#Product Inspection Services in China
Supply Chain Service
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zetasourcingservices · 8 months
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Brazil boosts agricultural exports to Africa and Asia
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Last year, Brazil witnessed a significant enhancement in the export of agricultural products to Africa and Asia, following the establishment of specialized sanitary certification services for its agricultural commodities. This development was spearheaded by the Department of Inspection of Plant Products under the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense, focusing on the certification of food safety standards for markets including China, Morocco, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations.
Notably, Brazil's exports to the GCC included 270 tons of nuts and almonds in 2023, with shipments like cashew nuts to Oman, Brazilian nuts, and pecans to Saudi Arabia, alongside coconut oil to the United Arab Emirates. Additionally, the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural attachés, and ApexBrasil have broadened the scope of Brazilian agricultural exports. This includes a significant increase in coffee beans to Indonesia and the introduction of crude soybean oil to the Moroccan market, alongside a 30% rise in black pepper exports to the same country.
Continue reading.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Finland's unemployment rate is rising, but Helsingin Sanomat has news of an American employer eyeing further expansion.
Established without much fanfare, according to HS, power giant Eaton's Vantaa factory manufactures what's known as uninterruptible power supply products (UPS) that can maintain power in the event of a failure.
The global cloud service market — now also needed for an AI boom — requires continuous electricity supply, and these devices are being assembled in Vantaa.
Already employing around 400 people, Eaton hired 50 workers in Finland this year and plans to hire as many more. Only five percent of Eaton's equipment stays in Finland, the rest is for export. Vantaa also serves as the headquarters for the company's backup power system business in Europe, where product development is carried out in collaboration with units located in the US and China.
Possible power break
Ilta-Sanomat warns of potential spot electricity price hikes this week as all three Olkiluoto reactors will probably undergo service at the same time.
This news follows last week's spot price jump triggered by low wind power, as well as two of Olkiluoto's reactors getting their annual maintenance.
The completion of Olkiluoto 3's first annual checkup is over a month behind schedule, IS writes.
Finnish Energy, the energy sector's trade association, has said consumers could expect significant daily and monthly electricity price fluctuations in the future.
Parking patrols' payback
Iltalehti reports on a significant increase in parking surveillance in Helsinki over the past two years, along with increased fines following a 2022 report highlighting inspector negligence.
Helsingin Sanomat was the first to report on consulting firm Valor’s survey which revealed that parking inspectors in the capital region were largely neglecting their duties.
The report from spring 2022 observed that employees conducted inspections in places where parking is impossible, like the Kulosaari bridge and major road intersections. Certain locations received excessive supervision, while others were neglected. Breaks and non-work activities consumed significant portions of some inspectors' days.
Kaija Kossila, Helsinki's head of parking enforcement and services, told IL that the findings prompted immediate action from the city to address the issues and improve effectiveness.
Measures included reducing unnecessary meetings, improving work supervision, and tightening time management practices.
Since the report's publication, there has been a noticeable turnaround.
There were some 230,000 checks by Helsinki parking inspectors between January and March two years ago. This year, during the same period, there have been around 480,000.
The number of parking fines has also grown. Kossila told IL that the City of Helsinki issued over 24,000 more parking fines last year than in 2022, bringing the total up to nearly 160,000.
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rainbowsky · 2 years
First, thank you for all the work you put into your blog - it's been my go-to info source since I came into the fandom a few months ago.
My question is about the new restrictions China just issued on 10/31/22 relating specifically to celebrity endorsements.
Does it seem to you that these might negatively impact our boys in any way? I know you're not clairvoyant, but I'd love to hear your take on this, if you're OK with doing so.
Hi Emrinalexander!
Thanks, I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog! 💛
Yeah, China just loves to tighten the noose. Every few months we see some new set of regulations aimed at enforcing 'core socialist values'.
This type of regulation around endorsements has been around for a while now. Celebrities are expected to take responsibility for what they endorse, and that's nothing new. However there are a few additions and clarifications:
Celebrities are forbidden from endorsing tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), medical products and devices, tutoring services and health foods/formulas.
Celebrities must do their due diligence on companies they endorse and must use the products they endorse - the same version of what's endorsed - to verify quality.
In situations where they endorse 'gendered' products or children's products they can't personally use, family members must use it.
Companies are forbidden from hiring celebrities deemed to have 'lapsed morals' (drug addiction, fraud, tax evasion, etc.) to endorse their products.
Companies aren't allowed to use party leaders or figures in their advertisements.
Celebrities and agencies found to be engaging in false or misleading endorsements will be punished and exposed.
Celebrities are expected to be role models and demonstrate strong, responsible 'core socialist values', and that extends to product endorsements. They must present the types of products in the sort of tone that aligns with the government's vision.
As always with these things, it will all come down to how companies, managers and artists interpret and implement the guidelines. One person's 'too far' will likely be another person's 'not far enough'.
This will not likely impact GG and DD all that much. I suspect they're already very cautious about what they endorse, so they're probably already well positioned to mostly just take this in stride. However, I'm always annoyed when these directives are handed down from on high. I can only imagine how stressful it is to work under these kinds of conditions.
Google translation of the updated regulations:
In recent years, some well-known artists, entertainment stars, Internet celebrities, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as stars) have illegally endorsed, falsely endorsed, or even promoted wrong ideas in endorsement activities; some companies believe in traffic first, and choose illegal and unethical celebrities as product endorsements; individual media The control is not strict, and the illegal and immoral stars are allowed to participate in the advertising endorsement activities. The chaos in the field of advertising endorsements has seriously infringed upon the rights and interests of consumers, disrupted the market order, and polluted the social atmosphere, and the people have expressed strong reactions. In order to adhere to the correct orientation of advertising and publicity, clarify the atmosphere of the industry, create a good social environment, maintain the order of the advertising market, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, in accordance with the "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, the following opinions are hereby offered on further regulating celebrity advertising endorsement activities.
General requirements
Adhere to the guidance of core socialist values, adhere to problem orientation, address both the symptoms and root causes, follow laws and regulations, be active and prudent, strengthen industry management, strengthen supervision and inspection, strict credit supervision, and advocate social cooperation. Governance, do a good job in propaganda and guidance, effectively clean up the chaos in the entire chain of celebrity advertising endorsements, standardize the behavior of celebrities, enterprises, and media, effectively maintain market order, and create a clear atmosphere in the advertising field.
Standardize celebrity advertising endorsement behavior
All relevant departments should further clarify the rules of celebrity advertising endorsement behavior, strengthen advertising-oriented supervision, strengthen celebrity self-discipline, and standardize celebrity advertising endorsement behavior.
