#PunkFlower fanfic
creators-island · 1 year
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I NEED MORE FANFIC RECOMENDATIONS, my punkflower brainroot is not satisfied enough.
Being a Teen Superhero in the Time of Phone Cameras by aothere
"As all too many dumb teenage things did, it started with curiosity.
And a camera phone.
Miles was pretty sure his ego was never going to recover from the photos of him and Hobie that had spread all over the internet. But maybe, just maybe, Hobie can talk him down."
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faerieswrites · 1 year
Headcanons for Hobie & Miles in my Fanfic
(if you haven't seen it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48231838 or look up "your forever is all that i need")
Hobie started falling for Miles during the showdown in HQ, but realized it during the final fight against Spot when he saw just how hard Miles fights for what he loves
Hobie and Jeff's relationship is slowly building in strength, and as the two get closer, Jeff begins to replace Hobie's dogshit "father" as a father figure
Hobie was homeless for a little while before being taken in by Captain Stacy, and that has greatly affected how he handles homeless people in crisis during his patrols - many citizens in New London have commented on the level of grace and compassion he navigates those interactions with - so much so that it "almost seems personal"
Hobie makes friendship bracelets!
Hobie expresses love through quality time and acts of service, but his favorite methods of receiving it are physical touch and words of affirmation
Hobie often has nightmares about the day his parents kicked him out
Hobie wonders what it would be like to have the Morales' as his family and then promptly berates himself for thinking too far ahead (but doesn't stop imagining it)
Hobie sometimes wonders what Miles sees in him
Miles is NOT a morning person, but he still purposefully wakes up before Hobie whenever they're sharing a bed so he can watch Hobie sleep - partially because he worries about the other boy, and partially because Hobie looks so peaceful when he sleeps
Miles is clueless about his hair because he is extremely tender-headed - only Hobie can work on his hair because Hobie is also tender-headed
Miles' spanish is improving, but it's best when he's either being lovey-dovey with someone or cussing someone out - because those are the situations he's heard the most spanish from his mother in
Miles expresses his love through acts of service and words of affirmation but likes receiving it in physical touch or quality time
Miles has nightmares about Miguel attacking him to the point he avoids taking the subway whenever possible or having ANYTHING to do with trains - unless he's on a mission, he won't go near them. It makes him sad because he can't get over the anxiety yet, which means he can't get back to the place he and Uncle Aaron went to in the subway
Miles quit art to pursue science so he could see everyone else, and he thought his parents didn't pick up on the sudden change but they definitely did
Miles loves the scent of cheap cigs and soil after rain and recently realized it's because of Hobie
There's no fell first / fell harder because while Hobie fell first, they both fell hard as FUCK
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
I'm Hobie Brown and...
Every so often when a new group of Spider-heroes come in, some of the original Spider-heroes would introduce themselves. One who is always the loudest one to start off the controversy with Miguel O'Hara.
"This wanker had the whole Spider Society chasing after a fifteen year old boy about four or five years ago!" Hobie spoke to the new comers, "And he's still running this place."
"Wait, a 15 year old boy?" A new Spider-woman with a West African pattern designs around her suit asked being confused at the leader of the organization.
"Brown!" Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop bringing that up?"
"Not until, this place goes down under, mate! We as a Spider-people shouldn't have to follow rules, and order!" The punker swing from one part of the office to another. "We are to break the system, not follow who does this and that!"
"Ohhh!" The young Spider-heroes awed, some even taking notes.
Miguel shake his head with his eyes widen, "Wait, wait, don't write that. What are you guys doing? Don't listen to him! Este pinche cabrón!" Already giving up from Hobie's annoying introduction.
Miles came into the office holding bags of lunch, while sipping his slushy. He didn't have his mask on, "Whoa, looks like he already got the new comers into him, huh tio?"
"Morales? What are you doing here?" Miguel looks over to find the nineteen year old standing by the platform.
"I brought lunch for Gwen and Pav!" Miles holds one of the bags up in the air. "Where are they?"
"Over here!" Gwen uses her web to get the bag and pulled up to the ceiling. Miguel and Miles looks over to find them sitting at one of the edges talking.
"When did you guys come in?" Miguel asked out loud, "This room isn't for hanging out! It's a place of business, to group and prepare for missions! Ay, DIOS ayúdame!"
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! A place of "business"." Pav rolled his eyes under his mask with air quoting, "We get it, Miguel! This place is our new favorite spot, now!"
Gwen laughs along Pav, "Yeah, dude. We like the vibe here. Ohhh, they gave us extra Crab Rangoons!" She peaked in the bag to find extra items, "Yum! I was so craving for Chinese food!" The two walks over to one of the bulky vertical walls to sit and eat in peace.
"And I don't believe in ruthless dictatorships under this organization!" Hobie's voice rings their ears.
Miles could only laugh at his boyfriend's long rants against the hierarchy and government. Miguel placed his hands on his hips with his head down, "Miles go get your novio before I pop a blood vessel."
"Come on, tio. You know, he does this all the time. You should get use to it." He giggles hearing his boyfriend's voice, his lips part away from his plushie, "See, almost done."
"Morales." A warning from the Big Boss.
"Okay. Okay." Miles turns toward the group and said out loud, "Mi amor, I brought lunch!"
"And that's my cue to leave, mates! I hope you all learn about the conspiracies of this place!" Hobie got up on one of the tables and swing over to his boyfriend. "Hello, luv!" He took off his mask to give Miles a big kiss on the cheek, "You got our food."
"Yup, Indian today! I got the curry you like with some garlic naan." His boyfriend happily said.
Pav said, "It better be authentic Indian!"
"In this cafeteria? How?" Gwen snorted at him.
"Huh, true! Nevermind!" Pav shouted out loud.
Gwen leans over at Pav without her mask on, "Hey, you know what will be funny?"
"Ohh, what?" Her friend leans in to listen her whispers. "Ohhh, that's a good one!"
