#Racks billiards and bourbon
tonkisnow · 2 years
Racks billiards and bourbon
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Salt is traditionally added to the rim of the glass.Īlthough inspired by the classic James Bond novel, Casino Royale, this cocktail is actually best prepared stirred, not shaken. While there seem to be endless variations on the recipe, the classic combines one and a half ounces of tequila with half an ounce of triple sec, a dash of lemon or lime juice, three ounces of sour mix, and a lime wedge for a garnish. With it’s cool, refreshing taste, the Margarita continues to enjoy enduring popularity. If preferred, the Maraschino cherry can be substituted with a brandy-soaked fresh cherry. The bitters should not be overlooked, as they’re a critical part of the cocktail - without them, you just have a glass of bourbon and vermouth. With two ounces of bourbon, one ounce of sweet vermouth, a dash of Angostura bitters, and garnished with a Maraschino cherry, the Manhattan Cocktail is another that should be stirred, not shaken. Big Bottom Port Cask Finished Whiskey is another American whiskey that’s big on taste, but soft on the budget. Best served cold and from the bottle, the light flavor and dark color may seem at odds with each other, but in the end the taste is delicious.įor a good value, consider an American whiskey, such as Evan Williams Single Barrel 2002, which can be found for $30 a bottle. Guinness Black Lager may be as black and opaque as a cup of coffee, but the taste is far lighter than your typical Guinness, and drinks like a traditional lager. You may want to give them a try:įorget everything you know about Guinness. Here are some drinks we enjoy when playing pool. Serving delicious, easy-drinking cocktails when guests first arrive - and having refills readily available - can give you an advantage once the game has started. When you drink beer, for example, do you tend to sip it slowly, or gulp it down? If you choose a drink that you can sip and enjoy over time, it can help prevent you from losing your competitive edge.Ĭonversely, it can’t really be considered cheating if your opponents consume quite a bit before the game has even started. If you want to play effectively, it’s important to be able to remain focused. It’s important to remember, however, not to lose your head. Drinking is a common pastime when playing a casual game of billiards.
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spahhzy · 1 year
Corner Pocket. 1# Lagging.
'The game of billiards has destroyed my naturally sweet disposition' Mark Twain.
"Do I have to?" Groaned Jaune in annoyance as Sun, Neptune, and Ren all dragged him to a local bar.
"Yes, dude, ever since the breakup with 'she-who-will-not-be-named', you've one been slacking on the gym, and two been cooped up in your room for months" explained Neptune as Jaune just sighed in annoyance.
"C'mon guys, I'm not sad anymore, I'm over it, really!" Jaune said, trying to find a way out of this little trip.
"That's a lie. You've been watching 'Your lie in april', 'plastic memories' and Wolf Children' in that exact order mind you, and you've been watching it on repeat for those months you stayed in your room" Ren said as Jaune just glared daggers at his best friend.
"Thanks, Ren. I truly appreciate it" Jaune said sarcastically.
"Always happy to help,"
"Come on, Jaune, have some fun and have a little to drink, and play some pool," Sun said as Jaune just sighed, seeing no way out of this just nodded.
Sun and Neptune cheered as Ren gave a small smile.
'Eh, this might not be too bad'
-Juniors Bar-
'This freaking sucks!' Was Jaune first thought as he looked down at the pool table.
"Dude, you freaking suck at pool," chuckled as he pointed to the bottom right pocket before sinking in the 8ball.
"You didn't sink any of the solids at all," commented Neptune a little amazed.
"I pocketed the cue ball at least..." Jaune said lamely as he held his head down.
"That's not a good thing, Jaune," Ren said to him, and Jaune nodded lamely.
"I know Ren...I know" Jaune told him as he reached for his glass of soda and taking a dip.
"We just need to get you some practice. Get your bridge and stance down, and you'll be pocketing 8balls in no time!" Cheered Sun as Jaune racked up another round.
"Alright, Nep, you're up, I think I'll go get me another drink Jaune said, waving an empty glass around as Neptune hopped off the stool and grabbed his pool cue from the rack.
"Get me a shot glass of bourbon, would you Jaune" asked Ren and Jaune raised his eyebrow.
"Bourbon? You?" Jaune asked and Ren shrugged.
