#rabbit hash
ablogofcourage · 2 days
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Spent a few summers setting on that porch eating pretzel sticks and drinking Dr Peppers....
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relativefict1on · 1 year
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jasonstiff · 2 months
Sunday scenes: from sunrise to Shylo... from selfies to syrup...
#Montana #Billings #sunrise #dawn #rabbit #bunny #cat #cats #Shylo #selfie #selfies #Dennys #breakfast #pancakes #eggs #hashbrowns #syrup #Sunday #photography #photo #photos
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rabbitofharmony · 2 months
Hello there 👀 May I learn about your Revenant?
That would be Johann! (←link to post) he's fresh out of the pod so not much to him yet, but i look forward to seeing how he grows!
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cheese-in-space · 1 year
Guys I finally told my coach about my hip injury that has been steadily getting worse for the past two weeks
Idk why I took so long uhh
Hoping it isn’t too bad 👍
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monmorgandy · 2 years
Rusty Tuxedo Feeds Sign by durand clark Via Flickr: Located in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky across from the General Store. The population is 315, the mayor is a dog and the tourists keep the community alive.
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delirious-donna · 7 months
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There’s A Girl In My Tub [Part Two]
story summary: Your best friend lets you crash at her place over the spring break since you have nowhere else to go. Little did you know that it isn't actually her place. Instead, it belongs to a tall (grumpy) hot guy who finds you in his apartment–her brother.
chapter summary: Kento walks in on a woman he doesn't know neck-deep in his bath. What is he meant to do now?
pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader
warnings: reader described as having hair that can be put in a ponytail, SFW
Part One | Series Masterlist | Part Three
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The mistake was clear from the second he lunged inside the bathroom. Where he had presumed to find his younger sister submerged in his tub, sat a woman he did not know splashing and spluttering from both the shock of being jump scared and the bubbles that shot up your nose.
Kento wasn’t sure what his predominant emotion was, whether it be complete mortification for interrupting someone bathing or indignant anger at the complete stranger using his apartment like some kind of luxury hotel.
“Who the fuck are you?” The stranger half yelled, half spluttered.
Realisation dawned on him like icy dread spider walking up his spine. What had meant to be a practical joke was no longer looking so funny.
“You’re not Karin…” He said matter-of-factly.
At this point, he was simply stating the obvious. What he found interesting was the comprehension that he could see illuminated in your eyes. You might not be Karin, but you knew who she was. The connection between the two of you was what he needed to establish next, or well… after he found out your name.
“I’m Nanami Kento, and you’re in my bath. Who are you?”
His eyebrow cocked in a mixture of continued annoyance and the first hint of curiosity. Given that you were familiar with his sister meant you weren’t some crazy intruder, not that he thought that in the first place given your luggage in his room and the fact that you couldn’t have gained access without a keycard and code.
You offered your name in no more than a timid squeak, and he didn’t recognise it. He huffed a tired exhale and turned towards the door to give you a modicum of privacy. His mouth opened to speak, but you beat him to the punch, silencing him effectively with your more confident tone.
“Look, can we not hash this out whilst I am naked in your bath? Give me ten minutes, and I’ll meet you in the living area,” you enthused, hands gesticulating wildly. It sent a flurry of bubbles into the air which Kento watched before giving a curt nod of agreement and stalking out without uttering another word.
He needed a drink in the worst possible way, even if it was only early afternoon. It was going to be entirely necessary to indulge in his top-shelf liquor to help with his current predicament.
Once more, he glanced at the haphazardly packed case open on his bed. This time studying the contents a little more closely. Perhaps he should have considered doing this earlier, as one glance was enough to confirm that even the style of clothing was so unlike his sister, not to mention the stuffed animal, which he guessed resembled a bunny rabbit despite its ragged appearance. Karin hadn’t been one for stuffed toys, preferring dolls and the pretty furniture to fill ornate dollhouses growing up.
Speaking of his dearly beloved sibling, Kento fished his phone from his pocket as he made his way back to the kitchen. He cradled it between his ear and shoulder whilst selecting a crystal tumbler and a bottle of scotch. The ringing went to voicemail. Of course, it did.
“Karin, call me. I don’t appreciate surprises, and you owe me an explanation.” He kept it short and sweet, his specialty. He pushed the phone across the kitchen island and turned to lean his back against the pantry door.
What the hell was going on? He mused silently, swirling the dark amber contents of his glass before bringing it to his lips and swallowing a healthy mouthful. The liquor coated his teeth and burned his throat as it slid into his mostly empty stomach.
Everything had happened in such a rush that he couldn’t even picture your face as he waited. He hadn’t thought to get a good look at you, not when the circumstances were so intimate–vulnerable even. Not for the first time today, his palm scrubbed down his face. What must you think of him? You were this–he floundered for a moment in thinking of how to accurately describe you–young woman, naked and trapped in a room with one exit. An exit that he had blocked with his body.
