#laura conforte
compulsivewriter · 1 year
In case you didn't hear it, Dear Evan Hansen had its first "official" Spanish debut in Argentina this month (under the title Querido Evan), to much fanfare.
But you know what really got me?
Not only did the production company behind Querido Evan also produce the latest production of Next to Normal (Casi Normales) in Argentina, at least FOUR actors currently in Querido Evan have also played roles in Casi Normales - and damn, the parallels in their roles they played!
Maximo Meyer (Evan/Henry)
Laura Conforte (Cynthia/Diana)
Rocio Hernandez (Zoe/Natalie)
Guido Balzaretti (Connor/Gabe)
Michael Greif must be grinning all the way.
PS. Rachel Bay Jones, who also starred in both shows, is reportedly visiting Buenos Aires next month for a "masterclass." Fingers crossed if she'll also make an appearance at Querido Evan.
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Laura Ingalls Wilder, née le 7 février 1867 à Pepin dans le Wisconsin et morte le 10 février 1957 à Mansfield dans le Missouri
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Est une femme de lettres américaine, auteur de la série de romans pour enfants La Petite Maison dans la prairie
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Inspirée par sa propre enfance au sein d'une famille de pionniers américains à la fin du XIXème siècle. Le succès de cette série de romans a assuré une vie confortable à l’auteur pour ses dernières années et a donné lieu à plusieurs adaptations télévisées, dont la première a été la série américaine La Petite Maison dans la prairie, dans laquelle l'actrice Melissa Gilbert jouait le rôle de Laura.
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Little house on the praire
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'Querido Evan': The captivating Spanish production of 'Dear Evan Hansen' that you can't miss on Calle Corrientes
The show runs weekly at the Metropolitan Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
By: Felicitas de la Fare | Jun. 22, 2023
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Press release show of 'Querido Evan'
 "Querido Evan" revolves around a socially anxious high school student, Evan Hansen, who finds himself at the center of a tragic event. Through a series of mistaken identities and lies, Evan  becomes a source of hope and inspiration for his peers and community. The story explores themes of mental health, isolation, and the power of human connection. 
Sebastián Irigo's direction brings a fresh perspective to the production, ensuring that the emotional nuances of the story are effectively conveyed. His keen understanding of the material allows the performers to shine in their roles. The cast, led by a talented Evan Hansen (Máximo Meyer), delivers an exceptional portrayal of their characters, capturing their complexities and vulnerabilities.
 Under the guidance of musical director Tomás Mayer Wolf, the songs of "Querido Evan" take on new life in the Spanish adaptation which together with the Vocal Direction of Katie Viqueira, makes each song achieves its maximum potential. The music, composed by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, touches the soul with its heartfelt lyrics and soaring melodies. The Argentinian cast skillfully interprets the songs, infusing them with their own unique energy and vocal prowess. 
The production design of "Dear Evan Hansen" at Teatro Metropolitan  in Calle Corrientes is a visual feast for the eyes. The multiple screens and lighting  work in harmony to create an immersive experience that transports the audience into the world of the story. One of the most powerful and emotional scenes occurs during the song "You Will Be Found"- "Te encontrarán" which combines the use of different screens and social media messages from famous argentinian performers,  popping up on them while the actors interact with the screens, singing the powerful lyrics.
The cast delivers remarkable performances, bringing their own unique interpretations to the characters. Julia Zenko's portrayal of Evan's mother showcases both vulnerability and strength, capturing the essence of a mother navigating the challenges of parenthood. Her breathtaking solo song captivates the entire audience who can't resist shedding a few tears.  Rochi Hernandez portrayal of the conflicted and sympathetic Zoe Murphy, Evan's love interest, is filled with fresh and genuine emotion. Guido Balzaretti excels in the role of Connor Murphy, Zoe's troubled brother, bringing depth and complexity to a character fighting with his own inner demons. Mariano Condoluci and Mariel Percossi, with their undisputed talent ,  add all the fun the story needs to loosen up the dramatic scenes. Máximo Meyer as Evan, dazzles the audience not only with his acting  skills but also with his gifted amazing voice. He manages to convey the anxiety and inner angst of the character in an authentic and moving way. Laura Conforte and Fabio Aeste as Evan's parents,  are terrific in their role, representing in an unparalleled way the pain of whom have just lost a child, through an exciting and moving performance.
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Mariel Percossi, Máximo Meyer and Mariano Condoluci
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Press release show with Argentinian performer Elis García, Julia Zenko's daughter
The Spanish production of "Dear Evan Hansen" at Teatro Metropolitan  is  an undisputed success in the Buenos Aires theater scene. This innovative production not only brings the acclaimed musical to a new audience, but also cements its place in the Argentinian theater. "Querido Evan" is an emotional journey that will leave audiences reflecting on the power of connection, empathy, and the enduring impact of one person's story.
If you are in the area don't miss the chance to go see this show, click HERE to purchase tickets. 
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mimine666 · 1 year
For the deep feels prompts:
"I can wait."
Voilà what came through my mind. I hope there’s not too much coquilles. My corrector doesn’t want to be in English tonight and here it’s our national holiday and I fell a little bit in the Sangria earlier lol.
« I can wait! »
It was her mantra since a very long time, way before the fall of the colonies in fact. Very few people knew, even fewer would believe that Laura Roslin was a very impatient woman.
Since she was a child, she liked things to be done her way and, especially, as soon as she wanted. Unfortunately, she had two sisters, much younger than her, who didn’t understand the concept of patience, asking before borrowing things, breaking someone else property, and so on…
So, to help her deal with that, her step-mother told her to repeat in her head « I can wait » like a mantra. And so she did. Every time her two beloved little monsters tried her patience to the point where she wanted to snap their neck, she repeated, in her head, « I can wait ». Child had to be child, she was their big sister, she has to wait. They didn’t mean to be little monsters. Repeating that phrase helped her deflate her anger and gain some perspective on the situation.
She did the same thing when her mother got sick and she had to let go of Simon. She convinced herself that love and happiness could wait, if her mother survived. She repeated that same mantra, again, when she had to take a break on her studies because her mother was dying and there was no one to take care of her. She was her only child, it was her duty. Despite her father’s protest, her master degree did wait and she did finish it, at some point. Nearly ten years later, she even improved it with a doctorate. It really waited.
So, when she became President of a group of refugees wandering through space, she knew she’ll have to use her old mantra. And using it, she did! What other choice did she have? The survival of the Human race won over her confort and her well-being. And, anyway, she was dying for the better part of it.
But then she got better. And through this new chance, she got some new perpectives. She decided that she mattered, that she had sacrifice enough. She decided that she had earned the chance to live a little, to be happy, maybe. She especially learned to open her heart again. She loved her sweet sweet Billy, like the son she never had. And she was growing closer and closer to Bill.
And then she lost the election and she didn’t have to wait anymore. They were able to explore their relationship in all its aspects. As hard as it was to be on New Caprica while he was up in space, it was nothing close to the pain to reunite with him, but only as Admiral and President. Laura would have to wait, once more.
So before, during and after each meeting, she convinced herself « I can wait » to be Laura, his lover, not just the President. « I can wait » to be held and feel safe, again. «  I can wait » to talk with my best friend, my soulmate, to share my burden with the only person truly capable of understanding me and what a nightmare it is to be a Leader.
Except, now the cancer was back. Except now Earth was a nuclear wasteland. Except there was no guaranteed tomorrow. Anxiety and despair filled her heart and soul. How much did she miss already? And for what?!? They were doomed anyway…
She walked toward Bill quarters. She would not wait anymore, not even for a second.
