#Purfectprincessgirl's ocs
spacecookie1438 · 8 months
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This idea came to me look at my new Wednesday tshirt in the mirror: Wednesday and Enid have a similar dynamic to Purfectprincessgirl's Neo Winx members Elsa and Lily!
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katygorl · 4 months
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A birthday gift for @purfectprincessgirl, since it's her birthday today!~ ^w^ For her gift I knew this year I wanted to draw her @thethreemages girlie Tula, since it's been forever since I last drew her and she is just too adorable~ X3 I also took inspiration for her outfit from Ariel's old commission guide too, since it was just too cute of a look on her~ :3
I hope you like it, Ariel, and that you have a good birthday! 🧡☀️
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libraryofkaty · 1 year
Here is the first of my old DA stories that I will be uploading here! Most of these are very old so they do not match my current writing strengths or style, but I still thought I would upload them here anyway so they could be in a sort of “archive” in a way. With these old stories I also will not be re-editing them in anyway, mainly because I haven’t re-edited the more recent stories I have on here but also because that would take too much time.
But anyway, this story was written for @purfectprincessgirl back in 2016 as an entry for her “Winx Next-Gen Halloween Contest” that she was hosting at the time! Featuring her characters Tetra and Iris as they prepare for a Halloween party hosted by one of their other friends. Tetra’s costume is based on this pastel goth look I had found, while Iris is dressed like Misty from Pokémon.
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sketch-shepherd · 4 months
OC name meaning
Rules: Google and post the meaning of your OC’S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Thanks @champagne-pain for tagging me in this! I’ll tag @purfectprincessgirl @inu-jiru @miss-barker @cartoon-and-animal-lover @laytonesqueautistic @darksaiyangoku @skekteksfurby (but you guys don’t have to do this if you won’t want to)
OC’s listed under the cut
Taurus- Ginga OC (art by Jazz)
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Latin word for “bull” obviously. Not only do Taurus and all his siblings (Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Libra) follow a zodiac/constellation theme naming, but his name is also appropriate for his quite literally bull-headed and impulsive personality, at least in his pre-development arc. His fighting dog title is Taurus the Bull for this very reason
Karis- The Heart of Karis (original story)
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A variation of the Greek name Kharis or Charis, which in turn comes from Charites (“graces” or “charities”), a group name for the three Greek goddesses of charm, beauty, and nature
Ghost, Sun, and Takoda (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron OCs) (art by Skyvixie)
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Ghost and Sun aren’t difficult names to understand obviously but these are actually the shortened versions of their names. Ghost’s full name is Ghost-Of-The-Past, named for his similarities to Spirit and Rain. Sun’s full name is Burns-Like-The-Sun because of her fiery personality. Google SAYS that Takoda is a Lakota-Sioux name meaning “friend”. Probably not the most reliable source for indigenous names but it’s all I got right now
Raiya- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss OC
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Her name was originally Magenta Rogue when I first created her but I decided I didn’t like it for reasons I can’t remember. I picked the name Raiya for her because I was going off the theory that sinners were named after the way they died (eg. Angel Dust dying from a drug overdose, Cherri Bomb because a bomb possibly exploded in her face, etc…) Her human form was killed during a street riot so I named her Raiya which sounds a bit like “riot”. Raiya is apparently a real Arabic name that means “sheep pasturing” or “flock”
Sytke Ardus- RWBY OC
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First name is a different spelling of Sitka and pronounced the same way (my friend came up with the unusual spelling and it just stuck). Though he’s directly named after the Brother Bear character Sitka, the name means “people on the outside of Baranof Island”.
The last name Ardus is an intentional misspelling of Arcas, a character involved in the mythology behind the Ursa Major and Minor constellations, another part of Sytke’s motifs
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spawnlings · 4 months
I also posted this in my blog's description, but thought it should be a separate post too. The blog's profile banner was a commission from my friend, @purfectprincessgirl! :3 It's an older one(from December 2019), but I still love it after all this time, even if I haven't touched my next-gen in several years. It is of my OCs Claire and Emma, when they are older and dating! Their relationship was always one of my favorites, so I couldn't resist at the time getting a commission done of them~
((Here's the full image of it too!))
