#Pre-Pregnancy Checkup
randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: Requiem AUs (Poll Results 4th)-- Mulder Didn't Leave
Part 2 of the Requiem AUs (from this poll): Mulder returns in Requiem whether before, during, or after he finds out about his and Scully's miracle.
Loose chronological order below~
Requiem AUs
@mihosayuri/neytirijade’s This was in response to a prompt
""“I, uh… I’m actually here—we’re here—because I’m about two months late, and um… I took two at home pregnancy tests, and I know those things aren’t always 100%–""
Pre-Requiem Mulder and Scully are back in the IVF office, waiting with bated breath to see if they have surprise, miraculous, positive news.
isolated systems - Chapter 2 (Tumblr)
""In Bellefleur, shock and dread give way to anticipation, to delight almost. She holds Theresa Nemman’s baby and remembers the one growing inside her, wonders.... She needs to tell him.""
Pre-Requiem Scully finds out about her pregnancy before she and Mulder leave for Oregon. She mulls over the news during their investigation; finally tells when they end up back where it all started: his motel room.
@starbuck09256​‘s (Ao3) Back to the Beginning to find the Truth
""Everything in his search had just been leading him back to her. She whimpers in his arms and he feels a sudden gush on his chest[.] [L]ooking down as he gently strokes her bare back he see bright crimson.""
Scully's nose bleeds in Bellefleur; and Mulder zips her to the ER to get a checkup. Both are overjoyed.
@gilliansanderson/spensierata's Strange Trails (Tumblr)
""It was quiet in the car. It was a comfortable quiet. They were comfortable being quiet, it was how they processed the inevitable. The radio crackled and screeched in search of a signal, it reminded Mulder of when they’d lost nine minutes, they’d gotten soaked, he’d marked the ground with an X. We Were Here. He’d screamed it at the sky. Mulder turned it off in frustration so all that was left to fill the silence was the rhythmic pounding of the rain against the roof.... It was nine minutes to the hospital. He reached over to thread his fingers through hers. She only barely squeezed back.""
Mulder and Scully sit in the waiting room in Bellefleur, their absorptive silence morphing into peaceful joy at the good news.
@lokisgame​’s (Ao3) Late
""Mulder,” she whispered..., calling him back from the edge of sleep, “I’m late.” “For what?” He mumbled, half conscious, “we just got back.""
Mulder and Scully return from Oregon, dozing on the couch... until Scully drops the gentle "I'm late" bombshell. (I adore this fic.)
a_steady_wish's Alternative Ending to Requiem - Chapter 1
""It’s only three minutes later but seems like an hour when the lines appear, clear as day, and you exhale loudly. You close your eyes for long moments, open them again: it hasn’t changed. You begin to pad back out to the bed, suddenly think you were mistaken, and go back to the bathroom to check again. You were not mistaken: two pink lines. You check the box a fourth time. Making sure you have read the results properly: You have. You are. You are pregnant.""
Scully takes a pregnancy test after their return from Oregon, unable to sleep with her suspicions. Mulder notices her mood when she comes back, teary and happy. (I adore this fic, too.)  
TheAddict4Dramatics's Untitled Requiem Ficlet
""The banging continued until it was starting to echo inside her skull. She wiped her eyes and checked her face in the mirror before opening the door. Clearly she did not do a good enough cover-up job and he frowned as soon as he saw her.
“What’s the matter?” There was such sincere worry in his face as he stepped into the bathroom and relocked the door behind him.
“I’m…” But the fine died on her lips and to her utter horror she felt her face begin to crumble in on itself.""
Requiem Scully leaves the conference room where Mulder, TLG, Skinner, Krycek, Marita, and Diana all game plan about Oregon. Mulder insists on joining her, reiterating his loyalty; and is there to catch her when she faints.
@frogsmulder​​/Brynstein‘s 1. “I love you, please don’t go.”
""I love you,” she murmurs from a distance. 
He looks up at her with wide, mossy eyes, flecked golden in the orange light of the lamp. In earnest, his innocent gaze captures her heart in a fist of fiery iron, melting her final resolve. “I love you too,” he answers simply, letting the weight of his affection carry his words."" 
 Requiem Mulder only wants Scully; and Scully finally admits to wanting him to stay. both are happy to be together for the news.
@mldrgrl’s (Ao3) 
MSR 38
""Skinner was already on the phone calling for an ambulance.  The gunmen hovered, giving orders to each other to give her air, get her water, find a pillow.  Marita knelt down next to Mulder and put a hand on Scully’s ankle.
“Alex,” she said.  “Find a blanket.""
Requiem Scully passes out at the Bureau; and Mulder, TLG, Skinner, and Marita all jump into action to take care of her until the ambulance arrives. (I adore this fic, too.) Mulder's intent doesn't end there, dropping a bombshell of his own.
""He’d never been so glad about trusting his instincts as he was in that moment.""
Requiem Mulder resigns on the plane (to Skinner's own resigned frustration), returning to Scully's side and happily soaking in her announcement.
Not Again: Part 1 - Gone (Tumblr)
"" The Scully imposter cocks her head to the side and then almost with a shrug, turns and steps off the edge of the cliff.
“No!”  Mulder screams, knowing full well it isn’t Scully who’s just fallen, but it looks like her, and he knows it’s an image he’ll never be able to shake.  He stands rooted to his spot while Agent Doggett runs to the drop site and peers over the edge.""
AU-- Requiem Scully is abducted instead of Mulder. He carries on through the events of S8, trying his best to find her and finally accepting the help of Doggett and Reyes as well as Skinner and TLG.
XScribe/Red's (Ao3, Gossamer) The End of Time
""He is silent. The echo of her words dies away into the walls. His eyes open wide and he draws his bottom lip between his teeth, biting on it. He releases her from his grasp to run a hand over his face as he closes his eyes. She waits patiently for him, feeling suddenly very peaceful and calm, all panic draining out of her. She listens to the ticking of his watch in the quiet hallway, second by second dragging past them both.""
Requiem Scully tells Mulder in the FBI hallway. He wants to stay, but she insists he go.
Lapsed_Scholar’s Variations
""Mulder had sounded giddy and distracted over the phone.... This, though, was in an entirely different category. Mulder, of all people, Mulder was having obvious difficulty paying attention to a case full of shady conspiracies, paranormal phenomena, abductions, and UFOs. If Skinner had been forced to classify the look on his face, it would have been lovedrunk.
Scully was better at hiding it, but she was also remarkably non-productive and was prone to gazing off into space...at her partner. She would periodically come back to herself, whereupon she at least had the decency to blush and look back down at the papers before her.""
The best-- the best-- collection of Requiem unfolding in many more satisfying ways. The humor is unparalleled, the characterization exquisite, and the different stories gripping and heartwarming. Perfection. (I adore this, too.)
@allyinthekeyofx’s (Ao3) Finding Miracles
""And as I led her to the bed to properly take a look at her, I had to face the fact that she looked sick.  Not sick like she looks when she has a cold or the flu or a stomach bug.  The way she looked radiated from somewhere deep inside her, reflecting from those limitless blue eyes, the way her expression had faded, chasing away the essence that was Dana Scully as she battled with unfamiliar territory that had laid her emotions bare.  Right there for me to see.
Because this woman, my perfect other and centre of my world was afraid...""
Requiem Mulder is called by Byers in the airport; and Skinner has to steady him as he sways from the potentially bad news.
Forte's (The Basement Office) Half an Hour
""He is breathing heavily himself, probably more from panic than from the four-block run, and slaps his palm against the wall as though that will make the elevator rise faster. He is too manic, even for him, and I remember all the caffeine he's ingested in the last several hours. I wonder if I should take his weapon away from him.""
 Requiem Mulder creates havoc and mayhem after panicking in the airport; and Skinner corrals him (and later TLG) into orderly behavior all the way to the hospital.
@moonprincess92's (Ao3)
Are you up for writing some season 7 fluff?
""He’d agreed to swing by her apartment and collect the things she’d scribbled down for him on a hospital note pad. The only comforting thought he’d had on his drive was that she’d asked him to go ‘home’, rather than to ‘her apartment ’.
At least any news would be broken by her, and not another faceless doctor.""
