#Rafe Cameron imagnes
lennydaisy · 4 years
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(n.) a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand. or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.
                   “Care to seize the day, my friend?”
Outer Banks                                                                                                                         Season 1-                                                                                                                        FEM OC! and ?
Here is the link to Chapter One if you have read it already <3 Check it out!!
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'I'm going to kill that rooster.'
Slapping a hand over my eyes, my vision red with the suns early morning rays, my ears ringing at the excisive cockerel, refusing to accept the fact that I'm already awake.  The gentle patter of feet creaking against the uneven floorboards causes me to roll on my side, grabbing what I'm assuming is my pillow.
Why is my pillow so... boney? And retracting against my grip.
Oh well.
"May," I hear someone croak, not having the energy to reply I just hum, pulling my pillow closer to me, "May, stop that tickles," they let out in a breathy voice.
Scrunching my eyebrows together, 'why's my pillow talking?' I open one eye in confusion at the voice and that's when I realised I wasn't in my room, in my bed. No. I was on the couch and the pillow that I thought I was holding so dearly happened to be JJ's foot.
I let out a shriek at the sight of JJ's toes being in such close quarters with my face, causing the boy to jump slightly, kicking me in the nose, knocking me off the couch, smashing face-first against the floor, "Ouch."
"I don't want to know how you manage that," the toneless voice of John B echos through the room. Stepping over the heap that is my body, he slaps JJ's leg, "Yo, JJ, you been outside?"
"I have polio, bro. I can't walk,"  he grunted, voice muffled against his pillow.
Hearing John B's steps fade away, as a whip of wind squeezes through the gapping door, shaking a shiver down my spine.
I refuse to get up. I refuse. I live here now. On the floor. The hard and cold floorboards. This is my home now. Do you need me? You know where I'll be. On the ground. Where I belong-
"Ouch," I wince, the air being knocked out my lungs as a pair of feet stump down on my back, quickly retracting at the sound of my pain. "What are you doing on the floor?" I hear JJ ask, but I refuse to look at him or give him a proper answer, just huffing and grunting.
"Come one May, get up," I hear JJ say, tapping my head lightly before another wave of goosebumps run up my arms as the door bounced close again. Leaving me in a heap of self-pity, on the ground, with a 'broken' nose.
Cursing under my breath, I push myself to my feet, instantly feeling a rush of heat in my nose. Huffing, I stuff tissue up my bleeding nostril, staring at my dishevelled appearance in disgust. I attempt to flatting the creases in my shirt and brush my fingers through the bird's nest on my head before heading outside.
'Dang, Aggie did us a number,' I thought looking around our mess of a garden. The big oak tree now laid haphazardly across the grass being ripped out by the roots. Our trash cans are nowhere to be seen and I'm pretty sure that's our neighbour's dog house smashed to piece beside John B's van.
"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" I hear JJ ask my brother who is currently rummaging through the fallen branches that the storm blow onto the boat. Walking closer to the boys, John B replies, "Nah, they're not gettin' on a ferry" shaking his head.
"Thank god," I say, cringing at how nasally my voice sounds, tiptoeing around the puddles burrowing in the grass. "What happened to your face?" John B sniggers, making me point accusingly at our blonde friend, "Ask him."
"Hey, don't blame me," holding his hands up in defence, laughing slightly at my current state, but I don't find it very funny, especially this early in the morning, "Oh, so what, you didn’t kick me in the face?"
"It was an accident."
"An accident won't fix my broken nose."
"Okay, you're nose isn't broken."
"How do you know? Want me to kick you in the face and-"
"Guys!" John B yells, interrupting us from going any further, "We don't have time for this, God is telling us to fish."
Shaking my head at his attempt to reason, "I'm not fishing with a broken nose," I say, my toes curling in the damp grass. JJ lets out a sound of exhaustion, "Oh my God, May. Your nose is fine."
"See he still hasn't said sorry," Pointing at the boy who dares to belittle my swollen nose.
Having enough of us, "JJ, say sorry," John B sighs, jumping down from the boat. JJ whips around staring at his friend, mouth gaping like a fish as a smug smile creeps it's on my face, happy that John B is actually on my side, "Macy, you say sorry too."
Wait. What!
My previous stance of bouncing on the balls of my feet waiting expectingly for an apologize quickly changed to me mimicking JJ, "What, why?" I gape, not understanding why I should be sorry.
"JJ, apologize for kicking Macy, " John B starts as JJ tries to interrupt him, "But-" quickly catching his tongue at the dangerous look John B sends his way, "And Macy, apologize for being a diva," this time I interrupt, "But-".
"Now please!" he demands, walking past us, making his way up to the Château, "I'd like to go fish today," slamming the door behind him for emphasis. And with that, it was just me and JJ.
I looked out at the marsh, refusing to look at the boy who was leaning against the boat with his arms crossed over his chest. It was quite a nice day. Perfect fishing weather. Shaking my head at my antics, I gave in, "I'm sorry," we both said.
Looking at each other in surprise, lightly laughing as I stick my hand out for him to take, "Shake on it?" I ask JJ who looks at my hand with amusing eyes, "Sure," clasping his hand around mine giving it a firm but soft shake.
Nodding, pleased with our transaction, I go to move back, pulling my hand indicating him to let go. He doesn't. Blinking at him, I try to pull my hand away again but he's not letting up, just staring at me before pulling me towards him, rubbing his knuckles against my head.
"Ow, JJ" I shriek trying to escape his arm that is wrapped tightly around my shoulder, "You know I hate knuckies," I plead as he just laughs eventually releasing me. Smirking at my tangled hair, he attempts to smooth out the knots with his fingers, "Come on May, let's go fishing."
The Outer Banks is no stranger when it comes to storms, having a hand full of them each year. It's always the same; sunken boats, eroding docks, fallen trees, and no power for weeks. Aggie made it her duty to make the beginning for summer a doozy, having no remorse on her destruction.
"We'll be cleaning this all summer," I point out sitting at the bow of the boat, feet dangling just above the murky marsh. "That's my worse nightmare," John B complains, sailing us past the docks that are filled with locals cleaning up the mess.
'Is that? It can't be. She everywhere!'
"Morning, Miss Amy, Mrs Adams," John B greets, slowing down as we pass the two ladies who are sweeping up the dock, "You guys get through it?" he asks politely.
I look in the opposite direction of the pair, refusing to acknowledge her presence as I lay on my back, hoping that the boat will just suck me in and away from this interaction.
"Still here," I hear Miss Amy, Mrs Adams daughter, say. I know, if it was hard enough to believe that Mrs Adams was married, her having children sounds ludicrous.
"Oh John B, how's your neck of the woods? Everything good?" I wanted to gag at her act. She always tries to turn on her sweet, old lady charm when it comes to John B, always kissing up to him, but he’s so blinded by her words that he refuses to acknowledge the fact that she's evil.
"And JJ, my sweet boy, how are you?"
'God, if you're out there, I know you can hear me. Please, I'm not asking for much, just get me out of here. Please! Have some mercy on my soul.'
"I'm good Mrs Adams. You're looking dazzling as always," JJ comments as I whisper, "Give me a break," under my breath.
I didn't even have to look to know her reaction. She probably fanning herself with her hand, begging the boy to stop, but secretly hoping that he'll jump off the boat and into her arms, "Please JJ, you're too much," and that just confirmed it.
"Mason and I have our work put out for us, but we'll get by," John B answers and Mrs Adams pretends to have just noticed me despite our, not at all warranted, proximity, "Oh Mason, I didn't even see you there, dear."
This is what Mrs Adams does. She acts all innocent around other people but when it's just me and her, she turns into the spawn of satan. And that why nobody believes when I say she hates my guts because she turns on the charm like it's her second job.
Having to face the music, I sit up, against my better judgement, and smile brightly at the lady, "Hi, Mrs Adams, still in one piece I see." 
"Yes," she smiles back, but I see that look in her eyes, the look of hatred, "It would take more than a hurricane to knock me off my feet," she laughs at her joke and I mimic her.
Feeling the tension in the air, John B clears his throat, "Well, it was lovely talking to you ladies, but we have to go now," he announces, the boat picking up speed in hopes of breaking the glaring eyes that Mrs Adams and I are exchanging.
Shaking her head slightly, she smiles at my brother, "Have a lovely day John B. You too JJ, see you later," she waves and instantly resumes back to sweeping the dock with her daughter who sends a look my way, silently apologising for her mothers behaviour.
"God May, why are you so rude to Mrs Adams?"
"She nothing but a sweet old lady."
Spinning around to face the boys, my voice not wavering, "She's the devil incarnate," I deadpan, "It's not a coincidence that her name is Agatha, and storm Agatha just ruined our summer. She had something to do with it, I know it."
"Devil incarnate or not, her daughters hot," JJ gushes at the thought of Miss Amy. Seeing my face wrinkled in disgust he continues, "What? Did you not see the way she looked at me?"
"I see how delusion you are," I admit, innocently ginning at the boy who flips me off, "I'm not the one fraternising with the enemy," I defend, finding it frankly unnerving that he is so opinionated about Miss Amy.
"Your enemy is just shy of retirement."
"Not shy enough."
"Well, look who we have here," John B states as we pass 'Heywards Seafood' spotting Pope hosing down the deck with the saddest face I've ever seen, "We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory," mimicking static as he speaking into his shoulder.
"I can't," Pope says looking at his Dad who's making his way over, a scowl painted on his face at the sight of his son's friends, "Pops got me on lockdown."
"Come on man. Your dads a pussy. Over," JJ smirks seeing the man in question standing behind  Pope, "Oh, I heard that, you little bastard," he insults, staring the boy down.
"Hey, Mr Heyward," I greet now standing, giggling at the man hostility, "We need your son."
"Yeah, island rules," JJ starts, now standing beside me, "Day after a hurricane a free day," he points out like its obvious. "And who made that up?" Mr Heyward conspires, looking at the boy expectingly.
"JJ," I nod at the man, the same time as JJ says, "The Pentagon," earning me a look from the blonde.
Out the corner of my eye, I see John B edging Pope on the boat trying to not get caught by the boy's hot-headed father.
Mr Heyward has had no problem voicing his distaste for his son's friends. To use his words, we're 'A bunch of good for nothing, sons of bitches, who are ruining his son's image'. What Mr Heyward refuses to believe, despite the fact that he has most likely noticed it himself, is that his peculiar son is a Pogue just like the rest of us.
"I have a card," JJ fishes through his pockets looking for a card that everyone knows he does have, but in his attempt to distract Pope dad he's putting on his best act.
As soon as Pope step foot on the boat, after quickly dumping the hose that is now shaking and spraying wildly over the dock, John B hastily hit the gas, leaving the boy's dad on his lonesome.  
"I'll do it tomorrow," Pope tries to reason, but his dad is having no of it, "I'm sorry," he apologizes to his dad, who is shouting in the distance, "You'll be cleaning shrimp and your dirt-ass room."
"We'll bring your son back in one piece," I promise the man who just points accussingly at me, steam coming out of his ears, "We've fallen out Mason."
'That's it. My one true friend is gone, just like that. I only stole his son, what's the big deal?' I thought.
Rushing over to Pope who is now sitting where I previously sat, "Can you please tell your dad that I'm sorry," I beg sitting beside him as I attempt my best puppy dog eyes.
With his hand clasped over my knee, "It's too late. We're both blacklisted now," sorrow filling his voice as I pretend to cry, "I can't believe it. I'm now in the same category as those two," I point at my mess of a brother and best friends who are wrestling each other over the controls of the boat.
"Kie's our only hope," Pope admits, looking upon the disgrace that he has the pleasure of calling his friends.
"Ask and she shall come,” I smile, noticing Kie walking down the dock, cooler in hand.
"Oh, top o' the mornin' to ya," JJ greets, giving up on his attack against John B, now lounging against the side of the boat, "Morning boys. Macy."
"Ma Lady," I joke, holding out my hand for her, that she graciously takes. Stepping onto the boat, she dumps the cooler in between me and Pope, "Whatcha got? Some juice boxes?" asks Pope, opening up the cooler.
"Some Reese's Cups since you ate all mine?" I question, raiding through the cooler, seeing no Reese's Cups but plenty bottles of beer. My comment earns me a sharp flick on the ear, "Ouch," I complain, holding my the side of my head like it's going to fall off.
"Oh give up, you big baby," she laughs, nudging my legs apart, settling herself in the space between, leaning her back comfortably against my chest. 
Normally I wouldn't mind, but the wind that is whipping its way up the marsh is blowing Kie hair into my face. I splutter and spit as strands fly into my mouth, slapping my hand around in hopes of regaining my vision that is being blocked by her mop of hair.
"What about my type of Juice box?" JJ asks, grinning triumphantly when Kie hands him a beer, "Skoal," he cheers, wasting no time in chugging the bottle.
Reaching back, Kie hands me one, but I shake my head, "Can't. I'm babysitting Wheezie this afternoon," I point out, making Kie pull a face, disappointment lacing her voice, "I can't believe you willing work for Sarah Cameron's dad."
If it hasn't been made obvious, Kie doesn't like Sarah Cameron, my bosses oldest daughter. Doesn't like is putting it lightly, she hates her guts. That about right. You see Kie being partly Kook caused her to try and make Kook friends and one of those friends use to be Sarah Cameron. I'm the only one that knows why she hates her so much and honestly her opinion's valid.
"He works for her dad too," I point at my brother, not wanting to be the only one under Kie's fire. John B just holds his hands up defensively and states, "I'm not a part of this," before passing the controls of the boat to Pope, seeing as though he wants to drink after the tough couple of days we've had.
"I know what will cheer everyone up," slurs an already drunk JJ, "Hey Pope. Can you go a little faster?" He asks, stumbling his way to the front of the boat on wobbly legs.
"This doesn't work," John B calls out from his lounging position at the back of the boat, taking a swig of his beer as he looks upon the determined blonde, "We've tried this like 6,000 times."
"I've got this. It's gonna work," he believes and I encourage him, even with the linger of doubt that can be heard in my voice, "You prove them wrong, JJ."
He begins to clap for himself, taking his position unevenly at the edge of the boat, "I present to you, Lady, Gentlemen, and May, my party trick."
"I hope you fall off the boat," I deadpan, my previous support completely gone after his comment. Tilting the bottle that he held high, he attempts to finesse the winds to direct the liquid into his wide mouth. Ultimately missing just like all the times before.
Kie rushes away from the splash zone that has been made with JJ's party trick, "You're getting beer in my hair," she complains moving to sit beside John B.
His face was now stiff with sticky beer, but JJ didn't care. He was having fun, enjoying the feeling of the early morning sun looking down on him as the wind blows through his hair. I'm having fun too. Watching his stupid ass attempt his flawed party trick is very entertaining.
Getting ready to applaud his failure, I'm harshly launched forward as the boat comes to an abrupt stop. Slamming my back against the side of the boat, winding me as I begin to see double. The world was spinning, my ears ringing from the force whilest the rest of my bodt erupts into painful tingles.
"Everybody alright," I cough, rubbing my head, looking at my friends who are all laying sporadically over the boat, feeling the same ache that I am. Only having the energy to grunt, Kie cries, "Jesus, Pope!"
Noticing the lack of a certain opinionated blonde, I crawl to the bow of the boat, losing balance as my head throbs, "JJ!" I call looking out into the marsh catching no sight of the boy.
"JJ!" Still nothing. Not even a ripple in the water.
"I didn't mean it when I said I wanted you to fall off the boat, you just annoyed me with you stupid comment, I didn't-" my apologetic ramble halting when JJ's head floats above the water, chocking on the warm marsh water as he groans out in pain.
Breathing in relief, "Are you okay?" I ask, feeling bad for the boy who just bodyslammed into next week, "I think my heels touched the back of my head," he coughs,  floating on his back with his eyes squished shut.
"Pope, what did you do?" JJ cries at the boy. "Sandbar. The channel changed," he replies, but his eyes are glued to the water, not paying his full attention to his friend who he just threw a mile.
"Yeah, no shit," he starts swimming back to the boat, "Saved my beer, though," he cheers, seeing the light in his situation. Nobody else seems to care though. John B grunting, still in pain from his fall, "Congrats, JJ."
