#Pregnancy clothes
ashleytradpreggo · 2 months
I am a firm believer that a pregnant woman should proudly display her bump as much as as possible. Do you go around with your belly exposed, showing it off like the beautiful marvel that is?
I like maternity dresses! I do like having my belly bare, but that isn't always practical 😅 a nice dress is just as good I think, my Husband loves them too!
It's a little naughty, but I have a few that are a little small for me that really cling to my curves, I wear them just for him though 🫢🥰
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zhuqiang · 1 year
How can I keep my body healthy and not be affected by radiation
Radiation is something that each of us is exposed to every day. It brings us more harm than we imagined. If we are exposed to electrical appliances and other radiation-containing things for a long time, our body's resistance will decrease. . Radiation can accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body, and in severe cases, it can induce cancer and cause a whole body of diseases. My sister was pregnant before and almost lost the child. How did she keep the child?
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My elder sister fainted in the kitchen once, and was sent to the hospital and rescued. The reason turned out to be too much radiation, which caused the radiation to the fetus in the abdomen and caused the pregnant mother to faint. I gave mine later. My sister bought a piece of fabric and made it into clothes for her to wear to block radiation. She also used this piece of fabric to cover electrical appliances to prevent radiation from being released.
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coolllb0 · 2 years
Does shielding really protect against radiation?
The special material in the shielding cloth can effectively prevent radiation. In the work, there are many industries that use the shielding cloth.
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In some families, people with pregnant women will also put them on clothes made of shielding cloth, which can greatly reduce the impact of radiation on the fetus.
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sanalovematernity · 1 year
Maternity Dresses for Comfort and Style - SanaLove Maternity
Welcoming a new life into the world is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. As you prepare for motherhood, it's important to find comfortable and stylish clothing that meets your needs. Enter SanaLove Maternity, a brand that creates beautiful and functional maternity dresses for women who want to look and feel their best during pregnancy. Our collection features a wide variety of dresses designed to provide the perfect balance of comfort and style. Whether you're attending a baby shower or just running errands, our dresses are versatile enough to keep you feeling comfortable and looking great throughout your pregnancy. So, join us as we explore the world of maternity dresses and how SanaLove Maternity can help you feel confident and comfortable during this special time in your life.
SanaLove Maternity is a brand that offers a wide range of maternity wear in Australia. Their collection of maternity dresses is designed to provide comfort and style throughout pregnancy. Maternity dresses are a staple for all expecting mothers; they are easy to wear and can be styled in various ways. SanaLove Maternity offers a diverse range of maternity dresses suitable for any occasion, from casual outings to formal events. Their maternity dresses are made from breathable fabrics that provide comfort and stretch to accommodate growing bellies. SanaLove Maternity understands the importance of feeling confident and stylish during pregnancy, which is why their collection of maternity dresses is designed with the latest fashion trends in mind. If you're looking for a reliable brand for maternity wear in Australia, SanaLove Maternity should be on top of your list.
SanaLove Maternity is dedicated to providing comfortable and stylish maternity clothing for expecting mothers. The brand understands the importance of finding the perfect maternity dresses that offer both comfort and style. A pregnant woman's body undergoes significant changes, and it can be challenging to find clothes that fit well and provide the necessary comfort. SanaLove Maternity offers a range of dresses made from soft and stretchy materials that accommodate a mother's growing belly. These dresses are available in various designs, colors, and patterns, catering to different styles and preferences. SanaLove Maternity's collection of maternity dresses not only ensures comfort and functionality but also enhances the natural beauty of a mother-to-be.
In summary, SanaLove Maternity has hit the mark with their perfect maternity dresses that offer both comfort and style. Pregnancy can be a tough time for women when it comes to finding clothes that fit and feel good. However, SanaLove Maternity's range of dresses made from soft and stretchy materials ensures that mothers-to-be can feel comfortable and supported as their bodies change. With various designs, colors, and patterns available, there is something for everyone. These dresses not only provide functionality but also enhance the natural beauty of pregnant women. So if you're a mother-to-be looking for the perfect maternity dress, look no further than SanaLove Maternity's collection.
