#Radio Free Amerika
polarisdelphi · 2 years
Personal Rammstein Song Tuning List
This is a little list I put together of some (not all) Rammstein songs and their tunings - I want to learn to play them on the guitar, but having to search for the tunings all the time is bothersome to say the least.
oh the wonderful world of playing piano, you don't have to retune it to the song
I'm saving it for reference for myself and maybe someone who's going through the same struggle will also find it useful.
If you see a tuning that might be wrong, feel free to correct me. I suck at music theory and I can't use it logically for the life of me I play everything by heart and feeling :')
Standard Tuning
Du Hast
Links 2 3 4
Mein Herz Brennt
Roter Sand
Drop D
Ich Will
Du Riechst So Gut
Ich Tu Dir Weh
Liebe Ist Für Alle Da
Drop C
Zick Zack
Mein Teil
Mann Gegen Mann
Reise Reise
Keine Lust
Dalai Lama
Drop B
Dicke Titten
If you're not sure about a song, I'd say try Drop D or Drop C tuning, because that's what they seem to use the most. Standard tuning isn't so usual, but there's a few.
And then, you have Drop B, and I gotta say I was "wtf Dicke Titten" because it was the first and only like that until I got to Angst. But yeah, those two are special :)
Guitar Tuner
I use the Fender Online Guitar Tuner, in case you're looking for an accurate tuner that you don't have to turn your mic on. You just listen to the notes on the website and tune your guitar, simple as that \o/
You can find it here on this link.
Missing songs I intend to play on the piano and/or this list is supposed to be my "songs I want to play on the guitar for now" list; I'm also leaving this little note to myself or I'll eventually just go "why didn't I put this awesome song here, I'll have to search for it now". Also, it's late and I'm tired :)
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thehumanopera · 1 year
Ain't nothing worse than Paul McCartney and the Beatles other than Paul McCartney with the beetles' wings and the fish, Monty Python's magic band and the wild fishmans at midnight,
where methusalean meth users lean, meticulously meditating the "death to the scene"?
I mean... Manson and Kaczynski in blues, denim jeans, addicts' rotting bodies affixed to the streets like glued-down sardines?
At least better than the license plate game on these lonely floors, better not doze off y'all, go to the waffle house for the coffee and a doc to dose y'all with your Dolezal.
When on these roads, what's a way? The Goal is all!
Totally, Paul!
Pass the totem in the pastorale as the ancorman blast you with the fastest jams, the stuff they play and nobody else does, radio free amerika, where's the ANSWERS, MAN? Charlie and the Beach Boys or the charming little songs of Marshall Mathers, HUH? They ask, with their brains in jars in some facility in Texas, where Radio hallelloos and goob-shlob-goo-labbers.
Nexus, next track on the airwaves, dog will bless us, good ol bois of Cuntlick Missouri, and New England's Assthucke, Kneeling Young at the feet of Nash-Ville, passive but nonetheless manic like an anthill.
Focus on the road now, Ice and snow, lyce and skeletons and al-kee-hol and fuck an immigrant said the man that talks to Tucker Dick on the intercom, the same man also seen on Television.
In a lightning of blind rage the kind man's heartrate exceeds the cascading blastrates of rifles and the radius of hand grenades, spit out the window on the passing graves.
As the driver pully into the drive in, into the lay-down to lay low,
for the night he smiles and thinks "hey mom, I'm on the radio!"
(2023, for Nick)
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youtwitinmyface · 4 years
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Picking up from the blockbuster first issue, we get a glimpse of what life is like for the citizens living in a Russia/China-occupied America. Russian drones are bombing Ohio, and the mainstream media is strictly controlled by communist regime, to block any…
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killingbill · 2 years
It's gonna be a double ask since I don't wanna spam your inbox, soooo from the weirder asks: 23, 26 and 43
Aaaaaand your top 5 Schneider looks 👀 (I'll be looking respectfully)
of course! although please feel free to spam, send as much as you want. i honestly?? want questions so, honestly i'm open to anything. i really appreciate anyone who stops by my inbox.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
um, in all honesty as a canadian the answer should be something positive - but i'm 100% sick of it, & i mean.. i get the stereotype where canadians have adapted to cold. i basically go out in winter wearing slides & sandals and ... tbh this last winter i basically got by with sweaters. i also never wear hats or gloves. as a smoker particularly it's fucking gnarly, but you bet your sweet ass you'll see me on my front stoop sucking down a ciggy in 15 below 0 in flip flops & a hoodie, where i've carved out a place to stand in the snow.
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
when i was a kid my best friend (who is still my best friend to this day) was dating some girl from his high school named jenna. jenna didn't like me very much because, surprise surprise, i'm a girl and he's a boy & that must mean we're secretly fucking or something. meanwhile both of us are still grappling with the old sexuality, & uh, at the time he would be getting in fights with her for even being around me. he told her he wasn't going to stop hanging out with me, & idk they lasted a bit longer. though, it's funny that we're both in same sex partnerships right now. but LOL TLDR!!! I used to fantasize about telling her off, like every night. i wanted to beat her ass. also, meeting Schneider.
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
so good, oh my god. my favourite? jalapenos and uh, sriracha are my favourites - but i eat jalapenos on basically anything, and i'll just keep adding spicy shit to anything. at this point i have a pretty strong palate, lmfao.
okay SO AS FOR THE SCHNEIDER ASK!! i did this response already, which is pretty much the same - so, here's that for reference. I'll go over my #1 again, and some honourable mentions i couldn't choose but am still thinking about!
Zick Zack Schneider. 100% not changing my answer, yet. the little cutout, with access to his stomach? so good. His fucking confidence was on fire, somehow? and it made him look femme so i was so into it. 10/10
Amerika (shirtless and/or tank top w. the little black tie around his neck) boy, you can't flaunt that belly around me and get away with it. also, the little -- ascot thing he was wearing makes me feral, especially when he takes his shirt off?? fuck ME up.
The couch interview in the Amerika documentary. His floofy hair, his smile was so cute that day. he looks very good in long sleeves, and we don't see it often. He just made me super happy, there.
Angst (i'll call it the bane mask) idk man it's still doing stuff to my lady parts whenever i think about it, and i have zero ability to explain.
Radio! Mmm fuck, i mean - literally whenever he's in a suit. But he looked very classic, and he cleans up so well.
The scene in deutschland where the boys are wearing drag, but chris is wearing that suit + sunglasses combo.
DRSG 95. don’t talk to me. The collarbone. The chest. The baby.