(1) Adhere to the correct orientation. Celebrities should consciously practice socialist core values ​​in their advertising endorsement activities, and endorsement activities should conform to social morals and traditional virtues. Do not publish remarks that are detrimental to the dignity or interests of the country; do not carry out words and deeds that obstruct social stability and social public order; do not promote obscenity, pornography, gambling, superstition, terror, violence, etc.; No hype about privacy; no misconceptions and deformed aesthetics such as extravagance, money worship, entertainment first, etc.; no advertising endorsements with images or similar images of party and state leaders, revolutionary leaders, hero models, etc. If the character image of the drama is used for advertising endorsement, it shall obtain the authorization and permission of the copyright owner of the film and television drama); it is not allowed to promote other speeches and concepts that go against the good social customs.
(2) Do a good job of checking in advance. Before celebrities carry out advertising endorsement activities for commodities or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as commodities), they should fully understand the endorsed company and endorsed products, check the registration information of the endorsed company, relevant qualification approvals, corporate credit records, and endorsed products. Instructions (service procedures), contract terms and transaction conditions involving consumer rights and obligations, and review related advertising scripts. Celebrities should properly record their understanding of the information about the endorsed company, their experience and use of products, keep relevant advertising endorsement contracts and endorsement commodity consumption bills and other materials, and establish a file for undertaking advertising endorsements.
(3) Advocacy with integrity in accordance with the law. Celebrities should strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, and carry out advertising endorsement activities in accordance with laws, regulations and integrity. It is not allowed to advertise for products that are prohibited from production and sale by law (including prohibited services); it is not allowed to recommend or certify unused products (services that have not been accepted); Enterprises that have obtained approval but have not been approved to make advertising endorsements; must not advertise for tobacco and tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes), off-campus training, medical treatment, medicine, medical equipment, health food and formula food for special medical purposes; must not violate other Laws and regulations on advertising. During the endorsement process, state secrets or personal privacy shall not be revealed; the efficacy of the product shall not be exaggerated; the data that cannot be verified shall not be quoted; the commercial slander shall not be made to other operators; Asset management products must not be directly or disguised as propaganda, promise to guarantee capital and return, or imply capital preservation, risk-free, guaranteed income, etc. by means of predicting investment performance; not blindly promote low thresholds, low interest rates, and easy loans for lending financial products, causing consumption misunderstood.3. Standardize the selection of celebrities to carry out advertising activities
All relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and management of enterprises, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises, and standardize the advertising endorsement activities of enterprises.
(1) Ensure that the content of the advertisement is true. Enterprises that choose celebrities for advertising endorsements should provide relevant advertising scripts to celebrities and be responsible for the authenticity and legality of the advertising content. Financial product advertisements shall proactively and fully disclose product information and risks, and strictly abide by the financial industry management department's regulations on financial product marketing. If the relevant products are related to the life, health and safety of consumers, the enterprise should take the initiative to remind the endorsement risks to the advertising spokespersons to be selected. The products that enterprises provide to endorsers to experience and use should be consistent with those provided to consumers in terms of quality, price, transaction conditions and service quality.
(2) Proper selection of celebrity endorsements. Before selecting a celebrity endorsement, an enterprise should fully understand the celebrity's employment status and personal credit, pay attention to the unity of economic and social benefits, and consciously resist the selection of illegal and immoral celebrities as advertising spokespersons. Strictly abide by advertising laws and regulations, and must not use celebrities who have been administratively punished for endorsement of false advertisements for less than three years as advertising spokespersons.
(3) Strictly abide by the prohibitive regulations. Enterprises shall not use minors under the age of ten as advertising spokespersons. If the laws and regulations on the protection of minors and relevant regulations on the management of live broadcast marketing have other provisions on the age limit of advertising spokespersons, the provisions shall prevail. Enterprises engaged in medical, pharmaceutical, medical equipment, health food and other industries are not allowed to use advertising spokespersons for advertising. No off-campus training advertisements for primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens) shall be published, and enterprises engaged in other education and training industries shall not use professionals or beneficiaries to carry out advertising endorsement activities. Enterprises engaged in pesticides, veterinary drugs, feed, feed additives, crop seeds, tree seeds, grass seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, aquatic fry and breeding industries shall not use professionals to engage in advertising endorsement activities.4. Strictly manage the release of celebrity endorsement advertisements
All relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and management of advertising publishing units, urge advertising publishing units to strengthen advertising review and content management, and resolutely curb illegal and unethical star advertising endorsements.
(1) Strict internal audit. The operating units of advertising distribution carriers such as newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, movies, and the Internet must properly produce and maintain advertising distribution files in accordance with the law, establish and improve an internal review system for advertising distribution, increase efforts to review the content of celebrity endorsement advertisements, and resolutely correct violations of correct guidance , Use sensitive topics to hype, vulgar, vulgar and kitsch and other bad advertising information, and promptly stop publishing advertisements for illegal and unethical celebrity endorsements.
(2) Strengthen section (column) and live broadcast management. Various media units must strictly implement the festival (column) management system, strengthen the management of live broadcasts in accordance with laws and regulations, and strictly prohibit illegal and immoral celebrities from participating in interviews, variety shows, live broadcasts, etc. to carry out advertising endorsement activities in disguise.
Precise law enforcement and strict supervision
(1) Accurately identify celebrity advertising endorsements. In addition to advertising and recommending products produced or sold by celebrities as advertisers, celebrities recommending or certifying commodities or services through image display, language, text, actions, etc. in commercial advertisements shall be recognized as advertising endorsements in accordance with the law. Although there is no star image in a radio advertisement, if the star's name is indicated and the products are promoted in the star's name, it shall be deemed that the star has made an advertising endorsement. If a star promotes a product in an advertisement by playing the role of a film or television drama, it shall be deemed that the star himself has made the advertisement endorsement. In order to recommend and prove products, celebrities introduce products in the process of participating in entertainment programs, interview programs, and online live broadcasts, which constitute advertising endorsements. If an enterprise falsely uses the name of a star or misappropriates the image of a star for advertising, it is not an advertising endorsement act.
(2) Accurately identify the circumstances in which illegal and unethical celebrities are selected for endorsement in advertisements. If an enterprise knows or should know that a celebrity has made wrong political remarks or other remarks that violate the core socialist values ​​and has caused a bad social impact, but still chooses a celebrity for advertising endorsement, it shall, based on the facts and circumstances, determine that the relevant advertisement obstructs social stability and social public order. If an enterprise knows and should know that celebrities have committed drug abuse, gambling, drunk driving, forced indecency, tax evasion, fraud, securities insider trading and other illegal and criminal acts that have caused bad social impact, and still choose celebrities for advertising endorsements, it should be based on the facts. social good manners.
