#Rafe Cameron x fem reader
babygorewhore · 6 months
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Rafe Cameron x Fem reader
Part one
Part two
After moving to the Outer banks to stay with your cousin, John B after your parents death, you catch the eye of Kooks. After being invited to one of his parties as part of a bet, you realize that Rafe Cameron has decided to make you his. Even if that means he’s going to stalk you.
W.C over 3k
Thank you so much to @take-everything-you-can and @reidsbtch for beta reading!!
Warnings! FemReader is alternative and introverted! Parental death! Bullying! Implications of stalking and flashing! Reader is slightly naive and easily manipulated at first. No use of y/n. No smut in this part but it’s definitely going to be in part two and I’m crazy. Concept inspired by @sadfury and Haunting Adeline by H.D Carlton. Events after season two but altered because I said so.
John B let you settle into your new room as you slightly grimaced. This was the last thing you ever expected, moving here away from home. But after the death of your parents, you weren’t able to live alone, you didn’t have a choice. He was the only family you had left.
You couldn’t be more different. He was used to the beach life, a Pouge as he educated you on the drive here after you arrived. He was sunshine, tan and light colored clothes. Sandals and shorts.
You on the other hand were an all black wearing, band shirts, dark makeup and tall boots that gave you at least four inches. You stood out like a sore thumb.
It was hard to adjust to the passing of your parents after the sudden car accident. It couldn’t be more cliche.
If you weren’t in your room crying, you were usually scrolling aimlessly on social media looking at your photos of them.
Shy wasn’t the exact word to describe you, introverted was a better description and you completely dreaded the next day because John B was determined to show you around and introduce you to his girlfriend and friends. You tried to smile, practicing in the mirror but it looked painfully fake.
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The weather was just as hot as John B mentioned. You were wearing a band t shirt, black shorts and he tried to convince you to wear flip flops but you kept on your converse shoes. The beach was crowded much to your distain and you desperately wished you brought an umbrella.
This part of the beach had a golf course not far away and you had never played golf a day in your life. You stuck to solitary hobbies.
“You sure you’re not gonna get too hot in that? I can buy you a swimsuit.” John B nudged you with his elbow and you shook your head.
“No, thanks. I’d rather wear something I’m comfortable in.” You forcefully smiled as you shield your eyes from the sun rays.
“So, uh. We have a library in town, a few shops nearby. We have a pretty good restaurant Kie’s parent’s own. I know you remember some-unless you want to be alone.”
“I think that’s good right now.” You confessed as you both settled your towels on a spot on the beach. The waves crashed and it was a soothing sound you didn’t expect.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful.” You nodded.
John B smiled. “I’ll take it.”
You laid down on the towel, gingerly moving off any sand that flicked onto your calves. You did bring a book you were determined to finish when John B growled. “Fucking prick.”
“Why so hostile?” You questioned, you never saw him angry. John b crossed his arms and pointed behind you.
You turned, twisting your back to see two men at the golf course. You squinted but you could tell one of them was pointing in your direction. They were both blonde, dressed in preppy light clothing while holding golf clubs. They looked rich.
“Who are they?”
“Kooks. The worst of them. That one is Topper, he’s Sarah’s ex boyfriend and the taller one is Rafe. Her insane brother who beat the shit out of me, Pope and JJ.” You scowled and turned around.
“Kooks are the…?”
“Slang for the rich people. You and I are the Pouges.”
A few minutes later, his friends joined you. They were nice, really nice and outgoing. You stayed mostly quiet, watching the interactions and the way they swam in the water. Kie stayed with you the longest, consistent in her question if you needed anything or wanted to join them. You declined each time. Needing alone time after the long trip and new environment.
You sighed, having enough of uncomfortable sun bathing and decided to get a drink. You still had some cash and it wouldn’t kill it to just buy a soda. You walked to a shack, quickly wiping off your shoes of all sand.
You started towards the counter, grateful there wasn’t a line when a a blonde male moved around and stepped in front of you. He was the same man who was pointing at you and John B. The friend of this infamous Rafe.
“Hi, you must be John B’s cousin.” You remembered his name. Topper. He stuck out his hand and you folded your arms.
“Uh, yeah. That’s me.”
“Everyone’s heard about you, John B wanted to brag and Sarah couldn’t wait to meet you.” You internally winced at the not so subtle anger in his voice.
“Right, yeah.” You told him your name and started to step around him. “I’m just here to buy a drink.”
“Oh, let me,”
“No, really I’m fine-“ You both stood at the counter.
“I insist.” Topper paid for your soda and you wanted this interaction to be over.
“I’m not trying to be rude, but is there something you wanted?” You held the bottle protectively as he smirked.
“Sorry, I’ll get to the point. But I noticed how you were talking to the gang John b is friends with. And I wanted to see if you’d let a couple of Kooks let you show you around. You’ll actually get to see the island.”
Your hackles raised immediately and he sensed it.
“Don’t worry, we’re not gonna do anything. I just wanted to be nice. If you don’t want a tour, Rafe is throwing a party tonight. I wanted to invite you.” You raised an eyebrow and scoffed.
“No offense Topper but John B told me that Kooks wanted nothing to do with Pouges and how much you both hated him. Why would you be nice to me?”
To your dismay, he stepped closer. “Just because you’re John B’s cousin doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. And you don’t seem like you want to stay on the beach all day. Come on, maybe you’ll have a good time?”
You wanted to scream hell no, but something in your chest secretly wanted to get away, get a distraction for why you left home and John B unintentionally reminded you of your loss.
“I’ll-I’ll think about it.” Tooper smiled triumphantly and quickly wrote down on a napkin his number.
“Here. I really hope you come. And I can pick you up if you want.”
You gulped the bottle of coke and made your way back to the beach. After a few more hours of roasting underneath the sun, the invitation felt more and more appealing. The air conditioning didn’t work at John B’s house even though he was trying to fix it. And would one night really be so bad to let loose with a bunch of rich kids?
When you asked John b to drive you home, he kept asking you if you’d be okay alone and you firmly said yes. You left out the information of a party and Topper as you scrambled to find something to wear. Everything you had was black. Well. At least mostly everything.
You owned a pair of sparkly, silver high heels that you got as a birthday present two years ago for your twenty first and you hadn’t gotten a chance to wear them. Biting your lip, you slipped on a black dress that was mid thigh height, ruffles at the bottom of the skirt and it was a v neck exposing your bust.
Your hair was messy from the bun it was in all day so you braided it in two. Quickly slapping on makeup, you pulled out your phone and texted Toppers number.
“Is the offer still on the table?”
He responded almost immediately. “Of course! I’ll be there in twenty”
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True to his word, he was there in twenty and you inhaled. You could do this. You could go to one party.
The ride was…okay. He talked to you about the landmarks and talked about who would be there. His friends since childhood and of course…he talked about Rafe. How great he was. How rich he was. How he took over his parents empire after his father’s death and he ran it alone. You withheld comments about being handed down rich lively hood as you kept quiet.
You dreaded if he made any advances towards you but he never did. He was ever the gentlemen when he parked in the driveway of the massive penthouse. Booming with music, you saw people dancing through the bare windows and the balcony.
You couldn’t believe you were here. John B probably wouldn’t assume you were out of your room and besides. You were a grown woman capable of your own decisions.