He groaned, pressing the cool crystal tumbler to his temple and rolling it across his forehead. This was exactly the type of situation you saw in horror movies, except he wasn’t some crazed killer on the hunt for young virgins or any young women for that matter, but he would understand if you were fearful of him. It would only be logical.
As if summoned by thought alone, the soft pad of your socks alerted Kento that you had finished with the bath. He glanced sideways, eyeing the simple black leggings and an oversized sweater emblazoned with the logo of Karin’s college, and some pieces of the puzzle fell neatly into place.
Your hair was mostly dry except for the ends that had been splashed by the unexpected dunking they had received, the strands tied loosely into a ponytail that softened the stern expression plastered across your features.
Standing with the kitchen island between you as if it afforded you some semblance of protection, Kento tried not to smile when you folded your arms across your chest and tilted your chin in his direction. The sleeves of your sweater engulfed your arms so completely that only the tips of your fingers showed. He admired your courage in the face of a stranger, a male one at that, and one that could likely impose his height and weight against you if he so inclined. Sure, he admired it, but it was also incredibly dumb.
“Did you enjoy your soak?” He asked, taking another sip of scotch to hide the quirk of his lips.
Your eyes narrowed. Damn, he hadn’t felt amusement like this in the longest time. Some would claim that he didn’t have a funny bone in his body, but they were wrong. Kento simply didn’t entertain cheap humour, and this situation was far from bargain basement.
“I was. That is until this massive oaf leapt inside screaming like a maniac and scaring the life out of me.”
That was enough to wipe the smile from his face. Kento straightened and set his tumbler down. He ran a hand through his hair and endeavoured to end this charade right here and now. To hell with the fact that you amused him, he didn’t know you from Adam.
“How do you know Karin? And I am not an oaf, for the record,” he added with what sounded even to him as a touch of petulance.
You rolled your eyes. “She’s my friend, maybe even best friend, actually. We go to the same college, different majors though. How do you know her? Are you her dad or something?”
It was Kento’s turn to narrow his eyes. He could see it for what it was, a direct jab at him, but you didn’t truly believe he could possibly be her father, or at least he hoped not!
You picked at your nails whilst the silence lingered on. He debated whether to rise above your petty attempts at riling him, but something stopped him. Kento was the level-headed one, always reasonable, however, something about you crept beneath his skin.
“Can’t be that much of a best friend if you don’t even know that she has a brother… that would be me, by the way. Hi. I’m the brother, and this is my apartment. I do hope this is some kind of elaborate joke.”
Sure enough, his aim was true. Your face crumpled at the truth he laid out so cruelly. Instead of feeling some sense of triumph for gaining the upper hand, he resigned to the guilt settling heavily in his chest. He almost rubbed at his heart but stopped at the last second.
Why did he care? That’s what he really wanted to know. Yes, you were cute. He was a man after all, he could appreciate your soft feminine features, but he was hardly known as a man who sought out the company of the opposite sex often.
Kento pinched the bridge of the nose. It was upsetting to watch you fold in upon yourself like this, your shoulders hunched inward and your head bowed low. He cared, and that was surprising. He wished for that spark of confidence to ignite again, longing to kick himself for being the one to douse it in the first place.
“I’m… I’m sorry. That was cruel of me, but you did call me her dad!” He tried to rationalise his outburst, and he was glad when your head snapped up to scrutinise him. “We’ve started on the wrong foot. Can you blame me for acting a little irrational? I’ve never found an intruder in my home before, let alone a naked one in my bath. Why are you here?”
Without a word, you stretched out a hand for his near-empty glass, swallowing down the remnants in one gulp. You hissed through your teeth, dancing on the spot whilst the potent alcohol slid into your belly to warm you. Kento cocked his eyebrow but chose to remain silent.
He had so many questions. Why you were here in his home was curiously not at the top of the pile, but it seemed inappropriate to be querying your age and probing your interests at this point in the conversation. Not to mention, you were his sister’s friend, nothing more.
Nothing more, Kento.
“Well, your darling sister told me this was her place, and that it was empty right now. Clearly, neither part was true, and I will be taking that up with her as soon as she answers her damn phone!”
“Hm, so Karin is avoiding your calls too. Curious.”
You blew out a long breath, the strands of hair framing your face dancing around and… Kento glanced away, refusing to acknowledge the desire to fix them behind your ear.
“Aren’t you on spring break? Why aren’t you shacked up in some overly loud and raucous resort? I’m certain that’s where Karin will be right about now.” Kento rolled his eyes at even thinking about it. He well remembered his years in college and how he loathed this time of year. It was his idea of hell.
Scrunching your nose in distaste, you walked around the edge of the kitchen island and hopped up to sit yourself closer to him. Again, he cursed your trust. He could be lying to you. He could have nefarious intent. So why did it make him want to protect you all the more?
“No thanks. I’d rather catch up on some classes and prepare for the new semester, but…” You trailed off, eyes lowering to your fingers which continued to fidget incessantly–an annoying habit he noted.
“But what?” Kento got the sense that he wasn’t going to like your answer much. He braced for it, both palms flush on the marble countertop and coaxing you into maintaining his steady eye contact.