Company Information:
Address: 17 Kidd Avenue, Maryborough QLD 4650, Australia
Phone No.: 0492827191
Website: https://sanalovematernity.com/
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findheronline · 1 year
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Sorella Organics specialises in premium organic cotton sleepwear and loungewear for men, women and maternity. Catering for sizes S-4XL. Our range includes pregnancy and breastfeeding friendly nighties, tops and bottoms, and a mens range. When you shop with Sorella you have made a choice to ensure the people that made your clothes are paid a living wage and are working in safe conditions. Our fabric is breathable GOTS certified organic cotton. 
Sorella is ethically produced, slow fashion.
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donotpush · 4 months
Daily vlog
CW: mpreg, sort of magic pregnancy, birth denial, car birth
"So..." Adam smiled, holding the camera over his head, to get his best angle. "Are we filming Baby #3 birth?"
Adam asked, turning to look at his wife, and at the camera again with another smile without waiting for Alissa’s reply.
His hand traveled to spank Alisa's tight, bare belly, leaving the mark of his palm over the sensitive skin and making her groan slightly. Adam nodded enthusiastically before talking to the camera again. "Of course we are! What do you think, huh? It's a tradition at this point, right, honey?"
Alisa took a deep breath, putting herself together before looking at the camera and giving her best smile. She had been up since 5 am this morning, with a crying baby hanging from her hip and a sick toddler throwing up all day long, and honestly, the last thing she wanted to do right now was to expose herself to the camera.
But Adam insisted. How could they let their followers down without a daily vlog today?
He couldn't, and he was gonna post that vlog. Of course, who wouldn't have the energy to produce, film, edit, and post a vlog when you wake up at 10 am and do exclusively nothing all day?
Alisa knew that it was their job, that the moment they signed up for the influencer life, their whole purpose (and not like she was complaining, there were moms out there that had real jobs and still had to deal with way worse than her) but she did expect some empathy from her husband.
She was about to pop, literally, this baby out. Everything was crazy, from her hormones to the altered routine in the house, but as always, Adam was blissfully unaware of the chaos that surrounded their lives right now.
“So, there you go” Adam winked at the camera, “Actually, our next blog will probably be Baby’s #3 birth, right honey?”
Yes, it was gonna be another birth vlog. This morning when she looked at herself in the mirror, Alissa realized that her stomach had dropped, tight and bloated past her hips, the taut skin stretching to its limits today seemed like it was about to burst.
So, yes, the next video on their channel Alissa was almost 100% sure it was gonna be a birth vlog.
She really wished that this time they could’ve done something a bit more… conventional. Private, away from all the cameras and views. With their last baby, Adam had the fucking camera in her face the whole process. From the moment she woke up to contractions to the moment she popped out the kid in the birthing tub. This time, she wasn’t in the mood for all that, no matter how many views it would give them.
Adam went on, ranting about something and talking about their sponsor they got earlier in the month, a really bad marketing job for a really bad product, but Alisa didn’t hear him because Ryatt was getting something she shouldn’t have inside her mouth. The blonde groaned as she clumsily tried to kneel down, reaching over her huge stomach to take the toy out of the baby’s sticky hand.
“Adam, help me here” she breathed, pointing to the baby with her hand.
Adam gave her a look, and outside of the camera frame, signaled her to wait. He talked about another one of their sponsors, said goodbye to their subscribers and their classic outro line (family always first, and y’all are family) to their subscribers, and just then walked over to help her after he turned the camera off.
“God, fuck…!” she groaned, holding onto her stomach as she struggled to stand up straight.
“Language” Adam raised an eyebrow, pointing at Ryatt with his head.
“Bullspit, I’m so darn over with this”, pointing to herself, Alisa looked down at her gravid stomach. “I’m so fucking done. I can’t wait to get this baby out of me and… And I told you I would prefer to keep his birth private, Adam”
The tone wasn’t stern or accusative, just done— deep down, Alisa knew her husband was going to do whatever he wanted anyway. Little choice she had.
“I know, I know…” Adam shrugged, his eyebrows raising and his mouth scrunching up.
He knew, of course, he did, but to be honest, he didn’t care enough. His wife was being dramatic as if she hadn’t gone over with this two times already. But he knew that he had to add something to fill the silence that followed, he always did have something to say.