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
One of the things I really appreciate about Tumblr (not fandom, Tumblr) is the diversity. You can find anything you want - talking about fics, for example.
Still, people can be disrespectful.
Take for example this difference: I do reader insert fanfics, female readers. My friend @cheesybadgers do with ships, like Old Habits Die Hard (a Carrillo x Javier fic). I read her stories. They are amazing! She reads mine as well, which I'm very thankful for. But not just because we eventually became friendly with each other, but appreciating other types of midia is essential (if you are confortable with it, sure).
I write for Carrillo, Javier and Steve. Laura as well. Does it means that her work is exclusionary? Absolutely not! The best thing about fics it's the different perspectives of the same characters/tv show/movie.
Now, if your problem with male/male or female/female or LGBTQIA+ fics in general is about the EXISTENCE of it, bad news: you're being a bitch. Go away. Read the heteronormative things, but leave the LGBTQIA+ writers ALONE!
I think this just needed to be said. Not for the likes or something like that, but sometimes people around here are a little too much like Twitter users.
And no I don't like a few of Twitter users. Sorry. I'll not elaborate on that.
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nagdabbit · 2 years
oooo i got tagged by @sybilius (🥰🥰 fank you) to do a list of comfort thimgs and umfortunately im drumk im so sorry i still refuseto turm on autocorreect but ill try hard here we go
comfort movie: as we kmow i do not watch manymovies but probably like kong skull islamd, big eden, or in bruges
comfort series (bomus): hannibal. fuckim love hannibal. does dimension20 count? that too. slesspecially a court offey amd flowers
comfort foodd: pistachio semlar, tostones and kechup, pamcakes
confort clothes: siobhans coolege hoodie amd crocs
comfort somg: wild montama skies - john demver & emmylou harris, bleed out - mountaim goats, hold the girl - rina sawayama, screamy dreamy - laura jame grace amd the devuorimg mothers
comfort book: the buried giamt by kazou ishiguro. nothimg to add perfec book
confort game: hades, pillers of etermity, coral islamd. im replayimg pillers i swear im gomna romance aloth this time im not gomma fucj the hornt fishman
i never kmow who to tag cuz i dummo if people actually likeme amd i assume that its always gomma be umwanted so like ifyou wanma do it amd youre readimg this consider yourself tagged tellem daggs semt ya
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bride-of-pyros · 2 years
The Power of Hopes and Dreams
a fanfiction of  Netflix’s show “The  Sandman” by Laura Vázquez
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Morpheous/Dream, Lucienne, Matthew, Lucifer, Desire, Death, John Dee, Johanna Constantine, Corinthian, the Fates etc. Some characters, situations, character arcs, dialogues that i have taken literally as they are in the show belong to Netflix and Neil gaiman alone. I have only used them as a means to express my story, I claim no ownership over them.
Also, some lines of dialogue and the mirror of Merlin have been taken from Harry Potter. They are J.K. Rowling’s creation and hers alone.
Finally: the pictures used to illustrate the story have been taken from Google images. The pictures of Raina belong to the game “Shaiya Light and darkness”. The image of the dark faerie is Etayne Goddess of darkness from the same game.
The image of Jack Frost and Elsa is fanmade and I found it on google images. No ownership claimed.
The white dragon is property of Ciruelo Cabral.
And lastly:  the pictures  of Dream/Mopheus and the Dreaming belong to Netflix and Google images.
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Dream had been trapped in the magical crystal prison on the basement of Burgess Manor for a hundred years. His captor hadn’t meant to trap him but his sister Death. During his captivity, Dream didn’t say a word. His only confort was the thought of freedom and vengeance. Alex, his new captor, was an old man in a wheeled chair. He came to negotiate with Dream once again but received only silence in return.
What Alex didn’t notice was that he broke the magical circle of protection with his wheeled chair. Things were about to change. 
                          Raina was in the throne room. Like every night, she entered the Dreaming in her sleep. She admired the oniric beauty of this place. Once again, she admired the arquitecture, the columns, the starry sky above and just for a little while the pain of her loss receded. Like every time she came to the Dreaming, she was wearing her Goddess of the Moon attire. White and golden, sexy and beautiful, her hair a cascade of gold, her big grey eyes full of wonder.
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                                     She was staring at the stars above. She didn’t notice the presence of the Dream Lord sitting on the throne.
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Dream was staring at the intruder, curious to know how she entered his realm.
He couldn’t help but notice how beatiful she was, her heart-shaped face, her eyes, her body…
It had been eons since Dream had felt such desire… But he had more pressing matters to attend to.
A deep, sensual voice came to her ears.
-          Dream : - Do you like it?
Raina was startled. Every time she came here the place was empty. Who was the Dark Lord talking to her?
-          Raina: - Yes. It’s beautiful. Like a Dream…
Dream rose from the throne and started walking towards her. As he approached, she walked away from him. There was something about him that repelled and attracted her at the same time.
Dream: - who are you? How did you enter the Dreaming?
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                                        Raina: - I…
She looked straight into his oceanic blue eyes and then turned around and ran away.
Dream ran after her through the maze-like pattern of the palace and guessed where she was headed.
Raina reached a room with only one door. She looked at it, tried to push it but it was useless. There were shapes engraved on the black stone resembling stars, a comet and the solar system. The door of space.
The only figure that had colour was the sun. It stood at the exact centre of the door and there was a yellow orb made of topaz representing the sun. But Everything was out of place.  Raina tried to remember her junior high lessons on astronomy to remember what the solar system looks like.
Ok, let’s go.
There was a small crystal table near the door and there they were: the planets, the moon, a comet and two stars made of the most radiant precious stones she had ever seen.
Raina: - Come on Raina, you can do it.
She first grabbed a smokey quartz sphere and placed it on Mercury’s place. She turned it clockwise and it clicked.
Then, it was time for the fire opal. She placed it on venus and it clicked.
Next, azurita for the Earth. Click. And, a shiny pearl for the moon.
The red ruby for mars and citrine for Jupiter.
Raina: - Come on, come on!
Sapphire with diamonds for Saturn, turquoise for Uranus and amethyst for Neptune. Yes!
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 Now, the stars.
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First, pink quartz for the Halley comet. And then… she had no idea which stars these were. One was big, the other one small. She closed her eyes and a sweet voice whispered in her ear: the clock in Vega…
Ok, she had to decide. She placed a small diamond in the small star and a round moonstone for vega.
Wait,,, there was another star, and no more pieces. She had been so close…
Above all the others, there was a big eight- pointed star. Tiny engraved snowflakes clustered it round.
Raina: - snowflakes, snowflakes!..... Ah! Polaris! The frozen star!
Dream was fast approaching and  she could hear his deep voice: there’s nowhere to run.
Raina dismissed his voice, grabbed the eight-pointed star pendant she wore around her neck, placed it on Polaris and turned it clockwise.
The contures of the door started shining white and the door opened. Raina entered and all morpheus could see was Raina’s shape dissappearing into the gloom.
She went through a dark hallway for about ten minutes. Then, she emerged on a desolate landscape, under the starry sky and full of mist. She started walk8ing and walking and suddenly she encountered a gigantic mirror.
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 This was no normal mirror, for it shows the beholder their deepest and most secret heart’s desires. Raina approached it and stood in front of it.
Jack and her in their wedding attires danced with closed eyes.
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  Suddenly, she dissapeared .He placed both hands on the mirror and she did the same. Her forehead touched his and she closed her eyes. She forgot about Dream  and everything else, all she wanted was to be here with him. But then, the mirror changed: Jack was pale and greyish like a corpse and the bullett wounds were pouring his lifeblood until it was too late.
