#Quimbaya Artifacts
seymourmusicclub · 1 year
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artifacts-archive · 7 months
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Lime Container (Poporo)
Quimbaya, 1st–7th century
In Andean South America, there is an indigenous tradition for the ritual use of coca leaves. In Precolumbian times the chief method of using coca was to place a quid of leaves into the mouth and add a small amount of powdered lime, made from calcined seashells. Standard coca-chewing paraphernalia included a small bag for the leaves and a container and a spatula or spoon for the lime. The utensils could be quite elaborate and made of precious materials. Lime containers from Colombia, known as "poporos," were often cast in gold in the form of nude human figures or as flasks incorporating raised nude images on each side. Both figures and flasks exhibit great elegance of conception, manufacture, and finish. The shouldered bottle here, adorned on either side with a female figure, still contains powdered lime.
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themyscrian · 8 months
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ohhh… the golden dhyata is probably Dawntrail setup, huh?
it's very clearly styled to resemble the Quimbaya artifacts from pre-Columbian Colombia which were made famous among racist pseudoscientists by Ancient Aliens as proof that ancient people had encountered fighter jets.
in FFXIV it's an ancient translation device which, when repaired, relays this message:
The serpent that sleeps in the deep slowly sheds its skin of old. Eventually, the serpent devours its own tail, and renders new flesh using its own. The pain felt with cause the earth to quake, the mountains to crumble, and the rivers to run dry. Thus, seven wedges must be driven into its back.
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my crack theory then is that Valigarmanda is the serpent referred to here, and is possibly responsible for the enormous chasm dividing Xak Tural and Vok Tural. maybe Solution Nine is part of some ancient countermeasures taken to defend against or seal Valigarmanda?
im excited to see if we get any more clues tomorrow!
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pansexualkiba · 10 months
i swear the worst part of fakemon is coming up with names. i have the following pokemon concepts:
Beetle larvae that, depending on the Cavern it evolves in, gains a new stat setup and secondary type, kinda like Wormadam but less forgiving.
Small flying type that's literally just one of the Quimbaya artifacts with big cartoon eyes that floats around the "Starlight Caverns" (gemstone-laden cave biome that's hazardous to be in not from lack of oxygen but because some of those gems are spiders that produce fiberglass silk). the evil team thinks these guys are proof of ancient aliens but they literally aren't they're just Some Guys.
aforementioned fiberglass gem spiders, who outright just eat the little oopart guys.
A pokemon based on the Atlantic Tarpon, an ocean fish that's called the "silver king" because it looks full on metallic (like pictures do not do it justice, it looks like a hunk of metal in real life). the pokemon is essentially an artificial life form designed to withstand deep-sea pressures in the Ocean Caverns
Literally the entire Starter lines except for the final forms (Gullinheim, Hadaloch, Krakenthic)
and i can't come up WITH NAMES. it's insane because when i was doing my other fan region i literally did names before the rest of the concept for half of them this is so HARD-
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manshica · 3 months
Quimbaya Flying Jets
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redbear888 · 3 months
Quimbaya Flying Jets
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fibrefaifaibre2 · 5 months
Quimbaya Flying Jets
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lilili55565 · 6 months
Quimbaya Flying Jets
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abdulmonnaflove · 9 months
Quimbaya Flying Jets
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miracleeye · 2 years
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skygodz · 2 years
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Design of artifacts of what seems to be spaceships found in Quimbaya, Colombia.
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sparklyjojos · 4 years
CARNIVAL DAY recaps [9/13]
Today’s recap: The wave, the dragon, and the hell of heaven.
05 July 1997 — 11 July 1997
The Billion Killer cases came to an end some time ago, but detective organizations are still bombed every week, so on July 5th every employee leaves the JDC building near 1 PM just in case. It’s a great day for XX, Outa, and Suzuki, as it’s the release day of 19box. The JDC building doesn’t explode at 1 PM (instead some poor detectives in Spain lose their workplace).
...but XX still has a horrible feeling that something bad is about to happen, and he’s proven right when they see the news: a giant tsunami is going to hit Japan in twelve hours.
