#madame petit spoiler
anggloria · 10 months
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Disponible sur TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeRFAbkM/
Durée : 00:04:36
Histoire écrite:
Chioma a discrètement lu les messages entre Uber Eats et Travis. Sous le choc elle ne sait pas quoi faire donc elle décide de ne pas réagir directement par peur d’être frappée une deuxième fois par Travis.
Le lendemain arrive et la nuit a porté conseil a Chioma: elle décide d’attendre Loree pour tout lui expliquer et de faire comme si de rien était avec Travis. Elle lui prepare un bon petit déjeuné avant qu’il aille travailler afin qu’il ne soupçonne aucun comportement étrange venant de Chioma.
Dès qu’il est sorti de la maison, Chioma appelle directement Loree pour TOUT lui expliquer. Furieuse et intelligente, Loree lui dit qu’il faut trouver qui pourrait être Uber Eats. Ni Instagram ni Facebook n’ont aidé… « Il faut fouiller ses mails! » dit Loree. Chioma fouille dans ses mails et y trouve une ancienne réservation dans un hôtel. Dans le mail il y a écrit:
« Nous vous remercions pour votre réservation, Monsieur TRAVIS et Madame BECKY »
Elle s’appelle donc Becky …
En voyant a quel point Chioma est dévastée, Loree lui propose de prendre de l’air et de faire un tour au centre commercial, puis d’aller au coffee shop boire un cappuccino.
Au coffee shop, un homme plutôt séduisant regarde Chioma avec insistance. Il est beau mais Chioma ne le calcule pas plus que ca. Quand Loree et Chioma sont assis a leurs table, elles discutent de leurs découverte. Loree a l’excellente idée d’aller suivre Travis dès qu’il part faire son jogging.
(dans l’episode 2 Chioma doutait d’ou Travis était réellement allé même si il prétendait être aller faire son jogging)
Même si Chioma a peur de se qui pourrait se passer, elle accepte de le suivre le jour ou il fera son jogging.
2j plus tard…
Nathan, le meilleur ami de Travis, rend visite a Travis et Chioma. Ils se comportent comme des enfants malgré leur âge mais cela fait plaisir a Chioma d’avoir de la visite. La journée se passe très bien et après le départ de Nathan, le moment tant attendu arrive… Travis se prépare pour faire son jogging!
Chioma tente de lui tirer les vers du nez mais Travis ne donne aucune réponse, just un petit bisous sur la joue et… il est parti.
Chioma se précipite sur iMessage pour prévenir Loree:
Chioma: ca y est… je crois qu’il part voir Becky…
Loree: on continue mon plan?
Chioma: pas le choix…
Loree: ma belle courage, tu mérites beaucoup mieux! Prépare toi, on y va!!!!
Quelque minutes plus tard…
Chioma et Loree sont cachées derrière un buisson et ont Travis en vue. Il entre dans une petite maison…
Les filles vont devant la fenêtre de la maisonnette et Loree se précipite de prendre son iPhone pour tout filmer. Ce qu’elles y voient est choquant…
Travis qui embrasse… Becky.
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sapphim · 10 months
Welcome to Does Varric Know Their Name? Part 1: Aveline, Bethany, and Carver edition.
Or, all the dialogue in DA2 in which Varric refers to Hawke's companions; by name, nickname, or otherwise. For reasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 2: Isabela, Merrill, and Tallis Part 3: Anders, Fenris, and Sebastian
(To preface, Aveline was actually kind of difficult, because despite never giving her a nickname, he doesn't actually refer to her by name as often as one may expect? Certainly significantly less than he does (spoilers!) Isabela. As far as I can tell, he largely abstains from getting cheeky about it when it comes to referring to her. I've scraped together what I found but if you notice I've missed anything, please let me know and I'll add it.)
Combat barks
Varric: Holy mother of green cheeses! How'd they take that woman down?
Act 1 (Banter)
Varric: So what do you do, Aveline? Aveline: You know I'm a guard, why are you asking? Varric: I mean in your off-duty hours. For fun. You've heard of it, I hope? Aveline: These are my off-duty hours. Varric: And the trend of you scaring the piss out of me continues.
Act 1 (The Way It Should Be)
Aveline: Varric, no. Varric: You're the captain, or you will be. It'll be easy. Aveline: I'm not petitioning the viscount to help you steal ownership of the Hanged Man. Varric: Steal? Madam, you wound me. Aveline: I'm about to.
Act 2 (Banter)
Aveline: Blondie, Sunshine, Daisy, Rivaini… what am I? Varric: Beg your pardon? Aveline: You don't call anyone by name except for me. Where's my nickname? Varric: That's not true. There's Hawke. And Bianca. Aveline: Hawke is a family name and Bianca is a crossbow. Don't change the subject. Varric: Haven't thought of a good one yet. What do you think of "Red"? Aveline: Too common. Varric: Well, when you think of one, let me know.
Act 3 (Banter)
Aveline: Why are you still here, Varric? Varric: Starkhaven's too pretentious for me and Cumberland's too boring. Aveline: You always say you hate commitment, but here you are, six years later, still at Hawke's side. Varric: Aveline, I thought you'd have noticed by now: I lie a lot. Aveline: Strange, I always thought I'd wind up arresting you some day. Varric: If I ever decide to get caught, Aveline, you'll be the guard I let catch me. Aveline: How are you at finales, Varric? Varric: I'm expecting some practical experience fairly soon. Aveline: Make it a good one, will you? Varric: For you, madam, endless sunsets and roses.
Act 3 Climax (Banter)
Merrill: How do you do it, living in this city without picking a side? Doesn't it matter to you? Varric: Of course it does. That's why I don't take sides. Merrill: That doesn't make any sense. Varric: I’ve got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela.
Legacy DLC (Ambients)
Varric: Why does it always have to be so complicated? Varric: Can't Aveline just bash through the wall? Aveline: Very funny, Varric.
Combat barks
Varric: Hang on, Junior, help's on the way!
Act 1 (Banter)
Varric: You know, Junior, it's eerie how much resemblance there is between you two. Carver: We're brothers. What's eerie about that? Varric: Oh, you thought I meant Hawke? I was talking about Gamlen. Carver: Maker, I hate you, dwarf. Varric: You know, Junior, you're looking at this all wrong. Carver: Whatever it is you're about to say, I'm not interested. Varric: I'm a professional younger brother. Trust me, the center of attention's the worst place to be. Carver: Varric. Varric: Carver. Carver: Still think you're helping while burying us in debt to your brother? Varric: Still riding side-saddle while bitching at your betters?
Act 2 (Ambients)
Varric: Hawke, about Junior… Maker, I'm sorry. Bartrand will pay for this, I swear.
Act 2 (Plans for the Future)
Hawke: No plans yet. I'm simply trying to look out for my mother. Varric: I suppose after the whole business with Carver, it's a good idea to hang on to what you've got.
Act 2 (Family Matter)
Varric: Carver would still be here if it weren't for Bartrand. Varric: He has to answer for that. I have to set this right… as much as that's possible. Varric: I should thank you for your help with my brother. Varric: He deserved to die after what happened to Carver, but… I couldn't have gone through with that on my own.
Legacy DLC (Introduction)
Carver: Yes, it's all a big joke. Typical. Varric: Oh, don't get your knickers in a knot, Junior.
Legacy DLC (Banter)
Varric: What's the matter, Junior? Three assassination attempts! You're the center of attention! I thought you'd be happier. Carver: To lure my sister into a trap! Not for me! Varric: It's a start! Keep at it, and pretty soon, you'll get some thugs of your very own. Varric: You've been away too long, Junior. Carver: Running short of fodder for your stories? Varric: Do you know another lovable lug with more sword than sense? Carver: With passion’d breath comes darkness, but with many against Her, She finds His Light untiring as it parts the Veil. Isabela: Not sure if I'm aroused or scared. I like it. Varric: Junior took down the Rivaini? Who’s telling this story?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Carver: How do you put up with Bartrand? He's the most arrogant horse's ass I've ever met. Varric: It's not that hard, Junior. He's my brother. Carver: Don't start with that "unconditional love" rubbish. Varric: Forget family ties: I have blackmail material forever. At any point, I can launch into the story of how he peed himself at a grand ball.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Rescue)
Carver: Go ahead. I know you're thinking it, dwarf. Varric: What? What did I do now? Carver: "Your sister wouldn't have gotten lost! She'd have us all back at the tavern by now!" Varric: Actually, I was thinking, "All these hallways look alike." But sure, knock yourself out, Junior. Carver: So, we're lost. Varric: Just like old times. Carver: Maker, I hope not. I was an ass. Varric: (Laughs.) Fair comment, Junior. All right, let's get this done.