She started breathing heavily, all the old love, longing for him and the anguish of knowing that he had died to save her came back to her all at once. She started breathing harder and harder until she refused to take it anymore.
She summoned Excalibur, the  ancient sword that can only be wielded by a person with a fair heart,  and destroyed a part of the mirror.
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Jack dissapeared from it and then something happened that Raina did not intend: her reflection on the damaged mirror was Morpheus.
Raina: - What’s this supposed to mean?
And then, Dream’s reflection said:
Dream’s reflection; - Always and forever, I know that in the altar of my own personal faith you’ll always be the mirror where I look upon myself.
Raina took a moment to assimilate the words and then kept on running. towards the distant Ivory Tower.
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Clarification: (the name Ivory Tower and this picture belong to the neverending Story movie).
 She descended a dark spiral staircase, crossed the room full tapestries of magical creatures 
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( Sight', c1500 (detail), from the series 'The lady and the unicorn', Musée de Cluny –)
to the crystal gates and went out into the garden.
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                Dream was about to reach her but she summoned the ancient sword that can only be wielded by someone with a fair heart: Excalibur.
                                              Dream guessed what she was going to do and extended his hand. Lightning came down from the sky and hit the sword and made it dissapear. Raina was terrified.
 Dream:  -There’s nowhere to run…
Dream grabbed Raina and cornered her against a wall of rock and placed his hands on either side of her face. His face was really close to hers and his eyes were locked on hers.
Dream: - Now, where were we? Ah, yes, who are you and how you entered the Dreaming.
Don’t be afraid, I feel it too.
Raina: - I… my name is Raina. I don’t know how I do it, it just happens.
His eyes were locked on hers.
Dream: - You’re telling me the truth. I will not forget this.
Raina: - I will never lie to you.
Dream: - Have you any idea of the things I can do to you for entering the Dreaming without permission?
Raina: - Oh yes? What will you do? Send me a nightmare every night to remind me that I couldn’t save the one I love? That has already been happening for the past six monts.... Or no, even  better! You’ll send me to hell! I’ve been living in hell every single day since he’s gone. Except when I come here. You cannot make me feel any more pain than I already have.
Raina pushed Dream aside and started walking away. But then...
Raina: - You weren’t here before. Who are you?
Dream: - I am Morpheus, Dream of the Endless.
Raina: - Morpheus? The Lord of Dreams?
Dream: - Yes
Raina: - You built this place…
She was looking at him in awe, unable to grasp what kind of being he was, when suddenly the ground shook.
Raina: -  Do you know what that is?
Dream: - Yes
Raina: - The NOTHING! RUN!
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She took his hand and they headed to the throne room. Raina looked up at the sky and saw the nothing devouring the stars.
Raina: - Do something!
Dream: - I can’t! I am prisoner in a magical prison! If you want to save the Dreaming you will have to save me!
Raina: - How? Tell me!
Dream: - Destroy my prison!
Raina: - Where are you?
Dream: - In Burgess Manor!
 The ground on which Raina stood cracked open and she fell into darkness…
Raina woke up on her bed filled with sadness.
Raina: - The Dreaming…. Burgess Manor.
She rose from her bed, it was four in the morning. She turned on her computer and browsed “Burgess Manor”. There it was, and there was a sign of “guards wanted”.
She had an idea.
Ten o’clock in the morning, Raina stood in front of Burgesse’s manor front door wearing her Security Guard costume and her fake curriculum vitae on her hands.
She knocked on the front door and waited for it to be opened. The butler welcomed her and showed her in.
Alex read her impressive curriculum and hired her to be Dream’s new guard.
He took her to the basement and showed the naked prisoner to her. Dream and Raina crossed glances but neither said anything. Dream’s glee and anticipation could be seen in his eyes.
Alex warned Raina not to touch the magical circle. Raina gave him a Yes, sir! And Alex went to sleep upstairs.
Apart from her there two other guards with whom she chatted amiably.
At the hour of the wolf, the two guards were bored. She offered to bring them a drink and they accepted.
Raina poured three glasses of Coke and poured the sleeping powder she had brought with her on two of them. She went down the stairs to the basement and took the glass she knew had no powder. The guards drank the Coke and ten minutes later they were deeply asleep.
She took off her shoes and went straight to the magic circle. She erased a part of it and grabbed one of the guards weapons. She shot the crystal prison five times and shattered a part of it. Blue light came from inside it and Dream came out from it. Dream was free.
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            He was completely naked, but she didn’t notice. She smiled with joy but at the same time a sense of dread filled her heart. Would he punish her for entering the Dreaming without permission? Would he take out his anger on her?
Dream stood in front of her looking in her eyes.
Dream: - After a hundred years of imprisonment, you extend your hand in friendship to me. What reward do you want for the immense favour you’ve done to me?
Raina: - Reward?
Dream: - Yes
Raina: - You’re not going to send me to hell?
Dream: - I could never do anything to hurt you.
Raina started thinking and came up with an idea. But it was impossible.
Raina: - Something impossible. It can’t be done.
Dream: - What would it be?
Raina: - One more day with my husband. To properly say goodbye.
Dream’s face approached hers.
Dream: - Granted
He opened his hand and golden sand engulfed Raina. She passed out and Dream carried her bridal style to the portal and both of them appeared on the Dreaming. Raina was sleeping…They reached the outer doors of the Dreaming which opened and Dream was greeted by Lucienne.
Dream laid Raina down on his bed and told Lucienne he had to punish his captors. He asked her to make sure that nobody disturbed Raina. He went to Burgess Manor and punished Alex with eternal sleep.
He came back to the Dreaming and entered Raina’s fantasy.
Raina and Jack were having breakfast. Morpheus watched everything but had decided not to intervene.
Raina and Jack spent the day together as they had for so long. They had lunch, ate chocolate mousse, watched their favourite movie and went to the park.
Raina made dinner and then they made love. Dream felt a pang of jealousy and couldn’t watch.
Raina tucked him in and they went to sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night and when she checked the other side of the bed he was gone. She sat in bed with her legs crossed and started crying copiously. She had lost him again.
She was still crying when Dream spoke.
Dream: - I’m sorry
Raina was startled. She got up from bed and approached Dream. She placed her hand on his face and looked at him.
Raina: - Don’t be. You’ve done the impossible. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be with him one last time.
Dream was about to cry, he had never known such a generous person.
Raina and Dream locked eyes and she held him tight. Dream held her too and placed his head on her shoulder. What was happening to him?
Raina started crying again and Dream couldn’t stand it. When she stopped her eyes were red. She looked Dream in the eye and told him:
Raina: - I cannot ever repay you. I cannot thank you enough… What happened to the Dreaming? Did the Nothing?...
Dream: - you can see for yourself.
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   He took her hand and took her to the throne room. It was in ruins.
Raina felt a sadness she could not explain.
They reached the center of the throne room and Dream tried to repair it, to no avail.
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   The stones started floating in the air but the effort was too great for Dream.
Raina felt so sad she was about to cry again. She looked at Morpheus and an idea occurred to her.
Raina: - They say that in dreams you can be whatever you want. She closed her eyes and the Moon Goddess attire covered her body once again.                           
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  She opened her eyes and smiled at Dream. She knelt beside a wall and touched it. She closed her eyes and white light started coming out from her. The stones started floating in the air and they started placing themselves on their place. But this effort was too great for Raina as well. Half of the throne room was rebuilt but the other half was rubble. Raina started feeling weak and Dream caught her just in time.
Raina: - I can’t.
Dream: - How did you do that?
Raina: - I don’t know
The mystery surrounding Raina was getting on his nerves. He wanted to know really badly.
Raina: - What are we going to do?
Dream: - I have to recover my artifacts. Will you help me?