“If I could, babe, I would carry our baby for you” he sighed dramatically, turning around and away from his wife. “Actually, I wish I could be pregnant instead of you right now, honey…”
His words were left hanging in the air as Adam disappeared into the hallway to the kitchen, ready to grab a beer and sit down on the couch to relax for a while before getting to edit.
Actually, I wish I could be pregnant instead of you right now.
Alisa stared at his back as he disappeared into the kitchen. His nice legs and his toned arms, his perfect back and she couldn’t see the six-pack, but it was there. Because Adam didn’t have to carry two kids, to gain weight and to lose weight, to lose his six-pack or to see his whole body change in a matter of months.
It wasn't him who had to endure the contractions, the labor, or the long hospital nights while waiting to be able to spread his legs open and push.
He didn’t wish he could be pregnant. Oh, but Alisa did.
Alisa made breakfast, did laundry, got through the morning with two kids under 5 and all while dealing with those awful cramps that kept interrupting her. They weren't contractions, she knew those pretty well, but they were the foreword of a long story.
Adam? He edited their latest video and went to take a nap on the couch.
Without opening his eyes, Adam let out a small groan and tilted his head to hide his face against one of the cushions. Something had interrupted his sleep, but he didn’t hear Ryatt's cries or Bobby playing loudly somewhere in the house, nor his wife complaining about something.
So he did what everyone would do, he didn’t even bother fully opening his eyes and tried to go fall back into a deep slumber.
But something was off. His head was feeling dizzy and his whole body was… acting funny. An overall feeling of being sick, something he ate, probably.
He shifted, moving his hips to turn to his side, and he frowned when he felt something in his stomach move. With a groan, the hand that rested between his thighs slid off from there to move to his abs, rubbing the soft spot trying to ease whatever was grumbling inside his tummy.
Soft, a bit harder if he pressed down. But it didn’t have to be soft, he hit the gym 6 days a week and had washboard abs, he was the envy of all the suburban dads in their neighborhood. Suddenly, his stomach fussed again, and this time it came accompanied by a cold free of air brushing against his skin, making him shiver.
Half asleep, fighting to pull a strand of consciousness and get himself up fully, Adam’s features turned into a confused grimace as his mind finished coming back to this reality. When he finally opened his blue eyes, covering his face with his hands to dismiss the headache that the sunlight from the windows gave him, he immediately knew something wasn’t right.
His free hand was still rubbing over his stomach, and it was still… It was round. Round and firm, the protuberance that rested under the palm of his hand.
“What…?” Adam mumbled, confusion slowly taking over his sleepiness and pulling him back to reality.
He was wide awake now, his body and mind alert. When he looked down at himself, the scream of horror that left his lips almost deafened him, leaving his eardrums ringing loudly and his heart hammering against his chest.
It felt cold. The cold breeze brushing against his skin because his white shirt was now all lifted over to his chest, exposing his warm skin to the air. His shirt was lifted because where it was supposed to be a flat, toned stomach, now there was a fat, round belly, nothing like what he had ever seen before.
He must have eaten something bad, something that made him bloat and just feel weird overall, but bloat like this?
In front of him, his stomach wasn't just bloated, it felt tight and hot at the touch and the skin was itchy, stretched to the limit in what seemed to be the few hours he was asleep. His abs were gone, and now a gravid mount of flesh sat there, huge and tender.
From confusion, Adam's mind raced to fear, because there was no logical or reasonable explanation to any of this. If it was something he ate, then it was something that made him terribly wrong and he probably should head to the doctor ASAP.
But, deep down, Adam knew it wasn't something he ate. Under a thinning layer of denial, he knew.
His chest wrenched with his agitated breaths, and Adam tried to lift himself up from the couch. He failed, not used to the weight that he carried now on his middle (God, he was heavier now) and the only thing he could do was to lay there for a few seconds, staring down.
At his belly.
He felt like he needed to puke when unexpectedly something inside him squirmed.
He closed his eyes tightly to avoid nausea rising up in his throat, and the deprivation of one of his senses seemed to whip up the other ones. He could feel how hot the skin that covered his now rounded stomach was, how hot his body was, how heavy he felt and how something was squirming inside him.
His left hand moved over his stomach, right under his left rib, and he swallowed. As soon as his hand pressed down against the tense flesh, another tiny hand pressed back from the inside.
