#Premium Deathtrap
Tories pass Grenfell costs onto tenants
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In 2017, at 72 people were burned alive when London's Grenfell Tower went up in flames. It had been skinned in highly flammable "decorative cladding" to make it less of an eyesore for rich people in nearby blocks of luxury flats.
That charnel house was the opening act on a yearslong odyssey of cruelty that just reached a new climax in Parliament, as Tory MPs ensured that working people - not landlords, developers or manufacturers - would fit the bill for removing cladding from their homes.
Here's what happened, and what's happening. After Grenfell, there were a series of (ahem) burning questions. For example: where would the people who lost their homes live? This fell to the (Tory) Kensington Council, which had been trying to oust poor people for years.
Kensington Council found a way to realise its twin goals of discouraging poor people from living in the borough and doing the absolute least to satisfy its legal obligations: it had the Grenfell survivors bid against their neighbours for homes:
With that question settled (!), the next question raised by Grenfell was, "Do I live in a building with flammable cladding, and if so, what happens next?" These should have been easy questions to answer, but Tory MPs did everything they could to keep the nation in the dark.
Take the question of who should pay to make homes safe. Tory MPs had repeatedly voted down legislation that would have required landlords to pay to make their buildings fit for human habitation. One bill was voted down just months before Grenfell.
That the Tories voted against a bill that would protect tenants from landlords is no surprise. After all, David Cameron's 2012 "war on safety culture" paved the way for Grenfell, and the committee that killed the bill was composed of MPs who were mostly landlords themselves.
Neither the landlords, nor the parliament in their thrall, would pay to make the country's firetraps safe.
Theresa May (who found £1B to bribe the bigoted loons at the DUP) told local councils they shouldn't expect anything for cladding removal.
The rest of the country was just wising up to something May knew: there are hell of a lot of future Grenfells out there. Conservative councils had been on a highly flammable cladding buying spree, because it was 5.7% cheaper than the safe alternative.
The only reason the cladding was for sale at all was because the companies that made it had committed fraud, falsifying their safety reports (the "war on safety culture" had ended, making this kind of lethal fraud easy to get away with).
The local councils who'd saved pennies buying these fraudulent materials went into full CYA mode. They told their residents that information about which homes were affected needed to be kept secret, lest arsonists burn them all down (no, really).
Still, the cladding had to be replaced, and so work began. The same property developers who'd padded their bottom lines by skimping on fire-safety and installing the cladding made millions replacing it.
These companies sent gleeful notes to their shareholders announcing massive increases in their profitability:
and the people who lived in the buildings got sent the bills:
It's been four years since Grenfell, and at last, a new Fire Safety Bill is working its way through Parliament. The Lords amended it to shift the costs of replacing cladding to the landlords who bought it, the developers who recommended it, and the manufacturers who sold it.
But the Tory Parliament of Landlords voted the amendment down. Millions of English people (Wales, Scotland and NI are a different story) are now on the hook for £40-50K in costs.
They're already paying huge insurance premiums because their homes are deathtraps. Banks won't extend mortgages because their homes are deathtraps. They are obliged to spend hundreds of pounds a month for fire-prevention "walking watches" because their homes are deathtraps.
These leaseholds are the cheapest in the country and their residents are the most economically precarious leaseholders. Many are selling at steep discounts to cash buyers, losing everything.
A survey found 90% of the people in these buildings are experiencing declining mental health as a result of the inaction and uncertainty.
These people had nothing to do with the decision to convert their homes to deathtraps, but they are now stuck with the bill.
The three main manufacturers - Celotex, Kingspan, and Arconic - were all determined to have falsified their fire-safety test data and ignored whistleblowers who warned management about the risk.
The newly privatised standards bodies - the British Board of Agrément, British Standards Institute, British Research Establishment - that certified the buildings also operate a revolving door with execs from firms whose work they certify.
None have paid a price. Quite the reverse! Arconic billed HM Treasury for £500k in furlough subsidies last year.
The £5.1b that Parliament has approved for cladding replacement does not come close to the total cost, and tenants are being stuck with the shortfall.
In particular, buildings with fewer than 7 storeys will get *no* subsidy - instead, the government will offer the people unlucky enough to live in them loans that they can't afford.
And while these are tenants, they can't move. They are "leasehold tenants" with 99-999 year leases: they don't own their flat, but they own the right to live there for a century. The building is owned by a freeholder - typically an aristocrat or financial speculator.
These leases are sold as though they were property - when a leaseholder "buys a flat," they actually buy the lease, typically with a mortgage. These leases are now underwater, because they are leases on deathtraps.
To move, they'd have to convince someone to buy their flammable leases. To stay, they have to borrow £40-50k to make their homes safe. They didn't create this situation, but the Tories have stuck them with the bill.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Love is a Dog From Hell, 1/5 (Rosnali) - Mattels
is it really that complicated that denali wants to be the best? all signs from the figure-skating gods seem to point to yes. (especially with her decidedly adult and mature hatred of coach rosé, who keeps wearing those god awful skin-tight ski-pants.)
aka denali’s a figure skating coach, rosé’s a ski coach; the rest is history
November is sacred to Denali.
Although she’s a full-time figure-skating coach year round, boasting a full clientele of Olympic level students alongside a waiting list that seems to be growing by the year, November always manages to remind her why she started teaching to begin with.
Bonneville Academy, despite Denali considering its title of ‘academy’ being a stretch, has managed to wedge itself into her life, year after year. She spends six months of her year in Chicago, teaching private lessons to overenthusiastic and grossly rich teenagers, but from November through to April, she spends in Utah, working with the students to tighten their quadruple lutzes and receiving a paycheck that leaves her feeling pretty comfortable until the next November.
Although the school is technically a legitimate boarding school, offering fairly okay-quality education alongside the best training in the country all year, a lot of the students only attend for the ski season, unable or unwilling to fund a whole year.
Or maybe, Denali considers with a smile, nobody wants to live in the middle of nowhere, locked away in the mountains like a fucking yeti.
Michelle Visage, school director, emails Denali every year about working for them full-time, but every year Denali finds herself unable to leave Chicago behind. She loves her cozy city life, thank you very much. Living alone in her uptown apartment has yet to be beaten, even with the promise of the best skating facilities money can buy.
Half of the kids who attend don’t even realise how lucky they are, she finds herself thinking as her rental car starts the ascent to the school. It’s a long drive, the journey from Salt Lake to Bonneville is deliberately out of most peoples’ way, ensuring the cleanest snow and freshest powder for its plethora of skiers and snowboarders. She’d definitely have killed for something like this when she was still training.
The school is specialised, known for its premium winter sports programme raved about by former Olympians and their coaches. Everything is fully equipped, facilities and machines inside the camp always sparkling new and top of the line; huge dance studios with scary Russian ballet teachers to help her skaters achieve their best on the ice; big gyms and personal trainers; meals specially catered and designed to build muscle and strengthen bones.
It’s also really fucking expensive; Denali sees the checks on Michelle’s desk with their seemingly endless zeroes, given by mothers determined to boast that their little Sally went to Bonneville! But the elusive RuPaul, who Denali knows funds the school, but has never seen or heard much about, hands out plenty of scholarships to kids she deems talented and hard-working enough to thrive.
Denali’s car turns the corner, giving her a view of Bonneville’s ski slopes. She spots a couple of instructors already at the top of the chairlifts, riding down the mountain in neat lines as they enjoy the start of what’s looking to be a beautiful season. It’s still early, but it’s snowing heavily, Denali’s windscreen wipers working hard to keep the snowflakes off her windscreen.
As Denali pulls up to their entrance, she spots a couple of other employees hanging around outside, boisterous laughter coming from their conversations. They’re all old-timers, Denali is sure one or two of them have worked at the school since its opening in the late nineties.
She immediately spots the inky black mullet that belongs to Mik, one of the snowboarding coaches for the younger kids. She’s standing alone, narrow back pressed up against a red bricked wall as she smokes a cigarette, flicking ash off of the end into the thin layer of snow below her feet.
She gets out of her car, passing her keys over to the valet Michelle hires unnecessarily every year, always insisting, rather pointedly if you ask Denali, who seems to consistently be at the receiving end of the seemingly never-ending gripe, that she knows that someone’ll fuck up her parking arrangement, Denali.
It’s a fair point– Denali would never be bothered to follow Michelle’s colour-coordinated and meticulously planned spreadsheet, in which she’s grouped all the instructors of the same sport together in the carpark, as if it matters to anyone which spot they have.
The valet takes her bags too, which she’s perpetually grateful for; her suitcases are almost always overweight in the airport, despite taking three of her big ones with her. They’ll take them down to her room for her too, as if she’s staying in a nice hotel, not just a ridiculously boujee school.
Mik spots her, dropping the cigarette she was smoking and stubbing it against her chunky boots, jogging over to catch Denali in a tight hug. “Hey slut!”
Denali laughs, embracing her. “Nice to see you too, Mickey.”
Mik shrugs, letting her go with a smile. “You know you missed me, don’t even try it.” Denali rolls her eyes but can’t deny it, grinning when Mik wraps an arm around her shoulders.
“Denali Foxx!” Michelle greets her loudly, ticking her name off on a clipboard. “Usual room,” she says, fishing a key out of her pocket and passing it to Denali.
“Roomies!” Mik says, laughing with an eye-roll when Denali pretends to shover her fingers down her throat complete with exaggerated gagging sounds.
Denali’s always grateful to room with Mik, the rooms are a slightly awkward size– too big to stay in alone, a little too small for two people. Mik works at the school year round, and Denali knows she’s equally grateful to have someone to share with, forever complaining about how empty it feels when she’s by herself with two beds.
“Almost everyone else is already on the slopes,” Michelle notes, turning around so she can point out people on the mountain behind them. “You’ve got a couple days until the kids are allowed out, so better make the most of it.”
The school is laid out like a small village, boys on one side and girls on another, divided in almost everything except meals, which they have in the dining hall all together. The dorms are split into age, six buildings facing parallel to one another in a large U-shape, each with attached communal bathrooms and showers for the students. The buildings are all deliberately short so you can gape at Utah’s mountains practically anywhere on campus.
“I’ve been waiting for you to go out,” Mik says, grabbing Denali’s hand between her cold fingers, trying to drag her down the asphalt leading to the sports instructors’ rooming in the centre of the U.
The academics take place a couple miles down the road in a big building that actually looks like a school, which Michelle swears helps the students to stay focused, but Denali can’t say she’s totally convinced. She’s seen them get off the bus after school, racing one another to be the first in the chairlift queue.
“I really don’t want to go.” Denali whines, but lets Mik tug her down the path regardless. She’s not the best snowboarder even on her best days, and Mik always wants to take her down the especially mogul-ly runs, zipping in between trees and dodging ice patches that are still missing snow.
“Yes you do!” She says, practically skipping down the road. “There’s only a couple of us here anyways, and the kids aren’t allowed to carve up the snow yet– it’ll be fun!”
Denali rolls her eyes, with a sigh. “I’m only doing green runs!”
“Only red runs? Perfect!”
“No, fuck, come on Mik,” she huffs, her breath coming out in sharp puffs in the cold air. “I’m out of practice, this isn’t fair.”
Mik looks at her, shrugging her narrow shoulders, “how’s that my issue, gorge?”
She groans loudly as they approach the staff building, letting Mik lead the way to their room, unlocking the door with her own key.
Mik keeps their room uncharacteristically clean, especially in comparison to her wardrobe filled with clothes piled up on the bottom rather than on their hangers. Denali is pleased to see her blue suitcases on the side of the room Mik’s left for her, both her skating and snowboard boot bags by the end of her bed.
Mik talks aimlessly about the year so far as Denali changes out of her oversized shirt and equally oversized jeans combo. She rifles through her suitcases, half listening to the other girl, searching for her snow-pants and a hoodie, adhering to Mik’s advice to forgo her ski-jacket as it’s still early in the season and sunny enough, despite the snowfall.
She makes her help her lace up her boots properly, watching Mik’s skilled hands tightening them in record time. “Are you borrowing a board?” She asks.
“Mm,” Denali confirms, “are they ready?”
“You can literally borrow mine,” Mik squints up at her from her kneeling position, “we’re like, basically the same height.”
Denali scoffs at this, arching one of her dark eyebrows. “No fucking way am I borrowing one of yours, they’re all deathtraps.”
“They’re literally normal boards.”
“No, they’re all weirdly thin and flexible, I’ll literally break my neck.”
Mik frowns, “ok, first of all, rude. Second of all, I’ll have you know my boards are perfectly safe–”
“–did you or did you not snap one in half last year?”
“That was one time!”
“And that’s one time too many, doll.” Denali says, leaning down to tuck the laces into the tongue of her boot, pulling down her pants so they rest over the top. She reaches out a palm, helping Mik up from her kneeling position. “Get ready and I’ll meet you by the chairlift, okay?”
Mik rolls her eyes, reaching into Denali’s suitcase to attach her goggles to her helmet, passing it over with her gloves tucked neatly inside, as she would with her ten year-olds. Denali yells a thanks over her shoulder as she leaves, weaving her way out of their building to run down to their small ski shop.
Humiliatingly enough, Mik makes Denali carry her snowboard with her on the chairlift, refusing to let her sit with one foot strapped in like a normal person would.
“You’re gonna knock your teeth out,” she laughs when Denali complains loudly about it. “Like fully splat, bitch.”
“I know how to ride a chairlift, thank you very much.” Denali grumbles, clutching her board tightly in her arms and sitting down. Mik reaches behind them, pulling down the safety bar, which Denali rests her feet on.
“Can’t have any casualties on day one, gorge.”
“The only casualty will be from me wringing your skinny little neck out when you push me down the mountain, you fucking bitch.” She groans, looking at the run below them.
There’s a pack of skiers weaving their way down tightly together under the poles of the lift. She can already see the deep valleys of moguls, even with her terrible eyesight. One of them looks up at their chair, waving at them with a grin.