Requiem Mulder leaves the airport, afraid Scully's cancer is back. Her joy and muddled responses comedically further this thought.
xphilernj's (Ao3, Two Close for Comfort) Find the Future - Chapter 1
""And, Scully, I wanted the IVFs to work. I truly *did* have those hopes and dreams ... but with you. Only with you. You ... you never knew it, but I grieved with you, for you, for us..." Mulder squeezed her fingers lightly, and reached up to wipe a stray tear away...""
Requiem Mulder rushes back to Scully's side; and Skinner leaves them both happily bantering about monkey babies.
HumphreyWrites/sure-fine-skullz/spookysadsophie/s-humphrey/sophie-writes-things/sophiewrites/SophieRobbins’s (Alt. Tumblr , Ao3, WBM)
Requiem Redux
""Her breath hitches, and she smiles. “I’m fine, Mulder.”
He raises an eyebrow, “You know what’s wrong?”
She bites her lip. “In a manner of speaking,” she begins, as he looks at her curiously.""
Requiem Mulder left the airport, too worried about Scully to leave with Skinner.
@tatooedlaura-blog/tatooedlaura/Laura Sprys​’s Oregon
""...I will punch you if you do not take your hand off that door right now.”
“Then drive faster.”
“I drive any faster and we’re both going to die long before we reach the airport.""
Requiem Mulder chooses not to leave with the ship, stepping out of the woods to a flood of texts from TLG. Skinner gets him back ASAP; Scully assures him over the phone that everyone has prematurely panicked.
@cutelilcurtain/cutelilscully/cutelilwanda's (Ao3)
For the headcanons prompt: Mulder isn't abducted?
""He cannot process or read the expression on her face, and nothing could have prepared him for the softness of her voice, the hope that filled her watery gaze.
“Mulder, I’m pregnant.”
He freezes and she has to pull him into a sitting position on the bed for fear that he’ll collapse right there.""
Requiem Mulder finds nothing in Oregon but everything back home with Scully (who forgot to ask him about his trip until months later, wrapped up as they both were in their baby.)
Erin Blair/Erin M. Blair’s The Blessing
""Mulder sat stunned for a moment, certain he had misunderstood her words. This was *not* possible.
"You're what?!" he asked.""
Requiem Mulder is shell-shocked by Scully's good news in the hospital.
bellefleur's Arms Wide Open
""I open my eyes and for the first time take in the speckled gray linoleum at my feet. The lifeless tones are such a contrast to my spirits that I can't help but laugh to myself, and with the laughter comes a fresh round of tears. It seems I just can't stop them from streaming down my face, and right now, I don't care. With my head bowed, my hands buried in my hair, and my elbows propped on my knees, no one can really see my face anyway. I need what privacy I can muster, here in this public hallway, to come to terms with this all.
I still can't believe this is happening. I'm going to be a father.""
Requiem Mulder bolts after he and Scully are told she's pregnant. Maggie finds him in the hospital hallway, relieved he is just overwhelmed with happy, anticipatory nerves.
isamariposa's Bullfrogs and Jello
""He feels like throwing up when he steps into the hospital. Maybe he's allergic to the smell, whatever. He walks to the reception and swallows hard not to choke when he asks for Dana Scully. How many times has this happened, how many near-misses? She's on the third floor, they say. Mulder punches the button on the elevator, startles a child holding a balloon shaped like a bunny. He still thinks he's going to throw up. At least the ward is not the one for the terminally ill. He remembers that pain. It had toppled him in half.""
Requiem Mulder is replaced at the airport by Doggett, getting back to Scully as fast as he can. He, however, does not react positively to the pregnancy news, afraid it might be caused by CSM tampering.
@all-these-ghosts/all_these_ghosts’s Say Yes (Tumblr)
""I told you I love you,” he points out.
A smile flirts with the corners of her mouth. “Once,” she says.
“Now it’s twice. You haven’t even said it once.”
The smile fades, and her eyes are dark and trained right on him. Scully says, “I love you”, and his heart does this thing that makes him feel like he’s sixteen years old, even though of course he’s known all along.""
Post Requiem Mulder is not abducted in Oregon; but he does almost scare Scully to death, barging in gun drawn and frightening her into dropping her beloved watermelon.
@frangipanidownunder’s (Ao3) Already Special
""Scully’s news is a thunderbolt. That the impossible truth of their quest is revealed as a collection of growing cells in her uterus. It is both absurd and entirely right. The tears he cries with her are hard to quantify....
So, when Diana makes an appearance at the basement, it’s like the door to their secret world is blown off, leaving them exposed.""
Per Manum Mulder was never abducted; and he and Scully tackle the Lizzie Gill saga with a special addition... Diana Fowley.
Dark is the Way; Light is the Place - Chapter 26 (Ao3)
""As though it had a mind of its own, his hand reached out to cover her flat stomach. Her eyes, however, never left him; her smile didn’t wane.
“You okay over there?” She asked, after allowing him his moment. Her voice jolted him back into the room.
“Yeah,” he said, awkwardly removing his hand from her body. He let out a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. In disbelief, he said, “We’re having a baby.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully are sinking into domestic bliss when a serial killer case pulls them out of town. Mulder's paranoia for Scully and their baby's safety begins to put a wedge in their relationship, finally driving Scully back to D.C., trying to give them space while he gets into deeper and deeper trouble.
@cecilysass/cecily_sass/Cecily Sasserbaum's Pause
""Home pregnancy test. 99% Accurate. Results in minutes.
For thirty seconds the box sits there in Scully’s hands. She stares at it.
This box that her mother bought. This box that she put in her daughter’s bag. Her daughter whom she knows is infertile.
Somewhere in the apartment is the sharp sudden sound of Mulder turning off the shower.
Like a ghost, Scully stands up.
She takes the box and holds it under her arm, crosses the room, and steals Mulder’s keys from the entry table.
Without a sound she leaves the apartment.""
AU-- Scully wakes in her car, amnesic and unknowingly pregnant. Mulder at first doesn't believe it's her; and it's not until Maggie verifies and Diana Fowley leaves evidence for the duo to find that he can fully accept that his partner, who was "dead" for a year, is back.
DKSculder's Sweetest Devotion
""I, I had hoped you would be here, when the baby was born. So I put these in my hospital bag, to give to you here.” She took a deep breath, staring at the frayed pages in her hands. “These are my notes, on the x-files, on you. This is a documentation of every case we’ve worked, before I typed them up in reports. It’s mostly shorthand, just my own jotted down notations...."
“What’s the other one?”
“These, are my personal notes. More of a diary, if that’s how you want to look at it. The dates all coincide with the other.” She said softly, handing him the second binding of tattered pages.
He stared at them for longer than he probably should, she had just handed him the truth, her truth."" 
AU-- Scully has been a spy since the Pilot; and she finally confesses it to Mulder after she gets pregnant with their child. Mulder MIA, Mulder returning for a case then ghosting, Mulder arriving in time for the birth of their son, and Mulder crawling back to a form of trust in Scully unfolds painfully slowly.
Thank you for reading~
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healthandfitness899 · 7 months
Signs of Infertility
What exactly is infertility?
The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males. The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility. How does one recognize infertility? What are the signs of infertility?
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Signs of infertility are not always evident. Most people go through life without knowing there is a problem with their reproductive systems, attributing failed pregnancies to providence. In fact, miscarriages are the most common indicator of infertility. Signs of infertility in women:
In women, the signs of infertility are more readily recognized as compared to men. Endometriosis causes the lining of the uterus to grow outside the uterus.
Bacterial infections may begin around the uterus and spread to other reproductive organs, resulting in infertility. Fibroids in the uterus are indicative of infertility. Tumors in the cervix often cause stenosis, or narrowing of the cervix, which is a common indicator of infertility.
Ovulating before the tenth day and after the twentieth day of one's monthly cycle, pre-menstrual spotting, menopausal symptoms, etc. are indicative of luteal phase defect, and thus in turn are signs too.
Irregular menstrual cycles are the most common indication in females that they might have some problems with fertility. However, an irregular menstrual cycle is not conclusive in itself, but it is definitely one of the signs of infertility.
Issues regarding body weight are often indicators of being infertile. For a woman, being too thin, or anorexic, will definitely hinder pregnancy, since the body does not have the proper nutritional requirements, or the required strength.