Raina: - Anything you need.
And for the first time in a hundred years, Dream smiled.
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                                Dream didn’t know where his artifacts were, so he summoned The Fates to ask for their help. Raina stood away from him, she didn’t want to interfere.
Hecate, the one-who-is-three answered Dream’s three questions. But before leaving, they turned to Raina. They approached her slowly, smiling.
Hecate: - Look, sisters, he brought a friend. Hello child, how are you?
Raina: - Greeting your Majesties. The one-who-is-three.
Hecate: - Good gracious, you don’t know who you are!
You will find out soon enough. Do not leave him, no matter the cost. You are fated to each other. We’ll meet again, Child of the Moon!
Hecate disappeared. Raina repeated to herself: Child of the Moon…                                   
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  Dream and Raina and Mathew the raven went to hell. A demon showed the way. As they approached the door of damnation, Dream encountered the soul of his former lover Nada. She asked him to free her but he said he hadn’t forgiven her. As Raina passed the place were Nada was, she looked at her. Nada took her hand and begged her to make Dream forgive her. Raina said she would try.
Lucifer and Dream battled, playing an ancient game. Lucifer declared she was a bacteria. Fream chose to be a world, life giver, Mountains, lake and forest. Life…
Lucifer was a nova, world destroyer, life consumer, fire… and blood.
Dream tried to shield his face with his arm but the nov burned him badly. Raina began to feel anguished.  The world was consumed by the flames and Dream fell to the ground,  eyes closed. He took a moment to recover but couldn’t move. He looked at Lucifer from the ground and said:
Dream: - I am… a universe. Life encompassing, light and darkness intertwined. The power..of creation… in all its glory…
Lucifer remained silent for a moment and then…
Lucifer: - I am… anti-life.
Dream didn’t know how to counter this. He was laying on the floor, pale and weak. Raina was desperate, he couldn’t lose. She sat on the floor beside him and placed his head on her lap.
Lucifer: - The game is over
Raina: - No! Please Your Majesty, one minute.
Dream! Dream! Don’t give up! Dreams don’t die!
Dream: - I cannot beat her Raina. What can counter anti-life?
Raina: - Anti-life…
She started thinking hard, trying to find the answer.
Lucifer: - Your time is about to run out.
Raina shook her head. Her eyes went left to right, left to right. Then suddenly, the answer hit her. She stared at Lucifer with a look of triumph on her face.
Raina: - You wanna know what can beat anti-life? The ONE THING not even YOU CAN DESTROY!
She started whispering secret words on Dream’s ear until he got up and faced Lucifer.
Dream: - I am, HOPE.
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                                   A beautiful yellow light shone through the window and Lucifer recognized her defeat. She told one of her demons to return Dream’s helmet and Matthew, Dream and Raina returned to the Dreaming. With the helmet back on his possession he could repair another portion of the castle.
 The leather pouch with magical sand was in the hands of Johanna Constantine’s former lover. The sand was not made for humans and it killed the woman little by little. Dream recovered the sand and granted the woman a peaceful death. Johanna thanked him and left. The most difficult part was about to begin.
John Dee had Dream’s ruby, the magical stone that makes dreams come true. He had been imprisoned on a psychiatric facility for ages.
When he finally broke free, he was hellbent on creating a world without what he perceived as lies. Dreams were included in this category as well.
Morpheus found John Dee in a restaurant, torturing its guests and employees and using the ruby to induce them to give up their dreams and commit suicide.
John Dee called Morpheus King of Lies. But Dream counter attacked.
John Dee: - This is the truth of mankind.
Dream: - No. THIS is the truth of mankind.
John: - They’re lying to themselves. All lies.
Dream: - Not lies John. Dreams. /…/ Their dreams inspire them. Their dreams kept them alive. But if you rob them of their dreams, if you take away their hope…then yes, this is the truth of mankind…
John opened a portal into the Dreaming and attacked Dream with the ruby. He said the Dreaming belonged to him now and that he would be the new Dreamlord. The Dreaming started burning. Raina came running and grabbed John’s hands with hers. The white light started engulfing john, but the ruby was too powerful for her. The red light sent her flying in the air and she hit her head on one of the columns.
                 Dream started feeling the murderous rage he had been trying to control.
John: - Your kingdom is mine now!
The red light started consuming Dream.
John: - Your life and your lies end now!
John destroys the ruby…
Everything exploded in white light and then John was standing on the palm of Dream’s hand.
Dream: - Thank you, John.
John: - But I killed you…
Dream: - You destroyed the ruby and released the power inside it. I would have never thought of that. I’d forgotten how much of myself I’d placed in the jewel.
John: - Are you going to kill me?
Dream: - I could. Perhaps I will. But the Dreaming was not made for mortals.  Good night John.
Dream brought John back to the looney bin. He kissed his forehead and bid him good night.
Raina laid unconcious on the Dreaming floor. Dream carried her bridal style to his bed. He couldn’t help but admire the courage she had shown by confronting John.
Dream took her hand and told Lucienne not to worry. He caressed her hair and her face. He kept on holding her hand until she woke up.
Dream had all his power back now. Raina shed a tear of happiness. They raised from bed and hug each other tight. Raina smiled and so did Dream.
Dream: - Ready?
Raina: - Yes
They went into the throne room and with their forces combined restored the Dreaming to its full glory. Raina and Dream couldn’t stop smiling.
Raina took Dream’s hand and ran to the garden. Raina placed her hand on the earth and the garden started blooming. Iridiscent flowers, butterflies and a waterfall illuminated by the moon gave the Dreaming Garden a supernatural aura.
Raina looked up at Dream and took his hands. She intertwined her fingers with his and she placed his other hand on her waist. Her right hand went to his shoulder.
Music that seemed to be sang by angels started sounding in the garden.  They started dancing slowly at first and then faster, describing circles on the floor. He looked at her as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Dream grabbed Raina by the waist and lifted her in the air. She smiled and looked at the stars. They described a few more circles and he lifted her again.
The music went on and Dream encircled her waist with his arms. Raina placed one ofher hands on his neck and the other one on his face. They kept on dancing until the music died. Dreams’s eyes were dark with desire, love and longing for her. He had never wanted something so bad in all his long existence.
He pressed Raina against one of the rocky walls and pressed himself against her. They kissed with such a passion that he breathed with difficulty. They kissed for a while and then he went down on his knees. Raina touched his face and looked down at him. There was a plea in his eyes. He extended his hand and asked:
Dream: - Will you be my queen?
Raina: - I… who was that woman? The one trapped in hell.
Dream: - Her name is Nada, we were lovers 10.000 years ago, but she defied me and I condemned her to hell.
Raina: - What? You condemned someone you loved to hell? What kind of monster are you? Would you do the same thing to me?
Before he could answer she pushed him aside and started running to the throne room.
When she reached it, she summoned Excalibur. Dream got to her in the nick of time, but she was determined to run away from him. She extended her hand and white light started coming out from her. The light was so intense that Dream had to close his eyes. With one swift movement Raina used Excalibur to cut the fabric between the worlds.
When Dream opened his eyes, she was gone, but he knew where she had went. Raina’s words echoed in his head. What kind of monster are you? And indeed, Dream started wondering, if she wasn’t right about him.
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                                    Raina had returned to her home, where she had lived with Jack for so long. But, even though this place had been her whole world once, she felt out of place.
She was washing the dishes with her back to the door when the familiar voice came to her one more time.
Dream: - Why have you returned here?
Raina was startled by his deep voice and didn’t answer for a while. At last, she looked at him and said:
Raina: - This is my home.
Dream: - is it? An old house full of memories of a time that is never going to return.