“Let’s go,” Topper opened the door for you and you followed him inside. It was crowded. More than any party you’d been too.
Several people turned and stared at you, you couldn’t tell if it was judgement or curiosity. You clutched your small bag where your phone was closer. You could call John B anytime, despite his probable anger.
“Can I get you a drink? I can introduce you to some people.”
“Sure, thanks.” You wanted to scream for him not to leave you alone but you stayed strong and drifted to a corner.
God, now you were having regrets as the music turned up and people started cheering. Topper was taking longer than expected and you decided to be brave. Fuck it. You moved from your place and wandered around. Your heels clicking over the wooden floors.
The kitchen was almost filled to the brim with people, several sitting on the island and girls immediately turned towards you and paused mid conversation. Topper held two cups as he talked to Kelce.
“Oh, hey! I was just about to find you.” Uneasiness settled in your chest as you took the red cup. “It’s okay. I just-.i feel a little awkward.” You whispered.
“Come on, I wanna introduce you to the man of the hour.”
You started gulping the alcohol to try and suppress your nerves as you both climbed the stairs to another lounge area with dark lights. People were doing lines, slurring from drunkenness and making out. Basically fucking as your eyes narrowed on Rafe.
Up close, he was fucking hot. Sharp jawline, blonde hair that was separated with bangs and crystal clear blue eyes that were currently focused on a girl straddling his lap.
They were tongues and teeth making you feel even more uncomfortable and another emotion hit you. You tried to shove it away, but his fitted light pants around his muscular thighs, t shirt that exposed his defined arms and large hands…thick fingers gripped her ass.
Oh god, you were fucking jealous over a man you hadn’t even talked too.
“Hey, man. Hate to interrupt, but this is the new girl.” You tried not to bite your lip and smear your lipstick as he pulled away from her.
His light eyes swept over you, pausing longer on your tits, hips and exposed legs. He gave you a nod before a small smirk slid towards Topper. “Get off,” he lifted the poor girl off and plopped her on the couch to her distain.
Your core tightened in anticipation as he drew closer. He couldn’t be more opposite. In clothes. In height. In status. He oozed power, money and sex. With a little danger.
“Mmm. Yeah. I saw you today with John B. Didn’t expect him with Tim Burton.”
You cleared your throat, offense rising but you tried to remember you were in his house and yelling at him probably wasn’t the best idea given he could crush you. You started to extend your hand but he turned.
“Hey, get your asses to the pool! Im tired of being up here!” He called out and everyone started moving quickly. His commands obeyed without question as he jerked his hand to point them downstairs.
“Oh, I don’t have a swimsuit with me-“
“You live on the beach. But you didn’t bring one, Tim Burton?” Rafe challenged, looking down at you with a hazed look. You couldn’t tell if it was dislike or anger.
Why would he invite you if he didn’t like you?
“Come on,” Topper gestured with his head for you to follow him.
The pool was lit from under the water where several half naked people were playing chicken, kissing and smoking. You didn’t exactly mind the scene but it was entirely out of your comfort zone. Your heels caught a puddle on the concrete and arms caught you.
You inhaled sharply, thinking for a second it was Rafe but you saw him sitting on a lounge chair with the same girl perched on his thigh. She was beautiful except for the death glare she was giving you. You turned around to see your savior. It was Kelce who gave you a smirk before you were launched over his shoulder.
You screamed, “What the FUCK?!” And then you saw Topper briefly before you sailed into the cold pool. The water stung your eyes as you flailed from the weight of your shoes and panic. You clasped onto the side and pulled yourself up.
Everyone was laughing. Even recording you.
Your chest burst with embarrassment, anger and utter heartbreak as you knew how stupid you were for believing this was a kind invitation.
You wiped your face as you got your bearings and black liner, lipstick and foundation smeared all over your hand. “Fucking shit.”
You went to climb up but you slipped again, causing more laughter.
You remembered your phone, oh god your phone. No, your purse was still held by Kelce. You let your anger heave you over and you crawled up, shakily standing before you yanked your heels off. Everyone was still laughing and recording but you locked eyes on Rafe himself.
He wasn’t laughing. But his eyes held a hint of amusement and the corner of his mouth was tilted up.
You wanted to run. Cry and scream. That’s exactly what they expected. Instead, you marched towards him, shoving people out of your way as you stepped in front of him and the girl.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You growled, pointing a dripping finger. “Is this your idea of some kind of joke?”
He shrugged. “It looks like I won five thousand dollars. Top didn’t think you’d actually come. I said you couldn’t resist some attention, Tim Burton.” He parted his legs further as he got comfortable.
You were seething but you were also petty. So you took the bottom of your dress, not caring if it exposed your black panties underneath around the crotch as his blue eyes immediately dipped down to the area. You flapped the skirt. Splashing water right in their faces. And when he stood up, the girl followed suit, you slapped him.
Hard but he hardly moved an inch as he chuckled darkly and took a small step forward. The water dripped from his brow and landed on the ground.
“Fuck. You.” You hissed. You turned around and flipped everyone off before he could get a chance to tell you off.
You stormed away, bursting through the house, ignoring the cat calls as you shoved open the front door. You didn’t have a car and it was late. You had ripped your purse away from Kelce and checked your phone. John B was calling you.
You answered. “Hello?”
“Oh my god, are you okay? I’ve been calling for an hour, where did you go?” He sounded worried and you winced.
“Um. Can you pick me up?”
“Yeah, of course. Where are you?” You cringed at his question but you had no choice.
“I’m at Rafe Cameron’s house.”
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To say John B was angry was an understatement as you were sitting like a scolded child in his living room. You were still soaked like a wet cat as he rummaged to find a towel.
“I can’t believe you fell for it! I told you about those assholes. You can never trust them. Why did you even go?”
“Stop talking to me like I’m a child!” You finally snapped, standing. “I made a mistake. Can we just let it go?”
“Let it go? Rafe Cameron is a monster and you were made as an example for Pouges and now he has more ammo. He’s never going to leave it alone. And you may never-“
“What? Show my face? Be accepted? Guess what, John B, I’m already fucking USED to it. And maybe I just wanted a distraction from what happened. For once, I just wanted to let loose. Obviously, I fucked up. I’m going to bed.” You ground out and moved toward your bedroom.
“Wait, I’m sorry-“ But you slammed the door and locked it.
You were too upset to even shower as you yanked off your dress, underwear and shoved on an oversized t shirt, put your hair up and flopped onto the mattress.
Now, the tears started as you looked on social media.
Somehow they found your account and tagged you in dozens of videos of the incident. Horribly mean comments underneath caused you to cry harder. You never should have gone.
You hugged your pillow, about to close your phone and throw it, when a text came through. You didn’t recognize the number but hair raised on your arm as you read the words.
“Maybe if you did more than flash your panties, I would make them take them down.”
You sat up immediately. Now this, this had to be a joke. Rafe Cameron was texting you.
“Go. Fuck yourself. And don’t text me. I’m blocking you.”
“Do you really think this is my only phone number, Tim Burton?”
Your mouth parted. He was right but you thought of another tactic.
“Fine. I’ll change mine tomorrow.”
“Good luck. I’ll find out what it is.“ You clenched your jaw. Half a mind to call and scream at him.
