cowboy-robooty · 3 months
imma be so fr rn i think its homophobic when people are fine with yuri but go up in arms about yaoi. like seriously. because its so fucking stupid to act as though yuri is somehow less fetishistic than yaoi when legit the entire fetish appeal of lesbianism in yuri is the fact that its "so pure and untainted by men". Straight men who consume yuri love it because they have a thing for purity in a similar vein as straight women love yaoi for being guys "sinning" and shit. I think both of these sentiments are foul in their own respective ways and its plain ignorant to act as though the "purity" of yuri is made out of a respect for lesbians instead of fetishistic appeal. And dont get it twisted rn and think im saying yaoi and yuri both suck; you know i love both of these genres, but i can criticize it without saying the genre as a whole is some evil demon shit. Straight erotica also houses a plethora of problematic themes and sentiments because every genre is going to have issues, especially when its lewd content. Lewd content is made TO BE fetishistic because well... its lewd; the problems that arise are not black or white matters and I think that if people are willing to enjoy straight erotic manga critically but unwilling to give the same grace to yaoi or yuri then thats plain homophobic. Because when people act as though yaoi and yuri having these problems means that the genres as a whole are unsalvagable while straight erotica can still be excused, it implies that homosexuals are obligated to be BETTER than heterosexual content to be accepted. It creates this idea that homosexual content is somehow inherently more dirty and needs to make up for this fact by being morally superior in other ways. 50 shades of gray and twilight can exist with a littany of foul tropes and problematic themes that are completely put into a fetishistic light, and yes it recieves mockery and is called cringe (because it is), but how come thats all it gets while some yaoi has the same shit going on and is treated like the entire genre as a whole needs to be exterminated??????? nobody has ever said that all shitty novels made for lonely women need to be demolished because of twilight and 50 shades of gray, and anyone who has gets called out for their misogyny because its fucking stupid to act like an entire genre of content should be killed for some cringe loser shit being mixed in with it. All porn has problematic tropes, and its so homophobic to act like specifically the genre of gay men having sex is the most egregious offender of these tropes while passing off yuri as fine because the problematic tropes it houses feed into the idea of purity.
Like oh my god, the majority of yuri is not made for lesbians. Even though it is made by women, these women are not fucking queer women. They're straight women who are feeding into the misogynistic ideals of pure, feminine women remaining pure and feminine by keeping untainted by men while exploring eachothers bodies. thats why yaoi and yuris problems mirror eachother in that you see an abundance of heteronormativity in yaoi (big semes, small ukes; with the smaller feminine one being lured into a tainted world of sin by being gay or whatever) while yuri has the opposite problem with a lack of body diversity because it focuses on ideal feminine ladies remaining untouched by "sin" by only touching eachother. Why do you think that around the same time yaoi was full of shit like junjou romantica bullshit yuri was also notorious for being boring as hell with two girls thats have no personalities making out together? Because BOTH of these genres had these issues much more severely in the 2000s-2010s. Yaoi was too crazy with that sinning fetish while Yuri was too boring with that purity fetish. Its also so stupid when people keep using examples from that era of yaoi as evidence that western mlm work is sooooo much better and superior compared to the entire fucking genre because its comparing shit from ten years ago to shit made now. Idk if you remember but literally ten years ago pedo bear was a normal thing that was goddamn EVERYWHERE online. Culture changes and i can assure you western gay media was not so squeaky clean during that time either; but this is a whole 'nother enchilada to be devoured another time.
Anyways in short; its homophobic as hell if you embrace yuri but shun yaoi. All you're doing is showing you have a fundamental lack of understanding concerning the roots of yuri and who yuri is actually made for. You're acting like gay men having sex is inherently "dirtier" than straight people having sex and that they need to compensate by being more morally righteous. I'm not saying that the different problematic tropes found in each type of erotica is good and shouldn't be changed, but its homophobic to excuse straight porn while refusing that same grace to yaoi. And it disgusts me seeing people continue to perpetuate the sentiment of gay men being seen as sin and lesbian women being seen as pure (in an almost baby-fying way) only wrapped up in a new convoluted form of packaging while acting like theyre protecting homosexuals.