(3) Accurately grasp the advertising spokesperson's obligation to use the endorsed product. Celebrities themselves should make full use of endorsement products to ensure that the time or quantity of use is sufficient to generate a daily consumption experience; symbolic purchases or use of endorsement products should not be deemed as advertising spokespersons who have fulfilled their obligations to use products in accordance with the law. If a celebrity endorses a product exclusively for infants or for the opposite sex, the product should be fully and reasonably used by the star's close relatives. Celebrities should continue to use endorsement products at a reasonable frequency and frequency during the endorsement period. For electronic products, automobiles and other products with rapid technological iteration, celebrities only use a certain generation of products of a certain brand, and are not allowed to endorse other products of the brand. If a celebrity endorses the overall image of an enterprise or brand in the name of brand “experience officer”, “recommendation officer”, “image ambassador”, etc., the advertisement shall indicate or explain the name of the enterprise or brand used by the celebrity.
(4) Pursuing the responsibilities of all parties involved in illegal acts of advertising endorsement in accordance with the law. Relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of the entire chain of advertising endorsement activities, strictly investigate and punish false and illegal advertisements endorsed by celebrities, and pursue legal responsibilities of advertisers, advertising operators, advertising publishers, advertising spokespersons and related Internet information service providers according to law. For those who make false or illegal endorsements, the stars themselves must be punished resolutely in accordance with the law, and the punishment of the star agency shall not be replaced by the punishment of the star. If a star brokerage company participates in advertising endorsement activities, it shall bear legal responsibility as an advertising operator. For celebrities with false or illegal endorsements, it is necessary to strengthen public exposure, include them in personal integrity records in accordance with laws and regulations, and strengthen joint punishment for dishonesty. After the celebrity endorses falsely and illegally, if it promptly and voluntarily assumes civil compensation liability to consumers, the punishment may be lighter or mitigated in accordance with the law. 6. Strengthen organizational leadership
(1) Improve political standing. Relevant departments should further improve their political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution. From the perspective of implementing the people-centered development concept and promoting the construction of spiritual civilization, they should effectively increase the standardization of celebrity advertising endorsements, so as to keep the land and be responsible. , To be responsible for the soil, to be responsible for the soil, to promote the fundamental control of the chaos of celebrity advertising endorsements, to maintain good social customs, and to enhance the people's sense of gain.
(2) Strengthen cooperation between departments. It is necessary to give full play to the function of the joint conference on rectification of false and illegal advertisements, increase the intensity of joint interviews, joint law enforcement, joint exposure, and joint punishment, play a role in coordinated supervision, and improve supervision efficiency. It is necessary to fully rely on the comprehensive governance working mechanism in the field of entertainment, strengthen education guidance, industry management, supervision during and after events, and star self-discipline to work together to establish a multi-field, cross-departmental collaborative work pattern. It is necessary to strengthen communication and cooperation with public security, taxation and other departments, and if it is found that tax evasion or other illegal and criminal acts are involved in the supervision of celebrity advertising endorsements, it will be transferred to the relevant departments in a timely manner.
(3) Strengthen multi-party co-governance. Relevant departments should strengthen the education, guidance and management of stars and other related groups, increase the guidance of art groups and online performance brokerage agencies, and support art groups and online performance agencies to strengthen the management of their own stars engaged in advertising endorsement activities, Explore the record management of celebrity advertising endorsement contracts and related advertising scripts. Strengthen the supervision of financial institutions and financial marketing activities, and guide and standardize the relevant behaviors of financial institutions in selecting celebrities to carry out advertising endorsements. Support relevant group organizations and industry associations to play the role of education, guidance, and self-discipline, and encourage relevant industry ethics committees to carry out moral reviews and evaluation activities for celebrity advertising endorsements and other activities in accordance with laws and regulations, and play the role of moral restraint and punishment. Urge celebrities, enterprises, and media to carry out self-examination and rectification, and earnestly assume the main responsibility for maintaining the order of the advertising market.
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tzeming-janice · 10 months
Case Study on China
The Great Firewall of China
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The Chinese government has voiced worries about the internet since 1998, viewing it as a potential source of social and political challenges to the regime's cultural values and ideology (Cawford, 2023). In response, China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) directed the Golden Shield project, which was started in 1998 and finished in 2006 (Open Society Institute, n.d.). This initiative is a regulatory framework accompanied by an extensive system of internet censorship. According to Kerner, the western media has called it "The Great Firewall of China”, implying that it encompasses a set of tools, services, and regulations that the government of the People’s Republic of China uses to prevent access to specific online information by individuals who are physically inside its boundaries.
If you've read this far, you might be wondering how the Great Firewall of China blocks content.
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The Great Firewall of China uses various methods to block content. It inspects internet traffic entering and leaving China, blocking entire domains and IP address ranges. Additionally, when a user attempts to search for the blocked keywords and phrases, the Great Firewall will block and redirect the website query in a way that does not let the user access the requested information. Additionally, the firewall also actively scans network connections for potential proxy IPs used to bypass it, such as VPNs or Tor privacy networks (Kerner, n.d.).
Criticism and Concerns of the Great Firewall of China
The Chinese government has come under criticism from numerous human rights organisations for the extensive and invasive state monitoring methods used by the Great Firewall. Critics argued that China has restricted its citizens' freedom of access to information sources by enforcing the Great Firewall's strict censorship (Gisonna, 2023). To illustrate, Google holds less than a 2% market share in China, primarily due to government restrictions, with Baidu being the dominant search engine service (Seth, 2022). In March 2009, the Chinese government also banned access to YouTube after the dissemination of videos regarding security personnel beating protestors in Tibet, a region of China (Zed Biz, 2023).
According to Gisonna (2023), in spite of the Great Firewall facing criticism, numerous technology firms have yielded to the Chinese government's self-censorship guidelines, adapting their products to align with Chinese regulations. For example, Microsoft Corporation has produced an altered version of its web search engine, Bing.
China’s powerful app - WeChat
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WeChat was developed by Chinese technology giant Tencent Group and was first introduced in 2011 (Sapra, 2019).
As per Zhang (2018), WeChat has evolved beyond its original purpose as a messaging and social networking app. Tencent has effectively transformed WeChat into a super app, serving as a comprehensive platform where users can seamlessly access a multitude of authorized third-party services. These services range from tasks like ride-hailing, purchasing movie tickets, ordering food delivery, booking hotels, paying bills, and many other functionalities. Long story short, it is nearly impossible to do anything without access to WeChat nowadays (Sapra, 2019).
