randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: Requiem AUs (Poll Results 4th)-- Mulder Didn't Leave
Part 2 of the Requiem AUs (from this poll): Mulder returns in Requiem whether before, during, or after he finds out about his and Scully's miracle.
Loose chronological order below~
Requiem AUs
@mihosayuri/neytirijade’s This was in response to a prompt
""“I, uh… I’m actually here—we’re here—because I’m about two months late, and um… I took two at home pregnancy tests, and I know those things aren’t always 100%–""
Pre-Requiem Mulder and Scully are back in the IVF office, waiting with bated breath to see if they have surprise, miraculous, positive news.
isolated systems - Chapter 2 (Tumblr)
""In Bellefleur, shock and dread give way to anticipation, to delight almost. She holds Theresa Nemman’s baby and remembers the one growing inside her, wonders.... She needs to tell him.""
Pre-Requiem Scully finds out about her pregnancy before she and Mulder leave for Oregon. She mulls over the news during their investigation; finally tells when they end up back where it all started: his motel room.
@starbuck09256​‘s (Ao3) Back to the Beginning to find the Truth
""Everything in his search had just been leading him back to her. She whimpers in his arms and he feels a sudden gush on his chest[.] [L]ooking down as he gently strokes her bare back he see bright crimson.""
Scully's nose bleeds in Bellefleur; and Mulder zips her to the ER to get a checkup. Both are overjoyed.
@gilliansanderson/spensierata's Strange Trails (Tumblr)
""It was quiet in the car. It was a comfortable quiet. They were comfortable being quiet, it was how they processed the inevitable. The radio crackled and screeched in search of a signal, it reminded Mulder of when they’d lost nine minutes, they’d gotten soaked, he’d marked the ground with an X. We Were Here. He’d screamed it at the sky. Mulder turned it off in frustration so all that was left to fill the silence was the rhythmic pounding of the rain against the roof.... It was nine minutes to the hospital. He reached over to thread his fingers through hers. She only barely squeezed back.""
Mulder and Scully sit in the waiting room in Bellefleur, their absorptive silence morphing into peaceful joy at the good news.
@lokisgame​’s (Ao3) Late
""Mulder,” she whispered..., calling him back from the edge of sleep, “I’m late.” “For what?” He mumbled, half conscious, “we just got back.""
Mulder and Scully return from Oregon, dozing on the couch... until Scully drops the gentle "I'm late" bombshell. (I adore this fic.)
a_steady_wish's Alternative Ending to Requiem - Chapter 1
""It’s only three minutes later but seems like an hour when the lines appear, clear as day, and you exhale loudly. You close your eyes for long moments, open them again: it hasn’t changed. You begin to pad back out to the bed, suddenly think you were mistaken, and go back to the bathroom to check again. You were not mistaken: two pink lines. You check the box a fourth time. Making sure you have read the results properly: You have. You are. You are pregnant.""
Scully takes a pregnancy test after their return from Oregon, unable to sleep with her suspicions. Mulder notices her mood when she comes back, teary and happy. (I adore this fic, too.)  
TheAddict4Dramatics's Untitled Requiem Ficlet
""The banging continued until it was starting to echo inside her skull. She wiped her eyes and checked her face in the mirror before opening the door. Clearly she did not do a good enough cover-up job and he frowned as soon as he saw her.
“What’s the matter?” There was such sincere worry in his face as he stepped into the bathroom and relocked the door behind him.
“I’m…” But the fine died on her lips and to her utter horror she felt her face begin to crumble in on itself.""
Requiem Scully leaves the conference room where Mulder, TLG, Skinner, Krycek, Marita, and Diana all game plan about Oregon. Mulder insists on joining her, reiterating his loyalty; and is there to catch her when she faints.
@frogsmulder​​/Brynstein‘s 1. “I love you, please don’t go.”
""I love you,” she murmurs from a distance. 
He looks up at her with wide, mossy eyes, flecked golden in the orange light of the lamp. In earnest, his innocent gaze captures her heart in a fist of fiery iron, melting her final resolve. “I love you too,” he answers simply, letting the weight of his affection carry his words."" 
 Requiem Mulder only wants Scully; and Scully finally admits to wanting him to stay. both are happy to be together for the news.
