#Portable Hammock Chair
Asking as someone going to be living shipboard for the first time; there any little comforts/ oft-overlooked items you've learned to always pack over the years? Things that aren't your bog-standard 'warm layers, hand-balm, good knife' but more, things you wouldn't necessarily think of until you want for them.
Good question! Off the top of my head: I got one of those little battery-operated strings of LED lights to hang up inside of my bunk. And my own twin sheet/pillowcase/cheap blanket, instead of just a sleeping bag! I don't bother with those for short trips, but if I'm living aboard the whole season, those made the little space feel much cozier and mine.
Other than that... my kindle, bc there's not a lot of room for physical books. A little sewing kit - most ships have sail needles, etc. but it was nice to have some tools better suited for clothing. A portable phone charger - it's not always convenient/possible to plug in a charger. A deck of cards, my own ceramic mug, a lil pod of water flavoring, my favorite tea - all things that made me happy to have. Wet wipes if it's going to be hot, those little instant hot packs if it's cold out. I knew someone who always had cinnamon toothpicks to chew on and others who had a collapsible camp chair or a hammock to take to the park on days off.
There's probably others, but like you say, it's hard to think of them unless you need them! The above have all improved my quality of life when I had them on hand, though. I hope everything goes well!
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heresiae · 1 month
A Glamping rant
I have to say, in my opinion, people that coined the term "glamping" are either envy of other people equipment, think that camping = suffering/being almost as wild as a wolf.
it's not.
my parent use to have a tent the size of a room, in full canvas, with dividers for the sleeping area and a very big porch. of course it took the entire roof of their car went they went camping, but they also had cots and all the furniture. these were the 70s and mostly everybody had them (I have to say, the air tents did change the game for family in terms of space carrying). nobody called them spoiled, it was just a different way of camping (especially for areas with lots of rain...).
wen I was born they went from carrying the (quite big and heavy) tent to rent caravans (on the site). we still called it camping (we were on a camp ground after all).
of course, when you first start camping you have like three things: your tent, your sleeping stuff and a lamp.
then you evolve. you start to buy more equipment, a better tent (because after a few rainy days you realize that the cheap tent has way too many weak points), more lights, the gas stove and cutlery, the table and chair (and of course an hammock). then it comes the tarp (above your tent but mostly the "living" area to be able to use it when it rains). also, a portable fridge, because in some places is way less expensive to arrive fully prepared (and thus you'll evolve to have one of these little guys. yes, it does make a difference).
honestly, with all the stuff I had this year the only reason that you couldn't call my camping "glamping" was the tent, because it's still an igloo (a very practical and nice igloo. not in production anymore, sorry. it's very effective with any weather).
and I can't actually fully afford "glamping", because a family had this baby up there and let me tell, you can call it glamping as much as you want, but they ride the two storms we had like champions (but if they stuck with this year campsite they will save so much money in the next 10 years with their two young kids; you spend couple of thousand of euros once and then basically like less than 500 at year for two weeks up there with everyone. that's a win).
let me tell you another thing though: they still had to collect and chop wood, clean their utensil in the communal sink, use the camp stove to cook, dry their clothes on improvised rack lines, deal with bugs, had a tarp over the kitchen and table, fight the rain to go to the bathroom, etc. the only difference was that they did not suffer humidity and cold once in their tent. plus, (and trust me on this one), the more equipment you have, the more effort you have to put in preparation, dismantling and maintenance. "glamping" it's not that easy, unless someone does it for you (that is the Hemingway way).
camping is not much about how little stuff you can survive with, but to be closer to nature. to open your tent and have it in your face. it's also community. camping lifestyle involve a lot of trust in other people honestly, because you literally left your possessions unguarded in your tent or outside (not much use in bringing your phone if there is no reception). it's also sharing help, clothes lines, food, chats. if you see someone struggles, you help them. you keep an eye on kids playing because yes. you also kind of chastise the ones that not follow community rule. if you're still noisy after 10pm someone will come to tell you to stop it. if it's raining and you're not in you tent, I will collect your clothes for you and put it in you porch. it's literally the construction of a temporary old times village with people you'll never see again but it was very nice to meet (and I have to tell you, this year the Dutchs have won my hearth).
anyway, being so close to 40, I realize that igloos are not that nice for me anymore. I don't have the spirit or the back to keep using them up there. they're still good for seaside though and that's where I will use them from now.
for the next year I'm thinking this. Because if you just have to sleep, the rule of buy a tent of the number of people using it + 1 is good, but if you have to live in it most of the day (or all day), it's probably a +2.
can't afford a hot tent, but I'll definitely carefully manage a camping gas heather.
call it glamping as much as you want, meanwhile I will collect, saw and cut wood for that night bonfire and have a cuppa while thinking on which river spot I will read that afternoon.
(also, hammocks with mosquitoes net rules).
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Under the Stars
A/N: Finally. Finally! This fic is finished! Well, as good as it's gonna get. Massive thanks to @ariamichel for your help and support getting through this one!
Pairing: Lucifer x Delphi
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Biting (always biting...), mention of a traffic accident in the past, and I think that's it? As always, let me know if I missed anything
Summary: Delphi takes Lucifer to the human world to watch a once-in-a-lifetime meteor storm
After dinner, Delphi practically sprints back to her room to pack. By her watch, she has two hours until sunset in the human world. It’ll take her no time to get there, but it’ll take an hour to get to her spot and another half hour to get the tripod, camera, and telescope set up. She has to get moving.
She grabs her duffel and shoves a blanket, a pillow, and a change of clothes in it. Then she digs out her car keys and cellphone from her bedside table. Even if it doesn’t have a charge, she can charge it in the car on the way. She knows that her telescope and tripod are in the trunk of her Outback, along with a couple camp chairs, a card table, and a cooler that she can fill with ice and drinks. There’s also a portable hammock stand and a hammock in there somewhere, though she isn’t sure all the wing nuts are there for the stand.
Finally, she heads back to the kitchen to grab a couple snacks from the cabinets. As she packs a small bag, mostly full of non-perishables like chips and a spicy trail mix that Mammon had introduced her to, she’s too preoccupied to notice someone enter the kitchen behind her.
“I was expecting to find Beel raiding the kitchen, not you,” Lucifer says, his voice soft with a hint of amusement.
Delphi whips around, slamming her head into a cabinet door as she does. “OW! Fuck, Lucifer! How many times? How many times do I have to ask you to make some more noise when you walk into a room?”
She prods at her head tenderly, pulling back her fingers every now and then to check that she isn’t bleeding. Satisfied, she turns back to close the cabinet, before looking back to Lucifer. He’s leaning on the island, looking gorgeous as usual, an amused smirk curling up the corners of his lips. She can’t help but smile, seeing him there.
“Anyway, despite the concussion that I almost certainly have now, you’re exactly the demon I was hoping to run into. I had something I wanted to ask you.”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “Does it have something to do with why you’re raiding the cabinets?”
She laughs, “It does, actually! I’m going up to the human world for the night and I wanted to see if you would come with me.”
He narrows his eyes at her. “Why are you going up to the human world?”