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“He didn’t like to stand out. However, his legs made him look fast so he would get chosen for the class competition relay. But as he didn’t want to draw any attention, he would purposely take a longer time running in P.E. class. “
Notes before reading: This is from Kaoru’s first book “Dokugen” in which his articles from “Ongaku to hito” magazine were compiled, but also an exclusive interview about his life was included. I already posted the first pages of this interview for Kaoru’s birthday  (pages 62-66) and you can read it here. This second part starts with his high school days, getting into metal music, HIDE and first music steps and bands. If you own the book, these pages are 66-75, if you don’t, you should consider getting it *wink wink* -You were a free and uncontrolled boy, right? K: That’s it. Somehow, I felt like I just liked to be where everyone else was. Rather than being an active part of the group, I would just follow it.  It was kind of like floating around. The so-called ego woke up in my body once I entered high school. I started to be my own self. -So, what about high school days? K: I was going to a high school near my house but,  until I went to get the application for the examination, I was like “is a place like this a high school?”, it  was a school that looked like a vocational school. Later, when I went to take the exam, even though it was a high school entrance examination, there was calculation, I remember doing the exam while thinking “if I fail this, I’m really a useless guy”. I was really nervous when I went to see the results days later. But even if I thought “It’s good that my name is there!”*  and I went to the school thinking “I’m a useless guy for sure!” when I was asked by a homeroom teacher “how was it, how was it” and I said “I passed”, they would say “Congratulations!” (laughs) As I feel embarrassed, I felt like “please stop!!”. *Often in Japan, if you name appears on a list of exam results, it means you passed, if your name is not there, it means you have failed. -What kind of school was it? K: It was really a hopeless high school. Bad punk guys, people with bad conditions or that couldn’t take middle school classes properly…. there were only that kind of people. When I was in middle school, I played sports, when I entered high school, there were many people who just gave up about their future.  The topics when they gathered were about girls, television, Idol clothes or hairstyles…that were the main topics of conversation. After that, as expected, as there were a lot of punks, there were guys that would bring to school knuckle dusters (a weapon attached to your fist). The first time it felt like saying “there are embarrassing guys” but gradually everyone started to feel similar(laughs) -Did you feel like you were deteriorating for being in such a place? K: Well, I was thinking about what I would do after that.  There were plenty of negative things too. I could no longer meet my acquaintances from middle school…. But gradually I started to open my eyes to bands, then I started to think that that was the only thing I had left. -Unexpectedly, the reason of that was because you found about “X” (X Japan), right? K: Yes. X debuted when I was in my first year of high school, so I listened to “Blue Blood”. Originally, when I was in my 3rd year of middle school, a transferred student came, he was a lot into metal and listened to various bands. Until then, if someone said metal, I only knew Seikima-II (laughs). Because of this person’s influence, I started listening to X’s “Vanishing vision”, DEAD END and Kinniku Shōjo Tai. However, I didn’t think about buying CDs myself, I was satisfied with the tapes that person dubbed for me. But with “Blue Blood”, I went expressly to the store to make a reservation and buy it. -Is that so? K: When I was back from school, I went to buy it. At an electronic chain stored called “Seidensha” I bought it and I got a poster too. Also, there was a rock flower ( a toy that moves as response to sounds) with the faces of the members of X at the store and I wanted it, but as one would expect, I didn’t get it (laughs) -Making a reservation and buying… that means that your expectations were high. K: That’s true. I never have booked anything besides Nintendo games. (laughs) -What do you think that motivated you to that point? K: Probably it’s connected with what we have talked about until now but, since long time ago, I have this tendency, I like to hang out with people and I also feel like I want to know what that people like. If someone says “this is interesting”, I honestly think “I’m going to try it too!” It’s like I’m trying to understand what people says it’s interesting. Maybe it’s because I like the other person, or I think “I want to get along with this guy”. I want to understand more about the other person. So, as I was good friends with this transferred student, I wanted to understand the things that he said that were “good”. -As if it was a recommendation…. K: The band that this guy said that was cool was about to debut soon. Then I should buy that too. Maybe that’s what I thought. -If you think about that, his existence is quite important, right? K: That’s true. If this guy didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be what I am now. Anyway, Hide looked like nothing but a ghost/spectre. “This person is hella cool….” I thought. He doesn’t look human. From that moment, I only could see Hide. -So, “Blue Blood” caused a huge impact on you.  Can you remember that moment? K: Of course. I came back home, with my uniform still on, I listened to it on the radio cassette. I had goose bumps all the time. Then, I was like “what a……”. Anyway, I listened to it all day at home and the next day I went to school and I “propagate*” it to everyone. I let the guys from my class listen to it. *Kaoru says “布教” which means propagation (e.g. a religion); proselytizing; missionary work. -You acted fast, right? (laughs) K: From that moment, I started buying magazines, I would cut the articles of X and put them in plastic sheet. Then, a guy said to me “Eh? I don’t listen to this band” but he liked ZIGGY, so I said, “X is a bit different”. There was a guy who covered BOOWY songs… I was “attacking” people, one after another. -This is the most active story I have heard until now (laughs) K: For sure! I would bring the videos I bought to that guy’s house and I would show him the magazines too.  The next day, I would tell another guy “Today we are going to hang out at your house” …. that kind of things. -So, your music friends increased…. K: That’s it. Then, from that moment I started playing guitar. -Why guitar? K: As one would expect, it was for HIDE.  I wasn’t really interested in guitar as an instrument until I saw a X Live. I thought that Hotei’s guitar strumming was cool though. I became obsessed with HIDE right after “BLUE BLOOD” was released, at the concert held in the medium hall of Kōsei Nenkin Kaikan in Osaka. It was my first-time watching X, my seat was at the back of the first floor, but as it was the medium hall, the stage was very close. Then, my eyes met TOSHI many times, it was like “he is pointing at me!” (laughs). Anyway, HIDE looked like nothing but a ghost/spectre. “This person is so hella cool……”. He didn’t look human. From that moment, I only could see HIDE. -So, you thought “I want to be like HIDE”?
K: The day after the concert, I looked up in a magazine where I could buy HIDE’s guitar model. Then, I went to an instrument shop at Amerika Mura, I think the shop is not there anymore, but I went there and if you didn’t do a reservation you couldn’t get it. So, I made a reservation on the spot and I paid it with the money I have saved from my part-time job and New Year’s gift. But it didn’t arrive for about 6 months.
-So, you started practising with a guitar borrowed from a friend’s sister.
K: Yes, yes.  I started with the strings. Of course, I couldn’t play any song of X, it always was like I was only strumming. Since then, I gradually started to be surrounded by guys who liked the same bands, so we would gather at someone’s house and without an amplifier, we would practise together.
-Did it feel like “I have finally found something that makes me go crazy about it!”?
K: I was totally addicted/absorbed by music at that point. I would go every day to the bookshop and the record store to check if there was something new. At that time, from corner to corner, I would read every page of WeROCK magazine. I would read the pages for the recruitment of members too. (laughs) Then, I would go to indies shops and shops that were selling metal style clothes. I was attracted by things made of rubber or panted leather, that kind of fashion.
-What about your hairstyle?
K: Of course, I started to grow my hair long. At high school, long hair was not allowed but I told a teacher “I’m moving forward on my music’s path, growing my hair long is job hunting.”
-Those are defying words….
K: I said, “Because I already decided my path”.
-You were really thinking that?
K: Make a living of it……but yes. “I will play in a band!”, “I absolutely will be up on a stage”, I think I already decided that. “I will play in a band after graduating from high school, so if I cut my hair, I won’t be able to do it!”, I said.  It wasn’t a homeroom teacher but a teacher who played guitar and I was told “if that’s so, then do your best”. But sometimes when I tied my hair up, I was told “if it is bothering you, cut it”, “I will overlook this but if it is bothering you, you should cut it, if you grow it that long, more than a man you will look like a Basset hound” (laughs) After that, during class I would hold a pencil and practise how to press down the chords, I was told “Take this class properly!” but I didn’t take it seriously.
-At that time, what about other music or bands besides X?
