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voicebrodcasting · 5 months
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peoples-insight · 3 months
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eaglesnick · 20 days
“A generation which ignores history has no past -- and no future.”  
The National Centre for Social Research Centre's Social Attitude survey, finding that there has been a sharp decline in British national pride in the last decade has driven the pundits and politicians on the right into displays of righteous indignation. 
Peoples pride in being British has fallen from 83% in 1995 to 64% in 2023. Only 53% think democracy works well in this country, down from 60% in 1995, and only 49% would rather be a British citizen than any other country, a decline of 20% since 1995. What has particularly agitated those on the right is the finding that pride in British history has dropped from 86% in 2013, to 64% in 2023.
Nigel Forage, never one to miss an opportunity for self-promotion, went on a “blistering rant" concerning the decline of national pride in British history, claiming he has been “railing against" an education establishment that is constantly  "talking down Britain’s past”.
What’s happened claims Forage is there has been a “Marxist take-over, of people that hate the country, hate what it stands for, and they have done their job” Primary school teachers, secondary school teachers and university lectures all “rejoice” in putting Britain down.
Who would have thought it? That seemingly lovely Mrs Jones, who does so much for the infants in her care, a revolutionary Marxist. The dusty secondary school history teacher Mr Smith, also a Marxist, just waiting to advance the communist revolution on the streets of Britain. Unbelievable! And as for all of those university academics…just don’t get me started.
What a load of utter piffle Mr Farage. But he knows that. What he is doing is dog whistling as usual.
Taking the teaching of slavery as an example , Forage condemns the educational establishment for teaching that Britain was “the only country in the history of mankind that had ever conducted slavery.” What’s more says Forage, Britain  "far from being the one nation, actually, that ended it,..lost a lot of money and a lot of lives driving it out."
Lets examine these claims.
First, no one has ever said that Britain was the only slave-trading nation. Portugal, France, Spain, Netherlands, USA and Denmark ALL profited from slaves.
Second, Forage was right in asserting that  Britain was one of the first major European powers to officially abolish slavery. The Abolition of Slavery Act was passed inn 1833 but not all British owned slaves were covered by this act as it specifically excluded many slave colonies owned by the East India Company and British slaves on the islands of Ceylon and St Helena.
Third, British sailors did die fighting the slave trade but nowhere near as many as has been claimed on social media. Fullfact.org, state that the figure of between 17,000 and 20,00 Royal Navy sailors dying fighting illegal slave traders is untrue, the figure being much nearer 2000.
Forth, did driving out slavery cost a lot of money? Yes it did, but none of the money went to the slaves themselves, only to the slave owners as compensation for their losses.
Despite the repugnant and morally corrupt practice of slave ownership that the 1833 Abolition of Slavery Act represented, a mere four years after this law came into being another piece of slavery legislation was enacted: the Slave Compensation Act 1887.
This is something Forage and those other millionaires and billionaires on the right of British politics often neglect to tell us. Despite the repugnant and utterly immoral practice of slave ownership implicit in the Abolition of Slavery Act 1833, this new act ordered the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to compensate slave owners in the British colonies to the tune of £20 million pound – around £17billion pounds today. This payout was a massive 40% of total government budget.
What else Forage neglects to say is that the last compensation payment for loss of slaves paid for by the British government was in 2015.
In short, we the British taxpayer, have been paying compensation to slave owners and their dependents for "loss of their property” for the past 182 years!
I only wish we did teach these things in our schools but we don’t. In fact, the Conservative government, in its Education Act of 1996 made the promoting of partisan views by teachers illegal.
So much for Marxist conspiracy theories!
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mandsleanan · 4 months
“Only by not having children can I live the way I do now,” said Zheng, who has visited more than 50 countries. “I only have to think about myself, which is the part I enjoy most.”
“Considering global political and economic trends, if you don’t have a strong maternal instinct, you shouldn’t have a child just for the sake of it,” she said.
(Text under cut.)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — 
Shorthand for gainfully employed U.S. couples whose only responsibilities were to themselves, the acronym DINK — dual income, no kids — was coined to capture the unabashed materialism of the 1980s.
Four decades later, the term has made a comeback, with millennials embracing it on social media to flaunt their free time, lavish spending habits and the other perks of choosing to be child-free.
It has taken off far beyond United States, including in one country where it would have been hard to imagine just a decade ago: China.
China’s population declined for the second year in a row last year; India overtook it as the world’s most populous nation.
Amid deep economic uncertainty, a growing number of Chinese are opting for another number: zero.
Many proudly refer to themselves as DINKs — using the acronym in English — or dingke, the phonetic translation in Mandarin.
Xu Kaikai, 29, said being DINKs gives her and her 36-year-old boyfriend a greater sense of control over their lives.
“It reduces some of the anxieties about age,” she said.
She works in advertising in Shanghai, where her boyfriend is a project manager for a construction company. “I used to talk about having a beautiful baby,” Xu said.
Now she calls herself a “drifting leaf” and gets so bored with people talking about children on social media that she follows only people without them.
A recent study from the Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology estimated that DINKs accounted for about 38% of Chinese households in 2020 — up from 28% a decade earlier — but those figures included large numbers of people living alone and the research did not look at whether couples were in fact dual-income.
Not that all Chinese adhere to a strict definition of the acronym. Some include anybody without children, while others don’t count people who still have a chance to change their minds — women of child-bearing age or men without vasectomies.
It’s also unclear how many DINKs there are in the United States. Some 44% of couples ages 18 to 49 surveyed by Pew Research in 2021 said it was unlikely they would have children — up from 37% in 2018.
After decades of enforcing a one-child policy to keep population growth in check, China’s government is now offering subsidies and financial support to encourage families to have more kids.
