Important Link For Google Job Opening 2024 Full Advertisement Application Link Read Complete Details Large or small, each one of our offices is designed to inspire innovation, big ideas, and community. Mountain View 302 jobs New York 223 jobs London 43 jobs Dublin 101 jobs Singapore 66 jobs Hyderabad 163 jobs The post Google Recruitment 2024 | 2,426 Job Openings in India, USA, Japan, Israel, and other countries appeared first on International Jobs.
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alfalahhost · 5 months
The Best Recruitment Agencies in Pakistan Bridging Opportunities Across Europe
The top recruitment agency in Pakistan’s labor force has long been sought after for its skill, diligence, and adaptability. As a result, a network of recruitment agencies has emerged, specializing in connecting Pakistani talent with job opportunities in various European countries. Among these agencies, those focusing on placements in Germany, Poland, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Romania, England, Portugal, Kosovo, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Iceland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Serbia, Greece, Netherlands, Spain, Malta, Scotland, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Moldova, Korea, Bosnia, Albania, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Latvia, and Azerbaijan have emerged as key players in facilitating this labor migration.
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Recruitment Agency for Germany in Pakistan
Germany, known for its robust economy and skilled labor shortages, has become an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies specializing in placements in Germany play a crucial role in matching Pakistani professionals with job opportunities in sectors such as engineering, healthcare, IT, and manufacturing.
Recruitment Agency for Poland In Pakistan
Poland’s growing economy and strategic location in Europe have made it a hub for Pakistani workers seeking employment opportunities abroad. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan facilitate the recruitment process for Polish companies, ensuring a smooth transition for Pakistani workers looking to relocate.
Recruitment Agency for Austria in Pakistan
Austria, with its strong economy and high standard of living, offers attractive job opportunities for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies specializing in placements in Austria help Pakistani job seekers navigate the recruitment process and secure employment in sectors such as tourism, healthcare, and technology.
Recruitment Agency for Ireland in Pakistan
Ireland’s dynamic economy and welcoming environment have made it an increasingly popular destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Irish employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as finance, information technology, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Switzerland in Pakistan
Switzerland, known for its high salaries and quality of life, is a sought-after destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan play a vital role in connecting Pakistani professionals with job opportunities in Switzerland, particularly in sectors such as banking, engineering, and pharmaceuticals.
Recruitment Agency for Norway in Pakistan
Norway’s strong economy and high demand for skilled workers make it an attractive destination for Pakistani job seekers. Recruitment agencies specializing in placements in Norway help Pakistani workers find employment opportunities in sectors such as oil and gas, healthcare, and IT.
Recruitment Agency for Romania in Pakistan
Romania’s growing economy and strategic location in Europe make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Romanian employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and construction.
Recruitment Agency for England in Pakistan
England, with its diverse economy and strong job market, offers numerous opportunities for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies specializing in placements in England help Pakistani job seekers find employment in sectors such as finance, education, and hospitality.
Recruitment Agency for Portugal in Pakistan
Portugal’s stable economy and quality of life make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan facilitate the recruitment process for Portuguese companies, ensuring a smooth transition for Pakistani workers looking to relocate.
Recruitment Agency for Kosovo in Pakistan
Kosovo’s emerging economy and strategic location in the Balkans make it an increasingly popular destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Kosovar employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as construction, healthcare, and education.
Recruitment Agency for Macedonia in Pakistan
Macedonia’s growing economy and strategic location in the Balkans make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Macedonian employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as information technology, manufacturing, and tourism.
Recruitment Agency for Luxembourg in Pakistan
Luxembourg’s stable economy and high standard of living make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Pakistani job seekers find employment opportunities in sectors such as finance, banking, and insurance.
Recruitment Agency for Finland in Pakistan
Finland’s strong economy and high quality of life make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Finnish employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, healthcare, and education.
Recruitment Agency for Turkey in Pakistan
Turkey’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, coupled with its growing economy, makes it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Turkish employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as construction, hospitality, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Russia in Pakistan
Russia’s vast economy and diverse job market make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Russian employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as energy, engineering, and manufacturing.
Recruitment Agency for Iceland in Pakistan
Iceland’s small but dynamic economy offers unique opportunities for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Icelandic employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as tourism, renewable energy, and fisheries.