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
What Will Happen To OTS & My Other Callyieverse/ToM stories, Shifting Focus, + more
Hey guys! T-mack here. And after the...utter mess that was yesterday's debacle. I've been doing a little thinking all day, and wanted to make this (admittedly LONG AF!) post.
As I've stated in my previous post, I'm currently taking a break from making any ToM content that isn't Oswald The Spy & Sweetopia related. But with that being said, I just wanted to let ya'll know what's going to happen to Oswald The Spy (As well as my other Callyieverse/Tales of Mewni stories) going forward.
NO! I'm not ending the series. At least not anytime soon. I've honestly grown too attached to this story to really abort it before it even had the chance to grow. But I will say that once I get Chapters 4 & 5 (As well as the rest of Volume 1's first half.) done, I'll probably be putting the series on hiatus. (Not a long one. Probably two weeks at most.). Why so? Well...some of you may know this already. But @kururu418 is currently in the process of removing certain people's OCs from his series Tales of Mewni (In which Oswald The Spy also takes place.). I bring this up because some of the OCs that will potentially be cut due to their creator's actions were ones I planned on using in OTS at some point during the second half of Volume 1-onward. As well as my other ToM stories. And given the fact that a lot of people in the community have grown rather protective of how their characters are handled by other people due to this whole situation, I've decided that from this point forward that I will not be using anyone's Callyieverse/ToM OCs in my stories unless I have their official blessings. From now on, I'm only going to focus on either my own, Callyie or Kururu's OCs (Even then, I'll probably just stick to ones that don't get as much focus.), or OCs that I got the green light from their creators to use in my stories. (Ex: Jak & Marinus by @thepaladincosplays & Adam by @purfectprincessgirl ). Anyone else I'm going to avoid using until I get the okay from their creators. I hate that this is the way this is gonna have to be. But given that the wounds from this whole ordeal are still fresh, I think this is the best choice that I could make to prevent further drama.
This extends to my Future AU Tales content as well. Like with OTS, I'll only be focusing on Cetus & his adventures with The Junior Spies (I just love that boy & the friend group I made for him too much. Yeah, Cetus has become a bit of a comfort character for me lately.), The Bulgolyubov kids and their friends, The Lucitor Sisters, and The third gens I'm making for The G Squad. Any stories that don't fall into either of those categories are going to be either scrapped or shelved (Sorry for anyone who was looking forward to Of Sugar n Spice. But that one's currently shelved as if right now.).
Bottom line, I just don't feel safe using other people's characters anymore. I don't want the headache, I don't want the drama, and I CERTAINLY don't want any beef (I'm more of a chicken and turkey person anyway. lol). And this extends to any Callyieverse/Tales of Mewni stories that I may come up with in the future. I try my best to have fun with what I'm creating, and if I want to continue having fun with my Callyiverse/ToM stuff, I feel this is the route that I need to take.
Now on the "shifting focus" part of this post, well as of right now, I'm going to be shifting my focus towards going back to my roots and making original content. I also want to try and develop OCs I made for @ej-cappy-universe & @princess-lunalu 's next-gen verses. Since if I'm being honest...they're LONG overdue for some focus! XD. I know some of ya'll started following me because of the Callyieverse content I make. But I hope you'll at least give my other stuff a chance as well. Callyieverse content is still gonna be around. It's just not gonna be my main focus anymore.
So that's it. I'm sorry if this post is long as hell. But I just had a lot to say on this. And I wanted to get this off my chest while it was still fresh in my mind. If anyone wants to chime in and give their two cents on this, feel free to do so.
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sketch-shepherd-art · 3 years
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Not my art, this was a commission from @purfectprincessgirl
Some designs for MLP OC’s, both of whom are pirates and part of Captain Celaeno’s crew. The pony is Night Sky, once an aristocratic unicorn who decide to join the pirate’s life instead, and the harpy is Halle yeah they’re inspired by a certain crossover ship meme I WONDER WHICH HMMM
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hey-erika · 4 years
@sweetcircuits​ you tagged me in this... literally ages ago and I’m sorry it took me this long!! I get kind of nervous interacting with people hahaaaa
rules:  fill this up and then tag 7 people you’d like to know better!