“I don’t have anywhere else I can go. My parents are renovating, and I can’t afford to rent a place for two weeks, at least not somewhere actually habitable.”
Kento froze as the weight of your words washed over him. There was a chance that Karin was truly being a good friend since she had been aware of the business trip he was meant to be on right now. It would be so like her to help out a friend in need.
Was he meant to toss you out on your ass? He was within his rights, of course, but could his conscience allow it? It was obvious you weren’t lying or exaggerating to gain his favour, you looked just as uncomfortable telling him the truth as he did hearing it. This whole situation was a mess, and he didn’t see a clear way out of it.
Well, shit…
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barcaatthemoon · 4 months
Congrats on 1K!! Could you maybe do 64 & 10 from the big prompts list for any player of your choice??
10. "Your job isn't to make sure I make it out alive, not anymore."
64. "You were supposed to love and cherish me."
thank you, it's crazy. i feel like i just started this sideblog a few weeks ago.
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bad habits || mary earps x reader ||
you weren't an athlete anymore. you weren't really anything anymore, not yet. there were talks about different directions and options since you decided to retire. for the time being, you had decided to go back home, back to the city where it all began.
manchester wasn't the biggest city that you lived in, but you swore that it was bigger before. there were supposed to be more bars than the one that mary apparently frequented. you couldn't stop yourself from running into her everywhere it seemed. slowly but surely, it was driving you crazy.
"that's gonna kill you one day." you didn't need to look to know that it was mary. she had met your eye inside, leaving you to count down the moments until she came over. mary couldn't stay away from you, not that you fared much better in the long run.
"well, it's not your job to make sure i make it out alive. not anymore, mary," you told her. mary frowned at you as she reached for your hand. you jerked it away, not wanting to hash things out. the breakup had happened over a decade ago, but it was still fresh to you. you had run away to the one place you knew mary would never go, america.
"what happened to you?" mary asked. she knew the same story that the media had gotten, but she could see that you were different. this looked like more than just a divorce and forced retirement. you were smaller, far too thin and frail in mary's opinion.
"i keep falling for assholes, that's what happened," you snapped. mary's face fell, but she didn't argue. mary knew that she had messed up when it came to your relationship. she hadn't loved you the way that you deserved. the worst part was that mary wasn't sure that she'd be able to do anything different if she had a second chance.
"have you got a place in town or are you at your mum's?" mary asked. it was like she knew exactly where this was going. a fight outside, a few drinks in the bar, and then the two of you would be fucking like rabbits until the morning.
"mum's couch, my old room was repurposed. it's fucking embarrassing, but it's my fault i guess. i was supposed to come back home at some point, but we don't always do the things we're supposed to, do we?"
mary stiffened as she looked down at you and asked, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"you were supposed to love and cherish me, but you didn't. i wanted you to fight for me, i fought like hell for you. now, it's all fucked up." you were on the verge of tears and couldn't stop yourself. once again, mary didn't even try to fight you as you hurled insults at her. she took it all on the chin, only going back inside when it became obvious that it wasn't all about her. true to the cycle, six shots later, mary was carrying you out of the bar with her arm wrapped around her waist.
"i couldn't fight for you love, not when you wanted to play with the americans so badly," mary said. you were barely awake, and mary was hopeful that you didn't really hear her. if you knew how much she had fought herself about letting you go, it would have opened a whole new can of worms that mary couldn't handle opening. instead, she'd go through this with you as many times as she had to until one of you finally moved on.
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caputvulpinum · 3 months
What would you say is the earliest church heresy? Like, the original big no-no
Oh see now you've hit an interesting little rabbit hole without realizing it, because we know both a whole lot and also not much about the early days of the Christian church as we understand it.
So this faith leader guy gets executed or whatever, right? And now you have a bunch of his post-postmortem followers running around spreading his branch of weird Judaism which gets twisted into the first beginnings of Messianic Christianity. But this is back in ye olde days, and also the Romans are gonna be killing any Christians they can find, so the earliest days of the church are mystery cults sporadically popping up like mushrooms. (Is the Holy Spirit like a mycelial network? Who can say)
One of these early Christians was a very popular guy named Arius. Arius told his followers that Jesus WAS born of God, but that he was NOT God himself (the word you're looking for vis a vis that relationship is that Jesus is consubstantial with God, as in, made of the same simultaneous divinity.) and therefore should not be worshipped as one would God.
Then some time passes and all the big bishops of this hot new gig called Christianity realize, wait, hold on, we need to get shit straightened out. We can't ALL be calling ourselves Christian when people are saying Jesus was a hologram, or that he was born of God but isnt God, or that he was just some guy that God really liked. We need to all sit down and decide what we as a unified and universal group believe about our religion. So they all go down to this little place called Nicaea where everyone hashes out exactly what they believe in as Christians, and the end result is that Arius was shot down, which is why in the Nicene Creed there's that one specific line that goes something like this:
Et in unum Dominum Iesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum, ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero, genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri; per quem omnia facta sunt.