“It was just a high-class phenomenon,” said Yuying Tong, a professor of sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who studies family life.
She said the number of DINKs is going up in large part because more people are delaying marriage.
The rejection of societal norms comes at an inopportune time for the Communist Party, which is struggling to stave off a demographic crisis in which there aren’t enough young people to support the elderly.
The country’s population declined for the second year in a row in 2023 — India surpassed it as the world’s most populous nation — and the birthrate fell 5.6% to a record low of 6.39 births per 1,000 people — a little more than half the U.S. rate, which has also declined in recent years.
Now the Chinese government is trying to motivate people to have kids, resorting to subsidies and even matchmaking services.
In March, Chinese officials announced plans to provide more support for child rearing and “work toward a birth-friendly society,” including improving parental leave policies and child-care options.
The government also appears to be trying to scare DINKs into changing their mindset.
Last month, China’s Twitter-like platform Weibo promoted an article about DINK couples in China who regretted not having kids because it had led to loneliness, marital strife or inheritance issues.
As economic growth has stalled, more Chinese couples are giving up on the idea of having kids. According to the Beijing-based Yuwa Population Research Institute, the average cost of raising a child in China was one of the highest in the world.
DINKs took issue with the characterization.
“Are all these examples being brought up to encourage people to have kids?” a popular entertainment blogger who goes by the moniker Jing Zhao Cha Mi responded on social media. “There are probably more people who regret their lifestyle with children.”
Hu Huiwen, a 38-year-old financial consultant who lives in the eastern city of Hangzhou, has heard all the warnings: Her husband will leave her. She will want children later and be too old to have them. Nobody will care for her in her old age.
But in the five years since she swore off having children, none of that has come to pass.
“It might become a minor sorrow, but not to the point of regret,” Hu said. “Even if I do regret it, then I can only bear it myself. What else can you do?”
She belongs to three different group chats for DINKs, where participants advise one another how to spend their leisure time. In video diaries, she shows herself reading or wandering through parks admiring the foliage.
In March, the Chinese government emphasized the need to support child rearing and “work toward a birth-friendly society.”
A recent study by the Beijing-based Yuwa Population Research Institute found that the average cost of raising a child in China was $74,600 — or 6.3 times the per capita GDP.
Of the 14 countries included in the study, the only place where it cost more relative to income was South Korea, which has the lowest birthrate in the world.
“At the end of the day, it’s still about the pressures and this very competitive environment that makes both marriage and childbearing untenable,” said Mu Zheng, an assistant professor of sociology at the National University of Singapore.
When Zheng Yu, a 47-year-old fashion consultant living in Shanghai, was in her 20s, her friends and family viewed her decision to not have children as a symptom of her rebellious nature.
Now with income inequality rising and seeing the pressure her niece is under to excel, she said she and her husband would make the same decision all over again.
“Only by not having children can I live the way I do now,” said Zheng, who has visited more than 50 countries. “I only have to think about myself, which is the part I enjoy most.”
“Considering global political and economic trends, if you don’t have a strong maternal instinct, you shouldn’t have a child just for the sake of it,” she said.
Vable Liu, a 29-year-old English teacher in Jinan, the capital of China’s Shandong province, said about a third of her friends are dinks.
Liu and her husband recently posted a short video defending their choice.
“Will DINKs miss out on the joy of children?” she asks him in the clip.
DINK couples account for about 38% of households in China as of 2020, according to one study, up from 28% in 2010.
They continued with their mock interview.
“What if your family pressures you?” “Stay away from them.”
“Who do you pass your wealth on to when you die?” “Squander it all before then.”
Special correspondent Xin-yun Wu in Taipei contributed to this report.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Natural history as the basis for trade and commercial agriculture mediated the link between overseas expansion and the development of European scientific thought. By virtue of its strategic location in the moist tropics, Peninsular Malaysia made a significant contribution to natural history and, thus, to colonial science. [...] Botanical and zoological collections from insular Southeast Asia were of seminal importance, for example, to the pioneer studies of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. [...]
The search for economic produce was actively promoted by both the English and Dutch East India Companies [...]. Modern European plant science had its roots in [...] the creation of physick and, later, botanic gardens, established [...] in Pisa, Padua, Florence, [...] Leiden, Oxford, Cambridge, [...] and Edinburgh. Among other functions, these gardens served, as institutions for training physicians for service in the colonies. The lead role they played in discovering and inventorying plants [...] forged a crucial link between botanic gardens and the quest for products, territory and empire.
Garcia D’Orta (c. 1501/2-68), a Spanish physician who served several viceroys in Goa, established the botanic garden near Bombay [...]. His Aromatum Historia (1563) [...] has been described as ‘a landmark in the history of civilization’. [...]
Hendrik van Rheede’s ground-breaking 12-volume Hortus Malabaricus (1678-1703) [was] based on [...] Ayurvadic knowledge and the services of Ezhava collectors and tree climbers in the Malabar. [...]
[T]he connection [Linnaeus] established between natural history and national wealth was widely influential. It struck a cord with Adam Smith (1723-90) and other political economists [...] who placed their faith in agricultural improvement [...]. These developments put a premium on naturalists and [...] Sir Comte de Buffon [...] and Joseph Banks [...] served as agricultural and medical consultants to sovereigns. [...] [T]he concept of environmental determinism informed Adam Smith’s philosophy of the superiority of Western nations, endowed with temperate climes, over the people of the tropics. [...] The person who brokered the link between desire for material wealth and the search for its location and procurement overseas was the indomitable and widely influential [Joseph] Banks, President of the Royal Society (1778-1820) and, from 1773, de facto director of the Royal Botanical Gardens. Also a member of the Privy Council Committee for trade – the organization most directly concerned with augmenting wealth and self-sufficiency -- he used his influence with the Royal Institution and the Board of Agriculture to forge a successful link between science and empire. [...]
