coffeenuts · 1 year
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Rafflesia arnoldii by Arddu https://flic.kr/p/2ou4ZPL
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top-listings · 7 months
30 most rare flowers in the World
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Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of nature. Their vivid colors, unique shapes, and intoxicating scents are a source of fascination for humans all around the world. While there are thousands of flower species found in different regions of the world, some of them are incredibly rare and elusive. These flowers are rare because of various reasons like their fragile ecosystem, specific climatic conditions, and the loss of habitat. In this article, we will take a closer look at the 30 rarest flowers in the world, their unique features, and why they are so elusive.
Rare Flower # 1. Ghost Orchid
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Picture source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrophylax_lindenii#/media/File:Ghost_Orchid.jpg The Ghost Orchid, one of the rarest flowers in the world, is shrouded in mystery and has a haunting beauty that captivates everyone who lays eyes on it. This elusive flower is so rare that it was believed to be extinct for nearly 20 years until it was rediscovered in the swamps of Florida. The Ghost Orchid gets its name from its ethereal appearance, with its long, white petals resembling a ghostly apparition. It is also famously known for being the star of the bestselling book, The Orchid Thief, which was later adapted into a movie. If you ever get the chance to see the Ghost Orchid in person, consider yourself lucky as it is a rare and unforgettable experience.
Rare Flower # 2. Kadupul Flower
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Picture source: https://blog.serenataflowers.com/pollennation/kadupul-flower-expensive-flower-world/ The Kadupul flower, also known as the Queen of the Night, is one of the rarest flowers in the world, and for a good reason! This stunning flower blooms only once a year, and only at night, adding to its rarity and allure. But what makes it even more unique is that the flower dies by dawn, making it impossible to pluck or preserve. Its mesmerizing beauty and rarity have earned it a special place in Sri Lankan culture, where it is considered a symbol of purity and devotion. Legends say that anyone who sees this flower blooming is blessed with good luck and fortune. Unfortunately, the Kadupul flower is so elusive that it is nearly impossible to cultivate or even study it. But we can still admire its beauty and wonder at the mysteries of nature. It's a reminder that there is still so much left to discover and explore in this world, especially when it comes to Rare Flowers.
Rare Flower # 3. Corpse Flower
https://youtu.be/uAhY8SI_NrA The Corpse Flower, also known as Titan Arum, is not your average flower. It's one of the Rare Flowers that you definitely won't see in your neighborhood garden. This giant flower is infamous for its odor, which resembles the smell of rotting flesh. It's so strong that it can be smelled from a distance of half a mile! The Corpse Flower can grow up to 10 feet tall, making it the largest flower in the world. This rare flower is not just big and stinky, but it's also a rare sight. It only blooms once every few years and for a very short time, usually lasting only 24 to 48 hours. During this time, it attracts insects that are typically attracted to dead animals. The insects help to pollinate the flower, which then produces a large fruit that can weigh up to 100 pounds! If you're brave enough to witness this unusual flower, be prepared to wait patiently. The Corpse Flower's blooming is unpredictable, and you might have to wait years before it decides to open up. But if you do get a chance to see it, it's an unforgettable experience!
Rare Flower # 4. Middlemist Red
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Picture source: https://www.odditycentral.com/news/the-worlds-rarest-flower-only-grows-in-two-locations-around-the-world.html Middlemist Red is a rare flower that is native to China. It is considered one of the most elusive and rarest flowers in the world, with only two known surviving specimens. The plant was named after John Middlemist, a nurseryman who brought the flower to England in 1804. The Middlemist Red has a beautiful pink color and a large, full bloom. It is said to resemble a hybrid between a rose and a camellia, with a unique scent that is both sweet and spicy. Despite its rarity, the Middlemist Red has gained a cult following among flower enthusiasts, with many attempting to cultivate the flower in their gardens. If you're lucky enough to come across a Middlemist Red, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and rarity. It's not every day you get to see one of the rarest flowers in the world.