Pope's quietness was unsettling to me, normal never missing a beat at throwing a jab at JJ. Instead, he was staring sternly at the marsh. Clasping my hand on his shoulder, I hope to gain his attention, but his eyes didn't waver, "Hey, you okay?" I ask, thinking he was shaken up from the sudden crash.
"You see the boat too, right?" he points my eyes in the direction of the murky water. Leaning forward, I see what has Pope so confused. There was, in fact, a boat, a sunken boat, at the pit of the marsh, "Yeah," was all I could say, head tilted at the bizarre finding.
"Guys... there's a boat down there," he announces, still not moving as he calls out to our friends.
"Shut up, Pope," John B lets out a breathy laugh that I shake my head at. "No, he's serious. Look," I point at the obvious outline of a boat.
"Holy shit," Kie curses, releasing he was telling the truth, "He's right. Let's go," throwing off her shorts, diving in beside her concussed friend, John B following soon after.
"You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope wonders, teeth chattering at the thought. Humming and hawing at his question, I kick off my short saying, "Only one way to find out," pushing the reluctant boy off the boat before jumping in myself.
I don't know exactly what I was supposed to be looking for. A dead body? No thanks. I rather not have that image imprinted in my brain. What I did notice though, in between the disgusting floaters in the water, was that the boat looked in great condition. Its paint job was near to new, meaning it couldn't have been down under for too long.
This might have just happened. And judging by the lack of sealife that usually takes refuge in sunken wrecks it probably did.
Also, it looked as though it was a Grady white which is confusing. Those things are about $500 thousand minimum, you know, pocket money for a Kook. But if this was a Kooks boat, why haven't I heard their arrogant asses complaining about their boat sinking?
Laughing when we reach the surface again, breathing in big gulps of air that sting my lungs slightly, "You guys saw that, right?" JJ asks as we pull ourselves back on the boat.
"That was a Grady White," I confirm our assumptions, ringing my hair out over the side of the boat, "Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge," John B confesses breathlessly.
"You did what?"
"You surfed the surge?"
"That's my boy. Pogue style," JJ cheers, patting my brother on the back, congratulating him for his stupidity.
"Hey, I think you dropped this," I sympathise, pretending to pick something up off the deck. John B looks at me confused, eyes darting around the floor, looking for the whatever it was I was suggesting, "Dropped what?"
Seeing my opportunity, I clipped him on the back of the head, my brother instantly darting back up straight, hissing, holding the back of his head, "Your common sense, you moron. What the hell were you think? Oh right. You clearly weren't since you surfed the surge!"
"Chill Macy. I'm fine, nothing happened," he says attempting to calm me down but it wasn't working, "Beside Pope was with me too," he throws his friends under the bus trying to defend himself.
Turning around to a now sheepish Pope, "Okay I expected it from him," pointing accusingly at my brother who looks insulted, "But you Pope..." I try to hide the disappointment that I'm feeling.
"Okay May, don't guilt-trip the boy," JJ buts in, throwing his arm around my shoulder for comfort, but nothing was comforting about what he said next, "And you can't deny, what they did was pretty cool."
Scoffing, I shove his arm off me and settle myself at the back of the boat, arms crossed over my chest. I can't believe they would be so... so irresponsible. There was a hurricane and they somehow thought that it would be smart to go surfing? Thankfully nothing happened, but that's not the point. They didn't know that. One wrong move and- I don't even want to think about it.
"Wait, wait. Do we even know whose boat that is?" Pope asks, watching as John B pulls out the anchor, "No, but we're about to find out," he smiles cheeckly, not even giving a second thought to what he’s about to do.
"Dude, it's too deep," JJ says, being the voice of reason for a change, but I show no interest at all. I'm done. If John B wants to be stupid and reckless, then he can be: stupid and reckless.
"Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ," John B points out, heading to the bow of the boat, rusty anchor in hand, his confidence clearly high, "Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front," JJ holds out his hands, moving back, making way for my moron of a brother.
"That's fine." John B replies not even giving it a second thought as he hold the anchor tightly to this chest. Preparing himself for his descend down to the wreck.
Looking back at my slumping figure that is radiating discomfort at this whole situation, "John B," Kie exhales, shaking her head at the boy, coming to sit beside me. She pulls my head to rest on her shoulder and tightly clasps my hand in hers.
"Diver down, fool," Fool's an understatement.
"Diver down."
"Yeah, he is," JJ declares, shoving John B into the marsh once more.
Looking down at our hands, I ask Kie, "Do you think I exaggerated?" Beginning to feel the dwelling of my words, moisture gathering behind my eyes.
I completely blow up in his face without letting him explain himself. Not that there was much to explain, but God I suck.
As subtle as possible, I try to wipe my nose with the back of my hand, but Kie noticed. Kie notices everything. Turning, she clamps both hands on my cheeks, urging me to look at her. "No. Macy, your feelings are completely valid," she reassures, using the pad her thumbs to wipe away the streaks that travel down my face.
"He's your twin brother for crying out loud. You're allowed to feel protective of him and call him out on his bullshit."
Smiling at her comment, I wrap my arms around her, "Thank you," I mumble, not even sure if it was audible enough for her to hear, but she did. "Don't thank me, Macy. We're family, remember? Pogues for life," she states pulling away, holding the pad of her thumb up, and I do the same, stamping them together as though sealing our words.
Giggling at our antics, I turn to the boy who I dragged into this, "Hey Pope," I called, catching his attention from watching the water, "I'm sorry for blowing up on you," I apologize and hold my hand up when I see him going to object, "It was completely unwarranted and uncool."
"It's not that big of a deal, but I accept your apology," he beams pulling up from my seat for a quick side hug. Grinning at the boy, I feel as though a weight has just been lifted off my shoulders, even though I know he just accepted my apology because he knew it would set my worries at ease. I acted stupid and I relise that now.
Nevertheless, our peaceful moment of forgiveness sunk faster than that Grady White as JJ voices his opinion.
"Okay, now I feel left out. Where's my hug?" He whines with that shit-eating grin across his face. He opens his arms wide with wriggling fingers, eyes sealed close as he waits for an embrace. I know he was excepting a quick-witted comment from me with the way he is exaggerating his movements, but it’s only fair.
The shock on his face must be quite the picture, hearing Kie and Pope snort from behind me. I'm in a good mood today so, wrapping my arms around the boy's torso tightly felt right. I wait patiently for him to reciprocate the affection, but based on the stark shock that I felt shot up his back, he was startled by the sudden warmth of my hug.
For a second, I swear I felt him relax and sink into my embrace. The sensation of his fingertips ghosting over my back causes the hair on my arms to stand on end. My body erupting into a cluster of goosebumps.
As already stated, peaceful moments don't last very long in the Outer Banks.
John B, like a whale, bursts through the tension of the water and splutters, spitting the salty flavour of the marsh off his tongue.
Feeling vulnerable with the new pair of eyes, JJ and I rip apart in fright, standing a good distance away from each other. 
Hoping to look as inconspicuous as possible, I rub the back of my burning neck, coughing lightly as I watch John B haul himself back on the boat.
Noticing the thick tension in the air, John B spins around glancing at all his friends, "What's up?" he asks, not understanding why we were standing in silence.
"Nothing," I say shaking my head, instant cringing at the pitch of my voice. Clearing my throat, I try again, "Why would something be up?" acting naturally, answering his question with a question.
Eye flicking back and forward, "I dunno," John B's voice laced with uncertainty, "You looking a little red there, JJ," he points out causing Kie to wheeze at her friend who does,  in fact, have a pink tinge crawling up his neck.
Running his hands through his damp hair, hating the attention that is one him, he asks John B, "Any looting potential?" hoping to change the subject and it works.
Pope throws in his pennies worth, "Dead bodies?" he ask earning a look from all of us, "What?" holding his hands up in defence under the stares, not understanding what warranted him the looks.
"You're obsessed," I state the obvious observing the strange boy who just slumps back in disappointment.
"No," John B points at Pope, triggering his disappointment even more, and turn to JJ saying, "Kinda," holding up whatever he fished from the sunken boat, "I found this motel key."
"A key?"
"Great! We salvaged a motel key."
"I think it's a great find," I cheer, my voice straining with enthusiasm for my brothers find, patting him lightly on the back, but he saw right through me, "I've already forgiven you. You don't need to suck up," he points out, referring to early.
"Thank god," I let out in relief, sitting slouched on the side of the boat, now feeling confident enough to voice my real opinion, "What are we going to do with a motel key?"
Having enough for the day, wanting nothing more than to just get back to land and as far away from the expensive wreck as possible. Pope switches the engine back on and drives back in the direction of the cut.
"Guys," Kie calls over the roaring engine, "We should report the wreck to the coast guard. Maybe we'll get a finder's fee" she suggests, her head obviously in the right place.
"Yeah, and not have to work all summer," concludes JJ, dreaming of the money that we'll recieve for our finding, "Thanks, Agatha, ya batch."
Oh yeah.
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Chapter two: FIN!
I really didn’t know when to end this chapter, but I hope this was okay :) I’m really trying to convey Mason’s character through her interactions with other people. Like how she got upset at John B for acting stupid.
What did you think?
Am I going to slow? Is my slow-burn too slow-burn?? I’m only 15 minutes into writing episode one. Have I dragged it?? I hope not. I enjoy detailed fanfiction because it feels more real.
I also don’t want Mason to just be there, not really having any input so, some of the show’s dialogue has changed and I will continue to do so. I want her to be her own person, with her own differing opinions.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
Also, if anyone would like to be tagged in future chapters just let me know and I will for sure do that!
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macadoodlewrites · 2 years
Dangerous Love - Part Eight (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping, non-con
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 4.9k
He had insisted on driving me, but I told him that I would walk and meet him. It gave me enough time to change into clothing for the evening - a pair of grey jeans and a yellow halter top with white flowers, with my necklaces and a pair of hoop earrings - as I planned to head straight to the OBX movie night after speaking with Rafe, to find Kie and hopefully the others. 
Walking to the Country Club took less time than I expected, and I arrived as the sun started to set, painting the sky coral. The club was bright and full of people. I could already see Rafe inside, a drink in one hand and his phone pressed to his ear, looking over a railing to the beach below. I walked to the entrance, meeting the same attendant as I had two nights ago. He looked me over, and either he remembered me, or I fit the image that he needed for his precious club because he waved me on in. I walked over to Rafe.
He must have noticed me entering the club because he watched me as I approached. I hoped that by now my tears had dried and my eyes were no longer red, but there was still a huge lump in my throat at the thought of John B being taken by the DCS, and away from me. Rafe was still on the phone as I stood next to him. 
“Top, calm down,” he was muttering. “I get it’s your boat, but - yeah you know exactly who did it. Get the cops to arrest them - look, Topper, I have to go.” I could hear Topper’s raised voice through the phone. Rafe cut him off. “Topper, I’m with Avery - exactly, so I have to go. Press charges, man. I’ll see you later.”
Rafe hung up, and shoved the phone in his pocket, then engulfed me in a hug. I rested my cheek on his chest, letting him take some of my weight - literally and figuratively - even if only for a moment. His hand stroked the back of my head, threading his fingers through my waist-length hair. He then gently pulled away, looking down at me. “What’s wrong? You said you needed my help,” he said lowly, and I couldn’t help it as my eyes watered once again. He moved around me and pulled a chair out of the table nearest to us. “Here, sit down.”
I sat, and he moved to the seat opposite. I noticed something, a drink on my side of the table. “You got me this?”
“Of course I did,” he retorted. “You’re my guest, remember. Now tell me what’s wrong.”
I sighed, clasping both of my hands in front of me, worrying at my thumbs. I didn’t want to look at Rafe, not knowing where to start. I’d called him for comfort, for someone to lend an ear, and because my friends hadn’t been available - but was this the best idea? Rafe did not care for John B. And I had to face it, he probably didn’t care about me as much as I was growing to care about him. 
“I saw you last night. I was here on the couch, and you walked right past me, but I saw everything. He walked you to the door, kissed you like a gentleman,” JJ spat. “But newsflash, he is just using you, to either get back at us or to get into your pants! Face it, he will only have use for you when his dick is hard.”
JJ’s words from this morning played in my head. His words, right before we had had sex. I knew the difference between how I felt for Rafe and JJ though - JJ was familiar, comfortable and the remains of a first love. But Rafe was new, exciting, and uncertain. 
Perhaps I needed stability in my life, what with my new life here and the sudden departure of John B, but there was nothing that I could do now. Rafe was here. The others weren’t. For now, I had to shove away the harsh words that JJ had used to describe Rafe, and instead rely on him. He had said that he would look after me. And I felt like I needed that more than anything in this moment.
“The DCS took John B,” I finally said. “Apparently, they’ve been threatening to take him for a while, but he told me that Sheriff Peterkin was going to cover for him, yet today a social worker and Deputy Thomas took him away. Apparently, he’s going to the mainland to a foster home.” I took a deep breath, and ran a hand through my hair, pushing it back from my heated face. “None of my friends will answer their phones, and I don’t know what to do. I’m alone at The Chateau, and I’ve only just moved here. I’m lost.”
My eyes were darting everywhere, not focusing on any one specific thing, my leg shaking under the table as I rambled. When I was finished, I looked at Rafe, expecting for him to look at me like I was crazy, to ask why I had come to him of all people, but he didn’t.
“I’m sorry, Avery,” he said lowly, and reached over, separating my hands that were working over each other anxiously. “What can I do to help?”
“I have no idea. I offered to become his legal guardian because I am eighteen, but the social worker practically laughed in my face.” I felt stray tears drip down my cheeks.
Rafe’s face tightened. “Who was it?” he asked. “I’ll get my Dad to have them fired.”
I was taken aback at the ferocity in his tone - and the insinuation that his Father had that much power - but shook my head. “I wouldn't want that. Besides, she was right. I can’t take care of John B. I can’t even look after myself, not really,” I mumbled. “God, I’m a mess.”
His hands on mine stiffened, and I stared at him. “Don’t say that, sweetheart. You’re not a mess, not from anything that I’ve seen regarding you. Are you sure that nothing else has happened? Is it only the DCS that has you like this?”
Could he see into my mind? Besides John B’s departure, there was so much that I couldn’t help thinking of - my Mum and her boyfriend, the bruises still healing, the need to learn the secrets that my friends were hiding, and lastly, had it been a mistake to sleep with JJ that morning? My mind was swimming with thoughts, too much to keep inside. But I couldn’t tell Rafe any of it, no matter how much I wanted to. I couldn’t tell anyone. 
“JJ and I had a fight this morning,” I finally relented. At least this was one thing that I could get off of my chest. 
“A fight about what?”
“You, actually.”
Rafe leaned back in his seat, looking highly amused. “Me?” he scoffed.
“He was at The Chateau last night when Topper dropped me off and saw you walk me to the door. We argued about it this morning, that’s all.”
He let out a low whistle. “Let me guess. He told you what a bad guy I am, how you’re too good for me?”
“That’s not-”
“He’s not wrong,” Rafe continued. I blinked at him.
“I’m sorry?”
“You are too good for me. But I’m a Cameron, and we Cameron’s only want the best. And you, Avery, are the best.”
Was I imagining this - was Rafe admitting that he wanted me? At my shocked expression, Rafe reached over to run a finger down my cheek. “It’s fine, you don’t have to say anything yet. I just wanted to make my intentions clear,” he said softly. 
“Your intentions?”
He nodded. “My intentions to keep seeing you, to get to know you, Avery Routledge. You are going to fall for me,” he said, and I could have taken his words as cocky, presumptuous even, but that was not how they sounded. No, he sounded matter of fact. I couldn’t help but grip his hands, intertwining our fingers as I smiled softly at him. 
“Is that so?” I asked. 
“It is,” he replied, and his gentle expression faltered for a second. “Now I have to ask. Any competition that I should worry about?”
It took every ounce of strength in my body not to shift in my seat the thought of this morning - JJ’s lips, his fingers, sat on his lap as he fucked me. 
“No,” I replied, maintaining my smile. I went to pull one of my hands away, to take a sip of my drink, but he held tight.