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menlove · 1 year
every time i am around older queer people the more i am convinced i was meant to be an older queer person. not bc i have this fantasy of living in decades past that were much worse but bc i get along with and agree w them so much better. so much of modern queer discourse is painfully white, binary, and completely regressive while painting itself as revolutionary and i just want to crack jokes w some cool older butch lesbians every time i encounter discourse that makes me want to bash my head into the wall
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eddiegirls · 1 year
lol i stumbled upon some terf's blog and they have this popular anti-trans post going around attempting to discredit the idea that trans women are at a higher risk for violence. but their supposed stats were just a screenshot from an article...that they conveniently didn't link. i had a hunch and...if you go find the article they screenshotted, it's literally a transphobic, pro MAGA op-ed from a right wing propaganda news site (who also did not cite any legitimate sources for their claims either).
if your claim is real, why is the only "proof" an opinion piece from a fascist? and why did you neglect to link the op-ed, if you're so comfortable publicly aligning yourself with the far right when they also mindlessly hate trans people?
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enchanted-keys · 2 years
Shaming women for liking and buying make up is not the serve that you think it is, and it’s certainly not feminism. The only one who's buying into patriarchal practices is you, for doing so.
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triviallytrue · 2 years
epsilon as a hyperreal is a number as much as the p-adics are or any other transcendental number is, provided you believe in the ultrafilter lemma (which, while independent of ZF, is weaker than choice…), since the hyperreals, provided they exist, are just a field extension of R and therefore Q. You “can’t construct” the nontrivial ultrafilter you need but since when should mathematicians care about that?
numbers: integers, rationals, etc
mental illnesses: "real" numbers, hyperreals, complex numbers, transcendental numbers, etc
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storymaker14 · 1 year
Finding Myself (Okay, Finding i) in p-adic Numbers [UPDATED AND EXPANDED A LOT]
So, I am only just starting to understand p-adic numbers, primarily thanks to 3Blue1Brown and Eric Rowland; it was the latter that pointed out that for some values of p, the square root of negative 1 can be represented.
Mind a splode.
Now, Mr Rowland doesn't say it, but I'm confident in theorizing that the square root of -1 has a representation in p-adic numbers when p is one greater than a multiple of 4. And it should have two, because after all, -1 has two square roots: i and -i.
I find that when we get into wacky stuff -- e.g. analytic continuation, infinite sums, etc -- it helps me to look to a number or series's behavior. Highly unscientific, I'm sure, but it helps.
So how do the square roots of -1 behave? They are numbers that if you multiply them individually by themselves, they equal -1. If you add them together, you get zero. And if you multiply them by each other, you get one.
Naturally I made an Excel spreadsheet. I might have done a large portion of it in a way far more difficult than I needed to, but I didn't have a better idea, so there it was. Anyway, I was able to calculate the p-adic representations of the square roots of -1 for a few values of p, each out to 25 digits. And so:
(Yes, I italicized the rightmost p digits of the latter two. Yes, I left the 5-adic alone, because there are p^2 digits.)
And yes, we're doing this a la hexadecimal: A is 10, B is 11, and so forth.
Unless I'm mistaken, the next value of p that would allow it would be 29, and doing 25 digits of a 29-adic number just feels weird. Guess I'll have to expand my Excel sheet, huh?
Anyway, that chewed up some of my time this morning, so I thought I'd share it with y'all.
You know I did. The 29-adic square roots of negative 1 are:
(There is a zero between the R and the E in the first one; everything else round is an O for 24.)
So, if p allows the square roots of negative 1 -- aka the fourth roots of unity, along with 1 and -1 -- as long as p can be represented as 4x+1... does that mean that the eighth roots of unity show up when p is 8x+1? That the sixteenth roots show up when p is 16x+1?