Varric: The Grey Wardens left Kirkwall. It was months before we learned Carver survived. Varric: Carver joined the templars, just as he said he would. He didn't turn in the Champion, at least. Varric: I felt responsible for Carver's death. He was a good lad, and met a bad end.
Act 1 (Introduction)
Hawke: You must have heard of my sister as well, then. Varric: Only a little. She is certainly welcome to come, but I'll leave that up to you. Bethany: Frankly, I'd rather you take the credit. Varric: Madam! Your secrets are safe with me.
Combat barks
Varric: Hold on, Sunshine, I'm coming!
Act 1 (Banter)
Bethany: Are you really not afraid of apostates? Not even a little? Varric: Sunshine, I'm a dwarf, in case you missed that detail. Bethany: Dwarves aren't completely immune to magic, you know. Varric: No, no, no! I meant there are at least thirty people in this town who'd murder my family over trade deals. Varric: So… Milady Sunshine, what's your first act as a noblewoman going to be? Bethany: A noblewoman with no fortune and no title? Looking for work, probably. Varric: Practicality is for peasants, my lady. You need to do something frivolous to celebrate your birthright. Bethany: Such as…? Varric: Come up to the Hightown Market and complain bitterly that there's no Orlesian silk that matches your eyes. Bethany: But what if something does match my eyes? What will I do, then? Varric: Insist that they're blatantly copying you, and demand royalties. A good noble always has a complaint ready, Sunshine.
Act 1 (Deep Roads Expedition)
Bethany: I'm not going to last until the surface. It's coming on faster. Varric: We're in the middle of nowhere. There's no way… oh, Sunshine…
Act 2 (Ambients)
Varric: Poor Sunshine… Bartrand will pay for her death, I promise you.
Act 2 (Plans for the Future)
Hawke: No plans yet. I'm simply trying to look out for my mother. Varric: After everything that happened with Bethany, that's probably good thinking.
Act 2 (Family Matter)
Varric: If it weren't for Bartrand, Bethany would still be here. Varric: He has to answer for that. I have to set this right… as much as that's possible. Varric: I should thank you for your help with my brother. Varric: He deserved it after what happened to Bethany, but... I couldn't have gone through with that on my own.
Legacy DLC (Introduction)
Bethany: I can't believe you two are joking about this. Varric: Don't worry, Sunshine. The laughter just hides the pain. Bethany: So we're just going to walk in, start cutting off heads? Varric: Don't worry, Sunshine. The bloodstains come out.
Legacy DLC (Banter)
Varric: Sunshine? What's wrong? Not feeling well? Bethany: I'm fine, Varric. Just… I expected… templars, or blackmail. I never thought our home would come under attack. Varric: Good. Keep thinking that way. It's got to be nice to think of someplace as safe. Varric: You're not looking so sunny, Sunshine. Bethany: It's not how I wanted to come back. If I did at all. Varric: Now, maybe the old place didn't roll out the welcome, but it's still home, right? Varric: Good to be out and about, Sunshine? Bethany: It's exciting, I'll say that. How much does someone want me dead to attack me in the Gallows? Varric: A Hawke attracting obsessives with a poor grasp of consequence? Color me stunned.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Varric: What's the matter, Sunshine? Thought you'd be enjoying the whole "fancy Orlesian estate" thing more. Bethany: I used to want this, you know? Varric: Still do. I can tell.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Rescue)
Bethany: Aren't dwarves supposed to have some sort of "stone sense?" Varric: What good is that? Most of the chateau is stone. Knowing where the floor's at isn't going to help us. Bethany: Can't you… I don't know… always find your way around in… caves or something? Varric: Sunshine, all the caves we go to look exactly the same to me. Bethany: Keep up, Varric. I'm sure we're almost there. Varric: You've certainly quickened your stride in the last few years. Bethany: Too much to learn, or, you know, rescue. Varric: There's my Sunshine. Let's go!
Varric: The Grey Wardens left Kirkwall. It was months before we learned Bethany survived. Varric: Bethany was in the Circle, now. There was nothing we could do for her, poor girl. Varric: I felt responsible for Bethany's death. She was a good girl, and met a bad end.
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rize-said-so · 1 year
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Madam Petit Review (Spoiler Free)
If I said this was perfect, you probably wouldn't believe me. But to me this is perfect.
I love the mix of different cultures in this manga. From Japanese, American, French, Indian and I know I'm forgetting a few. Sorry, I read this months ago and my memory is not perfect. And I don't want to say too much. But the way Mariko tries to navigate through other cultures while she is deeply rooted in Japanese etiquette is something to see. It didn't trample over other cultures. At least not that I noticed.
I was about to drop because at the start of the chapter, Mariko was married to her dad's friend. And there were a lot of age-gap mangas that were on my bingo card that I didn't notice. Anyway, then it mentioned the Orient Express and only murder happens on the Orient Express. (Sorry not sorry but I'm an Agatha Christie fan) And I was hoping it was the husband.
And... NO SPOILERS. I promised but damn I want to say it aloud.
Anyway, Mariko's adventures from Paris to India rooted deep in me and I didn't want to let go of the characters and the story. The people she meets from a heiress turned actress to a lesbian protector to an Indian Princess were something completely new to me or in any manga I've ever read.
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Mariko was not the perfect lead but she was the lead needed in the story. She had to involve herself. If she didn't shit things happened. So I don't care what others say. She cared about people and that was important to me.
Then there was Niram. I love his patience toward her. Their teasing. The way he protects her, respects her decisions and Well, just go find out for yourself.
I know there were a lot of complaints about how some characters just appeared and disappeared. But that was not such a big deal. Their part in the story was done, there was no need to hear from them. However, I did wish to see more of the Orient Express people (love the women there who just gathered to glare and hate on men) Love how women here just love and protect each other. Women here do as women do. They were on each other's side and never brought each other down. Women protected lesbians and children and other women you gotta love to see it. And the husband... I saw some comments wanting to see some explanation and I don't think it was necessary to hear from him, to be honest. His story was done. He had his romance and I didn't need for him to return and bring back some words to Mariko.
I'm planning to reread this when I'm done with my current manga bingo.
Anyway, trust me and read it.
If I was going to choose, I rather see a live-action adaptation of this.
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r7-b7 · 3 months
White Man fantasy authors that just really aren't all that worth the hype
In my personal opinion
Now that we can say (without extreme fear of death threats) Neil Gaiman's work has always had an undertone of misogyny, racism and creep--
Let's talk Lev Grossman!
The Magicians (spoilers ahead) was the first fiction book I had picked up in a couple years and I regret it everyday. Quieten is insufferable and what the fuck was the entirety of Alice's character and story? Why the fuck did I waste 17 hours of my life listening to an audiobook about a white boy complaining and fucking his girl and hearing his girl get fucked then she just dies for plot. Her entire character revolved around her brother or her boyfriend. She was so much more than that.
Back to Neil Gaiman: The next book I read after The Magicians was American Gods. Just...yikes to that book. Also, the way Anathema was described in the Good Omens book.. And just Stardust in its entirety... Growing up I watched that movie dozens of times and read it once--it wasn't lost on me that there weren't many non-scorned, non-sexualized, non-abusive or abused, or unfucked ALIVE femme characters in his work. Bilqius, Laura Moon, Yvaine, Anathema, Nina, Madam Tracy, War as seen in this annotation below.
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Image Description: a screen shot of the Good Omens Kindle E-Book page 111 with the highlighted passage: "Is bloddy important strategically, Ferando Chianti! I drew big map of the island and is right in the middle, which makes it pretty bloddy strategically important, I can tell you." "Ha!" said Fernando. "You might as well say that just because Little Diego's house has a view of the decedant capitalist topless private beach that it's strategically important!" The pianist blushed a deep red. "Our lot got that this morning," he admitted. There was a silence. In the silence was a faint, silken rasping. Red had uncrossed her legs.
The passage is followed by the annotation saying "wtf is this even"
End of image description.
Alright hold on, this one isn't going to be taken well....
George Lucas, Dave Filoni, John Favreau, Stan Lee.
It's just their own fanfiction with no growth. It's the same parallel for the 150th time with a white male protagonist, a petite love interest, a best friend who is either a droid, an animal, or a token poc. The femme characters---good lord. Same with Grossman and Gaiman, nearly impossible to find one non-scorned, non-sexualized, non-abusive or abused, or unfucked ALIVE femme character. Shmi, Padme, Satine, Barris, Ventress, Yadle, Steela Gerrera, Mary Jane, Pepper, Rogue, Mystique, the list can go on.
