#Prez i hope you're happy now
kaigarax · 5 months
Purple Hopes
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Diez Drake (X-Drake) x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love when you're happy." & "Fall in love when you're confused." & "Fall in love when you're sad."
Memories 15 Years
Diez Drake watches in both horror and confusion as you climb in through the classroom window. You curiously look to either side of the room before smiling brightly and easily making yourself at home when you seem to determine that the room is clear of whatever threat you seem to think might be lurking.
Now he wouldn’t have been as horrified to see someone (much less a girl in a skirt) climb through a window if not for the fact that the classroom happened to be on the third floor of the school.
How had you even managed to get out there in the first place!
Did you get out of another classroom and then climb into this one?
Did you hop down from the roof?
Why were you even climbing into classrooms anyways?! It wasn’t even like classes were in session right now! Save for a few extra tutoring classes - which obviously you weren’t attending right now.
Drake clears his throat, “excuse me, what exactly do you think you’re doing?”
You turn to him with a bright smile that causes his heart to skip a beat, “oh, hi there! You’re Drake, aren’t you? The Student Council President? I don’t think we’ve been acquainted.”
You look familiar but he can’t put a name to the face. At first he thinks that maybe you’re from another school as he can’t seem to recognize your face from any of the classes or clubs he attends. But something does tell him that he knows for sure that you do happen to go to school here. It must be the combination of the uniform and the familiarity you look at him with. Plus the added bonus that you knew how to open the finicky classroom window (from the outside no less!)
There’s no way that you don’t attend school here.
Maybe you’re an underclassmen?
“Yes, I’m the Student Council Pres-” he shakes his head incredulously as the absurdity of the situation suddenly reforms in his mind, “excuse me miss, but that absolutely does not answer my question! What in the world are you doing climbing through a classroom window, much less one on the third floor!”
“Oh,” you smile playfully as you take another step towards him, “you don’t have to call me Miss. We’re the same age.”
Why was that the thing you were focusing on!
Girls could just be so annoying and confusing at times. Drake practically wanted to pull his hair out and scream out in frustration. Not that he would do that in front of you but the idea was quickly weighing on his conscience.
His face was flushed bright red, as it usually did when pretty girls like yourself got… a little to close.
He prays that you don’t notice.
“Anyways-” you take a seat on the desk beside the one he’s working at which does nothing but fluster him more as he pushes his chair back so fast that it almost causes him to fall over. “Woah, hey, are you okay?” You ask, leaning towards him.
Drake turns away from you, “get down.”
“From the desk?”
“Where else?” He asks, trying his best to sound annoyed.
“You gonna give me detention if I don’t, Prez?” You ask teasingly.
Drake rolls his eyes, hoping you don’t notice the flush of his face and ears, “are you always this annoying?”
“Mm,” you tilt your head to the side cutely, “I make a special expectation for folks like you.”
“Of course you do.”
You smile cheekily in response to Drake’s words as you turn to look at the desk beside you which contains the work that Drake had been so diligently working on before you decided to barge into the classroom.
You swing your legs back and forth as you hand off the side of the desk while humming something that is vaguely familiar to Drake. He thinks it’s something that’s been playing on the radio recently? Or maybe it was something that the school band was playing earlier today before classes had begun? Whatever. Where the song comes isn’t all too important anyways.
“What’re you working on right now, Prez?” You ask, picking up one of the sheets of paper beside you that Drake had been working on.
He snatches the sheet from your hand, “that’s none of your business.” He almost feels a little bad when he spots the momentary shock on your face from his sudden harsh actions.
You hold your hands up in mock surrender, “no need to get snippy, Prez. I was just curious. Won’t do it again. Promise.”
Drake sighs, “I’m sorry.”
“I said sorry! Goodness woman!” Drake’s face flushes bright red and only seems to grow hotter as your soft laughter fills the room.
“No hard feelings,” you hum playfully, “I was looking at your stuff without permission anyways.”
“Ugh,” Drake groans, “it’s just that I got a little startled.”
“It happens to the best of us.”
“Please don’t tell anyone about that.”
“Your secret is safe with me, Prez. Cross my heart.” You drew an imaginary ‘X’ over your chest in an effort to further demonstrate your dedication to secrecy.
“Good. Because I don't want to have to give you detention.”
“Oh?” Your eyes fill with amusement, “you’d give me detention if I told people that I saw you lose your temper?”
“I-” he groans again, “goodness woman. You’ll be the death of me.”
“That’s… that’s what you are isn’t it? I just assumed since you’re wearing the girl uniform and-”
“I am,” you lean in towards him again, your hands between your legs and on the edge of the desk to keep yourself from falling off, “you don’t know my name, do you?”
If possible, his face heats up even more, “no I-”
“Then what’s my name, Prez?”
Dhanivi, he immediately thinks. Oh no wait, that was the character from the book he was reading in literature studies. Um… maybe it was Jannet or was it something more fun sounding like Haruka? Anika maybe?
Oh, who was he kidding.
He had no idea what your name was and would only make a bigger fool of himself trying to guess it.
Finally, he shakes his head, admitting defeat, “no. I do not know your name.”
“I appreciate the honesty, Drake.” You tease, dragging out the syllables of his name.
He hastily gathers the sheets of paper that are laying beside you. If you had come earlier he wouldn’t have cared if you had seen what he was working on. It was mostly just paper work for the student council that had to deal with the year end field trip for the seniors. But when you had entered the classroom Drake had been in the middle of writing a journal entry.
His friends sometimes called it his diary but diaries were for young kids! He was basically an adult and was journaling out his stresses. Okay, maybe that was a little bit of what a diary was. But this most certainly wasn’t a diary.
It was… just something that contained a lot of his personal thoughts and frustrations. Sometimes he’d let his friends read it but he certainly wasn’t comfortable with some random stranger (much less a pretty girl like you) to just stumble upon them and start reading it. He had an image of himself to uphold as the Student Council President, afterall.
Drake clears his throat, “so are you going to tell me your name?”
“I might.”
Drake frowns, “well it would be the polite thing to do. To tell someone your name when they don’t know what it is.”
“It is the polite thing to do,” you nod.
“So are you going to tell me or not?” Drake asked.
“Where would be the fun in that?”
Ugh! This is why Drake wasn’t friends with girls. They were coy and annoying. Always liked to have the upper hand in an argument like this one. Never satisfied with letting someone else lead the conversation.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re annoying?” Drake asked.
“Just you, I’m afraid, Prez.”
Drake rolls his eyes in response, “of course.”
“But that’s okay,” you lean back, placing your hands behind you as you look up at the ceiling. For some strange and bizarre reason, Drake finds that you look especially pretty like this. That your eyes have this certain kinda sparkle that he rarely sees in his peers - especially during this time of year. And you’re smiling in such an unabashed and warm kinda way that makes Drake also want to smile.
Well he would smile if he wasn’t stuck frozen staring at you.
Usually he does his best to only look at people respectfully. Even averts his gaze when girls (and guys) show more skin than necessary. Never makes comments about people’s appearances and does his best to steer his thoughts away from making lewd and provocative comments. But right now, no matter how hard he tries, he just can’t seem to tear his gaze away from you.
So instead, he allows himself to lean forward towards you in hopes of getting a better look at your features. See if he can find the thing that makes him strangely so drawn to you. Find the flame to the moth that he has seemingly become.
He notices that you have a silver bracelet around your wrist as you bring your left hand up to push back a stray strand of hair behind your ear. It’s a pretty bracelet that reminds him a little of a charm bracelet. It’s cute just like you.
“Really?” Drake raises a brow, “it’s okay that I called you annoying?”
You nod, humming gently to yourself again.
“And why is that okay?”
“It’s okay because I like you.”
He blushes brightly, “you do?”
“Sure, I mean you totally could have given me detention when you saw me come in through the window,” you explain, “or you could have pretended to know who I was earlier but you were candid about not knowing my name. Plus, you’re easy to talk to, even if you do think I’m annoying.”
“You are.”
You grin, “so are you.”
“Then why do you like me?”
“Perhaps I just like annoying people.” You jump down from the desk and dust your skirt off looking around the classroom just as you had done earlier before. You smile as your eyes land on the clock in the front of the classroom.
“What were you doing earlier?”
You turn back to look at him, “earlier?”
“When you climbed in through the window?”
“Oh, I’m playing a game of hide and seek with a few of the other students. We had started on the roof and made a rule of not using doors.” You smile playfully, “so obviously I thought to move just out of sight before hopping the fence and climbing down and into one of the classrooms.”
“Ah yes…” Drake nods along, finding your train of thought as amusing as it is stupid, “the obvious choice.”
You wink playfully, “exactly.”
Drake may never admit it aloud, but he thinks that maybe -just maybe- he might like annoying people too. Or at least he likes you, who he thinks is annoying.
“Well, since it’s been 10 minutes I guess I’ve gotta make my way back to the roof and declare myself the winner before everyone starts thinking I jumped off the roof.” You give Drake a little wave before exiting out the front door of the classroom.
“Hey wait! What’s your name?” Drake shouts, calling out after you.
You turn back and smile a smile that sends Drake’s heart into a tizzy of flutters, “don’t worry Prez, you’re smart~ You’ll figure it out eventually.”
“You still owe me that favour!”
“You can cash it in when you figure out my name, Prez.” You shout as you disappear down the school hallway.
It isn’t until two weeks after that Drake finally figures out your name.
He never ends up cashing in that favour.
Fall in love when you’re happy.
Someone You Loved Featuring: The Architect
“Late again, Obito.” Diez Drake teases as he spots the dark haired man.
Uchiha Obito makes his way to where Drake and the others (Tokito Muichiro and yourself) are sitting, out of breath. Drake notes that his short hair is windswept and messy as you bring your hand up to fluff it. You were the first one to approach him, placing your drink at the edge of the table. Obito’s cheeks are also slightly flushed red (though whether that’s from being outside or from you is still yet to be determined) as he apologies, “sorry. An old man dropped his wallet down a storm drain and… well I couldn’t just leave him there to suffer alone.”
You laugh “sounds just like you.”
Drake hums in agreement, “when (Y/n) first told me that you were always late to everything I didn’t believe her. But this is what, like the tenth time now? At this point I think you’re just allergic to being on time.”
“What!” Obito blushes brightly, “I’ve been… on time… a few times.”
Muichiro, the quieter one of the group, laughs as he moves the cup you’ve been drinking out of further back from the edge of the table, “when?”
Drake nods in agreement, chuckling teasingly at Obito’s reaction, “yeah, Obito. Can you name any specific occasion?”
“Um…” Obito scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, “the last time when we met?”
“You sure?” Muichiro asked, the ghost of a smile playing on the corners of lips as places his hand on your back to keep you from bumping into the table.
“Come on guys,” you say, wrapping your arms around Drake and Muichiro, “don’t tease Obito too much. I find it endearing.”
Obito pokes your cheek, “as if you don’t tease me every chance you get.”
“Hey! I’m defending you right now!” You pout cutely, “the least you can do is thank me.”
“Oh,” Obito grins playfully, “I should thank you now, should I?”
“You should!”
“And how would you like me to thank you, (Y/n)?” Obito asks, his eyes softening as he says your name.
“Come early next time we meet up.” Your eyes are bright as you make the request to Obito, almost sparkling.
Drake has always known that you were close to Obito but always finds himself surprised at the way you two treat one another. Despite the fact that the four of you had hung out on multiple occasions Drake still always finds himself surprised at how gently Obito can look at you or how your own eyes seem to brighten when he comes.
Honestly, he’s more than a little envious.
“Okay,” Obito finally says, his voice soft, “I will.”
“So,” Muichiro hums, his soft voice causing the three of you to lean in, “have either of you guys gone ice fishing?”
Drake smiles politely, “not yet.”
Now, truth be told, Drake knew next to nothing about fishing. He’d gone a few times when he was young with his foster parents but they had only gone once after Drake had tipped into the water and ended up soaked.
During their first meeting one of them (Drake can’t remember who) brought up fishing and it’s been a recurring conversation topic ever since. He just hoped that neither Muichiro or Obito would catch onto the fact that he’s been faking his knowledge and liking of the topic. Luckily, despite all the time that they’ve hung out, they’re yet to plan a fishing trip which has saved Drake from what would certainly end up being an awkward conversation or two.
Obito and Muichiro mostly carry the conversation about fishing and Drake is grateful. He hopes that they don’t notice his lack of involvement and enthusiasm in the conversation.
Your eyes meet with Drake’s and for a moment he thinks that the ruse is up. Luckily, you only smile playfully in response.
His treacherous heart flutters in response.
Sometimes, Drake thinks that you know him better than he knows himself.
“Congratulations on having your last showcase of the year, (Y/n).” Drake says when the conversation about fishing finally dies down.
You smile, “thank you!”
“It’s been such a busy year for you,” Obito says, “so are you thinking of taking a break? This is the most you’ve ever released in a short timespan, isn't it?”
“It is,” you nod, “the company has been pushing me to release more of the Muse albums because of their popularity.”
Muichiro pats your shoulder reassuringly, “don’t force yourself.”
You nudge him back playfully, “oh, you don’t have to worry about me. The only reason I released so many in a short timespan is because I had such amazing Muses work with.”
The three men turn away from you, their cheeks flushed red.