Delphi’s face lights up as she begins, “So, the Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight. It’s the most spectacular of the year. And astronomers are predicting this year’s to be a meteor storm. They’re saying it could peak at 20,000 meteors or more per hour. If it makes it to that, it’ll look like it’s raining stars. Or like the sky’s falling. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime sight for a lot of humans.”
Resting on his elbows, Lucifer asks, “Will it be a once-in-a-lifetime sight for you?”
Delphi shakes her head, her gaze shifting to somewhen long ago. “No, I’ve seen it before. There was a cluster of storms between 1999 and 2002 that I got to see. But they only peaked at around 3000 per hour. 20,000…I can’t even imagine.”
As she’s staring wistfully into the past, Lucifer moves around the island to stand in front of her and grasps her hands. He brings both of them up and kisses the back of each, giving her a soft smile.
“Of course I’ll go with you, love. When do we need to leave?”
Smiling ear-to-ear, Delphi tilts her head to look at her watch. “No more than fifteen minutes from now. I have everything packed, it’s just a matter of if you want to bring anything now.”
“I don’t need to bring anything,” Lucifer chuckles, kissing the backs of her hands again. “Let’s go.”
“What in the world is that?”
Delphi giggles, opening the rear driver’s side door of her beaten-up Subaru with a sickening creak. “This is Celia, my 2010 Subaru Outback. I know she’s pretty banged up; my brother rolled her a few years back. But her engine is still pristine and her tires are brand new. She’ll get us where we’re going safe and sound, I promise. Have you really not met her yet?”
She tosses the duffel and snack bags into the back seat as Lucifer shakes his head, then finesses the door closed, jiggling the handle until she feels it latch. She climbs into the driver’s seat, grinning as Lucifer pulls at the passenger’s side handle to no avail. She starts the engine before leaning over and opening the door for her very perplexed and highly annoyed demon.
“Sorry,” she laughs as Lucifer gets in and pointedly fastens his seatbelt. “Since the accident, that door only opens from the inside. Usually I’ll leave the window down in the garage, but I’ve been gone for so long that I didn’t want to risk it.”
“And you never thought to get your car repaired after your brother ‘rolled it’?” Lucifer asks, crossing his long legs.
“Oh, I couldn’t afford that shit,” Delphi snorts. “I couldn’t afford a new car either. So, Celia got the necessary work to function and we kept going.”
“We can buy you a new car, or get this one repaired if you’d prefer.”
Delphi huffs out a laugh, pulling out of the garage and onto the road. “I’d like to get Celia fixed up one day. But she’s okay for now. Anyway, you might as well settle in. It’s an hour drive to the farm we’re going to.”
“Does your family own this farm?” Lucifer asks. “I know you don’t speak to them but-“
“No,” Delphi interrupts. “It’s not my family’s. The land belongs to my former boss and her wife. I got pretty close with them after my mom pulled her bullshit. They let me come out here whenever there’s a meteor shower. I just text them when I’m coming out and they keep the dogs put away, leave me to it. We won’t have to worry about anybody sneaking up on us or anything.”
“Was that a worry?” Lucifer looks over at her with eyebrows raised.
“It’s always a worry out in the country,” Delphi laughs.
They arrive at the gate with forty-five minutes to spare, just enough time to get to her stargazing spot and get set up. Delphi parks the car and gets out to open the gate, waving at Lucifer to stay put. She giggles as he tries to protest, “I’ve been doing this for years, I don’t need any help. Just stay there while I open the gate.”
After the car is pulled through and the gate is closed again, Delphi navigates down a wooded trail to a massive grassy clearing. She parks the car and hops out, beckoning for Lucifer to join her. She tosses him the duffel and instructs him to spread the blanket while she sets up her telescope and camera. The sky is already nearly completely dark, so she sets up her tripod and telescope using her headlights.
When everything is finally set up, Delphi lets out a contented sigh. “I’m gonna shut off the car, now. I know you’ll be able to see, but my eyes will need a minute to adjust.”
“Would you like help getting to the blanket?” Lucifer offers, only half teasing.
Delphi rolls her eyes, but smiles. She shuts off the car and closes the door, dousing the clearing in a sudden inky darkness. Her vision is nearly completely black, so she rests her back against Celia until a gloved hand takes hers and tugs her gently away. She lets him lead her to the blanket and guide her down to sitting. Delphi thinks that's that. But after a moment of rustling that she determines had to be Lucifer sitting down, he pulls her into his lap, chuckling at her startled yelp.
“The stars really are beautiful here,” Lucifer muses, resting his chin on the top of Delphi’s head as he holds her close.
Delphi huffs, “I wouldn’t know. I still can’t see.”
She focuses her eyes at the sky, able to see a few stars beginning to appear in her field of vision. It’ll take a few more minutes before her eyes are fully adjusted but she can see a few meteors already, falling like a dripping faucet to the earth.
“Oh, Lucifer, do you see them?” she sighs, gripping his forearms where they’re wrapped around her shoulders.
“I do,” he responds. “This is hardly 20,000 per hour.”
Delphi giggles, still staring up at the stars. “We won’t see that rate until later. If we see it. Those rates usually don’t happen until just before sunrise. Around two or three.”
As her eyes adjust to the low light, thousands more silvery stars begin to appear above her. The Leonids fall above her like rain, streaking the sky with their icy glow and taking her breath away. And this wasn’t even the true peak.
“I can see why ancient humans might have thought that the sky was falling or the world was ending when something like this happened,” Delphi breathes, unable to bring her voice above a whisper. She stares into the sky with reverence and awe. “It looks like it’s raining stars. They must have been terrified.”
Lucifer chuckles, grabbing her by the hips and turning her in his lap to straddle him. He looks into her eyes and pushes one loose pink curl behind her ear and adds in a low breath, “Until they woke the next morning. To find that the sun had risen on a new day and they were very much alive.”
“Obviously,” Delphi scoffs, rolling her eyes. The fond smile doesn’t leave her delicate lips as she drapes her arms over Lucifer’s shoulders and wraps her legs around his waist.
“What is it about the stars that fascinates you so?” Lucifer asks, rubbing the exposed skin of her hips with his thumbs.
Delphi lets out a wistful sigh, looking back up at the sky where the rain of light continues. “There’s a certain romanticism to the stars and the night sky,” she tries to explain as the display above shines in her eyes. “Humans have always had this sense of adventure and discovery. We sailed the oceans to find out what was on the other side. We trekked through jungles and climbed mountains and explored the depths of caves, all just to find out what was there. And we’ve dreamed about doing the same with the stars since ancient times. We’ve called them angels and souls, come up with stories about how they were formed and how the constellations were placed. All of that to try to understand, to get closer to them.
“But we can’t. Not really. Because each star we see in the night sky is a sun like ours, millions of lightyears away. Possibly surrounded by its own solar system, providing life to its own people, different from us but still the same. Looking out into space and wondering the same things we do: if there’s more out there, if there are others out there, who think and feel and love like we do. And…I really didn’t mean to get so existential there.”
Delphi laughs, cheeks burning as she rests her head on Lucifer’s chest. She giggles into his tie, “I would have been an astrophysicist if I was any good at physics.”
“Will you never cease to amaze me?” Lucifer breathes. He carefully takes her chin in his hand and gently lifts her face to look at him.
