#Preg story
lilacbumps · 5 months
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Oh Baby - Mayternity
“Have a kiddie pool ready at my baby shower. I have a feeling my water will break in the middle of the party.” Kellie teased waddling past her guests to go into the kitchen. She grabs a tray of cookies to bring outside; placing a cookie or three in her salivating mouth. Her bestie calls for her from outside, making Kellie turn quickly. Her massive belly knocks over several bottles of water like a bowling ball hitting the pins for a strike. Kellie stands there looking at the bottles on the floor with a defeated expression upon her face. Her mother walks into the room chuckling and gently rubs her daughter’s belly.
“I got this dear, Denise is calling for you outside.” Mother starts to pick up the water bottles off the floor.
Kellie waddles outside, feeling extreme heaviness on her bladder. She approaches Denise to see what she called her outside for.
“Someone sent these flowers for you. He didn’t say his name, but he’s a tall, dark and handsome man.” Denise smiles handing her the bouquet.
“They’re so lovely, he could have stayed if he wanted.” Kellie blushing as she knows whom it was that sent the flowers. She takes the flowers and smells them. They smell sweet and fresh from the floral shop. Kellie began to think about that night with him. It was all a blur, but she remembers how she gotten pregnant. His strong arms held her up on the kitchen counter of her place, the room smelled of cookies baking in the oven releasing more endorphins. Her hormones were all over the place that night.
Kellie sneezes abruptly followed by a sudden gush between her thick thighs. Kellie gasps as her water has just broken and her hunch was right. It’s happening now!
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backyardboytoy · 1 month
I would LOVE to be a seedbed for hire for whatever tentacle being needs a quality incubator for a week. Just agreeing on the yes's and no's and taking the payment and walking into a writhing flesh pit of tentacles.
Being held in the air and having your hole stuffed by either one huge tentacle or multiple at the same time in the same hole. Gooey cum fillings that leave your middle stuffed heavy unable to carry all of it. So cum spatters on the floor and stains your inner thighs.
Being injected by what you agreed upon. An aphrodisiac that makes you cum harder than you ever have before? An agent that lets your hole stretch more than it ever has before? A breeding potion that makes you only think about being the perfect seedbed and nothing more? An inducer that makes your nipples spray milk like a neglected cow as soon as you swallow it? ... What did you agree on again?
Maybe you agreed to let them body mod you however they liked for the week so they could mold you to be the perfect incubator. ... was that this client?
Hole clentching and clentching hard on the length(s) pistioning in and out of you with a purpose. Cum sloppily pouring into you at a rate that has you laughing near cum drunk. Dazidly trying to remember if this client only pushed cum into you or if you'll have to prepare for an egg clutch... or a couple.
Whatever! You're getting paid great, to be the perfect seedbed for them. You already discussed the details anyway... ♡
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bighardpush · 1 month
Sarah's Birth
Sarah screamed in pain as her overdue belly contracted and hung over her weak body. Sarah gripped her bedsheets and groaned as she labored. She felt the pressure on her cervix as her baby forced its way through and opened her pussy wider and wider. Her womb was massive and she had no idea how there was only one single baby in there. She was terrified to give birth and she felt like she was going to die if she tried to push this baby out of her vagina. It was happening now and in no way was she prepared. “Ahh-mmmm-ohhhhh-hooo” she moaned as her stomach contracted and felt the baby move further down putting extreme amounts of pressure on her cervix to the point where she couldn't stand up right. Sarah’s baby started to move down to her cervix and started to open her up to prepare for the birth. “AHH-OHH GOD IT HURTS OHH-hooo-haaaa-oh fuckkk” she whined loudly and cried out as loud as she could when her contractions pushed her baby down further and she felt the excruciating pain of her babies massive head spreading her pussy open wider. 
She was sweating and shaking as she spread her legs open wider to make room for the baby. She felt her contractions speed up and she knew the baby was coming fast. “AHHH-OHH GODDD ITS COMING..AHHHHHHH OWWWWW” she shrieked as her stomach contracted forcing her massive baby down further and force its way through her tight pussy. She felt how massive it was inside her and she feared birthing the head. She felt down at her opening and inside she could feel that it was coming closer. “Ahh-ohh god..haa.ughhhhh..mmmm ohh baby…” she moaned and panted in between contractions as she rubbed her huge stomach. Her pussy quivered as she felt her baby moving inside her. “Ahhh..oh godd another contraction- OH FUCKKK OH GOD ITS HURTS MY PUSSYYYY WAHHH” the baby's head came to a tiny sliver of hair at the entrance of her pussy but inside she felt like she was being split open. She felt overwhelming urges to push and as she did her legs shaked and she tried her hardest not to close her legs in pain. The massive head was coming out further and further. It was just now filling up her vaginal canal and she was in extreme pain. “ah-ahhhh-ohhhh” She felt the burning sensation of the head coming out more as she pushed hard and she felt her baby slowly move. She needed this baby out or she would pass out from the pain. She needed to give birth immediately. 
She felt another contraction and went for it. “Ah-hah-oh god- oh my god- owwww- oh - woah ohhhhhh- AHHHHH- AHHHHH- OWWWW MY PUSSY ITS STRETCHING ME OH GOD THE HEADS COMING!!” she screaming as she pushed the head to a full crown and her legs were shaking as she cried and breathed heavily desperately trying to gain the strength to birth the huge head. “AHHHH- GET OUT. GET OUT. FUCKKKKK OH FUCK IT HURTSSSSSS OWWWWWW OH GOD I CAN FEELLLL ITTT.” She wailed as the head flies out of her in a gush of liquid. With one final push she gets the shoulders out and pulls the baby to her chest and cries, never wanting to experience birth ever again. 
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nurbrotheadfull · 6 months
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They 🙏
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feeling-pushy · 3 months
Journey to the Kingdom
Thank you to my anonymous commissioner for giving me yet another amazing commission with Mika! Love writing for her and this premise was a really fun one! I hope I'll get to write for again in the future!
~2k, fpreg, in the woods, alone in the woods, nsfw
The ancient forest enveloped Mika’s small caravan as it creaked along the narrow path. Sunlight pierced through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the moss-covered ground. Mika, with her shoulder-length black hair tied back, looked out from her coach seat, her light grey eyes scanning the surroundings. Her hands instinctively rested on the gentle swell of her belly, a soft smile playing on her lips as she felt a flutter of movement from within.
The journey had been long and arduous, but the promise of gold and the honor of delivering the future heir of a distant kingdom had driven her to accept the task. Normally, she would have refused such a request, especially being in the late stages of her own pregnancy. However, the prospect of securing a prosperous future for her child outweighed the risks.
The rhythmic clatter of wheels over uneven ground punctuated the quiet, each bump sending a twinge through Mika's body. Her once slender frame had softened during pregnancy, a transformation she accepted with grace, knowing it signified the miracle of life growing within her. With a soft sigh, she shifted in her seat, attempting to find a more comfortable position to ease the discomfort  tugging at her lower back and hips.
Traveling alone was not ideal, but it allowed her the peace and solitude she needed to prepare for the task ahead. The forest around her was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves.
"You're going to meet a little prince or princess soon." Mika murmured softly, her voice a soothing counterpoint to the rhythmic sway of the caravan. She placed a gentle hand over her belly, feeling the movements within. "We're almost there. Just one more days travel."
The caravan jolted over a particularly rough patch of road, pulling Mika from her reverie. She winced slightly, placing a hand on her lower back to ease the discomfort. Her hands rested lightly on the reins, guiding the sturdy mare along the winding path.
As Mika adjusted her position on the cushioned seat once again, her thoughts turned to the practicalities of the journey. She had packed all the necessary supplies, her medical instruments carefully wrapped and stored. She carried herbs and potions, remedies for pain and complications, as well as her own provisions. The caravan was modest but sufficient, providing shelter and a place to rest during the long nights.
The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the forest. Mika knew she would need to find a suitable place to camp for the night. Aside from that, her back could use the rest, as the jostling of the cart had agitated it, causing her discomfort all day. She guided the caravan off the main path, following a narrow trail that led to a small clearing.
As she set about making camp, she felt a tight cramp ripple through her abdomen, squeezing her hips. She paused, leaning against the side of the caravan, breathing deeply to ease the discomfort. It had been a long day, and the constant jostling of the caravan had taken its toll. She waved the pain away, convincing herself it was just the strain of the journey as she got back to setting up the camp.
As darkness fell, Mika sat by the small fire she had kindled, the fire crackling and popping as she settled down on a blanket spread on the ground. The warmth of the flames and the quiet of the forest provided a brief respite from the day's challenges. Setting up camp had taken longer than normal, her having to stop now and again to ease a flare-up of pain in her back and hips, still sore from the journey.
But now everything was set up and she was settled. Mika closed her eyes, allowing herself a moment of peace as she let the warmth of the fire wash over her.
Just as she began to relax, a more powerful cramp seized her, doubling her over in pain. She clutched her belly, gasping for breath. This was different, much stronger than the earlier cramps. Panic flickered in her eyes.
"No... Not now." she whispered to herself, she placed a now trembling hand upon her abdomen, struggling to stay calm. Another wave of pain followed quickly, causing her to wince, eyes closing tightly as she focused on her breathing, just as she had counseled countless women before in their labors. There was no denying it now, she was in labor, alone in the middle of the forest, far from any help.
