kkruml · 6 years
Based on PROMPT #1 from @thelallybrochlibrary: Jamie and Claire meet at a PRIDE parade/event. Romance ensues.
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This story is a first for me in a few ways- my first attempt at writing a relationship other than Jamie and Claire (they’re in here- trust me), my first attempt at writing characters I’m not SUPER familiar with, and my first attempt to write those two characters together who are no where near each other in canon. 
BUT that hasn’t stopped me before so I am jumping in with both feet and seeing where this goes. 
I’m nervous to post this story- because I don’t want to fuck it up. Representation matters and I want to get this right. ❤
@smoakingwaffles thank you for letting me send you ANOTHER fic to BETA.
@futurelounging thank you for putting up with my questions with the photo editing for this banner. And my favorite part of this chapter was your little plot bunny. All the credit to you, I hope I didn’t fail you with it.
“What’s the bloke’s name again?” Claire asked as she picked up her camera, checking the memory card and battery.
“Willie.” Geillis’s voice was somewhat muffled as she tried on the last in a string of colorful shirts. “Willie Fraser. Only met him once or twice but he’s a bonny lad.”
“How will I find him? The place will be mayhem.”
“I’ll take ye to him, but only if ye help me settle on the right top.”
She smiled and laughed, seeing her most recent choice- LET ME BE PERFECTLY QUEER written across the chest.
The streets were lined with rainbow flags, confetti, and smiling faces. Music pulsed through the air and an infectious energy filled her as she followed Geillis through the crowd.
Throngs of excited faces lined the pavement of Edinburgh. Rainbow kilts, little kids with colorful balloons, and signs with declarations of love filled the streets. Countless floats were lined up, facing the destination around the corner-a large stage constructed at the end of the parade route.
Flashes of color filled her vision as they darted between the pockets of people. Claire squeezed Geillis’s hand to slow her pace as the crowd started to fill the alleyways.
Geillis pointed to the square, eyeing the crowd as she stopped. “He said to meet here at the fountain at one o’clock. He’s a tall bloke- bright red hair, blue eyes. Heart-shatteringly gorgeous. Canna miss him.” Claire’s cheeks blushed at this and Geillis giggled, elbowing her in the ribs and giving a wink. “Dinna fash lass… ye ken yer no’ his type. He’ll give the signal when it’s time.”
How had she been roped into this?
She hadn’t picked up her camera in months. Medical school hadn’t afforded her any free time, but Geillis had begged her to fill in after the hired photographer backed out at the last minute. Like healing, she hoped that when the time came, her hands would remember what to do. She was determined to capture as much as she could- she just wished she wasn’t so out of practice.
She checked her camera settings as she waited, a nervous habit- always wanting to be ready for the unscripted look, feeling, or reaction that would capture the moment. Looking up from her lens to gauge the direction of the sun, her eyes caught the sight of a mess of auburn curls above the crowd. A sharp jawline framed a strikingly beautiful face. Blue eyes scanned the mass of people- relaxed, happy. Without thinking, she pulled the camera to her eye, focused and snapped three photos, all fixated on the mop of red.
Jesus H.  Roosevelt Christ.
Please say that’s not Willie.
Almost one o’clock.
“Come on ye lazy dolts, yer gonna miss the parade.” He looked back, seeing their hands linked and matching flags- one wrapped around Willie’s shoulders, the other was small and hanging loose from John’s back pocket.
His brother Willie had always been loud and proud. John on the other hand… he was subtle, unsure.  Opposites in every sense of the word. But they loved each other- they had from the moment they met three years ago.
This parade. This place, this energy, this acceptance of both life and love. This is where it all started. Jamie had witnessed that exact moment, and it was as sure as the sunrise in the morning that they would end up here. On this sunny day, with love and affirmation filling the air, his older brother would finally have what he longed for most- with him.
Today was going to be a good day.
He turned back again, this time seeing them entangled in an embrace- arms locked around each other and hands intertwined in each other’s hair and clothing. Willie was whispering something, the tips of his ears a deep red as his lips curled into a smile against John’s cheek.  Jamie shook his head as he laughed and whistled to get their attention, “Come on ye two leannan, or we’ll miss the parade,” as he led them towards the fountain in the main square.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jamie caught a flash of curly brown hair, Ray Ban sunglasses, and a camera. His eyes followed her as she looked around, neck craned in search of something.
Please say that’s the photographer.  
Jamie looked to see Willie’s eyes sparkling with excitement, and he attempted a wink at his younger brother. Seeing the failed gesture, Jamie laughed in response- a wide smile splashed across his face.
“John, I’m gonna go grab a snow cone, want me to grab ye one, too?”
“Oh sure, thanks love.” John smiled, watching as Willie dipped through the crowd; a bounce in his step made him laugh. He tilted his head and smiled, “Sometimes I wonder about that brother of yours.”
“Oh aye- every damn day- and twice on Sunday,” Jamie chuckled as he elbowed John’s ribs. “So are ye two still goin’ on that trip up the coast this fall? Sounds like a bonny holiday.”
“That’s the plan. Willie’s been pretty busy with work these last few weeks, can’t seem to get a straight answer out of him lately.”
Jamie hummed in response, a small smile pulling at his lip that he shook off with a cough. “Tryin’ to peg him down is like herdin’ drunken sheep.”
John had become like another brother to Jamie. He’d watched as Willie’s edges had been slowly softened by John’s quiet presence, but his joy and exuberance had not been dampened- rather it took on a spectacular glow that emanated from his smile to his fingertips.
But the past three years had also showed Jamie just how much he was missing in his own life. A quintessential little brother jealousy crept in as he watched John wait for Willie. The look of anticipation and eagerness on John’s face pinged at his own heart. Willie had John; he needed his someone now, too.
But today was about Willie and John.
The music blasted over the loud speaker, signaling the start of the parade.
John scanned the crowd, looking around with a hint of anxiety creeping into his voice, “Do you see Willie?”
Jamie felt the excitement rise in his chest, and he let his smile show as he said, “Not yet.”
The line of floats slowly passed, and John’s head swiveled around again, eyes darting. The sound of Willie’s voice over the loudspeaker stopped him cold.
“Hello Edinburgh!” Willie’s voice was electric as it echoed through the crowd as the cheers quieted.
John turned to see Willie on the platform of a float, on bended knee.
Willie’s blue eyes glistened in the sun as his eyes locked on John’s face. “I hope you’ll indulge me for just a moment… because I needta say somethin’.”
Jamie put his arm around John and gently pushed him forward. John’s eyes were wide like a deer caught in headlights.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jamie caught the sound of the camera shutter and smiled- it was the photographer. He held his hand out to her, signaling to follow John. With one eye focused through the lens, she nodded- smiling back at him between shutter clicks.
“John Grey,” his voice was starting to shake as he spoke into the microphone, “When I was a bairn, I asked my Da ‘how do ye know when ye find ‘the one’- and he said, “When the time came, I’d have no doubt.’ An’ he was right.”
Murmurs and soft ‘ahhhs’ rippled through the crowd as John stood holding Willie’s hand, tears brimming over as their eyes stayed locked on each other.  
“We met here three years ago. This day. This place. It brought me you.” Willie’s voice was low, husky as he cleared his throat, it was thick with emotion as he took in John’s face. “Ye’ve given me more love, compassion, and happiness than I ever thought to hope for... Ye also give me a healthy dose of cheeky British wit when I need it most.”
John’s face broke from tears to laughter as he raised his hand to his mouth, covering it. From where Jamie stood, he could tell it was shaking and he let out a whistle of encouragement.
Willie’s voice turned serious as he took a deep breath, letting the crowd die down again. “I promise ye a lifetime of adventure, of love, of us. Will ye marry me?”
John nodded his head and through the microphone the crowd heard his answer, a half sob followed by “Yes!” and with that, Willie leapt to his feet. His arms encompassed John, one arm around his waist and the other at the base of his neck, holding his face to his as they kissed. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as a flurry of confetti, streamers, and music filled the air around them. The float resumed its movement, and Jamie was close enough to them to hear them as they passed.