The light of the stars and the celestial rain catch his dark hair just right to form a silvery halo around his head. Though Delphi has seen him in visions before the fall, with his golden halo and his six dove-white wings, she can’t imagine him any more beautiful than he is right now: dressed in black and red and glowing silver in the starlight. Without another thought, she takes his face in her hands and brings her lips to his in a soft kiss.
It's moments like these that she loves the most. Resting here in Lucifer’s arms, no worries, no cares, just his lips moving against hers slowly, languidly, like they have all the time in the world. And maybe they do, she thinks as she feels his hands move from her hips to slide under her shirt, his fingertips tracing her curves and leaving trails of heat in their wake. She feels him grin against her lips as she arches her back in response to her touch and she rolls her eyes.
As Lucifer pulls away to trail kisses along her jaw, Delphi finds herself shivering, goosebumps tracing the pathways of her nerves along her skin. She clings to him, heat pooling in her lower abdomen as he sinks his teeth into the soft skin of her neck, leaving purplish bruises behind. Her moans ring out into the stillness of the night, low and breathy at first but gaining pitch and volume as she grinds down on the bulge in Lucifer’s slacks. She wants him. She wants all of him. Here, under the stars and the meteor rain, she wants to taste eternity with him if for only this one night.
She shivers again as he pushes her jacket off her shoulders, this time from the cool November air hitting her bare skin. He trails his hands down her arms, stopping at the hem of her shirt.
“Don't stop,” Delphi whispers, taking his hands and guiding them under the olive green fabric.
Lucifer obliges, lifting her shirt up and over her head. As he tosses it to the side, he raises an eyebrow. “How very naughty, my love,” he rumbles into the delicate flesh of her throat, the contact leaving her pact mark burning and tingling pleasantly. His hands wander to her bare breasts and he massages them gently, taking first one nipple and then the other and rolling them between him fingers.
“Just wait…until you see…what’s under my jeans,” Delphi pants, leaning into his touch.
Lucifer pulls back, grinning wickedly at her. “And just what exactly is under your jeans?”
Feeling her face burning along with her pact mark, Delphi smiles coyly, “Why not find out?”
She lays back, arching her back so that she can rest her head against the blanket. Lucifer slowly undoes the button and the zipper of her jeans, caressing the bare skin of her hips as he pulls them down. He chuckles, “Very naughty, indeed. Did you plan this the entire time?”
“It’s laundry day,” Delphi replies with a laugh. She lets him finish pulling off her jeans, then takes his offered hand and allows Lucifer to pull her back up into his lap.
He places soft kisses along her jaw and neck, moving down to her collarbones and across her chest with an appreciative hum. He raises his eyes to meet hers and murmurs into her skin, “You are a wonder, my love.”
“A very cold wonder,” Delphi mutters, giving him an apologetic smile. Despite how warm he is, she’s losing feeling in her fingers and toes. With a chuckle, Lucifer removes his coat and drapes it over her shoulders. This time when Delphi shivers, it’s with delight at the sudden warmth. “Much better.”
“Good,” Lucifer purrs, bringing his lips back to her bare chest. His ruby eyes glow in the low light as his gaze rakes over her exposed form.
Delphi melts under the heat of his gaze, grinding down on him once more before he grasps her hips and holds her in place. He gives her a sly grin. “Patience, love. We have all night, remember?”
Delphi whines, wiggling her hips, “I don’t want to wait all night! Please, Lucifer? Just this once, don’t make me wait.”
As she pleads, she begins undoing the buttons of his vest, continuing until she reaches the waistband of his slacks. She looks up at him with a pout. “Lucifer?”
The demon sighs, an exasperated smile on his face. “How can I ever say no to you? My lovely little human.”
Delphi makes quick work of the remaining barriers between them then positions herself over his already leaking tip. As she sinks down onto his shaft, his girth feeling as though it might split her in two, she lets out a high moan, eyes rolling back into her skull. She bounces lightly, getting accustomed to him a little at a time, until he’s fully seated within her soaked walls.
“I love you,” she whispers as she begins to move, rolling her hips agonizingly slowly. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling Lucifer in close enough to press kisses into his neck and jaw. She continues at her languid pace, whispering into his ear again and again, “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
She brings her hands up to tangle in his hair, reveling in the low groan that rips from her demon’s chest as she grips his hair tightly and pulls. The warmth gathering in her belly spreads, causing her legs to tremble and her breath to become uneven. But she continues exactly as she is, rolling her hips onto his length with every whispered declaration of love, driving him mad.
Lucifer tries to be good, tries to allow her to take things at her own pace, but he is a demon. How can he resist her temptation when the scent of her arousal wraps around him like the morning fog, sweet and intoxicating? When she’s entirely nude and stretched around him so beautifully? He grasps her hips tightly and holds her in place, slamming up into her at a pace that she’s sure will leave her bruised but feels absolutely wonderful. Delphi clings to him, grabbing fistfuls of his dark gray button-down as hand holds as he pounds into her relentlessly, ripping cries of ecstasy from her lips.
Tear prick at the corners of her eyes as Delphi cries, “Fuck, L-Lucifer!”
“You are absolutely perfect, my love,” Lucifer whispers into the shell of her ear. The way she clenches around him at the sensation of his breath in her ear drags a deep groan from his chest. He snakes one hand up between her shoulder blades and commands, “Lie back. I want to see you.”
Delphi nods, heat rising even further into her cheeks and to the tips of her ears. She allows him to shift their position so that she lies on her back and he towers over her, eyes fixated on where their bodies connect, where she stretches so beautifully around him. It makes his heart ache, realizing how much love he can feel for one being. One human.
Taking one of her hands in his and pinning it above her head, Lucifer leans down to capture Delphi’s lips in a soft, reverent kiss. He whispers into her lips, “You are so beautiful.”
He resumes thrusting into her, slower, more deliberate, hitting her every sweet spot. Delphi whines, arching her back and spreading her legs wider. She grips his hand tightly as his other lightly caresses her side, her hip, her inner thigh. She shivers under his touch, the tension in her belly growing. With every drag of his shaft against her walls, it builds until she’s panting and whimpering and begging for release.
“I’m so close, Luci,” she whines into his kiss. “Please-!”
Lucifer chuckles, moving to place a kiss just below her ear. He asks breathily, “Do you want to come, love?”
She nods desperately, every muscle in her body tense and eyes shut tight.
“We came to watch the stars,” Lucifer breathes, taking her earlobe between his teeth. “Open your eyes, my love.”
Delphi does as she’s told, looking up into the night sky to watch once again as the stars seem to fall like rain above them. As she watches the meteor storm above, Lucifer snaps his hips into hers, harder and faster until she’s clenching around him and tears are falling from her wide-open eyes as she cries out her release. Lucifer follows soon after, gripping her hip tightly as he fills her with his seed.
“Remind me to come stargazing with you more often,” Lucifer laughs, breathless, into her ear.
Delphi giggles, running her free hand through his hair. “The next time we can do this will probably be the Lyrids in April. Put it on your calendar.”
