#Rabbit Hash Kentucky
monmorgandy · 2 years
Rusty Tuxedo Feeds Sign by durand clark Via Flickr: Located in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky across from the General Store. The population is 315, the mayor is a dog and the tourists keep the community alive.
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ablogofcourage · 3 days
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Spent a few summers setting on that porch eating pretzel sticks and drinking Dr Peppers....
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relativefict1on · 1 year
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Say hello to Wilbur Beast, or His Honor, the Mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky.  At 6 yrs. old, the French Bulldog, elected in 2020, is one of the youngest to serve in the office. I thought we’d take a tour of his town.
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Rabbit Hash was founded in the 19th century, and got its name when a local man said that he would serve rabbit hash for Christmas supper, as there was such a large rabbit population.
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Other villagers nicknamed him “Rabbit Hash” and it stuck, eventually becoming the name of the village itself.
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Sitting on the Ohio River, steamboats began stopping to order the famous hash and the rest is history.
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The population is 426 folks as of the 2018 census, and it appears that the hot spot in town is the Rabbit Hash Mercantile Center and the General Store (across the street from one another).
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The store was established in 1830, and it’s where you can get antiques, potions, notions, sundries and more.
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“Little documented history of Rabbit Hash actually survives,” explains the General Store owner, “primarily because devastating Ohio River floods in 1884, 1913, and 1937 ruined many records.
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“There is still mud in the store’s attic crawl space from the historic 1937 flood, and the only reason it is still here is that it’s anchored securely to the ground by a series of iron rods.”
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Note: The general store endorsed another competing candidate, a labrador named Poppy, for mayor.
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There’s a cute Rabbit Hash B&B as well, with a great view of the General Store and just a stone’s throw away from the controversial Creation Museum, if that’s your thing.
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The mayoral-animal tradition began in 1998. The first elected canine mayor was Goofy Borneman-Calhoun, a dog of “unknown parentage.”
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Junior the black lab was the second mayor of Rabbit Hash and loved serving his town and making public appearances.
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This paved the way for progressives like Lucy Lou, a border collie and the town’s first female mayor. She broke the glass ceiling in 2008, as the first female to be elected mayor there. (She was preceded by Goofy, the first canine Mayor, and Junior, the first black mayor).
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She ran on the campaign slogan “The Bitch You Can Count On.”
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The 4th mayor was Brynneth Pawltro- Bamforth most commonly known as Brynn. In an unprecedented move, the Rabbit Hash Historical Society gave official positions to the 1st and 2nd runner ups, Bourbon and Lady, as Ambassadors, in the case that the mayor is unavailable for an event or obligation, an Ambassador will fill in.
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Then, enter Wilbur, who replaced incumbent pit bull Brynn with a whopping vote victory. “Wilbur is handling the stress of the job pretty well,” says Amy Noland, his human and campaign mgr.
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You’re probably wondering: How? Why? Well, it’s simple. The town is so small, it’s never had a mayor. And with elections being as stressful as they are, the town  welcomes the tradition of a more lighthearted race.
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Public service announcement.
https://www.messynessychic.com/2020/12/04/what-kind-of-town-elects-a-french-bulldog-as-its-mayor/    and    http://www.rabbithashhistsoc.org/the-mayor/
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chuck-clenney · 2 years
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#tbt to revisiting the quirky hamlet on the Ohio River known as Rabbit Hash, Kentucky. I used to come here to buy Ale-8's on my breaks at Camp Ernst and watch the riverboats roll by. This spot is famous for its long line of dog mayors, starting with a dog named Goofy Borneman-Calhoun in 1998. The 1831 @rabbithashgeneralstore burned down and was rebuilt in 2016. This was my first time back since the reopening and we enjoyed some pralines and live bluegrass music, as part of Old Timers' Day. #kentucky #rabbithash #generalstore #ky #america #ohioriver #riverside #oldtimers #day #hamlet #dogsofinstagram #mayor #ケンタッキー #アメリカ #犬 #町長 #ラビットハッシュ #オハイオ川 #フルグラス #ライブ #音楽 #高齢者 #祭り #雨の日 (at Rabbit Hash, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnl5AMEyIvY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bewitchingbooktours · 2 years
Release Day Blitz Crazy Witch by C.S. Edwards #ReleaseDayBlitz #PNR #ParanormalRomance
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Crazy Witch
The Witch Doctors 
Book Three
C.S. Edwards
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: C.S. Edwards
Date of Publication: October 31, 2022
ISBN: 9798215161517
Number of pages: 142
Word Count: 36,382
Cover Artist: C.S. Edwards
Book Description:
What does Bart Babington’s love life, a legendary key, and the Goddess of Death, have in common? Well, Bart is about to find out.