Her mind raced, assessing her situation. She knew she had to act quickly. The supplies she carried for others' deliveries would now have to be used for her own. Fighting through the pain of the contractions that now came in waves, she crawled to the caravan, rummaging for the necessary items. She found clean linens, a sharp knife, and herbs to ease the pain.
Mika set up a makeshift birthing area near the fire, laying out the linens and preparing for the task ahead. Despite the fear and uncertainty, her training as a midwife kicked in, guiding her actions with a steady hand.
As the next contraction hit, she gripped the edge of a nearby log, sweat beading on her forehead. The forest seemed to close in around her, the shadows lengthening as night fell.
As the contraction subsided, Mika eased herself down on her back, propping herself up on her elbows. The firelight flickered across her face, “You know, this isn’t the best timing, little one.” she murmured, her voice a mixture of pain and tenderness. “But I’m still excited to meet you. We’re going to get through this, together.”
Time passes, and the forest around Mika was now completely dark, save for the fire as it casted it’s long, flickering light. The contractions were relentless now, coming in waves as they squeezed and then released, and Mika could feel the pressure building inside her. It was a deep, almost unbearable force, pressing down with a sense of urgency that she couldn't ignore.
She planted her feet firmly on the ground, lifting her hips to rock and sway them, trying to relieve the mounting pressure. The movements provided some small comfort, a way to keep her focus amidst the waves of pain. She breathed deeply, in and out, her hands gripping the edges of the blanket beneath her.
“Come on, little one.’ she panted, her voice a bit strained, ‘We’re almost there. Just a little more.”
And then, in the midst of the turmoil, she felt it—a profound shift deep within her. With a small almost popping sensation, a gush of warm, clear fluid came from between her legs, soaking the blanket beneath her. Her water had broken, the sensation both a relief and a new source of anxiety, knowing that she might need to push soon.
Turns out, she didn’t have to wait long. As alongside the next building contraction Mika felt a deep, instinctual urge to push. The pressure was immense, and she knew she couldn't remain lying on her back any longer.
With great effort, she adjusted her position, shifting her weight and the blanket beneath her. She moved to sit up against a nearby fallen tree, the rough bark providing a solid support. The cool earth beneath her and the sturdy trunk at her back brought a measure of comfort amidst the intensity of labor.
Her breath came in ragged gasps as she braced herself, planting her feet firmly in the ground. The firelight flickered across her face, highlighting the determination in her eyes. “I’m ready now.’ she murmured to her baby, her voice a mixture of pain-tinged resolve, ‘Let’s do this.”
Another contraction surged through her, and Mika bore down, pushing with all her strength. The sensation was overwhelming, but felt heavenly at the same time as it gave her purpose. She gritted her teeth, her body straining with the effort, every muscle focused on bringing her child into the world.
Time seems to pass nebulously as Mika fell into the rhythm of childbirth, only aware of her body and the progress she made with each heaving push. The pressure intensified, and she could feel the baby’s head descending. She let a primal sound escape her lips, echoing through the forest.
Sweat streamed down her face, mingling with tears, as she soon starts to feel a bulging between her legs, growing a little bigger every time she bears down. This drove her to push harder, knowing it was the final barrier between her and the moment she had been waiting for.
She gripped her thighs, anchoring herself against the overwhelming pressure and weight. With a deep breath, she pushed with all her might, her muscles straining. Then she started to feel a little stretch, as her folds started to part. By the time the contraction breaks and she stops to catch her breath, it's starting to burn.
She reached down instinctively, her fingers brushing against the soft, wet hair of her child. The sensation filled her eyes with tears of pain and joy, “You're coming, my love.’ she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, ‘Just a little more.”
Feeling her child’s head filled her with energy as she heaved anew, gritting her teeth as the baby's head emerged a little further, the burning sensation increasing. She could feel her muscles straining, her body stretching to accommodate the new life that was so close to entering the world.
Giving another big push, she felt the baby's head reach full crown, the pressure immense but exhilarating. Mika’s fingers brushed against the baby’s head again, feeling the soft hair. Mika panted, her voice filled with both exhaustion and triumph. “A-Almost here. You’re almost here.”
The next contraction gripped her, and Mika pushed slowly but firmly, feeling the baby's head inching forward. She could feel the baby’s head emerging, and her breaths came in short gasps as she paused. Mika then pushed again, guiding the baby's head out as she birthed the head fully. The baby’s head now rested against her thigh, the shoulders still within her. She could feel the slight movements, her child so close to joining the world.
Mika took a moment to breathe, her belly pulsing in time with her breaths. Mika then leaned forward and carefully supported the baby’s head with one hand, as she bore down once more, the pressure building as she focused on delivering the shoulders.
She pushed with all her might, feeling the baby's shoulders rotate and emerge one by one. The sensation was intense, but Mika stayed focused as with one final, fierce push, the rest of the baby’s body tumbled out, slippery and warm.
Mika’s heart swelled with overwhelming joy and relief as she scooped her newborn into her arms. The baby's first cries filled the clearing and echoed through the night. Tears streamed down Mika's face as she cradled the tiny, wriggling form against her chest.
“H-Hi Baby. Oh wow.’ she croaked, her voice choked with emotion, ‘You’re finally here. Welcome home.” The pain and struggle faded into the background as Mika held her baby close, the firelight bathing them in it’s warm glow.
Mika's journey had been long and arduous, but as she approached the castle, a sense of accomplishment washed over her. The towering stone walls of the kingdom’s stronghold loomed ahead, the castle gates opening in anticipation of her arrival. She cradled her newborn close to her chest, the baby swaddled snugly in a soft blanket, their tiny face peeking out as they slept peacefully.
As she made her way through the grand archway, she was greeted by a steward who bowed deeply. “Lady Mika.’ he said, his voice a respectful murmur, ‘The king and queen are awaiting you in the royal chambers. This way, please.”
As she was led to the chambers to meet the expectant mother, Her baby stirred slightly, and she adjusted the blanket, whispering soothing words. She had been through an incredible journey, both physically and emotionally, but now she was ready for the next chapter in her life and to assist in bringing another life into the world.
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pregobirthlvr · 5 months
Almost Home
You’re very overdue but your doctors said you still had plenty of time. So you of course you went out with your friends. But maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.
(Idea from a randomized build a birth. Prompts very long (10+ months), 1, medium, out with friends, squatting, moaning, car, alone, confused, extra difficult pushing)
You’re 2 weeks overdue with your first baby. An irresponsible night out has left your belly slowly growing over the past 10 or so months. Now you’re sitting in an uncomfortably small booth at dinner with several of your close friends. Your middle extended enough to press against the table in front of you, even after your friends pulled it towards them to give you more room.
You shift ever so often, the hard bench not helping your aching hips and Braxton hicks contractions. Your belly hasn’t dropped yet so the doctors keep assuring you that there’s nothing to be worried about with these contractions. It’s just your body getting ready.
You try to chat with the group, hoping the distraction will be enough to keep you focused on anything but the pressure in your middle. By the time the food arrived you've felt your middle clench down twice with contractions. You grip the fabric of your dress to keep from visibly wincing, and cover your moan with a small cough.
Thankfully, Your friends seem to be too into their conversation to notice any change in the way you’re acting. When food arrives, you try to eat the food you ordered but you suddenly feel a lot less hungry than when you waddled in. You manage to finish half before an extra painful contraction runs through you. You grip your dress and cough to cover the moan that almost escaped.
This time though the friend next to you leans over and whispers, “Are you okay?”
She looks at you with concern heavy on her face.
“I’m fine just Braxton Hicks,” you reassure her.
One of your other friends joins in from the other side of the table, “Fair question though, I mean you are REALLY overdue.”
“I just went to the doctor this morning. He said I show no signs of this thing coming out,” . You say to her. “I’m even getting induced in two days because of it.”
“If you say so,” The friend next to you says.
Thankfully the conversation changes quickly. You only get about one more contraction, that you manage to cover up easily, before the group decides it's time to go. You all say your goodbyes and everyone tries to avoid the bump when hugging you, which fails every time. Each bump into your midsection sends jolts of intense pleasure through your belly. You wave goodbye with one hand and support your aching back with the other as you begin the waddle to your car around the block.
You notice your gate has gotten a lot wider than when you walked into the restaurant. Your hips swayed a bit more and your belly felt a lot lower than before. You stopped waving to use your other hand to support your stomach. About halfway to your car you stopped to lean on a tree while through a wave of contractions.
You were panting by the time you reached your car. You placed a hand on the door resting for a moment. When you finally caught your breath a bit you opened the car door. Only for another contraction to freeze you in your tracks. You tried to breathe through it, letting out a small moan when the contraction reached its peak.
“Is this labor? Have my contractions started?” You asked yourself as the contraction disappeared. “No, the doc said you were fine.”
You turned and began the struggle of getting into your car. You grabbed the roof and squatted down. You let gravity help as you dropped into the driver's seat. You turned your feet forward. Your belly touching the steering wheel from how large it was. You buckled yourself in before another contraction was ripping through you. Now that you were alone you held your stomach and moaned loudly. Thankfully you were in the car because each contraction was increasingly more painful.