The wavy haired Spider-man spoke out, "Hey Hobie! Did you even started your intro? You forgot to mention you don't like the AM or the PM!"
"A la puta madre! NO! Don't you start, Brown!" Miguel was about to give his own explanation about their caused.
"I almost forgot." Hobie grins widely loving making Miguel pissed off.
"Bae, we're supposed to have lunch together." Miles pouts having to sway side to side to at least help his boss from his boyfriend's long rants.
"I will. Enjoy with Gwen and Pav, Sunflower!"
"Miles, come up here!" Gwen quickly said having her hand gesturing him to come up to where they are sitting.
Miles climbs up giving an apologetic look towards Miguel. The older Spider-man could only sigh from frustration. The nineteen year old Spider-man sat next to his blond friend, "What's up?"
"You know, how Hobie likes to claim he doesn't believe in a lot of stuff... so I got this idea." She giggles.
"Huh oh." Miles grins, "What kind of thing your pulling?"
"Nothing. I swear, this will be fun!" Gwen leans over to whisper in Miles' ears.
"Ohhh, I see." He smiles widely.
Hobie stood on a table beginning his intro, "I'm Hobie Brown, when I’m not playing shows, antagonizing fascists, staging unpermitted political action slash performing art pieces. OR, having a laugh at the pub with the mandem. I'm not a role model, I was briefly a runway model. I hate the AM, I hate the PM, I hate labels!" He kicks off some items on the tables only to piss off Miguel more. "I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat! Like this gentlemen over there!" He eyes on the leader of Spider Society.
"Pinche pendejo!" Miguel mutters lowly, saw the new-comers were writing everything down, "Don't write that down!"
"So you don't believe in labels?" A Spider-man asked wearing a tobe with his own Middle Eastern designs.
Another one with a nerdy voice spoke up wearing a futuristic Cyber-Punk Spiderman outfit, "Yeah, you hate all labels!"
"I. Hate. All. LABELS."
"Really!" Gwen spoke up out loud, "All labels, mate?"
"All, Gwendy!"
"Even if I say if this is a chopsticks?" She holds her chopsticks
"Yup!" Hobie said proudly, "I can say those are forks! I don't believe in none. None what's so ever."
"Not even if I say the sky is blue!" Pav asked out loud.
"I can say it's Red!" Hobie said as a matter of fact, "All about being chaotic. Keep stirring the pot." He wasn't aware of his boyfriend standing next to him with his hands behind his back being adorable.
"Even if there's a police caution tape?" Gwen asked out loud.
"I'll rip the bloody thing off! No one can tell me what to do! I am Hobie Brown!" Hobie spoke up, "Not gonna let a pig tell me what to do or say!"
The new Spider-heroe 'Ooohhhed' and 'Ahhhed' at him seeing how inspiring he is to be his own Spider-man. That's something they need to work on. "No, don't listen to him. He's only saying this to start trouble." Miguel began.
"But that's what a dictator would say." A new-comer Spider-man said slowly, they all were eyeing him.
"I like this lad's way of thinking." The punker chuckles lowly seeing how annoyed and mad Miguel looks. When he turns around to go to eat with his friends, he blinks in surprised to find his boyfriend next to him, "Luv, what are you doing down here?"
"Bae..." Miles's lips twisted into a wide smirk, "You said you hate all labels."
"Yes, luv. You know this."
"But," He cutely pouts with his bottom lip popping out a bit more, "that means you don't believe in us. So we're not in a relationship?" Having fake tears! "You think of us as nothing?"
The new-comers all went, "Ohhhh."
"No! No, luv! I never meant it that way." Hobie said out loud with worried going over to hug him.
"But-but..." Miles frowns, "That means you don't like it when I called you baby or mi amor?"
"No, I do! I believe in whatever YOU SAY, luv." Hobie said having to comfort his boyfriend.
"Really? So if I say the sky is Green?" Miles asked innocently.
"The sky is green!"
Miguel rolled his eyes, "Oh brother..." He thought to himself.
"And if I say we're in a relationship?"
"We are in a relationship, Sunflower!" Hobie picks up his boyfriend in bridal style, "Only my darling Sunflower words matter to me." He kisses Miles' cheek.
"So you do believe in labels?" One Spider-person said.
"Only what my Sunflower says! I'm Hobie Brown and I'm in a happy relationship with my boyfriend, Miles and the sky is green." He kisses his boyfriend on the lips. Miles giggles with that response while their friends laughs.
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jennsterjay · 11 months
Punkflower Week Day 5: Meet The Parents
Format: Fan-fiction
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
When Hobie first met Mr. and Mrs.Morales, it was to protect them from danger.
Now that things have relaxed in Brooklyn, and Hobie remains by Miles' side, The Morales' invite him for dinner to tell him something they've been wanting to say for a long time.
Read on AO3 or down below, and enjoy :)!
It was a chaos filled night in Brooklyn.
People were evacuating from the main city as an intense battle was taking place in the center. Explosions rang through the air, accompanied by a sympathy of shouts as people fled from various directions to get away from the source of the fight.
On the city outskirts, three figures ran together out of the Morales’ home.
Jeff Morales, Rio Morales, and Hobie Brown.
As the three ran out the door, and down the street, the ground around them began to crack and shake as they did their best to stabilize their balance.
Hobie pushes himself to run faster and takes Rio’s hand. Her free hand intertwines with Jeff’s– the three of them linked as they run together– away from the direction of the fight.
As the Morales’ run away from the danger, led by the punk teenage Spider-Man Hobie Brown, all they can remember is an event that happened a year ago– when their city was in a similar panic. Only now...they know what they hadn’t known before– that at the center of it all was Miles Morales. Their son...Spider-Man...and they were scared.
As the three weaved past various cars and debris, Rio and Jeff looked at a determined Hobie Brown. They watched as he calculated his next move, creating a map in his head of where to go, swiftly maneuvering them to safety as if he’d known them and this world his whole life.