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Picnic Day 
Picnics are the ultimate al fresco experience! With a basket full of delicious treats and a cozy blanket, bask in the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and make beautiful memories with loved ones.
Going for a picnic has been an amusing pastime for many generations, as people love the idea of being able to soak up some sunshine and eat a meal at the same time! It likely started from a practical standpoint, with hunting parties or travelers who needed to take portable food with them on their journeys.
But now, National Picnic Day is here to show appreciation for this practice!
History of National Picnic Day
It seems that the word for picnic may have been derived from the French word “pique-nique”, which may have described something more elaborate involving a lot more drink and a lot less food. But the concept has evolved over time to simply describe an experience where food is enjoyed outside – and a nice bottle of wine can certainly be part of this!
Picnic baskets, picnic blankets, coolers and camping chairs might all be part of a picnic now. Add a football, a guitar or a hammock to relax in and the picnic can become an amazing event.
Whether simple or elaborate, including a seven course meal or just some sandwiches from a convenience store on a park bench during a lunch break from work, National Picnic Day is here to pay homage to the concept of this fun and unique departure from normal and boring eating.
National Picnic Day Timeline
14th Century Medieval hunting feasts
One predecessor to the modern version of picnics is the medieval hunting parties that would stop and eat along the way.
1801 The Pic Nic Society is formed
A popular group of at least 200 fashionable Londoners, fans of everything French, form a society where extravagant picnics are held—with lots of wine. 
1886 Famous picnic painting makes its debut
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, depicting picnic scenes near the water, is finished by Georges Seurat in the pointillist technique. 
1967 First Congressional Picnic is held in the US
President Lyndon B. Johnson and wife Lady Bird host a picnic on the South Lawn of the White House for members of Congress, staff members and their families, which becomes an annual event.
How to Celebrate National Picnic Day
Have the time of your life celebrating and enjoying National Picnic Day with some of these delightful ideas:
Go On a Picnic
The most obvious and sensible way to pay honor and respect to National Picnic Day is to pack up a basket or cooler, grab a blanket to sit on, and head out with some friends or family members for a picnic. It’s possible to go to the park, a local nature preserve, or even just the backyard, whatever is accessible and convenient. A little patch of green grass is all that is needed. Struggling with rainy weather or a cold snap? Don’t let it get you down! Just adjust those expectations and lay that blanket out in the middle of the living room. Then have a picnic right inside the house. It’s possible to have fun and participate in National Picnic Day even when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Get Some New Picnic Gear
Although it isn’t totally necessary as it is possible to sit on park benches or even at a picnic table, having a blanket or basket that is dedicated specifically to picnicking is a clever way to make it motivating to go on more picnics. Check out some of these supplies and gear that can help make a picnic even better:
Picnic Basket – Maybe it’s a brand new basket designed just for picnicking, with all of the pockets and containers that hold the flatware and plates. Or maybe it’s a large vintage wicker basket that is just waiting to be filled up, a lovely basket can be super inspiring when it comes to heading outdoors to enjoy a meal.
Picnic Blanket – When getting a blanket for sitting on the ground, it’s smart to choose a design that has a keen ability to hide spills and stains. Colorful plaid blankets are a traditional pattern that can hide all sorts of issues. Also, choose a blanket that is easily washable so it can quickly be thrown into the laundry and made ready for the next time a picnic is on the calendar.
Portable Hammocks – Some people who have a bit of extra time might like to pack a hammock or two for their picnic, allowing them to take a little swinging rest or even a nap following their delicious and tasty outside meal.
Organize a Community Picnic
National Picnic Day can act as an excellent excuse to get a group of people together to appreciate one another’s company and share some food outside. Perhaps this means arranging for a group of coworkers to take their lunch break outside on this day. Or maybe school teachers or parents will use the day as a time to enjoy a picnic on the playground with the students or kids.
Perhaps local community leaders would like to celebrate the event on a larger scale, arranging a band to perform live music at a local park and inviting families to bring their own picnics and participate. Picnics can offer a convenient and fun way to bring people together without a great deal of fuss!
Make That Picnic Eco-Friendly
Spending time outdoors and appreciating nature can be a great reminder that humans can do their part to take care of the earth. Making a picnic sustainable and eco-friendly is a perfect goal for appreciating National Picnic Day!
Instead of littering the planet with tons of plastic water bottles, have some reusable, refillable stainless-steel water bottles for each participant. (It may be best to avoid glass in nature parks as it can break and create a hazard).
Avoid plastic utensils or throwaway plates. Instead, go for some washable portable plates and utensils in bamboo, then take them home and wash them. Also, replace plastic bags or cling wrap with recyclable aluminum foil or reusable bees-wax wrap. Cloth napkins are a more eco-friendly option as well.
Pack foods that cut down on packaging, such as fruits – which conveniently come in their own natural wrappers. Choose local produce that supports eco-friendly practices. And when throwing leftover food away, don’t forget to compost those scraps!
Create a National Picnic Day Playlist
Picnics can be even more fun when accompanied by delightful music. Whether it’s songs that have the word picnic in the title, or just songs that go well with the theme, prepare for the day by creating a collection of songs with the picnic vibe. Get started by trying out some of these songs to add to a National Picnic Day Playlist:
Going on a Picnic by Raffi (1979)
Stoned Soul Picnic by The 5th Dimension (1968)
Picnic by The McGuire Sisters (1959)
Talkin’ Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues by Bob Dylan (1962)
National Picnic Day FAQs
What to bring on a picnic?
The packing list for a picnic includes a blanket, plates, glasses, utensils, napkins and lots of easy to eat food.
Where does the word picnic come from?
Many researchers think the word comes from the French “pique-nique” which was a light, informal meal where people would nibble food. 
Is picnic a verb or a noun?
The word ‘picnic’ can be used as either a verb or a noun! Someone can either picnic, or they can go on a picnic. 
Do picnics reset spawns?
In the world of Pokemon, the Picnic Reset Method can cause a new set to spawn.
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Portable Canvas Hammock Chair, ... Price 193.96$ CLICK TO BUY
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Camping Girl's Unicorn Oasis: Cute Rainbow Party Camper Bliss
A "Camping Girl Cute Rainbow Unicorn Party Camper" theme brings a whimsical touch to outdoor adventures! Perfect for young campers and their friends, this fun concept combines the magic of unicorns with the joy of camping. Imagine vibrant decorations featuring
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colorful rainbows, playful unicorn graphics, and campsite essentials in pastel hues, transforming a typical camping trip into a fantastical celebration.
Activities can include crafting unicorn-inspired friendship bracelets, baking rainbow-themed treats, and outdoor games that encourage teamwork and creativity. Campfire storytelling can take a magical twist with unicorn tales, sparking imagination and wonder. Additionally, personalized camping gear, such as unicorn-themed sleeping bags, mugs, and tents, can make each child feel special and connected to the theme.
This charming idea not only creates unforgettable memories but also fosters a love for nature and outdoor exploration among kids. With a Camping Girl Cute Rainbow Unicorn Party Camper theme, every camping trip becomes a magical gathering filled with laughter, joy, and a splash of adventure, making it the perfect choice for young adventurers!
