#Portland pagan
spiralhouseshop · 1 year
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Portland Button Works and The Spiral House Shop 2023 Vending Events!
The Spiral House shop)at Portland Button Works is a thoughtfully curated selection of pin-back buttons, magnets, incense, magical tools and a large selection of zines, & books. Our collection spans a diverse range of intriguing subjects such as magic, witchcraft, folklore, folk horror, and other occult curiosities.
We are excited to announce that we will be vending at a variety of events this year! We can't wait to share our selection of books and zines with the community and connect with like-minded individuals and we are looking forward to meeting new people and building new relationships.
July 29-30 - Ghosts of Summer -Convention Center Portland, Oregon
August 26 - Celtic Fantasy Faire - Shute Park Hillsboro, Oregon
September 2 - Halloween Swamp Meet- Oaks Park Portland, Oregon
September 10 - Columbia Wilamette Pagan Pride Day - Oaks Park Portland
September 29 - October 1 - CritWitchCon Virtual Convention for Critical Thinking Witches
October 7 - Season of The Witch Marketplace - If The Broom Fits- Beaverton, Oregon
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upthewitchypunx · 2 years
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Join us Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 3PM for this free event at the North Portland Library! We are starting an esoteric study/social group focused on animist and folkloric based magical systems.
December 11, 2022 3PM
North Portland Library (upstairs meeting room) 512 N Killingsworth Street Portland, OR 97217
*While this event is open to the public, we aim to create and ant-racist and anti-fascist space for conversation and connection.
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blackmetalnature · 2 years
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It's officially Fall.
Time to cry in the woods and shit.
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traegorn · 2 years
Inclusive Witchcraft Stores
Hi there! Would you or any of your friends happen to know a good list of inclusive witchcraft stores? Sometimes I want to get some witchy things but it's so disheartening to click on a store, only to see tons of cultural appropriation (smudge sticks, dreamcatchers, etc) or the ol' g-slur being applied to every product. In addition, I've noticed most pagan shops seem to carry identical imported items that are made overseas in dubious human rights environments... I just want to give my money to witches who are still making things by hand!! I know they're out there but the search engines elude me! Where are all the cottage witch stores?? Thank you so much in advance <3
Okay, so... these are just the few that I thought of off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but -- like -- this is what I got.
Pretty much all of these are just small setups run by individual witches, so availability, ship times, etc. may vary. Most of these are US based too unless I note otherwise, so keep that in mind. Some of these are friends, some of these are folks I've just run across online over time. I have not fully investigated every item in every shop, but I trust all of them enough to know that if there is an issue with any of their stuff they'd listen.
Here's the list:
Spiral House - Run by @upthewitchypunx, as a part of Portland Button Works. Probably the most shop-y of the shops, but still a very DIY operation?
Willow Wings Witch Shop - This is, like, the opposite end of the spectrum, as it's primarily just the way @breelandwalker sells her books, but she has some other stuff for sale too -- so it might be nice to check her out.
Magpie Witchery - An etsy shop that is pretty good about sourcing ethical supplies
DeathsHeadDivination - @torque-witch makes some unique, cool stuff and it's worth checking out their stuff for some unique things you won't find other places.
MoriMoonCo - UK based, @themori-witch has neat stuff available. But, as noted, ships from the UK so take that into consideration.
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moonflower-alchemy · 18 days
Here's a preview of the new stuff I've been working on for my next event:
a Death's Head Moth necklace
more Black Cat earrings
a Black Cat pin for a friend's birthday
Zombie Hello Kitty earrings
Nonbinary Pride Heart pins
& Progress Pride Heart pins
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And that next event? Is THIS SUNDAY.
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Columbia-Willamette Pagan Pride Day on Sunday, September 8, 2024 @ Oaks Amusement Park in Portland, OR
10 am to 5 pm
While the event is free, there is a yearly drive for non-perishable food items and personal care items for Esther's Pantry, an organization dedicated to providing help to low income folks. Support via donations is greatly appreciated.
