#Poland jobs for indian
wiafm · 2 years
Light driver, Truck driver, Tailor, Production worker & few others are required for Poland- All Free work visa.
Note:-These work permits are free, so don’t ever pay anything to anyone. All nationalities can apply. Job descriptions and all necessary details such as company contact number Email Id, website etc you can find in this video:- https://youtu.be/HaRtg-rf9X4
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Edward Sapir
Edward Sapir,
Edward Sapir was born in Europe in 1884 in what was then Lauenberg, Poland. His family was Jewish and he grew up speaking Yiddish rather than Polish or German. His father Jacob dreamed of being a star at the Berlin opera but was both Jewish and "too short" (Darnell bio, 2) and settled for a career as a cantor, despite the fact that he was not very religious himself. The Sapirs moved to the US to live the American dream, and like so many other Jewish immigrants to the US in this period, they they ended up in New York City. For the rest of his life Sapir came to see himself not as an American or European, but as New Yorker.
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Edward Sapir, left, and his brother Max, via Darnell’s biography Edward Sapir.
Sapir showed signs of brilliance at an early age. He was a pattern person, and his two loves were language and music — two systems whose beauty lay in the hidden rules and symmetries which they followed. He attended Columbia on a scholarship, were he threw himself into the study of language (his only extra curricular activity was piano). Eventually he discovered Franz Boas and his work on American Indian linguistics. Sapir was one of the first generation of Boasians, along with Alfred Kroeber, Robert Lowie, and others. While Kroeber would go on to become the most institutionally important of Boas's first generation of students, Sapir was perhaps the most brilliant, and quickly established himself as the foremost expert in Native American languages.
White settlers in North America were perplexed by Native languages. They were supposed to be as 'backward' and 'primitive' as Native peoples were presumed to be, but anyone who paid attention to them quickly recognized they were complex, grammatical, and very different from the Indo-European languages studied by philologists of the period. Boas had a natural knack for language and believed in collecting texts in Native American languages, the direct words of indigenous people, the same way that Europeans had writings from Classical authors. Sapir soon eclipsed Boas in the study of Native languages. He had technical training in the grammar of a wide variety of languages, and could use the tools of the then-new discipline of historical linguistics to help trace the genetic relations between languages. In one particularly awe-inspiring exercise he demonstrated that the Navajo’s ancestors were from the arctic by demonstrating that the words for ‘snow’ and ‘sand’ were related.
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Edward Sapir. This oft-reproduced image is from the NAS obituary of the well-known linguist and anthropologist.
Sapir received his Ph.D. In 1909 and then in 1910 got a job working for the Canadian government organizing anthropological research in Canada. At a time when anthropology jobs were scarce to non-existent, Sapir had landed the job of a lifetime: the chance to shape the discipline of anthropology in an entire country. And yet Sapir soon found the job had several downsides. Unlike Boas, he didn’t like administration and wasn’t good at it — and yet that was what most of his job involved. The government wanted him to collect material culture for Canadian museums, but he was a linguist. He also wasn’t training graduate students, a key way to ensure that your memory and influence continues on. Finally, he was living in Ottawa, far from his beloved New York. The Canadian capital was stultifying and backwards by comparison. These difficulties were soon compounded by personal tragedy. Sapir's wife Florence grew sick, suffering from a terribly illness which slowly sapped her health and sanity before she passed away. When World War I began, the Canadian government pulled funding away from museums and into the military, leaving Sapir with less of a dream job and more of an unfounded mandate. Canada begin to feel more like a cage than an opportunity.
During this period, Sapir engaged in a good deal of soul-searching. He began writing poetry, and even published a volume of his work. He also deepened his participation in what might be called 'cultural criticism'. How, he asked, can we lead culturally rich and fulfilling lives? Sapir found Orthodox Judaism stultifying and backward, so that was not an option for him. The great European traditions also held little of value to settlers in the United States, who were no longer European. Some argued the US had its own unique 'melting pot' culture. But Sapir (sadly) hated jazz and was disgusted by the cheap consumerism of America and the hollow lives industrialism forced on workers. The solution, Sapir proposed, was a genuine culture informed by the past but not reduced to it. This formulation is valuable for anyone interested in cultural authenticity today, whether Jewish, settler, or indigenous.
It was also during this period that Sapir was swept into a romantic triangle with Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead. Sapir began corresponding with Benedict just as she was finding success as an anthropologist and poet. They exchanged poetry and quickly formed a bond. Benedict helped care for Sapir’s children when he and his wife were in New York for her medical treatments. When his wife passed away, Sapir fell in love with Benedict. Unfortunately, however, Sapir was old-fashioned and, frankly, something of a misogynist. For him, Benedict was the only person intellectually brilliant enough to serve as a housewife who could provide conversation for him and be a positive cultural influence on the children. Benedict was already stuck in a loveless marriage were she had to subordinate herself to the needs of her husband, and so she passed on Sapir and turned to an on-and-off romance with Margaret Mead. Sapir ended up marrying someone else.
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Sapir's naturalization papers when he re-became a US citizen to move to Chicago. Sapir was 5′6″, weighed 160 pounds, and had a ‘dark’ complexion. His race is listed as ‘Hebrew’. In his papers he swears he is not an anarchist or a polygamist. Via ancestry.com
Sapir left Canada in 1925 to take a position at the University of Chicago, where Faye-Cooper Cole was trying to build up an anthropology program. Chicago was an upstart university compared to east coast Goliaths like Harvard or Penn, which meant little in the way of reputation but a lot of money thanks to its patron, the oil baron J.D. Rockefeller. It also had a new, German-style organization which focused on research and training up people with a German-style Ph.D. — the older American schools followed the older English college system, which was mostly about teaching undergraduates. Rather than try to establish himself as the center of the new school, Cole hoped to hire a 'superstar' like Sapir to jumpstart anthropology. He hoped that Chicago's money and focus on research would attract Sapir, and he was right. Sapir, Cooper-Cole, and others actually created the anthropology department at Chicago. Previously, it had been part of a joint department of Sociology and Anthropology. They trained up graduate students who would go on to become famous professors, such as Leslie White and Robert Redfield.
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“Members of the department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. From left: John Blackburne, Paul Martin, and professor Edward Sapir and Fay Cooper Cole.” via the University of Chicago. Sapir is in the middle, wearing glasses with his hands behind his back.
