#Querido Evan Hansen
bethereader · 1 year
“Nos desplazamos entre los árboles, procurando no molestar, con un propósito. No queremos problemas. Somos tantas, las almas solitarias. Todos los que contribuimos a construir esto, los mismos que lo veremos crecer. Y aquellos a los que perdimos. Avanzamos juntos. Trepamos, caemos, nos levantamos según tratamos de acercarnos al centro, de estar más cerca de nosotros mismos. Más cerca los unos de los otros. Más cerca de algo real.”
Querido Evan Hansen (Epílogo) — Val Emmich, Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul.
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heymartinah · 1 year
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all my dear evan hansen (argentinian cast) fanarts!!!
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compulsivewriter · 10 months
So apparently, the producers behind the Argentinian productions of Next to Normal and Dear Evan Hansen will hold a "mash-up" concert ["There Will Be Light (For Forever)"], featuring artists from the two shows (who have also played roles in both productions at some point).
As someone who REALLY loves both shows, this is absolutely MIND-BLOWING.
Michael Greif, you've outdone yourself this time.
(Would be a nice bonus if they also invited the OG Broadway cast of both shows!)
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'Querido Evan': The captivating Spanish production of 'Dear Evan Hansen' that you can't miss on Calle Corrientes
The show runs weekly at the Metropolitan Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
By: Felicitas de la Fare | Jun. 22, 2023
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Press release show of 'Querido Evan'
 "Querido Evan" revolves around a socially anxious high school student, Evan Hansen, who finds himself at the center of a tragic event. Through a series of mistaken identities and lies, Evan  becomes a source of hope and inspiration for his peers and community. The story explores themes of mental health, isolation, and the power of human connection. 
Sebastián Irigo's direction brings a fresh perspective to the production, ensuring that the emotional nuances of the story are effectively conveyed. His keen understanding of the material allows the performers to shine in their roles. The cast, led by a talented Evan Hansen (Máximo Meyer), delivers an exceptional portrayal of their characters, capturing their complexities and vulnerabilities.
 Under the guidance of musical director Tomás Mayer Wolf, the songs of "Querido Evan" take on new life in the Spanish adaptation which together with the Vocal Direction of Katie Viqueira, makes each song achieves its maximum potential. The music, composed by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, touches the soul with its heartfelt lyrics and soaring melodies. The Argentinian cast skillfully interprets the songs, infusing them with their own unique energy and vocal prowess. 
The production design of "Dear Evan Hansen" at Teatro Metropolitan  in Calle Corrientes is a visual feast for the eyes. The multiple screens and lighting  work in harmony to create an immersive experience that transports the audience into the world of the story. One of the most powerful and emotional scenes occurs during the song "You Will Be Found"- "Te encontrarán" which combines the use of different screens and social media messages from famous argentinian performers,  popping up on them while the actors interact with the screens, singing the powerful lyrics.
The cast delivers remarkable performances, bringing their own unique interpretations to the characters. Julia Zenko's portrayal of Evan's mother showcases both vulnerability and strength, capturing the essence of a mother navigating the challenges of parenthood. Her breathtaking solo song captivates the entire audience who can't resist shedding a few tears.  Rochi Hernandez portrayal of the conflicted and sympathetic Zoe Murphy, Evan's love interest, is filled with fresh and genuine emotion. Guido Balzaretti excels in the role of Connor Murphy, Zoe's troubled brother, bringing depth and complexity to a character fighting with his own inner demons. Mariano Condoluci and Mariel Percossi, with their undisputed talent ,  add all the fun the story needs to loosen up the dramatic scenes. Máximo Meyer as Evan, dazzles the audience not only with his acting  skills but also with his gifted amazing voice. He manages to convey the anxiety and inner angst of the character in an authentic and moving way. Laura Conforte and Fabio Aeste as Evan's parents,  are terrific in their role, representing in an unparalleled way the pain of whom have just lost a child, through an exciting and moving performance.
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Mariel Percossi, Máximo Meyer and Mariano Condoluci
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Press release show with Argentinian performer Elis García, Julia Zenko's daughter
The Spanish production of "Dear Evan Hansen" at Teatro Metropolitan  is  an undisputed success in the Buenos Aires theater scene. This innovative production not only brings the acclaimed musical to a new audience, but also cements its place in the Argentinian theater. "Querido Evan" is an emotional journey that will leave audiences reflecting on the power of connection, empathy, and the enduring impact of one person's story.