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anhed-nia · 9 months
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jeffrey Mandel's 1989 sci-fi horror holiday movie ELVES, about how Nazi occultists plot to perpetuate the master race by having a genetically engineered "elf" mate with virgin mall rats in Colorado, once saved my life.
OK maybe I'm exaggerating for effect, but not a lot. You'll get the idea. I was taking a semester off from college in Portland, ME, a weird dark place where I didn't know anybody besides the people I served coffee to. Despite promises that unhinged losers like myself really blossom in college, I had started failing classes for the first time in my life, I didn't know what to major in, all of my latent mental problems were spinning up fast and no one was taking it seriously at all. So I was by myself on Thanksgiving, trying to figure out how to make the most of the day. I ventured into a whiteout blizzard and got the stuff for a dish my dead mom used to make that seemed simple enough even for a walking disaster area like myself: white rice, green beans, tofu & soy sauce. Naturally I brutalized all of it into an unrecognizable paste. Hungry and feeling nervous about my blackening mood, I decided to visit the appealingly crummy little second-run theater downtown; they still had MEMENTO, so I bought a ticket even though I was 45 minutes early and sat down in the lobby. Pretty soon some big sweaty middle manager guy came over and started hitting on me aggressively. When you're not cute, and especially if you're vulnerable-looking, being hit on is practically never a fun experience; the perp is always someone as desperate as this guy who thinks you have no other choice, so he might start unloading on you about all his favorite movies about knights and wizards and shit, and telling you embarrassingly fake things like "you look just like Rebecca De Mornay in THREE MUSKETEERS!" (we don't even have the same hair color) because he assumes someone like you is starved for attention and maybe you're also stupid enough to buy it. I started to panic and, glancing up at the showtimes, I pretended to be persuaded by his praise for HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE because it was conveniently starting in five minutes. I bought a ticket, ate the one for MEMENTO, and settled in for two and a half hours of something that had nothing to do with me. When I got out it was still snowing hard, I was still hungry, and sliding into a pretty unstable mindset. There was only one thing left to do, which was to go to Videoport.
Videoport remains the greatest video store I have ever been to in my life. Yes that includes Kim's. During my semester off I got an incredible education there by just renting whatever looked like it was going to freak me out the most, and I was always duly freaked. They had it all, including a big TV with prefab foods liked "canned vegetarian haggis" lined up on top. I'll never forget the can of pork brains whose instructions read DRAIN BRAINS, STIR, something I often say to myself. At the entrance was an iron gate by a local artist that formed famous movie images; here it is with the comic book store owners who moved in after Videoport left. (I also shopped at the comic book store, where the stereotypically jerky clerk had a vanity plate that said VEGETA and once told me that I could pay for my comics with "something besides money")
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I started to get the feeling that only Videoport would prevent me from walking into the ocean. Sure enough, their reliable staff picks shelf showed me a movie I could never have imagined. I still watch it and recommend it on the holidays. I love the tag line "THEY'RE NOT WORKING FOR SANTA...ANYMORE!", as if the shocking part of the movie is that the elves used to work for Santa, they just got laid off or quit or something. Grizzly Adams aka Dan Haggerty plays an alcoholic ex-cop who is about to get evicted from his trailer, so in desperation he becomes a department store Santa. Meanwhile, sad teen Kristen performs pagan "Anti-Christmas" rituals with her friends who she draws as goddesses using a suspiciously swastika-like sigil; turns out she's the last pure Aryan specimen in the world, and her Nazi grandfather is plotting to make her the mother of the master race using elves--or really just one "elf" who you only ever see the top or bottom of, and who can't close his mouth. It's up to rude, loud, smelly, smug, self-pitying Dan Haggerty to leap into action and save Colorado from the fourth reich before it's too late...and like, you really want to see how this plays out, I promise. I was totally captivated. I've seen a lot of questionable movies, but there's really nothing like ELVES. It's so funny and weird that I completely forgot how hungry I was, and I definitely stopped feeling alone. It's not an exaggeration to say that it reminded me of why I was alive, which is to seek out increasingly novel and mind-expanding experiences through art until I'm dead. I would simply have to live another day if I ever wanted to find out whether there could possibly be anything stranger than ELVES out there. It's probably still keeping me going on some subliminal level.