During this period Sapir also established himself as an interdisciplinary thinker whose work on linguistics and personality helped connect him with faculty from a wide range of disciplines. In the years after World War I, interdisciplinarity was all the rage: it was hoped that by working together the social sciences could create a unified theory of the sort that was brewing in the natural sciences. During this period, private philanthropic foundations funded most research. In the case of anthropology, the Rockefeller foundation — established by that same Rockefeller who bankrolled the creation of the University of Chicago — was critical. Sapir was at the center of what would become the ‘Culture and Personality’ school of anthropology in the 1930s.
Sapir rode this wave of interest to a new job at Yale, where he moved in 1931. Yale offered him a new anthropology department and the Institute of Human Relations, a special organization which would help fund interdisciplinary work and channel foundation money into Yale. It was his third dream job in a row, and offered an even dreamier salary. This was important to Sapir, who had to support both his large family and his parents as well. It also provided a forum for Sapir to pursue his friendship with Henry Stack Sullivan, the psychologist which whom he was forming his theories of personality.
Yet once again, Sapir's dream job turned out to have many downsides. While he had earned a reputation as a theorist and synthesizer, what he actually loved to was the minute examination of languages. Although he and Sullivan dreamed of founding a new discipline called Personality Studies, what he actually did was produce highly-specialized graduate students whose technical linguistics were the opposite of the generalizing social science Yale was hoping for. And, like Ottawa, Yale wanted him to be an academic entrepreneur who organized research, something Sapir had no appetite for.
Most disastrously, Sapir was out of line with Yale. His colleagues at Chicago had warned him that this bastion of WASP conservatism would be unwelcoming, and they were correct. Jews had only recently been admitted to the faculty, and they were not allowed to teach undergraduates. In fact, they were also not always allowed to be students. When Edgar Siskin became the rabbi of a local congregation in New Haven, he used the opportunity to enroll in the divinity school at Yale to further his education, only to find that Jews were not admitted. Luckily, he found Sapir and became an anthropologist instead. Sapir was even denied admission to the Graduate Club, an institution which faculty members normally joined without issue. Although it had Jewish members, some blamed Sapir’s brusque manners on his difficulties getting admittance.
Sapir might have salvaged his position at Yale, but his poor health intervened. He had a heart condition — the medicine of the day couldn’t tell what specifically was wrong with him — and he grew weaker and weaker. Teaching only made things worse, but he had to keep working in order to support his family. He passed away in 1939, just one week after his 55th birthday.
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Edward Sapir’s grave, via Find A Grave.
His early death complicated his legacy. His romantic and intellectual rival Margaret Mead managed to make her brand of Culture and Personality hegemonic and downplayed his influence. Sapir's writings were perhaps more influential among linguists than they were among anthropologists. While his influence on the discipline was significant, he is ultimately not remembered for founding a school of thought or training a cadre of students to remember him.
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ajeetsgroup · 2 years
Overseas Manpower Consultancy in India
Every candidate dreams of getting a job overseas for a better living and better life. Every reputed institute gives out a lot of talented candidates but getting a hand on a job overseas is a tough nut to crack. Everyone understands how difficult it is to find work. In order to attain a solid employment position, people must put up a lot of effort. And there is always high unemployment. This is true on both a national and international level.
But getting a job overseas sounds a bit difficult. A lot of question arises when we hear about overseas jobs it sounds a bit quirky, and sometimes a bit difficult to trust. No issues, AJEETS is here to help you out. AJEETS is one of the most trustable overseas manpower consultancy in India.  AJEETS is in the profession of recruiting candidates overseas for the last 16 years. 
We have successfully come as one of the best overseas manpower consultancy in India. Many Indians aspire to work overseas. As a result, they continue to search for a company that can assist them. Obviously, there is employment in India, and people work there, but many individuals desire to learn more about the chances available abroad. For overseas jobs, only individuals with high skill sets are considered. The need for overseas workers looks to be growing at an alarming rate. Ajeets provides recruitment in the technical and non-technical industries such as IT staffing, Oil and Gas, Steel plant, Road and Highway Construction, Agricultural, Marine and Offshore, Medical and Healthcare, Hospitality, Electrical and Electronics, and many other fields.
We recruit skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled, professionals according to their experience in their respective industries. We help you get the deserving candidates for your industry. The job of the consultant is to serve as a link between the job seeker and the employer. AJEETS is India's most reliable overseas manpower consultancy in India. We find candidates who match your employment requirements. We trade test them technically and maintain them ready for your approval. Our final interviews are planned according to our client's preferences. We provide a medical report for the selected individuals, which includes tests performed in accordance with the medical norms of the relevant nation. We handle government paperwork such as emigration clearance, visa stamping, police clearance certificates, and educational certificate attestation, among other things. We will put the approved candidates within your specified time frame after notifying you. We assist candidates with all aspects of embarkation and airport requirements.
We make every attempt, however, to improve the prospects that are currently bleak. We want people who can think outside the box and perform well. We're also on the lookout for tweaks that will help them better. The prosperity of the organization is aided by the human resource department. Within a specific amount of time, all of the solutions are provided. We hire efficient people from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda as a top overseas manpower consultancy in India. Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. We also know everything there is to know about visas, work permits, and other country-specific regulations. So, make us your India-based long-term recruitment partner today!
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videshevidhya · 17 days
Introducing the Republic of Poland which can be described as a European country in the heart of Eastern Europe, Statistics tell us that the population of Poland is currently estimated at around 38.4 million. According to the statistics based on results of the population census 2011, the dominant ethnic group is Polish (96.8%). The official language is Polish.
The most popular city by population is Warszawa (Warsaw). The next largest cities by population are Krakow and Lodz; however, there is a large immigrant population in the small city of Wroclaw due to the presence of several large international companies – including IBM.
The population of Warsaw during the last century has increased 2.5 times, while the population of Krakow has increased 5 times during the same period. Krakow has a rich heritage and is the second most popular city among tourists and immigrants.
The top 5 biggest cities of Poland by population according to 2018 estimate are:#CityPopulation 
1 769 529
769 564
687 702
639 383
537 643
Traditionally, Poland has not been considered a very popular destination for Indian immigrants because of language issues. However, that perception is fast changing. In fact, lately the governments of both countries have felt the need for greater movement of Indian workers — both skilled and unskilled — to Poland.
Among all the European countries Poland has one of the most attractive job markets. Every year the number of foreigners coming to Poland is increasing. If you also thinking about coming here you should know that you will need visa and work permit.
Long-term visa is issued for more than 90, but not longer than for 365 days. The visa application process usually takes 15 days. National visas are issued mainly for the purpose of studying or working. If a foreigner wants to stay in Poland longer, he must apply for a new visa with a Polish Consul abroad or apply for a residence card after this period.