You pulled out of your parking space once the contraction finished. Your stomach was very low now. Hanging far between your legs and bumping into the bottom of the wheel. It was an hour long drive home, which was only going to feel longer if you stayed this uncomfortable. Another contraction came on just as fast as the last, breathing through it best you could until it passed.
“This has to be labor.. I have to be in labor,” You said to yourself.
You tried to remember what then parenting books said about what to expect when labor started. At this moment though you were coming up with nothing. You felt the next painful contraction start. You grip the wheel and moan deep and loud. Your arms shook as you tried to ignore the pain and focus on driving. You look down and see that you're going about 10 under. Panting through the last of your contraction you speed up.
“They’re so close together…” You say nervously. “I'm having a baby right here and right now.”
You focus on driving for the next few minutes but with a deep grunt your moaning loudly again. Your stomach contorts and tightens trying to help you push the baby down. You can feel it. The baby moving down. Your pelvis feels fuller. Heavier.
With a sharp pop noise your thighs and seat were covered in a warm liquid. Your water broke.
“Fuck,” you groan. “I think that was my water. Things are supposed to speed up now right?”
You desperately try to find your phone from your purse in the seat next to you. Accidentally knocking everything to the floor in the process instead. Another contraction started pulling your focus back to your belly. This contraction was stronger than the last ones. You really felt like things were moving along now.
You managed to breathe through the pain of this contraction. With your legs spread from having to drive, your belly now rested on the seat underneath you from it hanging so low. You drive along for a little longer. Another contraction forcing you to lean forward and pant.
“Almost half way home… I can make it.” You try to encourage yourself.
You keep this routine of contractions and pep talks for the next 15 minutes. Each contraction gets more intense and closer together with each passing minute. You finally make it to the edges of your town, the familiar buildings a small relief.
“Almost home…” You moan out.
Your relief doesn’t last long when a particularly strong contraction makes you pull over to the side of the road. You toss your head back and cry out as the contraction reaches its peak. You can feel the baby's head weighing heavily on your cervix. You moan out as you feel it start to push through and into your birth canal. You feel so full and it hurts so much. You take a deep breath when everything calms down and pull back onto the road.
“Just stay in until we get home,” You beg your baby. “I don’t know how to have you alone.”
You make it a few more blocks before you’re forced to pull off the road again. You scream as you try not to push, but your body has other plans and it pushes for you moving the baby down inch by inch. You moan and rub your middle when the contraction ends. You pull back onto the road but barely make it a block before your stomach contracts yet again.
“Is it supposed to be moving this fast?” You say through gritted teeth. You slowly roll to stop behind an abandoned building, your contraction reaching its peak as you toss the car in park.
“I have to check myself right…” You say to yourself when the contraction ends. “I remember that from the birthing books.”
You reach down between your legs, which was a bit of a struggle, and feel your opening. You slip a finger inside, it only makes it an inch before you feel your baby's head. You’re much farther along than you thought. There was really no way you were going to make it home. You leaned back and began to moan softly from the next contraction starting up. With your focus no longer on driving you feel your contractions with full force. The way it makes your stomach clench, and your middle ache, and the way you can feel your baby’s inch it’s way down your birth canal.
While you contract, you toss your head back and push hard. The baby slides a bit further down. You can now feel its head push against your lips. Your contraction ends and you take a breath. The baby slightly slid back in. After a few minutes you feel another contraction. You cry out and push hard. The baby slips from your lips, making your vagina bulge out. When the contraction ends the head slips back inside.
“Why are you doing that?” You ask the baby inside you. “Just come out.”
You feel another contraction and push again. The baby again slid out slightly then back inside. You pull your legs back slightly trying your best to fit around the steering wheel that’s still in front of you. You then try to push again with the next contraction, and then the next, and then the next. By your fourth round of pushing you feel the baby going nowhere.
“You’re really going to make me move…” You moan out, your breath now coming out labored.
You take a deep breath and open the car door. You swing your legs around, your feet landing on the hard ground. You struggle to get out gripping the door frame and pulling yourself up with whatever strength you have left. You manage to lift yourself up to a standing position, the baby now feeling much heavier on your sex. You are able to open the door to your back seat before the next contraction to hit, sending you to your knees. You try to keep quiet now that you're out in the open, the pain making it difficult. When the contraction ends you force yourself to stand again. And climb into the back seat best you can. The back seat is cramped, but still better then the front seat and way better than outside the car.
You struggle to get situated placing your legs up on each seat in front of you like make shift stirrups. You lay like that through a few contractions. The glimmer of sweat increasing as time goes by. The pain in your back and stomach only getting worse with each push. You reach down and feel between your legs. The head barely made its way out any further.
“It stuck. It has to be!” You cry out as another contraction rips through you.
You push hard hoping that it’ll make a difference. The head pushes against your hand and making your lips strain to accommodate the baby. As soon as you relax the progress you made reverses and the baby slide back in.
“Please come out!” You yell. You moan and grunt as you try to reposition yourself. You pull your legs underneath you squatting in the back seat as best as you can. Your belly getting in the way multiple times as you adjust. When you’re finally in a squat down on your knees, you feel the next contraction start and you push hard. The babies head finally moves forward a bit and stays out.
“Yes! It’s moving!” You moan out. Your lips burn from stretching so far but you don’t care you need this over with.
You push hard again with the next contraction. The head of the baby finally making it to a full crown. You take a moment to breath through the next contraction trying to regain some energy for the next push. You moan deep from inside your chest as the next contraction starts. You push hard grunting and crying out as you do. With a pop and a gush of fluids the babies head finally is free.
“Oh my god! It’s out!” You gasp.
You feel the baby turn inside you the shoulders lining up for an easy exit. With the next contraction, you push hard and the baby slides free from your body. You catch it before falling back against the seat with your new baby in your arms.
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lemon-shortbread · 1 year
love preg content that takes place in idealized versions of different time periods
pirates trying to navigate labor on their ship, old timey cowboys breeding each other on long journeys, regency era aristocrats pregnant with their secret lover's children, 50's greasers knocking up their straight laced partners (or vice versa), shit, even like, cheesy eighties alien movie style vibes with someone getting used as an incubator for an alien, or futuristic scifi shenanigans resulting in pregnancy
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gravidweiner · 11 days
A tall, slim boy with a gravid belly, only slightly distended in the first trimester. The only indication of his pregnancy is the changed belly button, now stretched and his flat chest beginning to poke out with sensitive, perky nipples. 😱🤯
Even despite its petite size, he can still cup it and run his hands along his happy trail which would soon sport a dark linea negra in time. The curve has newfound warmth. He pulls his shirt around it every so often, captivated with what it could become. How the rest of his body would react to the life growing within him. It’s only barely noticeable and probably couldn’t get too much bigger considering the rest of his physical stature. At least, he hoped.
It was seemingly strange being the top and pregnant. It’s not like he tried to conceive , he’s not entirely sure of even how it happened considering his boyfriend was fucked with his strap. Such carelessness was bound to happen eventually and, what the hell, why not keep the baby? So now he’ll just have to carry on as normal, trying to hide it until people can only assume he’s been cursed by his so-called drinking habits with a beer belly.
The worst part about being pregnant to him is, he can’t even smoke to relieve his anxieties about his predicament. Just continue on as his taut belly swells outwards.
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realdramalove69 · 19 days
A Mothers Love pt 2
(All characters are 18+)
The spa employees at Mellow Springs were busy getting ready for the day; laying out towels, dressing the massage tables, ensuring the pools and saunas were in tip top shape. They had a full schedule and even had a “very pregnant” client coming by for the first time. The receptionist assumed that meant this expectant was close to giving birth to a single baby, eager to get in a last day of relaxation before becoming a mother.
None of them were prepared for the waddling, panting, sweaty pregnant young woman that waddled through their front doors.
Casey had to hold onto her mother’s arm as they walked through the glass doors. She had managed to dress in the new yoga pants and maternity shirt Steph had bought her yesterday but even still her belly peeked out the bottom, the pants unable to make it up the baby bump and her shirt barely covering her swollen belly button. They went to the receptionist, a slim blonde woman in her 20s wearing scrubs, who was busy on the computer, not looking up until they were right in front of her.
“Welcome to Mellow Springs…oh my,” the receptionist said, glancing at the overly fecund girl in front of her.
Casey’s cheeks grew hot as she felt the eyes of the receptionist on her stretch marked belly. She tried to pull down her shirt while Steph rubbed her back reassuringly, stepping forward and checking them in. Casey, unable to stand much longer, sat in one of the waiting room chairs, her belly quickly filling her lap and her shirt riding up more.
“My apologies,” the receptionist said as she shook her head, quickly regaining her composure and pasting on a large smile. “What's the name for the appointment today?”
“Casey and Stephanie,” Steph said. “Casey is in need of some pampering today.”
Casey smiled weakly at the receptionist, rubbing her belly as the babies kicked. Her whole body ached from being so stretched and full. She couldn’t wait to get in those pools and feel weightless for a moment.
“May I ask how far along we are?” the receptionist asked, worried her nervous voice would give away her curiosity. “It’ll help the massage therapist better understand your needs.”
“8 months,” Casey groaned. “With quints. If that matters.”
Casey nodded. “Five babies in here.” she patted her belly. “Believe me I didn’t want that many either.”