K: Unless the songs were fast, I wasn’t interested. One way or another, I’m a guy of sharp riffs and fast beats. Even though I really didn’t understand the riffs at that moment, it was like “fast riffs are life!”, that’s why at that moment I was barely clicking with Western metal. Rather than that, I liked punk because there were many songs that were fast. A person from the rental shop in my neighbourhood recommended IRON MAIDEN (British metal band) but I was like “I don’t understand anything at all!”. But I liked HELLOWEEN (German metal band)
The first song played at a studio was “NO NEW YORK” from BOOWY but we couldn’t cover it properly at all but I felt like “ We are getting closer a bit closer”, it’s like going up a stairway (laughs) -So, you liked fast songs, right? K:DEAD END didn’t have fast songs, but I liked them though. The melodies, the atmosphere of the songs, MORRIE’s looks, all that. As you know, I would get the information from magazines, so I liked people who looked cool and flashy. I also liked COLOR and D’erlanger among others. -That’s national metal. Before that, there were bands like LOUDNESS and 44MAGNUM. K: I didn’t go there. This is also a cool story but, the bands of that time, weren’t the ones with sauvage perm? -LA metal style?* *LA metal is  a Japanese term that refers to rock bands that were active during the 80s. K: Rather than those, the ones that put their hair totally up. The ones were the hair looked stiff until the very end. Also,I thought that if the hair wasn’t blonde or red, it wasn’t cool. That’s why COLOR and X were shocking. The hair was totally up and the songs were fast. The first thing I liked about those bands were the way the hair was standing up. -When did you try to put your hair like that for the first time? K: Probably months after I listened to “Blue blood”. I put it up by myself, at home (laughs) I was like “how do you do this?”. But, in a magazine said “use hair spray” so I went to buy it. I would my hair like that when I went to school too. It was like “this is what a man does” (laughs) -Later, you would finally be in a band. K: It was at my second year of high school. Our first live was at a school festival. Before that, everyone got into the studio to match the sounds. It was mostly imitation. -Do you remember entering at a studio for the first time? K: It was really messy. I think we were at the studio for maybe two hours. For the first hour, it was just a mess, playing around with the instruments. Then, I think we say “Let’s give it  try” and played “NO MORE NEW YORK” by BOOWY.  Of course,we couldn’t cover it properly at all but I felt like “ We are getting closer a bit closer” (laughs) -That’s something naïve/innocent, right? K: “We are like going up a stair way right? is it cool?” that’s how it felt. -Then the first concert came…. You wrote in an article that you were so immersed into playing that you don’t remember it. K: That’s true. I remember really well the preparations before the concert, though. -What was that band’s name? K: It was called “DIE:STERIA”. I attached the world DIE somehow with TERIA. -It’s a coined word. Did you make it up by yourself? K: That’s it. A lot of the bands that I looked at the magazines had D and then something else attached, so I thought it was cool. As I’m talking about this, I suddenly feel embarrassed (laughs)
-(Laughs) That’s being young, right? Did you make any original song with that band?
K: Just one. It was fast, like melodic speed metal. But I was just scratching the guitar.
-Is there a recording?...
K: I don’t think I recorded it. In the studio I would like “do this, then like this” “sing like that”…I explained everything.
-What about the lyrics?
K: The lyrics……I wrote them (laughs). The lyrics were pretty terrible. They were kind of violent (laughs) Then, there was a melody that could be played by an acoustic guitar with fast riffs.
-From that point, furthermore you could be part of an original band, CHARM.
K: I came up with that name too. I think I made it up thinking it means “to charm, to fascinate”.
- Even after graduating from high school, you continued in that band.
K: But as expected, my parents didn’t approve, so for the time being I got into a vocational school. After the first semester, I decided to leave the school, I went only to convince/persuade my parents.
-Even after graduating high school, the band activities were local.
K: That’s right but I would rather say that we didn’t do much. Some members were working so more than doing nothing, it was like we weren’t moving much. Some members were working so we had periods that we did nothing. I still felt like I have to do it properly, so I used to play at live houses. Even so, we would play once or twice a year. That kind of level. Then, we would hang out at someone’s house and made songs with MTR.
-By the way, did HIDE’s existence mean the same for you as before?
K: Well, even more, I was addicted/crazy about him. X was appearing more and more on tv and they were national wide. The more opportunities you have to see them, the more you are going to like them. “Ah, Hide is wearing new clothes” or “Recently his hairstyle changed a little”, things like that. I would record all their tv appearances and I would see all the magazines. At that time, candid/natural photos were sold a lot a the bookstores. I bought many of HIDE. I bought a big hat that looked like the one that HIDE was wearing.
-You were completely a HIDE geek/nerd.
K: That’s right. When they came to Kansai, I would definitely go to see them. I also went for Tokyo Dome performances, “White Night” and “Blue Night”. I took a night bus with my friends, we arrived at Tokyo very early and would kill time around until the time of the concert. After it, I slept at all-night movie theatre in Shinjuku and then took an early-morning bus to come back home.
-Admiring his presence in that way, did you ever think “I want to become like that someday?”
K: I didn’t. Because I was playing only locally. Because there weren’t things like sending a demo tape or doing an audition. That’s why after that, if I hadn’t had the encounters that I did, I would probably have kept being local.
-What would you say to the Kaoru of that time?
K: To myself at that time? I see…. “Practice more!!!, I guess (laughs)
 (Next part)
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musicslide-blog · 4 years
Biografi Offspring
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Band Punk Offspring jadi sensasi yang populer pada tahun 1994, jual lebih dari pada pada empat juta koleksi dengan catatan rekor berdiri dengan sendiri. Sekejap kredensial dan pendekatan barisan turuti 80-a kotak di luar tradisi rock kotak, sonically Offspring terdengar makin seperti band logam besar yang sulit dan sulit dikendarai, dengan cocok daya denyut yang cocok dan vokal datar Dexter Holland. Hadirkan Holland, gitaris Kevin "Mie" Wasserman, bassis Greg Kriesel, dan drummer Ron Welty, Offspring mengeluarkan koleksi aksi self-titled mereka pada tahun 1989. Empat tahun setelah itu, koleksi kedua mereka, Ignition, jadi hit bawah tanah, mengatur panggung untuk Keberhasilan Smash pada tahun 1994. Nirvana, yang seperti "Silahkan masuk dengan acara pesta, " single pertama dari koleksi, jadi hit MTV pada musim panas 1994, yang membuka jalan buat kesuksesan radio.
Single Menduduki Peringkat 10 Teratas  
Posterity dimainkan di stasiun rock dan koleksi pilihan, mengonfirmasi daya tarik berbasiskankan luas mereka. "Certainty, " single kedua, turuti resep lembut nyanyian/nyanyian keras yang sama dan masih di tangga lagu nyaris 2x lipat semasa "Silahkan masuk dengan acara pesta." Barisan ini memperoleh penawaran dari signal besar, tetapi pilih selalu untuk dengan Epitaph. Walaupun mereka dapat bermain sisi di A.S., keberhasilan mereka belum diterjemahkan ke luar negeri. Tapi, populeritas band terus tumbuh di Amerika, waktu "Gotta Get Away" jadi hit radio/MTV lain didepannya 1995. The Offspring merekam versi Damned "Smash It Up" dari soundtrack Batman Forever pada musim panas itu ; itu membuat grup di tangga lagu waktu anggota band kerja di koleksi ketiga mereka.
