#RE 5
munster0us · 1 year
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I like to Yassify my favorite characters
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leonslutkennedyy · 2 years
Fruity activities
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ed3lsgard · 5 months
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Just finished re5 today and had to rush a Jill drawing she ate so bad
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pricescigar · 10 months
What if Albert Wesker Survived?
Albert Wesker X Reader
No specific gender assigned all for everyone to enjoy 🖤
Suggested by: @adlerboi
Synopsis: What if Albert Wesker Survived after being "killed" By Chris and Sheva?
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"I'm sorry Y/N. He's gone."
Getting over his death was the hardest thing, you screamed in denial, you cried, you bargained his workers to find his body. A body thst couldn't be found in a pit of lava. The acceptance... Was the hardest thing you had to face. You missed everything about him.
You missed his voice, smell, touch. How he touched your waist, neck, caress you. Kiss you. The subtle, sweet and loving touches, all that was felt in your heart was emptiness.
Sometimes this whole ordeal felt like a dream— It had to be right? Wesker faced many ordeals, and he always came back to you. Like how he did a couple months after raccoon City, time and time again. He always found his way back to you.
Not this time though.
He had put you in one of his hideouts, hiding you away so Chris wouldn't find you... Not your typical underground safehouse, better yet it was somewhere in the countryside in your home country, it was a nice little bungalow. He gave you a second chance, to forget about everything.
But it wasn't the same without Albert, you knew that. Or anyone else for that matter. Whatever he left behind it was for you, all of it. His money, his life's work all of it... But at what cost?
He promised you that he'd be safe. For all man kind he said, for a better world he said. Albert Wesker was a mastermind. Your mastermind, despite all what he had done, you were his and he was yours. Maybe a part of yourself knew the past was going to catch up to him, it was a matter of time before that thing even happened.
Chris was an old friend of yours, your best friend you knew from your childhood. Old friends reunited. Your time at S.T.A.R.S came to an end where you fell in love with Wesker, blinded by love, following him into the darkness...
Seeing him kill the one you love before you were taken sway by his men shattered you to the core. But he did his job at the end of the day, despite how angry you were.
Why did it have to be this way?
The same old question ran through your head many times a day, why did it had to be like this?
Wesker made you a promise he had a big "plan." To help man kind, not knowing the consequences down the line... That's where it all lead to into this final moment. His death.
The first night in your new home was harsh too. After Wesker's employees dropped you off with your belongings, the loneliness, heartache and greith struck you.
You had to start all over again. A new name, new identity, a fresh start is what he would've wanted for you. As long as you got our alive, that's all that ever mattered to Wesker. And you did. You survived it all.
1 1/2 later...
Things were gradually getting better, slowly but surely. All of Wesker's money, fortune was in your possession. Yet you still worked, depaite the luxuries you have, lounging around won't chance the second chance that was given to you.
Working at the local coffee shop was nice, simple, especially being in the countryside, you see the same people everyday. Given the odd occasional people who come down, dubbing their city geteays to be here in the lovely little country side. Life seemed to be getting better.
Another day at work was done, taking off your coat and bag of your shoulders ascyou walked in. The whole afternoon was in your hands now, what to do with it...
A sound In the it the interrupted your thoughts. Going over to the kitchen, your eyes laid onto a familiar figure. One, you always knew... Standing there in shock, you couldn't believe your eyes.
"My love, my lovely Y/N." Wesker spoke with the voice thar always made your knees weak, it was still him. But different, he still had the visible burnt scars from the lava. From his face, to his arm and legs.
He was alive.
"You...- I mean you're-"
Wesker didn't say anything and he immediately pulled you into a hug, one hand behind your head. And the other was around your waist.
Tears forming in your eyes, becoming watery. Falling doen your cheeks, his gloved hand wiped away the tears with his thumb.
"I'm sorry." Wesker said. "I'm so sorry... I should've listened to you." He confessed. "Wr should've left like we said." He cupped you cheeks with his hands.
"You left me alone." Your tone was cold, sniffling slightly. Cupping his cheek as well, gently caressing his cheek.
"I know..." Wesker mumbled. "And I'm not going anywhere now, I promise." He reassured you. And that's all you ever needed.
Wesker pulled you into a tighter hug resting his head on your shoulder. "I'll always come back to you, regardless. Forever and for always."
Admin note: Hello everyone! Sorry if this sicks, I've had a hard time writing lately. But I wirrten something small to get nervous back into it, short but bitter sweet at the same time 🖤
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nereeitor · 1 year
Drawing Wesker in all his outfits
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tyanis · 1 year
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diviedrawn · 1 year
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I wanna do more screen redraws, they’re so fun wtf
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holymolyineedtherapy · 4 months
According to a trusted insider, the game is going ti be called Resident Evil 9: Revenant Shadows and it is already up for pre-order on Play Asia.