Their man characters usually always harm loads of people and especially the femme characters closest to them before they can stop and think about their actions. Why reinforce that harmful trope?
The male violence apologist godfathers. Child slaughterer? He's the chosen one, he's misguided and most of the franchise is dedicated to him. War profiteer and creator and seller of weapons as well as responsible for so much innocent death and egregious property damage? Hot playboy with the best lines who most of the franchise was dedicated to.
Their stories are just So White™. It's just White Knight™ over and over again. The Western bs always gave me such an ick.
I remember being 10 and being like "wow Iron Man is actually really racist..." They really pushed that Islamophobic narrative hard.
Also, George Lucas telling Carrie Fischer "there's no underwear in space" so she doesn't wear a bra in A New Hope? Gross. That's not just "something from another time.. it's was the 70s!" -- no it was gross then when she was 19 and it's gross now.
So yeah I put them all together in one because they are in the same vein of misogynistic white men who get away with their racist microgressions because they built and extended an ultra popular fantasy world with a theme park.
These dudes just thought up a fantasy world, we can all still take what we want and leave the rest. We don't have to be grateful to them or like their work to run with our own creativity with their characters/places/things. We are also very much allowed and should to think critically and critique work, especially when it reinforces harmful tropes or is just plain shit but somehow gets turned into a multimedia affair. But again, we can still enjoy fantasy and take what we want and leave the rest.
There's so much more for each of them and more authors but who has the time of the patience anymore. I don't. Not for this post.
I like to think fan fic writers and artists liberate our beloved characters from them so they can live the lives they deserve. So thank you fic writers and fan artists. You create the world we wish to see.
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shukei-jiwa · 5 months
OC Interaction Tag!
Hehe, thank you @leahnardo-da-veggie for tagging me! I don't know if i should reblog or make a new post.
Her OC :
Luna's a young woman (aged 23) who just so happens to be a mind mage and former cult leader. She's fairly pretty, petite with red locks and green eyes, but her magic, which she uses on everything, obscures all that. Anyone who can get a glimpse past her powers would find her to be your high-school mean girl who never grew up - book-dumb, lazy and cruel with a charming veneer. Even that's just a result of her upbringing, however. Being hunted by the magical police meant she never had a chance to experience a normal adolescence, and her abrasive nature is the result of a distrust of everyone and insecurity. Having an army of thralls to do her bidding since she was 12 did no favours for her life skills, so she can't cook, drive, or even use basic technology.
My OC :
Go Gum I, a 25 years old woman who's been away from home since 19. Her hometown tradition forbid her to go home, unless she come with a husband-to-be. She's an apprentice teacher (ups spoiler) and also an elder sister to Go Min U. She have a lot of nickname start from Gumi, Miss Go, Madam Gum (yikes another spoilers) and Kokeshi, since her brown bob hair looks like it. She also have a normal black eye and a pale yellow skin. Do 158 cm count as petite? Her past is... mysterious, people who knows her will never know her past unless her brother spill it out. ANYWAY, she always had this dream of meeting someone with his face covered with mist. And she believe that it is a sign of her soulmate.
Their Interaction :
Since Gum is a teacher, and older than Luna. I think Gum might able to teach her stuff, especially cooking because Gum teachs--- ehem no spoiler heheh. Because Luna got hunted by the magical police, i'm sure together! They will rarely have a peaceful moment. Except if the troublemaker, Minu, is not around. Minu don't like to be alone.
Yikes!! That's all, i'm really afraid that i might spill something just like her brother, btw it's really fun! So challenging!
Who should i tag...? I don't have much but i'll tag @shockingly-green-chicken , and of course anyone who like to play.
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honey-stick · 2 years
every so often i realize how much racism has taken a toll on me mentally. i started reading the madame petit manga (no spoilers, im on ch 3) and the main love interest rn is an indian guy, and he's not drawn as disgusting, but as someone so handsome & desirable.
like! look at him!
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he's so dreamy and hot! he looks just like me!
i just have so many feelings bubbling up. he's handsome and looks like me. i can really be seen as beautiful by others? i'm not disgusting for having brown skin? im desirable? my indian features are handsome? traditional clothing doesn't make me weird and ugly? white people have seen themselves as pretty and attractive and desirable all this time?
i've been missing this, i never knew i could be pretty & desired. i know there are many people who have told me im hot and have flirted with me. but it's different here. i havent fully realized im wanted & hot till seeing it reflected back at me.
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 1 year
C’est la question à 1 million.
• Une préface signée Anne-Lise Rousset Séguret. Assez logique avec la salade de cailloux en couverture.
• ENVERS ET COINTRE TOUT : un grand papier pour un petit gars avec un cœur gros comme ça. Cyril Cointre a vécu des millions de trucs et nous raconte tout.
• LA LIBERTÉ AU BOUT DES PIEDS : certains détenus ont eu le droit de courir le Grand Raid de La Réunion. Enquête sur un programme qui redonne goût à la vie.
• GESTE TECHNIQUE : les 10 commandements pour réaliser une belle entorse de la cheville.
• METS LA COCO ET ON DÉMARRE : Corinne Favre n’a pas sa langue dans sa poche et tant mieux, c’est terriblement rafraîchissant.
• CLASHER DANS LA SOUPE : l’article coup de poing, celui qui fait bobo à son ego.
• OBSESSIONS : nos 21 obsessions de l’année, nos 21 raisons de vivre.
• DE QUELLE COULEUR EST LA COMPRESSION BLANCHE DE KILIAN ? : plongée terrifiante dans ce qui a certainement été le pire de notre sport : la compression blanche.
• MADAME PROPRE : Odile Baudrier, lanceuse d’alerte au sujet du dopage. Une femme courageuse pour un sujet passionnant.
• PLUS QUE LA DESCENTE ! : les bénévoles, on vous aime énormément. Et parfois un peu moins. Portraits robots de personnes qu’on voit le dimanche matin.
• SANCHEZ, TOUJOURS DEBOUT : on se lève et on applaudit bien fort Aurélien Sanchez, premier Français à terminer la Barkley. Spoiler : il nous a fait rêver.
• ANTON KRUPICKA N’EXISTE PAS : on ne peut pas en dire plus.
• L’OLMO SAPIENS : Marco Olmo existe lui bel et bien. On a enquêté sur ce personnage légendaire.
• JOUER SUR LES DEUX TABLEAUX : des tableaux célèbres et nos cerveaux malades. Inutile d’en dire plus.
• Y’A RIEN QUI VA : des coureurs dans la galère = le truc le plus beau du sport le plus stylé de l’univers.
Dispo en pré-commande jusqu’au 15 octobre.