Denali squints and she can see it’s Tayce, one of the newer instructors at the school. They had made fast friends last year, gossiping together about who hooked up with who over Thanksgiving– no, no, no, it’s clearly Brooklyn and Vanessa, they keep eyeing each other up–, which of their kids were likely to actually make the Olympic team– all of mine, thank you very much, Taycey–, who they might fuck given the chance– have you not seen A’Whora in the physio suite? I’d let her curb-stomp my neck– et cetera, et cetera.
“Everyone else is coming up tonight and tomorrow,” Mik remarks, waving over-exaggeratedly waving down to Tayce like she’s in a pantomime. “Tayce is like the only bitch I can stand here, as of currently”
“ As of currently? I’m here, as of currently! ”
“My point still stands, gorge.”
“After this run can you join up with them?” Denali groans, “Tayce’ll go super-speed with you. And she’ll let you harass her without breaking your nose.”
Mik laughs, “I don’t go that fast, bitch.”
“Have you ever seen that Disney movie Bolt ? Y’know the one with that dog who runs like, full speed of light? They could do a live-action version with you as the dog.”
Denali’s face cracks into a grin as she rolls her eyes, “I’m serious! One minute you’re next to me, the next you’re–” she slides her gloved hands together in a forward motion “–zip . And then I’m the idiot who can’t get down.
“I’d never leave you!” Mik gasps, clapping a palm to her chest. “How dare you, fucking bitch.”
Denali scoffs loudly in response. Every year Mik tries to bully her into doing a couple runs together, and every year without fail Denali obliges, only to find herself stuck at the top of a mountain, Mik nowhere in sight.
“Head,” Mik announces, reminding Denali to duck her head so Mik can raise the safety bar, as they start to approach the end of the lift. Mik lines herself up to the drop-off, riding around the corner smoothly, giggling as Denali has to jog to keep up.
They both sit down to strap in, Mik tightening Denali’s bindings for her and pulling her up with a roll of her eyes.
“See you at the bottom?” Mik asks. Before Denali can answer, she’s slipped off, whooping as she hits a bump and flies upwards, grabbing the nose of her board as she hits the jump.
“So much for never leaving me, I guess,” Denali grumbles, carefully edging herself down the slopes with big sweeping S-shaped turns, she knows Mik will laugh at her about later, reminding her how her ten year-olds could easily out-board her.
Uh yeah, I’d fucking hope so, Denali thinks to herself, curving around onto the toe-edge of her board. Otherwise this’d be the biggest waste of money like, uh, ever.
The air that whips around her is cool, blowing snowflakes into her dark hair, but she doesn’t feel cold, happy in her thick sweatshirt and pants. Her feet are desperate to be unlatched from the board, feeling slightly unnatural to be locked in. She’s much more in her element spraying ice as she nails a complicated spin, she knows Mik would eat ass on.
Yeah, she thinks, fuck you and your ten year-olds, Mickey.
“Michelle’s put the board up,” Tayce says in the late afternoon, sticking her head around Denali and Mik’s door propped open by a snowboard boot.
Denali looks up from the book she’s reading, comfortably curled up on her bed with her mandatory evening uniform of thick fluffy socks and sweats on. Mik, on the other hand, is still in her lycra leggings and hoodie, having made no effort to change since coming back, much to Denali’s disgust.
“Well?” Tayce asks in annoyance, cocking her hip, “you coming or what?”
Mik groans, rolling off of her bed and moving to stand next to Tayce in their doorway, bare feet on the cold linoleum. Denali carefully places her bookmark in her book, grabbing a pair of Nike slides– sponsored, thank you very much– and begrudgingly walking down the corridor to their big common room.
The Board– with an optional trademarked symbol from Mik– as it’s been aptly dubbed, is a large whiteboard divided neatly (by the increasingly anal Michelle) into a leaderboard. The top ten coaches are listed top to bottom, ordering the number of world title holders they’ve coached at Bonneville, bonus points being allotted to those whose kids win gold, and double points if the title being held was Olympian.
Michelle says it builds healthy competition. Denali says it builds a desire to Tonya Harding every other bitch in this place. Tomayto, tomahto.
Denali hadn’t even been on The Board, until she had returned three seasons ago with the last World Skating Championships under her belt, managing to land three podium spots. She proudly boasted for months to anyone that looked like they might listen that her girls had swept the categories, winning medals across the ladies’ single event, ice dance and pair skating.
Despite her allure of confidence, she knows she only made it up there because Michelle insists on starting fresh each year. She tries to tell them that she’s giving the new coaches a chance, but everyone knows it’s to keep egos in check.
Egos like mother-fucking Rosé McCorkell’s, who’s placed first on The Board two years running.
First as in one spot ahead of Denali’s second, first. First as in gloating in Denali’s face every opportunity she gets (and rest be assured, every opportunity means every opportunity ), first. First as in deliberately sabotaging Denali’s skaters, first– well, at least in Denali’s eyes.
Okay, whatever, yes it could have been a coincidence that one of her front runners’ sole came unglued from the attached blade on the morning of Nationals a year ago. And yeah, sure, maybe Rosé was like, several states away from the incident. And okay, yes, she still came in first after the whole thing, so it’s not it even really mattered after all. But Denali just knows Rosé had something to do with it, that bitch.
“Who’s on top of the pyramid this year?” Mik sing-songs when they approach The Board. Denali instinctively works her way through their photos from the bottom to the top, clapping Tayce lightly on the back when she sees her smack-dab in the centre.
She isn’t nervous; she knows she did well this year, the girls she had coached in the previous season competing in nationally-recognised competitions, pictures of them grinning up on their podiums, flowers in sequinned arms, emailed to her and the school. And it’s not even like it matters.
Her photo stands in line with another, both placed side-by-side at the top of the leaderboard. She can hear Mik mumble an oh shit, with a laugh as she realises that Denali is tied with Rosé at the top.
Okay, so maybe it matters a little bit.
Rosé’s photo looks down at her. She’s wearing her obnoxious signature pink ski jacket, her name embroidered into it in a sparkly silver thread. Her equally obnoxiouly signature curly pink hair has been tied up in a messy ponytail, and she stares at Denali with a big fucking grin on her face.
Denali wants to rip down the laminated photo, putting it into a paper shredder and watch as Rosé’s dumb face gets torn into ribbons.
“Healthy competition huh?” Tayce remarks, wrapping a long arm around Denali’s shoulders. “The cheek, the nerve, the audacity and the gumption, mama.”
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” A voice groans, Denali turns around and is met by the woman of the hour. Rosé looks her up and down, irritation flickering in her green eyes. “Stepping your shit up, this season ice princess?”
Denali arches an eyebrow in response. “Evidently, McCorkell.”
Rosé smiles at her, all pearly white teeth Denali is pretty sure are veneers– well, at least that’s the rumour she and Tayce started last year as a laugh.
All of a sudden, she feels like a shark’s prey, a minnow trapped inside the great white’s tank. Rosé doesn’t have to say anything for Denali to know that she’s going to be in for a tough season.
Better get that hammer ready, she thinks to herself, I am not the Nancy Kerrigan of this competition, bitch.
tags: rosé, denali foxx, gottmik, rosnali, rivals to lovers, coach au, figure skating au, skiing au, lesbian au, love is a dog from hell, mattels
show my blog ! <3
November is sacred to Denali.
Although she’s a full-time figure-skating coach year round, boasting a full clientele of Olympic level students alongside a waiting list that seems to be growing by the year, November always manages to remind her why she started teaching to begin with.
Bonneville Academy, despite Denali considering its title of ‘academy’ being a stretch, has managed to wedge itself into her life, year after year. She spends six months of her year in Chicago, teaching private lessons to overenthusiastic and grossly rich teenagers, but from November through to April, she spends in Utah, working with the students to tighten their quadruple lutzes and receiving a paycheck that leaves her feeling pretty comfortable until the next November.
Although the school is technically a legitimate boarding school, offering fairly okay-quality education alongside the best training in the country all year, a lot of the students only attend for the ski season, unable or unwilling to fund a whole year.
Or maybe, Denali considers with a smile, nobody wants to live in the middle of nowhere, locked away in the mountains like a fucking yeti.
Michelle Visage, school director, emails Denali every year about working for them full-time, but every year Denali finds herself unable to leave Chicago behind. She loves her cozy city life, thank you very much. Living alone in her uptown apartment has yet to be beaten, even with the promise of the best skating facilities money can buy.
Half of the kids who attend don’t even realise how lucky they are, she finds herself thinking as her rental car starts the ascent to the school. It’s a long drive, the journey from Salt Lake to Bonneville is deliberately out of most peoples’ way, ensuring the cleanest snow and freshest powder for its plethora of skiers and snowboarders. She’d definitely have killed for something like this when she was still training.
The school is specialised, known for its premium winter sports programme raved about by former Olympians and their coaches. Everything is fully equipped, facilities and machines inside the camp always sparkling new and top of the line; huge dance studios with scary Russian ballet teachers to help her skaters achieve their best on the ice; big gyms and personal trainers; meals specially catered and designed to build muscle and strengthen bones.
It’s also really fucking expensive; Denali sees the checks on Michelle’s desk with their seemingly endless zeroes, given by mothers determined to boast that their little Sally went to Bonneville! But the elusive RuPaul, who Denali knows funds the school, but has never seen or heard much about, hands out plenty of scholarships to kids she deems talented and hard-working enough to thrive.
Denali’s car turns the corner, giving her a view of Bonneville’s ski slopes. She spots a couple of instructors already at the top of the chairlifts, riding down the mountain in neat lines as they enjoy the start of what’s looking to be a beautiful season. It’s still early, but it’s snowing heavily, Denali’s windscreen wipers working hard to keep the snowflakes off her windscreen.
As Denali pulls up to their entrance, she spots a couple of other employees hanging around outside, boisterous laughter coming from their conversations. They’re all old-timers, Denali is sure one or two of them have worked at the school since its opening in the late nineties.
She immediately spots the inky black mullet that belongs to Mik, one of the snowboarding coaches for the younger kids. She’s standing alone, narrow back pressed up against a red bricked wall as she smokes a cigarette, flicking ash off of the end into the thin layer of snow below her feet.
She gets out of her car, passing her keys over to the valet Michelle hires unnecessarily every year, always insisting, rather pointedly if you ask Denali, who seems to consistently be at the receiving end of the seemingly never-ending gripe, that she knows that someone’ll fuck up her parking arrangement, Denali.
It’s a fair point– Denali would never be bothered to follow Michelle’s colour-coordinated and meticulously planned spreadsheet, in which she’s grouped all the instructors of the same sport together in the carpark, as if it matters to anyone which spot they have.
The valet takes her bags too, which she’s perpetually grateful for; her suitcases are almost always overweight in the airport, despite taking three of her big ones with her. They’ll take them down to her room for her too, as if she’s staying in a nice hotel, not just a ridiculously boujee school.
Mik spots her, dropping the cigarette she was smoking and stubbing it against her chunky boots, jogging over to catch Denali in a tight hug. “Hey slut!”
Denali laughs, embracing her. “Nice to see you too, Mickey.”
Mik shrugs, letting her go with a smile. “You know you missed me, don’t even try it.” Denali rolls her eyes but can’t deny it, grinning when Mik wraps an arm around her shoulders.
“Denali Foxx!” Michelle greets her loudly, ticking her name off on a clipboard. “Usual room,” she says, fishing a key out of her pocket and passing it to Denali.
“Roomies!” Mik says, laughing with an eye-roll when Denali pretends to shover her fingers down her throat complete with exaggerated gagging sounds.
Denali’s always grateful to room with Mik, the rooms are a slightly awkward size– too big to stay in alone, a little too small for two people. Mik works at the school year round, and Denali knows she’s equally grateful to have someone to share with, forever complaining about how empty it feels when she’s by herself with two beds.
“Almost everyone else is already on the slopes,” Michelle notes, turning around so she can point out people on the mountain behind them. “You’ve got a couple days until the kids are allowed out, so better make the most of it.”
The school is laid out like a small village, boys on one side and girls on another, divided in almost everything except meals, which they have in the dining hall all together. The dorms are split into age, six buildings facing parallel to one another in a large U-shape, each with attached communal bathrooms and showers for the students. The buildings are all deliberately short so you can gape at Utah’s mountains practically anywhere on campus.
“I’ve been waiting for you to go out,” Mik says, grabbing Denali’s hand between her cold fingers, trying to drag her down the asphalt leading to the sports instructors’ rooming in the centre of the U.
The academics take place a couple miles down the road in a big building that actually looks like a school, which Michelle swears helps the students to stay focused, but Denali can’t say she’s totally convinced. She’s seen them get off the bus after school, racing one another to be the first in the chairlift que.
“I really don’t want to go.” Denali whines, but lets Mik tug her down the path regardless. She’s not the best snowboarder even on her best days, and Mik always wants to take her down the especially mogul-ly runs, zipping in between trees and dodging ice patches that are still missing snow.
“Yes you do!” She says, practically skipping down the road. “There’s only a couple of us here anyways, and the kids aren’t allowed to carve up the snow yet– it’ll be fun!”
Denali rolls her eyes, with a sigh. “I’m only doing green runs!”
“Only red runs? Perfect!”
“No, fuck, come on Mik,” she huffs, her breath coming out in sharp puffs in the cold air. “I’m out of practice, this isn’t fair.”
Mik looks at her, shrugging her narrow shoulders, “how’s that my issue, gorge?”
She groans loudly as they approach the staff building, letting Mik lead the way to their room, unlocking the door with her own key.
Mik keeps their room uncharacteristically clean, especially in comparison to her wardrobe filled with clothes piled up on the bottom rather than on their hangers. Denali is pleased to see her blue suitcases on the side of the room Mik’s left for her, both her skating and snowboard boot bags by the end of her bed.
Mik talks aimlessly about the year so far as Denali changes out of her oversized shirt and equally oversized jeans combo. She rifles through her suitcases, half listening to the other girl, searching for her snow-pants and a hoodie, adhering to Mik’s advice to forgo her ski-jacket as it’s still early in the season and sunny enough, despite the snowfall.