The game is rumored to be focused around Leon Kennedy during the Ethan Winter and Chris Redfield storyline.
Not only that, but we also have a rumored confirmation of the remakes for Code Veronica and Resident Evil 0. Those both will possibly be available for PS5. Resident Evil 5 is also rumored to be made for PS5 but not remade.
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chrisitsraining · 2 years
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btw obsessed with the live action storyboard stuff for resi 5...
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h3lian · 1 year
Expression meme number 13
Anyone you want
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I went with Sheva because I love her. 😭💕
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munster0us · 1 year
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Every Wesker I Draw Slowly Devolves into Cat
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residentdogvile · 7 months
Re 6 Doggies
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Currently playing Re 5 on the switch and it's a bit hellish control-wise but I do adore Sheva.
Sheva Alomar - Azawakh, Sheva is part of the West African branch of the BSSA. She was assigned to be Chris' partner during his investigation of possible bioweapons. Though Chris was initially hesitant to grow close to her after what happened to his past partner Jill, they grew to work together as a team.
Albert Wesker - Kangal Shepherd, Wesker was one of the original test subjects in Project W. Formerly working for the U.S Army he eventually became the captain of STARS. There he would work alongside both Chris and Jill whom he would later on betray. Weirdly determined to wipe out civilization in order to evolve as a species.
Excella Gionne - Whippet, Excella is the head businesswoman for the company Tricell. She had a heavy involvement with the outbreak in West Africa, wanting to impress her business partner Albert Wesker. Unfortunately for her, he didn't seem much interested in her advances and betrayed her as well.
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dinjoyer · 1 year
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Ponies! Wanna do more of these maybe they’re so fun :3
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hi idk if u have seen spyxfamily but there is this scene where the wife gets really drunk and mistakes her husband for an intruder. Can i get some headcanons for what carlos and chris would do in that situation thank you <3
I haven't seen it, but this is a fun idea.
Headcanons about what Carlos Oliveira and Chris Redfield would do if their s/o got incredibly drunk and mistook them for an intruder.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Carlos Oliveira
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It's kinda late.
You're absolutely plastered.
Carlos isn't home and you want to try and wait up for him. You flop down onto the couch, turn on the TV, and try to get yourself comfortable.
Maybe a bit too comfortable. Not even minutes into the movie you decided to put on, you start to nod off despite your efforts not to.
You're not quite asleep when Carlos returns, but you're teetering dangerously on the edge.
He turns off the TV, deciding he'll carry you to bed after taking a quick shower and putting on some comfy clothes.
As he heads for the bathroom, flicks on the light, and closes the door behind him, you stare with half-closed eyes, confused.
In your drunken state, the first thought to slowly float through your brain is 'Who is that...?'
You then jump to the only logical conclusion: This is an intruder. One that's currently using your and Carlos' amenities!
You clumsily stand, nearly tripping over the coffee table as you go to the bathroom.
You press yourself up against the wall beside the door and wait.
The shower turns off.
A few minutes pass.
The door opens.
A figure steps into the doorway.
You go in for the attack.
Immediately, Carlos' instincts kick in. He steps back and assumes a defensive position, but he doesn't need to. You miss by quite a lot, doing a slight spin before falling face-first onto the carpet. It's unclear what exactly you were attempting in the first place.
After the initial surprise wears off, his features twist in confusion and concern. "You alright? What're you doing?"
You ignore him completely, latching onto one of his ankles as if it could possibly stop him from walking away. "Listen here, man." Your words are slurred and it immediately becomes obvious that you got too deep into the liquor cabinet. "If you think you can get away with breaking in here, you've got another thing coming. My boyfriend can kick your ass, and he's supposed to be home any minute now..."
You're still on the offensive, but you're too inebriated to accomplish anything.
Carlos bites back a laugh, amused by all of this. "Sure, babe. I'll kick my own ass."
The words don't quite process. "...Huh?"
He crouches down in front of you. "I'm your boyfriend, remember?"
"Yeah." He picks you up and shoulders you. "Time for bed. You're wasted."
"Am not."
"Right. Sure."
Once you're in bed and all cozied up, Carlos puts a glass of water and some Asprin on the nightstand beside you.
You will be teased about this situation once you get some rest. And for a while after that.
Chris Redfield
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After spending a night hanging out with some friends, you get dropped off at your and Chris' shared apartment far more wasted than you have ever been before.
Chris went downstairs upon realizing he forgot to check the mail, and you miss each other as you make your way up. As far as you're aware, you're about to be home alone as you close the door behind you.