Holding Willie close, John laughed as he said, “I’m gonna kill you.”
With another failed wink Willie nuzzled his nose to John’s as he said, “Marry me first.”
As the procession continued, Jamie turned to see the photographer at his side, snapping one last photo. Looking back to his brother, he saw their silhouettes, arms wrapped around each other against the backdrop of a rainbow of color and confetti. That’s the perfect shot.
His eyes wandered back to the bird’s nest of curls behind the lens, and he smiled.
Today was definitely a good day.
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Claim a prompt via The Lallybroch Library’s Ask Box: From now until Saturday June 30, anyone and everyone is invited to claim a prompt. Each prompt on this list can only be claimed once (either by sending us a message via the Library’s Ask Box or commenting below). We will be confirming claims on a ‘first in first served’ basis and any and all prompts that have been claimed will be crossed out. For more detailed information on the Queerlander Fan Fiction Prompt Exchange please visit [THIS POST].
PROMPT #1: Jamie and Claire meet at a PRIDE parade/event. Romance ensues. Claimed by @kkruml
PROMPT #2: One of Jamie and Claire's children decides to attend the school dance with a same-sex partner and Jamie and/or Claire help him/her/them get ready for the event. (Modern Day AU)  Claimed by @itsnotliketherearehillshere
PROMPT #3: Jamie and Claire in a heterosexual marriage but one or both identify as queer. Claimed by @muykonos
PROMPT #4: Claire telling Jamie about Brianna's sexual identity during Voyager/Season 3, when she’s telling Jamie everything about the daughter he has never met. (Canon Divergent)
PROMPT #5: Young Ian explains to his parents why he left Lallybroch to stay with his Uncle Jamie in Edinburgh without saying anything: He didn’t think that he would be accepted in the highlands as a gay teenager. Claimed by @livinginafanficworld​
PROMPT #6: Totally reversed LJG and Jamie scenario. Claire is pining for Jamie but he is in a committed relationship with John. Maybe a modern AU where they are married and have kids?
PROMPT #7: Fergus, running in from the rain smacks into Roger the bloke who sings at the pub on Friday nights . . . Claimed by @muykonos & @whiskynottea​
PROMPT #8: “Wait, you’re not gay!? My bad….” Claimed by @ourkissgoodbye
PROMPT #9: Young Ian catches Willie doing something interesting in the stables. Claimed by @wunderlichkind
PROMPT #10: Princess Diaries AU - Claire is a messy girl who has no idea her father/mother was royalty but when her grandmother swoops in and changes everything, her new looks suddenly catch someone’s eye and Claire hopes the kingdom of Genovia is a modern monarchy.
PROMPT #11: Seven Minutes In Heaven - Jamie, hoping to get Annalise, ends up with John.
PROMPT #12: Claire is new in town, she quite likes the ginger boy but ends up with his dark haired sister.
PROMPT #13: Claire has a relationship with another female nurse during the war. Claimed by @curlsgetdemgurls
PROMPT #14: Brianna identifies as male and lives as Brian; Roger loves him all the same. Claimed by @i-dwell-in-darkness​
PROMPT #15: Claire, Jamie, and Frank are in a committed polyamorous relationship. Could be someone through the stones to either canon time period, or another time period AU.
PROMPT #16: Lallybroch becomes the first LGBTQ friendly B&B in the Highlands specializing in weddings and holiday adventures thanks to the amazingly talented same-sex couple that owns it. Writer’s choice on the couple! Claimed by @livinginafanficworld
PROMPT #17: Fergus is away again and nights on the Ridge are long and lonely. Marsali joins the ladies crafting circle. Oh my! Well, this explains a lot.
PROMPT #18: Jamie & Claire meet at a gay bar in London. Claimed by @livinginafanficworld​
PROMPT #19: Write a piece of fan fiction where the gender of the protagonist/s is never identified
PROMPT #20: Little Jaime and little Claire are best friends and already know they will be together forever, but think their Uncles Murtagh and Lamb could use some love too and play matchmaker. Claimed by @purpleheatherdream
PROMPT #21: Bree and Gayle’s relationship has always been more than just that of roommates and best friends. 
PROMPT #22: Bree is surprised by the fact she is developing feelings for Reverend Wakefield’s niece during their search for Jamie. Claimed by @katnoenau​
PROMPT #23: Claire threesome with the Cherokee women.
PROMPT #24: Jamie’s attempt at seduction goes awry when Claire turns out to be either asexual or demisexual. Claimed by @anoutlandishidea
PROMPT #25: Isobel and John Grey’s non-conventional relationship through the years. Claimed by @the-fear-you-won’t-fall
PROMPT #26: Jamie becomes upset when he finds Brianna in her room with a young male friend, only for Brianna to explain that her friend is asexual. Claimed by @ofbrochtuarach​
PROMPT #27: Jamie and Claire are Swingers. Modern AU. M/M, F/F, F/M 
PROMPT #28: Claire likes girls    Claimed by @ourkissgoodbye 
PROMPT #29: Jamie's first time is with Ian Sr when they are young and soldiering in France.
PROMPT #30: Same sex Jamie and Claire have to pretend to be a married couple in order to get on a game show (Newlywed Game or Amazing Race or Bare Arsed and Scarrit) 
PROMPT #31: John never realized he was attracted to red heads or men for that matter until his girlfriend, hoping to improve his mundane style, set him up on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Bonus points if the team is comprised of Jamie, Roger, Fergus, Joe and Young Ian 
PROMPT #32: Modern Regency AU, Lord John Grey is a prince of the British Royal Family who is smitten with the new stablehand, Jamie, who works for the Royal Horseguards and also is an ex convict. All while John is supposed to mary Princess Claire from Sweden... bi Jamie, gay John
PROMPT #33: Jamie never came out of the closet and told his family he has a girlfriend. When it's time to meet her, he asks the curly head stranger he met in a bar to accompany him and the attraction for her makes him question his sexuality. Claimed by @jules-fraser
PROMPT #34: Jamie and John have an interesting history. Claimed by @abbydebeaupreposts
PROMPT #35: Fergus and Young Ian’s relationship starts as business partners in Edinburgh. As the business grows, so do their feelings for one another. (Canon Divergent or Modern AU)
PROMPT #36: Claire is a chief surgeon having an affair with a female intern Claimed by @westerhos
PROMPT #37: Jamie and Claire are neighbours and he's very much in love with her but she's very much married to a woman. Claimed by @jules-fraser
PROMPT #38: YouMeHer!AU with John, Jamie, and Claire
PROMPT #39: Hogwarts!AU: Jamie arrives as the new grounds keeper at Hogwarts soon to find out Professor John Greys preferences for chocolate frogs and sneaking around in the forbidden forest... Claimed by @thistlekat777​
PROMPT #40: Faith lives and comes out as a lesbian to her parents in either the 18th century or a modern setting Claimed by @owlish-peacock36
PROMPT #41: John and Jamie are in a relationship. They meet their new neighbor Claire and both start falling for her.
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notameeksassenach · 6 years
This is one of my submissions for the @thelallybrochlibrary Queerlander Prompt Exchange. 
The inspiration for this fic hits a bit close to home. Needing a therapeutic release prompted this story to be written over the course of two days. 
Major thanks and love to @katnoenau for being there to listen to my sob story and to clean up my mess as I wrote this story at lightening speed. 
It wasn’t often that she found herself alone with just the company of herself. Since the day they met, Jamie and Claire were inseparable. Where you found one, you were sure to find the other. They were inexplicably drawn together, and that pull only seemed to increase when Claire packed up what few belongings she had, and moved from her small apartment in London to the vast green expanse of the Scottish Highlands to be with him.
Growing up on the move, Claire never had more than a handful of friends. The majority of them had come into her life for just a season, and left almost as quickly. So while she had no friends of her own in Scotland, she had Jamie, and he was all she truly needed.