“Are you sure about that?” he asked, as if I had not said his name. “What has JJ been saying to you about me?”
“Nothing important, Rafe, I swear,” I said, finding myself wanting more than anything to let him know that I had no bad thoughts about him - and yet... “I do have one question for you.”
His smile was devilish. “There it is. Go on then, sweetheart.”
“Did you and Topper attack Pope? With golf clubs?” 
Rafe’s expression didn’t change, not even a quirk of his cheek. “JJ is trying to get into your head about me, Avery. We never touched him with our clubs, I promise you.”
“But there were two of you,” I prodded. JJ’s anger as he had yelled at me, naming my betrayal was a movie playing at the forefront of my mind.
“There were. But Pope antagonised us first. We were trying to play a round of golf, and he wouldn’t leave us alone. Everything happened so quickly, and suddenly he was swinging for us, so we had to defend ourselves. There was nothing else that we could do, Avery.”
“That’s not what JJ said-”
“You can ask Topper, he will tell you the same thing,” he said with a shrug. “How well do you really know JJ? How well do you know any of them? I get that John B is your family, but the rest of them? Maybe they’re not as perfect as you paint them out to be. From what I can tell, they’ve been lying to you, leaving you out. Correct me if I’m wrong.” He finally released my hands, leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his drink. He looked back over the railing, out to the calm ocean. The sun was about to disappear, its last few rays reflecting on the still water. 
“I know them pretty well,” I mumbled, taking my own drink into my hands. “I’ve been coming to the OBX for years. And JJ wouldn’t lie.”
He placed one of his hands on the table. “And there it is,” he said softly, eyes meeting mine. They looked dark in the fading light, and there was now no trace of a smile on his full lips. “It’s JJ, isn’t it? I knew it had to be one of them.”
“One of who?”
“Your friends. Which one you’ve dated before. I assumed it had to be one of them, Pope or JJ, or maybe even Kiara. But it’s JJ, isn’t it?”
He spoke so casually that I could have easily believed that he was happy to discuss this topic. But there was something off, something that I couldn’t put my finger on. Something that told me to stop talking. But that part of me was quiet, much quieter than the part of me that wanted to stay and talk to Rafe, to get to know him better.
“I never dated JJ,” I retaliated, trailing off at my weak statement. 
“Just sex then?” he asked, pulling the cherry from the top of my drink and eating it. He placed the stem between us, finally allowed a deceptively sweet smile onto his handsome face. 
“Fine. We have history, JJ and I,” I relented, and his smile widened. “What?”
“I’m glad that you were honest with me,” said Rafe, and despite what we were talking about, he looked genuinely pleased. “Now, sweetheart, hurry up and finish your drink. We have to get to the OBX movie night.”
I took a large sip from my drink, the sweetness coursing pleasantly down my throat. “I’m going to be attending with Kiara,” I said. He tapped my drink with his fingers, and I took another sip. Before I knew it, there was only a small layer of liquid gracing the bottom of the glass. 
“That’s fine,” said Rafe. “I’ll take you.”
Familiarly, he stood up and held his hand out to me, and as I had grown accustomed to doing, I took it. But instead of leading me to follow, like normal, he pulled me in closer, and bent down, lips meeting mine. The remnants of his drink were still on his tongue as he moved his mouth against mine. I matched his movements, embracing the softness of his lips. Just as I started to feel something in my core, a tremor of butterflies that wanted to continue further with Rafe, taking the kiss from innocent to more, he pulled away from me slowly, gazing down at me with a coy smile.
Then, his hand still in mine, he started to lead me out of the Island Club, towards his motorbike. “I’ll speak to my Dad about the DCS. See if he has any sway and can do something about your cousin, okay?” he said as I clambered behind him on his motorbike.
“Thank you so much, Rafe. I really appreciate it.”
“You never have to thank me,” he replied, and as he started his bike. “I said that I would look after you. And I always keep my promises.”
The sun had well and truly set as we pulled up to the OBX movie night. I hopped off Rafe’s bike and handed him back his helmet, praying that I did not have helmet hair. Rafe glanced at me. “Are you sure that you have to watch the movie with Kiara?” He took one of my hands. “You can sit with me and the guys.”
“You know that Topper doesn’t like me,” I replied. He leaned back on his bike, so that I was pulled into him, leaning against him, our hands entangled between our bodies. “And I want to see my friends. I need to tell them what happened with John B.”
“I understand,” he muttered. “Will they all be here?”
I shrugged at him. “I guess so,” I mumbled. “JJ and Pope weren’t answering their phones earlier, but Kie told me they would never miss tonight.”
“Well then-” he broke off, looking over the top of my head to something behind us. I looked over my shoulder to see Kiara a handful of footsteps away, leaning against a tree and staring at us. “Good luck with her, Avery. Have a good night.” His lips briefly touched my cheek as I turned back to look up at him, but he was letting go of my hands, and walking away from me. 
I took a deep breath and started to walk towards Kie. “Okay, I know what you’re going to say-”
“I don’t think that you do, Avi,” she retorted. She linked our arms together and marched us out of the car park and towards where the crowd was heading to - a large field full of camping chairs and bean bags, all seated in front of a huge screen. The movie wasn’t playing yet. “I think that you made a huge mistake seeing Rafe again, especially after seeing him last night.”
“How does everyone already know about last night?” I yelled exasperatedly. Kiara side-eyed me with distaste. 
“JJ told me,” she replied. “He wasn’t happy.”
I looked down. “Yeah, we talked already,” I replied. 
Kiara yanked me backwards. “I really hope you know what you’re doing. I can imagine JJ yelled at you, but he is a boy, and he doesn’t get it.”
I stared at her, into her pretty chocolate eyes. She wasn’t angry, not like JJ had been, but she looked fearful. “Get what, Kie?”
“I don’t like the Cameron’s, you know that. I have my own personal reasons for my differences with Sarah, but Rafe - Rafe is something else. He isn’t a good guy.”
A small bubble rose in my chest, a bubble of protectiveness for Rafe. Over the past few days, when my friends had been keeping secrets, when I had been upset over my house being broken into, when my cousin had been taken by the DCS, who had been the one to comfort me every time? Rafe.
How well do you really know JJ? How well do you know any of them? I get that John B is your family, but the rest of them? Maybe they’re not as perfect as you paint them out to be. From what I can tell, they’ve been lying to you, leaving you out. Correct me if I’m wrong, was what Rafe had said to me, and although it was not going to make me question my friends, it was enough to make me realise that they hadn’t been treating me like I was one of them. It hurt. And it was made worse by the fact that Rafe could see it too.
“Rafe has been there for me over the past few days whilst you lot have been running around, keeping secrets from me.”
Kiara’s mouth opened and closed again, and I could see the argument in her mind - tell me the truth or keep their secrets safe. It was clear to see which side was going to win. Kie linked our arms again and started walking us through the maze of camping chairs, lips tight. “Just be careful, please, Avi?”
Out of the corner of my eye to my right, I could see Rafe sat with Topper and Kelce. I wanted to turn, to look at him, but up ahead I could see Pope and JJ. They were already looking at us. As we approached, Pope stood up and awkwardly put his arms around Kie. JJ was far less stiff as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in tight, and then offering me the camp seat next to his. I took it, Kie to my left, and Pope on the end, just as the movie started to play. Kie started to shift in her seat and looked at me. “I’m going to get a drink, want anything?” I shook my head and felt JJ’s arm creep around the back of my chair. 
Kiara walked away, and I forgot that she had disappeared as I relaxed into my chair, starting to enjoy the movie. 
Suddenly she was back, a stressed look on her face as she sat back down in between Pope and me. “Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, tell your boy that we know what he did. What is that?”
Both JJ and Pope twisted abruptly in their seats, spinning to look behind them. I turned too, and followed their line of sight - to Rafe, Topper and Kelce. Topper waggled his fingers at them, and they turned back around. I looked at Rafe and met his eyes; even from a distance I could see that he was looking at me, but he did not look happy. There was enmity in his blue stare. I turned back towards the movie slowly, back to JJ and Pope’s hushed tones. 
“Great, the whole death squad,” Pope whispered.
“Don't stare, bro,” JJ replied, looking past Kie and I. “Just warning you, if they corner me, I'm coming out swinging, okay? Slice and dicin'. I'm on edge right now.” He reached into his bag. “If that doesn't work, I got this right here.”
I watched as he pulled his gun partially out of his bag and shoved at his hand to put it away. Fury rose in my chest, matching the expression on Kiara’s face. 
“I’m sorry, JJ, please tell me that you did not bring a gun here. There are kids!” she hissed at him. Pope’s blank expression was almost comical, but JJ’s looked determined. 
“Why the hell have you got your gun, JJ? What did you guys do?” I whispered, glaring at both of them. 
“Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues,” Kiara said, and I could have laughed at her statement, but instead it made something sink to the pit of my stomach. No secrets? They’d kept far too many from me. Maybe they didn’t really see me as a Pogue after all. “What is Rafe talking about?”
“Kie, Avery, it might go down tonight.”
“What the hell does that even mean?” 
The boys refused to answer any further, and instead sunk down in their seats, eyes focused on the film. I tried to do the same, but the scenes were meaningless. All I could think of was what Rafe had said to Kie, and what JJ and Pope had done to earn the words. Pope’s leg jittered nervously and after a good ten minutes, I watched as Kie kicked him. 
Pope looked over to JJ. “I need to take a piss. I can't hold it. I drank too much soda.”
“It's too exposed. They'll totally see us. And they’re blocking the bathrooms.” At Pope’s desperate look, JJ sighed. “Fine. Let’s go.”
“What are you going to do? Hold it for each other,” Kiara spat, but they both started to walk away, eyes nervously scanning the seats. I followed their movements until they had both walked around the screen, and then turned. Rafe, Topper and Kelce were not where they had been sitting before. Unease starting to flood through my body, Rafe’s words ringing through my had.
What had JJ and Pope done?
“I’m going to go and check on them,” I mumbled, the tension in my chest a living thing. Kie eyed me.
“And do what? Avery, they’re fine.” 
“Fine, then I’m going to the bathroom.”
She waved me away with a hand, eyes still on the screen. “If you’re not back in five minutes, I’m coming to find you.”
I stood up and started to follow the path that JJ and Pope had walked, across and around the screen. A group of trees were on either side, but through the trees I could hear noises. The sounds of - a fight?
I rushed through the trees and froze at the sight in front of me. JJ and Pope were fighting - and losing - against Rafe, Kelce and Topper. Kelce had JJ in his grip, arms restrained, and Rafe was pulling back to swing at him, whilst Topper had Pope under his arm and was elbowing him in the back. 
As it had on the beach before when Topper had been attacking John B, my instincts took over. I ran at Rafe, Kelce, and JJ just as Rafe swung. I threw myself at Rafe, wrapping my hands around his arm and pulling it back as hard as I could. He didn’t move as much as I had hoped, but it did slow his momentum and stop him from hitting JJ’s face again. He turned to me as I held his arm, and it gave JJ just what he needed to break free from Kelce and turn and punch him in the face. Rafe moved to stop him, but I dug my nails into his skin.
“Rafe, stop!” I yelled, pulling him with all my might. “Leave him alone!”
The grin that Rafe gave me sent chills through my body, far from the sweet boy who had been smiling at me at the Country Club only an hour ago. “No can do, sweetheart. And I’m going to have to ask you to get out of here.”
He yanked his arm free from my grip and leaned down. Before I could stop him, I was lifted over his shoulder, suddenly staring down at the ground. “Put me down!” I screamed, fists smacking his back as hard as I could, but he showed no sign of caring, his arm holding my body tight to his shoulder as he walked. “Rafe!”
“Avi!” I heard JJ yell and suddenly he was there in front of me, then gone as Kelce tackled him. I kicked my legs into Rafe’s stomach, hoping to wound him, injure him, anything to get him to put me down. 
“Avery, stop fighting me,” he yelled. His free arm wrapped around my legs and held them down, minimising my movements. 
“Put me down, you bastard!” 
“Have it your way,” he hissed, and flung me off of his shoulder. I fell to my feet and gravity took over as I continued to fall backwards, hitting the floor. Rafe spared me only a frenzied glance. “Stay down,” he ordered, then turned his back and was heading towards the others, towards the fight. JJ had the upper hand with Kelce, but Pope was doubled over, wheezing as Topper elbowed him again. 
This time I launched myself at the golden-haired Kook, pure unfiltered anger fuelling me. How dare he think that he could attempt to drown my cousin? Attack my friends? “Fuck you!” I screamed, leaping onto his back. I smacked his face from behind, tried to aim my feet at his private area to inflict as much pain as possible. Every part of me was hitting at him, and whatever I was doing must have worked as he let Pope go. 
“Bitch!” he yelled, swinging himself around, trying to dislodge me. I clung on, landing a satisfying smack to his cheek. “Fucking bitch!” he yelled again.
And then I was yanked away from him, all air being swept from my body at the pressure of the grip around my waist - it felt like my stomach was being squeezed in on itself as I flew backwards. And then my feet hit the ground and I was being pulled backwards at a merciless pace, away from JJ who was on the ground, and Pope who having had a minute to recover, landed a decent punch to Topper’s face.
The familiar cologne, the scent of crisp, night air confirmed to me who was holding me. 
“Rafe, I swear to God, let me go!” Both of his arms were around my waist, but one moved to my jaw to pull my head back, to lean against his shoulder. I was breathing heavily, tired from trying to fight. Both of my hands moved to the hand at my face, trying to pull it away but I achieved nothing. Kelce was staring down at JJ, but JJ’s head was to the side, staring at me and Rafe. 
“Get your hands off of her, you asshole!” he yelled, his nostrils flared even as blood dripped from his nose. “Don’t you touch her!”
I was still pulling at Rafe’s hand but felt it tighten fractionally on my jaw as his lips brushed my ear. “What do you think, sweetheart? Does he sound jealous to you?”
“Let me go, Rafe,” I spat, and felt his body vibrate against mine, his laughter in my ear. 
“Come on, Avery, I thought we were friends,” but - and perhaps it could have been my imagination - his grip started to loosen ever so slightly -
And then all I could see was light and fire, and Kiara stood next to the movie screen that was slowly catching alight. Topper pushed Pope away and Kelce climbed off of JJ, as screams from the other side of the screen started to fill the night. Rafe’s arm let go of my waist, and the hand on my chin slid down my arm, sliding his fingers along mine. 
“Come on, let’s go,” he said, tugging at me. His gaze flickered from the growing flames and back to me, his deep blue eyes bright and burning.
“You want me to go with you?” I hissed, yanking my hand back, stepping away from him. He watched me; his jaw clenched. “You attacked my friends.”
“I think you’ll find that they attacked us,” he said, his voice surprisingly calm. 
“That’s not true,” I said, a crack in my voice as I took another step away. “It’s not.”
“You weren’t here,” he replied lowly, hand out for me to take, as I had done countless times. “Don’t always believe that they are so innocent.” 
A hand hooked itself around my elbow, and I turned to JJ. Kie and Pope were already running away. “Come on, Avi, let’s go,” JJ said, and sent a look of hatred to Rafe. Rafe returned it likewise, and I watched his eyes focus on JJ’s hand on my arm. I looked from Rafe to JJ, and I felt my expression soften at the blood around JJ’s nose, at his split lip. 
“Go on, Avi,” Rafe finally spat, and turned on his heels, calmly walking the way that Topper and Kelce had headed too. “Have fun with your Pogues!” he called over his shoulder. 
A part of my chest burst; my shoulders sagged in defeat as I watched him go for a moment before everything finally started to catch up to my brain - the heat from the flames was on my back. JJ started to run, and I moved with him, away from the burning screen, away from the fight, and away from Rafe. 
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lennydaisy · 3 years
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(n.) a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand. or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.
               “Care to seize the day, my friend?”
   Outer Banks 
                                                     Season 1 - 
                       FEM OC! x ??
Here is a link to CHAPTER SIX incase you missed and also the SERIES MASTERLIST. Hope you enjoy :)
Also TW, there is quite a few swear words in this chapter.
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I feel like I've been in this situation before. Correction. I have most definitely been in this situation before.
