#Quogan autumn week 23
quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
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Quogan autumn week day 3: baking
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franf94 · 7 months
Day 1- Pumpkin Patch (Quogan Autumn week)
Halloween 2008
Everyone was so busy studying and with extra curricula activities that October passed in the blink of an eye. Before Quinn know it, it was the weekend before Halloween.
Logan and Michael were in charge of the haunted house at PCA and couldn't be more excited.
-It must be the scariest pumpkin in the world!- exclaimed the curly boy, happy as a child on Christmas morning.
-We must to choose the biggest one and carve it well. Then, we put it inside the fountain! - echoed Michael.
The two young men ran into the middle of the pumpkin patch, scattering to find the perfect pumpkin.
-Wasn't it supposed to be a simple double date?- Lisa muttered, pulling down the zipper of her jacket. The Californian weather was really mild for late October.
-It had to be, yes- Quinn wanted to use a laconic tone of voice to express disappointment, but her lips curved into a slight smile.
She loved seeing Logan happy, seeing him become passionate about something and enjoying the twinkle in his hazel eyes.
The four friends had decided at the last moment on that trip out of town. The pumpkin patch was only a half hour walk from the P.C.A. academy and would be a great opportunity to spend some time together. Finally Quinn and Logan were a couple, but being a couple was different then spending quality time together. Between school, basketball and the science club the twos were really busy.
But that perfect date at the pumpkin patch will work magic on them.
Quinn hoped so, at least. And, infected, during the walk to reach the pumpkin patch Logan had held her hand tightly, acting like a perfect boyfriend. They had talked about everything: school, teachers, the continuous and unbearable bickering between Chase and Zoey, about the evolution of their love story.
Then Logan dumped her for a damn pumpkin.
No way. He was a Halloween boy for sure.
She was disappointed. That same morning Quinn was excited about their autumn date. She loved the weather, the warm wind, she loved when the leaves changed color and drinking hot chocolate and apple cider.
But Logan evidently had other plans.
Michael had soon given up on the search for the pumpkin and had joined Lisa for a hot chocolate.
Quinn sighed.
The boy didn't even look up at her.
-What's up?-
-You could look me in the face when I talk to you-
-Sorry, babe. I was so busy with... with all the preparation that... that I didn't realize. Michael can't find the scariest pumpkin of all-.
Logan stopped, almost frozen. The November wind ruffled his curls. Quinn stood in front of him with red cheeks, messy hair and a frown on her face. Yet he found her extraordinarily beautiful.
He mentally called himself a fool.
His girlfriend was there with him and he was deliberately her so far for a crappy bet between him and Michael?
-Did you know that a pumpkin contains high quantities of carotid arteries? - she said, seriously at times.
The boy stared at her without saying a word. Now he was sincerely sorry.
-No pumpkin, no kisses?- he asked, holding up a small pumpkin, full of lumps.
Finally he saw his girlfriend's face light up.
-Your lucky star is your cuteness- she whispered, joining their lips in a tender kiss.
The wind blew her hair into Logan's face and he inhaled the delicious scent deeply. Quinn tasted like cinnamon and honey. She drove him crazy.
-Sorry- he apologized again, as his hands automatically fell on her hips, holding her close.
Quinn really couldn't believe her ears. As far as anyone can remember, this was the first time Logan Reese had apologized to anyone.
-Do you know what we could do Quinny?-.Another kiss and Quinn’s cheeks turned red.
-Have a coffee with pumpkin and cinnamon?-
-You can beat on it sweetheart- .
Logan kissed her on the tip of her nose and take her by hand to the coffee stand.
Why he was so worried about a pumpkin instead?
That days was the first time that Logan lost a bet.
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naceisonthecase · 7 months
hey, here's my first-ever Quogan fic!! i really hope you all enjoy!!
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
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Quogan autumn week 23 day 2: leaves changing/falling
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
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Quogan autumn week day 1: pumpkin patch
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
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Quogan autumn week day 5: trick or treating
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
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Quogan autumn week day 4: corn maze
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franf94 · 7 months
Quogan autumn week 2023- Day 3 baking
Quinn is always ready to bake the famous Winchester cookies for Logan 🍪 (the famous cookies from one of his stepmothers).
Logan thanks her with his help in the lab with some crazy Quinninventions.
He loves watching her work in the kitchen.