With his spiked jacket, piercings, and blue-laced boots, this punk teen– this Spider-Punk...was a determined kid and a force of nature all at once.
Once the three make it to a clearing further down the road, Hobie stops and lets go of Rio’s hand, punching in a code on his watch.
“Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I promised Miles that I would keep you safe, so until this ‘ere mess is squashed, I’m sending you to my gaff.” Hobie said, turning to face the two.
“What? What about our son? We can’t leave him here!” Rio yelled with anguish in her expression.
“I’m not leaving without my son.” Jeff said with an air of authority, panic leaking through his resolve.
“I know you’re scared, but don’t underestimate your son. Miles has fought hundreds upon hundreds of threats as Spider-Man, and has crossed dimensions through time and space to return to you and to protect you. He is one of the strongest people that I know… and I know he can hold his own, but this time he won’t be alone. He has people on his side, including me, and we’ll fight by him no matter what.”
Rio looked conflicted for only a moment, biting her lip, before sighing and grabbing Hobie’s hands in hers and meeting his eyes.
“Then you gotta promise me. Hobie, swear on your life that you’ll bring my Spider-Man– Mi girasolito–  home to me when this is over. Can you promise me that you’ll protect him?” Rio asked fiercely.
With no hesitation Hobie gently squeezed her hands back and told her words made of nothing but his resolve and the truth.
“Till the day I die, I will.” Hobie says with a thick accent.
And Rio sees it in his eyes that he would.
So she lets him go, and then reclaims Jeff’s hand in hers.
“Okay, I believe you, Hobie,” Rio says.
Jeff looks at her like she has a second head, as if there’s no way it could be that simple.
“Are you serious honey? We’re just gonna let our kid fight against some multiversal phenomenon? We need to bring him with us!”
Rio held both of Jeff’s hands in hers and looked into his eyes.
“I know...There’s a lot going on and our son is a vigilante with superpowers and the world is ending, and I’m still trying to keep it together to wrap my head around this. Jeff, I’m scared...but I believe in our son. And now I know he’s no longer alone. He kept so much of his life a secret, all to protect us...so this time we have to trust that he will be okay– and that’s all we can do,” Rio said as she teared up.
Rio wipes a tear away with the back of her hand, before she places both hands on Jeff’s shoulders with a determined look.
“Our son is strong– stronger than anyone in New York– not just because of his spider-powers...but because he’s a Morales. And no matter what he will always be our Miles Morales. He will get through this, and he will win,” Rio said with a smile.
Jeff opened his mouth to protest, but with one look in her eyes he gave up with a sigh.
“Okay...okay...and when he comes back… he’s grounded for seven months.” Jeff says with a straight face.
Rio laughs out loud, and to the side Hobie gives a wicked smile to himself– like he’s in on a joke of his own. Grounded, eh? Hah, time will tell.
“Yes amor, he’s very grounded.” Rio said as she waved him away, before they both turned back to Hobie.
“And you!” Jeff exclaimed as he pointed at Hobie.
Hobie raised an eyebrow “Aye?”
Jeff paused for a moment, then let his finger down slowly until his hand rested at his side.
“Protect my son,” Jeff said softly, but loud enough for Hobie to hear the sincerity in his voice.
“You have my word,” Hobie said with an easy nod.
Just then the sound of a loud droning noise, The Spot, gets closer to where the three are, and Hobie springs into action. He runs in front of the two in a protective stance, before quickly entering a command on his watch. Behind the Morales’ a portal opens just as The Spot comes into view around the corner. The overpowered being turns, and sees them all.
The three freeze, and what happens in the next three seconds feels like time moves in slow motion. Hobie yells at them to ‘Go!’ pushing them both through the portal onto the deck of his boathouse. When the two are safely through, Hobie turns around to face a massive energy blast headed in their direction. Hobie pivots at the same time he presses the command to close the portal– and the last thing Rio and Jeff see is Hobie jumping in the way to take on the brunt of the impact.
His resolve unbreakable. His mind made up.
---- Now it was two months later from the battle with The Spot as Rio, Jeff, and Hobie were at the Morales’ dinner table eating mofongo and tostones, as if Hobie was someone who had been here Miles' entire life. Jeff and Rio gave each other a look that communicated shared feelings and thoughts about the boy in front of them.
How do we repay you for all you've done? How long have you and Miles known each other? How can we show you that we accept you, and that we will help you anytime without any shred of doubt?
Jefferson Morales began first, coughing to get Hobie's attention. Hobie stopped chewing and shifted to a yellow hue, questioning, before waiting and returning to his normal color palette as he stared at Jeff. The two regarded each other for a moment. Jefferson Morales, who was a police officer that believed grit and order would lead to a happy life with no surprises. And Hobie Brown who was a free-spirited vigilante that thrived in life’s inconsistency, chaos, and adventure. Hobie, who would do anything to defend the underdogs of the world, and those he cared about; and Jeff who would do anything to protect his family. Hobie was still wary because Jeff was a cop, but after a while he understood– that Jeff was also a father, who loved his son. So when Jeff spoke next, Hobie let his walls down for a moment, and let his words in. "Hobie...I just want to say, thank you. For everything you've done for my son, my wife, for me– and for this family...It means everything. And I want you to know that…” “You are always welcome here," Jeff said. In this moment Hobie's shoulders relaxed and the Morales’ watched as Hobie looked shocked--breathless for a moment, and cycling through ten different colors until settling on a bright pink hue with other colors shifting at the edges. Hobie looked at both of the easy smiles on their faces, overwhelmed as Rio started talking before Hobie could start forming the words. "That's right mijo… When we first met, I was scared– so scared that my son would not come home to me… But it was you who brought others together in his life to help him when he needed it most. And you who protected all of us and brought my son home. My family is my life and it means everything, so thank you Hobie.” Rio says with a heart on her chest.
And then she continues.