Setelah perang penawaran yang berkepanjangan dan banyak pencarian jiwa, Offspring putuskan untuk meninggalkan Epitaph Records pada tahun 1996 untuk Columbia Records. Cara ini betul-betul polemis di komune punk, dan beberapa aktris di daftar Epitaph, termasuk Pennywise dan pemilik Brett Gurewitz, memberi komentar band. Setelah banyak penundaan, Offspring selanjutnya mengeluarkan aksi Columbia mereka, Ixnay di Hombre, pada Februari 1997. Kemauan untuk rekor itu tinggi dan memang terima keterangan yang baik, tetapi Ixnay di Hombre gagal jadi hit hibrida di level Smash, dan grup kehilangan sejumlah besar pirsawan punk di-wajah-Anda karena tempat koleksi major-mark. Kisah AS turuti pada tahun 1998, bikin hit "Truly Fly (For a White Guy)."
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Pada tengah 2000, Offspring jadi info penting yang polemis dengan ketentuan mereka untuk menawarkan Conspiracy of One dengan free melalui Internet sebelum tanggal rilis awal November. Sony Music tidak taati langkah-langkah ini dan meneror akan kemukakan tuntutan ; Oleh karena itu, band nixed berencana untuk mengeluarkan koleksi demikian rupa. Tapi, masing-masing single disediakan di situs situs resmi band dan situs terkait musik lainnya seperti MTV Online.
Mereka Kembali Bergabung Pada Tahun 2003
Descendants kembali pada tahun 2003 dengan Splinter. Koleksi ini dikeluarkan melalui Columbia, memperlihatkan bila band ini mencemooh usaha koleksi tidak untuk bikin nama besar makin buruk. Ini hadirkan single "Hit That, " yang kembali ke nuansa, berikan pujian pop "Altogether Fly." Turunan berkeliling dunia untuk memberi suport Splinter, dan dalam prosesnya mereka raih hampir setiap benua minimum sekali.
Mereka kembali pada Juni 2005 dengan set hit terbesar ; terkecuali lagu paling terkenal sepanjang masa mereka, itu termasuk lagu baru "Can't Repeat." Pada 2008, setelah beberapa penundaan, band ini balik lagi dengan rilis studio kali pertamanya dalam empat 1/dua tahun, mengeluarkan Rise and Fall, Rage, dan Grace yang betul-betul dinanti. Sekaligus berkeliling untuk usaha terbaru mereka, Offspring mulai kerja pada menulis materi baru dan merekamnya waktu mereka bisa. Setelah tiga tahun kerja, koleksi ke-9 mereka, Days Go By, tiba pada musim panas 2012.
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musicsiteviews · 4 years
Biografi Offspring
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Band Punk Offspring jadi sensasi yang terkenal di tahun 1994, jual lebih dari pada empat juta koleksi dengan catatan rekor berdiri sendiri. Sesaat kredensial serta pendekatan barisan ikuti 80-a kotak di luar adat rock kotak, sonically Offspring terdengar semakin seperti band logam besar yang susah serta susah dikemudikan, dengan serasi daya denyut yang pas serta vokal datar Dexter Holland. Tampilkan Holland, gitaris Kevin "Mie" Wasserman, bassis Greg Kriesel, serta drummer Ron Welty, Offspring meluncurkan koleksi kiprah self-titled mereka di tahun 1989. Empat tahun selanjutnya, koleksi ke-2 mereka, Ignition, jadi hit bawah tanah, mengendalikan panggung untuk Kesuksesan Smash di tahun 1994. Nirvana, yang seperti "Mari masuk dengan pesta, " single pertama dari koleksi, jadi hit MTV pada musim panas 1994, yang buka jalan buat keberhasilan radio.
Single yang masuk Teratas 10
Posterity dimainkan di stasiun rock serta koleksi pilihan, memverifikasi daya tarik berbasiskan luas mereka. "Certainty, " single ke-2, ikuti resep lembut nyanyian/nyanyian keras yang sama serta masih di tangga lagu hampir 2x lipat selama "Mari masuk dengan pesta." Barisan ini mendapatkan penawaran dari sinyal besar, tapi pilih untuk selalu dengan Epitaph. Walau mereka bisa bermain bagian di A.S., kesuksesan mereka belum ditranslate ke luar negeri. Tetapi, populeritas band terus tumbuh di Amerika, saat "Gotta Get Away" jadi hit radio/MTV lain diawalnya 1995. The Offspring merekam versus Damned "Smash It Up" dari soundtrack Batman Forever pada musim panas itu ; itu membuat group di tangga lagu saat anggota band kerja di koleksi ke-3 mereka.
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Sesudah perang penawaran yang berkelanjutan serta banyak penelusuran jiwa, Offspring putuskan untuk tinggalkan Epitaph Records di tahun 1996 untuk Columbia Records. Langkah ini benar-benar polemis di komune punk, serta sejumlah artis di daftar Epitaph, termasuk juga Pennywise serta pemilik Brett Gurewitz, mengomentari band. Sesudah banyak penangguhan, Offspring pada akhirnya meluncurkan kiprah Columbia mereka, Ixnay di Hombre, pada Februari 1997. Keinginan untuk rekor itu tinggi serta memang terima penjelasan yang baik, tapi Ixnay di Hombre tidak berhasil jadi hit hibrida di level Smash, serta group kehilangan sebagian besar pemirsa punk di-wajah-Anda sebab posisi koleksi major-mark. Riwayat AS ikuti di tahun 1998, cetak hit "Truly Fly (For a White Guy)."
Pada pertengahan 2000, Offspring jadi kabar penting yang polemis dengan ketetapan mereka untuk tawarkan Conspiracy of One dengan cara free lewat Internet sebelum tanggal launching awal November. Sony Music tidak patuhi beberapa langkah ini serta meneror akan ajukan tuntutan ; Maka dari itu, band nixed merencanakan untuk meluncurkan koleksi demikian rupa. Tetapi, semasing single disiapkan di situs situs sah band serta situs berkaitan musik yang lain seperti MTV Online.
Mereka masuk kembali ke tahun 2003
Descendants kembali ke tahun 2003 dengan Splinter. Koleksi ini dikeluarkan lewat Columbia, menunjukkan jika band ini mencela usaha koleksi tidak untuk membuat nama besar semakin jelek. Ini tampilkan single "Hit That, " yang kembali pada nuansa, beri pujian pop "Altogether Fly." Turunan berkeliling-keliling dunia untuk memberikan dukungan Splinter, serta dalam prosedurnya mereka capai hampir tiap benua minimal sekali.
Mereka kembali ke Juni 2005 dengan set hit paling besar ; kecuali hit penting mereka, itu termasuk juga lagu baru "Can't Repeat." Pada 2008, sesudah beberapa penangguhan, band ini kembali lagi dengan launching studio pertama kalinya dalam empat 1/2 tahun, meluncurkan Rise and Fall, Rage, serta Grace yang benar-benar ditunggu. Sekalian berkeliling-keliling untuk usaha paling baru mereka, Offspring mulai kerja pada menulis materi baru serta merekamnya saat mereka dapat. Sesudah 3 tahun kerja, koleksi ke-9 mereka, Days Go By, datang pada musim panas 2012.