Drake wonders if you do this on purpose sometimes. If you truly don’t understand the effect you seemingly have on everyone else. He thinks that you must know. That you purposely present yourself in such a way because you like leaving impressions on people. That you like watching the blood rush to people’s faces when you say something that you know will make them blush with such a straight face.
“You know,” Obito smiles in a playful sorta way, “you take pictures all the time, (Y/n), but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone take a picture of you.”
“True,” Muichiro nods slowly in response.
Drake hums in agreement, “all this time, you’ve been hiding behind the lens.”
You blush brightly, “oh really? I haven’t noticed.”
Drake raises a brow, smirking slightly, “you haven’t noticed, have you?”
“Yep,” your eyes start to wander the room, “haven’t noticed. Not. At. All.”
“Playing coy?” Muichiro teases, leaning over and pushing your cup towards you.
You place the polaroid camera that you’d been holding onto on the table and accept the cup, taking a long drink in an attempt to avoid the gazes of the three men. Drake finds your reaction cute, though admittedly he finds most of your reactions cute.
Obito takes the polaroid camera from the table quickly after you place it down and holds it over your head, chuckling softly as you try to grab it from him. While you’re busy trying to get the polaroid camera back from Obito, Muichiro takes the opportunity to steal your phone from your pocket. He easily flips the phone over as he opens the camera.
Drake laughs softly as you immediately turn to Muichiro, a pout on your lips, “come on guys! This isn’t funny. Give it back!”
“Let us take a picture of you first and then we’ll let you have it back.” Drake explained, smirking as you turned to look at him.
“I don’t like having my photo taken.”
Muichiro watches you, a thoughtful look in his eyes, “why not?”
You blush, “because I don’t think I look very good on the other side of the lens.”
“You do,” Obito says suddenly, his cheeks flushed the lightest shade of pink, “you’re pretty you know.”
Muichiro nods along.
“He’s right, (Y/n),” Drake hums softly as he reassuringly pats you on the back, “you’re pretty both behind and infront of the lens.” You turn to him, a retort on the tip of your tongue that is quickly swallowed as Drake takes your hand in his own and smiles, “so let us take just one photo of you, okay?”
Briefly, Drake wonders if you can feel the difference in heat between your bodies. Drake’s own is burning hot. It feels as though his body has become a furnace of heat that does nothing but make his embarrassment obvious to everyone else in this world except for perhaps you. Or if you do notice it you never make an attempt to say anything about it or point it out.
“Ugh!” You groan but Drake can see the smile behind your eyes, “fine. Just one photo.”
“One photo each?” Obito asks, a bashful smile playing on his lips.
Drake chimes in, his own smile turning into a coy one, “but (Y/n)! Don’t you think that we at least deserve one photo each for all the long photoshoots we had to sit through for weeks on end?’
You pout, “it wasn’t weeks on end.”
“Felt like it.” Muichiro chimed in.
“Fine.” You sigh deeply as you take a step back away from the three of them and straighten out your clothes, “one photo each. And then not another peep - got it?”
The three of them share a look between one another before laughing.
Drake salutes playfully, “yes ma’am.”
You make your way to an empty space in front of the plain white wall of the bar. There’s a stain of some sort behind where you’ve chosen to stand but Drake doesn’t point it out. He imagines that you’d take the stain as an excuse to postpone the taking of the photo if not use it to escape the taking of a photo entirely. Besides, in Drake’s most humble opinion, it looks better with the stain there. It makes the moment feel more genuine.
More real.
More open.
Obito’s the first to walk towards you before getting down on his knees (as you sometimes did when taking photos) as he attempts to snap a picture of you. You smile fondly as you watch Obito attempt to recreate some of your techniques before he finally seems satisfied. Obito looks through the lens of the camera for a moment before looking back up at you and then at the camera again before finally snapping his photo.
The polaroid camera buzzes as the photo quickly prints out.
Drake’s always liked the polaroid camera the most. Sure, sometimes the photos come out a little wonky but the fact that there’s only one chance to get the perfect shot and that there’s only one photo that comes out has always made the moment seem more genuine. Not some artificially crafted moment.
A single chance to get everything right. A single moment in time, from a single perspective, frozen forever behind the film of the polaroid photo.
Muichiro steps up next, choosing to come up closer to you. He’s slow and precise in his movements as he gently positions you into the perfect position (as you usually did) before he takes another step back. Muichiro brings a hand to his chin, humming briefly to himself before finally pulling your phone out.
The phone buzzes briefly indicating that a burst of photos was taken.
Drake watches in amusement as your expression shifts from one of entertainment to surprise and then eventually into one of annoyance as you jump towards Muichiro with an exclamation of his name.
Muichiro’s expression remains neutral but his eyes have a playful sort of gleam in them.
A gleam that Drakes notes that you clearly don’t miss.
“I thought you said that you were only going to take one photo!” You say as Muichiro hands the phone back to you.
The corners of Muichiro’s lips turn up in a smile, “pick the one you like the most. Delete the rest.”
Your cheeks flush red, “fine.”
Obito wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close, “you know, I believe you promised one more photo, (Y/n).”
You sigh, reaching into your pocket and pull out a small mini digital camera and hand it over to Drake. He laughs in response. He should have realised that you, of all people, would carry around more than one camera at a time. You’ve always loved taking photos and could go on for days about the different kinds of photos you got from using different kinds of cameras.
The mini digital camera you hand to Drake is cute, small and compact. A sleek black shape and a silver lens that expands out as Drake turns it on. There’s four small buttons on the side and a silver button at the top.
Drake plays around with the different buttons for awhile trying to find the perfect setting to capture you. You settle yourself into position as Muichiro and Obito make their way back to the table they had been sitting at earlier. While Muichiro had chosen to take multiple photos of you while your expression changed and Obito had taken a full body one Drake thinks that he should do a headshot. Something a little simpler that captures you the way he sees you.
“Nervous?” You tease.
Drake laughs softly, his ears flushed red, “a little.”
“Don’t worry,” you say, “no one will know that it was you if it’s a bad picture.”
“I don’t want you to look bad in a picture.”
Your face blushes bright red in response to Drake’s words and your face morphs into one of those hesitant smiles. It’s one of those smiles that you try to suppress because the other person said something stupid but you can’t help but smile.
Drake smiles as he quickly snaps the photo. This is how he sees you. How he wants everyone else to see you. How the world deserves to see you.
Fall in love when you’re confused.
Purple Hopes
I hope that I can one day find someone that loves me back. But even more so,
I hope to find someone that I love so much that it doesn't matter if they don’t.
Light streams in through the curtains of the bedroom window as Diez Drake stirs in bed.
He’s a little sore from the way he’d been sleeping last night and one of his arms is numb and a little cold to the touch but he finds he doesn’t mind all too much.
His eyes flutter open and it takes him a few moments to adjust as he yawns.
The first thing that comes to Drake’s mind is that he’s not in his room. The mattress is more soft than it is firm and the pillow beneath his head is fluffy and new rather than the flat as plate one he’s been dedicated to for years. Then there’s the colour of the walls. Instead of the dark purple he’s accustomed to, his eyes meet with a pale grey; the light streaming in from the right side of the room instead of the left.
The second thing that Drake spots is you. Your hair spread around your face and your body comfortably curled up against his. He thinks that it’s likely the prettiest sight he’s ever had the privilege of waking up to. Finds it cute how you drool slightly from the corner of your mouth and hold your hands close to your chest.
He shifts ever so slightly closer to you, scared to wake you up but wanting to feel your warmth.
The blanket shared between the two of you is mostly draped over your form, wrapped around your one side and held tightly in the other. Drake chuckles slightly to himself at the sight.
Reaching over, he gently moves the hair out of your face, making sure his fingers graze over your skin gently.
You really are the prettiest girl he’s ever had the privilege of knowing. From the arch of your eyebrows to the shape of your eyes. The subtle twitch of your lips when you smile and the curve of your bridge and nose. Your baby hairs stick to your forehead and when Drake goes to move them he’s met with the fluttering of your eyes as you begin to wake up.
You stretch your arms out, not realizing how close you are to Drake and accidentally end up punching him slightly in the face.
“Oh my goodness,” you exclaim, sitting up, “are you okay?”
Drake brings a hand to his face and tries his best to give you a reassuring smile, “I’m okay. Don’t worry.”
“I’m so sorry!”
“It’s my bad.”
You turn to Drake and gently push his hair out of his face, “it’s not.”
Drake’s face flushes brightly in response. He has to turn away in embarrassment, unable to meet your concerned gaze. No matter how many times Drake feels your gentle touch he can never quite get used to it. Always surprised at how soft you are or how gently your fingers are as they brush over his skin, almost as if you’re afraid of breaking him.
You won’t, of course.
Drake is a large and well built man who could likely take you out with a single arm. People usually don’t hold back when it comes to shaking his hand or giving him a pat on the back. But you are always so gentle and soft.
He wonders if you’re like that with everyone. So delicate with your touches.
So brief and ever so fleeting.
Your touch sends tingles through his skin, almost like sparks of fire beneath his skin waiting to be ignited. He leans into the warmth of your hand while silently hoping you don’t point out the flush on his cheeks. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to handle much more if you decide to tease him. Especially so early in the morning.
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply.
“Did you sleep okay?” You ask.
“Mhm,” Drake hums softly, “did you?”
“There was this big lump of muscle that was clinging to me all night, but other than that my sleep was great.”
Drake blushes, “sorry.”
You chuckle as you press a kiss to his forehead, “don’t be. It’s endearing.”
If possible his blush deepens and he feels as though his face is on fire. He’d always known that you could be sweet but this level is too much for him to handle. It’s sweet and soft in a way you usually aren’t. Not that you aren’t a gentle person but this specific kind of behaviour from you feels almost foreign to him.
No doubt, it was this kind of behaviour that allowed you to capture the hearts of so many before him.
You roll closer to him and bury your face in his chest.
And no doubt, it’s this behaviour that’s going to be the death of him.
Drake grumbles, “(Y/n).”
“Don’t do that.”
You yawn, “don’t do what?”
Drake pouts, “you know what.”
“You’re gonna have to use your words. I can’t stop something if I don’t know what it is that I should be stopping,” you chuckle, “I’m not a mind reader, you know.”
Drake groans in response, covering his face with his hands, “please.”
“Please what?”
He can’t bring himself to ask you to stop, enjoying your warmth too much. So instead he turns his head to the side and buries it in the pillow and groans into it for what feels like the tenth time this very morning.
You giggle in response as you absentmindedly begin to trace shapes along his chest.
Drake finds himself regretting not putting a shirt back on last night. He doubts he’ll be able to get out of bed today with you treating him like this. He’s always had a weak spot for pretty girls like you but you specifically seem to have a knack for getting him worked up like this. The last time he had been this close with someone else he was still a rather young and green boy. Back then he had thought that girl would have been the one. It was unfortunate that life had had different plans for him.
Briefly, Drake finds himself wondering how many other people have woken up with you like this. How many other people had spent their nights tangled up in your bed sheets. How many other people you held so close and touched so gently as you did to him now.
He thinks a few. There’s a certain practiced ease to your movements which makes the movements feel familiar as they come from you. But just even then it could also be because of your personality or because you’re comfortable with him. He certainly prefers the latter of the two options but admits that the former is more likely. Drake, admittedly, knows that you’ve certainly lived your life surrounded by brilliant people. People that are far more brilliant than him. So he wouldn’t be surprised.
Shouldn’t be surprised.
Shouldn’t be upset.
But he is. Gets that green eyed monster gnawing at his chest whenever he thinks of someone else seeing you this way.
Now, Drake has never really considered himself someone that… got around but he had had his fair share of people that he had taken to bed. Really, it only makes him feel worse about how he’s feeling right now. Burying his face in your hair and inhaling deeply helps to push that dread in his chest down.
“You okay?” You ask gently.
Drake wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, “mhm.”
“You sure?”
“I am.”
“That’s good,” you hum softly, pushing yourself up slightly only to be pulled back into Drake’s chest. “Drake!” You exclaim.
He chuckles, “what?”
“We have to get up.”
“Because we have plans that we need to get to.”
Drake sighs, “can’t we just skip them.”
“And what would you have us do?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” He asks, running his fingers through your hair and pushing it back behind your ears so that he can get a better look at your face, “we’ll just stay in bed for the rest of the day and let everything else fall to ruin. I mean, who has to work on the weekend?”
You poke his cheek, “as tempting as that sounds, I have to attend a meeting with my manager.”
You move from his cheek to his side, “you’re lame.”
He laughs, grabbing your one hand while his other moves to your side as he tickles you back. You squirm in his grasp and let out airy laughs. Personally, Drake thinks you look best like this; with your head thrown back in laughter and your eyes sparkling in entertainment.
In an attempt to escape his tickles you push yourself to the side but underestimate how much space there had actually been on that side of the bed and end up falling off with a ‘thump’.
Because of Drake’s grip around your wrist, and his determination to not let you go, he too is accidentally thrown off balance coming tumbling off the bed after you. In an attempt to not crush you beneath his weight he holds his arms out to either side of you which causes a good amount of force to land on his arms. At least his torso is alright, cushioned by your own.
Drake’s cheeks are flushed bright red as he looks down at you.
“Are you okay?” You ask while slightly out of breath and still reeling back from the initial shock of the fall.
You’re pretty from this angle. Your cheeks flushed and your hair tousled in every direction. Drake has to shake his head and scold himself for thinking such things while in such a position.