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La recette infaillible du bonheur
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Le bonheur, cette douce quête universelle, cette chimère insaisissable, qui semble se dérober à nos pieds à mesure qu’on la poursuit, un peu comme le Wi-Fi dans les zones rurales. Mais rassurez-vous, il paraît qu’il existe une solution simple, tellement simple que l’humanité entière aurait pu y penser il y a des millénaires : faire des bonnes actions. Voilà, vous l’avez. Le secret de l’âme légère et du cœur en fête. Mais attendez, pas n’importe comment ! On parle ici de donner de sa personne. Genre, vraiment y aller à fond. Sacrifier un peu (ou beaucoup) de vous-même, histoire de vous acheter un ticket pour le nirvana intérieur ou la "LA REPENTANCE" pour d'autres. Bonne action n°1 : Le sourire forcé, un cardio pour votre âme ! Vous êtes à la caisse du supermarché, derrière cette mamie qui paye son kilo de carottes avec de la petite monnaie, lentement, très lentement. La patience s’amenuise, l’envie de dire quelque chose de politiquement incorrect monte… Mais là, hop, vous souriez. Un grand sourire qui dit « Prenez votre temps, chère madame, je n’ai que ça à faire de ma journée ». Félicitations, vous venez de donner de votre personne. C’est gratuit, et paraît-il, ça fait du bien à votre morale. L’avantage ? Vous pouvez rentrer chez vous, vous regarder dans le miroir et vous dire : « Aujourd’hui, j’ai fait une bonne action, j’ai sauvé l’humanité ». Enfin, presque. Selon les experts de la psychologie positive, ceux qui vivent dans un monde où un sourire résout tout, même les embouteillages – ce genre d’actes anodins aurait un impact direct sur votre bien-être. En gros, vous souriez, donc vous êtes heureux. Simple comme bonjour, non ? Bonne action n°2 : Offrez votre temps… et votre santé mentale On le sait tous, le temps, c’est de l’argent. Et l’argent, c’est le bonheur, n’est-ce pas ? Alors quand on vous dit que donner de son temps vous rendra heureux, on vous ment ou quoi ? Spoiler : ce n’est pas de l’argent en retour que vous récolterez, mais une tonne de bonne conscience. Ah, la bonne conscience, ce doux nectar des âmes pures. Imaginez-vous passer votre samedi après-midi à aider une association à ramasser des déchets dans un parc ou dans la forêt. Sous la pluie, avec un gilet fluo. Quoi de mieux pour votre moral que de renifler un mélange de canettes vides et de mégots de cigarettes, tout en vous disant que, quelque part, la faune et la flore de votre villes vous envoie des ondes positives ? Vous allez rentrer chez vous, trempé, épuisé, mais heureux. Oui, heureux d’avoir donné, heureux d’avoir sacrifié vos plans Netflix & canapé pour sauver la planète une canette à la fois. Mais ne vous attendez pas à ce que la planète vous renvoie l’ascenseur. Elle est un peu radine en la matière. Bonne action n°3 : Donner aux autres pour nourrir votre propre ego Ah, les dons. Non, pas les dons financiers, trop faciles ceux-là, on parle ici de dons de soi. Genre, s’investir dans la vie des autres. Faire en sorte que votre journée soit consacrée à améliorer celle d’un autre. Ça sonne noble, héroïque même. Mais il faut le dire, le véritable super-pouvoir dans cette affaire, c’est ce boost d’ego monumental qui vous attend. Allez, vous le savez, quand vous aidez votre voisin à déménager ses meubles alors que vous aviez prévu une sieste monumentale, vous ne le faites pas seulement pour lui. Non, non. Vous savez pertinemment que vous allez vous coucher le soir avec cette petite voix intérieure qui vous dira : « Wow, t’as vraiment été une bonne personne aujourd’hui, bravo toi ! ». Et là, le bonheur, le vrai, celui qui éclate comme un feu d’artifice au fond de votre cerveau. Vous avez donné, vous avez fait le bien. Et vous ? Vous êtes désormais ce héros du quotidien, même si personne ne vous a applaudi en vous voyant porter ce canapé. Bonne action n°4 : Le club Barrabino, ou comment observer votre futur tout en se socialisant Vous n’avez rien à faire ce week-end ? Parfait ! Pourquoi ne pas faire un tour au club Barrabino de Forbach pour une passionnante rencontre intergénérationnelle ? Rien de mieux pour nourrir votre esprit que de passer du temps avec ceux qui ont déjà vu passer cinq générations de smartphones et qui peuvent encore vous parler d'un temps où l’on tricotait nos pulls au lieu de les commander en ligne. Là, vous pourrez observer où nous allons tous finir : entre deux parties de bingo et des discussions sur les prouesses du dentier. Bonus : vous ressortirez de là avec un profond sentiment de réalisation personnelle (et peut-être quelques conseils sur l’épargne retraite). Ce sera une bonne dose de réalité existentielle : vous verrez bien où la vie vous mène et, qui sait, peut-être que vous repartirez chez vous avec une sagesse nouvelle, ou du moins avec une irrésistible envie de prendre des vitamines. Parce que donner, c’est bien… mais surtout pour vous Alors oui, on vous le répète depuis toujours : le bonheur est dans le partage, dans le don, dans l’acte altruiste. Ça tombe bien, vous étiez à court de méthodes pour essayer d’être plus heureux. Mais soyons honnêtes, donner de sa personne, c’est surtout un moyen déguisé d’obtenir votre dose quotidienne de bonne conscience. Une sorte de business où vous échangez un peu de vous-même contre un ticket d’entrée au club des gens bien dans leur peau. L’univers ? Il s’en fout probablement ! Mais vous, vous aurez l’impression de flotter, de vous élever au-dessus du marasme ambiant. Et c’est ça, le vrai bonheur, non ? Avoir l’illusion d’être la meilleure version de vous-même ? Allez, courage, l’humanité n’attend que vous ! Alors oui bien sûr, pourquoi s’embêter à aller vers les autres quand il est tellement plus simple de rester confortablement chez soi, entouré de ses excuses en béton armé ? Après tout, qui a vraiment le temps d’aider quand il faut déjà gérer sa propre vie, ses séries Netflix en retard et son anxiété existentielle ? Et puis, soyons honnêtes, ce n’est pas comme si le monde allait s’effondrer si on continue à pratiquer le sacro-saint "chacun pour soi". Si chacun reste bien dans sa bulle, ça finira par créer une belle harmonie… Ou un embouteillage monumental d’égoïsmes. Mais hé, au moins, personne ne vous dérangera ! David SCHMIDT Read the full article
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quibliography · 1 year
Storm Front by Jim Butcher
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Synopsis:  This novel is about a professional investigative detective slash wizard. Harry Dresden is struggling to make business ends meet when he gets a call from a woman named Monica Sells asking to hire him to find her missing husband. It's just the job he needs to cover next month's rent when he gets another call from Lieutenant Karrin Murphy, director of the Special Investigations Unit of the Chicago Police Department. This one is a grisly double murder but that isn't the most disturbing part. Someone out there is practicing black magic. And they seem to be more powerful than even Dresden.
My Quibs: I've been meaning to read Jim Butcher and I'm a big fan of noir so I was hoping this was going to be right in my wheelhouse. Although I just learned this novel was Butcher's writing debut so I might cut him a little slack. But I don't think I really need to since I generally enjoyed it. The main protagonist is more or less entertaining if not a tad cliche. I appreciate his attempt to balance being self-degrading and egotistical (about being the only one capable of epic levels of magic). Now that I think about it, it gives me El from Scholomance vibes, but luckily he isn't an angsty teenage girl. He's just a self-aware douchebag, which I guess is the foundation of a noir inspired PI. It wasn't the characterization of our hero that I had an issue with. It was Butcher's use of the femme fatale. So first we have Monical Sells. Like Dresden, she's pretty much a copy of the classic character: doe-eyed, vulnerable, sexy, etc. Fine. Then we get Lieutenant Murphy. She's confident and firm, but because she looks like a cheerleader? Being blonde and petit and cute gives her a complex and an attitude. Ooookay, fine I guess. Then we get Susan Rodriguez, a reporter who knows she's attractive and how to leverage it. 🙄 *le sigh* And then there's Madame Bianca St. Claire, Linda Randall, I could go on. Butcher just barely toes the line between objectification and appreciation. Dresden even says "She would have punched me in the mouth for being a chauvinist pig." And I may have been able to tolerate it if it was more equal, but besides our protagonist all the male characters are distinctly unattractive. From paunchy idiot cops to a thief who is "short, harried-looking [with] hair [a] listless shade of brown". We get it, Harry, you're super straight. Girls are pretty and boys are not.
Should you read it? If you like classic noir and gritty supernatural elements, sure you should give Dresden a try. I'm wavering on if I should continue the series though because it takes Butcher a couple more books before he finds his footing.
Similar reads? At least for his debut, Storm Front doesn't deviate from the dictionary definition of either urban fantasy novels or classic noir stories. It's not distinctive enough for me to find an equal.
(Spoiler Alert!) Haha. Spoil this novel? Impossible. Even though it's a mystery, Butcher follows the blueprint for detective mystery. It's like watching a procedural television series. You more or less know what's going to happen and should just follow along for the ride. Come for the banter, not the "captivating" plot.
What did you think of Storm Front?
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madame-petit-blog · 7 years
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A sneak peak from takao's sensei twitter!
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resnullius-bells · 5 years
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Justice League #40 (click  the images for better resolution)
“Batman, do you copy?”
“I’m a little tangled up.”