One day, just one day, I would like to just come home, kick my feet up and not have to be lectured about the decisions I make.
Do I make the best decisions? No. We established this ages ago, some people really need to get with the times. And you would think that John B, my literal twin of all people, would know me by now, but clearly not.
My cycle back to the chateau was a thoughtful one. Why is everyone being so weird today? It's barely even noon and I've already had enough human interaction to last me the rest of the week. 
"Ugh, why are you all here?" I sigh, swinging open the mesh door to spot them all sitting around my house. Don't these people have better things to do, they have their own houses, why can't we hang out there instead?
The look on Pope's face who is sitting on the green couch with his elbows on his knees is enough for me to already know what happened, "Why?"
"They peer-pressured me, okay," Pope finally lets out in a quick breath, "Kie can be very threatening when she wants to be."
"You're suppose to be on my side, Pope" I remind him, throwing my backpack in the corner, kicking off my shoes before plopping myself down on the floor.
"We're suppose to be a team," John B corrects me, pushing himself of the wall he was leaning on walking closer to me, "Why did you go to Mrs Grubbs house without telling me? Without telling us?" He asks, gesturing to the rest of the Pogues who look at me in anticipation for my answer.
"Do you want me to answer that honestly?"
"Preferably, yes!" John B exclaims, his hands slapping against his sides as he nods his head.
"You're not the best people person, okay John B. You just march up to people with no filter and expect them to give you what you want," I stare him in the eyes as I confess, "Mrs Grubbs husband just died yesterday. What were you going to do? March in there and demand a sobbing women whose under duress to give you answers?"
"She does have point," Kie adds after a few minutes of silence, "you're not the best at reading the room, John B."
Why did that seem a bit more personal than what I said?
"Okay enough of John B's lack of empathy for other people," JJ chips in, wanting to put an end to the conversation, "What happened at Mrs Grubbs house, May?"
"I already told you what happened?" Pope's head flies in JJ's direction.
"You told me the safe for work version. I want the really stuff Pope. The not so safe for work stuff," JJ winks causing Kie to groan in disgust and I roll my eyes playfully at the boy.
"Long story short:," I start, mindlessly playing with a thread on my shorts, "Pope and I go Mrs Grubbs house. We hear shouting, crying, banging. Two seconds later these two guys walk out and we go to check on Mrs Grubbs who is sobbing on the ground with her house trashed."
"Shit," Kie whispers under her breath at the scenario that I had just shortly painted out for them.
"I think we should file a police report," Pope lets out, looking in my direction but I just shake my head, "You heard what she said Pope, no cops."
"I think if there is two men going around beating up widowed women, we should report it to the cops," Kie exclaims, taking the side of Pope.
If this was any other situation I would be the first to side with Pope in going to the cops, but right now myself and John B have to stay out of any trouble if we don't want ourselves landed in foster care. These men are dangerous, they proved that themselves, not only after raiding Mrs Grubbs home, but also by shooting at us the other day on the marsh. We can't go to the cops, not yet at least.
"Macy's right," John B surprisingly agrees with me, "If we go to the cops, it's just going to cause more trouble than it's worth."
"Why were they at Mrs Grubbs house in the first place?" JJ asks and this question hangs in the air for a few minutes.
Guess it's time to confess.
"They were looking for this," I answered quietly, pulling out the compass from my backpack behind me.
It's a beautiful compass. Solid gold. Was it real gold? Probably not, but with the way that my dad babied this thing like a real life child, it might as well of been. I remember when I would sneak into his office at night I would always catch him polishing it and smiling at is own reflection on its back.
I remember him telling be about the back of the compass-
"I told you not to touch this Mason," the compass is snatched out of my hands before I could voice my sudden thought. John B now holding the compass in his hands as he inspected it for any damages. I'm not that untrustworthy, am I?
"And I thought you learned years ago that I never really listen to you," I shrug, trying not to act like the compass being snatched away from me hurt my feelings. It was my dad's compass too, not just John B's. And before he gives me that bullshit of 'Oh it has been passed down the male generation for centuries' bullshit, I think he needs to remember that dad didn't pass it down to him yet.
"And you," John B points a fingers a JJ who is still leaning again the fireplace with an unlit cigarette in this mouth, "You told me that you had it."
"Well, that's because I knew May wouldn't listen to you and I didn't want you to blow up on her like you are kinda doing right now," JJ shrugs, watching as I fiddle with the bracelet on my wrist.
"So you trust JJ more with our dad's compass than you do with me?" I mutter out, refusing to look up at John B.
"Hey, what's that suppose to mean?!"
"You know that's not what I meant."
"Whatever," I whisper, not wanting to argue with John B anymore. It feels like that's all we do now a days. Ever since dad went missing, John B has been funny with me. I know it's typical for brothers and sisters to not get along all the time, but that was never John B and I. I could tell John B anything and him the same. We were two peas in a pod. Stuck together for life.
I know its bad for me to think this, but I feel as though John B blames me for our dad going missing and I don't know why. It's just a feeling that I can't shake away.
It's a stressful time for us. With the DCS threatening to come, Peterkins constantly on our backs, our dad's compass appearing on a dead mans boat. I have so many questions, but so little answers.
I know one place that can give me answers.
Without saying a word, I push myself up off the floor and make my way through the house. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh as I heard the stampede of feet following behind me.
"Look, Macy, I'm sorry okay. I'm just under a lot of-"
"Would you shut up for just one minute, John B," I interrupt his apology. He doesn't need to apologse to me, I get it. I know what he is going through. But I just wish that he would understand that I am going through the exact same thing that he is.
He was my dad too.
"I forgive you, okay?" I assure him, holding my hand out for him to shake, call it weird but we call it a truce. An end to any stupid fighting that we have.
Nodding his head with that same dumb smile that has never changed from when we were kids, "Oh and if you are looking for the key," he starts pointing to the door that I was making my way towards, "give up, I already tried-"
"Cleary not hard enough," JJ laughs as he watch me jump to reach the top of the door frame where my fingers graze against the all too familiar key. I could help but snicker at John B's face as I unlock and the push the door to my dads office open.
Just as I left it.
If there was one place that made me feel the safest in the world, it was this room. I remember complaining to my dad to crack open a window because as you can imagine, a man curled up in this not exactly spacious room, sweating over research papers and figures, it tends to gather up quite the smell. If anything now, the smell gives me comfort more than ever. This office is well lived in for sure. Endless night of watch the light dance from under the door letting me know that he was still awake and working away. I would always walk in, a cup of coffee in hand, sitting myself in the wore leather chair in the corner as I listened to my dad ramble like a mad man about a sunken ship and it's missing treasure.
I still visit this office, even after my dad went missing. He might not be here in person, but something about reading his chicken scratch writing scribbled on pages upon pages for research puts me at ease. My dad has put so much time and energy into his research about the Royal Merchant and has been doing so since I was learning to walk. It has always fascinated him. The story of the phantom boat with £500 million in gold just suck to bottom of the ocean. Hearing story after story, you begin to find yourself entranced with the idea of the boat yourself.
My dad didn't do all this research to just go missing at sea. That's how I know he'll be back. He'll come back. Back to this office where he will tell me the other theories that he has thought up on his long, long journey.
Whilst he has been gone, I have been keeping myself busy. I've been preparing for the debates that I will have with him. I have all my facts compiled up in a neatly written notepad that is sitting patiently on his desk. I can hear him now, 'If only you put this much effort into your actual school work, Ladybug.'
'But my teachers aren't as interesting as you.'
"It stinks in here," Kie complains, holding her hand over her nose as she looks around the disaster zone that is my dad's office.
"Welcome to our dad's cave," John B jokes as he looks about the room himself. John B has never been really interested in our fathers research about merchants and the Royal Merchant itself. John B use to laugh when I would say 'The day we find that gold, you aren't getting any of it for being such a debbie downer.' But, dad, being the mediator as always, would reassure John B that when we found the gold he would get his share.
"All of our dads research about the merchant is in here," I explain to our group of friends whose face seem to be confused as they look around the office, "It's mostly untouched," I laugh to myself.
I watch as Pope circle around the back of my dad's desk and picks up the notebook that is placed neatly on the endless piles of papers, 'Macy's Merchant Research,' "It's for when he gets back," I smile at Pope who looked confused at the title, but a tight smile twitches onto his face at my comment.
Feeling a hand clasp on my shoulder, I look round to see JJ nodding his head at me, asking me if I'm okay. I nod back with a smile, not understanding why I wouldn't be.
"Here, take a look at this," John B say's catching out attention, placing down the bulletin board on the table that is littered with books and loose paper, "This must be the original owner," John B reasons, pointing at the picture pinned to the top of the board.
Looking at me for confirmation, I nod my head reading out the name written beside it, "Robert Q. Routledge," I tapped on the picture that showed a man wearing the compass in question.
"There's your lucky compass," JJ points out, peering at the picture from over my shoulder, his hand still resting there from earlier.
"I wouldn't say lucky," I tilt my head, "he was shot after he bought it."
The sound of JJ sucking air through his teeth cause me to giggle a little, noticing the boy tense up at what he now probably believes was an inappropriate comment to make. I pat his hand on my shoulder letting him know that it was okay, it's not like I personally knew the guy anyways.
Before I could read out the next name, I let out a groan at the all to familiar noise. Just ignore it Mason. It's only a stupid roster, that never shuts the fuck up, but it's fine, really.
"It was then shipped to Henry," I started looking back at the board again, "Henry died in a crop-dusting ancient days after having the compass."
This isn't beginning to sound very good, especially considering that we now have the compass in our possession. I'm sure we'll be fine.
"After he died, Stephen was next. He died in Vietnam with the compass."
"Let me guess," JJ rests his chin on my shoulder, looking at me through the side of his eyes, "he died in action?"
"No, uh," I know I shouldn't laugh, but come on, "he was actually killed by a banana truck," can you really blame me. A banana truck of all things.
"Wait, how do you know so much about these guys?"John B looks at me in a daze after the information that seemed to be all new to him.
"I dunno," I shrugged, "Dad told me."
"Anyways," looking at the final picture pinned to the board, I couldn't stop the wave of emotions that flushed over me, "Our dad was the next one to have the compass."
"There seems to be a reoccurring theme here," JJ plays dot the dots with the information that he just now learned. Turning to watch me walk over to sit down on my dads chair with an offend look in his eye's as if to say 'how dare I not stand there forever and let him lean on me.'
"You guys have a death compass."
"No, we do not."
"Yes you do, get rid of it."
Ignoring the bickering boys, I quietly take the compass out of John B's back pocket, twirling it around in my hand. Twirling it a few more times before stopping, looking at the back of the compass where the metal seems to be more worn out than the rest.
The compartment. How could I forget.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Kie crouches down beside my chair, watching as I twist the back off of the compass. Kie's question seemed to catch the bickering boys attention as they all stop to see what I was doing.
"I remember in history class," I start, grinding my teeth at the feeling of the old metal rubbing against each other in an unsatisfying way, "Mr. Sunn mentioned how soldiers use to have little compartments in the back of their compasses, y'know to keep notes and stuff in."
"You actually pay attention in history class?" JJ raises his eyebrows at me as he leans back against the desk, not believing for a second that I sometimes willingly pay attention in class.
I do. Sometimes. Just not all the time.
At least I don't fall asleep or ditch class like John B and JJ, for one I would get caught and in trouble straight away. Plus, I don't think my dad would be very happy if both his children didn't end up with the bare minimum of an education. Someone has to be the smart twin. And with only two options, and John B displaying time and time again how much of a bimbo he is, that only leaves me. God help us all.
"Sometimes," I shrug, smiling in triumph when I finally get the lid off the compass, shaking out the little metal holder.
"What's that?" Kie questions point towards the writing, or more like carving into the compass.
That wasn't there before. At least I don't think it was.
"That's dad's handwriting," I hold the compass out for John B to take a hold of and look. John B squints a little at the writing before nodding in agreement.
"How are you be sure?" Pope objects, finding it hard to believe that we could recognise our dad's writing so quickly. I did say earlier that his writing is that of a chicken scratch.
Speaking of chicken scratching. If that rooster goes off one more time, I'm putting it up for adoption. Noris can go and annoy someone else.
"Because he can't write the letter R like a normal person," John B says, passing me back the compass. It might be a simple act. He just handed me something back. But it makes me smile because it shows that John B is hopefully starting to trust me when it comes to finding out what happened to our dad.
"Can I see it?" JJ asks, holding his hand out for the compass and I carefully place it in the palm of his hand. I couldn't help but snigger as I watch the boy squint at the compass, his nose all scrunched up as he tried to read my dad's writing, "Red- Rout- R,"
"No, I think that's an 'A'," I reason, stretching my neck up to look at the compass again. Noticing my uncomfortable position, JJ hands me back the compass.
"It says Redfield," Kie interrupt softly, a smile on her face when JJ and I turn to look at her before we look back at each other, nodding our heads in agreement.
"Right, right."
"Yeah, I total see that."
"Shut up, you thought it had an 'A' in it."
"Roug- roug- rou," I start to mimic JJ's attempt at the word a few minutes ago, stuttering over my words like he was. Not finding my joke to be very funny, JJ reached over a pulled me out of my chair, locking my head between this arm as he rubbed his knuckles on the top of my head. I hate when he does that.
"JJ," I shriek, wiggling to escape his lock around my neck. Surprisingly enough, JJ lets up quicker than usually, but instead of letting me return back to the chair that I was sitting in oh so comfortably a few seconds ago, he pull me back between his legs and wraps his arms around my shoulders, chin on my shoulder.
I felt myself relaxing back against his chest trying to ignore the little flutter in my stomach at the action. It's probably because he's made my head all fuzzy with the knuckie. Yeah. That's why.
Too busy looking down at my odd socks, I didn't notice the looks that where been thrown in JJ's and I direction.
"Okay, well what's Redfield?"
"Besides the most common name in the county-," Pope starts but doesn't get the chance to finish before John B interrupts him, "Maybe it's a clue?"
"Maybe it's a clue to where he is hiding," John B continues when he receives no response, looking around the room before his eyes settle on me, "y'know?" but all I could do was shrug.
"A clue?" Pope laughs a little at John B, "come on that's-"
I don't know what made Pope not finish what he was saying. It might have been the ignorant rooster that has not shut up since we got here or it could have been the sound of someone clearing the throat.
I'm not dumb. I might act it sometimes, but I'm not. I refuse to be known as that girl who has to be tiptoed around even by her friends just because her dad has went missing. It's not like I haven't notice it. Pope tries to not use his logical brain as much even though I know it is killing him to not spit out facts about disappearances to me even two seconds. Kie has always been nice to me, we've always been close, but the last nine months she has been scarily nice to me and it's a bit concerning. And JJ, well he's still JJ, but he's been more, I don't know, comforting and sweet since my dad... y'know.
Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and I love how patient they are all being with myself and John B, but I miss being able to hang out with my friends and not know that I am getting pity treatment half the time.
Seeming to notice that I was in a daze, JJ start to rock us both from side to side, slowly gaining my attention back on the conversation before me, "Yes, perfect. An anagram. You need paper."
"What's an anagram?" JJ whispers quietly into my ear causing a shiver to run up my spine.
"I don't know?" I answer honestly as we both watch the three of our friends huddled around one another across from us. JJ and I are clearly the brains of the operation here. I have a cheek to call John B the bimbo.
"How can you concentrate with that thing cawing at you?" Pope finally snaps at the annoying rooster outside, clearly struggling to think with the agitating sound.
"I've been trying to get rid of Noris for years, Pope," I express, stepping out of JJ 's arms and walkover to fix the ornament that John B clumsily knocked over when he grabbed the bulletin board earlier, "but JJ loves the rooster."
"What do you have against my rooster?" JJ questions looking in my direction, but I couldn't help but shake my head with a laugh. His rooster. Really.
"Other than the fact that it's annoying, it smells, it wakes me up every morning way more early that I would like, it's feathers-" I begin to list of the reasons why I dislike Noris so much, using my hand to dust of some of the things at the window ledge.
"-Don't talk about his feathers, okay," JJ butts in on my rant, his voice going high in defence, "he's insecure about them and you know that."
