#Rachel Berry rp
tophsazulas · 2 years
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Rachel looked at the sight in front of her in shock. A lot of weird things happened in the glee club, but this takes the cake.
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limalosershq · 24 days
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NAME/ALIAS: Katy PROUNOUNS: She/Her AGE (21+): 30 TIMEZONE: EST ACTIVITY: 6/10 usually, though this summer is a little busy!
NAME: Rachel Barbra Berry FACECLAIM: Maude Apatow AGE/BIRTHDAY: Twenty-One, December 18 GLEE CLUB: The New Directions SONG CHOICE: She Used To Be Mine from Waitress MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: Musical Theatre/Drama (Junior) LOCATION: Off-campus in Lima, Ohio (an apartment with no roommates) OCCUPATION: N/A CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: Dance/Ballet, Drama Club, Gay-Straight Alliance
Rachel is only still in Lima because she was a little too confident in her college applications - for her it was NYADA or nothing, and therefore... she was left with nothing. It was a humbling moment for her, but it's made her no less determined. Even though a full college experience in NYC wasn't possible (she did try again for sophomore year and found the feedback on why she was rejected yet again to be lacking), she's spent recent summers in NYC. While there, she's filled her days with classes and auditions. She is now very well prepared to graduate and head off to the city permanently.
Intensely focused on achieving her dreams, sometimes Rachel deprioritizes her relationships with other people and/or does something otherwise questionable if it will lead to a good performance/opportunity for the spotlight. For example, perhaps she misled as many as three men about who would star opposite her in her music video for her cover of Run Joey Run. Maybe she went to extreme lengths to get a competitor out of the picture. In the moment she never sees anything wrong with her actions, but in hindsight (and once she's had to make amends, which she does) things become more clear.
Rachel is very active on TikTok, where she posts singing content and some of her more eccentric fashion finds (she loves a vintage cat sweater). She doesn't have a terribly large following, but her loyal fanbase does make sure to comment on each post. Though she does occasionally receive hate, she's quick to block and delete. Her social media is a positive, validating space for her.
Truthfully, no. I'd always hoped to be a Broadway star by the time I turned twenty-one and that has not yet occurred - though I have starred in several local productions. I was born and raised in Lima and it wasn't my intention to stay local for college. However, I'm glad that I have. I've always believed that I'm destined for greatness, and I believe that greatness is possible through the New Directions.
I pay it little attention. Though other show choirs may have a technical advantage, we have something that many lack. Heart. And an underdog spirit. And, most importantly, me. They may talk themselves up, but when it comes down to it, we're the ones that have what it takes.
No. There is no world in which I remain in Lima after graduating from McKinley. I have two more years of college (or less, if I'm "discovered" sooner) and then I'm off to New York, where I will remain for the rest of my days. I have a very clear picture of my future, and I have no doubt that I'm going to achieve my dreams.
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stardomiscalling · 5 months
Rachel was actually pleasantly surprised when Brody asked her to the ball. While they had known one another for quite some time, outside of some minor flirting, he hadn’t overtly shown interest. So when he asked, it did in fact catch her a bit off-guard. That being said, she’d always thought he was talented (a triple threat like her), handsome, sexy and incredibly charismatic. All qualities she valued in a potential partner (both platonic as well as romantic). At the dance, Brody proved himself to be a wonderful date (with a large amount of restraint). While at the beginning of the dance there was quite a bit of demand for his time and affection (those attempting turn his eye will remain nameless), Brody proved to be quite the gentleman. He focused his attention on her. A key move for a starlet who needs the spotlight like people need air and water for survival.
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ofsweetness · 2 years
open starter || rachel berry
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“i saved you a seat for my last preview night... if you were serious about going.” she leans in as she speaks then pauses, as if for dramatic effect. but in all honesty she’s sort of trying to see how she can downplay this if her friend is actually busy or was just trying to save her feelings when they told her they would come before. “if not i can totally just call jesse and see if any of his buddies have the night off and want to go.” her former flame... and perhaps soon to be her current one. though they haven’t entirely agreed upon that yet. “i’ve gotten very good reviews from the first few nights if that helps you make up your mind. i don’t know why you wouldn’t want to see it. it is funny girl after all.”
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Okay, so we needs a Brittany, a Quinn, and a Rachel for my glee game. I don't care which, I needs one to ship with Santana. My OTP is Brittana, but I like Pezberry and I'm down to try Quinntana. Message scottyrps on Discord for the whole rundown.