She loved Jamie with all her heart, and knew that her soul had found its other half nestled within him. Content with the life that she had chosen with him, Claire found her place among his family, his faith, his life. Their life. Assimilating herself into her new normal, she had convinced herself that she was leading a charmed life.
You’ve a husband who adores you, a beautiful home, a family like you’ve always wanted. Why do you still feel like something is out of place?
Jamie was gone, away on business. Claire was unable to get the time off to join him, her own workload growing every day. If she was honest, she missed his presence. He wouldn’t be gone long, but their home felt empty. After a particularly stressful day at work, she wasn’t looking forward to going home, where she knew he would not be.
Which is why she found herself sitting alone, nestled on the very last barstool, nursing a dram of whisky. Being here made her feel less lonely. From her vantage point, she was able to take in the entire bar, giving her the perfect spot to people watch.
One particular patron caught her eye. She was sitting at the other end of the same bar. Claire noticed that she was also alone, and had been slowly sipping on her own glass filled with red wine. Unsure of what it was about the stranger that drew her attention, Claire continued to glance her way, hoping that she wouldn’t be caught unawares.
Never having been one to keep her emotions from showing, Claire was often accused of having a glass face. Jamie could read her almost without hesitation, and would know the moment that something was on her mind. She was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to conceal her interest, as she continued to sneak glances of the woman at the other end of the bar. She was writing a story in her head. Who this mystery person was, what her life was like. What her favorite color was, favorite book, favorite tv show. Claire found that she wanted to know it all. It was a unsettling feeling. She had never wanted to know so much about another human being, save Jamie.
Taking a sip of her whisky as an excuse to look in her direction yet again, Claire was startled to realize that the woman was now staring back at her.
You need to cover your tracks better, Beauchamp.
Dropping her gaze, Claire began to busy herself with her cuticles. She was afraid to look up again, she didn’t want to be thought of as rude. She blamed it on her curious nature, one that was nourished by her unusual upbringing. Resigning herself to finishing her drink, Claire had made the decision to head home. In her mind, being alone in the comfort of her own home would be far better than sitting here wallowing in her own twisted thoughts.
As she set her empty glass back on the bar, she was greeted by the bartender replacing the glass with a full one.
“Oh. No thank you. I didn’t order another drink.”
“No, but she did,” he responded, pointing down the bar to the mystery woman.
Doing her best to stifle the blush she was sure she was forming on her cheeks, she grabbed the glass and offered the woman a salute of thank you before taking sip.
Catching Claire’s acceptance of the drink, the woman abandoned her seat, and made her way to the empty stool next to Claire.
“Thank you for the whisky.”
“My pleasure,” she responded, extending her hand to Claire. “I’m Meghan.”
“Claire,” she said accepting the offered hand. Meghan’s hands were smooth, the complete opposite of the rough sturdy hands she was used to holding.
“So, Claire. What’s a woman like you, doing alone in a place like this?”
“Oh, umm. A rather long day at work. Needed a dram. What about you?”
“Was supposed to be meeting someone here. Clearly I’ve been stood up.”
“That’s terrible. Men can be such a bother sometimes can’t they?”
Claire noticed that Meghan’s cheeks seemed to flush a bit. She wasn’t sure if it was what she had said, or just the lingering effects of her wine.
“I wasn’t waiting for a man. They aren’t entirely my type, you see.”
“Oh, my apologies. I guess us woman can be just as much of a bother,” Claire was hoping that she wasn’t putting her foot in her mouth. She didn’t want this conversation to end before it even had a chance to begin. “From what I can tell, her loss is my incredible gain.”
Conversation flowed easily between the two of them. They skipped from one topic to another nothing seemed to be out of bounds. The two women were simply trying to get to know one each other better.
Claire couldn’t remember the last time she felt such a connection to another woman. Not having very many close girlfriends, this was mostly new territory for her. But she felt at ease, like she could tell Meghan anything and everything without the fear of being judged.
Over the course of the evening, Claire began to notice certain things about Meghan. Like the way her hair fell on her shoulders and framed her face perfectly. That Meghan, even when she was waiting for a date, didn’t coat her face in makeup. She noticed that her eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel that favored green when the light hit them.
Those are some of the same types of things you noticed about Jamie the first night you met him.
Without noticing, the two had moved closer to one another, their barstools touching. Meghan would laugh at one of Claire's lame attempts at a joke, lightly touching her arm in response. Knees and ankles would graze each other as they crossed and uncrossed their legs. Each minuscule touch, sent a shock of heat through Claire.
It was no surprise that neither of them were paying much attention to the time, as wrapped up in one another as they were. Before long the bartender was announcing last call.
“I had better be on my way. It was a pleasure to meet you, Meghan.” Claire said gathering her jacket and purse.
“The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for turning my night around.”
Without hesitation, Meghan leaned in to give Claire a goodbye hug. It took a measure of self control for Claire not to press her nose into Meghan’s hair, to pull her closer and hold her in her arms.
Beauchamp, what is your problem? You are going to freak this poor woman out! Get yourself together!
After saying their goodbyes, Claire made her way home. She clutched her arms tight around herself as she walked, as if she was trying to reclaim the feeling she got from hugging Meghan. What was it about her that was making Claire feel this way. She had never experienced feelings like this for anyone other than Jamie. Was it just that she was missing him so much, that she was just transferring feelings to the first person who paid her any attention? Or was there something more going on? Was what she was feeling the signs that there was more to herself than she had thought?
Even as she readied herself for bed, she couldn’t get her mind off Meghan. More importantly, she couldn’t get her mind off the the way she felt around Meghan. The more she thought about it, it started to become clear to her that what she was feeling was attraction. The only thing she had to compare it to was the feeling she had when she was with her husband.
But how can I have the same feelings for a woman that I have for my husband? Does this make me bisexual?
With thoughts and emotions running through her head, she was thankful for once that Jaime was not around. He would have been worried sick about her. He would have known right away that something was wrong. What would she tell him? That she was having feelings that she couldn’t explain about another woman? She cringed at the thought of his reaction. While he was a loving and caring man, Jamie was religious and so was his family. What would they think of her if this became public knowledge. She was already the Sassenach in the family. An outsider that never quite fit in. The English woman who successfully infiltrated the Scots.
Something similar to dread began to settle in the pit of her stomach at the thought of what would happen were Jamie to find out. No. Until she could explain these feelings to herself, it was best for everyone involved that she keep a tight lip.
Limbs intertwined, ivory skin mingled with a layer of sweat. Soft touches from delicate hands, tracing the lines of her body from jawline to hip bone.
I reach a hand out to cup her cheek, to bring her closer to me for a kiss. Her full lips soft as I trace them with my tongue, hoping to gain access. I feel her mouth part and her tongue begins a slow dance with my own. Reaching a hand around her waist, I pull her closer.  The feel of her body against mine, makes my senses run wild. It feels as if every part of us is touching. I can feel the peak of her nipples against my own breasts, wanting nothing more than to give them the attention they are seeking. With a featherlight touch, I glide my hand from her cheek down her neck and finally cup her breast, enjoying the fullness of it. Bending my head down, I take her nipple into my mouth, trying to convey to her just how much I adore her. I hear a moan escape her as I move my lips to her other breast.
She grabs a handful of my curls, pushing me further down, showing me where she wants my attention to continue. I kiss and bite my path to her navel, taking the time to appreciate every inch of her skin. She bucks her hips in response as I get closer to her mound. I can smell her need, see that she is ready and waiting for me.
I lazily trace a finger along the outside of her wetness. My fingers slip along her skin with ease. I hear her hiss as my thumb comes into contact with her most sensitive spot. Her eyes meet mine, and with a nod of approval, I enter her in one swift motion. Slowly I pump my hand back and forth, taking my finger all the way out before allowing it access again. She is writhing beneath me and a smile forms on my face knowing that I am the cause of her excitement.
Increasing my speed, I add another digit hoping to encourage her climax to unfold. It doesn’t take long before I feel her walls clenching around me.