“Y-yeah,” Drake manages, “I think I’m okay.”
His treacherous heart soares. Despite the pain that you’re definitely in, your initial thought was to make sure that he was okay first. He can’t remember the last time that someone other than his guardian had cared about him in such a way. His insides feel all mushy and he isn’t sure if it’s because of the fall messing up his insides or the way you’re looking up at him.
“Are you okay?” Drake asked.
You do your best to smile, “as okay as someone can be after falling off the bed.”
“Oh my! Do you need to go to the doctor? The hospital? Because I can definitely take you right now! You didn’t break anything did you? Did I land on you too roughly?” Drake fretts, “I promise I won’t let this happen again!”
You laugh softly and let your head fall to the ground.
Your laughter causes Drake to pout, “what? Is my concern that funny?”
“It’s cute,” you smile, “you’re cute.”
Drake smiles softly in response, pushing your hair back and out of your face. He leans down slightly.
It sucks that the moment is broken by the loud ringing of your phone. Pulling the two of you from the moment and seemingly back onto the cold floor of your bedroom. Drake is quick to get off of you and you’re quick to follow as you scramble to pick up your phone.
Drake finds refuge back on the bed, taking a seat on the edge, watching as you scramble around the room to pick up loose clothes from last night. You toss the clothes you find on the floor into the laundry basket before making your way to your drawer to pick your outfit for the day all while nodding and humming in response to whatever the person on the other end of the phone is saying.
He finds himself smiling softly as he watches you get dressed for the day. He bets that all your mornings are a little like this. That you spend them in a haze of excitement and entertainment as you get ready for what you’re doing to do next.
Honestly, Drake’s a little jealous. Most of his own mornings are mundane and slow to start. Sure, there are the days where he wakes up late and has to rush to pick everything up but even those seem only half as entertaining as the one that he’s shared with you today. Though, that might have to do with the fact that he got to spend a good portion of the morning teasing you.
He hopes that he isn’t coming off as clingy.
And just when things were going well his thoughts decided to take a turn for the worst as they usually do.
His heart flutters in that annoying way as you make your way to the kitchen and start boiling a pot of hot water. You grab two cups from the countertop as you continue on with the conversation you’re having over the phone.
Drake’s had a broken heart before, but he feels as though this might be his worst yet. Especially if you keep doing little things like this that you think don’t hold any meaning. Try as he might (which truthfully isn’t that hard) he’s falling.
And he’s falling hard.
Fall in love when you’re sad.
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pickle-the-lad · 29 days
Let's face it, nobody is happy with the politics of our world right now. It doesn't matter if you are a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or a far-right wing fascist or anything in-between those two points. Absolutely nobody who is sane is actually looking forward to voting for either Trump or Kamala in November. What the hell kind of choice is that? Trump claims he created the vaccine that he now campaigns against, while failing to drain the swamp, build the wall or do anything else he said he would do. Kamala is a former cop who falsely sent innocent black men like Jamal Trulove to prison and now she wants to be president by hoping we hate Trump enough to overlook her flaws. Both of these people will continue to cater to big corporations and send money to nations that wage wars on brown people for political points. You can't tell me you really think either of these people deserve to be president!
You are going to say that we have no choice, we must vote for the lesser of two evils. But you are wrong. We do have a choice. We just need to get a grassroots movement going for a write-in candidate. And you and I both know someone famous and deserving enough for the job. That's right! You know the "Tumblr famous" person I'm talking about! r4cs0!
I'm sure you know r4cs0 since he is widely known as the "Tumblr famous" blogger responsible for such memorable posts as the Metal Gear Solid twerking simulator and the post which resulted in the Tumblr developers implementing Tumblr Live! What you may not know is that his real name is Carlos Albuquerque and he has political experience serving on the Idaho Wolf Depredation Control Board (IWDCB)! r4cs0 is the only candidate who cares about the concerns of his fellow Tumblr users!
If elected President of the United States, r4cs0 will implement many immediate reforms! He will end all foreign wars by launching tactical nuclear strikes on their capital cities, effectively ending both sides in every conflict. r4cs0 knows the pain of student debt, as he himself is still trying to pay off his loans from his degree in gender critical anthropology, so he will prevent the government from collecting these loans by personally killing every employee of the department of education. As a Mexican immigrant himself, r4cs0 has a definitive plan to address immigration reform. Every person in the U.S. will lose their citizenship and have to reapply! Most importantly of course, r4cs0 will ensure that every last wolf on earth is finally hunted down and eradicated once and for all!
So in November, remember: r4cs0 for Prez!
There's no way to get enough write-in using a username for them to win. Please don't spread this all over Tumblr expecting people to vote for a Tumblr user that no one knows about.
Sadly, with how our system is, we have to vote for the lesser of two evils no matter what you say.
I understand the pipe dream, but my goodness, I have no idea who this person is, and you're asking me to write them in!! No one is flawless, even your preferred "candidate".
Add on the fact that you can't just write in a username and expect them to take it!! You literally have no idea how this works. I would be surprised if you're not 13 years old... at the end of the day, your suggestion will just put Trump in office.
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Kingdom - 88: Magnificence
Wataru: You sure are wearing a sullen expression, Hokuto-kun!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Outdoor Stage
Wataru: You sure are wearing a sullen expression, Hokuto-kun!
However, a smile suits you best! A shooting star that shines brightly in the dark and cold reaches of space, in other words a smile!
Which means that a smile is hope, wishes and dreams, it is love!
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Wataru: Let's laugh! Let the flower of love bloom in this world of ours! Let's celebrate this rose-colored life we live!
Amazing! Delivering the brilliance of love into the universe today too…☆ It is I, your Hibiki Wataru!
Image: Kingdom 88-2.png
Hokuto: Geh… He appeared, that masked freak.
Makoto: Huh? Hidaka-kun, do you know that super flashy person?
Hokuto: Yes. Although, if it were possible, I don't want people to think I know him, or rather, I don't want him to be involved with my life in any way, shape or form…
However regrettable it is, he is the president of our theater club.
That's right, that freak is also one of the members of the president's unit, fine…
If I had complied with the recruitment just now and transferred into fine, he would be one of my teammates. I absolutely don't want that, I'd hate that from the bottom of my heart.
Wataru: I can hear you Hokuto-kun! I can hear your voice, I can feel it! It resounds in my soul…☆
Watch us from over there, watch our magnificent performance!
I will sing for you, I will let my limitless love resound far and wide! Amazing…☆
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Tori: Heeeey~ Don't just decide to start all by yourself, Hibiki-senpai!
We're not done with preparations yet! It's way too unreasonable to have an impromptu performance after not having been doing lives for a while!
Jeez… prez…
Even though we could settle this easily with just student council members… Just why did he make that uncontrollable freak Hibiki-senpai a member of fine?
Yuzuru: Hibiki-sama is very skillful after all.
If we're just talking about his skills as an individual I would say he ranks about the same as the president-sama.
He excels in the field he specializes in more than anyone else. He is a person so remarkable that he is counted as one of the three oddballs.
Tori: The three oddballs, huh… That person from UNDEAD which just displayed that lukewarm performance is also part of it, right?
With only such an amount of skill I'd say it's hard to rank them the same as the president.
Yuzuru: It looks like the three oddballs have certain situations in which they can't bring out their real skill due to their unique disposition.
He aimed for that situation and launched an offensive and so rendered the oddball Sakuma Rei powerless… So rather than saying they are weak, we should be praising the president-sama's keen insight.
And only the president, who is able to perform such impressive tricks, is also able to use Hibiki Wataru at the same time.
And that is why he is listed as one of our allies.
Tori: You sure are annoying, chattering away like that. In other words, you're just saying that the president is a great person, right? I know ♪
Eichi: Please don't praise me too much, even I would get embarrassed if you say that much.
Although I am happy that you value me highly.
I have to prove that the title of top idol isn't just for show and that I have completely recovered.
Especially to my cute juniors who have come to watch us ♪
Hokuto: (It looks like he's conscious of us. He went out of his way to invite us here, but I don't think his true aim is just to show us Sakuma-senpai and the others' public execution.)
(Why don't you go ahead and show us what the top idol can do then.)
(Still… Just their presence is overwhelming… What a sparkling group of people!)
(They sure are flashy… no, I suppose it would be more accurate to call them magnificent. Just by having fine come on stage, everything seems to have become more bright.)
(This is fine… This is Yumenosaki's strongest unit.)
Eichi: Wataru, Yuzuru, Tori… For the time being, I would like to start our performance.
We'll start by warming up. Your skills haven't dulled, have they?
Tori: Of course they haven't! I'm in my growth period~☆
Yuzuru: President-sama, while you were away Bocchama has been seriously practicing ♪
Wataru: If you hold any doubt about my skills you can exile me from fine anytime!
Let me prove it not with words but with actions- the thing called the power of love, that is…☆
[ ☆ ]
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randomgentlefolk · 2 years
My mood swings like a wreaking ball during this chapter
This review is gonna have lots of photos for the sake of referencing
Aw I like how Becket feels responsible and concerned towards Maria for what he said. He's a sweet guy. I hope he's not gonna get fired (..or maybe fired and then being Maria's lover haha)
I'm sure Gwen will be fine. Maybe some emotional and mental damages, but she'll be fine..probably.
Why is the technical difficulties so aesthetic for some reason? 😭 it's so aesthetically soft in a bloody way.
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And Gwen's siblings staying by her side is soooo wholesome
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Even in their sleep they still have the protective instinct of an older sibling 😭 I may be the youngest in my family, but I have a lovely cat whom I love and protect very much.
Prez is all of us in quarantine. I'm glad the medicine worked! Science, baby!
I wanna talk about 4 scenes
The first one
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This is what I've been wondering the whole time. Where the heck is Jack? How long is this trip? All we know is he's grabbing the omniscient clam and going to wherever he's going. I think the canyon where the princes and the princesses were supposed to get married at? What is taking him so long?
The second and third scenes
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We now know how Jamie's dream is. Sunshine rainbows and all, probably because of her sparkly magic. As the witch said: "They're usually mish-mash of each person's memories, acquaintances, and a lot of nonsense"
She also said "sometimes sounds and smells from the external world can seep in" So I'm thinking of this.
When Gwen ended up in her dream, she smelled flowers and heard birds singing from Lorena and Maria protecting her while she's asleep. Because Jamie realize she could be in a bad dream, I'm gonna bet the pastel family, Agatha and Molly, Frederick, heck maybe even cpc will tell her from the external words sweet messages like "You're loved!" "You're beautiful just the way you are" "I love you" "Please come back to us" over and over again.
What about what Gwen will see? Well from the next chapter's thumbnail we know she's gonna see Leopold. Most probably because of that one time where Leopold become a "therapist" for Gwen. Maybe dream Leopold will tell her the same thing he said in chapter 66:
"You'll never learn to love yourself.. if you can't honestly face your own feelings."
Other than that, she will surely meet her family and Frederick there. Maybe even flashback of when Frederick called her ugly.
But! What I really think is gonna happen is this:
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Her memories of her mom is gonna appear like a repressed memory. That is definitely gonna happen I hope that will happen.
Okay! Stepping out from the dream..
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN LELAND? What do you mean "tomorrow's the big day" the big day to what?! To what?! You know I could've kept my composure but I absolutely LOST it when I saw Lance's face. Like, boy?? Since when he can do THAT? This is bad. This is REALLY bad. Whatever this plan is, I don't think I'm gonna like it. Well, at least they're not being hung upside down anymore..
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Suddenly remembering when I said this and I HOPE I'M RIGHT.
So Jamie and Gwen ARE twins!! Maybe that's gonna play more role further on?
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Ending this review with them because awww look at them :') They're such sweet couples look at how happy Leelathae is <3
See ya guys, gals, and pals
Mono out!
(But still in to listen to your thoughts :) )
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toujokaname · 1 year
Footprints of Happiness / Episode 1
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Author: Yuumasu
Characters: Tori, Yuzuru, Eichi, Wataru, Mao
"Of course, it's for my fans. I have to make the solo live a success so that they'll feel happy to have supported me."
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Season: Autumn Location: Lounge of ES Live Stage
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Tori: Uuu, I'm so tired~ Yuzuru, get me a drink!
Yuzuru: I will prepare some cold tea for you right away.
...Oh my, it's Anzu-san.
Eichi: Fufu. What a nice surprise to find you waiting for us backstage.
Wataru: Truly. As a show of gratitude, I shall also give you a surprise... Ta-da! ☆
Tori: Hey, don't put a pigeon on my head~!
Yuzuru: I shall take care of the pigeon.
Bocchama, and Anzu-san as well, have some tea.
Tori: Anzu, did you come to see our live? Hey, hey, how was my performance?
Ehehe, thank you for praising me ♪ I really gave it my all because it was a fine live.
...Uh, did you want to talk to me? Sure, I'm all ears ♪
"Feature Live"? Yeah, I heard of it. It's a solo mini live by an ES idol, right?
Oh, I get it. It's my turn next, huh?
Uwaah, I guessed right! I'm so clever today...♪
"Do you have any ideas for a solo live performance you'd like to try?" Hmm... I can't think of anything right away.
But I'll come up with something. It's a solo show, after all.
I want to make it a special live that brings happiness to the people who always support me ♪
Eichi: Tori's solo live, huh? If possible, I'd like to watch it from the audience too. Anzu-chan, is there a way to make it happen?
