slovo-kvnnt · 3 months
Hello, today I am going to propose names for the tf2 freakshow ships :D.
Red carves (Piss cakehole x CBS)
Amapolian Yellow blood (Painis cupcakes x polite spy)
Black berry (Ass.P x cBS)
Angelical sins (CPS x CBS)
Enemy lovers (Spyper x CBS)
Black red roses (CBS x Gtmspy)
White au-roses (CPS x Gtmspy)
Fantastic annoyance. (Armeni x FaG scout)
Armony in chaos (armeni x scoutit?)
Bangs n' bonks (Ass.p x Scoutit)
two birds love (Blind fem scout x radio scout)
no se que más, bye
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justfreaklover · 2 years
I just tried to do it but I think it's a bit weird
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Indeed I am. Had to babysit him.
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bunnygirlism · 1 year
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teehee dum dum doodlez i did in 4 in da morning lawl
ft @politespy n @seahdalune’s oc C
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priztoon · 2 years
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There is knocking at the castle's main doors so Night Terror gets up from his chair and swiftly makes his way to the doors. When he opens the door he sees a BLU Spy with a yellow fisherman's hat on.
"Good day sir, are you the owner of this castle Night Terror?" The BLU Spy asks
"Yes I am, may I ask who you are?" Night Terror questions
"Oh where are my manners, my name is Polite Spy." The BLU Spy answers
"Alright well come in, it's about to rain." Night Terror replies
Night Terror steps aside and Polite Spy walks into the castle.
"Would you like anything to drink or eat?" Night Terror asks
"Water would be nice." Polite Spy answers
Night Terror makes a follow me motion and Polite Spy follows him into a living room.
"Please sit while I get your water." Night Terror says
Polite Spy takes a seat and Night Terror pours a glass of ice water from the pitcher and cups sitting on a tray on a table, Night Terror walks back over to Polite Spy and hands him his water.
"Thank you." Polite Spy says while taking his water
Night Terror sits down across from Polite Spy and waits for the man to get done drinking the water, when Polite Spy puts his glass down Night Terror opens his mouth.
"May I ask why you have paid a visit to me, most Freaks stay away from me." Night Terror asks
"I thought I should see the ruler of Purgatory myself." Polite Spy answers
"Let me guess you think I'm some evil Freak?" Night Terror questions
"Well I wanted to see if you were or not." Polite Spy answers
"I can assure you that I'm not an evil Freak, I'm actually the most neutral one out there." Night Terror replies
"Really I am a neutral one as well." Polite Spy says
"Well as the ruler of Purgatory I am neither good nor evil, a lot of Freaks I have met decided to give me the nickname of 'The Mediator'." Night Terror tells Polite Spy
"So what other Freaks have you met, if you don't mind me asking." Polite Spy asks
"Christian Brutal Sniper, Christian Pure Spy, Nightmare Medic, Karma Soldier, Team Killer, a BLU TentaSpy and Gentle Spy are the ones that come to mind." Night Terror answers then notices that Polite Spy was stiff so he asks. "Is there something wrong other than Nightmare Medic and Team Killer?"
"Gentle Spy and myself don't get along very well." Polite Spy says
"May I ask why not?" Night Terror questions
"We're one pair of the many opposite Freaks who don't get along." Polite Spy answers
"Ah that makes sense." Night Terror replies
The door to the castle opens and in walks three other Freaks carrying groceries.
"Guys drop those off on the dining room table and we'll get to them later, I want you to meet our guest." Night Terror says
The three Freaks put the groceries down and head back into the living room.
"Polite Spy this is Drachen, Link and Sledgehammer, guys this is Polite Spy." Night Terror introduces everyone
"It's nice to meet you three!" Polite Spy exclaims happily getting up to shake the other three's hands.
The three newly arrived Freaks sit down.
"So tell me about yourselves." Polite Spy says
"My name is Drachen, I'm a dragonic Freak hence the name but I'm not one of the evil Freaks. I can fly with my wings but unfortunately not very high, I enjoy reading medical books." Drachen introduces himself
"I am Sledgehammer and my name is a joke on how my face is like this, I am not evil. I enjoy protecting my friends and I like to knit, crochet and sew." Sledgehammer's voice booms from his spot
"Good day I'm Link. My name is also a joke but the reasoning is on how I might be the missing link between humans and apes, also I am not an evil Freak. I enjoy climbing trees and taking naps in them, I enjoy reading in them as well. I also enjoy keeping my weapons I tip top shape." Link says from his spot in a corner.