@mldrgrl’s (Ao3) 
MSR 38
""Skinner was already on the phone calling for an ambulance.  The gunmen hovered, giving orders to each other to give her air, get her water, find a pillow.  Marita knelt down next to Mulder and put a hand on Scully’s ankle.
“Alex,” she said.  “Find a blanket.""
Requiem Scully passes out at the Bureau; and Mulder, TLG, Skinner, and Marita all jump into action to take care of her until the ambulance arrives. (I adore this fic, too.) Mulder's intent doesn't end there, dropping a bombshell of his own.
""He’d never been so glad about trusting his instincts as he was in that moment.""
Requiem Mulder resigns on the plane (to Skinner's own resigned frustration), returning to Scully's side and happily soaking in her announcement.
Not Again: Part 1 - Gone (Tumblr)
"" The Scully imposter cocks her head to the side and then almost with a shrug, turns and steps off the edge of the cliff.
“No!”  Mulder screams, knowing full well it isn’t Scully who’s just fallen, but it looks like her, and he knows it’s an image he’ll never be able to shake.  He stands rooted to his spot while Agent Doggett runs to the drop site and peers over the edge.""
AU-- Requiem Scully is abducted instead of Mulder. He carries on through the events of S8, trying his best to find her and finally accepting the help of Doggett and Reyes as well as Skinner and TLG.
XScribe/Red's (Ao3, Gossamer) The End of Time
""He is silent. The echo of her words dies away into the walls. His eyes open wide and he draws his bottom lip between his teeth, biting on it. He releases her from his grasp to run a hand over his face as he closes his eyes. She waits patiently for him, feeling suddenly very peaceful and calm, all panic draining out of her. She listens to the ticking of his watch in the quiet hallway, second by second dragging past them both.""
Requiem Scully tells Mulder in the FBI hallway. He wants to stay, but she insists he go.
Lapsed_Scholar’s Variations
""Mulder had sounded giddy and distracted over the phone.... This, though, was in an entirely different category. Mulder, of all people, Mulder was having obvious difficulty paying attention to a case full of shady conspiracies, paranormal phenomena, abductions, and UFOs. If Skinner had been forced to classify the look on his face, it would have been lovedrunk.
Scully was better at hiding it, but she was also remarkably non-productive and was prone to gazing off into space...at her partner. She would periodically come back to herself, whereupon she at least had the decency to blush and look back down at the papers before her.""
The best-- the best-- collection of Requiem unfolding in many more satisfying ways. The humor is unparalleled, the characterization exquisite, and the different stories gripping and heartwarming. Perfection. (I adore this, too.)
@allyinthekeyofx’s (Ao3) Finding Miracles
""And as I led her to the bed to properly take a look at her, I had to face the fact that she looked sick.  Not sick like she looks when she has a cold or the flu or a stomach bug.  The way she looked radiated from somewhere deep inside her, reflecting from those limitless blue eyes, the way her expression had faded, chasing away the essence that was Dana Scully as she battled with unfamiliar territory that had laid her emotions bare.  Right there for me to see.
Because this woman, my perfect other and centre of my world was afraid...""
Requiem Mulder is called by Byers in the airport; and Skinner has to steady him as he sways from the potentially bad news.
Forte's (The Basement Office) Half an Hour
""He is breathing heavily himself, probably more from panic than from the four-block run, and slaps his palm against the wall as though that will make the elevator rise faster. He is too manic, even for him, and I remember all the caffeine he's ingested in the last several hours. I wonder if I should take his weapon away from him.""
 Requiem Mulder creates havoc and mayhem after panicking in the airport; and Skinner corrals him (and later TLG) into orderly behavior all the way to the hospital.
@moonprincess92's (Ao3)
Are you up for writing some season 7 fluff?
""He’d agreed to swing by her apartment and collect the things she’d scribbled down for him on a hospital note pad. The only comforting thought he’d had on his drive was that she’d asked him to go ‘home’, rather than to ‘her apartment ’.
At least any news would be broken by her, and not another faceless doctor.""
Requiem Mulder leaves the airport, afraid Scully's cancer is back. Her joy and muddled responses comedically further this thought.
xphilernj's (Ao3, Two Close for Comfort) Find the Future - Chapter 1
""And, Scully, I wanted the IVFs to work. I truly *did* have those hopes and dreams ... but with you. Only with you. You ... you never knew it, but I grieved with you, for you, for us..." Mulder squeezed her fingers lightly, and reached up to wipe a stray tear away...""
