#RH Taglines
realhousewives-fan · 1 year
The Brand New Taglines of New York
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The reboot of RHONY is right around the corner and Bravo has released the taglines. And these new housewives deliver a brand new vibe.
We may not know that much about the women, and at least for me, their personality has a huge effect on the taglines. Like, how delusional or accurate are the taglines?
That makes it difficult for me to properly rate them. But what I can say is that Bravo was wise to give them a whole new intro card and their own theme music.
Unless it would’ve felt like a strange copy of the original RHONY or like it came from an alternative universe. But this is a reboot, and it needs to stand on its own feet.
I love the layout and the screen behind the women of New York at night. The first one out is Ubah Hassan, and just seeing her silhouette is everything!
1) Brynn Whitfield: “I love to laugh, but make me mad and I’ll date your dad.”
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This was a curveball I never anticipated in the Bravoverse. I can’t remember any tagline like this in Real Housewives. 
Brynn looks like a firecracker of a personality. Chaotic energy and very flirtatious. She appears to have the potential to become the star of the show. 
Everybody seemed to have an issue with her in the trailer, for instance. She made me laugh with this tagline though.
2) Sai De Silva: “In New York, there’s a lot of bad apples. And I’m the baddest of the bunch.”
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Sai’s tagline kind of reminds me that this is the new era of RHONY. It’s not pretentious, it’s not giving delusions of grandeur. 
I appreciate that she is taking something with a negative connotation and turns it into a positive affirmation. It’s clever, it’s got attitude and it’s refreshing. 
I’m excited about Sai!
3) Jessel Taank: “I always bring the flavour. It’s not my fault you don’t have any taste.”
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This kind of remind me of Ramona Singer’s “I'm an acquired taste. If you don't like me, acquire some taste.” 
It’s never exciting to be compared to Ramona, but I think this tagline is where the comparison ends. 
Her tagline is a little pretentious, but Jessel is a little mysterious to me. Her marriage appears to be in the hot seat this season, so I’ll be on her scenes like a hawk!
4) Erin Dana Lichy: “I’m a true New Yorker. The only bull I’ll take is by the horns.”
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Another clever tagline with play on words and another reference to the city. Erin’s tagline has got attitude and talks a big game. 
This is one of those taglines where we must wait and see if she really is a badass or if she will get walked all over by the women’s bullshit.
5) Jenna Lyons: “My lashes may be fake, but I definitely keep it real.”
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Jenna, another mystery for me. There’s something about this tagline that doesn’t feel authentic to me. 
I can believe that Brynn and Sai’s taglines are coming from them, but Jenna’s tagline doesn’t really give me any clues about her personality or her story. 
Visually she’s one of the housewives that fascinates me the most. She’s wearing a suit and sneakers, for heaven’s sake! That has got to be a Housewives first!
6) Ubah Hassan: “The secret ingredient? Darling, it’s me.”
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Even though I’ve put Ubah last on my list, it doesn’t mean that it’s the worst of the bunch. As first season taglines, they’ve all delivered solid taglines. 
Ubah definitely has the most gorgeous intro card since she’s the only one with her silhouette in the dark in front of New York City. 
When it comes to her tagline, it’s short and sweet, and a tiny bit pretentious.
I just realized that I’ve ranked the housewives in the reversed order of which they appear in, which was a funny accident, but it might only mean that it kept getting better and better for me.
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lucithornz · 4 months
I will not admit exactly how many times I went back to RH ch4 to reread the omega gossip and Max/Oscar interactions, but know it was decidedly a double digit number, and will continue to rise XD
I am glad you understand and appreciate the Logan/George/Alex vision. I am just imagining Logan just standing somewhere all upset with a pair of tall gangly motherfuckers at either shoulder glaring at the source of his sadness XD Not to mention, with all the shit he's going through (both real - fuck you Williams and your lack of funds - and imagined), he could use the confidence boost having two people caring for him so blatantly would bring.
This is actually so dear to me because I struggle with that kind of more casual banter and stuff, so it makes so so pleased then end result is worth it!
George/Alex/Logan would actually be funny, because I think George would be very type A organized while Alex is trying to just focus on relaxing. And Logan is just happy with the attention.
The tagline for Logan in this fic is "He may go into heat but Williams doesn't take his car"
It's funny, I love omega gossip, but I personally live for clueless alpha gossip XD
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Space questions~
Taken from here:  https://sentencestarters-and-asks.tumblr.com/post/130290639605
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? The one that matters? It's very personal, but the "Rae" my closest friends call me comes from RWT. (That's a bit of a secret and deeply meaningful name, so I'd rather not share that... publically, anyways. You're welcome to ask in dm if you'd like, and if I trust you, I'll tell you.) ~ "Zira" comes from ZiraShield, my gaming/etc tag. "Shadow" (+Zira, the Hebrew word for shadow) comes from waaay back when the Evanescence fanclub was around and my tagline was "MissingShadow", and when my Teen Titans forum site nickname was "RavensShadow". ~ “RHS” comes from "RavensHiddenSoul", my name on YouTube, dA, and probably some other things I've forgotten. ~ "Blue" comes as a reference to Blue Diamond because Just Trust Me, It's Very Relevant. ~ Birth name? I'm not comfortable sharing that online. (Even though dozens of people share my name in Ohio alone, apparently. Common first AND last name. It just doesn't mean anything Good to me.)
Venus: What’s your first language? Midwestern American English.
Earth: Where’s your home? ...you know, for the longest time I didn't feel my home WAS on Earth. The place where I feel more "at home" than anywhere isn't even on Earth, it's astral. My mindscape, places with my spirit guide and matron... Even where I am now, having been here for three years, it's no a home. Just a place where I can rest while in transition.
Mars: What’s your sexuality? Asexual, though only by a very rare show of technicality am I actually demigray pansexual.
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? Dear heavens, so many... Okay, so! My older half-brother by mother (rarely seen), my younger full-sister, then parents got divorced and Dad met Stepmother who was pregnant from her prior marriage (hence my younger stepbrother that I've known since he was born), my stepmother and father had a daughter (my younger half-sister by father), and my mother had an eventful night with someone that resulted in my younger half-brother by mother. Whew.
I was raised with my two sisters and stepbrother, so they're the default ones I imagine when people ask about siblings.
Saturn: Any pets? Used to be a lot more! Right now I just have two chinchillas and four diamond doves (but diamond doves are so tiny, so they're all in one cage-- and the chins are in the same cage. Though all my pets are housed in Big Cages, even most of my betta were never in anything smaller than 3g....)
Uranus: What’s your hobby? ...I have so many of those, too... Writing is my favorite, particularly about my OCs or Raven-centric TT fanfics. And roleplaying, I absolutely love writing with someone else! I also love music, mostly singing but I'm also quite literally addicted to concerts, I love exploring new artists, I've written a few songs and I improvise very Unfinished Songs on my keyboard, but I mostly play with sheet music and improv because I can't play by ear for shit.
Neptune: When’s your birthday? March 30th
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 6:34pm
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? Academically? Nothing! A big stinking heaping hunk of NOTHING! HA. Miss me with that student loan debt and a useless degree that doesn’t guarantee you the job you were promised. But as far as actual practice, I'm learning how to be a leader and a bu\siness ow/ner with with my org, so, you know. Studying from THEM, for sure. Also studying a lot of self-help and personal growth, learning how to Heal.
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? Yes, just a few times and very, very sporadically, but I can't say I'm a fan.
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? I came very, very VERY close. I got a D- on one of my AP Physics progress reports. I don't do well with math, guys. Luckily my teacher understood that I grasped the science but just couldn't grasp the math, even after he'd tried coaching me through it and attending after-school study sessions and everything, but because he knew I was Trying and appreciated that, he gave me two extra credit projects and I brought my grade up to almost a C.