The receptionist forced a smile as she typed on the computer. “Okay, well that is certainly not common but we’ve had many pregnant women come through here before. It looks like you have the full spa package today so we’ll start you off with the prenatal massage and facial before moving to the sauna and pools for some meditation and aromatherapy. We have robes in the locker room for you and slippers as well. Please follow me.”
Steph heaved Casey back onto her feet, the young woman groaning as she pushed her hands into her lower back and shuffling after the lithe receptionist. Casey yearned to have the body of the receptionist: thin and muscular, perky small breasts and a flat stomach. Instead she had inflated into this giant baby machine, unable to even reach around her own belly anymore.
“Alright, feel free to leave any belongings in the lockers and put on your robes and slippers. When you’re ready head through those doors and your massage therapists will take it from there!”
Casey held up a robe, knowing full well it wouldn’t come close to closing around her belly. “Do you have any…bigger robes?”
“Um, let me check in the back,” the receptionist said. She hurried out of the room, leaving the two women to undress.
Casey sat heavily on a bench as she stripped her shirt off and kicked off her sandals. She rubbed her hands over her moving orb, willing the babies to chill out for even just a moment. Steph sighed and smiled, patting her daughter’s belly and feeling her grandbabies inside.
“Don’t worry honey,” Steph said. “You’ll feel nice and relaxed in no time.”
Steph gathered her daughter’s clothes as Casey sat naked in the too small robe. The receptionist came back with only a slightly larger one, leaving her bump fully exposed for all to see but at least covering her swollen breasts.
“I’m sorry we don’t have any bigger ones,” the receptionist said.
“It’s fine,” Casey grunted, standing and holding the robe over her massive mammaries. “I’m used to nothing fitting anymore.”
The two women shuffled into the next room, a long hallway stretching before them with many doors leading to other parts of the spa. Soft music played throughout the building while the scent of lavender and eucalyptus permeated the air. Two women appeared at the end of the hallway walking towards them, ready to take them to their private massage rooms.
The two massage therapists nearly stopped in their tracks when they saw the pregnant teen, her belly so big and round it couldn’t be covered by any robe, her tits barely hidden under the plush fabric. Her swollen feet looked cramped in the cheap flip flops they were given and the look of strain on her face made it seem like she would give birth any moment.
“Hi!” Steph said excitedly, waving the women over. “Are you here to take us back for the massages?”
“Y-yes,” one woman said. She had her brown hair in a tight bun and a look of shock on her face. She seemed to be around Steph’s age, short and chubby but still fit. “I’m Tiffany, this is Ivanka. We will be…uh..sorry, we are taking care of you two today.”
“Who’s stuck with me?” Casey groaned.
“Don’t mind my daughter’s attitude, she's just feeling a little…strained right now and is in need of a good pampering,” Steph said.
“I will take care of you,” Ivanka said, a slight accent in her voice. Her blond hair was similarly tied up and her younger face looked more severe. “You are very pregnant! Are you sure you aren’t going to give birth soon?”
“I wish,” Casey mumbled.
“She has a few weeks left growing these five little ones,” Steph responded, glaring at her rude teenage daughter.
“Right,” Tiffany said. “Well follow us. Steph you will be in this room with me and Casey you can follow Ivanka next door.”
The four women walked down the hall, Casey bringing up the rear as she struggled to follow the skinny women in front of her. God I wish they would all get huge like me. Maybe then they’d stop staring, she thought.
Steph waved goodbye for now to Casey as they went into their separate rooms. Inside her room Casey saw an extra large massage table covered in soft blankets, the smell of incense and the sounds of light music helping calm her nerves. Ivanka set to work preparing the table, inviting the young mother to take off her robe and lay on her back.
Casey hesitated, grippin the sides of her heavy belly. She hadn’t been naked in front of anyone but her mother since the night she got pregnant with this litter. With careful steps she waddled to the bed, taking off her robe and handing it to the taller woman, before grunting as she sat heavily on the table. Ivanka helped the young mother get her legs up and eased her down onto her back. She carefully draped a towel over her large breasts and her lower half, giving her some modesty but leaving her baby belly exposed.
The constantly moving orb towered over Casey, nearly 3 feet above her. She could see her babies kicking, the weight of them making it hard for her to breathe in this position. Ivanka smiled as she grabbed the oils and began to massage the big bump. Her hands felt so soft and the warm oil soothed her stretched skin, making the young mother involuntarily moan from the pleasure of it.
“Try and relax, mama,” Ivanka said, moving her hands all around the cramped orb. “These are some big babies in here! No wonder you’re so tired all the time. Let’s get your muscles nice and loose.”
Casey closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her bump being so thoroughly touched and pressed on. She felt Ivanka’s hands move down to her hips and thighs, massage her swollen ankles and feet. She came back up to her shoulders and chest, massaging her breasts and making her leak little milk droplets. She hadn’t realized how sore her breasts were until she felt the slight relief from the building pressure.
“Alright, let's turn you on your side,” Ivanka whispered. With a lot of effort they got Casey turned over, her belly hanging off the side of the table and her ass barely on the other end.
“Oof, babies please calm down,” Casey whimpered. Ivanka rubbed her bump again, soothing the infants within.
“Let me know if it's too much pressure,” Ivanka continued as she orbited the fecund teen and started massaging her back. “You are very tight back here.”
There was no denying Casey was in absolute heaven. She moaned and whimpered throughout the whole massage, her body finally relaxing after eight months of stress eating and growing five big babies. She rubbed her belly as Ivanka rubbed her back, feeling how absolutely huge she was, seeing how far her belly stretched from her once thin torso. Tears began to form as she realized just how close she was to giving birth to these five.
“Oh, Miss Casey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?” Ivanka asked.
Casey shook her head. “No, sorry I’m just really…overwhelmed I guess. Look how huge I am! And I have to give birth to all of them?!”
Ivanka smiled and rubbed her belly again, her touch softer as she scratched where Casey hadn’t been able to reach in months. “I think you are very beautiful. You are creating life!”
Casey wiped her eyes. “You think I’m beautiful?”
“Of course! Look at you glowing with all these babies inside you. I hope to have so many some day.”
Casey felt the woman run a hand under where her belly was laying on the table, pushing her up onto her back again. Casey groaned as all the weight came back onto her chest and lap. Ivanka kept her hands on her bump as she walked around to Casey’s feet, disappearing behind the pale mountain. The soft hands ran down her thighs, pulling her legs wide and exposing her throbbing pussy.
“What’re you doing?” Casey whimpered.
“Do you want to feel even better?” Ivanka asked as she scratched her nails up and down Casey’s inner thigh. “Back in my country, women like you are treated like royalty. The ultimate mothers are able to produce many many babies at once. I cannot wait to have my own babies like you. Hmm I know what you really need.”
Casey felt a shudder run down her spine. She hated to admit it but this pregnancy made her so hormonal she was instantly wet at the touch of the massage therapist. “Is-is-is this allowed?” she stuttered. She felt her knees bend as she bucked her hips the best she could.
“Hmm only for our most special of clients. We are here to make you feel relaxed after all. What better way than to give you some release.”
Ivanka pulled Casey further down until her legs were hanging off the bed. She watched as the lithe woman disappeared behind her belly mountain, feeling her hands spread her wider as her tongue lapped at her sensitive folds.
“Oh fu-fuck!” Casey cried. Her clit was on fire! The woman knew how to treat this big pregnant woman right and Casey gave in, letting her lick, bite, and eat her out until she came hard, arching her back with her eyes rolling in the back of her head.
After she came she slumped on the table, limbs limp and belly heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. Ivanka wiped off her mouth and smiled, patting the moving orb of her belly.
“You are going to be a great mother,” Ivanka reassured her. “Now let's get you seated again for the facial.”
The rest of the treatment went on as normal with Casey getting a facial and a hair/head massage. Ivanka helped her up and back into her robe before leading her to the sauna.
“Enjoy the rest of your stay here,” Ivanka said with a wink. Casey blushed and entered the sauna and joined her mother.
It was easy to see where Casey got her curves and good looks. She was the spitting image of her mother, though just a few inches shorter. Steph was always curvy but after having Casey her hips had widened and her breasts stayed perky if not larger than average. She looked up as she saw her daughter waddle in and sit on a wood bench, taking off her robe and leaning back, still recovering from her massages. A sheen of sweat soon appeared all over Casey as the steam enveloped them.
“Feeling better?” Steph asked.
Casey rubbed her belly in wide circles, her cheeks growing red as she thought about Ivanka’s tongue in her. “Mm hm. The massage was really good.”
Steph smiled and adjusted her towel. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. After the sauna we’ll go lounge in the pools for a while.”
Casey nodded, feeling her stomach rumbling. It had been awhile since breakfast and the quints were getting hungry again. Steph could hear her daughter’s stomach and placed a hand on the ball of flesh.
“They’ll have snacks over there too. I made sure of it.”
Steph grabbed their robes, covering Casey’s exposed chest and helping her to her feet. They left the sauna and went to the pool room where a large heated pool waited for them to float in. With the help of her mom and an attendant Casey walked carefully down the steps and into the warm water. Instantly her back felt a million times better, the weight of her pregnancy floating away.
“Oh my god this feels amazing,” Casey moaned, her hands still on her bump. She could see her babies kicking under the water. “We need a pool at home.”