Yuzuru: ...Indeed, I am in agreeance with Anzu-san. Eichi-sama's presence is quite strong, so it wouldn't be easy to keep him hidden. He might be best seated in the staff section.
Eichi: I see, that's a shame. I was hoping to blend in with Tori's fans and wave my cyalume around.
Wataru: Fufufu. It's too early to give up, Eichi. I am disguise, and disguise is myself!
This Hibiki Wataru will transform you into someone else with special makeup...☆
Eichi: Thank you. So, Tori, as a fan of yours, I'll be looking forward to it.
Tori: Yup. I'll do my best for you, Eichi-sama.
Location: Student Council Room
A few days later, after school.
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Mao: —Ahaha. It was such a coincidence to meet in the hallway, huh~
Come on, don't be so reserved, Anzu. Tori will be here soon too—Hm?
Tori: .........
Mao: O~i, Tori. Isn't that the student council president's seat?
Tori: Hnn, I know that...
Mao: ...That's it? Doesn't look like you're gonna leave.
What's with the frown, is something bothering you?
Tori: Remember the other day I was bragging about doing a solo live? I can't come up with any good ideas for it.
I've brainstormed a few concepts, but they need all the fine members. If it's just me, it's gonna be a bit dull.
I was hoping to create something amazing and surprise Anzu by today... Hm?
Anzu?! You scared me... Since when have you been here? I didn't notice you at all.
Mao: Anzu's always had little presence~ She still manages to surprise me even now.
Tori: What is it, Anzu? "Thank you for thinking so earnestly"?
Of course, it's for my fans. I have to make the solo live a success so that they'll feel happy to have supported me.
...that's what I believe, but I can't find any concrete ideas. My motivation isn't getting me anywhere.
A solo show... What's my selling point?
I know it's my nobility and cuteness, but these two alone aren't enough.
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Mao: You're so greedy... Just kidding ♪
Finding your own strengths is tough~ Fan preferences might differ in terms of what they wanna promote. Maybe there's no single right answer?
What is it, Anzu? ..."There's still time to think before the "Feature Live", but do you want to work on the pamphlet you were planning for today?"
Tori: Yeah, got it. New Prez, I'm heading out now.
Mao: Sure. Take care.
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weloveavi · 2 years
Hey Hottie,
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Happy Birthday Mr. All Rounder Prez/ Fellow explorer enthusiast. Remember the writing letters conversations and the innumerable rants related to expressing what we feel and etc. Well nothing better than your birthday seems to be the best opportunity for the same xD. 
Had come into college with the firm resolution of no close friendships but somehow bonded with the red jacket guy I met at the first official meet-up, who's legit my survival kit for college. Have legit been lost in college on days you aren't there. 
The shy, reserved, extremely formal at the firm glimpse gradually let me in those numerous wild layers and inside stories. Was shockingly commendable but now I expect no less. 
While you changing the topic in the middle conversation utterly annoys me, the random spectacular dance moves would compensate. You are probably the only person who finds tipsy Ishika cute and I highly appreciate all the validation you give to me despite all odds. 
I actually have loads more to write, but it shall come to you in parts. Till then I hope that someday, when you're sitting upon a grave at some tomb, when it's raining and old school music is on, reading this brings back a memory and a smile to your face. 
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rose-blooms-red · 4 years
@universes-mystery you are a menace to society and I am in....so much pain
anyways, long story short, I have been convinced to make an updated fic post thingy after someone went through my blog and made me look at my old fics :’) 
So!! uhh yeah Ro Fic Hype Post take 2 lmao, i have too many fics at this point so im just gonna link some that made me happy or just that i remember having a grand time writing.
Star Wars
“Be the Rarepair content you want to see in the world”: Listing all the ones from this series would take too long. Just know that these were all a joy to write and that there is a Large Variety lol.
not something that you put to bed: my first foray into soft wars! lmao, i was super nervous with this one lol but I do still like it more than i usually like my fics! And i was happy with how this one came out. It’s Edee squad centric, specifically Neyo and Fox interaction and yeah, there’s a reason i joke that my brand is trauma recovery dkjfskjdf.
don’t break the bottle: my second go at soft wars and I do still like this one, it’s Cody and Neyo centric, around Cody getting Neyo’s pledge and dealing with leftover stuff from Priest’s training. There’s things i’d def try and do better but, its nice and not as bad as i feared nkjdfjnd.
sins of the father: this is a second person Boba Fett character study and I do actually still adore it. it kicked off it’s own series actually, that I cowrite with @graaaaceeliz and has expanded far past what i thought would be just a tiny little oneshot to put my boba and jango feelings. It was a fun adventure into writing in a writing perspective i dont use much and helped me get a bit of a grasp on both Boba and Jango
and the whisper in your head goes quiet: another 2nd person Boba fic, made people mad at me jdfnsjkf. Includes the hc that Boba had a chip and it malfunctioned and Jango had the Kaminoans remove it.
the hum in the air (and the gentle love): was really nice to write and i do still love how soft it is,though there are things i’d def change. It’s a soft little codywan oneshot with poetry.
gentling the edges: Neyo and babies, im just...so soft, there is so much soft
little darling: Fox and babies, because i am so soft still over babies and the older clones okay.
you will be alone, always: was a fun one, made some people cry lol. Obi-Wan centric, canon compliant, with hints of QP Codywan.
love or the lack of it: Bly and Neyo centric, lots of fun to write lol. Soft wars, and im still quite pleased with it. a bit heavy, heed the tags.
the art of the mind: Soft wars, Jet and Bacara Centric. i loved exploring them more honestly, i kinda wanna do something else with them.
Messing around in the soft wars sandbox: now that i think about it, just linking this series might be better XD a lot of the next few I was going to put are from here. It’s basically just all fics set within the Soft War’s AU by @thefoundationproject lol
(give me) something soft: one of my first fics in the Star wars fandom, It’s Kix/Agen and I’m still super soft over this pairing and writing this made me v soft.
the burning heat upon my back: another one of my first few fics in the star wars fandom, It’s an Anakin introspection type piece as I was trying to figure out how to write him and getting settled in the fandom.
like a lazy ocean (hugs the shore): Wingfic, Kit Fisto centric, hinted possible kit/monnk. This was just hilarious to write lmao.
calm your mind and quell your fears: Wingfic, Obi-Wan centric, soft, QP Codywan fluff.
name the child innocence: was fun, Wingfic, Jango Fett centric, it’s a lot heavier than the other wingfics tho, so heed the tags.
childhood (strong and full of foreboding): apparently i really like doing explorations on trauma and how the past can shape you and how you can shape yourself in spite of the past and things like that kjdsnkjsdf. It’s told in various Clone’s p.o.v and switches between Anakin and Obi-Wan’s Not Fun Childhoods.
hold your heart (be still): Ahsoka and Rex bonding! set in the same universe as childhood!
the art of siblings is that sometimes you just wanna fight them: A lot of fun lol, batfam centric, the kids being Themselves and Dick is Exasperated lol
we lay here (for years or for hours): which is an introspection and sort of character study on dick that throws out any semblance of timeline or canon. trigger warnings for depressive and suicidal thought and major character injury
setting fire to our insides for fun (to distract our hearts from ever missing them): in which dick is sad, bruce is gone, and dick really just wants his dad, his sleep-deprived mind decides to be kind, because the world is not, this one made me sad
i have tried to hoard your love (and found it slipping through my fingers): a look at Jason and books, and the complex thing that is a childs need to be loved
fault lines: A fic about recovery and the difficulties, or; Dick Grayson and trauma, recovery, and his siblings. Something’s wrong with all of them but they work through it, eventually.
this one is a rough ride, still a WIP and it deals with a lot of heavy topics, flashbacks, trauma and discussions of the trauma, deaths, injuries, rape, broken relationships and dysfunctional ones, borderline abusive behaviour, talks about all of the above, and the healing process. Tread lightly with this one as it deals with heavy topics in it’s quest to say fuck you to certain dc writers.
Shock: Kaminari feels, The dangers of electric quirks
Flicker: The Todoroki’s deserve better, Dabi is an angry child who misses his mama
All I’ve Ever Known: Genfic, Dabi is Touya, Fuck gender, Chronic pain, Touya/Dabi needs help
We go down swinging, My lovers and I: Shigadabihawks, Major Character Death, not a happy one folks.
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lavenderkiyoko · 3 years
Amusement park date
Suhyeok x Namra | 1.8k words
genre: just a little bit of angst, otherwise just pure fluff
warnings: established relationship, contains spoilers
a/n: Here's the requested Namra x Suhyeok fic. I proofread while being half asleep so there could be some minor mistakes here and there.
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
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"Wait wait wait hold on-" Daesu interrupted Namra who was talking about her experiences as they all sat around the fire on the rooftop.
"You're meaning to say that you- you've never- been to any amusement park EVER in your whole 18 years of life?"
A small smile adored Namra's face as she nodded slightly, feeling embarrassed. Everyone felt a bit bad about the girl who didn't get to enjoy her life like them.
"Since the beginning, all I was made to do was study continuously so that I could get into SNU and become a prosecutor like the rest of my family," Namra said in a very soft voice looking at the fire in front of her.
"But it's okay, I at least have friends now."
Everyone smiled softly at their class President who was holding hands with Onjo who was sitting beside her. All of them sat quietly enjoying the warmth of the fire, listening to it crackling of the fire.
The peaceful silence was broken by Suhyeok who said, "Once we get out of here, I will definitely take you to an amusement park."
Namra just looked at him and replied softly, "Don't make promises that you won't be able to keep, but I still appreciate the thought."
Suhyeok just chuckled while everything went back to how it was, quiet with just the sounds of fire crackling.
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As soon Onjo opened the door to the rooftop, a strong gush of wind caused everyone to shiver slightly as they entered the rooftop of what was once their school.
It had been four months since the whole apocalypse had occurred. Due to Suhyeok not being able to keep his mouth shut, here they were, the survivors, on their ruined school's rooftop where they had seen a small fire lit.
"How can we be sure that it was Namra who must have lit this fire? Could have been any other student or- or it could've been those youtuber kids who like to visit haunted houses and stuff," Minji said.
"No, I am sure it's Namra," Onjo replied staring at the fire in front of them.
"You're here!"
Everyone turned to find the source of the familiar voice, only to find the person they all were looking for, Choi Namra.
"Namra!" Everyone exclaimed in happiness looking at the girl.
"Prez," Suhyeok said as tears started brimming his eyes as he felt overwhelmed by all the emotions as he looked at her.
Oh, how he missed seeing her smile that cheered him up, her voice that comforted him, her presence that gave him hope. How he missed her so dearly, wishing every night to at least have some sort of sign that she was out there alive, doing fine.
And now here she was, smiling at him with the same emotions that he could see in her eyes.
Scoffing playfully, she asked, "I am still your president?"
Both of them stared at each other, temporarily forgetting about the others, almost as if they didn't need words to communicate. It was as if no one else mattered at that moment for them; but unfortunately, this doesn't last long.
"Why can't you come back with us?" Onjo asked Namra breaking the two lovers from their own bubble.
"Because there are others like me here too. I need to help them."
"But we can definitely meet again, now that you all know where to find me," Namra replied with a small smile.
No words were spoken but everyone agreed on what the girl in front of them had said.
"Anyways, they're coming. I must go now. See you all again." Namra said and went to the edge of the building.
Just as she was about to jump, she was stopped by Suhyeok calling out to her.
"Can I take you out on a date tomorrow?"
Namra let out a soft smile as she nodded and jumped from the edge of the building not before shouting a - "You know where to find me."
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The next day, Suhyeok was waiting for Namra on the rooftop all dressed up to impress the said girl.
He kept pacing back and forth with anxious thoughts coursing through his mind, clearly being nervous, thinking about whether Namra would like what he had prepared. This action caused him to not notice the said girl's presence beside him.
As soon as he turned, he almost fell down from being surprised by her standing right behind him. He took in deep breaths to calm his racing heartbeat as Namra just chuckled at the clueless boy.
"So shall we go or it's not time yet?" The girl asked.
This snapped the boy out of his daze as he realized what he was there for. So, taking Namra's hand in his, he takes her to the destination.
It took them just an hour to reach their nearest amusement park that was still open today despite all the things that happened back in Hyosan.
Already having purchased tickets earlier that day, they handed them in and entered the park. The Choi girl was impressed looking at what was supposedly the amusement park that she had only seen on tv or phone.
Looking over at the girl beside him, a smile made its way on his face as he saw the girl look around her surrounding with a childlike enthusiasm and eagerness to explore the giant place in front of them.
Gently grabbing her hand, he led her towards different rides.
It was amusing how the girl enjoyed the scary rides of the park the most whereas Suhyeok almost ended up puking his guts out after riding the rollercoaster once while Namra tried to not laugh at him.
After enjoying the rides, they both went to different stalls to play games. While playing both got competitive to see who could score more wins. Sounds of giggling and playful shrieks could be heard from the couple as they got too competitive and began distracting each other to cause the other to fail.
"Hey! Don't block my sight."
''What do you mean? I am doing nothing"
"Who are you trying to fool? Don't you dare think of doing what you're going to do."
"I am not doing anything."
"I can see your hand moving, take it back!"
"I swear I am not gonna do anything."
