#Qiang the merciless
cosmicellis · 9 months
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Lets go from thin fabulous ghosts, to buff mumph people from warcraft Brain wah... Anyway. I did a small re-design\interpretation of kings\emperors, because all of them have default standart model (Aside from Lei Shen, he's just "chef kiss") Qiang - I think the toughest one, cause he is tad bit bland. He was very strict king. Thank you, like all mogu emperors pretty much. So he would stay looking as that boy next door. Meng - Mmmmm, yeee Meng. The most Majestic of mighty monarchs. One of my favorite ones. Gotta give him that majestic look... and scars that are mostly self inflicted because he is not all here. Zian - I would say Zian the edge lord. What pisses me off -he and Meng has identical model, while having copletely different character. Meng is a loon, Zian is nightmare incarnated. Will come to spook your sleep paralysis demon. I gave him new robes, because come on, he is a sorcerer. Subetai - Oh my, this one. He sure oozes personality, by saying all his lines half laughing. And again, he is also blue like Ziana nd Meng. Blizz, seriously you have other colours, why u do this to me? ;w; Well, I gave him that "smug and confident" thing going on Xin - Jumped straight from loreal commercial. He is quite ... fluffy. Would pet, even if it cost my hand... Lei shen - Gave him hair. I really didn't wanted to change anyhting. Was tempted to remove that crown of his, cause ... Lets say this is torture. Shan Bu - The only mogu that has a sin stone as far as I know. Imagine being worse that Thunder king. GJ Shan Bu, that's quite an achievement. Gave him a little more of that loreal hair, because, guess what: he joins the "blue mogu" brigade again.
Kinda planning to work on Stormspeaker Qian, but must not make him look like Xin, because, oh no, same model.
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 years
Another idea: NHS is the misaligned Nie. He still loves all the frivolous things he loves, but is very insistent he is a man.
“They’re so rude,” Nie Huaisang huffed, throwing himself down onto the couch they’d been provided with. “So rude. I know they’re Wen sect and all, evil to the marrow, but this is really uncalled for. They know I don’t belong here!”
“There, there,” Luo Qingyang said dryly. “I know it’s terrible for you, a great big man trapped here with us little women, but you’ll bear it, somehow.”
Nie Huaisang made a very rude gesture in her direction.
“I don’t know why you indulge her in this nonsense,” another girl piped up at that point, clearly deciding to make trouble for no reason – as if being held as hostages by the Wen sect wasn’t trouble enough for them all.
Luo Qingyang gritted her teeth. “No one asked you,” she snapped.
“She’s obviously a woman,” the girl continued, and Nie Huaisang lifted his face from the pillow with a glare that was starting to show signs of being less frivolous and more steel. Luo Qingyang wanted to hide under a rock somewhere, ashamed of how stupid the other members of her sect could be – even putting aside etiquette, there was always self-preservation; didn’t Wang Qiang realize that she was making fun of a Nie, notorious temper and all?! “We all saw that clear as day when they stripped her down to search for weapons the way they did the rest of us. And she likes all sorts of fripperies, just like any other girl – why all this insistence on being called a boy?”
“I am a boy,” Nie Huaisang said, and his voice was very hard. “Men are men because that’s what they are, not what they choose to do. If you’ve got a problem with me, just say so…and I’ll remember it.”
“She’s just an idiot,” Luo Qingyang interrupted. “Don’t let trash like her get under your skin.”
Wang Qiang gasped in offense, but Nie Huaisang was smiling again, which was good. (Later, when Luo Qingyang managed to limp home after their great escape, she counted their numbers and found that everyone from the Jin sect had made it out alive, except for Wang Qiang, who’d tragically been one of the ones in the way of the Xuanwu’s cruel and merciless beak. Whether she’d been there originally or if she’d been pushed, well…that wasn’t Luo Qingyang’s business, was it?)
