thecpdiary · 2 years
The Narrative has Changed
I live behind a school, one that I went to as a child. That’s not so funny, it shows I haven’t moved far, and the school wasn’t great.  But as I watched the children play, my thoughts went back to my school days and what lay in store for me.
The ‘political narrative’ has changed
Politics has changed its narrative, it’s toxic and politicians should be putting us first. In the pandemic we should all continue to be protected. Home for the foreseeable, politicians are clearly putting themselves first, they should be putting us first.
Life has become harder to navigate
It has become harder for us to navigate our lives, because we are doing so around a virus we can’t see, or know it is there.
The world has become harder to navigate, particularly for those with a disability, or anyone who deals with a mental disability and who struggles to understand. As I looked out of the window, my thoughts went to those children.
In twenty years’ time, how will they fare, given the political landscape. Are politicians setting them up to fail? it’s an issue.
For those whose lives have yet to start
Where people are back in their lives without the mandatory restrictions, for those like me at home with a disability, our lives have yet to start again. Where the political narrative has changed, we all need to continue to be a support, wearing masks is no hardship and is a support for others, who need you to mask up.
I may have a disability, but I still have my life to life. Staying protected, we should all be able to navigate our lives, looking out for each other, and staying protected. And while the narrative has changed, and I a ‘home’ I am unable to reconcile and still find myself asking, ‘how can this be?’
Scientists haven’t said the virus is gone. Politicians should be putting us first.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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newbeltane · 6 years
Sick and tired of this #brexit process being in deadlock? Why not sign up to the @MakeVotesMatter website and demand your MP backs a change in the voting system so all our voices are genuinely heard. #politicsisbroken #mvm
— Lee Burkwood (@lee_b_20) March 26, 2019
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