In order to receive a national “D” type visa, entitling to stay in the Republic of Poland over 90 days, you must apply within a period of not less than a week before the planned trip.
All “D” visas give you opportunity to move around the Schengen area for three months within a half-year period.
The Schengen visa category D or Schengen National visa is granted to the people who are enter Schengen Zone for Studying, working residing permanently in one of the Schengen countries. The D visa also has single entry and multiple entry visa types.
The national visa or Schengen visa category D can be of a single entry. It is granted to the people who need to reside Schengen country for a certain period of time and after that period of time they want to return to their country.
The multiple entry D visas allow leaving and entering the Schengen country multiple times.
The Schengen D visa holder can additionally travel in the whole Schengen Area without more visa requirements.WHAT DOCUMENTS DO YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR A D-TYPE NATIONAL VISA IN POLAND?
Visa Application form.
Recent Passport Size Photo
Valid Passport + Copy of Passport Bio & Last Page.
Health insurance.
Supplementary documents, confirming.
Payment proof of visa fee.
For more detail kindly contact Acme International & our Sales Representative will be glad to assist you.
STAGE 1 –DOCUMENT SUBMISSION (Applicant needs to submit the Following Documents)
Updated Resume with Photograph
Qualification Certificate (10th, 12th, Degree)
Experience Certificate (Offer letter, Appointment letter, Experience letter, ITR)
Passport Copy (Front & Back, Travel Pages if any)
Passport Size photograph
Note: All documents must be in English, if not please present translated copies. The documents are then sent for eligibility check.
STAGE 2 –REGISTRATION Selected candidates need to submit their original passport along with a registration charges + GST.
STAGE 3 –INTERVIEW If the resumes are approved the candidates need to sign the contract agreement with Acme International and attend the telephonic Interview.
STAGE 4 –SELECTION Selected candidates will be notified of their selection by Acme International.
STAGE 5 –EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT / Offer Letter Within next 3 weeks of the Skype interview Employment Contract/Offer Letter is issued from the Company. Against the Employment contract the candidate needs to do second Payment.
STAGE 6 –VISA SUBMISSION After Successful acceptance of the Employment contract by the candidate the documents are sent for approval at the Federal Employment Agency and the Immigration Department in Poland. Within the next 30 days the Final approval letter is received from Poland that is when the candidate needs to Schedule Visa Appointment & visit the nearest Poland Consulate General for Visa Submission.
STAGE 7 –FINAL PREPARATION On receiving the VISA the candidate needs to collect the remaining documents for his travel and pay the remaining Final sum + GST to Acme International. Note: Flight Tickets, Visa Fees, Health Insurance is included within the charges.TOTAL PROCESSING TIME
Total Processing time will be 100 working days from the Date of Registration.
For more detail kindly contact Acme International & our Sales Representative will be glad to assist you.
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mbbsblogsblog · 2 months
MBBS in Poland is an Opportunity to Success
 Poland has long been a hub for students pursuing medical studies in addition to being well-known for its thriving global economy. Numerous international students have expressed interest in attending Poland's prestigious medical colleges to pursue medical studies over the years. In Poland, medical studies only cost between INR 40 and 50 lakh. It covers all costs, including lodging, meals, and the MBBS course instruction. For students who want to pursue an inexpensive medical education that also affords them access to top-notch facilities and an international curriculum, MBBS in Poland has grown in popularity.
 Many Indian students would rather study for their Master of Medicine and Surgery in Europe than in India; Poland is among the most popular destinations for these students. Since 2010, a greater number of students than in the previous have been noticed to be studying for an MBBS in Poland. A graduate of a Poland medical college has an advantage over several other students worldwide. In Poland, about a thousand students seek for admission to study medicine. Both India and Poland use the same European curriculum. Poland's institutions provide a six-year MBBS programme that includes an internship.
 Acquiring Poland Admission to the MBBS programme is simple because there is no entrance exam to take or difficult admissions process to complete in order to study medicine in Poland. Not only are that, but a number of Indians aspiring to become doctors excited to pursue MBBS programmes in Poland because of the country's excellent medical education system. Studying medicine in Poland may lead to a very fulfilling career for overseas students. For this reason, a number of students apply to study medicine in Poland in order to benefit from top-notch instruction and a worldwide network. You will undoubtedly realise your ambition of working in medicine and become well-known in the near future. Make a decision and speak with the MBBS Consultants of Ria Overseas for getting customized supports in taking admission for MBBS in Poland.
·         One of the most popular European nations with the best job opportunities is Poland.
·         In accordance with NMC regulations, universities provide six years of MBBS and one year of internship, which is mandatory for Indian physicians.
·         Poland's medical colleges have one of the best educational systems available, along with the newest, necessary clinical equipment.
·         Studying MBBS in Poland is less expensive than in private colleges in India.
·         Poland's universities provide the greatest lifestyle and infrastructure found in Europe, making students feel at home.
·         Poland's medical universities are fully recognised globally, which is a must for every medical university.
·         Every medical university collaborates with four to five hospitals to provide clinical experiences for overseas students. 
·         First, get in touch with our knowledgeable adviser and familiarise yourself with the procedure.
·         The admissions process must begin at least four to five months in advance. Gather all the facts on the package and make the best university selection from the list.
·         Applying to two or three MBBS universities of Poland is a good idea.
·         The student must complete the application on the university website on time.
·         It takes ten to twelve days for the institution to narrow down the applicants.
·         The institution will send you an offer letter if you are selected for further consideration.
·         Make a fee deposit.
·         Proceed with processing your visa.
·         It's time to go.
Contact Ria Overseas to fulfilling your dream of joining MBBS overseas. Explore the website for more information.
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edugoabroad · 5 months
Top 10 Cheapest MBA Universities in Europe
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Introduction “MBA in Europe” sounds expensive. For a lot of Indian students studying in top MBA colleges in Europe is expensive. In hope, students search for questions on Google like – “What are the cheapest business universities in Europe” “Is an MBA in Europe worth the cost?” “ Cheapest MBA in Europe”. The cost of an MBA in top business schools in Europe can go up to €120,000. Students with limited budgets throw up on their dream to study abroad after looking at the high cost of an MBA in European business universities. To put it simply, a massive number of students think of giving up their study abroad dream because they can’t afford it. The good news is we’ve got some of the best MBA universities in Europe offering affordable MBA programs to international students. Let’s explore and find the right one for you. (So you don’t have to give up on your study abroad dream)
Why Study MBA In Europe? Europe is home to some of the best business schools consistently ranking in the top QS Global MBA rankings. There are many reasons Indian students choose to study MBA in Europe, let us discuss the most common reasons:
Affordable Education The cost of an MBA in Europe is affordable, so students don’t have to spend too much to pursue an MBA in European business schools. The average tuition fees at European business universities range from 9,800 to around 35,600 EUR.