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? Yes! I used to do a lot better on them, now even Dramamine doesn't hold the kinetosis back forever. /:S And I've been getting light-headed on them in recent years, so that's, uhh, concerning. But for the first few rides, I absolutely LOVE them! The sensation of FLIGHT, baby!!
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? Closest I've gone was.... mmh, a tie between San Diego and Niagara Falls. Not QUITE, but I've been very close to the borders. I’ve been on both sides of the continent, though! And I’ve been to... probably 12 US States now?
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? Oh hell yes. Music and Steven Universe. (I think the first time I cried from happiness at SU was Jungle Moon? I was absolutely ECSTATIC at our first glimpse of Pink, you have no fucking idea.)
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? the real answer seems to be things from past lives that i'd actually tried to permanently forget via magic and yet they still carried over into this life... But there's quite a lot from THIS life, too. My friends. My OCs. Raven's impact on my life and meeting Marv Wolfman. My familiars, Fizzy especially. The first time I realized my astral projections were So Different. Discovering the Nexus weirdness. The first time I opened up to a friend about The Real Reason I worked so hard to control my emotions, and the way he was so supportive and reassuring and wouldn't let me get down on myself. My mentors, even the first one who is all the way in Florida but told me before she moved that I was so much better than who my stepmother told me I was. Just... a lot of life-changing things, you know?
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? My friends and their well-being, safety, and happiness.
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? Not to my knowledge? Though I might've sprained my right ankle. I was too afraid of how my stepmother would react to tell someone when I hurt it, but it didn't hurt badly enough to think I had to. To this day, almost 20 years later, it still cracks and rolls a bit too easily for comfort.
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? Nobody on the planet could FORCE me to lie. Secrets, however... I will loyally and stubbornly keep a secret of my own free will.
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? ...yes... Dear friends, many times. Largely due to them moving, sometimes due to reincarnation or whatever weirdness you want to ascribe to that.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? ...I don't like questions like this. They take me to dark places. But... I wish I hadn't divorced myself so far from my own hopes and dreams and desires that, four or more years into trying to reconnect with myself, I still don't know what I'm Truly Feeling half the time. It was my coping mechanism, hell it was A SURVIVAL mechanism. But I wish I hadn't taught myself that The Only Way to Get Through Life is to Shut Off My Emotions Entirely.
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? Samhain, Halloween hands-down!~
Orion: Favourite month? Ooh.... a nice tie between October and February.
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? The New Teen Titans, as written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by George Perez! As far as novels though, maybe... Bruiser, by Neal Shusterman? Pretty much any novel Shusterman has put out in the past 10 years is eligible for this list.
Delphinus: Favourite study? Meditation and the occult.
Hercules: Favourite instrument? To play? Piano! To imagine myself playing (because I've never been able to try but have a Visceral Gut Instinct that I would LOVE it), the theramin!
Gemini: Favourite song? Right now I'm really stuck on Serene by Tarja! (I sang my heart out to it during my walk yesterday and a neighbor complimented my singing!)
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? All in all, the astral. But on Earth, probably the forest that first opened its heart to me.
Libra: Favourite colour? Deep, rich dark blue!
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? Cloaks and skirts. They make a damn good show when it's windy!
Aries: Favourite movie? I'm not much of a movie person, honestly... I love the first few Crow movies. Powder struck a chord. The Covenant was fun, but it has been over a decade since I watched it, so I’m not sure if I’d still enjoy it?
Cygnus: Favourite weather? Thunderstorms and cool breezy days.
Hydra: Favourite sound? The crowd at a concert singing along to a song you all know by heart. ~<3
Galaxies: Love/Friends
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? My now-girlfriend, @banishedbandit
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? Not terribly, no. I can coast through a social situation and make for good conversation when I connect with someone, though.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? I don't. I believe in infatuation, admiration, appreciation, crushes, and lust at first sight. But “true” love doesn't happen just because of the way someone looks, or walks, or presents themselves. Love can only be achieved through knowing enough about them to love them for who they are, not what they look like.
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? Given a kiss outside the family, second grade. A friend walked by and pecked me on the cheek in the lunch room.
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? Depends on how comfortable I am with the present company. Among friends on a good day, I can have a wit sharp as a knife. But that's mostly the "flirty" kind of banter and such. With total strangers, I don't do "flirting", I do "trying to get to know you on a deep and sincere level". You have to unlock my playfulness like a level-up award.
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? Mhh, not romantically, no. But platonically, even familially, there are a lot of people I don't talk to anymore because I learned some very unsavory things about their bigotry.
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? Mmmmmmaybe? If they asked, maybe?
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? Is my girlfriend a valid answer? Because I have like, a perpetual crush on her.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? I had a feeling someone was crushing on me from afar, but I've never gotten any notes or any sort of admirational gestures.
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? Hell no. My time and their time are both more valuable than that! I can make friends with someone I happen to feel pity for, but I won't try to maintain a relationship purely because they're pitiful.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? No? What good would that do? I'm proud of the people I've befriended, and if someone has a problem with one of my friends, that's their issue, and I am absolutely not going to feed into that.
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? Nope.
Other stuff: Wishes
Comet: What’s your big dream? DM me for this one, because it's an entire fucking essay on its own! The tl;dr version goes like: Escaping Capitalist Hell, Healing Whatever Is Wrong With My Stomach, Free Time to Live my Life, Showering my Girlfriend and Friends with Love and Affection and Time, Huge Home, Space For Pets, an entire library, space to meditate, altars for my deities......... There's a lot I dream about, especially in recent years.
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? See above; the Free Time Lifestyle IS my dream.
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? The story behind RWT? All the details of the Nexus? My past lives and identities? Just what it's like being an empath? Why I relate so hard to Raven? How much my friends mean to me? How much I love my girlfriend? Any kind of Emotional Expression would be Lovely but my brain has Blinders around the Pretty Phrasing for it, apparently???
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? ...I'm not sure how I could choose just one... Maybe, going to public school for as long as I did? If I could have gone to an online school earlier, I probably could've graduated earlier, and won more of my life back. Maybe even gotten a job, and gotten free from my stepmother earlier, and more permanently.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? the answer to that is too Nexus and painful and I know it's not wise, but... There are two, really, but I don't think either of the Things I'd want to be bring back would want to COME back... a dearly beloved one i still get spasms of grief for, and a place long lost, and apparently happy to stay that way.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? GET FREE.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? Be a positive force in as many peoples' lives as I can. Do some GOOD in the world. And believe, well and truly, that I am a good person after all.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? I can't fucking answer that, I would need at least Four!
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? ...mmmh, Steven Universe continuing? Or the collapse of capitalism and the rise of climate-conscious policies OVERNIGHT!
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? I'm not sure. Something hopeful, maybe? I suppose I won't know until I get there.
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scioneeris · 5 years
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If you didn’t make it to the FB event, here’s some of the fun tidbits!
*there is no release date as yet—I’ll let you guys know as soon as I have one.
****TAGLINE and BLURB!!****
One Soulscream. One Chance. One twisted Timeline...
Soula Deveraine wants to make the most of her Second Hunt. It’s been ten years since the last disaster and this year, she’s determined to court or be courted in the eight-week event. When Soula stumbles into a kidnapping gone wrong, she awakens a decades-old feud between the Deveraine and Vaughn Clans. Her bad luck continues with a rejected Soulbond, a mysterious cursed diary and the handsome Orion Kuroe who doesn’t fit any of her daydreams. Can she survive the danger—or worse, the heartbreak?
Orion Kuroe isn’t looking for love anywhere—he doesn’t have the time or heart to spare. His latest clue is a cursed diary with vital information to his inter-realm investigation. Translating it is top priority, but he isn’t prepared for the translator to be gorgeous trouble-magnet Soula Deveraine. He needs her help, he doesn’t want her heart—but is that choice really up to him?