Carolus Clusius who held the Chair of Botany in Leiden (1592-9) reputedly obtained ‘Malaysian’ specimens from Sir Francis Drake.
Again, following the death in 1695 of the VOC [Dutch East India Company] botanist, Paulus Hermann, his notes and manuscript [...] were acquired and used by William Sherard (Sherwood), founder of the Chair of Botany in Oxford.
In 1778, the English East India Company (EIC) appointed J.G. Koenig, a pupil of Linnaeus, as ‘Professor of Botany and Natural History’ in Madras. [...]
His appointment, believed to have been initiated by Banks, firmly established colonial science within the purview of imperial economic policy. [...]
Koenig worked in the private gardens [...] in Melaka and conducted the earliest and largest botanical survey of the west coast of the Peninsula (1778-9). Bengkulen (Bangkulu), [...] where pepper cultivation was extensively researched, was declared a Presidency [...] with the express aim of developing its full economic potential. To help fulfill this objective, Philip and Charles Miller, sons of the well-respected gardener at the Chelsea Physick Garden, were engaged as botanists [...] Charles Miller was entrusted in ‘the greatest secrecy’ with the experimental planting of nutmeg and cloves, using seedlings that visiting Bugis traders were encouraged to smuggle from Maluku. [...] [T]he EIC envisaged expanding the range of Benkulen’s exports by the introduction of tea, ginger, turmeric and mulberries. [...] These efforts prefigured experiments in spice cultivation at the Calcutta Botanic Gardens [...].
Newbold took his knowledge of the tropical environment in the [Malayan] Straits Settlements to Madras, where he earned a reputation as a naturalist and an Orientalist [...]. His lecture to the Bengal Asiatic Society in 1846 [...] was hugely influential and put the Peninsula at the heart of the emerging discourse on tropical ecology. [...] [T]hose [tropical botanic gardens] established by the EIC in Penang (1794) and Singapore (1822) were integral to its commercial aims for extending the chain of ‘tropical Edens’. As centres for the [...] assemblage of exotic crops [...], botanic gardens were perceived as symbols of scientific progress and imperial might.
All text above by: Jeyamalar Kathirithamby-Wells. "Peninsular Malaysia in the context of natural history and colonial science." New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies Volume 11 Number 1. June 2009. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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In India these days, a new debate is going on about the LGBTQ community , and the importance of the matter can be understood from the fact that the apex court of the land, the Supreme Court of India, has taken interest in this matter and is hearing the plea for giving a conclusive judgement.
Generally, I am clear about my stand on such matters and am always clear about my sides. But this time, it's quite difficult to choose. I am saying so not because of any grudges or any hatred for the community but because of the valid logic provided by the Union in the SupremeCourt. I personally believe in the cause of same-sex marriage and am greatly inclined towards it. This bias can be due to the institution I am a part of, which has always supported this cause. Yet when I see the larger picture of same-sex marriage, I believe that it's better not to pass any such law in haste and that we should first understand the concept from the perspective of society and law.
So where should we start? According to my limited knowledge or what I have perceived about this case till now, the lgbtq society is asking for legalising marriage and giving them the dignity and basic rights they deserve. As Menaka Guruswamy rightly pointed out, "marriage is not only a question of dignity; it is also a bouquet of rights that LGBTQ people are denied," which is absolutely correct.
But according to me, India as a society is still not ready for such a change. The community is constantly giving the example of countries like Canada and the Netherlands,  which have legalised same-sex marriage. But the reason that this won't work in India is due to the fact that, deep down somewhere, same-sex marriage propagates an "anti-birth mentality," and this is probably the reason why the birth rate of Canada, the Netherlands, and Sweden is lower than other countries.
Elaborating further, it will be very hard for a couple to sustain same-sex marriage in India because of the stark cultural differences that we have with the countries that have legalised it. Moreover, a study with '' no basis :what the study don't tell us about same sex patenting'' questions the parenting skills of the same-sex parents and conclusively points out that even the couples that go for children are not able to provide them with the quality life they deserve. Another study named "A New Study of Young Adults Conceived Through Sperm Donation" points out that the children of homosexual couples are more prone to getting into bad company and bad habits than the heterosexual couple. Also, it is seen that life is difficult for the children of homosexual couples in places where same-sex marriage is legalised. At the end, it is concluded that the development of the child of a homosexual couple is slow in comparison to that of heterosexual couples. Hence, experimenting with the legalisation of same-sex marriage won't be any good, both for the couples and their future progeny.
Another major problem with respect to same-sex marriage is the danger of diseases. The writer of Homo sexuality'' and the politics of truths'' say that the same-sex couples are more susceptible to sexual disease than the normal couple, and the life expectancy of the homo men is low in comparison to the normal men. There are many other reports that point out that the danger of aids in homosexuals is high.
A study of the Netherlands' mental health survey and the Incides study pointed out that homocouples are more prone to bad mental health in comparison to the normal couple.
Hence, to conclude, I believe that the time is still not right to legalise same-sex marriage in India, as we as a society first need to understand the basics of same-sex marriage, we first need to educate the masses on this issue. We as a society first need to evolve on this matter and understand the need and cause of such relations, and this can't be done after the law comes into existence as Indian society will react opposingly to this phenomenon. We have to be very delicate on this matter because it will change the whole structure of society, marriage, and whatnot. Making a law without involving the society in the matter will be imposing the wants of the few on masses who are not ready for such a change. The same argument was put forward by J. Sai Deepak in court, as he commented that when we are talking about implementing such a big change in society, we need to involve the society in this matter; otherwise, the society won't react favourably to this, and this will be challenging for the homo couples. Hence, it is necessary for the lgbtq community to first educate the society and then ask for legalising same-sex marriage. Moreover, it's very complex for giving the legal status, as Tushar Mehta rightly pointed out that lgbtq also contains a plus, which is worth thinking about as we still don't know how many more such shades are there, and making law without a proper understanding will be no good.