"Fuck, fuck fuck..." gripping at the couch's back, a loud moan escaped from his lips as he curled his fingers around the fabric above the couch, holding onto it desperately, lifting himself up.
It was, to say at least, weird to carry himself around now. The few seconds that he ran, well, more like waddled, towards the bathroom were something. So this was what it was like?
The image in the mirror proved what Adam already knew.
I wish I could be pregnant.
He stared at his reflection, turning to the side to let his eyes travel from the top of his head to his middle, then turned to his other side and to the front again. His hand moved to rest on top of his stomach as if he needed another confirmation that it was there and it was real.
He thought about it for a moment, before he pinched the tight skin of his belly. He hoped he would wake up, there was a small part of him that still hoped this was just a bad dream and his mind was doing some crazy tricks while his real body was still asleep on the couch. But he was awake.
The waistband of his sweatpants moved down a centimeter. He looked down, his eyes wide open as he witnessed right in front of him how his stomach swelled, the skin extended and shifting as his stomach grew in size.
The front door opened, and Bobby rushed in, throwing his frog backpack next to the door before Alisa followed him with Ryatt clinging to her hip. Adam made his way to her as quickly as he could.
“Oh! Mommy, look!” Bobby shouted as soon as he saw him, his little finger pointing to Adam’s gravid stomach. “Daddy has Little brother now! Look!”
But Adam couldn't even stop to look at him, because he could only focus on the fact that where Alisa was supposed to have a nine-month overdue belly, there was just a flat stomach. Fuck.
They stood in front of each other, Alisa looked at him, then down at his belly, and then up at him again.
“Well, I guess wishes do come true, honey!” The tone was so cheerful that it made Adam’s blood boil.
Probably…his hormones messing with him? As if that was the least of his problems. A cramp took over him, painful enough to bring a frown to his face and make him rub the side of his belly.
“We need to go to the hospital!”
“Why the rush?”
A dark spot started to spread all over Adam’s grey sweatpants as a gush of amniotic fluid came out of him.
“My…your…my water just broke!”
“You need to change, and we need to take the kids to my mom’s house…”
“Why are you so calm?”
“Relax, honey” she sighed “I have done this two times already! It’s gonna be just fine. You have to change, go get the hospital bag, oh, and of course get the camera!”
“We are not… fuck… filming this” he breathed, gripping the table next to him when another sharp pain took over him.
“What do you mean?” Alisa frowned as she picked up Bobby's backpack again “It's a tradition at this point. Of course, we're filming. It’s going to be a hit.”
Besides the fact that all of this escaped all logic and reason, there was a tangible reality. Something that was happening right here, right now, and it was the fact that Adam was in labor. Didn't matter how much he tried to deny what was going on, to say he was still dreaming, because the pains that were shooting through his middle, contracting the muscles and making him whine felt very real and were happening, quicker and faster every minute.
He took a deep breath, moving his hand under his belly to lift it slightly, hoping to ease the pain or the pressure that was starting to build up on his hips, but it didn’t work. He wasn't sure how much time he had before it got actually serious, but he did know that after his water broke, it was little.
“Turn that off…” Adam titled the camera that rested on the car seat cup holder away, his free hand flying to wipe sweat from his forehead. “Oh, fuck…”
Alisa tilted the camera back to its original position. Her husband shifted on the passenger's seats, his both hands now busy rubbing the contracting bump that rested between his open thighs.
Well, at least now he knew that contractions were more painful than a kick in the balls.
“Oh, oh, ah!” He cried out, his body tightening up, and a low groan leaving him as he leaned forward pressing his palms against the dashboard and panting heavily. “Fuck, I need you to… ugh… I need you to drive faster, honey.”
“Babe, I’m going as fast as I can,” Alisa replied, looking at him through the corner of her eye. “Just breathe, okay?”
Looking outside the window, Adam tried to find a distraction. Anything, really, that made him not think about the increasing pressure that was building between his legs and about how low the baby was.
He shifted in his seat, his hips swinging back and front trying to find a spot that didn't make him feel so miserable. Placing a hand on the side of the seat and another on the grab handle, Adam leaned forward and spread his legs as another loud grunt escaped his lips, his eyes closing tight and his breath picking up again when another tight contraction hit him.
He tried breathing, in and out just as he would tell Alisa to do, but it wasn’t doing shit.
