#Professeor Winchester
nerdwholikesword · 5 years
What If I Never Get Over You Part 2
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Even though i thought this was just going to be a two part fic, ive decided to make it longer.
Next part should be up tomorrow. 
Catch up below 
Part 1 
Present Time
Y/N cant help but think back to that night as she lays watching Julia Roberts and Richard Gere fight after the Polo Match in Pretty Woman. Maybe she shouldn't have walked out on John the minute he uttered those 5 words. Maybe she should have stayed and tried to make him see sense. Who was she kidding. She could have stayed for hours begging but that stubborn old fucker had made his mind up and she was way too proud to beg someone to choose her.
After a few more days of crying and being angry at the world Y/N had to go back to work. Thank god her work place was nowhere near John. Y/N worked in a publishing house called Simon & Schuster, and even though her degree was the reason she met John but she got that job and that degree all on her own. Y/N made sure that was clear from the beginning of her relationship with John. This had apparently made her English Professor want her more and that's how this all began.
Walking into work she was greeted by her boss Sara, who on a good day wasn't very pleasant. Sara was the Editor in Chief of the publishing department so it was Y/N's job to report to Sara and acquire and read manuscripts and pass them on. But most of the time Y/N just took manuscripts off Sara and edited them to her liking and threw the not so good ones in the bin. Sara always reminded Y/N of Sandra Bullocks character in The Proposal.
" Y/N wow a week off? did somebody die?" Sara Asked, ever the optimist this woman.
"No Sara i was just very sick but i'm back and ready to be put to work. " Y/N told her in the hopes it would end the conversation.
Sara looked Y/N up and down and must have decided her answer was okay because she went straight to business and told Y/N there was 42 manuscripts waiting for her on her desk.
After a long week of working and trying to get threw 42 manuscripts Y/N was actually starting to feel okay, sure she still missed John and okay she cries every break time when shes alone but it's okay. Work will keep her busy and maybe instead of picking up just wine and ice cream at the corner store tonight on the way home Y/N would actually catch some dinner with a work colleague.  Jenny was always asking for her to have a drink every friday at the end of the day. Y/N never said yes because she always ran home to John, he never made her do it but Y/N did anyway so she could see him as soon as possible.
Y/N was walking towards the elevators to leave when she seen Jenny with a few others she had seen around the office. Now was as good as any time to build up the courage and ask Jenny if she could join. If she said no she said no, i mean Y/N did say no for 6 months. Maybe she should just go home to her wine and ice cream.
" Hey Jenny? is that invite still open? " Y/N asked walking up behind her at the elevator.
Jenny turned around and upon seeing who it was smiled. "Of course Y/N, it's about time you said yes" she told her.
Y/N should have said yes to drinks and dinner with Jenny months ago, they were currently onto their 3rd cocktail and second bar of the evening and loving life. She had learned the other girls were actually really nice and not at all stuck up like  Y/N had assumed. Another of the girls, Olivia was currently going through a break up as well but unlike Y/N she was already onto the stage where she's ready to try moving on and is currently chatting up a guy at the bar. Y/N was definitely not there yet, she still had a hard time looking at the pictures of her and John in the apartment.
Y/N was feeling very buzzed and she lost count of the amount of cocktails she had and once Jenny had brought out the tequila shots that was it, she had to leave or she would be out all night. Y/N decided a uber was her safest option right now. She was standing on the corner looking at her phone waiting her the uber who was 7 minutes away. in her drunken state she thought it would be okay to ring John. Just check in with him she told herself.
So close to pressing call over the last 3 weeks now that she was actually calling him her heart was beating out of her chest. Ring..... ring..... Ring.... Hang up Y/N he's not going to  answer
He fucking answered
"Ba.. Y/N? " was he going to call her baby?
"John? "
"Yeah its me Y/N. Everything okay? its 1 in the morning" john told her his voice sounded husky like it did first thing in the morning. Y/N stop it
" erm I'm Dnunk, I mean Drunk." Shit Y/N get yourself together
" Drunk? Y/N where are you right now?" she could hear him sighing.
" I'm waiting for my Uber John, i don't have to tell yuo anything anymore " she slurred.
"you rang me baby"
"goodbye John" Y/N told him as she hung up on him. She was still baby to him, just a slip of the tongue maybe?
Her Uber driver beeped at her and that was the end of the drama. Y/N went home and found her ice cream and still ended her night crying into a pint of ice cream over John Winchester.
She fell asleep thinking one thing.
John called me Baby
Part 3 will be up tomorrow. 
please like and reblog.
Leave a comment and i'll be forever grateful. 
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nerdwholikesword · 5 years
What If I Never Get Over You Part 1
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So this is going to be a 2 parter of more as i haven't finished it yet. But here is my first piece of fanfiction. 
John X reader 
This is an AU
Professor!John x Past!Student Reader  
John Winchester is the reason why in the 95 degree heat outside in the middle of summer in Lebanon, Kansas that you are stuck inside in the dark watching crappy romance movies. That stupid, idiotic, beautiful man broke your heart, all because he was afraid of people would think. i mean i get it i really do, the gap between is huge but who cares? 