In the end, all I believe is that though I might look inclined towards the centre more, I still sympathise with the lqbtq community and support them. No matter what the verdict, it will be a win-win for me.
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eduminatti · 2 years
Should the reservation system be removed from India?
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Should the reservation system be removed from India? The reservation system was implemented in India after the partition of 1947 to provide affirmative action for SC, ST, and OBC people, and to ensure adequate representation in government jobs and educational institutions. 
However, till today the reservation system is hosting a bitter debate between politicians, social activists, and students. The reservation system should be removed from India. It is a kind of reservation. Everyone has his own point of view about reservations. 
As per research conducted by schools in Mumbai most people think that it is helpful and useful for the poor people in India. But I think otherwise. It is not useful for the poor people and it also gives rise to some problems. So, it should be removed from India.
The reservation system was implemented in India by the British empire to uplift the lower classes in India. The system has been a great success and probably has lifted millions out of poverty. 
Another survey done by schools in Pune Today, it is time to remove the reservation system from India. In this article, I will explain my argument for its removal. The reservation system has many consequences and both positive and negative.
 It is proven to be beneficial for the weaker section of the society but also has many cons, which if considered will deteriorate the social system as a whole.    
The reservation system has been a part of our lives since independence and despite that, most of the populations still can't get their education or jobs as per their caste.
 In 2016, the government of India issued a draft bill proposing to remove Section 15(1) and (2), which allow for discrimination on the basis of caste and permit the exclusion of some citizens from public goods and services such as schools, hospitals, and public transport.
Reservation is a controversial topic in India. The origin of the reservation in India can be traced back to the historical discrimination meted out to particular castes or tribes for centuries. The first attempt at the reservation was made by the Britishers with an act called the Communal G.O in 1882 which was for the backward classes like Sudras, Harijans, and Tribals. 
It was later repealed in 1902 and reintroduced again in 1909 as a Communal award (Lingayat). Then, the reservation was introduced by the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1935 mainly for backward classes like scheduled caste and scheduled tribe in government jobs, education, etc.
 Later, the reservation was stopped during the period of British rule but continued after the independence of India through constitutional provision.
Now, reservation has become one of the significant topics to debate in both parliament and public places. Many political parties also built their election manifesto based on this issue only to come into power. 
This issue is also used as a political tool to win elections as well as to gain votes by giving false promises.
In a bold move, the Modi government announced last week that it would do away with the reservation system in India. The decision has been welcomed by large sections of society, but there are still some people who think that reservations should be kept.
I'm one of those people. Reservation has done so much for the country, and it should not be removed until a more robust alternative is found to help backward sections of society.
First of all, we should look at how far we've come in the 30 years since the reservation was first introduced. Back then, most Dalits were illiterate and oppressed by upper-caste Hindus. 
Today, they have made such great strides in education and employment that they occupy significant positions in several companies and institutions across the country. This is clearly due to the reservation policy.
The reason why I feel reservation should not be abolished is that it will affect these communities adversely. If you take away their quota, they will be unable to compete with richer students from big cities who have had access to better education since childhood. 
The only way to ensure equality is to provide them with the same benefits as rich students get — and that's exactly what reservation does.
For example, if a college has a 60% reservation for SC/ST students, then it means that about 20% of the seats are set aside for students who have a poor academic record and have to work extra hard because of their poor family background. 
But when you reserve 60% of the seats, you are actually saying that 60% of the seats are reserved only for those students who can’t make it otherwise!
What happens is – that these reserved seats go vacant if nobody applies for them. In that case, they are rolled over to the general category and hence reduce the total number of seats available in the general category!
 So even though there was no need to reserve those seats, they have been reserved and now there are fewer seats in the general category! This is how reservation policy is implemented in practice!
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robby1205 · 6 days
Robby Andrew Tiu
FTMM3 Observations: The truth about "Globalization" is that it is a dynamic economic process that is fueled by both technical advancement and significant shifts in national economic policies. An OECD or which is called the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development global economy is evolving at an accelerated pace as new nations and sources of supply and demand for an ever-increasing number of commodities and services are interconnected. It is a way of process that allows developing nations like China and India to really integrate with industrialized ones as "equal partners" in an increasingly globalized economy, but based on my research, our country which is the Philippines is not a member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development or the OECD. Based on the link video I watched on bigsky is that The Executive Opinion Survey includes a number of variables that account for different facets of globalization, and I did some research about it and it shows to explore how these various criteria have changed over the past fifteen years, and a part on the video struck me and I want to focus on four economies: China, which has increased trade and investment with the rest of the world over the past 25 years; Germany, the largest economy in the European Union; and the United Kingdom and the United States, two nations that have recently become more inward-looking. The answers to the statement "The national culture is open to foreign ideas" are shown in Figure 1 for the years 2002, 2008, and 2018.
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Pic 1: This made me ask a question “ Is the national culture open to foreign Ideas”
Apart from China, the executives in the other three economies feel that the national culture has become more inward looking between 2002 and 2018. For the UK and the USA, the economy seems less open to foreign ideas compared with the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008. So meaning naturally this will have an effect to how these economies are perceived by the rest of the world. 