She makes her help her lace up her boots properly, watching Mik’s skilled hands tightening them in record time. “Are you borrowing a board?” She asks.
“Mm,” Denali confirms, “are they ready?”
“You can literally borrow mine,” Mik squints up at her from her kneeling position, “we’re like, basically the same height.”
Denali scoffs at this, arching one of her dark eyebrows. “No fucking way am I borrowing one of yours, they’re all deathtraps.”
“They’re literally normal boards.”
“No, they’re all weirdly thin and flexible, I’ll literally break my neck.”
Mik frowns, “ok, first of all, rude. Second of all, I’ll have you know my boards are perfectly safe–”
“–didn’t you snap one in half last year?”
“That was one time!”
“And that’s one time too many, doll.” Denali says, leaning down to tuck the laces into the tongue of her boot, pulling down her pants so they rest over the top. She reaches out a palm, helping Mik up from her kneeling position. “Get ready and I’ll meet you by the chairlift, okay?”
Mik rolls her eyes, reaching into Denali’s suitcase to attach her goggles to her helmet, passing it over with her gloves tucked neatly inside, as she would with her ten year-olds. Denali yells a thanks over her shoulder as she leaves, weaving her way out of their building to run down to their small ski shop.
Humiliatingly enough, Mik makes Denali carry her snowboard with her on the chairlift, refusing to let her sit with one foot strapped in like a normal person would.
“You’re gonna knock your teeth out,” she laughs when Denali complains loudly about it. “Like fully, splat, bitch.”
“I know how to ride a chairlift, thank you very much.” Denali grumbles, clutching her board tightly in her arms and sitting down. Mik reaches behind them, pulling down the safety bar, which Denali rests her feet on.
“Can’t have any casualties on day one, gorge.”
“The only casualty will be from me wringing your skinny little neck out when you push me down the mountain, you fucking bitch.” She groans, looking at the run below them.
There’s a pack of skiers weaving their way down tightly together under the poles of the lift. She can already see the deep valleys of moguls, even with her terrible eyesight. One of them looks up at their chair, waving at them with a grin.
Denali squints and she can see it’s Tayce, one of the newer instructors at the school. They had made fast friends last year, gossiping together about who hooked up with who over Thanksgiving– no, no, no, it’s clearly Brooklyn and Vanessa, they keep eyeing each other up–, which of their kids were likely to actually make the Olympic team– all of mine, thank you very much, Taycey–, who they might fuck given the chance– have you not seen A’Whora in the physio suite? I’d let her curb-stomp my neck– et cetera, et cetera.
“Everyone else is coming up tonight and tomorrow,” Mik remarks, waving over-exaggeratedly waving down to Tayce like she’s in a pantomime. “Tayce is like the only bitch I can stand here, as of currently”
“As of currently? I’m here, as of currently!”
“My point still stands, gorge.”
“After this run can you join up with them?” Denali groans, “Tayce’ll go super-speed with you. And she’ll let you harass her without breaking your nose.”
Mik laughs, “I don’t go that fast, bitch.”
“Have you ever seen that Disney movie Bolt? Y’know the one with that dog who runs like, full speed of light? They could do a live-action version with you as the dog.”
Denali’s face cracks into a grin as she rolls her eyes, “I’m serious! One minute you’re next to me, the next you’re–” she slides her gloved hands together in a forward motion “–zip. And then I’m the idiot who can’t get down.
“I’d never leave you!” Mik gasps, clapping a palm to her chest. “How dare you, fucking bitch.”
Denali scoffs loudly in response. Every year Mik tries to bully her into doing a couple runs together, and every year without fail Denali obliges, only to find herself stuck at the top of a mountain, Mik nowhere in sight.
“Head,” Mik announces, reminding Denali to duck her head so Mik can raise the safety bar, as they start to approach the end of the lift. Mik lines herself up to the drop-off, riding around the corner smoothly, giggling as Denali has to jog to keep up.
They both sit down to strap in, Mik tightening Denali’s bindings for her and pulling her up with a roll of her eyes.
“See you at the bottom?” Mik asks. Before Denali can answer, she’s slipped off, whooping as she hits a bump and flies upwards, grabbing the nose of her board as she hits the jump.
“So much for never leaving me, I guess,” Denali grumbles, carefully edging herself down the slopes with big sweeping S-shaped turns, she knows Mik will laugh at her about later, reminding her how her ten year-olds could easily out-board her.
Uh yeah, I’d fucking hope so, Denali thinks to herself, curving around onto the toe-edge of her board. Otherwise this’d be the biggest waste of money like, uh, ever.
The air that whips around her is cool, blowing snowflakes into her dark hair, but she doesn’t feel cold, happy in her thick sweatshirt and pants. Her feet are desperate to be unlatched from the board, feeling slightly unnatural to be locked in. She’s much more in her element spraying ice as she nails a complicated spin, she knows Mik would eat ass on.
Yeah, she thinks, fuck you and your ten year-olds, Mickey.
“Michelle’s put the board up,” Tayce says in the late afternoon, sticking her head around Denali and Mik’s door propped open by a snowboard boot.
Denali looks up from the book she’s reading, comfortably curled up on her bed with her mandatory evening uniform of thick fluffy socks and sweats on. Mik, on the other hand, is still in her lycra leggings and hoodie, having made no effort to change since coming back, much to Denali’s disgust.
“Well?” Tayce asks in annoyance, cocking her hip, “you coming or what?”
Mik groans, rolling off of her bed and moving to stand next to Tayce in their doorway, bare feet on the cold linoleum. Denali carefully places her bookmark in her book, grabbing a pair of Nike slides– sponsored, thank you very much– and begrudgingly walking down the corridor to their big common room.
The Board– with an optional trademarked symbol from Mik– as it’s been aptly dubbed, is a large whiteboard divided neatly (by the increasingly anal Michelle) into a leaderboard. The top ten coaches are listed top to bottom, ordering the number of world title holders they’ve coached at Bonneville, bonus points being allotted to those whose kids win gold, and double points if the title being held was Olympian.
Michelle says it builds healthy competition. Denali says it builds a desire to Tonya Harding every other bitch in this place. Tomayto, tomahto.
Denali hadn’t even been on The Board, until she had returned three seasons ago with the last World Skating Championships under her belt, managing to land three podium spots. She proudly boasted for months to anyone that looked like they might listen that her girls had swept the categories, winning medals across the ladies’ single event, ice dance and pair skating.
Despite her allure of confidence, she knows she only made it up there because Michelle insists on starting fresh each year. She tries to tell them that she’s giving the new coaches a chance, but everyone knows it’s to keep egos in check.
Egos like mother-fucking Rosé McCorkell’s, who’s placed first on the board two years running.
First as in one spot ahead of Denali’s second, first. First as in gloating in Denali’s face every opportunity she gets (and rest be assured, every opportunity means every opportunity), first. First as in deliberately sabotaging Denali’s skaters, first– well, at least in Denali’s eyes.
Okay, whatever, yes it could have been a coincidence that one of her front runners’ sole came unglued from the attached blade on the morning of Nationals a year ago. And yeah, sure, maybe Rosé was like, several states away from the incident. And okay, yes, she still came in first after the whole thing, so it’s not it even really mattered after all. But Denali just knows Rosé had something to do with it, that bitch.
“Who’s on top of the pyramid this year?” Mik sing-songs when they approach The Board. Denali instinctively works her way through their photos from the bottom to the top, clapping Tayce lightly on the back when she sees her smack-dab in the centre.
She isn’t nervous; she knows she did well this year, the girls she had coached in the previous season competing in nationally-recognised competitions, pictures of them grinning up on their podiums, flowers in sequinned arms, emailed to her and the school. And it’s not even like it matters.
Her photo stands in line with another, both at the top of the leaderboard. She can hear Mik mumble an oh shit, with a laugh as she realises that Denali is tied with Rosé at the top.
Okay, so maybe it matters a little bit.
Rosé’s photo looks down at her. She’s wearing her obnoxious signature pink ski jacket, her name embroidered into it in a sparkly silver thread. Her equally obnoxiouly signature curly pink hair has been tied up in a messy ponytail, and she stares at Denali with a big fucking grin on her face.
Denali wants to rip down the laminated photo, putting it into a paper shredder and watch as Rosé’s dumb face gets torn into ribbons.
“Healthy competition huh?” Tayce remarks, wrapping a long arm around Denali’s shoulders. “The cheek, the nerve, the audacity and the gumption, mama.”
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” A voice groans, Denali turns around and is met by the woman of the hour. Rosé looks her up and down, irritation flickering in her green eyes. “Stepping your shit up, this season ice princess?”
Denali arches an eyebrow in response. “Evidently, McCorkell.”
Rosé smiles at her, all pearly white teeth Denali is pretty sure are veneers– well, at least that’s the rumour she and Tayce started last year as a laugh.
All of a sudden, she feels like a shark’s prey, a minnow trapped inside the great white’s tank. Rosé doesn’t have to say anything for Denali to know that she’s going to be in for a tough season.
Better get that hammer ready, she thinks to herself, I am not the Nancy Kerrigan of this competition, bitch.
14 notes · View notes
frozendoorgaming · 5 years
Morning Mist #22
Announcements, Releases, Trailers
Man Of Medan hides a trailer for Little Hope, the next Dark Pictures adventure
ArcheAge Unchained is launching on September 30 with founder packs live today Overcooked 2 Carnival Of Chaos DLC Announced
Post-apocalyptic indie game Overland launches next month
Castle Crashers Remastered comes to Nintendo Switch in September
Persona 5 Royal third trailer, Hero trailer
Young Souls is Persona 5 meets Castle Crashers and I’m all in
Hand-crafted paper adventure Papetura has one of the most original, stunning visuals in games Streets of Rage 4 PAX West 2019 gameplay
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Coming to Switch and NES
Deathtrap Dungeon, an Interactive Fiction Title, Due Later This Year
Debut Trailer for Samurai Shodown on Switch
Milestones, Industry
New Games-Based Curriculum Offered by High School Esports League and Microsoft
LiveXLive and Allied Esports Team Up to Produce Gaming Events
Girl gaming world finals to be held in Dubai
Type-Moon Studio BB established as new game studio led by Dragon Quest Builders series director
Valve will fight European Commission's anti-competition ruling against Steam
Deals, Freeware
Inside and Celeste are free on the Epic Games Store now
Abzu, The End is Nigh are the Epic Games Store’s next freebies
Two Point Hospital is currently free to try for the weekend on Steam
Dirt Rally is free to keep on the Humble Store (Newsletter subscription reward)
Xbox New Games with Gold for September 2019 (Hitman Complete First Season, Earth Defense Force 2025, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, We Were Here)
PlayStation Plus Free Games for September: Batman: Arkham Knight, Darksiders 3
Save 500 bucks on a quality Dell Omen gaming PC right now - ends tonight! ($1600 after 25% off)
Amazon's 24-hour PC gaming blowout packs deep discounts on killer gear
The 8 Best Gaming Laptops for Gamers on a Budget
One of Logitech's best mice is more than half off at Best Buy
Planetside Arena brings 300-player battles to Steam Early Access in September
Gears 5 Horde mode: new content every three months could lead to the deepest version of Horde yet
Destiny 2 Will Let Players Transfer Season Content Via Cross Save
Destiny 2's new seasonal model will offer free and 'premium' reward paths
Borderlands 3 writer wants to do more Tales from the Borderlands (It’s a good thing Telltale’s being revived)
Yakuza 7 is ditching beat 'em up action with turn-based combat
Don't Miss: The pros and cons of procedural generation in Overland
Manifold Garden, Wattam, and No Straight Roads will be Epic exclusives
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Onslaught expansion is now due in October
Older people are embracing video games. For some, that means stardom.
How playing video games could get you a better job (Just don’t flunk college) The Fallout 76 players who started an art gallery in the wasteland
The Best Video Game Crossover Mods
Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Writer Unveils His Scrapped Mario Proposal
Today in bizarre gaming promos: Roblox and the NFL, Overwatch and Cheez-Its
0 notes
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"Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
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4000$ car insurance for 6 months?
So in in the past 2 years, I was hit first by a drunk driver~ my insurance paid nothing. next year about the same time August that is I was driving friends whos car broke down home, ...show more""
Do I need to pay insurance if I get my G1 license?
btw im 16...living in Ontario
Different car insurance quote from same provider?
Hi, i went on a comparison site called Q4 insure and had a cheap car insurance quote from a company called ecar which i was very pleased with. i checked the benefits etc and i was quite happy. I went to their website to go direct and to see and make sure that there wasn't any mistakes or extra details i needed to give and the quote came back 800 more! does anyone have any idea why this is?? i done everything exactly the same and was very honest with my answers.""
Car insurance for 16 year old?
rough estimate? i want an 84 GTI rabbit but dont want insurance for it to be 600 bucks, im not 16 yet so i cant get a quote so if anyone can give me a rough estimate that would be great""
When I turn 17 will my car insurance or any kind of insurance rate decrease?
My dad wont pay for my car insurance until I'm 17 because he says it does down greatly but I asked some people and they said it doesn't change.
How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?
I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?""
What kind of car will give a 17 year old cheap insurance?
i am 17 and im looking to buy a car. i wanted to know what kind of car will give me the cheapest insurance possible. including the color. and what ways can i save money on car insurance?
Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?
So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don't get a motorbike they're deathtraps! . So what should I do?""
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
Where is the best insurance company to insure a subaru wrx turbo?
Im 40 years old and am going to be buying a subaru wrx turbo ,can anyone suggest a good insurance company and how much roughly would it be to insure it fully comp .THANKS .""
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
Weird health insurance situation?
My hubby had two claims from a sleep study clinic that were marked as Out of network by my insurance. As such, the insurance company cut me a check for the portion of the bill that they are required to pay (instead of paying the clinic directly). I had to cash them immediately or else the checks would be void. Normally, we get a bill from the clinic with our total bill (including what the insurance needed to pay) and we then pay what the insurance wrote us a check for in addition to our portion. Now, the clinic has decided to write off what was marked as out of network. So, I have the money and nowhere to pay it. Is it ethical/legal for me to just keep it? It feels really wrong...""