"Insecure?" I laugh out, turning to look at the blond boy who is just sitting there with his head held high, "He's a fucking rooster, JJ."
"Yeah well, he still has feelings and I know if he heard what you, his mother, just said about him right now, he would be so upset with you."
What the actual fuck? Wait hold on, mother?!
"Well, you know what," I start pointing a finger in JJ's direction choosing to personally ignore the major details that I am just now finding out from JJ's argument, "At least I gave him a name, you just call him rooster."
"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't find Noris to be the best name for our son" JJ expresses, his face turning red as he talks with so much passion about the little feather freak in my backyard.
"Would you two shut up," John B exclaims, his head in his hands, trying to decide what was more annoying, the cawing rooster or his best friend and sister bickering like an old married couple.
"Macy, Noris stays-"
"-And JJ, stop referring to Noris as you and my sisters son, it's a bit weird-"
"Sorry," JJ and I say in unison at the look that John B is throwing us before looking at each and saying sorry again. Neither of us could help the stupid smiles creeping onto our faces at our petty argument. I know it's childish, but I had to, I stick my tongue out in JJ's direction when John B wasn't looking before turning back to the window, trying to ignore the effect the JJ's small laugh had on me.
No one ever really visits this side of the cut. Not a lot of traffic usually reaches us, let alone our driveway. Usually its just John B's van and sometimes JJ's bike, but that's it really. The road leading to our house only just leads to our house, no where else. That's why when I spot a black SUV pulling up outside, I couldn't help but be confused.
"Didfiel- Colours? No that's stupid."
"What about Ritchiesalin?"
"Can someone please tell me what an anagram is, I wanna to play too."
"Guys!" I said more loudly interrupt the game of guess the anagram that my friends where currently having, not taking my eyes off the window, "Someone's here."
"God, I hope not," I breath out, moving over a little when I felt John B's hand on my elbow as he looked out the window beside me, "John B was suppose to clean the house but didn't."
"Now is not the time Macy," John B sighs watching the SUV park next to his van.
"Macy?" Pope questions from behind me, all of us now looking out the window, "Isn't that those guys from earlier?"
Shit. We all watch as two burly men dressed in black slam their car doors closed and make their way round to the front of the house.
"Is that them?" Kie asks, panic evident in her voice as she looks at us all for a quick answer. The lack of response must have given Kie her answer as she starts to breath heavier, backing away from the window.
"This is suboptimal," I hear Pope say under his breath, moving away from the window too, not liking this one bit.
"Now is not the time for your fancy words Pope," I start to fidget with my hands, unconsciously speaking faster than usually, "just say 'we're fucked' like the rest of us."
"Okay Macy, We're fucked!"
Oh shit. That's when you know we should be scared, we Pope swears with little to no peer-pressure or convincing. We are well and truly fucked.
The sound of a soft bang on the wall causes me to stop nervously fidgeting with my fingers, not even noticing that I was completely deaf to the babbling JJ until my brother had pushed him against the wall, "JJ, shush," John B holds up a finger in JJ's face, "where's the gun?"
"The gun? uh the gun is- uh the gun is-," turning into a babbling mess again as he tries to remember where he left the fire arm that has already caused him so much trouble and it's only been in his possession for a day.
"You don't have the gun? The one time we need the gun?" Kie is in a frenzy, clearly uncomfortable and scared at the thought of the men being in the house. I know it might not be much of a help, but I place my shaky hand on her back, trying to calm her nerves. At this point I don't know whose nerves I'm trying to calm, hers or mines.
"It's in my backpack," JJ brighten up when he finally remembers where he left it.
"Your backpack?"
"Which I left on the porch," JJ sigh out looking at John B who is patting him quickly on the shoulder ushering him to go and get it.
"Be carful," I whisper so quietly that I doubt anyone even heard, watching the blonde open the door quickly and quietly, making a dash for the porch just to return back as quickly when he hears shouting enter the house.
They're in the house.
"Come on out now, Johnny boy!"
"We're not going to hurt you little girl."
The sound of these two smugglers yelling out to John B and I is making me sick to my stomach, sucking in a breath as I take a step back from the door.
"Where you at boy?!"
"Come on out, little Mason, we just wanna talk!"
Oh I'm sure you just want to talk, I can tell by the way you a yelling for me and by the sounds of it trashing my already messy house. Y'know what, I take back what I said earlier about being upset that John B didn't clean the house when that was his only chore this week because by the sounds from outside this door, they have probably trashed the entire house. I would never hear the end of it. That would be his excuse to never clean again; 'but what if smugglers come and ransack our home? What's the point in cleaning if they are just going to mess it up again? Blah blah blah'.
Okay, I'm nervous rambling but I can't help it. When I'm nervous I tend to take that as the prime opportunity to call people out on things that they have done to me in the past. I like making situations worse if you couldn't tell.
"JJ help me with this," I call out quietly to the boy who runs over to the window, helping me as we both try to pull it open. It won't budge.
"Get it open!" Kie is still panic, pacing the room behind us which really isn't helping at all, "Why isn't it opening?"
"It painted shut, okay?" JJ snaps at the girl, having enough of her in his ear.
Looking around the room trying my best to ignore the sounds of stamping feet and clattering drawers from the other side of the door which John B has took the liberty of guarding with his back, his face tinted red as he holds is hands on his head. Rushing over to my dad desk, rummaging through the side drawer before my fingers grazed against the letter opener.
Rushing back over to JJ who is still trying his best to push up the window, huffing and puffing with all his strength. I gentle nudge him to the side when I show him what I found before jabbing at the seal between the window and the ledge.
"Come on, come on, open it," Kie ushers as she watched me chisel away at the paint. I don't know if she thinks that by trying to rush me more than I already am myself is helping, but it's really not. And JJ seems to notice that her words of panic are only making me more nervous.
"She's going as fast as she can, Kiara," he breathes out, still trying to push the window up, groaning in annoyance when it still won't budge.
"Check that back room!"
"Your two better not be in there!"
Not bothering to look over my shoulder, just judging by the sounds, I can already tell its not good. The sound of stamping feet making its way to the office door, all of us tensing up in anticipation as John B signals for us to keep quiet. Not wanting to give up on the window, I continue to pick at it silently, my senses on high alert for any sort of sound.
"You better not be in there, Routledge," one of the men shouts as he starts to throw himself against the door after realising that it was locked. John B and Pope both jump at the thud but keep their backs pressed against the door to stop any chances of him getting in.
'So much for protecting the door' I thought, turning my head for a quick second when a particularly loud bang echos through the house. He is trying to kick the door down and is doing a pretty good job at it. John B and Pope both running toward the window when a piece of the door frame breaks off. The only thing separating us and these men are an old lock that is being given a good run for it's money.
"I got it," I whisper to JJ who helps me push up the window, the usually uncomfortable heat from outside was welcomed with open arms. JJ jumps out first, landing on the grass before turning around to grab my waist, helping me through the window and lowering me to the ground.
Grabbing his hand without a second thought, I pulled JJ in the direction of the only place we could all hide. Noris' coop. Hearing the sound of feet behind us puts me at ease knowing that we all made it out in time.  John B was the last to rush into the coop, squeezing himself next to Pope as he closed over the door.
The undeniable sound a gun being shot echos through the house and to where we are hiding. I couldn't help but flinch at the horrid sound of the round, my eyes watering at the thought of us justing being able to make it out on a fine hair. The reassuring squeeze on my hand is the only thing right now that is stopping my watery eyes from leaking. We made it out. We made it out.
A few minutes after the gunshot, the front door of the house was swung open as we all watched the two men making their way out with boxes in hand. That's my dad's research. They can't take that.
But there was nothing I could do but watch all my dad's hard work being stole by two smugglers.
The thought of them being out the house made me nervous, their car was just parked a few feet away from the coop. The same coop that we are hiding in. The same coop that seems to have started a riot since we invaded it. Noris and his buddies have not stopped clucking since we came in here. I could feel my hands start to shake again, as Noris continues to crow louder than usual.
We're going to get caught.
"Do some, Pope," JJ says through clenched teeth, his grip on my hand strong but not hurtful as his thumb rubs against the back of my hand, "Shut him up."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Pet it, or talk to it. I don't know," Kie cries quietly, looking at the rooster how seems to be getting noisier and noisier.
Looking through a small crack in the coop, I watch as one of the men looks in our direction clearly hearing all the ruckus, "JJ," I squeeze his hand not taking my eyes off the man, "he's coming over here. He's going to find us," I hold back a sob with my hand.
I know that I shouldn't watch. I should have turned away. But I just couldn't. I was scared. Scared that if I closed my eyes for even a second, those men would come marching in again.
Watching JJ as he scrambled after the rooster, catching it in both his hands, the hands that were latched onto mine a few seconds ago, and pinning the it to the ground. The rooster fights against JJ's grip, clucking louder in panic, before falling silent. JJ's hands now wrapped loosely around its neck.
Biting my lip and pulling my knees to my chest, I drop my head on my knee sucking in quick but quiet breaths. Trying to focus on my breathing, I barely felt the light touch on my shin. Just rubbing back and forwards, as I try to match my breathing to their rhythm.
Looking up, I probably look like a hot mess right now, locking eyes with Pope whose face is contorted with concern. Holding his hand in place on my leg as we all listened to SUV pulling away from the Chateau.
They're gone.
But for how long?
Don't ask me why the Redfield Lighthouse was my dad's favourite spot on the island. All I see is a tall pillar of white and blue paint with a spinning light on top of it. Y'know a basic ass lighthouse. But it meant so much more to my dad. He would come here every Sunday morning for hours and when I asked what he did there he would just say 'I'm watching the tide, Ladybug. Zenned out to the max'.
'Please never say 'zenned' or 'to the max' again, I'm begging you.'
I would do anything to be embarrassed by my dad trying to act like he was down the the kids. At least he was trying to relate to his teenage children. I just thought it was very uncool at the time but I'd do anything for it now. I'd do anything to have him back.
That's why when John B pulls up outside of the lighthouse, sure it took a bit of reassuring. Who am I kidding, JJ said he will call me a pussy for the rest of my life, if I don't go in the lighthouse. Say's him. He's not going either.
"I have my reasons" JJ swung his arm around Pope's shoulder who couldn't look anymore uncomfortable with the blondes sudden affection if he tried.
"And I have my reasons to stick my foot up your ass," I snap in his direction, before being pulled by both John B and Kie who take an elbow each, leading me towards the tall stature that is making my legs shake and stomach churn.
"Kinky," JJ calls out, watching me be dragged away with a stupid triumphant smile on his face, "but also uncalled for. Now I'm not going to catch you if you fall"
If I fall?!
"Remind me why we are here again," I begin to dig my feet into the ground beneath me, craning my neck to look up at my destination. It's a seems to be never ending set of spiral stairs with a bight white light at the top. Is that heaven?
"It was your idea to come here," John B and Kie both begin to huff and puff as they try to pull my dead weight towards the first step.
"Yeah, but I didn't think that I would have to go up there," I whine, spinning my neck back to the entrance of the lighthouse, watching JJ push away a smirking Pope with an annoyed look on his face.
"Well, we don't know what we are looking for," Kie grunts when I refuse to lift my foot onto the step.
'If I close my eyes tight enough maybe they'll think I'm-'
"Ouch," I whine when my knee hits the metal step, leaving an intent on my skin. 'What dickheads' I thought as I watch them both laughing at my now injured self.
I'm definitely not going now!
But before I could even get up to run back out the door, a pair of hands wrap themselves under my arms and another around each of my legs as I feeling myself being lifted up the stairs, "Come Macy, we've got questions to ask and answers to get."
What probably usually took the average person a few minutes to climb, took two teenagers carrying another against their will, 10 minutes. I'm not complaining, at least I didn't need to climb all these stairs. Who decided that this lighthouse needed to be this tall in the first place, its very unpractical. And all fashioned. Like get an elevator for crying out loud.
Normal I wouldn't be complaining about being carried about somewhere, but with how high we probably are right now, I would rather be anywhere else but here.
'But it was your idea, Macy' I minic their voice in my head
'Yeah well, we established years ago that Mason doesn't have good ideas-'
'Hey is that a bat? oh, it's just a pigeon.'
"You got her?" I hear John B breath out as he places my feet on the landing, Kie still not letting go from under my arms as she nods her head. I can feel the sweat radiating of her, it's kinda gross. Also, have you got her? Where else am I suppose to go? Jump out the window? Back down those stairs? I don't think so.
Watching John B as he knocks on the metal door, the sound echoing it way through the hollow tower. We wait a few minutes, but there was no answer, "Nobodies home," John B shrugs after no response, making his way back over to Kie and I.
"No," I shake myself out of Kie's grip and make my way with wobbly legs over to the door, "I didn't climbing all those stairs for 'nobody to be home'," I use John B's words against him as I bang the side of my fist on the door.
"You didn't climb shit Macy, we practically dragged you up here," I hear John B correct my statement from behind me.
"And, I am so thankful that you did," I reply with a frown on my face, but I snap on a cheery smile when the door cracks open revealing a stuffy middle aged looking man, his glasses hanging low as the eyes us all, "We're here for the lighthouse."
" The Lighthouse is closed," The man grunts closing the door back in our faces before we could protest. Well that was rude and very clearly a lie. When is the lighthouse ever closed?
This is going to be harder that I thought.
"Actually, we aren't here for the lighthouse," I call out again, know that the man can probably hear me through the door, "We're here for the Royal Merchant."
I couldn't help but smile when I heard the door being pulled open again, "Well you came to the right place."
"Watch your step now," the mans voice seems to have completely changed and perked up since the mention of the Royal Merchant, now leading us out onto the the rusted catwalk that had a few large holes in it with a few of the entire island.
Don't look down, Mason. Just don't look down.
You would think the cold and sharp breeze from up here would help with how much I am sweating, but if anything, it's making it worse. It's making me realise how high we actually are.
"I know more about the Royal Merchant than anybody else in Kildare county."
"Well you clearly haven't met our Macy yet," I hear John B speak to the man as I stand back with Kie, who had positioned herself more in front of me wanting to block the view. I couldn't help but play with the back belt loop of her shorts trying to distract my running mind.
"A bit of a Merchanteer yourself?" I heat the man call over to me, but I could only nod, "something like that."
"Now the Merchant," The man starts, "It disappeared in the graveyard of the Atlantic in 1829."
"With $500 million," I hear John B chime in with probably one of the only fact that he knows about the Merchant.
"That's correct," the man praises, "Are you sure you're not the Merchanteer yourself?"
"Oh we're sure," Kie chimes in, reaching her hand back and interlocking her fingers with mine. Closing my eyes as I feel the wind lightly swaying my figure from side to side... like the tide.
The man just grunts, geez this man makes a lot of weird sounds, "Follow me," I hear him say in probably the creepiest voice I've every heard, "I want to show you lot something."
"This thing goes higher," I whisper, mostly to myself as I feel Kie lightly tugging on my hand.
"It's okay," she reassures, "I've got you."
Trying my best to ignore the sounds of the crashing waves that sound so far away and the screeching of the seagulls that are looming a bit to close to my head, I attempt to focus on the facts that the bearded man is spewing as I dodge the holes in the catwalk.
"I've been working up her for 30 years," the man calls over his shoulder to us, "the views never changed. Until two days ago."
I've said it once and I'll continue to say it; Agatha was a bitch.
"One more storm like that and It'll take the lighthouse," he points out chuckling before nudging my brother with his elbow, "and I'll go with her."
'God, somebody needs a friend,' My eyes snapping up when I hear John B and Kie laughing, "Did I say that out loud?"
Choosing to ignore my comment the man continues, "Now if my calculations are correct, which I can grantee you that they are," he laughs, seeming so sure of himself, "the Merchant is somewhere on the south-side of the storm."
"So, she's probably about 30 miles in that direction," I look up at the man for the first time since walking out here only to see him pointing in the completely wrong direction.
"That's wrong," I point out causing the cheeky smile on the mans face to fall, his features become stoic as he looks in the direction of my voice.
"I'm sorry?"
"It wouldn't make any sense if the Merchant was on the south side of the storm," I begin to elaborate to the man, "that would only push her out further to sea."
