#Zian of the endless shadow
cosmicellis · 11 months
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Zian and Subetai do not really like each other. Pandaren belongs to my homie @twinkleember Her name is Criteris
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orgrimmarandbust · 6 years
Tractorpull Revenge Extravaganza Part 11 - Consolidation Agreement
“Travelers? Welcome outsiders.” A large pandaren man ushers the two goblins in, welcoming them to the ground. “The Temple of the Red Crane welcomes all visitors in need. And you two look to be in need.”
Vrixx helps Keygrin across the threshold of the temple grounds, bringing him to the nearest bench and setting him down before dropping to the ground herself and breathing heavily. “Th- thank- thank you sir.” She tries to catch her breath while still being polite to the monk. “We- we almost didn’t make it!”
“Truly?” The pandaren gets a puzzled look on his face as Keygrin pops off his prosthetic and starts to eyeball the damage. “What troubles have you encountered on the roads?”
“Buddy, you ain’t even wanna know what’s goin on out there. We got chased by lizard folks pourin outta a collapsin mine like water comes outta a colander. You got a mogu problem out there.” Keygrin stops examining his leg because he knows it’s basically a lost cause at this point.
“Mogu? Heavens, what nefarious deeds are they conspiring to commit?” The pandaren waves to a colleague and speaks to them in an unfamiliar tongue, “Om nom nom nom om nom.”
“Yeah, they were after something called the Urn of someone or other. They had a dig going for it about ten clicks over- did you not hear the massive explosion?” Vrixx looks about as incredulous as one can while laying down on the cobblestones. “We ran from an explosion after they tried ta-”
“Get you to dig for the Urn of Zian of the Endless Shadow?”
“That’s the guy! You know about him?”
“I know his crypt was sealed away a hundred years ago during a mogu expedition when something went wrong, and for the best!”
“A hundred years ago? Geeze Louise fella, this was about 20 minutes ago at most! I- what time even is it?” Keygrin pulls out his pocket watch and checks it before starting to wind the mechanism. “Dang thing always runs out when stuff gets hairy. Seriously though, that don’t make a lick of sense.”
“Whether or not it makes sense makes no difference. That tomb collapsed a hundred years ago. Ah, your water is here. Please, drink. I can sense the dread magics of the mogu persisting on you. I will send out some men to see if they can locate a sign of the mogu operation resuming.” The pandaren takes two glasses of water from the monk he’d sent off prior.
Some time passes, and a pandaren monk manages to, with the aid of several acupuncture needles, some incense, and a well drawn rune, unstop Vrixx’s mana. The magical feeling runs back to her fingertips again, and her palms smoulder for a moment as she grins.
Keygrin’s situation is much harder to address for the Pandaren, and they instead simply bring him a crutch, shrugging their shoulders as he looks at it. He thanks them anyway, for more than he walked in with at least.
Finally, the two goblins are left alone for the time being.
“So… you uh, ain’t gonna try’n fry me, are ya?”
“... No. No I don’t think so.” The pair look down at the cobblestones before Vrixx continues, “You didn’t need to help stop the mogu. You could have bolted and left me alone to deal with it.”
“Well, ah don’t know about bolting, but either way, I couldn’t just leave them ta poison the pandaren!”
“That’s my problem! That’s- everything I’ve been told, you should be ambivalent toward that at best!”
“Well, then whoever you been listening to got me all wrong.”
“Exactly.” Vrixx swallows and has to come face to face with the hard truth. My father lied. Staxxy tried to warn me and I didn’t listen. “Far as I’m concerned. We’re square now.”
“Square? I’m still out a leg here sugar.”
She’d laugh if it wasn’t such a heavy moment in her head. “Fair enough. I’ll get a friend to whip you up a new one when we get back to the Eastern Kingdoms. I need to go to Bogpaddle. Fast.”
“Why Bogpaddle?”
“I need to speak to my father.”