The night kept on growing as they finally got exhausted by playing for so long. Feeling hungry from all the events, they carried their prizes towards the food stalls.
The heavenly smell of street food items sold there was also a new experience for Namra. Even though she might have had similar food before, nothing compared to the taste of the street food.
Her brown eyes lit up with delight as she tasted every type of food in front of her, enjoying the sweet and savoury flavours of the delicacies that Suhyeok had bought for her.
The way Namra's face adorned her cute smile and stuffed cheeks caused his face and heart to feel warm at the sight in front of him. He wanted to wrap that girl in a blanket and keep her safe and happy from everything in the world.
Not wanting to show his red face, he instead distracted Namra by pinching her cheeks and teasing her. The poor girl just lightly hit his hands away before smiling softly again.
As they both calmed down and looked into each other's eyes, all they could focus on was how much they loved the other. Both of them continued to sit in silence, just gazing at the other with love-filled eyes, just enjoying each other's presence.
"I have to show you something," Suhyeok softly spoke breaking the comfortable silence.
The girl simply tilted her head in confusion.
"We almost did everything here, what else could be left now?'
Suhyeok just motioned her to turn around. Not understanding what he meant, she continued to stare at him as he just chuckled and turned her around, making her face towards the open sky.
"I can't see anything." Namra cutely spoke.
"Count from 10 to 1 for me."
"Just do it."
As soon as the girl reached 1, firecrackers shot up in the sky, brightening the dark night sky. Dozens of firecrackers kept on bursting as the sky glowed from the beautiful sparks produced.
Namra's eyes widened in delight, looking at the different types of crackers. She had seen them before, but none of them looked as pretty as they did now. Maybe it was because she was watching it with someone whom she liked.
Suhyeok just enjoyed looking at the girl beside him, feeling content upon seeing her enjoy this too. He slowly grabbed one of her hands in his, making the girl look at him.
"Can I kiss you?"
His voice came out so soft that Namra almost didn't hear it. Watching at how cute he looked, Namra just shyly nodded.
Both of them slowly leaned in, eyes closing as soon as their lips touched. The kiss was light as a feather, full of emotions felt by both individuals. Just an innocent kiss that meant so much to them, with firecrackers still going on in the background.
As they leaned back again, they stared into each other's eyes with just pure love and adoration for each other.
"I know we've already been over this but I never asked you this. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Namra again nodded shyly with a cute smile on her face.
"I'd like that a lot."
Both of them just stared at each other again before deciding to leave as it was almost time for the curfew for Suhyeok.
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Standing at the gate of his camp, Namra softly said, "Thank you so much for today. I have never enjoyed myself as much as I did today."
Suhyeok just shook his head saying it was nothing and that all he did was fulfil the promise that he made.
"So, I will you again soon. Right?" Suhyeok asked.
"Of course. We will soon be together, till then we can meet whenever you can come."
A comfortable silence grew around them as they just stood there. Finally, Namra leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"I will see you soon. Take care."
Namra waved and started to walk away. Suhyeok just stood there dumbfounded at what had just happened. Processing everything, he just shook his head and laughed at the small disappearing form of Namra.
Both of them slept late that night, reminiscing their night and thinking about each other.
One day, they'll be free to be together.
They just need to wait till that day, but it was okay, they can patiently wait for that.
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valeriwa · 3 years
kiss me baby
one: so it starts
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summary: as the head of the very popular newspaper club, you have decided to heed the advice of the miya twins' fanclub and make a volleyball column. however, your club mutually agreed you'd be the one to gather content and coverage. something that started out as professional and friendly spiral out of hand as blushes rise and hearts race and a bunch of volleyball crazed doofuses think it's time you and mr-i-need-memories get together.
warnings: none
suna rintaro x fem!reader
masterlist || one || two
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"y/n, could you please look over this?" a very stressed out takahashi yuki asked, holding out an overview of all the requests submitted by the school.
"oh sure," you replied, mildly concerned for the girl who stumbled away almost crashing into itsuki, who gracefully stepped to the side and let yuki bump into the wall. who said chivalry was dead?
you looked at the overview, shelving yuki's tiredness at the back of your mind, and it was to no one's surprise that the volleyball requests increased this week.
you sighed, pulling on your hair in frustration. could they give it up? the volleyball requests were already in majority since the start of second year, and they've only risen since.
"hey haru, you got a minute?" you called over the first year who was working on the headlining page.
"yeah, what's up prez?" blame his casual demeanor on his foreign upbringing. his eyes locked onto the submission overview and raised an eyebrow. were you considering volleyball?
"what do you think of putting a volleyball column in our newspaper?" you asked, desperately hoping for a no. it wasn't like you didn't cover volleyball either, it was in the sports section and was grouped with all the other sports club. there were probably two lines dedicated to the inarizaki vbc.
"why are you asking me?" completely reasonable, he was a first year and came off cold because of his laidback behavior. but you couldn't deny he had talent, and good sense. he was a good person too. you could tell that much.
"i trust your judgement. so?"
"o-oh, well, i'm down for it." he didn't expect your answer for sure, but haru wasn't going to be knocked down by his senior's passing words.
"you are?" you sounded strangely disappointed. oh well, time for some volleyball coverage.
club meeting in ten
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"what?" you sputtered, standing up.
"oh i agree!" ichika said, her bubbly personality shining through her yellow barrettes.
"i think you should, y/n," itsuki said, placing a hand on your shoulder in a way that didn't seem comforting.
"we have a lot on our plate y/n. it'd be amazing if you could take care of the volleyball column." yuki looked away while she said this, not wanting to seem rude to her senior but also wanting to come across as sincere.
you sighed, rubbing your jaw. maybe they did need a break.
"okay fine guys, you don't deserve more work. i'll do it, however, ichika will be helping me. i won't be able to do it alone with everything else." you slumped in defeat, sports were not your thing.
"oh of course! i'd be happy to help!" ichika agreed readily, her enthusiasm tiring you but she really did liven up the atmosphere.
"come on ichika, let's go talk to the coach." you got up from your seat, the first year following you and leaving the rest to continue with their work.
the gym wasn't hard to find, all you had to do was follow the loud, giggly group of girls.
"do you like volleyball ichika?" you asked causally, weaving your way through the dense crowd of girls.
"um, not particularly. my brother used to play, he's in uni now though. but it was kind of exhilarating to watch the matches," she explained, there was a faded spark of excitement in her eyes as she did.
"sports aren't really my thing." you spot one of the twins outside the gym. was practice over or something?
you're not exactly sure which twin it was but you could bet it was atsumu with the blonde hair. but you'd rather not take risks.
"hi, hi miya-san?" you called, ichika trailing behind you as the girls glared at the two of you.
"yeah? autograph?" he smirked, which was weird. dude was younger than you.
"uh no? i have to talk to your coach." you move a little to peek inside the gym and practice was still going on? did he come outside for the fans? seriously?
"what? the coach?"
"yeah, is he inside?" atsumu nodded, dazed. what just happened?
"someone reminded you that the world doesn't revolve 'round you," osamu snickered grabbing his twin by the collar and dragging him inside.
the volleyball gym had arguably never looked weirder with a stumbling atsumu and the rest of the volleyball team just staring at the two girls talking to their coach.
you could feel the multiple gazes boring into the back of your head. this was going to be a long day.
taglist (open!! send an ask): @meri-soni-meri-tamanna
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with Angel Reyes.
Chapter Three, final. Index.
Request #1: Hola! Angel asking for Felipe to have Marisol's ring cause he went to propose to his girlfriend. But Felipe says No cause he thinks EZ deserve its more. ( And cause WE know he love EZ more ) So Angel is like " Fuck this shit" And either is breaks in Felipe house to steal this ring Or Either he go brought the biggest and perfect ring ! 🤩
Request #2: Hey! Angel do something very impressive for his girlfriend ( like big and impressive asking for marriage or Travel 5 states just for see her) and this ending by Felipe being very impressive by his Sons and take conscience he is a bad dad for Angel. 🙏❤️🤟🤟
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @pantherclawz
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Almost one week without hearing his voice. Receiving one or two text messages per day, just to tell you that he's tired or that he's working. You know he is hiding something, confirming your suspicion when EZ began to decline all your calls. And, when you talked with Felipe three days ago, the only thing he told you was that he didn't know anything about his kids. So you started to think the worst. At first you thought that maybe Angel had an accident and his brother was trying to cover him, but when you called Bishop this morning, you heard your boyfriend's voice saying that he was ‘going to pick up the girl’. And now, you don't know what to think.
Licking your lips, sitting in the back garden of the house, you play with your phone between your fingers. It's almost midnight and it's a little cold outside, wearing nothing but an Angel's shirt. You decide to call him again, but it's his voicemail who answers again, even if you shouldn't be doing it after drinking too many beers, while your friends are sleeping and resting for the last seminar the next morning. But you wait for the last tone.
“Hey, it's me… your girlfriend, remember? I've been calling you… I don' know, maybe the fucking whole day. Where the fuck are you, Angel? And don't you fucking dare to tell me that you were working, 'cause I heard you this morning talking about some bitch to pick up. But fo' say something, first you have to answer the fucking phone!”
Sounds pathetic the way you are talking to him, saying all the things that you wouldn't say to him being sober. Hiccuping, you find yourself crying unconsolable, with an agonic pain oppressing your chest and squeezing your heart.
“Just… two fucking weeks, Angel! You couldn' keep your fucking dick inside your pants, for two fucking weeks! Is that the… shit I mean to you? Two years thrown overboard because of what? How many times have you done it, ah? All these… shit about not calling during a run… were you doing the same shit, Angel? How many fucking times has you betrayed me?!”
You can't help but laugh bitterly, cleaning your tears with the back of your hand, trying to calm yourself and to not wake up anyone.
“I fucking love you… with all my heart. I didn' complain about anything, never…” Although your voice sounds low and a little bit calmed, inside you there's a storm devastating you. “I put you first, always, since the first moment I met you… I can't fucking believe you're gonna lea—leave me and… the way you're doing it… I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong”.
Hardly sniffing, you close your eyes letting go everything inside your chest, before finishing the message. Curling up your legs to surround them with both arms, you rest your chin over your knees. You can't avoid thinking about all those times he has promised you a future together, living in a big house and having children. Or about all those times he has been crying clinged to you, talking about how his father has been always putting him apart. You have cared about him more than anyone in his life. You have given him all. Without asking anything back, more than loyalty. And you wouldn't even have to ask for it.
Even so, you're starting to regret all the things you have said, without knowing if it's true or not. But how are you going to find it out, if anyone says nothing?
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“Oh, shit… Oh, shit, shit, shit…” Angel is sitting on top of his bike, with a hand holding his phone and the other rubbing the bridge of his nose.
His brothers are looking at all the gestures that he's drawing unconsciously on his face. Rage, sadness, incredulous… When the message ends, he lies down over the handerball, softly hitting his head against it. He tries to call you, but your phone is practically dead, off of battery. Bishop walks towards him, having a sip from his beer.
“All good, Angel?”
“She thinks I'm fucking cheating her, because he heard me say about picking up Leti, this morning”. Stepping out from his motorcycle, he looks for Tori's number, hoping she answers the call.
Walking around the parking like a locked lion in the zoo, he's starting to think about driving right now to Los Angeles.
“The hell is wrong with you, shithead?” The female voice sounds tired, being interrupted by a long yawn.
“Tori, listen. Find (Y/N). She's drunk, thinking I'm cheating on her”.
“Yeah, 'cause you have been ignoring her ass”.
“I've been workin—”.
“Nah, c'mon, Angel. Tell these tales to someone wh—”.
“I was working to buy a wedding ring”.
Silence. Tori suddenly sits up on her bed, turning on the lights and waking up Sarah. The girl who was sleeping peacefully, now is being woken up by shaking her left arm. Having some growls as response, she looks at her girlfriend frowning, while she hears Angel's voice through the speaker.
“Just listen, please. Calm her down, okay? 'Am coming tomorrow to LA. I already talked to your boss and I can't tell you anything else. Just… calm her down, please”.
“Okay, we got this, Angel”.
Hanging up the call, both girls jump off from the bed, walking towards your room. Empty. But following your crying, they stick out their heads by the window, finding you in the garden. This hurts them too. They were with you the night you met Angel, and they also love him a lot. They know how much he cares about you and even if Sarah and Tori couldn't believe that he was with another girl, it wasn't normal his way to act the last days. But now, everything has sense, and they are pretty excited to see him tomorrow and discover what he has been preparing for the proposition.
Going downstairs and trying to hide their happiness, your friends sit by each side to hug you. A collective hug to make you feel somewhat better, but you can't stop crying.
“Baby… what's up?” Tori asks, caressing gently your hair.
“This… fucking bastard… I fucking gave him all, the best of me!”
“You talkin' 'bout Angel? C'mon, (Y/N)! He told you he made the most of his time to work a little more, and not miss you. Two weeks is too much time for you both”.
“I heard him talking about another girl”.
“So, what? Since when he can't have friends, ah? I have slept with him at his house… hundred times, and that doesn't mean that I cheated Tori, or he cheated you. And believe me, your boyfriend is a fantasy even for me”. Sarah says, making you chuckle in some way. “I'm sure he has been working hard, as you do when he is traveling. So, don't think any bullshit about Angel. He loves you more than anything, okay?”