Rare Flower # 5. Youtan Poluo
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Picture source: https://www.dailysia.com/unik-dan-langka-youtan-puluo-disebut-sebagai-bunga-pembawa-keberuntungan/ Youtan Poluo, also known as the Buddha's flower. This tiny plant is so small that it can only be seen with a magnifying glass, and it's believed to have magical properties. Legend has it that this flower only blooms once every 3,000 years, and whoever sees it will have good luck and happiness for the rest of their life. Despite its small size, the Youtan Poluo has captured the imaginations of people all around the world. It's a symbol of purity and enlightenment in Buddhism, and its appearance is considered a good omen. This rare flower has become so popular that some people even sell fake Youtan Poluo seeds online! Unfortunately, due to its rarity, the Youtan Poluo is not readily available for purchase or cultivation. However, you can still admire its beauty and learn more about its history and significance. If you're lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this tiny wonder, you may just be in for a lifetime of good luck!
Rare Flower # 6. Golden Parrot’s Beak
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Picture source: https://www.gardenia.net/plant/lotus-maculatus This vibrant and striking bloom gets its name from its unique shape, which resembles a bird's beak. Its golden yellow petals are perfectly shaped like a cone, with a small opening at the end that makes it look like a beak. This flower is native to the Canary Islands, and it's incredibly rare to find in the wild. It's been estimated that there are only around 400 individual plants left, making it one of the most endangered species of Rare Flowers in the world. The Golden Parrot's Beak is not only beautiful but also has an interesting history. It was first discovered in the early 19th century by a Scottish botanist named David Don, who named it after the famous explorer and botanist, Sir Joseph Banks. If you're lucky enough to see a Golden Parrot's Beak in person, you won't be disappointed. This rare flower is a true wonder of nature, and it's no wonder why it's so sought after by plant enthusiasts.
Rare Flower # 7. Chocolate Cosmos
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Picture source: https://www.longfield-gardens.com/article/all-about-chocolate-cosmos/ The Chocolate Cosmos is a rare flower that's as sweet as its name suggests. With its deep maroon-brown color and chocolate scent, this flower is a feast for the senses. Native to Mexico, it's an endangered species that's incredibly rare and difficult to cultivate. This rarity makes it a favorite among collectors and garden enthusiasts alike. Its velvety petals and warm fragrance make it a popular addition to bouquets and floral arrangements. The Chocolate Cosmos may be rare, but its uniqueness is what makes it all the more alluring.
Rare Flower # 8. Franklin Tree Flower
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Picture source: https://www.indefenseofplants.com/blog/2019/10/2/mysterious-franklinia The Franklin Tree Flower is a rare and elusive flower that is native to the southeastern United States. This beautiful flower gets its name from Benjamin Franklin, who was an avid gardener and first identified the species. The flower has a unique shape, with small, bell-shaped petals that form a delicate pink bloom. What makes this flower so rare is its fragility - the Franklin Tree Flower is notoriously difficult to grow and cultivate, and it requires specific climatic conditions to thrive. Despite its delicate nature, the Franklin Tree Flower is a symbol of resilience and endurance. It has survived natural disasters, deforestation, and the loss of habitat, and continues to bloom in protected areas around the world. If you're lucky enough to spot this rare flower in the wild, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and significance.
Rare Flower # 9. Nepenthes Tenax
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Picture source: https://botany.one/2013/10/adapted-kill-pitcher-plant-traps-prey/https://botany.one/2013/10/adapted-kill-pitcher-plant-traps-prey/ Nepenthes Tenax, also known as the Albany Pitcher Plant, is a rare flower found only in the wilds of Western Australia. But this is no ordinary flower! It's actually a carnivorous plant that preys on insects by trapping them in its pitcher-shaped leaves. This unique flower is a sight to behold with its striking red and green colors and impressive size, with some pitchers growing up to 30 cm in length. Not only is it a fascinating plant, but it's also incredibly rare, making it a must-see for any plant enthusiast or rare flower collector. So if you ever get the chance to catch a glimpse of this incredible carnivorous plant, don't hesitate! It's a rare treat that you won't want to miss.