Requiem Mulder rushes back to Scully's side; and Skinner leaves them both happily bantering about monkey babies.
HumphreyWrites/sure-fine-skullz/spookysadsophie/s-humphrey/sophie-writes-things/sophiewrites/SophieRobbins’s (Alt. Tumblr , Ao3, WBM)
Requiem Redux
""Her breath hitches, and she smiles. “I’m fine, Mulder.”
He raises an eyebrow, “You know what’s wrong?”
She bites her lip. “In a manner of speaking,” she begins, as he looks at her curiously.""
Requiem Mulder left the airport, too worried about Scully to leave with Skinner.
@tatooedlaura-blog/tatooedlaura/Laura Sprys​’s Oregon
""...I will punch you if you do not take your hand off that door right now.”
“Then drive faster.”
“I drive any faster and we’re both going to die long before we reach the airport.""
Requiem Mulder chooses not to leave with the ship, stepping out of the woods to a flood of texts from TLG. Skinner gets him back ASAP; Scully assures him over the phone that everyone has prematurely panicked.
@cutelilcurtain/cutelilscully/cutelilwanda's (Ao3)
For the headcanons prompt: Mulder isn't abducted?
""He cannot process or read the expression on her face, and nothing could have prepared him for the softness of her voice, the hope that filled her watery gaze.
“Mulder, I’m pregnant.”
He freezes and she has to pull him into a sitting position on the bed for fear that he’ll collapse right there.""
Requiem Mulder finds nothing in Oregon but everything back home with Scully (who forgot to ask him about his trip until months later, wrapped up as they both were in their baby.)
Erin Blair/Erin M. Blair’s The Blessing
""Mulder sat stunned for a moment, certain he had misunderstood her words. This was *not* possible.
"You're what?!" he asked.""
Requiem Mulder is shell-shocked by Scully's good news in the hospital.
bellefleur's Arms Wide Open
""I open my eyes and for the first time take in the speckled gray linoleum at my feet. The lifeless tones are such a contrast to my spirits that I can't help but laugh to myself, and with the laughter comes a fresh round of tears. It seems I just can't stop them from streaming down my face, and right now, I don't care. With my head bowed, my hands buried in my hair, and my elbows propped on my knees, no one can really see my face anyway. I need what privacy I can muster, here in this public hallway, to come to terms with this all.
I still can't believe this is happening. I'm going to be a father.""
Requiem Mulder bolts after he and Scully are told she's pregnant. Maggie finds him in the hospital hallway, relieved he is just overwhelmed with happy, anticipatory nerves.
isamariposa's Bullfrogs and Jello
""He feels like throwing up when he steps into the hospital. Maybe he's allergic to the smell, whatever. He walks to the reception and swallows hard not to choke when he asks for Dana Scully. How many times has this happened, how many near-misses? She's on the third floor, they say. Mulder punches the button on the elevator, startles a child holding a balloon shaped like a bunny. He still thinks he's going to throw up. At least the ward is not the one for the terminally ill. He remembers that pain. It had toppled him in half.""
Requiem Mulder is replaced at the airport by Doggett, getting back to Scully as fast as he can. He, however, does not react positively to the pregnancy news, afraid it might be caused by CSM tampering.
@all-these-ghosts/all_these_ghosts’s Say Yes (Tumblr)
""I told you I love you,” he points out.
A smile flirts with the corners of her mouth. “Once,” she says.
“Now it’s twice. You haven’t even said it once.”
The smile fades, and her eyes are dark and trained right on him. Scully says, “I love you”, and his heart does this thing that makes him feel like he’s sixteen years old, even though of course he’s known all along.""
Post Requiem Mulder is not abducted in Oregon; but he does almost scare Scully to death, barging in gun drawn and frightening her into dropping her beloved watermelon.
@frangipanidownunder’s (Ao3) Already Special
""Scully’s news is a thunderbolt. That the impossible truth of their quest is revealed as a collection of growing cells in her uterus. It is both absurd and entirely right. The tears he cries with her are hard to quantify....