Sands of Time is a slow-burn RH adventure with a hint of romance and plenty of fantastical magic.
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nataliamohes · 4 years
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12 Hour Shift (2020)
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sightego · 7 years
“im passionate about dogs, just not crazy about bitches” is one of the most iconic rh taglines ever
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regolithheart · 8 years
no. 6
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen: I’m reading this for a Jane Austen book club I’m doing with one of my BFFs. Let me preface by saying that the movie with Emma Thompson is one of my all-time favorite movies. No joke. I don’t go two months without watching it at least once. So I’m definitely familiar with the story, but have not read the book. I gotta say, in this instance, I recommend the movie. There was nothing bad about the book and it was actually quite funny, I felt that the movie did a better job at making the characters more likable, especially in regards to Edward Ferrars and Lucy Steele. Still, Elinor Dashwood is one of my all-time favorite heroines and I love her because she proves that kindness and quietness is also strength. RH score: 87/100. 
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake: I thought the premise sounded really interesting: Every generation, a set of girl triplets is born, each with their own power and they grow up separate from each other until they come of age and have to kill each other off so that only one queen remains to rule. Great premise, but that’s basically all it is. I felt that the reader was given a lot of exposition and even though the stakes were high, nothing felt like it had a lot of weight. I think a big hindrance was all the POVs. Not only did we got POV chapters from each of the queens (which jumped from one to the other every chapter), we also got POV chapters from a lot of secondary characters as well. Then there is a stupid love triangle thrown in there as well as other weird romantic relationships that didn’t actually give me any feels so when there was a plot twist, I wasn’t that invested in it. One of the things I liked about this book was that everyone thinks all the queens are evil, but they aren’t really. They’re actually decent people who are messed up because of the way the were raised and who they were raised by. *Spoiler alert* Of course, all of that changes through a series of misunderstandings and now they all for reals want to kill each other. But I find the whole misunderstandings trope really tiring. All in all, I just have to say: Eff Joseph, eff Mirabella, and eff Peityr! RH score: 68/100. 
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh: I was really looking forward to reading this book. It has been on my TBR list ever since it came out, but sadly, I was so disappointed. With a plot that is so incredibly simple (it is literally explained in a tagline on the cover), I expected it to be perfectly written and incredibly executed but there was a love triangle that was introduced in the second chapter, the second chapter, and my eyes began to glaze over. You’d also think that was a simple plot, it would give the secondary characters room to shine, but I feel like I don’t have a good grasp on them either. There’s a “romance” that plays out between some of the secondary characters but I had to use quotation marks because we didn’t actually get to see it unfold. There was way too much telling in this book and not enough showing and I find that incredibly irritating. The dialogue was also strangely paced and I didn’t feel either invested or grounded in the story. It gets a big ol’ meh from me and while it was a more tolerable read than Three Dark Crowns, I’m giving it a lower score because sometimes being boring is worst than being bad. Plus, I kind of don’t care what happens next and am not too motivated to read the next book whereas with Three Dark Crowns, I refuse to read the next book, but will probably pester @nothingtoseehere-move-along to tell me what happens when she eventually does. RH score: 64/100. 
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flowersdelivereduk · 3 years
10 Flower and Gardening Apps To Start Using Right Now
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to put all things floral centre stage. Whether you’re arranging bunches of your favourite seasonal flowers, lovingly tending to a family of houseplants or trying your utmost to make your garden grow, there’s an app to help turn your black thumb green.
From care calendars and soil checkers to identification tools that reveal all you need to know about that mysterious leafy something, these fun and informative smartphone tools act like your own pocket-friendly Monty Don. 
Next stop, the RHS Chelsea Flower Show!
This gem of an app is the Holy Grail for gardeners. It’s a like-minded community of plant lovers who follow and support each other’s green-fingered endeavours, but it offers a lot more besides. You can use it to identify plants, ask and answer questions, create a garden wishlist, watch video tutorials, discover local nurseries and tour famous public gardens from the comfort of your deck chair. Phew!
The data-rich British Geological Survey is behind this fabulously nerdy app, so you can trust what it tells you. It analyses the soil where you live, assessing its texture, depth, temperature, acidity level and mineral content before suggesting the plants that will fare best in your garden, saving you time and money. 
This accessible app’s tagline is ‘Never kill a plant again’. It delivers on its lofty promise, offering buckets of beginner-friendly advice and easy to follow care schedules, complete with reminders. The Dr Planta function helps you figure out why your plants are looking sorry for themselves, while the light meter gauges the light intensity level and suggests the best suited plants for your space. Time to order some new plant babies, worry-free!
Flower Garden
If your dream of owning a garden is yet to be realised, why not enjoy creating one virtually with this colourful app? Full of all the soothing sights and sounds of nature, it lets you plant seeds, water them and watch them blossom in 3D. There are over 50 different species to unlock, all of which exhibit realistic growth behaviours and react to your touch. Best of all, you can cut your most beautiful blooms and arrange a digital bouquet to your loved ones, along with a personalised note. These can’t compare to the real thing, of course, but they’re cute! 
Snap a photo of any flower and this clever app, formerly known as PlantSnapp, will tell you what it is with 95% accuracy. Impressive, huh? What’s more, it will automatically create a care calendar built around your garden’s needs, based on the plants you’ve snapped. You’ll never forget to prune that rose bush again!
If you’re psyching yourself up to attempt a spot of DIY landscape design, this avant-garde app will kickstart your project. It works by superimposing concepts over photos of your existing garden using augmented reality - everything from trees and flower beds to decking and paving. You can then virtually explore how your revamped outside space will look in 3D before giving that long-awaited renovation a go. 
RHS Grow Your Own
This much-loved app from the Royal Horticultural Society is packed with accessible advice to help beginners grow and harvest over 100 fruits, vegetables and herbs from scratch. It suggests the best species to tackle based on your available space and time, meaning even city dwellers can have a go. You can set up alerts to remind you what to do and when, record notes, and buy seeds and gardening gear from the connected online shop. You’ll be serving up delicious homegrown food before you know it!
Garden Answers
Gardening noobs will appreciate this treasure trove of expert info, featuring answers to more than 200,000 commonly asked questions! It can also identify over 20,000 species at the click of your camera, so if it’s knowledge you’re after, look no further. It’ll fill you in on any disease or pest infestation problem too. This isn’t the number one downloaded gardening app for nothing, as its three million users can testify.
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My Lawn
Lawns can be divas but this unsung hero of an app will help you get the betterof your patchy, browning grass. Its clear tips are tailored to the size of your lawn and the climate in which it grows. You can customise a maintenance plan and there’s a useful water tracker for making sure your grass stays lush throughout the summer.
If you’re partial to an Instagram scroll, you’ll enjoy uploading your own snaps to this similar app and browsing hundreds of thousands of gardens for botanical inspiration. The themed days are fun (‘upload a photo of purple flowers’, for example) and there’s a helpful care calendar too. Get stuck in building connections and you’ll glean all sorts of top tips from your fellow floral fans.
Too busy for gardening? For instant gratification, browse our stunning range of flowers and houseplants, now featuring those long-awaited peonies!
The post 10 Flower and Gardening Apps To Start Using Right Now appeared first on THE FLOWER DIARIES.
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from THE FLOWER DIARIES https://ift.tt/34TE0i4 via IFTTT
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realhousewives-fan · 2 years
The Sparkling Taglines of Beverly Hills
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Better late than never. I love that they’re all dressed in red in their opening scene, and I think it’s because of the finale last season where they celebrated the Chinese New Year.
The color red brings good luck into the new year, so I thought either the women or the Bravo producers organized that.
Did they know that they needed good luck this season? Or was it just to celebrate it? It was just an interesting detail for me.
1) Crystal Kung Minkoff
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Crystal has my favorite tagline this season. I loved her tagline. 