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petite-madame · 3 years
❤️ Here’s an updated guide to all the Marvel series I worked on in the past 4-5 years ❤️
The Avengers & Friends Swimsuit Special - (2022) - 10 artworks
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The Many Faces of Dr Strange - (2022) - 6 artworks
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The Many Faces of Marc Spector - (2022) - 6 artworks
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The Order of The Avengers 2022 Calendar - (2021) - 12 artworks (PART ONE and PART TWO)
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The Order of the Wakandan Tribes - (2021) - 8 artworks
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The Order of the Avengers - (2021) - 18 artworks (PART ONE and PART TWO)
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Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021) - 12 artworks (PART ONE and PART TWO)
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Passing the Mantle, from Steve Rogers to Sam Wilson: Captain America in the MCU - (2021) - 4 artworks
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Petite-Madame’s Avengers Food Calendar - (2020) - 12 artworks (This is a link to the masterpost, click on the links in the caption for the full size pictures)
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The Avengers Arcana - (2020) - 8 artworks
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One Avenger. One Item. One Brand: “Naked” Avengers Calendar - (2020) - 12 artworks (PART ONE and PART TWO)
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Life goes on (Part ONE) - (2019) (There’s no “Part 2″ because I’m lazy 😶)
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The ones we leave behind - (2018) - 10 artworks
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The Black Panther Tarot - (2018) - 8 artworks (PART ONE and PART TWO)
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The Avengers Selfies, Team Iron Man - (2017) - 8 artworks (Don’t look for “Team Cap”, I never managed to find the time to draw it 😭)
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Captain America Civil War - Screencap Redraws - (2016) - 7 artworks (Spoilers for Civil War)
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The Avengers and their favorite T-shirts - (2015-2016) - 19 artworks - Part ONE - PART TWO - PART THREE
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The Life of Bucky Barnes - (2014-2021) - Around 600 artworks so far (Steve/Bucky). Also available on Instagram
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Flowers Grow Underground Pt. 1
Pairings: Sevika x fem!reader
Content Warning: Part 1 of a series, no NSFW content in this part but there will be in part 2. The reader is a s3x worker. This series takes place in a brothel. Mentions drinking while on the job. Contains SPOILERS if you have not watched the first four episodes. Dark themes in this series, so proceed with caution. Later parts will have 18+ content, minors pls don’t interact. This part ends on a cliffhanger.
Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve arrived in Zaun, with no memory of your previous life. All you know is that you are thankful Babette taught you a trade and is giving you a job, even if you’re a little intimidated by your first client.
A/N: I have officially jumped on the arcane bandwagon. I regret nothing and I am not going back. I originally intended this to be a Silco X reader story but that ended up changing as time went on. There may be situations where the reader will be involved with Silco later, but I will flush out that idea when I draw closer to it.
Word Count: 3,080
Pt. 2
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The night air felt like knives prickling your skin, it was so frigid in the Undercity, which was why you layered the winter cloak across your petite shoulders. Your hands tingle like they usually did when you’re nervous. The outfit you wore for work hardly left anything to the imagination and was too cold to wear outside. Even with your thick wool tunic and your leather pants, the bite of the cold autumn air still managed to reach your skin. Perhaps it was just your nerves, but you couldn’t help but walk with purpose, a quick stride. You had someplace to be. You pulled the dark hood further over your head as you reached the busy marketplace, lined with vendors.
The regulars who set up shop there already knew who you were and where you were returning to, so there was no need for you to hide your face. But you felt safer somehow, with the anonymity. No fear of someone spotting you, becoming enamored by the body you had hiding underneath the cloak. Your line of work was a dangerous one. Even if you had all your ducks in a row, life was harder for someone of your profession in Zaun. So you did your best, to try and be careful. You never went anywhere without your switchblade, even if you couldn’t use it well.
You recognize the faces of your coworkers at the front of the brothel. Drella greets you with a friendly smile and a pat on the back that almost sends you flying forwards, she scrambles to catch you in time, startling a couple making out by the entrance. She’s by far the strongest girl there and easily forgets her strength. You laugh good-naturedly as she straightens you up, dusting off your cloak, adjusting your hood so it’s sitting neatly upon your head. She says, “Good luck tonight, kiddo!” and gives your butt an encouraging tap. You give your coworker a sheepish smile before walking through the threshold.
The atmosphere shifts from the bustling marketplace, to the smoldering, otherworldly insides of Madam Babette’s brothel. Walls painted a deep maroon, but in the candlelight almost looks fuchsia. You’re feeling warmer already and remove your cloak, hanging it on the inside of the crook of your elbow. Walking down the long narrow hallway made you feel as though you were being transported to another world. Within these walls, anything could happen. You pass rooms with thick drawn curtains, sometimes pulled back, revealing glimpses of heated whispers, lusty trickles of laughter, and the occasional wet, squelching noise.
You’re on your way to see Babette, tonight’s your first night receiving your clientele, after years of assisting your more experienced coworkers. You hardly made enough to rent the space above the brothel to sleep, having your customers would be helpful with accumulating expenses. You didn’t want to keep leeching off of the Madam more than you already had and you were aware that you had a debt to pay.
You reach the end of the hallway, open the slightly parted curtain, and there at her desk, was the stout, red-headed Babette. “Y/n, take a seat,” she welcomes you warmly, nudges a beverage across her desk, offering it to you. “I don’t normally condone drinking on the job, but with this being your first-night going solo, I’ll make an exception.”
You take a seat at the front of her desk and fold your cloak in half, resting it on your lap. Reaching over to take the glass, and the strong-smelling liquid she poured you, you grimace when you bring the cup to your nose to give it a tentative sniff. In good faith, you take a small sip, purse your lips as the alcohol burns your throat going down. Babette laughs and gives you a wink. “You’ll learn to love it.” You’ve heard that a lot recently, but can’t remember from where. “Let’s start by talking about your debt.” You straighten up in your seat and clear your throat.
Babette titters at the formality but continues, “You’ve been living with us for five years. In that time I’ve fed you, clothed you, and let my employees mentor you, with the promise that once you reach maturity I would give you your own clientele so that you can start repaying me. Is that still your understanding?”
“Yes, it is.” You know the debt you’ve accumulated is.. substantial and the amount you made as an assistant barely covered your expenses to live.
“With your own clientele, you’ll be making beaucoup bucks, sweetheart,” Babette leaned forward in her chair, placing her elbows on the desk, so she could rest her small chin against her laced together fingers. “If you pick up business as quickly as I suspect, you’ll pay off everything in another five years, maybe even less than that.”
You’re hopeful that it will take less time than that, and also looking forward to having an actual, disposable income for a change. You could buy new clothes, treat yourself to a good meal in Piltover, save for the future, whatever that meant. “That being said,” Babette roused you from your thoughts with her voice. “Five years isn’t a very long time. Do you know what you’re going to do after that?”
Your brows furrow. “I haven’t.”
“After you’re done paying off your debt, it’s up to you to decide if you want to stay here or do something else… I’m not going to keep you here if your hearts not in it,” she explained. You haven’t anticipated needing a way out, this was the only life you knew, the only one you could remember. Some small part of you thought you might end up doing this for the rest of your life, but you just couldn’t picture what else you could do outside of the brothel. You had no burning desires, no special or unique interests that you were aware of. Ever since you arrived in Zaun, it’s always been about survival.
“You keep the tips customers give you and receive fifty percent commission for every customer you serve. There’s no cap to how many customers you can serve in one day, I leave that up to you,” there is a tentative pause. The papers she has in front of her she moves to the side with her hand. Her demeanor shifts and she looks at you with a soft look that Babette normally doesn’t have, except for in moments like these, when it’s just the two of you. “Speaking of customers, I want to talk about your first client.” Your mind is whirling. Did you hear that right, you already had a client? Your first gut reaction is to be excited. You thought that, for whatever reason, it might take longer to acquire your first. You’re waiting for Babette’s reaction to shift, for her to be congratulatory and excited for you.
But that pensive, concerned look never leaves her small, animated face. She’s worried for you… “She’s made this reservation for you in advance. It’s probably one of the largest deposits I’ve ever seen. After taking my percentage, you’re still left with enough to pay for your rent, other expenses, and enough leftover from that to pay off a significant portion of your debt to me.”
“How much is significant?”
“About a quarter of your debt would be paid.”
A quarter. You never thought of yourself to be a money-hungry person, but you found your mouth watering at the idea that someone paid that much in advance to spend a night with you. You cover your mouth and redirect your eyes to your lap, hoping the Madam can’t read your thoughts.
“It’s a large chunk of change, and that makes you feel good about yourself. It’s fine if it does, but a word of caution,” Babette’s words go right through you, and you’re not surprised that she knew exactly how you felt. “Your first customer is Sevika.”
Now all the worry makes sense and your face falls when you realize who, exactly you’re going to be spending the night with. You heard the frequent complaints coming from the women who slept with her. The sore backs, tender, bruised muscles, and not being able to walk for days afterward. The tall, broad-shouldered woman, well known for being Silco’s right hand, was also known for being a bit of a tyrant in the bedroom and frequented Babette’s brothel almost on a weekly basis. Your thighs squeeze together, almost protectively, at the intrusive thought of being pummeled to death with that mechanical arm of hers.