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
""Insurance,if I buy a car and get my dad to registered keeper and owner and he insures it wi me as main driver?""
Is this legal their is a space on go compare ask n who the main driver would be ive got dr10 ins10 twice lc20 All from 2008 so cheapest quote is 5k. My dad also has his car too with 8 yrs no claims so idea is to insure my car registered in his name with the 8 yrs no claim s wi me as main driver and insure his car without no claims bonus got a quote on go compare 1000 for my car wr dad as registered keeper me as main driver and he would have to pay on his own car with no claims bonus not on should still b cheaper than , ,5k help!""
Question about health insurance?
I went to the ER in late May and I recently got promoted so I applied for health insurance. However, my health insurance does not go into effect til July. I was told by the hospital that I will be billed in about 2 -3 months. Is there anyway I can use my insurance for the bill or will I have to pay out of pocket?""
Low but guf health insurance?
I need help finding a gud health insurance.But that is gud but isnt so pricy
How to get car insurance for a reasonable price at 17/18?
Please, please please, do not say oooh you're a hazard, you're not going to get cheap car insurance GTFO! I am asking people who have managed to get reasonably cheap car insurance. How did you get it? What car (size engine)? What Company? I think if I get my insurance down to 1700 I will consider buying a car but I want to know how feasible this price is. Oh, by the way, I am 17 (but I will buy the car when i'm 18), I have been riding a moped for 2 years with no accidents (I'm not sure if this helps) and i won't use the car a lot, I just want a little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers guys!""
Home equity line & Insurance?
Back in October we pulled a homeequity line of credit on my doublewide. We had allowed the insurance to lapse since the house was paid off so we had to get new insurance. We could only get insurance on the houses tax value of 53,000.00, despite the appraisal value being 167,000.00. The morgage company would only allow us to get a morgage for 55,000, instead of the 65,000 we were looking for because of the insurance policy. Why can we not get a loan for more then the house because the land itself is worth 30-40,000? I asked the insurance agent and she said that they couldn't insure the land. Why is it that I can't get a loan on the land too...""
What is my insurance going to cost?
I'm going to get my license when i turn 18 (yes the day I turn 18) and I was just now thinking abt insurance. I've never really thought about it before. So can those who have been through the getting insurance thing help me? Here's some things to add up: 1. First time driver (litterly just got license and vehicle) 2. Did not do a drivers ed at a high school (heard it costs more if u don't take it) 3. Going to drive a big 4x4 diesel truck 4. I'm a male And that's abt it I guess. Idk what insurance company I'll be using. Probably my moms insurance company. But I don't know what it is. Also. The insurance will not be under her name (if she can even do that) because I'll be an 18 year old adult. How much is insurance going to cost every month? Thanks
Can anyone recommend a cheep and reliable car insurance in New Jersey?
Does premium payment depend on the area you live in. Would my car insurance be cheaper in Hudson or Bergen county? Any pointers ly and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Harley Davidson Insurance -Typical Cost?
I am a 19-year old male who has been riding a motorcycle for about 3 years and took a rider safety course. I was wondering what possible insurance costs would be for a Harley 883 Sportster, probably a 98 or newer (probably nothing newer than a 2005 though). Specifically, I was wondering about American Family Insurance (but any general info would be appreciated too). I am looking to upgrade my bike (along with the size of my engine, ive been driving a 250 for a while now). I beleive american family cant even cover sport bikes for a rider like me, so i was thinking about getting another cruiser/standard style bike. i have kind of been drawn towards Harley, but if insurance is too expensive, ill have to look for something else. Does anyone have any other suggestions for bikes? or general info? thanks""
Insurance For My Daughters Scooter?
My 16 yr old daughter is being stupidly high prices for her scooter insurance - she has a 49cc and has past her CBT test. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Can i combine all of my insurances into one payment?
I have comprehensive car insurance that also has income protection for the finance on the vehicle. I would like to cancel the loan protection insurance so i can take take out income protection insurance on my entire financial commitments and not just on the loan. i.e. i want to cover my rent etc as well I would also like to take out private health insurance Is there a way that i can combine: Comprehensive car insurance Income protection insurance Private health insurance
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!""
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Car Insurance?
I drove my friends car he has liability insurance. I have full coverage insurance on my car. I got hit by a guy without insurance. Will my insurance cover my friends car I was driving because the other guys car is not going to be paying for anything. Thanks.
Buying a Motorcycle and taking it to California?
So I'm in Florida and I'm selling my car to buy a motorcycle. I'm thinking about purchasing a triumph bike here in florida at the dealership and having them ship it to my house in California hoping i can get a sweet deal. What do you guys think? tax in florida is cheaper than California but will i still have to pay for other stuff besides the obvious insurance, plate, etc.? or is this all a dumb idea, should i take my car money back to California and buy the triumph bike there?""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance on a permit In long island new york?
I just wasnt my car insured lol and im 19 and a male
Do you have to get insurance before you can get a license plate?
I just bought a used car off of someone and drove it home. Luckily it was at night because the car doesnt have a license plate. This is my first car and none of my family seems willing to answer the phone today to help me. What am I supposed to do first? When I looked up the cost of plates, it said that when purchasing the plates insurance must be presented at the time of purchase. So that means I have to get insurance before I can get the license plates right?""
Cheapest auto insurance rates?
i dont care what is covered and whats not, i don't care if i have a damn five thousand dollar deductible, i just want to be legal! How can this government mandate that we all must purchase insurance with some ty[e of non-inflated public option. Please answer the first question, and not the second...""
600 sport motorcycle such as the r6 or zx 6r insurance quote in Ontario?
Could anyone tell me roughly how much the insurance will cost for a 600 cc motorcycle in Ontario? I'm 20 years old and i will get my M1 really soon. Also I've had my G1 in August 2006, G2 in June 2007, and my G in april 2009. I'm a university student living away from home. Never got a ticket or an accident. also, I've never been in an insurance before. I really appreciate anyone who could answer the question.""
Motor trade insurance?
I am looking for motor trade insurance that will insure a 19 year old as a named driver, my father has 6 years commercial no claims discount, he will be the proposer and i will be a named driver. has anyone recently been insured or knows a insurance company that will insure a 19 year old please let me know, much appreciated thank you. I have been quoted 2995 with motrade, but i am restricted to 1600cc engines with (no turbo with petrol) but i need to be able to drive bmw 320d. so a minium of 2000cc.""
How do I get insurance on my first car?
I'm getting my first car soon, but have no insurance. Do I need to buy insurance before buying the car, and if so, how? If not, how long of a grace period do I have to get insurance after getting the car? I live in florida, and can't find the info I need on it. Thx much!""
""Please help, how much will I be paying for car insurance?""
I am a 20 year old female. I didn't complete high school, but I will get my GED and go to school next fall. I'm getting a car this Feb when taxes come back and I'm buying no more then a good decent $3000 car. I have a child too so I heard that helps bring the insurance down a little. Because the car will be under my name, & I am the ONLY driver in this house hold so there will be only 1 person on the insurance, how much do u think I could be paying a month??? Any guess for wage? I want full coverage but if its more then 300 a month i will go half. I've had my permit to since I was 17, no accidents. Please help.""
Car insurance and Road Tax?
How many cars can be covered with a fully comp.insurance cover ... and road tax Is a person with a fleet of vehicles allowed to run a business for repairing and selling cars in a no through road, which is also taking up space for visitors and residents (who have to pay community tax) to park.""
""Health Insurance questions, help?
I just got a job as a firefighter in my local town in Mass. Im only 21 y/o and still on my mothers insurance Do you recommend I stay with her's or pursue my own? She is an LPN so her benefits are ok but nothing amazing....blue cross Advice? PRices of FF health insurance? Thanks!
Car insurance?
So im thinking of getting a car... but im 16 so i know insurance is gonna be insane, and im in MA so its mandatory. Anyways from what i understand it cost way less to get added to your parents policy. But can i do that if im not driving their car, but my own car i bought (not yet)? I cant buy the car in their name... has to be in mine...""
Do i have to have car insurance to get my permit in portland oregon?
So im a 14 year old girl and i turn 15 in October on the 20th and i was wondering if i really need car insurance to get my permit cause my step mom told me i do and if i do i don't see why.
Car insurance in ontario?
Ok so im about to buy my first used car and i have no idea how getting insurance for your car works. im going to call around to find the best rate but do insurance companies normally make you pay anything up front? i was told that sometimes they make you pay for two months right away. is this true? i have enough for one month of insurance up front but i want to make sure i save enough money to do so if that is usually the case thanks.
Where can i get good life insurance with heart disease 3 years ago?
I had open heart surgery in 2006 and I need some affordable life insurance.
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that pays the Medicare B premium?
I live in the formerly great state of California. A friend has her Medicare B insurance premiums paid by her insurance company. She was employed by a school system in California. Is there such a plan for non-school retirees? My current insurance says everyone must pay the Medicare B premium.
Advice on car insurance after having an accident?
I only passed my test 5 weeks ago, and 2 weeks after getting my car I had a crash and my car was wrote off (I know I'm the reason its so expensive for young drivers :S) Just wondering if anyone knows of any insurance companies that won't rip me off. (I know this is a long-shot! but it's worth a try) Thanks in advance :)""
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Where can I find affordable but a very good individual vision insurance plan?
I've check out VSP but I'm not sure if it's the best and only choice out there for me. I also live in Pennsylvania if that helps out any.
How much is medical insurance?
I plan on moving to the U.S some day but how much would i have to pay per month for medical insurance? Strange how its free here but costs over there.
Affordable insurance in houston?
me and my wife have just recently moved to houston and we are looking for health insurance that is affordable and you have to do cheap co payments. can you suggest any in this area? cause i used to have HIP when i lived in new york and everything i did was free except for my monthly premiums.
Why is my insurance quote so high?
I got a quote that 480$!! Why is it so high I have a mustang gt 2011 and I'm 18 iv never had a accedent am I just going to the wrong company? I went to gieco all state and esurance there all over 400$
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
Car inspection for insurance?
So I hit my friends car and he told me to tell the insurance company someone hit me in a parking lot. If I do that and the insurance company inspects it, will they be able to tell that I hit someone instead of someone hitting me?""
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
How much is auto insurance in China for an American?
I'm studying in China for about 18 months. I want to buy a car there and drive it. I've already figured out the licensing stuff, no big deal, but how much/how do I get car insurance in China?""
How much extra would it cost to add a 17yr old to insurance? helppp!?
i was wondering how much it would cost if i was added to my dads insurance as the 3rd driver, he pays arounds 400 for the insurance but i was wondering how much it would cost if a 17 year old who just passed his license would add to it. im sure it wouldnt be much as i will be the 3rd driver but im not exactly sure.""
How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?
How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
I am 17 I live in New Mexico it is April 2013 and I am financing new 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS I will be put on my grandmothers Allstate car insurance.. how much would the monthly payment be???
When should I expect money from a car insurance settlement?
Today, i was going through a green light and a driver ran a red light and hit the back of my car. i spun out and eventually stopped before hitting anyone else. I was wondering about how long should i expect to wait for insurance to comp me for a rental car (if applicable. i believe i have triple A) and to give me the check for a new car. i have a few follow up questions. 1. what amount will my insurance give me. i have liberty mutual and i had a 2001 kia sephia with 97000 miles in good condition. i just had new tires, alignment and oil change done to it because i just got the car about a week before. 2. the fender, axle, and back tire are completely totaled. the back drivers side is smashed in so should i try to fix or take my losses. 2. should i sue the driver and get a lawyer involved? or just take whatever my insurance will allow me to have? any additional advice, warning, guidelines or wahtever will be helpful also. thanks.""
What is the fine for driving without insurance at Southern California District Court?
How much is the fine for driving without insurance in the jurisdiction of the federal court in San Diego. For example if you get caught driving with no insurance in Marine Base and order to appear in court downtown, is there any fixed fine for that violation which will close the case and avoid court, or you must appear in court and the judge will decide how to punish you?""
What is an affordable health insurance for a 61 year old woman?
my mother needs a new helath insurance plan. any suggestions?
Cheapest Car insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old guy getting license in 2 days and im staring to wonder which car insurance is the cheapest. I've been told aaa is the best, and my parents are on some aarp thing and it might be cheaper to get my own policy. SO any company names that you use would be great!""
Would it be the cheapest sports car?
I saw the 4 cheapes sports cars for insurance a mazda mx 5 and a pontiac solstice would they be the cheapest sports car for insurance for a 16 year old or what sports car would be the cheapest to insure for a teen I know for a teen with a sports car would not be cheap we have the money but what sports car would be the cheapes for a teen
Best way to save money on car insurance?
I'm 16 now, and I'm planning on learning to drive a car. I heard that if you have a driver license at 16 years old but you DON'T buy a car, which means you don't buy a car or drive a car or anything like that for 3 or 4 years, your car insurance will be deducted. So I have a couple of questions: 1. Is the statement above correct for California? 2. If #1 is wrong, then if I buy a car but don't drive it, will the money still be deducted after 3 or 4 years? 2. Is there any other ways to lower money spending on car insurance? 3. I also heard that you can combine your driver license with one of family members, but the money will be raised up a little bit. Is this true? And how can I combine my license to other family member?""
""If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?""
I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Insurance for a Range Rover Sport?
I'm turning 16 in about two years, and i was thinking about getting a 2010-2012 RR Sport Supercharged. I was wondering how much it would cost for me to get insured. Do you have a range of what it would be around? My parents are already letting me practice driving and stuff. The car would be around $30,000-$45,000. My family is in the upper-middle class. So we're not all that rich. I will be working by that time and paying the car off.""
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
i just want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure as i am going to get my first car soon.
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
""If I start working, will my insurance get taken away?""