“Let's go to bed, okay, honey? We have to be awake in five hours for a long, long, long seminar. Lucky it's the last one”. Tori says standing up on her feet, helping you to get up from the grass.
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Angel comes into the clubhouse with an excited smile on his lips, like a child on Christmas Day, rubbing his hands and clapping happily calling everybody's attention.
“You got it, hermano?”
He nods energetically, walking fast to the main round table, where the oldest were waiting for him to come back from the jewelers. The Reyes tucks a hand inside his pocket in complete silence, putting over the wood a small red velvet box. Between his fingers, he supports the bottom part to open the top, showing the ring for what he has been working too hard the last two weeks; without sleeping, without resting, without a drop of alcohol, without partying. Nothing. Just working hard. The fine gold ring is perfectly resting inside a small gap, showing only the top of it. A king's crown with a diamond in it, that shines so easily with natural light that could illuminate a whole room. The crew is looking at it fascinated. And yes, the ring couldn't be perfect, but it's the feeling of pride for Angel that makes them smile.
“Fuck, brother… If she doesn' want to marry you, I will”. Creeper is captivated by the jewel, with his eyes fixed on.
“Why the fuck she wouldn't want to marry me, dumbshit?”
“Ignore him, carnal”. Coco palms his back, resting his arm on a shoulder.
“So, what you say, ah?” He asks, anxious to hear Bishop, Tranq and Taza's opinion. Without them, it couldn't be possible.
“Fuck, man, I would marry you too if you propose me with this ring”. Che is the first one, taking the step to grab the small box and have a closed look from it.
“You did a good job, Angel. You deserve it”. Tranq just says with both arms on the table.
Bishop keeps looking at the box, seeming thoughtful, slowly raising his eyes to the others after some seconds in silence.
“I think you are doing the right thing for the first time since I know you. That girl deserves a man like you, Angel. And I know she is not the kind of woman who would care about the ring, but you found the perfect one”.
Your boyfriend can't feel more proud. It would be impossible.
“Go change your clothes, you have four hours of road ahead”. El Presidente places a hand on Angel's nape with a soft narrow over it.
He just nods, keeping again the box inside a pocket to get up and leave the place to his dorm, where he has been sleeping the last two weeks. The black jeans and the white shirt are perfectly stretched over his bed. The Reyes hurries up to have a shower, not wasting a second more, brushing and doing his hair with trembling fingers. He hasn't known anything about you since he talked with Tori and Sarah some hours ago, hoping that they finally calmed you down and got you rid of those ideas about him cheating you. When he's already dressed, sitting on the edge of the mattress to put on his boots, Angel grabs the black bomber jacket trespassing the box from a piece of clothing to the other, zipping the pocket to not lose it.
Coming back to the main room of the clubhouse, his brothers receive him between whistles and cheers.
“Man, you smell good”. Coco says coming too close.
“Ah, ah. Take care, brother. Don't want you to stain my fresh clothes”. He says taking a step back.
“My apologies, your grace”. He chuckles.
“Templo”. Taza says having a sip from a coffee.
Checking the hour on his phone, assuring himself that he has enough time, the Reyes leads his steps to the meeting-room, closing the glass colorful door behind him.
“Already leaving?”
“Yeah, prez, I just… want to thank you for giving me the three k left. I will continue working to gi—”.
“Take it as a wedding gift”. The mexican stops him with his own words, shaking his head and making a light gesture with a hand.
“I couldn't do it without you, Tranq and Taza”.
“I heard what you told to your brother. In the office”. He says then, lying back on his chair. “I am not going to… give you my opinion about your father, but he shouldn't behave like that, Angel”.
“I know, Bishop. And… I would thank you for not telling anything about it to (Y/N). She loves my pops”.
“That honors you”.
“Don't know, but I don't wanna be like him”.
El Presidente simply nods.
“Bring back Mrs. Reyes”.
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Your head hurts like hell, having to use your glasses because of the blurry gaze you have got by the hangover. The seminar is turning out eternal. The last thing you care about right now is how to operate with an open heart, you have already done it and you could skip this part. But it's for compulsory attendance. So there you are, drawing nothing on your iPad as if you were taking notes, fighting against the pain, the tiredness and the uncertainty about Angel. He continues not answering your text or calls, and you can't help but think about what Sarah told you last night.
“... you for coming, and I hope that these two weeks have been productive for your learning”.
The claps flood the conference room, while the other doctors begin to pick up their stuff and finally leave the place. You can't believe that it's already done and that you're allowed to come back home, checking again your muttered phone expecting to find something. But the notifications bar is empty.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't mind, I'm going to steal you a couple minutes. Sit back, please”. The voice of your boss through the speakers makes you raise an eyebrow.
“The desire to be noticed by that man fucks me up”. Tori chuckles with a low tone, sitting again over her seat.
“I know that we all are tired, but it's just going to be a couple minutes, I promise. I just want to help a friend”.
“No…” Sarah looks at her girlfriend really surprised, making you frown confused.
“Girls, the fuck you did?”
“You just… enjoy the show, my dear”.
You can see your boss making a gesture to someone by a side of the stage, to come closer. But when your eyes find Angel walking over it, your blood freezes and your heart stops. Lucky you're between almost more than two hundred doctors and surgeons. Leo gives up the micro to your boyfriend, looking for you. And obviously, your two friends start to yell like crazy to call his attention.
“Hey, ahm… You don't know me and I don't know you, but… I'm Angel. Dr. (Y/L/N)'s boyfriend and I came to… give her an important message”. He says with a nervous tone, before smirking at you, clearing his throat. “Hey, baby, can you… can you come here, please?”
“Go”. Your friends push you to get up, but your legs feel like butter about to fall downstairs.
As soon as he's able to hug you, he does, not caring about the claps from the people in front of you.
“Okay, okay, listen”. Holding one of your hands and pulling himself away, he laughs a little bit nervous for a second. “We met two years ago, in the middle of nowhere. I was fuc— sorry. I was hurt because of a fight. And you fixed up my wounds with so much love, patience and care, that I fell for you”.
“Sh, listen. I think I'm going to have a heart attack, so let me talk before falter to the floor. Listen, you have been my best friend, my anchor, my reason to live since then. I love you more than I could ever love anyone... I can't live without you, baby. And before you say anything else like last night, no. I didn't try and I'm not going to do it, because I'm lost without you, (Y/N). So, ahm… Hey, boss, can you hold the mic'?” Turning to Leo, the man takes it back.
You're trembling, looking at your friends for a moment trying to find an explanation. But when your gaze is again on your boyfriend, he's already kneeling with a hand inside a pocket grabbing something. A small red box. And you can't believe what's happening. Taking a step back and covering your face with both hands, you start to cry like a child, with your pulse racing under your skin.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), would you marry me?”
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The crew is waiting anxiously at the porch, after not receiving any news back from LA. But they all get up from their seats on the sofas and the stairs, when they hear Coco's car being driven by Angel coming closer. As soon as he parks it close to the bikes, not finding you on the passenger seat and looking at the devastated gesture on his face, they know that the proposition wasn't as they were expecting. Stepping out of the car, he just shrugs his shoulders.
“Hey, carnal, it's okay. She will reconsider it”. Coco says hugging his friend, trying to comfort him.
“She will say yes, Angel, don't give up”. Bishop palms softly his nape.
And you are drowning in laughs hidden on the floor of the back seats. Looking slightly through the window, you find the crew very affected because supposedly you said ‘no’. Taking some air, you jump out of the car yelling with a huge smile on your lips.
“Surprise, madafakas!”
“Jesus fucking Christ! I'm too old for these frights!” Taza shouts at you back, indignant with a hand on his chest barely breathing.
“I'm confused”. Gilly says from nowhere.
“What? Doesn't sound good Mrs. Reyes for you?” Walking towards them, raising the hand with the amazing ring, they all look surprised.
“I'm going to fucking shoot you, Angel”. Bishop threats him, before leading his steps to yours. “Welcome home, querida”.
“Thank you”. Hugging him, you rest your head against his chest. “Angel told me you help him”.
“It was nothing, kid”. Clicking his tongue and pulling himself away, he caresses your cheek for a second.
“Yo! Mami! You look stunning now that you're engaged”. Coco lifts you up between his arms, narrowing you under his grip.
“Yeah, you see?!”
“Hey, hey, social distancing”. Your future husband takes you off from his friend's hands, to hold you closer with an arm surrounding your neck.
“Look at you, Mr. and Mrs. Reyes”. Creeper says very proud, nodding in accordance.
“Let's celebrate it that you didn' kick my ass, mi dulce”.
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✨ Tag list:
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Hey dear, I'm curious right now! Do you have a specific Jikook interaction that made u ship them? Like one moment that made u think "Yep, that's more than friendship!" or was is more like the sum of all Jikook stuff? I'm still so glad that I found ur blog! I adore how your mind works, the effort u put into your posts and how u are ready to defend our men! 💜 You're nice, keep going! (・ω
First of all I would like to thank you for always supporting me and not doubting me, you truly are a very special person to me. I don’t know you personally, but your positivity is astounding. The happiness that your messages radiates are so warm... I urge you to be the same always, I am sure the people around you all appreciate you very much. I do
And now for what you asked me, hehehe, how do I say it, I landed upon a jikook video while searching for Jimin on youtube. I don’t clearly remember the name of the video, but the first clip it showed was Jungkook staring at jimin in muster.
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And I was like, ‘damn that is hot.’ Not gonna lie, I did think that, I am not one to hide my true self behind immaculate words.
So after that I started searching for who Jungkook was, like at that time I had no idea of who was who. I confused J-Hope with Jimin, Jin with Jungkook, Suga with well... August D. I thought August D and Suga were different people, and that the younger Jimin and older Jimin were different as well, because in their song, N.O, Jimin looked different than what he looked like in Danger. *to me*
So, because I listened to Bst, I learned of Jimin, *the guy with beautiful face and voice. My ultimate bias character.*
At that time I did not know that one could ship real people, since I often shipped Naruhina, Ichihime, dramione, etc. And they are all fictional characters. I had thought that jikook were a real couple and that the gcft was their real thing.
*Please note that I never shipped same gender, I always found it odd even in fiction, but jikook opened my eyes about my fault, and now I support LGBTQ, I finally understand that gender is not a barrier. Love is not a barrier, I actually now respect every form of love.* 
**Namjoon for prez, his The Speech made me proud.**
Ahem, continuing, 
But later I learned that no, jikook are just shipped and they aren’t real. *Which I highly disagreed with, they felt/still feel damn real to me.*
With the new sense of getting to know bts and jikook, I latched on to yt videos, finishing up almost everything within two weeks, constantly stuck to my phone.
And I am talking about the month of december last year *2018*, I am a new army.
So the moment that made me a jikooker isn’t one, it is a combination of all. I love analysis videos and the one account which goes by the name of filha de jikook *I hope I am pronouncing it right*, she was the one, her videos were the ones which actually made me a strong believer. And since I had watched almost everything myself, I knew she wasn’t exaggerating.
So that is my journey. Thanks for asking, I would like to know yours too!
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jimlingss · 6 years
Hi so I just want you to know you're probs the main reason I have a tumlbr and check it almost daily and just like, I hope you're taking care of yourself and don't do this for us, because as much as we love your writings, you come first, my dude, so like, please know you're most important and self care is a good thing. mkay that's all thanksloveyoubyeee
oh man, I’m honoured. But you really don’t have to check daily - I post on Monday and Friday so fear not. And thank you :’)
Anonymous said: Just came here to tell you that when I woke up this morning, I grew a pimple because I ended up reading Boo-lieve in me ‘til ungodly hours in the morning. It was worth it.
lol I doubt you get pimples from staying up too late, anon. But I get the sentiment of your message. Thanks for enjoying!!
Anonymous said: 'boo-lieve in me' was so good! it was so engaging and the universe was so well-built, and it made me reflect a lot on life and death and grief. the whole story was very bittersweet. and now I'm sad before bed so I'm off to reread 'starlet and moonstruck' (also HUGE FAN of that story) so that I go to sleep thinking of happier things.
aww I’m actually a big fan of starlet and moonstruck myself. I quite liked that story haha thanks for reading!
Anonymous said: okay i realized i never sent an ask after reading it bUT THE FEELS?!?! like it was kind of a soft bubbly emotional feeling and idk i shed a tear when they accepted it and moved on together,, i really loved this fic and i can't wait to read more of your work sOOn
Thank you :D
boraaskyy said: I came online after a stressful study session. Then I see a new theme and NEW UPDATE THAT TOO THE SECOND PART OF BOOLIEVE IN ME OMG yAYYYY hope you have a happy day! Because you made my day (it's night who cares 👉👈) HAPPY! :D Lots of love!
I just updated my mobile theme cause I found a good header pic. it’s gonna be long till I update my desktop but thanks for noticing :]
Anonymous said: I swear I would die for For Love & Money and Student Council Prez 😍😭❤ you're an AMAZING writer!!!
ooh those are older stories probably with a ton of mistakes lol, but i’m glad they’re still enjoyable! 