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Camping themed gifts are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to enhance their camping experience. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, holiday, or simply showing appreciation, these thoughtful gifts provide both practicality and joy. Consider essentials like durable camping gear, such as high-quality tents, versatile cooking kits, or cozy sleeping bags designed for comfort out in nature.
Unique gadgets like portable LED lights, multi-tools, or compact hammocks add convenience and fun to any camping trip. Fun camping accessories, like personalized mugs or whimsical outdoor games, make memorable additions to a campsite. Don’t forget to
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include items that enhance relaxation, such as lightweight chairs or insulated blankets designed for cool evenings around the campfire.
With camping themed gifts, you not only help loved ones create lasting memories but also encourage their passion for adventure and exploration in the great outdoors. Choose gifts that celebrate the spirit of camping and the beauty of nature!
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focusedmarketinsights · 4 months
U.S. Camping Sleeping Bags Market - Focused Insights 2024-2029
The U.S. camping sleeping bags market was valued at USD 586.08 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 855.09 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 6.50% during the forecast period. The market is experiencing growth driven by the increasing popularity of outdoor recreation activities. As more individuals seek adventure and nature experiences, the demand for camping equipment, including camping sleeping bags, continues to rise.
The U.S. camping sleeping bags market shipments are projected to reach 11,392.30 thousand units by 2029. The increasing popularity of camping and outdoor activities is a significant driver for the growth of the camping sleeping bags market. As more individuals engage in adventure sports and recreational activities, the demand for camping sleeping bags has surged. These bags provide essential comfort and warmth during outdoor stays.
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Growing Preference For Lightweight & Compact Gear: Modern campers prioritize convenience and portability. Lightweight and compact camping sleeping bags allow them to explore without feeling burdened. Ultralight camping sleeping bags, designed to weigh significantly less than traditional ones, are ideal for backpackers covering long distances. Compact camping sleeping bags with innovative designs compress into small packages, saving valuable space in backpacks. Collapsible cookware, foldable pots, cups, and utensils allow campers to enjoy hot meals without sacrificing space. Even furniture like compact chairs, tables, and hammocks enhance comfort without adding bulk.
The mummy camping sleeping bags segment holds the largest share, with over 55% of the U.S. camping sleeping bags market in 2023. The segmental growth is primarily due to its compact design and lightweight, which is well-suited and more favorable for backpackers and hikers. The versatility of mummy bags makes them suitable even for extreme conditions and specialized activities like alpine climbing and winter camping, presenting an opportunity for niche market penetration and premium pricing strategies.
The hybrid insulation segment showcases the highest growth rate in the U.S. market, with a CAGR of 7.20% by revenue during the forecast period. Hybrid insulation camping sleeping bags combine the best attributes of down and synthetic materials. They balance warmth, weight, and moisture resistance, making them versatile for various camping conditions and environments, thus growing the segment.
The 1 season segment is showing significant growth, with the fastest-growing CAGR in the U.S. camping sleeping bags market. The segmental growth can be primarily due to its lightweight and breathable insulation. It is suitable for mild temperatures and caters to campers engaging in summer backpacking trips, music festivals, and outdoor events.
The individual end-user segment dominates the U.S. camping sleeping bags market share. The individual end-user segment represents the largest segment comprising outdoor enthusiasts, backpackers, and recreational campers who purchase sleeping bags for personal use during camping trips, hiking excursions, and outdoor adventures, thus helping the segment to grow.
The U.S. camping sleeping bags market report contains exclusive data on 31 vendors. The U.S. camping sleeping bags market's competitive scenario is intensifying, with global and domestic players offering a diverse range of products. Regarding market share, a few major players are currently dominating the market. Some companies that are currently dominating the market are Big Agnes, Exxel Outdoors, Marmot, REI, and Mountain Hardwear.
In 2023, Therm-a-Rest, one of the prominent vendors, introduced the Space Cowboy 45-Degree Synthetic Mummy Sleeping Bag. This bag showcases innovation by seamlessly combining a lightweight design with synthetic insulation, catering specifically to warm-weather camping enthusiasts. The use of synthetic materials not only ensures durability but also enhances moisture resistance, addressing common challenges faced during summer expeditions. This strategic launch in July reflects Therm-a-Rest's commitment to meeting seasonal demands and providing campers with a reliable option for summer adventures.
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bestadventureproducts · 6 months
Adventures Unwind: The Synergy of Cycling, Biking, and Hammocks
In today's fast-paced world, finding the perfect balance between work, responsibilities, and personal well-being has become more important than ever. 
One way to achieve this harmony is by immersing ourselves in outdoor activities that provide both physical exertion and mental relaxation. 
Cycling, biking, and hammocks are a unique and exciting combination that recently gained popularity. This intriguing blend offers a thrilling adventure and allows individuals to unwind in the lap of nature. 
Let's delve into this captivating fusion of activities and see how it can transform your outdoor experience.
Cyclin g and Biking: Embracing the Thrill of Motion
Cycling and biking have long been favored activities for those seeking an adrenaline rush and a healthy dose of exercise. Cycling not only enhances cardiovascular fitness but also improves muscle strength and coordination. 
Exploring new terrains on a bike can be a liberating experience, allowing you to connect with nature and your surroundings in a unique way. From challenging mountain trails to serene countryside routes, the options are endless, and each journey presents its own set of rewards.
The Allure of Hammocks: Rest and Rejuvenation
Amidst the exhilaration of cycling and biking, it's essential to find moments of relaxation and tranquility. This is where hammocks come into play. Hammocks have transcended their traditional use in backyards to become an essential accessory for outdoor enthusiasts. 
Picture this: after a thrilling ride, setting up a hammock between two sturdy trees, swaying gently as you soak in the beauty of nature around you. 
Hammocks provide the perfect spot to unwind, read a book, take a nap, or simply gaze at the sky above. The gentle rocking motion has a calming effect, making it an ideal way to destress and recharge your energy.
The Hammock Varieties: From Chairs to Cots
The world of hammocks has expanded beyond the classic two-tree setup. Adventure seekers now have a variety of options to choose from, each catering to different preferences. 
If you're looking for a versatile seating arrangement that can be hung from a porch or a tree branch, hammock chairs are an excellent choice. They provide comfort and a unique vantage point to enjoy your surroundings. 
On the other hand, if you're planning an overnight adventure, sleeping cots offer a convenient and elevated sleeping solution. These cots are portable, easy to set up, and keep you off the ground, providing both comfort and protection from the elements.
Creating the Perfect Outdoor Experience
Imagine a day filled with exhilarating cycling or biking followed by a serene pause in a hammock. This combination not only satisfies your craving for adventure but also nurtures your well-being by allowing you to unwind and connect with nature. 
Whether you're exploring solo, with friends, or with family, this blend of activities caters to various preferences and fitness levels, making it accessible to everyone.
If you're looking to embark on this unique outdoor journey, Adventure HQ offers a range of hammocks, including hammock chairs for leisurely moments and sleeping cots for overnight escapades. These well-crafted accessories are designed to enhance your outdoor experience and ensure you have a comfortable space to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate.