If you are in the area don't miss the chance to go see this show, click HERE to purchase tickets. 
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cornercrab · 1 year
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drew this since guido balzaretti left deh so here's to the Argentinian deh fans
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b-oovies · 1 year
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todos os livros estão em ordem alfabética.
observação: se algum link não estiver funcionando, por favor, avise na ask, que iremos mudar o link.
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A Canção de Aquiles
A Divina Comédia
A Equação Perfeita do Amor
A Menina Que Roubava Livros
A Mulher em Mim
A Pequena Pianista
Boy Erased: Uma Verdade Anulada
Carmilla: A Vampira de Karnstein
Cat Diary
De Volta a Taipei
Gossip Girl
Isso Que a Gente Chama de Amor
Kim Jiyoung, Nascida em 1982
Leitura de Verão
Meninas Selvagens
Não Nasci Para Agradar
O Bom Filho
O Meu Pé de Laranja Lina
O Retrato de Dorian Gray
Pessoas Normais
Querido Diário Otário
Querido Evan Hansen
Razão e Sensibilidade
Scott Pilgrim HQ
Sete Anos de Escuridão
The Spanish Love Deception
Um Drama de Verão
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
this is a delight… obviously the production values aren’t the highest but many fun acting and staging choices here, especially the four evans, and i’m impressed that they managed to incorporate the anonymous ones and hiding in your hands without cutting songs
#is that legal? probably not but i doubt any other element of this is. think they also ripped some ywbf projections right from the movie#dear evan hansen#don't know spanish well enough to comment on most of the nuances of the translation but i can tell they cut some dialogue#e.g. the “nothing unrealistic” lines from sincerely me; the lines about dana p from evan and alana's act 1 conversation;#some of jared & evan's dialogue about the connor murphy memorabilia market; squip connor dissing jared;#alana offering jared the role of treasurer or secretary; “great idea evan” / “thank you jared” / “no sweat”;#cutting off sincerely me reprise after the first four lines??? and cutting some dialogue there and in the following heidi scene;#the lines about evan's dad in to break in a glove; evan and zoe joking about a kegger; “wonder of wonders miracle of miracles”;#heidi & cynthia & larry's wine discussion; the chicken milanese; the sulu/sula confusion; some of evan and heidi's pre-gfy fight;#alana's comment about evan dating zoe; a few lines in the scenes around for forever reprise and words fail; & the pottery barn discount#evan & jared's spanish project becomes an english project quite appropriately; heidi now says “fuck” after the gfy fight which i love#and zoe's line of “i didn't realize you were actually capable of saying something that wasn't nice” gets turned into#something that ends in “politically correct” instead of “nice” which is a fascinating change#don't love the audience laughter at the dialogue around the anonymous ones given that it's not supposed to be funny#but it sure does speak to the quality of that dialogue compared to the text of the original stage show#also there is clearly a tumblr post in the ywbf projections lmao. may make this the only version of the show to acknowledge tumblr
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moonllit · 9 months
querido evan hansen é um livro sensível. o evan me lembrou o protagonista de "as vantagens de ser invisível" (depois de pesquisar, lembrei: charlie)
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Querido Evan Hansen Online fácil
Assistir Filme Querido Evan Hansen Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/querido-evan-hansen/
Querido Evan Hansen - Filmes Online Fácil
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Querido Evan Hansen é uma história que gira ao redor de Evan Hansen (Ben Platt), jovem ansioso e com dificuldades de se conectar com os outros, que acaba envolvido numa mentira sobre um colega de classe que cometeu suicídio, se aproximando da família do falecido. Adaptação cinematográfica do musical vencedor do Tony e do Grammy de Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek e Justin Paul
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juanizambo · 1 year
cuando volvía de viaje en el avión me apareció dear evan hansen en películas recomendadas para ver… estaba tan al pedo que decidí verla. no les miento, mas allá de que llore y todo nunca me sentí tan tocada con algo. creo que fue de las señales más grandes que tuve en mi vida. más allá de que la pelicula en si no era un 10 y tenía muchos errores, la escénica del musical la tenía y la mostraba muy bien.