Sharp eyes may have spotted that special little word consubstantialem in there. The earliest founders of the early church basically made certain that in their formalized dogma, Arianism would always be called heretical, because Jesus' position in the trinity requires him to be equal to but distinct from the Father. All of trinitarian Christianity agrees that Arianism is a no go.
Personally I do think we should have more Judasian heresies though. Like I guess I get why so many early heresies are centered around the nature of the trinity and specifically J Dog but it does begin to grate.
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
¹⁰⁾ a dingy truck stop after ten hours on the road
bucky x buck x josie road trip vibes
(-: had fun with this
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"Papa," Josie said, pushing her foot against the back of the passenger seat where John was sat. Gale looked in the rearview mirror, offering a gentle chiding for kicking the seat- his husband tilting his head back to look at her.
"Hm baby?"
"Why aren’t we goin’ to Wis-con-sin in an airplane?"
John hoped she never grew out of the way she sounded out long words. And shared her current sentiment.
He laughed lightly to himself, reaching across the console to massage the back of Gale’s neck. "That's a question for daddy to answer I think,"
"Because daddy is trying to save us some money."
John hummed- half because he found Gale’s playful indignant tone with him endearing, and half because he knew the real reason.
“She had a hard time on the plane last time, don’t wanna put her through that again.” He’d said across the kitchen table from him when they sat down to hash everything out.
And it wasn’t an off base assertion- their trip to New York six months ago had been somewhat of a disaster in regards to the travel aspect. He wasn’t exactly itching to relive it either- and dreaded seeing his daughter upset. But there was a flip side.
“So next time we go out east we’re gonna drive for two days?” John asked softly as he leaned back in his chair. “Gotta push her a little Gale, it’ll get better the more she does it.”
Gale chewed on his lip, digging the ball of his foot into the kitchen floor. “Only one day of drivin’ to get to Wisconsin.” He said after a minute, looking at something on his laptop. “And it’d be cheaper than three plane tickets.”
So John let him have this, under the agreement that he’d be quite a bit more hard pressed to road trip to New York.
Josie tossed the topic as quickly as she’d raised it, leaning forward to get as close to them as she could from her seat.
"Didja know I'm gonna be six soon?"
"I sure did,” Gale said, tapping his fingers on that steering wheel. “You makin' any big plans?"
"Mhm.” She replied, dropping back against her seat to look out the window. “Gonna go to coll-ege."
John didn’t know if he liked the sound of that so soon, and saw what looked like the same thought cross over Gale’s face. He chuckled, lifting his eyes towards her in the mirror.
"Already? What are you gonna study peanut?"
"Ummmm," Josie started, tilting her head. "Horses, and and rabbits, and birds,"
"You know Uncle Rosie knows a lot about birds, you should talk to him about that." John said, glancing back towards Gale- concerned when he noticed that he seemed deflated.
By the end of the hour the five-year-old had chatterboxed herself right to sleep, John reaching over to give Gale's thigh a little squeeze.
"You okay? We can switch off at the next rest stop,"
Gale didn’t say anything for a minute, taking a little breath in like he always did when he was trying not to cry.
"She's gonna go to college someday, gonna leave," He said, voice wobbly.
John moved his hand back to the nape of his neck, rubbing his thumb there in a circle.
”Well she's not goin' when she's six at least." He said lightly, his own emotions about the reality of what awaited them in about twelve years starting to coil in his throat.
Gale went quiet again, for so long that John moved his hand to reach forward and turn the radio back on.
Until Gale broke the silence.
"I want another one."
John stopped mid-motion, his eyes widening as he glanced at the small blue screen of the radio display. He leaned back slowly in his seat, feeling his husband's eyes on him.
"You do?"
Gale’s nod in affirmation answered that.
It wasn’t something John was opposed to- he’d had his own moments of thinking about it, and almost bringing it up to Gale himself.
There was just a piece to it all that he felt less certain about.
"You thinkin’ of doing it the same way as last time, or,” He started, and the way Gale’s eyes seemed to focus on the road ahead gave him a feeling as to where his answer was headed.
“I- y’ know, maybe I just,” He started. “We missed so much.”
And there it was- the same stipulation that kept John up at night if he let him.
On the one hand, embarrassingly, the thought of an infant- of being responsible for someone from scratch like that, terrified him.
But on the other, every little thing he realized they missed out on with Josie made his heart ache. Having about seven photos from the first four years of their daughter’s life just wasn’t how it was supposed to be- he thought on occasion.
Before he could find the words to respond to Gale they were pulling into a rest stop- and suddenly feeling suffocated in the car, John couldn't get out fast enough.
Opening the back door, he gently shook Josie's foot to rouse her from sleep. She groaned when she realized she was being woken up, moving away from him with a huff.
"I know sweetheart," He said softly, undoing her seatbelt and helping her down. "Go can right back to sleep in a minute."
The rest stop was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the fluorescents that were on their last leg overhead. When Josie had washed her hands and they were about to head back out, she stopped- sleepy head drooping against the back of John's legs.
Obliging to her wordless ask- he scooped her up, pausing for a moment to brush the hair out of her face.