I'm currently a junior in high school and recently got hired for a opening job position. I receive free health care and my mom is unemployed and is receiving disability benefits. If I take this job, will my health care and my mom's benefits get taken away? Will it affect me or just my mom or both of us? My parents said that if I make money, it will have to be included in the family income and if we exceed a certain amount, then all of our benefits will be taken away. Does anyone have any insight on this? I'm not sure how many hours I will be assigned to work if i take this job, but it is minimum wage and they do limit high school students to work a limited number of hours.""
Can you cancel your car insurance for a month and the get it back?
I'm going out of state for like 3-4 weeks and I was wondering if there's anyway to stop your car insurance for just that month and then Get it back when I come back without having to pay for it since that's kind of a waste. I have allstate
Is there a such thing as Cheap online insurance ?
I'm looking for some auto insurance for my car. I can't use the general aare there any sites that offer cheap auto insurance?
What is the age in Florida for males when car insurance gets cheaper and the prefered minimum age...?
for renting a car?
Where can I find affordable health insurance for my daughters?
Where can I find affordable health insurance for my daughters?
Car Insurance: Can they check. .?
It would be nice if someone knows this answer for sure, say a cop. I have a license, my registration is good until 2013, my insurance card says its good until 2013. Now say I do this. Say I tell my insurance company, I no longer want to have insurance with them anymore, even though I still have a card stating im insured until 2013 Will I be able to get away with a casual traffic stop (if I ever had one), since I have a card stating im insured until 2013, though in reality, I dont? Im figuring I would, since perhaps the cops computers do not have a way of checking if their insurance is valid or not just from a simple computer check. I have paid my insurance for about 3 years, no accidents, and if I had the money, id pay it. For all intents and purposes, the car insurance card only lasts for 6 months anyway, instead of a full year""
Need help finding helath insurance?
Looking to find a new health insurance policy, one that covers more, like office visits, lab testing, and prescription drugs. I'm 22 female from mn, employed full time, none smoker. Whats a good company?""
Anybody can help me with cheap car insurance.?
im 19 years old i want to but a used car but i wanna know the cheapest way to pay for car insurance.im new at this so thank you for ur help
Can I get full coverage insurance for a salvage rebuilt title?
I want to know if there is the possibility of getting a full coverage insurance for a salveage rebuilt titled car? Well a friend was telling me that he thinks it's possible and ...show more
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in ...show more""
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
NO INSURANCE and pregnant how much was it?
Only answer if you didnt have insurance for a pregnancy
Do I need car insurance?
I am getting my permit in a week. Do my parents need to add me to the car insurance policy?
""Has any one been quoted 23,000 for car insurance?""
i have just been quote 23,000 for a car insurance am i the only one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)?""
Car insurance quote before buying ?
Was thinking about buying a car (first car) just to run around in for a while before I actually buy a better one when im older but want to ask a question. When buying a car, should I get an insurance quote first, then buy ? Or should I just buy a car I like then think about sorting out insurance for it ?""
I need to find and inexpensive health insurance can anyone help?
My husband has a rare blood disorder and is on Medicare through Social security and we don't have alot of money but because of his illness it cost alot for suppliment insurance. Does anyone know how we can get some extra insurance that won't kill us we already lost our home because we spent so much on insurance and most places won't even cover this. Please only serious reply.
Best Health Insurance???
My husband and are getting health insurance...who's the best to go with?? We are looking at united health care right now...r they any good?
""What's wrong with my car, Damage and Insurance Question?""
Two days ago, I was involved in a car accident. Allow me to explain what happened. I was stopping at a stop sign, and as I put my foot on the brake, there was some black ice, and my car slid through the stop sign, straight into the intersection, where a woman hit me in the rear end of my car, which spun my car around, making my tap the back of her car as well. My car was barely left with a dent, and driving away from the scene, my car was just fine. However, when I went to drive it this morning, I noticed something was up with the back end. Whenever I hit a bump, it feels like the back end backs up, and fishtails away from the front of the car. Can you tell me what's up with my car, and how much it would be to fix whatever it is? Also, assuming you understand what happened in the accident, and knowing that I and the other woman have insurance, can you tell me who would end up paying for the damage done to her car, and whose fault it really was? Will insurance cover her damage, and if so, whose company is going to cover it? Hers or mine?""
Do additional safety features pay for themselves via cheaper insurance rates?
Specifically anti-lock brakes and side curtain airbags, on a small sedan. I'm planning on buying a new or less used vehicle soon. The only things that matter are: gas efficiency, reliability, and a low total price to own.""
Home Insurance replacement cost?
Anyone have any idea how insurance companies figure out what it would cost to rebuild an entire house if it burned down or blew away...I live on long island....I would assume it is the square footage multiplied by a cost per foot....any ideas what the actual cost per foot is today????
Best health insurance for grad students?
My fiancee and I are both graduate students and are looking to get health insurance in the next 6 months. The health insurance plan of the university we attend is terrible. Does anyone know any tips on finding a good health insurance company/plan? I don't even know where to begin! Thanks!
How much does car insurance cost?
Like im 16 and i got my first car its a 1996 pontiac bonneville... Anyways i need insurance to drive it,, so how does it work?? Like when i go to get insurance do i have to pay any fee's on the spot, when getting my insurance?""
I found an old insurance policy from 1970 and can't find the insurance company now?
I have the insurance policy number. It's Reserve Life Insurance. I can't find anything with just that name.
How much is insurance for a street Motorcycle ?
How much would it cost me monthly for insurance on a street motorcycle. Original cost of motorcycle 4,500. I'm under 18 and have a GED hope that helps. Thanks""
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Hi I've been looking in a few insurance sites for the best possible quote for my self, Are there any insurances company's that you would recommend based on cheapest quotes ? Thanks P.s I'm 19""
Car insurance over 2 years break?
i havent had any car insurance for 2 and half years but if i go back to whom i was insured with will i be able to retieve my no claims discount of 70%
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?
I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!""
Does anyone know what the average insurance cost for a 2004 Dodge Ram is?
I just bought a beautiful 2004 dodge ram quad cab 4x2 4.7 V8 and i have quotes that range from $165- $303 per month. If you have a similiar truck to mine, how much is the average insurance payment, and what company do you use? I head AAA and 21st Century were pretty good?""
Where can i find cheap renters insurance in nj?
Where can i find cheap renters insurance in nj?
Anyone own more than one car and buy comprehensive insurance for all?
does anyone own more than one car and buy them all comprehensive insurance by yourself? I found it's so expensive and considering to buy third party insurance only. anyone advise pls
How much does car insurance cost for 18 year olds?
would it be cheaper if I combined it with my dad's insurance plan? abput how much would it cost then?
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
Santa Anna Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76878
0 notes
Who understands health insurances? please help?
Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?<br/>I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm<br/><br/>BEST ANSWER Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://freecarinsurance.xyz?src=scoop<br/><br/>RELATED QUESTIONS<br/><br/>Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?<br/> So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don t get a motorbike they re deathtraps!  . So what should I do?   <br/><br/>Speeding ticket in california with no inssurance?<br/> My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?<br/><br/>Obama is guaranteeing affordable health care for the uninsured?<br/> So far they don t have any proposals to lower the cost of health care.    So he must be saying the government will be picking up the tap to make health insurance affordable for all of the low income, no income, the elderly, & the uninsurable.    This will be a staggering amount of money. Do you trust him to pull this off? <br/><br/>Life Insurance company inactive and I have a policy?<br/>Federal Life and Casualty in Battle Creek, MI is now inactive.  My dad had a 5k life insurance policy and has passed on.  He has a fully paid policy on file.  Is this a situation where the family is out of luck? <br/><br/>About health insurance....?<br/>If u have 2 health insurances, whatever your primary doesn t cover, your secondary will?   My primary insurance sucks, but then i have the Unions insurance as secondary. <br/><br/>Short term car insurance (UK)?<br/> I need to renew my car insurance policy soon but am going away in June for a year so cannot get a full years policy.    My company has told me to take out a years policy then cancel it before i leave in June.    Does anyone know of a UK insurance company that could give me a policy for just a few months to save me cancelling it later on.    Thanks<br/><br/> If I take a loan out on my life insurance, does it go against credit score? <br/> Instead of cashing it out, I took a loan out of my life insurance (I haven t paid premiums in years). Does this count against your credit score? I was told by the agent that I don t even have to pay the loan back because it just goes against my insurance, which makes me think it does not effect my credit score. Of course I forgot to ask the agent this question and want to know before I cash the check. <br/><br/>Colorado Springs Court Fee For Proving You Have Auto Insurance Now?<br/> I was going to base to pick up my fiance and I just moved to Co Springs. Forgot my insurance cards in my apartment. Couldn t prove it had it, so the MP s took my license and are sending me to court to get it back by proving I have insurance. Do I have to pay a ticket or court processing fee? They told me I just have to show up, show them I have the card then leave? <br/><br/>Cheap car insurance for a new driver?<br/>like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth<br/><br/> How do I get insurance on car, health and house? <br/>How do I get insurance on car, health and house? <br/><br/>Why are NYS auto insurance rates so high?<br/> I live in NYC, and have taken over my late Dad s auto insurance. I was looking up quotes from other insurance companies (currently have Geico), and all the quotes are the same as I pay now, or more. My own license is clean, no accidents, violations, tickets, etc. I just want to know why NYS auto insurance rates are so high? <br/><br/>Who needs long term care insurance?..?<br/>Who needs long term care insurance?<br/><br/>Can i renew my geico auto insurance for just two months rather than six months?<br/>my insurance expires in oct but i m planning to sell my car by nov. so i don t want to pay for my 6 month renewal in oct. is there a way out? thanks for all suggestions.<br/><br/>Does any one knows if a time requirement exist that you have to notify your car insurance co. if you re hit?<br/>My car was hit in a parking lot. the other driver told me to get an estimate for the damages and he will write a check. if the cost is too high, his insurance co will pay. do I have to tell mey insureance co. about this? is there a minimum time that I have to tell my insureance co? thank you. <br/><br/>Replace Old Car Insurance or Go With a New Policy?<br/> I just bought a new car and quoted Progressive about replacing my old car with the new one, seeing how much a difference the premium would be. It got a little high, to say the least. When I tried just going through adding a new vehicle alongside the old one, the premium was about what I paid on the old vehicle originally, only with comprehensive and collision added. My question is, should I go with a completely different company rather than Progressive, let the old car insurance expire, and just get on a better rate elsewhere for new policy holders? I d appreciate any help. <br/><br/>What does comprehensive insurance mean?<br/> I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance   must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you   <br/><br/>How much would my auto insurance be if I bought a Lexus Es350?<br/> I m 29 and I ve never bought a car before. I got my license when I was 18 but decided to just ride to bus plus I don t go out much anyways. But I m thinking about buying a pre-owned Lexus Es350 with low mileage. It s probably gonna cost around $20,000 - $25,000. I don t want those super insurance. I want the cheapest possible. How much am I looking at? <br/><br/>Do I have to be a resident of the state I want to apply for insurance?<br/>I ve been living in CA for 6 years and have started having a bunch of health issues over the last year. I was thinking about going home to NJ for a couple of months, seeing some doctors, and then coming back out here. Can I just switch insurance plans as I go or is this, like everything else, based off residency? <br/><br/>Car Insurance Policy When Not Vehicle Owner?<br/> Can anyone help?  My boss has bought me a car but because Renault were unable to put the finance agreement in the company name it had to go in his name, which meant that the ownership of the vehicle did too.  Not the problem I have is insuring this car as insurance companies won t insurer me as the driver if I am not the car owner unless the car is owned by a spouse etc...so, I am assuming that the only way round this is for my boss to be put as the main driver and me as an additional driver...if this is the case what will happen if I have an accident or conviction, or he does?  Also what about No Claims Discount as I previously built up 3 years on my old car.    Please help I really don t know what to do!    Thanks <br/><br/>Why is it when people complain about the cost of health care they mainly blame it on the insurance co?<br/>Nobody is making you buy insurance YET.     Try paying cash instead of using insurance and see how expensive it really is.<br/><br/>Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?<br/>I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm<br/><br/>I am about to turn 16 and was wondering what kind of insurance I need?<br/>how much it would cost thanks!<br/><br/>Cheap insurance in NC for a young driver?<br/> - I am 19, had a license for 9 months.   - I have had auto insurance one time for a month just to get my license (does that mean a lapse in insurance)   - I want a non owners policy, so I can go get a car at a dealership   - I am a girl   - I have had no traffic violations or accidents   - I did complete drivers ed in high school but never actually got my license and i dont know if that qualifies for a driving class.   - I have people living in my household with a license with a suspension/revocation    Ill be glad to give more information if that would help, nasty comments will be reported. AND THIS IS FOR A NON OWNERS POLICY. THANK YOU. <br/><br/>How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?<br/> I was laid off a month ago (I m actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I ve started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don t drive very much. My car insurance is up for renewal. It says I drive 1-3 miles to work or school. Should I tell them that I m no longer employed? Do you think my rates will go down? <br/><br/>What is an umbrella auto insurance policy?<br/>I m 19 and still live at home. Are my parents still, in any way, liable for my actions? How would this determine whether or not I should get an umbrella? Are umbrellas cheaper? I really don t know much about them--I just want to figure out if it ll be cheaper and still provide the coverage I need. <br/><br/>Car insurance for new drivers!?<br/>Will car insurance for a 19 year old be allot cheaper than a 17 year old?   Both being NEW drivers.<br/><br/>Insurance on a 2004 nissan 350z?<br/> OK... I m a 17 yr old male, have a solid part time job during school and full time I m summer...  I have found a 2004 Nissan 350z tourister with 58,000 miles, the owner is asking 10,000 for it it great condition... I would be putting 3k down and financing the rest... I would like an estimated price on monthly insurance... I d be with both my parents and 4 other vehicles I believe, I don t know if its possible but any estimate is good... Thanks <br/><br/>How much does horse insurance cost per month?<br/>I m getting a 15hh 7 year old paint mare. How much would insurance that coveres vet fees (like colic surgery) cost?? Also any other insurance costs for her would be helpfull, too. <br/><br/>Cheap insurance?