Rare Flower # 10. Rafflesia Arnoldii
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Picture source: https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/03/colossal-blossomhttps://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/03/colossal-blossom The Rafflesia Arnoldii is the world's largest flower, and it's a true giant in the world of botany. This rare flower is native to the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo, and it's also known as the "corpse flower" because of its pungent odor, which is similar to that of rotting flesh. This scent attracts insects that pollinate the flower, making it a crucial part of its reproductive cycle. The Rafflesia Arnoldii is incredibly rare, and it's challenging to find. It takes years for the plant to mature, and the flower only blooms for a few days before withering away. Its gigantic size can reach up to three feet in diameter, and it has a distinctive appearance, with a red and white mottled center and five fleshy petals that give it a macabre appearance. If you ever have the opportunity to see a Rafflesia Arnoldii, it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You'll be in awe of the flower's size and unique appearance, and the pungent smell will leave an impression that you won't soon forget. So keep your eyes peeled for this rare flower and prepare to be amazed!
Rare Flower # 11. Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers
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Picture source: https://www.naturpark-tiroler-lech.at/en/naturpark_entdecken/gelber-frauenschuh/https://www.naturpark-tiroler-lech.at/en/naturpark_entdecken/gelber-frauenschuh/ The Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers, also known as Cypripedium Calceolus, is a rare flower that you're unlikely to see every day. This exquisite flower is a sight to behold with its bright yellow and purple petals that form the shape of a slipper, hence the name. The Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers are found in moist, woodland areas, and bloom from late spring to early summer. This flower is one of the rarest flowers on the planet, making it an excellent find for any avid flower enthusiast or collector. As a result of its rarity, the Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers is highly protected in many countries. Attempts have been made to cultivate this beautiful flower, but its delicate nature makes it a challenging task. If you're lucky enough to spot this rare beauty, take a moment to admire its unique shape and vibrant colors. You won't be disappointed!
Rare Flower # 12. Gibraltar Campion
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Picture source: https://thekayasthajournal.wordpress.com/2018/01/28/gibraltar-campion/ The Gibraltar Campion is a Rare Flower that grows in the wild only on the sheer cliffs of the British territory of Gibraltar. This plant has adapted to its harsh environment and has become a symbol of resilience and beauty. With its delicate petals in shades of white and pink, it creates a stunning contrast against the rocky cliffs it calls home. The Gibraltar Campion is a sight to behold, and it is no surprise that it has become an iconic symbol of the region. This Rare Flower has had a tumultuous history, with its survival being threatened due to human activity and the loss of its habitat. Efforts to protect and conserve the Gibraltar Campion have been successful, and it is now listed as a critically endangered species. If you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this Rare Flower, be sure to take a moment to appreciate its beauty and the incredible journey it has been on. It is a testament to the power of nature and the importance of preserving our planet's biodiversity.
Rare Flower # 13. Parrots Beak
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Picture source: https://webneel.com/daily/17-weird-flower-parrot-beak The Parrot's Beak flower, also known as the Lotus berthelotii, is a rare and exquisite bloom that can be found in the Canary Islands. This flower's name comes from its unique shape, which resembles the beak of a parrot. With its vibrant orange-red color and intricate, curved petals, this flower is sure to catch your eye. The Parrot's Beak is a rare flower that is highly sought after by collectors and gardeners alike. It is a delicate plant that requires specific conditions to thrive, such as well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. Despite its rarity, the Parrot's Beak is relatively easy to care for and can be grown indoors or outdoors in the right conditions. Overall, the Parrot's Beak is a stunning and rare flower that is sure to add a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. Whether you're a flower enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, the Parrot's Beak is a bloom that you won't want to miss.
Rare Flower # 14. Sea Poison Tree
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Picture source: https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/28754386https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/28754386 The Sea Poison Tree is one of the most intriguing and rarest flowers in the world. Read the full article
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floradanfauna · 1 year
Padma Raksasa, Si Puspa Langka Indonesia
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Padma raksasa yang familiar dikenal dengan nama rafflesia arnoldii adalah salah satu salah dari 3 bunga nasional Indonesia. Ingin tahu lebih dekat dengan bunga raflesia ini? Kamu ada di tempat yang tepat karena kali Flora Fauna Indonesia akan membahas tuntas tentang tumbuhan satu ini dari habitat, reproduksi, konservasi sampai ciri-ciri bunga padma raksasa ini. Yuk kita kemon... Estimasi waktu baca: 7 menit Bunga padma raksasa atau Rafflesia arnoldii adalah salah satu dari 3 bunga nasional bersama dengan melati putih dan anggrek bulan. Bunga raflesia ditetapkan sebagai bunga nasional dan diberi nama puspa langka berdasarkan keppres (keputusan presiden) RI No. 4 tahun 1993 mengenai satwa dan bunga nasional. Baca selengkapnya 3 bunga nasional Indonesia. Rafflesia arnoldii merupakan bunga terbesar di Dunia hingga saat ini. Bunga raflesia sering disalah artikan dengan bunga bangkai. Meskipun keduanya sama-sama mengeluarkan bau yang tidak enak laiknya bangkai namun penyebutan "bunga bangkai" lebih merujuk ke Amorphophallus titanium yang masih satu genus dengan tanaman porang, walur dan suweg. Kami akan membahas hal ini lebih dalam di akhir artikel ini..
