#Quest Helper
asinasura · 3 months
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finally got all achievements,,,,, uuahhhhhggghhhhh
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unofskylanderspages · 3 months
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Rampage is Pop Fizz's unique quest in Skylanders: Giants. It requires him to do 200 HP of damage in a single run in Beast Form.
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vaugarde · 1 year
me thinking up all these story events and dynamics in my kirbyverse as if i’ll actually write any of them
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
thinking about rewriting 3 just makes me really wanna get to rewriting it already, there's so much to work with there n it'll be v fun i think.
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
Something I've noticed about the commissions in Sumeru, especially after the archon quest is that there is a lot of back and forth between Sumeru city and Aaru village. Like getting supplies sent over to Aaru village or medicines etc. and it made me think about how Nahida would more than likely ask that Tetsuya do such things as well since the divide between the desert and the forested areas and their people is something Nahida really wants to fix and mend. She'd really like to provide support for them and let them know that she's also looking out for them. But she's always busy and though wise she's still fairly new to being an archon so on things she can't handle herself personally that's where Tetsuya would come in for sure.
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dewydd · 2 years
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so the studium quests are fun
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bloodakoos · 2 years
can you believe a 8 hour terraria session is only good for 35 fishing quests
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tartaglialiker · 2 years
No worries on sounding bitter; I understand! The 3 perfectly done Tsarevitch commissions unlock Victors daily, which on first completion gives you the world quest that you want. You can’t get Victors daily for the first time unless you complete “reliable helper” perfectly in all requests, which is ass but doable, and takes ages. If you’re stressed like I was, ask a friend for help and write which you do when you complete them. I hunt achievements so that’s how I know, and I got the world quest that way. Hope that clears things up! Good luck. ^^
this isn’t true and you know how i know?
bc i just got the commission finally :)
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moonsaver · 4 months
Hmm.. what if sunday only opens up to those close to robin?
As the spokesperson for The Family, he's under a great deal of pressure and oversees a multitude of things, so naturally he's a bit sly, and doesn't keep anyone close. His sister is his only "companion"/friend who he keeps by, and as per the quest she left when she got older, so sunday would have become more and more lonelier.
So.. imagine being one of the backstage helpers for Robin's shows, maybe helping out as a staff member at penacony in preparation for the Charmony festival, or really just about any other show Robin attends, being tagged along with a few more people as her reliable team. You get close to the superstar by a few conversations, jokes, and a bit of comforting from time to time. Eventually having to travel back to Penacony in time for the Charmony festival, and Sunday seeing you help out his sister so much, being a mutual friend of hers, instead of a worshipping fan.
Naturally she tags you along to certain tasks that sunday assigns, passing a look to her asking if she wanted you to really go with her. Over time, you start tagging along with them both to handle other general matters, and all 3 of you bond. Sunday feels genuinely lighthearted for once, joking around and sharing a laugh, with his sister and you. And he realizes just how much he will miss it, how lonely it will be without his sister. So, although Robin usually relies on Sunday to take care of things that trouble her, for once,Sunday passes an off-comment about how much he'll "miss company". If to cheer him and support him back just a bit, she offers to convince you to stay back, once she has to leave Penacony.
And you get a permanent "vacation" in Penacony. Isnt it exciting? Sunday will personally oversee your day to day affairs, and includes you in meetings, some quite sensitive in their information. He says if you leave, it'll be troublesome to ensure it doesn't.. leak. For the forseeable future, you're positively trapped under his care. Don't worry – he treats his employees well. At least, he'll treat you well. Just tag along to this meetings, sit beside him, and help him with picking out an outfit, perhaps help him understand dreams by telling him some of your own. Don't mind the hand that rests on your shoulder, creeping down your arm, rubbing your elbow gently. It's just a friendly gesture. You've been so sweet to Robin, he's quite pleased you're her friend. Why don't you listen to her and stay here, instead? She'll visit, and you will never feel lonely. Just.. don't bother trying to leave. The room is locked, anyway.
How about both of you test out the new dreamscape he's been carefully crafting? There's no need to go into separate beds, just share one, it'll be more efficient. Hold his hand, he'll help you adjust to the experience, of course.