The not-so-famous witch doctor cosmetic surgeon is sick and tired of his two meddling sisters trying to mate him up at every annual Samhain celebration for the last ten years. So, Bart enlists his two best wingmen to help him find a fake date to take to Rabbit Hash for the party.
In his grand plan to get his sisters off his back, what he didn’t count on is falling for a pigeon raising, southern witch on a moped. Nor did he expect to lose her during the couple’s championships for the Loving Cup. But he’s on a ghostly trip to sort out his past and make room for true love in his life.
Will Bart find his witch, or will he never unlock his heart?
Magic and Mayhem Universe     Books2Read     Amazon
BN     Apple     Author Website
Once upon a time there was a witch and a warlock who fell in love. They lived together in a modest and remote castle, working the land, making essential oils, and giving back to the earth. They were a good witch and warlock who loved their life and wanted nothing more than to share their love and good fortune with others. But most of all, they dreamed of having a tiny magical being of their own. This was not to be. For all their trying, the witch could not become pregnant. They grew herbs to make special teas, mixed up potions for fertility, and even cast spells under the light of the full moon. Nothing worked. The witch’s belly remained empty. The days turned into months, into years, then into decades. A century passed, but no baby came. The witch fell into a deep sadness. She no longer got out of bed and tended to her garden. She no longer sang while strolling through the meadows of wildflowers. She no longer ate until she was full. She cried. She slept. She stared into the nothingness of the night.  
Heartbroken to see his love so forlorn, the warlock decided to venture out of the safety of their secluded castle and find a Baba Yaga to heal his wife and give them a child through either light or dark magical means. The day he left, he kissed her and promised to always love her in this world, and the next. He vowed to search eternally for help for his barren wife. He vowed to find a way to give her a child. The witch pleaded with him not to leave. She told him she’d felt something terrible coming his way. He saw it, too, but knew her happiness was more important. She cried and held onto the warlock, but he pushed her away. Before he mounted his stead, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. The warlock embraced the witch’s face in his hands and looked deep into her aqua eyes. He said, “you are my heart. Without you by my side, this muscle in my chest would cease to beat. I will travel to the end of the earth and time to make you happy.” He kissed her again. “If I do not return, always follow your heart.” He removed a long chain that held and small key from his neck and placed it in her hands. “This key opens the lock to the future. It’s been passed down in my family since the beginning of time, bestowed upon those with a purpose to learn. Use it and our love will be for all eternity.” 
The witch did not see the warlock alive again. 
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About the Author:
C.S. Edwards is a southern author of small town adventures sprinkled with romance, mystery, and occasionally some paranormal and fantasy. Her newest release, Crazy Witch, The Witch Doctors Book 3, is a saucy, fun, romantic romp. In her catalog, you’ll also find the darker small town mystery Welcome to Lovely, that shows a spicier side of crime and romance.
C.S. Edwards lives with her family on the Kentucky side of Cincinnati, where they are all just doing their part to make the world a little more interesting and entertaining.