Steph laughed as she disrobed and joined her daughter, the two women naked in the warm water. Attendants came through with trays of fruits and pastries, setting them on the edge of the pool for the young mother to eat. Casey quickly grabbed a few pastries and scarfed them down.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time,” Steph said. “I wanted you to feel pampered and refreshed for your next surprise.”
Casey swallowed. “Surprise?”
Steph smiled big. “You know Carol who I work with? She has a son who’s about your age–”
“Moooom! I don’t need anymore boy troubles! Look what happened last time” Casey held up her bump to emphasize her point.
“I’m not saying he’s going to be your boyfriend. You just seemed lonely lately and I wanted to help you find some new friends. His name is Steve and he’s about a year older than you. He goes to college in town, he builds computers and robots, and you guys like the same music. I thought it was worth a shot.”
Casey grumbled, still eating on the fruit and pastries. “What if he sees me and is disgusted? I’m a fat cow! Who would want to be friends with an 18 year old about to have five babies?”
Steph could see the tears in her daughter's eyes. She swam over and held her daughter close to her naked bosom.
“Oh sweetie I promise he’s excited to meet you. I talked with Carol yesterday and she said he couldn’t wait to come meet you.” Casey sniffled a little. “And if he’s awful to you I’ll slap him for you. Okay?”
Casey nodded. She had to admit, having a friend would be nice. “Okay. I’ll meet him. But I don’t want him to be staring at my belly the whole time.”
“I know honey but it’s hard not to.” Steph chuckled, patting the belly full of her grandbabies.
“When am I meeting him?”
“Tonight for dinner. We’re going to go to your favorite Italian place!” Steph jumped up and down excitedly.
Casey sighed. She loved her mom but sometimes it felt more like she was her friend than her parent. She was admittedly excited to meet this mysterious man but her nerves were growing. She turned back to her food, eating the rest of it quickly but wanting something more substantial.
“Mom, can we get some burgers on the way home?”
An hour and many drive thrus later, Casey and Steph walked into the hair salon to continue her day of pampering. She barely fit in the hairdresser’s chair, her bump squished between her fat thighs. The stylist draped the cape over her but her bump was still visible beneath it.
Casey opted for something simple but cute, the stylist giving her long brown hair a trim before curling it and making her look like a new woman. Next were her nails, a mani/pedi and a bit of makeup to cap off the day of pampering. They headed back home so Casey could get changed and rest before the dinner.
Steph sat her daughter on the couch and left the room, coming back with a dress in a bag. She stood in front of her daughter and unzipped it, showing her a beautiful dark purple floor length dress. It of course looked huge but Casey knew it would barely fit her giant belly and tits.
“Do you like it?” Steph asked. “It’s got plenty of stretch to it, don’t worry.”
“I do. Thank you, mom. For everything today. It really has made me feel better.”
Steph smiled, tears in her eyes. “Of course, honey. I’d do anything for you.” She leaned down and hugged her daughter tightly. “Now let’s get you dressed. I got you matching flip flops so you don’t have to worry about walking in fancy shoes.”
It took a while to squeeze the pregnant girl into it but when she looked in the mirror Casey had to admit she looked pretty. The dress perfectly fit her swollen breasts and hugged her belly in all the right places, making her look big but not disgustingly huge. It went down to her knees instead of the floor (her belly really hogged a lot of the fabric) but it was comfortable and flowy and it covered her belly more than anything else she had worn recently.
“I’m nervous,” Casey said as she looked in the mirror.
“You look amazing! He’s going to love you. Just be yourself.”
Casey sighed deeply and held her belly in her hands, feeling her big babies moving but somehow not hating it as much as she did this morning. Her heart was pounding and her stomach felt full of butterflies but she had to admit she was excited at the prospect of a potential new friend. Hell, maybe he’d even want to stick around when she had all these kids.
With a deep breath and another hug from Steph, the two of them got into the car and headed to the Italian restaurant.
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lilacbumps · 4 months
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Sequel: The Lady Next Door - Mayternity
The lady next door has been your neighbor for quite some time now. Her name is Gwendolyn Laurent. When she speaks her voice has a French accent that somehow draws you in. Some times you go over to help her with random chores. As months pass you notice her belly is bigger than average; realizing she’s carrying more than one baby than the rumors said.
Out of the blue you thought of her. Wondering how someone as beautiful as her doesn’t have a husband or partner to help care for her. There is a knock upon your door. Rising to your feet you wonder who could it be. To your surprise it’s Gwendolyn when you open the door.
“J'ai besoin de votre aide.” She says looking into your eyes. Your expression becomes puzzled as you don’t understand French. She raises her hand to her chest.
“Forgive me, I am learning English. Could you help me with bulb?” She smiles embarrassed.
You turn the light bulb from above and the light turns on. The you climb down the ladder.
“Oh thank you Monsieur! I would have fallen to my death because of how pregnant I am now.” Gwendolyn caresses her huge belly.
“Do you like tea? Coffee?” Her accent is thick on the word coffee.
In the kitchen she pours you a cup of hot water with a teabag in the cup as well as a cup for herself. Gwendolyn sits down, her belly pressing against the table. You smile and ask her if she was married.
She shakes her head no.
“I was never marry. I hads a few boyfriends, but zey never last.” She pauses thinking she should tell him about her unborns father.
“There is no father if you was wondering. I seen doctor who gave me mysterious man batter as I asked, then doctor inserted it. Now I carry triple of what I wanted. But I am very happy to finally be ze mother I always wanted to be.” Gwendolyn smiles innocently staring out the window while rubbing her belly. As you look at her belly you can see them moving inside her.
“Would you like to feel?” Before you could answer, she takes your hand and places it on her belly.
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backyardboytoy · 2 months
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Dude, I know we only hooked up once six months ago, but I think you got me pregnant somehow. Seriously, look how big my chest got! I had to buy a sports bra so they wouldn't shake so much when I walked. And I think I'll need a bigger one soon... I can feel what I think is milk sloshing every time I move now. Can you tell me if twins run in your family? I had another growth spurt after I took this pic. And I think I'm starting to feel kicks...
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heraldofpassion · 18 days
Annabeth's Joy
Hi folks!
This here is my first ever birth fic that I write and share!
I’d love your honest opinion and criticism, but please keep in mind I’m new at this, that English isn’t my first language, and that I’m a virgin who knows nothing of sex.
That said, I sincerely hope you all enjoy, and hope it will make you feel hot and bothered ;).
Take care
Herald of Passion
Tags: Pregnancy kink, labor kink, birth kink, sex, sex in labor, orgasmic birth, threesome
Annabeth was the sexiest girl of our year in college. It became even more true when she got pregnant.
No one knew who knocked her up, but everyone had their own theory. The football captain, the English teacher, pretty much anyone with looks and charisma. But I was going to learn two very important things about Annabeth: she didn’t care about status, and I didn’t care who got her pregnant; I only wished it was me.
We had biology together, and soon got to talking. She and her friend Melanie were inseparable but made place for me at their table. I was the new guy in this college, and they wanted to learn more about me.
How to describe Annabeth? Well, she was stunning, with long flowing brown hair falling down her back, a perfectly chiseled face and piercing eyes. She had pretty big breasts, barely covered by her crop top, her nipples sometimes pointing out. That girl wasn’t afraid of her body and sexuality and encouraged others to do the same.
Every time we were sitting next to each other, she would laugh and touch my arm, and look at me with interest when asking me about my girlfriends and experiences. She almost couldn’t believe I was a virgin.
“Aww sweetie. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find a girl to fuck you soon.” She told me with a wink, while my cheeks started to burn. I was already imagining bending her over the desk, caressing her growing belly and kissing her neck, our moans mixing as we reach climax.
A few months later, she invited me to a fun evening with her friends. We were maybe a dozen, chatting, partying, having fun, and soon, most of them left or were too drunk to stay awake, leaving only me, Annabeth, and Mel who didn’t drink (Anna for obvious reason).
Speaking of obvious, Anna came back to us in a short bikini, clearly dating from before getting pregnant. Her belly was coming out so large in front of her, and her breasts were barely contained by her bra. She told us to get into our swimwear and to join her in the pool, turning around to go outside, my eyes fixed on her perfect ass and rolling hips. Mel gave me an amused look, before taking off her clothes, leaving herself in her bra and panties, before jumping in the water. A bit more self-conscious, but not wanting to miss this opportunity, I got into my underwear too and got into the pool.
There, we chatted and swam for most of the night. I hoped my erection wasn’t too apparent, but the girls’ cheeky look and shared laughs told me it probably wasn’t. I decided to follow Anna’s lack of shame, and simply took off my swimsuit, leaving myself naked. Anna whistled and winked and didn’t make a joke about it. She really was the best girl ever.
People were following Anna’s growth and development, and she wasn’t shy with telling everyone about her progress, which meant everyone knew she had been overdue for a week at the point of our last biology session.
“Great news everyone!” exclaimed miss Berkeley as she stood in front of us, a large couch covered with soft covers between us and her. “This year, for our final project, you will assist to a live birth and then write an essay about what the experience. For this, we are very lucky to have Annabeth with us, who graciously offered her birth as a class project.”
Anna smiled and waddled to the front of the room while everyone looked at her. She finally let out a sigh and groan, probably having held them all day at this point. She turned toward Mel and me.