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maydayaj · 2 months
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RAHHH NARILAMB DOODLES 🔥🔥🔥 (sorry that I disappeared yk how school is-) but yeah I drew these a while ago and thought that they were neat! Yes I ofc added a TV girl reference 🩷💙
Here’s a lil rambling about the Camellia flower that I added (you can ignore this at the bottom-)
but in the game the Camellia flower are usually from what the followers can give you a quest to find or you can just find by yourself in chests or when you destroying camellia bushes. But going into the deeper meaning of the flower, Camellias are thought to represent adoration and devotion in plant symbolism. The name “Camellia” means “helper to the priest” in Latin AND red Camellia represents passion, love romance and desire 👀❤️✨… do with that information as you will🤭! I found this all interesting when I was looking it up so I wanted to share it with you all!
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arisewanekosuki · 10 months
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Lyney x Fem!Reader
It will take a while before I���ll write for Fontaine boys for ‘Traveler’s Little Helper’ (we still wait for more guys and information about them!) But I wanted to write something about Lyney! [ Teyvat , Mondstadt ] Fontaine Archon Quest Act I spoilers:
Aether can’t completely trust Lyney after he learned that he with his sister are part of Fatui. But for some reason you trust them. You weren't even that surprised after hearing that they are from House of the Hearth, it’s like you were more surprised how quickly this information came into daylight. It’s like you already knew, but how? To Aether dismay you still told them that when things clam down you wouldn’t mind if Lyney with his siblings join to your small group for some adventuress. Lyney couldn’t believe it, do you try to deceive him? But looking into your mesmerizing eyes he knows that no, that everything you say is genuine. He couldn’t help but ask, why are you not wary of them? You just smiled with sadness filling your eyes, telling that you know not all people who are part of Fatui are not bad people. You told how you meet one in Inazuma, someone who wanted to live peaceful and simple life, you told about the ones who wanted to be heroes, to help another nation just to be hated, forgotten and abandoned in deeps of Chasm. You told about one who joined the army to gain money so their sibling can follow their dreams. Of course you are aware there are bad people in Teyvat, but everyone has their story. There are people in Fatui that were just unlucky, that were manipulated and deceived.  And you can tell that both Lyney and Lynette genuinely wants to save Fontaine, so there is no reason to you to not trust them. The only person you won't trust is Arlecchino because she is a Harbinger! (Aether looked at you with ‘are you serious?’ face, after all you didn’t mind to invite Childe and Wanderer to the team and even Teapot.) Lyney was speechless, you're such kind and thoughtful person. The first time he saw you in the port, he could tell by your wonderful eyes that you have beautiful soul. After you bid goodbye and went on your separate ways, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. -“Lyney?” his sister asked “It’s unlike you to space-out like this.” -“Ah sorry, I have been thinking about something.” Lyney smiled. -“… More like you were thinking about someone.” She whispered, but her brother didn't hear that. Going back to thinking how nice it would be to travel with you.
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unofskylanderspages · 9 months
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Listed below are Pop Fizz's Basic Quests in Skylanders: Swap Force:
Bad Guy Basher: Defeat 1000 enemies.
Fruit Frontiersman: Eat 15 fruit.
Flawless Challenger: Complete a non-Story Mode level at full health.
True Gladiator: Win 10 PVP matches.
Totally Maxed Out: Reach level 20 and purchase all Upgrades for this Skylander.
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signalhill-if · 1 month
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Signal Hill Update 1.2.0 is Live
...been a while, huh?
After a long hiatus from this project to focus on my schoolwork, I have a whole update for you lovely folks including over 27,500 words of new content.
For new players, Signal Hill is a text-based interactive fiction RPG set in the post-apocalyptic utopia of Signal Hill. After your caravan is ambushed on the way to the city, you're stranded here- penniless. As you try to recover your cargo, you'll meet a cast of morally dubious characters looking to use you for their own benefit and uncover a web of intrigue far vaster than you ever imagined.
In this update...
DRESS UP GAMES (8.5k). As you embark on your quest to become Yvette's little helper, you'll need to do some dirty work for him- but before you can do that, you've got to look the part. Meet up with him at Darling's Boutique to play dress up with a number of cheeky, route-exclusive clothing items to disguise yourself in an underground genderfuck club.
CROSSROADS (7.5k). The local cult leader wants to meet with you- how could you say no? With tensions high, learn about Levi, the beliefs of him and his followers, and the strange living god they follow.