Recruitment Agency for Belgium in Pakistan
Belgium’s central location in Europe and strong economy make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Belgian employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as finance, technology, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Denmark in Pakistan
Denmark’s strong economy and high standard of living make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Danish employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as renewable energy, healthcare, and IT.
Recruitment Agency for Sweden in Pakistan
Sweden’s innovative economy and high quality of life make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Swedish employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, healthcare, and education.
Recruitment Agency for Italy in Pakistan
Italy’s rich culture and diverse economy make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Italian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as fashion, design, and engineering.
Recruitment Agency for Serbia in Pakistan
Serbia’s growing economy and strategic location in the Balkans make it an increasingly popular destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Serbian employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and IT.
Recruitment Agency for Greece in Pakistan
Greece’s strategic location in Europe and Mediterranean climate make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Greek employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Netherlands in Pakistan
The Netherlands’ strong economy and high quality of life make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Dutch employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, finance, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Spain in Pakistan
Spain’s vibrant culture and diverse economy make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Spanish employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as tourism, hospitality, and agriculture.
Recruitment Agency for Malta in Pakistan
Malta’s stable economy and Mediterranean climate make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Maltese employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and hospitality.
Recruitment Agency for Scotland in Pakistan
Scotland’s strong economy and rich cultural heritage make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Scottish employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, renewable energy, and education.
Recruitment Agency for France in Pakistan
France’s strong economy and rich cultural heritage make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help French employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as fashion, automotive, and hospitality.
Recruitment Agency for Czech Republic in Pakistan
The Czech Republic’s growing economy and central location in Europe make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Czech employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Hungary in Pakistan
Hungary’s strategic location in Central Europe and growing economy make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Hungarian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as IT, finance, and engineering.
Recruitment Agency for Croatia in Pakistan
Croatia’s beautiful coastline and growing economy make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Croatian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as tourism, hospitality, and maritime industries.
Recruitment Agency for Moldova in Pakistan
Moldova’s emerging economy and strategic location in Eastern Europe make it an increasingly popular destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Moldovan employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and IT.
Recruitment Agency for Korea in Pakistan
South Korea’s strong economy and technological advancements make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Korean employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, engineering, and manufacturing.
Recruitment Agency for Bosnia in Pakistan
Bosnia’s growing economy and cultural richness make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan assist Bosnian employers in finding skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as tourism, healthcare, and construction.
Recruitment Agency for Albania in Pakistan
Albania’s emerging economy and beautiful landscapes make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Albanian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and energy.
Recruitment Agency for Ukraine in Pakistan
Ukraine’s strategic location in Eastern Europe and growing economy make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Ukrainian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as IT, engineering, and manufacturing.
Recruitment Agency for Estonia in Pakistan
Estonia’s innovative economy and digital advancements make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Estonian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, finance, and education.
Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan
Lithuania’s growing economy and strategic location in the Baltic region make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Lithuanian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as technology, manufacturing, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Slovakia in Pakistan
Slovakia’s strong economy and central location in Europe make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Slovakian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as automotive, technology, and engineering.
Recruitment Agency for Bulgaria in Pakistan
Bulgaria’s emerging economy and rich history make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Bulgarian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as tourism, healthcare, and IT.
Recruitment Agency for Belarus in Pakistan
Belarus’s growing economy and strategic location in Eastern Europe make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Belarusian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and agriculture.
Recruitment Agency for Latvia in Pakistan
Latvia’s stable economy and strategic location in the Baltic region make it an appealing destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Latvian employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as finance, technology, and healthcare.
Recruitment Agency for Azerbaijan in Pakistan
Azerbaijan’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, coupled with its growing economy, make it an attractive destination for Pakistani workers. Recruitment agencies in Pakistan help Azerbaijani employers find skilled Pakistani workers for roles in sectors such as energy, construction, and hospitality.
Recruitment agencies in Pakistan play a pivotal role in connecting Pakistani workers with job opportunities in various European countries. These agencies streamline the recruitment process, ensuring that both employers and job seekers benefit from a smooth and efficient hiring process. Whether it’s Germany, Poland, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Romania, England, Portugal, Kosovo, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Iceland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Serbia, Greece, Netherlands, Spain, Malta, Scotland, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Moldova, Korea, Bosnia, Albania, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Latvia, or Azerbaijan, these agencies serve as a bridge, bringing together talent and opportunity across borders.