“Will you help send me into actual labor, and then birth my baby?” She asked in her sweet tone as a contraction took her, gripping onto the desk.
We didn’t answer, but I looked at Mel, and we were in harmony. We joined her in front of everyone and started kissing her. Mel and she exchanged a deep and passionate kiss, while I was caressing her big overdue belly. My cock was already making a bulge in my pants, but I wanted to focus on Anna for now. I freed Anna’s breasts from her tank top and placed my lips around her nipple, while Mel took the other. Anna had already started lactating, as she had showed us before, but drinking her milk was ten times better then I could have imagined. Annabeth was moaning and panting, caressing my hair and pulling us closer.
She sat on the desk and spread her legs, revealing her lack of panties. Her pussy lips, wet and puffy, were already soaked with her pleasure. “Lick me, please….” She almost whispered, as she threw her head back to endure another contraction.
I smiled and obliged, my tongue gently sliding between her folds as she moaned, before exchanging a steamy kiss with Mel. They were clearly both liking it, since they took off their clothes and started to caress their breasts, rubbing their nipples between kisses.
While that was happening, I was licking Anna’s lips and circling her clit with my fingers. I could feel her shake from pleasure, but also the pressure and pain building inside of her. My cock was throbbing in my pants, and I just wanted to fuck her and feel her water breaks all over me.
Anna placed her legs over my shoulders and pulled me closer. Mel was gently pulling on her nipples, milk leaking out like faucets over Anna’s contracting belly.
“Ah… Ah… God please… please fuck me… both of you… Ah… make me cum!” Anna panted, jerking her hips to find my mouth.
I placed the tip of my cock between her pussy lips while Mel sat over her face, her hands fondling Anna’s heavy milk-filled breasts. We exchanged a look, and I slid all the way inside in one stroke, sharing a moan with the girls. My first time having sex, with the sexiest girl, actively in labor! I started to move in and out, while Mel and Anna were teasing and touching each other like there was no tomorrow. I could feel Annas contractions as I fucked her, her birth canal pulsing around me as she was slowly dilating, her cervix opening to let her give birth.
Anna was moaning, grunting, and panting, not caring about our classmates watching her at her most vulnerable which, in my mind, was also at her peak of beauty and sensuality.
“You’re so bea… fuck… beautiful Anna!” I groan, before jerking my hips forward again, grinding against her clit, both of us seeking our pleasure.
“…Gonna cum… gonna cum…” she whispered back as both Mel and I caress her large pregnant belly, covered by a sheen of sweat and milk.
“Cum for us darling, let that pregnant pussy of yours gush for all to see…” Mel moaned in Anna’s ear, loud enough for me to understand. Those words were enough to push us all over the edge, cumming and screaming our respective orgasm. Mel grabbed onto Anna’s tits and tried to close her legs, shaking from head to toe, while I was emptying the biggest load of my life deep in our pregnant friend’s pussy, my body jerking on its own, seemingly trying to impregnate the girl actively giving birth. As for Annabeth, she was screaming her heart out, not caring about volume, her cries of pain, discomfort, and sheer pleasure mixing together as her water broke like a floodgate, drenching me in squirt and amniotic fluid.
“Oh god… oh god… my water broke… did my water really break?” She asked, still a bit out of breath, trying to look at me over her pregnant belly, Mel having jumped off her face.
I looked at her and raised an eyebrow with humor, my waist and torso still wet, cock softening slowly, but staying aloft for now.
“Yeah, I think your water broke. Do you need to change position?”
“Maybe… I’ll try standing UPPP!” She shouted, her legs wanting to give out, but Mel and I were quick enough to grab her arms. Anna dropped to a squat, her slit starting to bulge out and part.
“I feel like pushing… fuck! Fuck I need to push!” She shouted, her belly hardening as a contraction wracked her body. Her face scrunched up and she pushed, her lips moving further and further apart under the amazed looks of me and the rest of the class. With me not actively fucking Anna, I was able to split my focus and look at my classmates. Those that weren’t fucking each other or touching themselves were among the minority. The room was filled with shed clothes and moans of pleasure. Anna’s moaning brought me back to the present as she squatted lower, the head peaking out of her pussy. Her nipples were still leaking, ready to feed her baby, but Mel latched onto one of them, while I took the other into my mouth. We drank her sweet-tasting milk as she pushed her baby out, the head now crowning between her legs.
“Fuck it feels good! Keep going… keep going I’m gonna… cuuuuuuuum!” Anna groaned as she squirted the head out, a gush of fluid following her baby making its appearance into the world.
“You’re so hot mama, you’re doing so good. Almost there, ok?” Mel whispered while stroking the future mother’s hair and kissing her neck.
Anna almost purred at the touch, and wrapped her arms around me, squatting low, forcing me down with her. My arms were massaging her hips and offering counterpressure, her belly moving against me.
“Need to push… need to push… need to push…” She was repeating, almost in a trance. Even with her body covered in sweat and her hair sticking to her face, she was the most beautiful women I’d ever seen.
“Do it love, push your baby out. We all believe in you. I know you can.” I told her, kissing her neck and shoulder, before she pressed her lips against mine.
We kissed for what felt like an eternity, before she moaned louder into my mouth, her body shook again, and she finally gave birth into my waiting hands, who started to cry. Mel supported and helped Anna sit down, and I gave her the baby she pushed out with so much effort and grace. She started to nurse, exhausted, but beaming. Motherhood suited her so well.
Miss Bekerley, trying to readjust her skirt, soaked through with her juices, cleared her throat.
“Good job Anna, and congratulations on your bundle of joy! That was… quite a presentation. How will you call her?”
She turned to look at Mel and I, smiling softly, before turning to our newborn daughter.
“Like you said… Joy.”
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 3 months
One Night Under the Stars
Here is a little birthing story I had been working on recently. I wanted something a little bit more focused than what I was working on previously. I do hope you guys enjoy it.
Thomas Harper always loved camping and the outdoors. After several months of slaving away in front of his computer screen at work, he finally took the time off. He was planning a few days out in the woods sleeping under the stars, fishing, and enjoying being away from the city. It was just what Thomas wanted. In the early morning, Thomas loaded his truck with what he needed: camping gear, fishing rods, and a small cooler filled with a few days' worth of food.
Thomas was looking forward to this trip for months. He would have gone a little sooner but with Thomas being heavily pregnant, he had other things taking priority. But now with time on his side, and nearing the end of his third trimester he wanted one last trip to the outdoors before he popped.
Thomas' friends voiced their concerns about him going. Numerous times he reassured them he had everything under control. "I don't feel like I'm gonna pop any time soon. I'll be fine,"
He was ready to leave, adjusting the rear-view mirror, and glanced down at his round pregnant belly pressing lightly against the steering wheel. Thomas let out a deep sigh. He drove down the winding roads through the hills and into the dense forests out of town. Thomas eventually came up to the entrance of Eagle Lake State Park. He had visited the park a few times before, there were no large predators in the area - a few deer at best. 
Thomas checked in at the ranger station. After Thomas drove to his chosen campsite near the edge of a large, serene lake, he parked his truck, and carefully unloaded his gear. The first thing he needed was to set up his tent. He worked at getting the poles placed and the tent put up. As he hammered the last tent peg into the ground, he took a deep breath of the fresh, pine-scented air and smiled. He felt a sense of peace wash over him, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of his everyday life. With the tent up, he pulled out the cot from the back of his truck and set it in. He laid out a sleeping bag, a few pillows, and his maternity body pillow to ensure he would be comfortable at night. He was a little winded, huffing and rubbing on his big pregnant belly. "You're lucky I like you, or I wouldn't deal with this,"
The campsite was perfect: secluded enough to feel like he was alone in the wilderness but close enough to the river to catch fish. He didn't have any cell reception ensuring no one would be calling him to break up his quiet. He was perfectly isolated. Thomas sat at the edge of his truck taking a deep breath of the soak in the forest around him. He could smell the fresh scent of pine and earth, a hint of the river nearby being carried on the gentle breeze wafting through his small camp.
Thomas felt his baby kicking around his belly button, as if in approval of their surroundings. Thomas let out a small laugh as he traced his fingers over his belly. "You like that little man?" He asked
His baby kicked back. Thomas pushed down gently on the same spot. Thomas told his unborn baby boy to stop being so rough. There was a kick again where his finger just was. Thomas couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, don't you just think you're adorable?" He spoke to his baby bump.
Scooting off the gate of his truck he pulled out the folding chair and the grate. He went around for stones to make a fire pit and then placed the grate on top. His grill was set up. His camp was set up. Carefully letting himself plop down into his chair. Thomas took a moment to relax. 
Thomas rested his hands on the top of his baby bump. He felt his little one fluttering underneath his hands. He closed his eyes taking in the fresh air. A gentle breeze wafting through the trees. A deep sigh, and a gentle pat. “Come one little man,” 
Thomas finally decided to grab his fishing gear: his fishing pole, a small tackle box, a net, and a folding chair. It was a nice little walk from his camp down to the lake. He came to a serene calm lake, the water was a nice deep blue. It was so nice, like something off of a postcard. The sun was almost directly overhead, it had to be close to midday. He found a nice spot with a little shade and set up his folding chair.