“Leave me alone.”
The reply came almost immediately.
“I make the rules here, princess. Not you.”
You then pressed the call button. It rang once, twice, three times. “Pick up, asshole.” You grunted.
Finally, it stopped ringing and you heard silence. “I know you’re there, douchebag. Don’t text me anymore and don’t fucking call me princess.”
“Are you still trying to have control, princess?” You had to breathe deeply so you wouldn’t wake the neighbors with your yelling.
“What are you doing, Cameron? Why are you talking to me? After what you did? After hurting me like that? Is this some sort of sick game? Well, I’m not playing it. Stay the fuck away from me, you son. Of. A. Bitch.”
“I would be very careful how you talk to me, little girl. What makes you think this wasn’t what I wanted? You. All to myself.”
Fear stilled you as you whispered, “You-you leave me alone. I don’t like you. In fact, I hate you and I hate what you did! Fuck off.” You then hung up.
You shut off the light and crawled back into bed. Your body went from boiling hot to now ice cold. You blocked his number. Quickly and you shut your eyes. Drifting into a nightmare filled sleep being tormented by Kooks. Rafe Cameron’s voice and then…you dreamed of his dark eyes trailing the outline of your pussy through your black panties.
You snapped awake at the knock of your door.
“Hey, uh…do you want to go to breakfast? If not, that’s okay. I just want to make up for what happened. I feel awful for yelling at you and this shouldn’t be your first impression.”
You were tempted to say no. Let him go alone but you were hungry. And you wanted a distraction from the event last night. Sighing, you got out of bed. “Yeah, I’ll be right out.”
You throw on a pair of black shorts and your converse. Still wearing your big shirt and ponytail. You were weary of your phone, but you forced yourself to move past your fear and you snatched it from the pillow.
Another number was on your screen but you could see part of the message. You could only squeak when you opened it.
“I hope you enjoy breakfast, baby doll. I’d hate for you to starve that pretty little body. But I want you to behave. Like a good girl. Or this will be harder for you.”
Your mouth was completely dry when you stared at the screen. Oh fuck. He was true to his word. This was another number. But how the hell would he know about this morning? You realized the reality of this situation. He had eyes and ears everywhere.
You were certainly fucked.
And not in a good way.
@scene-and-dandylover @xxhellfirebunnyxx @slvt4jamesmarch @take-everything-you-can @drewstarkeyslut @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @emsgoodthinkin @imyourdaninow @reidsbtch
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Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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nottsangel · 7 months
obx porn links vol. 2 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
warning: 18+ only. these are twitter links that contain porn videos. these are not fics.
nav. // main m.list // blurbs m.list // vol. 1 + vol. 3
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reverse cowgirl with jj outside
jj sucking and admiring your tits
dom!jj spanking you
giving boyfriend!jj a blowjob
doggystyle with best friend!jj
jj showing you how strong he is
riding roommate!jj in your room
jj fucking you while you’re wearing his shirt
helping jj relax after a long day
enemy!jj fucking you at a party
jj fucking you hard from behind
missionary with boyfriend!rafe
ghostface!rafe sneaking into your room and fucking you
dom!rafe punishing you
rafe eating you out after a stressful day
morning sex with rafe
enemy!rafe fingering and choking you
shower sex with rafe
rafe fucking you on his yacht
study sessions with best friend!rafe
rafe admiring your body
riding rafe in his truck
neighbour!rafe fucking you in his bed
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venuslore · 1 month
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⊹ being absolutely cock hungry and finally getting filled up
⊹ boyfriend!rafe spoiling you in every way
⊹ breaking in your new apartment with boyfriend!rafe
⊹ dom!rafe masturbating for you
⊹ fwb!rafe using you however way he wants
⊹ he loves to appreciate your tits
⊹ he texts you for a late night fuck
⊹ letting him fuck your mouth after a stressful day
⊹ mean!rafe ignores you all day so you make him apologise
⊹ knowing he has to ease you into it because he so big
⊹ rafe eating you out
⊹ rafe fucking you after you were being a brat
⊹ rafe teasing you until you're a whimpering mess
⊹ rafe using your pretty little holes however he wants
⊹ sending a ‘thank you’ vid with the present he got you while away
⊹ thanking rafe mid-sex because he feels too good
⊹ trying to be quiet as rafe fucks you early in the morning
⊹ when he needs you so bad he has to pull the car over
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loveharlow · 2 months
rafe cameron p. links ⌦ .。.:*♡
WARNING(S)‧₊˚  literal porn. these are porn links. if it takes you to a web page and nothing is there, press the 'open in app' button. 💋
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rafe fucking you first thing in the morning
he doesn't want to see your face 'cause he's mad
he fucks you at a house party
rafe tries to fuck you quietly while ward & rose are home
he eats you out for the first time and can't get enough
reverse cowgirl in the back of his truck
fucking in his truck in the club parking lot
he tries not to cum inside of you but fails
he gets tired of fucking with red lights on
he posts y'all fucking on his snap story
rafe loves your new back tattoo
let me know if any of these links appear broken!
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eternalbuckley · 6 months
characters: rafe, jj, sarah
warnings: 18+ only. minors dni. the following links are twitter links to porn videos, not fics. please keep that in mind. the videos contain fem / afab people.
a/n: since some of you wanted that i make a list of my current favourite porn videos… here are a few with some scenarios involved 🤓 enjoy babes!!
links are under the cut!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
navigation | masterlists
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› bestfriend!rafe fucking you from behind.
› roommate!rafe fingering you in his bed.
› enemie!rafe choking you while he pounds into you.
› rafe using a knife to scrape off wax from your body. [wax play & knife kink warning]
› riding rafes dick and him breeding you.
› rafe eating you out while you sit on his face.
› enemie!jj breeding you.
› jj fingering you.
› jj licking your nipples.
› enemie!jj fucking you from behind while you‘re handcuffed.
› giving bestfriend!jj a handjob.
› jj pounding into you while you‘re on top.
› secretgirlfriend!sarah eating you out after a stressful day.
› fucking sarah with a strap on.
› eating sarah out after a party.
› dom!sarah not letting you cum.
› rubbing bestfriend!sarahs clit.
› using a vibrator on sub!sarah. [a small whip is used a few times for spanking as well]
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cal-flakes · 3 months
drugdealer!rafe x innocent!reader who gets all sleepy when rafe smears some special sugar on her gums
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— rafe’s eyes lit up as he saw you push your way through the bodies, determined to reach him before you got swept away in the crowd of party goers. he admired the way your hips swayed as you headed in his direction, the usual sweet smile on your face.
readjusting himself, he held an arm out for you, letting you fall into his arms. yawning, you rested your head on his shoulder, not caring for the numerous kook’s surrounding the table, staring at your boyfriend expectantly. it wasn’t anything new, you both attended whatever parties came up— he’d set up shop somewhere in the house, while you roamed and danced the night away.
he sighed, noticing the familiar look on your face— the ‘i’m tired’ look, followed by an adorable little pout, just about making him cave and whisk you home.
“c’mon kid, don’t fall asleep on me alright? jus’ a little bit longer yeah?” he’d ask so politely, tilting his head to meet your big eyes peering up at him. “m’so tired rafey” you muttered into his neck, eyes fluttering closed.