I don’t want her to get the baton from Kyle Richards of having taglines about “this town” or “in Beverly Hills” though. In season 11 her tagline was:
“Hollywood is full of pretenders, and I slay them all.”
But I like her taglines! I really do, I can’t help it.
But if you think about her season, it’s strange that her tagline talks about how “talk can cost you” when she alluded to Sutton Stracke saying something extremely damaging this season. 
It actually backfired on her, which makes this a self-dig, in a way.
But is it rather a dig at Erika Girardi? They had an argument where Erika refused to show empathy for the victims, which frustrated her.
No matter who or what Crystal had in mind for this tagline, I think it stands excellent on its own.
2) Garcelle Beauvais
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At this point I might just genuinely love Garcelle and everything she says or does. This one is short and simple, but I like that statement from her.
I think it has something to do with Dorit Kemsley’s dig at her at the reunion where she accused Garcelle of doing things just to stay relevant.
“I don’t need the spotlight – I shine just fine.”
3) Sutton Stracke
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Sutton is delightfully shady. I knew I loved her from the moment she mocked Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave’s outfit. 
Her tagline in season 11 was a mouthful, but it was true to her snobbiness.
With this tagline she plays with her feud with Lisa Rinna about the Elton John charity tickets, and I love her for it! This is how you do taglines!
4) Erika Girardi
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This is controversial to me, that I like Erika’s tagline. It’s like an extension of her threat to Sutton in season 11. I think I like it, because it’s honest.
She also terrifies the hell out of me with this statement, and I can only imagine how the other women must feel about her.
I know that Kyle is afraid of her. I don’t know it for a fact, I just know that it’s true. 
But yeah, Erika is selfish, self-righteous, delusional and a bully. And I’ve no doubt that she’s dangerous too.
5) Lisa Rinna
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Next up is Rinna… We’re midway of the list right now and this is where things are starting to decline for me.
“Hi, I’m Karma – and yes, I am a bitch.”
I didn’t really like it from the beginning, as Rinna’s bitchiness has gotten tiresome to me. 
But Rinna has been in rare form this season. Unreasonably bitchy!
It’s understandable that she’s struggling with the death of her mother but do to others as you want others to do to you. 
And it seems like Karma is sadly giving Rinna what she deserves right now.
6) Kyle Richards
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Now, I can appreciate that Kyle has taken a break from talking about “Beverly Hills” and “this town”, but if she’s going to proclaim to be “the real deal”, then I’ll rather have another tired and recycled tagline from her. 
Is Kyle trying to make me believe that she’s not a pretender? Please… This one is laughable to me.
7) Dorit Kemsley
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Dorit has had a tough season as she experienced a terrifying home invasion, and she alludes to that robbery in her tagline. 
But I’m sorry, I have to call bullshit on that one. Dorit is a materialistic girl, a fashionista. 
I understand that her things mean nothing compared to her family, but she cares about nice things. Let’s get real.
8) Diana Jenkins
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Speaking of having nice things… I disliked this tagline from the moment I heard it. 
It’s the kind of nonsense that Dorit once had, and even Taylor Armstrong! Like this isn’t even original! Taylor’s said:
“It may look like I have it all – but I want more…”
They’re close to identical, and I didn’t like those either. We’re now at the bottom of the barrel and scrapping for relevance. 
Diana was a flop, and her tagline just proves what kind of mediocre nonsense we get with her.
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michalewillard · 7 years
Brands That Invite You to Sleep Over—And Even Move In
West Elm makes chic and not-quite-cheap home furnishings. Karl Lagerfeld makes to-die-for luxury fashion. What they have in common—both aim to be great hoteliers, and hope the pull of their respective brands is strong enough to attract loyalists and others to sleep and even live in spaces they have designed.
A growing number of brands are extending lifestyle branding to daily living with this proposition by opening their own hotels, residences—even retirement communities. This hospitable roster is unified by a desire to put the “life” in “lifestyle” brands. They’re creating experiences that transcend selling goods and services to enabling the ability to live, by the day or longer, in an immersive branded aesthetic and philosopy.
“People view brands as promises of an experience,” Larry Light, CEO of Arcature consultants, told the New York Times. Added Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, “You’re seeing companies begin to leverage themselves in ways that are really out of the box. They’re saying, ‘If I have a brand name that is pristine and prestigious and known by the wealthy, let’s see how I can leverage it across other product lines.'”
Hospitality may be the ultimate brand experience. “While staying at the hotel, the consumer—and guest in this case—is completely immersed in the brand in question,” author Constance Dunn told the South China Morning Post. “This sensory lifestyle experience has the power to cleave a consumer to a brand more potently than a glitzy handbag or bespoke blazer ever could. Remember that branding is not about the object itself, but our feelings attached to it.”
Bulgari, the celebrated jeweler and luxury goods retailer, was a pioneer in the hotel business back in 2001, and operates branded hotels in Milan, London and Bali (above) in partnership with Marriott. Properties are also slated for Shanghai, Dubai, Moscow and Beijing.
Other luxe fashion brands turned hoteliers include Armani (with properties in Dubai and Milan), Versace (with hotels in Dubai and Australia’s Gold Coast) and designer Karl Lagerfeld, who’s opening his first hotel in Macau with plans for more properties worldwide. Versace is also planning a Macau hotel as a foothold in China.
As a press release notes, “KARL LAGERFELD Hospitality will translate Karl Lagerfeld’s vision and unique aesthetic into bespoke projects including hotels, residential properties, restaurants and private clubs. Each property will reflect Karl’s renowned, cutting-edge approach to style and signature touch that surpasses the boundaries of fashion alone.”
Nobu—the celebrity-loved eatery backed by actor Robert DeNiro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa—is expanding its brand in Toronto with a project that includes 660 condominium suites, a hotel and the first Nobu restaurant in Canada, housed in a double-towered complex just a sushi roll’s throw from the iconic CN Tower.
Home essentials brand Parachute Home invites guests to stay at its boho chic hotel above its textiles and linens store in Venice Beach, Calif., bringing its products and style to life, as seen in the bedroom above.
America’s upmarket Equinox gym chain is opening its first hotel in 2019. Located in New York City’s Hudson Yards development near the High Line, the hotel will include a 60,000-square-foot Equinox gym, the brand’s largest ever. Equinox also announced a Los Angeles location in 2019, part of its eventual goal of 79 hotels worldwide.
“The demand for fitness and high-performance living has never been greater, and we don’t see it slowing down,” Equinox CMO Carlos Becil told Condé Nast Traveler. “We polled our members and we received a 95% response rate that our members would be interested in staying at an Equinox hotel.”
Adding to the “sportspitality” trend, Equinox’s SoulCycle brand is planning its own hotel.
Expanding on its travel savvy, Virgin Hotels launched in the US in 2015, with only one property to date but a slew in the works. The first Virgin Hotel opened in Chicago, and a second property will open in San Francisco this year. Also in development: New Orleans; New York; Silicon Valley, CA; Nashville, TN; Palm Springs, CA; and Dallas, TX.
Another iconic British brand is coming to America as Aston Martin plans to open Aston Martin Residences in Miami in 2021. While not a hotel, aficionados can pay to live like James Bond in a fully-branded experience with a luxury condominium, beach club and marina with Aston Martin yachts, of course.
Upmarket furniture retailer Restoration Hardware is working on a 14-room boutique hotel with its biggest RH Gallery retail space to date (replacing its current Fifth Avenue location) and restaurant in New York City’s Meatpacking district. The proposed redevelopment at 55 Gansevoort has had to scale back its architectural plan, but appears to be back on track.
Another furniture retailer, West Elm, is getting into the hotel business by opening branded properties in Savannah, Detroit and Minneapolis in 2018 with Oakland, CA, also in planning. “Where many retail brands have put the nail in their coffins is by opening too many stores,” West Elm President Jim Brett told the Wall Street Journal. In a big bet, West Elm is focusing on experience by showcasing its products in hotels rather than brick-and-mortar stores, with a mobile app creating a seamless cohesiveness.