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shristisahu · 7 months
Examining the Hammocks Market by Material, Type, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027
Originally Published on: TechnavioSports Turf Market by Type, Product, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027
The hammocks market is poised to undergo significant growth, with a projected CAGR of 17.9% from 2022 to 2027, resulting in an expected increase in market size of USD 921.91 million. This expansion is attributed to factors such as increased engagement in outdoor recreational activities, advancements in product offerings, and the emergence of private-label brands.
What will be the Scope of the Hammocks Market during the Forecast Period?
Hammocks Market Size
For more comprehensive insights, Access Report Sample
Market Analysis: Key Drivers, Trends, Challenges, and Customer Landscape
The surge in outdoor recreational pursuits drives market expansion, notwithstanding challenges posed by fluctuating raw material prices. Researchers conducted a comprehensive analysis of 2022 data alongside key drivers, trends, and hurdles to assist companies in refining their marketing strategies for a competitive edge.
Key Driver
The increasing participation in outdoor activities, spurred by lifestyle shifts and health awareness, fuels market growth. Consumers seek relaxation through outdoor endeavors, leading to heightened demand for leisure products like hammocks, particularly in regions such as Europe and North America.
Prominent Trends
Manufacturers prioritize the development of comfort-centric products, designing hammocks for versatile use in camping and leisure activities. Innovations in design, materials, and features like two-person hammocks and hybrid bean bags enhance user experience, driving market expansion.
Main Challenge
Fluctuations in raw material prices increase manufacturing costs, impacting profit margins. Rising prices of materials like polypropylene and polyamide affect product affordability, limiting purchase volumes.
Key Market Customer Landscape
The report outlines the market adoption journey from innovators to laggards, focusing on regional penetration rates and purchase criteria. Insights provided assist companies in devising growth strategies.
Hammocks Market Share by Geography
Global Market Customer Landscape
Leading Hammocks Market Vendors
Companies employ various strategies such as alliances and product launches to bolster their market presence. ATC Furniture offers outdoor patio rattan hanging chairs and bamboo wicker hanging chaise lounges.
Fastest-Growing Segment
The nylon hammocks segment experiences significant growth due to its lightweight, durable, and cost-effective nature. Technological advancements, including automatic folding features, further propel segment growth.
Hammocks Market Size
Explore contributions of various market segments View the PDF Sample
Key Regions
North America is expected to contribute 31% to global market growth, driven by widespread adoption among millennials and university students. The portability and features of nylon hammocks make them popular alternatives to traditional camping gear.
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ccamp1 · 7 months
Exploring the Great Outdoors: A Guide to Car Camping Essentials
Starting a camping trip can be a thrilling experience. Furthermore, having the appropriate tools may make all the difference. With the convenience of Camping equipment online, enthusiasts can quickly gear up for their next escapade. Whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a novice camper, ensuring you have the right essentials for car camping is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable trip.
Choosing the Right Shelter: Tents and More
When it comes to car camping, having a reliable shelter is paramount. A roomy, well-made tent is essential. To guarantee a restful night's sleep, look for characteristics like a simple setup, adequate ventilation, and waterproof qualities. Additionally, investing in a quality sleeping bag and a comfortable sleeping pad can significantly enhance your camping experience, providing warmth and insulation from the ground.
Cooking in the Wild: Essential Kitchen Gear
One of the joys of camping is preparing meals in the great outdoors. To make the most of your culinary adventures, Get utensils, cookware, and a portable camping stove for yourself. A sturdy cooler is essential for keeping perishables fresh, while a compact and efficient water filter ensures a safe and ample water supply. These Car camping essentials can turn your camping kitchen into a convenient and functional space, allowing you to enjoy delicious meals under the open sky.
Lighting up the Night: Lanterns and Headlamps
As the sun sets, reliable lighting becomes crucial for safety and convenience. Invest in a durable lantern to illuminate your campsite and create a cosy ambience. Additionally, a hands-free headlamp is indispensable for tasks like cooking, reading, or navigating around the campsite after dark. Opt for LED lights with long battery life to ensure you're never left in the dark during your outdoor adventures.
Comfort Matters: Chairs and Relaxation Gear
While roughing it in the wilderness is part of the camping experience, comfort should not be compromised. Portable camping chairs offer a comfortable seating option around the campfire or for simply lounging around. Consider bringing a hammock for the ultimate relaxation under the trees. Prioritize comfort when choosing your camping gear to ensure you can unwind and enjoy the serenity of nature.
Staying Warm and Dry: Clothing and Outerwear
Since the weather might change suddenly, it's important to be ready for various scenarios is essential. Pack layers of clothing to stay warm, and remember a waterproof and windproof jacket to shield against the elements. Quality hiking boots provide support and comfort for exploring the surroundings. Remember to pack moisture-wicking socks and a hat to protect yourself from the sun. Being well-prepared with the proper clothing ensures you can comfortably enjoy your camping experience, rain or shine.
Navigating the Wilderness: Maps and Navigation Tools
Even with advanced technology, having a physical map of the area is a smart move. A compass and a reliable GPS device can also be invaluable for navigating unfamiliar terrain. These tools provide a sense of direction and safety, allowing you to explore confidently without the fear of getting lost. Embrace the spirit of adventure, but ensure you have the means to find your way back to camp.
In conclusion, gearing up for a memorable car camping experience is made easy with the convenience of camping equipment online. Ensure you have the right car camping essentials to make the most of your outdoor adventure. For a wide selection of quality camping gear, visit ccamp.com.au. Happy camping!
Source Url:- https://sites.google.com/view/ccampcom77/home
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bestshirtcanbuy · 10 months
All I Want For Christmas Is More Time For Camping Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the joyous tradition of ugly sweater parties. This year, why not shake things up and host an All I Want For Christmas Is More Time For Camping Ugly Sweater Christmas Party? It's a theme that is sure to bring a smile to the face of every outdoor enthusiast, whether they're a man, woman, or anyone in between. Plus, it makes for a unique and memorable gift for everyone attending. The idea behind this theme is to celebrate the love for camping and the great outdoors during the holiday season. While camping might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Christmas, it's a fantastic way to bring people together and enjoy the beauty of nature, even during the colder months. Plus, it's a much-needed reminder for all of us to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life, like spending time with loved ones and exploring the great outdoors. To start off your All I Want For Christmas Is More Time For Camping Ugly Sweater Christmas Party, encourage your guests to dress in their best camping-themed ugly sweaters. Think reindeer with hiking boots, tents with holiday lights, or even a cozy campfire scene. The possibilities are endless, and it's a wonderful way to show off your creativity and festive spirit. Don't forget to offer a prize for the best and most creative sweater, further adding to the excitement of the event. As for gifts, consider camping-related presents that can be enjoyed by everyone attending. For the men, practical items like camping gear, portable grills, or even a personalized multi-tool would make for excellent choices. Women might appreciate cozy sleeping bags, camping-themed jewelry, or even a camping cookbook to try new recipes around the fire. For those who don't fit into the traditional gender categories, opt for gender-neutral gifts such as camping mugs, waterproof speakers, or a stylish camping hammock. To truly immerse your guests in the camping spirit, transform your party space into a winter wonderland campground. Decorate with pinecones, evergreen branches, and fairy lights to create a cozy atmosphere that mimics the outdoors. Set up small tents and camping chairs for seating, and serve up campfire-inspired snacks like s'mores, hot dogs, and warm apple cider. You can even set up a DIY photo booth with camping-themed props so that your guests can capture memories of the evening. Moreover, consider organizing games and activities that are reminiscent of camping trips. From a marshmallow roasting contest to a wilderness scavenger hunt, there are endless possibilities to keep your guests entertained and engaged throughout the night. In conclusion, an All I Want For Christmas Is More Time For Camping Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is a gift that can be enjoyed by men, women, and anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature. It's a unique and memorable way to celebrate the holiday season with loved ones. So gather your friends and family, embrace the spirit of the outdoors, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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campsandtreks · 1 year
Elevate Your Camping Experience: Must-Have Tent Accessories for Every Adventurer
Camping is more than just pitching a tent; it’s about creating a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor experience. To truly elevate your camping adventures, investing in the right tent accessories is key. In this guide, we’ll explore the must-have tent accessories that every adventurer should consider for a seamless and enjoyable camping experience.