The heavy weight on his hips and pelvis was getting closer and closer to coming out. Adam didn’t want it to come out. At least not here, in the fucking car in the middle of the road.
“We’re five minutes away from the hospital” Alisa reassured, her hand patting his tense thigh. “Just breathe”
“I don’t… ughn, fuck! I don’t know if I can… oh… hold it in that much longer” Adam panted, moving to unclasp the seatbelt that now pressed uncomfortably against his stomach. “Fuck, there’s pressure. It feels like… I have to push!”
“How do you even know that you have to push?” Stopping at a red light, Alissa raised both eyebrows before tilting to face him.
“Because it’s coming out!” Adam cried, moving back on his seat to prop up both feet against the dashboard, throwing his head back as he moaned.
“Just breathe. We’re almost there”
Just breathe. We’re almost there. The words were an echo, and Adam was sure that he said those exact phrases before, before the births of their two kids, in this exact same car. But he didn’t realize how useless, how annoying having someone repeating just calm down was.
God, fuck, he wondered how Alissa didn’t just slap him those times. If anyone was going to tell him to calm the fuck down again, he was going to kill someone.
His murder instincts were quickly dismissed when he closed his eyes, his hands moving to slide under his belly and lifting it slightly, as if it could help to ease the pressure on his pelvis. With a cry, he shifted forward, now moving his hands to slide under his thighs, lifting his hips from the car seat.
It was coming. Now. And out.
He could feel his own body pushing against his wishes, and the more he tried to avoid it, the worse it was, the baby helpless making its way down his pelvis and towards his hole. It felt as if at the first bump Alisa hit on the road the baby would just pop out of him.
He didn’t notice when he pushed back in the seat, breathing heavily through his nose as he pressed himself down against the seat, trying to prevent anything from coming out.
But it was useless because his commitment lasted little when his brain was overwhelmed by the urge to just allow his body to do what it had to do. To push.
The baby’s head was right there. Adam’s hand slid between his legs, the palm of his hand pressing against his bulging hole, the head sitting behind his entrance and almost ready to start crowning. Almost out of him.
“…fuck!” he writhed, gritting his teeth as he kicked against the car floor. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
The fingers of his free hand gripped at the grab handle, knuckles turning white, and his other hand was busy pressing against his hole, trying to keep the head from coming any further. It was useless because the head was still pushing its way down, out of him on its own.
He could feel the bulge against his palm, growing ever so slowly as Alissa pressed her foot on the pedals. Adam threw his head back, closing his eyes shut and trying to focus on his breath. The same advice he always gave: breathe.
His chest rose slowly as he inhaled, then shakily exhaled through his closed lips. It should be fine, he just had to breathe —in and out and counting to five— focus on remaining calm, and he could just make it to the hospital. They were just a few minutes away, all he had to do was… push.
“Oh, fuck, it’s coming!” he screamed, kicking his feet in the air, his hips shifting forwards and to the seat edge. “Honey, Alissa, it’s right there”
Alissa tilted her head, looking away from the road for a brief moment to face her husband. She found herself contemplating an image that, deep down in her stomach, in a very hidden spot and a very small dose, made her happy: she got exactly what she wanted. Her husband going through all of the wonderful miracles of birth.
Adam panted, the tense orb his stomach had become contracting and tensing in front of him, his hands gripping at the taunt red skin, furiously trying to relieve the pain or the pressure, his body almost shaking by the urge of pushing the baby that was starting to crown. His face was red and sweaty, hands and all of his body straining and tense.
Alissa, rightfully, stopped at a red light, a bunch of cars passing in front of them.
“Don’t stop, fuck, it’s…!” Adam shouted, but then his words became a muffled groan as he gritted his teeth, pushing his chin to his chest. “I can’t hold it in, I’m pushing!”
Even against his wishes, his body was pushing. Adam found himself trying to hold the baby in, to not give in to the urge, but his body was pushing. His stomach contracted and he found himself tensing, chin to chest, and gripping at the grab handle as he pushed. He counted to three and pushed again when another cramp took over him.
“Fuck!” he shouted, feeling the head stretching him open, making its way out. Adam reached with a free hand to press his hand over his wet, birth-fluid-stained shorts, only to feel the start of a bulge in his pants.
