puchissimo · 8 years
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Caribbean Cruise - Part 2 of 2
Here are some more pictures! Most of these were in St. Lucia as you can see from the two Pitons in the backgrounds of some of them :)
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puchissimo · 8 years
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Caribbean Cruise - Part 1 of 2
I’m back in the Caribbean for the annual family cruise! It was a great time with a huge party of 10 people! A lot of the same islands were hit from past trips but doesn’t change the fact that they are fun and relaxing :) Beautiful sites too!
PS. You may notice I have lost a whisker :( :( I lost it during my last adventures - a little too much adventure apparently!
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puchissimo · 9 years
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San Jose, Costa Rica
It’s been a VERY long time since I’ve had to travel! My owner hasn’t had much trips lately so sorry it’s been so quiet on my end! We were able to do a quick week trip in San Jose, Costa Rica this week where the sun was shining and temperatures ranged from 80-90 degrees F!
Unfortunately the most adventuring I got to do was mainly around the hotel - but the hotel was a resort in itself so that was nice!
Please enjoy the beautiful views and look forward for spring to come! I guarantee some more Carribean travel photos in the future though :) :)
Sidenote: I noticed that I lost a whisker somehow on a recent trip! I guess it just means I’ll walk into doors and walls more often ;___; oh the travel battle scars :C
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Milano Expo 2015 On the last night of my owner’s busines trip, she checked out the Milano Expo. We had no idea what to expect, but it essentially was a huge outdoor complex of huge buildings with amazing architecture and design. Practically all countries were represented with their own building where they sold their local food and provided cultural lessons on their goods along with their current food technologies. The theme of the expo was “Feeding the Planet. Food for Life.” There was so much to see and it was quite tiring to walk the whole area. The night ended with a bang at the “Tree of Life” which had it’s own music-accompanied water show :O !!!
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Varenna (Lake Como), Italy Hi everyone! I’m back to my “home” country - Italia! I was able to connect in Munich, Germany this time & had some “local” food, and then that same evening, made a quick pitstop to Lake Como north of Milan since I”ve already been around the city centre. I was able to take Milano Centrale for an hour north to arrive at the Varenna-Esino stop, one of the areas outlining Lake Como. It was absolutely beautiful to see the sunset in the background of the many mountains. It did drizzle and downpour at one point (but it was quick!), but it worked out as it cooled the temperature down. Such a relaxing night after traveling all day (despite being on no sleep - not enough cat naps!)
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Washington DC - Part 2 of 2 Let the travels continue! Lots of site seeing and walking for this ol’ kitty. I think I deserve to eat as many fish treats as I want :3
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Washington DC Trip - Part 1 of 2 I was supposed to go to DC later September, but I ended up going eariler than expected due to a lot of busy scheduling for my owner! Unfortunately it was really hot for a kitty like me... I did enjoy the AC in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum though ;)
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Cape Cod, MA - Wedding Weekend Time for a visit to the Cape for a family friend’s wedding! The weather wasn’t as warm as it has been as of late, but luckily it didn’t rain during the wedding ceremony which is a plus. I got to do some fair market shopping, windmill sightseeing, and omnoming delicious blueberry pancakes 2x at the hotel cafe - delicious!!
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puchissimo · 9 years
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July 4th Fireworks at Misery Island Sorry for the late post all! There’s been a lot of down time so no crazy adventures out of the area lately. I did get to go out to the sea to catch some fireworks by Misery Island and act as temporary captain of the boat :)
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Hammond Castle (Gloucester, MA) Today was a local visit to a castle in Gloucester! Although the weather wasn’t the greatest, it was still a joyful tour. I even got to have some afternoon Tea at Heath’s Tea Room Restaurant in Rockport :)
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Mall of America (Bloomington, MN) Last of my recent travel trips in a row was Minnesota (eh?) - least a lot of people here had a Canadian accent :) But the Mall of America... it is spectacular, amazing, and RIDICULOUSLY HUGE. I mean, there’s a theme park in the center of it! One of the crazy parts was my owner chatted with one of the theme park workers and asked if they thought this mall was huge as a local, but he said it’s tiny compared to those at home (he came from Singapore and said those malls are WAY bigger in comparison). Nonetheless, I enjoyed my time here. I had some awesome ramen at a place where the lady with BIG EYES stared me down. Omnomed some boba tea. And then of course, wandered around the theme park and the amazing Lego store. It was a nice way to end the round of many trips these past few weeks. I think I’m on a break for now - too much laundry to do ;) (kitties don’t have laundry...)
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Deerfield Beach, Florida Time for a quick weekend trip to Florida! I was actually here for a private family reason (paying respects), but it was a nice family reunion nonetheless and a good way to say your final farewells. The family was lucky with the beautiful weather this weekend. I was able to sneak in some rays, beach strolling, made a couple of friends, and of course, ended the trip with apple pancakes (more like dessert!)
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Bloomington+ Indianapolis, Indiana Next on the road trip was Indiana! I flew into Indianapolis, but had business near the Bloomington area. It was so beautiful seeing everything in bloom compared to Boston area. Boston snow has finally disappeared, but the blooming season is very delayed. Bloomington was such a quaint, cute area to walk around, especially with the magnificent (AND SUPER HUGE) Indiana University nearby!
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puchissimo · 9 years
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California Visit (Valencia, LA, Hollywood) I’m off to the west coast this week! My owner had to go to a sister company site for a week long project so I was able to hitch a ride! The beginning of the trip focuses in the VAlencia area near her company, bugt we were able to take a quick visit to the Hollywood area. It was a bit chilly surprisingly, but at least the sun came out while I wandered Hollywood Blvd :) Stay tuned for more travels as my owner has 3 more trips to go on in the next 2 weeks :O
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puchissimo · 9 years
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Jewel of the Seas Cruise - Day 5 (St. Lucia) + Day 6 (Grenada) I’ve only got a single picture in St. Lucia since it rained quite a bit that day! Couldn’t risk getting my coat wet D: But otherwise on the next day, I visited a new island called Grenada! It was a beautiful island with lots of foliage - lots of clouds and showers in the morning but it cleared up a bit in the afternoon (but clouds still stuck around).  My owner got to snorkel and see the underwater human sculptures. I didn’t join her for obvious reasons, but it was probably a good idea because apparently a swarm of jellyfish got swept in by earlier showers and stung everyone D: And that is why kitties don’t go in the water.    
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puchissimo · 10 years
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Jewel of the Seas Cruise - Day 4 (Antigua) Back to Antigua! We’ve been here last year but spent it circumnavigating the island on a speedboat. This time, we chose to do a day-pass chillaxing at a resort on the other side of the island. We chose to go far away because there were FOUR cruise ships at port here today and wanted to try and get away from all the crazy tourists (cough, I’m not one of them ;)  During lunch time, we traveled up a hilltop bungalow of the resort to eat amazing bbq food and I even met some fellow felines there!
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