Kenal lebih dekal
Padma raksasa (Rafflesia arnoldii) pertama kali di hutan tropis sumatera tepatnya Sungai manna, Lubuk tapi Kabupaten Bengkulu selatan pada tahun 1818. Bunga raflesia ini ditemukan oleh Dr. Joseph Arnold ketika melakukan ekspedisi yang didanai dan di pimpin oleh Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Oleh karena itu nama Rafflesia arnoldii pun diambil dari gabungan nama keduanya. Selain itu juga nama yang disematkan pada bunga padma raksasa ini cukup banyak seperti halnya kerubut di Sumatera dan juga dalam bahasa minangkabau dikenal dengan cendawan biriang. Status konservasi bunga padma raksasa di dunia adalah flora malesiana. Status ini bisa diartikan bahwa "puspa langka" ini adalah tumbuhan langka di kawasan malesiana. Oleh sebab itu bunga raflesia menjadi lambang kelangkaan flora di dunia. Baca juga : Flora endemik Indonesia. Ciri-ciri bunga padma raksasa Meskipun termasuk tanaman vaskular namun padma raksasa tidak memiliki daun, akar bahkan klorofil. Oleh karena itu tanaman ini tidak dapat melakukan proses fotosintesis sendirian. Proses fotosintesis bunga raflesia sangat tergantung kepada tanaman inangnya yang membantu proses fotosintesisnya. Satu-satunya yang bunga ini punya adalah kelopak bunga. Bunga padma raksasa sesuai namanya dapat tumbuh hingga sangat besar sekali sehingga menjadikan bunga ini menjadi bunga terbesar di dunia. Bunga raflesia dapat tumbuh hingga diameter 100 cm dengan berat mencapai 10 kg. Bunga ini berbentuk menyerupai kubis namun berwarna merah marun sampai coklat tua dengan diameter kelopak bunga (knop) berdiameter mencapai + 30 cm yang pada umumnya berjumlah 5. Mahkota daun mengelili bagian bunga yang berbentuk seperti lubang pada bagian tengahnya. Bunga padma raksasa ini mengeluarkan bau yang tidak sedap seperti bau "bangkai", yang bertujuan untuk memancing lalat-lalat untuk membantu penyerbukannya meskipun kemungkinan terjadinya pembuahan sangat kecil sekali karena sangat jarang terjadi bunga jantan dan betina mekar pada waktu yang bersamaan. Pertumbuhan dari kuncup hingga mekar penuh membutuhkan waktu yang lama + 9 bulan tapi ketika mekar penuh hanya bertahan selama 5-7 hari sebelum akhirnya layu dan mati. Bunga padma raksasa tergolong tanaman parasit yang menyerap nutrisi dari tanaman inang (tanaman yang ditumpangi). Seperti yang pernah di katakan di awal raflesia tidaklah mempunyai akar, sebagai gantinya bunga ini mempunyai jaringan yang bernama haustorium yang dapat menyerap nutrisi dari tumbuhan inangnya. Tumbuhan inang dari bunga padma raksasa adalah tanaman dari genus tetrastigma atau juga anggur hutan. Baca juga : Buah merah, obat dari ujung timur Indonesia. Habitat
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By ma_suska - ma_suska, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1981558 Padma raksasa selama ini banyak ditemui di hutan hujan sekunder dan primer. Satu-satunya tanaman inang yang selama ini ditemui adalah tanaman dari genus tetrastigma. Tetrastigma sendiri adalah tanaman yang juga tergolong parasit. Tetrastigma seringkali dapat menyelimuti tanaman inangnya dan menghalangi cahaya masuk sedemikian rupa sehingga membuat bagian bawah tanaman akan menjadi benar-benar gelap. Tempat yang gelap seperti inilah yang sepertinya tempat yang paling disukai oleh bunga padma raksasa ini. Bunga raflesia selama ini ditemukan di tanaman inang yang hidup tanah basa, netral dan asam dan tidak jauh dari sumber air dengan ketinggian 490 - 1024 mdpl. Hampir semua spesies dari genus rafflesia hanya dapat hidup di habitat aslinya. Reproduksi Bunga padma raksasa adalah gonochoris. Gonochoris adalah individu yang hanya mempunyai 1 jenis alat kelamin saja. Sehingga tumbuhan bunga ini membutuhkan minimal dua jenis bunga yang berbeda jenis kelamin untuk sukses melakukan penyerbukan. Penyerbukan bunga puspa langka ini dibantu oleh lalat yang menghampiri bunga karena tertarik oleh bau yang dikeluarkan. Selama ini sangat sulit terjadi pembuahan karena jarang sekali bunga jantan dan betina mekar pada waktu yang bersamaan.