Babette can read your expressions like a book and she stands on her seat, to nudge your drink closer to you, encouraging another sip. You make a limp-handed grab for the cup, your shoulders rounded as you lean against your knees, sipping. Babette gives a sympathetic sigh and reaches for your hand. You’re reluctant, but with a defeated huff, you put your hand in hers.
“I recommended more experienced girls. Girls, she’s slept with before without complaint, but she was insistent on wanting to be your first customer and you know I don’t like to make waves with Silco.” He ran the Underground, as far as everyone was concerned, so you knew the value in what came with keeping his people happy. You realized Babette probably fought for you, but in the end, where money and reputation are concerned, Sevika was a regular, so there was no reason to not give her what she wanted. You tip back the rest of your drink, setting it back down on the desk. A warm haze greets your vision, and you feel a comforting amount of apathy towards the situation.
“She’s waiting for you in the VIP room upstairs, and she bought our most expensive package.” The package included a preselected outfit from the customer which was to be worn during the serviced lap dance, massage, and bath provided by the worker. It required the most amount of time, and work, you knew you’d be exhausted the following day. You lean back in your seat and stare at the masks behind Babette’s desk. Trying to process everything as quickly as possible. How long has she been waiting, exactly? “Which mask is mine?”
“She requested you not wear one during the session.” Well, there went your anonymity. Silence fills the space before you let your hand fall to your lap. “I realize I sprung this on you pretty quick. Your head looks like it might burst.” Babette gives you a soft, concerned expression. “Any questions for me, that you can think of?”
“When do I get paid?”
“After the session’s finished.”
“When is the session finished?”
“Whenever she’s finished.”
You lick your lips and can still taste the bitter liquor, your mouth feels dry and you can’t decide if you’re feeling put out or intimidated. It’s probably both.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think she’ll be the worst time you’ll ever have.” Maybe Babette was right, but she wasn’t the one servicing Silco’s right hand. Sevika was frightening, she seemed like such a terse, hardened woman. “Don’t forget that this experience is something she’s paying for. You are there to perform a service, but you also have boundaries. Don’t let her walk all over you. She has certain liberties as a client, but so do you. It takes a while, to grow that confidence. But I’ve seen you work with customers before, you have a natural beauty about you that’s sultry and soft. People love that. Give them what they want, but not more than what you’re willing to give. You understand, sweetheart?”
A balance needed to be struck, and you nodded in agreement. You had agency in the bedroom, and you hoped you could find it before you met with your first, and only client of the night. “Thanks for the talk,” because she was trying, but you wanted to get ready before this sudden bout of courage left you. “I will come to find you afterward?”
“If you can walk,” Babette cracks a lopsided grin, finding more of the humor in this situation than you. “I’m not expecting much from you the first night out, with her no less. I’ll come to find you, tomorrow night.”
You give her a sheepish smile while standing from your seat. You tuck your folded cloak underneath your arm and lean forward, extending a hand to grasp Babette’s, squeezing it fondly before exiting swiftly from her office. The dressing rooms are not far away. You pull back another heavy curtain, step inside. Cool, clean tile floors echo with the click of your boots as you walk to the vanities on the far end of the room, next to the showers.
There is a large white box with black ribbons propped up against one of the mirrors. That must be for me. You hang your cloak on a nearby wall hook and take the box gingerly into your hands, fingertips feather-light against the surface of the box and ribbon, never having felt something so… expensive. You were reluctant to open the gift… was this a gift? Would you get to keep it after? Your fingers drag against the trim of the ribbon, pulling it undone with a soft pinch of your fingers. You pop the lid off and you’re eyes light up at the beading of the bodice, the shimmering white fabric of the puff sleeves. You handle it carefully, holding it up and out in front of yourself, to see the full scope of this gown, and how much fabric the body had. It was gorgeous and innocent-looking almost could be described as modest if it weren’t for the two long slits that went up the sides of the chiffon skirt.
It would be easy to move in, and not as restrictive as you had thought. Is this dress custom-made? The bodice at least seemed snug and formfitting, but the skirt was loosely layered. With much haste, you undress and put the white gown on and you can’t help but gawk at yourself in the full-length mirror, admiring the way the dress hugs your shape and how the tops of your thighs and legs leek out from under the slits of the skirt. Your self-confidence isn’t the highest, but wearing this dress made you feel like you could fake having it.
“Ooh, what a lovely gown.” Clover walks in, the straps of his lingerie were pulled down his shoulders and his wavy black hair looked tousled and messy. He must’ve just gotten done with a client. “Did you want me to lace the corset for you?”
“Yes, please,” you ask shyly, a little embarrassed that you had been caught looking at yourself in the mirror. Clover cracks a lopsided smirk and struts over to you with a confidence you admired about his character. Babette employed men, women, and everything in between. Clover often went by masculine pronouns, but never seemed upset if someone mistook him for a woman. He cracks a sultry smile at you in the mirror and when your eyes meet you’ve been grounded again in the present moment, once you feel the tight cinch of the corset. You gasp, “Looser, please.”
“Of course,” he responds cheerfully, loosening the laces, making sure you’re comfortable with the pressure of the corset before continuing. “Sweet little y/n, bringing in her own clients now, would you look at that,” his voice is soft as he ties the laces into a loose bow, his hands go to your hips and he gives them a gentle squeeze that makes your posture grow rigid. “Good luck and don’t mess up!”
“Right, because that is supposed to make me feel better,” you say, glancing over your shoulder to scowl at him, but you’re surprised to see how close his face is to yours and he leans forward to kiss your cheek. He gives you one last playful wink before tiptoeing off to the showers and you’re left standing there, full of questions, wondering if Clover was just being his usual playful, eccentric self or if… that little kiss meant something else. You finger-comb your hair, dab the inside of your wrists and the back of your ears with an aphrodisiac essential oil, rubbing it into your skin as you make your way to the VIP room upstairs.
It’s grand and larger than any of the other rooms inside the brothel, with heavy wooden slats that block the curtains, an attempt at offering the customer more privacy. You pause when you reach the top of the stairs, eyeing the dark wooden slats which stand directly to your right. You inhale deeply through your nose, notice the shakiness and all your nerves, slowly letting it leave you on the exhale passing through your lips. Your stride is even and graceful as you pass the wooden slats and sift through the heavy violet curtains. The room is bathed in a warm yellow and orange glow, candles littered every surface. There was a circular pool in the center of the room, that was already filled to the brim with steaming water and dusted with rose petals. The spacious bed was made, covered with soft, luxurious linens and blankets.
You couldn’t remember your last time in this room because it’s almost as if you’ve never been in it before. Like it was remade new for your first night on your own. Sevika was sprawled out on the crimson velvet sectional, directly behind the large stained glass window you used to gaze up at from the alley when you were younger. She seemed, even more intimidating in person, her arms hanging off the back of the couch in a relaxed fashion. She cracks a smile that makes your entire body stiffen and already you feel as though you’re falling short with her expectations.
Sevika is surly, dark, and muscular. If she wanted to overpower you, she could, and that within itself was a daunting realization. It changed nothing about your purpose in that room and what you were there to do, but it made you feel powerless in comparison. How could you wield any power in the bedroom, when your partner was larger, stronger, and meaner than you? “About time.” She lifts her hand from the back of the couch and makes a come here motion with her index finger. Her eyes are dark, heavy-lidded, but she seems calculating, watching your every move with an amused grin that made your stomach muscles tighten and your hands start to tingle.
“I’ve been waiting.”
Thank you for reading my work! Remember to comment and reblog if you enjoyed this content. DM me if you would like to be added to the taglist. taglist: @sevikitty, @htmlbitxh, @yew-over-there, @bunnywo0
© androgynouswordsmyth 2021 do not copy, repost, or translate my work.
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msfilmdiary · 4 years
Marie Antionette (2006)
Starring Kirsten Dunst, Jason Schwartzman, Asia Argento, Judy Davis, Rip Torn, Rose Byrne, Molly Shannon, Shirly Henderson, Marianne Faithfull, Jamie Dornan, Steve Coogan, Danny Huston, Sebastian Armesto, Al Weaver, and Mary Nightly
Screenplay by Sofia Coppola and Antonia Fraser
Directed by Sofia Coppola
Cinematography by Lance Accord 
I do not own any of the pictures posted. 
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Marie Antionette is a historical drama period film written and directed by Sofia Coppola. Based on the life of the so-called “Queen of Debt” Marie Antionette in the years leading up to the French Revolution, the film follows her life before and during her life in crumbling France. 