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unfathomableanomaly · 9 months
Forbidden Ecstasy
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Forbidden Ecstasy is my upcoming nsfw webpage based game. The exact timeline is unknown, but it takes place in some historical Chinese dynasty. You are the servant of a noble family and are trying to better your life. Behind their backs, you must gather items to turn an abandoned shop into a bustling empire. You eventually enter the palace and seemingly find your claim to a life of wealth and luxury until you capture the eye of an obsessive emperor. From there on, you find yourself back into the pits of despair. In the future, you will be able to travel to different places around the world. For what I have planned so far is a desert kingdom and a western kingdom. Characters: You will have multiple love interests, in which some I have planned are: Qiang: The noble daughter/son of the lord you work for. Following the path of their parents who run multiple successful and shady businesses, you can push them towards the path that their parents took or show them the value in human life and love. Silkva : The immortal half-human, half-spider long left alone by their previous deceased lover. After so long living in the dirty, abandoned shop, they mistake you for their lost lover. Wu: A brothel worker forced to pay back an impossible debt. They dream of a simple life out at sea, selling fish and traveling with the one they love. Push them towards a path of merciless or forgiveness? Unnamed: The emperor (can be male or female as the rest, but will be addressed as emperor regardless.) ruthless and heartless. Not even the kindest person can sway them; not even you can change their heart. Even if you can't change them, can you simply survive them? Yes, this is LGBTQ+ friendly. Just because you're a degenerate doesn't mean you have to be a bigot. You can pick genders/pronouns (pronouns maybe at a later date I will have to see how hard it is to implement, but it will definitely be an option.)
Gameplay: Majority of it will be text-based with your character on one side and the character you are interacting with on the other (a portrait nothing as fancy as your sprite) Health, hunger (no thirst absolutely NOT), intelligence, suspicion/affection stats (this will be used by different npcs on how likely they think you are to betray or be loyal, ect...) Shop building! Go around town and meet people! Gather items to build your shop! For the first part of the game, this will be the main focus in terms of gameplay! This will include a large shopping district with unique npcs, quests, friendship story lines, and more. Cooking! Yes, you can cook. Buy goods from the shop and cook meals to give as gifts. The higher quality the food, the longer it will keep you full. Certain NPCS will have favorite foods! Updates: None yet, BUT... I have (mostly) completed the first page of the website. Now all to do is code some game! Maybe mess with it a little more... make it look a little nicer. :) TO-DO: Mess with the PC avatars and backgrounds. I don't like how the pc model looks right now. Implement the first three love interests. Code options Implement the shopping district/town Implement NPC character portraits (I do the art myself, so... will be a minute.) Hunger/cooking system Add.... secret ;) FUTURE: Add more love interests Add palace Add multiple destinations Customization (main game first sorry y'all)
Game inspired by: DOL (I had this idea for a while but coding seemed too intimidating to learn. Then I found DOL and I was like wow that looks fun and not like it will make me want to cha cha slide into an early grave so bless you.) AND... a few bigger more popular companies but I don't want to get sued by them for dare mentioning them with this filth, so they will just be in my heart I love you mami <3 Lawwrrddd I'm bouutht to bhsussttttt
If you read to the end hi ily ask questions talk to me do whatever you want!!
I plan to post an update in how things are going in 1-3 weeks so stay tuned!
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fleetingfigures · 3 years
♣ - Is your muse particularly merciless or do they leave their opponents relatively whole after a fight? Why? - Jak!
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It depends, really, but when it comes down to it, Saerno is indeed quite merciless. When engaging more ‘normal’ combatants, Saerno seeks only to incapacitate, making sure they cannot continue in their actions. However, in facing enemies he knows to be entirely malicious, or those he has a personal vendetta against, he aims to not only maim, but to kill. There are no ‘last words’ when it comes to Saerno, you either speak to avoid the fight entirely, or end up never saying anything at all. 
“Mercy is inefficient, torture is pointless, and second guesses land you in the sixth fulm underground. If they or I truly wished to avoid death’s toll, then we would’ve had a wonderful meal prior to this, one with a deadly battle of wits and words... And maybe a spot of dessert on the side. Quite riveting, wouldn’t you say, especially when compared to the barbaric art of brawling?”
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Luo Qiang only draws his blade in defense of others and his principles, never has he raised it as a means of enacting violence. Even when dealing with malevolent beings, the swordsman has only gone as far as spilling their blood; never has he taken a life. To the Yanxian, there is nothing more sacred than the gift of life, and to take such a thing away is the task of a reaper, not of a farmer boy like himself. Even if it were his role, he could never bring himself to follow through. Death is a being that should come when one is ready and willing, not when they have so much more to do. The denial of this right to life is something that Luo Qiang will never be at peace with.
“Mercy... It is what many should treat others with. Death is no lesson, but wounds serve as a reminder, and one’s defeat is a sign they have more to aspire towards. It is the right of no one to judge what one’s life is to be worth, for only the self can determine that. This all reminds me of a saying I read about moons ago... ‘A soul severed early ever wanders, but a soul laid to rest is one that may yet spark life’.”