Saat ini status konservasi bunga Rafflesia arnoldii tidak tercatat di IUCN Red List. Tingginya laju deforestasi akibat kebakaran hutan, perubahan fungsi lahan dan pengrusakan spesies akibat ketidak pahaman masyarakat betapa pentingnya bunga ini sebagai kekayaan hayati yang kita miliki. Selain itu, ekowisata pun dianggap menjadi sumbangsih ancaman akan keberlangsungan spesies ini karena di daerah yang dikunjungi wisatawan jumlah kuncup bunga tumbuh per tahun selalu mengalami penurunan.
Perbedaan bunga padma raksasa dengan bunga bangkai raksasa
Meskipun nama bunga Rafflesia arnoldii sudah tidak asing bagi masyarakat indonesia bahkan sudah ditetapkan sebagai puspa langka dan salah satu bunga nasional Indonesia namun kenyataannya masih banyak yang masih salah kaprah mengartikan dan menyamakan bunga raflesia sebagai bunga bangkai. Sedihnya lagi, mayoritas yang salah mengartikan bunga raflesia adalah bunga bangkai adalah wisatawan lokal. Meskipun keduanya sama-sama mengeluarkan bau yang tidak sedap seperti bau bangkai namun keduanya jelas jauh berbeda. Dari taksonomi, bentuk, dan cara hidupnya pun berbeda. Untuk itu berikut ini beberapa perbedaan antara bunga bangkai dan bunga rafflesia :
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Bunga bangkai-kiri bunga raflesia-kanan (lipi.go.id) 1. Bentuk Bunga padma raksasa : Tidak mempunyai batang, sehingga cenderung melebar ke samping dengan diameter bisa mencapai 1 m. Bunga bangkai raksasa : Mempunyai batang dan cenderung menjulang tinggi. Tinggi tanaman dapat mencapai 2,5 m. 2. Nama bunga dan bahasa latinnya Bunga padma raksasa : Bahasa latin rafflesia arnoldii Bunga bangkai raksasa : Bahasa latin Amorphophallus titanium. Bunga padma raksasa (rafflesia arnoldii) adalah spesies (jenis) dari genus Rafflesia, spesies dari rafflesia ada yang sebagian besar adalah tanaman endemik sumatera dan kalimantan. Beberapa jenis bunga rafflesia adalah Rafflesia patma, Rafflesia bengkuluensis dan yang sedang kita bicarakan Rafflesia arnoldii. Sedangkan bunga bangkai raksasa (amorphophallus titanium) dari genus Amorphophallus. Sama halnya rafflesia, amorphophallus pun mempunyai beberapa jenis spesies diantaranya adalah Amorphophallus muelleri (tanaman porang), A. paeoniifolius (suweg), dan termasuk Amorphophallus titanium (bunga bangkai raksasa) 3. Cara hidup Bunga padma raksasa : hidup dengan cara parasit yang sangat tergantung tanaman inangnya karena menyerap nutrisi dari tanaman inang yang mereka tumpangi. Bunga bangkai raksasa : Bukanlah tanaman parasit, tanaman ini mempunyai umbi dan akar sehingga bisa hidup sendiri tanpa bergantung pada tanaman inang seperti laiknya bunga raflesia. Nah itulah semua hal yang perlu kamu ketahui tentang bunga padma raksasa si puspa langka kebanggaan Indonesia ini baik dari ciri-ciri, habitat, reproduksi sampai perbedaannya dengan bunga bangkai raksasa. Yuk kita jaga dan lestarikan.. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan semoga bermanfaat. + LIHAT REFERENSI en.wikpedia.org Read the full article
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wenbochenphoto · 1 year
The corpse flower at night.