Different people react differently when given a time limit like this. Some start committing all the crimes they never had the occasion to commit; some helplessly wait with their friends or observe the chaos in silence; some attempt to escape to the highest mountains or safer countries; some pray for a miracle. Some keep on their posts out of the sense of duty, some abandon them and run. The JDC Band, which was supposed to have a concert in Chiba that day, performs for free for all who choose to stay there, determined on playing until the very end.
Strong J Outa calls many of his authors. He, XX and Suzuki wonder what they should do while everyone around is leaving the JDC building. Suzuki believes they won’t manage to escape anyway and that everyone must die some day. Despite XX’s earlier dread when waiting for the 1 PM to pass, he now doesn’t want to run either. Outa decides to stay in the JDC building with them and pray that a miracle will happen.
The three are drinking and watching the news in anticipation. XX still doesn’t understand his own lack of desire to run. It’s like something deep within him is telling him not to move and stay where he is, a feeling similar to that when he thinks someone else is writing using his hands. A feeling like he’s going to describe the current events in his book in the future.
The giant wall of the tsunami is almost at the shore of Japan. The TV announcers say their goodbyes and the broadcast ends.
Outa and XX wait for Suzuki to return from his bathroom trip, but he doesn’t come back, and they realize he must have escaped in the end, leaving them alone.
Kyoto is deserted and quiet around them as they wait. They wonder how much time it will take for the wave to get here. They wait and wait, but it doesn’t come.
Finally, the TV broadcast comes back on and delivers breaking news.
A miracle has occurred. While the tsunami flooded the shore regions of Japan, it had subsided enough before it hit that many regions of the country are safe.
It’s later estimated that a billion people worldwide fell victim to the Carnival Wave—truly a Billion Killer. Many regions were completely flooded. The JDC band and their audience all perished. The only reason why the death toll wasn’t bigger was that the mysterious continent sank again, and the ocean rushing back into place pulled away some force from the waves, shrinking them to 100-300 meters instead of a kilometer in height.
People died. Too many people died.
(...Kakuusan Kanke, real name Mizuno Yuriko, was on Easter Island at the time. Below is Kakuusan Kanke’s testimony. [Originally in first person.])
Things were getting weird in JDC. First Christmas kidnapped Hanto Maimu and Kuraimu, then all three disappeared along with Yaiba, then Kirika vanished leaving a suicide message, then Dokuson announced he’s the Billion Killer and booked it, then Manji Tawawa stated she was going to catch Dokuson and also vanished without a trace. But even before Dokuson fled, things were strange.
Kanke’s reasoning method is at its best when she’s jealous, which is also why she’s good at solving crimes born out of envy or jealousy. But something didn’t sit right with her about the murder of Jouka by jealous grieving Jounosuke fans. She wasn’t sure what, though. Maybe the murder happened because there hadn’t been enough security guards around or something—perhaps Dokuson made a mistake and didn’t want to admit it?
But Dokuson told her (in his usual philosophical rambling way) that he was not like all those cowardly elites who live in fear of mistakes, and that unlike God Tsukumo Juku, he was very obviously human (which was of course yet another reason for why he was so great). Dokuson was at that point in time the world’s greatest genius, yes, but he had arrived there by making the world’s greatest mistakes. Past himself had been the world’s greatest fool, but he saw no shame in that, as the mistakes had let him grow this much. Nowadays, as someone the closest to perfection, he would not tolerate any mistakes from himself and would readily admit his fault without excuses. And also, he noticed how other people would feel content with small successes and give up developing further, and he was very insistent in telling Kanke to always keep on growing.
Hearing that rambling speech, it was hard to think that Dokuson made a mistake he wouldn’t admit. But something still felt off. Kanke asked him if he knew some hidden truth behind Jouka’s death or the kidnapping incident with Christmas.
Dokuson said he’d noticed that Jouka could be in danger, and warned her several times against investigating Jounosuke’s death. In the end, Jouka was murdered not by a random jealous person, but by a member of the fanclub of Minase Nagisa and Dakushoin Ryusui, the same group that was responsible for the Cosmic Jokers case. (Dokuson didn’t want to say much more about them, as it could put Kanke in danger.)
Dokuson also noticed that Christmas had become unusually withdrawn since his trip to Egypt. He was seen talking with Kirika a lot shortly before she disappeared.