“c’mere, m’gonna give you a little bit to keep you up alright? give me half an hour and m’all yours” he cooed, lifting your weight onto his lap before fumbling around in his pockets— pulling out a little baggy.
watching him through groggy eyes, he dipped a slender finger into the packet, collecting a small amount of powder before turning his gaze back to you. “open your mouth f’me doll”
doing as you were told, you locked eyes with him, noticing the tug on his upper lip as he stuck his cocaine covered finger in your mouth, smoothing it over your gums. “there y’go, y’look so pretty when y’listen to me” he hummed, carelessly pressing a kiss to your temple while his other hand pulled you into his chest.
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ervotica · 6 months
fix your head
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pairing; perv!stepbro!rafe cameron x fem!stepsister!reader
warnings; stepcest, smut 18+ only, fingering, p in v sex, somnophilia, free use kink
a/n; just been having brainrot abt stepbro!rafe so here’s a lil drabble/thot abt him! (yes i am insane)
A rough palm presses to the small of your back as the covers lift, a chill twining around your suddenly exposed skin that has goosebumps raising even in slumber. You whine, brows scrunching as lax fingers loop around his wrist and you twist further into the sheets. Your eyes open and desperately try to acclimatise to the darkness of your bedroom, but all you can decipher is a looming silhouette that begins to crawl on top of your slack body.
"Shh, shh," Rafe soothes. His breath is hot against your prickling face. "'S just me. Go back to sleep. Just g'na fix your head a little."
"Mm, okay." You settle once you realise it's only your stepbrother, eyes fluttering closed once more. His touch immediately has your pert nipples hardening, the soft sheets beneath you enough stimulation to make you squirm even in your half-asleep state.
Bruising fingers curl around your hips, lifting them until your back arches and your face smushes into the pillows beneath you; he makes light work of your panties, pushing them to the side as his big palms knead the fatty flesh of your bum.
A finger sinks into your weeping hole and you gasp, pushing back into the touch as he curls it just right to rub over your g-spot. Your gummy walls contract at the newfound pleasure and an arm flies back in seek of purchase against Rafe's wrist.
"I know, I know," he coos, slipping in another digit and picking up the pace until the delicious friction has you stifling moans into the sheets. "Keep quiet for me, kid. Wouldn't want your mom finding us, would we?"
The feeling of fullness is gone as quickly as it appeared and you're still for a few moments, features crumpling in vexation.
"Don't get bratty on me now, you little shit," he chuckles, watching as your face falls once more when he lines his mushroom head up with your drooling entrance. You garble and gasp as your cunt parts and flares around him, fluttering walls hugging him and moulding to the shape of his curved cock.
Fingers splay against the base of your neck, effectively silencing you as he starts to rock his hips; fingernails dig into the delicate flesh there and you whimper, tears tickling at your waterline as he presses you further into the pillow to keep you quiet.
"Got this pussy trained f'me, haven't I, kid? Attagirl, nice and quiet for me."
He twines an open palm into the length of your hair and tugs to reveal your blissed visage, watching with rapture as your expression changes the more he toys with you.
You squeak as he reaches down to pinch and roll your swollen clit between two fingertips, teeth baring into a growl when he clasps a merciless hand over your whining mouth.
"I told you to be fuckin' quiet, slut. Too much of a whore to take it nicely, hm? Too ungrateful?"
You shake your head vehemently, tears pooling at the base of his fingers as his thrusts pick up speed, head of his cock kissing every spot inside of you until you can't think of anything but how good he's making you feel.
He wrenches his hand free and you sag like dead weight, a punched breath of air expelling from your lungs with every cruel rut of his hips.
"There's my girl," he croons with a wicked smile, satisfied now you're fucked too dumb to do anything but drool onto the pillows beneath you. "You just, relax, kid. I'll be finished with you soon.”
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d0llfaac3 · 3 months
Warning: mdni, porn, just full 18+ warning if any of the links don’t work tell me!!
Rafe Cameron
Tatted!rafe fucking you over a counter
Cute morning sex with Rafe
Rafe eating you out
Hospital sex 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
JJ maybank
JJ taking a video of ur ass
Giving JJ a Blowjob
JJ after Rafe flirted with you
Overnight at the beach
Giving him a handjob at the beach
Potentially a part 2 coming soon 😔😔
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Being a girl is pt.2: deciding you’ve read enough fics for the moment and swiping out of the app just to re-open tumblr or open wattpad/ao3
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nottsangel · 3 months
cockwarming w rafe but he gives in before reader does?
“just sit still, a’ight? don’t wanna get you all needy f’me right away.“ rafe winks at you, holding your hips firmly to prevent you from moving, seeing who can stay still the longest. you feel so fucking tight around him— the way you’re squeezing him could make him cum instantly, but his ego forces him to put on his best poker face while his blue eyes stare at you intensely.
“you talking to yourself, pretty boy?” you taunt, making him chuckle at your confidence, accepting the challenge as he sits relaxed with you on his lap, knowing he’s going to win regardless. his hands move from your hips to behind his head as he leans backwards with the cockiest smile on his face, gazing up at you.
“i can feel you dripping down my legs, princess, making a fucking mess everywhere, shit.” rafe chuckles before slapping your ass, determined to get you to move first.
“yeah? imagine how good it would feel to thrust up into me right now, im so fucking wet for you.” you whisper the last part as you move your head closer to his ear, causing goosebumps to form all over his body as he feels your hot breath on his skin. he groans as you place soft kisses all over his neck, lightly sucking on his skin, knowing exactly where his sensitive spots are.
“i can feel you so fucking deep inside of me, rafe.” you murmur as you slowly lick from his collarbone to his ear while letting out breathy moans. “don’t… don’t say shit like that.”
he’s so close— so close to pounding into you right there and then. he gradually starts to lose control, his hands moving back to your hips, gripping the skin so firmly that it’s going to leave bruises for days. you continue teasing him, leaving love bites all over his neck and collarbone before gripping his jaw and kissing him passionately, tongues fighting for dominance as he moans into your mouth.
“fuck it.” rafe snaps, forcefully pulling you from his lap and bending you over on the couch, your head pushed into the cushions as he slips back inside of you in one quick thrust and sets an unrelenting pace right away. “i… i win.” you manage to say in between thrusts as he pounds into you, the tip of his cock continuously hitting your cervix. “yeah? we’ll see who’s winning when you can’t fucking walk tomorrow.”
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coryosbaby · 10 months
Down & Dirty
Fandom: “Outer Banks”
Pairing: mean! Rafe Cameron x fem! Pogue! Bimbo! Reader
Cw: dark themes— dubcon, angst, manipulation, nsfw . Gunplay, dumbification, mud scene, codependency, subspace, anal, breeding, daddy kink, extreme domination, size kink, predator/prey dynamics
A/N: bro I was fuckin FERAL writing this .
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Fear courses through you as Rafe Cameron’s hand covers your mouth and he drags you away towards his truck. You knew it was a bad idea to come here by yourself, but you went against your better judgement.
“I really wish you wouldn’t do that.” He calmly but scarily murmurs as you struggle. His bottom lip peeks out and his eyes are almost vacant.