He ran the back of his hand along her cheek, it hitting him suddenly that she looked closer to her sixth birthday than she had before. Looked less like the little baby faced four-year-old that became his daughter overnight- and more like a big kid in a way that made a lump form in his throat.
When he made it back to the car with her Gale wasn’t in the driver's seat anymore. He was standing outside it, phone to his face- looking pale.
John got Josie back into her car seat and shut the door before circling back around the front of the car to him.
"Thank you Natalie- okay, John's here, I'm gonna call you back."
Natalie, John thought, and froze. The only Natalie they knew was their social worker from Josie's adoption.
"Why's Natalie calling?" He blurted out the second Gale hung up.
Dragging a hand over his face and pushing it through his hair, Gale tried to steady his breath. But his bottom lip trembled, John feeling more nauseas with every second that it took him to start talking.
When he finally did talk, the words that left his mouth made him sick all the same.
"Josie's mom had another baby- another one she can't keep."
The utterance flew out of his mouth before he could form a more coherent response, and he felt his own eyes widen.
They'd never had any contact with the woman since her rights had been terminated by the time they were in Josie's life. The last they'd been told, over a year ago now, was that she was facing child neglect charges.
Despite his efforts to focus, he struggled to fully comprehend Gale's words as he continued to talk.
"Natalie said she called us first because we have Josie. The baby came early, he’s got- she said he’s stable now but-”
"We're turnin' around, right?"John interjected, feeling like it wasn't even a question he needed to ask given the conversation they'd been having all of ten fucking minutes ago.
Gale paused like he was waiting for John to take it back.
But when he didn't, he nodded- pinching the bridge of his nose as he did. "Yeah- yeah of course we're turning around."
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makoodles · 9 months
I asked for the last magic rabbit fic, so I’ve gotta do it again: what’s happening for ghost during all this? Here he is, leaving to go run (partially out of habit but also so he doesn’t end up fucking you again when you’re so sore after your first time) and he’s trying to be normal and not obsess over you, or fuck you again when you aren’t ready or push any boundaries but then you disappear? And then flirt with some wanker at the bar when he fucked you brainless not even a week before? Only to find out that you thought you were being rejected by him over and over this week :(((( his heart maybe cold but it damn near broke at that. Ya hash it out, and then he finally has your cunt back in his life, and it’s so wet and he knows she missed him, but before he dive in fully (and make you soak his mask so he walks around all week with the smell of you stuck to him) you want to try something??? Oh fuck you’ve been practicing sucking dick on your toys?? Fuck he’s gonna come from the mental image of that. And then yoh suck him off, and you don’t think it’s very good (and maybe it’s not) but it’s you so it’s the best damn head he’s ever gotten and then you say you want him to come on your face??? He almost did with just those words. He has to promise both of you that he’ll do it next time, otherwise he’d never forgive himself. And then he finally gets to dive into the sweetest cunt in the world and it feels like coming home, he’d gladly live off just your cum if he could. Has to really stop himself from bringing you over the edge at least two more times with just his mouth. And then he finally slides into her and it’s perfect and he’s never letting you avoid him ever again. And then you moan his name???? He can’t control himself in these conditions. You wanna be on top???? He went brain dead for a second. And then when you got him all in, he’s gone feral with possessive thoughts, needing you to know you belong with him. “Am I doing good?” Are you trying to kill him via his dick??? And when all is said and done you ask if y’all are dating now??? As if Ghost hasn’t already decided that you (and your pussy) are it for him???
i'm a firm believer that simon riley is an absolute disaster of a man, you'd just never know it because he hides it all behind that mask and quiet arrogance.
besides, like he told you already, he's not good with virgins. he meant that in a very literal sense - it's not that he's not good with them sexually (he's already proven that he is in fact good in that sense), but he is hopeless when it comes to communicating with you. he was hoping that you would be better with it, but you have no experience either so of course it's going to lead to confusion!
but yes absolutely, most of this fic from simon's pov would just be excited mental screaming. you just know that his ego is SWELLING despite the way he is constantly near a heart attack with every word you say and moan you make
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relativefict1on · 1 year
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overpainted photographs
35mm film prints & acrylic paint
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kedsandtubesocks · 4 months
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I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I posted my first fics - but now seeing that there’s 1k of you here? I’m incredibly humbled, it’s been a beautiful blessing to come back to writing and getting to connect with y’all - so in honor of that & to show my appreciation I wanted to throw a little celebration!
Now let’s play!
🎮 tell me who your fav is + your favorite AU & I’ll make a mini moodboard for you!
🎲 send in a head canon for a character and I’ll give two back!
🎯 ask any fun questions about any of my WIPs or fics
🏆 (mutuals only) send in a character + a favorite video game of yours & I’ll write a mini drabble for you!
⭐️ (mutuals only) let me assign you an ideal date I think you & your fav would go on!
👾 FMK / or any fun question you have in mind!
Event ends: MAY 25 💫
one game request at a time please!
if I don’t feel comfortable with a request please know I can decide not to answer it - thanks for understanding!