Tencent (2018) argued that “WeChat aims to embed itself in every moment of the user's daily life, from morning till night, anytime, anywhere.”
Why WeChat fails when expanding abroad?
The majority of features of WeChat were constrained due to the absence of collaboration with local suppliers to offer those services. This is why WeChat is losing its competitive edge and transforming into merely another messaging application (Seppam, 2023).
Simultaneously, as per Medium (2019), WeChat's failure can be attributed to its delayed entry into the foreign market. By the time WeChat ventured into the international market in April 2012, WhatsApp had already surpassed its innovation period, spanning from 2009 to 2011. This indicates that WeChat faced limited growth opportunities to capture the global market.
Social Credit System in China
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China's social credit system comprises databases and initiatives designed to monitor and evaluate the reliability of individuals, businesses, government entities, and the judiciary (Lee, 2020). It was formally introduced to the public in 2014 with the unveiling of the Outline for the Construction and Planning of the Social Credit System. In addition to looking at financial history and activity, that similar to credit rating systems in other nations, it also considers things like unethical behaviour and legal infractions (Koty & Huld, 2023).
A credit score may benefit from making good contributions to society through the establishment of social programmes, donations to charitable organisations, or other corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. A high credit score may grant access to discounted public housing or priority medical care. Conversely, engaging in such undesirable behaviour as dishonest or unlawful taxation, misleading customer behaviour, and so forth, may result in a low rating and adverse outcomes including being barred from trains and aeroplanes (Lee, 2020).
Is the social credit system a way to instill good behaviour and provide safety to citizens?
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From my point of view, the opinions on this question are diverse. Supporters argue that the Social Credit System could potentially improve overall societal conduct by promoting trust and integrity. They suggest that by rewarding responsible behaviour and penalising misconduct, the system could contribute to a safer and more orderly society.
On the other hand, critics express concerns about privacy violations, the potential for abuse of power, and the impact on individual freedoms. The system involves extensive surveillance and data collection, raising worries about government intervening into citizens' lives. There are fears that the system could be used for social and political control, suppressing dissent, and restricting individual freedoms.
In general, the goal of China's social credit system is to ensure that residents and companies doing business there adhere to local laws and regulations (Velocity Global, 2023). It is important to strive for a balance between the potential benefits of improved societal behaviour and the protection of individual rights.
Crawford, D. (2023, February 3). What is the Great Firewall of China and how does it work. Proton VPN Blog. https://protonvpn.com/blog/great-firewall-china/
Gisonna, N. (2023, September 21). Great Firewall. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Great-Firewall
Kerner, S. M. (n.d.). Great firewall of China. WhatIs.com. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/Great-Firewall-of-China
Koty, A. C. & Huld, A. (2023, March 24). China’s social credit system: What businesses need to know. China Briefing News. https://www.china-briefing.com/news/chinas-social-credit-system-how-it-works/
Lee, A. (2020, August 9). What is China’s social credit system and why is it controversial? South China Morning Post. https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3096090/what-chinas-social-credit-system-and-why-it-controversial
Medium. (2019, November 19). Identify and explore why “WeChat” failed internationally. https://medium.com/@uncigolini/identify-and-explore-why-wechat-failed-internationally-605cff5043d9
Sapra, B. (2019, December 21). This Chinese super-app is Apple’s biggest threat in China and could be a blueprint for Facebook’s future. Here’s what it’s like to use WeChat, which helps a billion users order food and hail rides. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-superapp-wechat-best-feature-walkthrough-2019-12
Seppam, M. (2023, April 5). How China’s Super-App WeChat Failed in USA and Europe.  Why do other successful local apps fail when expanding abroad? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-chinas-super-app-wechat-failed-usa-europe-why-do-other-seppam/
Seth, S. (2022, December 31). Baidu vs. Google: What's the Difference. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/051215/baidu-vs-google-how-are-they-different.asp#:~:text=Google%20has%20a%20strong%2C%20dominant,government%20has%20restricted%20its%20use.
Velocity Global. (2023, October 6). The Chinese Social Credit System: What to know as a business owner. https://velocityglobal.com/resources/blog/chinese-social-credit-system/
Zhang, M. (2018, March 26). China’s WeChat: The Power of the Super App. Medium. https://medium.com/@miaozhenzhang666/chinas-wechat-the-power-of-the-super-app-dc144657625e
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bettergloves · 1 year
Are you in search of high-quality sterile surgical gloves? Look no further than Guilin HBM Health Protections, Inc. As the top surgical gloves factory in China, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the best products possible. Each of our gloves goes through a rigorous inspection process, ensuring that they are 100% air inflated and inspected seven times before delivery. We take pride in delivering high-quality and safety medical gloves to our customers. Our annual production capacity is 800,000,000 pairs, making us the leading surgical gloves factory in China. We specialize in producing 100% blow-checked surgical gloves with a high AQL of 0.65. Our gloves are sterilized in-house using E-Beam sterilization, ensuring the highest level of safety and quality. We are proud to have received several certifications, including CE, EN455, ISO13485, FDA 510K, SATRA, PPE, and CCPIT certifications. Our clients include well-known organizations such as Medline, UNICEF, UN Migration, and UNOPS. At Guilin HBM Health Protections, Inc., our team is composed of over 2,000 dedicated professionals who are committed to providing our clients with the best service possible. We take pride in our work and are dedicated to making sure our customers receive the best products and services. So why wait? Visit our website at surgicalgloves.com to learn more about our products and services. And if you have any questions or would like to place an order, our team is here to help. #SterileSurgicalGloves#SurgicalGlovesFactory#MedicalGloves#EBeamSterilization, #QualityControl
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PSI service in India from CIS
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When defining the word "inspection" the precise meaning is "formal or official check". Inspection includes measuring, estimating, and investigating to determine whether the uniqueness of a particular object or activity meets established criteria. Pre-shipment inspection is a step for trading companies (buyers, suppliers, agents) to inspect newly manufactured products before they are shipped for import and export. The objectives of a pre shipment inspection in India are to –
Check products’ quantity and quality
Check the products’ for any defects
There are many types of inspection processes, but pre shipment inspection in India plays an important role among them. When importing goods or materials from a manufacturer, they must comply with product specifications and quality standards. The methods of quality control and Pre-inspection of the products under the export-
Consignment-wise inspection
In-process Quality Control
During this process, a professional inspection team will check all details such as Product characteristics, total quantity, packaging, etc. in line with the customer specifications.