You’ve always known that Rafe is somewhat of a bad person, given the torment he had always given you being Sarah’s best friend— but now, with his grip tight and mean, gun barrel pointing at your skull, you know now that something has shifted inside him — something dark and unforgiving. The hands that had once been soft on your skin, the eyes and body that had comforted you once or twice, regardless of Rafe’s violent tendencies with your pogue friends, we’re now aiming to end your life .
“Rafe, please…” You plead with him, as he yanks you by your hair.
“Rafe, please,” he mocks. “Jesus, you’re fucking pathetic. You’re lucky that I haven’t put a bullet in that pretty fucking skull yet.”
Tears well in your eyes and you kick him in his groin. It makes him groan, and he drops his grip from you. You run away from him, at a certain point having to stop and take your favorite pair of heels off. You were incredibly stupid to wear them here.
Rafe catches up to you quick. He tackles you, and with a loud sloshing sound you both land in the mud on the ground. He wrestles you down until his hands are around your neck. You gasp, trying to run away again, trying to get away from this guy you had once recognized as a form of comfort for you, but to no avail.
“You fucking bitch.” The gun has been lost somewhere beside the both of you, but that doesn’t make the boy any less threatening. “I never wanted to hurt you! You did this to your self- stop fucking squirming!”
You sob as his hands loosen a bit on you. He looks down at your supple chest, your bra now peeking out of your tank top from all of the movement.
“Even now you’re dressed like a fucking slut,” he growls. Your brows furrow. You’ve been avoiding eye contact with him, but now you meet his once again. He looks like a predator about to catch its prey.
He looks angelic, almost… a fallen angel. You breathe out, and with enough strength to pull forward, you kiss him.
You don’t know why you do it— sex is the thing that most men want from you, so maybe that’s why. As a way to plead for your life.
His tongue finds its way into your mouth for a moment, his teeth clacking against yours, but as if pulled out of a trance he rips himself away from you. Mud cakes his face and arms as he gets up to his feet.
You let out a tiny whine as he looks down at you, from frustration or fear you don’t know. Probably both. You flimsily move up on your knees, doe eyes looking up at him with a begging expression.
Rafe’s eyes dart to the other side of you, and he catches sight of the loaded gun laying in a heap on the ground. He grabs it and shoves the barrel against your skull. With one hand he wraps it around your neck and pulls you closer to him.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” He says with a disgusted tone.
You don’t say anything, just let out a little whimper. He catches sight of your tank top again— and a small smirk glazes his features.
He grabs the strings of it and rips the flimsy thing right down the middle. When it settles in what’s about to happen, a wet spot forms in your panties.
You might die right now, covered in mud and grass, but you’re fucking horny.
“I should kill you right now,” he whispers heavily against your ear. “But that’s not what you want, is it? You want me to fuck you, right here on the dirty fucking ground. Don’t you?”
You nod your head, desperate. For what, you don’t know.
He smiles, demented. And he moves the gun down to your mouth. “Just a dirty little pogue that wants to get filled with dick, right?”
“Yes… yes, sir.” You mumble. Your tongue lolls out to lick at the gun barrel. “I wan’ it..”
And that’s all the confirmation Rafe needs. He places the gun in the back of his waistband and begins to undo his belt.
“Of course you do,” he rambles. “That’s all you’ve ever fuckin’ wanted was to get dicked down by me. I always saw the way you looked at me, y’know.”
You move closer to him when he pulls his lengthy cock out of his pants. It’s heavy, thick and long, circumcised, with precum coating the tip. A vein runs down one side of it, almost throbbing.
You reach out and lick the tip of him. He tastes absolutely divine.
“‘S so pretty..” you whisper. You drag your face along it, just to feel the warm skin and lick it all up.
Rafe, bored, grabs your face and positions his cock in front of your mouth.
“Open that fucking mouth as wide as it can go.”
You obey, mouth opening to take him; he shoves his cock in as deep as it can go. He reached behind him to his waistband and the gun is back in one of his hands again. He shoves it against your head for a third time. He groans when you gag around his fat prick, and your body naturally moves forward in between his legs. Rafe takes notice and is quick to wrap his thighs around each side of your head, making sure to squeeze. It’s too much pressure on your head, and you try to move away. But Rafe slaps both sides of your blushing face and thrusts so hard that you gag.
“Don’t fucking move. You move, I’ll fuckin’ shoot you. Do you understand me?”
You can’t nod, but you cry out around him. He holds the top of your hair with his fingers and keeps you down until you can’t breathe.
But seriously, you can’t breathe— your vision goes blurry and you’re almost close to passing out. You’re too dazed to care, But thankfully Rafe doesn’t want to kill you just yet. He forces your head away. You gasp, choking and sputtering, trying to get more oxygen back into your now sore throat. He’s back on you in an instant, though, and he’s leaking so much precum and you’re drooling so much that it’s dripping out of the sides of your mouth. His balls slap against your chin; your nose presses into his pubic hair, and he smells so delicious that you almost start rutting into the filthy ground.
He pulls you off of him when he’s about to cum. You get thrown to the ground, your head hitting the soft mud and caking your face. Rafe discards the gun again, gets down on his knees behind you, and rips your skirt and underwear down your legs vigorously. Your puffy cunt is revealed to him. He tsks, running a finger through your folds.
“So wet. And shit—“ he pulls your cheeks apart, exposing your juicy pussy and tight asshole to the warm air. You clench around nothing as he spits down in between your ass cheeks. “All your little holes are so tiny. Fuck, this is gonna hurt you, sweetheart.”
“Please..” you whimper, pushing your body back against him on your hands and knees. “Need daddy’s big cock. Need it ‘s bad.”
The fact that you’re talking in third person like this should be a bit concerning. Your mind is so far gone. But Rafe doesn’t care about that— all he cares about is ripping your sloppy cunt open.
“I know you do.” He states. His tongue goes down to your asshole. He runs it along that place there, and down to the place in between your ass and pussy. His thumb moves around and lightly massages your clit. It’s the first kind of stimulation he’s given you and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” He mutters. “Maybank ever do this to you?”
He’s referring to JJ; he has, although you don’t want to admit that to him. Rafe isn’t the first cock you’ve sucked, the first guy to finger your pussy. But he’s by far the best.
It comes out low, and his fingers stop.
“Yeah? You slut yourself out to all those dirty pogues?”
When you don’t answer, his hand comes down on the fat of your ass. You sob.
“No! N-No, just JJ, I swear!”
He reaches around and slaps your pussy. It hurts, and Rafe thinks that you let out a sound like a pained little bunny. The nickname makes so much sense to him, and he’s angry as he lines himself up to your puffy entrance.
“You’re never gonna see him again.” He states. His tip sinks into you. The stretch stings, fucking hurts so bad. You’ve sucked cock but you’ve never had one inside your cunt. “You’re mine. You’ll always be mine. You dumb fucking bunny.”
And he pushes himself in, in, in, and you’ve never felt so full, so dirty, so claimed. He pushes past that thin little wall inside you, pops your cherry with his cock’s mushroomed head. When it breaks through blood coats his length; he knows because he begins to move quick after that, sees the red coated on his dick. You’re so tight and sweet and fuck— Rafe doesn’t think he can kill you anymore. He needs to be inside you forever.