Alternatively, obesity can also be a sign. Obesity is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, which affects the reproductive system and pregnancy. Signs of Infertility in Men:
Like females, in males too, either obesity, or anorexia, is an indication that he is infertile. Apart from these, anatomical defects may also be signs of infertility. Undescended testicles, or damage to scrotum and the gonads, are possible indicators too. Wearing tight undergarments, or exposing the testicles to heat, may render the person unable to produce the required number of sperms, or unable to produce sperms altogether, resulting in infertility.
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Determining the signs of infertility:
There are many medical procedures for detecting the signs that help to determine whether an individual is infertile or not. Doctors usually prescribe one or more of the following medical tests:
. Hysterosalpingography. A dye injected into the vagina is monitored to check for blockage in the fallopian tubes or uterus.
. Laparoscopy. If disease and other physical problems are present in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or in the uterus, infertility is suggested. This may be detected through laparoscopy.
Infertility is a problem which can be solved if it is addressed in the holistic way, which is, using a multifaceted method of healing. Getting regular health checkups, taking supplements to combat existing problem, exercising and stress reduction techniques are only part of the holistic solution to infertility. The holistic approach is not only a surefire way to increase your chances of conception it also guarantees a safe and healthy pregnancy.
This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website: ["Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson]
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bunnybananasims · 10 months
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Capp-Jones family, Roaring Heights - #38
The morning after the day they arrived home, Titania suddenly felt nauseous and weird. She started feeling a bit dizzy and vomiting.
If she learned something from biology class and countless drama shows she watched and listened to, it's that the symptoms she's experiencing are usually indicative of a pregnancy.
To make sure of this and not have false hopes, she went for a checkup, and it ended up being the news they're hoping for - Titania's actually pregnant with their first child! She spread the good news to everyone in the house.
Many days passed by, and Titania hasn't experienced any major discomfort or sickness. Thanks to her husband and family's care, her pregnancy has been very smooth. One afternoon, she felt something painful in her belly - the baby's about to be born. She was panicking at first, but Donald took good care of her on their way to the hospital.
After many hours, their first baby was delivered safely, and it's a healthy baby girl! They both named her Anne.
Few days after little Anne joined the family, the household has to go out of the country again - they have a pre-booked trip to Egypt, and they're all very excited!
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s1rcus · 1 year
The Future Generations [3/?]
Rating: Mature
Words:   1328
Fandoms: Overwatch
Relationships: Moira O'Deorain/Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Characters: Moira O'Deorain, Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Additional tags: Trans Angela “Mercy” Ziegler, Pre-Fall of Overwatch, Kid Fic, Eventual Sex, Fake Science, POV Moira O'Deorain
Summary: Angela comes to Moira with an interesting proposal one late evening which makes the two start working closely together in secret.
Story below the cut or in AO3 here
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
"Ziegler, Angela!" A nurse shouted from near the end of the corridor.
Angela had dragged Moira to the first proper ultrasound. She didn't want to go alone and was set on not telling anyone in Overwatch about the pregnancy before the second trimester. She'd booked an appointment at a small clinic that was as far away from the Watchpoint as possible while still being within Zurich.
Angela hopped to her feet from the chair she was sitting on and started walking towards the nurse. It took Moira a second to realize she's supposed to be following before she got up as well and caught up with Angela.
"You're certain we can trust this doctor?" She asked in a hushed tone.
"How can you be sure?"
"Well just doctor-patient confidentiality should be enough, but I also know her. We did our residency at the same hospital. I trust her, so could you please too."
Moira just grunted in response. Knowing Angela knew this doctor personally helped a little but she still worried someone might tip off that Mercy had been visiting a doctor outside of Overwatch.
Angela and the nurse exchanged some words in German Moira couldn't understand. She had very basic knowledge of German as a language but when it came to Swiss German she was absolutely lost almost constantly. The nurse left and Angela hopped on to sit on the examination table. Not soon after a woman in white doctor's coat walked in.
"Oh, Dr. O'Deorain. I wasn't aware you'd be joining us today."
"You know what I told you over the phone. Moira is the other parent and I asked her here because she has the right to experience all of this as well. And she's my moral support," Angla butted to the middle.
“Yes, yes. And she’s also not bad to look at. Right, Angela?”
"I- shut up!"
Moira was sure Angela was blushing even before she even turned to look at her. It was endearing in a way.
"You two have caught up now. Can we move on?" She asked, trying to help Angela from her uncomfortable situation.
"Oh, yes. Doctor Laura Kriger. Nice to meet you. And this is just a normal prenatal checkup. Angela has sent me all the test results you've done on your own but I'm gonna run them again as well as some other things that are just some concerns for me because of your situation," Doctor Kriger explained.
"Angela, if you wouldn't mind lying back on the table. Lift your shirt and unbutton your jeans."
Angela did what was asked and Doctor Kriger began her examinations with an ultrasound.
Everything seemed fine with the fetus and Angela and after they left the room Angela handed her bag to Moira with a quick, "I'm just gonna use the restroom really quick. It's gonna take a bit before we're back in base again."
Moira accepted the bag and sat down to wait on the closest available chair she saw.
"You two seem like an odd couple", an older woman commented from a couple seats over.
"That's because we aren't," she answered curtly.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed you were having a baby together. This is a maternity clinic after all. I'm actually waiting for my wife to return from the reception. We've been trying to have another baby for a long time now. So if not a couple, are you two friends? Is she having this child alone?"
"It's not really any of your business, is it?" Moira said, then realized she's being rude without a reason and added, "Sorry. I hope you'll get some good news."
"You and me both. I don't know how my wife would take another failed attempt." The woman was quiet for a bit as she looked around before continuing, "I know it's not my business and I'm hoping to not step on your toes here, but you're clearly not just friends. It's kinda hard to just stand by and not be able to do anything for them while they're going through all of this. But what we have to do is to remember to take care of them while they're pregnant. You'll see soon enough how the hormones affect her."
Moira didn't know what to answer to that and before she could figure it out, Angela emerged into her field of vision. She muttered a quick thanks to the woman along with a nod, while she got up and offered Angela her bag. She accepted it and turned towards their way out.
"Alright, let's go. I'm starving. Would you want to stop somewhere for lunch or do you want to take your chance with whatever the cafeteria is offering today?" Angela talked as they started their way to the parking lot and their car.
"I could eat. Especially somewhere where I get to pick what I eat."
The lunch went by as a fog for Moira. She knew Angela was talking about something to her and she kept nodding and commenting at times to make it seem like she was actually listening. But that woman's words were playing in her head.
Angela and her were just friends and it was foolish to think otherwise. But she was playing a dangerous game here with her feelings. She'd need to step back. They were friends and spending this much time with Angela was not good for her. She couldn't be what Angela wanted her to be for this child because that would be like playing with fire. Being a mother to a child with Angela without having Angela sounded like asking for a sandwich and getting just a dry slice of toast. Moira just wouldn't be able to do it.
They arrived at the parking lot for residents of the Overwatch base. Moira parked the car in its specified spot and powered it down. Angela started to gather her things and as her hand went to the door handle Moira decided it was finally time to talk.
"I've decided that I don't want to be the other mother. This baby will have you as their mother and that's more than anyone could ask for. You're gonna be an amazing mother and you're gonna love this child no matter what. I just don't want a confusing multi house situation after you move out of base with them. But I'd like to be in their life. I want to see them grow up and I want to get to know them. So I'd rather be aunty Moira than a mother to them. I don't really think I was meant for motherhood. And I don't want to join you for more checkups, I can drive you, if you so wish. But I'll be staying outside."
Angela's hand was frozen at the door handle. She wasn't looking at her and Moira gathered she was going over everything she just said in her mind.
"Was it something Laura said? You seemed completely fine today until we left the clinic. I can ask her to be more professional if that's what you want. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it but she's an old friend so she forgets her manners," Angela said eventually.
"No, Angela. This is just what I want. It's just DNA and I'm sure you'll find someone more suitable to join you if you just ask. Oxton might have a little too much energy but I'm sure she'd be there for you, if you'd ask."
Angela said a quiet "okay" and got out of the car. She didn't look behind herself even after Moira got out of the car. She locked the doors and leaned against the side of the car. This was for the best or so she tried to tell herself. She decided it was best for her to take a little longer route back to her room. She'd go in from the back door and she could smoke a cigarette before doing so.
