#Project B2
hotgirlkorra · 2 months
Korrasami fanart depicting giant blue Korra holding Asami is so funny because like. Canonically that literally never happened. Asami never saw Korra defeating Vaatu or reconnecting with Raava as a giant blue astral projection of herself. In fact she flew off on an air bison because honestly what help could she have been during Harmonic Convergence?
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touhoutunes · 1 year
Title: 幻想への御神渡り (The God's Crossing Goes Into an Illusion)
Arrangement: kaztora
Vocals: lily-an
Album: B2
Circle: Liz Triangle
Original: The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
i think i hauve Covid (not really just developing symptoms after thinking about ryan too hard)
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caroloftheshells · 5 months
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neurasthnia · 6 months
spanish resource lists for learners
a list of lists!! levels are estimated.
refold has a crowdsourced resource list for spanish, curated & with notes | A1 to C2
dreamingspanish on reddit has a crowdsourced spreadsheet with over 90 channels geared towards learners | A1 to C2
learn natively has a huge deck of spanish books sorted by difficulty by learners | A1 to C2
prensa escrita has a list of news websites sorted by country & sometimes city | B1 to C1 probably
the CI wiki has an editable list of CI resources and a couple of native content links | A1 to like B2?
comprehensible hub has tons of spanish podcasts for learners | A1 to B2
letterboxd has a ton of very fun #español lists, e.g. movies mentioned in the wild project podcast, latin american female directors, made in puerto rico | ~B2 to C2
there are also a ton of moocs in spanish for intermediate to advanced learners (moocs are online courses, usually free) | B1 to C2
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Am I The Asshole for demanding my coworkers get themselves tested? I, M, (30sM) work with these guys (20s to 40s, all M) pretty regularly as a contractor on bigger projects, usually to handle the machinery they can't. It's fine, I get along more or less with most of them, and as long as I can play my video games at the end of the day, its all good. There's about 12 of us total. So it all starts in winter, you know how it is, flu and covid and all making the rounds again, so being responsible, we keep to ourselves. One of the guys, C, had recently put down a new dog he just adopted. The guys are all making a big deal out of it, but I don't care, its not my dog, and all that. Anyways, things start getting weird after that.
I don't want to name any names, and I don't know who did what, but someone threw out a whole bunch of test kits. Two of my other coworkers, F and B1, started really getting sick and had to leave. Someone fucked with the equipment, mine included. B2, my other coworker, just decided to work from home for now but it's radio silence, he won't talk to anyone.
Last time I went to work, I had to come back in through the backdoor because they wouldn't let me in the front, saying I probably caught something while outside. But I've been so cautious! I know I didn't catch anything, I know I'm still myself, I just want to get this done with and move on with my job! What am i supposed to do, work from home?
This is where I might be the Asshole: I got fed up and just demanded that everyone gets themselves tested in front of everyone else. So I grabbed a bunch of leftover tests, herded everyone in the lobby, and locked the doors. I tested myself in front of everyone, and I am negative, and should be free to move in and out. But the others, especially my boss P, is saying I am being extreme, I am threatening people, the tests are unreliable, I shouldn't have tied them to the couch etc.
So I've been wondering. Am I really the Asshole for wanting to find out who is still human and who is actually the Thing?
What are these acronyms?
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fusionsprunt · 4 months
Fusionsprunt isn't just a moving city... it's alive!
There's this interesting and ancient concept about places and buildings being treated like individuals with their own emotions and thoughts (when we are emotionally attached to unconscious things and project our feelings onto them).
Fusionsprunt was built over an abandoned ship, then turned into a enourmous walking furnace supported by gears and machinery. However, if you were to take every citizen out of their homes, left it empty and seemingly devoid of presence, you'd still be accompanied by a dormant giant, waiting to be fed with combustible so it can move around again.
B2 wakes up after her 3-year-long slumber, only to find a desolate and unmoving city, the closest perception of home she ever knew, lying on the scorching red sand of the desert.
A brief sense of hopelessness settles in as she walks through the empty neighborhoods. All windows were closed, but every door was left unlocked. Something must've happened, because her beloved friends are nowhere to be found. Her people either vanished, or abandoned the ship without putting up any resistance.
When sunlight hits the deck, B2 looks down at her feet, reflecting on this familiar and dreadful sense of loneliness and despair... Until a strange and low growl coming from the depths of Fusionsprunt snaps her off her thoughts.
The wooden boards slowly creak and expand in unison, holding in the hot air inside, then exhaling it out, returning to their original shape.
It just breathed.
B2 isn't alone after all.
In the rich and powerful City of Bortom, Hunter and Guto reluctantly follow the orders of armed officers, following after the entire population of Fusionsprunt and joining them in their imprisonment.