“Claire,” she moans as the waves of pleasure crash around her.
Giving her a moment to recover from her high, I bring my fingers, thoroughly coated by her juices, to my mouth. She tastes better than I could have ever imagined.
I had tasted myself on Jamie many times, but this was different. Knowing that I was the one to bring about this bounty, feeling proud in my abilities to pleasure another woman.
Once she catches her breath, she makes quick work of taking over the domineering role. Pushing me back against the pillows, it’s her turn to worship me.
I gasp as she runs her thumb across my nipple. They are hard and aching to be touched. The more attention she pays to my breasts, the wetter I become. Just when I think I can’t take anymore, she abandons them, making her way to other areas.
She carefully spreads my legs apart, taking the time to enjoy the view in front of her. She catches my eye, licking her lips in anticipation. Before I can ask her for more, her mouth is on me, kissing my most intimate places. Her soft and warm tongue taking its time, working its way around my folds. My wish for more was answered when she darted her tongue into my warmth. I buck my hips to meet her, craving her touch. She inserts a finger as her teeth find my clit and I nearly leap off the bed in pleasure.
She awoke with a start, breath caught in her throat. Her body was tingling in places as she recalled the touch of Meghan’s lips. As she willed her breathe to slow, she slowly snaked her hand between her legs. Warm and wet to the touch as she pushed aside the fabric of her panties, allowing her fingers to explore. Closing her eyes as she caressed herself, conjuring a vision of Meghan, pretending her fingers belong to the other woman.
It didn’t take long her for to find a rhythm that worked for her. She could feel her climax growing, as she found her sweet spot. Using her free hand to knead her breast, she squeezed and rolled her nipple between her fingers. Slipping a finger into her heat, she gasped at the feeling. Jamie was an excellent lover, and she was never left unsatisfied, but this was different. With images of Meghan floating behind closed eyes, Claire let out a moan as she reached her peak. Never one to struggle to achieve an orgasm, Claire couldn’t help but wonder if thinking of Meghan had been the thing to make all the difference.
You’ve felt attracted to a woman, dreamt of having sex with a woman, and now masturbated while thinking of one. Beauchamp, there might be more to this than meets the eye.
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tinyfrenchowl · 6 years
Assumption of Staightness
A/N: Hello! This is my (rather late) contribution to Queelander organised by @thelallybrochlibrary (thank you so much for putting this together!!). Many thanks also to @livinginafanficworld for her beta work and encouragement!!
QL prompt #26: Jamie becomes upset when he finds Brianna in her room with a young male friend, only for Brianna to explain that her friend is asexual (The prompt... kinda got away from me, but I hope you’ll like it all the same ^^)
This is my first time writing fanfiction... I’d love to know what to think so I can improve! I might make a series of this...
The 2004 Gay’s the Word annual fundraising dinner was going well. Manoke had worked all day with two other volunteers to provide for the hundred or so expected guests who now lounged in every corner of the room on a miscellaneous collection of stools and chairs in every colour and style. Pints of beer rested precariously on the small tables between plates of shepherd’s pie, fish and chips, and rainbow cake. It was not what he was used to serving, but then again, the boisterous atmosphere couldn’t be compared to a five-star restaurant’s typically hushed conversations, either. This was a place for a relaxed night out with friends, not the sophisticated lies that punctuated aristocratic events. Or at least that was what his partner told him.
Ever since they had started dating several years ago, John had been hesitant to bring their relationship anywhere close to the scrutiny of his conservative family. As a results, he hadn’t had much opportunity to mingle with the Greys and their upperclass circles, but that was alright; he would rather be here on a date with the man who held his heart.
Manoke only half-listened to the next order. His eyes had followed his thoughts and found John, sitting alone near the far wall, speaking on the phone. John’s expression of sheer disbelief hadn’t changed since he had picked up the phone three customers ago -- Manoke had been checking periodically, hoping to find some clue as to what had put that look on his partner’s face.
Please don’t let it be the nanny, he thought. It was their first night out together since they had adopted William, and the five-year-old boy hadn’t seemed too happy to see both his new fathers replaced by a ponytailed high-schooler for the evening. It had taken convincing, cajoling, and a “flight with Super-Man” -- which meant Manoke carrying William around the flat making wind noises while John took on the role of the wide-eyed onlooker, clapping and cheering for the Earth’s mighty heroes -- before the little boy had let them go.
“Excuse me?” An insisting voice brought his attention back to the work at hand. He only had time to see John look up and give him a little wave, and then he was busy handing out drinks and plates for the next hour, until one of the other volunteers -- a pink-haired, middle-aged woman in a “Lesbian witch” t-shirt named Em -- came to relieve him.
“Everything alright with William?” he asked, sliding into a chair next to John and stealing a chip from his plate. It was lukewarm, but deliciously crunchy. He held another up for John.
“I think so,” John answered. He gave the potato a dubious look, then shrugged and took a bite of it. “Maddie didn’t call, at least.”
Right, Maddie was the name of the nanny. “Oh, good. Who was that on the phone then? Looked serious.” Manoke stole another chip from the plate.
“You’ll never believe me!” John laughed. “Here, you can finish the plate. I thought you ate before the opening?”
“I did, but I can’t say no to more fries. Was it… the police station saying you could have more holidays?” Manoke asked hopefully.
“Ha! I wish. But no.” John sat straighter. “Tonight, I explained asexuality to Jamie Fraser.” He bowed, like a magician having pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
Manoke almost choked on his chip. “Jamie Fraser? Your Scottish friend? Big, red, and the walking definition of straight?”
“James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, the very same.” John nodded, proud of his effect.
“Wow. How on earth did that happen?”
“Assumption of straightness, if you can believe it,” John replied wryly. Manoke could -- it was common enough, especially so from tall red Scots with long names.
Apparently, Jamie had walked in on his sixteen-year-old Brianna consorting with a boy in her bedroom. Righteous protector of his daughter’s virtue, he had gone into full Scottish father mode and escorted the poor lad to the gate. Of course, Brianna was at least as stubborn as her father and, in the course of an argument of epic proportions, had explained to him that Just-A-Friend Nick was asexual and therefore no threat to the antiquated concept of her virtue... Or something to that effect.
“And so Jamie called his trusted gay friend to ask if that was really a thing.” John finished his tale and his beer at the same time. “It’s a good thing you’ve been taking me here all those years,” he remarked with a nod to the roomful of people around them, most of whom were regular customers at the Gay’s the Word bookshop. It was there that he had first heard about asexuality, a few years ago. “Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have known what to tell him.”
“Always happy to help,” Manoke laughed. He dipped the last chip in ketchup and swallowed whole. “Although… even if you’re straight, it makes sense that if some people like us don’t feel attracted to women, and others like him aren’t attracted to men, some people may be attracted to neither right? That’s just… sense. Or he could google it, I suppose. Why not do that, instead of asking you?”
John shrugged. “Maybe he enjoys being told he’s wrong? Or maybe he just missed me,” he added with a wink.
“Not as much as I missed you!” Manoke replied, taking the bait. He leaned over and kissed him, tasting beer and salt on his lips. “They’ll be clearing the floor in a few minutes. Wanna dance?”
And dance they did, to fast songs and rock songs, swaying in each other’s arms when the slow ballads came on. Hours later, when the music died and the lights turned back on, they headed home hand in hand, thoughts of Jamie Fraser and asexuality long forgotten.
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bee-kathony · 6 years
Casualties of War
#QLPromptExchange - @thelallybrochlibrary
PROMPT #13: Claire has a relationship with another female nurse during the war.
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Thank you @jules-fraser for making this beautiful moodboard!
When the war broke out across Europe, there was no questioning mine or Frank’s involvement. My husband, Frank of only two short years became an officer with MI6 while I began training as a nurse at Pembroke Hospital in England. The hours were long and exhausting, days spent on my feet with little sleep. But the reward was being able to help heal in any way possible the brave men that were fighting for our country.