#floraofsumatra #大王花 #parasiticplant #大花草 #苏门答腊植物 #rafflesiaarnoldii #corpseflower
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abyssus-aeterna · 1 year
Enneagrammatic Alchemical Symbols
Upon reading this write-up made by RafflesiaArnoldii (kendrixtermina) I was inspired to symbolically represent the Enneagram types in an alchemy-esque manner.
Centres of Intelligence & Underlying Fixations
Gut / Impulsive → Anger
Heart / Emotional → Shame
Head / Mental → Dread
Either fixation can manifest in a three-fold manner:
Exteriorised { anger / shame / dread }
Centralised { anger / shame / dread }
Interiorised { anger / shame / dread }
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Note. In hindsight, my symbols for 3 centres of intelligence are akin to how 4 congitive functions are represented in Socionics (〇 for sensation, △ for intuition, □ for thinking/logic, ∟ for feeling/ethics).
Object Relation Triads
Rejection / Transactionalist / Relationist → “Sulphuric”
Attachment / Pragmatist / Adaptive → “Saline”
Frustration / Idealist / Utopian → “Mercurial”
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Hornevian Triads
Assertive / Aggressive → “Idic”
Withdrawn → “Egoic”
Dutiful / Compliant → “Super-Egoic”
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Note. This is based on the theory of scrambling of centres. In hexad types (1/4/7 & 2/5/8), the secondary centre is in service of the primary, whilst the tertiary is (mostly) taken out of the picture; in triangle types (3/6/9), it’s their primary centre that is walled off from the secondary & tertiary centres.
Harmonic Triads
Positive Outlook / Reframing → “Sublimating”
Competency / Procedural → “Dissolving”
Reactivity / Expressing → “Præcipitating”
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Note. Out of the multitude of alchemical processes to represent the harmoning triads I have chosen the following three: sublimation, dissolution, & præcipitation. This was done on the basis of their metaphorical meanings that are in common usage but which have been ultimately derived from their respective primary (al)chemical significations.
to sublimate (← Latin sublīmō “to raise, elevate”)
(alchemy & chemistry) to change directly from the solid to the vapour state without passing through the liquid state
(psychology) to divert the expression of (an instinctual desire or impulse) from its unacceptable base or primitive form to one that is considered more positive or socially or culturally acceptable
Types 2/7/9 cope with an adverse situation by shifting away from it, reframing it into sth positive, habitually searching for silver linings, &c. Thus, they sublimate.
to præcipitate (← Latin præcipitō “throw down, hurl down, throw headlong”)
(alchemy & chemistry) to cause vapour to condense and fall or deposit; to separate a substance out of a liquid solution or suspension into solid form
(common usage) to bring about a certain condition, especially abruptly, sudddenly, and quickly; to fall headlong or act with violent or unwise speed
Types 4/6/8 have an immediate, intense, flaring response or even an outburst to an adverse situation. Thus, they præcipitate.
to dissolve (← Latin dissolvō “to loosen up, break apart”)
(alchemy & chemistry) to disintegrate into a solution by immersion into a liquid or gas
(obsolete usage) to solve; to resolve; to clear up
Types 1/3/5 tend to cope by finding rational, logical solutions. Verbs solve, dissolve, & resolve share the same root. The image that comes to mind is this: analysing the situation at hand (i.e., dissolution) and coming up with the most suitable course of action to deal therewith (i.e., (re)solution).