“-I may not have spider powers or be able to jump across buildings, but Hobie, you will always have everything you need here...anytime you need it. You are a part of our family now. We love you...and you are welcome here, always." Hobie's breath was taken away for a second time, and whatever nonsense he was about to say to downplay or shrug off his own efforts as ‘no big deal’... was gone now.
And for a moment Hobie had a soft look on his face, as he finally spoke. "...Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Morales," Hobie said as his colors shifted to the yellows, oranges, and pinks of a radiant sunrise, as a small smile graced his lips. "Anytime." Jeff said. "Annnnd when you two do decide one day that you want to be more than friends. We'll support that too. Just saying." Rio said with a not so innocent shrug and a mischievous grin on her face. Hobie then turned bright pink and started laughing, full and hearty as Jeff kept a smile on his face while eyeing his wife with a look of slight panic. But Jeff gave in and only shook his head and joined in the laughter.
"Yeah yeah,” Jeff agreed, “I can tell you like my son. Just-please don't make him pull a 180 and decide to 'Spider-it-up' and overthrow our Senator or something," He half-joked. Hobie grinned mischievously "Mint, but no promises, he might do it anyway." Jeff rolled his eyes but smiled fondly. The three then heard the front door open and close, as a sleepy Miles Morales was heard walking down the hall. The boy in question had spent the day at his friend Ganke's house, and he hummed as he followed the aroma of a home cooked meal. When he rounded the corner, he paused and looked with surprise to see Hobie at the dinner table. Miles perked up immediately and dropped his backpack on the floor to rush towards the dinner table. Miles opened his arms wide towards his far-beyond-a-crush as a smile filled his entire face. "Hobie!" Miles laughed with a smile. "Miles," Hobie said lovingly– as if his name was an oasis in a desert. Hobie rose from his seat to catch Miles in his arms as he held him against his chest in a bear-crushing hug. They then relaxed and stayed like that for a moment, smiling against each other. Then Hobie's smile widened as he slowly spun Miles around in his arms, towards the open living room. Miles laughed, and had not a care in the world except for this moment between them, here in his arms. And when Hobie looked over his shoulder at Miles’ parents. His newfound family... he nodded and gave an easy smile towards them, that conveyed everything. Thank you... for accepting me You're welcome... For all that I did And thank you again…
for moments like these,
where I can be with him, always.
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I’m writing a PunkFlower fic, and I can’t decide on wether it should be one chapter or multiple.
Basically, it’s about Hobie trying to prove to his friends that he and Miles aren’t dating (but they secretly are.) his friends give numerous examples to back up their claims, and after each, it cuts back to Hobie and Miles actually doing the thing they described. So it looks like: present character giving description, what they described actually happening, present description, it actually happening. This repeats like several times. Each description and event are about 1,000 word long.
I’m worried that a multiple chapter fic might look intimidating to people who just want to read something light, but I think it could be better for the integrity of the fic. On the other hand, a oneshot is more convenient and less intimidating, but might be hard to follow.
What do you guys think?
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akisunlovesnalu · 1 year
Part 2 to my PunkFlower fic with no title...
During their annual “Summer Sleepover”, Nobody expected to find Miles, a boy with amnesia and a secret that goes deeper than just running away from home.
Hobie, Gwen, and Pav are going to help him solve this mystery by whatever means possible… Even if that means adopting the kid into their friend group by default.
The teens were able to navigate their way back to Hobie's place with little issue…
Well, Hobie almost refused to pay the bus fare because the driver was giving him looks… And Pav’s eagerness to get home caused them to get off a stop early… And Gwen wanted to swing by the corner store for more junk food resulting in the three ‘introducing’ Miles to a microwave.
“There's absolutely no way you don’t know what a microwave is!” Hobie struggled to contain his astonishment, his hands guiding Miles toward the back of the store.
“I never said I don’t know what a microwave is.” Miles rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in annoyance. “I may have amnesia but I'm pretty sure I didn't live under a rock!”
“Or inside of a spaceship?” Pav popped out of nowhere, a glazed donut fit snug between his lips.
“Or that.” Miles hissed through gritted teeth. He fought the urge to knock every bag of chips in Pavitr’s arm to the ground.
“Aww come off it, Miles!” Hobie stopped them in front of the microwave. It sat snug in the corner, right next to the smoothie machine. Hobie directed Miles’s attention to an assortment of foods, sweet and savory alike.
“Now choose your favorite. This is a learning experience after all!”
Miles tilted his head in confusion, tapping his leg in deep thought. Hobie and Pav gave each other a secretive look and grinned. This guy was weird in the endearing i-wanna-get-to-know-you sorta way. It was obvious that Pav found him amusing.
Hobie found him kind of cute.
“You really don't have to do this.” And Gwen found her friends annoying. 
One hand was on her hip while the other held cavity-riddled sweets like marshmallows and Skittles. She raised an eyebrow in exasperation, eyeing Hobie suspiciously. “I’ve got what I need, we can go.”
“Not now Gwen!” Hobie shushed her, his eyes trailing after Miles’s hand. “Learning! experience!”
“Can’t he learn back at your place?”
Miles made a pleased noise, reaching forward and grabbing a beef patty. “This looks interesting…”
“Oh, he’s got taste!” Pav exclaimed, giving Hobie a high five.
“Now pop it in the microwave so we can leave,” Gwen said, taking the patty from Miles and tossing it inside. She slammed the door shut and began dialing numbers on the screen.
“Woah woah woah!” Hobie smacked her hand out of the way. “You’re putting it in for too long!”
“No!” Gwen smacked his hand away. “You’re not putting it in long enough!”
“I actually think it should go in longer.” Pav chimed in, his hand shoved in a chip bag.
“WHAT!?” Gwen and Hobie turned to him in disgust. And, as per usual, an argument broke out.
As he set the microwave timer to match the package instructions, Miles wondered whether these three were as close as they claimed. He leaned against the microwave, crossing his legs and raising his eyebrows while the timer ticked down.
The device beeped loudly, and finally, the three turned their attention to Miles, who held the patty up with a smug smile.