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sternvonafrika · 2 years
Sorry for random question, but what you wrote in the tags about your previous job made me curious: have you ever found anything particularly interesting in the letters/postcards you had to translate? It sounds like a fascinating job, but maybe it's just the idea I have of it (feel free to ignore this btw, I don't want to sound nosy)
hi! don't worry about the question, i actually love (and loved) talking about what i was able to find inside the letters and behind the postcards, even when the correspondence was not... super interesting. for example: i had to deal with more than 20 letters exchanged between two owners of soap factories from munich right before wwii broke out and i had to lose my sight on more than 200 stamps (both pre- and post wwii). however, sometimes i also stumbled across personal pieces of history and family letters.
unfortunaly everything i translated was in my possession for nothing more than a couple of weeks before it came back to the antique dealer to be sold (and sometimes in some cases i didn't even get to hold the original artifact since i would just receive pictures or scans). however, i feel like there are two stories worth mentioning, if you are curious!
familie klein
these were the letters of two brothers, hans klein (who was a simple soldat and the younger brother) and rudi klein (a gefreiter and the older brother). they came from austria and wrote to their parents, johann & franziska klein.
rudi wrote home on 10th april 1940 and told his family that hans was in a field hospital in striegau (silesia). then we have a letter from hans who wrote on 11th august 1941 and told the family that rudi was in a field hospital (somewhere in the ostfront) and that "there is no sign of the russians at all", he then tells the family that he's stationed next to a beautiful church and that due to his stomachache he can't eat anything warm. in the back of a letter, a small annotation reveals that he was also asking his family for "suspenders, chocolate, jam and cigarettes" (with a "vergiss die Zigaretten nicht!"). the letters also mention three pictures (probably family pictures the parents sent them based on the two brother's comments, a small sister was also mentioned here but i don't know where she was and whether she was still home with the parents or not) that however were not in possession of the antique dealer.
there's are two last letter regarding both of them that tells us that the klein brothers managed to survive the war. one of them was written on 24th january 1945 and the second one on 17th november 1945: after the capitulation hans lives in st. marting bei villach (austria) while rudi managed to go back home to his family.
2. lene beck's date
this wasn't a letter, it was a small postcard that promoted the 1936 summer olympics in berlin. my antique dealer found it interesting because of the adolf hitler stamp while i was more touched by the content of the postcard itself.
lene beck - leipzig, hebelstraße 7
liebe lene!
hurrah! german women have finally achieved their first gold*. i am very happy for them! i am proud, i heard the news on the radio.
i really want to see you again. do you want, this monday or this tuesday evening, to go see "david copperfield in amerika"** with me in the kurprinzstraße? i will wait for you at .47*** there in the kurprinzstraße. please, write me to the shop****, i will call you when i can.
in the meantime send you a warm greeting,
your hannes k.
*: gold medal, he's referring to the olympics
**: probably referring to the 1935 movie
***: he mentions the minutes, the hour of this date is unknown
****: the man (or his family) owned a shop, that's also probably why he mentions having a telephone and being able to call her
honorable mentions to some other cool things i did: had to understand the grade of an officer in a photo (dead in the picture, very gruesome) to see if he was high ranking. went through more than 500 stamps in a afternoon. had to read the very neat and beautiful kurrentschrift to decipher the transaction between two austrian landowners. came across a picture and some letters written by a certain "hans waldmann" and had to find out whether he was the fighter pilot and ace with more than 100 victories or just an omonymous. read more than 100 letters of two italian industrialists who would close every letter with "saluti fascistissimi".
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postpunkindustrial · 6 years
@badpunkradio Mark Stewart special.
Hi Resonance, This is the Mark Stewart ‘Learning to cope with Radio’ show exclusive for Bad Punk Radio show on Resonance 104.4FM. MARK STEWART SPECIAL (Learning to cope with radio) Mark Stewart / Sonskrif present: 1 Hour Mix Format: 320.mp3
1. That’s How Long The Chi-Lites 2. For The Love Of Money The O'Jays 3. Disco Free (Faze Action Edit) Tele Music 4. Jerusalem Mark Stewart and the Maffia 5. Trouble Ian Gillan Band 6. Children of the Revolution by Mark Stewart & The Bug 7. Hard Time Pressure Sugar Minott 8. Standing in the Road Blackfoot Sue 9. Liberty City Mark Stewart and the Maffia 10. Tighten Up Sandmen produced by John Robb 11. What U Waitin’ 4 Jungle Brothers 12. Favour Mark Stewart 13. More Bounce To The Ounce by Zapp 14. A Gozar El Tumbao by Orlando Cachaito Lopez 15. Do It! 1970 Demo by Pink Fairies 16. Paradise Underground by Mark Stewart & Sonskrif vs. Obsolete Capitalism 17. Amerika (Eurohouse Turkc) by Rafet El Roman
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hanjuang-id · 3 years
Ni Ketut Tantri The Great
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Ni Ketut Tantri Saya mungkin akan dilupakan oleh Indonesia.. Tapi Indonesia adalah bagian hidup saya.. ~ K'TUT TANTRI ~ Masih sangat disayangkan banyak yang tidak tahu perjuangan wanita bule untuk negeri ini. Disiksa Jepang nyaris membuat ia gila bahkan tewas. Tapi tak menyurutkan hatinya untuk memperjuangkan negeri barunya itu. Bahkan Bung Tomo terkesiap saat menyaksikan, dengan tenangnya K'tut Tantri menyiarkan bombardir tentara Inggris pada Kota Soerabaia dengan menulis catatan. “Saja tidak akan meloepakan detik-detik di kala Tantri dengan tenang mengoetjapkan pidatonja di moeka mikropon, sedangkan bom-bom dan peluru-peluru mortir berdjatoehan dengan dahsjatnja di keliling pemantjar radio pemberontakan,” tulis Bung Tomo. K’tut Tantri lahir di Glasgow Skotlandia dengan nama Muriel Stuart Walker, pada 18 Februari 1899. Ia adalah anak satu-satunya dari pasangan James Hay Stuart Walker dan Laura Helen Quayle. Setelah Perang Dunia I, bersama sang ibu, ia pindah ke California, Amerika Serikat (AS). Kelak di Negeri Paman Sam, Tantri bekerja sebagai penulis naskah dan antara 1930 hingga 1932 ia kawin dengan Karl Jenning Pearson. Tantri memutuskan pindah ke Bali setelah ia menonton film berjudul, “Bali, The Last Paradise”. Hal itu ia ungkapkan gamblang dalam bukunya, “Revolt in Paradise” yang terbit pada 1960. “Pada suatu sore saat hujan rintik-rintik, saya berjalan di Hollywood Boulevard, saya berhenti di depan sebuah gedung bioskop kecil yang memutar film asing, mendadak