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randomgentlefolk · 3 years
CPC chapter 122
I know everyone is saying either Curtis hide the letters sent from Prez' family or the delivery guy was too scared of the haunted forest to send the letters (Which I think is very possible considering this webtoon and it's plot twists), but I'm actually wondering if Asa is a part of this. Isn't it weird that looking at how Prez' family miss her so much in a kinda happy-angry way, and Asa doesn't know about it (well I think he doesn't know about it because he help Prez with sneaking into the castle and not suggesting to go through the front door)? Or maybe he knows but doesn't want to cause commotion? Also I wonder if they know that Asa had (has?) a crush on Prez because remember that letter? Where is it? Did someone throw it away? Did Prez' family found them and read them?? so many questions
Oh and an idea came to me while writing this. Now that we see how much the family miss Prez, are they going to ask Prez to live with them again? It's gonna be those "family or friends" decision hehe. Oh but the cpc club is like family to Prez too (that's what I think at least). But ohhh shoot, Whitney's there how will they react haha I know things will go downhill but I hope only a little and not THAT downhill haha-
OOHHHH WAIT Oh hell no
I know I've said too much but uh I just remember that Frederick once said that Whitney is his friend... so like... If Whitney confront someone (beside Asa) from his past, I hope they will not be like "OHHHH YOU'RE THE GUY WHO TRIED TO KILL CALPERNIA" and the parents, I hope they will recognize first that Whitney has change and not throw him into the prison (which isn't helping that Whitney thinks he deserve to be thrown to prison anyway) and Frederick's family will be confused as heck because what would your reaction be if one of your family member turns out to be friends with a guy who tried to murder his ex-fiance's nurse who has a crush on his ex-fiance but accidentally turn his ex-fiance into a giant spider in the process, almost got killed by the said ex-fiance, survive and went home, only for his brother attempting to murder him, got cursed into a half tiger and thrown into the sea, met creatures he believed doesn't exist, then proceed to live as a homeless traveler meditation guy.
but anyway just saying everyone here have connections with each other which is why when one goes down, the other goes down too.
where's Curtis anyway? Don't tell me he just..Wait outside the whole time?
That's all I think. The questions remain : Who will win the Gala prize (Imagine if the one who wins it is a random guy lol how funny would it be..no)? Where was Whitney going to? Nell! Is she okay? Who wants to crush the pastel princesses?
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Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes x Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa daughter! Reader
Anon #1 asked: Hi 💕 obsessed with your writing! I was wondering if I could request a fic where the reader is Bishops daughter so she’s jokingly referred to as a “forbidden fruit” cause she’s hot but none of the mc can have her because of who her dad is. But she starts to fall for either Angel or EZ? (Either one you pick 🤘🏼) thank you 💕💕
@ly--canthrope asked: I lied! I have a 3rd one for Ez haha. Not much of a prompt, but can you build a scene around this please? -- breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths- thank you so much!
Word Count: 1.5k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @xxrouxx
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @jadesamhart ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Yeah, you hit him hard, man”. Coco cheers EZ, once he's out of the ring and the Stockton members are picking up what is left of their prospect.
“Good job, lil'bro. You fucked up that bitch”.
“So, what's your prize, ah? Choose”. Gilly says offering him a beer.
“I'm gonna ask (Y/N) to take care of me”.
“No, no, no, no”. Coco replies, placing himself in front of him to stop his feet.
“The hell you sayin', brother? That bitch left your brain out of you, or what?” Angel narrows his eyes, shaking lightly his head.
“She's the forbidden fruit, carnal. Don' get into more troubles”. The mexican with long hair speaks.
“Prez looks happy teasing Oscar because I won”.
“Prez looks happy 'cause it's his daughter's birthday. ‘Best day of his life’, as he always says”. Gilly surrounds his neck with an arm, while continuing walking to the bar on the crowded yard.
“I will do it anyway”. Having a long sip of his beer, EZ gives it to his brother, taking the advantage to look for you.
You're sitting close to your father, clinged to one of his arms, having fun with your tíos and your family from other charters. It's your 21th birthday and Bishop decides to have a party with all the Mayans. So, the whole Santo Padre knows you're celebrating. It's the first time you see them all reunited, being the center of attention even if you don't like it. Every five minutes, a member walks closer to greet you, as if you were some kind of princess. Yes, your father is El Rey de los Mayas, but you're not sure what position it gives you.
Your eyes travel to the crowd, observing the younger Reyes coming with self-confidence and security towards your position. Sitting up on your chair, you smirk at him trying to not show how nervous you are. Should be illegal see this fucking good after a fight. You like him. You like him at the point you dream with him. But it's a shit that he hides what he feels because of Bishop. Just like you do. He's the most interesting man you have never known. Sometimes you try to figure out why the hell he joined Mayans, but then you see him riding his bike and your head goes blank.
“Congratulations, Ezekiel”. Your father compliments him with a huge smile on the corner of his lips.
“Thanks, presidente. I was… asking myself if (Y/N) could help me to fix me up. Angel sa—”.
“No”. “Yes”.
Bishop and Marcus talk in unison. The men look at each other, frowning a little. You're in the middle of them, raising your hands to both chests.
“Club business, caballeros”. Making fun of them, you get up from your chair holding EZ's hand.
You let him lead you to the inside of the clubhouse, looking for the medical kit to heal his face. Letting go his fingers tangled in yours, you cross the main hallway to the bathroom to take all the stuff you can need. Carrying it among your hands, you come back to the younger Reyes with that smile that makes your legs shake since you met him a year ago.
You ring the bell, holding with a hand the glass tray full of tamales, your best friend's favorite mexican dish. Coco opens the door with a cigar between his long fingers and a serious look on his face.
“We don' wan' publicity, thanks”. He says before trying to close the door on your nose.
“Don' you have a moment to talk about our lord Itzamná?” You joke on him, hitting the wood with a shoulder to come in.
“Ah, bueno, si es un Maya… pues sí, digo, no más, pasa, pasa”. (Well, if it's a Mayan… of course, come in, come in). He replies gesticulating exaggeratedly, starting to laugh.
“What's up, Coquito?”
The mexican takes the food from your hands, leaning to leave a loud kiss on your check.
“Hey, lil'mama”. The oldest Reyes surrounds your neck with both arms from behind you, kissing the top of your head. “Come're, I wanna introduce you to my brother”.
“The famous Ezekiel”.
“Oh, stop”. He clicks his tongue somewhat jealous, leading you to the kitchen. “Hey, EZ. That's (Y/N), Prez's daughter. So, don' try anything sexual with that smile yours”.
“Angel!” You break in laughs, before focusing on his brother.
“What's up? I'm Ezekiel, but everybody calls me EZ”. The younger Reyes leans forward surrounding your waist with an arm, pushing you closer to kiss your cheek.
You already know that you're fucked and in love.
“Don' lie, brother. We all call you ‘boy scout’!” Coco's words make you both laugh.
“You like adventures?” You ask trying to not sound as if you're flirting. But you are.
“And you?”
“Of course”.
“Yeah, well… What can I say then? I can make fire with everything, that's a good point if you wanna go hiking”.
“I'll keep it in mind, boy scout”.
EZ sits on the poker table, settling yourself between his legs to make it easier to clean the blood on his face with a wet soft towel. He doesn't set apart his eyes from you, on how focused you are on taking care of him. As if he was the most delicate thing in your life. And you're trying to not fall more for him, in case that it's possible. He doesn't need stitches, being enough using some iodine to cover the wounds. Looks like you're an artist in front of her masterpiece, watching him breathe somewhat nervous too close of you.
“I asked for a birthday wish that you don' kiss me tonight”. You mumble, getting lost in his eyes with both hands resting on his lap.
You're not going to blame the alcohol you have been drinking, but you're not in your best moment.
“Saying it will not be fulfilled”.
You can feel his long fingers, a little damaged, touring your hips until they flow on your lower back making you take a last step forward.
“Analyze the phrase, smart boy”.
Narrowing his eyes, and having some seconds, EZ begins to draw a sly smile shaking his head for an instant. Now, he has understood it.
“You wan' me to kiss you?”
“Technically, I don' want you to no kiss me”. You point out, emphasizing each word, containing a loud laugh. “That's what I said. More or less”.
“Yeah', tonight”.
“What about tomorrow?” He mutters, raising up a hand to the right side of your neck, caressing the line of your jaw with a thumb.
“I don't know, EZ… I think my last brain cell collapsed”. Pursing your lips, you're almost touching his.
He laughs between his teeth, before kissing you. Your heart has collapsed too, when the adventurous hand goes up to the back of your head, while your mouths fit like two pieces of a puzzle. In perfect harmony. No rush. No nerves. Nothing. You're calmed, enjoying the taste of beer on his tongue, and the taste of tequila on yours. His lips aren't soft, but you're in love with them, with him, right as he is. Al carajo with that your father said. If he is playing his skin for you, you're going to do the same.
Your fingers roam his bare chest, noticing that he's breathing somewhat better, pressing his hand on your back to push you a little closer. Up to his neck, your fingers wrap it softly while he bites your lower lip so sensual that, if he wasn't holding you, you could fall down.
“Your father is watching us”. He whispers onto your mouth, caressing your nose with his.
Your cheeks are burning when you turn between EZ's legs to the main door. Bishop is resting against the frame having a drag of his cigar and carrying a closed bottle of tequila. You know what it means. You made him the promise that you would get drunk together, now that you can ‘legally’ drink.
“I have… to leave. Put some ice on your knuckles, okay?” You say to the younger Reyes, and he simply nods.
El presidente is killing him with his look, offering you a hand to hold it and take you away from the prospect. Going downstairs, he puts his eyes on you with an incredulous gesture.
“It could be worse, dad”.
“Oh, really? Surprise me, mi amor”.
“Could be Angel, instead of EZ”.
“Why the fuck you have an answer for everything, ah?”
“C'mon, dad! It's my birthday”.
“Yeah, the anniversary of the best day of my life. But we're going to talk about it tomorrow”.
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Marcus Álvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hey, could you do a imagine with Alvarez, in which he's at the scrap yard of Santo Padre with the reader (his s/o) but Angel does not know it and so he flirt with her like all day and Bishop and maybe Taza and Hank tries to make him stop before Marcus notice it?
Word Count: 1.8k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @bai-feng-jiu
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Don' move”. A male voice tenses your whole body, being leaned above the trunk of your car while you're holding a box of beers. Looking at him sideways, a long forefinger goes to your shoulder feeling a light itching. “A ladybug!”
“Oh, sweet Jesus Christ!” Your heart is about to stop, leaving the box down back to place a hand on your chest spitting a sight. 
“Mayans' waitress?” 
“Seems like, just fo' today”.
“That's sad”. He pretends to looks like, supporting his body against your car, before offering you a huge hand filled by golden rings. “Angel”.
“(Y/N)”. Narrowing it, you smirk at the mexican slightly.
“Should we tell him?” Taza rest his forearms on the white wooden railing, turning his face to El Pacificador.
“Maybe he needs a lesson”. The man pursing his lips, raised both eyebrows. The Vice imitates his gesture. Looks like it's going to be a very fun night.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”. Bishop snorts going downstairs, moving fast his legs to your position and placing a hand on your lower back. “Álvarez is asking for you, querida”.
“Good, amma' take thos—”.
“I got it. Go with him”. The president pushes you softly, with one of these smiles he always has ready for you, since the day you met.
Nodding and clapping on air, you turn your feet above the gravel floor after looking to both men, putting your hands inside the pocket of your shorts walking towards the clubhouse.
“Little trouble is back at home”. Che says leaning close to you, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead before Tranq kisses your cheek. 
“Happy to see you here”. The other man says, before continuing with your steps.
“Respect that girl, or you're gonna deserve to be dead”.
“Calm down, prez, I jus' was trying to help'er”.
“You're not gonna try to help her by putting your cock into her legs, you hear me, ah?”
“Jeez, man!”
“You won't be able to complain when Álvarez tears your tongue out”. The mexican says poking his chest with a forefinger. “She's off-limits”.
Sticking your head out the glass colorful door of the Templo you find your husband sitting inside, on the last chair at the table with a thoughtful look. His dark orbs are above the cigar consuming itself resting in the ashtray, not noticing that you're there, immersed in his own things. You know how much he misses the club, even if he doesn't talk about it as you would like. Running the door by the rail until is full closed, you walk towards him. His gaze traveling to yours, smirking at the mexican while he pulls back the chair giving you some space. Sitting on his lap with your hands supported half on yours, and half against his abdomen, your fingers play with the fabric of his shirt. The first time you kissed him, Marcus was sitting on that same chair, long time ago. And at least, he's not wearing one of those suits he uses working with Galindo, or probably you couldn't control yourself.
“Do you think I took the right decision?” Setting apart a soft and shiny bristle of your hair, his hands go down to your waist.
“It doesn't matter if it was the right or not. You can be a Mayan again, whenever you want it”.
“I can't ride my bike like I used to, cariño”.
“Then, I'll be your driver”. 
He chuckles nodding, before resting his forehead on your chest closing his eyes. Sometimes he has his doubts about joining Galindo's Cartel, without caring about the good jack and the stability his new job gives him now. But you will always be by his side, supporting his back.
“Charters are coming, I have to go back”. You say softly letting your fingers tour his nap.
“Okay, mi amor”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The crowded yard is flooded by latin music when the night has fallen down, and the delicious smell of barbecue running through the environment. Your hands moving fast above all the beers on the bar, using the opener to take off the bottle caps, while other girls bring them to the guys. You're not sure about what they're celebrating, being the first time you're at one of the famous Mayans' parties, but you're having so much fun.
“Hey, you, mister ladybug!”