"Your point, little missy?" The man grunts, clearly not understanding where I am come from.
"It would make more sense if the Merchant was on the north side of the storm," I continue, looking at John B who seems to understanding what I mean by this, "which means it would be closer to shore."
"Exactly," I smile at John B, walking over slightly still holding Kie's hand, "meaning the Merchant is mostly likely 10 miles in that direction," I conclude pointing in the completely opposite direction that the man did minutes ago.
"Come with me," the mans voice low as he eyes me, walking into the small room behind him.
Letting me in first, John B steps aside trying to block the plunging view to the bottom the light house from my vision. I know I'm still high up, but not being able to physically see it anymore is really helping.
Stopping in front of a map of the point, the man takes of his glasses looking at me with a squint as he questioned, "So tell me, where exactly to you think the Royal Merchant would be, huh?"
Is he trying to make me out to look stupid. I'm sorry if I've hurt your ego my guy, but I didn't pile hours of my time into reasserting the Royal Merchant just to be belittled by a man who can't get his fact right.
It's kinda adorable, seeing all the scribbles on the map with grid points and numbers as to were he has once believed the merchant to be, but were it mostly likely is has been completely untouched on his map.
"Right about here," clumsily circling my finger around a patch of the ocean, it's hard to really see with how dark this small room is, "most likely 1,000 feet down."
"And who told you this information, sweetheart?" I couldn't help but physically cringe at the name I was just called, but I try and brush past it.
"My dad and I live for this stuff," I shrug, not really understanding why it is such a big deal as to how I know this information. I researched it, obviously.
"You're a clever one, aren't you," he complements, but I just walk back standing next to Kie where I feel more comfortable, away from the sweating man who is eyeing me up oddly.
"Do you know anything about this?" John B steps forward, taking the mans attention off of me as he pulls out dad's compass for the man to look at, "It says Redfield in the back in our dad's handwriting."
I watch on as the mans face twisting into one of realisation as he takes small steps away from John B and the compass, "I don't know why we are here, but it feel like we're suppose to be."
"Do you have something to give us or-" John B continues to push the man for answers. Remember when I mentioned that John B doesn't know how to read the room, this a prime and live example right her ladies and gentlemen. John B Routledge at his finest, making people uncomfortable.
"Where are you going?" He calls out, quick on the mans hells who made a mad dash for the hatch above us.
Looking at Kie who looks back at me with as much confusion, we both follow behind John B who is continuing to yell at the man, "Look, man I know this is weird, but we were really hoping that you would know something about this, alright please."
Oh, so we're begging now?
"You won't believe what these two have been through in the last 24 hours, sir," Kie decides to throw her pennies worth in too once she makes it up the ladder, "I mean threatened, shot at, home invaded-"
"Home invaded?" The man repeats with sheer panic lacing his voice as he looks between all of us like an animal how has just been caught by a predator.
"Could have probably left that part out Kie-" I start, but my eye catch sight of us being up even higher through the walls that are made entirely of windows, "Oh god, we're high up."
"Is there anything that you can think of that might help us?" I tried my hardest to stay focussed on the conversation at hand but I couldn't, it was all slowly becoming background noise as I continue to look down at the ground that is moving in a swirling motion.
"It was an accident, okay"
"Come on, we have to go," I barely even registered the voice as Kie's as she quickly pushes me in the direction of the stairs and away from the view. In a daze, I quickly climb down the ladder hearing the sounds of pain echoing above me.
"What happened?" I ask, but my question wasn't answered as I'm ushered down the spiralling stairs. Just don't look down. "John B, what did you do?"
"Nothing, it was an accident," I hear him yell from behind me over the sound of our thundering feet slamming down on the mental stairs.
When we finally make it to the bottom of the lighthouse, I prepare myself for the mad dash to John B's van as I hear the sound of sirens coming down the road.
"Are you kidding me?" I exclaim, watching our van driving away from the lighthouse. They ditched us.
Wasting no time, I sprint toward the fence beside the lighthouse and on shaky knees I haul myself over the picket fence before sprinting in any direction I could.
I keep running until I don't hear the sirens anymore, "I think we're good now guys," I place my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath.
"Guys?" I call out when I hear no response from them, "Guys!"
Now I'm alone. I couldn't help but throw my head back letting out a groan as I making my way down to the beach in a strop. 'Hopefully they ran in this direction,' I thought, but was getting agitated as my feet struggle to move in the soft sand.
"Stupid sand," I grumble to myself, pulling of my shoes and clumsily pulling them along with me.  
The beach is mostly quiet on this end of the cut. A lot of stuff still littering the shore having been washed up from the hurricane. I'm really glad for the vacant beach though, it means people are less likely to see me having to dance my way through the sand as I dodge standing on the crispy seaweed.
Holding my hand above my brow, I squint when I finally see two familiar figures in the distance standing on one of the grass humps before the beach.
'Finally', I thought as I pick but the pace readying myself to call out and catch their attention, only to stop myself a few feet before them as I watch John B pull Kie in by her waist and kiss her.
In public my guy?
Also, I know John B has had a little thing for Kie since she become one of the Pogues, basically everyone did back then, but I'm still not sure if Kie ever felt the same way about my brother. She would tell me that, right?
"What happened to no 'pogue on pogue macking'" I shout cause the two to jump a part as quickly as the met in the middle. I couldn't help but snicker as I watch John B's face turn a brighter shade for red than the bruise that is adorning his face. How sweet.
"I'm- um- I'm so sorry. Shit-"
"It's okay, John B-"
"I shouldn't have, I'm under a lot of stress-"
"It's okay. I didn't even mind."
"You didn't?" both John B and I say at the same time, but in two completely different tones. The pair turning their heads in my direction with a similar look in their eyes. Holding my hands up in defence, "I'll shut up," I say reaching down to put back on my shoes.
Before I could ruin the moment any further than I probably already did, the sound echoing sirens reaches our ears. And before when had to time to run, the police car was parking in front of us.
"Routledge," I hear an all too familiar voice call out. Not him, anybody but him, "I got you son."
'Maybe if I duck behind Kie slightly-'
"Don't bother hiding, Mason," Shoupe calls out and I can't help but cuss under my breath, "I can still see you."
"Now, why don't you just be chill and not make me chase you," Shoupe makes is way out of the car and walks towards us with his hands on his belt.
"Not like you could," I snort quietly, earning a nudge from Kie who tells me to shut up.
Was there really no one else working in the dog house today. Did they really have to send Shoupe. That man has it out for me. Not so much John B, his problem is Peterkins. But Shoupe, that's a different beast. And with the amount of run ins that I have had with Shoupe since he got the job, I've learned how to play his little game of bad cop to my advantage. Shoupe isn't that bad. If the thinks by lowering his voice by a few octaves and wearing those stupid sunglasses is going to make him look cooler; it's sadly not.
"You're already in enough trouble missy," he points his finger in my direction, "Now hands where I can see them. Both of you."
This is just great.
I hate it here. I've always hated it here. That's why I tend to run from the cops and not get caught. This place is like a doctors office, everyone is so serious, all anxiously waiting to be spoke to by the big law enforcers.
Seperating John B and I is never a good idea if you want to find out the truth. You are going to end up with two different stories and that is intentional. I would never rat out John B, and him the same for me. It's not just the pogue way. It's our way.
"If this is your way to try and get me to confess," I start, twirling around the pen that I nabbed off of Shoupe's desk moments before, "It's not going to work. I won't crack."
"I'm not expecting you too," Shoupe admits as he leans back in his chair with a sigh, his attention not leaving me for a second.
This man is confusing, one minute he wants me to confess as if I've done the worst thing humanly imaginable and the next he's like 'nah, just forget about it'. This dude needs to make his mind up.
"I feel for you Mason," Shoupe says, "I really do. For you and your brother."
"I know part of you still thinks that he is going to just walk through that door and everything will go back to the way it was," it's scary how well this man seems to know how I think. Maybe after all this time of chasing me around has taught him something.
"He's been missing for nine months," he continues noticing that I am still listening to him as I slowly stop playing with the pen, "Your father is dead."
"You don't know that," I say sharply, slamming the pen back on his table as I push my chair back and move towards the window. Looking out the window where my eyes couldn't help but catch the sight of a little girl walking along the sidewalk holding her fathers hand with the cheesiest grin I have ever seen. It almost looks familiar.
"Yes, I do."
"No, you don't," I turn around to meet eyes with Shoupe, "he's coming back, he would leave me," I feel so small as my voice cracks.
"The quicker you accept this Mason, the quicker you can heal," Shoupe says in a soft voice, "You're a bright kid, Mason. You are getting yourself in too deep, and eventually, you won't have anybody to come and save you."
"I know you have been having trouble with the DCS," I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the mention of them, but Shoupe interrupts my sigh, "but we are just looking out for you and your brother, okay?"
I nod my head, even though I couldn't disagree more with that statement. The DCS and Cheryl have been nothing but a pest to my brother and I for the last 9 months, especially now more than ever.
"The last place I want you to end up in is foster care," Shoupes confession makes me stop, "who else is going to keep me on my toes if not you?"
"Thought you didn't want me to cause any more trouble?" I lift my eyebrows not understanding the man one bit.
"Harmless trouble, Mason," he reminds me leaning his arms on his desk, "but what just went down was assault, okay? That's JD time."
I could stop the shiver that ran down my spine at the thought. I know I get myself in some messes every now and then, but never have I thought about the possibility of being locked away for it. That sounds worse than foster care. No, that is worse than foster care.
"So I can still cause trouble?" I try to joke sitting back in my seat, but it falls short when I see the look in Shoupes eye, "Sorry."
"Look, Mason," Shoupe pushes himself up from his chair, circling his desk, just to sit himself back down beside me, "I know you have the compass."
My breath hitches.
"Maybe not you," he corrects himself, looking down at his own hands as he continues, "but I know you found it on the wreck."
Deny, deny, deny.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I shake my head a little, hoping that my voice is staying steady.
Why does everyone want my dad's compass? If anyone should have it, it should be John B and I.
Hearing Shoupe sigh from beside me, I huff out a breath on last time, "I don't have a compass".
"If you skip out on your bail and I lose my money," Mr Carrera is a man on a mission as he leads the three of us out of the station, making a beeline for his car, "I will hunt you done and skin you."
That's a bit violent.
"Dad!" Kie stumbles over her feet trying to keep up with him.
"We're still cool right, Mr. C?" I ask the man who stares me dead in the eye before opening the car door and slamming in for effect. There's my answer, "I guess not."
Tugging John B's elbow before he could walk over to Kie, "I'm gonna take a walk," I say, pulling out my hair tie undoing my braid, "I need to de-stress."
"This is your way of getting out of cleaning the house isn't it" John B calls out, but I am already walking in the opposite direction.
"Sorry, I can't hear you," I shout picking up my speed into a small jog, "I think it's a bad reception."
"We're not even on the phone, Mason."
I don't know where I am going exactly, I'm just letting my feet take me where ever they feel like it. I need sometime alone. I love the people that I surround myself with everyday, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but sometimes I just need a minute to myself. Sometimes I just need to dissociate from the world around me.
I use to do this a lot when I was younger. I don't know what I had to be stressed about then, looking at my life now and the shit show that is this situation. I use to run away, in lack of a better term.
I have a secret place. A place that only I know. I have never shown, let alone even told, anyone about this place. Not John B. Not Kie or Pope. Not JJ.
It's my place.
I haven't really been there is a while, I hope nothing bad has happened to it. All I'm say is that: if God really loved me he would have asked Storm Aggie to give my spot a miss.
It's in the perfect spot, right between The Cut and The Figure 8, and that's all I'm going to tell you.
Right now though, I am god knows where. Some where in Kooksville, I can tell be the fancy cars with shiny new registration plates and also the presence of electricity. Screw these Kooks and their back up generators. It's almost like the storm didn't even hit here.
How do I get myself into these situations. I know Shoupe calls me trouble, but I never actively go looking for it. It just seems to follow me like a dark shadow.
Speaking of following, if I wasn't already on such high alert today I probably would have missed the sound of a car engine slowing down and stopping next to me on the perfectly tiled sidewalk.
"Hello poppet."
"Nope, not dealing with this."
"You can't run, little girl."
I don't even know where I am. Why is The Figure 8 so big?
Despite the blisters from days ago that are still healing on the back of my heels, I push myself into the fastest run I could muster. Not having to look back as I can hear pounding footsteps close behind me and the shady black SUV skidding into take off on the road.
My legs are feeling lighter and lighter by the second, tingles running up and down my body as my ears start to ring. The feeling of the warm air slapping against my face as I push myself further isn't a pleasant one.
Without a second thought, I make a quick turn down between the valley of two houses that probably cost more than I could ever imagine. Thinking quick, I grab at the two over flowing wheelie bins, as push them over on their side, hoping to buy myself sometime now only running from the man on foot, the SUV clearly taking the long way around.
Still not looking behind me, but hearing the man cuss loudly at my small distraction, I just keep run.
Just keep running Mason.
"Holy shit,"I yell slamming my hand the car that came hurling to a stop in front of me, skidding myself to a stop.
"Hey, watch where you're going," a male voice yells and before I had the chance to apologise and continue run, the voice sticks their head out the window, "Mason?"
"Rafe?" I squint in his direction, but I never get a minute do I?
Not having a moment to catch my breath, even after almost being road kill, I look to my left to see one of the men running full speed in my direction... with a gun. Did he have that the whole?
"I caught you now, Poppet."
"Do you need a ride?" Rafe rushed out, his eyes wild as he looks between myself and the man who is now getting closer and closer.
"A ride would be perfect," I breath out, wasting no time as I sprint over the the passenger side, the door already swinging open as Rafe leaned over to unlock it for me.
"Drive, please," I beg, slamming the door shut before Rafe speeds to a start, pulling us away from the man.
Both of us watch in the rear view mirror as the man stops in the middle of the road, shaking his hand that holds the gun, yelling doesn't that doesn't reach us.
I couldn't stop the sigh of relief that escapes me as I sunk back into the car seat, feeling the cool air conditioned air blowing gently on my face. I'm safe. Well, sort of. I'm currently in a car with Rafe Cameron who is driving at least 50 over the 30 limit and I don't have a seat belt on.
"So," Rafe eyes flick in my direction as I hurriedly put on my seatbelt like my life depends on it, because right now, with the way he is driving, it does. Rafe either noticed my discomfort at his speed or he just didn't want to get a fine, pushes gently on the break slowing us down to a normal speed, "You want to tell me why some guy with a gun is chasing you?"
"I said I didn't like his hat," I let out a nervous laugh as I fiddle with my bracelet, trying to ignore the way that Rafe keeps looking at me.
"Really?" Rafe laughs out, clearly not believing a single word that I am saying.
"Totally," I nod my head, "I said 'Hey man, shit hat', and the next thing I knew he was chasing me."
When Rafe doesn't say anything, it's my turn to look at him, I couldn't help but noticing how sharp his features are when he is focussed. Not that I've looked at him long enough to ever notice that. I feel my own lips twitch upwards when I watch Rafe's do the same.
"You are the worst liar in the world, Mason Routledge."
"A lair?" I say dramatically turning to look out the front window, when did it get so dark out? "I am not."
"Okay, Yoda," he shakes his head and continues to drive.
Did he just call me Yoda? Did Rafe Cameron just reference Star Wars? Is Rafe Cameron secretly a nerd? I have so many questions.
It's odd, but I feel calm sitting in this car with Rafe. I mean he did kinda help me out back there, even if he did almost run me over with his fancy Range. It's very unlike him. It's strange. He's being civil with me and I'm not use to that. I'm use to getting called names like; dirty Pogue. But I'm not going to complain. After the day that I've had, I just glad to have some peace for a moment.
Reaching over to turn up the radio that was quietly playing through the car when I recognised a familiar beat, "I love this song," Rafe smiles when he hears the melody of 'Someday Soon' by Harlem playing through the car speakers.
"Me too," I nod my head along to the beat trying to bite back my small smile when I hear Rafe say, "You've got good taste, Pogue."