So I guess I'm saying that if you don't know what to do with yourself today, watch ELVES! And if you can't find it, watch CHRISTMAS EVIL on Shudder, which is both a great movie and totally mind-blowing. The End.
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stele3 · 2 years
My two cents on the “cultural Christianity” discourse:
A few years ago, it was Christmas Eve and my parents picked me up to take me to dinner. As we drove up 99e toward downtown Portland, we passed a billboard with a simple message: a smiling man and woman, holding their smiling children, and the words THIS IS WHAT AN ATHEIST FAMILY LOOKS LIKE. My reaction to this billboard was a shrug. Was it a bit confrontational to put it up right around Christmastime? Sure, but Christmas is the only religious holiday that is also observed as a bank holiday in America. I think we’re doing fine, and I can definitely see why non-Christian people would feel stifled by the Christmas season, which seems to get longer every year.
My parents, on the other hand, were enraged. They ranted about the billboard for the rest of the drive and when I spoke up saying that it wasn’t really that big a deal, they continued ranting all through Christmas Eve dinner. According to them, America was founded on Christian values and people of other faiths need to learn to abide by that if they want to be American; to question that was, in their minds, a danger to the very foundations of our country. My father in particular was fired up and would not hear any counterarguments. I can remember him spitting as he spoke, he felt so strongly on the subject.
Now here’s the kicker: my father is an atheist.
You may be confused right now. I was. My mother isn’t a Christian, either, she’s loosely pagan and believes in the phases of the moon and forest spirits. I am the only church-going Christian in my family, and I was the only one not infuriated by the suggestion that maybe, just maybe, Christianity doesn’t have to be the dominant religion in America.
So yeah. It’s absolutely possible to be culturally Christian while not being religious at all, or being pagan.
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goodluckclove · 6 months
What does Scott think of the hollow earth theory? Also i'd like to hear his thoughts on the illuminati lol
See I was waiting in a bar in Louisville to perform and I overheard the table behind me talk about how the Earth is hollow inside, and I did not sleep that night because I was working that out in my mind.
There are volcanoes, so there's definitely some stuff in there, right? Also I learned in school that gravity comes from the mass of the planet, which should mean there's a lot of mass in the planet. But maybe you don't actually need that much mass to create the amount of gravity that we have. I think my sister would know a lot more about it but I'm too nervous to ask.
I wish I asked how hollow. Is it a little air pocket, or are we one too-big jump away from crumpling in ourselves. I told myself I'd ask him after I performed, but then he called me a lot of slurs while I was onstage. Probably eight. Three is my limit before I'll no longer start a conversation.
And the Illuminati thing is actually interesting. I've heard a sort of alternative theory that Birthrights and Witch Towns are secretly working for the Illuminati. I do not see this being true! Sometimes Tenzin and I would go into Portland and some guys would tell us that the Birthright gene is actually a product of Bavarian-era Eugenics, and that's how we get our magic.
From what I know the Illuminati is made up of the rich and powerful. We are not rich. A lot of my wardrobe I got from boxes left on the side of the road. And while we may be powerful in an existential sense I don't feel like getting into, we also consist of a lot of women and pagans, and other kinds of people I imagine would otherwise be turned away.
So yeah! Final answer - the Earth has enough Earth to carry me, which is great, and I'm almost certain I'm not a member of the Illuminati.