So, when Diana makes an appearance at the basement, it’s like the door to their secret world is blown off, leaving them exposed.""
Per Manum Mulder was never abducted; and he and Scully tackle the Lizzie Gill saga with a special addition... Diana Fowley.
Dark is the Way; Light is the Place - Chapter 26 (Ao3)
""As though it had a mind of its own, his hand reached out to cover her flat stomach. Her eyes, however, never left him; her smile didn’t wane.
“You okay over there?” She asked, after allowing him his moment. Her voice jolted him back into the room.
“Yeah,” he said, awkwardly removing his hand from her body. He let out a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. In disbelief, he said, “We’re having a baby.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully are sinking into domestic bliss when a serial killer case pulls them out of town. Mulder's paranoia for Scully and their baby's safety begins to put a wedge in their relationship, finally driving Scully back to D.C., trying to give them space while he gets into deeper and deeper trouble.
@cecilysass/cecily_sass/Cecily Sasserbaum's Pause
""Home pregnancy test. 99% Accurate. Results in minutes.
For thirty seconds the box sits there in Scully’s hands. She stares at it.
This box that her mother bought. This box that she put in her daughter’s bag. Her daughter whom she knows is infertile.
Somewhere in the apartment is the sharp sudden sound of Mulder turning off the shower.
Like a ghost, Scully stands up.
She takes the box and holds it under her arm, crosses the room, and steals Mulder’s keys from the entry table.
Without a sound she leaves the apartment.""
AU-- Scully wakes in her car, amnesic and unknowingly pregnant. Mulder at first doesn't believe it's her; and it's not until Maggie verifies and Diana Fowley leaves evidence for the duo to find that he can fully accept that his partner, who was "dead" for a year, is back.
DKSculder's Sweetest Devotion
""I, I had hoped you would be here, when the baby was born. So I put these in my hospital bag, to give to you here.” She took a deep breath, staring at the frayed pages in her hands. “These are my notes, on the x-files, on you. This is a documentation of every case we’ve worked, before I typed them up in reports. It’s mostly shorthand, just my own jotted down notations...."
“What’s the other one?”
“These, are my personal notes. More of a diary, if that’s how you want to look at it. The dates all coincide with the other.” She said softly, handing him the second binding of tattered pages.
He stared at them for longer than he probably should, she had just handed him the truth, her truth."" 
AU-- Scully has been a spy since the Pilot; and she finally confesses it to Mulder after she gets pregnant with their child. Mulder MIA, Mulder returning for a case then ghosting, Mulder arriving in time for the birth of their son, and Mulder crawling back to a form of trust in Scully unfolds painfully slowly.
Thank you for reading~
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ao3feed-fuffy · 5 years
the dangers of sexual tension during an apocalypse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GaSHkD
by neytirijade
Buffy's tired. Of apocalypses, of getting innocent people killed, and especially of pretending she doesn't want Faith in the biblical sense.
Words: 2148, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers
Relationships: Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers
Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Episode: s07e21 End of Days, Porn With Plot
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GaSHkD
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 21 - Wednesday, January 22
SPIKE: Anya, do be specific and tell a fellow just exactly what you're doing here. ANYA: Well, Spike... I'm here, obviously... for...um...sex. SPIKE: Uh, beg pardon. ANYA: You and me. Here and now. Let's go. Let's... get it on, you big bad boy. SPIKE: Wait, wait, Anya. Just a minute. This is not exactly – is that a stake? ANYA: Yes. Kinky. SPIKE: Uh, well, yeah, but what do you -- ANYA: Shh. No questions. No talking. I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about you and us and our brief but unforgettable time together. I mean, it's – why else would I be here? I mean, it's not like I'm snooping around looking for proof that you're some sort of wacked out serial killer. (laughs) I don't know why I said that. Forget I said that. It's craziness talking. It's just nerves. Nerves. Nerves and-and horniness. Oh, just shut up, William, and take me. Take me now. (starts nuzzling at his neck)