Behold: the sixteen 17-adic sixteenth roots of unity (rightmost 17 digits, of course):
Primitive square root (aka -1):
Primitive fourth roots (i and -i):
Primitive eighth roots (square roots of i and -i):
Primitive sixteenth roots (fourth roots of i and -i):
... but would that mean that if p is 3x+1, we could find cube roots of unity?
... okay, so, if they exist in 7-adic numbers, they'd end in 2 and 4. Source: my brain while walking to the toilet just now.
I do, unfortunately, suspect I might end up looking for the 13-adic twelfth roots at some point.
The 7-adic primitive third roots of unity are:
Now I'm done. For now.
So, um.
It is entirely possible to find the 13-adic twelfth roots of unity. My Excel spreadsheet (still giving me 29 digits!) was easily adapted to give me the third roots as well -- see above -- and I was about to go through and get all the third roots of all the fourth roots I worked out before...
Until I realized I only needed one primitive twelfth root, and to multiply it by itself twelve times over.
Color coded to display unity, and the primitive second, third, fourth, and sixth roots, respectively.
I'm not gonna say I'm done; I've made that mistake before. I just don't know what I'd do next.
small voice: "31 is prime."
me: "Shut up."
sigh 31 is prime...
And so, the 31-adic 30th roots of unity (and yes, rightmost 30 digits).
Once more color-coded, with unity bolded and italicized because I ran out of colors. Otherwise, that's the primitive second, third, fifth, sixth, tenth, and fifteenth roots.
Am I done now?
Still a little boggled that, for instance, in 7-adic numbers you can have a representation of - 1/2 +/- root(3)/2 i... but not i itself. It really is a very new way to think about stuff.
Here are two 11-adic numbers:
These are the two 11-adic numbers that satisfy x^2 = x+1. In other words, THE FUCKING GOLDEN RATIO (and its negative reciprocal).
I cannot. This is too much. I feel as if I've opened Pandora's Box here and just want to seal it shut again.
I could do the silver ratio too
I did the silver ratio too
These two 7-adic numbers are the solutions to x^2 = 2x+1.
You know what I'm thinking about now... right?
Why do these values of p allow these... and what values of p would allow both?
You can do the golden ratio with 11-adic, 19-adic, and 29-adic.
You can do the silver ratio with 7-adic, 17-adic, and 23-adic.
You can do both with 31-adic.
Well, clearly that's something I need to do.
In hopes that my brain will leave this alone for the night, or ideally the weekend, have some 31-adic numbers:
Golden ratio:
Silver ratio:
(Also, I think you can do both golden and silver with 71-adic numbers, but screw that.)
lol My brain? Leave me alone? Nah.
So concerning the golden and silver ratios, I made a quick spreadsheet showing me the numbers 1 thru 100 and telling me the square of each number mod p. Why? Because I don't really need to go through and figure out what the ratios are, if I just want to see if it's possible. And that means all I need to do is see if the square root of 5 (golden) or the square root of 2 (silver) can be represented. So, I'm looking for values of p where there's an integer x less than p where x^2 equals 5 or 2 mod p.
Now -- and this is no joke -- while I was typing this, I thought oo what about the bronze ratio and had to update my spreadsheet. The bronze ratio is what satisfies x^2 = 3x+1, of course. So now it's looking for 13 as well.
Anyway, I ran through the primes under 100, and here is what I found:
nothing: 2, 3, 5, 13, 37, 67, 83
golden: 11, 19, 29, 31, 41, 59, 61, 71, 79, 89
silver: 7, 17, 23, 31, 41, 47, 71, 73, 79, 89, 97
bronze: 17, 23, 29, 43, 53, 61, 79
golden and silver: 31, 41, 71, 79, 89
golden and bronze: 29, 61, 79
silver and bronze: 17, 23, 79
And as for numbers that satisfy x^2 = 4x+1, you'll find those everywhere you can do the golden ratio.