Raina didn’t say anything, she knew he was right.
He extended his hand but Raina didn’t take it.
Dream: - What can I do to restore your faith in me?
Raina: - Release her.
Dream closed his eyes and a moment later opened them.
Dream: - Done.
Raina: - Are you going to do the same thing to me?
Dream went down on his knees and extended his hand again. His face full of love and longing.
Dream: - You said I’m a monster and it may be so. Can you love a monster?
Raina stared at his extended hand and walked three steps towards him.
Dream: - Do you remember what I told you when we met?
Raina: - That you could never do anything to hurt me.
Dream: - I keep my word. This I promise you.
Raina extended her hand slowly until their fingers intertwined. She pulled him up and they kissed over and over. Dream embraced her and Raina placed her hands on his face. The longing for each other was so great that  they couldn’t think.
                                         WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aDULT CONTENT. eXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT. gRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS. 
 Dream pushed her against the wall and touched her face with his hand. The other hand touched her leg and started going upwards. There was no escape now.
Dream started kissing her neck as the hand on her leg reached the desired spot. He carresed her gently and Raina’s breathing accelerated, just like Dreams’.
He shoved a finger inside and she moaned. His breathing was hard. He had never felt more fascination for anything or anyone. He started moving his finger and she started moaning louder. Then, suddenly, he stopped.
Raina: - What?...
Dream: - I will not take you like this.
He extended his hand once again and asked her:
Dream: - Will you be my queen?
Raina smiled at him and answered:
Raina: - Yes.
She took his hand and they kissed. As they did, he opened the portal. The entered the Dreaming hand in hand and ran to his bedroom. Magical sand removed their clothes and they kissed and carresed each other for a while. Then Dream laid on his bed and extended his hand to her. Raina smile and accepted the invitation.
She sat on top of him and as she did, she grabbed his member with her hand and guided him inside. She opened her legs for deeper pentration and grabbed his shoulders with her hands. She started mobing and he grabbed her hips with his hands. He pushed towards him over and over and they started moaning. She closed her eyes and gave in to the immense pleasure he was giving her. Dream stopped her and half rose. They kissed and then he turned so that she was underneath him. He opened her legs wide and penetratedher hard. He grabbed her hips and started punping inside her. Her eyes closed and with her hands she grabbed the pillows. He started pumping harder and harder and the two moaned loud. She opened her eyes and grabbed his face with her hands. They locked eyes and kept going. He felt he was going to come too soon and stoped. He laid on top of her, the two of them locked in a tender embrace.
Minutes passed and Dream felt his desire inflaming again. He got off the bed and stood behind her. He made her turn her back on him in four legs. He penetrated her alowly, little by little. He then grabbed her hip with one of his hands and with with the other he grabbed her shoulder. He asked her if she was ready and she said yes. He started pumping inside her harder than before and the moans turned to screams. He took everything from her and gave her everything he had. The screams receded giving way to tears. He came inside her with a gasp of absolute pleasure and he stood still. Raina gasped for air for a while. He was about to pull off but Raina said no. She started moving in circles, inflaming his desire one more time. He penetrated her again with all his strenght. He came for the second time inside her, filling her with his seed.
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They were exshausted this time and laid on the bed gasping for air. They slept more peacefully than they had in years and they dreamed that they wore amazing outfits and danced and danced in the garden…
Desire was looking at them dancing trough his/her mirror on the Threshold. He had never seen his older brother smile as Dream was smiling now and his/her red lips spread in a malicious smile.
Desire: - So he has found his fated love. Jjajajajajajaja
             Raina slept peacefully and Dream observed her. The tenderness in his face was incredible.
He instructed Lucienne to look after Raina and went to see his sister Death.  
Dream was feeding the pigeons in a park. Raina made him happier than he had ever been but a lingering sense of emptiness crept in his soul. 
                  Dream was feeding pigeons in a park.
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 Death sat beside him and expressed her concern about him. Dream confided in her this feeling of lacking a purpose. Death told him to accompany her and he observed her doing her work. Death was the kindest of the endless siblings, even though he had the toughest of jobs. Each person she took with her took her hand and she took theirs. In this way, they didn’t feel lonely. Dream realised he had been a fool and remembered there were dreams and nightmares wreaking havoc in the waking world and decided to bring them back to the Dreaming.
 Legend claims that Time and Night created the universe. They had seven children who are known as the Endless.
The seven siblings represent aspects of human experience and each of them has a purpose and a task to perform. The seven siblings are: Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delirium (Delight). They affect human life in many ways and sometimes, they argue with one another.
Legend also claims that the endless aren’t the only creatures who affect human life. Magic comes to those who believe in it.
Eons ago, Moon Goddess and Sun God fell in love with one another. Moon Goddess is the embodiment of light, magic, the uncanny, sorcery and guidance. Sun God is heat, power, life and destruction.
                                                              They were happy for eons but Sun God’s fiery temper led him, as they argued, to direct harsh words at her. He told her she was nothing without him and that she couldn’t shine on her own.
Moon Goddess answered “we’ll see”, got on her silver chariot and dissapeared into the night.
After brooding for a while, Sun God realised the bad mistake he had made and started looking for Moon in the night, but she was always a step ahead.
The legend says that whenever there’s an eclipse, Moon and Sun fall in love again and they conceive a new child. And legend also claims that one day the youngest of Moon daughters will harness a power so immense that not even the Fates will be able to stand against her. But this is just a legend, you can believe it or not.
  As Dream spent time with Death, Raina tended the Dreaming garden. She was watering the rhododendrons but suddenly she felt someone was observing her. She turned around and there he was. A tall, handsome man elegantly attired with sunglasses covering his eyes. Raina didn’t know why but something told her she should be aware of him.
Corinthian: - So, the new queen of the Dreaming. Greetings your majesty.
He gave her an appreciative look from head to toes and Raina felt disgusted.
Corinthian: - I have to say Morpheus is a lucky bastard. I wonder what you did to him to take his life by storm.
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  Corinthian: Are you afraid Child of the Moon?
Suddenly, the Corinthian summoned a dagger. Raina summoned Excalibur and the fight began. Raina tried her best but he was too cunning. He cut the hand that was holding Excalibur and the sword fell to the ground. He grabbed Raina’s arms and made her show her back to him. He hit her on the neck with all his might and she passed out. The Corinthian grabbed her and opened the portal into the waking world.
They arribed in a luxurious hotel where the Ceeereal Convention ( a gathering of serial killers to “share their experiences).
Raina’s hands were tied with a rope that hung from the ceiling so that She was suspended.
The Corinthian approached her and lightly carred ser golden hair.
Corinthian: - I’m sorry. I have nothing personal agains you. But I’m going to enjoy seeing his heart shatter as you die, knowing he couldn’t save you.
 Dream came back to the Dreaming with an uplifted heart. But as he entered the throne room he knew something was wrong.
Dream: - Where’s Raina?
Lucienne: - She has dissapeared Lord. We Can’t find her.
Dream closed  his eyes and started searching the realm for some sign. His mind went to the garden and he felt it.
Dream: - There has been a disturbance.
He ran to the garden and with his hands started feeling the fabric that seprates the worlds. He found the place whaere the portal had opened and opened another one.
He landed on the hotel conference room whaere Raina was held. He walked towards her but the Corinthian stopped him.
Corinthian: Not so fast boss.
Dream: I’m going to make you dissapear. No one will remember you when I’m done.
Corinthian: - Oh, yes? I’d love to see you try.
Corinthian grabbed Raina’s leg and sunk his dagger in it.
Raina woke up with a scream of pain. Morpheus walked towards them but two men grabbed him and put magical shackles on his hands that can hold even and Endless. They brought him to his knees.