saya memutuskan untuk masuk. Film asing tersebut berjudul “Bali, The Last Paradise”. "Saya menjadi terpesona”, tulis Tantri. “Sebuah film yang menunjukkan contoh kehidupan penduduk yang cinta damai, penuh rasa syukur, cinta, dan keindahan. Ya, saya merasa telah menemukan kembali hidup saya. Saya merasa telah menemukan tempat saya ingin tinggal,” ujar dia dalam bukunya. Selang beberapa bulan kemudian, Tantri tiba di Pulau Dewata. Kala itu ia bersumpah mobil yang dikendarainya hanya akan berhenti jika sudah kehabisan bensin dan kelak ia akan tinggal di tempat pemberhentian terakhirnya itu. Ternyata mobil Tantri kehabisan bensin di depan sebuah istana raja yang pada awalnya ia yakini adalah pura. Dengan langkah hati-hati ia memasuki tempat itu dan tak berapa lama kemudian perempuan itu diangkat sebagai anak keempat oleh Raja Bangli Anak Agung Gede –sejumlah sumber menyebut ia menyamarkan nama asli sang raja. Tantri menetap di Bali sejak 1934 dan ketika Jepang mendarat di Pulau Dewata, ia berhasil melarikan diri ke Surabaya. Di kota inilah ia mulai membangun hubungan dengan para pejuang kemerdekaan. Di Surabaya, Tantri bergabung dengan radio yang dioperasikan para pejuang pimpinan Sutomo atau akrab disapa Bung Tomo. Dan ketika pecah pertempuran hebat pada 10 November 1945, tanpa gentar, Tantri berpidato dalam bahasa Inggris sementara hujan bom dan peluru mortir terjadi di sekeliling pemancar radio. “Aku akan tetap dengan Rakyat Indonesia, kalah atau menang. Sebagai perempuan Inggris barangkali aku dapat mengimbangi perbuatan sewenang-wenang yang dilakukan kaum sebangsaku dengan berbagai jalan yang bisa kukerjakan", Tulisnya dalam Revolt in Paradise. Pilihannya untuk bergabung dalam perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia meraih kemerdekaan itu membuat kalangan pers internasional menjulukinya “Surabaya Sue” atau penggugat dari Surabaya. Ia diketahui mulai akrab dengan dunia politik setelah menjalani diskusi intens dengan Anak Agung Nura — putra tertua raja yang mengangkatnya sebagai anak. Menyadari dirinya menjadi target Jepang, Tantri memutuskan sembunyi di Solo. Namun nahas, keberadaanya diketahui Jepang dan akhirnya ia pun ditahan Kempetai –satuan Polisi Militer Jepang. Perempuan itu dibawa ke sebuah penjara di daerah Kediri. Kondisi selnya sangat memprihatinkan, tempat tidurnya hanya beralaskan tikar kotor, bantal yang terbuat dari merang sudah menjadi sarang bagi kutu busuk, sementara berfungsi sebagai jamban adalah lubang di tanah dengan seember air kotor di sampingnya. Tantri hanya diberi makan dua hari sekali, itu pun hanya segenggam nasi dengan garam. Hasilnya, berat badannya turun 5 kilogram dalam minggu pertama. Kelaparan dan kejorokan memang menjadi senjata andalan Jepang ketika itu. Ini ditujukan untuk mematahkan semangat para tahanan sehingga mereka mau memberi informasi yang dibutuhkan. Kendati mengalami bertubi-tubi penyiksaan bahkan nyaris dieksekusi, Tantri memilih tetap bungkam ketika disodori pertanyaan terkait dengan aktivitas bawah tanahnya. Dan setelah ditahan kurang lebih selama tiga minggu, ia pun dibebaskan. Pasca-kebebasannya, ia diberi dua pilihan. Kembali ke negerinya dengan jaminan pengamanan Tentara Indonesia atau bergabung dengan para pejuang. Tantri memilih opsi kedua. Pada satu waktu, ia diculik oleh sebuah faksi Tentara Indonesia dan diminta untuk siaran di “radio gelap” yang mereka kelola. Namun ia berhasil dibebaskan oleh pasukan Bung Tomo. Ketika pemerintahan Indonesia pindah ke Yogyakarta, ia pun bergabung sebagai penyiar di Voice of Free Indonesia era 1946-1947. Dan ia dilaporkan pernah menjadi mata-mata yang berhasil menjebak sekelompok pengkhianat. Mara bahaya senantiasa mengincar Tantri. Sementara ketenaran dan kerelaannya untuk berkorban membuatnya menjadi rebutan sejumlah faksi politik. Ia diutus oleh pemerintah Indonesia ke sebuah konferensi pers yang dihadiri wartawan dan koresponden kantor berita dan media massa asing untuk mengisahkan rakyat begitu bersemangat mendukung perjuangan kemerdekaan. Berbeda dengan propaganda Belanda yang menyebutkan bahwa pemerintahan Sukarno – Hatta tak mendapat dukungan. Tantri juga pernah dikirim ke Singapura dan Australia dalam rangka menggalang solidaritas internasional. Tanpa visa ataupun paspor dan dengan hanya bermodal kapal tua yang dinakhodai seorang pria berkebangsaan Inggris, ia berhasil lolos dari blokade laut Belanda. Dari Singapura ia bergerak ke Belanda demi menggalang dana dan melakukan propaganda. Ia berhasil, sebuah demonstrasi mahasiswa terjadi di perwakilan pemerintahan Belanda di Negeri Kincir Anging itu. K’tut Tantri menetap di Indonesia selama 15 tahun, sejak 1932 hingga 1947. Pada tanggal 10 November 1998, pemerintah Indonesia mengganjarnya dengan Bintang Mahaputra Nararya atas jasanya sebagai wartawan sekaligus pegawai di Kementerian Penerangan pada 1950. Tantri yang juga memiliki darah bangsa Viking –sehingga dikenal sebagai pemberani dan gemar petualangan– tutup usia pada Minggu 27 Juli 1997. Perempuan yang perjalanan hidupnya akan segera difilmkan itu, meninggal dunia di sebuah panti jompo di pinggiran Kota Sydney, Australia, tempat ia menjadikan permanent resident sejak 1985. Perempuan yang disebut sebagai salah satu perintis hubungan persahabatan Indonesia – Australia itu memang tak pernah mengangkat senjata atau tutup usia sebagai warga negara Indonesia. K’tut Tantri justru memanfaatkan identitasnya sebagai orang asing berbahasa Inggris untuk mengambil peran dalam ranah diplomasi yang mengedepankan komunikasi dan jelas yang dilakukannya itu penuh risiko. Dalam tulisan di buku catatan hariannya sebelum meninggal ia menulis ….. "Semua yang aku lakukan untuk Indonesia mungkin tak tercatat di buku sejarah Indonesia, mungkin Indonesia akan melupakanku, namun indonesia adalah bagian hidupku, jika aku mati tabur abuku di pantai Bali.." Saat wanita gagah ini meninggal di peti jenasahnya ditutupi bendera Merah Putih dan di beri renda-renda khas Bali seperti permintaannya. Abu jenasahnya di tabur di Pantai Kuta seperti pintanya. ~ Catatan dari sumber yang tidak diketahui ~ Hanjuang – Cipta Karya Silih asih, silih asuh, silih asah.. Siliwangi..!!! Read the full article
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youtwitinmyface · 4 years
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Created by B. Robert Bell, who also did the art, and co-written by Robert Jeffrey II, whose work I’ve reviewed previously in ROUTE 3 #1 and PLATYPUS VS. MONKEY #1, this is a dystopian near-future political action thriller from Terminus Media. The preview blurb describes it as “Red Dawn meets The Wire”, which is pretty accurate. This issue is Chapter One: D.O.A. (Death of America).
Set in 2020,…
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negibicom · 4 years
Ülkelerin Koronavirüse Karşı Aldığı İlginç Tedbirler!
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Koronavirüs sebebiyle can kayıplarının yaşandığı birçok ülke, salgınla mücadelede sıra dışı önlemler alıyor. Kimi ülke koronavirüs kelimesinin kullanılmasını yasaklarken kimi ülkelerde ise dışarı çıkma izni kimlik numarasına ya da cinsiyete göre sınırlandırıldı.