“My kids, all five of them, swear I talk to myself way too much. What they don’t know is, I’m not talking to myself, I’m talking to my characters. Sure, that makes me a little crazy, but come on, it also makes me super interesting—right?! Probably not, but a girl can dream.” — C.S. Edwards
Check out all of C.S. Edwards’ books here:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
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rickmaynard · 3 years
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11-21-21: FWD Episode 21: Wilbur the French Bulldog is the mayor of Rabbit Hash, Ky. True story! www.friendswithdogspod.com 
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filosofablogger · 6 years
Good Monday morning, my friends!  I’m so glad you could drop by this morning.  How was your weekend?  Mine?  It was fine … we went out for a bit on Saturday and it started pouring rain as soon as we walked out of the house, so after being drenched numerous times, we gave up and came home to the warm, dry, and furry house!
I must admit that I am anything but jolly this Monday morning, so please forgive me if the humour falls a bit flat.  No, no … nothing wrong … just too much of … well, you know what.  And perhaps a bit too much of this grey and gloomy winter.  But, good news lies ahead, for according to the forecast, it is supposed to top 70° on Thursday!  Perhaps if I can resume my daily walks, my humour will improve (not to mention the shape of my winter-worn body!).
Well, grab a donut and cup of coffee or tea (yes, rawgod, I remembered the tea this morning!), and let’s see if I can pull off a bit of a smile.  Oh … by the way … today is National Napping Day, so let’s all do our patriotic duty and catch a midday snooze, eh?
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                       The mayor is a …
I’ve written before about towns that have dogs, and even cats for mayors.  The first one I had ever heard of was Rabbit Hash, Kentucky where the first elected mayor in Rabbit Hash history was Goofy Borneman-Calhoun, who was inaugurated in 1998 for a four-year term.  Since that time, Rabbit Hash has never had a mayor that wasn’t a canine.
Goofy Borneman-Calhoun
Then there was Stubbs, the feline mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for nearly 20 years until her death in 2017.But I really think that the town of Fair Haven, Vermont, is the first in history to have elected a goat as mayor!  Yep, folks, you heard right … a g-o-a-t.
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Meet Lincoln, the new mayor of Fair Haven!  With 13 votes, Lincoln eked out a victory over Sammie the dog, who received 10 votes.  Talk about voter apathy!  The town has approximately 2,500 residents, and only 23 of them bothered to vote?  Sheesh!
Well, people might laugh at a goat for mayor, but heck, we live in a nation that elected a jackass for president, so what else can be said?
The price of beauty …
Now, I don’t go to a hairdresser … I trim my fringes and ends, and that’s the extent of my ‘hairdressing’.  And we don’t take our kitties to the groomer … they get frequent brushings right here at home.  So, I am not familiar with what hairdressers and pet groomers charge, but apparently groomers charge more than hairdressers do.
People must frequently complain about their groomer’s charges and ask why they charge more than the hairdresser down the street.  Now, personally, if I were a groomer, my comeback would be, “Because we make your dog/cat look beautiful, but look what your hairdresser did to you!”  However, that would likely cause me to go out of business quickly, wouldn’t it?
One groomer in Copenhagen,  Laura Gedgaudaite , came up with her own witty solution, and placed this sign in the window of her shop …
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Hmmm … makes perfect sense, don’t you think?
Elephant!  Cover thyself!
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Elephant!  You’re on the wrong side of the road!
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Road signs …
It has been a long time since I’ve included funny road signs in my Jolly Monday, so let’s take a look at a few new ones …
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Edinburgh’s streets are old, narrow and extremely crowded, especially near Waverley Railway Station where this photo was taken.  This can make road-crossing treacherous for drivers and pedestrians alike.  But what exactly is this sign getting at?  Is it warning pedestrians to be vigilant, or telling drivers to aim for the tourist?
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Ya think???
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Seriously???  Somebody needs to go back to school!
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Seems like sound advice.
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Um … perhaps the sign painter had one too many?
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Whatever for???