Fine. Have some 79-adic metallic ratios (using two-digit numbers and hyphens because there aren't enough letters):
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i just had someone reblog one of my post about autism in girls saying that the disclaimer i put was unnecessary, but that they agreed with the rest.
the disclaimer was about how i meant "AFAB" people in general, but also how i know a trans woman who was "typically raised like a boy" and that her autistic traits are much more closer to those of an autistic woman, therefore to take what i say with a grain of salt.
so, their blog reveals that they are a "r adical feminist"
this is a reminder to everyone:
yes, i saw your post about how you "have trans people you care about in your life", but you don't get to add the "but they are not the ones who (insert stuff that never or almost never happen)"
i blocked them, no one get to reblog my stuff if they are openly a biggot
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srvphm · 2 years
massive L
t/erfs want trans people esp trans women dead. they wish harm and destruction upon people for something we can’t change about ourselves and that doesn’t hurt anyone. t/erfs join forces with white supremacists and neo-nazis, campaign close to politicians to push their hateful agenda, and when they can’t outright make trans people illegal they settle for forced sterilization and government propaganda.
‘understanding’ for those people doesn’t stop their hate. to show compassion for wannabe murderers is to laugh in the face of their victims.
tolerance for intolerance brings only harm.
you cannot blindly love the victim and the aggressor. you can forgive the aggressor who repents, but you cannot forgive their hatred in the name of empty love. when you forgive people for doing harm they don’t regret, intent to perpetuate, and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest way you are standing on the side of hate.
t/erfs exist only as a reactionary force against trans people. we exist whether people accept us or not because it’s our nature. we are not the same. their hatred is not comparable to our will to live without fearing for our lives.
choosing to love a violent extremist group is to choose hate. if you truly love people you have to stand against those who actively work to spread hate. t/erfs are not merely hateful either, they are remorseless extremists who act on their intolerant beliefs. the agenda they push has and will continue to kill people.
I know what I quote. I know the message. do you? do you understand that to be kind you must stand ground to those who won’t?
to love is to stand for the oppressed. you can’t give power to trans exterminatory r/adical fe/min/ists and wash your hands of the blood they spill.
edit: if you search tags on tumblr to argue with posts with a few notes you are the most terminally online motherfucker on here and I’m not arguing with you. slashed words for a reason. you will die alone and angry.
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discoidal · 1 year
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im always a bit nervous when i click on this but so far it has 100% been posts abt Winterfell the fictional castle and 0% posts abt r/adical f/eminists experiencing a chilly season
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agnesmontague · 1 year
Is there any reason why the large majority of feminism in Korea is r/adical feminism specifically?
i haven't been in touch with the korean social justice sphere in years so i'm not exactly qualified or comfortable answering complex questions on the why or how aspect! from my fairly short knowledge and observations the current movement in korea doesn't seem too divergent from the second-wave feminism seen in western countries from the 60s to the 80s, where the focus was overwhelmingly on patriarchy, femicide and women-oriented violence which i think lends itself more quickly to bioessentialism and conflating patriarchy with manhood. that's the end of what i'm prepared to say on the subject
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cithaerons · 2 years
i refuse to reblog that new info / misinfo correction post about the train derailment even if it’s correct because OP was the one who said their problem with r/adical feminism was not its transphobia but the fact that it puts blame on the patriarchy ssjkssks
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the-four-humors · 2 years
Starting to see a rapid watering down of the term "T/ERF". Like, as in I'm seeing it applied to conservative pundits. I saw someone post that they found out that their dad is "a T/ERF".
Like, no, those are just regular transphobes. They aren't r/adical f/eminists. And frankly, in order to actually weed out T/ERFs from feminist spaces, and to properly identify their dogwhistles, it is kinda important to keep that distinction.