Y’all are so near & dear to me and I know there’s so many thoughts about online parasocial relationships and not knowing people but I can earnestly say you all have given me such brightness and joy - it’s been an honor getting to share & create with so many of you amazing souls
Thank you all so much 💖
shout out to these pedro babes for making lusting after our fella so fun & special: @perotovar @lowlights @burntheedges @julesonrecord @morallyinept @swiftispunk @chronically-ghosted @janaispunk @beskarandblasters @tightjeansjavi @haylzcyon @nothoughtsjustmeds @gasolinerainbowpuddles @saradika @undercoverpena @joelsgreenflannel @pr0ximamidnight
shout to these anime babes for giggling over 2D anime husbands with me: @the-wild-wolves-around-you @ahauntedcowboy @stellamancer @willowser @andypantsx3 @ofmermaidstories @seiwas @acerathia @thewaterlily @snem-snem @pastelle-rabbit @fairy-writes @beigepajamas @hash-slinging-slasher-trash @vennilavee @strawberrystepmom @yutaleks @firein-thesky @kimkaelyn @kaitsawamura
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lozchi · 1 year
A little tiger?
A/N: first fic, edited, I don't think I could balance the length to separate it into chapters, so here ya go XD Decided to write for Hoon-ie after not getting enough fics of him. I read every possible fic in existence, so now I'm joining the rabbit hole. Pairing: Taehoon Seong x !F reader (Gender Neutral, actually. But it steers more towards a female reader.) Themes: Fluff, profane language, actual fluff
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i am convinced this man wears eyeliner.
There were a few things that you came to agree on with Taehoon before you moved in together, in which he took the time to hash out the nitty-gritty details that would shape your lifestyle.
First things first, cleanliness was non-negotiable. Clean up after your own mess, get rid of those stinky socks on the coffee table, and don't you dare delay washing those dirty dishes. A fair share of chores is just as important. Fuck gender roles. That shit doesn't matter to Taehoon, neither to you. You embraced a fair distribution of chores, because who needs traditional gender norms cramping your style?
Communication was key to keeping your domestic life intact. You made it a rule to give each other a heads-up before inviting anyone over. Taehoon didn't want to be caught by your dad walking out of his room after he just woke up, walking around the place while he was shirtless, and you couldn't blame him. No free fanservice for your old man, sorry.
And then, there was the ultimate deal-breaker: absolutely, ABSOLUTELY no pets allowed. Sad, but necessary. You both recognized the responsibilities and potential burden that a furry friend could bring into your peaceful (chaotic mostly, thanks to your petty bickerings) haven. So, you made the tough call to keep your space pet-free, even though it meant missing out on endless cuteness.
These seemingly straightforward house rules were the backbone of your cohabitation. You can see where this is going at, just basic house rules you'd need to abide by. Easy peasy, right?
Dragging your exhausted self through the threshold, you fumbled with your keys, the metallic jingle filling the air as you struggled to unlock the door. With a half-hearted stretch and a lazy rub of your bleary eyes, you muttered curses under your breath. Fuck them. The sheer stupidity of your project groupmates. Ugh, seriously, could life get any more frustrating? But hey, that's fine since you have-
"You cute little shit. You're mine."
Are your ears lying to you? Is your menace of a boyfriend baby talking someone… Who's not you?!? To hear him speak so sweetly that he would never even bring himself to talk to you in the same way as he did just now. That's right, give him a piece of your mind.
Brows furrowing in frustration and jealousy, you'd speak up. You need to talk to him, he deserves a little lecture. As you walked inside your humble abode, you grumpily stomped your way to the bedroom.
"Taehoon Seong, What the f-"
Caught red-handed, Taehoon's eyes widened as he notices your enraged expression. In a panicked manner, he swiftly hurled a nearby blanket into a corner of the room, as if hoping to hide the evidence of his silly stunt. You'd rarely see such a horrified look on his usually stoic expression, Calling this pretty boy other than the stupid nicknames you give him feels so strangely threatening, almost like stepping into uncharted territory. Hello? He's "Hoon-ie", "Pretty Boy", "Sneaky Link", "Sexy Bastard"… Who the fuck is "Taehoon Seong"?
But before you could launch into a full-blown confrontation, a soft and unmistakable "Meow" reverberated through the air, breaking the awkward tension. Busted. Who would have ever thought that Taehoon, the seemingly more composed and level-headed one in the relationship, would dare to break the sacred "no pets" rule? It was unbelievable, mind-boggling, and to make matters worse, it wasn't even you who did this cheeky act. This left you momentarily stunned.
Now, off to berating your boyfriend.
"Oi, I thought we–"
"That was me."
"Didn't know that my man can meow like a harmless creature–"
"Shut the fuck up…"
An awkward silence fills the air for a moment, with you thinking about the act Taehoon pulled, while he starts contemplating whether or not he should break it. The tension was then interrupted by this "unwanted guest". Of course, the cat manages to escape from the blanket, heading its way towards you, its tiny paws padding across the floor.