What happens during a Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)?
Third-party inspection is an integrated and independent inspection service performed by an agency with a team of experienced professionals. These professionals can review materials that the manufacturer or supplier sells and/or sends to distributors.
Today you may see many organizations fulfilling this responsibility well. Companies such as manufacturers generally use different materials and ingredients in their production processes and purchase them from different suppliers. In this situation, companies need to inspect the materials and here it becomes necessary to hire a third-party inspection. The following major things that may be inspected-
Product Safety- Third-party inspection service providers check safety parameters associated with products ready for shipment to customers. Experts go through all the necessary technical details regarding the safety parameters of the product.
Quantity & Quality -The quality controller mainly insists on checking the product quality. In doing so, they take into account all the parameters that the manufacturer promised and the customer is looking for.
Product Workmanship- Manufacturers have to stick to product specifications because they have to offer the same products that their customers are looking for. It is the duty of the inspection agency to check the workmanship of the deliverable products.
Size and Color - In addition to color, product size is also a very important specification and should be considered very carefully.
Packaging Standards- It is also a very important factor that plays a very important role in the overall story. To make your product look great and protect it from damage, you need the best packaging.
Why you choose the PSI service in India from CIS?
Are you looking for a trusted and efficient PSI service in India that can deliver you wide-ranging PSI services? Then, China Inspection Service Co. Ltd can provide you with the best and most reliable China PSI inspection services. This organization has years of expertise in delivering such services to businesses to make them conform to the standard safety, quality, and integrity of the products and materials supplied.
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stevecarell600 · 2 years
Drone Package Delivery Market Are Estimated To Increase During Period 2029 USD 31,188.7 Million At Exhibiting a CAGR of 53.94%
The global drone package delivery market size is projected to reach USD 7,388.2 million by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 41.8% during the forecast period. Widespread deployment of drones to deliver medical and food supplies amid the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to aid the market make substantial gains, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Drone Package Delivery Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Type (Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing), By Package Size (Less Than 2 Kg, 2-5 Kg, and above 5 Kg), By End Use (Restaurant & Food Supply, E-commerce, Healthcare, Retail Logistics & Transportation and others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2028”.
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The report states that the market value stood at USD 642.4 million in 2019 and shares the following information:
Comprehensive depiction of the industry outlook and trends;
Detailed insights into the upcoming opportunities in the market;
Tangible analysis of the market drivers, restrains, and all possible segments; and
In-depth assessment of the regional and competitive dynamics impacting the market.
Driving Factor
Emergence of Drone Startups in Logistics to Augment Market Potential
The growing demand for enhancing the efficiency of logistics operations has triggered a sudden emergence of startups specializing in drone technologies to cater to these needs. For example, DroneScan, a South Africa-based startup, designs drones that transmits live data of scanned items in warehouses, making inventory management more efficient and upping the productivity quotient of workers. An Italy-based startup, Archon, provides autonomous robotic drone services to facilitate supervised as well as unsupervised inspection of warehousing and logistics operations. The drone startup culture is gathering momentum in developing countries as well. For example, in India, several startups have spawned in the past few years that are providing next-gen drone services. Aarav Unmanned Systems, for instance, was started in 2013 and is India’s first drone company to develop drone solutions for commercial applications in the public and private sectors. These developments are expected to power the drone package delivery market growth in the forthcoming years.
Regional Insights
North America to Top Other Regions Backed by Rising Preference for Drone Deliveries by Shoppers
North America is set to dominate the drone package delivery market share during the forecast period owing to the increasing inclination of online shoppers towards delivery of goods through unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). With a market size of USD 237.7 million in 2019, the region is likely to retain its leading position, which will be supported by the strong financial support to drone startups in the US and Canada.
In Europe, the market is anticipated to be driven by the growing presence of tech companies that are expanding their operations in the region through collaborations and partnerships. Asia Pacific is expected to create exciting opportunities for market players on account of the emerging trend of online purchasing of groceries in the large cities of India, China, and Indonesia.
Competitive Landscape
Supportive Regulations to Novel Ideas to Feed Competitive Ardor of Key Players
With the scope for innovation widening, key players in the market drone package deliveries are engaged in coming up with novel drone solutions, especially during the current coronavirus crisis. Supporting their efforts are regulatory bodies that are easing flying norms and rules to ensure timely delivery of essential supplies to people.
List of Key Companies Profiled in the Drone Package Delivery Market Report:
DroneScan (South Africa)
Cheetah Logistics Technology (US)
Flytrex (Israel)
Flirtey (US)
Matternet, Inc. (US)
Boeing (US)
Amazon Inc. (US)
Wing Aviation LLC (US)
Workhorse Group Inc. (US)
Drone Delivery Canada Corp. (Canada)
Zipline (US)
DHL International GmbH (Germany)
United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (US)
FedEx (US)
Industry Developments:
August 2020: Amazon secured clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to deploy its Prime Air delivery drone fleet to efficiently and securely deliver packages to customers. Amazon is now the third company to receive FAA approval to operate drones on a commercial scale after UPS and the Alphabet-owned company, Wing.
May 2020: Wing, a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that it has made thousands of drone deliveries in Australia during the pandemic. Launched in Canberra in 2019, the demand for Wing’s services rose by 500% between February and April 2020.
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zdfgm · 2 hours
Exploring China’s Leading Extruded Aluminium Enclosure Manufacturers: A Hub of Innovation and Qualit
Overview of Extruded Aluminium Enclosures
Extruded aluminium enclosures are protective casings, often used to house electronic devices, circuit boards, control systems, and other sensitive components. Aluminium's natural properties—lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant—make it an ideal material for these enclosures. The extrusion process allows for the creation of complex shapes with precision, ensuring that enclosures meet the specific design and functional needs of various industries.
Chinese manufacturers have perfected the art of aluminium extrusion, delivering enclosures that meet international quality standards while remaining cost-competitive.
Advantages of China as a Manufacturing Hub
Cost Efficiency One of the primary reasons companies across the globe look to China for extruded aluminium enclosures is the cost advantage. China Extruded Aluminium Enclosure Manufacturer Chinese manufacturers can produce high-quality products at lower costs due to economies of scale, streamlined supply chains, and efficient production processes. Moreover, the availability of raw materials and access to advanced extrusion technologies ensure that these companies can pass on savings to their customers without compromising on quality.
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
China has invested heavily in state-of-the-art equipment and production technologies. From CNC machining, anodizing, powder coating to laser cutting, Chinese manufacturers offer a wide range of post-extrusion services that ensure the final product is tailored to meet client specifications. These advanced capabilities allow for the creation of intricate designs and precise dimensions in aluminium enclosures.