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gomamee · 1 year
Troubled by Early Pregnancy Symptoms? Try These Adjustment Methods!
It also touches on the importance of prenatal care and provides guidance for expectant mothers. Additionally, it discusses considerations for multiple pregnancies and advanced maternal age. Throughout the article, we will also highlight the significance of maternity clothing and introduce the GoMamee brand as a trusted provider of stylish and comfortable maternity wear.
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1.How Can I Tell I Am Pregnant?
For women with a history of sexual intercourse and regular menstruation, it is recommended that pregnancy should be suspected for more than 10 days after menstruation. It can be determined by early pregnancy reaction, early pregnancy test paper, or blood hCG test, and you can also check ultrasound test after 6 weeks of menopause.
2.I Don't Know If I'm Pregnant, But I Had a Chest X-Ray For a Medical Checkup. Will It Affect My Child?
Within 2 weeks of fertilization, or 4 weeks of pregnancy, most drugs or medical examinations have an "all or nothing" effect on the embryo. If there is an effect, it may die, miscarry or stop developing. If the fetus survives, there is nothing to worry about; secondly, the radiation exposure dose from x-ray examination is much lower than the dose that is harmful to the fetus. Therefore, please do not easily give a death sentence to life.
3.What Should I Do If My Early Pregnancy Reaction Is Too Severe?
Anorexia and vomiting are relatively normal early pregnancy reactions. Pregnant mothers should self-regulate their diet, try to choose foods that promote appetite, are rich in nutrients and easy to digest, eat less and more meals, and also take some vitamin B6 to reduce the symptoms of pregnancy vomiting.
If you still have very serious pregnancy vomiting after self-regulation, even accompanied by weight loss, it is recommended to go to the hospital for liver function, blood electrolyte test and urine ketone body test, which may require hospitalization, intravenous supplementation of water, electrolytes and heat card, and at the same time, let the stomach and intestines rest.
4.Can I Eat Seafood During Pregnancy?
Yes. Seafood itself will not affect the fetus, but seafood may have parasites, so it is important to eat fresh, hygienic and cooked seafood.
5.Do I Need To Reduce The Fetus If The Ultrasound Examination Indicates a Triplet Pregnancy?
In general, it is recommended to reduce the fetus if there are three or more fetuses alive. In addition, there is a high risk of hypertensive disorders such as pre-eclampsia in late pregnancy and complications such as postpartum hemorrhage during delivery, which endanger the life of mother and child. The risk of decompensation is mainly to cause miscarriage and preterm delivery. Early reduction is generally recommended to reduce complications in the middle and late stages of pregnancy.
6.What Should I Pay Attention To When I Am Pregnant At An Advanced Age?
The age of delivery ≥ 35 years old is an advanced pregnancy. Because after women reach 35 years old, many aspects of their bodies start to go downhill relatively, and pregnancy at this time will increase the incidence of baby malformations; at the same time, the risk of intrauterine growth retardation, miscarriage and premature birth increases, and advanced pregnant women are prone to combined heart disease of pregnancy, gestational hypertension disease and gestational diabetes. Therefore, extra attention should be paid to pregnancy care, and regular prenatal checkups should be ensured.
In addition to the routine 11-13+6 weeks NT ultrasound and 20-24 weeks ultrasound for major abnormalities, amniocentesis for fetal chromosomes is recommended directly after 18 weeks of gestation for older pregnant women. If you are not willing to perform amniocentesis or have contraindications to amniocentesis, you can also choose a non-invasive DNA test first, but you should understand the limitations of non-invasive DNA tests.
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7.Can I Have a Fetus With Thickened Nt Value? It Needs To Be Determined On a Case-By-Case Basis.
The thickness of NT value is directly proportional to the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities and can better evaluate the risk of trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, etc.; it is also associated with congenital structural malformation of the fetal heart, which is the most common cause of non-chromosomal abnormal NT thickening. Secondly, NT thickening is also associated with other structural malformations of the fetus: such as malformations of the skeletal system, diaphragmatic hernia, anterior abdominal wall defects (umbilical bulge), and fetal dyskinesia syndrome. In addition, thickened NT is also associated with spontaneous abortion, etc.
A completely normal fetus may also have thickened NT. When you get the result of NT thickening, please do not be overly nervous and upset, but go to the hospital on time. We have professional experts to help you further investigate the possible risks.
8.What Do I Need To Pay Attention To Now That I Am Pregnant With My Second Child After My First Child Was Delivered By a Cesarean?
It is appropriate to have another pregnancy after cesarean section with an interval of more than 2 years and less than 10 years. The shorter the interval, the greater the risk of uterine rupture in another pregnancy. Pregnant mothers with scarred uterus can first have an ultrasound examination to understand the location of the embryo in relation to the scar. If the embryo lays on the scar, it is considered a "scarred pregnancy" and is at higher risk of uterine rupture and hemorrhage. If the bed site is not in the scar, pregnancy can continue, but there is still a risk of uterine rupture during pregnancy, so it is recommended to strengthen perinatal health care regularly.
9.Can I Play With Cell Phones And Computers During Pregnancy?
Yes. The radiation dose of daily electrical appliances is very small and will not cause harm to the mother and fetus. The normal use of cell phones for phone calls has no effect on the fetus, but it is not recommended to play on cell phones for a long time. It is recommended to take a walk outdoors more often during pregnancy to relax, pay attention to rest more, develop good habits of life and rest, don't stay up late, avoid straining and do regular maternity checkups.
10.How To Supplement Folic Acid During Pregnancy?
In order to prevent fetal neural tube malformation, the demand for folic acid during pregnancy is high.
Experts recommend starting oral folic acid 0.4 mg as early as three months prior to pregnancy preparation. Women with a history of births with neural tube defects, as well as those with diseases affecting folic acid metabolism such as diabetes, epilepsy, or those found to have genetic defects that impair folic acid metabolism, need to increase their folic acid intake as prescribed by their doctors on a case-by-case basis.
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In conclusion, this article provides valuable insights for expectant mothers, covering various aspects of pregnancy. It emphasizes the importance of timely pregnancy confirmation and regular prenatal care. Additionally, it highlights the significance of choosing appropriate maternity clothing, and the GoMamee brand stands out as a reliable option offering fashionable and comfortable options for expectant mothers. By considering the information presented here and selecting quality maternity clothing from GoMamee, pregnant women can enhance their comfort and style during this special time in their lives.
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asto-labs · 2 days
Book Urine Culture Test In Chennai at Affordable Prices | Asto Labs
A urine culture test in Chennai is an essential diagnostic tool to detect and identify bacterial infections in the urinary tract. At Asto Labs, one of the leading providers of urine routine tests in Chennai, we offer comprehensive urine investigation tests in Chennai at affordable prices. Our service guarantees accurate reports from NABL and CAP accredited laboratories. With a simple process to book online, we prioritize both convenience and quality. Whether you need a urine culture test for symptoms or routine screening, Asto Labs delivers trusted diagnostic services at competitive rates for your peace of mind.
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The Urine Culture Test: What is it?
A urine culture test in Chennai, sometimes referred to as a urinalysis, is used to diagnose and treat various conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections. At Asto Labs, we specialize in comprehensive urine routine tests in Chennai to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.
During a urine investigation test in Chennai, the urine is examined for its appearance, composition, and concentration. For example, if the urine appears murky rather than clear, it could indicate a urinary tract infection. Similarly, elevated protein levels in the urine might signal kidney disease
Why Perform a Urinalysis Test?
Evaluating General Health: A urine routine test in Chennai is frequently included in medical checkups such as pregnancy tests, pre-surgery evaluations, and general health screenings. It is also used to screen for conditions like diabetes, liver disease, or kidney disease during hospital admissions.
Diagnosing Medical Conditions: A urine investigation test in Chennai may be recommended if you have symptoms such as back pain, abdominal pain, frequent or painful urination, or blood in the urine.
Monitoring Pre-Existing Medical Issues: Routine urine culture tests in Chennai are often advised for individuals with conditions such as kidney disease or urinary tract infections. These tests help healthcare providers track the progression of the illness and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing treatments.