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
MGA Chapter 1993
Chapter 1993 – Telling The Truth The battle in the Moonlight Maze ended with the Dark Hall’s crushing defeat. Everyone present knew that the crucial person that had turned the battle around was not the Ancient Era’s Elves’ Lord Luokong, Rather, it was Chu Feng. Even though this battle had ended in Chu Feng’s victory, the Ancient Era’s Elves did not dare to relax. They immediately returned to the Elf Kingdom. After all, the Dark Hall could be said to be completely at war against the Ancient Era’s Elves right now. Thus, the Ancient Era’s Elves had to return as quickly as possible. Likely, they would have no time to rest after their return. Instead, they would have to battle against the Dark Hall again. However, the Ancient Era’s Elves were not the first to leave. The first one to leave was Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang had slipped away without anyone noticing. He did not even bother to bid farewell to anyone. After the Ancient Era’s Elves left, the various human and monstrous beast experts also began to leave in succession. Those that were planning to join the Cyanwood Mountain left directly for the Cyanwood Mountain. As for the others, they too left this dangerous location as quickly as possible. After this event, they had experienced how powerful the Dark Hall was. They were also afraid that reinforcements from the Dark Hall would arrive. As such, they decided to leave the Moonlight Maze as quickly as possible. Just as the crowd were all leaving, a somewhat timid voice sounded. “Y-Young hero Chu Feng.” Turning toward the source of the voice, Chu Feng discovered that it was a Ximen Imperial Clan’s Utmost Exalted Elder. It was not only him; there were also Utmost Exalted Elders from the Nangong Imperial Clan, the Beitang Imperial Clan and the Dongfang Imperial Clan. Originally, they had come to the Moonlight Maze to search for treasures while representing their respective Imperial Clans. Like the others, they had failed to obtain any treasures, and nearly died in the area with the Immortality Peach Tree. They had been saved by Chu Feng, and then later accompanied the crowd to this place to fight against the people from the Dark Hall. Originally, it was only natural for them to do these things, as they were grateful after being saved by Chu Feng. After the battle was over, they should be happy. However, at that moment, other than the Nangong Imperial Clan’s Utmost Exalted Elder, the Utmost Exalted Elders from the other three Imperial Clans all possessed somewhat of an abnormal expression on their faces. To put it simply, they were scared. The reason for that was because they had experienced for themselves how powerful Chu Feng was today. Back then, they had been high and above, and had not placed Chu Feng in their eyes. They felt that they were capable of drowning Chu Feng, a nobody, with only a mouthful of spit. However, looking back now, they discovered how foolish they had been before. With Chu Feng’s current strength, he was already someone who could completely erase their Four Great Imperial Clans by himself. They would be lying if they declared that they were not afraid of Chu Feng. They were truly afraid that Chu Feng would retaliate against them. Chu Feng knew what these Utmost Exalted Elders were thinking. Thus, he smiled and said, “Seniors, there’s no need to mention things from the past again. Right now, we only have a single enemy, the Dark Hall. As for us, we are allies.” The Nangong Imperial Clan’s Utmost Exalted Elder said, “Little friend Chu Feng is truly a great person of great stature. Back then, this old man was truly blind and narrow-minded. I…” he sighed, “I am truly ashamed.” He revealed an ashamed expression on his face. The other three Great Imperial Clan’s Utmost Exalted Elders revealed the same sort of expression. They had merely reconciled with Chu Feng before because they had been forced to by Nangong Longjian. As such, they did not feel that they had wronged Chu Feng. But now, Chu Feng clearly possessed the strength to erase their entire clans. Yet, Chu Feng was standing before them in such a calm manner. Not only was he not hostile toward them, he instead treated them as his allies. Chu Feng’s actions had won them over completely. As such, they were unable to help themselves from feeling ashamed of their previous actions. “Seniors, you all should return quickly. The Dark Hall is vicious and merciless. I think it is best for you all to be on guard against them,” ChU Feng said with a smile. “Thank you, little friend Chu Feng, for your warning. In that case, we will take our leave,” After hearing what Chu Feng said, the Utmost Exalted Elders came to a sudden realization. Today, they had gone against the Dark Hall. If the Dark Hall was unwilling to let things go, they would most likely attack them. As such, they had to be on guard against the Dark Hall’s attack. At least, they had to make sure that their clansmen were safe. As the Dark Hall was powerful enough to contend against