During my combat nurse training I became close friends with a few girls who were assigned the same shifts as me.
Cecelia Davies, a girl about my age, came from Brighton and had volunteered because her two eldest brothers had been enlisted. A girl named Nancy Thomas who was two years older than me, outspoken and mischievous, had volunteered because her parents told her she couldn’t. Then there was Emily, my closest friend. Emily Hampton was one year younger than me, she was sweet, quiet and loved to read just like me. We had bonded quickly, discussing our favourite authors and novels, never failing to find a conversation topic.
It was quite hard to be away from Frank, having only been married a short time, I missed him dearly but it was Emily who comforted me on those cold dark nights when I found myself missing him the most, wondering if he was even still alive.
We were all so pleased when we learned that we had all been stationed at the same field hospital in Amiens, France. We had been here for roughly one year already and there seemed to be no end in sight to the war.
Today was slow, unlike yesterday when a bomb went off in a nearby village and swarms of civilians and soldiers were brought in. I hadn’t bothered to eat, simply forgetting my own needs as I cared for the wounded; amputating two arms, one leg and bandaging as many heads as I could.
There wasn’t much for us to do besides make our rounds, checking on the patients, emptying bedpans and reapplying soiled bandages. I found I had a pretty strong stomach, having spent most of my youth with my Uncle Lamb who was an archeologist, out in deserts and in foreign countries, eating their delicacies and being exposed to all elements of the world. Emily on the other hand, did not have a strong stomach.
I watched as she re-wrapped a man’s bandage, he had a brain injury and part of his skull was missing. She nearly gagged three times but managed to finish the bandage and gave the man a glass of water.
I laughed to myself as she put her hand over her mouth, walking over to me and then grabbed the closest bin, throwing up whatever food was still in her system.
“I really should have volunteered to be a clerical worker instead of this.” She groaned, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. “Imagine me sitting at a desk, the window open blowing my hair gently around my face and not a bloody bandage in sight!” She laughed and sat down next to me on the spare bed I was now occupying.
I took the hand she had not wiped across her mouth in mine, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. “But then you wouldn’t be here with me and that would be quite dreadful I think.” She rested her head on my shoulder, “Besides… I don’t think I could put up with Nancy’s flirting with all the patients if I didn’t have you to talk about it with afterwards.” That made her laugh which in turn cheered me up. I had had another rough and sleepless night worrying about Frank, I always did after treating wounded soldiers, which was practically everyday.
“When do you think Cecelia will be back from her brother’s funeral?” Emily asked me. Cece’s brother, George, had died in battle. He was stationed here in France and was caught in crossfire, her family had received the telegram a week ago.
“I expect by the end of the week and if not then, definitely the next. I was surprised Sister Lamarche let her go back to England for the funeral. What’s even more surprising is that she managed to find transportation there. I still wonder how they recovered George’s body and got him to his family.” People died all the time, it wasn’t often one of us was allowed to leave and grieve back home with our families.
Emily lifted her head off my shoulder and looked up at me, “You didn’t hear?” She asked.
“Hear what?” I replied.
“They didn’t bring George’s body back to his family. They only knew he died because they found his army badge out in the rubble… amongst limbs.” She forced herself not to gag at the thought.
“I thought it was only crossfire? A bomb?” There would be no body to return to his family, the funeral was for the family to grieve and mourn the loss of their son as a casualty of this bloody war.
“Poor Cece. She must be so heartbroken.” I sighed, squeezing Emily’s hand in mine. Often, I found myself squeezing my own hands into fists whenever I became emotional or on the verge of tears. Emily had picked up on this weird habit of mine and so when I squeezed her hand she looked at me, the unspoken question in her eyes.
“I’ll be alright Em. Promise.” I reassured her and she squeezed my hand back.
“Tell me something happy Emily, something to take my mind off of Frank and whether or not I still have a Husband.” I half laughed but my heart wasn’t in it. War took its toll on the human spirit.
She crossed her legs at the ankles and leaned her head back against the pillow. “Hmmm, something happy, something happy to cheer up Mrs. Claire Randall…” she said, her voice thick with amusement. “I can tell you about my first kiss and how awkward it was? Shall I?” She asked and with a slight nod from me she began talking.
“I was thirteen and he was fourteen, a year ahead of me in school. I barely even had breasts for crying out loud but there I was, kissing a boy.” She laughed, “His name was Billy, cute for a fourteen year old I guess but the thing was… he was shorter than me.” I fake gasped like it was the most horrendous bit of news she could tell me and she swatted my hand playfully, “Yes! He asked me to go to the cinema, with my parents sitting three rows ahead of us, don’t even get me started on that.”
“He held my hand throughout the film which was sweet but nothing happened past that. You see, I had a bet with my friends that he would kiss me during the movie but he didn’t so I assumed I was out two pounds.” Emily rubbed her thumb and pointer finger together as if she had the two pounds in her fingers now.
“But after the movie my parents drove us to his house and I told them to drive around the block. My Dad wasn’t too thrilled by that idea but my Mother coerced him into it.” She exclaimed. Emily was quiet and typically shy but with me she could talk for ages, she was also a natural story teller once you got to know her.
“So there I am walking next to Billy Smith and we’re standing on the steps before his house. I though ‘oh here we go, this guy’s not gonna kiss me, even after I sent my parents away’, but all of sudden he found his balls and kissed me.”
“That doesn’t seem so awkward, it seems sweet actually.” I said.
“Claire, don’t forget, he was shorter than me, to kiss me, he had to stand on the tips of his toes. So he kissed me, it wasn’t hot and heavy, he just put his lips on mine and didn’t move them. I had seen the movies Claire, I knew what kissing was supposed to look like and this wasn’t it.”
“I wanted to heat things up a bit so I grabbed his hands and put them on my waist but he had other ideas, that little bastard moved his hands and squeezed my arse! And here’s where it gets really awkward… my parents… my God, my parents drove up just as Billy’s hands touched my arse.” This had me laughing, I now had forgotten my worries about Frank.
“My Father put the car in park and jumped out so quick! Billy jumped so high and barely said ‘goodnight’ and he opened his front door and ran in before my Father could kick his little arse.”
We were both laughing now and I heard a loud “Shhh!” From across the room and we put our hands over the other’s mouth. That only made us start laughing even harder and soon tears were streaming down both our faces. What was it about trying to hold in your laughter that only made you want to laugh more?
I took a few deep breaths and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
“What was your first kiss like Claire? Juicy I’ll bet.” Emily said, reaching to grab a tissue from the side table and handing me one.
“No. Not really. The first time I ever kissed a boy was in grade school, he almost missed my mouth in fact. Nothing juicy or special.” I had actually only ever kissed three people in my life. That boy from school, a young archaeologist that was traveling with my Uncle Lamb and then Frank.
“Aw drat. I was hoping to get an enthralling tale about the beginnings of Claire Randall’s sexual encounters.” Emily poked her finger into my side just under my left breast.
“Nothing enthralling, I’m afraid. Just plain vanilla sex.” I blushed and then realised that Emily’s hand had not moved from my side but had actually slid just under my breast.
“Have you ever kissed a girl Emily?” I asker her, she was staring down at her hand, her fingers moving slowly against my stomach.
“No.” She said quietly, “Have you?” The touch of her fingers was sending little tingles throughout my body. I hadn’t been touched this intimately in months.
“No.” I repeated her answer. Emily looked up from her hand and into my eyes. I noticed for the first time how green her eyes were, so unlike my muddy brown ones.
Before I knew it, Emily’s mouth was pressed against mine. Her eyes were closed but I hadn’t even a chance to close mine before she had pulled away. “I’m so sorry, Claire. I don’t know what came over me.” She blushed a deep crimson and made to move off the bed. “Please forgive me.”
I grabbed her wrist so she couldn’t leave and forced her to look at me. “There’s nothing to forgive Em, it was an innocent kiss.” I smiled, “A bit short but enjoyable nonetheless.” Now I was blushing.