“Mine.” He growls. “All mine.”
You’re laying there, having no choice but to take it. The pain feels good. Rafe grabs your wrists and pins them behind your back as he begins to pound you right there in the dirt.
Little ah ah ahs leave you as his balls slap against your clit. He shoves one of his fingers into your mouth. You can taste the grittiness of dirt and under that, his natural taste— mixed with the taste of hand soap, almost. Probably the one that sits back in the Cameron household’s second bathroom, on the counter. Or maybe it’s the body wash that he so often washes himself with; you know this because you use it sometimes. You like the way the boy smells.
“Little pussy’s squeezing me so fuckin’ tight.” He groans. “Best pussy daddy’s ever had baby, fuck.”
He’s almost a whimpering mess himself. He’s not gonna last long because of your cunt— and he intends to make the most of it.
He grabs you by your throat, has bent backwards against him as he presses a messy kiss to your mouth. It’s hungry, it’s crazy, the whole situation is. But you’re both at each other like fucking animals.
“Whose pussy is this?” He demands. You lick at his bottom lip, clench around him just right.
“Yours! ‘S all yours, daddy!”
“Yeah, that’s right.” He huffs, then he thumbs your asshole and watches as you suck him in. “Gonna fuck this tight little ass after this. Gonna take you home and take you right there on my fuckin’ staircase.”
You mewl, and you can tell that he’s close. You reach around to try and rub your own clit, but Rafe slaps your hand away. He turns you over on your back. You can see him a lot better this way, and he looks like a fucking God, pounding you so good like this. He pushes your legs over your head and slides back inside your gummy walls. He buries his face in your neck and his fingers move down to your clit. When he rubs you, it doesn’t take long before you’re cumming on him with a scream. Your cunt tightening around him makes him let out a growl, and you beg him for his load.
“Please, Rafey,” you whine out. “Please cum inside me. I need your cum in my tight little pussy.. wanna be a mommy, wanna have your baby, please please please—“
He lets out an animalistic shout, and his cock squirts warm, white cream right against your cervix. He pounds you even more at the force of his orgasm. When he comes down, he slows and breathes in your scent. The sweet strawberry perfume you wear is right against his nostrils. He pulls out of you, slow. He spreads your pussy lips apart and watches his seed drip out of your gaping pussy.
“Good girl..” he coos, oddly sweet. “Daddy’s good little cocksleeve..”
Your mind is hazy, and even here in the woods you grab his hands and grab him to pull him closer to you. He pushes you away, however, and grumbles, “Don’t. Cmon, get up.”
You comply, on shaky legs. He picks up your tank top, slips it over your head. Your skirt is practically in shreds, so he just puts your panties back on. You’re too fucked out to even care that he’s dragging you to his truck, half naked, cum dripping down your legs. You don’t care.
The ride to the Cameron residence is quiet. Rafe threw the gun in the console when he got in. You fall asleep halfway there, and he turns the radio on softly.
He looks over at you. Caked in dirt, cheeks red, scratches all over your thighs. You must’ve got them from the twigs in the mud.
Something tugs at his chest. He blames it on the adrenaline.
The house is empty; Wheezie, Rafe had sent off to a friend’s. Sarah, running around with the pogues, probably trying to find you. Rose, god knows where. His dad, dead. He does what he said he would do. He sits himself down on the staircase, pulls out his cock, already hard from the way your thighs are wet. He positions you on top of him as you look down at him tiredly. You want to be good for him, though, and let him stretch your ass out on his fingers. Afterwards you move your panties to the side, grab his cock and slide it inside your heat. You bounce on him, mouth agape as you look into his eyes. There seems to be more emotion in them now. He’s calmed.
He digs his fingernails into your hips, and he grunts when your lips find his neck and you suck a bruise onto it. He spills inside you for a second time, and then he makes you go upstairs with him. He pulls you into his bathroom, the one connected to his room, that you’ve never been in. He takes off the both of your clothes and starts a warm shower. He pulls you inside of it, takes a rag and begins scrubbing the both of you down. You lean against him as he does so, leaving kisses against his now bare chest. His fingers come down to your pussy and make you cum again, an oddly selfless act preformed by the boy. A reward because you were good, maybe? He turns the water off when you’re both squeaky clean. You don’t let him out of your grasp until he gets out of the shower and you follow him. He grabs a towel and dries your used body off with it, and then grabs another and does the same for himself. He guides you to his bed, and you crawl into it.
Your mind is still a mess. You feel alight, like you’ve been touched by god himself. But Rafe’s distance from you when he sits beside you makes you frown. It saddens you so much even, that tears well in your eyes again. Rafe can see the tears coming down your face.
“Jesus, are you fucking crying right now?”
Silence, and then a small sniffle. He scoffs.
“Need me to fuckin’ coddle you, or somethin’?”
You don’t say anything, but you do want that— you don’t know why. He had just taken you in the literal fucking mud, like a disgusting fucking animal. But his warm embrace sounds like something that can ease the headache forming in your skull.
Rafe must sense this. Because he groans, and lays himself down in the spot beside you.
“Come here.” He demands, harshly. You turn over, surprised at his words, but comply regardless. You bring your arms up around his neck and nestle in the space between his arm and torso; it’s comfortable there, it’s warm and soft. You like it. Maybe you’re losing your fucking mind.
You feel the need to thank him for his generosity— you still haven’t gotten out of that space he had forcefully thrown you into— and you need him to be proud of you, almost.
“Rafe—” you say, voice a bit hoarse.
“Did I say you could talk?”
“No..” you murmur. “‘m sorry.”
“Better be.”
He pulls the comforter over the both of you. He remembers the gold, the entire reason why this had occurred in the first place. But it can wait. Exhaustion overtakes him. After a moment a small sigh emits from him and his thumbs rub soft circles against your shoulder.
And soft, almost like an angels wings, he kisses your head with plush lips.
© 2023 bratty-lxndry444 🤏🏻 all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours !!!
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syschsc · 2 months
Ex-husband!rafe who does want to see you happy, he just loses his mind when he sees other guys trying to flirt with you.
Ex-husband!rafe who mindlessly does the little things for you when you’re all out with the baby. Opening drinks for you, opening doors, kisses your forehead, and even answers your calls in the dead of night.
Ex-husband!rafe who never misses a beat. Mentioned needing groceries…done. Want some time to yourself this weekend…he’ll take the baby. Need a new stroller…already ordered it.
Ex-husband!rafe who never crosses your boundaries, if you’re not comfortable with him doing or saying something, it won’t happen again.
Ex-husband!rafe who pays for everythinggggg. Yes he knows you work, but he just wants to support you. But he never says it like that…”it’s for the baby, why not?”
Ex-husband!rafe who will wait on you hand and foot. Even if he’s in a business meeting he’s racing to get to you as fast as possible.
Ex-husband!rafe who still takes you out to dinner, to “discuss future plans for the baby” 🤨
Ex-husband!rafe who is obviously down to hookup whenever. He hasn’t slept with anyone since you and he makes sure you know that.
Ex-husband!rafe who is super gentle and attentive. Always talking you through it. He’ll go real slow and the whole time he’s massaging your clit in a mind numbing way (ughhh😫)
Ex-husband!rafe who alwayssssssss cleans you both up afterwards, and sticks around for some sweet pillow talk.