nunca había sentido algo así, como si eso fuese lo que yo tenía que hacer. ahí me di cuenta realmente que el mundo de los musicales era un mundo tan desconocido para mi que tenía que ser descubierto. como cuando sentis que toda tu vida te perdiste algo que realmente es tan increíble. obvio estuve un mes entero escuchando “waving trough a window” y la sigo escuchando.
quede enamorada de ben platt y del evan que el hace. me encanta como transmite todo y la voz que tiene es tremenda. siento que este musical en particular muestra tantas cosas de la adolescencia de una forma muy buena que creo que eso es lo que me llego a mi. leí muchas críticas y mucha gente diciendo que no estaba bien romantizar o justificar una mentira así solo porque evan tenía un trastorno. creo que es un debate muy grande, pero mi punto de vista es que entiendo el esfuerzo de evan por querer hablar, por querer ser visto. no lo justifico por eso, pero si entiendo porque hizo lo que hizo. a veces solo necesitamos que nos vean.
me rompió el alma cuando me enteré que jamás lo voy a poder ver protagonizado por ben, pero hace poco fui a ver querido evan acá en argentina y fue increíble. la adaptación está muy bien hecha y los actores son muy capos. si pueden ver este musical de alguna forma véanlo, aunque sea la película, no se van a arrepentir.
todo este escrito se debe a que hace una semana arranque comedia musical y quede fascinada.. realmente es algo que me apasiona y que me da felicidad. también volví a ver glee después de varios años y me había olvidado lo que era obsesionarse con una serie y querer ver capítulo tras capítulo.. agradezco haber visto esta película porque gracias a dear evan hansen conocí un mundo enorme en el cual tiene al arte como centro y como objetivo llegar a la gente..
vean musicales que les va a hacer bien al alma
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bethereader · 1 year
“Mientras el coche de Zoe se aleja, intento llenar el vacío con palabras. Termino la carta.
Tal vez, algún día, otro chico esté aquí, mirando estos mismos árboles, sintiéndose solo, preguntándose si el mundo se verá distinto desde tanta altura. Si se verá major. Puede que empiece a trepar, una rama y luego la otra, cada vez más arriba, presintiendo que alguna podría ceder. Presintiendo que es inútil. Mientras todo le grita que se deje caer. Y es posible que ese chico no se suelte. Esta vez se aferrará con fuerza. Seguirá adelante.”
Querido Evan Hansen (Epílogo) — Val Emmich, Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul.
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heymartinah · 1 year
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more argentinian deh cast!!
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compulsivewriter · 1 year
In case you didn't hear it, Dear Evan Hansen had its first "official" Spanish debut in Argentina this month (under the title Querido Evan), to much fanfare.
But you know what really got me?
Not only did the production company behind Querido Evan also produce the latest production of Next to Normal (Casi Normales) in Argentina, at least FOUR actors currently in Querido Evan have also played roles in Casi Normales - and damn, the parallels in their roles they played!
Maximo Meyer (Evan/Henry)
Laura Conforte (Cynthia/Diana)
Rocio Hernandez (Zoe/Natalie)
Guido Balzaretti (Connor/Gabe)
Michael Greif must be grinning all the way.
PS. Rachel Bay Jones, who also starred in both shows, is reportedly visiting Buenos Aires next month for a "masterclass." Fingers crossed if she'll also make an appearance at Querido Evan.
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c-omohacer · 2 years
Querido Evan Hansen [2021]
Una carta que nunca debió ser vista, una mentira que nunca debió ser contada, una vida que nunca soñó que pudiera tener. Evan Hansen está a punto de obtener lo que siempre ha querido: una oportunidad para finalmente encajar. Read the full article
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elsenordelosanillos · 2 years
Querido Evan Hansen [2021]
Una carta que nunca debió ser vista, una mentira que nunca debió ser contada, una vida que nunca soñó que pudiera tener. Evan Hansen está a punto de obtener lo que siempre ha querido: una oportunidad para finalmente encajar. Read the full article
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indierock-roll · 2 years
Querido Evan Hansen [2021]
Una carta que nunca debió ser vista, una mentira que nunca debió ser contada, una vida que nunca soñó que pudiera tener. Evan Hansen está a punto de obtener lo que siempre ha querido: una oportunidad para finalmente encajar. Read the full article
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