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 3.7
Alexander Graham Bell Day
Arbor Day (California)
Be Heard Day
Bird Day (California)
Bloody Sunday Anniversary Day (Selma, Alabama)
Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
Cybercombine Day (Prudentianopolis)
Doronicum Day (French Republic)
Equal Pay Day (Gleicher Bezahlungstag; Germany)
Finnmarkslopet Dog Sled Race (Finland)
First Planting Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Get Grandma To Write Down Her Meatloaf Recipe Day
Hamilton Lavity Stoutt Day (British Virgin Islands)
International Brick Maker Day
International Day of the Anti-Fascist Woman
International Women’s Day (Angola, Tajikistan)
INTERPOL International Day of Remembrance for Fallen Officers
Jose Abad Day (Philippines)
Liberation of Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Mahasivarathri Day (Sri Lanka)
Maritime Day (Slovenia)
Masaryk Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Ben Day
National Carol Day
National Cooper Day
National Day of Lesbian Visibility (Argentina)
National Heroes and Benefactors Day (Belize)
National Sauna Day (Japan)
National Sharon Day
National Slam the Scam Day
National Teresa Day
Neil Diamond Day (Las Vegas)
Nones of March (Ancient Rome)
Plant Power Day (UK)
Say Hello Day
Suez Canal Day
Teacher’s Day (Albania)
Texas Energy Day (Texas)
307 Day
Transport and Telecommunication Workers Day (Turkmenistan)
World Oneness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cereal Day
National Crown Roast of Pork Day
National Flapjack Day
Punsch Roll Day (Sweden)
1st Thursday in March
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Nametag Day [Thursday of Name Week]
National Hospitalist Day [1st Thursday]
National Vending Day [1st Thursday]
White Ribbon Day (Massachusetts) [1st Thursday]
World Book Day (Ireland, UK) [1st Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Aleutian Islands (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Sulaymaniyah Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Festivals Beginning March 7, 2024
Antikmässan (Stockholm, Sweden) [thru 3. 10]
Brazilian Beer Festival (Blumeneau, Brazil) [thru 3.9]
Cincinnati International Wine Festival (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 3.9]
Crufts Dog Show (Birmingham, England) [thru 3. 10]
Eastern Bison Association Winter Conference (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) [thru 3.9]
Fulton Oysterfest (Fulton, Texas) [thru 3.10]
Limassol Carnival (Limassol, Cyprus) [thru 3. 17]
National Coffee Association Convention (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 3.9]
New England Brew Summit (Portland, Maine)
Red, White & Snow (Park City, Utah) [thru 3.9]
Sustainable Wine Dinner Series (Los Angeles, California)
The WhiskyX (Miami, Florida)
Feast Days
Ardo (Christian; Saint)
Barbara Eden Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Billy (Muppetism)
Boris Kustodiev (Artology)
Contradiction Day (No It’s Not!; Pastafarian)
The Devil Is God Reversed Day (Everyday Wicca)
Drausius (a.k.a. Drausin; Christian; Saint)
Empodocles (Positivist; Saint)
Edward Landseer (Artology)
Esterwine (Christian; Saint)
Festival for Vedovus (God of the Dead & Volcanic Movements; Ancient Rome)
Impeachment of March Goblins (Shamanism)
José Olallo (Christian; Saint)
Junoalia (Old Roman Festival to Juno)
Leonid Feodorov (Russian Greek Catholic Church)
March Storms and Blasting Rods Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Milton Avery (Artology)
Paul the Simple (Christian; Saint)
Perpetua and Felicity (Christian; Saints & Martyrs)
Piet Mondrian (Artology)
Psyche’s Day (Pagan)
Pierre-Henri Dorie, Siméon-François Berneux (Christian; part of The Korean Martyrs)
Theophylact (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church (Christian; Saint)