“Thanks, guys. I learned a ton.” He winked and slammed the door shut, striding over to the exit as the appliance flickered off and on in an instant.
The others stared hard at him, the shock evident on their faces.
“Told you he knew how to work a microwave…” Gwen whispered.
Hobie shook himself out of his stupor and shoved her away.
So… yeah. They made it back to his apartment with little issue.
The next morning was the interrogation. Not that Hobie felt any joy in calling it that…
But with the way they had sat Miles at the dining table while the others sat directly in front of him, each in their own individual chairs… what else would you call it?
A talk? A friendly conversation? A divine intervention without the use of divinity? 
You could shift the wording around as much as you wanted but this was an interrogation no matter what angle you looked at it from.
And Miles looked on at it with nervous, shifting eyes.
“What, are you finna beat the shit out of me?”
Hobie made an offended noise, pausing the melody his fingers played from his guitar.
“I told you he’d hate us!” Pav whined, holding his head in shame.
“We’re not gonna beat you up, Miles” Gwen soothed, sliding a toaster strudel over to his side of the table.
“You sure?” Miles sent an uneasy glance at Hobie and his guitar.
“I told you no guitar!” The girl hissed between a mouthful of frosting. 
“She calms me down!” Hobie countered. He struck an angry cord. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
“So what are you doing?” Miles interrupted. He hasn’t touched his plate.
“Listen,” Hobie sighed, sitting upright and glaring intently into the boy's eyes. He was immediately caught off guard. The more he looked at them, the more they seemed to twinkle. Of course, the sunlight streaming in from his window definitely helped with the aesthetic but… Hobie was sure they’d still look just as captivating without the sun’s extra flare. He felt a sudden urge to pull out his phone camera and snap a quick picture. 
Hobie really liked Miles’ eyes…
“We wanna help.” He finally said.
“Yeah?” Miles relaxed his posture. 
Hobie raised a calculating brow. “Obvs.”
Miles’s face twisted in confusion. 
“That’s British for: Duh.” Pav grinned.
“Right you are!” Hobie ruffled the boy's hair good-naturedly.
 Miles sent a smile across the table. “I appreciate the help. For real.”
Gwen sends back a smile of her own.
“We were planning on showing you around the city,” She said. “Maybe it’ll jog your memory?”
“Yeah, I'm down.” Miles took a small bite out of his toaster strudel and kept his mouth shut until his plate was licked clean. 
“Thanks for the food.” He licked the frosting off his fingers, looking up and meeting eyes with an occupied Hobie. 
The boy was strumming a tune on his guitar again, his body slouched as he leaned back on the chair.
“This is your house right?” Miles asked to which the punk hummed. “Mind if I use the shower?”
“It’s all yours…” Hobie gestured towards the door. “I’ll lend you some of my garms since you’re fresh out,” he smirked.
Miles looked down at his oversized white shirt…. Hobie’s shirt. “Thanks again man,” he said, shutting the bathroom door. “I owe you one!”
There's a beat of silence before anyone dares to speak up.
“That went well!” Pav beamed.
“More importantly,” Hobie changes the subject. “How old is he?”
“Why do you wanna know that…?” Gwen has a teasing lilt in her tone.
“Nothin’ important. Just seems familiar.”
Gwen and Pav fall silent. 
“Familiar?” Pav begins slowly. “Familiar how?”
“Age?” The Punk deflects.
Gwen sighs. “He’s around 15-16.”
Pav nods his head. “He doesn't remember the exact date but he knows they celebrated when the flowers were in bloom…”
So his birthday has already passed…
“How do you know this?” Hobie asks skeptically. He’s now tapping a finger on the body of his guitar.
It calms him down.
“He told us while you were arguing with the bus driver.” Gwen shoots him a look.
“Listen!-” Hobie starts but he’s quickly interrupted by a loud thud from the bathroom. He drops his guitar and shares a concerned look with the others.
“Fuck!” They hear Miles say followed by an even louder bang.
“Hey now,” Hobie springs up, creeping closer to the bathroom door. “Don’t be makin’ dog's breakfast out of my utilities!” 
“Uhm,” Miles’s voice cracks as he calls out. “No dog food being made here! Nope! Everything is fine!”
One last bang is heard before the lights in Hobie’s home shut off…
“What the hell?”
And turned on again.
The door slams open and Miles is there in a white towel with water drifting down his body and soiling Hobie’s wooden floors. His fist tightens on the door frame as he asks, “Can I borrow some clothes now?”
The bandages that the three had handed him last night were thrown onto random patches of skin in a lackluster manner. It looked like he had wrapped gauze around his right arm as soon as he jumped out of the shower. 
Despite his poor first aid skills, Hobie’s attention was on something else entirely. The water dripping down his jaw…
Was being ignored for now.
“...must be goin’ barmy” Hobie whispered.
“Clothes!?!” Pav stepped in, patting Hobie’s shoulder sympathetically on his way over. “Let me pick out an outfit!” 
“Oh-” Miles stumbled as Pav pushed him towards the bedroom. “Yeah man, thanks-” 
The door finally shuts and Hobie breathes.
“Wow.” Gwen snickers, doubling over onto the floor.
Hobie shakes his head in annoyance. “ ‘low it…”
They took the bus again. Hobie was a bit tired of the constant suspicious stares these Bus drivers kept giving him… But he kept it to himself.
He could at least respect a fellow who drove for folks who weren’t able to. Even if buses release a ridiculous amount of carbon into the air…
Maybe they should have walked…
Well, Hobie forced the group to get off a few stops ahead of plan, much to Gwen's annoyance, and they ended up walking around and exploring some of the shopping districts. They tried to introduce Miles to ice cream…
“I know what ice cream is.” He grumbled but ate the entire cone anyways. 
After that, they introduced him to escalators inside the mall. But it seemed like Miles was already familiar with those as well.
“I know what an escalator is.” He crossed his arms, glaring at Hobie. “And that’s not how you use them!”