Customization and Flexibility
Chinese extruded aluminium enclosure manufacturers excel in offering customized solutions to meet unique client requirements. Whether it's specific dimensions, custom cut-outs, surface treatments, or particular mechanical properties, these manufacturers are adept at delivering tailored products. This flexibility ensures that clients from various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and electronics, can find solutions that perfectly fit their needs.
Focus on Sustainability
As the demand for eco-friendly products continues to rise, many Chinese manufacturers are prioritizing sustainability. Aluminium is a highly recyclable material, and many manufacturers are now using recycled aluminium in their extrusion processes. This not only reduces the carbon footprint of the manufacturing process but also appeals to environmentally-conscious clients looking to make greener choices in their supply chains.
Quality Control and International Standards
Quality control is a top priority for Chinese manufacturers. Many companies adhere to international standards such as ISO 9001, ensuring that every product undergoes rigorous testing before reaching the customer. From material inspection, precision measurement to performance testing, every aspect of production is closely monitored. Additionally, Chinese manufacturers are increasingly gaining certifications such as RoHS and CE, which enable them to export products that meet the stringent requirements of global markets.
Key Applications of Extruded Aluminium Enclosures
Electronics and Telecommunications
Aluminium enclosures are commonly used in the electronics industry to house delicate components such as power supplies, circuit boards, and communication devices. Their durability and heat dissipation properties make them ideal for protecting sensitive electronics.
Automotive and Aerospace
In the automotive and aerospace industries, lightweight and strong enclosures are essential. Extruded aluminium enclosures offer a perfect blend of durability and weight reduction, making them invaluable for housing control systems, battery modules, and other critical components.
Industrial and Consumer Products
From lighting systems to control panels, extruded aluminium enclosures are used in a wide range of industrial and consumer products. Aluminum Project Box Their versatility, coupled with aesthetic appeal due to surface treatments like anodizing, makes them a popular choice.
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Pre shipment inspections         
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fulfilmentpros · 12 hours
2024, Dropshipping Still Holds Great Potential: FulfilmentPros, Your Ideal Choice
It's 2024, are you still watching dropshipping?
I believe you may have seen some influencers or small business owners on YouTube, TikTok or Instagram showing their stories of achieving economic freedom through dropshipping e-commerce business, and they have earned thousands of dollars in side income through their own direct sales stores. On TikTok, the dropshipping-related hashtag #dropshipping has reached 9.8 billion views, #shopify has reached 3.6 billion views, and #Aliexpress has reached 14.8 billion views. This shows that people's discussion about dropshipping continues to rise.
What is Dropshipping
Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method in which sellers do not keep inventory of the products they sell. Instead, when sellers sell products using the dropshipping model, it purchases goods from third parties and sends them directly to customers. Therefore, sellers do not need to handle the products directly.
Compared with the traditional standard retail model, the biggest difference in Dropshipping is that merchants do not need to stock or keep inventory. Instead, sellers purchase inventory from third parties (usually wholesalers or manufacturers) based on order requirements and fulfill the orders by them.
Although some people think that dropshipping is outdated, the reality is that it is not. Dropshipping is still a promising model and provides an entry opportunity for small and medium-sized sellers who want to start a business at a low cost.
The latest data shows that the global dropshipping market is expected to reach US$301.11 billion by 2024 and is expected to expand to US$372.47 billion by 2025. Experts predict that by 2027, the valuation of the global dropshipping industry is expected to reach US$500 billion. These data are enough to prove that despite the fierce market competition, the dropshipping and dropshipping industries still have growth potential, and there are unlimited business opportunities for those companies that can adapt to market changes and adopt the right strategies.
However, the key to success in this competitive market is to understand the changing trends, take advantage of new technologies, and implement effective strategies. Looking at the search popularity of the word "dropshipping" through Google Trends, we can see that the dropshipping business model has seen significant growth in the past few years.
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Although the Dropshipping model still provides low-risk, low-cost entrepreneurial opportunities for many e-commerce entrepreneurs in 2024, the key to sellers' success lies in whether they can adapt to the highly competitive global e-commerce environment and make innovative decisions in store operations. After all, this model also comes with many challenges and responsibilities. Successful Dropshipping depends not only on the selection of products and suppliers, but also requires effective marketing strategies and high-quality customer service to build and maintain customer trust.
2. FulfilmentPros: Your ideal dropshipping partner
Fulfilmentpros, a professional dropshipping agent based in China, is committed to providing a full range of services for each dropshipper.
(I) Rich service content
1. China procurement: Leveraging China's huge manufacturing advantages, we provide customers with rich product procurement resources.
2. Warehousing: Provide safe and reliable warehousing services to ensure that the goods are properly stored.
3. Transportation: Ensure that products can be delivered to customers efficiently and in a timely manner.
4. Quality inspection: Strict quality inspection process to ensure that every product sent out meets the standards.
5. Clear refund/re-shipping policy: Let customers and customers clearly understand the after-sales rules and reduce worries.
6. ERP system binding store: Through the binding of the ERP system and the store, efficient data management and convenient operation are achieved.
(II) Significant service advantages
1. High-quality communication
Each customer is equipped with 1-3 professional order follow-up personnel who have good English communication skills, can ensure that the information is responded to within 24 hours, and can quickly feedback the problem.
2. Efficient reissue/refund policy
For all orders that meet the refund policy, the money can be refunded to the invoice on the same day to ensure the customer's capital circulation efficiency.
3. Timeliness and cost-effectiveness
Order processing only takes 2-5 days, and the transportation time is 5-12 days. In addition, since both suppliers and logistics providers have VIP accounts, they can ensure speed while ensuring cost-effectiveness.
4. Transparent prices
The company charges a fixed commission, and all purchase discounts and logistics discounts will be displayed on the invoice simultaneously, so that customers can see the cost at a glance.
5. Clear invoices
Invoices are updated daily, including the COSG (cost) of each order, so that customers can accurately calculate the profit of the order.
6. Business flexibility
The company can formulate different cooperation plans according to the needs of different customers to meet diverse business needs.
7. Industry-leading comprehensive capabilities
The comprehensive capabilities in the industry are ranked in the top ten, with an old customer maintenance rate of more than 90%, 80% of new customers are introduced by old customers, and the average daily order volume of large customers can reach more than 800 orders.