There are a few lights on, but you don't really think much of it.
You take your coat off and just barely manage to remove your shoes.
That's when Chris reaches the apartment. Ever the cautious man after all that he's experienced, he did go ahead and lock the door before stepping out.
Your attention is quickly caught by the heavy footsteps in the hallway, and the audible fumbling of keys.
This is just like a scene in one of the movies you watched with your friends, where the main character realizes some creep is trying to get into their place.
The thought sort of freaks you out, so you immediately lock yourself in the bathroom you're currently standing in.
Just before Chris can turn the door handle, his phone begins to ring.
"Chris," you whisper, "someone is trying to break in."
Instantly, he's asking you if you're okay.
Chris is under the impression that you're still with your friends, so he's throwing open the door and hurrying around the apartment in an attempt to grab everything he needs to come to your aid.
He's asking for more details. What exactly is happening? Where are you?
You aren't being particularly helpful. You're hard to understand because you're crying, whispering, slurring, and panicking. But who can blame you? From your perspective, there's some stranger stomping around the apartment, moving things, and saying stuff that you can't make out.
"You have to tell me where you are."
"The bathroom," you sob out.
"Where? What's the address?" Chris presses.
"I'm at home!"
After a moment, he pauses. He's standing there completely ready to leave as the words sink in.
He says your name.
"Nobody broke in. It's me."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." He heads over to the bathroom and convinces you to come out.
You're still a mess, so he takes you into his arms and spends some time reassuring you.
Then, he guides you to the bed. He'll put on a show you like or something. You can watch it with him until you fall asleep.
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hollownoire · 8 months
Recently picked up Resident Evil 5 on steam for $5 since it was on sale.
Friend owed me a wee favor so I chose to share one of my favorite games from my childhood with him. God, it was so worth it. I completely forgot how fucking fun RE5 is and how goddamn delightful Wesker is voiced and as a villain.
Chris and Wesker are definitely fucking, right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks so.
You don't growl a man's name like that unless you plan on kissing sloppy or fucking, I'm sorry.
"7 minutes is all the time I have to play with you."
First off, you sound disappointed Wesker dear. Second off you're "playing" with John Boulder Redfield himself?
Third off, Wesker didn't give a shit about Excella in the slightest. She's trying to woo him and all he can think about is his super evil plan and fucking with his boyfriend Chris.
For Christ's sake Wesker dumps Priscella at Chris's feet like a cat does a dead bird. Then, instead of...I don't know, just fucking off instantly with his superhuman speed into his batplane and getting his Victory Royale Wesker stays to whisper sweet nothings into an intercom to tease his barn-sized boulder-fisting boytoy some more. It was all fucking tongue and smiles, too, Wesker loved that shit.
Anyway, why the fuck was that ORBITAL LASER there?! BECAUSE WESKER PUT IT THERE. Mr. Matrix was running the whole fucking show! That fucking thing was the only thing that could stop Spaghetti Chinchilla and it was fucking 20ft that-a-ways from where Wesker meticulously planted a bunch of bodies and Gorganzola for Chris to find.
You don't just "misplace" an honest to god orbital fucking cannon as a leather-wearing genetic supremacist venom wannabee supervillain. Wesker bought that thing with his own fucking money. He KNEW it was there.
The nail in the coffin is how Chris reacted after the fight with the orbital laser and Mozzarella. After EVERYTHING Wesker has done so far both in the campaign of 5 and the previous games before Chris is all like:
"I can't believe Wesker would actually destroy the world!" D:
Yeah dude?! They're fucking, end of story.
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primrosepurple234 · 5 months
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My ideas for Sheva in the Re5 remake
(Outfit and inspired by her concept art)
- I didn’t change anything about her backstory except for the fact that In the og game, she goes to America with someone, in this I made her get unofficially adopted by Josh and they live in kijuju
- a citizen of Kijuju, along with Josh and their team, who protected civilians in the civil war.
- the team was contacted by the BSAA , to help with a investigation of a black market deal.
- during this time, Sheva realizes that the people of her town were acting a little strange, but chalked it up to tension about the new government
- when Chris arrives, all hell breaks loose, and Sheva gets a first true taste of zombies and monsters
-the only other time being that her parents were killed by one in a umbrella factory near her birthplace, and umbrella sent in troops to get rid of any potential witnesses, Sheva being the only survivor
- what makes her stay when the BSAA tells them to leave is that she has seen what Tricell did to her team and knows that they took her brother Josh, and wants to find him. After they find him, she thinks it’s only fair that she helps Chris find his friend. And by the end she trusts him completely
-“we’re partners, till the end” coming at the beginning of the ship level instead of near the beginning of the game, I want them to build up trust
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