Treachery Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Tuan Reincarnation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 11 of 60)
Alice the Collegiate (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Caine Mutiny, by Herman Wouk (Novel; 1951)
Coal Miner’s Daughter
Foxes (Film; 1980)
The Edible Woman, by Margaret Atwood (Novel; 1969)
Erlkönig, by Franz Schubert (Lied; 1821)
From Genesis to Revelation, by Genesis (Album; 1969)
The Golden Eggs (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
Grateful Gus (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1958)
Highlander (Film; 1986)
The Home Guard (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Long Goodbye (Film; 1973)
Mame (Film; 1974)
Mickey’s Grand Opera (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Mirror (Russian Film; 1975)
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (Film; 2008)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Animated Film; 2014)
My Beautiful Launderette (Film; 1986)
The Nude Who Never, by Ted Mark (Novel; 1965)
The Old Mill Pond (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Olive’s Sweepstake Ticket (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1941)
Our Lady of the Flowers, by Jean Genet (Novel; 1943)
Page Miss Glory (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Pistol Packin’ Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
Post Office, by Charles Bukowski (Novel; 1971)
A Room with a View (Film; 1986)
Royal Cat Nap (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1958)
Sailor Moon (Japanese Anime Series; 1992)
The Six Million Dollar Man (TV Series; 1973)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost (Poem; 1923)
Taboo (Adult Film; 1980)
Things Ain’t What They Used To Be, recorded by Johnny Hodges and his Orchestra (Song; 1941)
Way Out West, by Sonny Rollins (Album; 1957)
Young Americans, by David Bowie (Album; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Felicitas, Perpetua, Reinhard (Austria)
Bogoljub, Felicita, Perpetua, Teofil (Croatia)
Tomáš (Czech Republic)
Perpetua (Denmark)
Ralf, Raul, Rolf, Rudolf, Ruudi, Ruut (Estonia)
Taika, Tarja, Taru (Finland)
Félicie, Félicité, Nathan (France)
Felicitas, Felizitas, Perpet, Reinhard, Volker (Germany)
Evgenios (Greece)
Tamás (Hungary)
Quintilio, Tommaso (Italy)
Ella, Elmira (Latvia)
Felicita, Galmantė, Rimtautas, Tomas (Lithuania)
Are, Arild (Norway)
Felicja, Nadmir, Paweł, Polikarp, Tomasz (Poland)
Efrem (Romania)
Tomáš (Slovakia)
Felicidad, Perpetua (Spain)
Camilla, Ottilia (Sweden)
Davon, Devan, Deven, Devin, Devon, Devonta, Devonte, Devyn, Dewey, Lothar, Luther (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 67 of 2024; 299 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 10 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 27 (Geng-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 27 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 26 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 7 Green; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 23 February 2024
Moon: 10%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Thucydides]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 78 of 89)
Week: 1st Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 18 of 30)
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Me <3
A little get to know me page!
to get things out of the way, regardless of my URL. I'm not Christian, or even part of any Abrahamic religion, I'm a queer pagan who enjoys dancing and having mental breakdowns every so often.
Hi! my name is Auryn(from the neverending story)
My pronouns are They/It
alignment: neutral/lawful neutral/chaotic good
hill i will die on: Thursday, 6:00pm and fall are the same thing
I live in Portland Oregon, I've grown up extremely poor, so I have quite a lot of undiagnosed mental illnesses, and I love sewing and handicrafts!