~~Sleeper (Season 7)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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After Death (Buffy, G) by badly_knitted
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Happy Birthday Buffy (Buffy/Spike, E) by Letterhead
the dangers of sexual tension during an apocalypse (Buffy/Faith, E) by neytirijade
the bare bones (Buffy/Oz) by firstaudrina
Why She Fights (Rona, Buffy, T) by Samarkand12
Sunrise in a Glass (Buffy/Spike/Angel, T) by Cornerofmadness
Old Fashioned Bonds (Xander, E, MCU/Teen Wolf xover) by calikocat
Painfully Blind (Buffy, Giles, M) by Geradsredskittle666
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She came back wrong (Ensemble, G) by impact-kid
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Californian Psycho (Buffy, Oz/OC, T) by Altoz
Cut-Rate Magical Insurance (Buffy, Willow, G) by Jedi Buttercup
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Permanently Disbanded Ch. 1-2/3 (Warren, Jonathan, Andrew, G, Yu-Gi-Oh xover) by KaibaSlaveGirl34
Drabble Collection (Kennedy/Willow, T, multiple xovers) by Vashti (tvashti)
At Dawns Light We Rest Ch. 1 (Buffy, Giles, T) by Geradsredskittle666
Shrike Chapter 2 (Ensemble, M) by Skyson
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Jump, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
The Eternal Return, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Iamblichus
Need a second to breathe, Chapter 40 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
The Key is Donnie Summers, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Girlytek
The Darkling, Chapter 63 (Buffy/Spike, E) by OffYourBird
Here I am, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
Cry Havoc, and Let Slip Your Heart, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Touchstoneaf
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Star Wars and Buffy are Non-Mixy Ch. 170 (Buffy, M, Star Wars xover) by Sharie
Beautiful Ch. 8 (Buffy, T, Pitch Black xover) by Jedi Buttercup
Geist Ch. 31 (Buffy, T, Legion xover) by EnergyBeing
Buffy's New Home Ch. 125 (Buffy, T, TVD xover) by Kittykitkat
Slayer in Red Ch. 24 (Buffy, T, Arrow xover) by Kittykitkat
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Beauty And The Beasts Episode Poster () by swallowedshark
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Artwork:Giles and Lili () by eugeal
Cosplay:Willow Cosplay () by cbaddass
Artwork:BTVS Fashion pt36Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork: Strong is fighting () by rhysjamesstudios
Icons: () by
Manip:Spuffy Poster () by shippers-graphics
Artwork:Faith Lehane () by garrypfc
Icons:Buffy Icons () by dreadwollf
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Video: Buffy and Angel // Can't Help Me Now () by Some Flurries
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BtVS Tattoo by Tjaames
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Hellmouth #4 by buffylikescoke
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PODCAST: Episode 49 - Tabula Rasa / Smashed / Wrecked (feat. James Rocha) by Conversations with Dead People
PODCAST: S5 E18 "Intervention" by Buffy Virgin
PODCAST: 5.09: Listening to Fear by Buffering the Vampire Slayer
PODCAST: 053 - The Box of Gavrok (S03E19) by Buffy Boys
PODCAST: S07E17 - Don't Chain Shame - Lies My Parents Told Me by Pop Culture Role Call
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Angel – Episode 60 by Confusing Middle
PUBLICATION: Boom! Studios Review: Hellmouth #4 by dccomicsnews
[Community Announcements]
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[Fandom Discussions]
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Rec List project update 2020: Xander Gets Around! by sparrow2000
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Things I like about "Buffy" and the "Buffy" fandom: an alphabet poem by thenewbuzwuzz
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Listen, Edward Ain’t Shit… by the104yearoldvirgin
top 5 buffy femslash headcanons that aren't buffy/faith? by mybitca
BtVS Asks by learned-foot
That stupid Buffy article made me think about fan sites by sheisraging
BtVS Asks by imstillwaitingfortheraintofall
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Dead Things as Buffy's Amends by Cheese Slices
David Hines mid season 5 Buffy review by Btvs fan