<br/>cheap insurance<br/><br/>Help! write a cancel letter to insurance company help!?<br/>How to write a letter to progressive to cancel my insurance. They said that they need a written letter.... how can I write it .... help please!<br/><br/>How do I go about getting affordable/any health insurance?<br/>-22   -located in Philadelphia, PA   -single   -insurance is not offered at workplace   -no parents   -got denied for Medicaid    Any answers are greatly appreciated! <br/><br/>How much does it cost to have a cap fixed on a tooth without insurance?<br/>How much does it cost to have a cap fixed on a tooth without insurance?<br/><br/>Where to get kids checkups when you don t have insurance?<br/> My twins are 2.5 years old, and because of changes in our employments, currently do not have health insurance. When we did it didn t cover much, but it did cover yearly checkups. Our regular doctors fees are HUGE (basically $2000 for their checkup and shots each visit) and it seems other places would have better out of pocket deals. We may be eligible for insurance for them through a state agency, but I haven t looked into that yet, so right now I am looking for affordable out of pocket well visit care.    So where is the best place to go for kids checkups and shots if paying out of pocket? <br/><br/>Why am i being forced to buy health insurance?<br/> I don t understand it i am 20 years old am going to be starting my life out with my girlfriend, i am desperately trying to get a job and my girlfriend works at mcdee s and now i find out that i am forced to have health insurance? i can t afford that! even if it is affordable i struggle to buy a pop at the gas station let alone health insurance <br/><br/>How much does it cost to get one false tooth without insurance?<br/> I just lost a tooth last week. It was one that was next to a canine, on the side of my mouth toward the back. It s really only noticeable if I smile big or laugh out loud, but the fact that it is missing is driving me crazy, and making me very self conscious. It makes me feel like some kind of lowlife with a missing tooth. I really want to get a false one but don t know if I can afford it :( <br/><br/>Can you have more than one car insurance policy?<br/> Okay, imagine the situation.    Mum s got a car (A), but it s too expensive to run.   Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn t want to drive it much until next year.   Mum s already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer.    So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver.   Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named.     Many thanks. <br/><br/>What is the best car insurance company for a first time driver?<br/>What is the best car insurance company for a first time driver?<br/><br/>I need help with car insurance?<br/>Btw I live in a town where I can only make minimum wage (7.50 per hour) and work 15 hours a week (5 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) till I m 17. <br/><br/>Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?<br/>I live in the uk<br/><br/>What car has the cheapest insurance for a first time driver?<br/>i have looked at a few cars and atm i think a corsa 1.0 is one of the cheapest i know that i will need to get a 1.0 but does any1 know any other 1.0 litre cars that are decent so i can compare??<br/><br/>Driving school and car insurance?<br/>does going to driver s ed help you get better or cheaper car insurance?<br/><br/>Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?<br/>I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm<br/><br/>Health insurance......?<br/> Im applying for the health connect in missouri and they asked me to call two different insurance company for quotes. My coworker said to call like prudential and allstate but i thought they only sale care,home,life insurance. do they sell health insurance too? i called but they dont work on saturdays so i just wanna know if they do or what other places i can call. <br/><br/>How long do car insurance companies take to pay out for a stolen written off car?<br/>I had my car nicked about two weeks ago, I have sent the insurance company all the required docs and incident form. They found the car burnt out a day later. Police were informated as soon as I realised car was gone. How long will the insurance companiy take to pay out? <br/><br/> Insurance renewal, same company, new quote? <br/> Hi, my car insurance has just come up for renewal and my insurers sent me a renewal quote, 704. Now if I get a fresh quote from their website (all the same terms, car is unmodified, 3 points on my licence, etc), the quote is 520!    If i take the 520 offer, are they going to complain? They want proof of my no claims, and I ll send them their own renewal document!!! <br/><br/>Insurance will go up for me?<br/>My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium).<br/><br/>Where can i get a gyno check with no inrurance and very low budget?<br/> i really need to get a check up at a gyno.    for the last 5-6 months ive been having a very irregular period. i never had problems with that at all. ive heard that stress and extreme dieting could be the cause but as far as that goes i am a normal and healthy 22yr old women.    its just frustrating on me and my boyfriend. eeevery month the same thing... im late for my period... sometimes up to 3 weeks. i even skipped my period for 2 month straight in january.    i dont have insurance and and a very low budget as i mentioned above, so if anyone knows where i can go to or what to do pleaselet me know.     :) thx! <br/><br/>Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.?<br/>I m looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank.<br/><br/> How much, if you wouldnt mind sharing, do you have to pay monthly for your motorcylce insurance? <br/>thinking about getting a motorcycle, i dont care how old you are or what your bike is, just how much you pay, per month, or quarterly or semi quarterly or yearly, thanks! <br/><br/>What are some car insurance people?<br/>I know Progressive, and Geico.    Who do you use? who do you not use and why?    We just got a new toyota Sienna and i want to shop around for cheap insurance. <br/><br/>International student health insurance US?<br/> My college requires insurance. I am already in the US so I won t be able to purchase a plan from insurance provider from my homecountry.    Can anyone give some suggestions of affordable and reputable insurance provider that you have used?    I did some googling but I would want to confirm that the insurance companies are indeed legit. Thanks!<br/><br/>My kids will have 30 day lapse in health insurance coverage is there going to be penalty due to the affordable health care act?<br/> My kids will have 30 day lapse in health insurance coverage is there going to be penalty due to the Affordable Health Care laws? I could pay to back the date of the insurance.  But they didn t go to the doctor and have no existing conditions.  I ll save $300 if I just date it to start with the 30 day lapse.  So I am wondering if there will be a penalty for a mere 30 days of no health coverage on my kids (which have already gone by- so the riskiest part is already over)  and if so what it will be?<br/><br/>What is the usually price range for sports bike insurance?<br/>I m turning 19 in july and want to start riding. I live in california. so what do you guys think the price may be?<br/><br/>What auto insurance gives the cheapest full covarge becuase my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year?<br/>and hes 17<br/><br/>I just got out of federal prison and need knee surgery but have no insurance?<br/>I just got out of federal prison and need knee surgery but have no insurance?<br/><br/>Help...whats the best kind of emergency health insurance?<br/>sorry, I live in california. <br/><br/>What exactly is term life insurance?<br/>in details please..but  i hear you can cash it in..what does that mean...i know what it mean mean...but like what does it mean when it comes to..are you going to owe them something if you cash it in..basically what is the whole process of term life...i dont want to waste money on insurance<br/><br/>Charger insurance?<br/> As crazy as it sounds there s been an unanimous agreement that a dodge charger would be an alright first car (I have the funds) I m looking at an 06 or mildly older but for an 06 I m torn between the 300+Hp hemi or the 425 6.1 cost isint an issue I ve checked but was wondering if anyone knew or could give a rough estimation of what the insurance rate will be<br/><br/>Insurance does not want to pay to repair my car.?<br/> i was in a car accident, the other driver was found 100% at fault. but now their insurance will not pay to repair my car because the cost to repair it is higher than the value of the vehicle. they said they would take the vehicle and give me a check for its value or let me keep the car and give me a check for 75% of its value. either way im out a car without enough funds to repair or replace the vehicle. do i have any other options i should consider? <br/><br/>How much is full coverage for auto insurance cost monthly usually ? ?<br/> I was thinking about financing a 2000 nissan maxima but im not sure if its a good idea because of monthly car payments and car insurance plus if it breaks down idk what I would do. I just need to know how much is full coverage for auto insurance usually cost per month or is there something cheaper I can get other than full coverage.<br/><br/>Insurance policies have a clause stating acts of war and riots are not covered. Will the citizens of Ferguson be covered?<br/>Check your homeowner s policy and your auto insurance policy. I have never had a policy that Didn t have such a clause.<br/><br/>What is a cheap car insurance company in New Jersey?<br/>I am only 20 yrs old.<br/><br/>Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?<br/>I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm<br/><br/>Car insurance question.?<br/> If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it?    Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don t plan on driving it until October. I don t want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months.    Thanks in advance. <br/><br/>Dose the red light camera offence affect our records or insurance?<br/>A friend of mine borrow my car on December for half a day and 2 days ago I got a $180 fine with picture from red light camera! I feel very upset not for the fine but because it could goes in my records!!!<br/><br/>Why do libs keep making the dumb comparison of require health insurance to auto insurance?<br/> kiran C.  Yeah you can use the commerce clause if you ignore the rest of the constitution,  like the 10th amendment.  The supreme court has already ruled that insurance in not commerce.   The commerce clause referes to interstate regulation which according to liberals own legislation health insurance is not interstate since noone can buy out of state insurance. <br/><br/>Direct Auto Insurance?<br/>Has anyone heard of this insurance company? If so whats their number or a website?? Thanks in advance.<br/><br/>Regarding cash value life insurance...?<br/>I m new to this and shopping around.  In comparing term and cash value, what s to stop a person from signing up for a cash value policy and then cashing it all out in five years?  Is there something I m missing?  It seems at first glance to be a quick way to cash in on a lot of money. <br/><br/>In starting a horse club do we really need insurance or is there a way around that?<br/> I understand the things that can happen but insurance is very costly. Is there not a way to have a loosely assembled group of people    who can come together for the sake of learning & riding & enjoying being part of something without the lawyers always getting in the way ? We are all pinching pennies already  (I  m in California as well ) Seems like everyone is going 501c3 but that really is not what he whole idea behind that was either when it started .   <br/><br/>What to look when I am trying to get medical and dental insurance?<br/> In the last couple of months Ive been trying to get medical and dental insurance.   I dont have much problem with my health but my wife gets medicine and needs some dental work. In my country everything works different when talking about insurance, Ive been into a couple of websites, doing some researches but I still have some doubts about what exactly to look and get.    I want an affordable and good insurance so I can help my wife with her medicines and stuff, when she gets pregnant and in the future just in case of emergency. <br/><br/>Why do Republicans accuse me of being in the Muslim brotherhood when I point out all of the insider trading and massive insurance policy?<br/>Just before 9/11    Almost as if Georgie warned all of his cronies in advance<br/><br/> Does anyone know of an agency here in the Philippines that offers fly now pay later   jobs for Thailand?   <br/>Does anyone know of an agency here in the Philippines that offers fly now pay later   jobs for Thailand?   <br/><br/>Is life insurance premium deductible?<br/>I got a life insurance on my own. I would like to know if the premium I m paying is deductible? If you don t know if there a way to find out if it is.<br/><br/>Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?<br/>I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.<br/><br/>Whats the best health insurance for a pregnant mother?<br/>best health insurance thats practically freee......<br/><br/>Subaru Wrx/Sti insurance for 45 year old?<br/>Subaru Wrx/Sti insurance for 45 year old?<br/><br/>What would the annual insurance cost range look like for a Benz C63 AMG?<br/> Would the cost be greater just because of the model? Say I upgraded a C300 so it reached the base price of a C63 - would this increase the cost of insurance? Or is it based solely on the model? So if I upgraded the C63 so the value bumped up 20k, would my insurance become more expensive? I am new to all this, and want to get an idea of these things for the future.    Thanks. <br/><br/>Good Driver Insurance Discount?<br/>Good Driver Insurance Discount?<br/><br/>How much is insurance for a 16 year old with a 2000 mercedes?<br/>I m going to start driving in Nov. How much would insurance cost for me if I m driving a 2000 mercedes 2430.<br/><br/>How much will my insurance go up?<br/> I recently crash my car into a bush going 50 with 4 other people in it. The car costed $2000 and I totaled my car and the police came. My 6 months weren t up so I wasn t supposed to have anyone in the car with me so I got a ticket for that and I got a ticket for reckless driving plus my license   suspended. How much will my insurance go up?<br/><br/>How do you check out a home insurance company?<br/>It s time to renew my home insurance policy but I don t like the company I currently have and made a mental note to change to another company. How do you check an insurance company out?<br/><br/>Car insurance switching cars after 2months?<br/>Bought a car from auction and got it insured ( my first car) but not liking it so looking to re-sell at auction.    Just wondering how the insurance will work if i wan tto change it to a new car after such a short time???    willl it cost me alot to change   ]   thanks<br/><br/>Insurance!!?!?!?<br/> So , i live in England , and my neighborhood is like really nice ! ( Houses are like 300000 pounds) , so like my car would be parked in my drive with a gate closed , and it is in insurance group 7 and it is a convertible ( renault megane ) 2006 one how much would i be paying around if i am a driver under my dads name on the insurance and i have had my license for around 6 months and i have had more lessons than needed when i took lessons? <br/><br/>Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?<br/>I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm<br/><br/> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/insurance-1998-corvette-18-year-old-male-viola-bryant-1
0 notes
Cheap auto insurance online?
"Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance question?
If I where to go for my license tomorrow would i have to get car insurance right away? I don't plan on driving until i get a job so could i just have the license just so i can get a co op job with my school then get insurance. Thank you
Help with car insurance please?
Hello, I Live in the UK, I am 22 years old and I have a Kia picanto which is my everyday car. My girlfriend is the main driver and owner and I am a named driver on the policy. I have a Subaru Impreza which I want to use at weekends etc and only little use. Is there any sort of Insurance for this? Its a 1998 plate so don't think I qualify for classic cover. Basically I will do about 500 miles a year in the Subaru and can't afford the 4000 for the year. I know a lot of people will say just sell it etc etc. But I love the car and owned for the last year and do not want to sell. I just want a little help please. With the cost of petrol etc I no longer use the Subaru as everyday use as it gets me about 11 MPG and the Kia about 53 MPG and can't afford two full price premiums. So is there any temp weekend cover for the year or small use/classic kind of thing? Any advice will be very much appreciated. Kind Regards""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
What is the average monthly insurance cost for a Box Truck or Commercial Vehicle?
I'd rather not give any companies my personal information, so can anyone give me an monthly estimate for box truck insurance?""
How much would car insurance and tax cost?
I was just wondering how much car insurance and tax and anything else i would have to pay other than the price of the vehicle would cost a 23 year old in England on an Automatic Chevrolet Camaro, Automatic Range Rover Sport or an Automatic Ford Mustang GT.""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?""