A urinalysis is a critical diagnostic procedure for various medical conditions. At Asto Labs in Chennai, our expertise in urine culture tests, urine routine tests, and urine investigation tests enables accurate diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of health issues.
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drasmitadongare · 3 days
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Planning for pregnancy?- Dr. Asmita Dongare
Planning for pregnancy? Get expert guidance from Dr. Asmita Dongare. Our pre-pregnancy checkups and nutritional advice will help optimize your fertility and ensure a healthy foundation for a successful pregnancy.
For personalized advice, consult Dr. Asmita Dongare!
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Address: Near Bumkar Chowk, Wakad
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🌐Book an Appointment: https://www.drasmitadongare.com/book-an-appointment/
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jyothsnarajan · 11 days
Best Gynecologist Doctor in Kompally, Hyderabad | Dr Pranathi Reddy
Dr. Pranathi Reddy: Leading Gynecologist in Hyderabad
Dr. Pranathi Reddy is one of the most respected names in women’s healthcare in Hyderabad, offering comprehensive and compassionate care for women across all stages of life. Her expertise, combined with state-of-the-art facilities, has made her a leading figure in the city's gynecology and maternity care services.
Gynecology Clinic in Hyderabad
Dr. Pranathi Reddy’s gynecology clinic in Hyderabad is renowned for offering personalized and professional healthcare to women. Her clinic provides a wide range of services, from routine gynecological check-ups to advanced treatments. With a focus on delivering the best gynecologist treatment in Hyderabad, Dr. Reddy ensures that every patient receives the highest standard of care.
Best Gynecology Services in Hyderabad
Dr. Pranathi Reddy's clinic is known for offering some of the best gynecology services in Hyderabad, catering to the unique needs of women at different stages of their lives. Whether it's managing menstrual health, addressing fertility concerns, or providing pre- and post-natal care, the clinic is well-equipped to handle all aspects of gynecological care.
Gynecology and Women’s Healthcare Clinics
Her clinic is considered the best gynecology hospital in Hyderabad due to its advanced medical technology and the compassionate care provided by Dr. Reddy and her team. The gynecology hospital in Hyderabad is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of safety and efficiency, ensuring that patients receive timely and effective treatments.
As a women’s healthcare clinic in Hyderabad, Dr. Reddy's practice prioritizes women's health issues from adolescence through menopause, offering comprehensive health services in a safe and supportive environment. The clinic also serves as the best clinic for women’s healthcare in Hyderabad, providing customized care for every patient.
Female Health Checkup and Maternity Services
At Dr. Pranathi Reddy’s clinic, routine health checks are essential for maintaining women's health. The female health checkup clinic in Hyderabad offers a variety of health assessments, helping to detect potential issues early on and providing tailored treatments to ensure long-term wellness.
Dr. Pranathi Reddy is also a highly trusted expert in maternity care, operating a leading maternity clinic in Hyderabad. With a focus on holistic pregnancy care, her clinic provides everything from prenatal checkups to postnatal support. Recognized as the best maternity and delivery clinic in Hyderabad, the clinic specializes in safe, comfortable, and personalized childbirth experiences.
Pregnancy Clinic and Normal Delivery Services
Dr. Pranathi Reddy’s pregnancy clinic in Hyderabad is widely regarded as one of the best for expecting mothers. With a focus on both the mother’s and baby’s health, her clinic ensures that every pregnancy is carefully monitored and supported. Known as the best maternity clinic for normal delivery in Hyderabad, the clinic promotes natural childbirth where possible, with the aim of delivering the best outcomes for both mother and child.
Dr. Pranathi Reddy’s reputation as a leading gynecologist is well-established, with her clinic providing some of the best gynecology services in Hyderabad. Whether it’s routine health checks, advanced gynecological treatments, or maternity care, her dedication to women’s health makes her the top choice for anyone seeking quality medical care in the city.
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nu-fertility · 3 months
Gynaecology & Obstetrics Care at KM NU Hospitals, Ambur.
Women's health is a complex and ever-evolving field. Finding the right healthcare provider can feel daunting. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Gynaecology & Obstetrics care, highlighting the services offered and the importance of routine checkups.
What is Gynaecology?
Gynaecology focuses on the female reproductive system and overall women's health. Gynaecologists diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, including:
Menstrual irregularities: Heavy bleeding, painful periods, and abnormal cycles.
Pelvic floor disorders: Urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunction.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Testing, diagnosis, and treatment of STIs.
Endometriosis and fibroids: Management of these common conditions that can cause pain and infertility.
Precancerous conditions: Early detection and treatment of cervical and other gynecological cancers. What is Obstetrics?
Obstetrics focuses on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Obstetricians provide comprehensive care for expecting mothers, including:
Prenatal care: Regular checkups to monitor fetal development and maternal health.
High-risk pregnancy management: Specialized care for mothers with pre-existing conditions or complications.
Delivery options: Support for vaginal delivery, caesarean section, and other birthing options.
Postpartum care: Care for both mother and baby after delivery, including breastfeeding support and newborn checkups.
Benefits of Regular Gynaecological & Obstetrical Care
Early detection and prevention: Regular checkups can help detect health concerns early on, leading to better treatment outcomes.
Improved pregnancy outcomes: Prenatal care can significantly improve the health of both mother and baby.
Informed healthcare decisions: Regular consultations with a trusted healthcare provider empower women to make informed decisions about their health.
Investing in your gynaecological and obstetrical health is vital throughout your life. Finding a qualified and compassionate healthcare provider sets the foundation for optimal well-being. For more Information:Visit our website:https://kmnuhospitals.com/ Ph No:8431314141 Email:[email protected]
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Find The Best Gynaecology clinic near me Delhi NCR
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Every woman deserves access to high-quality gynaecological care. Regular checkups and screenings are crucial for maintaining good health throughout your life. Also, we have the best IVF Doctor near me in Rohini Delhi. But with so many options available, finding the "right" gynaecologist clinic can feel overwhelming. If you're searching for a gynaecology clinic near me in Rohini, Delhi, look no further than Vijay Nursing Home!
Why Choose Vijay Nursing Home for Your Gynaecological Needs?
At Vijay Nursing Home, we understand the importance of personalized and compassionate care. Our team of experienced and qualified gynaecologists provides a comprehensive range of services for women of all ages. We also provide the best Fertility check up in Delhi ncr Here's what sets us apart:
Experienced and Qualified Gynaecologists: Our doctors are highly trained and dedicated to staying current with the latest advancements in women's healthcare.
Excellent Treatment: We offer a wide range of gynaecological services, including routine checkups, screenings, treatment for various conditions, and pre-conception counselling.
Comfortable and Welcoming Environment: We understand that visiting a gynaecologist can be nerve-wracking. Our team strives to create a comfortable and welcoming environment where you can feel at ease discussing your health concerns.
Technology Integration: We utilize advanced technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans.
What Services Do We Offer?
Our gynecology department offers a variety of services, including:
Annual Exams and Well-Woman Visits: Regular check up are essential for maintaining good health and detecting potential problems early.
Pap Smears and HPV Testing: These screenings play a vital role in preventing cervical cancer.
Birth Control Options: We offer a wide range of birth control methods to help you find the best option that fits your needs.
Treatment for Menstrual Disorders: We can diagnose and treat various menstrual issues, including heavy bleeding, irregular periods, and endometriosis.
Pre-conception Counselling: If you're planning to get pregnant, we can provide guidance and support to optimize your health for a healthy pregnancy.
Menopause Management: We offer solutions to manage symptoms associated with menopause.
Schedule an Appointment Today!
At Vijay Nursing Home, We are committed to providing exceptional gynaecological care for women in Rohini, Delhi. Vijay Nursing Home has a Specialist doctors Rohini. So Don't hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment or discuss your specific needs. We're here to guide you on your journey to optimal health!
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drpriya · 3 months
The causes of gynecological cancers can vary, but several factors have been identified that may increase the risk of developing these types of cancer. Here’s a look at some of the common causes and risk factors for each type of gynecological cancer:
Cervical Cancer
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection: The primary cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with high-risk types of HPV.
Smoking: Increases the risk of cervical cancer.
Immunosuppression: Conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV, can increase the risk.
Long-term use of oral contraceptives: Use for five or more years can increase the risk.