WHISPERING STREETS (8k). You've been tasked with figuring out who stole that precious cargo from the caravan- who shot you. Ask around, push, prod, and put the pieces together to figure out what the word on the street is. Ask the right people, and you might just learn a thing or two about the twisted web of politics going on behind the scenes.
DEBRIEF (3.5k). Collect your thoughts, share your info, and make a plan for what comes next. This scene has two variations, one featuring Doc and one featuring Levi.
Also, look forward to...
New conversations with some fan-favourite NPCs
Four new route-exclusive clothing items for folks working with Yvette
A simple UI option for desktop users
Cover image artwork by @wuntrum | Buy me a coffee? Bug reports can be sent to [email protected]
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apollos-calliope · 4 months
a change of heart - luke castellan x child of iris!reader
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warnings: betrayal scene, heartbreak, injuries, sword-fighting, uncontrollable angst the reader should be gender neutral and this is proofread, but i might’ve made some mistakes! please let me know if there is and i’ll fix it asap
word count: 2k
DISCLAIMER: some of the dialogue from this story is from episode 8 of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series on Disney+. this is because i wanted the reader to feel as if they were experiencing the scene first hand. since i fear the disney conglomerate, this dialogue is highlighted in orange
you stood in between percy and annabeth in the doorway of cabin 14, listening to luke’s explanation of what was going on. as far as you knew, clarisse had stolen the master bolt, percy was accused of it, and poseidon had just surrendered to zeus and called off the war. you had stayed at camp the entire summer to you had learned quickly to not question things that happened in the demigod world, accepting each new piece of information nearly immediately as it came. as a friend and a dedicated helper, you took to offering your help any time luke needed to release stress, whether verbally or physically. over time, your friendship started to evolve into a situationship. instead of quiet nights whispering about your parents’ involvement in your trauma and sparring in the arena until bruises formed across your limbs, it became quiet nights kissing in the empty cabins during the bonfires and pulling each other behind the trees by the wrist. it seemed as if your lips were the only thing that could soothe the permanent wrinkle in between luke’s eyebrows. you could tell something serious was going on, but it was easier to let him brood and offer comfort than to force it out of him. he was the most stubborn man you’d ever met, after all. he began the clarisse slander after the first call with the demigods. you had been distant since then. it was easier to be around him when he was pushed up against a tree with his pretty lips doing something other than talking.
in terms of the quest, it only seemed right to keep the communication flowing smoothly between the young demigods and camp. as head counselor of the iris cabin, it was also your job to give luke access to your mother’s fountain. he took over the role of mentor, probably because of his need to protect annabeth. you didn’t believe that clarisse had stolen the master bolt: in fact, you vehemently denied it. she was one of your closest friends at camp, and you had spent more of the summer with her than any of the others. other than luke, that was.
“an accusation against clarisse-“ luke began, before being promptly interrupted.
“without proof,” annabeth injected, putting a little extra emphasis on each word.
“exactly,” he smiled at his little sister. “without proof, it would have lit this whole place on fire. but now you’re back. i want to tell chiron, but i need it to be private so that we can speak without any of clarisse’s friends noticing.”
“one is present, castellan,”you retorted, nearly hissing at him.
“i’ll keep an eye on clarisse while you’re gone. make sure she isn’t going anywhere.” annabeth gave you a knowing glance, watching your glare soften when you turned to her.
“great. And we’ll meet back here,”luke decided. he leaned over to press a chaste kiss to your cheek, completely ignoring everyone’s look of shock (including your own). then he and percy were gone, and you and annabeth were standing alone.
“reckon that cap might be of use?” you winked at her to fend off the inevitable questioning coming your way.
nestled in the trees, you listened carefully to percy and luke below you. it was hard to hear them over the whipping of the wind: a sign that the nature surrounding you had detected a strange energy. something was off. you concentrated on the space around you, waiting for the wind to quiet. and it did, softening to a lull humming until eventually it faded out. you heard the boys beneath you.
“talk about a celebration. they really pulled out all the stops for you. come on, you’ve said, like, two words since we left the cabins,”you hear luke say as they settle in the clearing. you notice a hint of disdain in his tone, likely jealousy. he’s always wanted the glory, the celebration.
“just… thinking about what the oracle said. that I’ll fail to save what matters most in the end.”
poor percy didn’t ask for any of this. he was so worried about his mom. despite being at camp since you were a toddler, you understood how important family could be. that’s why you hung on so hard when the other iris campers arrived. you couldn’t imagine losing a sibling, let alone knowing a parent well enough to lose them.