My insight about the video is that the value creation and inequality have been fueled by globalization, which has increased options for products and services while simultaneously driving out local businesses that were unable to survive in the face of intense international competition. In the cities where these companies are located, the latter may lead to increased unemployment and, in certain situations, a decline in the standard of living. The detrimental consequences could therefore be a factor in the rise of nativist political groups, which are calling for a slowdown of globalization in both developed and developing nations. 
My learnings is that Globalization creates wealth but unevenly. The assumption that globalization benefits everyone is based on mainstream economic theories that assume that workers can be costlessly re-deployed, if international trade or cross-border investments make certain industries unviable. Of course, most rich countries have mechanisms through which the winners from the globalization process (or any economic change, really) compensate the losers. The basic mechanism for this is the welfare state, but there are also publicly financed retraining and job-search mechanisms. Temporary protection for firms to promote restructuring, money for severance payments for the workers. These mechanisms are better in some countries than others, but nowhere are they perfect and, unfortunately, some countries have been running them down. Globalization during the era of industrial capitalism has always enhanced dependence, inequality and exploitation, often to horrendous extremes. To take a classic example, the early industrial revolution relied crucially on cotton, produced mainly in the American South in the most vicious system of slavery in human history  which took new forms after the Civil War with the criminalization of Black life and sharecropping. Today's version of globalization includes not only super-exploitation at the lower tiers of the global value chains system but also virtual genocide, notably in Eastern Congo where millions have been slaughtered in recent years while critical minerals find their way to high-tech devices produced in the global value chains. 
References: IMD Business School. (2023, August 8). Have the perceptions on globalization changed? - IMD business school for management and leadership courses. IMD Business School for Management and Leadership Courses. https://www.imd.org/research-knowledge/global-business/articles/2018-com-september/
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creativeera · 2 months
Breakfast Cereals Market to Witness High Growth Owing to Rising Health Awareness
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Breakfast cereals are standardized processed wheat or oat pieces that are eaten dry or soaked in milk or yogurt. Breakfast cereals provide instant energy and nutrition and are highly convenient to eat. The growing importance of a healthy and balanced diet along with rising awareness about the nutritional benefits of breakfast cereals such as high fiber content, vitamins, calcium, and antioxidants is driving the demand for breakfast cereals globally.
The global breakfast cereals market was valued at US$ 49,002.86 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.84% over the forecast period (2023-2030).
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the breakfast cereals market are Aetna Inc., AIA Group Limited, Allianz, Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A., AVIVA, AXA, CIGNA, Ping an Insurance, and UnitedHealth Group Inc., among others. The key players are focusing on product launches and innovating their product portfolio to meet various nutrition needs. For instance, companies are introducing low sugar, high fiber, gluten-free and organic cereals. The major opportunities in the Breakfast Cereals Market Growth include expanding distribution channels in developing regions, innovative packaging solutions, and customized cereals as per regional taste preferences. The companies are focusing on expanding their business in Asia Pacific and Latin America owing to the growing disposable income and rising health awareness in these regions. One of the major drivers for the growth of the breakfast cereals market is rising health awareness. Consumers are becoming more conscious about the nutritional content of food products. Breakfast cereals are considered a healthy option as they provide various vital nutrients. According to a survey, around 90% of consumers intake breakfast cereals daily as they believe it provides sustained energy and keeps them full for longer hours. This, in turn, is expected to propel the demand for breakfast cereals during the forecast period.
PEST Analysis Political: Regulations regarding advertising of cereals targeted towards children can impact sales of certain brands. Government policies that promote healthy eating can drive demand for nutritious breakfast options. Economic: Rise in disposable incomes is enabling consumers to spend more on packaged breakfast foods. An increase in the number of working women is boosting the consumption of convenient ready-to-eat cereals. Social: Changing lifestyles and busy schedules leave little time for home-cooked breakfasts, driving the popularity of cereals. Rising health consciousness is prompting people to choose low-sugar and whole-grain varieties. Technological: Advancements in packaging are helping manufacturers extend shelf life and preserve freshness. The rise of e-commerce is facilitating the purchase of cereals online. In terms of value, North America accounts for the largest share of the global breakfast cereals market due to busy lifestyles and the popularity of convenient packaged foods. The United States alone contributes over 40% to the regional market. Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest-growing regional market during the forecast period propelled by rising incomes, rapid urbanization, and growing awareness about nutrition and health. Countries like China, India and Japan are major consumers as breakfast cereals become a mainstream part of the diet especially among young working professionals.
Get more insights on Breakfast Cereals Market
Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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voicebrodcasting · 5 months
Personalized Videos for Voters for Political Campaigns
Connect directly with voters and make an impact by sending AI-enriched personalized voice and video messages. Start today with go2market
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thenewglobal · 7 years
The Russian-Israeli Billionaires Embroiled in Israel's Latest Corruption Investigation
It seems that every unfolding political corruption scandal in Israel introduces the country to a new, colorful Jewish billionaire with deep pockets. The latest police investigation focusing on Interior Minister Arye Dery is no exception.
The news broke on Monday that Dery, his wife, Yaffa Dery and no fewer than 14 other suspects had been swept simultaneously into the offices of the police unit 433, known as the "Israeli FBI," and questioned about the Shas party leader’s finances. Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit opened a corruption inquiry against Dery in March 2016, at the end of a probe into the minister’s financial affairs that lasted several months. Specifically, police suspect that corruption played a role in major real-estate purchases by Dery and members of his family.
Police suspect that funds donated to Mifalot Simha, an educational nonprofit run by Yaffa Dery, were funneled to the Dery family by falsely registering confidants and relatives as employees of the organization. Dery and his wife were questioned on Monday for 11 hours straight.