Constructing an overall symbol (ligature) for each Enneagram type
It is possible to construct a cumulative symbol for each type by combining their respective triadic glyphs into one ligature.
Thus, the Hornevian Triad glyphs for each type would become the base to which the rest of the glyphs would be adjoined.
Then, for hexad types, one would append the respective Object Relation Triad glyph (sulphur for 2/5/8 or mercury for 1/4/7) on top of the base; for triangle types, the salt glyph (for 3/6/9) would instead go underneath.
As for the respective Harmonic Triad glyphs, those would go below everything: the dissolution glyph (for 1/3/5) would be inverted for the purposes of visual congruity; the glyphs for sublimation (for 2/7/9) & præcipation (for 4/6/8) would be used as they are.
Instinctual variants
It is also possible to represent the dominant instinct by adding one of the following to the overall symbol for any Enneagram type:
[ * ] Self-preservation instinct
[ ** ] Sexual instinct
[ *** ] Social instinct
Note. These can be either asterisks or small dots and can be added onto any side of the main symbol. To represent all of the instincts from the dominant to the blind-spot, one can simply stack the asterisks or dots on top of each other accordingly.
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amnhnyc · 2 years
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Do you think love stinks? If so, we’ve got the perfect flower for you this #ValentinesDay: the stinking corpse lily (Rafflesia arnoldi). Not only does it smell like rotting flesh, it’s also the largest flower in the world!🌺 The pungent smell is meant to attract carrion flies, which spread its pollen from flower to flower and help this South Asian rainforest plant reproduce. The parasitic corpse flower has no stem, leaves, or roots. Instead of using energy from the Sun to make nutrients, it draws all of its nourishment from its host, a species of vine in the grape family.🪰 Photo: Neisyaranifauzia, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons #PlantFacts #StinkingCorpseLily #RafflesiaArnoldii #flowers #plants https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ-pf7RLuCt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jun00ix · 5 years
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#inktober2019 #inktober #inktober2019day14 #overgrown #rafflesiaarnoldii #rafflesia #corpselily https://www.instagram.com/p/B3n9QQpnlpy/?igshid=3pyurwbgxgvq
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bahtiar · 4 years
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Panas-panasan . . . #LinBar #PaL50 #TNBBS #LAMPUNG #LintasBarat #RhinoCamp #Tanggamus #PesisirBarat #FloraEndemik #cakrawaLa06th #RafflesiaArnoldii #JalanLintasSumatra #JalanLintasSumatera #BungaPadmaRaksasa #TamanNasionalBukitBarisanSelatan https://www.instagram.com/p/CEk_jo1hGMz/?igshid=a924epjfisph
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k-rastory · 4 years
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~Rafflesia Arnoldii~⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sticker⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ After blooming, the Rafflesia-Arnoldii flower will whiter and dead⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Visit our “rafflesia arnoldii” series on www.k-rastory/redbubble.com⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Just click on the link bio of @k.rastory main page ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Or simply go to www.k-rastory/redbubble.com and search for “rafflesia arnoldii”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Our design now aplicable on various products: pillow, tumbler, iphone case, etc.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Check it out ❤️❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #art#flower#flowerydesign#floweryart#nature#natural#design#redbubble #indonesia#rafflesiaarnoldii#sticker#stickerdesign#stickerart#flowerysticker#productdesign#homedecor#homeinterior#interiordecorating#homeimprovement#naturestickers https://www.instagram.com/p/CArX05UJPMA/?igshid=boseow33us2t
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nejoout · 7 years