I hadn't even noticed that Rafe was pulling up to the Chateau, too busy humming away to the catching song with lyrics that seemed to be too relatable at the moment, "Just pull up here," I point to the space just before the dirt path that leads done to the fish shack that I call home.
Shutting off the car, both of us are left with only the flickering yellow street light illuminating its way into the car, Rafe reach out to turn down the radio when the songs ends.
It's silent for a minute, but not uncomfortable.
"Thanks for the ride, Rafe," I smile softly in the boys direction, not wanting to over stay in his presence. I've just had a pleasant ride with him, and if I know Rafe Cameron, which a few days ago I thought I did, he will find a way to return back to the potentials asshole that I knew and hate.
Rafe just bites his bottom lip a little as he watches me unbuckle my seatbelt before pushing myself out of his car that seems to be so high up from the ground.
Walking around the car, I expected him to pull away the instant I got out, but it seems like Rafe Cameron is just filled with surprised these days, "Hey Mason," I hear him call out to me.
Turning back to the car, I see Rafe looking out of his now rolled down window, his arm resting on the ledge.
"Yeah?" I take a few steps closer to the car again, not wanting to be shouting out at this time of night. Not that we have neighbours or anything.
We seem to just look at one another for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. He's the one that called out to me. I feel myself getting shy under his blue eyes that seem to be soft, but unwavering.
"See you later?" his eyebrow quirking up at the question, an almost doubtful tone in his voice.
"See you later, Rafe," I smile at the boy before turning to leave this time. The walk down the dirt drive was one where I was trying to fight the small smile of my face, letting out a sigh as I hear the car tires rubbing against the loose stones before driving off.
That was weird.
Moment of peace never last long do they? Not when your name is Mason Routledge apparently.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I run over to John B who is casually lounging in a beating lawn chair with a small bonfire crackling in front of him. Holding stacks of papers in his hands as he carelessly throws them in to ignite the flame more.
"John B!" I yell again when I am next to him, but his face remains stoic, his features a fiery orange hue from the burning flame before us. I feel myself getting uncomfortably hot from the radiating heat.
"I'm letting go Mason," his voice deprived of any emotion as he continue to throw things into the fire, "and you should too," taking a swig from his bottle, letting out the most disgusting burp I have ever heard.
"Letting go?" I question, not understanding what is happening, "letting go of what?"
"Dad is dead!" John B kicks himself out of the chair before grabbing it and launching it into the fire. I couldn't help but flinch and step back as John B points his finger in my direction with wild eyes, "did you hear me? I said; dad is dead."
"I heard you," I whisper still not wanting to stand too close to my brother who seems to be slightly unhinged. Watching him, like a man turned mad, as he spins himself around cussing as he knocks over the countless amount of beer bottles at his feet. The amount of bottles explaining why he is acting like this. John B reaches down into one of the many boxes he has pulled from the house, tossing more stuff into the fire without a care, 'is that the stuff from dad's office?'
"Good," he slurs, watching the fire dance brighter, small sparks filling around in the cold air, with a drunk smile on his face, "you need to stop acting like a little girl Mason and just get over it already. I mean look at me. I've accepted it and I'm doing just fine."
Just fine? I would have laughed at my brother hadn't the sight been too sad. He is a drunken mess who is clearly not in the right frame of mind. I couldn't stop my hands from reaching forward to steady him as he stumbled over his own feet, a little to close to the fire for my liking.
"Can you believe it, Macy? Dad is gone," John B laughs like what he has just said is hysterical, but I can see it in his eyes. Behind those drunk glazed eyes, John B still doesn't want to believe what everyone has been telling us for nine months. And no amount of liquid courage can hide that.
"Stop living in denial," John B kicks the empty box in to the fire and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if his words are being aimed at himself or me.
"You were always the favourite," John B laughs out in spite, his eyes never leaving the fire, "Our little Mason can do no wrong, can she?"
"What are you saying-" I try to understand where all his is coming from with John B.
Believe it or not but John B really gets drunk. Sure he likes to get a buzz on every now and then just like the rest of us. But never have I seen him like this before.
"-oh and don't you dare try and deny it," John B voice slowly getting louder and louder but still not looking in my direction, "I can't have one thing for myself. You stole my friends. You work for the same family as me-"
Before I could even chime in on John B's drunken rant, "-You even stole my dad from me."
"What is that suppose to mean?," my voice to quiet I'm surprised that John B actually heard me over his drunken buzz.
"If you hadn’t fed into his fantasy of finding that stupid ship, maybe I would still have a dad."
There it is.
What I have been thinking for the last 9 months has just been confirmed to me.
John B does blame me for what happened to dad. Maybe he's right. Maybe if I hadn't been so involved and fascinated by the Royal Merchant and how finding that gold would fix all our pogue problems, then maybe he would still be here with us and not lost a sea.
Who am I kidding.
Dad's not lost a sea is he.
He never was.
"Maybe we should go and have a lie down," I step toward him, trying to not show how his words have effected me, John B slowly looking around for something else to launch into the flame as he takes another large swig from his bottle.
"And miss out on all the fun? No way, Macy," John B burps before picking up more items, looking in my approaching direction, "Why don't you have a turn, Ladybug."
Choosing to ignore the way that John B said the nickname, he probably didn't mean for his voice to come across with so much venom. He's just drunk.
"Yeah, yeah!" John B grabs at my wrists with forceful hands as I try not to gasp in pain. Pulling me in-front of him and the flame, shoving a stack of papers into my reluctant hands before hurling them into the fire for me, "Little ladybug is letting go," he sings.
"Okay that's enough John B," I said seriously at the boy, shoving him back away from me, whose eyes seem to waver at my change in tone turning to look at me with softer eyes than before.
I don't like this John B.
This isn't my brother that is talking to me.
He would never do this.
He would never have said what he did.
"Come on," I push him, not caring that he's drunk anymore, he is being a hazard to himself and needs to go and sober up, "we're going to bed."
Not listening to his protest and comments about me being a party pooper, 'I'm just having fun, Macy, what's the problem?'
Throwing John B onto his unmade bed like a dead weight, I watch as the boy can't even muster up the strength to push himself out of the bed clearly not want to be there, instead he just sinks further into the softness of his mattress.
Walking over to his window, I open in slightly, letting the cool night air dance into the room before pulling the thin curtain to a close, "I'll go and get you some water-" my voice hushes to a whisper as I hear John B let out a small snore.
Grabbing a blanket from his closet, I gently throw it over his sleeping frame, pulling it up to under his chin. He looks peaceful for the first time in forever. I actually can't remember the last time he slept. He's been through a lot.
'But so have I'
Closing his bedroom door over after leaving some Advil and a bottle of water next to his bed, I walk back out to the fire that the drunken John B thought was a good idea. Alcohol and fire. You aren't the smartest are you Johnny boy?
Maybe he's right. I know he was a drunken mess, but you know the saying; drunk words are sober thoughts.
Maybe it is time to let go.
Maybe it's time to accept it and move on.
Maybe our dad is dead.
Feeling my eyes sting, not sure if it is from the burning how flames that are dancing in front of were I am comfortably sat on the grass or the thoughts that are running through my head. I look over to see one thing left that John B had clearly meant to burn.
I didn't want to think twice about it.
We're letting go, Mason.
Just like John B said.
Reaching over slowly, I grab the last thing for the fire.
'Routledge Family Tree'
A home made family tree crafted by my dad. The only this holding it together is thumb tacks and sellotape. Running my finger over the loose torn bit paper displaying names from my family that I have never met, let alone know. One name in particular however, catches my eye more than the rest.
Olivia R. Routledge.
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Chapter seven: FIN!
I had so much fun writing this for the past week. It’s been the only thing I’ve been able to think about.
I’m worried that I’ve made Mason sound like a know it all in this chapter with the Royal Merchant stuff, but I’ll get into her knowledge about it more in a later chapter.
So, a lot happened huh. We got some Mason and JJ moments. We discovered Mason’s fear of heights and that she actually pays attention in school... sometimes. Also Rafe being weird and nice for a change??? And of course, John B being an asshole.
I’ve had really bad food poisoning for the last two days so that's why this chapter was delayed in getting posted, but it’s out now :)
What did you think?
The next chapter is going to be filled with angst, so just a prior warning.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
I also might open up my TAGLIST again for the series, so if you want to be tagged when I post chapter 8 just comment or message me and I will totally do that for you :)
But yeah, thank you so much!
Lots of love,
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lennydaisy · 3 years
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(n.) a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand. or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.
                 “Care to seize the day, my friend?”
   Outer Banks                                                                                                                     
                                              Season 1-                                                                                                                      
                                                                                 FEM OC! and ?
Here is the link to CHAPTER FIVE incase you haven’t read it already <3 Check it out!
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Nine months. Has it really been nine months?
Nine months ago the unimaginable happened. Nine months ago my life changed forever.
He wasn't here anymore. He was gone.
Do you know who damaging it is to be told day after day that your dad is dead. Even when you know deep down within you that is just not true. At some point you begin to feel yourself believe it, even if you don't want to.
Nine months I've been told I'm in denial. Nine months of pitiful stares and empty words from people who couldn't give less of a damn.
But they don't get it!
My dad is the last man to ever get lost at sea. He knows the ocean like the back of his hand and would be able to find his way back home with a blindfold on. Nothing about the police report of my dad's disappearance makes sense. It like they have written a scenario for a completely different man.
Some thing happened to my dad that night. I don't know what but I'm going to find out one way or another.
This compass.
My dad's compass.
It's a sign. It's a sign that my dad is alive. He is out there, somewhere, waiting for me to find him.
I will find him.
"Come on Pope, please," I try to pull my best puppy dog eyes as I stand in front on my friend who is working at the counter of his fathers shops.
"No," he says sternly again for what feels like the 10th time and continues to mark up the new prices on the chalkboard.
"Pope," I drag out his voice, walking around the counter to now stand beside him, "For me."
Pope just looks at me and sighs, placing the chalk down, "Say I agree-"
"Yes! I know you-" I stop myself mid-celebration when Pope throws me a look, "Sorry."
"What are you going to say to Mrs Grubbs, huh?"
Okay. In my defence, I havent really thought everything entirely through. I typically tend to not do that and I'm not going to start now just because Pope is telling me to. Or maybe I will, because serious Pope is kinda scaring me right now.
"Scooter had this Pope," I pull my dads compass out of my pocket, fiddling with the long golden chain, "It's the only clue I have to find out what happened to my dad."
John B made it perfectly clearly the night after we found the compass that he doesn't want me to have it. Something about it being passed down the male generation of our family and, that therefore, he should have it.
Well I said 'fuck that', and when John B was out for the count, crashed on the couch, I nabbed it from his pocket and cycled over to Mr Haywards store.
It was impulsive sure, but Pope is the only one that would be too nervous to confess to John B that I broke his stupid, sexist rule.
"You're not suppose to have that Macy."
"You really want to argue about this now, or do you want to come with me and get some answers?"
"Your bike is not as comfortable as JJ's," Pope has not stopped whining since getting on my bike. It might be because I told him to sit on the handle bars instead of just sitting on the back, but full offence, I am not letting him cuddle me as I ride my bike and I also like putting Pope in uncomfortable situations. I makes up for all those poor girls that he talked to about how unrealistic shitting is in movies.
Not all heros wear capes, some make their friends sit on an uncomfortable piece of metal.
"Do you want to walk," I breathed out, the extra weight on my bike this make this journey more of a workout. It also doesn't help that I can't really see anything ahead of me, relying on Pope to be my eyes.
"Yes! Yes, please-" Pope insists, nodding his head enthusiastically.
Choosing to ignore him, I keep peddling my bike faster, picking up speed as we making our way through the cut. The ride is bumper than usual, I noted, 'someone really need to fix these roads or someone is really going to hurt themselves.'
"Um Macy,?" I hear Pope call out against the warm breeze that is slapping him in the face, "Just watch that big rock, okay?"
"What big rock-"
My bike skids to a stop as the front wheel crashes into something hard in the middle of the road. Push on my brakes as hard as I could, I feel the back wheel of my bike lifting of the ground before bouncing harshly down again.
"That rock," Pope breathes out in pain, now but a ball curled up on the gravel.
Looking around the valley of trees and bush, I realise that we are just outside of the Grubbs drive-way.
'Welcome to Tree Spirit, Your Reiki Head-Quarters'
Leaning my bike against the tree, stepping over the moaning boy on the ground, I make my way toward the house, "Come on Pope, we don't have all day," I call over my shoulder.
The house is cute. A little wooden shack painting a salmon pink with pretty flowers painted colourfully across the panels. It over grown, the trees and bush climbing up the walls of the house and the over grown grass tickles my bare knees.
"Do you at least have a plaster in the bag of yours," Pope runs to catch up to me, trying to open the bag on my back with one hand as he holds on to his barely scrapped knee in the other.
"Would you stop it."
"But my knee."
"There's nothing there Pope."
"Oh go on and hurt my feeling too-"
The sound of glass mashing in the direction of the house causes our bickering to come to a halt, as we both stare at the house. Waiting, only to hear more noise coming through the open windows, 'Bullshit,' a mans voice rings.
"Maybe we should just come back-" Pope starts to nervous ramble, clearly not liking what he just heard. Holding up my finger, I slowly inch closer to the side of the house, "Maybe its a bit too soon."
More shouting can be heard from the house the closer I get, 'Tell me where it is or I'll fuck you up!'
Another loud crash making jump back slightly but the sound of Mrs Grubbs voice make me feel sick to my stomach, 'You're hurting me!'
That was enough for me to run over to the open window with a reluctant Pope on my trail, "Macy, I really think we should just-" I cut him of my pulling him down and hold a finger to my lips.
Standing on the tips of my toes, I peek into the window only to see the backs of two men who are frantically trashing the house in anger. Ducking down before they could see me, I look to my left to see Pope squeezing his eyes shut tightly as though trying to imagine himself in any other scenario. Placing my hand on his shoulder, his looks at me through one eye and I nod subtly letting him know that we're okay. This seemed to make Pope less tense, feeling him relax under my hand, but only to tense up again at the mention of a compass.
'The compass wasn't in the boat!'
Compass? Boat?
My dad's compass?
What do those guys want with my dad's compass?
The wall behind myself and Pope shakes as something is wildly thrown at it causing sawdust from the wood so sprinkle over our heads. Running my hands throw my hair to try and shake most of it out, I turn to look at Pope when I notice him making some strange noises, "Don't you dare." I harshly whisper.
"I have too," His nose scrunching up at the scent.
"Hold it!"
"I can't!"
Pope might look smart, act smart, be smart, etc, etc. But never in my life have I met someone with a more dumb sounding sneeze in all my life. Not to self; 'don't take Pope on an secret mission'.
Looking at Pope with wide eyes, the house behind us seemed to fall into silence, Pope still holding his hands over his nose, his eyes squeezed shut.
'Let's just get the hell out of here, man'
Peering around the corner of the house, I watch as two men dressed in black make a quick exit from Mrs Grubbs house, marching their way down to their boat.
That boat.
Those were the guys that were shooting at us on the marsh yesterday, but they look oddly familiar. Pope seemed to notice this too as he tugged on my arm, "I really think we should go," he urges as we watch the men sail away.
I shake my head, "No, we have to make sure she's okay," before making my way toward the house where sobbing is echoing out.
Not waiting to see if Pope is following, I walk up the porch warily and slowly make my way through the busted down door.
The place is completely trashed. The colourful sofa tipped upside down and ripped to shreds. Lamps thrown across the room, curtains pulled, windows mashed and doorframes cracked. They ruined this poor lady's home.
Careful where I stepped,  trying to dodge the broken glass and scattered news papers, my eyes catch the sight of a figure leaning again the bathroom doorframe, "Mrs Grubbs?"
"Mrs Grubbs," crouching down to place a gentle hand on her shoulder, the women jumps, "Are you okay?"
I didn't want to freak the women out any more than she already was, but she was very shaken up and who could blame her.
"This doesn't feel right Macy," Pope says uneasily, his eyes watching the scared women.
"Do you need a doctor?" I ask carefully, "Do we need to call the police?" I only wanted to help but this only seemed to make her more upset.