Sources in law enforcement initially said Dery was suspected of receiving bribes, but a police statement released following the interrogation only mentioned he was suspected of money laundering, fraud, breach of trust, theft by an authorized person, false registration of corporate documents and tax offenses. Police said Yaffa Dery is suspected of the two latter counts.
Arye Dery was convicted of bribery and fraud in 2000 and served 22 months in prison. In 2012, he returned to lead the ultra-Orthodox Shas party.
Two names that stand out among the 16 people being questioned in the affair are those of Michael (Mikhael) Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhak. Michael Mirilashvili, a 57-year-old Russian-Israeli billionaire and philanthropist, is one of many extremely wealthy Jews with substantive business dealings in Russia and other countries who choose to make their home base in Israel. He has an unusually colorful history. Mirilashvili and his family donate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to Mifalot Simha and to Yehuda Ya’aleh, a food charity operated by Yaffa Dery.
The dark-haired, blue-eyed Mirilashvili is one of Israel’s wealthiest citizens. In a 2013 survey, estimated that he and his son are the sixth richest family in the country, with a net worth of between $2.5 billion and $3 billion. It was in that year that he and his business partner, his son Yitzhak (Slava) Mirilashvili, made headlines with the sale of their 40 percent stake in the Russian social media network VKontakte for $1.12 billion. They own 5.2 percent of the Israeli oil and gas exploration company ILDC Energy. Michael Mirilashvili’s additional business interests in Israel include Kitaim Venture Capital, Hoshen Argaman Diamonds and Water Gen, whose technologies extract potable water from the air.
Yitzhak Mirilashvili, who was also questioned by police, is the owner of Israel's Channel 20, which broadcasts under a license as a Jewish heritage channel, but has plans to set up its own news company with right-wing leanings.
Michael Mirilashvili was born in Georgia in 1960 and moved to St. Petersburg as a teenager, where he studied medicine, specializing in pediatrics, before turning to focus on business in the 1980s. His family’s wealth came from real estate, but he branched out into areas including not only petroleum and diamonds, but also television, new media, renewable energy and pharmaceuticals. Mirilashvili’s extensive holdings in Russia including shopping malls, casinos and other gambling venues. In Israel, he has also invested in several high-tech and agricultural tech companies, promoting them abroad in countries such as India and Vietnam.
In an interview with an Indian newspaper last year, Mirilashvili mentioned his fondness for Bollywood movies — except for one aspect. “I noticed that the rich were always shown as evil people with no morals. It bothers me. And it is not right. Jews embrace rich people and never see them as bad people. We take care of the less fortunate.”
Mirilashvili is also actively involved in Jewish philanthropy. He donates to Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and memorial, and the Zaka emergency response organization. He has donated Torah scrolls to synagogues and to the army through Chabad and other organizations, and has served in senior positions in the Maccabi World Union, the Russian Jewish Congress and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.
His life and business career suffered a lengthy interruption when he spent eight years in prison on charges related to the kidnapping of his father. In August 2000, his father, Moshe Mirilashvili, a prominent member of the Jewish community who served as president of the Congress of Georgian Jewry, was kidnapped in broad daylight on a main road in St. Petersburg. He was released just two days later, and a month and a half after the abduction, the bodies of two of the kidnappers were found.
Michael Mirilashvili was arrested and charged with several offenses, including attempted murder. In August 2003, he was convicted of kidnapping and lesser charges but acquitted on the charge of attempted murder, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. The conviction sent "shock waves" through the Russian Jewish community, the Jewish press reported at the time, saying it was widely believed that Mirilashvili was being targeted, either by rival businessmen or by powerful politicians.
Mirilashvili’s legal team fought his sentencing, calling it “enormously unjust” and “enormously severe.” In 2004, Mirilashvili appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, arguing that his rights had been violated and that he did not receive a fair trial. He was vindicated in 2009, when the European court ruled that his conviction and sentencing was unfair. That year he was released from prison and he moved his home base to Israel, where he continued his business activities in Russia and began investing heavily in Israel and elsewhere.
Since his release, Mirilashvili has held an annual party with rabbis and politicians to celebrate his freedom. Attendees this year included Dery, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Environmental Protection and Jerusalem Affairs Minister Zeev Elkin, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and former cabinet ministers Gideon Sa’ar and Ariel Atias.
Mirilashvili's close ties to politicians were also seen in 2010, when businessman Ofer Nimrodi threw Mirilashvili a party for his 50th birthday at his house in Savion – one of Israel's richest communities. Some 350 people attended that party, which was said to have cost some $1 million, including Edelstein, lawmakers Tzachi Hanegbi and Meir Shitrit, as well as former chief rabbi Yona Metzger.
The indictment filed against Metzger alleged that Mirilashvili gave Metzger $250 thousand in for the wedding of the former chief rabbi's son. Mirilashvili wasn't indicted and Metzger was ultimately convicted in a plea bargain and sentenced to 3.5 years in prison.
Melvin Roberts
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electronalytics · 3 months
Digital Photo Frames Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2032
The global Digital Photo Frame market size was valued at USD 20 million in 2023 and reaching USD 126.08 million by 2032. Expected to expand at a CAGR of 22.07% during 2024-2032.
The competitive analysis of the Digital Photo Frames and this report typically encompasses a structured presentation of findings derived from systematic investigation. It begins with an introduction that outlines the research objectives and scope. The methodology section details the approaches used for data collection and analysis. The report then provides a comprehensive overview of the market, incorporating size, segmentation, and key players. Findings, derived from thorough data analysis, illuminate market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. Analysis and interpretation sections delve into the implications of the results, offering valuable insights. Recommendations based on these insights guide strategic decision-making for businesses. The report concludes by summarizing key points and often includes supplementary materials in the form of an appendix. This comprehensive document serves as a vital tool for companies seeking actionable intelligence to drive informed strategies and achieve success in dynamic markets.
