sassybrit · 6 years
Star Wars Geektionary: The Galaxy From A To Z Hardcover #Friday56 #nonfiction (it's a ref book?haha!) #FollowFriday #FridayFeeling #Friyay! #TGIF! @SciFiMonth #RRSciFiMonth
Star Wars Geektionary: The Galaxy From A To Z Hardcover #Friday56 #nonfiction (it’s a ref book?haha!) #FollowFriday #FridayFeeling #Friyay! #TGIF! @SciFiMonth #RRSciFiMonth
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With Gilion Dumas of RoseCityReader @GilionDumas
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With Fredasvoice and @fredasphotos#Friday56
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Science Fiction Special on Alternative-Read.com This week’s Book Beginning and Friday56 choice is… Star Wars Geektionary: The Galaxy From A To Z Hardcover Book Beginnings
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Star Wars Geektionary on Alternative-Read.com It’s a reference book! lol  Friday56
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Star Wars Geektionary Alternative-Read.com
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michaelpatrickhicks · 8 years
SF Month Read & Reviewed Round-Up: November 2016
November was Sci-Fi Month, and, accordingly, my reading focus was nothing but science fiction. It was a month of big genre staples, with both Star Trek and Star Wars popping up in my TBR queue, time travel, futuristic cyberpunk action, giant space operas, and robot detectives. Some of these I liked more than others, frankly, but overall it was pretty satisfying experience.
This was easily the most deliberate, prolonged, and focused exploration I've made of some recent sci-fi titles, but there were also many that I had wanted to get to but couldn't due to time constraints. The good news is, I have plenty more books to dive into come 2017 and a few that will definitely be making their way to the top of my to-read pile for next year's month-long celebration. In the meantime, here's the skinny on what I read and reviewed for November's 2016 Sci-Fi Month.
The Fifty-Year Mission: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek: The First 25 Years by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman [audiobook]
Revenger by Alastair Reynolds
Brisk Money by Adam Christopher
Made to Kill by Adam Christopher
Necrotech by K.C. Alexander
The Burning Light by Bradley P. Beaulieu and Rob Ziegler
The Forever Endeavor by Chuck Wendig
Star Wars: Catalyst (A Rogue One Novel) by James Luceno
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signourneybooks · 5 years
Short Stacks #5 // H.G. Wells Edition // #scifimonth
Short Stacks #5 // H.G. Wells Edition // #scifimonth
It is already time for the fifth short stacks where I focus on novella’s and the like that I have read over time that I haven’t done a seperate review for but still want to give some attention.
As it is sci-fi month I decided to collect a few of H.G. Wells works I’ve read over the last few years.
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Title: The Time Machine by H.G. Wells Release Date: 1895 Type: Novella
Interesting to read a book…
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Bit of an oops today, because I realised I completely forgot to do a recap post last month. But with this month’s completed reading having been a bit … minimal, I suppose that means I’ve got more to add in catch-up mode! Let’s take a look back…
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SCIFI MONTH 2020 #RRSciFiMonth
SCIFI MONTH 2020 #RRSciFiMonth
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ARTWORK by Tithi Luadthong from 123RF.com
Ladies and Gentlemen, the luxury liner Galactic Express is ready to depart for lands unknown and alien realms, so we wish you all a pleasant cruise!
Our gallant commanding officers, IMIRYL and LISAare once again here to guide us toward the uncharted routes of the imagination, and the crew will be happy to share with you reviews, discussions,…
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anniejacksonbooks · 9 years
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Every day sci-fi
I was thinking about my topics for Sci-fi November, considering what I wanted to explore in the genre or specific books or tv shows to discuss, I realized everything is kind of sci-fi these days. It's really not, but in some ways sci-fi has strayed in very ordinary places. Some stories have...
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michaelpatrickhicks · 8 years
A Sci-Fi November Prep List For A Trump Presidency
Since it's Sci-Fi November, and we in the States just elected a radioactive septic tumor and his religious zealot nutbag of a running mate to the highest office in our nation, I thought a list of books to help us prepare for the future may be helpful. You may want to keep these titles handy in order to properly plan and prepare for what's in store for us moving forward.
The Dead Zone by Stephen King.
When Johnny Smith was six-years-old, head trauma caused by a bad ice-skating accident left him with a nasty bruise on his forehead and, from time to time, those hunches...infrequent but accurate snippets of things to come. But it isn't until Johnny's a grown man—now having survived a horrifying auto injury that plunged him into a coma lasting four-and-a-half years—that his special abilities reallypush to the force. Johnny Smith comes back from the void with an extraordinary gift that becomes his life's curse...presenting visions of what was and what will be for the innocent and guilty alike. But when he encounters a ruthlessly ambitious and amoral man who promises a terrifying fate for all humanity, Johnny must find a way to prevent a harrowing predestination from becoming reality. [Amazon]
The Acolyte by Nick Cutter
Jonah Murtag is an Acolyte on the New Bethlehem police force. His job: eradicate all heretical religious faiths, their practitioners, and artefacts. Murtag’s got problems—one of his partners is a zealot, and he’s in love with the other one. Trouble at work, trouble at home. Murtag realizes that you can rob a citizenry of almost anything, but you can’t take away its faith. When a string of bombings paralyzes the city, religious fanatics are initially suspected, but startling clues point to a far more ominous perpetrator. If Murtag doesn’t get things sorted out, the Divine Council will dispatch The Quints, aka: Heaven’s Own Bagmen. The clock is ticking towards doomsday for the Chosen of New Bethlehem. And Jonah Murtag’s got another problem. The biggest and most worrisome . . . Jonah isn’t a believer anymore. [Amazon] [My review]
Christian Nation by Frederic C. Rich
“They said what they would do, and we did not listen. Then they did what they said they would do.”