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heartfe1t · 4 months
starter call: rachel berry
hit the heart for a small starter from rachel berry (largely headcanon based)
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gleekingdom · 10 months
A Glee rp but everyone's adults now and they don't have to be what the show says they are unless you wanted them. And Finns not dead we don't have to stick by Canon ships. And we get to see there life more lived in New york city like we kinda saw in season 5 but less cringe. Characters that never thought they fall in love do, and the main characters don't just have to be the new directions, they can but there not limited to. So warblers and vocal Adrenlines that graduated are open too as are ocs.
Only person taken so far is Blaine Anderson, everyone else is free for grads. Let's see what really happened after everyone graduated 😉
I'll only rp this on discord, but before I give a link I need to see if anyone's interested so heart or dm if you are interested in the idea.
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cgear · 7 months
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( ^ been writing this fucker again on discord and ough if/when i have the time and energy to come back to this blog i might need to defibrillate him out of his tumblr coma )
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open starter ||
OPEN: any. mutuals only. friend. lover. who knows. probably someone she lives with though MUSE: rachel berry. actress. 30-ish.
She was home alone, which meant that she was in charge of the music and she could blast it as loud as she wanted to. Her musical playlist was blasting as loud as it could, and she was singing along to every song loudly as she showered and afterwards. "Let's find a chair where we can sit and talk. Or get some fresh air, maybe we could take a walk.Tell me what you're thinkin', talk about your day. Tell me what to do, I'll do anything you say," she sang, as she twirled down the hallway toward her bedroom to finish getting dressed.
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spencerarbre · 1 year
Calling all glee roleplayers!!!
I am looking for Faberry role plays. 1x1, or group (small or large) I have been roleplaying since 2010. Most of my experience is playing either Quinn or Rachel. I have other experience but that's besides the point. I'm desperately looking for something to fill my Faberry cup so please please please reach out. Did I mention please....
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tophsazulas · 2 years
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"Hey babe, how's it goin?"
@thomas-the-goat-of-satan @angelhummel
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broadwaystargirl · 2 years
Should I join a group or no? I'm usually busy on Monday, Tuesday and sometimes Thursday. I'm getting nowhere with finns not answering me and feeling like giving up. I need advice please let me know! Dm me your if you're interested. Please i don't judge anyone!
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i-love-glee-2009 · 2 years
i don’t believe you���ve met lea michele. stop lying !!!!!! i actually know lea and she said she’s never heard of you
she’s just shy!!! i’m one of her closest friends and because of that, i know that she doesn’t like to talk about her friendships (or her relationships 😉) (you would know this if you were also one of her closest friends LAWL)
besides if u DO kno LEA! then when is her bday!!
you: 😨
you: …oh- i- uh-
HA so… u don’t know? *hmph* well you see.. it was a TRICK question she doesn’t have a birthday!! ur an imposter!
you: NOOOO!!
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askthefuturegleeks · 2 years
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Thank you for joining the campaign to bring the arts to future generations, RACHEL BERRY, we’re happy to have you! If you want a refresher on what to do next, feel free to look at the WELCOME CHECKLIST. Please send your account in within the next 48 hours so that you can get started.    
ooc information
NAME: Marie.
AGE: 27.
PRONOUNS: She/her.
SHIPS: Finchel, St Berry, Chemistry.
ANTI-SHIPS: No chemistry.
basic ic information
NAME/AGE: Rachel Barbara Berry ⭐ / 30.
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: December 18th /  Sagittarius.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married to Jesse St James.
FC: Lily Collins.
twitter post
@rachelbarbaraberry: I need to update my Twitter bio to *Tony Award winner Rachel Barbara Berry ⭐. #ididit #tonyawardwinner
in character questions
Answer these in character, and feel free to add gifs into your answers.
1.) What did you want to do with your life when you were younger? What would the child version of yourself think about the path you paved for yourself?
My goals and dreams have never changed throughout my life; I wanted to be an actress on Broadway and win a Tony Award before I reached 25. I have now won said Tony Award (admittedly later than I wanted but that’s besides the point) and married my best friend. I know I have made my younger self proud.
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2.) What is your proudest accomplishment? Don’t be afraid to  talk about what it took to achieve it and how you feel about it as well.
I’m so glad you asked. My biggest accomplishment has been my Broadway career thus far. And obstacles? Where do I even begin? We can start with all of those who have sent me hate online as I posted video after video of my flawless renditions of songs on Myspace, then some to YouTube as that platform grew. To the admittedly less than talented Glee club I performed with for many years that only had rude things to say about my ambition and my drive to follow my dreams straight to Broadway and I am proud to say I conquered each of those with grace and sometimes some rude comments of my own but I did what I had to. No one said being a star was going to be easy.