She sighed and moved back to her spot on the bed next to me. “I suppose I just got caught up in the moment, it’s hard you know… being so far from our loved ones… not being touched unless it’s your own hands.” Her statement made me blush even deeper, I had heard soft moans coming from her bed a few times in the time we had known each other but I only assumed she was having a bad dream, never did I think she was touching herself.
I guess I was feeling that same ache of wanting to be touched because I placed my hand behind her neck and turned her head to kiss me.
Emily’s lips were stiff against mine but then she relaxed once she realised what was happening. She moaned gently against my lips when I pressed my hand against her breast, cupping its full weight.
The kiss lasted a few more moments but ended too soon as I heard footsteps coming down the hall and remembered that we were sitting on a spare bed in the infirmary, the privacy sheet barely shielding us from the rest of the patients.
I pulled away and moved a stray piece of hair behind her cheek. “I guess I got caught up in the moment then too.” I smiled and then stood from the bed just as Sister Lamarche walked through the doors and spotted us.
“Ms. Hampton, get out of that bed and come with me. Ms. Randall, come with me as well.” She ordered and Emily stood from the bed, bending quickly to straighten the crumpled sheets.
We followed Sister Lamarche out the door and I dared a glance at Emily who reached out and took my hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.
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theministerskat · 6 years
@muykonos @whiskynottea
Muahahahaha! 😈🌈
So excited for your Queerlander collab!
Learned that peer pressure move from @abbydebeaupreposts, if you want someone to blame. 😏
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bee-kathony · 6 years
The Telegram | Casualties of War
Thank you again @jules-fraser for making this wonderful moodboard! 
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Response to the @thelallybrochlibrary ‘Queerlander’ prompt #13: Claire has a relationship with a female nurse during the War. 
Chapter 1: Bedside Manners | Chapter 2: The Telegram 
“Emily sighed, licking her lips, “A small comfort in this chaos… Claire… make me forget.” Fresh tears welled in her eyes and that was enough to make me do what I did next.“
Chapter 2: The Telegram
It had been 8 months since I’d last seen Frank. We managed to meet each other in a little village in France, close to where I had been posted. Letters were almost non-existent between us. Often times I had no idea where he was and he wasn’t exactly allowed to tell me his location. It was rather odd to be married in the war, especially since I felt like we only had just begun our lives together. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
Several months had passed since Emily and I had kissed, we both had silently agreed to not speak about it. A one time thing.
Since then we had both been promoted as Senior Nurses, both in charge of supervising the junior nurses and orderlies. I felt I had a real purpose in this bloody war. If I could help ease the pain of anyone, then I was helping in the only way I knew how.
I stood at the sink, running warm water over my hands to try and get the blood stains off. I had just helped a doctor with another leg amputation. It seemed like those were happening more often these days, amputations.
I knew I could never understand what it felt like to be missing a limb and still feel its presence but lately I had been feeling like a part of me had been amputated… taken from me, leaving me broken and in pieces.
Perhaps it was seeing Frank in every young male that had his eyes or hair colour that came rushing through the hospital doors. Or maybe it was simply the strain of the day in and day out loss that never let up.
When would this God forsaken war end? Would it ever end?
I turned off the faucet, drying my hands on the available towel hanging beside the sink and ran my hand across my forehead, pushing the stray curls out of my face. I returned to the open room that belonged to all the nurses, checking to see if everything was in order. Since I had become a Senior nurse, I now only had to share a room with one other person, Emily.
I found Emily in our room, on her bed, crying.
“Em?” Walking over to sit beside her on the bed, I noticed a tear stained telegram in her hands.
She continued crying, her eyes shut tight against the rest of the world. I reached for the telegram and it slid easily out of her hands.
The telegram was short, no more information than was necessary to convey the point the Emily’s fiancé had died.
“Oh Em,” I set the telegram aside on her nightstand and put my hand gently on her back, with one touch, she crumpled her weight against me, sobbing into my chest. Wrapping my other arm around, I held her until the shaking stopped. I held her until the sobs turned into silent tears, wetting my blouse. I held her until she was ready to speak.
“I never even got to say goodbye.” Was the first thing she said. “What if he was in pain… in the end?”
I squeezed my arms tighter around her, “He wasn’t.”
“But how do you know?,” She sniffed, wiping her hand against her nose.
“I just do. I also know that he loved you very much. The time you had with Henry… cherish that Em.” I put one hand under her chin, bringing her to look at me. “And never forget him, what he did for our Country. How brave he was…” I saw a spark of light in her eyes, distant but it was there.
“How brave you are…” I kissed the tip of her nose and she slid her arms around my waist, hanging on for dear life.
“I fear that I will wake in the morning and forget. Forget that he’s… d-dead.” Tears welled in my own eyes then, “And then when I remember, my heart will break all over again. Oh Claire!   I can’t go on, I just can’t!” Emily pressed her head into my chest once again, her emotions of grief causing a wall to break in me and I held her as tears spilled down my own cheeks. For all the men who we had lost and still had yet to lose.
“It’s alright,” I whispered, to Emily as much as to myself. “It’s alright.”
We ended up laying down on her bed, our arms tangled around each others bodies. The pain of the last few hours causing both of us to be emotionally drained.
“Claire?” Emily whispered, her face just inches away from mine.
“Hmmm?” I responded, too tired for real words.
“I know it’s too soon… and it’s probably very insensitive of me but-“ I opened my eyes to find her green orbs staring straight at me, “but I feel that I very much want to kiss you.”
Emily sighed, licking her lips, “A small comfort in this chaos… Claire… make me forget.” Fresh tears welled in her eyes and that was enough to make me do what I did next.
I brought my hand to cup her cheek, red and blotchy from all the crying and closed the space between us, pressing my lips to hers.
The kiss was salty and warm as tears dripped down her face to where our mouths were joined. All parts of our bodies were touching on Emily’s twin sized mattress, our legs intertwined, our arms caressing one another’s backs.
I felt Emily push my body against hers, our breasts pressed together. She wanted more than a kiss, something that could distract her from the reality that her world had just come crumbling down.
“Claire,” she breathed, pulling apart from my mouth long enough to smile. I returned her smile and slid my hands to her waist where her blouse was tucked into her skirt. With minimal effort, I managed to untuck her shirt and then moved my hands between us and slowly undid each button.
Emily looked down at my slightly trembling hands and let out a breathy laugh. “It’s quite odd to have another woman undress you.” I undid the last button and then Emily’s fingers found my own shirt.
“Yes.” I agreed as she slid the fabric back from my shoulders. “But it also feels very good.”
I removed her shirt, letting it fall to the ground below. “Touch me,” Emily whispered, a plea, a need. My hands moved back in between us and I cupped both her breasts, feeling the hard bud of her nipples poking through her bra.
“Mmmm,” she closed her eyes and I wondered then if it was not my hands she was imagining but Henry’s.
I continued to touch and stroke her breasts over her bra but dared to take it further as I reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting her surprisingly natural full breasts fall out. Her breasts were warm, having been tucked away all day, stuffed into the too tight bra she wore.
“Emily,” I sighed as my fingers caressed her nipples, red as cherries. Her mouth found mine, this time her tongue darting out to touch mine. “Make me forget Claire,” she moaned.
Still massaging her breast, I moved my hand down her stomach making her shiver. My hand moved down her thighs and stilled on her knee, just at the hem of her skirt. Emily moaned when my hand stopped.
“Are you sure Em?” I asked.
“Yes Claire, please,” she begged me, her lips gliding over mine.
I pinched her nipples, eliciting small cries from her as I then slid my hand up her skirt, heat radiating off her body. Her skin was soft and smooth. I let my fingers slide up and down her thigh slowly before moving it between her legs. Emily half rolled on her back and spread her legs for me.
I bent my head and kissed her neck, placing kisses along her collarbones and chest as my fingers found the spot.
“Oh Christ,” Emily moaned, one hand gripping my hair, holding me against her chest.