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Well drat!
Anybody up for a couple of jokes this morning?
I’ve heard this joke before, but it never fails to make me chuckle …
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and go to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.
“Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”
Watson replied, “I see millions of stars.”
“What does that tell you?”
Watson pondered for a minute.
“Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.”
“Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.”
“Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.”
“Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.”
“Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.”
“What does it tell you, Holmes?”
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke: “Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent!”
And …
A Policeman Is Interrogating 3 Men Who Are Training To Become Detectives.
To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first guys a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it. “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?”
The first guy answers, “That’s easy, we’ll catch him fast because he only has one eye!” The policeman says, “Well…uh…that’s because the picture I showed is his side profile.”
Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second guy and asks him, “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?”
The second guy smiles, flips his hair, and says, “Ha! He’d be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!”
The policeman angrily responds, “What’s the matter with you two?? Of course only one eye and one ear are showing because it’s a picture of his side profile! Is that the best answer you can come up with?”
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third guy and in a very testy voice asks, “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him? He quickly adds, “Think hard before giving me a stupid answer.”
The third guy looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, “the suspect wears contact lenses.”
The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn’t know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not.
“Well, that’s an interesting answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I’ll get back to you on that.” He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspect’s file on his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face.
“Wow! I can’t believe it. It’s TRUE! The suspect does, in fact, wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?”
“That’s easy,” the third guy replied.” He can’t wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear.”
Who doesn’t love to watch those adorable koalas in action?
Well, friends, that’s about all the humour I can muster this morning, and besides, some of you have to get to work, and some of you have to rake the snow off your roofs so the roof doesn’t cave in!  Hey Hugh … here’s a little something to keep you warm while shoveling …
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Remember, folks, spring IS on its way!  There will soon be flowers!  Keep those gorgeous smiles on your face this week, and spread a few of them around … some people have lost their own and it would be nice if you gave them one!  Have a safe and happy week!  Love ‘n hugs from Filosofa and Jolly!
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Reset the counter?
Is It Monday Yet? Good Monday morning, my friends!  I’m so glad you could drop by this morning.  How was your weekend?  1,310 more words
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monmorgandy · 2 years
Rabbit Hash Iron Works by durand clark Via Flickr: Stoves, gifts and crafts makes for an interesting combination. Over the years this was a general store, plow factory, Model A dealership, Ryle Brothers Feed and Seed, dance hall and wood burning stove factory...one of three commercial properties in this unincorporated community with it's population of 315. Sitting aside the Ohio River, the 1937 flood washed away a number of buildings.
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greasy-phantom · 4 years
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Photos of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky. The town is featured in the book "Weird Kentucky" for the mayor being a dog and the general store having been up since 1831 until it burned down in 2016. It's since risen from the ashes and been rebuilt exactly the same.
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relativefict1on · 1 year
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overpainted photographs
35mm film prints & acrylic paint
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backroad-song · 5 years
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kiwi-rebel-57-06 · 5 years
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church doors,
south of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky
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bbbnews · 4 years
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अमेरिका के इस शहर में कुत्ते ने भारी मतों से जीता चुनाव, बन गया मेयर अमेरिका के इस शहर में कुत्ते ने भारी मतों से जीता चुनाव. अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव (US Presidential Election) अभी भी अनिर्णीत हो सकता है, लेकिन एक छोटे से शहर (Rabbit Hash) ने अपने मेयर (Mayor) का चुनाव कर लिया है.
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trendsfashion27 · 4 years
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अमेरिका के इस शहर में कुत्ते ने भारी मतों से जीता चुनाव, बन गया मेयर अमेरिका के इस शहर में कुत्ते ने भारी मतों से जीता चुनाव. अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव (US Presidential Election) अभी भी अनिर्णीत हो सकता है, लेकिन एक छोटे से शहर (Rabbit Hash) ने अपने मेयर (Mayor) का चुनाव कर लिया है.
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