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.26
Battle of Pinhincha Day (Ecuador)
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Carb Day
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independent Artist Day
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Death Busters Day
National EMS Recognition Day
National Grey Day
National Paper Airplane Day
National Poppy Day
National Ranboo Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
National Wig Out Day
National Work From Home Day
Oat Grass Day (French Republic)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Starfleet Remembrance Day (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
World Sherry Day
4th & Last Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Polka Festival begins (Ennis, Texas) [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Portland Rose Festival begins (Oregon) Friday in late May; thru June 26]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Erenian Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Georgia (from Russia, 1918)
Guyana (from UK, 1966)
Molossia (f.k.a. the Grand Republic of Vuldstein; Declared; 1977) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
August Kopisch (Artology)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Doc Owl (Muppetism)
Dorothea Lange (Artology)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
Lemminkainen’s Day (Pagan)
Lenny Bruce Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz  (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Philippe de Champaigne (Artology)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Shavuot (Judaism) [6 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Totally Random Day (Pastafarian)
World Hunger Day (Pastafarian)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Absolutely Free, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
American Pie, by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
Avengers Assemble (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Beatlemania! (Broadway Musical Tribute; 1977)
Big Jake (Film; 1971)
Buddy of the Apes (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Caspar (Animated Film; 1995)
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Flying Home, recorded by Lionel Hampton (Song; 1937)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Self-Help Book; 1966)
God’s Men, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1951)
Johnny Mnemonic (Film; 1995)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Animated Film; 2011)
Mad Love (Film; 1995)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Film; 2017)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Sourcery, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #5]
The Whole Truth and Nothing But, by Hedda Hopper (Memoir; 1963)
X-Men: The Last Stand (Film; 2006)
Yellow Submarine, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Alwin, Philipp (Austria)
Anamarija, Filip, Zdenko (Croatia)
Filip (Czech Republic)
Beda (Denmark)
Miina, Minna, Valme, Valmi, Vella, Velli, Vilma, Vilme (Estonia)
Miina, Mimmi, Minna, Minni, Vilhelmiina, Vilma (Finland)
Bérenger (France)
Marianne, Philipp (Germany)
Alfaios, Karpos, Sinesios (Greece)
Evelin, Fülöp (Hungary)
Filippo, Pellegrino (Italy)
Eduards, Edvards, Varis (Latvia)
Algimantas, Eduardas, Milvydė, Vilhelmina (Lithuania)
Annbjørg, Annlaug (Norway)
Beda, Filip, Marianna, Paulina, Więcemił, Wilhelmina (Poland)
Carp (România)
Dušan (Slovakia)
Felipe, Mariana (Spain)
Vilhelmina, Vilma (Sweden)
Felipe, Flip, Phil, Philip, Philippa, Phillip (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 25 Bīja; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2023
Moon: 42%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 6 of 32)
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spiralhouseshop · 1 year
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Columbia-Wilamette Pagan Pride Day!
Sunday! September 10th! Oaks Amusement Park!
We are vending with 40+ other witches and pagan folks. Check out our books, zines, buttons, and even some crafts and herbs from the Spiral House Garden. Then ride a rollercoaster or eat some cotton candy or a funnel cake. There's are workshops and a community ritual too.
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upthewitchypunx · 1 year
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It's been go-go-go time with vending events, new housemates, and autumn garden stuff. I took the afternoon off to drive up to Seattle with @lemonbalmgirl for a nature walk with Pacific northwest animists arranged by Via Hedera. We are waiting for food now because the traffic was miraculous! Seriously, it takes between 3 or 5 hours to get from Portland to Seattle and we aimed for 4 and got here in 3.
The picture is one of the hawthorn protection charms I finally got around to make and sell on Sunday at Columbia Willamette Pagan Pride Day. It's at Oaks Park and it's free! I'll do more promo tomorrow.
Gonna go eat a dosa now.
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blackmetalnature · 1 year
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Clear Lake, Oregon.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
today a friend googled the demographics of NOLA and Atlanta and really let it set in what I meant about it being a different, much less white and privileged world than this pillow cushioned fandom is used to.
Vancouver 78% white
NOLA 59% black and 33% white
ATL almost 50% black and 40% white
And those NOLA numbers are deceptive. A good portion of the population that answers "white" on the census are lighter blend creole people, or non-anglo french descendents. Realistically, the only anglo fuckers there are a small minority of annoying yuppie transplants that move there thinking it's just a fun party town and get their ohio vibes all over the place.
And yeah. it influences culture and how people think, act, and react. When cultures have had to pull each other up to survive, to stay free, when they predate the country itself--your white colonizer mindset is what gets your shit pushed in IRL if you try it. They don't take white nonsense.