You know that you can't stay mad, especially when Taehoon is being unusually soft – except that it's not being directed towards you. Your boyfriend is an immature dick of a tsundere, deal with it.
Leaning down to stroke the adorable creature that had stolen your boyfriend's heart, you couldn't help but be enthralled by its soft, velvety fur. Okay, let's admit it, the cat was undeniably cute, but that didn't mean you could suppress the pangs of jealousy that surged within you as Taehoon showered the little feline with affection.
"Why on earth didn't you give me a heads up about bringing this cute shit home? Seriously, you've broken not one, but two rules,"
You exclaimed, unable to hide your frustration.
He glanced at you, a hint of guilt flickering in his eyes.
"I acted impulsively, and I'm sorry."
Is what you imagined he would say. After all, he should apologize for his thoughtless actions. But let's face it, again – your boyfriend had a knack for being a dick. Instead of the heartfelt apology you expected, all you received was a blank stare and a nonchalant shrug.
"Oh, for fuck's sake."
You exclaimed, exasperatedly. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let out a weary sigh. Finally, he broke his silence, bringing an end to the internal debate he seemed to be having.
"I brought it home because it reminded me of you."
And that's a good thing right? He probably brought it home since the cat was cute, like you, right?
"Where did you even get this? Did you buy it, take it from an animal shelter, take it from the streets… Or did you steal this from someone?"
Too many questions, Taehoon is NOT willing to answer them. But he does anyway because you being an interrogative bitch needs to stop.
"Took it from the streets after I-"
Taehoon began, but you interrupted him, already familiar with the story.
"Lemme guess, another round of beating assholes up?"
You asked, a hint of sarcasm in your voice as you gave him that annoying, knowing, AUDACIOUS smirk. It turns him on a little though, not that he'd admit that.
"They were hurting it."
So, instead of mindlessly beating the shit out of random thugs just for 500 won, he had actually stepped in to protect the defenseless creature? For once, Taehoon had an actual reason for his actions – okay, maybe not once – but it caused a surprising warmth to spread through your heart. You couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him. It was as if he genuinely wanted to provide a safe haven for the cat, and that realization melted away any lingering resentment.
You looked at Taehoon, noticing a glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he gazed at the little feline. You could've sworn he looked so determined to keep the rascal. In that moment, your heart softened at the oddity of your dear menace.
"Okay, but for real, why did the cat remind you of me?"
Ugh, seriously. Stop with the questions. It's slightly pissing Taehoon off to the extent that he'd kick your ass (only lightly though, knowing full well that it'd rile you up anyway).
"Weak and helpless like you. Especially during training. At least sometimes. Most of the time."
If you expected a better answer than that, then prepare to be dissapointed. He's Taehoon Seong after all, you brought yourself into this.
"And in bed too-"
You send a series of aggressive smacks on his ass. His comment was a little uncalled for! Oh, come on, Taehoon!
"And cute. And cute! Stop it, bitch!"
He chuckled in amusement; those little hits would do little to no damage. And once you stopped, the both of you would look at the cat with another question in mind.
"What are you gonna name it?"
"Disgusting. Let's go for it."
"Bitch, I was kidding."
"Hoon-ie Junior, then?"
"That's a shitty name."
"It stemmed from yours though-"
Taehoon's naming skills were straight up shitty, and it was painfully obvious considering the ridiculous names he had come up with so far. Some were unnecessarily flamboyant, meant purely for sarcastic amusement, while others were downright horrendous. But let's face it, naming a cat after a character from Tekken would be a vast improvement compared to "Ratface." It had been ten fucking minutes, and neither you nor Taehoon had managed to think of a decent name yet.
"What about 'Hwoarang'?"
"Seriously? Haha, you're terrible at this."
You couldn't help but sneer at Taehoon, teasing him mercilessly as he futilely attempted to push your face away, only for you to playfully bring it even closer, peppering his face with kisses. Deep down, he wanted to do the same to you right now, but his entire focus was fixated on finding a proper name for the cat.
"Bitch, you're no better yourself,"
He retorted with a scoff, rolling his eyes in exasperation. I mean, who in their right mind would name something as sweet as this little feline "Tabasco"?
You suggested, realizing that both you and Taehoon were nowhere near finding a suitable name.
With a defeated sigh, Taehoon gave up, flopping down on the bed with the cat resting in his lap. It seemed better to leave the poor thing unnamed than to burden it with a ridiculous moniker. Naming could wait for now.
Ugh, if you ever considered having mini Taehoons then- whoops, too early for that.
But honestly, if you couldn't even come up with a name for a cat, how on earth would you manage to name your own children? Then again, it was too early to think about starting a family, and having kids wasn't currently an option on the table.
"I'll go out and buy some things for the cat."
Leaving again? You just got home. Not on your pretty boy's watch. Before you could make a move, Taehoon swiftly grabbed your wrist, his expression turning blank as he stared at you intently.
"I already took care of that."
He stated firmly.