“Everything is about that guest experience,” David Bowd, a principle at West Elm Hotels, told Conde Nast Traveler. “Our tagline has been whole-hearted hospitality.”
The brand “will offer the experience of a high-end boutique hotel and the pricing of a mid-market player,” Peter Fowler, vice president of hospitality and workspace for West Elm, told Bloomberg.
West Elm will specialize in the reuse of historic building and design elements by local artisans. Fowler told the publication that the rooms won’t feel like showrooms and that the hotels won’t sell a single West Elm product on-site; instead, hotel-related capsule collections will be available online.
At the more ubiquitous end of the home furnishings spectrum, the world’s biggest furniture retailer has its own hotel. The IKEA Hotel (the IKEA Hotell & Restaurang Värdshuset) is located in the center of Älmhult, Sweden, just across from the IKEA museum. Intended for visitors to the brand’s nearby global HQ, it’s open for the public and yes, it’s furnished with IKEA furniture—and no, you don’t unlock your room with an Allen Key.
Magnolia‘s Chip and Joanna Gaines’ have skyrocketed to fame, boosted by their hit HGTV series Fixer Upper. One of their TV remodeling projects was turned into The Magnolia House bed and breakfast, which sold out its six-month booking window in five minutes. Building on their Magnolia Homes real estate business that got them on TV in the first place, they have opened a complex based around “The Silos” in Waco, TX that includes a store, bakery, magazine and product lines. (Fans also search Airbnb and VRBO to stay in their TV show’s renovated houses.)
Disney has mastered the “come stay here” to “come live here” transition, from its theme park hotels and resorts (with a Star Wars-themed hotel now under consideration for Walt Disney World in Orlando) to its Golden Oak gated community that opened in 2011 as vacation homes and primary residences. In the early 1990’s, Disney established Celebration, Florida, as a real-life branded town and master planned community before giving up control.
Of course, plans don’t always work out. Urban Outfitters Inc. planned to open a 
0 notes
judithnegrin · 7 years
Brands That Invite You to Sleep Over—And Even Move In
West Elm makes chic and not-quite-cheap home furnishings. Karl Lagerfeld makes to-die-for luxury fashion. What they have in common—both aim to be great hoteliers, and hope the pull of their respective brands is strong enough to attract loyalists and others to sleep and even live in spaces they have designed.
A growing number of brands are extending lifestyle branding to daily living with this proposition by opening their own hotels, residences—even retirement communities. This hospitable roster is unified by a desire to put the “life” in “lifestyle” brands. They’re creating experiences that transcend selling goods and services to enabling the ability to live, by the day or longer, in an immersive branded aesthetic and philosopy.
“People view brands as promises of an experience,” Larry Light, CEO of Arcature consultants, told the New York Times. Added Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, “You’re seeing companies begin to leverage themselves in ways that are really out of the box. They’re saying, ‘If I have a brand name that is pristine and prestigious and known by the wealthy, let’s see how I can leverage it across other product lines.'”
Hospitality may be the ultimate brand experience. “While staying at the hotel, the consumer—and guest in this case—is completely immersed in the brand in question,” author Constance Dunn told the South China Morning Post. “This sensory lifestyle experience has the power to cleave a consumer to a brand more potently than a glitzy handbag or bespoke blazer ever could. Remember that branding is not about the object itself, but our feelings attached to it.”
Bulgari, the celebrated jeweler and luxury goods retailer, was a pioneer in the hotel business back in 2001, and operates branded hotels in Milan, London and Bali (above) in partnership with Marriott. Properties are also slated for Shanghai, Dubai, Moscow and Beijing.
Other luxe fashion brands turned hoteliers include Armani (with properties in Dubai and Milan), Versace (with hotels in Dubai and Australia’s Gold Coast) and designer Karl Lagerfeld, who’s opening his first hotel in Macau with plans for more properties worldwide. Versace is also planning a Macau hotel as a foothold in China.
As a press release notes, “KARL LAGERFELD Hospitality will translate Karl Lagerfeld’s vision and unique aesthetic into bespoke projects including hotels, residential properties, restaurants and private clubs. Each property will reflect Karl’s renowned, cutting-edge approach to style and signature touch that surpasses the boundaries of fashion alone.”
Nobu—the celebrity-loved eatery backed by actor Robert DeNiro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa—is expanding its brand in Toronto with a project that includes 660 condominium suites, a hotel and the first Nobu restaurant in Canada, housed in a double-towered complex just a sushi roll’s throw from the iconic CN Tower.
Home essentials brand Parachute Home invites guests to stay at its boho chic hotel above its textiles and linens store in Venice Beach, Calif., bringing its products and style to life, as seen in the bedroom above.
America’s upmarket Equinox gym chain is opening its first hotel in 2019. Located in New York City’s Hudson Yards development near the High Line, the hotel will include a 60,000-square-foot Equinox gym, the brand’s largest ever. Equinox also announced a Los Angeles location in 2019, part of its eventual goal of 79 hotels worldwide.
“The demand for fitness and high-performance living has never been greater, and we don’t see it slowing down,” Equinox CMO Carlos Becil told Condé Nast Traveler. “We polled our members and we received a 95% response rate that our members would be interested in staying at an Equinox hotel.”
Adding to the “sportspitality” trend, Equinox’s SoulCycle brand is planning its own hotel.
Expanding on its travel savvy, Virgin Hotels launched in the US in 2015, with only one property to date but a slew in the works. The first Virgin Hotel opened in Chicago, and a second property will open in San Francisco this year. Also in development: New Orleans; New York; Silicon Valley, CA; Nashville, TN; Palm Springs, CA; and Dallas, TX.
Another iconic British brand is coming to America as Aston Martin plans to open Aston Martin Residences in Miami in 2021. While not a hotel, aficionados can pay to live like James Bond in a fully-branded experience with a luxury condominium, beach club and marina with Aston Martin yachts, of course.
Upmarket furniture retailer Restoration Hardware is working on a 14-room boutique hotel with its biggest RH Gallery retail space to date (replacing its current Fifth Avenue location) and restaurant in New York City’s Meatpacking district. The proposed redevelopment at 55 Gansevoort has had to scale back its architectural plan, but appears to be back on track.
Another furniture retailer, West Elm, is getting into the hotel business by opening branded properties in Savannah, Detroit and Minneapolis in 2018 with Oakland, CA, also in planning. “Where many retail brands have put the nail in their coffins is by opening too many stores,” West Elm President Jim Brett told the Wall Street Journal. In a big bet, West Elm is focusing on experience by showcasing its products in hotels rather than brick-and-mortar stores, with a mobile app creating a seamless cohesiveness.
“Everything is about that guest experience,” David Bowd, a principle at West Elm Hotels, told Conde Nast Traveler. “Our tagline has been whole-hearted hospitality.”
The brand “will offer the experience of a high-end boutique hotel and the pricing of a mid-market player,” Peter Fowler, vice president of hospitality and workspace for West Elm, told Bloomberg.
West Elm will specialize in the reuse of historic building and design elements by local artisans. Fowler told the publication that the rooms won’t feel like showrooms and that the hotels won’t sell a single West Elm product on-site; instead, hotel-related capsule collections will be available online.
At the more ubiquitous end of the home furnishings spectrum, the world’s biggest furniture retailer has its own hotel. The IKEA Hotel (the IKEA Hotell & Restaurang Värdshuset) is located in the center of Älmhult, Sweden, just across from the IKEA museum. Intended for visitors to the brand’s nearby global HQ, it’s open for the public and yes, it’s furnished with IKEA furniture—and no, you don’t unlock your room with an Allen Key.
