itslingering · 4 years
Can i like.. buy to access otakumole or something.
They're like my oasis that no one knows since i was in highschool. And now i've finished college and finally worked. I can actually donate or something.
Please 😔
Any discord link.
I remembered my password and username so :)
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s4su-saku · 5 years
I feel like this is a shot in the dark, but does anyone happen to have any updates on Raffmanga/Raff? They haven’t posted scans/updates on otakumole since June, and I was wondering if anyone had any information on what is hip happenin 
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claraaskilled · 6 years
Let’s have a talk.
Now, I want to read some manga. Is there anyway someone can point me in the right direction on how to get into otakumole? Like the creators blogs, raffmangas blog or email? I’ll be polite, idk if that’s how you can go about getting an account anyways? Or does someone want to like, lend me there account? You can dm, FaceTime me, call me. We can be best friends honestly if you are willing to be a true player. I’ll love you forever and send you cards and gifts for your birthday. This is not a joke or a test I’m being like, A1 steak sauce right now. Please let me know anything thx guys :).
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anesuniverse · 6 years
I really wanted an account at otakumole, I'm very sad. I wanted to read some manga that just got there.
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captain-booty-bae · 7 years
I really need to read the remaining chapters of Oresama Teacher but other manga sites dont have them. Only otakumole has it 😭😭😭 and their registration is currently disabled. How how how how. What to dooooo. What to doooooo. Can someone invite me please? Or share an account? Please pretty pretty please? I'M DYING OVER HERE. 😭😭😭😭 MY MANGAAAAAA 😭😭😭
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vaampyhr · 8 years
Anyone know how to get an Otakumole account?
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literally i will pay for an otakumole account please anybody
bro please i got shits to read!!! if anyone would be willing 2 SHARE (not give, share) their account with me i legit am ready & willing 2 paypal u & i wont touch ur info or even add anything to ur faves list if they have that im rlly just tryin read some manga GAHHHHHHHHHHH
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shoujoshare · 5 years
Hai, maybe im to late to ask u this.. But i want to register at otakumole, but that was so still unvailable why that can be like that? I waiting 5 years but still like that? Can u please teach me how to register at otakumole? Oh btw my country at indonesian
Hi! I think they still limit the people that could register at otakumole. However, I remember a few years back when raffmanga had a contest on fb where the winner could win an account at otakumole. Unfortunately, as I was searching, that was way back 2017 and their page on fb hasn't been updated since. I'm sorry I haven't really heard of any other way.
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its-naruto-universe · 5 years
Hi, just wanted to let you know that it might be better not to post images from raffmanga (or with the raffmanga logo) as it was one of the reasons why the site shut down before. Thanks.
Oh really? I will avoid doing that then :)
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linvierno · 7 years
Vampire Knight Memories 12
I read the raw on raffmanga. I can't share the pic but i can give a bit summary (fyi, my japanese is not good so o can understand a bit). My focus is Kaname only so I skip some part after that and don't know exactly what's happening. The first part is about Kaname's feeling after Ai and Ren told him the story of the past. He seems to regain his memories. His expression didn't change but he's happy with that. Then, Kaname, Ai, and Ren go to market. The situation is really warm. The people called Ai "young lady" and talk about her mother, Yuuki. It seems they know what Ai is (pureblood) because one other seller said, "Oh, Lady Ai, its been a years isn't? But you look pretty as usual." While Ai's talking to the apple seller, Ren's talking with Kaname. Kaname listen to him, but suddenly a boy who brought some stuff (box for bread, I don't know the name) bumped Kaname. Kaname caught it so it's not fell (and I think Ren amused with Kaname's reflect). Then Kaname helped the boy to deliver the rest while Ren is looking at him. After Ai's done (she bought a sack of apple), she called Kaname and Ren. Kaname look at everyone and another monologue (i don't understand , but the last part is like he's asking Yuuki). After that the scene is back to the old times. Still in the same timeline as before. Hanabusa finally found a way to cure, but still not complete. Then when he's alone, he remembered Sayori and talked to her in his mind. He's a bit desperate over something (I don't know exatly), then Zero showed up. They talked and Hanabusa gave him an advice. Seems like it's about taking care of himself and remember that their time is limited. The scene changed to Yuuki, Ruka, and Rima. The meet in cafe but in the way home, there's am explosion. I don't understand what's happening but there's Cain and Ruka runs to him and hug him. After that, In her room, Yuuki told zero what happened. She hold zero and asked to stay still. They slept, but only Zero did. Yuuki make a move. She kissed Zero and gave him blood or bit his lips, I don't know but there's blood while she kissed him. And Zero is holding her hand. And.... To be continue. --------- My comment: Hanabusa becomes so lonely, delusional, and desperate without Sayori. I hope he won't take the same path as Kaname. Yuuki and Zero are having a progress. I really wished Zero didn't waste any time. Yuuki is already make a move, he doesn't have to hesitate anymore. Oh, I'm really happy seeing Ai's so happy. I really want Ren accepts Kaname too and smiles like his sister to Kaname.