“you're thinking about your mom. i get that. believe me, i do. but prophecies? those things are so vague.“
you glanced over to where annabeth stood invisible: you knew she was forming the same conclusions you were. luke fidgeted in a more frantic way than normal, which only happened when he was nervous. luke was almost never nervous and everyone knew it. percy seemed none the wiser to his cracking facade, though.
“the quest is over, and everything the oracle said has either come true or makes sense.”
‘or it was about to,’ you thought. you weren’t surprised, or hurt, to be completely honest. you had noticed things were off since the solstice, but never felt close enough to luke to pass it off like it was reasonable to ask. he had a reasonable cause, too.
“has it?” luke questioned percy.
“you shall go west and face the god who has turned,” he says slowly, as if luke was being unreasonable for asking him to confirm.
“ares. okay.”
“find what was stolen and see it returned."
“clearly the bolt.”
"and you shall be betrayed... by one who calls you a friend!” it hits him. “well, the reason clarisse is still here is because…”
“you never said anything to chiron about her. did you?” luke begins to explain himself; percy interrupts him.
“you couldn't... because you knew clarisse didn't steal the bolt. you did.”
water began to pool in the eyes of the boy you had trusted with your body, with your heart. you doubted he really wanted to do it. he must have been forced.
“you worked with ares to plant it on me so when the shoes you gave me pulled me down into tartarus, the bolt would be delivered right to kronos.”
the shoes. he wanted to kill percy? percy, the innocent little boy you met at the beginning of the summer. after he arrived you held his hand in the infirmary so he wouldn’t have to be alone. he was only 12, and forced to go on a quest as soon as he figured out his heritage. a child, forced to traumatize himself for the sake of the “greater good”. you sent him with a handful of drachmas for your mother’s fountain, a small pack of ambrosia, a kiss on the forehead, and a remember that his safety was most important. grover got a small tube of ointment for his horns, just because you knew he scratched them. he got a hug - he technically was older than you after all. you refused to let annabeth go, pretending to cry dramatically as you slipped a small pouch into the palm of her hand. you closed her fist around it as percy pulled you away from her hug. you were beyond relieved when they returned. you had kissed luke the second you found out, thrilled that your family was safe. the two of you had never kissed for the purpose of anything but frustration or stress relief. he had seemed so happy. luke had seemed to love percy as much as you did, but maybe he loved with less of his heart.
“i didn't think you'd give 'em to grover to wear.”
the crack of his voice told you everything you needed to know.
“i am your friend. percy, none of this was meant to betray you. the gods are my enemy. you... i'm here to recruit.”
“recruit?” percy tilted his head, confused.
you flinched as luke unsheathed his sword, the metal making a noise as it hit the air. percy reached for the pen in his pocket, pushing the button. it configured itself into his sword. luke took a step back.
“easy. i don't wanna fight. this is what I wanted to show you . this... is our way out.”
“way out of what?”
“camp.” luke slices through the air and it ripples like satin, the forest peeling back for a second before returning to its original state. there sat a long, glowing neon gash.
“and their control. backbiter can open secret doors. we can stay on the run as long as it takes.” he was planning to leave you here? he had told you earlier in the summer that he would do anything to keep you safe. he had a similar look in his eyes back then.
“stop saying ‘we.’” percy chokes a little, and you knew he felt conflicted.
“it’s the word zeus fears the most. the gods want us to fight for them, worship them, fear them. and they couldn't care less what we want. they're bad parents, percy. and they've gotten away with it for far too long.”
he wasn’t wrong. you had never seen the gods care for their children at more than base need. some campers stayed in the hermes cabin permanently unclaimed. the relationship you all had with the gods was less than sufficient.
“no. this isn't you. this is kronos. he got to you.”
“no, he opened my eyes to the truth. a golden age. that's what they called it when he ruled. we're gonna help kronos bring the golden age back.” he cuts an identical length gash next to the first. “stealing the bolt and the helm was easy. for what comes next... we're gonna need all the help we can get,” he admitted.
for the first time since luke arrived at camp three years after you, you saw genuine childlike whimsy in his eyes. he was hopeful for a future of fairly treated demigods. he was incredible. he seemed to glow with the fireworks and the cuts in the air, illuminated by his newfound mission.
percy wasn’t having any of it. as luke raised his sword to connect his previous work, percy lunged to stop him. luke parried easily, turning to face the young boy. they pointed their swords at each other.