And this fandom is the triple definition of White Noise. you're walking into a world of self made people fighting up against oppression for centuries, not handed to them on generational platters and privilege that white communities get.
your Quirky Fun Liberal Cities like "Keep austin/portland weird" look like utter jackasses in actual like. how shit gets handled compared to, say, houston even, much less nola or atlanta.
sorry to break it to this precious white fandom, even as another white person who had to break my bullshit down ages ago, but you aren't special. Your opinions don't dictate reality. And most of all the black gay pagan south does not give a FUCK if you consider an MLM pairing going mainstream "inappropriate." they catch Kelios concern trolling that shit they're gonna see how far they can take porn on network tv just to piss you entitled assholes off.
yeah. that goes for all of you. shrill queerbait shriekers that were attacking our own allies in the room included just as much as the wincels. If you wanna see how we do it, how about you like. come do your shit without a keyboard and a few thousand miles protecting you.
oh right. none of you are that brave. fuckin marshmallows. pat still wont even bet another 5k after his last fail but knows his precious whiteness and keyboard will protect him from getting his spine ripped out.
you wanna know why nobody here accomplishes anything anymore, it's because you're too busy fixing your egos behind keyboards but don't have the compunction to get up and actually do something to get what you fucking want. That's it. That's the difference. Down south, the real south, the actual Dirty South, not ivory lib castles like Austin and their suburbs fed conservative garbage via nexstar for years; you get up and help move the log. If you get in the way, the motherfuckers with the log will smash your ribs and keep going through you. It's that simple. nobody cares about your white fragility bubble, pat. nobody cares if you clicked and ordered 5 dollars to a food bank to make yourself feel better as a white savior. We care if you get up and bring the fucking food to people. We care if you help advocate for systems where it isnt as needed, and show up and meetings and raise your voice and cuss if you've fucking got to, and riot if you've fucking got to, and get arrested if you fucking got to.
nexstar's conservative shit flooding white liberal cities like austin is how you get jackasses like kelios being so up her ass she unironically screams Make Supernatural Great Again, or joined the Silent Majority, and demands staying in "safe, old ways". and fuckin white libs at a core, a lot of them are like this. They're conservatives in a mask. 2p0 too and how they go into DM to argue incest should be allowed irl or try to compare it to the lgbtq struggle--active enemy against progressives, but this fandom sucks his dick of raw, uninformed opinion anyway. Beneath the skin, these agendas are all driven by political skews informing their opinions, and this is ripping open faux white liberalism and gutting it like a piggylecki.
i ain't afraid to get arrested for the right cause. Hell it goes viral enough on why they'll pay my bail. you guys though, you're afraid to even step outside your houses. Welcome to Nola. Buckle up.
like in my life i've put a few dudes in the dirt in self defense, and you really gonna try to act like a tough shit online when you guys won't even put your money where your mouth is in a bet. Because you goddamn know. there's a reason taw had all of you running pissing your pants for years and then he met me and it was his turn to piss and run. only one person ended up updated to "armed and dangerous" on his doxxing site despite being a Big Scawwy Miwitary Man. catch a clue. you ain't any better than him, 2p0
And eventually, your followers will notice that for alllll the subtweeting you do, you magically missed the 20 chances to take up that bet if you're half as confident as you pretend.
Yeah guys, why won't he?
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moonflower-alchemy · 18 days
Here's a preview of the new stuff I've been working on for my next event:
a Death's Head Moth necklace
more Black Cat earrings
a Black Cat pin for a friend's birthday
Zombie Hello Kitty earrings
Nonbinary Pride Heart pins
& Progress Pride Heart pins
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And that next event? Is THIS SUNDAY.
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Columbia-Willamette Pagan Pride Day on Sunday, September 8, 2024 @ Oaks Amusement Park in Portland, OR
10 am to 5 pm
While the event is free, there is a yearly drive for non-perishable food items and personal care items for Esther's Pantry, an organization dedicated to providing help to low income folks. Support via donations is greatly appreciated.
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