I began to suck on her left nipple as I moved my fingers against her wet mound. I slid my fingers up and down her slit, seeing how ready she was.
I nibbled on her breasts for awhile before finally moving my finger inside her and she cried out.
Taking that as a good sign, I slid another finger inside and placed my thumb on her clit. It was easy to pleasure her, as we had the same anatomy. Many times after I had sex with Frank and I couldn’t orgasm, I would wait until he was fast asleep and do what he could not to myself, bringing myself pleasure from my own hand.
Emily pulled on my hair, bringing my head up to hers and crushed her lips against mine. “Oh God, oh God Claire, I’m gonna cum.”
I smiled against her lips and quickened my fingers inside her, feeling her walls clench around my hand. Her legs were shaking and she was bucking her hips. “Forget Emily, it’s alright, just forget and focus on me.” I said and watched as she came undone. Her body shook and spasmed, her breasts moving in time with her fast breaths.
I couldn’t help myself as I leaned down once more and took her nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue on that hard bud. I kept my fingers moving slowly in and out of her until I felt her body relax.
“Would you like a taste Em?” I asked, sliding my fingers out of her body and bringing them up in front of her face.
“What? Taste myself?” She gasped slightly but nodded. I placed my fingers against her mouth and she opened for me, her tongue sliding up and down my fingers. She licked her juices off my hand clean and I removed my hand and bent to kiss her.
I felt Emily’s hand sliding down my thigh but stopped her from going further. “No. It’s okay. This was about you Em.”
“But I want to return the favour.” She said, her hand trying to slide up my skirt.
“I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret…. Not so soon anyway.” I kissed her forehead and she let her hand relax back on my hip.
“I suppose you’re right. You always are Claire Randall. But I wouldn’t regret it. Not with you.” She kissed me then, softly. “Will you let me? If not now, then soon?”
I decided then and there that I would let Emily Hampton do whatever she wanted to do to my body. In this war there was often no chance of receiving comfort like this and she was willing to give it to me.
“Yes. Soon.” I kissed her back, pressing her body closer to mine and then lay my head back against the pillow, holding this sweet girl in my arms.
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bee-kathony · 6 years
Casualties of War | What We Did in the Dark
Thank you @jules-fraser for this wonderful moodboard! 
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Response to the @thelallybrochlibrary ‘Queerlander’ prompt #13: Claire has a relationship with a female nurse during the War.
Chapter 1: Bedside Manners | Chapter 2: The Telegram | Chapter 3: What We Did in the Dark
The nurses were allowed to choose one night off each month. Of course Emily, Cece, Nancy and I all chose the same night. We decided to go to the Cinema and watch a new flick that just came to the screen called, “The Man in Grey”, starring Margaret Lockwood and James Mason. I had no idea what the film was about but I was more interested in the company.
We were told we would be all transferred to a field station in Caen next month, so tonight we wanted to enjoy the little sliver of freedom and normalcy.
Nancy led the way into the small theatre, it wasn’t crowded as it was a Wednesday evening. “Let’s sit back here,” Emily said and pulled me in to follow her into the last row.
“Not in the back, Em. I don’t have my glasses and I won’t be able to see.” Cece said to us and walked forward to the fourth row.
I looked at Emily and she shrugged, “Well, we won’t be taking during the film anyway… so it’s not like we all need to sit together.” I said and waved at Nancy to go sit with Cece up closer to the screen.
Emily and I sat beside each other on the back row, the only two people this far back. We hadn’t bothered with popcorn or drinks, life wasn’t quite that normal that we felt we could indulge ourselves as we once did.
“Do you know what this film is about?” I asked Emily as she placed her arm on the armrest between us.
“No, not much. Only that it’s set during the war time and there’s some sort of an affair.” She told me.
I blushed when she said affair. For weeks I had been wondering if what Emily and I had been doing was considered an affair. I suppose in the end, that’s what it was.
The lights dimmed and the screen lit up with a war time propaganda commercial. You couldn’t turn a tv without seeing a short film like this. Always telling us how we could help our country, save our men and win the war.
I could see Cece and Nancy several rows ahead of us, chatting to each other, about the cute new solider that had just been admitted yesterday, I’m sure.
Just as the propaganda ended and the film’s opening credits began I felt Emily’s hand brush against my thigh. I looked down to where her hand was and all I could do was watch as her hand began to slowly stroke my leg.
When she moved her hand to the hem of my skirt at my knee however, I turned to look at her, “Em? We’re in public, you can’t be serious?” I asked her, my heart beginning to race. Surely she wouldn’t touch me like this in public of all places. It was rather dark, I told myself, but no. This couldn’t be happening.
“It’s so bloody dark in here, Claire, no one will see a thing.” She whispered in my ear and placed a gentle kiss just under, on my neck, “But they will hear you, if you can’t keep your mouth shut.”
Hearing Emily say this made my pulse speed up to an alarming rate. I pretended to look ahead at the film while I nodded and felt Emily’s hand continue its path up my skirt.
She pushed up my skirt so it was now halfway up my thighs, her hand dipping in the space between my thighs, “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ,” I sighed as her knuckles grazed against my mound.
“Shhh,” She half laughed and turned her body more towards mine in her seat. I bit my bottom lip when her fingers brushed against me. To make it easier for her and for me, I spread my legs on the seat and even I could smell my arousal.
Emily’s fingers teased along the inside of my thighs and I pressed my hips upwards, begging for her touch. “Mmmm, not just yet, Claire.” She gave my leg a gentle squeeze and returned her attentions back to my mound.
“Uhhh Christ,” I moaned as she finally pushed aside my panties, her fingers touching my sensitive skin. I had longed for her to do this to me, ever since I had first comforted her, those many weeks ago now.
I gripped the armrest with both of my hands as she slid one finger slowly up and down my slit. My legs started to tremble slightly as I thought about the fact that this was the first woman who was touching me like this… and I liked it very much.
“Please,” I begged in an exasperated whisper and turned my head to look at her. She had her face turned down to look at her hand between my thighs but she looked up then. “Ok,” She smiled and then leaned in to kiss me as she slid one finger inside me.
I moaned as quietly as I could make myself, against her mouth and my thighs clenched around her hand in response.
Emily kissed me until I felt my lips were swollen and then pulled back and faced the movie. “Don’t look so obvious, Claire.” She laughed and reluctantly I turned back to the screen. I watched as the characters in the movie talked about something absolutely pointless. The only thing that mattered was the feeling of Emily’s small delicate hand inside me.
My breath hitched in my throat as she pressed her thumb on my clit, just as I had done to hers. Instinctively I reached for her wrist and put more pressure on it, urgent for her to go deeper. She followed my lead and slid another digit inside of me. Her fingers weren’t as long as Frank’s had been but they did the job just as fine, if not better.
Emily moved her hand faster and my leg reflexively kicked the back of the seat in front of me and I heard a “Shhh!”, come from somewhere in the theatre. We both laughed and tried to keep quiet. I was so glad Emily had decided to sit in the back row.
“Faster,” I urged her, her fingers spreading inside me and touching my most intimate place. I leaned my head back against the seat, my body now slumped in the chair, my legs spread wide. I felt Emily’s other hand clasp over my mouth and only then realised I had been moaning. Oh God.
I gently bit down on the inside of her palm and she squeaked. All the blood rushed to my head as my body began to convulse, every nerve on fire as Emily’s hand moved faster.
Finally, I relaxed in the seat and sighed, “Have you been wanting to do that this whole time?” I asked and looked up at her, grinning.
“Yes, ever since I saw you. I know I had Henry but ever since I was a little girl, I found myself attracted to other girls.” She slid down in her chair to match my position. “But you are the first girl — woman, that I’ve ever really wanted to do that to.” She blushed and I reached for her hand, intertwining it with mine.
“I never even thought of doing something like that with another woman.” I closed my legs and pulled my skirt down over my knees. “But I’m glad it was you that made me think differently.” I smiled and brought my hand to cup her cheek.