Crush Review by Btvs fan
Lullaby Review by Btvs fan
I’m a shameless Dawn apologist. by TaraEternal
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Meta on BuffyS5 - Spike and Dawn by shadowkat67
Figuring out the Buffy S5 Episode Crush by shadowkat67
Respect - the Scooby Gang vs. the Troika (Buffy the Vampire Slayer S6) by shadowkat67
Spike and Willow Journey Part I (essay written in 2002 by shadowkat67
Spike/Willow Journey - Buffy and Oz, Taming and Reconciling the Monstrous Id - Part II by shadowkat67
Spike/Willow Journey Part III: Angelus and Giles - Atonement with Father by shadowkat67
Spike/Willow Journey Part IV: Handling Rejection (Xander, Cecily, Cordy, etc) by shadowkat67
Men Don't Leave - Meta on the theme of paternalism in BTVS (Angel, Riley, Spike, Anya, Darla, Walsh) by shadowkat67
Spike & Willow Essay Part I: Unleashing the Monster to Hide the Geek by shadowkat67
Sadistic and Masochistic Metaphors in BTVS & ATS – The dark sexual underbelly by shadowkat67
Soul Metaphors in BTVS and ATS through S6 and S3 by shadowkat67
How Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series Subvert the Traditional Function of The Fatal in Their Narratives by shadowkat67
Angel and That Pesky Curse - How one group of writer's dealt with a writing trap by shadowkat67
BTVS - Critiquing the Gothic Romance Trope by shadowkat67
Helpless Against The Lies My Parents Told Me by shadowkat67
I Will Always Remember You with a Touch of Something Blue by shadowkat67
Spike: Demolish Man/Conflicted Vamp by shadowkat67
Dealing with Reality - Scooby Gang vs. The Troika by shadowkat67
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I nearly Vomited by JasonFuckBoyDean
Buffy Reboot/Spinoff? by hellmouthx
First time Viewing Season 6 Finale by JasonFuckBoyDean
Has anyone read this? Found today in a used book shop. by Hufflepuffection
Working on a Buffy HD "Fix", Here's the Season 3 Theme by JordansFilms1
Discussion: The character of Cordelia exists to represent everything that Buffy used to be by dragonsrawesomesauce
What's your least favorite or worst episode? by JasonFuckBoyDean
My child has been struggling lately and I’m not sure how to handle it by mandrillus-sphinx
[spoilers] A question about buffy ive wanted to ask for a long time by tommymikaelson
Rank the Season 2 Episodes by Samuel Reyes
Consequences to Doppelgangland-- Plot consistency issue by sassyla
Why season six will always mean the world to me. by His-Majesty
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: 5 Reasons Buffy the Vampire Slayer Is The Best Teen Show Of The '90s by Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5 Reasons Faith Is The Best Slayer (& 5 Why It'll Always Be Buffy) by Screen Rant
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ao3feed-btvs · 5 years
help me fight the storm before i wreck myself (the games we play are deadly, aren't they?)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/395ypWv
by neytirijade
All Slayers have a death wish. Faith would have one regardless.
Words: 6067, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, Angel (BtVS)
Relationships: Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers
Additional Tags: Self-Destruction, Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Mildly Dubious Consent, Rough Sex, Semi-Public Sex, self-destructive sex, Cutting, Drug Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/395ypWv
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storybycorey · 6 years
Hi Corey! I was wondering if you knew any fics where Scully is drugged or both are drugged? Or on hallucigens or something? I've seen a lot of Mulder and I was wondering if you knew any Scully ones. Preferably when they're a couple? Thank you
I searched my ever-growing fic categorization spreadsheet, and came up with these for you:
Contact High by penumbra
Si Vales, Valeo by neytirijade
What Happens in Vegas by malibusunset
The first two are post Field Trip mushroom-induced fics, and the third is post Three of a Kind.  And all are EXCELLENT.  Unfortunately, none take place when they’re already a couple, but don’t you worry, they’re definitely a couple by the time the stories end!
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ao3feed-fuffy · 5 years
help me fight the storm before i wreck myself (the games we play are deadly, aren't they?)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/395ypWv
by neytirijade
All Slayers have a death wish. Faith would have one regardless.