Kanke investigated more by following Christmas’s past actions. That’s why she was on Easter Island when something bizarre happened: with a deafening rumble, the entire island suddenly started rising high into the air, sending giant waves in every direction. Then the sea seemed to disappear—instead, Kanke saw a massive land down below. It’s like Easter Island had been just a tiny protruding part of a giant sunken continent. After some time, the continent receded underwater again.
Kanke stayed on the island to investigate, and when a week later she looked at the sky, she saw a dragon.
12/07/97 — 18/07/97
(And in the latest news…)
...On July 12th, a giant unidentified animal is spotted flying near the Mariana Islands after apparently having burst out of the ocean. On the evening of July 15th, the creature swoops down towards Easter Island, topples the Moai statues, slides down the beach to the sea and disappears underwater.
Nine skulls of the Billion Killer are left on the beach. All face the same direction.
The unidentified animal is described as being thirty meters long, black, with a long neck and wings, similar to a dragon. Scientists think this dragon might instead be some sort of a vehicle.
...if the Crime Olympics continue with the same speed, it’s estimated that over 3,7 billion people will have died by the time of August 10th...
...on July 18th, RISE sends “the last message” to the UN, informing them that they’re going to make the Cosmic Bomb (the Moon) crash into the Earth on Carnival Day...
...the rumor says that the JDC Band had belonged to the suicide cult DICE...
...ever since the Carnival Wave, global unrest is soaring...
Suzuki never showed up again, but Outa and XX continue to work. XX starts writing about the Crime Olympics in earnest. It’s impossible to grasp and understand an event as gargantuan in scale, but he’s doing the best he can.
All the research and writing makes him notice things, have doubts and suspicions. Carnival Dice, Carnival Wave… what’s with that word? A lot of people would associate Carnival with the joyful time in Rio de Janeiro. The word is said to have originated from the Latin carne levare, “remove meat”, as the time of the Christian season of Carnival comes right before Lent. The term often means a celebratory masquerade. It’s also distressingly similar to the world cannibal.
Outa notices that the name DICE is quite fitting; the word “dice” is the plural of “die”, so signifies a lot of deaths. Maybe it also had something to do with gambling with people's lives.
As for the mysterious landmass in the ocean, Outa thinks it could be Mu, the lost continent that according to its popularizator James Churchward had been obliterated and sunk in a single night. A similar story was told about Atlantis, so the two continents were often theorized to either be one and the same, or to have sunk during the same cataclysm. Mu was described as reaching from the Marianas to Easter Island, and from Hawaii to the Cook Islands.
Outa also talked about OOParts (Out Of Place Artifacts), objects found in an unusual context that challenges our knowledge of history, for example the golden Quimbaya airplanes or the Mesoamerican crystal skulls. Many objects sometimes considered to be OOParts seem to have a connection with the Billion Killer—the Moai statues, the Nazca lines, Stonehenge, Cappadocia, Machu Picchu, the stone spheres of Costa Rica, the Pyramid of the Sun, Mohenjo-daro, the Great Pyramid, the crystal skulls…
The connections continue. The Billion Killer skulls are made of orichalcum, which according to legends was a shining mineral occuring on Atlantis. Another hypothetical lost continent was called Lemuria, just like the S-detective. 
Outa seems to always have an answer to anything, so XX asks about himself—who was he before he lost memory? Outa answers that he was working for JDC, though not as a detective.
What he means is that XX is none other than the security guard Nakamoto Hiroya.
19 Jul 1997 — 25 Jul 1997
(Christmas Mizuno went through quite a lot during the Crime Olympics.
Below is Christmas Mizuno’s testimony. [Originally in first person.])
When the old woman Cassandra finished telling Christmas the truth about his brother Pyramid, four new people showed up. Three wore black suits. The last one looked exactly like Christmas and used a chloroform cloth to knock out the detective.
When Christmas regained consciousness, he was in a small room together with the old woman. She told him they were in RISE’s “underground heaven”, Shangri-La, a camp for Beasts—former prisoners—who have been gathered here to fight in “criminal world championships”.