We watched the rest of the movie, holding hands. All throughout the film we both snuck glances of the other and found ourselves continually blushing and giggling.
“Did you like the film?” Nancy asked us, rejoining with me and Emily outside.
I nodded, “Oh yes, very educational, don’t you agree Em?”
Her eyes went wide and her cheeks turned bright red, “Um, yes, very good, good film,” was all she managed to say.
“Ladies, I don’t know about you but I’m not ready to let our one night of freedom end just yet! What do you say we go to a pub and find ourselves some nice men who’ll buy us some drinks?” Nancy asked us all and we agreed. We all linked arms and started walking down the road, in search of a nearby pub.
Cece pointed one out called “The Ridge” and we agreed that it looked safe enough. As we walked through the doors, I dared to place my hand on Emily’s hips briefly.
There was a group of soldiers, on leave I assumed, taking up most of the tables in the bar.
“There’s a table over in the corner!” I shouted over the loudness of music and bar chatter.
We slid into a booth and the waiter came over to take our drink orders.
“Whisky,” I said and reached behind me to take off my coat.
My cheeks were still flushed from my orgasm and as I crossed one leg over the other, I felt the wetness between my thighs.
Emily sat next to me in the booth and her fingers barely touched the tips of mine. I let my fingers glide over her knuckles and brush against the back of her hand.
“Thanks.” I said to the waiter and raised my glass to the other girls, “Cheers!” And took a welcoming sip of whisky, letting it burn down my throat and warm my insides.
We chatted about the film, or should I say, Nancy and Cece chatted about the film while Emily and I just nodded and made approving sounds. All the while, our hands were in a sort of dance of their own under the table, fingers touching here and there.
An hour later we decided we better head back to the hospital, with an early shift tomorrow and a guaranteed hangover, we needed to get some sleep or it would be absolute hell.
Saying our goodnights, Emily and I walked into our shared room and I switched the light on to get ready for bed. The lights shut off immediately and I looked up to see if the light had burnt out. Then I felt small hands slide behind me and over my waist.
“We don’t have to go to sleep just yet, do we Claire?” Emily asked, her breath warm and smelling of whisky. I shook my head and brought my hands to rest over hers, bringing them to the buttons of my shirt.
Emily undid each button, one by one and slid the material off my arms. Turning to face her, I reached out to her shirt and instead, pulled it up and quickly off. Our hands busied themselves with each others skirts, unzipping and pulling until we both stood in nothing but our bra and panties.
“I don’t really know what to do,” Emily whispered, her eyes glancing up and down my body. I walked closer to her and reached behind her, finding the clasp of her bra and unhooking it easily.
“Don’t think, Em. Just touch me how you would want to be touched.” I said and while I said it, I grew nervous. I had never done this with a woman, I knew it was different, no penis and all.
I reached behind me and unhooked my bra, the thin material catching on my erect nipples before falling to the ground between our feet.
“Touch me, Em.” I sighed and she brought her hands to the waistband of my panties, hooking her fingers on either side and dropping to her knees in front of me, pulling the material down. I stepped out of the panties and kicked them aside, her hands made a hot trail down my thighs as she brought her mouth just over my mound.
Letting my hands rest on her head, I wound my fingers through her hair to encourage her. My hips bucked as I felt her warm tongue on me, licking slowly up my slit. She met my eyes and I nodded for her to keep going.
Biting my bottom lip, I watched her head begin to bob back and forth as she licked faster and then almost crashed against her as she slid a finger inside me.
“Christ,” I moaned and pulled on her hair. She moaned against me, sending vibrations all throughout my body.
“Em,” I sighed but she didn’t budge, “Em, please,” I pulled on her hair and again and she stopped licking me. Bringing her up to me, I crashed our lips together, our tongues meeting in a frenzy. I tasted myself on her and relished in the taste of my pleasure.
Sliding my fingers into her panties I stroked against her mound and then pulled her panties off. We both held each other now, fully naked, our bodies pressed so tightly together.
Emily broke the kiss and then walked to my bed, laying back, her hair spreading out on the pillow behind her and her body inviting me to take it.
Without a word, I climbed on top of her body and straddled her hips. I bent down to kiss her and tasted the rum on her lips from the bar. Spreading her legs with one hand, I wasted no time in inserting a finger into her wet and ready slit. She moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts against mine.
I sat back up and with my other free hand, I began to caress her nipples. Pumping my finger slowly in and out of her, I then started grinding my hips in a figure eight movement above her. “Mmmm, you’re heaven, Claire,” Emily moaned my name and I slid another finger inside of her walls.
Biting her lip, Emily brought her hand to my slit and reached inside of me, her finger stroking me and pulling me closer to her. We began then to move our hips in time with one another while our fingers pumped in and out. Our juices mixed and I reluctantly pulled my fingers out and she gasped but then when I pushed her fingers out of me and pressed my wet pussy against hers, she moaned.
Sitting up to cradle my body against hers, Emily began to gyrate her hips, our mounds slick and we pressed them harder and it took everything in me not to cry out. The walls were thin and there was no telling how much trouble we would be in if someone heard us both orgasming.
“Claire,” she moaned, her mouth at my neck.
“Emily,” I sighed, my hands sliding along the expanse of her bare back.
With her mouth sucking on the skin of my neck, I climaxed, my body filled with spasms of pleasure and waves of desire. Emily’s mouth moved down to my breasts and I heard a squeaking sound as she bit down gently.
“Cum, Em,” I moaned and pressed my finger back inside her, begging her to come on my hand.
Emily made squeaking sounds of her own as she released, the tension leaving her body and relaxing on mine.
As we both came down from our highs, we lay together, our legs intertwined, still naked.
“I think I love you, Claire. I really do.” She said and kissed just above my left breast where my heart was.
“I think I love you too, Emily.” It was true, even if I was still married to Frank, even if what was happening between her and I was just a fling or a war time comfort, I did love her.
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Welcome to the Queerlander Fan Fiction Prompt Exchange hosted by The Lallybroch Library!
In honor of Pride Month, The Lallybroch Library is hosting a prompt exchange during the Month of June - this time featuring LGTBQ+ couples and themes.  Love is such an important theme in the story of Outlander, and The Librarians feel that all love should be celebrated.  All prompts should be submitted by Sunday June 10 and all entries - at least the first chapter for a multi-chapter fic - should be posted no later than June 30th.  Fan art, moodboards, and fanfic are accepted in this challenge. We cannot wait to see all of your wonderful creations! 
7 - 10 June: Flash Prompt Exchange
Submit a prompt via The Lallybroch Library’s Ask Box. From now until Sunday June 10, anyone and everyone is invited to submit a prompt. These can involve any characters, any relationships, any scenarios, any universe, crossovers with any other fandom - the only requirement is that it fits into the Queerlander theme. 
Each and every prompt will be added to a master list of prompts that will be posted by @thelallybrochlibrary this weekend.
Like a prompt that’s been submitted? Claim it! All you need to do is send us a message via our Ask Box or leave a comment to let us know the Prompt # and we will cross it off the list. Each prompt can only be claimed once and we will be confirming claims on a ‘first in first served’ basis.
7 - 30 June: Publication
As of 11th of June we will no longer be accepting prompt submissions. Yet, any remaining prompts on the master list can still be claimed at any time (for example an author who finishes their prompt by mid-June may wish to choose another one).
Creators are encouraged to publish their work/s at any time during June using the hashtag #QLPromptExchange. Said work can be anything from a drabble to a multi-chapter story, part of something that is a WIP or even a piece of visual art. It’s really up to you!
We hope that you will join us for this Outlander Fandom Community Event - it starts now!  
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kkruml · 6 years
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Based on PROMPT #1 from @thelallybrochlibrary: Jamie and Claire meet at a PRIDE parade/event. Romance ensues.
Thank you to @futurelounging for putting up with my endless line of questions with pixlr. I am a pain in the ass and you haven’t ghosted me... yet.
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