John Winchester is a coward. 
John was sitting in his office staring off into space when the phone rang. 
“Hello professor Winchester speaking” 
He must have listened to the Dean of the college bulshit on for a good 45 minutes before he got a word in. Chuck Shurly wasn't a man who needed a reply when speaking, half the time a grunt would suffice.
“Look Chuck I’m a bit busy a the moment, if i say yes to attending this fundraiser will you leave me alone?” John asked growing more agitated by the second. 
“Jesus John you okay pal? that doesn't really sound like you” 
God damn chuck for picking this moment to become concerned about me. 
“Sorry chuck just a rough day is all. I’ll say goodbye now if you don’t mind” 
John didn't even give him the chance to reply before he hung up. 
Since the argument he had with Y/N a couple of nights ago he couldn't and didn't want to think about anything else expect his girl and how he had fucked up. 
He cant get the look of absolute pain and anger on her face out of his head. No amount of alcohol could make him close his eyes without replaying that scene in his head. 
A few nights ago 
John watched as Y/N got into the car. She wasn't too happy with the subject of their dinner. Even though she hadn't been his student for 6 months now, in fact she wasn't anyone's student for 6 months as she had finally graduated. John still wanted to keep their relationship a secret for a little longer. They had kept is quite for a year and a half already.How they weren't sure but people who did know didn't seem to mind so Y/N didn't understand this new revelation. 
Y/N stormed up the steps to Johns apartment.  she opened the door and closed it before he could get in. 
She was so fucking mad. 
The Door opened and closed behind her meaning her dear old boyfriend had come in. 
“ Sweetheart?” john asked very carefully
“ Oh its still sweetheart is it? thought maybe you'd just call me Y/N from now on to stop people from getting suspicious of our relationship. Are you really that ashamed of me that you want nobody to know i’m yours?” Y/N said. tears pooling in her eyes. 
“ Baby you know that is not it, of course that not fucking it!” John was getting mad now too. 
“sure fucking seems like it John!!  You want another 6 months of having to hide out in your apartment or going to restaurants outside the Goddamn town!” Y/N yells 
John doesn't say anything back at first he just moves further inside the apartment and walks towards the drinks cabinet to pour the both of them a stiff drink. He knows by now better than to come at Y/N straight away when shes feeling like this. even giving her a few minutes to calm down and it hopefully wouldn't turn into a shouting match between them. 
Y/N went to change out of the clothes she wore to dinner muttering under her breath that john being quiet and pouring them a drink was not going to stop her from saying what she thought and if that included screaming at john then so be it. 
Y/N walked into the living room and john was already sitting down sipping on a whiskey, one on the table for her she presumed. Y/N ignored the drink and sat down across from him. She was not letting this go yet again. the had spent months arguing over this, there wasn't a reason anymore for hiding anymore.
“Baby Girl before this escalates i’m going to clear up a few things okay? “ johns asks Y/N and proceeds when he gives a slight nod in his direction. Ooh baby girl is pushing it tonight 
“Y/N i am not nor will i ever be ashamed for being with you. I love you. So fucking much. i just want to slowly ease our family and friends into it, into being okay with us. You saw what happened tonight - 
“God John really? is that what this is about? Some old woman who we don’t know assumed i was your daughter? News - fucking -flash babe she wont be the last to think that!” 
John doesn’t want to fight. All he wanted was a nice meal with his girl and come home and chill. Hell he wasn't even thinking any of the fucked up thoughts in his head right now until that fucking old bag opened her mouth. he cant help but think hes too old for this shit. 
“Y/N i just think we should wait a little bit longer is all, C’mon baby please don’t be mad.” 
“ John I've spent the last 15 months hiding, i cant do it anymore. Im 26 years old. I have made my mind up along time ago. Its you for me. Always will be.I don't care what anyone thinks, please don't do what i think your going to do.” Y/N begged.
She knew John like the back of her hand and could tell the awful things running through his head right now. Things like how he was too old for her, or how people would judge her and how she deserves someone younger who can give her a family. John always said he did the whole children thing already with his boys and wouldn't do again now he was older.
“John if your bringing all this shit up again because you think i deserve better or someone younger then you need to stop this. “ Y/N pleaded with him .
She got up off the chair and walked over to John and stood between his opened legs. 
“ Baby don't do this okay? This is what i want. I told you i was fine with no Kids” 
“THAT'S THE GOD DAMN THING Y/N, you shouldn't have to be okay with no having fucking children because your with an old man” John told her pushing her away and getting up from his seat. 
Y/N ran after him to the kitchen, begging him and trying to get him to see sense. 
“  But i did fall in love with and older man, John i knew going into this what that could mean.” she whispers, half afraid he can't hear her. 
There’s a moment of silence between them that stretches a bit too long. Y/N knows then what's coming. He's made his mind up for her. Her opinion and feelings bedamned. 
“Y/N - I can't do this anymore” 
Part 2
Please don't forget to share and reblog. 
I would love a comment. 
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