Hobie shook his head as he finished his quest of climbing up the accelerating steps. Miles had no clue what he was talking about…
In one last attempt, they introduced him to a street performer. One who juggled with a few needles on his tongue while he climbed up invisible stairs. The audience gave polite applause and Hobie threw in a few bills out of respect. 
Miles stared and pointed in horrified confusion. “I did not know someone could do that!”
Hobie accepted Pavitr’s high-five with a smug grin on his face.
Eventually, the group found themselves in a clothing store. After taking in the sight of Miles in a mix of all three of their clothes, they suggested he probably get some of his own and, despite how good Miles looked in his cropped top, Hobie agreed.
He stood in a corner, not sulking as Gwen assumed but keeping watch of his mates. Gwen and Pav shove item after item into Miles’s arms as the boy darts his eyes around in confusion.
“I don’t think this shirt is really… my style?” He confesses.
“You think so?” Pav lifts the shirt for him and Gwen to look over once more. There stare at the shirt for a bit… and then back at Miles.
“Nah.” Gwen decides and shoves the shirt back into his arms.
“Man…” He sighs and continues trailing behind the two. Hobie caves in at this point and decides to save the poor guy.
“Think he’s got more clothes than allowed in the dressin’ room.” He hovers over the group, picking up the shirt on top. The punk stared in disgust at the bright green cat with yellow sunglasses, posing under the words ‘check meow-t’... Was this was they were arguing over?
Gwen scoffs and snatches the shirt from his hands. “Like you care about the rules Mr. down-with-capitalism.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Hobie breathes, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Or maybe we should let Miles fit himself, hm?”
Pav whined. “But that shirt would look so cute with these shorts!”
“One each!” Miles compromised, his face hiding behind a pile of clothes. “You each get one outfit for me to try on and then I pick out the rest. Deal?”
Gwen and Pav nodded and took all of their outfits back before getting into a heated whispering match over what would look best. Hobie took this time to really look over their new friend. It’s only been a short while since they took him but he seems to have taken a liking to them quickly. And maybe that liking isn’t all one-sided. Pavitr and Gwen were proof enough.
“Alright?” Hobie asked leaning down to match his height.
“Yeah,” Miles smiled lightly to himself, browsing through a couple of jerseys beside him. “More than alright. I don’t know where I'd be right now if you guys hadn’t found me…”
“Don’t mention it.” Hobie nudged him. 
“So this is your style?” he decides to change the subject, taking large steps around the rack of clothing Miles was currently rusting through. “I don’t think I’m surprised…”
“Well not everyone can pull off cool boots and spiky jackets,” Miles huffed, giving an aggressive push at one of the shirts on a hanger.
“Was a compliment,” Hobie held his hands up in defense, twirling around the rack one last time. “And you pull off the look just fine.”
“I can barely even fit into your crop top how would you know?”
“I’ve been told I’ve got an active imagination!” Hobie tapped the side of his head for show.
Miles huffed, finally picking a shirt up off the rack. “Man, you just love talking circles around me, don't you?”
Hobie grinned. “S’what I do best.” He shoved the outfit that he’d picked out into Miles’s hands. “Try this on will you?”
Miles stared in confusion. “What?”
“One fit each. Remember?”
Up at the checkout, Hobie's attention was split. He was half listening to Pav complain about Miles choosing Hobie's outfit over his, and half watching a bracelet dangling in front of him.
He’d been eyeing it from far away. Now, up close, Hobie thought the bracelet was too expensive-looking to be sold at a store like this. Though the price tag was still way too high, he found himself admiring the shimmering gold jewels scattered around its silver base. The charm practically sparkled between his fingers once more before he decided.
Gold was a nice color. It reminded him of something…
The cash register made a buzzing noise and the person behind it squeaked in fear. If Hobie looked beneath the panic in her eyes he could see the exhaustion. The ‘man’ on top seems to have gotten another poor undeveloped brain to do his bidding.
But enough about the truth. As much as Hobie wanted to rant about the downsides of working under a large company which more often times than not leads to wage manipulation- he knew his attention was needed elsewhere.
Instead, he focused on the cash-grabbing machine that was beeping uncontrollably. The light flickered on and off and a girl giggled nervously in front of it.
“Just give it a minute…” She said, looking Miles in his eyes while his hand held Hobie’s card which was still inside of the machine. His hand stuck itself to the numbers on the screen.
Hobie narrowed his eyes in confusion….
“No worries.” Miles rubbed his other hand along his shorts while his finger stayed on the pin pad almost purposefully. He smiled innocently. 
A bit too innocent. 
Most times, Hobie had a good read on people but most times didn’t mean often. And people didn’t tend to make electronics act up whenever they were in the room. Not like Miles.
“Sorry about that!” The capitalist puppet behind the counter faked a smile. “Our machines don’t usually do that. I promise!” The girl held her face in embarrassment while Hobie and his friends exited the store.
His suspicions doubled, and the bracelet in his pocket suddenly felt heavier.
Part 1
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hobi3brown · 1 year
Wrote a fic, thought y’all punkflower fans would like to read it. It’s part of a series, part 2 is in the works.
@blueflipflops for the original idea!
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bellamer · 1 year
I have no place to post my Punkflower fanfics because whenever I post any sort of fanfic on here it gets ignored and I refuse to touch AO3.
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shadowoffandoms · 1 year
i didn't write another chapter of my gay bnunny and ourtle fic, but take these two gay dumbasses instead
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cairopractor-ao3 · 1 year
Sneak peak for "Crash At My Place (Baby You're A Wreck)" Chapter 9:
Hobie was a statue, vigilantly sitting by Miles’ bedside, his eyes never straying from the unconcious form of his friend. He had since brought another lamp he’d had hidden in a different room into the otherwise dull and dim large living space, casting a warm glow over the scene. The only sounds were the conjoined breathing of the two Spider-Men and the early morning birds chirping in the distance. His own heartbeat thudded monotonously in his ears, thick and muted in the early morning. 