Top-Ranked Business Schools In QS MBA ranking Europe 2023, European business schools lead the way by offering the best quality education, wide MBA programs, and internationally recognized degrees.
Wide Career Opportunities Pursuing an MBA in Europe opens doors to plenty of job opportunities for Indian students. Moreover, students are also allowed to work anywhere within the European Union, which allows career development opportunities in diverse cultures.
Globally Recognized Degree Many European universities are renowned for offering internationally recognized degrees to their students. A globally valued degree can be a great advantage for Indian students seeking global career opportunities.
Networking Opportunities Top business schools in Europe give students a better understanding of business while giving them a unique perspective to handle the business. Students can leverage networking opportunities, where they can build an international network and connect with business professionals around the world.
Triple Accreditation Many business universities in Europe are accredited by AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS. This triple accreditation is highly valuable for every business university and school.
Study MBA in Polish University
Warsaw Management University Warszawa, Poland Warsaw Management University was founded in 1995 and is renowned as one of the oldest universities in Poland. The university is equipped with advanced lecture rooms, laboratories, libraries, and computer labs, along with recreational facilities like a gym, swimming pool, sports hall, etc.
Reasons To Choose: Best Quality Education Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Best Polish Business School Valuable Educational Degree For more Information : Top 10 Cheapest MBA Universities in Europe
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trailerdriver · 6 months
Foreign opportunities for Indian truck drivers
For Indian truck and trailer drivers, anywherejobs.com opens up the best foreign job opportunities across top overseas locations that offer attractive salaries up to €4000 per month and great benefits. We provide candidates exclusive access to numerous job vacancies in countries like Poland, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania as well as Canada, Australia, Africa etc through our direct partnerships with leading transportation companies and recruitment agencies there. Sign up now to explore international driving career options.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.30
Anguilla Day
Arab Juice Day
Biafra Remembrance Day (Nigeria)
Canary Islands Day (Spain)
Daily Newspaper Day
Fishing Day (Elder Scrolls)
Garden Amazement Day
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Heirloom Seed Day
Ice Cream Freezer Day
Indian Arrival Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
International Doubles Day
International Hug Your Cat Day
Jag’s McCartney Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Joan of Arc Day
Kaamatan Harvest Festival begins (Kadazandusuns; Malaysia)
Lod Massacre Remembrance Day (Puerto Rico)
Loomis Day
Mother’s Day (Nicaragua)
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day
National Creativity Day
National E-Bike Day
National Gopher Revolution Day
National Jennifer Day
National Multiple Sclerosis Day
National Nail Tech Day
National Recruiters Day
National Sofia Day
National Women in Baseball Day
No Garbage Day (Japan)
Paperback Writer Day
Parliament Day (Croatia)
Reconciliation Day (Australia)
Sabitri Amabasya (Odisha, India)
Strawberry Day (French Republic)
Swing Day a.k.a. Tano Day (Korea) [5th Day of 5th Lunar Month]
This Day
Water a Flower Day
World Juice Day
World MS Day
World Sea Lion Day
World Vape Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Mint Julep Day
National Potato Day (Peru)
National Scone Day
4th & Last Tuesday in May
Mampoer Festival (Moonshine Festival; Cullinan, South Africa)
World Bedwetting Day [Last Tuesday]
Independence Days
Dan Državnosti (Statehood Day; Croatia)
Eintractia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Eleytheria (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Goa Statehood Day (India)
Feast Days
St. Chrysostom (Positivist; Saint)
Einherjar (Asatru; memorial to war dead in Valhalla)
Feast of the Queen of Heaven (Pagan)
Felix, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Ferdinand III of Castile, King of Castile and Leon (Christian; Saint)
Frigg's Day (Norse Queen of Heaven)
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Isaac of Dalmatia (Christian; Saint)
Joan of Arc (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Marello (Christian; Saint)
Maguil, Recluse in Picardy (Christian; Saint)
Meinherjar (Feast of Valhalla; Pagan)
Pro Hart (Artology)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (Pastafarian)
Spook (Muppetism)
Walston of Bawburgh (Christian; Saint) [Agricultural Works, Farmers, Farm Workers, Field Hands]
Winnie Ruth Judd Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [29 of 57]
Bingo Crosbyana (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
The Bourne Identity, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1980)
Dark Town Strutters Ball, recorded by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1917)
Dumb Patrol (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Finding Nemo (Animated Disney Film; 2003)
Girls Like You, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2018)
The Italian Job (Film; 2003)
Living in the Material World, by George Harrison (Album; 1973)
Maleficent (Film; 2014)
The Marshall Mathers LP, by Eminem (Album; 2000)
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Novel; 1967)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Passenger to Frankfurt, by Agatha Christie (Novel; 1971)
Sex and the City (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Ferdinand, Johanna, Otto (Austria)
Emiliya (Bulgaria)
Ferdinand, Ivana (Croatia)
Ferdinand (Czech Republic)
Vigand (Denmark)
Argo, Arro (Estonia)
Pasi (Finland)
Ferdinand, Jeanne, Lorraine (France)
Felix, Ferdinand, Johanna (Germany)
Emmeleia (Greece)
Janka, Zsanett (Hungary)
Felice, Ferdinando, Giovanni (Italy)
Kredo, Lola, Lolita, Vitolds (Latvia)
Ferdinandas, Joana, Jomilė, Vyliaudas, Žana (Lithuania)
Gard, Geir (Norway)
Andonik, Feliks, Ferdynand, Joanna, Sulimir (Poland)
Isaachie (România)
Ferdinand (Slovakia)
Estela, Estrella, Fernando, Juana (Spain)
Fritjof, Vera, Veronika (Sweden)
Joan, Joani, Joann, Joanna, Joanne, Johanna, Fawn, Fern, Fernanda, Fernando, Ferdinand, Ferdinanda, Ferdinando (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2024; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 22 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 10 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 28 Bīja; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2023
Moon: 78%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 71 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 32)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2022; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 22 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Púyuè), Day 1 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 29 Iyar 5782
Islamic: 28 Shawwal 1443
J Cal: 30 Bīja; Eight Day [30 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2022