Dream: - Corinthian, why are you doing this?
Corinthian: - Maybe I want what you have. Maybe, I want to believed in!
Corinthian summoned a supernatural spear that could even kill the endless . The attendants entered the room and filled it complete.
The Corinthian addressed the crowd and announced that today, dreams would die. The crowd cheered.
Corinthian turned to Dream and smiled.
WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!! EXPLICIT VIOLENCE AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Corinthian: - I’m going to enjoy seeing your heart shatter as she dies and then I will kill you too.
Corinthian turned to Raina. She was trying to undo the knot on the ropes but it was too tight. The Corinthian pointed the spear at her and penetrated her body with it just under her heart.
Raina: - Ah!
Raina garped in pain but the torture was not over. The Corinthian turned the spear forming circles until the spear went out thrugh Raina’s back. Her scream of pain delighted the audience. Dream was trying to brake the shackles but it was useless. With a swift movement of his hand, Corinthian released raina who fell hard on the ground.  Dream was going to explode of anger.
Corinthian turned his back on Raina to face Dream. Raina breathed with difficulty, her eyes closed. She opened them and Dream’s connected with hers. She grabbed the spear and drew it out of her body. With great effort she got up, one hand in the wound which was pouring blood.
Corinthian looked at her with a little admiration.
Corinthian: - You still wanna fight? Ja! So…weak, so…vulnerable.
Raina: - You’re the weak one and you will never know love or friendship and I feel sorry for you.
Raina closed her eyes and pictured an image of the moon in her mind. She whispered a prayer to her mother.
Raina: - Mother, please, give me the strenght.
She didn’t know if she could do it in the waking world, but she had to try. At first nothing happened but then a white eight-pointed star floated above her chest. The star started getting bigger and brighter and Dream closed his eyes for he knew what was coming. Corinthian tried to attack Raina but it was too late, white light came out from Raina and it grew stronger and stronger until it exploded in a huge explosion of white light. Corinthian passed out and Dream’s shackles dissapeared.
The light dissapeared and raina fell to the ground. Dream hurried beside her and opened the portal.
He laid her on the throne room’s floor and covered her wound with his hand.  Raina moaned as the wound healed. When Dream finished, there was no sign of wound or blood but the danher wasn’t over, she had lost too much blood.
Dream: - Lucieeennneeeeee
Lucienne was carrying the instruments for a trans fusion. Dream gave her his endless blood and her breathing started normalizing.  He laid her down on his bed and started for the throne room, anger boiling up inside him.
Corinthian was still uncouncious and when he woke up he saw Dream looking at him, his face dark with vengeance.
Dream: - You dissapoint me Corinthian. You and these humans you’ve inspired and created dissapoint me.
Corinthian: - I’ve done my best to be what you’ve made me.
Dream: - No, you’ve done your worst. Which was in so many ways what I had hoped. You were my masterpiece. A dark mirror made to reflect everything humanity would not confront.
Corinthian: - That’s what I am. That’s what I’ve done.
Dream: - No, look at you, walking the Earth for over a century infecting others with your joy of death but what have you given them? What have you wrought? Nothing! Just something else for people to be afraid of, nothing more.
Corinthian: - So what now? Are you gonnakill me?
Dream: - No, way worse.
Dream extended his hand and Corinthian started dissapearing. Dream sent him to the Nightmare cells of the Dreaming, condemning him to be assaulted by his own fears day and night.
Dream turned to the audience.
Dream: - And you, you call yourselves “collectors”. Until now you have sustained fantasies in which you are the victims. Conforting daydreams in which you are always right. But no more. The dream is over. I have taken it way for this is my judgement upon you, that you shall know from this moment on exactly how craven and selfish and monstruous you are.
That you shall feel the pain of those you have slaughtered. And the grief of those that mourn them still and you shall carry that pain and grief and guilt with you until the end of time.
Dream left the hotel and returned to his bed. He held Raina tight trying to shake off the horror of almost losing her…
 It was many and many a year ago, in a kingdom by the sea that Caliope, daughter of Zeus and muse of poetry met the Dream lord. They fell madly in love and got married. From their union, Orpheus was born. For twenty years, Dream was happy, but his child, now a man, fell in love with Euridice. The day of their wedding, Euridice was bit by a snake and died.
Orpheus sank into deep depression but when he recovered he decided to descend to the Hades to recover his beloved.
Dream and Caliope tried to convince him not to go but it was useless. He descended to the Hades and almost recovered Euridice, but he turned around in the last minute and she returned to hell.
Caliope blamed dream for what had happened to Orpheus and they broke up.
Demons from the abyss ripped his body to pieces, but miracolously enough, his head remained alive.
Present day
Caliope had been imprisoned for sixty years in the house of a writer who raped her everytime he needed inspiration.
She summoned the Fates but they couldn’t release her. She played her last card: she wrote the name Oneiros in a piece of paper and cast it into the fire. She closed her eyes and said a prayer.
Dream appeared in her room. Caliope looked at him in wonder and said:
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Caliope: - You came.
Dream: - You called. After all this years I… Let me help you.
Caliope: - You can’t free me Oneiros. Could you… inspire him to free me?
Dream: - I will do that and more.
Caliope: - What are you going to do to him?
 Dream condemned Caliope’s captor to have too many ideas at a time and feel Caliope’s pain in his own flesh.
The writer opened the door of her room and freed her. Dream condemned him to not have one single idea for the rest of his life.
Caliope thanked Dream and asked him if she could visit him in the Dreaming to grieve their son properly.
Dream said the Dreaming had a new queen and Caliope understood. She kissed his cheek and walked away. Dream stopped her and told her he had the suspicion their son was alive. She said she’d contact the Fates and walked away.
He came back to the Dreaming and told Raina the truth. She felt a pang of jealousy but then understood.  She had to accept that, even though they didn’t love each other anymore, Caliope would always be part of his life.
The Fates told Caliope that Orpheuse’s head resided in the isle of ithaca. Morpheus and Caliope went together and Raina stayed behind. This was something he needed to do on his own.
Dream asked orpheus wht was his heart’s desire and Orpheus said he wanted to die. Dream gave him a boon of death and Orpheus used it.
Dream had “killed” a human who had blood of the endless running through his veins. This amounted to a mortal sin. Caliope said goodbye and they never saw each other again.
Dream came back to the Dreaming and found the Fates destroying it. He told them to stop and offered his life in exchange. Raina was stopped by a magical barrier that prevented her from reaching Dream. She placed her hands on the barrier and summoned as much power as she could. She shattered the barrier just when the Fates were about to stab Morpheus with three spears made of fire. Raina pushed Dream aside and he fell to the ground. Raina extended her hand and the spears froze in the air. With one movement of her hand she made them fall to the ground.
Raina: - You… you dare threaten my realm and my beloved. I will kill you if you touch him!
Hecate: - You dare confront your own blood, Child of the moon?
Raina: - Yes I do! Begone! Leave and never come back!
Raina  looked up and saw the moon shining down on her. She started shining as powerfully as she never had before. A stormy wind started blowing pushing the Fates backwards. The light became so intense that the throne room was engulfed by it.
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  Hecate: - aaaaaahhhhhh
An gigantic image of the moon appeared on the throne room and when the light went down, the Fates were gone. Raina and dream were safe, but this wasn’t over yet.
Dream couldn’t believe what raina had done. No one had ever loved him like her.
She helped him get up and they embraced for a long while. Afterwards, he opened the portal and came out in a dark beach.
The Fates appeared and Raina stood in front of Dream, shielding him.
The first of the tree spoke first.
Hecate: - Raina… you have finally discovered who you are. Your power is truly a force to be reckoned with.