This man was full of surprises. It was evident that he truly wanted to take care of the cat. Seeing Taehoon in this soft and caring state was unusual but endearing. If you got to witness this side of him every day, then you had no choice but to happily play the third wheel while he tended to the little kitten.
"You're really serious about this. Hah! I always knew you were a softy deep down~"
Bitch, you're teasing him so much. Stop poking his cheeks and shit, it's making him feel all giddy. He smacked your hand away, but you could have sworn to god you saw a faint pink tint on his usually pale complexion. Damn it, his fair skin made it difficult for him to hide the blush.
Minutes, hours then days pass by in a blur. Yet you and Taehoon are still no closer to giving the furball a decent name, not that the little stray needs one. The cat shall remain nameless for now, no big deal. Your life's still pretty much the same, at least a little.
Though there were times you felt a pang of jealousy creep over you as Taehoon would DELIBERATELY sweet talk the kitten just to get a reaction out of you. LOL! You have no idea how smug he feels whenever you pout or sulk in the corner of the room. He knows what he's doing, and once you caught on, he turned it down a little. Keyword: A little.
You thought caring for the adorable kitten while Taehoon was away for taekwondo practice would be easy-peasy-Taehoon-tease-me. But you were so wrong.
"Psspspspss kitty kitty!"
You call, desperately trying to gain the cat's affection. But to no avail. How does Taehoon make it look so effortless?
Every time you and Taehoon want some lovey-dovey time, that furry menace does everything to steal your man's attention. The lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch. This goddamn motherfucker's gonna keep Taehoon all to itself.
You sigh in frustration.
The furball has now wormed its way into your hearts. Yet giving it a name seems impossible. For now, the nameless stray shall remain…causing mischief and mayhem, one purr at a time.
"Hoon-ie, I have no idea how you get that little shit listen to you."
Other than Taehoon being the one to bring the cat home, is there really something else that would make the fluffball listen to him? Okay, he's intimidating, that's a plus. And it's the same reason as to why Hobin and Snapper would have to deal with his antics.
"My words are law."
"Not to me, they're not."
Taehoon chuckles. Oh, how could you be so stubborn? Accept the fact that this man will get anything he wants, no matter what sort of measures he'd take.
"I'm just better than you at everything else."
You gasped in mock offense, though deep down you knew that his statement was about 49.99% correct. But hey, at least you're better in making his heart pound of his chest. He gets all tingly and warm, ew, cringe. You make him feel so weak and you're not just better at it, you're the best.
"Huh? Wanna bet, pretty boy?!?"
Once you've started, know that you shouldn't back down. After all, you don't want to deal with Taehoon's teasing all week for such a petty argument.
"Alright, how about this - whoever can get the little shit to sit on their lap first wins."
Damn, this pretty boy loves you so much to the point he'll participate or even suggest bullshit.
You and Taehoon shoot challenging glances at each other as you call the cat, trying to lure it over with treats and toys. The furball pays you no heed and walks between the two of you, seemingly ignoring your bets and bickering.
"We really need a name for it."
And "Pocachip", "Tabasco", "Hoon-ie Jr." is not allowed. Taehoon starts to think whether or not you were hungry during thinking about those names. "Sh-"
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tropicalsleet · 1 year
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Some Sunny-Side Up side characters. Sunny-Side Characters if you will. Coming up with their silly names was fun. Since I can actually type as much as I want on Tumblr, I can finally describe them a lil more.
Nap (European wildcat): He used to be Sunny's coworker before he moved away to the city, and they're both the same age. He still drops by the town every once in a while to visit.
Tater (goat) and Tot (deer): This pair of gals are regulars at Sunny's store. They do all sorts of home improvement jobs as a side gig when they're not busy with college.
East (rat): Also a regular at Sunny's store. He works production at a theater, so he often drops by to buy paint for whatever new props the play requires.
Sepal (rabbit): She's Barker's grandmother, who works as a cashier at the local grocery store. She has an impish sense of humor.
Weld (ferret): The town's chief and Level's father. Due to the town's population being mostly elderly people, he's worried what will become of the town in the future. He's had a rivalry with Stamps since their school days.
Hash (dog) and Brown (dog): They work with Jam and do most of the grunt work during paint deliveries to restock the various stores in the area. Despite being a bumbling pair, they've never dropped a single can of paint.
Level (ferret): Weld's daughter, only a few years younger than Sunny and Nap. She works at the local café during summer breaks. She's unsure what she wants to do and has changed majors a few times. She knows her father hopes she'll take on the town chief mantle.
Fluss (European wildcat): Nap's grandmother, who took care of raising him since he was a baby. She owns the local café and an excellent cook. Despite her age, retirement hasn't crossed her mind.
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monmorgandy · 2 years
Rabbit Hash Iron Works by durand clark Via Flickr: Stoves, gifts and crafts makes for an interesting combination. Over the years this was a general store, plow factory, Model A dealership, Ryle Brothers Feed and Seed, dance hall and wood burning stove factory...one of three commercial properties in this unincorporated community with it's population of 315. Sitting aside the Ohio River, the 1937 flood washed away a number of buildings.
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