At the edge of the water he cast his line, took a deep breath, and relaxed, he let his hand rest on top of his pregnant belly. When he felt a nibble he quickly tried to reel in. Sometimes he got lucky. It had already been several hours. Thomas lost himself in the rhythmic motions of casting and reeling. He caught enough fish for a modest dinner for him and his baby. He cleaned, prepped, and cooked the fish once he got back to his camp. The warmth of the fire felt nice. He tried to endure the little discomforts, he was used to ignoring the small pain as it crept up from time to time.
With his belly full and the fire crackling, he settled in his chair tent as the night crept over. Once it was dark he stripped down in the tent sleeping in a jock and a t-shirt and climbed into his sleeping bag. Eyes closed, one hand against his baby bump as he cuddled up to his body pillow, laying on his side. 
He tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. The pain was getting to be too much to ignore. As much as he tried to ignore it it was getting to be impossible. Thomas groaned, gripping his body pillow tightly. The pain wasn’t going away from the pressure building in his lower waist. He felt the pressure pushing down on his waist. He thought he needed to go to the bathroom. He lay there in a fierce sweat. Thomas finally opened his eyes to the dark tent. He struggled to roll over getting onto his back. He left something wet against his leg.
Thomas quickly reached around for the lantern. Getting the lantern on, he opened up his sleeping bag. There was a huge wet spot, what bit of the fluid he had against him he noticed it was clear. “Huh?”
Thomas felt the pressure in his lower back along with the urge to push. “Shit! Now, seriously?!” Thomas groaned
He could feel the baby opening him up. Thomas threw his head back wailing in pain. “FUCK!”
Thomas’ breathing was shallow. Every time he felt the need to push he felt incredible pain. He was getting lightheaded. He could feel the tip of his fingers digging into his palm. He screamed as he tried to push again. The baby hadn’t come to his prostate yet. 
“What do I do? I What-” Thomas was trying to breath
Everything hurts. He wanted to cry. Thomas lay there. His legs were spread far apart. The urge to push was overwhelming but he couldn’t tolerate the pain of delivery. Thomas tried to push. With a little force, the baby moved a little, stretching him open until he couldn’t tolerate the pain again. The baby was slowly descending through his birth canal. He could feel the baby’s head was right against his prostate.
Thomas was light-headed. He unclenched his fist and placed his hand on his pregnant belly. He tried to get a deep breath feeling the relief wash over him. He could feel it again. He wanted to push. He felt his thigh; bending his knee and lifting it close to his chest. He held his leg open holding it at the back of his knee. One leg up. He tried to lift the other. A little more work but he managed to get into the same position. Thomas held his legs up nice and wide. He tried to breathe nice and deep. He needed to be ready for it. 
The urge to push. He tensed up, his arms weak but holding his legs open. He felt the baby slide right onto his prostate. Thomas’ body shook, his balls quivering. It was an intense and sudden pain. His cock shot up, nice and hard, against his jock strap. Thomas kept pushing, feeling the baby grind against it. His eyes crossed, his cock flared. He screamed, ending his pushing.
Thomas wouldn’t let go of his legs. His voice was shaking, “Fuck… fuck… fuck…” He groaned on the verge of tears.
Again, he took short shallow breaths. He needed to catch his breath quickly. He tried to slow his breathing down to take deep breaths. He breathed in, filling up his lungs, before he tried to push again. He grunted and strained himself while trying to push. As he reached the end of this attempt he let out a strong wail - echoing through the night.
He could feel the baby’s head trying to push out. Again he tried to breathe deeply, grunting as he pushed and pushed. The head was opening up his ass, finally crowning. Thomas was exhausted, he felt like the tent was spinning. The night was fading. 
Again, he needed to push again. His attempt was weak. But still, he tried desperately. Thomas felt the baby creeping out slowly. Finally, he felt a sense of relief as the head popped out. A gasp of relief, but it wasn't over yet. He had to continue, the shoulders were next. Struggling to push he could feel them pressing against his opening. The more he pushed the more he could feel them nearly breaking free. 
Thomas kept at it. He was almost there. Keep going. He tried to plead to himself internally. He felt a shoulder then another dislodge themselves. Grunting and wailing in the early hours as the sun rose. He wondered if he was close, how long this baby was, but as he strained himself, going red in the face trying to push out his baby he felt it. Thomas finally felt the baby finish sliding out of him. 
Silence filled the tent. “Aren't they supposed to cry'' he wondered
He felt a little foot move. Then a wiggle, his heart once still fluttered. His baby finally started to cry. Carefully he let one leg down and then the other. Thomas kept his legs nice and wide so he wouldn't squish his newborn. It was a struggle but he managed to pull himself up there he was a newborn baby boy. The newborn writhed in the bile of his own birth. Without thinking Thomas quickly reached for a new shirt and started weakly wiping away the bile from his baby. “It's okay. It's okay Daddy's here,” he said softly 
Carefully he scooped up the baby remembering his parenting classes and being very careful with his head. He held this son close. Thomas was nearly in tears.
During the ordeal of his birth, a couple out for a sunrise walk heard his scream. They ventured into the thick of the woods away from the trail he drove in on and coming by his camp. Thomas didn't hear them approaching through the brush. 
“Hello? Is anyone there?” A man said softly
“No herald you have to say it louder,” she said smacking his arm
“It's probably nothing, you know how it is. You come out to the woods, you get to be rougher than you would at home.” He said to her
“That's disgusting. What if someone is hurt?”
“In their own came, come on Julia, be realistic here,” Harold said to her as Julia approached the camp
“Hello?” she called out
Julia could faintly hear the sound of the baby through the rustling. Finally, catching Thomas’ attention. “Hello?”
“Hello!? Are you hurt!?” she called out From the tent
“Can you call the ranger station? I need to go to the hospital,” Thomas said
“Yes! Yes of course! Harold!” Julia shouted 
“Wait! My walkie is here.” 
Julia came back over and she found the door unzipped. She was ready To see a man hurt in some way. Instead, she saw a half-naked Thomas sitting upright cradling a baby swaddled in his tee shirt. “Oh my god!” Julia remarked
A ranger hurried over, it wasn’t long before a paramedic arrived. As he was being swept up and driven to the hospital, there was one question on everyone's mind “Why go camping when you're having a baby?”
Thomas’ reply to this each time was “he wasn't supposed to be here yet. I was supposed to be induced in a few days. When I came back.”
Being wheeled into the nearest hospital Thomas was separated from his newborn. He was drifting in and out during the moments of silence. He was woken up by nurses and doctors coming in to check on him. “Are you okay?”
“Just tired,” he’d reply
They would talk to him but he wouldn’t pay much mind. His eyelids were heavy. Thomas wasn’t able to keep his eyes open for long. When he next shot up, his baby boy was being brought in. He thought it had been hours. In reality, it had not yet been a half hour. They had done a better job cleaning him off. Getting him a onesie, and a little blue cap. “Is he?” Thomas asked weakly
“He’s just sleeping. The doctor didn’t see any issues. Or complications. You gave birth to a healthy baby boy,”
Thomas sighed in relief and closed his eyes again. “Good,” he mumbled
Thomas finally got to sleep. 
When he had finally had enough rest Thomas spoke with his doctor.
“Well you’re lucky there are no serious injuries,” his doctor said
The doctor continued to talk to Thomas about the various complications that could have arisen. He simply replied “But they didn’t and he arrived just fine,”
This delivery came as a surprise. For Thomas, he believed those early contractions were just general discomfort. “Nothing I couldn’t handle before.”
“Well, consider yourself lucky this time.” his doctor said
“Luck’s got nothing to do with it,” Thomas replied looking at his baby.
Thomas named his son Hunter, born just shy of ten pounds, twenty-one point six inches. The doctor could not find any complications and the boy was healthy. After a couple of days under observation, Thomas could head home. Needing to cut his camping trip short, Thomas called in some favors from his friends to get his gear and his truck back. It was tough getting used to Hunter’s erratic schedule and it took him a lot longer to get into the groove of things with him. Before long he was going back to work, Hunter close by in a baby seat stroller or sleeping in a carrier backpack next to him. Things were getting back to a sense of normality. Thomas was finally getting the hang of being a single parent. On one Sunday afternoon while Hunter was down for his nap a friend of Thomas’ came by asking if he would ever go camping again.
“Yeah, when he’s old enough,”
“Oh that’s good,” his friend replied
“And that’s not even the best part,” Thomas said
“And what is that?” His friend asked
“I’m not pregnant this time,” Thomas replied
He and his friend started to chuckle a little. Thomas was true to his work. It wasn’t until Hunter was already two years old that Thomas took him camping. They didn’t go out to the woods but instead set up the tent in their backyard. The two had sat under the stars by the fire pit. Thomas rocking a fussy Hunter. Hunter didn’t want to sleep but his eyes were so heavy the little one struggled to keep open. Thomas stayed up long enough to witness the fire die out. Thomas carried his son to bed. “Maybe in a few more years I’ll try again,” he mumbled to himself as he carried his sleeping son into the house and settled him into his bed.
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nurbrotheadfull · 8 months
Does anyone still remember that one oc I said I would never draw again?
WELL guess what
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feeling-pushy · 3 months
Snowed In
Thank you to my anonymous commissioner for this commission! I had a great time writing this and this was a wonderful first commission!