So ends the first chapter of this brilliantly readable counterfactual novel, reminding us that America’s Christian fundamentalists have been consistently clear about their vision for a "Christian Nation" and dead serious about acquiring the political power to achieve it. When President McCain dies and Sarah Palin becomes president, the reader, along with the nation, stumbles down a terrifyingly credible path toward theocracy, realizing too late that the Christian right meant precisely what it said.
In the spirit of Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America, one of America’s foremost lawyers lays out in chilling detail what such a future might look like: constitutional protections dismantled; all aspects of life dominated by an authoritarian law called “The Blessing,” enforced by a totally integrated digital world known as the "Purity Web." Readers will find themselves haunted by the questions the narrator struggles to answer in this fictional memoir: "What happened, why did it happen, how could it have happened?" [Amazon]
Mad Max: Fury Road (Black and Chrome Edition)
Years after the collapse of civilization, the tyrannical Immortan Joe enslaves apocalypse survivors inside the desert fortress the Citadel. When the warrior Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) leads the despot's five wives in a daring escape, she forges an alliance with Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy), a loner and former captive. Fortified in the massive, armored truck the War Rig, they try to outrun the ruthless warlord and his henchmen in a deadly high-speed chase through the Wasteland. [Amazon]
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signourneybooks · 5 years
The 'Sci-Fi TV Shows' Book Tag // #scifimonth
The ‘Sci-Fi TV Shows’ Book Tag // #scifimonth
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  Sometimes one gets random ideas. A good six months ago I had a random idea for sci-fi month. Hello brain. Could you not. Of course I had to make questions to these tv-shows that I had a hard time answering again because apparently that is my brand!
Credit Annemieke @ A Dance with Books as the creator of the tag. Please tag/tweet me your posts, I’d love to see
Feel free to use the…
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lleullinsdragon · 11 years
Science Fiction rocks - and it's also great for young minds.
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anniejacksonbooks · 9 years
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Sci-fi and fairy tale legacies
I really wanted to pull off a sci-fi fairy tale legacy. How cool would that be to look at a sci-fi story that's really a fairy tale and explore how it fits into or defies the fairy tale legacy? But I couldn't find one. Mostly I looked at tv shows because that's my favorite sci-fi medium, but...
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michaelpatrickhicks · 8 years
Review: Brisk Money by Adam Christopher
Brisk Money by Adam Christopher My rating: 3 of 5 stars As part of Sci-Fi Month 2016, I'd made plans to read Adam Christopher's Made to Kill, but since this is a short prequel story it made sense to knock this one out of the way first. It's a quick read, roughly 30-odd pages, and provides a nice little introduction for what's ahead as Christopher's series get properly underway. Unfortunately, it's also a bit underwhelming and I'm not quite sure yet just how indispensable a read it may be. What I did like was the small bit of world building that went into this short story. This is LA, circa 1962. Robots are a thing, and most of them have come and gone. Raymond Electromatic is one of the last ones, and he was built to carry a badge. He's a PI, but since he's been built with 60s era technology, his memory capacity is rather limited, which requires him to upload his memories every day to a 100-pound tape reel and scrub blank the tape already in his head while he recharges. And if this sounds somewhat problematic, well, you ain't no dummy then. There's a minor mystery at work here, some murder, but mostly Brisk Money feels like a warm-up act for Made To Kill. It's a bit thin on story, with the focus primarily on the characters of Ray and his secretary, Ada. The ending provides a nice little twist, and this story ultimately succeeds for me because I'm even more intrigued by these character dynamics and the promise they show as I prepare to dive into the first book of the LA Trilogy next. View all my reviews
Buy Brisk Money At Amazon
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signourneybooks · 5 years
Zero Gravity / Sci-Fi Playlist / #scifimonth
Zero Gravity / Sci-Fi Playlist / #scifimonth
While not for everyone, music can be so great to inspire love for a certain genre or be a great background noise as you read. With that in mind I made a sci-fi playlist for you all to enjoy. Click on the graphic to go to the playlist on youtube. And below you can see bits of lyrics from the songs that made me choose them.
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Drifting away Wave after wave, wave after wave I’m slowly drifting…
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lleullinsdragon · 11 years
Some great episodes to celebrate in Series Three!
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