The pressure of the head right about to crown was hell. It only made him want to push to get over it, to push more to get the head to a full crown and get rid of the uncomfortable feeling, but god fuck he didn’t want to give birth to this baby in the car.
“It’s crowning, the head’s-... nhgn, what am I supposed to do!?” it was more a whimper than a question, and Adam found himself kicking in the air, biting his lower lips until he almost drew blood. “Shit, shit, shit…! Ughn!”
“I don’t know!” Alissa stepped on the gas and accelerated. “Don’t push! Just… wait! We’re almost there, just five minutes away from the hospital.”
Adam nodded, then shook his head, both hands moving to cup the underside of his belly, trying to relieve the pressure that was weighing him down. It didn’t work, and he found himself trying to contain a moan when another contraction rippled through his body, a gush of amniotic fluid rushing from between his legs and dripping to the car floor.
His hips jerked frantically as he rocked forth and back slightly, trying to find any angle that was comfortable for him to keep this baby in, but it was terribly useless because, with every movement of his body, the baby's head seemed to come closer and closer to a full crown.
“Ughn…!” he moaned, his fingers gracelessly trying to slide under the hem of his pants in order to pull them down. The baby was coming. “Fuck, it’s coming, I’m pushing….!”
His finger’s ministrations were interrupted when he interrupted when another contraction took over him, all of his focus on pushing. He gripped the sides of his belly, leaving white marks on the red skin, as he closed his eyes and whimpered.
“Oh, oh– it’s out, the head’s out!”
It wasn’t necessary for him to say it out loud because Alissa’s attention was dangerously divided between looking at the road and staring down between her husband's legs. His pants were dark and wet, stained by amniotic fluid, and the baby’s head bulged out of them almost obscenely -–god, it was huge—, only contained from coming further by the fabric of the pants.
“Fuck— I need to push, I need to push, I’m pushing!” he moaned, throwing his head back against the car seat and jerking his hips forward, his hands desperately trying to undo his shorts. “Ughn…the…mhgm…pants! Help me!”
“I can’t, hands at 9 and 3!”
With a loud whimper, Adam finally managed to pull his shorts down enough to allow the baby’s head to pop out of him free, a gush of fluid dampening his seat as the head dangled between his legs. His body shook at the feeling of the head stretching him open on its biggest point, and then the relief when it was finally out. Alissa stared in horror as her husband held the baby’s head in hand with one hand between his legs.
Alissa reached a hand to help Adam slide his pants down more, his body contorting as he pulled forward, pushing his hips towards the free space of whatever was left in the car. Now with his pants to his ankles, his body tensed once again, and he squirmed on his seat as he focused on the next contraction that rippled through his body.
“...fuck, nhgn!” his face became red as his feet kicked the car floor, kicking and screaming as he pushed. “Nhgn!”
With his next push, the baby’s body almost came shooting out of him. He screamed in pain as he felt the body coming out of him, the shoulders being even worse than the head. But before he could realize, it was over. A second later he heard a heavy cry, and the newborn resting against his chest.
His body slumped against the seat. He looked outside the windows, seeing the well known entrance of the hospital as Alissa parked the car, parking it at the nearest spot available. Before unclasping her seatbelt, Alissa reached to grab the videocamera. Adam stared at it before he spoke.
"You filmed it, right?”
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marionmaternity · 2 years
Work Wear Collection for Pregnant Women
There are a lot of different styles of maternity wear to choose from these days. Whether you’re looking for something to wear to work or something more casual for around the house, you can find it. There are also a lot of different materials to choose from.
Some maternity clothes are made from stretchy materials that will grow with your body, while others are made from more traditional materials like cotton.
One thing to keep in mind when shopping for maternity workwear clothes is that your body will continue to change throughout your pregnancy. You may want to buy some clothes that are a little bit larger than your current size so that you can wear them for a longer period of time.
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Also, keep in mind that you may not want to wear all of your maternity clothes at once. You may want to save some for later in your pregnancy when you may be larger or have different needs.
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shiftythrifting · 2 months
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I work at a thrift store and here are some shifty / cool shirts that came in for sale. Really loved the greys anatomy fan art; my conworkers snatched that one up lol
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birthing1020 · 8 months
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Hold me while i squat your baby out 🥵
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stormio2407 · 5 months
Does Ava struggle to find clothes that fit over his bump? Lol
All the time. Even with XL clothes or more, he can’t fit in most of them. On his last trimester, he just chooses to use his old Angel clothes.