"Since everyone has introduced themselves I shall do the same. As you know my name is Polite Spy and I'm a neutral Freak. I am polite to all Freaks but as you can guess the demonic Freaks treat me badly like everyone else. I am the opposite Freak to GentleSpy and we don't get along, actually I rather not talk about him." Polite Spy introduces himself
The five Freaks continue to talk with Drachen leaving to go check on TentaSpy and the RED Sniper.
"May I join you?" Polite Spy asks
"Sure." Drachen replies
The two head over to the room where the two guests are staying in and Polite Spy promises to visit the two again.
"This has been a wonderful visit but unfortunately I need to leave." Polite Spy says to Night Terror
"Well I hope you had a good time and if you wish to return then feel free to come back, maybe next time things won't feel awkward since you know that none of us are a Demonic Freak." Night Terror replies
"I apologise for that but I do like living." Polite Spy tells Night Terror
"No need to apologise I completely understand and it must have been nerve wracking to meet the ruler of Purgatory." Night Terror says
Polite Spy leaves and the castle goes back to normal but no one inside will forget the new friend they have made.
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redbritishsniper · 11 years
politespy is in your sight
It's a rainy day at Thunder Mountain and Natasha is residing at one of her hiding spots, reading a book with her weapons resting next to her. As she set it down and looked out from her window, she noticed someone wondering around the battlefield. It appeared to be a Spy. A BLU Spy.
She never seen him before and wondered what is he doing in the rain.
"Hey!" She called out.
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slovo-kvnnt · 5 months
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Random art.
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slovo-kvnnt · 6 months
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Como hoy no tengo ganas de hablar gringolandia, AQUÍ TIENEN *pone los dibujos en la mesa epicamente*
Dibujos del año pasado que me olvidé publicar XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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slovo-kvnnt · 5 months
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"What are you looking at, idiot? Have you never seen a hybrid in your fucking life?"
Spydier responding to those who ll look bad.
Spyldier is someone known in the Freak world as a very honest and strict person (like a soldier) but also calm, calculating, and cold (like a Spy).
has a sarcastic and very black humor... it is someone flirtatious and of little patience.
He has an occupation in this world, it is simple;
He is a businessman and seller of anything. He always asks for fair payment and DEEPLY hates Spyper. More than anything because I never pay him half of the van.
It has a bit of competition against Demopan, it obviously gets along well with Politespy and Intelligent heavy.
Skills: He has the Soldier and Spy armor, but prefers to avoid fights
Now, you can ask spyldier whatever you want during these last few days!!! :D
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slovo-kvnnt · 10 months
Alright guys, *STARTS RAPING EPICLY* HERE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD THERE ARE TWO GROUPS! *points to Polite spy, radioscout and their friends* THE BASICS OF GROUP B
*points to Chps, Pork pie and Psch* OR US; THE FREAK BOYS DOU-
Scoutit and Fiammetta: sexist...
Armeni: feminists.
Ass pancakes: Hey could you please stop interrupting my epic rap
Piss cakehole: your rap is not very epic to say the least...
Cakehole piss: silent bitter.
Psch: primero anda a lavarte la cara, PINCHE CHAMACO
Soupcock porkpie; hey, hey, *trying to calm the wildness* CALLESEN KLAIOS *Chile insults*
Ass pancekes & Scoutit: BOLUDOS, CIERREN EL ORTO TODOS *Argentine insults*
*Armeni and Fiammetta trying to understand Latin American insults*
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Gay son or thug son
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Gay (Flumpty is his "dad" after all)
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i would like to know the length of everyone's criminal history. what crimes have they done. out of curiosity of course
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Oh boy, this will be long. Well for me, it's child murder.
This little shit has murdered and stabbed plenty of people.
Redman has caused fraud, a million dollars worth of damage by just trojans alone. Oh, and murder. Everyone else has murdered, stabbed, probably stalked too, no need to really go further in detail. As for Flumpty, he's done. NOTHING. wrong. I swear. Hahah. hah.
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[first of all, I just wanna say I'm really happy seeing content like this in the fandom! Keep up the good work, Second]
May I see my son.... (Birthday boy blam)
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Here ya go. Blam likes to wear just like his "dad". Flumpty Bumpty. He's a bitch too.
(I am shocked you guys like my blog secondly, but thanks.)
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Not an ask but a thing for the mod, but uhhhhhh, finding someone that makes ONAF content in this good year, let alone runs an Ask blog makes me wee squirel brain very happy~ Keep up the good work my dude, I'm loving your take on Grunkfuss thus far~~
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Thank you! It means a lot that people enjoy Grunkfuss' blog, as a person that was quite literally kidnapped by Flumpty, I had to of course pamper him up to make him look amazing!!
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u bit a kid ????
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Uh. Yeaah long story. (Meet Beaver!) That's what she said.
Shut it, hippie.
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