Guto holds his mentor's hand, his eyes displaying fear and uncertainty. This was not what Hunter had in mind when he thought about returning to his hometown.
Both take one last look at Calliux, Olmeda and Deibos setting on the horizon. Both mourn the freedom they once enjoyed before fully embracing the harsh and unfortunate reality. Whatever awaited them could not be good.
Suddenly, an ominous shadow moves after the three descending stars. It grows larger, faster and more defined as it approaches.
It calls. A deep and furious growl resonates through Bortom's shining skyscrapers, making them tremble with the sound wave. Entire crowds shut silent to listen attentively. Bortom becomes so small and insignificant in the face of such magnificence.
With each imposing step, an earthquake. Give me back my children.
Guto's face lights up at the sight. He jumps forward, giggling and waving at their great savior and adored home. Every robot and cyborg joins in, answering back with beeps and bops, whirling their articulations in joy. We are going home!
But instead of celebrating the miraculous return of Fusionsprunt, Hunter's eyes land on a figure standing on the deck. Her arms and clothes were stained in ashes and soot.
B2'a eyes meet his, and she smiles.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
I wish that Kuvira and Bolin's relationship was more explored. Like. She genuinely outed all Bolin's flaws and weaknesses. His naivetë, his fear of conflict, his conplacency. She manipulated him and made him look like a fool, then terrorised him when he had any doubts.
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Like I always felt so bad for him watching this scene.
Imagine working on a project for three years only to realise you've been helping create an ethnostate fascist dictatorship complete with concentration camps when all you wanted to do was prove yourself and help people. Like the amount of time and effort, and also being at odds with everyone he held dear. Not to mention Bolin coping with the trauma of what happened to Korra by projecting her qualities onto Kuvira.
I always wanted to see Bolin confront Kuvira over how she used him. (and Varrick over what happened in B2 but that's for another idea.)
Sadly, Bolin being manipulated and used by others is a pattern that keeps appearing. And he just... carries on like his trust hasn't been terribly breached?
I can't imagine this wouldn't leave some trauma here.
So when Kuvira started hanging with the Krew in RotE , I was kinda hoping for Bolin, to blow up on her? But the closest we got to that was:
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Like, fascinating look into Kuvira's psyche, but so dissapointing for Bolin's character. I wish there were more of a confrontation between them.
He could've been a good first person to make Kuvira realise that she had fucked over and hurt a lot of people.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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How the SR 71 program died. This picture is of the retirement ceremony at March Air Force Base 1990.
You cannot see the faces of the Warriors in this photograph that are possibly holding back their tears when the SR 71 program was canceled prematurely. The men The Pilots and RSO’s (reconnaissance systems officer) that flew in an airplane without any armament at 85-90,000 feet above the Earth. Theirs was the fight for justice and freedom from 1964 to 1990 of a War that never ended. We are still fighting a Cold War against communists. They put their life on the line for the freedom of the United States. These SR-71 Warriors were going to battle as they dressed slowly and precisely in their pressure suits. These brave men preparing for battle they knew they may never come home again to their family. Their families shared in the glory, and in the tension that surrounded them, I noticed that some of my fellow Habubrats have anxiety disorders. That is understandable.
SR-71 was not designed for airshows or any glory it was designed by the Skunk Works to stealthily find out what our enemies were planning.
Satellites could never replace the SR-71. Satellites don’t orbit east to west. Satellites can’t collect 100,000 miles of data per hour and it is easy to predict the path of a satellite. There was new money for projects in the Air Force if they went with satellites so they did. The Air Force Chief put Lockheed out of the SR 71 business. The Chief said that Lockheed trying to keep the SR 71 alive was going to hurt their chances of winning the F-22 contract! Contractors like Lockheed only have one customer the Department of Defense.
Open POM in 1985 Generals found out the cost for the first time of the SR 71. Open POM was to take classified programs such as the B2, the F1 17, and the SR 71 and reveal their cost to the air staff board so they could see what the Air Force was funding. It sounded like a good idea and probably was. The Air Force at that time had some of the new programs classified and hidden from view, but it was the kiss of death for the SR 71.
The SR 71 funding was in trouble because first off the Air Force did not use the data collected by the SR. The users were the Navy, Army, DIA, and a little bit (ELINT) for NSA.
NSA never liked the SR-71 Why? Communications intelligence SR went too fast for COMINT they thought communications intelligence was the only kind of intelligence that was useful. When the Air Force Generals saw how much the SR was costing them they revolted they said more than $200 million for operating only 10 airplanes which is ridiculous.
U-2 funding was in the General Defense Intelligence Program DIP controlled by the DIA. The Air Staff could not get at that money or they would have.