(I had this old drawing that was a part of a larger comic, but I never finished it. 😅 enjoy)
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gravid-transluna · 2 months
Bread, Milk, and Eggs
words: 1390
content: rapid pregnancy and birth, lactation, birth denial, fpreg
Nadia grabbed a basket on the way into the supermarket. She wouldn’t need a cart. Her list only consisted of three simple things. The basket swung as she combed the aisles, leisurely.
She picked out a loaf, pausing to read the expiration date before dropping it in the basket.
As it plopped in, she immediately felt a strange sensation. It was almost like a tugging in her navel, a buttery innie. She pressed her lean, dark tummy, firm with athleticism. Not concerned. Just a little curious.
Then the tugging became a pressure, consistent with the bloated sensation she would experience on her period. Nadia frowned. She pressed down on her belly, and, to her surprise, it pressed back.
“The hell—?” She was really frowning now. She realized how she must look to passerby, a college-age girl in a crop top and jean shorts, staring at her stomach.
Probably just gas or something, she thought. She continued down the aisle. When she reached the end, she looked down again, this time gasping audibly. Her belly had a curve to it, bending a little past the waistline of her jean shorts now. Nadia pressed down again, hard. She stopped when she felt nausea well up inside her. Her belly was still mostly muscle, but had a slight softness to it, a give like a firm peach. As she watched, it swelled even more, pushing out slowly to stretch her shorts.
“Holy fuck,” Nadia muttered, suddenly feeling the flesh of her belly contained in the seams of her waistline like it had never been before. She felt extremely uncomfortable, and reached around it to undo the button, fingers fumbling. She gasped, breathing, and her belly expanded even more without the restriction.
Nadia could now spread her fingertips around its underside. She looked almost, she looked—
No. Nah. No fuckin’ way.
Nadia grabbed the bread from the basket and lifted it to her eyes. The expiration date had been nine months from now when she’d picked it out.
Now, it was four.
“I gotta be tripping,” Nadia mumbled.
She laced her fingers over her navel and held firm as the skin filled her hands and pushed against them. She refused to let it grow any more and ruin her trim tummy and athletic figure. Then a pain and pressure shot through her belly, as though something had rose, shoving, up into her sternum. She let go, and her belly rapidly dropped, the skin stretching tightly, itching around her belly, her taut belly muscles being pulled and loosened and smoothed into a round, curving shape. She watched in mounting horror, cupping her mouth as her innie rose and popped outward. Then, a sharp inner jab, distending its tight surface. Nadia gasped. Movements wriggled her belly viscerally. She clutched at her lively swell, unable to deny it any longer.
“Shit, I’m pregnant,” she said.
Dark stretch marks patterned the sheening brown skin. Nadia regretted her crop top, exposing her to the entire supermarket. She glanced around. She only needed a few more things, then she could get to a doctor. She began to speed-walk, realizing that her strut had been hindered to a waddle, heavy belly forcing her to walk with her back curved to support the gravid weight.
Without realizing it, Nadia rested her hand atop the high shelf of her belly as she walked, a natural maternal gesture.
She came to the dairy aisle and opened the door, suppressing a sharp breath as her belly rippled and twitched with a flurry of kicks. As soon as she placed a carton of milk in her basket, she was subjected to another set of sensations.
She recoiled.
“Noooo,” Nadia moaned, heedless to glances from passerby. “No, no, not again!”
Sharp points of pressure stabbed through her nipples, and she watched as they stiffened under her crop top, then began to thicken and elongate, inching outward. Her small breasts, she realized, were swelling as well. They sank, full, still not particularly large but swollen now, tender. High before, their undersides now rested on her belly, humiliatingly completely her very pregnant appearance. Nadia cupped them, then gasped; her fat nipples were sensitive, raw. The simple contact had leeched milk from the tips, forming twin wet spots on her tip. She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling them continue to dribble achingly.
My top, Nadia thought. My favorite fucking top.
She had to get out of here, now. Before anyone saw her, leaking milk in the dairy aisle. Before anything… worse could happen.