one / ( alias / name ):  I’m Erika! 
two / ( date of birth ):  January 27th
three / ( zodiac sign ): Aquarius
four / ( height ): 5′2″
five / ( hobbies ): Mostly drawing hahaaaa, I would say writing but I mostly sit at a blank document and stew about plots rather than actually write
six / ( favorite color ):  Blue! More specifically light or pastel blues
seven / ( favorite books ):  I... don’t read as often as I should hahaaaaa.
eight / ( last song listened to ): About Love by Marina  
nine / ( last film or show watched ): Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
ten / ( story behind url ): Not a big story, my older sister had a tumblr account under the url “hey-(HerName)” so I kinda just copied her. Over ten years later she’s been off tumblr for years now and I’m still here lmao
eleven / ( inspiration for muse / talk about an oc ): I have my SRMTHFG OC Maki! He’s part of a whole 7,000+ clan of hyper intelligent ring-tailed lemurs, drifting in a bio dome on a station through space. Maki is a very literal-minded, incredibly dedicated, and loyal warrior who is desperate for some kind of ultimate purpose. My plan for this is a story in which Mandarin escapes from where he’s been imprisoned and quite literally crashes into Maki’s colony. From then on Mandarin uses Maki’s friendship in order to usurp power over this “army” from the ground up.
I also have an OC whose backstory I still have to work out the finer details for, but her name is Sachiko and she is a Japanese Macaque. here’s her picture:
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TAGGED BY: @sweetcircuits​ again, sorry for the hold up!
TAGGING: I’m... kinda nervous about the idea of tagging other people... I suppose @neopuff​ @ar-blackshaw​ @chaos-in-a-jar​ @anna-mator​ @purfectprincessgirl​ You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!!
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genrefluid · 5 years
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going to post some original characters for a change of paste real quick
these ocs are created for a series called “The Three Mages” created by @purfectprincessgirl. They’re a group of misfits who cause trouble or steal valubles from famous places. 
Como, Mage of Aqua
Como was birth to a martial artist/mage that goes by the name Tanith, on a small island far from Graystone. There, he trained hand her and her 9 sisters (spoiler alert: her parents were amorous <<') the ability of water and it's meaning. However, while Como had the most skill out of her sisters, she lacked focused, of wrecking havoc by mistake. Thus caused her father to focus on her other daughters, as they were not so destructive. Feeling ashamed and mistreated, she fled her island and arrived in Graystone, there she joined [REDACTED] group of mischiefs and thieves. As a mage of aqua, she is able to manipulate water to her advantage, using it to attack/hold back her foes.
Iris, Mage of Poison
Iris is a graduate from St. Ravilda's, who was infamously known as “The Toxic One” because of her magical abilities with poison. While silent during classes, she would grudgingly give comments to those who thinks they are higher than others (*coughs*Ana*coughs*) and goes back to not speaking. Soon enough, it was revealed that her father was an infamous thief who left that life behind to start a family with a former noble woman. Because of this, certain teachers and students as taken a dislike for her. This, however, does not stop her. After graduation, her father randomly disappeared and her mother became sick to the point she can't do tasks, resulting her to find a job to support her mother and younger siblings, preventing her from traveling and doing a mages duty. She, however, became a member of a group of thieves. It’s a risky job, but she needs to do something for her family… As a mage of poison, she can use poison in hand to hand combat and create projections.
Terra, Mage of Firestorms
Terra is the daughter of a well-known graystone knight and a maid. However, her parents weren't married nor were they in a relationship. Her parents shared custody over her, with her father having more power. Her father expected highly from her and trained her to become a knight. The training were harsh, as it costed her a arm one year and a leg the other. She also studied abroad st.ravilda's, where had more freedom than she had at home.
Eventually, she graduated and one night, someone approached her and attempted her to convince her of getting revenge. Although she wasnt convinced at first, she finally snapped at bher father when she learned he killed her mother at a young age. On the run from the guards, she is asked by the same person to join her group. She accepts and the two goes off in search of others.
Sabine, Mage of Telepathy
Sabela is....well, she is rather secretive. All we should know is that she came from a faraway land who was sent to Graystone for reasons unknown. However, she seems to be into mischevious acts or vandalism/theft. She has recruited three people to join her in a group, promising money and/or a better future. As a mage of telepathy, she can read the thoughts of people.