She loves stare at the look of pure happinnes on her boyfriends's face when he tastes the cookies. 🥰
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franf94 · 7 months
Quogan Autumn week 23 - Day 5 trick or treating
Halloween 2028
-Mom! Dad! Hurry up! Hurry up!-
Little Ada Marie Reese was coming her way, bundled up in her Elsa costume.
Even if “Frozen” had been released years earlier, it still seemed to have an icy fascination over all little girls. Ada would have turned four in ten days and she had a varied collection of costumes with which to dress up. That was possible thanks to the fact that her father was wrapped around her little finger.
-Here we come, darling- Quinn, dressed as a mad scientist, was struggling to see in the twilight’s sunlight. Logan was behind his wife, dressed as Olaf, only because Ada had begged him by jutting out her bottom lip and pouting in a pout that was damn near identical to the one Lyric does. And Logan had never denied anything to his little sister, let alone denied something to her daughter!
The man never let his kids going out of his sight. The neighborhood was full of life: kids dressed up in costumes were running around, while their parents were trying to catch up with their little ones; young couple flirting in their scary costumes holding hands. A glimpse of nostalgia suddenly hit him.
Not long time ago he and Quinn used to spend every Halloween rushing home in their costumes only for undressing each other seconds later. That were the good old times.
-Dada!-  his son was demanding his attentions.
In fact Logan was carrying his eighteen-month-old son James Malcom on his shoulders.
-Sissy- shouted the little one, dressed as a pumpkin, pointing to his older sister who was happily toddling in front of him.
-This house ais the last one and then straight to bed- Quinn pointed to them.
-Oh come on!- Logan and Ada sighed simultaneously.
-Darling, it's only eight in the evening and it's Halloween!- Logan shook her hand and kissed her cheek, making the woman blush.
He loved Halloween. As a child he had not had too many pleasant memories linked to that holiday.
For his first Halloween, Logan was ten months old and his mother dressed him as a pumpkin. His father had spent five hundred dollars on a handmade costume. The photo of small, chubby Logan Reese, in an orange dress and two crooked teeth, still hung in the living room of the family home.
Two Halloweens later Logan had been hastily dressed up by his grandfather Roland. He had chosen Tiger's outfit from Winnie Pooh. Logan's parents were divorcing and no one had time to look after the child. When trick-or-treating he had only been accompanied by Chauncy.
At eight years old he was the only child in the neighborhood without a group of friends because no one wanted to listen to him talk about his father's money.
At thirteen his Halloweens had definitely improved, as Logan had set foot in the PCA
Now he wanted his children to get as much joy as possible from every small or big event.
-Daddy look!- Ada ran towards her again, the braid that Quinn had done for her before going out fell over her shoulders. She arrived with red cheeks from running and proudly showed off the sweets that old Mrs. Dawn had given her.
-Wow, that's the scariest costume ever!- a child dressed as Spiderman pointed to Quinn's costume. From the pockets of the white coat came out a greenish smoke which was nothing more than a mint infusion. Another of the thousand tricks of the genius Quinn Pensky.
A woman dressed as a nurse filled Ada's  pumpkin basket with an enormous chocolate bar and the little girl showed it triumphantly to her parents.
-You know, I would love to see you dress up for me tonight- Logan whispered in Quinn's ear and saw her shiver.
-Logs! There are children!-
The couple exchanged a quick kiss.
The sun had already set half an hour ago.
-Well, now trick-or-treating is officially over- Quinn declared and no one dared to reply.
James had now fallen asleep in Logan's arms.
Ada put her pumpkin full of sweets in her mother's hands, then grabbed her parents' hands and laughed heartily when they lifted her from the ground.
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franf94 · 7 months
Sorry, I have more stuff for Quogan autumn week but I am also super busy at work... next week I will post something new
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
Quogan autumn week
2023 November 5-11
Day 1: pumpkin patch
Day 2: leaves changing/falling
Day 3: baking
Day 4: corn maze
Day 5: trick or treating
Day 6: haunted house
Day 7: matching sweaters/outfits
*any fan works welcome (fanart, fanfic, head canons etc)
All works need to be tagged with #quogan autumn week 23 / #quoganautumnweek23
All works under the tag will be reblogged to this page
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
All things related to Quogan autumn week 23 will be on this blog!!
There will be a prompt list/info post later today! (28, October)
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
I will have both my day 2 & 3 pieces posted today sorry I had some things come up yesterday that kept me from posting
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
2 days till Quogan autumn week!
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quoganautumnweek23 · 7 months
3 days till the start of Quogan week!
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