Moon: 0% New Moon
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 69 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.30
Anguilla Day
Arab Juice Day
Biafra Remembrance Day (Nigeria)
Canary Islands Day (Spain)
Daily Newspaper Day
Fishing Day (Elder Scrolls)
Garden Amazement Day
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Heirloom Seed Day
Ice Cream Freezer Day
Indian Arrival Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
International Doubles Day
International Hug Your Cat Day
Jag’s McCartney Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Joan of Arc Day
Kaamatan Harvest Festival begins (Kadazandusuns; Malaysia)
Lod Massacre Remembrance Day (Puerto Rico)
Loomis Day
Mother’s Day (Nicaragua)
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day
National Creativity Day
National E-Bike Day
National Gopher Revolution Day
National Jennifer Day
National Multiple Sclerosis Day
National Nail Tech Day
National Recruiters Day
National Sofia Day
National Women in Baseball Day
No Garbage Day (Japan)
Paperback Writer Day
Parliament Day (Croatia)
Reconciliation Day (Australia)
Sabitri Amabasya (Odisha, India)
Strawberry Day (French Republic)
Swing Day a.k.a. Tano Day (Korea) [5th Day of 5th Lunar Month]
This Day
Water a Flower Day
World Juice Day
World MS Day
World Sea Lion Day
World Vape Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Mint Julep Day
National Potato Day (Peru)
National Scone Day
4th & Last Tuesday in May
Mampoer Festival (Moonshine Festival; Cullinan, South Africa)
World Bedwetting Day [Last Tuesday]
Independence Days
Dan Državnosti (Statehood Day; Croatia)
Eintractia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Eleytheria (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Goa Statehood Day (India)
Feast Days
St. Chrysostom (Positivist; Saint)
Einherjar (Asatru; memorial to war dead in Valhalla)
Feast of the Queen of Heaven (Pagan)
Felix, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Ferdinand III of Castile, King of Castile and Leon (Christian; Saint)
Frigg's Day (Norse Queen of Heaven)
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Isaac of Dalmatia (Christian; Saint)
Joan of Arc (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Marello (Christian; Saint)
Maguil, Recluse in Picardy (Christian; Saint)
Meinherjar (Feast of Valhalla; Pagan)
Pro Hart (Artology)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (Pastafarian)
Spook (Muppetism)
Walston of Bawburgh (Christian; Saint) [Agricultural Works, Farmers, Farm Workers, Field Hands]
Winnie Ruth Judd Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [29 of 57]
Bingo Crosbyana (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
The Bourne Identity, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1980)
Dark Town Strutters Ball, recorded by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1917)
Dumb Patrol (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Finding Nemo (Animated Disney Film; 2003)
Girls Like You, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2018)
The Italian Job (Film; 2003)
Living in the Material World, by George Harrison (Album; 1973)
Maleficent (Film; 2014)
The Marshall Mathers LP, by Eminem (Album; 2000)
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Novel; 1967)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Passenger to Frankfurt, by Agatha Christie (Novel; 1971)
Sex and the City (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Ferdinand, Johanna, Otto (Austria)
Emiliya (Bulgaria)
Ferdinand, Ivana (Croatia)
Ferdinand (Czech Republic)
Vigand (Denmark)
Argo, Arro (Estonia)
Pasi (Finland)
Ferdinand, Jeanne, Lorraine (France)
Felix, Ferdinand, Johanna (Germany)
Emmeleia (Greece)
Janka, Zsanett (Hungary)
Felice, Ferdinando, Giovanni (Italy)
Kredo, Lola, Lolita, Vitolds (Latvia)
Ferdinandas, Joana, Jomilė, Vyliaudas, Žana (Lithuania)
Gard, Geir (Norway)
Andonik, Feliks, Ferdynand, Joanna, Sulimir (Poland)
Isaachie (România)
Ferdinand (Slovakia)
Estela, Estrella, Fernando, Juana (Spain)
Fritjof, Vera, Veronika (Sweden)
Joan, Joani, Joann, Joanna, Joanne, Johanna, Fawn, Fern, Fernanda, Fernando, Ferdinand, Ferdinanda, Ferdinando (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2024; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 22 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 10 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 28 Bīja; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2023
Moon: 78%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 71 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 32)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2022; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 22 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Púyuè), Day 1 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 29 Iyar 5782
Islamic: 28 Shawwal 1443
J Cal: 30 Bīja; Eight Day [30 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2022
Moon: 0% New Moon
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 69 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 30)
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@Tasteatlas.fr asked Midjourney ​​to create three things for each given cuisine. Its idea of ​​a visual that would be representative of a given cuisine, a typical scene from a typical traditional restaurant, and a popular national dish of our choice. The results are, to put it mildly, mixed. While some dishes are presented beautifully and seem real and authentic, his "intelligence" and creativity sometimes comes up with kitsch stereotypes. These are the results. ALGERIA Real Algerian cuisine: Discover 28 authentic Algerian dishes and food products AUSTRALIA Real Australian cuisine: Discover 118 authentic Australian dishes and food products AUSTRIA Real Austrian cuisine: Discover 142 authentic Austrian dishes and food products BRAZIL Real Brazilian cuisine: Discover 120 authentic Brazilian dishes and food products CANADA For the term "Canadian cuisine", AI kept showing us some kitschy nonsense with the Canadian flag, so we gave up on that one and changed the prompt to "Canadian cuisine showcase on a table". The flag didn't go away, though. Real Canadian cuisine: Discover 137 authentic Canadian dishes and food products CHINA Real Chinese cuisine: Discover 375 authentic Chinese dishes and food products FRANCE Real French cuisine: Discover 1171 authentic French dishes and food products GERMANY We didn't have much luck with the German dish Schweinshaxe (crispy German pork knuckle), so after that horror, we looked for our favorite sausage. Another horror followed in the form of some hideous animal on a can of AI's favorite "Whiesinsiiisece" beer, but the good news is that there is no danger AI will be taking the jobs of the people who are setting up the dining tables just yet. Real German cuisine: Discover 398 authentic German dishes and food products INDIA Real Indian cuisine: Discover 466 authentic Indian dishes and food products INDONESIA Real Indonesian cuisine: Discover 224 authentic Indonesian dishes and food products ITALY Real Italian cuisine: Discover 2444 authentic Italian dishes and food products JAMAICA & THE CARIBBEAN AI presented Caribbean cuisine and Caribbean restaurants as a comic, so we changed the prompt to Jamaica. Real