The SR money was in Program One called Strategic Forces. The reason it was in that budget was that when it came over to the Air Force from the NRO and the SRG the budget for the SR was too big for the GPIP and would have revealed how much was being spent. To cover up the cost they put it in with Strategic Bombers and Missiles, which had a very big budget
About the time of open POM in 1984. The Air Force became a Haven for fighter pilots with the death of General O’Malley the four stars were all from Tactical Air Command (TAC) they even put a TAC General in charge of SAC! SAC got the highest fastest flying aircraft and the TAC was always trying to catch up. One might ask how did this affect the SR -71? The reason once this very large amount of money was being spent on satellites they no longer wanted to fund the SR-71 The SR went from a national collection platform to Tactical intelligence asset.
The SR 71 would be flying today like the U-2 if the Air Force had not received the funding data. ( The U2 is supposed to be retiring again. I’ll believe it when I never see a U2 in the air again.)
Linda Sheffield
“The Very First” written by Colonel Richard “Butch” Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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I dreamt that you posted a blog saying "hey guys I changed my name. I am not Starbs anymore, I am Mon. I use he/him pronouns"
AND LIKE- It wasn't only Mon but I don't remember exactly what was the rest of the name, it was something like "moninthebucket" HDHSHDHHFSHHFHSHD
I saw another person dreaming about B2, so I hope that now that I've dreamt of you Imma be lucky enough to dream about her too HAHAHAHA
"moninthebucket" is very viable and i think it would make a great name for a side tumblr blog PFFVT-
I wanna dream about B2 too 😭 projecting on her makes my subconscious think she's me, so technically I've already dreamt about her? 2020 Bee especially, for some reason...
I have a tip!!! I noticed that dreams frequently happen during that delicious moment after turning off the alarm and realizing you can sleep for a few minutes. So if you absorb large quantities of Fusionsprunt media the day before, you'll likely have a dream about it! (or not...)
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ickysubbyboi · 2 months
listening to you tell us about electronics is so hot. giggling fr like please talk more…
I was not expecting people to enjoy my rambles at all..but you should know exactly what you’re asking for here anon. Okay so basically the issue I was having
Part of my project was to power these two server fans and use a timer on them. So they for example work for 15min then stop for 30min. To control the fans, which are basically motors. I was using a L298N motor controller and on it you have the a few entrances to connect cables. And 4 of them are the Enable A1, A2, B1, B2. These are connected to my arduino which I can set the speed of the fans.
But the issue was I could only make the fans work by using all of the enable entrances (A1, A2 for motor 1 and B1, B2 for motor 2) This meant I had 4 cables connecting to the PWM ports of the arduino. So the fans worked, but I was using 4 port, ideally you should be using 2, 1 for each motor. But I couldn’t make it work that way so I said it should be fine (it wasn’t)
Now to the timer, I used a library on Arduino IDE which helped program the timer. Everything seemed fine but it didn’t work. I tried it for days and nothing. Later I looked up the library was only compatible for 3 specific PWM ports of the arduino. And I was using 4….Then when I tested only 1 motor (using 2 of the compatible ports) it worked just fine. So the issue was not making it work with just using Enable A1 and B1
But what I did instead was use the millis() statement on the code. Which basically registers the amount of time the code has been running. Then I created a variable called something like PastMillis and well as CurrentMillis for the current time. Then I had a if statement doing something like if(CurrentMillis - PastMillis >= 15000) (the 15000 is 15 seconds, on the code you use milliseconds)
So in this case once the program runs for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds the fans turn on. And then 15 seconds number is stored in PastMillis. Then I do an else statement that if the difference between the two isn’t 15 seconds the fans turn off. This makes the fans work for 15 seconds and off for 15 seconds which works like a timer. So it did work what I did, but the other issue is that millis() resets after I think it is like 50 days? So the system would stop working after 50 days which is an issue.
I tried to go around that to prevent millis rollover but I wasn’t sure if it was working because I struggle to simulate the timer reaching 50 days. But this would all have been avoided if I set up the motor controller correctly in the beginning. So in the end it was sort of a simple problem that I couldn’t fix. I told my professor about it and he was like “why are you even using 4 ports” which I thought was pretty funny because true..
Part of the project also included designing 3d parts and printing them but I won’t go into it because this is too long already…but that was fun too
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wlwmk · 1 month
Can I get your honest opinion on this? As a newbie lok viewer I was pretty disgusted by what Asami did with Mako in book 2. He helps her company, and instead of helping a friend who's dealing with a bad breakup, she uses it as an opportunity. After your friend goes off to fight in a war, you immediately invite yourself to her ex's apartment and start touching/pursuing him? And then she left him in jail. What she did was trashy and she had the audacity to act like a victim. She didn't care that she might've sabotaged their entire krew dynamics.