Hobie had taken it upon himself to clean the blood-stained bandages that had wrapped around Miles’ hands, gently tending to his wounds with a tender touch. He had replaced them with fresh ones, carefully securing them in place without so much as disturbing the slumbering spider. A blanket was draped over Miles, a token of warmth and comfort in this otherwise empty house of nothingness.
With one hand gently holding Miles’ limp fingers, Hobie absentmindedly strummed along his knuckles, his touch gentle and soothingly soft. His thumb danced lightly over the ridges and valleys of Miles’ bandaged hands, a delicate caress born from worry and affection. The rhythmic movement provided a small measure of solace amidst the turmoil in Hobie’s mind.
In the quiet of the room, Hobie found himself lost in his thoughts. His mind was a record, replaying the events that had led them to this moment, each decision and action scrutinized through the lens of his own self-doubt. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn’t help but question whether he had done enough, whether he could have protected Miles better. His gaze flickered from Miles’ face to his bandaged abdomen tucked underneath a blanket. Hobie had practically checked it nine times within the past two hours since restitching Miles back together, just to make sure he wasn’t still bleeding out.
As Hobie continued to hold Miles’ hand, the room remained cloaked in serene stillness. Time seemed to slow, the outside world fading away, leaving only the two of them in their shared moment of vulnerability. Hobie’s gaze remained fixed on Miles, his heart filled with a mixture of love, worry, and an unwavering desperate need to keep his friend safe.
Where to read the fic:
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hawkeyescoffee · 1 year
It's our hearts that make the beat (2)
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Gwen I
Gwen kept glancing to her phone screen, but the short message Miles had sent her had not changed.
GhostGwen🥁👻🩰: Hey Miles.
GhostGwen🥁👻🩰: Can we maybe talk today?
GhostGwen🥁👻🩰: Like I can swing by your place after last period?
(S)Miles🌻🕸️⚡: Sure- I am done after 8th period @the dorm?
Again, she let her head fall onto her desk with a groan.  She wanted to do amends to her friend, but her guilt weight heavy even after saving Miles and communicating thru text wasn’t the best way to convey emotions.
Before she could do something stupid like text more that she might regret when Miles was currently at school as well, someone fell into the chair next to her.
“You look awful.”, Em Jay was commenting with a soft smile, that contradicted her harsh words.
Gwen’s (former) bandmate was dressed in soft pastel colors, classing tastefully with the easy punk aesthetic she was going for. Ripped jeans with silver chains, soft pink off-shoulder shirt, paired with a violet studded leather jacket. For once her kinky hair was bound in a messy bun. Did Em Jay get her ears pierced another time? Gwen didn’t have enough time to look but she was sure she counted four silver-studs in each lob.
“Well, I feel awful.”, she answered sprawling out so that most of her torso was now laying on the cold hard surface of her desk. She could have said something clever like ‘you aren’t a sight ether’, but a) did she have little energy to pretend she wasn’t miserable and b) was it straight up not true. Mary-Jane Watson always looked good.
read on AO3
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creators-island · 1 year
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Fanart for this fic!!!
Beacuse when i read:
"Hobie spoke about how the government held total control, about how anarchy was about taking back control, saying “fuck you” to the rules. He had control, easily, and it seemed Miles unknowingly leaned into the control that Hobie radiated.
Hobie left Miles with individuality and the ability to take back his control, but that didn’t mean that Hobie would forget the rest of the Spider Society’s unforgivable transgressions against Miles Morales.
Control was funny like that, Miles had it and Hobie defended it."
I giggle like a fucking idiot
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faerieswrites · 1 year
soft punkflower snippet
the fic, as per usual
Hobie sighed into the kisses, wrapping his arms around Miles’ waist as Miles pinned him to the wall. I’ve got you, Miles thought. I’ve finally got you right where I want you. And then, don’t leave me, you can’t leave me. And finally, what do I do with how much I love you? How can my skin contain all of this  - it’s tearing me apart, it’s painful, it’s violent. I want you biblically. I want to consume every inch of you. I want you to get so close to me you pass right through.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Miles? MILES!
Miles went out to spot Pav and Gwen on the top of the building, he smiles: Phew, you guys are here!
Gwen: Yeah, made it on time. So what's the plan for tomorrow?
Pav: Do you have the sketches for Hobie's guitar?
Miles: Yeah, I was able to take it without him noticing.-Doing the peace sign with a big smile on his face. He handed Gwen the guitar and sketches- Take it to Lyla so she can design it and fix it up.
Gwen took the guitar and sketch design: Wow, this is amazing Miles. I can't wait for him to look at it. Pav, you bought the new strings?
Pav holds the packet of expensive guitar strings: Yup! You got the pick?
Gwen: It's almost done. I need to pick it up on the way, and give it to Lyla so it can be modify to handle traveling through the multiple-verse.
Miles smiles: Great, I'll keep him distracted tomorrow with a mission and we'll meet up on my place on top of the roof. My parents are already planning to decorate the place. And his bandmates?
Pav: I spend a two weeks on graveyard shift for Miguel to give us a day passes watches for Hobie's friends to come by and enjoy the party.
Gwen: Good! Thanks, Pav! Me and Miles were busy with our jobs lately. -She sighs being exhausted-
Miles check the time on his watch: Oh man, I've got to get back before Hobie realizes i'm not in bed! -He quickly said his good byes and rushes to his place-
Hobie woke up from his bed being dazed and confused his Sunflower wasn't around: Miles? -not a sound, he became worried!-
Hobie shouted: MILES! -🥺-
Miles quickly pop out of the bathroom wearing his boxers: Hey bae, sorry. I was in the bathroom!
Hobie: Why did you leave me?
