#Quique González
samsdei · 1 year
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Quique González
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musictomyremember · 8 months
SI TUVIERA UN DíA / Travellin' Brothers / Feat. Fito Cabrales / Quique G...
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guysofeurovision · 10 months
What do you think about the Benidorm Fest 2024 contestants?
Nice question! First things first: let me recap who these tíos are:
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Jorge González
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st. Pedro
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Charly Weinberg (Mantra)
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Carlos Marco (Mantra)
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Quique Niza
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Juan Carlos (Lérica)
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Tony Mateo (Lérica)
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Roger Padrós
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Alberto (Miss Caffeina)
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Toni (Miss Caffeina)
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Now, since you were asking me... Noan is the most beautiful, like reeeally beautiful and then there's Jorge, an absolute hunk and already a frequent flyer on this page.
Other ones I fancy a lot are Charly from Mantra (so cute) and Juan Carlos from Lérica (so masculine).
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mountaincryptid · 11 months
initial thoughts on benidorm 2024 participants. under the cut 'cause it's gonna be looong
his genre i don't listen to often, but sometimes a song can hit me regardless. not many expectations here tho
Angy Fernández
first of all, she had an emo phase in 2008-10, so we STAN
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(sidenote: ever since i got the new phone i basically gave up on trying to take screenshot without that volume sign it's so hard :(()
I also listened to her most recent song (Dualidad) and based on that the potential of me liking her song is HIGH
could be some good pop. mildly excited for him.
Jorge González
based on the songs i've heard and the vibes i'm getting from him is we're either gonna get a standard basic latin pop song or a bland ballad (every benidorm needs to have a conventionally attractive man with a bland ballad, maybe he's the one)
their most popular songs are collabs and i don't like to base my opinion on artists only on those, but i'm vibing. i found some songs that are just by them and i like them less. oops. there's still some hope i like their song tho.
their music feels like that type of pop that's pleasant enough to play in the background but it just doesn't do much for anyone. (anyone maybe being just me, idk.)
María Peláé
unfortunately i don't really vibe with flamenco, so unless the lyrics hit me just right she's not gonna be one of my favs i'm afraid. sorry.
first of all, their name was inspired by one of my fav Måneskin songs (Torna a casa), so congrats on good taste girls.
unfortunately, their music doesn't do much for me
Miss Caffeina
when an artist has a big discography i like to check out both their most popular and the newest stuff (if they're not one and the same). unfortunately, i liked their most popular song (from 2016) more than i liked any of their most recent ones. based on that, i don't have a lot of hope i'll love their song, but who knows - anything can still happen
An Una Voce Per San Marino reject at Benidorm is too iconic tbh
I hope she's not out of tune at Benidorm and I love the 80's vibe. I'm already predicting it to be eurofans' guilty pleasure and/or the meme of the season.
okay with 5 artists left i think he's the one i'm rooting for the most at this point 🤞🏻 i like his general sound. is it slightly worrying that my favourite song of his (zero) is a cover? yes. (the way i went from 'oh hell yeah' when hearing the guitar to 'oh no i've heard this before'...) but i'm hoping and praying he's gonna deliver a true gem for benidorm.
Quique Niza
the intro on rtve's website says he has background in musical theatre and honestly that's already at least +10 points of adoration in my book. he only has one single out (under Quique Gonzalez) and it's pretty average. still, he's still a bit of an enigma musically, so i'm not losing hope we're gonna get something captivating from him.
Roger Padrós
oh some linguistic diversity finally. we're probably gonna get some mellow pop song or ballad in catalan from him. it's most likely not going to be a fave unless the lyrics hit just right.
Sofía Coll
i'm not feeling the vibe, sorry.
st. Pedro
i can't explain it logically but his song could be a huge hit for me. or a huge miss. not sure what direction his song is gonna take, but in general i like his vibes.
also, this is very important, he has a christmas album !! thank you for feeding me i'm a christmas music aficionado
Yoly Saa
hmmmm.... i feel like it's also gonna be the case of hit or miss based largely on whether or not the lyrics hit just right.