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PANAMA'DA CİNSİYETE DAYALI ÖNLEM Bine yakın koronavirüs vakasının görüldüğü Orta Amerika ülkesi Panama, cinsiyete dayalı birtakım önlemler almaya karar verdi. Çarşamba gününden itibaren kadınlar ve erkekler evlerinden sadece iki saatliğine farklı saat dilimlerinde ve farklı günlerde dışarı çıkabilecekler. Pazar günleri kimse dışarı çıkamayacak.
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KOLOMBİYA'DA KİMLİK NUMARASINA GÖRE DIŞARI ÇIKILACAK Kolombiya'nın bazı kasabalarında insanlar kimlik numaralarının son hanesine göre dışarı çıkabiliyor. Örnek vermek gerekirse Barrancabermeja kasabasında yaşayan kişilerden kimlik numarası 0, 7 ve 4 ile bitenler pazartesi günleri, 1, 8 ve 5 ile bitenler salı günleri dışarı çıkabiliyor. Bolivya'da da benzer bir uygulama var. VİRÜSE VOTKA TEDBİRİ Belarus Devlet Başkanı Aleksandr Lukaşenko, ülkesinde sosyal mesafe önlemleri almayan liderlerden. Sosyal mesafe önlemlerini 'virüsün etrafta uçuştuğunu görmediği için' almayı düşünmediğini açıklayan Lukaşenko, bir buz hokeyi maçında seyircilerin olmasını ortamın soğuk olması dolayısıyla virüsün yaşayamayacağını söyleyerek savundu. Belaruslu lider aynı zamanda votka içmenin ve saunaya gitmenin virüsten koruyacağını da söylemişti.
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KORONAVİRÜS' KELİMESİ YASAKLANDI Türkmenistan'da ise koronavirüs kelimesinin kullanılması yasaklandı. Türkmenistan'da yasaklı insan hakları savunucusu sivil toplum örgütünün yayımladığı 'Türkmenistan Haberleri' (Chronicles of Turkmenistan) adlı sitede yayımlanan habere göre Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan ve virüslerin yol açtığı hastalıklardan korunma ile ilgili broşürlerde koronavirüs kelimesi kullanılmadı. Koronavirüs salgını hakkında konuşan vatandaşların da polis tarafından gözaltına alındığı ifade edildi. Özgür Avrupa Radyosu'nun (Radio Free Europe) Türkmen dilinde yayın yapan radyosu Azatlyk Radiosy ise sivil giyimli "ajanların" halk arasında dolaşıp koronavirüs ile ilgili konuşanları veya maske takanları gözaltına aldığını duyurdu. RSF (Sınır Tanımayan Gazeteciler Örgütü) konu ile ilgili yaptığı açıklamada, salgınla ilgili bilgi paylaşımını baskılamak üzere Türkmen dilinde "koronavirüs" kelimesini yasaklayan hükümetin, vatandaşları tehlikeye attığını ifade etti.
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bandarqfull · 5 years
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nessequals7 · 7 years
An Open Letter to The Media by Assata Shakur
I have been a political activist most of my life, and although the U.S. government has done everything in its power to criminalize me, I am not a criminal, nor have I ever been one. In the 1960s, I participated in various struggles: the black liberation movement, the student rights movement, and the movement to end the war in Vietnam. I joined the Black Panther Party. By 1969 the Black Panther Party had become the number one organization targeted by the FBI’s COINTELPRO program. Because the Black Panther Party demanded the total liberation of black people, J. Edgar Hoover called it “greatest threat to the internal security of the country” and vowed to destroy it and its leaders and activists.
In 1978, my case was one of many cases bought before the United Nations Organization in a petition filed by the National Conference of Black Lawyers, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice, exposing the existence of political prisoners in the United States, their political persecution, and the cruel and inhuman treatment they receive in US prisons. According to the report:
“The FBI and the New York Police Department in particular, charged and accused Assata Shakur of participating in attacks on law enforcement personnel and widely circulated such charges and accusations among police agencies and units. The FBI and the NYPD further charged her as being a leader of the Black Liberation Army which the government and its respective agencies described as an organization engaged in the shooting of police officers. This description of the Black Liberation Army and the accusation of Assata Shakur’s relationship to it was widely circulated by government agents among police agencies and units. As a result of these activities by the government, Ms. Shakur became a hunted person; posters in police precincts and banks described her as being involved in serious criminal activities; she was highlighted on the FBI’s most wanted list; and to police at all levels she became a ‘shoot-to-kill’ target.”
I was falsely accused in six different “criminal cases” and in all six of these cases I was eventually acquitted or the charges were dismissed. The fact that I was acquitted or that the charges were dismissed, did not mean that I received justice in the courts, that was certainly not the case. It only meant that the “evidence” presented against me was so flimsy and false that my innocence became evident. This political persecution was part and parcel of the government’s policy of eliminating political opponents by charging them with crimes and arresting them with no regard to the factual basis of such charges.
On May 2, 1973 I, along with Zayd Malik Shakur and Sundiata Acoli were stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike, supposedly for a “faulty tail light.” Sundiata Acoli got out of the car to determine why we were stopped. Zayd and I remained in the car. State trooper Harper then came to the car, opened the door and began to question us. Because we were black, and riding in a car with Vermont license plates, he claimed he became “suspicious.” He then drew his gun, pointed it at us, and told us to put our hands up in the air, in front of us, where he could see them. I complied and in a split second, there was a sound that came from outside the car, there was a sudden movement, and I was shot once with my arms held up in the air, and then once again from the back. Zayd Malik Shakur was later killed, trooper Werner Foerster was killed, and even though trooper Harper admitted that he shot and killed Zayd Malik Shakur, under the New Jersey felony murder law, I was charged with killing both Zayd Malik Shakur, who was my closest friend and comrade, and charged in the death of trooper Forester. Never in my life have I felt such grief. Zayd had vowed to protect me, and to help me to get to a safe place, and it was clear that he had lost his life, trying to protect both me and Sundiata. Although he was also unarmed, and the gun that killed trooper Foerster was found under Zayd’s leg, Sundiata Acoli, who was captured later, was also charged with both deaths. Neither Sundiata Acoli nor I ever received a fair trial We were both convicted in the news media way before our trials. No news media was ever permitted to interview us, although the New Jersey police and the FBI fed stories to the press on a daily basis. In 1977, I was convicted by an all- white jury and sentenced to life plus 33 years in prison. In 1979, fearing that I would be murdered in prison, and knowing that I would never receive any justice, I was liberated from prison, aided by committed comrades who understood the depths of the injustices in my case, and who were also extremely fearful for my life.
The U.S. Senate’s 1976 Church Commission report on intelligence operations inside the USA, revealed that “The FBI has attempted covertly to influence the public’s perception of persons and organizations by disseminating derogatory information to the press, either anonymously or through “friendly” news contacts.” This same policy is evidently still very much in effect today.
On December 24, 1997, The New Jersey State called a press conference to announce that New Jersey State Police had written a letter to Pope John Paul II asking him to intervene on their behalf and to aid in having me extradited back to New Jersey prisons. The New Jersey State Police refused to make their letter public. Knowing that they had probably totally distort the facts, and attempted to get the Pope to do the devils work in the name of religion, I decided to write the Pope to inform him about the reality of’ “justice” for black people in the State of New Jersey and in the United States. (See attached Letter to the Pope).