Quality Sleep Under the Stars: Tent Flooring and Sleeping Pads
One of the essential aspects of camping is a good night’s sleep. Explore high-quality tent flooring options and sleeping pads designed to provide insulation and comfort, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready for a new day of exploration.
Shelter from the Elements: Top-Notch Tent Rainfly and Tarps
Weather can be unpredictable, but with a reliable tent rainfly or tarp, you can be prepared for anything nature throws at you. Discover the best options that offer excellent protection against rain, wind, and even provide shade on sunny days.
Organized Living: Tent Storage and Organization Solutions
Keep your camping space tidy and organized with innovative tent storage solutions. From hanging organizers to gear lofts, find accessories that make it easy to access your essentials and keep your camping space clutter-free.
Light Up the Night: Camping Lanterns and Tent Lights
When the sun sets, having proper lighting is crucial. Explore the latest in camping lanterns and tent lights, including battery-powered LED options that provide bright illumination without adding extra weight to your gear.
Stay Connected: Solar-Powered Charging Solutions
In the age of technology, staying connected even in the great outdoors is essential for many. Discover solar-powered charging solutions that keep your devices charged, allowing you to capture memories and stay in touch while off the grid.
Comfortable Seating: Portable Camping Chairs and Hammocks
Relaxing around the campfire or enjoying a quiet moment requires comfortable seating. Find the best portable camping chairs and hammocks that offer relaxation without compromising on convenience and portability.
Cooking in the Wild: Camp Stoves and Cooking Accessories
For those who love to cook outdoors, investing in a reliable camp stove and cooking accessories is a game-changer. Explore options that are compact, efficient, and designed for outdoor cooking adventures.
Safety First: Tent Footprints and Emergency Kits
Enhance the longevity of your tent with a durable tent footprint and be prepared for emergencies with compact and essential emergency kits. Safety should always be a top priority in the great outdoors.
Elevating your camping experience is about more than just the destination; it’s about the journey and the gear that accompanies you. Invest in these must-have tent accessories, and you’ll find yourself well-prepared and thoroughly enjoying the wonders of the outdoor world. Happy camping!
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Picnic Day 
Picnics are the ultimate al fresco experience! With a basket full of delicious treats and a cozy blanket, bask in the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and make beautiful memories with loved ones.
Going for a picnic has been an amusing pastime for many generations, as people love the idea of being able to soak up some sunshine and eat a meal at the same time! It likely started from a practical standpoint, with hunting parties or travelers who needed to take portable food with them on their journeys.
But now, National Picnic Day is here to show appreciation for this practice!
History of National Picnic Day
It seems that the word for picnic may have been derived from the French word “pique-nique”, which may have described something more elaborate involving a lot more drink and a lot less food. But the concept has evolved over time to simply describe an experience where food is enjoyed outside – and a nice bottle of wine can certainly be part of this!
Picnic baskets, picnic blankets, coolers and camping chairs might all be part of a picnic now. Add a football, a guitar or a hammock to relax in and the picnic can become an amazing event.
Whether simple or elaborate, including a seven course meal or just some sandwiches from a convenience store on a park bench during a lunch break from work, National Picnic Day is here to pay homage to the concept of this fun and unique departure from normal and boring eating.
National Picnic Day Timeline
14th Century Medieval hunting feasts
One predecessor to the modern version of picnics is the medieval hunting parties that would stop and eat along the way.
1801 The Pic Nic Society is formed
A popular group of at least 200 fashionable Londoners, fans of everything French, form a society where extravagant picnics are held—with lots of wine. 
1886 Famous picnic painting makes its debut
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, depicting picnic scenes near the water, is finished by Georges Seurat in the pointillist technique. 
1967 First Congressional Picnic is held in the US
President Lyndon B. Johnson and wife Lady Bird host a picnic on the South Lawn of the White House for members of Congress, staff members and their families, which becomes an annual event.
How to Celebrate National Picnic Day
Have the time of your life celebrating and enjoying National Picnic Day with some of these delightful ideas:
Go On a Picnic
The most obvious and sensible way to pay honor and respect to National Picnic Day is to pack up a basket or cooler, grab a blanket to sit on, and head out with some friends or family members for a picnic. It’s possible to go to the park, a local nature preserve, or even just the backyard, whatever is accessible and convenient. A little patch of green grass is all that is needed. Struggling with rainy weather or a cold snap? Don’t let it get you down! Just adjust those expectations and lay that blanket out in the middle of the living room. Then have a picnic right inside the house. It’s possible to have fun and participate in National Picnic Day even when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Get Some New Picnic Gear
Although it isn’t totally necessary as it is possible to sit on park benches or even at a picnic table, having a blanket or basket that is dedicated specifically to picnicking is a clever way to make it motivating to go on more picnics. Check out some of these supplies and gear that can help make a picnic even better:
Picnic Basket – Maybe it’s a brand new basket designed just for picnicking, with all of the pockets and containers that hold the flatware and plates. Or maybe it’s a large vintage wicker basket that is just waiting to be filled up, a lovely basket can be super inspiring when it comes to heading outdoors to enjoy a meal.
Picnic Blanket – When getting a blanket for sitting on the ground, it’s smart to choose a design that has a keen ability to hide spills and stains. Colorful plaid blankets are a traditional pattern that can hide all sorts of issues. Also, choose a blanket that is easily washable so it can quickly be thrown into the laundry and made ready for the next time a picnic is on the calendar.
Portable Hammocks – Some people who have a bit of extra time might like to pack a hammock or two for their picnic, allowing them to take a little swinging rest or even a nap following their delicious and tasty outside meal.
Organize a Community Picnic
National Picnic Day can act as an excellent excuse to get a group of people together to appreciate one another’s company and share some food outside. Perhaps this means arranging for a group of coworkers to take their lunch break outside on this day. Or maybe school teachers or parents will use the day as a time to enjoy a picnic on the playground with the students or kids.
Perhaps local community leaders would like to celebrate the event on a larger scale, arranging a band to perform live music at a local park and inviting families to bring their own picnics and participate. Picnics can offer a convenient and fun way to bring people together without a great deal of fuss!