Angel turns towards you, directing his steps to the bar placed in a corner of the yard. A smile getting draw on his lips, walking like he's dancing his hips.
“Is everything okay with your leg?” You ask with a laughter on your throat.
“What a sense of humor!” He cheers lifting up his beer on air. “What ya' need, sweetheart?”
“Ice. You know where it is?”
“Yea', com'on”.
Stepping out of the bar as soon as other girl comes to save your place, the man puts an arm on your shoulders guiding you to the metallic warehouse, next to the club. Supporting you the door after turning on the light, both come inside to the big fridge. Opening it to grab some bags.
“Wait, I got it”. 
Angel leans above the fridge to help you out, invading without asking your personal space. He smirks at you holding the bags you took.
“So, what'bout ya'?”
“How I didn' see you before around? To work here ya' must have friends at hell”.
“I'm family”. You just say, putting some more bags on his arms.
“Álvarez and Bishop's?”
“Yea'”. You nod closing the fridge.
“Well, I would be glad to see ya' often”.
“No, you wouldn't”. Obispo is behind you cross-armed, talking firmly without hesitation. “Take the ice to the bar”.
The Mayan doesn't say anything else, passing by El Presidente's side and leaving you alone. Closing the door you raise both eyebrows. Bishop snorts clicking his tongue. He trusts you, of course, but he don't trust the other mexican.
“I can protect my ass without help”.
“I know, little trouble. But I don' need an internally fight for that pretty and beautiful ass”. He laugh surrounding your hips with an arm, accompanying you to your place.
“When you started to be that bored, ah?”
“I keep the good times here”. He answers pointing out one of his temples.
“Shit, you sound like my grandpa'!”
Walking close of your husband, he takes your hand living a smooth and gentle kiss on the back of it. Letting you go from his cousin, you lean towards him placing your lips on his forehead dearly, before following your way back to the bar continuing with your task. Angel is there making your job easier when placing the ice inside the freezer.
“Daddy protects ya' good”. He whispers looking at you for a second.
“Daddy?” You can't help but breaking in laughs, covering your mouth with a hand. “You think 'amma helpless baby girl?”
“I'm sure you can kick me, befo' I can figure it ou'”. 
“Yea', I'm sure you would like't”.
“Well, that's not gonna happen, but you can keep dreaming”. You joke on him, grabbing a bottle of water to drink from it.
Bishop turns to the call, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand after sipping of his beer. Marcus raises his chin making a gesture to the bar. Taza and Tranq looks at it too. El Presidente rolls his eyes, listening your laughs and watching Angel trying to flirt with you, ignoring the warnings he made to him.
“I told Angel to keep his hands off”. He just say, pretending to get up. But Álvarez stops him by a hand on his chest.
“I know you told him twice. Third is on my own”. He replies pretty calm, scaring Obispo more than if he was angry.
“And sometimes dreams come true”. The Mayan says, resting his body against the freezer.
Shaking your head with a loud laughter, you turn to the fridges checking the beers, before raising your gaze to your husband coming closer. Gawking nailing your elbows on the wooden bar and supporting your chin on your palms, you show him a lovely smile. No matter how many years have passed, you fall more and more everyday for him. Biting your lower lip with your incisors, you lean forward just a little.
“May I help you, señor Álvarez?”
Angel has an eyebrow upped, looking at the scene from the background and maybe understanding Bishop's words.
“I need two beers and my wife”. He says crossing his hands over his abdomen, as soon as he stops his feet.
“Yes, sir”. You just say winking the right eye.
“Having fun, mijo?”
“Yea', Padrino. She is… She…”
“She's more polite than me”. Marcus interrupts him with a calm tone of voice, twisting his head slightly. “Don't shit where you eat, Angel. You're smarter than that”.
“Sounds like he has an option”. You say frowning, passing them away with the beers between your fingers, taking off the opener handling on your neck with the free one, and giving it to other waitress.
And Marcus knows now you feel annoyed because of his words. That's one of the reasons you have never wanted to attend a Mayans' party. They're always marking their own territory over other members, and you're not a piece of meat, nor a trophy, not a bundle of money. Your husband follows your steps to inside the clubhouse in complete silence, not noticing the members who step out of it to give you some intimacy. 
“You know what I meant”.
“Look, I don't need… two pitbulls growling before me. You should know me after nine years”.
“I do”.
“Really? So then, why was tha' fo'?”
“I'm sorry”.
“Yea', you better compensate me later, señor Álvarez”. Walking closer, you offer him one of the beer, but grabbing your wrist to push you into him.
“You know how much I love you, right?”
“Nah, tell me”. You joke on him, placing both hands crossed above his nap, leaving some ephemeral caresses on his head.
“I can't explain”.
Pressing his lips with yours closing the distance between your bodies, until your chest collides with his, Marcus wraps you between his arms. It's true you didn't fall in love at first sight, but you wouldn't change him for anyone. You still feeling the same tickles and the same sparkles in your stomach whenever he's near of you. And you spend every morning, at least five minutes, watching him sleep peacefully above your chest. That is your favorite moment of the day, feeling somewhat blessed since you can do it every single day.
“Com'ere, papi”. You mutter against his lips, guiding him blinded through the only hallway on your steps to the dorms. “Let's remember old times…”
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Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader.
Anon #1 asked: Hey girl, I wanted to request and imagine with bishop losa. You Two have a fight and makes you cry and he leaves your home and you think he break up with you. Really angsty.
Anon #2 asked: helloooooo love❤️ I would like to request a writing for bishop. The plot about you think he is cheating you but in fact is something completely different. like so so angsty at first but then so so fluffy
Word count: 1.8k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. Gif credits: @thedevilsmoonshine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @arvedua 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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After almost five days out of Santo Padre because of a meeting with your boss in New York, you're back to southern Cali. You didn't tell Bishop when you were arriving, 'cause you prefer to give him a surprise. So, there you are, walking through the front yard straight to the clubhouse, after greeting Chucky. Your silent footsteps end by the front door. You're nervous, because it's the first time you're out of California, since you two decided to make your relationship something more serious. The MC calls you “Old Lady”, which is pretty fun to you.
But, when you're about to open the door, your hand gets stuck on the knob. Inside the clubhouse, there's a conversation happening that it makes you frown with anger and sadness mainly.
“It's easy, prez. Go and tell her”. Angel's voice of wisdom, note the irony, talks first.
“No, it's not. 'Am sure she's gonna freak out and it's gonna be the death of our relationship”. Bishop sounds upset.
“Well, it isn't something you can hide from her. She's pretty smart”. The scratchy voice of Taza makes an appearance, and by that you know what happened in your absence.
Your eyes are full of tears and your whole body is trembling. You run away from there, without looking back. You don't even know where to go, but pack your things and leave the town sound like something you should do as soon as possible. Your friends told you. Your friends told you that Bishop wasn't someone good for you, that sooner or later he would break your heart. And he did. You don't even know why the hell you're surprised about it, with all the hours he spends in Vicky's place.
Pulling a suitcase on the bed, you take all your stuff putting inside without caring if your clothes could wrinkle or not. You just want to leave. And your heart jumps when you hear the front door getting opened. For a second, you stop everything you're doing thinking that he should explain himself, but you don't wanna hear him, so you continue with your last task in this house.
It takes you some seconds to put the key inside the lock, opening the door of the house that has been your home for the last year. Now, all you wanna do is burn down this place. With the tears running your cheeks, leaving a wet trail on your skin, you walk towards the main room. It smells like him. But you can't feel anything good anymore. There's no affection, happiness or joy. Only pain. Many times you've imagined a possible future together in your head, and how it would feel to have a family, or move into a bigger house.
“(Y/N)? What 'you doin' here?” At first, he sound excited and happy, until he sees that you're packing all your stuff. “The hell you doin', querida?”
“Go fuck yourself, Obispo”. You yell without looking at him, with all the anger that resides inside your chest. Your cry gets louder when he tries to walk next to you, raising both hands straight him to stop his steps. “I trusted you! I gave you the best of me! I never asked about anything! Your loyalty! It was everything I asked for! And you... you betrayed me!”
You're really mad as obvious, pushing him once and again with your hands on his chest. He doesn't move an inch of his body, truly confused because of your words and the reprimands that you are spitting.
“What... the hell?”
“Yes! That's what I said!”
“Who the fuc' told you I cheated on you?” He rubs the bridge of his nose, with a heavy snort.
“I didn't tell anything about cheating on me. So, you did? Right? You couldn't keep your cock inside your fucking pants!” You're about to punch him in the face, when he catches your wrist in the air.
“I didn'! I didn' cheat'! What the fuc' is wrong with you, (Y/N), ah?” Bishop shouts at you full of fury, before you push him away again. “You know what? Fuc' you! Call me when you're not that fuckin' crazy. I have bigger problems to attend than your fuckin' paranoia”.
The door is slammed shut seconds later, leaving you there completely alone. Then, you fall apart supporting your back against the wall until you meet the floor. Your legs curled against your chest, and your arms wrapping them, before you're able to hide your face between both. The tears are soaking the fabric of your jeans and you feel like the shortness of breath in your lungs won't let you breathe.
You don't know how long you've been like this, till you feel some pain in your lower back. Getting up of the floor, you close the suitcase zipper, before rolling it to your car. The other stuff, he can burn it or throw it to the trash, you don't care.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
The sun is falling down when you pass the welcome sign of Santo Padre. Maybe you shouldn't drive in that kind of condition, with all the pain pressing your body and the eyes full of tears. You don't even know where to go, but driving to nowhere doesn't sound that bad. You turn on the radio, looking for a channel without interference, with maybe some good music. But there's an annoying buzz that doesn't stop chasing you. Looking through the rearview mirror, you find Tranq and Taza on their motorbikes and even if you're not about to stop, you finally do it to a side of the road. You stay inside the car, pulling down the window when the oldest walks towards you.
“Come with us”.
“I'm not, Che. I'm leaving Santo Padre, and I'm not gonna come back”.
“Bishop cheated on me, probably with one of Vicky's girl, and then he broke up with me by saying that I was fuckin' crazy”. You interrupt him, raising your reddened gaze at the man.
“Chucky told us you were at the clubhouse. And... by the things I think you heard, yeah... It's what seems like. But he would never be with another woman that isn't you, believe me”. Yes, you do it. You know he can't lie to you. So you're doubting, with your eyes on the horizon. “It's exactly the opposite. Come with us. Bishop is devastated, I assure you”.
Taza hits softly your car twice, hoping you will do it. And when he's back at his motorbike, starting the engine, you sigh with your head supported against the steering wheel. You punch it with anger, making the horn sound, before turning back the wheels to Santo Padre. Probably, if Bishop had sent other of his men, you wouldn't stop. But even Tranq seemed upset with the idea of you leaving the town.
Behind both men, you cross the alley from Romeros and Brothers to the clubhouse. The Mayans president is sitting on the stairs, with a beer between his hands and his head down to the ground. Four hours have passed since he left the house, and now he looks like a mess. Getting out of the car, you raise your eyes to the men that, now, are at your back pushing you softly to start walking. Your steps are slow and you keep your hands on both pockets of the jacket, with pursed lips. You're actually intrigued of what he has to say.
But there are no words from Bishop, drinking of his beer before getting up from the stairs and walking inside the club. You follow him, keeping silent.
“I didn't”. He says, once the door is closed. And for the first time, you notice the redness in his eyes.
“Then, what is that, that would be ‘the death to our relationship’, uh?” He laughs bitterly 'cause of your words, shaking his head and leaving away the beer, to free his hands. Then, he looks for something inside the pocket of the leather vest.
“I was about to ask you 'marry me. But I thought it was too soon, and the guys said that never is too soon”. He answers, putting the black and small box on the bar. “I thought you could say that... I'm crazy... or you don't want to marry me, or something like that. And I was fucking scared”.
It's like as if your vocal chords have frozen. You don't know what to say, feeling like the most stupid person on earth. Biting your cheek inside, you take the small box, opening it to see the ring. A fine gold ring with a diamond, something simple without being over the top.
“I know what you have... could hear, but it's not. I couldn't”. He sentences, before your cry appears again. You're sobbing, covering your mouth with a hand. Bishop hugs you tight against his body, hiding your head on his neck. “I'm sorre' about what I said. I just... was stressed because of asking you. And you were... there. Packing your things. At first I thought you didn't tell me when you were coming back, just because you wanted to finish us and you didn't know how to tell me”.
“It's my fault, baby”. You say after some seconds in silence, looking at him. “I acted like a crazy chick. I should have asked you, and I didn't. I was excited with the idea of... giving you a surprise and... I heard that, and... and...”
“It's ok, mi amor”. He whispers, leaning towards you to leave a dearly kiss on your lips. “Just tell me you want. And that you're not leaving, 'cause... shit, I don' know how to live without you, baby”.
You nod with energy. You can't leave him. You can't imagine a life without him. The man takes the ring, putting it on your finger and having a look of how good its looks on it. He holds you, making your legs get wrapped on his waist, before he's able to walk to the nearest sofa. You're clinging to him, while your tears begin to be smooth and are less constant. Having a seat there, you put your arms around his neck, lying against his body to enjoy the closeness between both, that you've missed so much.
“I love you, Bish. I love you more than anyone. And I'm so sorry”.
“You don' have to. It was my fault too, let's leave it in a tie, ok?” He chuckles, cupping your cheeks with his hands.
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