Hecate 2: - Your mother must be really proud child.
Raina: - You’re not going to punish  me?
Hecate 3: - No, child, you were just protecting what is rightfully yours. Love is not a sin child, it never was and it never will be.
Dream: - What about me?
Hecate: - You commited a mortal sin but by a selfless act as offering your life in exchange for the realm of dreams, you have attoned for it. You’re both forgiven, goodbye.
  Raina and Dream were in the garden, trying to assimilate what had happened.
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After a long time, Raina stood up. She went to flowery bushes and smelled the jasmins. Then, she walked away a few steps and suddenly white wings sprouted from her back. She looked at him with a playful and mischevious smile on her face and:
Raina: - Catch me if you can!
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She started running through the garden and flapped her wings as she did so. She jumped and flapped her wings harder, leaving the ground. Dream smiled and conjured up wings as well and followed her into the nightsky but raina had a little advantage. She went up and up in the sky and Dream followed her close behind. She described a semi circle and flew downwards. Little stars came out from her hands and where they landed they transformed into flowers, butterflies and the garden grew ever more beautiful.
She started flying faster and faster until she reached the montainous area.
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She formed a bubble of lightning with her hands and from them a phoenix bird was born, then a white dragon, then a mermaid, then a dark faerie then a unicorn.
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Each creature flew away and took up residence where they saw fit.   
She touched the surface of the lake with her hand and then flew higher than the mountains. She flew high into the sky and stopped to thank her mother for what she had done for her.
She closed her eyes, suspended in the air and said in a silent prayer:
Raina: - Than you mother, for everything, for fating me to meet him. Thank you. She looked at the moon and Moon Goddess smiled at her.
Dream took advantage of this moment of distraction and grabbed Raina by the waist. His face looking up at her. She placed her hands on his beautiful face and both of them smiled. The sunset clouds engulfed them and when they exploded Raina and Dream were in the same embrace but their clothes had changed. She wore a white and silver dress with no sleeves, flowing around her in the sky. Dream wore a t-shirt, trousers, shoes and his flowing coat but everything was white. They kissed and smiled and then landed at the entrance of the forest. Before they went in, Raina grabbed Dream’s hand and placed it on her belly. She smiled at him and Dream smiled knowingly. They were going to be more than two soon. Then Raina took Dreams hand and they walked away through the forest into the starry night…
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nataventures · 2 years
[ LAOS - Muang Ngoi Neua ]
Mardi 18 octobre : Muang Ngoi
Le matin, je prends le bateau avec Greg (avec qui j'ai partagé le trek), Laura et Simon (rencontrés la veille). Les bateaux sont des pirogues dans lesquels ils ont mis des sièges de bus pour plus de confort! Original et ingénieux! Nous arrivons à Muang Ngoi, ce tout petit village en bord de Mékong ! Je n'avais pas réservé de chambre, ici, les gens disent qu'il vaut mieux aller sur place, c'est souvent moins cher que par Booking. A l'arrivée, plusieurs personnes sont postées pour guetter les clients. Je vais dans la première guesthouse a côté du port, un vieux petit monsieur nommé Saylom, qui tient cet établissement avec sa femme. La chambre vue Mékong, tout est propre, moustiquaire, ventilateur... Pour la modique somme de 4€. Un café allongé a Paris. Je demande même un hamac et Saylom grimpe sur le balcon pour m'en accrocher un! Dans ma tête, je prie très fort pour qu'il ne bascule pas dans le vide et je culpabilise un peu de lui avoir demandé !
On déjeune chez Penny, une laotienne qui tient un resto et une guesthouse avec son mari Gabriel, un suédois (enfin un couple mixte du même âge! Il faut dire qu'ici, une quantité de français se marient avec des nanas de 30 ans de moins et ont des gamins a 65 balais. Ça me dégoûte vraiment. Sans aucune jugement ! 😅).
Nous trainons au resto, Penny convainc Laura et Simon de rester une nuit de plus puis nous nous lançons dans l'ascension pour le Viewpoint Phanoi. Sportif mais court! Des bambous en guise de barrière, parfois des cordes pour aider à l'ascension tellement les "marches" ou les rochers sont peu accessibles. Ici le soleil se couche à 17h50 et il fait nuit noire a 18h15. Nous descendons dans le noir en mode expédition !
Le soir, nous mangeons... Chez Penny!
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elviramor · 1 month
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"Artistas en Producción" es un proyecto del Estudio Figueroa-Vives en colaboración con Estudio Nave Oporto (Madrid) y Estudio 50 y con el apoyo de la Real Embajada de Noruega en Cuba y la Consejería Cultural de la Embajada de España en Cuba. Inauguración: sábado 26 de noviembre 2022, 8:00 pm Estudio 50. Calle Lugareño esq. a Almendares, Plaza, La Habana, Cuba "Tres estudios de arte, se han aliado en el empeño de compartir lo que tienen en común. No se trata de una exposición de arte al uso, sino de ponderar el disfrute de hacer arte y vivir de conjunto los procesos que le anteceden. De ahí su propio título, que alude a la recuperación de la práctica colaborativa, al entrenamiento de pensar en colectivo, a la dinámica del taller, el exponerte al riesgo de trabajar fuera de tu espacio de confort. En fin, el elogio al proceso. Todas las obras han sido concebidas o adaptadas expresamente para este proyecto y son el resultado de pensar el espacio de Estudio 50, sus características arquitectónicas e históricas. En su gran mayoría se nutren del reciclaje de objetos, maquinarias y materiales heredados de la antigua fábrica. Ninguna de las obras llega al espacio concluida, sino se construye in situ, remodelándose, reacondicionándose o creando sus contenidos a partir del propio espacio. Artistas en Producción es un taller, un proceso y una experiencia de vida." Artistas invitados: •Elvira Amor (España) •Irma Álvarez-Laviada (España) •Alejandro Campins (Cuba) •Nicolás Combarro (España) •Ariamna Contino (Cuba) •Humberto Díaz (Cuba) •FOD (España) •Miguel Fructuoso (España) •Lorena Gutiérrez (Cuba) •Miki Leal (España) •Ernesto Leal (Cuba) •Jacqueline Maggi (USA-Cuba) •Sonia Navarro (España) •Fernando Rodríguez Falcón (Cuba) •Beatriz Ruibal (España) •Miguel Ángel Tornero (España) •Santiago Ydáñez (España) • Francisco Alejandro Vives (Cuba) Curaduría y textos: Cristina Vives
Producción general: Melissa Rubio Cristina Figueroa Coordinación Nave Oporto: María Tolmos Diseño: Laura Llópiz
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SAMEDI 20 JUILLET 2024 (Billet 2 / 3)
Que vaut le « Pathé-Palace », cinéma de luxe à 25 euros la séance ?
Source : « telerama.fr »
Après cinq ans de fermeture pour travaux, l’établissement a rouvert en ce mois de juillet. Métamorphosé en un cinéma de grand standing, le Pathé-Palace promet une expérience de visionnage inédite… et onéreuse. On a testé.
Jamais un cinéma n’avait proposé des tarifs aussi démesurés ! Au Pathé-Palace, magnifique bâtiment haussmannien situé à l’angle du boulevard des Capucines et de la rue de la Chaussée-d’Antin (Paris 9e), le billet coûte 25 € avec, à la clé, la promesse d’une séance unique. Que justifie un tel prix ? Le cinéma, qui ouvre enfin après cinq années de travaux, se targue de proposer un service de luxe, avec des vestiaires, une conciergerie, un bar et la possibilité de se faire servir ses confiseries directement en salle. Dans les sept salles, dont la plus spacieuse (431 places), les sièges ont été conçus pour offrir un confort optimal : doubles accoudoirs pour certains, revêtement de cuir pour d’autres, fonction inclinable pour d’autres encore.