Key Elements:
Background and context.
Objectives of the research.
Scope and limitations.
Research design.
Data collection methods (surveys, interviews, etc.).
Sampling techniques.
Data analysis methods.
Market Overview:
Definition and segmentation of the market.
Size and growth trends.
Key players and their market shares.
Industry Analysis:
Competitive landscape.
Regulatory environment.
Technological trends.
SWOT analysis.
Consumer Behavior:
Buying patterns.
Preferences and attitudes.
Factors influencing purchasing decisions.
Demand Analysis:
Factors affecting demand.
Market drivers.
Demand forecasting.
Supply Analysis:
Supply chain overview.
Key suppliers.
Production capacity.
Market Dynamics:
Key trends and developments.
Opportunities and challenges.
PESTEL analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal).
Conclusion and Recommendations:
Summary of findings.
Implications for stakeholders.
Recommendations for decision-making.
Demand and Supply:
Understanding customer needs and preferences.
Assessing the potential market size.
Analyzing factors influencing customer purchasing decisions.
Identifying growth opportunities and market gaps.
Evaluating the capabilities of existing suppliers.
Assessing production capacity and capabilities.
Analyzing the competitiveness of the supply chain.
Identifying potential challenges in the supply of goods or services.
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Market Segmentations:
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Regional Analysis of Global Digital Photo Frames Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Digital Photo Frames market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
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Investing in a market research report is essential for informed decision-making and strategic planning. These reports provide a comprehensive analysis of market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes, offering invaluable insights that can significantly impact business success. By purchasing a market research report, businesses gain access to accurate and up-to-date information, enabling them to identify emerging opportunities, assess potential risks, and make data-driven decisions. The detailed findings aid in understanding market dynamics, customer preferences, and competitive positioning, facilitating the formulation of effective marketing strategies and product development plans. In a rapidly evolving business environment, a well-researched report acts as a roadmap, guiding companies toward profitable ventures, minimizing uncertainties, and fostering long-term growth. The investment in a market research report is a strategic move that empowers organizations to stay ahead of the competition and adapt proactively to changing market conditions.
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marktoveyblog · 7 years
The Russian-Israeli Billionaires Embroiled in Israel's Latest Corruption Investigation
Worth some $3 billion, ex-con, ex-pediatrician Michael Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhak are two of 14 suspects detained for questioning in the probe of Minister Arye Dery
It seems that every unfolding political corruption scandal in Israel introduces the country to a new, colorful Jewish billionaire with deep pockets. The latest police investigation focusing on Interior Minister Arye Dery is no exception.
The news broke on Monday that Dery, his wife, Yaffa Dery and no fewer than 14 other suspects had been swept simultaneously into the offices of the police unit 433, known as the "Israeli FBI," and questioned about the Shas party leader’s finances. Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit opened a corruption inquiry against Dery in March 2016, at the end of a probe into the minister’s financial affairs that lasted several months. Specifically, police suspect that corruption played a role in major real-estate purchases by Dery and members of his family.
Police suspect that funds donated to Mifalot Simha, an educational nonprofit run by Yaffa Dery, were funneled to the Dery family by falsely registering confidants and relatives as employees of the organization. Dery and his wife were questioned on Monday for 11 hours straight.
Sources in law enforcement initially said Dery was suspected of receiving bribes, but a police statement released following the interrogation only mentioned he was suspected of money laundering, fraud, breach of trust, theft by an authorized person, false registration of corporate documents and tax offenses. Police said Yaffa Dery is suspected of the two latter counts.
Arye Dery was convicted of bribery and fraud in 2000 and served 22 months in prison. In 2012, he returned to lead the ultra-Orthodox Shas party.
Two names that stand out among the 16 people being questioned in the affair are those of Michael (Mikhael) Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhak. Michael Mirilashvili, a 57-year-old Russian-Israeli billionaire and philanthropist, is one of many extremely wealthy Jews with substantive business dealings in Russia and other countries who choose to make their home base in Israel. He has an unusually colorful history. Mirilashvili and his family donate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to Mifalot Simha and to Yehuda Ya’aleh, a food charity operated by Yaffa Dery.
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The dark-haired, blue-eyed Mirilashvili is one of Israel’s wealthiest citizens. In a 2013 survey, Haaretz estimated that he and his son are the sixth richest family in the country, with a net worth of between $2.5 billion and $3 billion. It was in that year that he and his business partner, his son Yitzhak (Slava) Mirilashvili, made headlines with the sale of their 40 percent stake in the Russian social media network VKontakte for $1.12 billion. They own 5.2 percent of the Israeli oil and gas exploration company ILDC Energy. Michael Mirilashvili’s additional business interests in Israel include Kitaim Venture Capital, Hoshen Argaman Diamonds and Water Gen, whose technologies extract potable water from the air.
Yitzhak Mirilashvili, who was also questioned by police, is the owner of Israel's Channel 20, which broadcasts under a license as a Jewish heritage channel, but has plans to set up its own news company with right-wing leanings.
Michael Mirilashvili was born in Georgia in 1960 and moved to St. Petersburg as a teenager, where he studied medicine, specializing in pediatrics, before turning to focus on business in the 1980s. His family’s wealth came from real estate, but he branched out into areas including not only petroleum and diamonds, but also television, new media, renewable energy and pharmaceuticals. Mirilashvili’s extensive holdings in Russia including shopping malls, casinos and other gambling venues. In Israel, he has also invested in several high-tech and agricultural tech companies, promoting them abroad in countries such as India and Vietnam.
In an interview with an Indian newspaper last year, Mirilashvili mentioned his fondness for Bollywood movies — except for one aspect. “I noticed that the rich were always shown as evil people with no morals. It bothers me. And it is not right. Jews embrace rich people and never see them as bad people. We take care of the less fortunate.”