In January of 1998, during the pope’s visit to Cuba, I agreed to do an interview with NBC journalist Ralph Penza around my letter to the Pope, about my experiences in New Jersey court system, and about the changes I saw in the United States and it’s treatment of Black people in the last 25 years. I agreed to do this interview because I saw this secret letter to the Pope as a vicious, vulgar, publicity maneuver on the part of the New Jersey State Police, and as a cynical attempt to manipulate Pope John Paul II. I have lived in Cuba for many years, and was completely out of touch with the sensationalist, dishonest, nature of the establishment media today. It is worse today than it was 30 years ago. After years of being victimized by the “establishment” media it was naive of me to hope that I might finally get the opportunity to tell “my side of the story.” Instead of an interview with me, what took place was a “staged media event” in three parts, full of distortions, inaccuracies and outright lies. NBC purposely misrepresented the facts. Not only did NBC spend thousands of dollars promoting this “exclusive interview series” on NBC, they also spent a great deal of money advertising this “exclusive interview” on black radio stations and also placed notices in local newspapers.
Like most poor and oppressed people in the United States, I do not have a voice. Black people, poor people in the U.S. have no real freedom of speech, no real freedom of expression and very little freedom of the press. The black press and the progressive media has historically played an essential role in the struggle for social justice. We need to continue and to expand that tradition. We need to create media outlets that help to educate our people and our children, and not annihilate their minds. I am only one woman. I own no TV stations, or Radio Stations or Newspapers. But I feel that people need to be educated as to what is going on, and to understand the connection between the news media and the instruments of repression in Amerika. All I have is my voice, my spirit and the will to tell the truth. But I sincerely ask, those of you in the Black media, those of you in the progressive media, those of you who believe in truth freedom, To publish this statement and to let people know what is happening. We have no voice, so you must be the voice of the voiceless.
Free all Political Prisoners, I send you Love and Revolutionary Greetings From Cuba, One of the Largest, Most Resistant and Most Courageous Palenques (Maroon Camps) That has ever existed on the Face of this Planet.
#Happy70thBirthdayAssataShakur ✊🏽
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siskacime-blog · 6 years
Chevrolet Trailblazer Bandung
Chevrolet Trailblazer Bandung
Sisca Cime - SUV menengah Trailblazer Chevrolet Bandung menangani luar yang luar biasa dengan performa dan daya kendaranya yang terdepan di kelasnya, sementara masih cukup praktis untuk perjalanan sehari-hari di kota. Fasia depannya memiliki gril dual-port tanda https://wp.me/PaFjCi-2  tangan baru dari merek Amerika, dilengkapi dengan lencana bowtie yang ikonik, lampu depan ramping dengan DRL, dan lampu intake dan kabut di sepanjang bumper.
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Di dalam, Trailblazer dapat menampung hingga tujuh orang dengan nyaman di kursi berbahan kulit atau kain tergantung variannya. Sementara itu, mendinginkan kabin adalah AC manual atau Kontrol Iklim Otomatis untuk varian paling top. Hiburan disediakan oleh sistem infotainment layar sentuh 7 atau 8 inci yang dimuat dengan Sistem MyLink Chevrolet terbaru. Ini dapat memutar stasiun radio, musik, atau film favorit Anda melalui pengaturan empat atau tujuh speaker. Selain itu, dapat terhubung melalui Bluetooth dan kompatibel dengan smartphone apa pun dan dapat menggunakan Siri Eyes Free.
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Untuk keselamatan dan keamanan, SUV menengah ini menawarkan sejumlah fitur keselamatan aktif dan pasif seperti airbag depan dan penumpang, Sistem Kontrol Traksi (TCS), Sistem Pengereman Anti-Terkunci dengan EBD (ABS), Panic Brake Assist (PBA), Hill Kontrol Keturunan (HDC), dan Hill Start Assist (HAS).
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Di bawah kap, pilihan mesin diesel 2.5L dan 2.8L yang bertenaga. Ini datang dengan transmisi manual enam percepatan atau otomatis enam percepatan. Powerplant 2.5L dapat menghasilkan 163 hp dan torsi 380 Nm sedangkan yang kedua dapat menghasilkan 200 hp dan torsi 500 Nm yang terdepan di kelasnya.
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Saya memiliki kecenderungan untuk berubah menjadi kolam setiap kali ada hujan lebat yang tiba-tiba. Hal ini menyebabkan SUV menengah menjadi salah satu kendaraan umum yang Anda lihat di jalan. Kategori ini bahkan merupakan salah satu yang paling populer di AutoDeal tahun lalu, terhitung 15% dari semua pembelian.
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Trailblazer 2017 sangat cocok untuk keluarga khas Bandung dengan kapasitas 7 kursi, ground clearance yang tinggi, dan mesin yang andal. Chevrolet Bandung cukup baik hati untuk meminjamkan kami varian 4x4 Z71 baris teratas sehingga kami dapat mengenalnya lebih baik  https://wp.me/PaFjCi-97   .
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Ujung depan Trailblazer 2017 terlihat lebih mencolok, lebih agresif, dan lebih tenang dibandingkan dengan model yang lebih tua. Sepertinya SUV menengah Chevy menjadi gelisah atau terpancing, tetapi kami menyukai tampilan barunya. Selain itu, stiker hitam yang diletakkan di kapnya sesuai dengan fasia yang didesain ulang. Bagian samping dan belakang merupakan carry-over dari model sebelumnya, sedangkan velg hitam gloss 18-inci menjadikan varian top-of-the-line ini menonjol - bicarakan poin gaya
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punkascas · 8 years
A) I really like and enjoy your blog B) I saw your tags about protest music and now I'm curious! Can I pretty please have some recommendations? Always down for new music. If not, that's fine too! You have a nice day 😊
(a) ajsdlkjsalkjd THANK YOU. you’re too sweet ❤️
(b) so that was sort of an off-the-cuff comment. idk if the most of the music i have could be considered legit protest music. there’s a lot of indie radio stations that play actualfax protest bands. but i can give you a list of songs that i relate strongly to when i’m feeling angry or frustrated or disenfranchised with politics and society?
Amerika - Rammstein
Times They Are A-Changing - Bob Dylan
For What It’s Worth - Buffalo Springfield
Fortunate Son - CCR
Zombie - The Cranberries
Fuck tha Police - NWA
Paper Planes - M.I.A.
Fight the Power - Public Enemy
FDT (Fuck Donald Trump) - YG & Nipsey Hussle
Get Up, Stand Up - The Wailers 
Wolf at the Door - Radiohead 
Afraid of Everyone - The National 
Orange Crush - REM
Long Way Down - Robert DeLong
DARE - Gorillaz 
I’m Not Your Toy - La Roux
Pa Pa Power - Dead Man’s Bones
Feel the Love - Rudimental (tho i would argue that this is legit a happy song)
How Bizarre - OMC
Where Is the Love - Black Eyed Peas
I See A Darkness - Bonnie “Prince” Billy
Tansgender Dysphoria Blues - Against Me!
Bleed Like Me - Garbage
Water Me - FKA twigs
Complete Control - The Clash
Guns of Brixton - The Clash
London Calling - The Clash
Who Am I to Feel So Free - JD Samsom & MEN
Sick of You - Iggy Pop
Streets of Sorrow/Birmingham Six - The Pogues
Thousands are Sailing - The Pogues
The Sick Bed of Cúchulainn - The Pogues
look just generally the Pogues are an A++ band
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Mother - Pink Floyd 
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