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Inktober Day 11: Rafflesia arnoldii It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on earth. It has a very strong and horrible odour of decaying flesh, earning it the nickname "corpse flower". - Queen of all the parasitic organisms: the Rafflesia arnoldii affixes to the desired host tree, the Tetra stigma vine, which can be observed only in the rainforests. The Rafflesia arnoldii soaks up normal water and nutrition with the vine. The harmful bacteria don’t have any foliage, originates or real root base, and they just don’t generate chlorophyll, which means they can’t execute the entire process of the photosynthesis. As a result the odiferous aroma is the only way of its survival. - You may never heard it before, but elephants also affect the pollination of this flower and its has the name of its own. The kind of pollination with the lep of elephants is known as Elephophily. - The people of Rejang tribe who inhabit hills from Central Bengkulu, Kepahiang, Rejang Lebong, and Lebong, nicknamed the Bengkulu iconic flowers as Bokor Satan’s flowers. Others call it the Ibeun Sekedei or the Ghost Grail. This is because Rafflesia Arnoldii is believes to be Bokor betel of the forest, either in the form of mystical creatures and wild animals, such as tigers. Therefore, the people of the Rejang tribe had always been avoiding Raflesia flowers if they’re in the middle of the forest. - How many of these plants still survive is unknown, but as the remaining primary forests of Borneo and Sumatra disappear, it can be assumed that their numbers are dwindling. Many are known to be nearing extinction - #inktober #inktober2017 #flor #花 #flowerlanguage #drawing #traditional #flower #nature #art #illustration #draw #ink #instaartist #photography #photo #instalove #nejoout #rafflesiaarnoldii #corpseflower #padmaraksasa #elephophily #corpse #odour #big #parasite #myth #extinction #pollination (en Jardín Botánico de Montevideo)
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coffeenuts · 5 years
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Rafflesia arnoldii by Arddu https://flic.kr/p/2c9L7AH
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redgregor-blog · 5 years
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Look at this! The largest flower in the world😮 #inspo #junglevibes #rafflesia _________ #redgregor #rafflesiaarnoldii #shiftingjungle #tropicaljewelry #джунгли #тропическиеукрашения #серьги #стиль #la #sanfrancisco #upcycledearrings #москва #lisbon #nyc #beachessentials #saopaulo #fashionista #bijoux #bouclesdoreilles #upcycledjewelry #lookatthis https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9HRjvhLtN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19ruc5h9xberj
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indoflashlight · 6 years
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PERUSAKAN BUNGA LANGKA (RAFFLESIA ARNOLDII) DIUSUT KLHK — Beberapa bonggol bunga Rafflesia dicincang bahkan termasuk yang sudah siap mekar, bisa dilihat kondisinya terbelah-belah. Perlu diketahui semua jenis Puspa Langka Rafflesia sp merupakan flora dilindungi. . Pelaku perusakan Bunga Rafflesia dapat dijerat dengan Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi dan Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Pelestarian bunga Rafflesia sp di wilayah Bengkulu selama ini dilakukan secara sukarela oleh penggiat dan pelestari yang bergabung dalam KPPL. . Selain memetakan habitat yang tersisa akibat perambahan hutan, anggota KPPL juga berkontribusi mempromosikan keberadaan puspa langka tersebut sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata alam Bengkulu. Semoga hal serupa tidak terjadi lagi dan pelaku segera ditangkap untuk dihukum sebagaimana pasal yang berlaku. 📱Berbagi informasi bersama: @kpplbengkulu @kpplbu Cc. @kementerianlhk @siti.nurbayabakar 📍Lokasi: Kawasan Hutan Lindung Boven Lais, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, Indonesia 🇮🇩 | #indoflashlight #rafflesiaarnoldii #bungalangka #saverafflesiaarnoldii #bengkulu #indonesia (di Indonesia)
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Rafflesia arnoldii, endemic to the Sumatra rainforest in Indonesia, it’s the biggest flower in the world 🇮🇩 #rafflesiaarnoldii #flower #indonesia #sumatra @garuda.indonesia #amazingindonesia http://ift.tt/2BJUeLf
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k-rastory · 4 years
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~Rafflesia Arnoldii~ • ...clock... • • When this flower blooms, the diameter will rich around 70-110cm (2 – 3.6 ft), the height will be around 50cm (1.6 ft) & the weight will be up to 11kgs. • • Visit our “rafflesia arnoldii” series on www.redbubble/people/k-rastory • Just click on the link bio of @k.rastory main page • Our design now aplicable on various products: pillow, tumbler, iphone case, clock, etc. • • Check it out ❤️❤️ ⠀⠀ #art#flower#flowerydesign#floweryart#nature#natural#design#redbubble#indonesia#rafflesiaarnoldii#clock#floweryclock#productdesign#homedecor#decoration#interiordesign#homeimprovement#interiordecorating https://www.instagram.com/p/CAmPZsQpldu/?igshid=i5p0okmwg6r4
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