In short, the dropshipping no-source model still has great potential in 2024. Whether you are a small startup or a mature enterprise, Fulfilment Pros is your preferred partner for all direct sales needs. It constantly optimizes its own services, from strengthening digital services to sustainable development practices, from meeting personalized customization needs to actively exploring emerging markets, all in order to better help your direct sales business develop in overseas markets. Choosing Fulfilment Pros means choosing a partner who can adapt to market changes and seize market opportunities with you.
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Challenges During Inspection and How We Solved Them: A Freight Forwarder China to Mexico Story
Challenges During Inspection and How We Solved Them: A Freight Forwarder China to Mexico Story
Recently, I helped our Mexican client Daniel with purchasing and shipping a batch of electronic equipment from China. The goods needed to be shipped from Shanghai Port to Veracruz Port in Mexico. Daniel was very concerned about the quality of the products, so he decided to come to China for an inspection. During this process, as a professional **freight forwarder China to Mexico**, I provided full logistical support and extra services to ensure everything went smoothly.
When I received Daniel’s request to inspect the goods, I immediately started arranging his trip in China. Since his schedule was tight and he needed to visit several suppliers within a few days, I contacted all the suppliers right away to check their production status and created a detailed inspection plan.
“Alice, we’re really pressed for time, so we need to keep things as simple as possible,” Daniel told me in an email.
I replied, “Don’t worry, we’ve already contacted the factories. Each day’s schedule will be busy, but we’ll make sure the inspections are thorough and efficient.”
To ensure everything went smoothly, I arranged for our company’s QC team to visit the factories ahead of time, checking the products and ensuring that the bulk shipments matched the samples. This step saved Daniel a lot of time and allowed him to focus on the key issues during his trip.
Since this batch of goods was purchased from several different suppliers, involving multiple factories, my team and I had to coordinate everything to make sure all the goods were ready at the same time for shipping. This sounds simple, but in practice, many unexpected issues can arise, especially when suppliers’ delivery times don’t align.
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One supplier in Guangdong faced production delays and was five days behind schedule. This meant the other goods would have to wait longer in the warehouse, increasing storage and management complexity.
I immediately informed Daniel about the situation: “Daniel, one supplier’s goods might be delayed by a few days. We’re working on a solution.”
“That’s an issue for us, but I trust you can find a way to handle it,” Daniel responded.
To avoid any delays, I communicated with the supplier multiple times, and they agreed to work overtime to speed up production. I also promised to arrange a truck to transport the goods to our warehouse as soon as they were ready, ensuring that the rest of the shipment wouldn’t be affected. As a freight forwarder China to Mexico, we don’t just offer shipping services; we also take care of these important but often overlooked tasks to keep everything on track.
When Daniel arrived in China, I accompanied him to visit all the factories. At each location, our QC team provided detailed inspection reports, and I stayed with Daniel during the on-site checks.
At a factory in Shenzhen, Daniel noticed that some of the product packaging wasn’t sturdy enough, which could lead to damage during shipping. I immediately contacted the factory manager and suggested ways to improve the packaging. “We need to add foam padding and use thicker boxes for these products,” I told the supplier. The factory manager agreed to repackage the goods according to our requirements.
After seeing how we handled these details, Daniel was very pleased. “Alice, you’re really thinking ahead. This makes me feel much more confident about the upcoming shipment,” he said.
Once the inspections were complete, I started preparing the necessary customs documents. This shipment involved various products with different tax rates and customs procedures, which made things more complicated. To ensure the goods would clear Mexican customs smoothly, I stayed in close contact with Daniel’s team to confirm all the required documents and prepare them in advance.
During this process, we discovered that one piece of equipment had a model number that didn’t match what was listed on the invoice. This could have caused issues during customs clearance. I immediately contacted the supplier and had the correct invoice and related documents issued within two days.
Through this collaboration, our team not only demonstrated our expertise as a **freight forwarder China to Mexico** but also went above and beyond to help the client solve additional issues, from coordinating suppliers to improving packaging, from inspection arrangements to quickly correcting documents. These detailed efforts earned Daniel’s trust, and he expressed his intention to continue working with us on future logistics projects.
Our services go beyond transportation. We offer comprehensive logistics solutions to our clients, and it’s this all-around service that turns many first-time clients into long-term partners. Want to know more about me? Check out my diary!
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keanu-55 · 4 days
The Investigation of Three Sheep: Unraveling the Controversy and Its Significance
Recently, an incident involving live-streaming e-commerce has drawn high public attention. The "Hong Kong Meicheng mooncakes" promoted by Three Sheep Network Technology Co., Ltd. during live-streaming sales have become the focus of public opinion due to suspected consumer misguidance. The Hefei market supervision and administration bureau responded quickly to this incident, announcing the initiation of an investigation into the involved enterprise and stating that it will handle relevant issues in accordance with laws and regulations. At the same time, Luo Yonghao's "Making Friends" live-streaming room, another well-known anchor, demonstrated a responsible attitude with practical actions. For similar issues, not only did they publicly apologize but also promised consumers compensation of "refund plus three times the amount".
As an emerging business model, live-streaming e-commerce has developed rapidly in recent years. However, with the expansion of market scale, some problems have also emerged. The "Hong Kong Meicheng mooncakes" incident is not an isolated case. It reveals the challenges faced by the live-streaming e-commerce industry in the process of rapid development. The cooperation model between merchants and anchors, product quality control, and after-sales service all urgently need to be standardized.
According to the provisions of China's "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" and "Advertising Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, no operator may make false or misleading commercial promotions of their goods or services. In this incident, if it is finally confirmed that Three Sheep Network Technology Co., Ltd. indeed has illegal acts of consumer misguidance, it will face corresponding legal sanctions. This is not only a warning to enterprises but also a wake-up call to the entire industry - no matter how innovative the business model is, it cannot deviate from the legal framework and must ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are not violated.
In the face of frequent quality and service issues in the field of live-streaming e-commerce, strengthening industry self-discipline and external supervision is particularly important. On the one hand, enterprises themselves need to strengthen compliance awareness and establish and improve internal management mechanisms to eliminate the occurrence of violations from the source. On the other hand, regulatory departments should increase law enforcement efforts and maintain market order and protect consumer interests through regular spot checks and irregular inspections.
In this era background full of opportunities and challenges, ScanA product launched by Knownsec, with its advanced technology and professional services, has become a powerful guarantee for information security in the e-commerce industry. Whether it is for data security protection of live-streaming e-commerce platforms or helping merchants discover and solve potential risk points in a timely manner, ScanA can provide one-stop solutions. Through intelligent technical means, ScanA helps enterprises move forward steadily in a complex and changing market environment and achieve sustainable development.