Magnolia‘s Chip and Joanna Gaines’ have skyrocketed to fame, boosted by their hit HGTV series Fixer Upper. One of their TV remodeling projects was turned into The Magnolia House bed and breakfast, which sold out its six-month booking window in five minutes. Building on their Magnolia Homes real estate business that got them on TV in the first place, they have opened a complex based around “The Silos” in Waco, TX that includes a store, bakery, magazine and product lines. (Fans also search Airbnb and VRBO to stay in their TV show’s renovated houses.)
Disney has mastered the “come stay here” to “come live here” transition, from its theme park hotels and resorts (with a Star Wars-themed hotel now under consideration for Walt Disney World in Orlando) to its Golden Oak gated community that opened in 2011 as vacation homes and primary residences. In the early 1990’s, Disney established Celebration, Florida, as a real-life branded town and master planned community before giving up control.
Of course, plans don’t always work out. Urban Outfitters Inc. planned to open a 
0 notes
josephgsanchez · 7 years
Brands That Invite You to Sleep Over—And Even Move In
West Elm makes chic and not-quite-cheap home furnishings. Karl Lagerfeld makes to-die-for luxury fashion. What they have in common—both aim to be great hoteliers, and hope the pull of their respective brands is strong enough to attract loyalists and others to sleep and even live in spaces they have designed.
A growing number of brands are extending lifestyle branding to daily living with this proposition by opening their own hotels, residences—even retirement communities. This hospitable roster is unified by a desire to put the “life” in “lifestyle” brands. They’re creating experiences that transcend selling goods and services to enabling the ability to live, by the day or longer, in an immersive branded aesthetic and philosopy.
“People view brands as promises of an experience,” Larry Light, CEO of Arcature consultants, told the New York Times. Added Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, “You’re seeing companies begin to leverage themselves in ways that are really out of the box. They’re saying, ‘If I have a brand name that is pristine and prestigious and known by the wealthy, let’s see how I can leverage it across other product lines.'”
Hospitality may be the ultimate brand experience. “While staying at the hotel, the consumer—and guest in this case—is completely immersed in the brand in question,” author Constance Dunn told the South China Morning Post. “This sensory lifestyle experience has the power to cleave a consumer to a brand more potently than a glitzy handbag or bespoke blazer ever could. Remember that branding is not about the object itself, but our feelings attached to it.”
Bulgari, the celebrated jeweler and luxury goods retailer, was a pioneer in the hotel business back in 2001, and operates branded hotels in Milan, London and Bali (above) in partnership with Marriott. Properties are also slated for Shanghai, Dubai, Moscow and Beijing.
Other luxe fashion brands turned hoteliers include Armani (with properties in Dubai and Milan), Versace (with hotels in Dubai and Australia’s Gold Coast) and designer Karl Lagerfeld, who’s opening his first hotel in Macau with plans for more properties worldwide. Versace is also planning a Macau hotel as a foothold in China.
As a press release notes, “KARL LAGERFELD Hospitality will translate Karl Lagerfeld’s vision and unique aesthetic into bespoke projects including hotels, residential properties, restaurants and private clubs. Each property will reflect Karl’s renowned, cutting-edge approach to style and signature touch that surpasses the boundaries of fashion alone.”
Nobu—the celebrity-loved eatery backed by actor Robert DeNiro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa—is expanding its brand in Toronto with a project that includes 660 condominium suites, a hotel and the first Nobu restaurant in Canada, housed in a double-towered complex just a sushi roll’s throw from the iconic CN Tower.
Home essentials brand Parachute Home invites guests to stay at its boho chic hotel above its textiles and linens store in Venice Beach, Calif., bringing its products and style to life, as seen in the bedroom above.
America’s upmarket Equinox gym chain is opening its first hotel in 2019. Located in New York City’s Hudson Yards development near the High Line, the hotel will include a 60,000-square-foot Equinox gym, the brand’s largest ever. Equinox also announced a Los Angeles location in 2019, part of its eventual goal of 79 hotels worldwide.
“The demand for fitness and high-performance living has never been greater, and we don’t see it slowing down,” Equinox CMO Carlos Becil told Condé Nast Traveler. “We polled our members and we received a 95% response rate that our members would be interested in staying at an Equinox hotel.”
Adding to the “sportspitality” trend, Equinox’s SoulCycle brand is planning its own hotel.
Expanding on its travel savvy, Virgin Hotels launched in the US in 2015, with only one property to date but a slew in the works. The first Virgin Hotel opened in Chicago, and a second property will open in San Francisco this year. Also in development: New Orleans; New York; Silicon Valley, CA; Nashville, TN; Palm Springs, CA; and Dallas, TX.
Another iconic British brand is coming to America as Aston Martin plans to open Aston Martin Residences in Miami in 2021. While not a hotel, aficionados can pay to live like James Bond in a fully-branded experience with a luxury condominium, beach club and marina with Aston Martin yachts, of course.
Upmarket furniture retailer Restoration Hardware is working on a 14-room boutique hotel with its biggest RH Gallery retail space to date (replacing its current Fifth Avenue location) and restaurant in New York City’s Meatpacking district. The proposed redevelopment at 55 Gansevoort has had to scale back its architectural plan, but appears to be back on track.
Another furniture retailer, West Elm, is getting into the hotel business by opening branded properties in Savannah, Detroit and Minneapolis in 2018 with Oakland, CA, also in planning. “Where many retail brands have put the nail in their coffins is by opening too many stores,” West Elm President Jim Brett told the Wall Street Journal. In a big bet, West Elm is focusing on experience by showcasing its products in hotels rather than brick-and-mortar stores, with a mobile app creating a seamless cohesiveness.
“Everything is about that guest experience,” David Bowd, a principle at West Elm Hotels, told Conde Nast Traveler. “Our tagline has been whole-hearted hospitality.”
The brand “will offer the experience of a high-end boutique hotel and the pricing of a mid-market player,” Peter Fowler, vice president of hospitality and workspace for West Elm, told Bloomberg.
West Elm will specialize in the reuse of historic building and design elements by local artisans. Fowler told the publication that the rooms won’t feel like showrooms and that the hotels won’t sell a single West Elm product on-site; instead, hotel-related capsule collections will be available online.
At the more ubiquitous end of the home furnishings spectrum, the world’s biggest furniture retailer has its own hotel. The IKEA Hotel (the IKEA Hotell & Restaurang Värdshuset) is located in the center of Älmhult, Sweden, just across from the IKEA museum. Intended for visitors to the brand’s nearby global HQ, it’s open for the public and yes, it’s furnished with IKEA furniture—and no, you don’t unlock your room with an Allen Key.
Magnolia‘s Chip and Joanna Gaines’ have skyrocketed to fame, boosted by their hit HGTV series Fixer Upper. One of their TV remodeling projects was turned into The Magnolia House bed and breakfast, which sold out its six-month booking window in five minutes. Building on their Magnolia Homes real estate business that got them on TV in the first place, they have opened a complex based around “The Silos” in Waco, TX that includes a store, bakery, magazine and product lines. (Fans also search Airbnb and VRBO to stay in their TV show’s renovated houses.)
Disney has mastered the “come stay here” to “come live here” transition, from its theme park hotels and resorts (with a Star Wars-themed hotel now under consideration for Walt Disney World in Orlando) to its Golden Oak gated community that opened in 2011 as vacation homes and primary residences. In the early 1990’s, Disney established Celebration, Florida, as a real-life branded town and master planned community before giving up control.
Of course, plans don’t always work out. Urban Outfitters Inc. planned to open a 
0 notes
lorraineromaine · 7 years
Brands That Invite You to Sleep Over—And Even Move In
West Elm makes chic and not-quite-cheap home furnishings. Karl Lagerfeld makes to-die-for luxury fashion. What they have in common—both aim to be great hoteliers, and hope the pull of their respective brands is strong enough to attract loyalists and others to sleep and even live in spaces they have designed.