As if on cue, her belly shook and swayed with powerful, urgent kicks.
One more item. Fortunately, it was on the same aisle, near the milk. Nadia scanned quickly, chose a carton at random, not even bothering to check the eggs for cracks as she usually did. Breast milk ran freely down her front now, her top soaked with two spreading wet patches. She threw the carton into her basket and heard a crack.
Nadia cursed. She opened the cartoon and saw that it only contained a single broken egg.
“What the—”
Then her belly surged, a sudden pressure rushing through her, downward. Her knees trembled, weak. She clasped the aisle fridge handle to remain upright as fluid flushed from her vagina, drenching her legs and puddling the floor. Immediately she felt something large, heavy, and round drop between her pelvis. Her belly hung lower. The bones of her hips craned with forceful pressure; they were still narrow and girlish, unable to reach the significant width of expecting mothers in time for her own birth.
“No, I—” Nadia stuttered, clutching her belly. “I can’t be—nnnngh.”
An urge to bear down pounded in her head. Nadia fought it, sleek muscled body tensing with resistance. She tried to put her legs together, feeling like the baby would fall between them with her widened stance, and found that she couldn’t anymore. They were permanently spread, hips opened in preparation. She turned and began to waddle as fast as she could to the front of the store, hand pressed over the sodden crotch of her shorts. Running had become a ridiculous notion, nearly impossible. Her knees wavered, threatening collapse. She couldn’t bring her legs together as she pumped them forward, and her belly swung, gravid and obtrusive, as she moved.
Another contraction. Every muscle in her belly clamped down, transforming it into a tight, rigid ball, driving the breath from her.
Don’t push, she thought. Don’t push. Pushing makes it real. Don’t—
She dropped into a deep squat in the middle of the aisle. Gripping the belly between her thighs hard enough to indent the surface, she bore down with a long, uninterrupted groan. Internal muscles thrust her baby through her canal, opening her. Her hips creaked. Her voice cracked, shrill now as she pushed again. The head slid between them, almost dislocating them with its width. She forced her legs even wider instinctually, desperate to make room for the descending head.
“Holy shit, she’s in labor!”
“Someone call 9-1-1!”
The people around her had stopped, unsure. They watched her, some phone cameras now winking down at Nadia in her birthing squat.
Her eyes widened as the contraction abated with the baby’s head resting in her vagina, filling her entire canal with tremendous weight. She could feel herself bulging into her jean shorts. On quivering spread legs she raised herself and hobbled out of the aisle.
“Excuse me, ma’am! You have to pay first!” an employee demanded as she passed the checkout, basket swinging from her arm.
The store alarms rang, and then Nadia was gripped by another contraction.
She buckled, bowing into another squat and pushing long, shoving her baby further into her tented jean shorts. The crown burned and dilated her vagina into a hot, red teardrop, then a drawn circle. Amniotic fluid spilled, spurting into the fabric around the head. Then her progress was suddenly, excruciatingly halted by her shorts. She’d pushed half a head into them and the stretched fabric wouldn’t yield any more space. Nadia bore down, her clenching efforts fruitless now. Her pussy slipped, tense and bloodless around the head. She threw her head back and moaned with the screaming sirens.
It had been three simple things. The fourth? Well, the fourth she’d never expected to be so complicated.
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zhuqiang · 2 years
Shielding cloth can really prevent radiation damage!
In fact, many electrical appliances around our room contain radiation, and the shielding cloth can prevent the damage caused by radiation.
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For example: refrigerators, ovens, etc. contain radiation. The long-term damage caused by radiation will endanger human health, so the shielding cloth can be used to isolate it.
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coolllb0 · 2 years
It turns out that there is really a fabric that can isolate radiation!
Many people are aware of the dangers of radiation to the human body. In the past, there was a person who often worked in the computer room. Because of his daily exposure to radiation, his immunity was greatly reduced, which was easy to cause diseases.
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Radiation protection cloth can be placed on electrical appliances containing radiation to isolate the damage caused by radiation to the human body.
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gravidasomnia · 4 months
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melliemelons · 4 months
Shadowheart is my wife, and I will not listen to anything else.
Let's be honest, though. All the BG3 characters are hot as hell. 🔥 I may need to do a bit more "fan art" later on~
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strugglingswelling · 4 months
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