Nous y sommes donc allés, pour visionner « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo », un soir de semaine pluvieux. La superproduction est à l’affiche au milieu d’une programmation « à dominante généraliste et familiale », comme l’indique Pathé Cinémas.
L’appellation de Palaceévoque le velours rouge, les balustrades ornées et les lustres. Mais l’ancien Gaumont Opéra n’offre pas d’emblée cette vision puisque l’entrée et les étages sont plutôt dépouillés. Néanmoins, on peut admirer la belle verrière végétalisée qui en impose dans le hall et les escaliers de marbre pensés par l’architecte italien Renzo Piano. Bluffants également, les luminaires d’inspiration Art déco du bar, à l’étage, imaginé par le décorateur Jacques Grange. Mais plus généralement, la décoration tend davantage vers le minimalisme que vers le faste.
Il est 21 heures et dans le hall d’un blanc immaculé, les portiers accueillent les visiteurs, qui – en pleine semaine de réouverture – n’affluent pas tant que ça. Le film est projeté dans la plus grande salle. Sur 431 places, à peine une cinquantaine est occupée. Les lumières s’éteignent, le film peut commencer. La qualité visuelle est au rendez-vous. L’écran de 18m de large offre une définition à la pointe. Le son est d’une limpidité totale. Mais plus qu’ailleurs ? Rien n’est moins sûr.
Les spectateurs sont, d’ailleurs, plutôt dubitatifs. « L’écran n’est pas mal, pour autant je ne sais pas si je reviendrais », commente Laura, 34 ans, cadre bancaire. « Le cinéma est beau, le son et l’écran sont dingues, mais ça existe déjà au Pathé-Beaugrenelle et au Pathé-Montparnasse », ajoute Édouard, 43 ans, qui travaille dans le secteur de la finance. Certes, le Pathé-Palace offre un visionnage de qualité, mais le tarif suppose une séance exceptionnelle, or, celle-ci semble presque ordinaire. « Je n’y retournerai pas, c’est catégorique », conclut Olivier, 63 ans, consultant dans le secteur de l’énergie, qui trouve le prix exagéré par rapport au service proposé.
D’ailleurs, ce tarif est valable pour tout le monde, même les abonnés au Pass illimité Pathé-Gaumont qui s’offusquent sur X (anciennement Twitter), car leur carte ne leur permet pas d’accéder au cinéma du boulevard des Capucines. Seuls les moins de 14 ans paient un tarif réduit (9,50 €). De quoi en agacer plus d’un…
Finalement, cette virée au Pathé-Palace se révèle plutôt décevante. La séance n’est pas foncièrement plus qualitative que dans un autre grand cinéma. Les services annexes, qui pourraient justifier le prix, semblent superflus. Pour quelques heures en salle, un bar, une conciergerie et un vestiaire sont-ils vraiment indispensables ? D’autant que le parking et le bar ne sont pas compris dans le prix.
En France, le tarif moyen d’une séance en 2023 s’établit à 7,20 € d’après le CNC. Avec le sien, à 25 €, le Pathé-Palace fait un pari risqué, en période de crise où l’affluence en salles est en baisse.Parviendra-t-il tout de même à trouver son public ? En tout cas, en matière de démocratisation de la culture, on repassera.
Après avoir lu cet article, nous n’irons jamais voir un film dans cette salle !
Une petite suggestion à faire si par hasard un des dirigeants de Pathé nous lisait : nous serions prêts au contraire à payer un peu plus cher notre place de cinéma pour pouvoir choisir une salle où les pop-corn sont interdits !
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aguavivaguamorta · 8 months
20 de junho Sonhei que uma menina que era filha de uns pais que iam morar em outro país ficava falando que só comia até certo horário de horário de pico.
21 de junho sonhei que provava vestidos lindos de festa e eles eram verdes. Sonhei que tinha um cara que me perseguia e queria me matar, tinham pessoas que apoiavam ele, ele tinha fotos minhas como se tivesse rackeado meu Google.
24 de junho tinha que descobrir certas coisas de investigação do caso de um car que era obcecado por mim
25 de junho eu andava por lugares e teve uma parte que vi minhas coisas separadas, depois peguei carona com alguém e tomei uma "bala", tava indo mto rápido, vi umas cachoeiras
26 de junho sonhei com uma alguém mto parecida comigo que tinha olhos roxos
27 de junho sonhei com casas e quartos grandes com vistas bonitas, sonhei que eram repúblicas, só tinha o Bruno em um quarto gigante, uma pessoa era amiga dele e o visitava, ela era loira e tinha acabado de sair do banho, colocou um vestido que mostrava um pouco do seu colo e foi embora dizendo que ia voltar amanhã. Eu encontrei a Yulla
30 de junho. Tinha uma roda gigante na igreja de Mogi. Eu fiz uma música. Meu pai e minha mãe iam pegar um Pit Bull pra ficar em casa.
1 de julho. Sonhei que andava com o Vitor. Levei meus pais e meus irmãos pra comer num restaurante bem chique, era uma Trattoria e pedimos lasanha, também fui no banheiro em que tinha paredes desenhadas verdes. Sonhei que ia num museu e vendia várias fotos da Laura.
Eu ligava para o Vitor comer com a gente, mas ele não aparecia.
2 de julho. Tive um pesadelo, não parava de gritar, supostamente alguém que era meu irmão fez um pix do meu celular enquanto eu dormia com a minha digital de 5k. Eu fumei muito nesse sonho, até na frente da minha mãe, estava em um quarto com janelas longas, tinha uma garota comigo uma hora e eu usei uma escova de cabelo dela e tinha estragado ela, vi vários pedaços pequenos de cabelo. Fui com ela ao mercado pra comprar outro pra ela, comprei uns doces e outras coisas pra comer numa festa. Estava nessa festa e tinham pessoas brincando de esconde esconde, inclusive adultos, tinha uma mesa de DJ que ninguém a comandava, as vezes ia lá tocar. Fui pra Mairiporã e avisei que ia ficar sem internet na hora que consegui entrar com um ingresso que não estava no meu nome e também não era por QR code.
3 de julho. Sonhei que estava andando na rua do parque da água branca pra ir pra casa, eu ia sair com alguém pro Villa lobos. Sonhei que encontrava várias pessoas que eu conhecia e elas eram alternativas e me tratavam bem, mas eu não as via sempre, conversava de vez em quando. Parava em bancas, vi shows de reggae, foi um sonho muito estranho.
4 de julho. Estava numa espécie de prédio em que tinha aula, caminhava pelos arredores, uma mulher deixou eu lavar meu cabelo na pia do estabelecimento dela e isso me confortou pq estava muito calor.
5 de julho. Precisava cuidar de uns animais, tinham 3 ras que precisavam de alimento, uns peixes, eu corria atrás delas pq eu tirei elas do lugar que estavam, eu tinha que lavar 3 uniformes de uma criança também que não ficava exatamente limpa. Eu chamei o Bruno pra dar uma volta e ele conseguiu ficar uns minutos comigo. Tinha voltado para o Instagram e o Marcelo me mandou mensagem perguntando oq eu fiz durante esse tempo.
6 de julho. Sonhei que não podia confiar em ninguém, não lembro muito bem oq acontecia, mas aconteceu muita coisa, tinham muitas pessoas, tudo parecia confuso.
23 de julho. Eu sonhei que eu tinha uma banda. Acho que havia uma menina que estava comigo, a gente saia. Sonhei que acampava e tinha colchão inflável.
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