Multiple full-term pregnancies: Having three or more full-term pregnancies can increase the risk.
Early sexual activity and multiple sexual partners: Increase the likelihood of HPV infection.
Ovarian Cancer
Genetic Factors: Inherited mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes significantly increase the risk.
Family History: A family history of ovarian or breast cancer can increase the risk.
Age: The risk increases with age, especially after menopause.
Reproductive History: Never having been pregnant increases the risk.
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Long-term use of estrogen alone or estrogen-progestin therapy can increase the risk. Know more about HRT and other gynecological problems by a best gynaecologist like Dr Firuza Parikh.
Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer
Hormonal Imbalance: High levels of estrogen without corresponding levels of progesterone can increase the risk.
Obesity: Fat tissue can produce additional estrogen, increasing the risk.
Diabetes: Women with diabetes have a higher risk.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Can lead to higher levels of estrogen. ( Know more about- What is PCOS? )
Family History: A family history of endometrial or colorectal cancer can increase the risk.
Tamoxifen: Use of tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment can increase the risk.
Vaginal Cancer
HPV Infection: Similar to cervical cancer, HPV infection is a significant risk factor.
Age: The risk increases with age, especially after 60.
Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES): Women whose mothers took DES during pregnancy have a higher risk.
History of Cervical Cancer or Pre-cancer: Can increase the risk.
Vulvar Cancer
HPV Infection: A major risk factor, particularly for younger women.
Age: The risk increases with age, particularly after 50.
Chronic Skin Conditions: Conditions like lichen sclerosus can increase the risk.
Smoking: Increases the risk.
Immunosuppression: Conditions that weaken the immune system can increase the risk.
While these risk factors are associated with an increased likelihood of developing gynecological cancers, they do not guarantee that a person will develop cancer. Conversely, individuals without these risk factors can still develop these cancers.
Regular screening and preventative measures, such as the HPV vaccine, can help reduce the risk. Get best treatments and full body health checkups at best hospitals like H N Reliance Hospital Mumbai.
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drdeepaligynecologist · 4 months
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As an experienced writer, I understand the importance of finding the right obstetrician and gynecologist, especially in a bustling city like Jaipur. Obstetrics and gynecology are specialized fields that require a deep understanding of women's health, pregnancy, and childbirth. In this comprehensive guide, I'll share my expert picks for the best obstetricians and gynecologists in Jaipur, as well as key factors to consider when selecting the right healthcare provider for your needs.
Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) are medical specialties that focus on the health of women, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Obstetricians are responsible for providing comprehensive care to women throughout their pregnancy, from prenatal checkups to delivery and postpartum care. Gynecologists, on the other hand, specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the female reproductive system, such as menstrual disorders, infertility, and gynecological cancers.
Importance of Choosing the Right Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Selecting the right obstetrician and gynecologist is crucial for ensuring the best possible healthcare experience and outcomes. These healthcare providers play a vital role in maintaining your overall health, managing any medical conditions, and guiding you through the various stages of pregnancy and childbirth. A knowledgeable and compassionate OB/GYN can make a significant difference in your well-being and the health of your child.
Factors to Consider When Selecting an Obstetrician and Gynecologist
When choosing a gynecologist or obstetrician in Jaipur, there are several important factors to consider:
Qualifications and Experience: Look for healthcare providers who are board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, with extensive experience in their field. Consider the number of years they have been practicing, as well as their track record of successful patient outcomes.
Communication and Bedside Manner: Effective communication and a caring bedside manner are essential for building a strong patient-provider relationship. Ensure that the OB/GYN you choose listens attentively, explains procedures and treatments in a clear and understandable manner, and shows genuine concern for your well-being.
Availability and Accessibility: Consider the OB/GYN's availability for appointments, their responsiveness to your inquiries, and the convenience of their office location and hours.
Hospital Affiliations and Privileges: Inquire about the healthcare provider's hospital affiliations and privileges, as this can impact the quality of care you receive during your hospital stay.
Insurance and Costs: Verify that the OB/GYN accepts your health insurance plan and understand any out-of-pocket costs associated with their services.
Gender Preference: Some women may have a preference for a male or female OB/GYN, depending on their personal comfort level and cultural considerations.
Best Obstetricians in Jaipur
Jaipur is home to a wealth of talented and experienced obstetricians, each with their unique strengths and specialties. Here are some of the top obstetricians in the city:
Dr. Deepali Meena: With over13 years of experience, Dr. Deepali is renowned for her expertise in high-risk pregnancies, preterm deliveries, and complex obstetric cases. She is affiliated with best maternity hospital in Jaipur and is known for her compassionate approach and commitment to patient-centered care.
Dr. Aditya Sharma: Dr. Aditya Sharma is a highly respected obstetrician who specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopic and robotic-assisted procedures. He is known for his exceptional surgical skills and his ability to manage even the most complex obstetric cases.
Dr. Pooja Mehta: Dr. Pooja Mehta is a board-certified obstetrician with a particular focus on prenatal care and high-risk pregnancies. She is praised for her thorough approach to patient education and her ability to provide personalized care tailored to each patient's needs.
Dr. Rahul Agarwal: Dr. Rahul Agarwal is a seasoned obstetrician with a reputation for his expertise in managing complicated deliveries, including breech presentations and multiple births. He is known for his calm demeanor and his ability to make patients feel at ease during their pregnancy journey.
Dr. Shilpa Sharma: Dr. Shilpa Sharma is a compassionate obstetrician who specializes in providing comprehensive care for women with high-risk pregnancies, including those with pre-existing medical conditions or pregnancy-related complications. She is highly respected for her excellent clinical skills and her dedication to patient safety.
Best Gynecologists in Jaipur
Jaipur is also home to a talented pool of gynecologists, each with their unique areas of expertise. Here are some of the top gynecologists in the city:
Dr. Deepali Meena:  Dr. Deepali Meena is a highly respected gynecologist known for her expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of gynecological conditions, including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). She is praised for her compassionate approach and her ability to provide personalized care and proved to be the best lady gynecologist in pratap nagar jaipur.
Dr. Priya Sharma: Dr. Priya Sharma is a board-certified gynecologist with a special interest in minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures. She is known for her excellent surgical skills and her commitment to providing her patients with the most advanced and effective treatments.
Dr. Ritu Gupta: Dr. Ritu Gupta is a gynecologist who specializes in the management of complex gynecological conditions, including gynecological cancers and reproductive health issues. She is praised for her expertise, her compassionate bedside manner, and her dedication to providing comprehensive and personalized care.
Dr. Nisha Jain: Dr. Nisha Jain is a gynecologist with a particular focus on adolescent and young adult gynecology. She is known for her ability to create a comfortable and supportive environment for her patients, and for her expertise in addressing the unique healthcare needs of this population.
Dr. Anita Mathur: Dr. Anita Mathur is a highly respected gynecologist who specializes in the management of infertility and reproductive health issues. She is known for her compassionate approach, her extensive experience, and her ability to provide her patients with the most advanced and effective treatments.
Lady Obstetricians in Pratap Nagar
For women who prefer to work with a female obstetrician, Pratap Nagar in Jaipur is home to several highly skilled lady obstetricians. Here are a few notable examples:
Dr. Deepali Meena: Dr. Deepali Meena is one of the best obstetrician in pratap nagar ,Jaipur with a strong focus on providing comprehensive prenatal care and managing high-risk pregnancies. She is known for her excellent communication skills and her ability to put her patients at ease.
Dr. Roshni Mehta: Dr. Roshni Mehta is a compassionate obstetrician who specializes in natural and holistic approaches to childbirth, including water births and hypnobirthing. She is praised for her ability to create a supportive and nurturing environment for her patients.
Dr. Neelam Sharma: Dr. Neelam Sharma is a highly experienced obstetrician with a reputation for her expertise in managing complicated deliveries, including breech presentations and multiple births. She is known for her calm and reassuring bedside manner.
Best Childbirth Experts in Jaipur
Jaipur is home to a wealth of experienced childbirth experts, including obstetricians, midwives, and doulas, who are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support during the birthing process. Here are a few of the top childbirth experts in the city:
Dr. Deepali Meena: Dr. Deepali Meena is a board-certified obstetrician with a special interest in natural and holistic approaches to childbirth. She is known for her expertise in managing low-risk pregnancies and her ability to create a supportive and empowering birthing experience for her patients and is one of the best childbirth expert in jaipur.