“our parents aren't perfect, but they're trying their best.”
luke lowers his arm slightly, curious.
“i met your dad.”
wrong move.
“but he…” luke dived back into the fight, celestial bronze clanging on - steel? why was luke using a weapon that could hurt mortals? for a second they stood still. luke’s sword pinned percy’s.
“you did get better,” he mentioned as riptide’s blade scraped against backbiter’s. luke started to advance more aggressively, pushing percy back against one of the trees. “last chance.”
this was starting to get a little too dangerous.
percy shoved him out of the way with his hands, using luke’s lack of balance to land a hit on his stomach. as soon as he realized his mistake, he froze.
“i’m sorry. I didn't mean to...” luke bounced up immediately, using the momentum to make a long cut on percy’s forearm. with percy on the ground, luke approaches his figure. backbiter is raised into the air, poised to swing. you hear the dagger before you see it, jumping from the tree.
“luke!” you hit the ground as annabeth whipped off her hat. the noise of the forest quieted to a lull hum as luke looked at annabeth first. when he turned to you, the tears started to roll from his deep eyes. you were already at percy’s side, pulling ambrosia from your backpack.
“annabeth? y/n?”
“we heard everything.” annabeth admits, heartbroken. years of having a friend, having a brother - gone.
you get a really good look at him in that moment. his eye bags drop lower than they ever have before, scooping up into the hollowness of his cheekbones from the times you missed him at the dining pavilion. his face was red and agitated from the tears. what a beautiful tragedy. in that moment you loved him. he needed to be loved. he was a broken, abandoned child. just like you. just like every other kid at this camp forced to give away their lives to a cause they didn’t ask to support.
“wait - luke.” percy and annabeth turned toward you with shock. you squeezed percy’s hand one more time, mouthing ‘i love you’ to the both of them before standing up and facing your fate.
“i want to go with you.”
you could only hope that annabeth would open that pouch when she needed it.
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paradoxo8y · 2 months
AFK Jorney Headcanons
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The amnesia made their personality return to basic
Maybe adhd, starts a mission, forget about it, ends up with 3 half made quests
Hyperfocus on magic
Genderfluid, "Are you a boy or a girl?" - "I can conjure hamsters :D"
Merlin's favorite animal are hamsters, that's why they are their familiars
Completely oblivious to people flirting with them
Someone would need to kiss them and say "I love you" in their face for them to get it
Merlin's true appearance looks like a graveborn (based on @miss-anachronism graveborn Merlin post)
Before amnesia was less friendly and more strict with people
Used to be afraid of making friends and losing them to time
After, they forgot about the immortality and become less afraid
And the trophy of worst liar goes to...
Loses control of hers pyromancy when under strong emotions
Still buries the objects she has incinerated, mostly hats
Had a crush on Merlin when she was a student, is not over it
More than once people have asked if she dyes her hair, "the answer is no, please stop asking"
In the depression stage of grief, even though Merlin isn't dead
Sees general Hogan as a father figure, he will not admit
His scar was from an accident when he was still a cadet, he slipped trying to catch a thief and fell face first
Will tell a different fight story to justify the scar
Everyone has a crush on him
He, Lorsan, Chippy, Hammy and Cassadee bet on who will conquer Merlin first
Valen and Hammie bet on general, Lorsan and Cassadee on Mirael, Chippy is winning with "Magister Merlin will help everyone in need"
General Hogan
Sees Valen as a son, will not tell him
Is in the acceptance phase after Merlin's amnesia
Meet Merlin when he was a cadet and they were investigating some mages on the region
The only one that know how to do taxes
Lyca and Lorsan
They have the bunny equivalent to zoomies
Both also flop when relaxed
She's dissabled, she can walk short distancies but need the plant chair to locomove for long periods
Her servent is like one of those helper dogs that fetch pens and closes doors
(Most of those were inspired by my impressions and ideas while playing the game, if you disagree be nice and leave your headcanons here, I would love to read and this fandom needs to be bigger <3)
(Sorry about the image quality, it's a picture os my computer screen, also, english not my first language, so let's hope it's readable)
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