Caribbean cuisine: Discover 342 authentic Caribbean dishes and food products Real Jamaican cuisine: Discover 57 authentic Jamaican dishes and food products JAPAN Real Japanese cuisine: Discover 541 authentic Japanese dishes and food products KOREA Real Korean cuisine: Discover 234 authentic Korean dishes and food products MEXICO Real Mexican cuisine: Discover 337 authentic Mexican dishes and food products MOROCCO Real Moroccan cuisine: Discover 56 authentic Moroccan dishes and food products NORWAY When you throw in lesser-known dishes, Midjourney gets really creative. So creative that it has nothing to do with reality. See for yourself. Real Norwegian cuisine: Discover 112 authentic Norwegian dishes and food products PHILIPPINES Real Filipino cuisine: Discover 169 authentic Filipino dishes and food products POLAND Real Polish cuisine: Discover 194 authentic Polish dishes and food products RUSSIA Real Russian cuisine: Discover 85 authentic Russian dishes and food products SAUDI ARABIA When you ask Midjourney to draw some Saudi dishes like Matazeez or Maamoul, it creates complete nonsense, so we’ll skip that. Real Saudi cuisine: Discover 25 authentic Saudi dishes and food products SINGAPORE Real Singaporean cuisine: Discover 49 authentic Singaporean dishes and food products SPAIN Real Spanish cuisine: Discover 805 authentic Spanish dishes and food products TANZANIA Real Tanzanian cuisine: Discover 17 authentic Tanzanian dishes and food products THAILAND Real Thai cuisine: Discover 152 authentic Thai dishes and food products UNITED KINGDOM Real UK cuisine: Discover 648 authentic UK dishes and food products UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Real American cuisine: Discover 1439 authentic American dishes and food products VIETNAM Real Vietnamese cuisine: Discover 237 authentic Vietnamese dishes and food products #artificialintelligence #ai #midjourney  #cuisine  #cooking  #cook  #world  #algeria  #australia  #austria  #brazil  #canada  #china  #france  #germany  #india  #indonesia  #italy  #jamaica  #thecaribbean  #japan  #korea  #mexico  #morocco  #norway  #philippines  #poland  #russia  #saudiarabia  #singapore  #spain  #tanzania  #thailand  #unitedstatesofamerica  #vietnam
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wiafm · 2 years
Production worker, Handyman, Warehouseman, Metal worker & few others are required for Poland- All Free work visa.
Note:-These work permits are free, so don’t ever pay anything to anyone. All nationalities can apply. Job descriptions and all necessary details such as company contact number Email Id, website etc you can find in this video:- https://youtu.be/vGApXFmZ7Hw
WIAFM- Real time global jobs, Subscribe to access free ocean of opportunities: -
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tumbirus · 1 year
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Continue... Meanwhile,in the Euro region the growth rate is plummeting ,jobs are hard to come by ,and inflation the roof .As of December 2022, inflation rate in the EU region was 10.4%,with some countries such as Latvia, Lithuania , Hungary , Estonia and Poland witnessing inflation rates in excess of 15%.Befor the war started ,almost 40%of total energy demand in Europe (especially natural gas)was met by Russia .But sanctions have affected the supply of Russian energy.And a substitute for this is costlier US energy (both natural gas and gasoline)which means Europe has to shell out more .This means an aggravating budget the fed target 2%.Anf this is in spite of repeated rate hikes.The higher allocation of money to the defence sector and expenditure on the ukraine war mean the US government is spending too fast without any commensurate increase in economic output .for fiscal 2023,the $857 billion ,which constitutes more than a third of the total Budget. Meanwhile rate hikes and inflation in the US and Europe have led to a fall in real wages.This has led to an increase in labour agitations -train workers in France and the UK , energy sector workers in Norway ,and aviation workers in various budget airlines in the US . Tightening monetary policy band continuation of the war are going to see many more such labour agitations. Russia can survive this war economically thanks china and India .what seems to be zero-sum game for Europe is proving to be a positive -sum game for Russia ,china and India .what seems to war of ideology -democracy verses autocracy -is proving to be an expensive proposition for Western allies ,inncent human life killing one proof to Russian Putin name , Uglicore and own name benifit joint inncent human life killing one making to Indian Narendra Modi, terrorist ,abuse ,criminal ,cruel and world cheater making to chines Ci Jinping,this three inhumans punishment is coming days ,own country peopls are footpath chap making after jail se nding days soon? (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpICqrRvESH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched this Week #111 (Year 3/Week 7):
3 More young Robert De Niro - 2 accompanied by Ennio Morricone:
🍿 I finally found a good free copy of Bertolucci’s Novecento (”1900"), the full 5+ hours version, which I haven’t seen since it premiered. What an old-fashioned film-watching joy!
Retelling the history of Italy’s juggling the two opposing forces of fascism and communism as told through the lives of two men, one a land owner’s son and the other, still handsome peasant Gérard Depardieu. With lots of homoerotic subtext, De Nero frontal nudity, and other complex class-struggle subtexts. And with Ennio Morricone’s sweeping score and Vittorio Storaro’s spectacular canvases. 9/10.
🍿 The mission, one of the Vatican “15 recommended films about religion”. About a Spanish slave trader who turned Jesuit missionary in 1750′s Paraguay, full of search for redemption, Penance and struggles with faith. Exotic-Porn, shot beautifully out in the jungle. Produced during David Puttnam’s successful reign of the time. Featuring Liam Neeson and Goodfellas "Morrie" as the heavy. But like most films from the 1980′s, it lost all its luster for me. 4/10.
🍿 Greetings, Brian De Palma’s 2nd film, the first American film to receive an X rating and De Nero’s first major role. This ‘how to dodge the Vietnam war draft’ satire was so amateurish, I couldn’t stand more than 15 minutes of it.
All That Breathes, a new award-winning and Oscar-nominated Hindi language documentary. It poetically tells of 2 unassuming Indian brothers who rescue and treat injured black kite birds. 100% Rotten Tomato rating. The trailer.
2 more by Luca Guadagnino:
🍿 Bones and all, love among the cannibals. A vulnerable love story of two young, pretty outcasts who share an affinity for flesh eating. I loved his style in ‘A bigger splash’, ‘I am love’, and ‘Call me by your name’, but this horror-comedy was hollow and unnecessary. 3/10.
🍿 Guadagnino’s second feature, Melissa P. A semi-pornographic ‘erotic drama’ about a 15-year-old girl’s journey of sexual discoveries. It opens with her masturbating in her room, and soon it moves on to her giving a blow-job to some jerk, being forced to participate in a threesome, gangbangs and in a bit of S&M. All in the name of her right to explore her desires, and told mostly from an off-putting (gay?) male gaze point of view. 4/10.