Miles: I had to pee. Come on, let's go back to sleep. -They tuck in bed together falling in each other's arms. Miles can't wait for tomorrow!-
(It's a popular meme on TikTok from the Cleveland show. So I used that idea)
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jennsterjay · 1 year
Lmao so today I was waiting to get picked up from somewhere while I was talking to my friends @bootleg-exe, @king-of-the-rain-and-wolves, and @weirdfishy, and while I was waiting I had a brilliant idea. What if I wrote a Punkflower fic with a prompt from now until the time I got picked up? So I asked them for a word/prompt and Fen said "A Breakfast AU"
Ohoho a Breakfast AU you say? So with my phone notes app, a challenge, time on the clock, and a dream, I finally finished it 😎
Get ready for the unedited, no beta we die like men, writing sprint, crackfic 😂
Punkflower Breakfast AU
It was 10 am when Miles was sitting in the booth of McDonald's, waiting nervously for the boy he had a crush on.
Last night, when the two of them had just finished a mission together, and Hobie had walked him home to his dimension, Miles thought about confessing but he didn't have the guts. When he turned to Hobie and started saying something, and Hobie asked him what he wanted to say with an open and sincere look in his eyes, Miles tounge caught on his own words.
"Hobie I…"
Cmon think of something!!
"I …was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast tomorrow?" Miles said with a slight crack in his voice. Did he just ask him on a date???
Hobie perked up and smiled widely at him, like he'd just given him the keys to New York, and Miles couldn't believe that his failed confession somehow finessed him into a date. Ay dios mio.
"I would love to, Miles…so where are we grabbing a bite at?" Hobie walked closer to lean down and ask
And Miles wanted to turn invisible following the next words out of his mouth when he said
Hobie had a barely contained full grin on his face and Miles swore he was going to bust out laughing, but then he gently cupped his face in his hands and winked at him, as a portal opened up behind Hobie
"That sounds perfect, love. I'll see you tomorrow for brekkie. Text me tomorrow what time you want to eat together"
And Hobie let him go to walk back towards the portal like the coolest guy on the planet, before the portal closed and disappeared, leaving Miles with a dumbfounded look on his face and his heart running 100 miles moraleses a minute
What just happened?
And now here Miles was, a few blocks away from his house, sitting in the booth of a local McDonald's wondering if his Spiderman luck or teenage crush cringe somehow canceled themselves out into a W It was then that the door on the far side of the McDonald's opened, and Miles eyes found Hobie's from across the room. Suddenly Miles thought this was the best idea he's ever had. Ganke owes him 5 dollars.
"Miles! My guy!!!" Hobie says as everyone in the McDonald's stares at him as he walks across the room to lift Miles up effortlessly in the air and smile at him
"H-Hobie!!!" Miles half shrieks and half laughs as he looks briefly around at the New Yorkers looking at him and not looking at him (because it's too early in the morning for this) and then looks into Hobie's eyes. Hobie looks at him like he's a starving man and Miles is the McDonald's happy meal he's been waiting for all this time. Also Hobie is highlighter pink now.
Hobie puts him down and leads him to the front of the restaurant where the menu is
"Aight love, let's get some grub yeah?" Hobie says as he stands behind him and wraps his arms around Miles shoulders. Miles face is turning red and Miles hopes the people in line behind them aren't getting a seizure with how fast Hobie is cycling between different shades of pink every millisecond.
The twink in front of the register is eyeing the pair up and down with little to no amusement before snapping them out of their thoughts
"Welcome to McDonald's, what would you like to order?" He says
"Uhh we may need a sec" Miles smiles sheepishly
"Ok take your time" He says, clearly wanting them to not take their time Miles and Hobie eye the menu while Miles points and explains the options and Hobie's face is leaning on his while his arms are wrapped around him the whole time and Miles is going to have a heart attack. The two then have a mini argument over capitalism and the price of the 2 for 1 deal and the absence of the McRib before the New Yorker behind them says CMON and then the two walk forward and order a large bag of assorted McGriddles, Breakfast sausage biscuits, Ham and Cheese biscuits, Egg ham and cheese biscuits, two orange juices, and two hash browns. Greasy high calorie, high trans fat perfection
The pair then slide back into the booth and chow down on their shared feast. One sausage biscuit looks like a mini in Hobies large hands. Miles is eating one sandwich biscuit and Hobie is double fisting eating two of them. Miles wonders how Hobie is eating in Earth-138…he might as well give him the remaining batch after this
"Ayy you know what, while I don't agree with the ridiculous coin you had to shell out, this is bloody good!" Hobie says
"Hahah yeah, totally planned all this out by the way" Miles said and totally didn't mean to say. Cringe???
Hobie laughed and drank his orange juice, before eyeing Miles with a smirk. He placed his food and drink down, waiting for Miles to finish his bite as well.
Miles looked into his eyes and Hobie just smiled at him for a moment. He looked so inexplicably happy. Miles smiled easily too, and for a moment all nerves, crackwriting, and cringe aside, Miles and Hobie shared a moment of comfortable silence and happiness.
Hobie then reached for Miles' hands slowly and then held them in his across the table. Miles thought his hands were warm.
"Did you know…" Hobie said as he slowly ran his thumbs over Miles' Knuckles
"Yeah?…" Miles said as he gently squeezed the hands of the 1970's Spider-Anarchist named Hobart Brown
"That I think…" Hobie continued as he captured Miles' eyes in his "Yeah?…" Miles said, his face an open book
"You're…" Hobie stretched on for effect
"Yeah?…" Miles' heart was doing the elliptical
"…" Hobie winked at him
"I think you're pretty damn cute, Brooklyn Boy"
If Miles could replay this scene, he would've done it 50 times. Score 1 for Miles Gonzalo Morales. 50000 exp bonus.
Miles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, and smiled and giggled like a schoolgirl, oh my god he just giggled like a schoolgirl.
[And then the author was picked up, end of crackfic]
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yeehawknight · 1 year
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One page comic inspired by "Miles's summer of 2010s" by Mashroomfields on AOE (sadly the site is still down). It needs a bit of context to really understand this.
I really, really liked it, especially this part in the first chapter. I put Miles's graffiti too because i just love a sunflower field.
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