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clarascuro · 1 month
man do I wish r/adical f/eminism meant like. Feminism but (xtreme 90's voice)radical. Instead it's just morons
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lemonofthevalley · 8 months
genuinely love that tenko says that if a guy were to get a sex reassignment she would like her . like she may be a r/adical feminist but at least she's trans inclusive
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latinlizard · 1 year
Catullus 4
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Winslow Homer The Flirt, 1874
Phaselvs ille, quem uidetis, hospites, This sailing boat, whom you see, guests This sailin bohut, who yi see, guests, ait fuisse nauium celerrimus, it claims that it was once the fastest of the ships, it clayems that it wuz once the quickest bowut, neque ullius natantis impetum trabis nor could any swimming timber neeva culd eny swimmin timba
nequisse praeterire, siue palmulis were they able to pass, even with palms was thih able to pass, even wv parms opus foret uolare siue linteo. by flying with that or with canvas. by flyin wiv tha or with cavnis. et hoc negat minacis Hadriatici and he denies that the threatening Adriatic nd eeh denayes that thi threatenin Adriatic negare litus insulasue Cycladas shore can deny, thre Cyc;adic islands shaw can denaye, te Cycladic ayelands Rhodumque nobilem horridamque Thraciam and noble Rhodes and hrace nd nobull Rhodes and Thrace
Propontida trucemue Ponticum sinum, with Propontis shivering to the Pontic gulf, wiv Propontis shiv-a-rin to thi Pontic gulf, ubi iste post phaselus antea fuit where he, the boat to be, previously was weh eeh, the bohut ti bee, previously was comata silua; nam Cytorio in iugo hairy wood; for on Cytorus' both airy wuld; cos on Cytrous bofe loquente saepe sibilum edidit coma. often spoke his hair in a loud whistle. oftin spowk is air inn a lawd wissle. Amastri Pontica et Cytore buxifer, Pontic Amastris and Cytorus boxclad, Pontic Amastris nd Cytorus boxclad, tibi haec fuisse et esse cognitissima to you these things were and still are best known ti yee these things were nd still ar best knawn ait phaselus: ultima ex origine the boat claims: from the very first origin thi bohut claims: from thi very first origin tuo stetisse dicit in cacumine, he says that he stood at your summit, eeh sez that eeh stud at ya sum-it, tuo imbuisse palmulas in aequore, your sea in which he dipped his small palms, ya sea that eeh dipped is smahl palms in tee, et inde tot per impotentia freta and from there through so many threatening passages nd from theh through sow many thretnin ways erum tulisse, laeua siue dextera protecting, whether from left or right protecting, weva from left ah reet uocaret aura, siue utrumque Iuppiter the breeze calls, whether juppiter thi breeze cals, weva jupitter simul secundus incidisset in pedem; at once fell on both of his feet; aal tugeva fell on bowf feet;
neque ulla uota litoralibus deis nor were there vows to the gods of the shores neither was vows ti the gods of thi coasts sibi esse facta, cum ueniret a mari made, when he came from the sea maid, wen eeh came from thi sea nouissimo hunc ad usque limpidum lacum. towards this very clear lake. towahds this proper clear layke sed haec prius fuere: nunc recondita but these were things of the past: now he grows but thees were things of thi past: now eeh groes senet quiete seque dedicat tibi, in quiet retirement and he devotes himself to you, in quiet retyament nd eeh devotes imself ti yi, gemelle Castor et gemelle Castoris. twin Castor and twin of Castor. twin Casr-ah and twina Cast-ah.
Translated from Latin (R. A. B. Mynors (ed.), Oxford Classical Texts: C. Valerii Catulli: Carmina) into English and then into Geordie dialect.
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vivamelhoravida · 1 year
Elixir R 30ml Ellementti
Price: (as of – Details) BOOSTER ANTIOXIDANTE COM RESVERATROL. – Combina um pool de antioxidantes e antipoluentes: Combate radiais livres e resgata a juventude e a radiância da pele. Composição destaque: Nano Resveratrol Nano Ferulic Adic Superóxido dismutase Modo de uso: Aplicar sobre a pele previamente limpa e seca. Colocar 4 a 5 gotas na palma da mão. Usando a ponta dos dedos, aplicar sob o…
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