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carmecourson · 6 months
Guardo dos tickets porque tú y yo
Aún es posible sin causar dolor a nadie
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duky82 · 8 months
GUARDAFUEGOS estrena nuevo disco "Un Billete con Ventana"
GUARDAFUEGOS estrena nuevo disco “Un Billete con Ventana” El grupo tarraconense de rock Guardafuegos publica este 31 de enero su nuevo disco de estudio, “Un Billete con Ventana”, de la mano del sello discográfico La Produktiva Records. El álbum, grabado en los estudios La Casamurada, contiene ocho nuevos temas de los de El Vendrell, y ha sido producido por Pepo López (Quique González, La Cabra…
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eurovision-del · 9 months
Alongside Estonia, who I ranked last week, the other country to release all their songs last month was Spain. Here’s what I make of this year’s Benidorm Fest lineup:
st. Pedro – Dos extraños
Angy – Sé quién soy
María Peláe – Remitente
Lérica – Astronauta
Yoly Saa – No se me olvida
Noan – Te echo de -
Nebulossa – Zorra
Roger Padrós – El Temps
Marlena – Amor de verano
Sofia Coll – Here To Stay
Mantra – Me vas a ver
Quique Niza – Prisionero
Miss Caffeina – Bla Bla Bla
Dellacruz – Beso en la mañana
Almácor – Brillos platino
Jorge González – Caliente
This one took me a while to rank, just because I could not get excited about these songs. I really struggled with this selection – I listened to them in the background to try and become familiar with them but I found myself either completely forgetting them after they were finished, or skipping them out of dislike. I think part of it was that I had high expectations – the previous two years of Benidorm Fest had really varied lineups with plenty of songs I loved, whereas this year has a lot less variety and has far fewer songs that I enjoy.
Dos extraños is my only standout. It was such a breath of fresh air after listening through the rest of the songs, with its more classical, stripped back sound. It’s an intimate song with a bittersweet melody, and I like the simplicity of it, how it starts with just the guitar before it slowly adds in the percussion and gentle piano. It then continues to build beautifully, layering on different sounds, going on a journey that I'm very happy to be taken along for.
If st. Pedro performs it well and pairs it with an equally intimate staging, I’d be very happy to see Dos extraños representing Spain in May. Right now, I’d also be ok with Sé quién soy, just by virtue of being a genre I really like, even though as rock songs go it's not the most interesting track. However, I am very interested in how everything here is going to come across live – since the studio cuts haven't done much for me there's a lot of potential for someone to win me over with a great live, the way Chanel did a couple of years ago.
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aijamisespava · 10 months
The Benidorm Fest Songs!
I'm gonna open my post about the Benidorm Fest songs with a very Very VERY bold prediction. Spain will win Eurovision at some point this decade. Their National Final, Benidorm Fest, has proved to be a lucky charm sending songs that the fans like since 2022. So if they decide to keep it up, Benidorm Fest could bring Spain their first win since 1969 really soon! Will it be the 16 songs I ranked based off of first impression today? I guess we will find out in May!
That being said, Spain announced the songs competing in Benidorm Fest at the end of January and beginning of February. And I will admit, this was a hard ranking to do. Literally any of the songs could win and I'd be happy, and (sadly) I'm not feeling so well today. But let me tell you, this felt so good to rank. Mind you, these are my first impressions of the songs, and this can all change later!
16. Miss Caffeina – Bla Bla Bla 15. Dellacruz – Beso En La Mañana 14. MARLENA – Amor De Verano 13. Jorge González – Caliente 12. Mantra – Me Vas A Ver 11. Quique Niza – Prisionero 10. Almacor - Brillos Platino 9. María Peláe – Remitente 8. Yoly Saa – No Se Me Olvida 7. St. Pedro – Dos Extraños 6. Noan – Te Echo De 5. Nebulossa – Zorra 4. Roger Padrós – El Temps 3. Lerica – Astronauta 2. Angy Fernández- Se Quien Soy 1. Sofia Coll – Here To Stay
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lotlvision · 10 months
Benidorm Fest First Listen!