"No!" her voice cracks, "No cops, please."
Mrs Grubbs looked me in the eye and I could see the fear behind them. They really did a number on her, a small bruise forming under her left eye, sweat dripping off her body as she couldn't stop shaking.
"You shouldn't be here."
Pope seemed to take that as the perfect sign, "Thats enough for me," he pats my shoulder signalling for us to leave, but I shush him and hit his hand away.
We can't leave. This poor women has just had her house raided. She been beat and she's scared. We can't leave her like this.
"Come on," I insist gentle, placing both my hands on her arms as I attempt to pull her up, "Lets get you up."
"Pope fix that chair for me," I ask the boy as I hold up Mrs Grubbs who isn't really give me any help, basically being a dead weight in my arms.
Pope rushes over to help me, both of use placing her in the wooden chair, "I'll go and grab some ice," Pope says before wondering off into the kitchen.
"What did they want?" I asked as I crouched down next to her chair, watching as the lady fiddled mindlessly with her hands, "How do you know them?"
"I don't know them," she eventually chokes outs, rubbing her hand under her nose, "they were looking for something."
The compass.
Pulling the compass out from my pocket, I hold it in her direction, "was it this they were looking for?"
Mrs Grubbs seems to back away from the compass, her eye wavering at the sight of it, "Where did you find that? How did you get that?"
"It was my dads."
I decided to leave out the part where y'know, we found it on the boat that her husband crashed and died in. I didn't think was necessarily important. And she was already shaken up enough, I didn't want her to relapse into sobbing again. Fair, it might drive me mad as to why Scooter had my dad's compass in the first place, but I'll figure that out eventually.
The women takes my hand softly and moves it back to my pocket, "You can't let anyone know you have that," her voice cracking as she holds her eyes on mine. Slowly agreeing, I nod my head and let it slip back into my pocket.
"The only thing I could find was frozen peas," Pope comes back into the room with a bag of frosted peas in his hand, passing them toward the injured women who hisses at the coldness as she holds the bag against her face.
"You two should go," she mutters, her eyes now not leaving the floor, "before the come back."
Looking at Pope who now too is looking a bit reluctant to leave, "Are you sure? We can stay and help tidy up the place."
The look on the woman's face was an answer within itself. Grabbing my bag of the floor, I turn to follow Pope out of the door.
"Mason," Mrs Grubbs call causing me to stop, "be carful out there."
After our little scare with Mrs Grubbs I cycled Pope back to his dad's shop with the promise that he can't tell John B that we went to Scooter's house. He promised, but I know what Pope is like under peer-pressure, especially Johnny boys and JJ's.
He'll crack, but I'll deal with that when it comes to it. Right now I have duty calls.
By duty calls I mean Mr Cam- I mean Ward wants to speak to me. Which is never a good sign, when my boss wants to talk to me. I'm a frequent in my mangers at Save-A-Lots office. It mostly about attendance, but they are too understaffed to fire me and no one else wants to work the shitty job anyway. It's a win for me and a lose for them.
I do like working for the Cameron's. Wait. Let me re-phrase that. My pocket likes me working for the Cameron's. $400 for each time I babysit Wheezie. Total score. And it's a breeze... half the time. It depends on Wheezie's mood and also if her brother decides to grace me with his presence.
Speaking of said brother, there he is.
Y'know how it's like a thing that women like when men are good with kids because you know, that's the future kinda thing. You know what I mean, anyway, the sight before me is a weird one. Rafe is crouched down talking to a little girl just before the littered docks. Rafe rarely willingly talks to adults, so why is he talking to this girl?
Call me intrigued or call me nosey. Call me whatever. This is a rare sight. Rafe actually showing another human being some sort of emotion.
"Where did you last see her?" I heard him say as I inched closer behind him, my hands clasped behind my back.
"On the boat," the little girls quiet voice replied.
"On the boat," he repeats looking out at the boat that is sitting haphazardly in the water, wires and cables loose and cut. If those wires are still on, then they water around that boat a death trap.
"Whatcha looking for?" I ask, deciding to make my presence known causing Rafe to jump to his feet, his eyes snapping in my direction.
"This is nothing that concerns you, alright pogue," his voice no longer soft like it was two seconds ago and I couldn't help but laugh a little, knowing that I had caught him.
Holding my hand over my heart, acting as though his words have wounded me, watching as he rolls his eyes.
"My elephant," a little voice from behind Rafe answers my question.
Peering around his tall figure, I watch the little girl pick mindlessly at the edge of Rafe's shirt. Walking over and kneeling down to her level, "What does she look like?"
"She-she has a trunk and blue ears," the little girl nods her head confidently as she describes her teddy, "I left him on that boat," her little finger pointing in the boats direction.
"Okay," I smile at her, "I'm going to go and get it for you," I nod at her before making my way over to the water.
"Be careful, pogue," I hear Rafe say and I almost feel flattered as I place my feet on one of the fallen wooden planks.
"You'll catch me if I fall right?" I bat my eye at him, doing a little dance on the plank to raise his nerves somemore. He's no longer standing next to the little girl, just a little in front, closer to the plank I'm standing on.
"Geez, relax Rafe," I laugh as I slowly walk along the plank, my hands spread out for balance. Making it to the other side, I lean over to grab the roof of the boat before gentle steeping down.
Looking around the boat, I spot the little girls teddy not far from my reach, "I see her," I turn to smile at the girl who claps her hands in excitement.
Now, I wouldn't be a pogue if I didn't like to cause a little bit a mischief ever once in a while, after all I learned from the best. And what better opportunity than right now, where I seem to have thee Rafe Cameron on the edge of his seat.
Letting my hand slip from the roof, I fall onto the floor of the boat letting out a scream.
Feeling a hand on my back a few seconds later, I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore as I turn to see Rafe standing in the boat with me, his face covered with concern, "Get absolutely wrecked," I choke out, swing the cut wire around in his face showing him that it was disconnected.
I only laughed harder when he snatched the elephant teddy from my hand, huffing as he made his way over to the little girl. Still not over my giggles, when I made it back onto the grass I watched as the little girl ran back to wherever it was that she came from and Rafe with his back to me.
"You should have-," I had to pause, my hands on my knees as I struggle to catch my breath, "You should have seen your face, Rafe."
"It's not that funny, okay?" he turns to face me with those stupid sunglasses back on his face. God could he look anymore like a kook right now.
"It was. It really was," I wipe a tear from my eye, "Mason!" I shouted in a deep voice, mocking him as I pretend to reach forward to grab something.
"I'll throw you in that water," he deadpans, but I can see the subtle twitch of his lip as if he almost wanted to crack a smile.
"I can't swim."
"I know," there it is. There's the smile. That sick fuck, smiling at the thought of me drowning. How sweet.
But right now I don't really care about that because for one I know that he won't actually try to drown me, at least I hope not, and two I caught thee Rafe Cameron in a moment of vulnerability. He actually showed that under that £200 shirt he his wear and those stupid sunglasses that he can actually show emotion. Today, I won.
"Don't pretend like you weren't worried," I teased as I push past him making my way up to his house, the place were I was suppose to be anyways.
"Don't flatter yourself Pogue," He huffs, walking along beside me. This is weird, but I'm not going to object to it either. I'm not really in the mood for an argument today. I would like one day where I don't want to rip the kook's throat out.
"Don't worry Rafe, your secret is safe with me," I whispered towards him.
"What secret?"
"Oh y'know, the one where you have a giant soft spot and it just showed," I announce in a daydream like voice before turning quickly to the boy, "but don't worry, my lips are sealed," I nod before pretending to lock my lips with a key and throw it away.
"C'mere," Rafe stops in his tracks, holding onto my elbow with his hand.
Shit. I was just joking, or was I. No I was, I defiantly was. I hate Rafe. Rafe=EW. Well not ew, I have eyes and y'know he ain't bad to look at, but still I can't. It's wrong.
"What?" I want to slap myself for sounding so nervous, but Hello, what the fuck is happening right now?
"C'mere," he repeats pulling on my elbow slightly, turning me to standin front of him, "Little closer."
"Little closer," he whispers. If I get any closer my nose will be touching his and that's just strange. He's also tucked away those stupid glasses, thank god, but now I'm staring into his eyes which is again, kinda weird. But I did as he asked anyways because... I don't know why, ask my stupid girl brain.
I felt as though my life flashed before my very eyes. One second I'm looking Rafe in his eyes and the next I'm being push backwards.
Letting out a yelp, my hand wildly searches for someone to grab onto. Feeling his hand clasp around mines, I look over my shoulder to see myself standing over the edge of the pool. What a prick.
He baited me.
"You baited me," I could help but breath out in astonishment, watching as his face breaks out in a stupid boisterous smile that reaches his eyes. That's the first time I've ever seen Rafe actually smile at anyone, let alone in my direction.
"I did," he chuckles shaking his head, "Call it pay back," I couldn't help but bite my tongue trying to hid my own smile, but I failed. That was good. He got me good.
After a few seconds, Rafe still hadn't pulled me back up, and I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the small pain that I'm now feeling with the pressure of my own weight on my heels.
"Um Rafe," I said quietly causing the boy to hum in response, his eyes not wavering from mines, "Can you pull me back up?"
"Huh? Oh," Rafe shook his head before pulling me away from the ledge. Not releasing how strong he had pulled my hand, he pulls me too far as I bump into his chest.
But he still hasn't let go of my hand.
You would think that either one of us would be quick to push the other away, seeing as though Rafe and myself have made it more than obvious to each other that we despise one another. So why wasn't either of us doing that?
The clearing of someones throat causes us to jump apart, so not obvious at all.
"Mason, glad you could make it," Ward smiles in my direction from were he his standing at the back door. I tried to hold eye contact with him, but I personally find the stone slabs to be more interesting. Does that one have a crack in it?
"Come in," he waves me into the house that I have been in too many times to count, "there is something I would like to discuss with you," before turning back into his home.
Following behind him slowly, before turning the corner, I look back to see Rafe still staring at me. Call me a delusional, but I swear that is the soft look he has ever give me. I'm probably imagining it, Rafe Cameron would never willing smile at me, a pogue of all people. Shy under his stare, I nod my head a little trying to hide my smile before disappearing into the house.
God Mason, pull yourself together, this is Rafe Cameron you are thinking about. You don't like Rafe Cameron. Your bother doesn't like Rafe Cameron. Your Friends don't like Rafe Cameron. Wait! Why do I think I like Rafe Cameron. Oh because he wasn't nasty to me for a change? oh yeah Mason, that makes you practically in love with the guy.
A guy just looks at you Mason and you're instantly in love. LOVE. NO.
I don't know why I'm even thinking about this, he'll be back to his asshole self the next time a see him anyway.
"How nice of you to join me," Ward spins around in his chair when he hears my quiet knock on his door, "It's not like you're 20 minutes late," he points back to the clock on the wall behind him.
I did mention earlier that I have a problem with attendance and being on time. But I was on time, until whatever happened with Rafe happened. See, nothing good comes from that boy. God, I sound like my dad.
"I was on time, but I was-' I try to come up with an excuse as to why I'm late but Ward already seen why.
"Too busy staring into my sons eyes?"
His assumption made me gobsmacked. How is he so bold in asking me that, does he not know that I'm embarrassed enough.
He smiles at me before gesturing me toward the chair in front of his desk, "have a seat."
Sitting down on, I couldn't help a pick at my nails before letting out a sigh, "I'm sorry sir, what happened with Rafe was inappropriate and wrong, and I would completely understand if you've brought me here to fire me but just know that I will be really upset if you do."
I really needed to get that off my chest, I've already accepted that this is why I am here so now it won't be as bad of a blow when he says to it my face now.
The sound of Ward laughing causes my eyes to snap to met his, confused as to why he is laughing at me. Why is he laughing at me?
"You think that's why I've brought you up here?" he asked, a smile never leaving his face, "To fire you?"
"Well yeah," I reply sounding confused because I am, "Normal when your manager wants to talk you to its never good, especially when you're me."
I don't have a good track record with manager meetings.
"Well let's make things really simple," Ward starts, "I'm not your manager, I'm just a family friend who is helping you and your brother out. Does that make you less nervous?"
"A little?" I shrug, "Y'know what would help though? Telling me why I'm actually here."
Clearing his throat as he places classed hands on his desk, "You know about Midsummers right?" he asked carefully.
Midsummers is a kook event that happens, you guessed it, in the middle of summer. It's a kook thing. A party were kook families all dress up like royals and act fake around one another to make themselves look better. Everyones ponytail is too high and bow tie too tight, they are so disassociated with the rest of the Outer Banks it is unbelievable.
I've been to Midsummers once. I was 14 and Kie had invited me, claiming that she could not go another year alone. Let's just say it was the worst night of my life. Dressing up like someone I'm not and pretending like I don't live in a fish shack just off the marsh. I didn't feel right. I was treated differently because some people saw me as a kook that night. I was actually treated like a normal human being and not some dirty pogue.
Let's just say that I didn't go with Kie any other year after that. It was exhausting being around all those kooks in such a small hall, that one single night was enough to last a life time.
So yes, I did know what Midsummers was, and no, I didn't like where this conversation was going.
"The last few years Wheezie hasn't been particularly happy with the dresses that have been bought for her," Ward starts to ramble and I wanted to interrupt him because I am very aware of the fashion crisis that Ward puts Wheezie through. You would think with a step-mom like Rose and the kook princess for a sister that the poor girl would have some decent clothes, but nope.
I'm also happening to find this heartfelt conversation about wanting to make this youngest daughter happy to be quite sweet.
"And Rose is always busy with the business, Sarah doesn't really care that much and Rafe... is Rafe," He begins to list off, "And I know that this isn't what I pay you for to look after Wheezie but I-"
"Mr Cameron," I interrupt, finally having enough and decide to put the poor man out of his rambling misery, "I would love to help Wheezie find a dress for Midsummers."
Was this where I thought this conversation was going? Nope. Not in the slightest. But I'm not lying when I say that would like to help Wheezie find a dress. I mean, the poor girl has shoes that light up as she walks, and I know I'm no fashion expert, but even I know that no 14 year old girl should be wearing those.
I watch as the creases on the mans forehead fade away as I answered the question that he struggled to ask. Reaching into the side drawer at his desk, Ward places a black envelope on his desk and pushes it in my direction.
"It's an invitation, to Midsummers," he responses as I carefully pick up the envelop. '
This better not be some excuse for me to babysit Wheezie whilst him and Rose drunkenly discuss business' I thought.
"And no, it's not a pity invite for you to watch Wheezie for us," he answers like he just read my mind, "It's a thank you for looking after her and always being there for her."
I've been babysitting Wheezie since she was 10 years old and lets just say, not a lot has changed with Wheezie in those 4 years. She is still the same little smartass that knows how to play the kook system. If she wasn't a Cameron she would make a pretty sick pogue with her attitude.
Kook or not, Wheezie is almost like the little sister I never had. I only had John B and my dad growing up. I never had the female figure in my life to show me the way. I never had someone to look up to as a role model. I'm not saying that I'm the best role model having given my track record for getting into trouble, but I'm not a bad person and I take some pride in that.
Wheezie has told me before that she doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk to Rose or Sarah about her problems and when she told me this, I promised myself to alway be there for her with whatever she needed. And even something as small as buying a dress for Midsummers, I'll help her. Not as her babysitter, but as her friend.
"Thank you Ward," I smile genuinely, tapping the envelop on my knee before pushing myself up from the chair making my leave.
"Oh and Mason," he calls, "I think you should give it a shot."
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Chapter Six: FIN!
Hi again, again... long time now write. Um, obviously with season 2 being out now, I’ve been in my OBX feels again and I realised how much I actually missed writing Mason.
Is this chapter as good as I would like it to be? No, not really, but I haven't written anything in months so I'm giving myself a pass on this. 
More Mason and Pope moments because why not. Also Rafe huh, huh. I’ll stop.
Just to be clear, I will be changing parts of the show because I have some ideas that just don't really line up with the shows story but I hope you will like these changes when I get to them :) 
What did you think?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if its not the best and has a sudden ending lol. 
So yeah, see you :))
Lots of love,
Daisy <3
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