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Fourteen-year-old (I know, fourteen) Marie Antionette is the beautiful, but culturally naive Archduchess of Austria, the youngest of Maria-Theresa’s daughters. As she is the only one left of her sisters that is not married, she is sent by her mother to marry the Dauphin of France, the future Louis XVI of France, to create an alliance between the two countries. 
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Marie travels to France and relinquishes all her connections to her home country, including her pet pug. She meets Louis XVI, and they are married at once. They are encouraged to produce an heir to the throne, but the next day, it is reported that “nothing happened” on the wedding night. 
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As the film passes, Marie concludes life at the court of Versailles stiffening. Her husband’s courtiers disdain her as a foreigner, blaming her for not producing an heir, although the fault lands within her husband, as the marriage remains unconsummated for an inordinate amount of time. 
The French court continues to gossip about Marie, as she constantly ignores ritualistic formality among them. Marie also refuses to meet or even speak to Jeanne Becu, Comtesse du Barry, the King’s mistress. 
As the years pass, Marie Theresa continues to write her daughter, giving advice on how to seduce Louis XVI. Marie’s attempts to consummate with her husband remained unfulfilled, and the marriage remains childless, while France remains heirless. 
Marie spends most of her time buying extravagant clothes, gambling, and partying. After a masquerade ball attended by both Marie and Louis, they return to find that the King was dying of smallpox. He dies, and Louis, 19 is crowned King of France, while Marie, 18, is crowned Queen. 
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Marie’s brother, Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire comes to visit and counsels her against her lavish spending and partying, which she ignores. He also meets with Louis at the Royal Zoo and explains to him how the “mechanics” of sexual intercourse work in terms of “key making,” as locksmithing keys are his favorite hobby. 
After the King and Marie have sex for the first time, ultimately consummating their marriage. Nine months later, Marie gives birth to a daughter, Princess Marie Therese Charlotte of France. As the child matures, Marie begins to spend much of her time at the Petit Trianon, a small chateau in the park of Versailles. She later begins an affair with Axel Fersen, who she met at the masquerade ball. 
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France’s financial crisis worsens, and the food storages and riots increase, and by this point, her public image has completely deteriorated. Due to her lavish spending and lifestyle, she has earned herself the name “Madame Deficit.” 
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As she matures, she focuses less on her lavish lifestyle and more on her family, making financial adjustments as needed. A year after her mother’s death, she gave birth to a son, Louis-Joseph, the Dauphin of France. She also gives birth to another son, Louis Charles, and another daughter, Princess Sophie, who dies a month after her first birthday. 
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As the French Revolution erupts and many storm Versailles, the royal family resolves to stay in France, which ultimately leads to their inevitable downfall in history. Rioting Parisians force the family to leave  Versailles for Paris, and the film ends with the royal family’s transfer to Tuileries. The last image is a shot of Marie’s bedroom in Versailles in pieces and destroyed by angry rioters. 
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There’s something just so beautiful about Sofia Coppola’s films. I think Coppola does a fantastic job of humanizing historical figures in the film, whether they deserve it or not. Although, I will say, Marie Antionette plays more like a music video than I believe a historical film, and I understand the historical criticisms of the film, due to its absence of political context. 
I think the film is the world in Marie Antionette’s perspective, as she is very naive politically, socially, and culturally. Intermixing the Bow Wow Wow’s “I Want Candy” while showcasing a montage of cakes, champagne, and shoes, describe what Marie Antoinette saw royalty as, nothing less than a shopping spree, rather than leading the people of France out of ruin. 
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There’s something to be said about the little dialogue in Coppola’s films. I’ve noticed this in certain films aside from Marie Antoinette, like in The Virgin Suicides or The Beguiled. I think she does this completely on purpose. In these films, the setting tells a story more than the dialogue does. The beauty and lavishness, but also the mystery behind all of it, is more important than the characters' interaction with each other. In Marie Antionette in particular, we see many interactions between characters, but they are non-confrontational rather than belligerent, with actions such as slide-glances or whispers. Coppola does not allow dialogue to interfere with the setting, or event storyline for that matter, which I think as a director, must be very difficult to do. 
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There’s also something to be said about the subtle changes in coloring in Coppola’s films. I noticed this in The Virgin Suicides as well. After a dramatic event in her films, the coloring deteriorates into a blue-green tint. In Marie Antoinette, this is noticeable when she and the King fall out of favor with the people of France. 
The film in itself masks the problems proceeding to the French Revolution. The clothes, the parties, the affairs, all mask the real issues retaining to the backbone of the French Revolution. In the modern-day soundtrack, even one could argue the so-called “humanistic” view of Marie Antionette would be considered hiding behind the truth. 
Marie Antoinette is fun, lively, but I would argue, not historically accurate. Even Coppola herself stated that she was interested in showing “the real human behind the myths.” Which, in perspective, does exactly that. It showcases Marie Antoinette’s spirit, and her naivety which leads to her inevitable downfall, and the inevitable downfall of France’s royal empire. 
So, is Coppola’s version of history correct? Should we sympathize with a young Marie Antionette? Or was the world done with powerful monarchs?
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hidoionna · 7 years
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Madame Petit spoilers for chapter 48 from official twitter of Betsu Hana. I want to see more ..someone please upload the new chapter 😭
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macadamiasoo · 3 years
Jusque très tard, je pensais être moche parce que j’étais grosse
Il y a quelques mois, j’étais dans un magasin et à la caisse, un petit garçon m’a pointée du doigt et a dit à sa mère que j’étais grosse.
Il y a quelques mois, j’étais assise dans le bus. Une dame s’est posée à côté de moi et m’a demandé si je pouvais changer de place parce que je prenais tout le siège et qu’elle ne pouvait pas s’asseoir.
Il y a deux ans, on m’a humiliée à l’entrée d’un parc aventures alors que je respectais toutes les normes inscrites sur leur site.
Quand je vais voir un médecin, on me dit que j’ai mal à la gorge, à la cheville, que je n’arrive pas à respirer "parce que je dois maigrir". Résultat des courses ? J’avais de l’anémie et une fracture. Je vois déjà les commentaires, "t’as eu une fracture parce que ton poids appuie sur ta cheville."
Et bien, non. Et puis, même en quoi ça vous regarde ?
Les gens sont étonnés quand je dis que je vais faire du sport alors que j’en ai pratiqué en haut niveau pendant plus de la moitié de ma vie.
Quand on change de corps, on voit le changement de comportement des autres. Ça fait mal au début mais à la longue, ça fait surtout rire. Les gens sont tellement superficiels et ne s’en rendent même pas compte.
La prochaine fois que vous êtes dans les transports en commun (si Madame la pandémie nous laisse tranquille), regardez comment réagissent les gens quand ils voient une personne "grosse"  s’asseoir à côté d'eux. Il y a les plus courageux qui changent de place et il y a ceux qui se dandinent sur eux-mêmes parce qu'ils sont serrés et n’osent pas aller s’asseoir ailleurs.  Il y a aussi ces magasins dont les tailles commencent au 34 et s’arrêtent au 42. Bien sûr, toutes celles qui ne rentrent pas dans cette tranche sont stigmatisées. Soit on leur suggère d’aller chercher leurs vêtements au rayon enfants soit on leur propose d’aller s’habiller chez les hommes oubliant que c’est aux marques de s’adapter à la population, à toutes les morphologies et pas le contraire.
On diffuse à la télévision ces émissions de relooking qui te promettent un changement considérable dans ta vie en te faisant perdre 10 kilos. Maigrir, c’est la clé du bonheur, un portail magique qui te donnera amour, travail et argent, c’est bien connu. Le Monde est si superficiel.
C’est un comportement vu maintes et maintes fois et normalisé dans les films et séries. La typique fille ronde rejetée par le garçon qu’elle aime entamera un régime pour être enfin "digne de lui".
Des séries glorifient même la grossophobie : Insatiable par exemple. On pourrait expliquer pendant des heures et des heures pourquoi rien ne va dans cette série. Pas étonnant que de nombreux ados ronds se sentent rejetés lors de leurs premiers émois amoureux, époque où le physique est plus important que n’importe quelle autre chose. Mais est-ce que ce rejet de la personne ronde change en grandissant ? J’en doute.
Être mince ne veut pas forcément dire être sain. Être gros ne veut pas forcément dire être en mauvaise santé. La vérité, c’est qu’on préfère te voir mince (voire maigre) et au bord du suicide que gros et bien dans ta peau.