Sunita Sharma, Certified Nurse-Midwife: Sunita Sharma is a highly experienced certified nurse-midwife who specializes in providing personalized care and support throughout the entire pregnancy and childbirth process. She is known for her compassionate approach and her ability to empower her patients to make informed decisions about their care.
Neha Gupta, Certified Doula: Neha Gupta is a certified doula who is passionate about providing emotional, physical, and informational support to women and their families during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. She is known for her ability to create a calming and nurturing environment for her clients.
Maternity Hospitals in Jaipur
Jaipur is home to a number of excellent maternity hospitals that offer comprehensive care for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Some of the top maternity hospitals in the city include:
Dr Deepali Gynecologist: Dr Deepali Gynecologist is a leading healthcare clinc that provides state-of-the-art maternity care, including advanced obstetric and neonatal services. The hospital is known for its experienced team of obstetricians, neonatologists, and pediatricians, as well as its comfortable and modern birthing suites.
Sawai Man Singh Hospital: Sawai Man Singh Hospital is a renowned public hospital that offers comprehensive maternity care, including prenatal clinics, labor and delivery services, and postpartum care. The hospital is known for its excellent team of healthcare providers and its commitment to providing accessible and affordable care to the community.
Apex Hospital: Apex Hospital is a private healthcare facility that specializes in maternity and women's health services. The hospital is known for its comfortable and well-equipped birthing suites, as well as its team of highly skilled obstetricians and gynecologists.
Maternity Centers in Jaipur
In addition to the city's best maternity hospital in Jaipur is also home to a number of specialized maternity centers that offer a range of services for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Some of the top maternity centers in the city include:
Jaipur Maternity Center: Jaipur Maternity Center is a dedicated maternity facility that provides comprehensive care, including prenatal checkups, childbirth classes, and postpartum support. The center is known for its comfortable and welcoming environment, as well as its team of experienced healthcare providers.
Dr Deepali Gynecologist: Dr Deepali Gynecologist Clinic is a specialized maternity center that offers a range of services, including prenatal care, labor and delivery support, and postpartum care. The clinic is known for its personalized approach to patient care and its commitment to promoting a positive birthing experience and is the best maternity center in jaipur.
Jaipur Birthing Center: Jaipur Birthing Center is a unique maternity facility that specializes in providing a more natural and holistic approach to childbirth. The center offers a range of services, including water births, hypnobirthing, and doula support, all within a comfortable and nurturing environment.
Painless Delivery Hospitals in Jaipur
For women who are interested in exploring the option of a best painless delivery hospital in Jaipur is home to several hospitals that offer advanced pain management techniques during childbirth. Some of the top painless delivery hospitals in the city include:
Fortis Escorts Hospital: Fortis Escorts Hospital is known for its expertise in providing epidural anesthesia and other pain management techniques during labor and delivery. The hospital's team of anesthesiologists and obstetricians work closely together to ensure a comfortable and safe birthing experience for their patients.
Dr Deepali Gynecologist: Dr Deepali Gynecologist clinic is another leading healthcare facility in Jaipur that offers a range of pain management options for women during childbirth, including epidural anesthesia and IV pain medication. The hospital's team of healthcare providers is dedicated to helping their patients manage pain and discomfort during labor and delivery.
Jaipur Birthing Center: While not a traditional hospital, the Jaipur Birthing Center offers a unique approach to painless delivery, with a focus on natural and holistic pain management techniques, such as water births, hypnobirthing, and the use of nitrous oxide.
Infertility Treatment in Pratap Nagar
For individuals and couples struggling with infertility, Pratap Nagar in Jaipur is home to several highly specialized infertility clinics and treatment centers. Some of the best infertility treatment in pratap nagar providers in this area include:
Dr. Deepali Gynecologist: Dr. Deepali is a renowned gynecologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. She is known for her expertise in assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI), as well as her compassionate approach to patient care.
Pratap Nagar Fertility Clinic: The Pratap Nagar Fertility Clinic is a dedicated infertility treatment center that offers a range of services, including fertility testing, hormonal therapy, and advanced reproductive procedures. The clinic is known for its state-of-the-art facilities and its team of highly skilled reproductive endocrinologists and embryologists.
Jaipur Infertility Center: The Jaipur Infertility Center is another leading provider of infertility treatment in Pratap Nagar. The center offers a comprehensive range of services, including ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization, all delivered by a team of experienced and compassionate healthcare providers.
If you're looking for an experienced and best gynecologist in Jaipur, I highly recommend considering Dr. Deepali. With her extensive expertise in the field of gynecology and infertility treatment, she can provide you with the personalized care and support you need to achieve your health and wellness goals. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Deepali, please visit her website or call her clinic today.
In conclusion, Jaipur is home to a wealth of talented and experienced obstetricians, gynecologists, and childbirth experts who are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to women throughout their pregnancy and reproductive health journey. By considering the factors outlined in this guide and exploring the top healthcare providers in the city, you can be confident in finding the right OB/GYN to meet your unique needs and preferences.
Other Links:
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Best childbirth expert in jaipur
Maternity hospital in jaipur
Maternity Centres in Jaipur
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Antenatal Checkup in pratap nagar
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Best childbirth expert in Pratap nagar
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ayyappanclinic · 4 months
Empowering Women’s Health: Best Gynecologist with Top Google Rating
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Living in Kundrathur, a vibrant city steeped in tradition, taking charge of your health is an essential part of living a fulfilling life.With regards to ladies’ wellbeing, finding the right medical care supplier is critical. A top-rated gynecologist in Kundrathur can be your partner in empowerment, providing the knowledge, support, and care you need throughout every stage of your life.
Why Choose a Top-Rated Gynecologist in Kundrathur?
A gynecologist is a clinical expert working in a lady’s regenerative wellbeing. They offer a wide range of services designed to empower you to make informed decisions about your well-being, including:
Annual checkups and preventive care: Regular checkups are essential for detecting potential issues early on, allowing for proactive treatment if necessary.
Family planning and contraception: Gynecologists can guide you on various birth control options, helping you choose the one that best suits your needs and family planning goals.
Pregnancy care: From pre-birth exams to conveyance and post pregnancy care, a gynecologist can uphold you all through your pregnancy process, guaranteeing a sound encounter for both you and your child.
Treatment for menstrual disorders: If you experience irregular periods, heavy bleeding, or other menstrual issues, a gynecologist can diagnose the cause and offer treatment options to regulate your cycle and alleviate discomfort.
Menopause management: Menopause brings a variety of changes. A gynecologist can assist you with overseeing side effects like hot glimmers and vaginal dryness, guaranteeing a smooth change into this new period of life.
With many Gynecologist in Kundrathur, it’s important to find the right one for you. Here’s how a top Google rating can be a valuable tool:
Positive Patient Experiences: A high Google rating often reflects a history of satisfied patients who have had positive interactions with the gynecologist and their staff.
Confidence in Choosing: This positive reputation can give you peace of mind knowing you’re choosing a provider with a proven track record of successful outcomes.
Empower Yourself with Ayyappan Clinic
When it comes to finding a top-rated gynecologist in Kundrathur, Ayyappan Clinic stands out from the crowd. Here’s why:
High Google Rating: Ayyappan Clinic boasts a stellar Google rating, reflecting the positive experiences and successful outcomes their patients achieve.
Experienced and Caring Team: Their team comprises highly qualified and experienced gynecologists dedicated to providing exceptional women’s healthcare.
Patient-Centered Approach: They prioritize open communication, actively listening to your concerns and empowering you with knowledge and personalized treatment options based on your unique needs.
Comprehensive Services: Ayyappan Clinic offers a wide range of gynecological services, ensuring you receive all the care you need under one roof.
Empowering your health starts with finding the right healthcare partner. A top-rated gynecologist in Kundrathur like Ayyappan Clinic offers the expertise, personalized care, and positive patient experience you deserve. Schedule a consultation today and take control of your health journey. Remember, prioritizing your well-being is the foundation for living a happy, fulfilling life!