A growing number of brands are extending lifestyle branding to daily living with this proposition by opening their own hotels, residences—even retirement communities. This hospitable roster is unified by a desire to put the “life” in “lifestyle” brands. They’re creating experiences that transcend selling goods and services to enabling the ability to live, by the day or longer, in an immersive branded aesthetic and philosopy.
“People view brands as promises of an experience,” Larry Light, CEO of Arcature consultants, told the New York Times. Added Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, “You’re seeing companies begin to leverage themselves in ways that are really out of the box. They’re saying, ‘If I have a brand name that is pristine and prestigious and known by the wealthy, let’s see how I can leverage it across other product lines.'”
Hospitality may be the ultimate brand experience. “While staying at the hotel, the consumer—and guest in this case—is completely immersed in the brand in question,” author Constance Dunn told the South China Morning Post. “This sensory lifestyle experience has the power to cleave a consumer to a brand more potently than a glitzy handbag or bespoke blazer ever could. Remember that branding is not about the object itself, but our feelings attached to it.”
Bulgari, the celebrated jeweler and luxury goods retailer, was a pioneer in the hotel business back in 2001, and operates branded hotels in Milan, London and Bali (above) in partnership with Marriott. Properties are also slated for Shanghai, Dubai, Moscow and Beijing.
Other luxe fashion brands turned hoteliers include Armani (with properties in Dubai and Milan), Versace (with hotels in Dubai and Australia’s Gold Coast) and designer Karl Lagerfeld, who’s opening his first hotel in Macau with plans for more properties worldwide. Versace is also planning a Macau hotel as a foothold in China.
As a press release notes, “KARL LAGERFELD Hospitality will translate Karl Lagerfeld’s vision and unique aesthetic into bespoke projects including hotels, residential properties, restaurants and private clubs. Each property will reflect Karl’s renowned, cutting-edge approach to style and signature touch that surpasses the boundaries of fashion alone.”
Nobu—the celebrity-loved eatery backed by actor Robert DeNiro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa—is expanding its brand in Toronto with a project that includes 660 condominium suites, a hotel and the first Nobu restaurant in Canada, housed in a double-towered complex just a sushi roll’s throw from the iconic CN Tower.
Home essentials brand Parachute Home invites guests to stay at its boho chic hotel above its textiles and linens store in Venice Beach, Calif., bringing its products and style to life, as seen in the bedroom above.
America’s upmarket Equinox gym chain is opening its first hotel in 2019. Located in New York City’s Hudson Yards development near the High Line, the hotel will include a 60,000-square-foot Equinox gym, the brand’s largest ever. Equinox also announced a Los Angeles location in 2019, part of its eventual goal of 79 hotels worldwide.
“The demand for fitness and high-performance living has never been greater, and we don’t see it slowing down,” Equinox CMO Carlos Becil told Condé Nast Traveler. “We polled our members and we received a 95% response rate that our members would be interested in staying at an Equinox hotel.”
Adding to the “sportspitality” trend, Equinox’s SoulCycle brand is planning its own hotel.
Expanding on its travel savvy, Virgin Hotels launched in the US in 2015, with only one property to date but a slew in the works. The first Virgin Hotel opened in Chicago, and a second property will open in San Francisco this year. Also in development: New Orleans; New York; Silicon Valley, CA; Nashville, TN; Palm Springs, CA; and Dallas, TX.
Another iconic British brand is coming to America as Aston Martin plans to open Aston Martin Residences in Miami in 2021. While not a hotel, aficionados can pay to live like James Bond in a fully-branded experience with a luxury condominium, beach club and marina with Aston Martin yachts, of course.
Upmarket furniture retailer Restoration Hardware is working on a 14-room boutique hotel with its biggest RH Gallery retail space to date (replacing its current Fifth Avenue location) and restaurant in New York City’s Meatpacking district. The proposed redevelopment at 55 Gansevoort has had to scale back its architectural plan, but appears to be back on track.
Another furniture retailer, West Elm, is getting into the hotel business by opening branded properties in Savannah, Detroit and Minneapolis in 2018 with Oakland, CA, also in planning. “Where many retail brands have put the nail in their coffins is by opening too many stores,” West Elm President Jim Brett told the Wall Street Journal. In a big bet, West Elm is focusing on experience by showcasing its products in hotels rather than brick-and-mortar stores, with a mobile app creating a seamless cohesiveness.
“Everything is about that guest experience,” David Bowd, a principle at West Elm Hotels, told Conde Nast Traveler. “Our tagline has been whole-hearted hospitality.”
The brand “will offer the experience of a high-end boutique hotel and the pricing of a mid-market player,” Peter Fowler, vice president of hospitality and workspace for West Elm, told Bloomberg.
West Elm will specialize in the reuse of historic building and design elements by local artisans. Fowler told the publication that the rooms won’t feel like showrooms and that the hotels won’t sell a single West Elm product on-site; instead, hotel-related capsule collections will be available online.
At the more ubiquitous end of the home furnishings spectrum, the world’s biggest furniture retailer has its own hotel. The IKEA Hotel (the IKEA Hotell & Restaurang Värdshuset) is located in the center of Älmhult, Sweden, just across from the IKEA museum. Intended for visitors to the brand’s nearby global HQ, it’s open for the public and yes, it’s furnished with IKEA furniture—and no, you don’t unlock your room with an Allen Key.
Magnolia‘s Chip and Joanna Gaines’ have skyrocketed to fame, boosted by their hit HGTV series Fixer Upper. One of their TV remodeling projects was turned into The Magnolia House bed and breakfast, which sold out its six-month booking window in five minutes. Building on their Magnolia Homes real estate business that got them on TV in the first place, they have opened a complex based around “The Silos” in Waco, TX that includes a store, bakery, magazine and product lines. (Fans also search Airbnb and VRBO to stay in their TV show’s renovated houses.)
Disney has mastered the “come stay here” to “come live here” transition, from its theme park hotels and resorts (with a Star Wars-themed hotel now under consideration for Walt Disney World in Orlando) to its Golden Oak gated community that opened in 2011 as vacation homes and primary residences. In the early 1990’s, Disney established Celebration, Florida, as a real-life branded town and master planned community before giving up control.
Of course, plans don’t always work out. Urban Outfitters Inc. planned to open a 
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jubajunamobileapps · 7 years
Brands That Invite You to Sleep Over—And Even Move In
West Elm makes chic and not-quite-cheap home furnishings. Karl Lagerfeld makes to-die-for luxury fashion. What they have in common—both aim to be great hoteliers, and hope the pull of their respective brands is strong enough to attract loyalists and others to sleep and even live in spaces they have designed.
A growing number of brands are extending lifestyle branding to daily living with this proposition by opening their own hotels, residences—even retirement communities. This hospitable roster is unified by a desire to put the “life” in “lifestyle” brands. They’re creating experiences that transcend selling goods and services to enabling the ability to live, by the day or longer, in an immersive branded aesthetic and philosopy.
“People view brands as promises of an experience,” Larry Light, CEO of Arcature consultants, told the New York Times. Added Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, “You’re seeing companies begin to leverage themselves in ways that are really out of the box. They’re saying, ‘If I have a brand name that is pristine and prestigious and known by the wealthy, let’s see how I can leverage it across other product lines.'”
Hospitality may be the ultimate brand experience. “While staying at the hotel, the consumer—and guest in this case—is completely immersed in the brand in question,” author Constance Dunn told the South China Morning Post. “This sensory lifestyle experience has the power to cleave a consumer to a brand more potently than a glitzy handbag or bespoke blazer ever could. Remember that branding is not about the object itself, but our feelings attached to it.”