1. Almácor - "Brillos Platino" This is really fun! Is it a Eurovision song? Not really. It's a fun, summery, party number - it'll go down a treat with audiences but doesn't have anything really standing out to me. The ending feels a bit abrupt, as well. 7/10
2. Angy Fernández - "Sé quién soy" OH THIS IS A BOP! It's good in the opening, but then the chorus HITS YOU! This is going to be so fun to see translated onto stage, I would be very happy with this showing up to Malmo! 8.5/10
3. Dellacruz - "Beso en la mañana" This one feels like another pop song, but not as fun as Almácor's. It just feels like it falls a little bit flat compared to the first two. It picks up a bit in the last 10 seconds, but it just feels out of place. 5/10
4. Jorge González - "Caliente" I'm not gonna lie, the photo of him is VERY distracting. They looked at me first. The like, three lines of English in the song are a little off-putting. They don't add anything to the song. It's a different style though, and I like that! Also the beat does feel like, if it wins, we're getting our first male edition of Fuego. Eleni Foureira, the impact you made on this competition will never be forgotten! 7/10
5. Lérica - "Astronauta" With a title like that, this song has some incredible staging potential. The way the song is, I'm worried it won't live up to it. I'm getting Avicii, Bastille, summer 2013 vibes from this song. I like it, but probably not for Eurovision. 6/10
6. Mantra - "Me vas a ver" This is a feel good song, through and through. A fun beat, great voices, nothing standing out to me really - it's not going to win, but it'll be a fun song to get people dancing! This is going on a guilty pleasure playlist, for sure 7/10
7. Marlena - "Amor de verano" I WAS VIBING UNTIL I HEARD THE ENGLISH UGH. It's not my usual type of song, but it's easy enough to nod along to it. The two lines of English in every chorus don't do anything for it. 6/10
8. María Peláe - "Remitente" Okay so this version is 4:33, so obviously the entry will be shortened. Not for me. Unsurprising since I didn't like Eaea last year. I am just not a fan of this style (and given Blanca's placing, I can't see a vocally similar act going in 2024). 5/10 9. Miss Caffeina - "Bla bla bla" Another song that just feels like it falls a bit flat. It's not *bad*, it's just not got anything special about it that endears you to it. Feels more Ibiza than Benidorm. 5/10
10. Nebulossa - "Zorra" Their outfits alone have me intrigued. This SCREAMS 80s guilty pleasure, I hope the staging is going to be as cheesy and crazy as it is in my mind. Is it the best song? No. Could it be the best performance? Absolutely. 8/10
11. Noan - "Te echo de -" Oh I don't like his voice. Please, sir, just clear your throat. I could enjoy the song in a world where it wasn't so damn raspy, but the way it is just really bothers me. I understand it's a stylistic choice, it's not for me. 5/10
12. Quique Niza - "Prisionero" This is the first song that feels ballad-y so far, so it does stand out a bit. I'm not hugely excited by it, but it will probably have some very good staging. I think live vocals will improve this one a lot, but right now it's a bit plain. 6.5/10
13. Roger Padrós - "El temps" I see they saved the ballads for last! Ballads are usually too plain for me - special ballads will grow on me with time. This is not one of those. 5/10
14. Sofia Coll - "Here to stay" IMMEDIATE CHILLS. This is immediately special. I'm willing to forgive the English. There's Catalan so it evens out. It's the first song that really feels EUROVISION. I hope the staging lives up to it and the whole package is winning material. 9/10
15. St. Pedro - "Dos Extraños (Cuarteto de Cuerda)" This is coffee shop jazz. This is not a compliment. This gives me Salvador Sobral vibes, and I STILL hold a grudge against Portugal because of that man. 3/10
16. Yoly Saa - "No se me olvida" The beginning is a bit boring, but I LOVE the chorus. It scratches my brain right, and it makes the build worth it. 8/10
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Bajo el misterioso título de Copas de yate, Quique González publicará el próximo 3 de noviembre ocho magníficas versiones tan personales que parecen canciones propias. La primera de ellas es el single “A la media luna”, una composición de los hermanos Auserón que Juan Perro incluyó en su segundo disco en solitario, La huella sonora (BMG-Ariola, 1997).