Alice's Wonderland, the first Walt Disney short film, released exactly 100 years ago, in 1923, a seminal year for Hollywood and for movie making.
The creatures, my 9th by Agnès Varda, an experimental fantasy pairing Catherine Deneuve with Michel Piccoli, a year before ‘Belle de Jour’. He’s a science-fiction writer, and she’s his wife who went mute after a car accident. The line between reality and the writer’s vision for his book are blurred, but the effort feels dated and forced. Too artsy. 3/10 
Life after death, a slight drama-comedy from Finland about an emotionally-stunted widower who wants to move on as soon as his wife dies, against his son’s need to mourn for her longer. 3/10     
Vesper, my first film from Lithuania (In English, unfortunately). A somehow different post-apocalyptic Sci-fi story about a 13-year-old bio-hacker girl who lives in the forest with her paralyzed father. Organic tech and biological magic. 4/10.
“... Is that dress is what you are going to wear in the concentration camp?...”
First watch: Ernst Lubitsch’s 1942 Nazi farce To be or not to be. Making fun of Hitler the Hollywood way, by showing Gestapo officers as lecherous buffoons, Ha ha ha. Carole Lombard’s last film, and with young, good-looking Robert Stack. To paraphrase another quote from the comedy: What Lubitsch did to Shakespeare here, the Nazis were doing to Poland. 2/10   
2 With Elliott Gould:
🍿 I was planning to follow-up with the Mel Brooks’ 1983 remake, but the original left such a bad taste in my mouth, that instead I randomly started a documentary in which Brooks stars - the irresistible The Automat. What a joyful surprise! A super-nostalgic love letter to the Horn & Hardart restaurant chain which thrived in NYC and Philadelphia in the first half of the last century. Absolutely enchanting from start to finish. With a delightful cover song, written and performed by Mel Brooks. (Photo Above). 8/10.  
🍿 American History X, a very disappointing first watch. What may have been a courageous and nuanced analysis of contemporary racial hatred, rehabilitation and tolerance, seems didactic and quaint 25 years later - just like the shocking Nazi swastika tattoos. 1998 extremism is 2023 slice of life. 3/10.
A hard day, a Korean thriller about a young, corrupt policeman who runs over a guy while drunk driving, and then, trying to cover the killing, buries the body in the coffin of his mother who had died the same day. Standard, unbelievable execution about the always-corrupt Korean Police force. 3/10
First watch: Cult classic Myra Breckinridge, “one of the worst films ever made” and the mess that brought Mae West out of her 27-year retirement. A confused early ‘70′s look at sexual roles, sex change operations, female-on-male anal rape, femdom and Hollywood. A complete waste of talent. 2/10.
RIP, Raquel Welch!
The concept sounds intriguing: A lowly Irish ‘Extra’ playing an English soldier on the set of Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Barry Lyndon’ falls in love with an assistant director. The trailer looked dope. But the short Kubrick by candlelight was undeveloped and underwhelming. 2/10.
Marc Maron X 2:
🍿 Not being very familiar with comedian Marc Maron, but he opened his latest stand up From Bleak to Dark with this line: I don’t want to be negative, but I don’t think anything’s ever gonna gets better again, which captured my sentiment so perfectly, I was immediately hooked. Genial observations, well-delivered!
🍿 Since he‘s also an accomplished actor, I looked for something he played in. Unfortunately, I picked Get a Job (2016), because it also starred my crush Anna Kendrick (and dozens of other names, Bryan Cranston, John Cho, Nicholas Braun). But this cringy sit-com style dud was so listless, I could only last 25 minutes, before adding it to my “Too-Horrible-Couldn’t Finish-List”. 1/10.
I felt compelled to watch Game Night again, for the 3rd (!) time, and I’m not sure why. The relationship between Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams is so cute, and the story develops organically and perfectly. It’s such a fun and infectious action-comedy!
Some YouTuber Watched Every Oscar Best Picture Winner, so we don’t have to.
Lavatory Lovestory, a cute Oscar-nominated Russian Short about a lonely, romantic lady who works at a public toilet, a subject that is told not too often on film.
So this week I saw 2 great movies: Bertolucci’s '1900', the documentary ‘The Automat’, one repeat offender ‘Game night’ for the 4th time, plus Marc Maron’s stand-up ‘From Bleak to dark’. That’s a fairly typical number of good ones per week.
But I came to realize that most of the many other movies I watch every week are simply terrible. Under normal circumstances, and if I wasn’t on a mission (which I’m not sure yet what it is), I would never spend time on them.
Maybe I’ll try one week to only watch ‘Great’ movies, see how it feels to go through only the 'Best of the best'.
(My complete movie list is here)
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jeduka · 1 year
Study in Poland for Indian Students
Poland is progressing as one of the popular destinations for study abroad among Indian students for higher education. The country is full of life-long opportunities for young people looking for quality education, expanding their knowledge, building skills, and increasing international exposure. You will find a wide range of courses at affordable prices. Here is the guide to studying in Poland for Indian Students.
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Education in Poland for Indian students
Higher education institutions in Poland can be public or private. The country has 400 higher education institutions. The higher education in Poland follows the Bologna Process, the system which is followed by all the countries of the European Union.
Bachelors in Poland for Indian students
The Bachelor’s degree in Poland is given after the completion of a 3 year undergraduate programme. There are different programs available at the level of Bachelor’s degrees to study in Poland. The programme qualifies you to either take a reputed job or to pursue a Masters degree.
Masters in Poland for Indian students
A Master’s degree program in Poland takes 1.5 to 2 years to complete. After completion of the program, you will earn the professional title of Master. MS in Poland for Indian students not only gives theoretical knowledge but also improves the application and development of creative skills. Upon the completion of your Master’s degree, you are free to move forward towards a job or enter a doctoral program.
PhD in Poland for Indian students
PhD is accessible after graduating from a Master’s degree program. Generally, the polish PhD programme takes 3 to 4 years to complete. Since PhD is a research degree it is offered by universities as well as some research institutions To achieve PhD degree in Poland students must submit and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation before a committee of thesis and pass a doctoral exam.
Study in Poland for Indian students requirement
The requirements for Indian students to study in Poland are:
A Student Visa is required.
The student should have a good knowledge of English Language. For that, he can take IELTS or TOEFL to prove it.
A valid passport.
Official admission letter from the institution in Poland.
A detailed CV.
Your previous degrees, certificates and diplomas.
Prove of having funds for studying and living in Poland.
Health insurance.
Top Courses to Study in Poland
Here are the top courses to study in Poland for Indian students.