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brickercupmasterx3 · 5 years
I became inspired by others to ask this, but have you ever made an OC for a friend/someone's universe?
Hmmm... There was Chloe Spicer, though not sure if she counts since she's no longer mine (she was adopted), was created to fit in on @princesscallyie's universe. Aaly and Aidan were originally created to be Aaron's best friends in @purfectprincessgirl's PPG-verse. (I just ended up incorporating them in my own verse after a while.) And I'm currently still working on an OC for the Spooksverse by @katygorl. (She'll be in the main-verse, not in the same one as Spooksverse!Aaly.) But yeah... That's pretty much it. Incorporating OCs into other people's universes can be fun. :)
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gograciebaby · 5 years
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Some misc. requests/gifts for people I’ve done for people on Instagram/DeviantArt over the past few months (more specifically from like, January to now). Might do more soon.
The Artists whose ocs I’ve drawn:::
Shouto Siwa (@corpoalg) • Instagram photos and videos
(The ocs from the first and fourth image belong to the artist above ⬆️)
エレクトロニカ (@electro_fnafbean) • Instagram photos and videos
Ya🅱️🅾️ℹAaron🌈😘 (@ya_bois_cosplays) • Instagram photos and videos
Addison L (@addis_arts) • Instagram photos and videos
💖Valkery💙 (@valkerydreams) • Instagram photos and videos
(Same here, the ocs from he sixth and eighth image belong to this artist above ⬆️)
(Also, the artist from the seventh image I believe is no longer online. She deleted her first IG account and I cannot find her new account but if I do I’ll make sure to properly credit her. Her old user was jintans_artbox but it is no longer available on Instagram.)
UPDATE CONCERNING THE SEVENTH IMAGE::: Found the Artist whose oc I drew in the seventh image! The artist is r0gu3cat . Her Instagram can be viewed here:::
hahaha (@r0gu3cat) • Instagram photos and videos
PurfectPrincessGirl on DeviantArt
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princesscallyie · 7 years
So are Hank and Tizzy gonna be canon? I read his bio and thought they'd be cute and would be cuter if Kingsley brought them together
Eh, I’m still not sure what to do with My Life as a Teenage Robot next gen in my verse cause technically it’s not in my verse? Cause Angie and Benji are tried around Purfectprincessgirl’s Prinack son, Will and her verse, so they obviously can’t happen in my verse with Kingsley and Chloe but I feel like it’ll be weird to add other mlaatr OCs without mentioning the other ones? 
I was thinking about making new Crust cousin next gen for my verse but that seems like it’ll be too much plus I really like Angie and Benji. Also thinking about just adding them to my verse without mentioning Will, but Angie and Will just go together? idk I think about this a lot, it’s really confusing 
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katygorl · 1 year
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Pardon me joining in on this trend super late
I’ve been meaning to do the “shirt cut” meme since over a year ago, and just recently did I find the time to actually follow-through with it. I did attempt it once, but I couldn't find those sketches so I started over, not that I really minded as it gave me a chance to do some things a little differently. But, here is my boy Colden for it(an OC for @thethreemages’s universe), who was also suggested by @purfectprincessgirl as well, when I first made the post linked above. 
Decided to make this into a drawing sheet rather than using the exact template, but still hope you guys enjoy!
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libraryofkaty · 1 year
Something from January 2020 of a contest entry for the @thethreemages contest that was held at the time. A story of Rosabel and my character Winnie having an unlikely encounter with each other. This was written way before Rosabel had her character revamp, but like with the others I still wanted to upload it here to put it in the archive.
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libraryofkaty · 1 year
This is a story from February 2019, for my character Winnie from @thethreemages. This was to serve as a little intro to her character, as it follows the titular three mages as they make a quick stop for snacks at the Igall’s Convenience Store before continuing their journey. Winnie is working the counter that day, and is a bit taken aback upon seeing these girls again, specifically her old friend/roommate, Tula.
This is another story I might rewrite someday, especially as I have made a lot of updates to Winnie’s character since then, not to mention all the new lore and updated info for the titular trio themselves.
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