Ex-husband!rafe who just wants to come back home. He misses his girls and would do anything for you, he just wants his family back.
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crookedteethed · 13 days
TO be a star, you must burn | r.c.
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Pairing: pornproducer!rafecameron x starlet!reader
Summary: For the price of fame, you give your body to porn producer, Rafe Cameron.
Warnings: 18+ smut ( p in v ), semi-public sex, unprotected sex, praise kink, pet names, Reader gets her body examined, fingering, cursing, Naive reader(?), filming sex, Rafe takes advantage of reader for the sake of "fame", Rafe's kinda a sleazeball/manipulative in this, hinted reader is a stripper
Word count: 2.2k
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You feel a twinge of embarrassment as you make eye contact with the woman standing in the corner of the room. You recognize her as the one who spotted you at ValleyDolls Lounge, the woman who told you, "Rafe Cameron can make you a star," while handing you a business card with just a telephone number on it. 
You notice the woman's lack of interest as Rafe's muscular hand gropes your plump left breast, and with his slender fingers, he pinches your nipple. 
Your nipple pebbles at the exposure of his pinch, and you feel your body hairs prickle up at the exposure of the ceiling fan that spins over your head. 
"You uh, you aren't a mother are you?" He asks, his hands now roaming down to your nether lips. You suck your teeth at the feeling of the cool breeze prickle your pussy as Rafe uses his thump to pull your left fold back.
"No, sir." You try to say with confidence, but ultimately, your voice comes out coaxed in a shaky fear. 
"I can tell." Rafe mutters, face inching closer and closer to your cunt. 
You resist the urge to close your legs consciously, but the option to do so has been prohibited, as Rafe's hand, the one not examining your pussy, holds a tight grip on your hitched knee. 
For a second, you look up at the spiraling ceiling and let out a long sigh to calm your bustling nerves. Looking away from the ceiling fan, cerulean eyes beam at you in interest. 
"You have a pretty pussy." Rafe boyishly smiles at you, now keeping his hands to himself.
You blush at his words as getting told you have a "Pretty Pussy" isn't something you're complimented on a daily, so naturally, you hide your blush behind the palm of your hand. 
"Would you agree?" Rafe asks, now going into the black duffle bag beside his desk. 
"Do you think you have a pretty cunt." This time, Rafe restated with a tantalizing tone, telling you you had no choice but to agree, so you nodded. 
"Good." Rafe smiles. "Not a lot of girls can say that, you're one of the lucky ones." 
From the duffle bag, Rafe pulls out a chunky camera--the kind they shoot movies with. Hence, a smile began to form on your lips. From the sight of the camera and from Rafe calling you "Lucky." 
The butterflies in your stomach went up the octave at the sight of the camera; this was going to be your big break.
Rafe calls to the woman in the corner: "Hey, Sarah, do me a favor and tell all the other girls waiting in the hall to come back tomorrow. I want to focus on Y/N today." He smirks. 
And just as the woman--Sarah--goes to do so, while turning the doorknob of Rafe's office, Rafe tells her: "Oh, and don't bother me for the next hour or so, and let everyone else know that as well." 
Though he'd been talking to Sarah, Rafe's eyes stayed on you the entire time, causing the butterflies to multiply. 
When Sarah's gone, silence takes its course as Rafe sets up his camera, facing the lens to the plush white couch on the side of Rafe's office.
The silence makes you remember that you were wholly bare and how odd it had been, so you ask Rafe if you could put your clothes back on.
"Y'know, it's not normal for pretty women like you to be ashamed of her body." 
As your eyebrows begin to curve in an upward pout, and you start to protest, Rafe tells you: 
"It's really off-putting for a guy like me." 
"W-what is that supposed to mean?" You question. 
Rafe motions his head for you to take a seat on the couch, and you do so, hopping off the edge of his desk (where you were once getting examined on), bare feet plopping on the cold tiled ground of Rafe's office. 
As you sit on the couch, Rafe stands behind the camera lens, half of his face covered by the camera.
"What I mean is: You being ashamed of being naked in front of me means you're not ready to be a star." Rafe says in a condescending tone.
"I'm am ready to be a star!" you protest. "I swear!"
You didn't tell Rafe that you could recite any type of monologue-- a soliloquy, dramatic, or operatic--but something told you this isn't what Rafe wanted to hear.
"Really?" He smirks. You nod your head as if you were a bobble head. "Prove it to me." Rafe says.
Right then, you notice the camera's red light blinks on and off, meaning he is now recording. 
"You ever fucked on camera before?" Rafe asks you.
You hadn't before, so you shake your head 'no'.
"Have you ever fucked ever, before?" He then goes to asks.
You had yet to have a long list of guys like the girls you worked with at ValleyDolls lounge, something you always felt slightly embarrassed about. 
You tell Rafe your body count: a whopping number of two.
And behind the camera, you can see Rafe beginning to smile.
"So you're not ran through." He mutters to himself, which you don't think was meant for your ears.
"I could tell your pussy was tight." He says snobbishly.
"Really? How so?" you naively ask Rafe, intrigued by his all-knowing of this without ever being inside you. 
Rafe takes this opportunity to step from behind the camera and sit beside you on the couch. 
"Open your legs for me," he tells you, and as you do so, Rafe praises you with a "Good Girl." 
Without warning, Rafe takes his pointer and middle finger, lightly tracing it down the flesh of your stomach and to your core, where he goes to plunge them inside of your cunt, but as foreseen, you're too tight, and Rafe can only get one finger in. 
"See, told you, you're too tight. I don't know how you're going to be able to take a dick inside of you." 
Your cunt burns at Rafe's impeccable intrusion, and you feel yourself let out a little mewl as Rafe teases your core by curling his finger deep inside of you. 
"Doesn't this feel good, Y/N?" 
You shyly nod, something in your mind telling you that this isn't right, but fuck, why did Rafe's one finger have to feel so good? And why did knowing you were being filmed on camera turn you on so much? 
Besides, this was for your dream of becoming a star, anyway. 
"There you go, sweetheart. Now you're starting to relax." Rafe coos as the sound of your gushy cunt accompanies the noises of your little pants and moans. 
"I'm going to add another finger." Rafe warns you. 
And as said, Rafe plunges another finger in, simultaneously stretching you out for his dick and making you feel oh, so good. 
Your gummy walls take on the shape of Rafe's thick, slender fingers as they pump in and out of you relentlessly—your muscles contract around him.
Unconsciously, you squirm and wiggle out of his grip, opening and closing your legs at Rafe's never-ending pleasurable assault. 
He gets stern with you and pry your legs open, telling you to be a "good girl." and "let the camera see your pussy." 
You open your legs a little wider, leaving more room for Rafe's fingers to sink deeper inside your cunt. 
"m'feels so good, Rafe " You whine out.
"Really, sweetheart? It feels good?" Rafe says condescendingly, and you nod pathetically.
Gathering slick from your weeping pussy, Rafe uses your juices to circle your clit with his thump. The pad of his calloused thump brings a burning sensation widespread across your entire body. 
"Y'know, Y/N." Rafe slowly says, fingers still pumping inside of you. "I'm still finding it hard to believe that you really want to be a star." 