Words: 6067, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, Angel (BtVS)
Relationships: Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers
Additional Tags: Self-Destruction, Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Mildly Dubious Consent, Rough Sex, Semi-Public Sex, self-destructive sex, Cutting, Drug Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/395ypWv
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, February 27
Joyce: Buffy, are you feeling well? Buffy: What? Oh, I'm, I'm fine, y'know? What, like, I can't be in a good mood? Is it, like, a new house rule? Fine, y'know? It's just fine, fine, fine, 'cause... I'm a macho, macho man! I want to be a macho man!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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new year's eve kiss (Willow/Buffy, not rated) by jenny-calendar
Empty (Faith/Buffy, not rated) by daisys-quake
help me fight the storm before I wreck myself (the games we play are deadly, aren’t they?) (Faith/Buffy, temporary Faith/OC, explicit) by mihosayuri
Baby (Giles/Reader, not rated) by Charlotte (blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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All Work and No Play Chapter 1-3 (Giles/Xander/Wesley, E) by soft_princess
No Deliverance Chapter 17 (Angelus/Buffy, E) by JennCvice. COMPLETE!
Delivered Unto Evil Chapter 6 (Angelus/Buffy, M) by JennCvice
Absolutely dead things Chapter 2 (Spike/OC, M) by vermicious_knid
help me fight the storm before i wreck myself (the games we play are deadly, aren't they?) Chapter 1 (Faith/Buffy, temporary Faith/OC, E) by neytirijade
Reprise Chapter 22 (Spike/Buffy, E) by HollyDB
Your Girl Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, T) by EllieRose101
All in the Family Chapter 6 (Spike/Buffy, T) by spikes_heart
Jump Chapter 29 (Spike/Buffy, E) by HollyDB
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I Don't Bite Chapter 2 (Angel/Faith, T) by Silphanis
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Willow/Tara drawing (worksafe) by we-are-grateful (Space Babes Art)
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Vid: Other Side (Faith/Buffy) by Project Alomar
Vid: No Time to Die (Buffy) by Lia Brooks
Vid: Faith kicks ass part 3 and other fanvids uploaded by Ultimate Buffy Fan
Animation: anime-style "Once More, With Feeling" by CamsCornerTwT
Video: ANGEL season 4 opening credits - BUFFY style by BuffyIsRock
Video: ANGEL season 5 opening credits - BUFFY style by BuffyIsRock
Tutorial: LEGO DC Super Villains Custom Builds - Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Lucas Green
Dramatic reading: “Make Your Choice” speech by Ryan Haywood
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BtVS Rewatch 1x09 The Puppet Show by blorgon-schmorgon
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Season 1 Episodes 1-4 SPOILER REVIEW by Anarchy Reviews
Into the Buffyverse:The WORST Buffy Episode Ever? I Robot... You Jane by Eternall Newbie
PODCAST: Episode 49: BtVS 3x11 Helpless by Return to the Hellmouth
Fangirlz Assemble EP 77: Buffy-thon Part 2 (Angel: The End, Spike: After the Fall, Spike: The Complete Series, Spike: Into the Light, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales) by The Omnibus Collectors Network
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BOOM! Angel & Spike # 9 by Priceless
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PODCAST: Still Pretty #106. Buffy vs. Dracula (S5.01)
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Multifandom: Fandom Trumps Hate auctions close 8 PM EST, Feb 28 (and some Buffyverse offerings have no bids yet)
Multifandom: March Meta Matters Challenge starts this weekend at marchmetamatterschallenge
[Fandom Discussions]
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willow’s season six arc by impalementation
Re: Gone by impalementation
["The Body" breaks me every single time], part 1 and part 2 by gayiconmurraybauman
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Buffy VS Vampire Diaries hosted by tripdastati0n
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BOOM! Buffy #13 (discussion of covers and preview, speculation) by multiple people
If "Faith the Vampire Slayer" happened, could Spike/Faith have made sense? hosted by MikeB
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[Cordy and Buffy] by multiple people
The issue with Buffy by missgregoryhouse and others
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TDAC Buffy The Vampire Slayer by The Deadly Addictions Channel
1 note · View note
sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, February 25 - Wednesday, February 26
GUNN: What you doing here? ANGEL: Skulking. Professionally. GUNN: Look, I'm glad for what you did, okay? But I don't need no Guardian Angel, and I don't need no talking to. It's not gonna change the way things are down here, man. They're gonna keep coming, and we are gonna keep fighting. ANGEL: I know. GUNN: That's it? You ain't gonna talk *at* me, be all daddy-figure? ANGEL: What am I gonna tell you that you haven't already learned? GUNN: I killed her. ANGEL: You didn't. GUNN: Near enough.