On félicite ceux qui maigrissent sans même savoir s’ils n’ont pas un problème mental, un problème sous-jacent. On occulte l’existence des troubles alimentaires. Plus tu maigris, plus on te félicite. Tu n’as qu’une envie, c’est de leur répondre : "Si tu savais. Si tu savais. Si tu savais que j’ai failli tomber 3 fois dans les pommes depuis ce matin tellement je ne mange pas, tellement je mange rien."
On insulte et juge ceux qui grossissent. Regardez ce qu’a subi Lana del Rey. J’ai lu des personne dire qu’elle n’avait que ce qu’elle méritait. "Ce qu’elle méritait" ?
Être "trop" gros ou être "trop" mince c’est comme faire partie d’un club : celui des rejetés, celui des anormaux.
Ça m’énerve profondément quand j’entends que la grossophobie n’existe pas. Elle est tellement présente partout qu’on ne la voit plus. Lorsque l’on est gros et que l’on se sent super bien dans son corps, la société et surtout l’entourage se sentent obligés de te rappeler qu’être gros n'est pas normal.
On te dit que vivre dans un corps trop gros, c’est promouvoir l’obésité. On te dit que tu dois aller faire du sport parce que tu montres un mauvais exemple aux jeunes. Ces mots sont généralement prononcés par des personnes qui regardent la télé-réalité.
Alors au final, comment pourrait-on se sentir bien dans notre corps ?  Comment pourrait-on se sentir bien avec nous-mêmes ? Et même avec ce texte, on va me dire que je suis en train de faire la promotion de l’obésité. Vous croyez vraiment que j’ai envie qu’une autre personne vive ça ? Certainement pas.
Dans ma vie, j’ai vécu les deux situations : être plus mince et sportive - Le pire, c’est qu’on me disait que j’étais grosse alors que je ne l’étais pas - et être plus grosse et jugée et/ou discriminée. J’ai entendu des réflexions tellement débiles et je me demande comment on a pu oser prononcer ce genre de phrases.
Du genre : "C'est bien que tu oses t'amuser", "C'est bien que tu oses danser.", “C’est bien que tu oses porter des jupes.”
Oser danser ?
Oser porter des jupes ?
Oser s’amuser ?
Être confronté à ce genre de réflexions, c’est comme entendre, c’est comme te cracher au visage que tu n’étais pas normal, que tu devais avoir honte de vivre dans ton propre corps.
Si vous n’avez jamais été humiliés parce que vous êtes gros, vous ne savez pas ce qu’est la grossophobie. Si vous n’avez jamais été humilié ou pris des réflexions parce que vous êtes trop maigres, vous ne savez pas de quoi je parle. Les réflexions du genre : "Tu es anorexique."
L’anorexie est une maladie mentale grave et sérieuse et pas un physique. On peut peser 60 kilos et être anorexique.
Une discrimination tellement inconnue qu’on dit qu’elle a été inventée par "les gros pour justifier leur paresse." C’est bien connu, si vous êtes gros, c’est de votre faute.
Alors qu’en réalité, notre corps change, notre corps grossit pour plusieurs raisons : la mauvaise alimentation, bien évidemment mais aussi les troubles hormonaux, les troubles alimentaires, les problèmes de thyroïde. Et oui, les troubles alimentaires font grossir. La boulimie fait maigrir puis grossir puis maigrir puis grossir, l’hyperphagie te fait tripler de volume.
Au final, c’est une vraie phobie, celle d’être gros. L’autre jour, je regardais un reportage sur Arté et une phrase symbolisait tout ce dont je suis en train de parler. "Une société qui fabrique le gras mais qui déteste les gros."
Il n’y a aucun film, aucune série où le personnage principal héros est gros et a une vie normale. Soit il est gros pour parler d’acceptation de soi, soit on le montre parce qu’il a maigri, soit parce que c’est la super copine ou le super copain rigolo, soit parce qu’ils sont moqués. Ils ne sont jamais normalisés. Il y a des millions de gros en France mais on les voit pas. Où sont-ils ?
Les gros existent mais sont complètement occultés de notre champ de vision. S’ils se montrent, c’est qu’ils veulent faire la promotion de l’obésité.
Beaucoup utilisent la bienveillance. Une bienveillance déguisée pour pouvoir encore plus nous humilier. De la bienveillance à coup de remarques blessantes et intrusives : "T’as pas un peu grossi ?", "Il faudrait que tu commences un régime si tu veux avoir quelqu’un dans ta vie."
Encore pire, ceux qui te font culpabiliser en te voyant manger un gâteau au chocolat en te disant : "Tu devrais pas manger ce gâteau. T’en as pas besoin !" Et si j’ai envie de manger ce gâteau, il est où, exactement, ton problème ?
Mais maintenant cette discrimination et cette humiliation se retrouvent sur les réseaux sociaux.
Instagram renforce cette impression. Sur ce réseau social, les femmes aux formes avantageuses sont celles qui ont le plus d’abonnés, ont le plus de mentions "j’aime". Pas besoin d’avoir de talent, il suffit juste d’être belle, surtout mince, de poster une photo en petite tenue ou une vidéo de vous entrain de bouger pour percer et pour avoir une carrière basée sur votre physique. Une discrimination dans le sexisme.
Dans le monde professionnel aussi. Prenez le journalisme sportif. Sur les plateaux télés, on accepte des femmes magnifiques, minces (mais talentueuses pour la plupart) pour attirer le téléspectateur. Si elles grossissent, on leur dira de maigrir.
Pour les gros, c’est différent. Sur les réseaux sociaux, le simple fait de poster une photo de vous ouvrira un débat sans fin. D’abord, il y aura ceux qui penseront que vous êtes un modèle pour les autres, vous vous acceptez et c’est génial. Ensuite, il y aura ceux qui penseront que vous devriez avoir un honte de poster une photo de vous parce que vous encouragez les autres à vivre le même style de vie malsain, vous leur montrez qu’être gros/grosse est normal (spoiler alert, ça l’est). Encore, il y aura ceux qui se moqueront de vous parce que vous avez le même physique "qu’une vache". Enfin, il y aura ceux qui vous diront gentiment (non pas du tout) que vous devez maigrir parce qu’être gros est dangereux pour la santé mais bien sûr, ils disent ça pour votre bien.
Bien évidement, la photo postée n’aurait suscité aucun débat si vous aviez eu un corps socialement acceptable.
Prenons le problème à l’envers : et si j’avais juste envie de poster une photo de moi sans me faire insulter, sans être érigé en modèle, sans qu’on me dise que je dois maigrir parce que "c’est pas bien pour ma santé" ? Est-ce que je t’ai demandé ton avis ? Je ne crois pas alors garde-le pour toi. Est-ce que tu m’as demandé pourquoi je maigrissais vite ? Pourquoi je ne mangeais rien ? Non alors garde tes "conseils" pour toi.
J’en ai marre d’avoir l’impression de ne rien faire pour stopper ce body shamming, de ne rien faire pour stopper ça. Je vois plein “d’inflencueurs” se vanter d’avoir perdu 9 kilos en 2 semaines. Ils partagent leurs recettes ”miraculeuses” à coup de codes promos. Des recettes ”miraculeuses" dangereuses, pas saines pour un clou qui te permettront de reprendre le double que tu as perdu (mais ça, ils ne te le disent pas).
Bien évidemment, leur argument de vente est grossophobe en plus d’être fallacieux. Un magnifique exemple de ce qu’on appelle l’ ”eating disorder culture”. Maigrir vite, n’importe comment, par n’importe quel moyen mais maigrir quand même.
La "faim" justifie les moyens.
Alors j’ai décidé d’éradiquer tous ces comptes à succès de mon champ de vision virtuel. Je les bloque, je les supprime, je les anéantis pour protéger mon espace virtuel. Espace virtuel qui empiète très vite sur notre vraie vie, sur notre santé mentale.
J’essaie d’aider les autres en leur montrant la fausseté mais surtout la dangerosité de leurs conseils. Conseils qui n’ont qu’un enjeu : nous rendre coupables d’être ce que nous sommes, faire en sorte qu’on se déteste pour le corps que nous avons. Dans le seul but de nous vendre leur produit nous créant des complexes, nous détruisant physiquement et mentalement.
Je ne dis pas que l’obésité n’est pas un problème pour la santé parce que si elle l’est.
Sachez juste que ce genre de comportements peuvent pousser vers les troubles alimentaires.
Jusque très tard, je pensais être moche parce que j’étais grosse.
Faites attention à ce que vous dites, une fois que la ligne est franchie, il est très difficile de revenir en arrière.
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