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cosmicellis · 1 year
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Zian is about to commence some mentail torture on poor pandaren Because yes
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cosmicellis · 1 year
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Lets go from thin fabulous ghosts, to buff mumph people from warcraft Brain wah... Anyway. I did a small re-design\interpretation of kings\emperors, because all of them have default standart model (Aside from Lei Shen, he's just "chef kiss") Qiang - I think the toughest one, cause he is tad bit bland. He was very strict king. Thank you, like all mogu emperors pretty much. So he would stay looking as that boy next door. Meng - Mmmmm, yeee Meng. The most Majestic of mighty monarchs. One of my favorite ones. Gotta give him that majestic look... and scars that are mostly self inflicted because he is not all here. Zian - I would say Zian the edge lord. What pisses me off -he and Meng has identical model, while having copletely different character. Meng is a loon, Zian is nightmare incarnated. Will come to spook your sleep paralysis demon. I gave him new robes, because come on, he is a sorcerer. Subetai - Oh my, this one. He sure oozes personality, by saying all his lines half laughing. And again, he is also blue like Ziana nd Meng. Blizz, seriously you have other colours, why u do this to me? ;w; Well, I gave him that "smug and confident" thing going on Xin - Jumped straight from loreal commercial. He is quite ... fluffy. Would pet, even if it cost my hand... Lei shen - Gave him hair. I really didn't wanted to change anyhting. Was tempted to remove that crown of his, cause ... Lets say this is torture. Shan Bu - The only mogu that has a sin stone as far as I know. Imagine being worse that Thunder king. GJ Shan Bu, that's quite an achievement. Gave him a little more of that loreal hair, because, guess what: he joins the "blue mogu" brigade again.
Kinda planning to work on Stormspeaker Qian, but must not make him look like Xin, because, oh no, same model.
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orgrimmarandbust · 6 years
Tractorpull Revenge Extravaganza Part 8 - Mineral Rights
The sound of picks against rocks punctuated air as the goblins were roused from their magically induced haze. Chains hung from their ankles, put in place by their mogu captors.
“Your picks, slaves. We need stone to rebuild the empire, and you will provide.” he barked at them as he dropped some mining tools at their feet. He walked away chuckling, most likely to torment some other prisoners.
“Geeze Louise, I've seen enough of holes in the ground like this for a lifetime. Wanna put aside our differences long enough ta bust outta here miss?”
Vrixx looked at him suspiciously, like a canary looks at a cat offering a way out of a cage. She reluctantly acquiesced to his offer and nods.  “I saw my fire bounce off that big rocky fella, I don't think I'd get too far on my own. You got a deal Threespark.”
Keygrin takes his pick and listens for the clanks coming from elsewhere in the mine, feeling their rhythm to time his strike.
“I could pick that lock you know.” Vrixx twists one of her skull clips in the lock on her ankle, smiling as it releases her leg. “Yeah, easy enough. These locks aren't exactly sophisticated.”
“Well shoot, I won't say no to that.” he keeps watch as Vrixx liberates his good leg from the rough iron shackle. “Thanks miss uh… ah can't just call ya ‘miss’ can ah?”
“Name's Vrixx. Wait, how do you not know that? I filed paperwork against you and everything!”
“Yeeeeah, most of th’ horde don't really care about goblin paperwork. We just sorta ignored it.”
“You can do that?!”
Keygrin shrugged his shoulders. “So, how d’we wa- oh hells bells, clam up a minute I hear ‘im coming!”
The pair take their picks and get to work on the wall, but not striking hard enough that they can’t overhear the mogu conversing behind them.
“I won’t be long now. The panderen in the valley will not know what struck them. With the farmlands surrounding Halfhill despoiled, their civilization will be easy pickings.”
“A stroke of luck, discovering the sealed tomb of Zian of the Endless Shadow.”
“Why did Chou abduct those goblins?”
“He said they are natural diggers. I suspect he simply does not want to dig himself.”
“That or he is afraid of the saurok in the caverns.”
“Saurok, don’t make me laugh. They will wind up like the Jinyu waterspeakers we dealt with last week.”
The mogu pair chuckle as they leave, meandering off through the tunnels to watch for more incursions.
“Geeze Louise, we gotta stop ‘em if that’s their plan.”
“Why should you care about what happens to the Pandaren, Threespark?
“Uh, why shouldn’t ah care? Ah ain’t want the Pandaren dead. Seems a real dick move ta not help.”
“... Well, you’re not wrong.”
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