Cheaper car insurance.?
I'm 17 and I've recently passed my driving test, I'm currently insured as a secondary driver on my Mums car for about 1200. I'd much rather have my own car; I was looking at quotes for 1L Citron saxo's and Vauxhall Corsa's and they all want around 4 grand insurance which is waaay to much. However I know someone who apparently is a main driver on a 5 year old saxo and they're paying about 1300 for it? They're also the same age and gender as me. How the hell did he get it so cheap? I've been on the comparison websites and I can only get it down to about 3800. Any ideas and help are much appreshiated.""
What is an affordable car insurance?
Which one do you have? Is it a good one?
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
Should I pay someone to do the body work on my car or file a claim and watch my insurance rates go up?
So I bumped into an SUV the other day, and the other person's car was totally fine, so they decided not to file a claim. I drove off with a messed up hood though.. So now I don't know what to do... pay cash for the damages (roughly $2500 which i don't really have...) or file a claim and have the crash go on my record for 5 years and watch my premiums increase. I have asked my insurance company and they cannot give me an answer as to how much my insurance will go up so its a guessing game at this point... I have a good driving record and having never crashed before... Please Help!""
""Out of curiosity, does anyone know why car insurance is CHEAPER when you add your partner on?""
I did my insurance quote for my Ford Focus (UK) and I was happy with the price at 15 per month fully comp, but if I were to add my partner to the claim it was 11 per month. I don't understand their logic? Why is it cheaper? It's the same car and if i'm allowing someone else to drive it isn't there more risk?""
Car Insurance questions?
If my wife and I are separated, She took one of my cars...can I take her off my insurance policy so that she can insure herself?""
About coupe car insurance.?
I'm thinking of buying an coupe car. People say coupe car have very high insurance fee. Do you know where to check each car's insurance price? I also heard different age has different price, and older the cheaper. So if we have insurance this coupe as mom who is 50 year old would it be cheaper than me who is 18 year old? how much does it get cheaper if I never get in accident or get violation ticket? If you can, can you recommend me cheap coup car? Thank you.""
Health Care Insurance Costs are soo high!?
My wife is 28 years old, I'm 29 and non of our employers offer health insurance benefits. We're forced to pay for our own at $300 a month! That's $3,600 a year... it's too much for us considering we only visit the doctor once a year. I'm tempted to discontinue it but then again its tough not to have any health insurance at all. Any suggestions???""
""I bought a car off the lot, and two days later on my way to get insurance I got in an accident (my fault)?
In california isn't there a law that states you have to have insurance before u leave the lot?
Applying for health insurance coverage - please help?
Do you have to have a valid social security number to apply for health insurance benefits with regence blue cross blue shield?
Best insurance for a teen boy whos 18?
i need to know whats the best insurance company for a guy whos 18 and doesnt have alot of money to go blow on a big place i have a 96 jeep cherekee sport anybody got any ideas thanks
Where Can I find good dental insurance?
I need dental insurance that will cover oral surgery, as I have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth.""
Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?
So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don't get a motorbike they're deathtraps! . So what should I do?""
Insurance for a (2001/Y) Peugeot 206 first time buyer (17+)?
Im soon to buy a new car, and the most recent car i have been looking at has been (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, im just interested on how much the insurance will be - noting that i am a first time car buyer aged at 17, im guerssing this will dramatically raise the price ( i am nearly 18 if that changes things) any ideas on the cost of the insurance ? :)""
What is the best insurance?
Okay. Need the cheapest insurance for my boyfriend. He is 20, only three speeding tickets within a three years time, and wants a newer car.""
What is the best choice for a college student with no health insurance?
I am a 20 year old (21 in December) who is a sophomore in college. I have absolutely no form of insurance-health, dental, etc.- and I have been wondering what is the best choice for me? I know this is a problem and I need to get some, but I am clueless. What companies are best? What should I be looking for? What do I need/not need? HELP!""
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
Hey people, i am 17 in april and i have been looking into buying a 1983 mini mayfair with 13 alloys and arches....and thats it... onlly a 998cc, not the fastest of cars but guess what quoted over 1,300 Whats the F%$*& point, any body know ov any good car insurers that i may get a quote from? cheers.... Kyle""
Can an insurance company lower their initial written pain & suffering offer if I counter offer?
I've been told they won't but CAN they? Please only answer if you KNOW. Thanks.
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl driving a red 1998 corvette convertible?
I am a very responsible driver and I DO NOT speed. I always wanted a corvette and it would really help me out if someone would be able to tell me how much the insurance is. I heard the prices can range really high, but being a student on the high honor roll would that help me out? I am over a 4.0 gpa with honors classes. Btw I live in Illinois. Would it be over $100 dollars a month. I am very confused. please help me..""
Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
How much does a VW Golf GTi 2003 - 2008 cost on insurance? Help :( !?!?
I know a golf gti is very costly to insure which is a bummer! =/ Cheapest quote possible. Oh and it has to be Fully Comp! Haha have a feeling its going to cost an arm and a leg to insure. And which Car Insurance site is the best to use? Would be very helpful for some answers back :) Just need a rough idea how much its going to cost, so i could start saving and miss out the student nights and all the wonderful drinking with the mates. J x""
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
What's the average cost monthly for a high school student for having a car?
Just like the question says, around how much is everything put together on having a car (maintaining, oil, insurance etc) for a high school student. Thanks.""
Life insurance for young couples...?
I've been searching online for a very cheap life insurance For me and my husband.. But no luck.. We live in NY. Can any send me a link Are just tell me about any u may know?.. Thanks a lot. Am 28yrs and he is 37yrs. Thanks in advance..
Will my insurance go up if my son gets his license?
Will my insurance go up if my 16 year old son gets his license? He wants to get his license this week but he's not going to start driving alone until June. Will my insurance go up right when he gets his license or only when he starts driving alone in June?
What is a good car that is cheep and i won't have to pay a higher insurance?
researching a new car and with money so tight im looking for cheep...so what ever you guys can give that is cheep, and won't raise my insurance is great""
Insurance cost in the UK?
A basic question - what is the average insurance cost for a car which falls into Group 3 category in the UK. And how is it decided which car falls into which category?
What Cheap car insurance do you use?
What car insurance do you use?
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
My bf claims if he adds my name to his car insurance he will get it loads cheaper?
is this true? i cant drive i ahvent knwon him long and his insurance is due for renewal which is over 500 quid so he says he can reduce that amount by 150 quid if he adss my name is this true and legal? i wondered why he asked for my date of birth and postcode says he just forgot
Do you need insurance for permit in ca?
I am going to get my provisional driver license in california. Do i need to get it before i take the drive test? aM i covered under parents policy? How long do i have to have my insurance before im eligible to get my driver license?
Insurance on Courtesy car?!!!?
Hi. my husband and I were buying a nice car from a local garage but there was a hold up due to the log book and tax etc. We were given a courtesy car till our new car was ready. But, having only driven the courtesy car for a week or 10 days, we discovered that the garage had closed and they had done a runner!!! So thats the end of my new car but we have still got the courtesy car. Will I still be covered to drive it? Or will our fully comprehensive insurance cover it? Anyone any ideas. If I can drive the car legally, I will, till anyone comes to claim it, if ever they come to claim it. Thanks Basil""
Car insurance in massachusetts?
how much does it cost??? i hav a project where i have to buy car insurance for a Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......??
How much money have you saved on insurance rates because of seatbelt laws?
Please give me a figure and proof that insurance costs have been lowered since the mandatory seatbelt laws. Or helmet laws. How much money do you save per year since you have given up your right to choose?
How many times can you change your car on an insurance policy?
I buy and sell cars privately but I'm too young for trade insurance. Someone told me I'm not allowed to change cars on one insurance policy too many times as they will cancel my policy. Is this true? And how many times can I change cars on my insurance? Thanks in advance!
How much will my car insurance be when I turn 23?
I hear your monthly car insurance payments go down significantly once you're 23. I turn 23 in a few months and currently pay $65/month. How much can I expect it to be after I'm 23?
Auto insurance question?
I am looking into financing a 2007 honda civic coupe ex. It is a 1.8 liter inline 4 motor. Front wheel drive and automatic with almost 68,000 miles on it. In florida, you have to get full coverage until you finish paying off the car. I am 23 with 2 traffic tickets. One for a stop sing violation and another for no proof of insurance. Both tickets were given to me at the same time almost 3 years ago. Thats the only 2 tuckets ive ever had. I live in the country as well because i know that matters for a quote. But with this information, what would be a good estimate on how much full coverage insurance would be on this vehicle? Thanjs in advance.""
How much are geckos i found one for 7.00. at petco i thought they were a lot more money.?
a while back i went to petco and seen it. It was a bright green gecko. it looked like the one from the car insurance place and it was like 3-4 inches but it was 7.00 so i was just wondering.
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
Gap insurance on salvaged vehicle?
I recently bought a salvaged 2006 Honda Civic Ex for $10,800. The only damage that this car received was the airbag was blown during an accident. But it was replaced ever since. How will gap insurance work for this salvaged car?""
Teen Car Insurance (Divorced Parents)?
Living in North Carolina and both households get along well but adding the teenager is crazy expensive. I'm looking for off-the-cuff insight. If a vehicle is registered and garaged at one house, and the teen has his license from the other parents' address, it should not be necessary to add the teen to the policy, because in essence, he is borrowing' the vehicle. Right? For clarification: I have a vehicle for him to drive. If he gets his license at the other parents house, but drives my vehicle, he shouldn't have to be insured by us because he's not driving a vehicle within his household. Thanks for any help""
Would this affect my car insurance?
Would having Grand Theft Auto on my record increase my insurance, or would it do anything at all? Its a really long story. I know my insurance is going to be high anyway because I am 17 and a guy. I was just wondering if having a Grand Theft Auto charge would affect it at all? Thanks!""
Car insurance black box (auto saints)?
I am going to have my car insured with a black box soon from auto saints, because it's much cheaper than any other insurance that I have looked at. My question is, after the second year does the insurance go down a lot with a years of no claims bonus (my friends say it doesn't) . So is it worth it? and do I have to keep the black box for the second year as well or is worth it changing insurance company after the second year?""
Can my car insurance rate go UP if they pay for the medical bills of the other person in the car accident?
Ok so I was involved in a car accident November 10,12, I was at fault because I hit the car in the back, the guy just literally stopped and obviously even if you are right about saying that the other driver stopped too fast for you to stop,when you hit a car in the back (most of the time) you are at fault of the accident.Either way, my insurance paid for his damage ($2,000 worth) and I took my ticket to court,there I only paid for court fees but no points. Today, June 02,13 (almost 7 months after the accident) I get a letter from a lawyer( lawyer of the guy I hit in the previous accident) saying he is asking for a $10,000 on medical expenses,it says I should send the letter to my insurance company as soon as possible,which I will do tomorrow but my thing is, I don't want my insurance rate to increase, it already increased after the accident (was $130, now $170) so I'm just asking, will the insurance company approve paying for his medical expenses even if he is self-employed as a driver of big trucks (I guess he also lift heavy furniture in order to work) and has diabetes ( he was ketotic at the time of the accident,the guy is in his 60s)?? And if the insurance approves paying ( guessing he has all the medical papers in order) will my rate increase too? Again?? I have full cover in my car, and it also includes medical bills. I had to pay $1000 of deductible in order to fix my and his car so pretty much I don't want to loose more money is just horrible I am 21,full time student with full time job! Yes,is possible to do both things but honestly I don't think this is fair anymore, the guy wanted to leave at first and not only that he is sick (diabetes) and he was very rude at first but then the police ask him if he was ok and he said yes so I don't understan this... :(. Thank you!""
Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
Where can I get an affordable liability insurance for my new small business in California?
I'm trying to open a new residential cleaning business. I already got a quote from state farm but it was way too expensive. 2500 dollars per year. I'm new in this so, I can't afford that amount because I don't even have costumers yet. Thank you!.""
Does having big bore kit affect the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying a vespa scooter registered as a 50cc, im 16 years old, and was wondering because it has a 110cc big bore kit fitted on it how this would effect the insurance cost? Thanks for any help.""
Average motorcycle insurance?
I'm 22 and I pay right at 100 a month for insurance. How much does a regular sports bike cost to add insurance on? I know it depends on the bike but for like a GSXR 600.
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
Right, I'm 17. I getting my provisional licence in the next week or so, so I can start my driving lessons. When and if I pass my theory and practical, I would like to get my own car. I have a rough idea of which car I would like to get, but have no idea what I can do to get a rough idea on insurance. I've tried looking at a few websites and they're all useless haha. I'd love to have a Peugeot 106. Not the best car I know, but it would be suitable for me. I live in an area with off road parking, so this could possibly bring the insurance down a little. If someone can give a rough quote themselves, it'd be much appreciated and I can begin to plan ahead.""
Insurance for 17 year old female?
Hello, I wanted to know what the price would be ranging between for a car that probably would have been made in the year 2000. I haven't started lessons yet but i will be by october and wanted to get a rough idea. Also i heard that there is a insurance that you can get that is cheap but you're not allowed to go out after 11pm at night or something. Is this true? if so what would the price be roughly?""
I need to know about car insurance?
so i got in a lil lil car acdent it wasent realy even one i just left a scarb a lil one on his car see i was on the highway my breaks dident stop in time i was going really slow when it happen and it left a lil scarb on the back of his car so he said if i have 220 dollars by saturday he will not cal my moms car insurance if he calls the insurance would my mom find out? and what would happen if he called them?
About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost?
I'm just curious of how much a good estimate is. If you need a vehicle, try 2000 Honda civic.""
""Progressive Insurance vs Safe Auto, who's better?
i want to get auto insurance. i got quotes online and they both gave me the same quote basically ($71 per month-6months)...has anyone had experience w/one of these insurance places or have 1 of them currently?
How much will my insurance go up for my traffic violations?
Over the summer I got a ticket for passed inspection date. Then in December I got 2 tickets simultaneously. One was a 16miles over the limit and the other for not having my driver's license in my car (but I do have one). How much will my car insurance go up?