~1k, fpreg, home birth, stuck at home, fluff, nsfw
Mika stood by the window of her cozy cabin home, one hand resting on her swollen belly. Her shoulder-length black hair fell around her face in gentle waves, and her eyes were fixed on the thick blanket of snow that covered the landscape. The world outside was a pristine, white expanse, the trees weighed down with fresh snow, and the sky a heavy, pale grey, much like her eyes. The storm had raged all night, and now, as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, the snowfall showed no sign of letting up.
She took a deep breath, feeling as the tight cramp across her abdomen finally let go. Mika had been in labor since the previous night, and the contractions were growing more intense, this last one had almost lasted a minute and the time between them were narrowing quickly. She pressed her forehead against the cool glass, trying to steady her breathing.
"Well, little one.’ she murmured softly, her breath fogging up the cold glass, ‘it looks like we're not going anywhere today. The snow's too thick, and it's still falling hard. We're just going to have to wait it out here."
Another contraction gripped her, and she winced, closing her eyes for a moment. "I know, I know.’ she half grunted, ‘You're eager to come out, aren't you? But just hang in there a bit longer. We'll manage, somehow."
She glanced around the cabin, taking in the warm, inviting interior. The fire crackled in the hearth, casting a soft glow over the room. Everything was ready: the emergency birthing supplies were laid out, and the phone was within reach, though she knew the likelihood of anyone being able to get through the snowstorm was slim.
As the contraction hit it’s peek and squeezed down on her like a vice, Mika held onto the window frame, her knuckles turning white. She gritted her teeth, determined to stay calm and focused. "Almost there, baby. Almost there."
Two hours had passed, and Mika found herself in a different corner of the cabin, leaning over the back of the couch. Feeling the soft fabric of the upholstery under her fingers, felt oddly comforting, and she found squatting there the most bearable position as her contractions intensified. Each wave of pain was sharper, more insistent, lasting over a minute, with the intervals between them growing shorter and shorter.
She gripped the back of the couch tightly, her breathing labored. "We're getting closer, baby." she hissed through clenched teeth. "Just a little more, come on."
As another contraction hits her, Mika squatted down and rocked her hips, which she took a moment to appreciate how much they filled out during her pregnancy, her hips widening in preparation for the baby, even her breasts had grown a bit fuller. All this granted a softness to her now, that she couldn’t help but love.
Suddenly she gasps. Fluid splashes on the towels between her feet and doesn't stop dripping after. The realization hit her like a wave. "Oh, it's time." she panted, a mix of excitement and fear coursing through her. "You're really coming now, aren't you?"
Even now, the urge to push began to bloom from between her legs. She adjusted her position slightly, widening her legs more, bracing herself against the couch. "Okay, baby." she said, her voice trembling but resolute. "Let's do this. I'm ready. We're ready."
Mika's breaths came in ragged gasps as the primal urge to push took over her body. Bracing herself against the back of the couch, she bore down with each contraction, feeling the immense pressure build as her baby began to move down.
Between pushes, she stood briefly, shifting her feet to alleviate the strain on her legs, a temporary relief that helped her gather strength. But soon the next wave hit and Mika would squat back down, gripping the couch for support, pushing with all her might, and feeling the intense pressure as her baby moved lower. "Come on, baby. Come on." she panted, sweat dripping down her forehead.
As she bore down again, the pressure intensified. She felt a new stretching and burning as her baby's head began to press against her folds. She cried out, a mix of pain and exhilaration.
Mika's body trembled with effort as she bore down once more. Each push brought her baby closer, a small teardrop shape of the head beginning to emerge. Her breaths came in quick, shallow gasps, and she fought to stay focused against the burning and the pressure.
With trembling fingers, she reached down, her heart pounding. She felt the small bit of her baby's head, the soft, downy hair under her fingertips. The sensation filled her with a renewed surge of energy. "I can feel you." she whispered, a mix of awe and determination in her voice. "You're so close, baby."
The next contraction hit, and Mika pushed harder than ever before. She felt the teardrop shape of the head growing, widening as her baby moved further down. The opening became about a quarter wide, the pressure intense but invigorating. Mika could feel her baby's head moving forward with each push, inch by inch.
She gripped the back of the couch, her knuckles white, and gave a heaving push. The opening widened further, and she could feel her baby's head pushing through. Soon that quarter shape turned into a full, rounded crown.
Mika cried out, the sensation was both excruciating and exhilarating, a mix of pain and joy that she could hardly describe. She could feel the top of her baby's head, stretching out her lips in that tight crown and it filled her with an indescribable joy. "Almost here.’ she gasped, her voice shaking and tears filling her eyes, ‘You're almost here."
Mika took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of strength she had left. The next contraction hit, and she heaved, legs trembling, feeling her baby's head emerge and not stopping until she birthed the head fully. Mika let out a sob of joy and exhaustion, she was so close.
Mika took a minute to gather herself, taking a few slow, steady breaths. Then, with renewed determination, she pushed again, feeling the shoulders begin to move. The effort was immense, but she could sense the end was near.
With one last, powerful push, Mika felt her baby's shoulders slip free, followed quickly by the rest of the tiny body. Instinctively she quickly reached down, catching the tiny body and lifting her newborn up to her chest.
Holding her baby for the first time, Mika felt a rush of love and wonder. The tiny, wriggling body was warm against her skin, the little face scrunched up in a cry. She cradled her baby close, tears of happiness streaming down her face.
" Hey, baby. Hi." she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion. "My beautiful baby, you're finally here."
In the warmth of their little cabin, amidst the falling snow outside, Mika held her newborn close. The pain, the effort, and the uncertainty melted away, leaving only the profound joy of a new beginning.
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bighardpush · 10 months
Lucy home birth || 817 words (my first story)
Lucy was fixing herself supper in her kitchen as she felt her stomach tighten and contract
“Wha-? What's going on- OW OW” she cried as her stomach contracted and she felt her baby kick before the contraction stopped. She could feel the baby moving a lot today.
“Ohhh baby, its ok,” lucy said thinking she was just having braxton hicks
For the past week she felt her stomach was hanging lower than before, Lucy didn't think much of this and just thought nothing of it, infact, she had no idea it was even a sign of oncoming labour.
She felt another contraction as she was stirring her food.
“ow-OW-OW fuck jesus christ 2 in the same hour??”
Holding her stomach, she dropped down to a squat to grab something from the lowest shelf on the pantry. That's when it happened, she felt a contraction followed by a gush of fluids between her legs. She groaned at the pain.
“No no no NO NO NOT NOW OH GODDD” she yelped as her stomach contracted and she felt the pressure of her baby pushing down on her cervix, trying to fit into her tight hole. She felt the baby squirm inside her as it tried to move further down. She beared down under the pressure using the shelf as support.
When her contraction was over she hurried over to her bed, heart racing. She knew she was in labor and her baby was coming, and it was coming fast. Another contraction rippled through her and she grabbed her belly and moaned out in pain. It was so bad, the pressure, the contractions, her baby squirming, everything hurt and she wanted to die.
She layed in her bed crying and gritting her teeth with every contraction. She thought the pain couldn't get any worse, then she felt she HAD to push.
Lucy held her legs and bore down as hard as she could. She cried and winced at the pain. She felt the baby going further down into vagina. She felt she would be torn open. She pushed with all her might and she moaned in pain at how badly the baby's massive head was stretching her tight pussy. Her legs shook as the baby slid further and further. She cried for this to stop but every jab of pain was followed by another that only got stronger and more intense and she felt her vaginal walls stretching more and more to its limits
Lucy caught her breath when the current contraction was over and spread her legs. She couldn't see the baby's head and there was no sign of it even being close to crowning. She stuck a finger inside her vagina to feel where the baby's head was at and it was just at the entrance.
She felt another contraction coming on and gripped her legs and pushed with all her might. She scrunched her face and grit her teeth to the point where they were grinding. She was determined to get this baby out and have this be over.. She could feel the head coming closer and closer. She couldnt push anymore and catched her breathe but just before she could start up the babys head slipped back in a little bit.
“Oh no no please no god- OW OW FUCKKKK” she screamed out as the worst contraction yet hit her and her whole body ached. Her pussy felt like it was on fire as the baby's head pushed against her tight opening. She groaned and moaned while she pushed as hard she could. The head came out a little and that motivated her to give it her all into bearing down. She cried as the baby's head started to crown, her pussy was hurting so bad she worried it was going to be forever ruined.
She pushed again with a contraction and the head came out a tiny bit.
“AH OW OH OH FUCK MY PUSSY, MY PUSSY BURNS AHH OWWWW” she screamed as she pushed the head into a full crown and she cried under the contractions and the burning pain. She could feel her clitoris stretch and she winced. She caught her breath once that contraction was over and in just a few short seconds another painful contraction started and she could feel the baby inside her vagina trying to get out and she groaned as she pushed. Her vagina was an angry red and her skin was stretched to the max, that's when she screamed in agony as she felt the massive head pop out with a gush of fluid all over her.
“Ok ok worst parts over now, i just gotta- AHHH OWW FUCKK” she screamed as she pushed out the first shoulder, and the next.
She grabbed her baby and pulled it out.
“hiii baby girl” she cooed in a high pitched voice as she brought her baby close to her.
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