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Mirilashvili is also actively involved in Jewish philanthropy. He donates to Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and memorial, and the Zaka emergency response organization. He has donated Torah scrolls to synagogues and to the army through Chabad and other organizations, and has served in senior positions in the Maccabi World Union, the Russian Jewish Congress and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.
His life and business career suffered a lengthy interruption when he spent eight years in prison on charges related to the kidnapping of his father. In August 2000, his father, Moshe Mirilashvili, a prominent member of the Jewish community who served as president of the Congress of Georgian Jewry, was kidnapped in broad daylight on a main road in St. Petersburg. He was released just two days later, and a month and a half after the abduction, the bodies of two of the kidnappers were found.
Michael Mirilashvili was arrested and charged with several offenses, including attempted murder. In August 2003, he was convicted of kidnapping and lesser charges but acquitted on the charge of attempted murder, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. The conviction sent "shock waves" through the Russian Jewish community, the Jewish press reported at the time, saying it was widely believed that Mirilashvili was being targeted, either by rival businessmen or by powerful politicians.
Mirilashvili’s legal team fought his sentencing, calling it “enormously unjust” and “enormously severe.” In 2004, Mirilashvili appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, arguing that his rights had been violated and that he did not receive a fair trial. He was vindicated in 2009, when the European court ruled that his conviction and sentencing was unfair. That year he was released from prison and he moved his home base to Israel, where he continued his business activities in Russia and began investing heavily in Israel and elsewhere.
Since his release, Mirilashvili has held an annual party with rabbis and politicians to celebrate his freedom. Attendees this year included Dery, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Environmental Protection and Jerusalem Affairs Minister Zeev Elkin, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and former cabinet ministers Gideon Sa’ar and Ariel Atias.
Mirilashvili's close ties to politicians were also seen in 2010, when businessman Ofer Nimrodi threw Mirilashvili a party for his 50th birthday at his house in Savion – one of Israel's richest communities. Some 350 people attended that party, which was said to have cost some $1 million, including Edelstein, lawmakers Tzachi Hanegbi and Meir Shitrit, as well as former chief rabbi Yona Metzger.
The indictment filed against Metzger alleged that Mirilashvili gave Metzger $250 thousand in for the wedding of the former chief rabbi's son. Mirilashvili wasn't indicted and Metzger was ultimately convicted in a plea bargain and sentenced to 3.5 years in prison.
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7consultancyblog · 4 months
Telecalling is a vibrant, dynamic and exciting business to be in
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Telecalling is the process by which businesses reach their customers using telephonic devices or telecalling software to promote products or services, generate leads, or facilitate sales. Businesses often need help establishing a dedicated team within their organization to deal with the complexities of managing business-related telecalling. However, this effort frequently proves to be both time-demanding and costly. Such initiatives divert valuable attention from core business functions, inhibiting the skills and focus needed for optimal performance. Solving this problem always requires a platform that seamlessly integrates both technology and trained agents. A telecaller is a company representative who calls potential leads to develop sales and marketing products on their behalf. Telecallers are important to companies in providing excellent customer service, building customer loyalty and enhancing brand image. There is a high demand for telecallers in the telecalling marketplace. The daily tasks of a telecaller include calling leads, following up on existing leads or customers, conducting inquiries and assisting customers with technical issues. They are usually employed by call centers and BPOs or in-house telecalling teams of companies.  Having adequate time management skills to handle a large number of calls is an essential skill that a telecaller should have.
Telemarketing can be from a call center, an office, or increasingly a home. Many times, telemarketing may follow up with a single call to assess interest or suitability and then follow up with a sale. Telemarketing is used by for-profit businesses, nonprofit charities, political groups and candidates, surveys, grant solicitations, marketing research, and other types of organizations. Tele callers’ jobs are categorized into two types one is for sales & marketing and the other is for customer services. Almost every service-oriented company has a customer service department and calls telecallers to attend or take calls to address customer concerns. A telecaller job plays a vital role in lead generation. Not only this, but it also helps in providing better customer service and retaining more customers. In telecaller jobs, your primary mission is to expand the customer base. Telecaller jobs require a deep understanding of customer needs. Telecaller Recruitment Agency in India that provide support in consultancy and placement sectors. Beyond just answering questions, it's about actively listening to their concerns, empathizing and providing solutions. In a telecaller job, you are the bridge between your company's offerings and potential customers. Your introduction involves clearly describing how your products or services can solve their problems or fulfill their needs.
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, hiring selecting, onboarding employee. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it. Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of workers. Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while others only a single recruiter. In addition, many organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms. Companies almost always recruit candidates for new positions via advertisements, job boards, social media, and others. Many companies utilize recruiting software to more effectively and efficiently source top candidates. Regardless, recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of Human Resources. Best Telecaller Recruitment Agency in India helps in various aspects. To ensure an organization’s recruitment activities are well thought out, effective and efficient, an organization may develop a recruitment strategy. The recruitment may cover items such as the size of the organization, the overall economy, and the competition for similar candidates, the attractiveness of the organization, labor laws and other legal considerations. Effective recruitment means that the person employed for the job is the best possible candidate for it, with all the required skills, talents and qualifications of the job.
Telecalling is one of the best and cost-effective tools that can help you reach potential customers globally and decide whether a particular country will be apt for investment or not. Outsourcing to a service provider can provide a number of benefits to telecalling businesses, such as reduced operational costs, including payroll, benefits and infrastructure costs. This enables companies to provide 24/7 customer support, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing support anytime. Top Telecaller Recruitment Agency in India that provide service many ways.
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