«Alabados sean / los pies del viajero / la huella sonora / que persigo yo», canta Quique en “A la media luna”. Toda una declaración de intenciones de lo que simboliza este disco, concebido como un laboratorio de ideas en el que Quique investiga músicas y letras a priori más alejadas de su repertorio y se las lleva por completo a su terreno. Así sucede en esta canción, que originalmente tenía una fuerte presencia de la guitarra eléctrica y que Quique aleja de la vertiente rock, convirtiéndola en un cóctel negroide de blues, soul y funk en el que relampaguea el Hammond, brillan los vientos y arropan los fabulosos coros góspel de las Golden Girls.   Producida por Toni Brunet, es una versión elegante en la que reconocemos el sello inconfundible de Quique: su cálida voz, que encaja como un guante en el escenario sónico que explora en su próximo disco, Copas de yate. 
Por Arancha Moreno
Este primer adelanto 'A la media luna' viene acompañado de un videoclip dirigido y realizado por Pepe Rubio que ya esta disponible en el Canal Oficial del Artista y puedes verlo también aquí:
Videoclip dirigido y realizado: Pepe Rubio Larrauri Fotografía: Mario Rey e Ignacio Hergueta Grafismo: Jaime Hortelano Una producción de Mad City Blues 
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
CAMACHO se refiere a la MUERTE de FEHER [cuya hermana fue novia de QUIQUE SANCHEZ FLORES tras sus 2 DIVORCIOS q era el entrenador del ATLETICO DE MADRID cuando ganaron la SUPERCOPA DE EUROPA 2010 VS INTER MILAN con GOLES de AGÜERO=PRESAGIO..retirado x problemas cardíacos ..y malogrado REYES q se mató cuando iba a UTRERA=grupo LOS MUERTOS DE CRISTO..donde en su casa o habitación tenía una VIRGEN PINTADA EN EL TECHO..siendo sustituido en min 69 x MERIDA=destino al q no llegaron los jugadores de REAL MADRID JUANITO en cuya calle de su FUENGIROLA natal puso EEUU un consulado en el portal del DR AMORES y frente al Portal VERACRUZ, 2 junto a FRUTERIA LA GRAN MANZANA y luego el bar EVA..así como Oscar MOLINA q se mató en VILLA_MESIAS tras visitar a su novia en SAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES a la q dijo q regalará su camiseta del REAL MADRID a un niño de la GUERRA DE BOSNIA pues colaboraba en la escuela de FUTBOL POR LA PAZ Y al q conocí junto a mi amigo EL ENGLISH o José Maria González PLANT la nochevieja'93 cuando echábamos una COMPETICION de haber quien bebía más en LA BARRA LIBRE de ALCOHOL q no de SEXO..para luego tener q conducir mi FORD FIESTO ROJO XR2i con ASIENTOS RE_CARO como los q tenía el BERNABEU cuando la difunta mujer de FLORENTINO PEREZ fue fotografiada con un PURITO en la MANO y hablando por telefono]..como MUERTE BLANCA porque no supieron el MOTIVO..x lo q recuerdo q el hijo del MAYOR IDOLO DE ORO actual LeBron JAMES casi muere igual
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diariodeconciertos · 1 year
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profactoria · 2 years
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florynatarecords · 2 years
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lhmagazin · 2 years
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clubmusicweb · 2 years
El musical 'Grease' celebra medio siglo en el Tívoli con un reparto joven
El musical ‘Grease’ celebra medio siglo en el Tívoli con un reparto joven
Una adaptación protagonizada por Quique González, de 19 años, y Mia Lardner, de 21, conmemora el 51 aniversario del estreno del musical en Chicago ‘Grease’, uno de los musicales más famosos de la historia, regresa a Barcelona con una producción que conmemora el 50 aniversario de su estreno en Chicago. Esta producción estrenada en Madrid la temporada pasada por SOM produce -ls misma de ‘Billy…
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