Study Engineering in Poland
Study Medicine in Poland
Study MBA in Poland
Study Business and Economics in Poland
Study MBBS in Poland
Best universities in Poland for Indian students
Poland welcomes Indian students with plenty of university options. Here are the top 10 universities for Indian students to study in Poland.
University of Warsaw
Jagiellonian University
Warsaw University of Technology
Adam Mickiewicz University
AGH University of Science and Technology
Cracow University of Technology
Gdansk University of Technology
Lodz University of Technology
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Poznań University of Technology
Study in Poland without IELTS
There are a few ways in which Indian students can study in Poland without IELTS. Here is how to study in Poland without IELTS.
The University officers will take a video interview to check your English skills. There will be general questions asked about the student’s background, academic preferences and why they have selected the particular university.
Some Universities in Poland have their own tests to evaluate candidates’ English language proficiency, which is to be taken once a student reaches Poland. The requirements and IELTS exemptions differ with the Universities and applications of the candidates.
Study and work in Poland for Indian students
International students are allowed to work while studying in Poland as long as they are enrolled in a polish Institution. Indian students coming to Poland for studies must hold a valid residency permit. Students have the right to work for part-time jobs for the duration of their study program. Once the course is completed, depending on the level of study and course, Indian students are permitted to stay back and look for work options in Poland for up to 1 year.
Studying in Poland for Indian Students can be seen an increase in recent years. Study Programs in Poland are designed with the aim of developing qualities of leadership, entrepreneurship, and other capabilities. It also has the vision to provide the students with all the important skills necessary for them to excel in their careers.
Universities In Poland
International Student
Study Abroad
Overseas Education
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mbbsblogsblog · 5 months
MBBS in Ukraine Offers Loads of Opportunity to International Students
Hi there, Indian MBBS hopefuls.
Have you given up on your desire to travel and study abroad?
What prevents you from pursuing your ambition, then?
Eastern Europe contains the nation of Ukraine. Situated at the northwest tip of the Black Sea, the nation borders Romania to the southwest and south, Belarus to the north, Poland to the northwest, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, and Moldova to the middle. Europe's second-largest nation is Ukraine. Right now, Ukraine is the country with the fourth-highest number of postgraduate medical students in Europe. Numerous Top Government Medical Universities in Ukraine provide both domestic and foreign students with MBBS, MD, and other medical degrees. All of Ukraine's medical universities hold accreditation from reputable international bodies such as WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER, and others.
These days, foreign students who wish to study their MBBS overseas are beginning to hear a lot about Ukraine. Numerous top-notch government medical universities in Ukraine provide inexpensive MBBS, MD, and other medical degrees. Students who graduate from Ukrainian medical universities with an MBBS or any other medical degree are qualified to apply for jobs anywhere in the globe.
MBBS in Ukraine: Highlights
Students typically travel for MBBS in Ukraine because it is a relatively simple place to be admitted, as spaces are earmarked for foreign students.
If you are from China or India, your educational background is quite low.
However, if your performance in Asian institutions is average, you will excel in Ukrainian colleges.
People here don't follow religious morals; they typically mate in public and don't feel guilty about anything.
Select a university located in a bustling metropolis if you intend to study MBBS in Ukraine.
Overall, compared to Asian nations, life is less stressful here.
All foreign students receive high-quality education. English, Russian, and Ukrainian are the accessible teaching languages.
The WHO, UNESCO, PLAB (UK), USMLE (USA), and a few more international organizations recognize medical degrees.
The cost of the course and accommodation is reasonable.
Universities have excellent equipment and furnishings.
The degree is accepted globally.
The abundance of internship possibilities and the promotion of career prospects.
A temperate climate all year long.
International students receive travel discounts ranging from 30% to 50%.
Opportunities of flowering your skills & experiences, visiting academics from USA, Canada, UK etc.  
MBBS in Ukraine: Courses Offered and Duration
You can enroll in general medicine, surgery, pediatrics, dentistry, masters, doctoral, and post-diploma specialization courses at medical universities in Ukraine. You can also take advantage of other paramedical courses offered by the institutions, such as nursing and pharmacy. 
Doctor of Medicine/MBBS General Medicine- 6 yrs.
Dental Surgery (BDS, Doctor of Dental Surgery- 5 yrs.
Pediatrics (MD/MBBS) - 5 yrs.
Pharmacy Pharm. D. (Pharmaceutical Doctor) - 5 yrs.
Pharmacy Pharm. D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) - 5 yrs.
Nursing D.N. (Doctor of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing) – 4 yrs.
About Ria Overseas:
An expert study abroad consultant, Ria Overseas, may be able to help students who wish to pursue an MBBS abroad. Its expert consultant offers you all the assistance you need to ensure a successful and hassle-free MBBS journey.
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edugoabroad · 9 months
Unveiling the Essential Poland VFS Checklist: Your Key to a Smooth Application Process
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Poland is one of the top destinations favored by Indian students. The reason is the developing job opportunities, cost-effective quality of education, and economic living costs.
Every year, significant numbers of students from all over the world enter Poland to pursue their globally recognized education.
However, before embarking on this thrilling study abroad journey, it’s crucial to understand every aspect of the Polish student visa process to stay clear of last-minute uncertainties.
A Poland student visa is required before entering the country for any course or training purpose. The visa application process needs attention to the tiniest details and requires following various guidelines and document requirements.
If you are unaware of the Poland visa requirements and the process of applying for a student visa, you have landed at the right place!
Here, we will discover Poland's student visa types and process, documentation checklist, visa guidelines, and every detail you need to know for a successful visa application process.
About Poland Student Visa
Students from an EU member state do not need to apply for a student visa as they only need their valid ID, travel documents, and registration with the Voivodeship (Provincial) Office to study in Poland.
On the other hand, International students from non-EU countries need a D-type visa in order to stay and study in Poland for one year.
Types Of Poland Student Visa Available
There are various types of Poland student visa options available to choose from:
A Type:
Also known as a transit Schengen visa, it provides holders the permit to enter the Schengen territory to change their means of transport. This type of visa is absolutely of no use to any international student who wants to pursue their studies in Poland.
C Type:
This is a short-term visa that permits the visa holder to remain within the territory of Poland for a period of up to 90 days during a 180-day period.
D Type:
A D-type national visa is a long-term visa that allows the visa holder to enter the territory of Poland and stay for no longer than one year and permits traveling around the Schengen area for a total duration of 90 days during the period of validity of the visa.
For more detailed information read the full blog from here: Unveiling the Essential Poland VFS Checklist: Your Key to a Smooth Application Process
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