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3.) If you could do anything you wanted for one whole day, what would it be and why?
What a great question. I think if I had a day to do anything I wanted? I’d sleep in a little bit, enjoy some time relaxing with Jesse (we both deserve it, believe me), do a work-out, have some good food and then maybe end the night with seeing a new show that neither of us have seen. Something fun but also something that makes you think a little. That sounds like a great day to me.
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where are they now?
What has Rachel been up to? Where to start. Last time we saw her she had won her Tony Award, of course. She’s a successful Broadway actress and is living her best life with Jesse and all of her friends that are in New York with them. I’m not sure where I want to take her now, obviously still acting but we’ll see where things go for her.
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fidelissimi-moved · 9 months
the reason everyone keeps using alternate fcs is because we don't wanna play with old actors. they might have made the roles but they're all washed up now. nobody wants to ship with old people.
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the only way i can see that you'd consider some of these iconic actors "old" or "washed up" is if you just became old enough for people to want to rp with you without lying about your age.
plus, i've seen your generation drooling over: jason momoa (age 44) chris evans (age 42) jensen ackles (age 45) chris hemsworth (age 40) pedro pascal (age 48) tom hardy (age 46) henry cavill (age 40) jared padalecki (age 41) sebastian stan (age 41) paul wesley (age 41) daniel gillies (age 47) joseph morgan (age 42)
do we see a pattern here??
not to mention there's not a soul that could play ANY of the female roles from the early 2000s, including but not limited to roles filled by:
julia stiles (age 42) anne hathaway (age 40) kate winslet (age 47) jessica biel (age 41) reese witherspoon (age 47) zoe saldana (age 45) rachel mcadams (age 44) julia roberts (age 55) mila kunis (age 40) jessica alba (age 42) gabrielle union (age 50) halle berry (age 57)
need i continue??
there's nothing wrong with older fcs, especially when it comes to using them for their original roles. if you want to recast because of lack of resources, or just because you don't like a certain fc for whatever reason, fine. that's your prerogative. but just because an actor might be "out of your preferred age range" doesn't make them washed up or too old to use for characters that wouldn't be who they are without them.
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prpfs · 9 months
Hey-hey, Peach again, still looking for some RP partners 👻 the usual stuff first. I am over 25, so will only write with others who are over 18, pref. over 21. I am based in the UK, I work full time and am currently just looking for Discord partners as that suits my work life. I write between 1 to 3 paragraphs in most responses. I like to get to know my partners and plot, so please only interact if you're willing to at least plot. Below are the pairings/ fandoms that I am looking for. I will bold and pop a * next to the muses that I will write. I may be open to doubling up but it all depends on the muses but feel free to ask. If I bold both muses in pairing, I am happy to write either.
TED LASSO - Rebecca Welton* x Ted Lasso, Keeley Jones* x Ted Lasso, Keeley Jones* x Roy Kent, Sassy* x Ted Lasso ( willing to double up in this fandom )
BETTER CALL SAUL - Kim Wexler* x Jimmy McGill, Kim Wexler* x Lalo Salamanca, Kim Wexler* x Howard Hamlin, my muses to be determined x Nacho Varga ( willing to double up in this fandom )
RIVERDALE - Betty Cooper* x Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper* x Veronica Lodge*, Cheryl Blossom* x Betty Cooper*, Cheryl Blossom* x Veronica Lodge*, Cheryl Blossom* x Toni Topaz
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON - Rhaenyra Targaryen* x Daemon Targaryen
MARVEL MCU - Wanda Maximoff* x Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff* x Vision, Captain Marvel* x Valkyrie*, Sylvie Laufeydottir* x Loki Laufeyson
BARBIE - Barbie* x Gloria*, Barbie* x Ken, Barbie* x Barbie (any kind)
SCREAM - Tara Carpenter* x Mindy Meeks-Martin, Tara Carpenter* x Chad Meeks-Martin
SAW - Amanda Young* x John Kramer, Amanda Young* x Jill Tuck*, Amanda Young* x Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young* x Gabriela* (saw x ), Jill Tuck* x John Kramer, Jill Tuck* x Mark Hoffman, Jill Tuck* x Lawrence Gordon
GLEE - Rachel Berry* x Santana Lopez*, Rachel Berry* x Quinn Fabray*, Quinn Fabray* x Santana Lopez*, Kitty Wilde* x Marley Rose*
Sorry this is such a long post ☠️ please interact with this post and I will come to you.
dm if you're interested
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