With the continuous maturity and development of the live-streaming e-commerce industry, it is believed that under the joint efforts of all parties, a more fair, transparent, and healthy market environment will gradually take shape. In this process, technological products such as Knownsec ScanA will play an indispensable role in helping build a more perfect e-commerce ecosystem.
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qocsuing · 6 days
Maximizing Efficiency: How to Maintain Your Forklift Fleet
Maximizing Efficiency: How to Maintain Your Forklift Fleet
In the fast-paced world of logistics and warehousing, maintaining your forklift fleet is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and minimizing downtime. Proper maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your equipment but also enhances safety and productivity. This article provides valuable tips on how to effectively maintain your forklift fleet.
1. Regular Inspections: The First Line of Defense
Regular inspections are essential for identifying potential issues before they become major problems. Conduct daily pre-operation checks to ensure that all components are in good working condition. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as leaks, cracks, or loose parts. Pay special attention to the tires, brakes, and hydraulic systems. By catching problems early, you can prevent costly repairs and avoid unexpected breakdowns. ForkLift | China Manufacturer Trade price on Materials Handling Fork-lifts Truck, Stackers, Industrial vehicles, Scrubbers, Transporters Sale Buy Online Industrial Equipment in USA/UK/India/Australia/canada | ForkLift 2. Scheduled Maintenance: Staying on Track
Scheduled maintenance is a proactive approach to keeping your forklifts in optimal condition. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, which typically includes tasks such as oil changes, filter replacements, and lubrication. Keep detailed records of all maintenance activities to track the performance and history of each forklift. This data can help you identify patterns and make informed decisions about future maintenance needs.
3. Operator Training: Empowering Your Team
Well-trained operators play a crucial role in maintaining your forklift fleet. Provide comprehensive training on proper forklift operation, including safe driving practices and routine maintenance tasks. Educate operators on how to recognize warning signs of potential issues and encourage them to report any concerns immediately. By empowering your team with the knowledge and skills they need, you can reduce the risk of accidents and equipment damage.
4. Using Quality Parts and Fluids: Investing in Longevity
Using high-quality parts and fluids is essential for the longevity and performance of your forklifts. Always use genuine parts recommended by the manufacturer to ensure compatibility and reliability. Invest in high-quality lubricants, hydraulic fluids, and coolants to keep your forklifts running smoothly. Avoid using cheap or counterfeit parts, as they can lead to premature wear and costly repairs.
5. Implementing a Fleet Management System: Streamlining Operations
A fleet management system can help you streamline maintenance activities and improve overall efficiency. These systems provide real-time data on the condition and performance of your forklifts, allowing you to schedule maintenance tasks more effectively. They can also track usage patterns, monitor fuel consumption, and generate reports on maintenance costs. By leveraging technology, you can optimize your maintenance processes and make data-driven decisions.
6. Addressing Repairs Promptly: Minimizing Downtime
When a forklift requires repairs, it is important to address the issue promptly to minimize downtime. Have a reliable repair service on standby to handle any unexpected breakdowns. Ensure that your maintenance team is equipped with the necessary tools and spare parts to perform quick repairs. By acting swiftly, you can get your forklifts back in operation and avoid disruptions to your workflow.
Maintaining your forklift fleet is a critical aspect of running a successful logistics or warehousing operation. By conducting regular inspections, following a scheduled maintenance plan, providing operator training, using quality parts and fluids, implementing a fleet management system, and addressing repairs promptly, you can maximize the efficiency and lifespan of your forklifts. Investing in proper maintenance not only reduces costs but also enhances safety and productivity, ensuring that your business runs smoothly and efficiently.
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tamanna31 · 7 days
Lithium-ion Battery Market - Changing Supply and Demand Scenarios By 2030
Lithium-ion Battery Industry Overview
The global lithium-ion battery market size was estimated at USD 54.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% from 2024 to 2030. 
Automotive sector is expected to witness significant growth owing to the low cost of lithium-ion batteries. Global registration of electric vehicles (EVs) is anticipated to increase significantly over the forecast period. The U.S. emerged as the largest market in North America in 2023. Increasing EV sales in the country owing to supportive federal policies coupled with the presence of several players in the U.S. market are expected to drive product demand. Federal policies include the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which established tax credits for purchasing electric vehicles.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Lithium-ion Battery Market
New Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards mandated fuel economy standards for passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) resulting in the expansion of electric drive technologies. Increasing product demand in smartphones owing to their extended shelf life and enhanced efficiency is expected to drive market growth. The increasing demand for EVs owing to growing consumer awareness about carbon emissions is expected to fuel market growth. A decline in the demand for lead-acid batteries, owing to EPA regulations on lead contamination and resulting environmental hazards coupled with regulations on lead-acid battery storage, disposal, and recycling, has led to an increase in the demand for Li-ion batteries in automobiles. Mexico has been a center of the global automotive industry as companies worldwide are eyeing to invest here.
Mexico is the fourth-largest exporter in automotive industry, after Germany, Japan, and South Korea. Growing automobile production in the country is anticipated to drive product demand. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major restraint to market growth owing to several factors including reduced operational cost by end-users, coupled with disruption in the availability of spare parts due to sluggish manufacturing activities and logistics issues. Battery providers have taken subsequent steps to ensure efficient services to end-users that have signed long-term contracts with them. Vendors are opting for digital tools and are following prescribed preventative measures including social distancing norms and the use of protective kits in case of an on-site inspection and repair services required by end-users on a case-to-case basis.
Lithium-ion Battery Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global lithium-ion battery market report based on product, application and region:
Product Outlook (Volume, GWh; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO)
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA)
Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO)
Lithium Titanate
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt (LMC)
Application Outlook (Volume, GWh; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Consumer Electronics
Energy Storage Systems
Medical Devices
Regional Outlook (Volume, GWh; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Browse through Grand View Research's Conventional Energy Industry Research Reports.
The global shore power market size was estimated at USD 2.0 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global gas turbine market size was estimated at USD 10.19 billion in 2023 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.0% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The industry is extremely competitive with key participants involved in R&D and constant product innovation. Key manufactures include Samsung, BYD, LG Chem, Johnson Controls, Exide, and Saft. Several companies are engaged in new product development to improve their global market share. For instance, BYD and Panasonic hold a strong position on account of its increased manufacturing capacities and large distribution network.
Key Lithium-ion Battery Companies:
BYD Co., Ltd.
A123 Systems LLC
Hitachi, Ltd.
Johnson Controls
LG Chem
Panasonic Corp.
Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.
Toshiba Corp.
GS Yuasa International Ltd.
Order a free sample PDF of the Lithium-ion Battery Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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