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madame-petit-blog · 7 years
helloooo! I am in love with your blog 😍. I recently finished reading madame petit on mangafox, which currently has 20 chapters out. I want to know what happened next ( TДT). Please can you tell me what happens or do you have any translations you can show us pitiful creatures who want nothing more than to see neelam and mariko together? Raffmanga won't let anyone register so please please (╥﹏╥)
Guuuurl I understand your suffering lmao 😂, i’ll try to summarize what happened after chapter 20. spoiler alert! 🚨 oh and sorry for bad grammar english is not my first language.
Basically, Mariko tried to prevent Neelam’s murder intent. However she ended up getting shot and injured. Neelam feeling very guilty, so he told mariko about his past and his relationship with padma. Neelam and padma have different mother. The king (their father) has 7/8 wives. Padma’s mother is the first queen named Khrisna. Neelam’s mother is the second queen named Maya. Khrisna is a evil queen, she don’t like how padma is so close to neelam and queen maya. A lot of drama happens, but things went bad after padma’s arranged marriage. Turned out queen khrisna tried to control padma by giving him opium. Padma tried to kill queen khrisna, and obv it didnt work out very well. Padma mistook queen maya as queen khrisna (prob due to opium or queen khrisna’s trap). He ran away from india. Back to the present, neelam started to realize his feeling towards mariko (cute stuff happens cant wait till you can see it 💕). And then mariko got kidnapped by bad guys. Neelam and padma team up to save her. Padma told Neelam about queen khrisna’s evil plan, he apologized about queen maya accident. Neelam and padma make up and they decide to tell the king about queen khrisna’s plan. However padma need 6 months (or a year? I forgot srry) for therapies, so they decide to meet up in india after 6 months. Neelam confess his feeling to mariko, but mariko dont realize her feeling yet. Before going to India, neelam and mariko went to diplomat’s house (remember the diplomat couple in the train??? Yah they meet with them again, and the siblings from the train also present, and edward). And in front of everyone Neelam said that he is planning to make mariko his wife. Mariko getting all confused dont know how to respond. She told neelam that she didnt come to india to join his harem. Its seems theres a misunderstanding between them, Neelam told her that she wont go to india, she will be staying in england. Obv mariko tried to follow neelam secretly, and she got found out. I dont really want to spoil a very good moments but mariko realize that she loves neelam, and confess her feeling to neelam (and its really cute i swear you gonna scream when you see it). And the current chapter is neelam and mariko adventure in india. 🇮🇳
Sorry if its too long! If you want to know more try to search madame petit raw on google!
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hnr-network · 7 years
Have you invitation link from otakumole or raffmanga? Or have you extra chapter hirunaka no ryuusei (english translete)? untill now i can't read it yet. But i just have any spoiler then, it make me bacame very curious about the ending of hirunaka no ryuusei😯. Please, i really like manga hirunaka no ryuusei😊
I am very sorry for the late reply. I don’t even know how late this is. I’ve been inactive on tumblr for months, actually, years now. 
As to answer your question (please do bear in mind that I am very embarrassed as I answer you due to my tardiness) you can read Hirunaka no Ryuusei on Otakumole just by making an account on it. You can also read the latest work by Yamamori Mika, Tsubaki-Chou Lonely Planet.
I will insert the links here, you can check them out.
1. To Read Hirunaka no Ryuusei
2. To Read Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
Lastly, you only need to make an account on the repository site in order to access the aforementioned mangas.
I apologize for being so late again but I hope you can ignore and enjoy.
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sd1d-enthusiast · 8 years
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hyuge · 8 years
hi! can you lend me your otakumole/raffmanga account? i found you on tumblr search, and i'd b willing to pay you through paypal and add you on facebook for legitimacy!
I’m sorry, but I don’t really feel comfortable doing that.
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vaampyhr · 8 years
When you get an invite code for Otakumole... But registration by invite is disabled ;-;
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shoujoshare · 8 years
Do you know a way to create an account for otaku mole or an account that people can use
Hello there! We all know this.. registration in otakumole is still unavailable. This, I do not know the reason. But last year, I heard raffmanga was giving away account for otakumole in a contest on their page in facebook. I actually got one, and gave it to a friend. Hopefully, they'll have another contest like that so everyone could get their account in otakumole.P.S. Just search raffmanga on facebook and you'll find their page.
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