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dhanvantarihospital · 5 months
Expert Gynecologist in Borivali: Dr. Deepika Doshi's Comprehensive Women's Health Care
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Introduction: When it comes to comprehensive women's health care in Borivali, Mumbai, Dr. Deepika Doshi stands out as a trusted expert. Specializing in maternity, gynaecology, and infertility treatments, Dr. Doshi's clinic offers a wide range of services to cater to women's diverse health needs.
About Dr. Deepika Doshi: Dr. Deepika Doshi, a renowned Best Gynecologist in Borivali, Obstetrician, and Laparoscopic Surgeon, brings a wealth of experience from her tenure in prestigious institutes in Manipal and Delhi. Known for her compassionate approach, Dr. Doshi excels in normal and cesarean deliveries, complex pregnancies, and both medical and surgical abortions.
Infertility Treatment:
Expert in infertility investigation and counseling.
Offers ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Specializes in laparoscopic surgeries for conditions like fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis affecting fertility.
Gynecology Hospital in Borivali:
Trusted facility providing pre-conceptional counseling, antenatal care, and high-risk pregnancy management.
Member of prominent medical associations ensuring up-to-date practices in women's health care.
Laparoscopy Surgery:
Proficient in minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopic hysterectomy and fibroid excision.
Offers precise diagnosis and treatment for various gynecological conditions.
High-Risk Pregnancy:
Provides comprehensive care including regular checkups, nutritional guidance, and exercise recommendations.
Ensures optimal health for both mother and fetus in high-risk pregnancies.
Preconceptional Counseling:
Offers vital guidance on lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and supplements for women planning pregnancy.
Aims to enhance the chances of a healthy pregnancy through proactive measures.
Conclusion: Dr. Deepika Doshi's expertise and dedication make her a trusted choice for women seeking top-notch gynecological care in Borivali. Whether it's infertility treatments, high-risk pregnancies, or routine gynecological care, Dr. Doshi's clinic offers comprehensive services tailored to women's unique needs.
Contact Information: Take the first step towards better women's health by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Deepika Doshi, Best Gynecologist in Borivali today. Call at +91 9324263464 / 022 2833 8378.
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nurtureivfcentre · 5 months
Best IVF doctors in Delhi for infertility treatment
Infertility cases were a rising concern among individuals with different aspect of a psychological disorder, environmental factors or any kind of major or minor reproductive health issues professional must have a prior consultation to deal with their partner, spouses loved one with certified doctors like a person who have in-depth expertise on semen research, clinical exposure to understand the concern about hormonal imbalance that affects negative impact on our body.
Meet Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, based in Delhi provides comprehensive research, medical support to patients for the miraculous result in test-tube production with all the scientific and clinical observation for patients looking for a medical approach to conceive safer without any delay on pre and post pregnancy or ovarian disorders.
As a leading infertility specialist in Delhi, we undertake and supervise all the medical norms about patients medical history, their profession and day to activity that hamper a person’s ability to get better reproductive health, let’s talk to experts to know what are the most essential things couple must study and habituate to get the better result and transform to a natural and happier lifestyle that does not hamper their interest to become parents.
We’ve been assisting infertility patients in Delhi NCR since many years of dedication, real-time counseling system, gynecologist support to women planning to discuss pregnancy with all types of moral issues like hormonal, menstrual, physical, emotional, genetic disorder, nutritional aspect that helps to increase chance of productive lifestyle, better embryo, uterus, and fetus health as per medical standards guidelines.
Let’s discover the essential things to get from a top IVF clinic in Delhi to redefine your journey to motherhood with all the basic and advanced scientific facts, myriad possibilities to become a mother using safe and cost-effective berthing procedures with in vitro fertilization techniques. Take a look at our service Excellency and our world-renowned services to fertility patients searching for emotional support for pregnancy.
Before birth screening
Medical health audit sample
Checkup and clinical diagnosis
Minor and cesarean delivery concern
Dysfunction test
IVF, IUI, ICSI treatment for infertility
Prevention and detection of healthy dietary practice
Fertility counseling for couple
Semen audit
Sperm donor program
Ultrasound procedure
Semen storage process and semen banking
Egg freezing
Artificial insemination
Uterus and ovaries treatment
We are glad to talk, come, find us and discover the bundle of joy to fulfill your dream to become parent by our scientific based In Vitro Fertilization support, clinical diagnosis and procedure at Nurture IVF clinics in Delhi, the no.1 clinics to clarify all types of queries about infertility, unhealthy habits that ruins the bond of joy and togetherness of creating for a happier reproductive health.
Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj's Nurture IVF Clinic
B-125, Naraina, New Delhi, 110028
+91 9810265065
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divawomenshospital · 6 months
6 Tips to Prevent Having a High-Risk Pregnancy
Most pregnancies (about 92-94%) are normal. But it’s good to learn about common problems during pregnancy. This can help you make good choices for your health and your baby’s health. Every pregnancy is different. Some start with low risk, but problems like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia can happen later. Then, the mom and baby need special care. In other cases, the pregnancy is high-risk from the beginning.
Certain factors leading to a high-risk pregnancy are beyond your control. Carrying more than one baby, such as twins or triplets, often makes a pregnancy high-risk. However, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Learn about six things you can do to avoid a high-risk pregnancy and schedule your initial prenatal appointment now. Elevate your women’s health journey with Diva Women’s Hospital, recognized as the “Best OB/GYN in Ahmedabad.” Schedule your appointment now for unparalleled care and support.
Maintain or achieve a healthy weight before pregnancy
Being overweight or obese during pregnancy raises the chances of facing various issues such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and stillbirth.
If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, reaching a healthy weight before conception lowers the risk of complications. Adopt a nutritious diet and engage in regular exercise to shed excess weight and sustain a healthy body weight. During pregnancy, adhere to your doctor’s recommendations for weight gain to promote healthy labor and delivery.
Manage pre-existing health conditions
If you have health issues that aren’t under control, it can make your pregnancy riskier. Some common conditions that might affect your pregnancy are:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV
Autoimmune diseases like lupus or multiple sclerosis
Pregnancy can be tough on your body. Taking care of these health issues with medication and lifestyle changes before getting pregnant helps your body be at its best during pregnancy.
Take prenatal supplements
When you’re pregnant, your body requires additional nutrients to support your growing baby. Taking a prenatal vitamin or supplement can provide essential elements like folic acid, iron, protein, and calcium that may be lacking in your regular diet.
If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, it’s a good idea to start taking a prenatal supplement before you conceive. Additionally, taking prenatal vitamins after your baby is born can be beneficial, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Secure a healthy start for your little one! Schedule your prenatal checkups at Diva Women’s Hospital in Ahmedabad, where expert care meets compassion. Trust us for a journey to motherhood that prioritizes both you and your baby.
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Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
Consuming alcohol, smoking, or using tobacco products, as well as taking drugs during pregnancy, can have a substantial impact on your baby’s health. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy raises the risk of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, leading to severe birth defects.
Smoking cigarettes can result in low birth weight for babies. The use of illegal drugs or the misuse of prescription drugs can cause birth defects, and there’s a chance that babies may be born addicted to a drug used during pregnancy. It’s crucial to only take medications prescribed by your doctor during pregnancy.
Know the risks of older maternal age
The likelihood of pregnancy complications rises after the age of 35. Challenges such as difficulty conceiving, miscarriage, and genetic abnormalities in the baby become more prevalent. Fertility begins a gradual decline around age 30, accelerating for women aged 35 and older.
Common complications for mothers in this age group include:
Premature birth
Low birth weight
Gestational diabetes
The potential need for a cesarean (c-section) birth
Women in their 20s face the lowest risk of complications during pregnancy. If you’re pregnant or planning to conceive later in life, it’s advisable to discuss your risks with a specialist.
Regular doctor visits during pregnancy
Regular prenatal check-ups are vital to monitor your health and your baby’s growth. At each appointment, vital signs and the baby’s progress are assessed. If issues like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia are found, a treatment plan is developed for a healthy pregnancy and birth. Experience exceptional women’s care at Diva Women’s Hospital, your choice for the “Best OB/GYN in Ahmedabad.” Trust our expert team for personalized and compassionate maternity and gynecological services in Ahmedabad. Call us today: +91 9978872345  for excellence in women’s health.
Read More:- 6 Tips to Prevent Having a High-Risk Pregnancy
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