Did you think it was in character for Mako to respond?
This was a pivotal moment for him b/c I don't think he'll be able to carry a relationship with any woman as long as his friend is a willing side chick. That's a huge issue she created for him
(Asami being "vulnerable" is no excuse"
and you only mentioned the bad she did to korra, while she quite literally jumped on mako, non-consensually kissed him and pursuing him while he was emotionally vulnerable due to the break up and she knew. but she just acted selfishly because she wanted some comfort, not caring about either mako or korra, and had the audacity to act like a victim and be mad at mako for not staying with her as soon korra came back and not telling korra the truth (something mako get often blamed for by the fandom, while his move was genuinely smart given the context) while she could also tell herself what happened.
all of this are straight up facts but still.. the fandom seems to love interpret asami as the ultimate victim of the romance- and as someone who participated against this discourse for years, i observed fans seems to overprotect her bc they're either projecting themselves onto her. and also colorism bc why they're blaming korra about her acts in b1 while she was at least clear about her feelings for mako and wasn't friend with asami yet so she owned nothing towards her- while contextually asami did way worse in b2, they were all friends for a year, she saw them being together for over 6 months but has no problem to pursue him as soon she learned for the break up? this stink. like she's not the fair skinned teeny whiny princess people think she is lmao
but somehow she still seen as a victim, with all the responsibility wrongfully thrown at mako, like he still has some responsibility but the constant denying of the girls responsibility in the triangle love during the show is unfair bc they were genuinely all responsible.
also i could talk on how mako is a perfect example of male victim in fictional media who aren't knowledged both in the writing and by the watchers.
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star-ts-farts · 23 days
Hear ye hear ye
For those interested in participating in the boys12 motorcity shitpost here’s the rules/info
First come first serve( but if you want to talk amongst yourselves to trade you can, just let me know :D)
Don’t worry about making a full animation, it can be 2 frames of your chosen character opening and closing their mouth. Be as silly as you want with it.
(not really a rule)Please don't be afraid to ask me things. If you need to drop out for any reason/ or if you're having any problems with the project just let me know.
DM me if you're interested and I'll give you the link to the discord server, so everyone can discuss/share their work
B4: Kilroy
B8: Ratshark
B10: me ;D
B11: Pheonix
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Microbes do a lot under the soil surface that can’t be seen with the naked eye—from sequestering carbon to building the foundation of Earth’s crust. But even tiny microbes are feeling the stress of a hotter, drier future. The study, published in Nature Microbiology, is just one part of the B2 Water, Atmosphere, and Life Dynamics project, which brought over 90 researchers from around the world to the University of Arizona’s enclosed rainforest at Biosphere 2 to conduct a controlled drought experiment and better understand what happens to the world’s ecosystems when water is scarce. Uncovering how soil microbes process carbon and interact with the atmosphere under environmental stress helps scientists predict and support how ecosystems will adapt in the face of increasing temperatures and prolonged drought. When most people think of volatile organic compounds, they think of aerosols—which can contribute to warming and have negative impacts on air quality—but the term “volatile” simply refers to how easily a chemical or compound can change from a liquid to a gas phase, says lead study author Linnea Honeker, a postdoctoral researcher who worked with associate professor of environmental science Malak Tfaily in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences during the B2 WALD project.
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fusionsprunt · 4 months
So.. If Hunter is one of the people who made UNITY androids.. IT MEANS THAT HUNTER IS LIKE A FATHER TO BEE?😳
- Anonyo
The UNITY Project was conducted by Gideon (Hunter) and performed by a team of students that include Kauan and Camille.
He simply said "Y'all must meet this specific goal" and they followed his instructions, and added their own personal touch to the UNITY androids.
It's more likely that B2 viewed Camille as a mentor figure, given the fact she was the technician behind her looks, personality database and activation.
Kauan was the one who always repaired B2 and upgraded her mechanisms so she could move more efficiently.
Moreover, B2 wasn't "born". Her core's provided her with a primitive sense of existence way before (and I mean way before, like thousands of millions of years) she was activated.
She could be defined as "an ancient consciousness is given a robotic body to perceive the world, though it can't always control how it works and responds to stimuli"
By the way, Gideon couldn't care less about the project when he was so worried about the next race. He'd rather abandon everything and let his team down to pilot a plane than help build a single piece of machinery.
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computersucker · 22 days
hello my online angels.... help me decide on what to do for my next project. i need to be done before halloween bc its my halloween sweater obviously
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they all have grey ribbing and black between stripes
A = the Megastripe
B = 4 fat stripes
C = repeating little stripes
D = the stripe brothers
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