"I do--" you wince as Rafe pushes down on your pulsating little bundle of nerves. 
"I don't know," he contemplates. I'm just still not sold." He fake thinks, "unless you can prove me otherwise..." 
As if on cue, he slowly pulls his fingers out of you. Rafe manages to peek at his fingers, covered in your arousal, before looking down into your wide, doll-like eyes.
And if it weren't for the gritty smirk on his face or the way Rafe had slightly man spread his legs a little wider and placed his hand over his clothed, hardening cock, you wouldn't have understood what he was suggesting. 
And as Rafe slowly leans you back onto the couch, he is still clothed, but his pants are pulled down just enough to release his pulsing dick; Rafe tells you as if it were scripted: "Don't be ashamed, sweetheart. How else do you think all the other women in Hollywood got their start?"
He's right, you tell yourself. 
So you slowly nodded as Rafe placed a warm kiss on your dome. Right after, you feel him grab his length and align his reddening tip towards your sobbing, wet entrance. 
It isn't long until you feel the slow-burning--the feeling of Rafe's fat cock penetrating inside of you deep; it prompted you to let out the prettiest moan Rafe had ever heard in his years as a pornographer.
You didn't know what to do with your arms, so you wrapped them around Rafe's body, bringing him closer to you, while Rafe's muscular hands placed themselves on your hips to hold you in place. 
"Fu-ck.." Rafe drags, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
"Best fucking pussy ever." 
God, it was like you were a fucking virgin again with how big Rafe's cock felt inside of you and the way your pussy tightly squeezed it as if your life depended on it. 
A wave of pleasure washed over you as his thick shaft stretched and filled every inch of you. Your body tingled with excitement and anticipation, your senses heightened by the overwhelming sensation—a rush of desire coursing through your veins, leaving you breathless and craving more.
"More." You managed to choke out as Rafe's cock penetrated your core. Stomach fluttering at each intrusion.
Your senses were overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the moment as pleasure radiated through every inch of your body. Each thrust sent waves of ecstasy coursing through you, pushing you closer to the edge of blissful release.
Dark eyes stared at your twitching face. Rafe chuckles at you because "God, who knew you were such a cock slut, taking me so well in this little tight cunt of yours." 
The lewd sounds of your passionate encounter heightened the intensity of the moment, fueling your desire and deepening your and Rafe's connection. Each moan, grunt, and slap of skin served as a powerful affirmation of your mutual pleasure, enveloping you both in a world of eroticism and ecstasy.
As your bodies moved in sync, your whispers of desire mingled with the intoxicating aroma of passion. "I've never felt anything like this before," you confessed, your voice filled with awe and longing, causing Rafe to let out a loud groan. 
"Fuck, they're going to love you." Rafe grunts, making a smile grow on your lips. "Or maybe I'll keep you for myself." He says lowly. "Use you as my personal little fuck toy, wouldn't you like that sweetheart?" 
Caught off guard, you blurted out, "I'm gonna cum," before Rafe drew closer. His face hovered just above yours, his hands moving to the back of your neck. Hot, eager breaths mingled as your lips nearly met.
At that moment, waves of pleasure surged through your body, overpowering your senses and causing your muscles to tremble uncontrollably. 
The intensity of the experience left you in a state of euphoria. Still, the awareness of your surroundings brought a mix of embarrassment and excitement, forcing you to stifle your moans and contain the raw energy that had consumed you.
And like a domino effect, after you came, shortly after Rafe came, his muscles tightened, his back arching like a drawn bow, before he suddenly released, his head falling forward as he climaxed--his milky spunk painting your walls white. 
He stayed inside you for a moment, breathless and dizzy; your eyelids fluttered as both of your minds went blank.
And after catching his breath, Rafe springs off of you. 
"Put your clothes back on." he says sternly, demeanor seeming to change from when he was just praising you about how good your pussy is. 
Suddenly, your demeanor shifted as you became overwhelmed by feelings of illness and self-disgust. 
You slowly walk to your pile of clothes at the foot of Rafe's desk. 
"Hurry up." Rafe rushes. "I don't have all day." 
As you quickly put your clothes back on, from the side of your eye, you notice Rafe take a sticky note from his desk and scribble a few words with a black pen. 
"Here," he tells you, just as you put on your clothes. "Be at this address by 7 a.m. sharp, no later. We can start your filming and make you a star." He winks.
And as you hesitantly take the sticky note, you think this isn't the type of star you want to be. 
But, on the contrary... 
As you exit Rafe's office, your mind drifts to the countless times you've fantasized about being in the spotlight and achieving fame. With this opportunity, your dream finally seems within reach - all thanks to Rafe Cameron.
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cal-flakes · 3 months
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— you mean to say, rafe cameron; the arrogant, conniving, borderline psychotic, kook prince that has everyone on the island, especially pogues, residing in fear of his next plot, scheme or even murder— has a soft spot?
and it’s a girl? a chatty, soft, smiley girl— who goes out of her way to please people, who would go to the ends of the earth for the people she loves, the one who skips around town, dressed in sweet skirts and summer dresses?
you can put your fucking money on it.
he’d stop at nothing to keep her happy, to keep that room-lighting smile on her face. — even if that meant cancelling plans the second tears fell from her glassy eyes.
rafe spun on his feet the second he heard your feet padding down the stairs, his focus on topper’s phone call dwindling by the second. and when his eyes met your tearful, bloodshot ones, he was already wracking his brains for an excuse. “shit, somethin’s come up top’ — i’ll text you later” he spoke, with little to no intention of texting topper later.
tossing his phone aside, he rushed towards you, hands snaking over your shoulders as you sobbed into his chest, pulling you into a deep hug. allowing you to cry for a moment, rafe’s brows knit together as he thought of anything and everything that could’ve possibly happened in the last fifteen minutes, when he’d last been upstairs with you.
“wha’s goin’ on doll?” he mumbled, pulling away slightly to lift your chin gently, stroking your skin as he held your jaw in his palm.
struggling to catch your breath, you frantically wiped at the flowing tears. “i— i don’t— don’t know rafe” you babbled, waving your hands vigorously in frustration.
“m’kay, alright— c’mere, hey— shh, s’okay” he cooed, leading you towards the lounge to lay you on the couch, immediately wrapping you in bundles of blankets.
“stay here alright? m’gonna get changed, n’d you can tell me about it yeah?” he hummed, stroking the tear soaked strands of hair out of your face before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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rafescurtainbangz · 2 months
Rafe Cameron
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Minor DNI
I’ve never done one of these before. Hopefully it’s not awful 🩷✨
🖤 Frat!Rafe During Rush Week
🤍 After a Swim
🖤 Pussy Drunk
🤍 Making Rafe Cum in His Boxers as Punishment
🖤 Rafe Playing with his Girl
🤍 Rafe Getting You Ready
🖤 Rafe Teasing You Both
🤍 Riding Rafe on the Couch
🖤 Teasing Sub!Rafe Part 1
🤍 Teasing Sub!Rafe Part 2
🖤 Daddy
🤍 Mirror Sex
🖤 Back Shots
🤍 Tit Job
🖤 Taking Control from the Bottom
🤍 Study Break with BF Rafe
🖤 “Just Gonna Tease You” Accidental Slip
🤍 Just Take It
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