Make That Picnic Eco-Friendly
Spending time outdoors and appreciating nature can be a great reminder that humans can do their part to take care of the earth. Making a picnic sustainable and eco-friendly is a perfect goal for appreciating National Picnic Day!
Instead of littering the planet with tons of plastic water bottles, have some reusable, refillable stainless-steel water bottles for each participant. (It may be best to avoid glass in nature parks as it can break and create a hazard).
Avoid plastic utensils or throwaway plates. Instead, go for some washable portable plates and utensils in bamboo, then take them home and wash them. Also, replace plastic bags or cling wrap with recyclable aluminum foil or reusable bees-wax wrap. Cloth napkins are a more eco-friendly option as well.
Pack foods that cut down on packaging, such as fruits – which conveniently come in their own natural wrappers. Choose local produce that supports eco-friendly practices. And when throwing leftover food away, don’t forget to compost those scraps!
Create a National Picnic Day Playlist
Picnics can be even more fun when accompanied by delightful music. Whether it’s songs that have the word picnic in the title, or just songs that go well with the theme, prepare for the day by creating a collection of songs with the picnic vibe. Get started by trying out some of these songs to add to a National Picnic Day Playlist:
Going on a Picnic by Raffi (1979)
Stoned Soul Picnic by The 5th Dimension (1968)
Picnic by The McGuire Sisters (1959)
Talkin’ Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues by Bob Dylan (1962)
National Picnic Day FAQs
What to bring on a picnic?
The packing list for a picnic includes a blanket, plates, glasses, utensils, napkins and lots of easy to eat food.
Where does the word picnic come from?
Many researchers think the word comes from the French “pique-nique” which was a light, informal meal where people would nibble food. 
Is picnic a verb or a noun?
The word ‘picnic’ can be used as either a verb or a noun! Someone can either picnic, or they can go on a picnic. 
Do picnics reset spawns?
In the world of Pokemon, the Picnic Reset Method can cause a new set to spawn.
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davekendrick · 1 year
Transform Your Backyard Oasis: DIY Garden Projects to Try
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Do you dream of having a beautiful and relaxing backyard oasis? A place where you can escape the stresses of daily life and bask in the beauty of nature? Well, you're in luck! With a little creativity and some DIY skills, you can easily transform your backyard into a haven of tranquility. In this article, we will explore some exciting DIY garden projects to try that will make your backyard the envy of the neighborhood.
1. Build a Vertical Garden
If you have limited space in your backyard, a vertical garden is the perfect solution. It not only maximizes space but also adds a visually stunning element to your outdoor space. You can create your own vertical garden by repurposing a ladder or using wall-mounted planters. Choose a variety of plants with different textures and colors to create a vibrant and eye-catching display.
2. Install a Water Feature
The sound of running water has a calming effect on the mind and can transform your backyard into a peaceful oasis. Install a water feature like a small fountain or a pond to add a touch of serenity to your outdoor space. You can even go a step further and create a mini waterfall using rocks and a pump. The soothing sound of water flowing will create a zen-like atmosphere that is perfect for relaxation.
3. Create a Cozy Seating Area
No backyard oasis is complete without a comfortable seating area where you can unwind and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. Invest in some quality outdoor furniture like a lounge chair, hammock, or a swing. Arrange the seating area in a way that maximizes the view of your garden. You can add some cushions, throw pillows, and a colorful outdoor rug to make it even more inviting.
4. Build a Fire Pit
Extend the usability of your backyard into the evening by building a fire pit. It will not only keep you warm on chilly nights but also create a cozy and intimate atmosphere. You can build a fire pit using bricks or purchase a portable one. Don't forget to add some seating around the fire pit, so you and your guests can comfortably sit and enjoy the warmth of the fire while stargazing.
5. Construct a DIY Planter Box
Bring a touch of greenery and freshness to your backyard by building your own planter box. It's an excellent project for both gardening enthusiasts and beginners. You can customize the size and shape to fit your space and choose the type of plants you want to grow. A planter box filled with colorful flowers or aromatic herbs will add beauty and fragrance to your backyard oasis.
6. Install Outdoor Lighting
Proper lighting can transform your backyard into a magical and enchanting space, even after the sun sets. Install outdoor lighting fixtures like fairy lights, lanterns, or solar-powered LED lights to create a warm and inviting ambiance. Place the lights strategically around your garden to highlight architectural features, walkways, and plants. The soft glow of the lights will create a cozy and inviting atmosphere for entertaining or relaxing.
7. Build a DIY Pergola
A pergola adds an elegant and stylish touch to any backyard. It provides shade, privacy, and a structure for climbing plants like vines or roses. Building a DIY pergola might take a little more time and effort, but the end result will be worth it. There are various pergola designs and materials to choose from, so pick one that complements your overall backyard aesthetic. Hanging some outdoor curtains or installing a retractable canopy will add an extra level of comfort and sophistication.
Transforming your backyard into a beautiful oasis doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a little imagination and some DIY garden projects, you can create a space that brings you joy and serenity. Whether it's building a vertical garden, installing a water feature, or constructing a DIY pergola, these projects will not only enhance the beauty but also the functionality of your outdoor space. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to turn your backyard into a stunning oasis that you can enjoy year-round. Read the full article
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Camping Crew: Unique Camping Experiences You Won't Forget
A "Camping Crew" is a tight-knit group of outdoor enthusiasts who share a passion for exploring nature and embracing the wilderness. This band of adventurers comes together regularly to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, trading city lights for starry skies and office chairs for camp stools.
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The crew is often a diverse mix of personalities, each bringing unique skills and experiences to the campsite. There's usually the expert fire-starter, the master camp chef, the navigation guru, and the storyteller who keeps everyone entertained around the campfire. Together, they form a well-oiled machine, efficiently setting up camp and creating a temporary home in the great outdoors.
Camping crews share a special bond forged through shared experiences - from breathtaking hikes and serene fishing trips to unexpected challenges like sudden rainstorms or forgotten supplies. They've mastered the art of problem-solving in the wild and know how to make the most of any situation.
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These groups often have their own traditions, inside jokes, and favorite camping spots. They might have matching gear, a crew name, or even a signature camping meal. The camping crew becomes more than just a group of friends; it's a support system, a source of adventure, and a way to connect with nature and each other.
Whether they're seasoned backpackers or weekend car campers, the camping crew embodies the spirit of camaraderie, resilience, and appreciation for the natural world. Their adventures create lasting memories and strengthen friendships, making each trip an eagerly anticipated escape from the ordinary.
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Camping gift ideas for him cater to the outdoor enthusiast, combining practicality with adventure. Consider a high-quality, durable multi-tool that can handle various tasks in the wilderness. A rugged, waterproof smartwatch with GPS capabilities is perfect for tracking hikes and monitoring weather conditions. For comfort, a portable hammock or an insulated, collapsible camping chair would be appreciated. Practical gifts like a advanced water filtration system
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or a compact, efficient camping stove are always useful. For tech-savvy campers, a solar power bank or a weather-resistant Bluetooth speaker could enhance the outdoor experience. Don't forget about personalized items like a custom-engraved camping mug or a high-quality camping knife with his initials. These thoughtful gifts will surely excite any male camping enthusiast and improve his outdoor adventures.
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