~~War Zone (Season 1)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Only Human (Buffy, Willow, Xander, G) by badly_knitted
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Shadowed Suspicion Dean AU (Xander, SPN xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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Full Moon (Multiple Relationships, T) by soft_princess
Red Zone (Xander/Giles/Wesley, E) by soft_princess
Every Little Thing (Buffy/Angel, M) by Scribes1015
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Absolutely dead things Ch. 1-2/? (Spike/OC, M) by vermicious_knid
help me fight the storm before i wreck myself (the games we play are deadly, aren't they?) Ch. 1/2 (Buffy/Faith, E) by neytirijade
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Life Interrupted, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Its all fluffy
Jump, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
The Night When Everything Went Black, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, M) by tbd
All in the Family, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, T) by spikes_heart
Cry Havoc, and Let Slip Your Heart, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Touchstoneaf
Arpeggios from Hell, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
(Buffy/Spike, ) by
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Where the Forest Meets the Stars Ch. 34 (Buffy, M, SG1 xover) by Hermionetobe
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:BtVS Cartoon () by Unknown
Artwork:“You don’t like the colour?” () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Buffy & Faith () by aylendoesart
Artwork:Faith () by we-are-grateful
Artwork:Mr. Pointy () by we-are-grateful
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Manip:The Wish Episode Poster by swallowedshark
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Book Review: the chosen one by vanessa maki by pussymagicuniverse
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PUBLICATION: Rewatching Angel – Episode 64 A New World by Confusingmiddle
VIDEO: The WORST Buffy Episode - I Robot, You Jane by Into the Buffyverse
PODCAST: S2E11 Redefinition by Angel On Top
PODCAST: S07E21 - Basically Anime - End of Days by Pop Culture Role Call
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Buffy – Episode 120 Villains by Confusingmiddle
[Fandom Discussions]
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s6 ep11 is so fucking interesting by impalementation
What are you favorite episodes? by impalementation
what do you think of Willow and Tara? by fangfaceandrea
I’ve been also watching season 2 of Angel by isagrimorie
a discussion of “Restless” by via-whitmore
Buffy vs. Dracula by demandingbillydolls
What are some early season examples of Dark Wesley? by we-pay-for-everything
Eyghon and Angelus? by gayiconmurraybauman
What do you see as Buffy's biggest flaws? How about Angel's? by we-pay-for-everything
For as dramatic and ridiculous as Buffy can get, I really admire that it also features a full commitment to mundanity. by mybitca
I am a big fan of the podcast Still Pretty by taperwolf
Season 6 Meta by impalementation
in light of the prom speech by impalementation et al.
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Discussion of Angel & Spike #9 - Released 2/26/20 (Boom! Studios) by Multiple Authors
Best Motivational speeches on BTVS by Multiple Authors
Illyria vs Jasmine vs Glory by Multiple Authors
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I found my old copy of MAD’s parody of “Buffy” by TGTEleven
Best cinematography in the series by demonhunter8000
Willow vs Tara’s reactions to Joyce’s death by AggressiveAnalysis1
Buffy reboot idea by Lord_Greybeard
3x14 Bad Girls by gambitwoo
The final update in my girlfriend's journey of experiencing the Buffyverse for the first time. by MetasequoiaLeaf
Conner, the downfall? by carolinaholdem
Read the comic for free by lecherizada
Spike’s flowers for Joyce by AggressiveAnalysis1
Just watched “The Body” for the first time... by paperchainhearts
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Fic Search: Imitation of a man by Darkapple by no_promises
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Rankings by thegameofnerds
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Revisiting Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Passion 22 Years Later by The Mary Sue
PUBLICATION: Bet You Can't Name All These Buffy The Vampire Slayer Monsters! by WhatCulture
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The 10 Most Annoying Things Xander Ever Did by Screenrant
PUBLICATION: Slayer-Verse: How Hellmouth's Conclusion Sets Up a Buffy Multiverse by CBR
0 notes
ao3feed-btvs · 5 years
the dangers of sexual tension during an apocalypse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GaSHkD
by neytirijade
Buffy's tired. Of apocalypses, of getting innocent people killed, and especially of pretending she doesn't want Faith in the biblical sense.
Words: 2148, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers
Relationships: Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers
Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Episode: s07e21 End of Days, Porn With Plot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GaSHkD
0 notes