Car insuarnce worries?
Ok here's the thing I'm a 17 year old male with a '91 chrysler lebaron convertible. I'm going to go get my own insurance set up. How much am I looking at paying up front. Like how much should I bring with me. Because I'm kind of worried I might not have enough. Any help?
What does each question on a car insurance mean and how does it increase your rate?
For example have you had insurance prior to this and what date it ends. How much you drive the car. Also I am 20 and have had insurance my prior rate was 700 for 6 months. I had two at fault accident before that insurance at 18. But only one was really at fault and I have to get proof and the other drops of my record on the 13th of August. I am trying to figure what a estimate of what my car insurance would be for a liability insurance in TX now
I am in phoenix arizona. What insurance company is best for a 18 year old driver with a DUI?
I know he should not be allowed to drive but he needs to get to college. No he is not going to take the bus!
How much is the average insurance cost for a 2008 Aston Martin DBS? ?
I just won a very large settlement and want to buy one. I have 3 speeding tickets and no accidents and want to get an idea of the monthly insurance payment.
""Car insurance is way to high, will riding/insuring a 50cc or 125cc bike reduce my car insurance after 2 years?""
I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.""
Is 39.56 pounds every month good scooter insurance?
hey guys i have a yamaha maxter 125cc scooter but i cant get cheap insurance :/ the lowest one is 39.56 do you think i can get cheaper? am 19 am in london please suggest cheaper companys
Miguel's insurance company repair costs 80% of value. Sustained $8000 worth of damage what was value of car.?
Miguel's insurance company repair costs 80% of value. Sustained $8000 worth of damage what was value of car.?
If I get my speeding ticket dismissed will my insurance rates still increase?
I got a speeding ticket in TX, but I'm taking a course to get it dismissed. Will my insurance company even find out about my points if they're taken off my license? And if they do, will my insurance rates go up or is that completely dependent on points?""
Cheap sportbike insurance calgary alberta?
Cheap sportbike insurance calgary alberta?
Co-op Health Insurance?
Can anybody out there tell me how does Co-op Health insurance work. im researching for a paper in my finance class and cant find info elsewhere
Can anyone tell me how much insurance companys pays out for vauxhall vectras 2 litre v reg with 55.00 miles?
ive just had my car written off i had a vauxhall vecrta 2 litre sri 1999 v reg with alloys in emmaculate condition.my insurance company is direct line insurance.has any body out there help me in estimating the value of the car that the insurance company will pay me for my car as being a total loss thanks the milage on the car was 55.000 on the clock
Car insurance question?
If I have insurance for me and my husband on our truck, and My Mother in law has insurance for her vehicle. If she borrows our truck and gets in a wreck, whose insurance will pay?""
Is insurance for a V6 going to be automatically higher than a 4cyl?
Getting an Audi A4. The 1.8t (4 cycl) is the same cost as my insurance now. I found a 2.8t (v6) that I liked better though, and did not ask if that would cost more... Think it would kill my insurance?""
Insurance premium increase for life insurance.?
Can my insurance company increase premiums (from $175.29 a quarter to $331.86 per quarter)when ever they wish? I retained my group life insurance for myself ($70,000)and for my husband ($50,000)after leaving my employment 15 years ago. Connecticut General(CIGNA Group) recently increased the premiums to the amount specified and said if we did not like it we could cancel. I've paid so much money into these policies and I do not wish to cancel now. There's no cash value on either one. We are in our fifties and preparing to retire and will not be able to afford premiums this high. What can we do, if anything? Any light you can shed on this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance.""
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Do you need motorcycle insurance in iowa?
im 16 and im moving to iowa from florida and in florida you dont need insurance. so i was just wondering if you need insurance in iowa
Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
Will a Roush 427R Mustang VIN look like a regular Mustang GT on Insurance?
I was looking at a 07 427R mustang. When I called to get an insurance quote she told me the VIN said it was a 07 Mustang GT Deluxe. Is this right? or is it a fake? It has all of the number plates under the hood, including the built by plate.""
Contact information for the knights life insurance company of america?
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I am trying to get car insurance and all the quotes I'm getting are about 100 dollars a month. I'm in highschool and any of my friends get theirs for like 60 a month. I have a perfect driving history and still it's too high.
Might have a cancerous mole. can i get it removed for free without insurance in california?
It's half way down my back back, on the left side, kind of ON my side, but not quite. This isn't an aesthetic issue, and i've had the mole for years. Some years back, though, I noticed the mole had a couple hairs growing out of the center of it, which was never the case before. This last week, I noticed it seems bigger and further raised from my skin than I can recall, and there seems to be kind of a black head on it. I can't really get a good look at it because...well it's on my back...but it worries me. I have NO health insurance other than some state assigned card they gave me that I think is just for free STD testing, and I really don't have any money. Are there clinics that will do this sort of thing for free or for a very low cost like maybe $50? I really need to have a doc do it, because I need it biopsied since it's looking so strange now. Thanks for the help.""
Is life insurance the same as health insurance?
i have to go to a doctors appointment tomorrow and i was wondering if the life insurance is the same as health insurance and i am wondering if i can go by myself cause my parents work until 4pm thanks and i am 13
What is most important in a car insurance plan?
Okay, I know this is a complicated question that I'm asking on Yahoo! Answers, but hopefully somebody can give a credible answer. I'm about to get my first car and I want to make sure I have the proper insurance. I don't want an insurance company talking me into buying more than I need, nor do I want to be under-protected. So what's most important? I thought I'd heard that liability coverage was more important than collision. Is that true? How much liability should I need? If someone could give me some good suggestions with some numbers, I'd really appreciate it.""
Change car on insurance?
I had a crash what I am to blame. I've had to go scrap my car, need to put a new car on my insurance I know there will be a fee to change it over but will they now charge even extra now I've had a crash?""
Will my children from a previous relationship get my husbands insurance?
basically myself and my 2 children were on food and medical assistance and i am now off it, i will be starting to get new insurance through my husbands work and so will our child in common...but i have 2 children from a previous relationship. im not sure if they will need to have my insurance or if they will still qualify for the government medicaid since there father pays child support.""
Car accident and insurance procedures?
I got into a car accident yesterday. I wasn't at fault for the accident, and I know my car is totaled. I was wondering how the whole thing will go down with the insurance and what the process is going to be. I filed a claim with my insurance co. and am waiting for them to call me up. I was wondering if the other person's insurance has to pay for my car and what not. I am also wondering if there will be any consolation since the other driver was dui.""
How can I verify if the car I'm driving has insurance?
I do have the VIN# and car info, but there was no insurance papers in car. I also don't have a contact number on the car's owner""
Car insurance rates for a honda civic lx?
hello, trying to get my own car, and i found a 2005 honda civic, im 19 (male) in NC and have been driving for over 3 years now, i dont have any points or spending tickets on my record, its completely clean can anybody tell me an estimate on insurance rates for this car? or the cheapest way to insure this car for me any help would be great""
Insurance Cost For 16 Year Old Boy 2008 Nissan Rogue?
Im a 16 year old boy with a 2008 nissan rogue, my parents aren't letting me drive without them in the car yet because we still need to get car insurance for me. About how much would it be to insure me? I have a 3.75 highschool GPA and Im an honor roll/mostly A average student. no driving incidents either""
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
What is deal with the new obamacare insurance plans?
Is it really mandatory for one to purchase an insurance plan? And does it really cost about 20k? I read an article from a website that has some interesting articles... http://www.naturalnews.com/038905_Obamacare_health_insurance_mandate.html There are a lot of things I dislike about this country and this just really set me off... Not specially things you would expect... More like what is allowed on food, in food, medical prescriptions taking over preventive care, the idiotic media like honey boo boo, ignorance and how people explain our government needs to change in a way to be like a backwards theocracy and such and I could go on for quite a while... I would like to move away from this country if not I'll seriously live in isolation somewhere away from this society... I really need opinions and your comments my just prove or disprove my thoughts even more.""
Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance?
Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance?
Are auto insurance deductibles tax deductible?
I have a smashed windshield with a $500 deductible. If I get someone to fix it (for a lot), can I write off my payment of the deductible on my taxes next year, or is it just called the deductible because it is deducted from the total cost of the repair?""
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
Question on insurance for a new driver!! (california)?
im sixteen and i just got my license, one of my friends parents told me that i could drive thirty days without insurance, untill they get it fixed. I just wanted to know if thats true or not! i need a quick answer please!!!! ohh and i live in california""
My girlfriends car insurance has been cancelled by the insurer!?
my girlriends insurer has sent a letter to my girlfriend saying that they have made a mistake with her insurance after she has been driving for about 3 weeks. they say that she now has to pay 12000 or cancel her insurance. the issue is that they have already taken 780 of her. and also if she cancels her insurance she will not be able to getanother reasonable quote again! My question is is it illegal for them to do this!? and how do we go about getting it back without her next quoting flying through the roof?
Cheap car insurance in london.name of company ? please?
Cheap car insurance in london.name of company ? please?
Are insurance agencies notified if you don't get a ticket?
i got pulled over but the cop gave me a break. he checked my license and registration in his computer but gave no ticket. will my insurance find out about this or am i safe for now? i have liberty mutual and live in maryland. im a new driver so im really worried my rates will go up even higher
""Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
Should i get home insurance as a home owner or a rental ?
i own a house and i rent out part of it . i pay about 925 per year. i am moving out of state should i switch to rental property rather then owner occupied insurance ? which one is better or cheaper
How much does liability insurance pay?
Ok so I got into a car accident the other day and now I got this letter in the mail from her lawyer asking to see my insurance policy and whether or not i have liability insurance. Since I have full coverage on my auto insurance I was wondering how much would it cover?
How much money will I get from this car accident?
The air bag knocked me unconscious and so now my lawyer is handling everything. I don't have health insurance so the insurance so the drivers insurance company should for it. How much money could I get from a case like this if the drivers insurance company is Progressive with full coverage?
Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
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Most Luxurious Bus -- Luxury Travel destinations in India on a Bus. Watch here: http://ift.tt/2DctouL
Subscribe for more Luxury / Billionaire / Wealth Luxurious Coach Bus -- Luxury Travel destinations in India
Ultra-wide recliner seats, conference rooms, individual tables and chillers, fancy restrooms and pantries, even a spa — these swank, super-luxury buses are geared to give air travel a run for its money
On an online travel forum, an American tourist recounts with fascination his journey from Delhi to Shimla on a state bus 20 years ago. "It started with a window seat, and ended al fresco, with me — and a few hundred other people and their livestock — on the roof of the bus. It was by far the most enjoyable ride I've had."
Having thus raised the bar for foreign tourists — by giving them, and everyone else, the everyday equivalent of a theme park ride — intercity buses have sobered up in the last decade. They've worked hard at safety and sophistication and sworn off their weakness for on-road circus tricks, ring-mastered , as was often the case, by a happy inebriate.
But not content to stop at a straight drive, superior suspension, air-conditioning and drapes, buses today offer a host of luxury features that actually rival aircraft travel. Gliding on Volvo and Daimler chassis , Wi-fi-enabled interiors fitted out with personal LCD screens and preloaded DVDs, 23-inch seats that recline almost 160 degrees, with restrooms and pantries, sometimes even a spa out back, they're far from the bile-streaked deathtraps that once took you to the hills. Some tour operators are peddling them as '7-star coaches at first class train fares' . For customers, wedged between a rock (runaway air fares) and a hard place (trains), these new liners of luxury are just the ticket.
Yesterday, Siddhi Vinayak Logistic Ltd (SVLL), the commercial vehicles manufacturer introduced its ultra-luxurious '7-star' bus, the SVLL Connect in Surat. These vehicles have been manufactured by Scania, the Swedish automotive manufacturer, operating now in India . About 120 SVLL Connect buses will hit the roads in two years, fanning out initially to the south and west. "Keeping in mind corporate needs, the bus will house a conference room with projectors and Wi-Fi connection, and will match aircraft comfort," says Deepak Baid, director SVLL. In addition to the bells and whistles, these buses will also cut short travel time. "These 31-seaters with all the necessary facilities will reduce travel time by at least 15%," he promises.
According to TEAMPro, a market consultancy, the Indian luxury bus segment is currently valued at Rs 3,000 crore, with an annual growth rate of 15% to 20%. Having done the math, some tour operators have opted for the high road after weighing such factors as improved roadnetworks, demanding customers and limited options in transport. They're ready to invest up to Rs 3 crore per modified vehicle.
Parveen Travels, a travel company confined, till now, to south India , claims to be the first in the country to introduce online bus reservation and complete passenger insurance cover, as well as the first to offer a two-channel personal entertainment system. Mohammed A Aarif, director, says 20 % of his fleet of over 800 buses belongs to the top tier. "The luxury bus segment is bound to grow," he predicts, "Aviation prices are rising and not everyone prefers trains and tickets are hard to come by," he says. Parveen recorded a growth of 22% last year.
With talk of cabin crew, gourmet meals, conference rooms, and onboard entertainment, you could fool yourself into believing you're flying, even if on the road. Billionaire Millionaire rich "super rich" mega wealth Monaco private elite exclusive India "top travel destinations" "most luxurious bus" CEO "Forbes richest" luxury Monaco wealth Palace house home mansion yacht supercar superbus "big boy toys" cash usd dubai money London Europe uk usa America vip preview "get rich" jet plane 2015 2014 2013 "luxury travel" What's more, companies like SVLL and The Blue Hills Group — it plies the Olivea line of super luxury buses — even have premium lounges. Olivea also boasts of a customer loyalty programme.
"We see a major surge towards bus travel with more luxury coaches coming up for intercity and interstate travel," says Mohit Grover, Inventory Manager with the ticketing company Redbus.in, one of the many that have emerged to meet the market. Of the 30,000 bookings a day, 70% account for luxury buses at Redbus. "Air travel is still not the preferred option for shorter routes which can be covered in 6-10 hours by bus because of the price difference . So, those who want a comfortable journey and don't mind paying a little extra, luxury bus travel is becoming a viable choice," he says.
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