the Ancient Era’s Elves, it would absolutely not be a small matter should they attack them. Thus, they needed to immediately return to their respective Imperial Clans first. After the Four Great Imperial Clan’s Utmost Exalted Elders left, only Chu Feng and the Weaponry Refinement Immortal remained. “Chu Feng, you are truly a person of great stature. With how broad-minded you are, this old man has truly not misjudged you.” “Merely, even with this being the case, the speed of your growth still has me taken aback,” The Weaponry Refinement Immortal walked toward Chu Feng with a smile on his face. “Senior, you are flattering me. This junior is even blushing now,” Chu Feng pretended to be embarrassed and covered his face. As Chu Feng was an old acquaintance of the Weaponry Refinement Immortal, Chu Feng did not act reserved toward him. “Oh, you. You’re clearly one of the peak experts of the Holy Land of Martialism. Yet, you’re still acting this haughty? If those girls who worship you were to hear of this, I truly do not know how they would react,” The Weaponry Refinement Immortal laughed. He began to recall the first time he met Chu Feng. At that time, Chu Feng had been so small and weak. Countless people in the Holy Land of Martialism would have been able to kill him. However, Chu Feng had now not only become a grand character known by everyone in the Holy Land of Martialism, he also possessed the strength of a peak expert. From Chu Feng’s techniques earlier, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal knew that Chu Feng’s world spirit techniques had already surpassed his own. With Chu Feng’s world spirit techniques, it would not be impossible for Chu Feng to refine an Imperial Armament. As for martial cultivation, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal knew that Chu Feng would soon surpass him. This era was an era with countless geniuses rising from the younger generation. If an overlord were to truly emerge from among them, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal felt that it would definitely be Chu Feng. Suddenly, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal’s expression turned unnatural. “Chu Feng, there is one matter that I wish to ask you about. It is merely a casual question of mine. You do not have to overthink it.” “Senior, might you be wanting to ask about Baili Xinghe’s death?” Chu Feng managed to guess what the Weaponry Refinement Immortal wanted to ask from his expression. “Precisely,” The Weaponry Refinement Immortal hesitated for a moment before nodding. He asked, “Did you kill him?” When he asked that question, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal’s eyes were fixed onto Chu Feng’s the entire time. Even though he did not have any hostility in his eyes, he longed for the truth. At that moment, Chu Feng’s heart felt extremely complicated. In the end, he decided to not conceal anything, and to tell the Weaponry Refinement Immortal the truth. “Baili Xinghe was not killed by me. However, his death is related to me. Senior, I…” Chu Feng wanted to apologize. Even though he did not feel that causing Baili Xinghe’s death was wrong, he still felt guilt toward the Weaponry Refinement Immortal. Chu Feng was able to tell that the Weaponry Refinement Immortal possessed a very deep affection for his disciple Baili Xinghe. “Chu Feng, thank you. This old man feels very relieved that you were able to tell me the truth.” “However, you absolutely must not apologize,” Before Chu Feng could apologize, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal interrupted him. He continued, “I actually knew very well what sort of character that disciple of mine had. He was fond of Zi Ling and Su Rou, and had bothered them repeatedly, only to be rejected in the end. From these repeated rejections, he started to detest you. I knew about all that.” “Thus, even if his death is related to you, I know that it was definitely not your fault.” “Senior, if I may speak frankly, Baili Xinghe sought for his death himself,” Chu Feng said. “That’s true. Thus, I have gotten over it, and decided to not avenge his death,” The Weaponry Refinement Immortal said. Hearing those words, Chu Feng knew that the Weaponry Refinement Immortal possessed the desire to avenge Baili Xinghe. However, he was struggling in his heart. As for Chu Feng, he did not know what to tell the Weaponry Refinement Immortal. Chu Feng actually did not wish for the Weaponry Refinement Immortal to avenge scum like Baili Xinghe. This was especially true because the Weaponry Refinement Immortal would have to kill Leng Yue to avenge Baili Xinghe. As for Leng Yue, she was the number one disciple of the Heavenly Law Palace. The Heavenly Law Palace was nurturing her as if she would be their future pillar. As such, if the Weaponry Refinement Immortal were to kill Leng Yue, the Heavenly Law Palace would definitely not leave the matter at that. Truly, the gains would not make up for the losses. Previous          Main menu           Next Click to Post
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