"Nora has been expanding my alcohol horizons." Jaune shook his head and smiled. That was Nora, alright.
Jaune left the trio and walked up to the bar as Junior was standing by.
"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite blonde, how are you?" Junior asked, and Jaune shrugged as he sat on the stool.
"Eh could be better, but I'm not complaining, I guess," Jaune told him before asking for another soda and a shot of bourbon.
"Yeah, last I saw of you, you got hammered, but luckily, instead of smashing up the place, you sang sad love songs," Junior said as Jaune just blushed in embarrassment.
"Ah yes, thank you for reminding me," Jaune told him as Junior smiled.
"No problem, buddy." before handing him his soda and shot glass.
Jaune nodded to him and left a small tip before taking the drinks and heading back to the table.
"Here ya, Ren," Jaune said, handing him the small glass as Ren nodded, taking it before downing the liquid.
"Didn't get one for yourself, Jaune?" Asked Neptune and Jaune just shook his head.
"Last time I drank, I was singing songs, I think I'll pass," Jaune said as Sun patted Jaune on the back.
"Jaune, come on, it's been quiet awhile since 'she-who-will-not-be-named' did what she did. Don't you think it's time you get back out there and try again?" Sun said, and Jaune just stayed quiet, staring at the empty cup in his hands.
Jaune stood up from his stool and walked away from the trio, Neptune hit Sun on the back of the head as Ren just sighed.
Jaune made his way back to the bar counter.
"What do they know...it's not like they were cheated on" he grumbled as he sat back to the bar stool.
"Another coke?" Junior asked, and Jaune just nodded handing him the glass.
"Hey Junior, you think it's time I...I don't know hop back into the dating scene?" Jaune asked and Junior brought him a drink.
"Why are you asking me?" He questioned, and Jaune just shrugged.
"Maybe I want an answer from another opinion" Jaune said as Junior chuckled.
"Jaune, you have been a good customer to me and a friend, I think you do deserve happiness, but only when you are ready," He told him, and Jaune thought on those words.
Maybe Sun, Neptune, and Ren are right.
He shouldn't be mopping about for months on end. What happened happened. All he can do now is move on forward.
"Thank Junior," Jaune said as he downed his soda, too quickly, as the cold drink gave him a brain freeze.
Jaune turned to leave with new vigor, but before he made way, he heard gasp and whispers.
Turning his head, his eyes widened as walking right past him was a very beautiful woman. Her eyes were two tones, pink and brown, matching her hair.
The hypnotic way her hips swayed kept him mesmerized as she passed by him, carrying a parasol with her before meeting two girls, whom Jaune recognized as Juniors hired help, Melanie Melitia Malachite.
The beautiful lady put her parasol on the table, a pool table, and with a twist of the handle she pulled out...a pool cue?
"H-hey Junior, who's she?" Jaune asked as he pointed to the mystery woman.
"Oh her? That's Neo, " Junior said as Jaune nodded, looking at her.
" oh boy, dont do it, Jaune," Junior said.
"Huh, do what?" Asked Jaune, and Junior just shook his head.
"Dont go up to her, It's best if you let this one go," He said to him.
"Why?" He asked and Junior sighed.
"From my understanding, she got out of a nasty relationship, so i think she isn't even looking for something serious if anything at all," Junior explained, and Jaune looked down, understanding what he meant.
"Thanks, Junior, once again." Junior nodded as Jaune gave him another tip before walking back to his friends table.
"Hey guys, imma head back home" Jaune told them as Ren was currently playing a game of 9ball with Sun.
"You sure, buddy?" Neptune asked, and Jaune nodded "Yeah man thanks for taking me out. It was fun. I mean, it, see you guys later Jaune said as he grabbed his coat off the wrack.
Jaune walked to the exit but gave a quick glance to that beautiful woman, Neo, who was in the middle of an 8ball match. He watched as she stepped forward and lined up her pool cue with the cueball, aiming her shot just right she hit one of the stripes and sank it into the left side pocket. She turned her head just briefly and made eye contact with Jaune before giving him a wink. As Jaune just blushed, she returned to her next hit as Jaune walked out the door red in the face.
Steeling his nerves, Jaune smiled, feeling a small warmth pile on him.
Neo, huh?
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