Christmas quickly learned the place was hell on earth. Corpses and bones everywhere. Crazed naked people running around, more similar to actual beasts than humans, looking at Christmas and the old woman like they were going to become their next meals. The old woman explained that this place had no food at all—except for other people. Fortunately, the “beasts” were weak from hunger and seemed to know they wouldn’t stand much chance against Christmas right now. They also feared the darkness of the cave’s lowest level; there was fresher water there, but they could easily fall into a trap of smarter “beasts”.
The old woman stated there was no way out of Shangri-La, or at least it hadn’t been found so far. Her own last mission was guiding Christmas around the place and explaining things. Like she had said before, she wasn’t a member of RISE, but had mutually profitable relations with them (that entire thing with killing people who climbed the Pyramids). Christmas was chosen to become RISE’s guest, but first he would be tested in Shangri-La. The woman all but ordered him to go into the darkness below. She said that if he didn’t go, his brother Pyramid’s sacrifice for him would be in vain.
Christmas ran into the darkness. Once he was a good distance away, he looked back and saw the old woman being surrounded and attacked by the “beasts”. She died without even trying to defend herself.
Christmas had no choice but to wander further into the complete darkness—or rather, to get lost in the complete darkness, as getting lost was his unfortunate specialty. No matter how far he went, he couldn’t find anything but more darkness. Thirsty, hungry and exhausted, he eventually collapsed on the ground for who knew how long.
Eventually two voices came from the darkness, telling him that the Great King Enma was awaiting him. Christmas was picked up and taken somewhere, but he lost consciousness halfway through.
When he woke up, he was in a dimly lit room. The round door had an eye in a triangle drawn on it. Aside from Christmas, there were three people in the room: one had silver clothes and a mask of a bull, the other two had masks of a horse and a deer. The minotaur held a skull of the Billion Killer in his lap, its glow the only source of light.
All three spoke Japanese, but claimed they were using “R language”. The minotaur said they would test Christmas in a very simple way: he was to answer a few questions truthfully (and since he had problems speaking from exhaustion, nodding or shaking his head would do). The minotaur warned that he had the power to see through every lie, then started the questioning.
Was Christmas told by the old woman that there was no escape from Shangri-La? (Yes.) Did Christmas know there was no other way to survive in Shangri-La other than eating human flesh? (Yes.) Did he think he could get out before he died of starvation? (No.) Then what would he do—simply wait for death or kill others? (...No.) Then he would still try to escape until the end? (Yes.) But he’s too weak to try escaping now. Wouldn’t he kill and eat someone to gain the strength to escape? (No. “Just water…” he managed to say.) What a stubborn guy. But if the masked trio was the one to hunt and kill, and just gave him the human meat, would he eat it? (No!) Well then, the last question. A choice. Eat human meat and survive, or don’t eat it and die. Which would he choose? (... … “The first one”, Christmas answered in desperation.) Oh, and here was the first lie! But Christmas had already made his resolve obvious.
The three masked men left him alone in the dark room afterwards. Christmas’s memories from that time are fuzzy. He wasn’t sure if he was dead or alive. In a situation so hopeless, facing his own death approaching, he couldn’t spare the energy to cry over his fate. Instead, he found himself smiling—a faint, pure smile in the unending darkness—the only thing he was able to do to keep his spirits up.
After the longest time, the three masked men returned and informed Christmas he was officially invited to the Sanctuary as a guest. They somehow carried him out of Shangri-La, one of them leaving a Billion Killer skull behind “for the future”. Christmas was in critical condition, so he received urgent medical treatment in the Sanctuary, including a period of cold sleep in a strange capsule. Then he met his friends, saw his look-alike die, met Tierra. Quite a chaotic time.
In July, RISE invited all the guests to Heaven—El Dorado, the opposite of the hell of Shangri-la. The Sanctuary moved towards the bottom of the Mariana Trench...
[>>>NEXT PART>>>]
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artifacts-archive · 9 months
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Bird Pendant
300 BCE–700 CE
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m1male2 · 5 years
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The quimbaya artifacts, also known as pre-Columbian airplanes, formerly called Otún birds are zoomorphic figures, fused in a mixture of gold and bronze called tumbaga, found in the vicinity of the Otún River in Colombia.
Gold Museum (Bogotá, Colombia)
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emmabeverage · 3 years
Quimbaya Artifacts - Did Airplanes exist 1000 Years ago?
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