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perfectionmigration · 6 months
Guide to Poland Work Permit & Immigration
Living and working in Poland is a dream for many individuals seeking new opportunities abroad. From its rich history and vibrant culture to its growing economy and diverse job market, Poland offers a welcoming environment for expatriates. However, making Poland your new home requires careful planning and understanding of the immigration process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to obtain a work permit for Poland and settle into your new life seamlessly.
Understanding Poland's Immigration System
Before diving into the specifics of obtaining a work permit, it's essential to have a basic understanding of Poland's immigration system. Poland is a member of the European Union (EU), which means that citizens of EU and European Economic Area (EEA) countries have the right to live and work in Poland without a visa or work permit. However, for non-EU/EEA citizens, obtaining a work permit is necessary to legally work in Poland.
Securing a Work Permit for Poland
Determine Your Eligibility: Assess whether you meet the eligibility criteria for a work permit in Poland, which typically includes having a job offer from a Polish employer.
Choose the Right Type of Permit: Understand the different types of work permits available in Poland, such as temporary, seasonal, or permanent, and select the one that best suits your employment situation.
Gather Required Documents: Compile all necessary documents, including a valid passport, employment contract, proof of qualifications, and health insurance.
Submit Your Application: Submit your work permit application to the relevant authorities, such as the Voivodeship Office or Polish consulate in your home country, and pay any applicable fees.
Wait for Approval: Wait for your work permit application to be processed, which typically takes several weeks. Once approved, you'll receive your work permit, allowing you to legally work in Poland.
Finding Employment Opportunities
Research Job Market: Explore job opportunities in Poland through online job boards, recruitment agencies, and professional networks.
Tailor Your Resume/CV: Customize your resume/CV to highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with job openings in Poland.
Network: Attend networking events, job fairs, and industry conferences to expand your professional network and connect with potential employers.
Apply Strategically: Apply for jobs strategically, focusing on positions that match your qualifications and career goals.
Prepare for Interviews: Prepare for job interviews by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and showcasing your enthusiasm for working in Poland.
Settling into Life in Poland
Find Accommodation: Research different neighborhoods and housing options in Poland, such as apartments, shared housing, or student dormitories.
Learn the Language: Consider learning Polish to facilitate communication and integration into the local community. Enroll in language courses or use language learning apps to improve your language skills.
Explore the Culture: Immerse yourself in Polish culture by attending cultural events, trying traditional cuisine, and visiting historical landmarks.
Build a Social Network: Make friends and build a social network in Poland through hobbies, clubs, or expat communities.
Adapt to the Lifestyle: Adjust to the lifestyle in Poland, including work culture, social norms, and daily routines.
Navigating Legal and Administrative Procedures
Register Your Stay: Register your stay in Poland with the local authorities within the required timeframe to obtain a temporary residence permit.
Obtain Health Insurance: Purchase health insurance coverage to meet the requirements for residency in Poland and access healthcare services.
Open a Bank Account: Open a bank account in Poland to manage your finances and receive salary payments from your employer.
Renew Your Permit: Stay informed about the expiration date of your work permit and initiate the renewal process in advance to ensure continuous legal employment in Poland.
Seek Legal Advice: Consult with immigration lawyers or legal experts for guidance on navigating complex legal and administrative procedures in Poland.
Living the dream in Poland is attainable with the right knowledge and preparation. By understanding the immigration process, securing a work permit, finding employment opportunities, and settling into life in Poland, you can make your transition to this vibrant country smooth and successful. With determination and perseverance, you can turn your dream of living in Poland into a rewarding reality.
Looking for the Best Immigration Consultant for Poland?
If you're seeking expert assistance with your Poland immigrationand work permit process, look no further than Perfection Migration. Our immigration firm specializes in providing comprehensive support and guidance to individuals looking to relocate to Poland for work and residency. From navigating complex paperwork to ensuring compliance with legal requirements, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your immigration goals with ease. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in making Poland your new home.
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kurumeki · 2 years
It's Saturday, however today marks 4 years since I've started working in a UK-based global company that offers financial services. They rely on cheap labor with their biggest offices in Poland and India and while I consider my salary pretty good (definitely more than minimum wage) and I genuinely like my job (if we ignore how condescending certain UK co-workers can be), I will always keep in mind they could pay me more. So fuck you greedy bastards and see you on Monday...
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