Bulgari, the celebrated jeweler and luxury goods retailer, was a pioneer in the hotel business back in 2001, and operates branded hotels in Milan, London and Bali (above) in partnership with Marriott. Properties are also slated for Shanghai, Dubai, Moscow and Beijing.
Other luxe fashion brands turned hoteliers include Armani (with properties in Dubai and Milan), Versace (with hotels in Dubai and Australia’s Gold Coast) and designer Karl Lagerfeld, who’s opening his first hotel in Macau with plans for more properties worldwide. Versace is also planning a Macau hotel as a foothold in China.
As a press release notes, “KARL LAGERFELD Hospitality will translate Karl Lagerfeld’s vision and unique aesthetic into bespoke projects including hotels, residential properties, restaurants and private clubs. Each property will reflect Karl’s renowned, cutting-edge approach to style and signature touch that surpasses the boundaries of fashion alone.”
Nobu—the celebrity-loved eatery backed by actor Robert DeNiro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa—is expanding its brand in Toronto with a project that includes 660 condominium suites, a hotel and the first Nobu restaurant in Canada, housed in a double-towered complex just a sushi roll’s throw from the iconic CN Tower.
Home essentials brand Parachute Home invites guests to stay at its boho chic hotel above its textiles and linens store in Venice Beach, Calif., bringing its products and style to life, as seen in the bedroom above.
America’s upmarket Equinox gym chain is opening its first hotel in 2019. Located in New York City’s Hudson Yards development near the High Line, the hotel will include a 60,000-square-foot Equinox gym, the brand’s largest ever. Equinox also announced a Los Angeles location in 2019, part of its eventual goal of 79 hotels worldwide.
“The demand for fitness and high-performance living has never been greater, and we don’t see it slowing down,” Equinox CMO Carlos Becil told Condé Nast Traveler. “We polled our members and we received a 95% response rate that our members would be interested in staying at an Equinox hotel.”
Adding to the “sportspitality” trend, Equinox’s SoulCycle brand is planning its own hotel.
Expanding on its travel savvy, Virgin Hotels launched in the US in 2015, with only one property to date but a slew in the works. The first Virgin Hotel opened in Chicago, and a second property will open in San Francisco this year. Also in development: New Orleans; New York; Silicon Valley, CA; Nashville, TN; Palm Springs, CA; and Dallas, TX.
Another iconic British brand is coming to America as Aston Martin plans to open Aston Martin Residences in Miami in 2021. While not a hotel, aficionados can pay to live like James Bond in a fully-branded experience with a luxury condominium, beach club and marina with Aston Martin yachts, of course.
Upmarket furniture retailer Restoration Hardware is working on a 14-room boutique hotel with its biggest RH Gallery retail space to date (replacing its current Fifth Avenue location) and restaurant in New York City’s Meatpacking district. The proposed redevelopment at 55 Gansevoort has had to scale back its architectural plan, but appears to be back on track.
Another furniture retailer, West Elm, is getting into the hotel business by opening branded properties in Savannah, Detroit and Minneapolis in 2018 with Oakland, CA, also in planning. “Where many retail brands have put the nail in their coffins is by opening too many stores,” West Elm President Jim Brett told the Wall Street Journal. In a big bet, West Elm is focusing on experience by showcasing its products in hotels rather than brick-and-mortar stores, with a mobile app creating a seamless cohesiveness.
“Everything is about that guest experience,” David Bowd, a principle at West Elm Hotels, told Conde Nast Traveler. “Our tagline has been whole-hearted hospitality.”
The brand “will offer the experience of a high-end boutique hotel and the pricing of a mid-market player,” Peter Fowler, vice president of hospitality and workspace for West Elm, told Bloomberg.
West Elm will specialize in the reuse of historic building and design elements by local artisans. Fowler told the publication that the rooms won’t feel like showrooms and that the hotels won’t sell a single West Elm product on-site; instead, hotel-related capsule collections will be available online.
At the more ubiquitous end of the home furnishings spectrum, the world’s biggest furniture retailer has its own hotel. The IKEA Hotel (the IKEA Hotell & Restaurang Värdshuset) is located in the center of Älmhult, Sweden, just across from the IKEA museum. Intended for visitors to the brand’s nearby global HQ, it’s open for the public and yes, it’s furnished with IKEA furniture—and no, you don’t unlock your room with an Allen Key.
Magnolia‘s Chip and Joanna Gaines’ have skyrocketed to fame, boosted by their hit HGTV series Fixer Upper. One of their TV remodeling projects was turned into The Magnolia House bed and breakfast, which sold out its six-month booking window in five minutes. Building on their Magnolia Homes real estate business that got them on TV in the first place, they have opened a complex based around “The Silos” in Waco, TX that includes a store, bakery, magazine and product lines. (Fans also search Airbnb and VRBO to stay in their TV show’s renovated houses.)
Disney has mastered the “come stay here” to “come live here” transition, from its theme park hotels and resorts (with a Star Wars-themed hotel now under consideration for Walt Disney World in Orlando) to its Golden Oak gated community that opened in 2011 as vacation homes and primary residences. In the early 1990’s, Disney established Celebration, Florida, as a real-life branded town and master planned community before giving up control.
Of course, plans don’t always work out. Urban Outfitters Inc. planned to open a 
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beamlyus · 9 years
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#RHOBH Season 6 taglines are here and Lisa Vanderpump has won at life. 
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realhousewives-fan · 1 year
The Fruity Taglines of Orange County
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The new intro card for RHOC reminds me of summer vacation and slushies. It’s kind of a mess, yet strangely satisfying in some way.
I definitely don’t understand Bravo’s attempts of blinding us with the new intro cards. RHOA is a little more blinding than RHOC, but it’s not far behind.
It’s not my vibe, but I can’t deny that the women look beautiful in their new intro cards.
1) Tamra Judge: “I might have been on pause, but now, I’m ready to play.”
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Gosh, how true. It looks absolutely exhausting being Tamra and the producer’s pet. 
She is trying to set people up against each other and spill all their secrets. Tamra is definitely ready to play this season.
2) Emily Simpson: “If you want to waste my time, at least hand me a taco.”
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I love this tagline, and I enjoy Emily’s sense of humour. 
Her new hip has been doing wonders for her personality and I find myself enjoying her more and more. I might end up becoming a fan of her. 
I don’t care what the haters are saying. Emily is a great housewife!
3) Heather Dubrow: “I live my life in HD: Sharp, bright and more focused than ever.”
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I’m having an ambivalent reaction to this tagline. One minute I hate it, the next, I’m loving it! 
It’s a clever way of calling herself sharp, bright, and focused. And Heather is far from shy. She’s kind of a know it all and a snob. This tagline is no exception.
4) Gina Kirschenheiter: “The difference between my past and present? Well, that’s just apples and oranges.”
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I kind of like Gina’s tagline. It’s short, sweet, and a nod to both New York and Orange County.
I still think she hides something that happened between season 16 and 17, so for her to bring up the difference between her past and present, is interesting to me.
And annoying, as she seems to glace over it, as usual.
5) Jennifer Pedranti: “My core may be strong, but my resilience is stronger.”
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It’s not a bad tagline for a rookie and a yogi. Just with Heather’s tagline, I’m a little ambivalent to it. It’s makes me go both “meh” and “sure!”. 
I can’t seem to be completely sold on her or her tagline. But, she’s got an interesting story this season!
6) Shannon Beador: “In Orange County, I call the shots and it’s always tequila.”
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I don’t like this tagline. I don’t find Shannon and her drinking habits to be a funny or entertaining part of RHOC.
It would’ve made more sense if Bethenny Frankel or Lisa Barlow gave this tagline. If they had said it, I would’ve been fine with it. They’ve got alcohol brands and are not known to be hammered every season.
Shannon’s drinking is often referred to as a problem and I’ve never found her sloppiness cute or entertaining. So, no thank you. This is not cute.
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